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2018 Ideam

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Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

Early Warning Systems and Climate Services in Colombia:
The IDEAM, a success story in Latin AmericaLatina

Over the past five years, variability has demanded from Likewise, the provision of
the Institute of Hydrology, IDEAM an increasingly timely Climate Services was improved,
Meteorology and Environmental response in forecasts and in line with international
Studies of the Republic of weather forecasting, based on guidelines framed by the World
Colombia (IDEAM) has made early warnings associated with Meteorological Organization
a revolutionary technological effective decision-making on (WMO), promoting the definition
breakthrough, which results topics of landslides, floods, of actions and strategies in
are notorious throughout the forest fires, flash floods and slow the National Framework of
country, obtaining benefits growing. Climate Services that extends
in terms of improved data, to the high government, the
information of quality and in real The phenomena of climatic institutions, the economic
time, enabling the prevention variability as “El Niño” and sectors and the community in
and alert of communities at risk, particularly the La Niña general. This strengthening is
of the occurrence of extreme 2010-2011, which generated a expressed in the improvement
events, as well as strengthening national emergency situation of the user interface platform;
of cooperation ties with the never before seen in the Climate Services Information
main international agencies and country, affecting nearly 765 Systems; Observation and
organisms, and development municipalities in Colombia, Monitoring; research, modeling
banks. accelerated the technological and prediction, and capacity
strengthening for monitoring development.
In recent years, the recurrence of and hydrometeorological risk
extreme phenomena of climatic assessment.
Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

1. Modernized observation
and measurement systems
a) Increase of the hydro-meteorological network in real time

As a result of strategic alliances with different entities, it has been achieved in recent years to increase
the hydrological and meteorological monitoring in real time, going from 266 (2010), to 639 automatic
hydrometeorological stations in 2018.

Growth of automatic stations network in recent years

b) Increase in height network

Since 2015, daily radiosondes have increased in the country, with the consequent improvement in
the resolution of the numerical models for the prediction of time at regional and local level. To the
four radiosondes that were made in San Andres, Bogota and Leticia, the radiosonde stations of Cali,
Marandua (Vichada), Barranquilla and Bucaramanga were added in 2017, for a total of seven points in
the country where a daily radiosonde launch is made. This year, the incorporation into the network of
one more point in the city of Pereira is projected.

Growth in the radiosonde network in the past 3 years

Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

c) Implementation of the National System

of Meteorological Radars

The consolidation of the National Meteorological Radars (SNRM) incorporating to the IDEAM four Doppler
C–band weather radars with dual polarization installed in Barrancabermeja, Guaviare, Cerro Munchique
(Cauca) and Carimagua was achieved (the last two scheduled for the second half of 2018). In addition,
the necessary channels were established to obtain the data of the C-band radars installed by Civil
Aeronautic (San Andres, Corozal and Bogota), the Metropolitan Area of the Aburra Valley (Medellin), in
addition to the installed X-band radar in a specific area of Bogota, Capital District.

That is to say, that at present the SNRM has data from nine radars for the country, under the same
viewing platform. This innovation means a new perspective for the country from the point of view of the
resolution of forecasts and alerts, since IDEAM did not have this technology five years ago.

Meteorological radars installed and running tests

d) Management for the acquisition of GOES16

As part of the institutional progress in terms of disaster risk management in the country, several
actions have been taken to obtain data from the GOES satellite16. Initially through GEONETCast, way by
which we have been able to obtain information from nine of the 16 channels available by satellite. This
information has been taken to the institutional visualization system and is the basis for monitoring and
tracking analyzes.

In addition to this, the management has been carried out to obtain the receiving antenna of the GOES16
satellite, with which we can have the total availability of the 16 channels; the installation of the said
antenna is projected to take place within the next three to four months.
Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

e) Monitoring real-time thunderstorms

With regard to electrical storms, taking into account the increasingly urgent need to monitor the
occurrence of this meteorological phenomenon and in the same time incorporate it into the analysis of
forecasts and issuance of alerts, since 2015 we have been hiring the supply service of Lightning activity
information, historical and in real time, which is incorporated into the analysis and forecast bulletin.
Since then, the data coming from this service have also been integrated into the visualization system
based on the issuance of alerts.

LinetView Display System - Monitoring of Electrical Discharge in real time. Source: Keraunos

2. Renewal of
Meteorological Modelss
a) Increase in reported stations to the Global
Telecommunications System (GTS)

The strengthening of the meteorological network referred to, made possible to advance in the data
reporting to the World Telecommunications System (GTS) of the World Meteorological Organization
(WMO), going from 27 to 204 stations, with data in time resolution in BUFR format (Binary Universal
Form for the Representation of meteorological data), and this has been welcomed by the international
scientific community.
Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

On the left, BUFR password on the IDEAM portal. On the right, reception of the BUFR code in
the Global Telecommunications System for 204 automatic stations

b) Improvement in time models

IDEAM incorporated the latest version of the WRF model (Weather Research and Forecasting), which
allows to assimilate data from automatic stations that report in quasi-real time (delay no greater than
40 minutes within an hour) to improve the initial conditions of this type of models. For 2019, data
from the meteorological radars will be integrated.

New implementation scheme to run time models considering data assimilation to, and from,
the Global Telecommunications System (GTS)

Since 2015, the Service of Forecast and Alerts office generates and displays weather forecast products
based on the model of the European Center IFS. This model is an essential part of the analyzes that
forecasters use on a daily basis about the state of the atmosphere for the next hours and days;
supporting operative decisions of early warnings on specific issues of precipitation, temperatures and
Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

c) Improvement in climate models

Regarding to seasonal prediction models is important to note that IDEAM has implemented both
dynamic and statistical models, performs seasonal forecasting with analysis of the synoptic situation
of the previous month, seasonal prediction based on similar years under the hierarchical Cluster
methodology, seasonal calendar prediction models made by IDEAM and review of other outputs of
different climate forecast centers.

1 2 3 4 5
Seguimiento del análisis Situación Corrida de modelos Salidas de Modelos
Análogos Escala Nacional Internacionales
último año y los Sinóptica del 1981 - 2017 IDEAM
últimos meses mes anterior Estadístico
Estadístico Dinámico

Structure of the seasonal prediction system in IDEAM

In the dynamic modeling, the prediction for the anomaly of the average temperature (in °C) and the
percentage anomaly of the precipitation (in%) was implemented from the data available on the website
of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) whose assembly contains two versions of the
Canadian model, the model of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) of the NOAA, the
model of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the CCSM4 of the National
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

Expected seasonal forecast from August 2017 to January 2018 with data from NMME
Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

For statistical modeling, the canonical correlation model is used using the Climate Prediction Tool (CPT)
developed by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) of Columbia University,
US. With this, we have been making predictions of precipitation and maximum and minimum average
temperatures officially since 2010, in the short and medium term (one and three months).

Line of work in statistical modeling of seasonal prediction developed in the last 5 years

It is important to indicate that since 2016, precipitation is forecasted with satellite data derived from the
database of the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) and in this way
seasonal forecasts are obtained with a spatial resolution of 5.5 kmX5.5 km.

~ 38.000
puntos en
el país.

CHIRPS data grid for the national territory

Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

3. Display platforms
With the entry of radar information to the operational scheme of the Forecasting and Alerts Office
and the increase in the temporal availability of GOES16 satellite data, as well as the information of the
lightning network, the hydrometeorological station network and new sources of information, the Service
of Forecast and Alerts office has been strongly strengthened.

This has been accompanied by strengthening the group of professionals that from automated processes,
undertake continuous improvement of the organization, integration and production of textual and
graphical outputs for optimally use of existing applications such as SmartMet1, GEONETCast and FEWS2.

In the same way, it is increased the capacity to use GIS tools for the generation of web products and
mobile applications, based on the main use of free software tools, with the aim of enabling the Institute
the autonomy and scaling of the applications that are built.

Display Platforms

The SMARTMET tool, developed at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), allows integrating data from
meteorological models, observations, satellite images and scripts for forecasting adjustments among
other functionalities.

1. SmartMet is a working platform for analysis and edition of forecasts of Finnish origin donated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), which allows under a single
visualization to analyze and make decisions regarding forecasts based on the 5 models that are currently operational inside the Office of Forecasts and Alerts.
2. FEWS is the hydrological analysis work platform. This tool of Dutch origin was donated at the time by DELTARES.
Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

Graphical output of the European Model data incorporated into SmartMet case that
applies to the variable of surface precipitation

4. Support and development

of thematic applications of
Desktop, Web and Mobile
Regarding the WEB environment, from the Service of Forecast and Alerts office, applications such as the
operational viewer have been designed, which has been conceived as a light and flexible tool, which
allows presenting information in real time, combined with climatological information, which also has the
ability to adapt dynamically to the needs of day to day.

Among some viewer functionalities, there is access to IDEAM observation cameras and other institutions
(SGC, SIATA, etc.), temperature and precipitation information, deployment of landslide and hydrological
alerts, visualization of forecasts generated by meteorologists in SmartMet, satellite images, radars and
electric discharges in an animated way, among others.

Light viewer of the

Service of Forecast
and Alertsoffice
Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

The hydrological forecasting platform FEWS-Colombia, incorporated in IDEAM since 2012 as part of an
international cooperation with the Dutch government, allows integrating information from models
generated in the National Modeling Center (HBV, HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, Mike 11 and Sobek in addition to
statistical models, multiple regression models, ARMA models and mobile media models) and regional
models generated by environmental authorities.

The Magdalena River is currently covered with this platform from Betania to Magangue, the Cauca River
in the Salvajina to Victoria section, the Meta River between Puente Lleras and its confluence with the
Arauca River, the San Jorge River, the Lebrija River, the Risaralda River, Bogota in its upper basin (with
hourly resolution). Integrates precipitation estimating information from satellite images at the NOAA and
JACSA time scales.

Nowadays, its Web version allows to display information of the last eight days by users, dynamic maps
and dynamic reports of levels and flows in a period of up to six months. Approximately 2000 users
access this platform every quarter with additional queries from other countries. It also integrates the
forecast of rain of the following three days in a resolution of 8 km for the whole country.

Integration of data in FEWS Colombia (

5. Climate Services
In the context of the WMO Climate Services initiative, IDEAM has been working in an articulated manner
with the following sectors:

Agriculture: Once a month, a climate prediction analysis meeting is held with more than 25 industry
associations, led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, issuing a bulletin that has been
called “Agroclimatic Bulletin”, a technical document with recommendations by crop.

Health: In the same way as the previous sector, IDEAM holds a meeting with the Ministry of Health and
its affiliated institutions, with the purpose of building the “Bulletin of Climate and Health” on a monthly

Risk: IDEAM is part of the knowledge committee of the Risk Management Unit of the country, where is
delivered daily the evolution and behavior of the hydrometeorological conditions at the regional level,
Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

state and behavior of the main early warnings of each of the municipalities of the country.

Mining and Energy: A bi-monthly meeting is being held with this sector, with the purpose of discussing
climate prediction and thus taking the forecasts for the operation and management of energy
generation reservoirs.

Transport: We provide information on the state of the main river arteries for navigation on a daily basis
and with the same periodicity a report on the main road axes due to the threat of landslide.

It should be noted in particular, that in March 2018 IDEAM gave to each of the productive sectors of the
country, a new version of the Climate, Radiation and Wind Atlases that already glimpse as an exceptional
planning tool.

In this way, with successful and determined investments represented in clear undertakings and
technological improvements, IDEAM is projected as the leading institution in the region for the
provision of climate and hydrometeorological services, while at the same time shares its progress with
peer entities from other countries in the region with which it manages information and knowledge or
supports its experience when they require it.

6. Massive dissemination
of information
a) Sending information via email / publication on web page

Taking into account our institutional mission, shipments of the different generated bulletins are made
with a periodicity that goes from 4 hours, to the monthly, as it is visualized below:


Hydrometeorological conditions bulletins Every 4 hours

Daily technical report 1 per day

Hydrological reports 2 per day

Landslide and fire hazard reports 1 per day

Agrometeorological Bulletin 1 per week

ENSO Phenomena Reports 1 per month

Climate prediction bulletin 1 per month

Extraordinary alert report When the occasion arises

Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

This information is sent to all entities of the National System for Disaster Risk Management (municipal
mayorships, governorates, civil defense, military forces, red cross, among others), as well as regional
autonomous corporations.

b) Implementation of the Common Alert Protocol (CAP)

Taking into account the initiative of the WMO for the mass dissemination of information, since 2013 our
country has implemented the system of mass dissemination of alerts through the platform provided
by Google for this purpose. It is noteworthy that Colombia has been a pioneer in Latin America in the
subject, after it was already in operation in countries like Japan, Taiwan, Australia and the United States.

Google Alerts Publics is Google’s platform for the dissemination of emergency messages, such as
evacuation notices that are made in the wake of a hurricane. The main objective is to disseminate the
official alert information when a search is done on Google and Google Maps.

In a joint alliance between IDEAM and the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD), daily
alerts that have been established by the IDEAM according to the analysis of current hydrometeorological
conditions, are placed on a predetermined server, from where Google Alerts consumes the services
arranged there, giving rise to the fact that all current alerts by our institute are within the reach of any
person who displays the Google search engine on the web.

c) Implementation of the Mipronostico application

In an institutional effort to try to arrive in different ways at all user levels, IDEAM made an application
for smart mobile phones. This APP, available in the virtual stores of Android and IOS, today has more
than 200,000 downloads and where continuous information is obtained from 5-day forecasts for all the
municipalities of the country (a little over 1100).

The APP includes ray alerts every 30 minutes, in addition to the alerts associated with flood hazards,
sudden floods, earth slides, fires of vegetation cover and frosts. Additionally, deforestation alerts have
been included as a major novelty within the APP, which are updated every three months, given the
resolution of this issue.

d) Dissemination of information through social networks

Given the great potential of the Social Networks of the institute in the dissemination of information, it
is important to point out the growth that IDEAM has had in its Twitter, Facebook and Youtube accounts.
Today the balance is the following:

• Twitter: 248.401 followers

• Facebook: 58.914 followers
• Youtube: 2.044.892 (display time)

Through our accounts we constantly issue the current hydrometeorological conditions, as well as the
alerts or threats due to the possible occurrence of events of hydrometeorological origin.
Strengthening Hydrometeorological Monitoring

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