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Mining Questions

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Questions to ask probably.

1. What is underground mining?

❖ It means extracting ore from below the surface safely and economically efficient.

2. What is surface mining?

● It is the method of extracting ore near the surface.

3. What types of methods/classifications are used in underground mining?

● There are 3 methods for underground mining such as unsupported, artificially supported and
supported. In the unsupported method,
● there are LONGWALL, SUB LEVEL CAVING and BLOCK CAVING. In the artificially supported
method, there are CUT AND FILL, SHRINK STOPING and VCR STOPING. In the supported method,
there are ROOM AND PILLAR, and SUB LEVEL LONGHOLE methods can be used.

4. What type of methods are used in OT?

● The block caving method is used in OT which is an unsupported underground mining method.
The main principle of the block-caving method is to make a gap in the lower part of the ore
body. We use blasting to break down the ore into smaller pieces. After blasting the ore body will
fall down to the ground because of gravity.

5. What factors are there when selecting a mining method?

● Size shape and depth of the deposit
● Geological structure and geomechanical conditions
● Environmental impacts during and after mining
● Capital requirements and operating costs
● Productivities and machinery capacities.

6. What is the difference between prospection and exploration?

● Prospection search for ore or finding a land that has the potential of being an ore. Exploration is
provided more detailed information about whether there are ore deposits, if yes it determines
the size shape and depth of the deposit, and profit potential.

7. Please describe the mining life cycle.

● prospection/exploration
● Development
● Excavation
● Closure/ reclamation
8. What are the techniques used in prospection and exploration?
● In prospecting there are 2 methods such as direct and indirect. The direct method includes
physical geologic and indirect geophysical, geochemical. The techniques are locating favorable
loci, aerial photography, ground geophysics, and spot anomaly.
● In exploration technic, remote sensing, geological mapping, geomechanical surveys, geophysical
surveys, bulk sampling, and drilling.

9. Define sustainable development in mining.

● The main principle of sustainable development is to meet the needs of the present without
decreasing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and cover a diversity of
issues that continue to evolve.

10. Environmental impacts on mining.

● deforestation, erosion, contamination of water, increasing noise level.

11. Physical and chemical hazards in mining.

● Physical hazards are noise, segmental vibration, heat, changes in barometric
pressure and ionizing radiation.
● Chemical hazards are exposure to silica, coal dust and particulate manner.

12. What is acid rock drainage?

● Acid rock drainage is the formation and movement of highly acidic water rich in
heavy metals.

13. Which external factors do we have to consider in mining?

● In mine planning, we need to consider climate, surface water, infrastructure and
population, legal condition , enviromental change such as rainfall temperature,
wind conditions.

14. What materials are we using in backfilling?

● Backfilling is a supported system in underground mining and is the process
where waste materials are placed back underground. The material used is
cement, fly ash, slag, gypsum, and ground waste glass.
15. Describe the block-caving method. Is block cave expensive?
● Block caving is an underground hard rock mining method that involves
undermining an ore body, allowing it to progressively collapse under its own
weight. It is the underground version of open pit mining. Block-caving, where
applicable gives a lower mining cost than any other underground method.

16. How would you define mining cost relatively and categories?
● Relatively mining cost include
Capital expenses
Indirect operating cost (haragdahgui bga zardal, directees arai tom)
Direct operating cost (development and exploitation)

● Categories are fixed and variable cost

Fixed (wage salary, insurance, )
Variable (drilling, blasting, shipping,loading, sampling.)

17. What is feasibility and pre-feasibility study?

● Pre-feasibility study (it is determined whether a mineral resource is likely to support a viable
mining project)
● Feasibility study (it determines whether the mineral resources can be mined economically.)

18. Surface mining has 2 system. Continuous , discontinuous

19. What is drilling techniques?

● Mechanical (standard) [rotary, top hammer(25M), down-the-hole(60AAS
● Thermal [flame drilling]
● Hydraulic [high pressure water jet drilling]


● ROTARY DRILLING- straight drill hole (rotary drive, top drive)
● DOWN THE HOLE- drill pipe (directional drilling, off shore) , coles tubing unit (work
over , on shore)
longwall mining Longwall mining is an underground method of excavating coal from
tabular deposits,

21. Process techniques in gold ssm

● Primitive methods (washing pans, stone mills)
● Agricola methods (sluices, tarpaunils, stamp mills)
● Modern methods (oscillating table, spirals)

22. What is shaft sinking?

● Shaft sinking is the action of excavating mine top to bottom where there is
initially no access to the bottom.
● It has two methods conventional and mechanized.
● In conventional, extraction of rock using blasting and drilling, sinking in
hard rocks and discontinuous operation
● In mechanized, extraction of rocks using cutting methods, extraction of
medium hard rocks, and partially continuous

23. Freezing methods is used when construction shaft need temporary earth

24. DISContinuous surface machinery

● Hydraulic excavator
● Rope shovel
● Loading shovel
● Wheel loader

❖ Continuous surface machinery

❖ Bucket wheel
❖ Bucket chain
● Discontinuous underground machinery
● Hydraulic jumbo

Continuous underground machinery

road header
Belt conveyor
Ore: a mineral deposit that has a sufficient amount of utility.

Ore deposit: It is an accumulation of ore which can be a particular type of ore.

Gangue: it is some kind of waste that is within the ore that must be discarded.

Prospecting: Search for ore or finding a land that has potential of being an ore.

Exploration: After prospecting, we determine its shape size and profit potential.

Prospect hiihin tuld 5 arga baigaa method n bolhooro direct (physical geologic), indirect (geophysical

1. Locate favorable loci

2. Air- aerial photography
3. surface - ground geophysic
4. Spot anomaly

Exploration method:

1. Remote sensing
2. Geological mapping
3. Geophysical surveys
4. Geochemical surveys
5. Bulk sampling and drilling.

Feasibility study: To find a decision to abandon or develop. It considers economical social and
environmental aspects.
Stages of exploration:

1. Step one of the exploration is explorers may walk or drive through the ore deposit and collect
small samples using little tools.

Exploration methods that is not ground disturbing.

~ Literature research (looking at history, reports and maps.)

~ Geological mapping

~ geochemical sampling

~ Geophysical exploration

2. If there is some kind of agreement about regional land, the explorer tries to claim exploration
3. If non-ground disturbing exploration indicates that there may be minerals in the deposit then
the explorer informs the owner of the land or government to drill a hole in a targeted area.
4. If there is a heritage agreement, the land owner decides whether a heritage survey is made.
5. If the heritage survey is done. The report shows that where the explorer can drill and where
can’t drill in order to not to destroy heritage sites.
6. Geologists take a sample from drilling to see if there is any mineral in the deposit.
7. If there is a mineral present the explorer will usually drill closer spaced holes. And this is used to
8. If the mining company decides to develop a mine, a mining license is required.

Mine life cycle

1. Prospecting/exploration- searching sampling and analysis to ore reserve and generate feasibility
2. Development (permitting and logistics for mining operations)
3. Extraction (extracting the ore)
4. Closure/ reclamation (cleaning it up)

Type of metal:

1. Base metal (example of base metal is iron zinc lead aluminum)

2. Precious metal (it is a rare and has high economic value such as gold and silver)
3. Ore grade (it is the concentration of the desired material iot contains)
Technical report:

1. Pre-feasibility study (it is determined whether a mineral resource is likely to support a viable
mining project)
2. Feasibility study (it determines whether the mineral resources can be mined economically.)

Mineral resource: it is a mineral deposit that is potentially valuable (reasonable for economic

Mineral reserve: it is portion of mineral resources that is mineable at a given moment of time.

Mineral resource:

1. Inferred (it is a part of a mineral resource for which mineral content can be estimated with a low
level of confidence)
2. Indicated (reasonable level of confidence)
3. Measured (high level of confidence)

Mineral reserves:

1. Probable (this is a part of an indicated that can be mined in economically)

2. Proven ore (this is part of measured resources that can be mined economically)

Lecture 4

Resource estimate methodology

1. Collection of data
2. Analysis of data
3. Modeling the size shape and deposit.

Lecture 5 (Mining method selection)

Evaluation of mine methods and systems.

1. Production
2. Mine size
3. Productivity
4. Safety
5. Development
6. Cost Comparison
7. Environmental and Closure requirements

Mining methods:

Surface mining: it is the method of extracting minerals near the surface. There are types of surface

1. Open pit mining (45 slope is steep)

Bench (narrow strip of land cut into the side of an open pit mine)

2. Strip mining (cheapest and safest method but there is a significant impact on environment)
3. Quarrying
4. Auger mining
5. Terrace mining
6. Glory holing
7. Contour strip mining

Aquous: Placer and solution

Placer 1. Panning, slucing, dredging, hydraulic mining

Solution: heap leaching, in situ leaching

Underground mining means extracting ore from below the surface of the earth safely, economically and
with as a little waste as possible.

Underground mining 3 angildag

1. Naturally supported (Room and pillar) (Sub level longhole)

2. Artificially supported (cut and fill) (shrink stoping) (VCR stoping)
3. Unsupported (Longwall) (sub level caving) (block caving)

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