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Media Technology Literacy

- Entails the technical and artistic - The skill of a person, working

creation and delivery of information. independently and with others, to
responsibly, appropriately and
effectively uses technological tools to
- Knowledge obtained from access, manage, integrate, create and
investigation, study, or instruction. communicate information.


- Ability to access and analyze media EVOLUTION OF TRADITIONAL TO NEW

messages. MEDIA

Pre-Historic Era (200,000-4,000BCE)

Media Literacy - Anything prior to the first written

accounts of history
- the understanding to access, analyze,
evaluate, create, reflect and act using 1. Petroglyphs
all forms of communication. - Illustrations on rock surface by
Media Literacy Skills can help people to: carving. These goes back to around
7,000 to 9,000 years ago.
1. Develop critical thinking skills. 2. Cave Paintings
2. Understand how media shape our - Also known as “parietal art” these are
culture and society. painted drawings on cave walls or
3. Identify target marketing strategies. ceilings dating 40,000 years ago.
4. Recognize bias, spin, misinformation 3. Dance
and lies. - Before the fabrication of written
5. Discover parts of the story that are languages, dance was a way of passing
not being told. stories down from generation to
6. Evaluate messages based on our generation.
experiences, skills, beliefs, and values. 4. Body Art
7. Create and distribute our own media - Body painting with clay and other
messages. innate pigments, often during
8. Advocate for media justice. ceremonies is a form of interpretation
of most tribal cultures.

Information Literacy Ancient Era (3,000-100BCE)

- the set of skills requiring people to 1. Writing

recognize when information is needed A. Cuneiform Script
and is able to locate, evaluate, and - one of the earliest schemes of writing,
use the needed information identified by wedged-shaped marks
effectively. on clay tablets, using blunt reeds for
- It forms the basis for lifetime learning. stylus.
It is accepted in all disciplines, to all
learning environments, and to all
levels of education.
B. Hieroglyphs immobile images that, generates the
- orderly writing system used by ancient illusion of moving images.
Egyptians, combining anagrammed
Information Era (1906-present)
and alphabetic elements.
2. Phoenician Alphabet 1. Radio
- the oldest alphabet at around - Technology of using radio waves to
1050BCE. It was spread by Phoenician convey information, such as sound or
merchants across the Mediterranean telegraphic messages using morse
world. code.
3. Drama 2. Television
- Theatrical culture that are from - During the 1950’s, this was the
narratives, often fictional. There were primary medium for influencing public
3 genres of drama: tragedy, comedy, opinion.
and satyr plays. 3. Personal Computer
4. Paper - The introduction of general-purpose
- Grammatically derived from papyrus, computer with size more appropriate
from the Cyperus papyrus plant, for homes, and novel sale price made
which they are made of. it very beneficial for individuals.
4. Mobile Phone
- In 1973, the first handheld mobile
Industrial Era (1440-1890) phone was invented by John F.
Mitchell and Martin Cooper of
1. Printing Press
- Invented in the holy Roman Empire by
5. Internet
the German Johannes Gutenberg
- Worldwide web system of unified
around 1440
computer networks that use the
- it was one of the most prominent
internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) that
inventions in the second millennium.
links billions of devices on the planet.
2. Telegraph
- A long-distance broadcast of textual Theories on Information and Media
or symbolic messages.
1. Allocution
- Samuel Morse advanced and
- one-way distribution of information
patented the electrical telegraph in
through media, where one party has
1937. The first telegram was sent
complete control over the
through 3km of wire.
information, and the consumer has no
3. Telephone
control over it.
- Alexander Graham Bell, a Scottish
2. Character Theory
emigrant, was the first to patent for
- Media is viewed somewhat like
the device that formed intelligible
movies or plays.
a. Protagonist (Leading Character)
4. Phonograph
b. Deuterogamist (Secondary
- Invented in 1877, it is a device
designed for the recording and
c. Bit Player (Minor character)
production of sound.
d. The Fool (Character who uses
5. Film
- Also called a movie, picture, theatrical
film or photoplay, is a series of
3. Mediamorphosis (Roger Fidler, 2005) materials may be accessed with a
- Describes the process of media computer and/or through internet
evolution as well as how new 3. Audio and Video
technologies diffuse or spread - Materials collected using analog
throughout society. technology in video and audio tools,
4. Remediation (Botler and Grusin, and is presented through tapes, CDs,
2005) audio cassettes, reel to reel tapes,
- Repurposing earlier media into digital record albums, etc.
forms 4. Microform
- Materials that have been
photographed and their images
INFORMATION LITERACY developed in reduced-size films strips,
and which are viewed using machines
The Internet with magnifying lenses.
- It arose in 1969, but it was 1989 when
a fully developed World Wide Web

URL – Uniform Resource Locator


- The 3-letter code preceded by a dot.

- will give you a fair idea of who is
publishing the internet site.

Internet Sources of Information

1. Popular Publications
- journalistic articles, feature articles,
manuals, flyers, fact sheets, and even
blogs by netizens.
2. Scholarly Publications
- well-researched articles found mostly
in academic journals and published
for the specialists of a specific field.
3. Trade Publications
- highly specialized materials meant for
the players and specialists of a specific

Formats of Information

1. Print
- Materials produced and collected
from print resources such as books,
newspapers, manuscripts,
correspondence, notes, etc.
2. Digital Formats
- Information materials that are stored
in an electronic format. These

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