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MAFAR Accomplishments CY Jan-Dec 2022 (BPDA-OCM)

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The purpose of this

report is to give
updates on the
accomplishments of
the Ministry of
Agriculture, Fisheries,
and Agrarian Reform
on the status of its
interventions to the
Bangsamoro farmers,
Accomplishment Report FY 2023 fisherfolks, and
January up to October 2023 agrarian reform
beneficiaries in the
Autonomous Region
in Muslim Mindanao
(BARMM) in line with
the 1st Bangsamoro
Development Plan
I. Mandate
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Agrarian Reform and its attached agencies and
bureaus shall promote sustainable Agri-fishery growth and development, and equitable land
distribution and tenurial security for the benefit of the landless farmers in the Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region.

It shall formulate a policy framework conducive to increase public investments and climate-
resilient integrated support services under the direction of the Bangsamoro Government, to make
land and water resources profitable to ensure food security through appropriate technologies and
intensive promotion of agri-acqua-based enterprises towards the development of farmers and
fisherfolk. It shall ensure the availability, adequacy, accessibility, and affordability of food
supplies at all times in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region.

A Bangsamoro region of socio-economically stable, resilient and globally competitive
farmers and fisherfolk.

To empower farming and fishing communities by ensuring equitable access to quality
services and optimum economic benefits.

II. Executive Summary

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform is a diverse agency in the
Bangsamoro region in which it manages three big sectors of the economic drivers such as the
Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform. The ministry achieved an overall physical
accomplishment for the extended funds of fiscal year 2022 at 99.94% while 66.43% for the fiscal
year 2022. Below are the highlights of the Ministry’s accomplishments in 2021 and 2022

Agriculture Services
The Agriculture Services of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform under the
flagship program BINHI (Basic Integration for Harmonized Intervention) are mandated to provide
technical assistance, capacity building, provision of various agricultural inputs including
production/pre and post-harvest machineries, equipment and infrastructure.
The BInHi program in support to the policy of the ministry “Resiliency and productivity for food
security, income and rural employment in an enabling environment for the farmers, fisherfolks
and agrarian reform beneficiaries are guided with the following sector outcome for increased
productivity, improved access to pre/post-harvest machineries and facilities, and eventually
improved farmers livelihood in Agriculture and income.
For 2022 GAAB extended appropriations, a total of 8,480 RSBSA enrolled farmers served and
directly benefiting from the Agricultural services intervention; and 75 accredited Farmer
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Cooperatives and Associations (FCAs) awarded with machineries and equipment for pre and post-
harvest production.
For 2022 GAAB, a total of 74,947 RSBSA registered farmers benefiting from different
agricultural farm inputs provided; 1,320 farmers capacitated on various production system and
practices for improved and increased production. In total, the accomplishments for the fiscal year
2022 as well as the extended funds for 2021 are summarized below.
Extended Funds for Fiscal Year 2022
280 Banana farmers benefited and provided with banana planting materials and other farming
inputs like fertilizers, including technical assistance on improved banana production.
A total of 8,000 farmers as organic practitioner provided with organic rice seeds, fertilizers, and
raw materials for the production of organic pest control in the provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao
del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and Cotabato City in support to Organic Agriculture.
In support to increased production of Halal-compliant livestock and poultry production, 3 Techno-
demos on Goat and Cattle-raising, and free-range Native Chicken production using improved
breeds were established in the provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, and Basilan,
respectively, including capacity-building to farmer cooperatives as adopter and beneficiaries.
Unified Artificial Insemination Program (UnAIP) for livestock benefiting 200 livestock farmers
simultaneously implemented in the provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi and Special Geographic Ares (SGA) performed by the trained A.I. technicians and
veterinarians deployed in the region and provinces.
75 Farmer Cooperatives and Associations (FCAs) in the provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao del
Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, SGA provided and awarded with different Agricultural
Machineries and Equipment such as floating tiller, transplanter, hand tractor, rice thresher,
combine harvester and reaper for rice production; corn sheller, corn mill for corn production; and
tractor with cassava digger and chipper for cassava production.

Fiscal Year 2023

20,000 RSBSA (Registry System for Basic Sector in Agriculture) enrolled farmers provided with
high yielding and adaptable rice varieties both Certified inbred and Hybrid and other farm inputs
like fertilizers in the provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and
3,250 RSBSA enrolled farmers benefited with high yielding upland rice seeds in the provinces of
Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi. Majority of the farmer-beneficiaries were
graduate of Upland Rice-Based Technology-transfer Program for the Bangsamoro (URTPB)
Farmer’ Field School (FFS), one of the projects of JICA with MAFAR.
215 RSBSA registered Cassava farmers provided with cassava cuttings, fertilizers in the provinces
of Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi. Cassava farmers in the island provinces through
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cooperatives and associations were provided with hogwire and barbed wire for the control of wild
hogs infesting cassava production areas.
30,600 RSBSA registered farmers provided with assorted vegetable seeds
349 Farmers benefited with quality planting materials of fruit crops like mango, mangosteen,
lanzones, durian and other high value and priority commodities, the source of planting materials
must be a Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) accredited nurseries and plant propagators. The planting
materials were awarded to identified FCAs in the provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur,
Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and SGA to consider cluster production areas.
691 RSBSA enrolled farmers provided with planting materials of Coffee and Cacao in the
provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, and SGA
1,700 Banana farmers benefited with quality planting materials of Banana (Cardava, Saba,
Lakatan) in the region
2,082 Organic practitioners provided with organic rice seeds for increased production in support
to Organic Agriculture
500 RSBSA registered Corn farmers provided with seeds in the provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao
del Sur and SGA
11,530 RSBSA enrolled farmers and organic practitioner benefited with Open-pollinated varieties
(OPVs) assorted vegetables, fertilizers, and raw materials for organic pest control
1,705 farmers provided with upgraded breeds of Goat and Native Chicken for Halal-compliant
production in the region
3 FCAs in the province of Maguindanao, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi provided with package of
intervention for the establishment of techno-demos on Halal-compliant production for Goat and
Cattle raising, and free-range Native Chicken
140 heads of Carabao artificially inseminated in the respective provinces in the region including
SGA in support to Unified Artificial Insemination Program (UnAIP)
550 livestock and poultry farmers benefited with various veterinary drugs and biologics for the
Goat, Cattle and Chicken production
1,635 Livestock and poultry farmers provided with stocks of Cattle, Upgraded Breds of Goat and
Native Chicken for meat purposes to support increased production of livestock and poultry in the
210 RSBSA registered rice farmers capacitated on improved rice production through trainings,
Farmers’ Field School (FFS) and establishment of techno-demos
90 Agricultural Extension Workers (MMOs, ATs) in the province of Sulu, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi
capacitated on improved production of Corn and Cassava

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240 RSBSA registered farmers capacitated on Corn and Cassava improved production system in
the provinces of Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi
300 RSBSA enrolled farmers capacitated Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) on Mango, including
processing, packaging and labeling, and vegetable production system in the region
240 farmers capacitated on improved production for Cattle, Goat, Chicken and Ducks; feed
formulation, good animal husbandry and artificial insemination.
330 livestock and poultry farmers capacitated on Philippine National Standards on Halal, feed
formulation, Agri-fishery production certified Halal.
In addition, the Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD) had accomplished and
conducted 22 trade Fairs/MAFAR Local Exchange and Network of Goods in any Kind of
Emergency (MAFARLENGKE) activities and generated a total sale of 3,537,352.00 and had
served 114 FFCAs. There are four (4) market linkages conducted; 23 training conducted and had
served 792 farmers and fisherfolk cooperatives and associations (FFCAs) and individuals; 98
FFCAs assisted with MAFAR Loan for the Enhancement of Necessary Development Strategies
Particulars Details
Number of Trade Fairs/MAFARLENGKE Activities 22
Generated Sales Php 3,537,352.00
Number of Beneficiaries Served 114
Number of Market Linkages Conducted 4
Number of Training Conducted 23
Number of FFCAs Served/Individual 792
Number of FFCAs assisted with MAFAR 98 FFCAs
Loan for the Enhancement of Necessary Development (69 2021 funds, 29 2022 funds)
Strategies (MAFARLENDS)

Fisheries Services
In 2022, total fisheries production grew to 4.34 million metric tons from the previous year’s
output of 4.25 million thousand metric tons.
Through proper management and supervision, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian
Reform spearheaded the implementation of its interventions on the fisheries production and
aquaculture in which resulted to a very successful progress with second time in a row since last
year that the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) remains as the
region with the highest fisheries production volume with 1.319 million MT, equivalent to 30.41%
of the total volume of fisheries production for 2022.

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Completing the top 5 regions with the highest volume of production are Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region 9), MIMAROPA (Region 4A), Region 3 (Central Luzon), and Western Visayas (Region
6). Source: Philippine Statistics Authority Fisheries Situation Report.
Philippine Statistics Authority Fisheries Situation Report

The aggressive and proactive actions and sound interventions of the Fisheries Services contributed
to the achievement of the fish productions in the region. This includes post-harvest facilities,
fishing gears, capacity development trainings, and fisheries extension works.

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Agrarian Reform Services
At the forefront of the provision of lands to the landless farmers in the region, the Agrarian
Reform Services of the Ministry spearheaded the distribution of Certificate of Land Ownership
Awards (CLOAs), identification of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries, and assessment and survey of
public lands.

Legal Services
Part of the services being offered by the ministry is the legal assistance to the farmers and
fisherfolks in the region. The Legal Division of the ministry mostly catered land adjudication
cases and other land conflict related issues in the region.

Research, Development and Extension Services

To enhance the application of technologies in agriculture and fisheries, the ministry strived to
strengthen research, development, and extension services of the region by maximizing the
research programs and interventions through scientific approach.
The Research for Development & Extension Services of this ministry was mandated to conduct
applied and midstream research both on-farm and on-stations. At present, the R4D and Extension
Services is composed of the Agriculture and Fisheries Research Division including the Integrated
Laboratory Division, which plays a vital role in the conduct of research activities.
The Agriculture Research Division was able to implement agri-related researches, development
and extension services. In 2021 and 2022, the RDE has an allocation 5.7 and 19.0 million pesos,
respectively. In 2021, most of the activities mainly focused on Technology
Demonstration/Development with 2,193,860.00 followed by Technology Verification/Technology
Adaptation with 1,432,500.00. Technology Generation/Information Generation, Forum and
capacity building activities were also done.
In 2022, most of the research activities were focused on Technology Demonstration/Development
with more than 10 million pesos allocated funds. Both 2021 and 2022 activities are still on-going
This year, the Fisheries Research Division was able to focus on the breeding and production of
important species. Currently, the Regional Fisheries Research Center in Tawi-Tawi was able to
acquire a total of nine grouper for cage development. There has been a development on the spats
production of abalone with approximately 1,100 new spats produced last January 2023.
Meanwhile, the Multi-species hatchery was able to acquire broodstocks of freshwater fishes for
induced spawning.
Lastly, the Integrated Laboratory Division (ILD) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and
Agrarian Reform- Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (MAFAR-BARMM)
under the Research and Development for Extension Services (Memorandum Order No. 0019-01).
Integrated Laboratory Division (ILD) is created under Section 9, Chapter IV, Title I of Book VI of
the Bangsamoro Autonomous Act No. 13 or the Bangsamoro Administrative Code. As per the
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provisions of Department Order 09 Series of 2020, the ILD is composed of four (4) laboratories
namely; Regional Soils Laboratory (RSL), Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
(RADDL), Regional Animal Feed Analysis Laboratory (RAFAL), and Regional Crop Protection
Center (RCPC). Currently, there are only three (3) existing laboratories in the ministry and these
are RSL, RADDL, and RAFAL. Funding of the MAFAR agricultural laboratories started in the
year 2022, and this focuses on the establishment of Bangsamoro Agricultural Soil Information
System (BASIS) under the Regional Soils Laboratory which aims to provide Soil Nutrient Map in
the Bangsamoro region. On the other hand, there is also the establishment of MAFAR-Control
panel for Animal disease Recognition Enhancement Services (MAFAR-CARES) under the
Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory in which it is mandated to provide animal
laboratory testing for the proper disease diagnosis, prevention, and control.

III. The Report

Fiscal Year 2021 Extended Funds
Alternative staple food

a. Banana (Cardava) 20,000 500,000 100 Regionwide Completed

b. Banana Lakatan 8,000 200,000 100 Regionwide Completed

Other Farm Inputs
a. Complete 14-14-14 713 819,950 100 Reg. Office, Completed
CotCity,Tawi-Tawi, 63
b. Urea 46-0-0 610 671,000 100 Mag,LDS,Basilan Completed
CotCity,Tawi-Tawi, 63
c. 17-17-17 610 701,500 100 Mag,LDS,Basilan Completed
CotCity,Tawi-Tawi, 63
d. Ammonium Phosphate (16- 610 549,000 100 Mag,LDS,Basilan Completed
20-0) CotCity,Tawi-Tawi, 63
e. Muriate of Potash 610 579,500 100 Mag,LDS,Basilan Completed
(0-0-60) CotCity,Tawi-Tawi, 63

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Organic seeds
a. Organic Rice seeds 12,000 900,000 100 Mag,LDS,Basilan,Sulu, Completed
Tawi-Tawi, 63
Brgy.,Cot. City
Insect Colonies
a. Bee Colony 2,000 300,000 100 Mag. Completed

Pest Management Control

a. Mollasses 1,000 111,440 100 Regional office Completed
b. Citronella 3,000 75,000 100 Mag, LDS, Basilan, Completed
c. Oregano 3,000 75,000 100 Sulu, Tawi-Tawi,63

d. Marigold/Kamantigue 3,000 75,000 100

e. Sambong/Basil 3,000 75,000 100

Soil Amendments and Compose

a. Organic Fertilizer 4,120 309,000 100 Regional office Completed
Establishment of Techno-Demo
a. Halal Goat Raising 1 1,254,400 100 Mag Completed
b. Halal Free Range 1 1,390,000 100 Basilan Completed
c. Halal Cattle Raising 1 1,723,655.10 100 LDS Completed
Procurement of A.I
a. Hormones (bottles) 100 190,000 100 BARMMwide Completed
b. Hand Gloves (box) 20 50,000 100 BARMMwide Completed
c. Semen Straw Sheaths 100 90,000 100 BARMMwide Completed
d. Artificial Insemination 212 42,500 100 BARMMwide Completed
(A.I) Guns (piece)
e. Metal Syringes (10cc) 32 110,000 100 BARMMwide Completed
f. Veterinary surgical 30 60,000 100 BARMMwide Completed
Equipment kit
g. Lubricant 100 200,000 100 BARMMwide Completed
Floating Tiller 10 1,100.00 100 Maguindanao, Lanao Completed
del Sur, SGA
Rice Transplanter 10 3,400.00 100 Maguindanao, SGA Completed
Hand tractor 10 1,400.00 100 Maguindanao, Lanao Completed
del Sur, SGA
Rice Combine Harvester 1 2,000.00 100 Maguindanao Completed
Rice Thresher 10 1,400.00 100 SGA Completed

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Reaper (Rice) 3 390.00 100 Lanao del Sur, Completed
Maguindanao, SGA
Tractor with Cassava Digger 1 3,000.00 100 Basilan Completed

Corn Combine Harvester 1 2,000.00 100 Maguindanao Completed

Corn Sheller 10 2,000.00 100 Lanao del Sur, SGA Completed

Corn Mill 10 3,400.00 100 Lanao del Sur, Completed
Cassava Chipper 9 1,350.00 100 Basilan, Sulu, Tawi- Completed
Tawi, Lanao del Sur

Fiscal Year 2022

Inbred palay seeds, Certified 22,686 34, 482,000 100 Regionwide Completed

Inbred palay seeds, Registered 2,460 2,361 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Seeds Basilan, &
Inbred palay seeds, Foundation 100 111,000 100 Maguindanao Completed
Hybrid palay seeds 1,530 8,415,000 100 Mag, Basilan, Completed
Sulu, & Region
Upland rice seeds 6,500 11,700,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Sulu, Tawi-
Tawi, SGA, &
Fertilizer Management
Urea fertilizer (46-0-0) 17, 280 34,560,000 100 Regionwide Completed

Foliar fertilizer(10g/sachet) 36, 611 31,119,000 100 Regionwide Completed

Community-Based Inbred
Rice Production
Complete fertilizer 7,000 11,200,000 - Mag, LDS, For delivery
Basilan, Sulu, of the
SGA, & Region supplier
Pesticide 4,300 2,580,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
SGA, & Region
Herbicide 4,100 2,460,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, SGA,
& Region
Foliar fertilizer(10g/sachet) 16,500 14,025,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed

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Basilan, Sulu,
SGA, & Region
Community-Based Hybrid
Rice Production
Complete fertilizer 1,687 2,699,000 - Mag, LDS, For delivery
SGA, & Region of the
Urea fertilizer (Bottle) 1,500 2,475,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
SGA, & Region
Pesticide (insecticide) 1,125 675,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
SGA, & Region
Herbicide 1,125 675,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
SGA, & Region
Foliar fertilizer(10g/sachet) 2,250 1,912,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
SGA, & Region
Hybrid Corn Seeds 5,000 25,000,000 - Maguindanao, For delivery
SGA, & Region of the
OPV White Corn Seeds 2,500 3,750,000 - Lanao del Sur For delivery
of the
General Management and
Fertilizer 10,937 17,499,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Tawi-
Tawi, & SGA
Cassava Cuttings (10,000 - 2,150,000 3,225,000 100 LDS, Basilan, Completed
13,000pc/ha.) Sulu, & Tawi-
Hog wire 14,500 36,250,000 100 Basilan, Sulu, Completed
and Tawi-Tawi
Barbed wire 1,800 4,500,000 100 Basilan, Sulu, Completed
and Tawi-Tawi
Organic Foliar Fertilizer 1,000 500,000 100 Sulu Completed

Insecticide 3,000 4,500,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed

Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
Vegetable Seeds:
Eggplant 17,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed

Bell Pepper 17,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed

Squash 17,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed

Bitter Gourd 17,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed

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Cucumber 17,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed
Pole Sitao 17,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed
Hot Pepper 17,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed

Tomato 17,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed

Watermelon 17,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed

Planting Materials: FRUITS

Mango 41,000 2,050,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
SGA, & Region
Durian 35,000 1,750,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
& Tawi-Tawi
Lanzones 46,990 2,349,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
Pummelo 15,000 650,000 100 Mag, Basilan, Completed
Tawi-Tawi, &
Mangosteen 9,000 500,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Guyabano 12,000 550,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Calamansi 15,000 750,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Avocado 6,000 300,000 100 Maguindanao & Completed
Planting Materials: Completed
Coffee (Robusta) 142,500 5,700,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
Coffee (Excelsa) 115,000 4,200,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
Cacao 88,000 4,400,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &

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Planting Materials:
Banana (Cardava) 40,000 1,200,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
Banana Saba 67,000 2,010,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
Banana Lakatan 64,000 1,860,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
Other Farm Inputs:
Complete 14-14-14 1,850 1,897,000 - Mag, LDS, For delivery
Basilan, Sulu, by the
Tawi-Tawi, supplier
Cotabato City
Urea 46-0-0 1,100 1,210,000 - Mag, LDS, For delivery
Basilan, Tawi- by the
Tawi, Cotabato supplier
City & SGA
17-17-17 916 1,083,000 - Mag, LDS, For delivery
Basilan, Tawi- by the
Tawi, & SGA supplier
Ammonium Phosphate (16-20- 1,050 855,000 - Mag, LDS, For delivery
0) Basilan, Tawi- by the
Tawi, & SGA supplier
Muriate of Potash 1,450 2,175,000 - Mag, LDS, For delivery
(0-0-60) Basilan, Tawi- by the
Tawi, Cotabato supplier
City & SGA

Organic Rice Seeds 2,500 7,500,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed

Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Glutinous Corn Seeds 600 900,000 100 Mag, LDS, & Completed
Vegetable Seeds: Completed
Ampalaya 15,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed
Eggplant 15,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed

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Lady Finger (Okra) 7,500 637,500 100 Regionwide Completed
Squash 15,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed
Hot Pepper 15,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed
Bell Pepper 15,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed
Pole Sitao 7,500 637,500 100 Regionwide Completed
Cucumber 15,000 1,275,000 100 Regionwide Completed
Pear Squash (Sayute) 7,500 637,500 100 Regionwide Completed
Winged bean (sigarilyas) 2,800 238,000 100 Regionwide Completed
Bee Colony 1,400 200,000 - Mag, LDS, For delivery
Basilan, Sulu, by the
Tawi-Tawi, supplier
Cotabato City
Pest Management Control
Mollasses 14,000 2,100,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Sambong 1,000 30,000 100 Region Completed
Land Cultivator 36 3,340,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Decomposers 350 350,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Shredder 35 2,160,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Provision of Halal Goats for 626 3,756,000 100 BARMMWide Completed
Halal Production Compliant
Provision of Halal Native 7,900 3,950,000 100 BARMMWide Completed
Chicken for Halal Production
Establishment of Techno- Completed
Halal Goat Raising 153 1,202,500 100 Sulu Completed
Halal Free Range Chicken 1,620 1,217,000 100 Tawi-Tawi Completed
Halal Cattle Raising 53 1,459,500 100 Maguindanao Completed


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Unified Artificial
Insemination Program
Hormones (bottles) 70 133,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Hand Gloves (box) 35 87,500 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Semen Straw Sheaths (pack) 35 30,500 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Artificial Insemination (A.I) 70 17,500 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Guns (piece) Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Veterinary surgical Equipment 35 70,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
kit Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Lubricant 70 140,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Metal Syringes (10cc) (piece) 70 245,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Veterinary Drugs and
Mineral Block (Salt 180 234,000 100 LDS, Basilan, Completed
Block),5kgs. X 4pcs. Sulu, Tawi-
Tawi, Cotabato
City & SGA
Dexamethasone 175 227,500 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Oral Vitamins (Electrogen) 175 175,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed

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Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Dextrose Powder, Anhydrous 1,960 235,200 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
99 %, 300 grams Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Vetracin Premium 350 385,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Dog Muzzle Anti-bite 70 14,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Plastic Egg Trays 560 44,800 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Weighing Scale 35 105,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Hog Wire 105 525,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Vit B Complex + Liver Extract 70 42,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
100 ml Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Combinex (Dichlofenthion) 70 31,500 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Wound Spray Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Electrolytes+Vit 1 kiligram 350 175,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Baytril (enrofloxacin) 50ml 35 28,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,

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Cotabato City
Garden net for fencing (30m x 35 175,000 100 Mag, LDS, Completed
8 feet) Basilan, Sulu,
Cotabato City
Animal Dispersal
Chicken (Ready to lay) 4,799 2,399,500 100 Regionwide Completed
Beef (Cattle) 240 8,400,000 100 Regionwide Completed
Goat (native) 3,140 18,840 100 Regionwide Completed
Training on farm Machineries 2 75,000 100 Sulu and Tawi- Completed
Operation and Maintenance Tawi
Rice Techno Demo 3 225,000 100 Basilan, Sulu Completed
and Tawi-Tawi
Farmers Field School (FFS) 2 150,000 100 SGA & Region Completed
Corn/ Cassava 100 Completed
Techno Demo 3 225,000 100 Sulu, Tawi- Completed
Tawi, & SGA
Retooling training of AEWs on 3 225,000 100 Basilan, Sulu, Completed
Corn Production & Tawi-Tawi,
Livelihood training for 2 150,000 100 LDS & Sulu Completed
Corn Production Training 2 150,000 100 Sulu & Tawi- Completed
Training of Cassava 1 75,000 100 Tawi-Tawi Completed
High Value Crops
Training on Mango processing, 2 150,000 100 Mag & Basilan Completed
labelling and packaging
Training on Good Agricultural 3 225,000 100 Mag, Basilan, Completed
Practices on Mango and its & Tawi-Tawi
Training on Vegetable 5 375,000 100 LDS, Basilan, Completed
production and its nutritional Sulu, Tawi-
value Tawi, & SGA
Livestock and Poultry
Training on Feed Formulation 1 75,000 100 Sulu Completed
Training on Good animal 1 75,000 100 SGA Completed
husbandry practices
Training on Free-range 1 75,000 100 Basilan Completed
chicken production (Brown
egg production)
Training on Goat Production 1 75,000 100 SGA Completed

P a g e 16 | 84
Training on Duck Production 1 75,000 100 Maguindanao Completed
Training on Chicken 1 75,000 100 Sulu and LDS Completed
Training on Cattle Production 1 75,000 100 Tawi-Tawi Completed
Training on Artificial 1 75,000 100 Tawi-Tawi Completed
Organic Agriculture Completed
Training on Organic Cassava 1 75,000 100 Sulu and Tawi- Completed
Processing Tawi
Training on Organic Poultry 1 75,000 100 Sulu and Completed
Production Region
Training on Organic Fertilizer 2 150,000 100 Sulu & Region Completed
for all crop production
Training on Goat Raising 2 150,000 100 Mag & LDS Completed
Production Technology
Training on Natural Farming 2 150,000 100 LDS & Region Completed
Inputs/Urban Gardening
Halal Program
Halal Goat Production and 2 150,000 100 Basilan & Completed
Management Training Tawi-Tawi
Training on Halal Poultry 2 75,000 100 Tawi-Tawi Completed
Seminars on Philippine 2 150,000 100 Sulu & Tawi- Completed
National Standards on Halal, Tawi
Halal Certification and agri-
fishery Good Practices)
Training on Halal feeds 1 150,000 100 LDS Completed
Training on Halal Agri-Fishery 2 150,000 100 Sulu & Tawi- Completed
Production Tawi
Training on Halal Slaughtering 2 150,000 100 Basilan & Sulu Completed


Market related events and
Market Matching and active 5 1,792,000.00 80 Regional Office Market
negotiations Linkage on
with direct institutional buyers Fisheries not
(Market Linkage on Rice, yet
Corn, completed
High Value Crops, Seaweeds
and Fisheries
& other priority commodities)
Trade fairs and exhibits

P a g e 17 | 84
MAFARLENGKE on Wheels 9 646,800.00 100 Regional Office Completed

MAFARLENGKE 2.0 (Trade 2 350,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed

fair during Ramadhan)
Bangsamoro Farmers and 2 185,000.00 Regional Office To be
Fisherfolks Celebration conducted,
MAFARLENGKE ni Fatima 2 95,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed
(Gender and Development
Trade Fair and E
Bangsamoro Nutrition Month 2 45,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed
Trade fairs and exhibits
BARMM Foundation Day 2 590,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed

Mangosteen Festival 2 100,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed

Seaweeds and Cassava Festival 1 60,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed

Trade fairs and exhibits

Participation to national 1 20,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed
exhibits/trade fairs
Participation to BIMP EAGA 2 118,360.00 Regional Office To be
trade and expositions conducted
Bangsamoro Farmers and
Fisherfolk Cooperatives and
Organizational Management & 8 1,536.000.00 100 All Completed
Leadership BARMMwide
Training cum Coaching and
Mentoring and Financial
Training on Mango,Banana, 8 928,000.00 100 All Completed
Cacao, production BARMMwide
Cum enterprise development
and Field Trips
Packaging and Labeling 7 812,000.00 100 All Completed
Training BARMMwide
Agribusiness Promotion
Plotting of Commodities and 1 640,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed
Market Structures
using Geographic Information
Other Market Related
Support to Roll 1 416,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed
out/ Orientation on Farmers
P a g e 18 | 84
Fisherfolks Enterprise
Development Information
System (FFEDIS) and the
Agribusiness Portal
Stakeholder's Consultation 2 366,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed
Meetings of Various
Assessment and Planning
AMAD Mid-Year Assessment 1 481,800.00 Regional Office
Support to the E-Bangsamoro 180,000.00 Regional Office
Agribusiness Marketing And
Agri Cart and Tent stalls 7 9,800,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed

Pheromone lure 5000 4,750,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed
Inorganic pesticide 4000 5,200,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed
Zinc phosphide 2500 2,250,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed
Pheromone traps 5000 1,250,000.00 100 Regional Office Completed
Extension Support,
Education And Training
Training on fall armyworm 2 100 Completed
control and management
Training on rat control and 2 100 Completed
Training on pest monitoring 2
and surveillance
Training on Good Agricultural 2 100 Completed
Training on Good Animal 2 100 Completed
Husbandry Practices
Training on feeds and 2
veterinary drugs regulation
Training/seminar on animal 2 100 Completed

Fiscal Year 2022
P a g e 19 | 84
Gill net
Marine water Gillnet 490 3,920,000.00 Maguindanao, Procurement
Lanao Del Sur, Stage
Basilan, Sulu &
Freshwater Gillnet 280 1,680,000.00 Maguindanao, Procurement
Lanao Del Sur, Stage
Cotabato City,
& 63 Barangay
Fish pot
Marine water Fishpot 280 1,960,000.00
Freshwater Fishpot 210 1,260,000.00

Shrimp Trap 300 506,937.00 100 Lanao Del Sur Completed

Hook and Line 350 2,450,000.00 Maguindanao,
Lanao Del Sur,
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
Cotabato City
Tuna 350 1,750,000.00 Maguindanao,
Handline Lanao Del Sur,
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
Cotabato City
Payao 9 2,700,000.00 Maguindanao,
Lanao Del Sur,
Basilan, Sulu,
& Tawi-Tawi
Marine Fish Corral 16 3,200,000.00 Maguindanao,
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
Cotabato City
Freshwater Fish Corral 8 1,600,000.00 Maguindanao &
63 Barangay
Castnest 100 500,000.00 100 Maguindanao, Completed
Cotabato City,
& 63 Barangay
Motorized Banca 105 8,925,000.00 All
Non-Motorized Banca 60 3,600,000.00 Maguindanao,
Lanao Del Sur,
Basilan, Sulu,
& Tawi-Tawi
Squid Jigger 280 280,000.75 100 Maguindanao, Completed
Lanao Del Sur,
Basilan, Sulu,
P a g e 20 | 84
& Tawi-Tawi
Fish Net
Polynet 280 4,200,000.00 Maguindanao,
Lanao Del Sur,
Basilan, Tawi-
Tawi, Sulu,
Cotabato City,
& Regional
BB net 280 2,800,000.00 Maguindanao,
Lanao Del Sur,
Basilan, Tawi-
Tawi, Sulu,
Cotabato City,
& Regional
CC net 280 3,360,000.00 Maguindanao,
Lanao Del Sur,
Basilan, Tawi-
Tawi, Sulu,
Cotabato City,
& Regional

Spear Gun 100 800,000.00 100 Sulu & Tawi- Completed

Engine (12 HP) 50 2,500,000.00 Maguindanao,
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi &
Cotabato City
Seaweeds Devt Project Procurement
Seaweeds seedlings 280,000 5,600,000.00 Maguindanao,
Basilan, Sulu,
& Tawi-Tawi
Seaweeds Farm Implements:
Floating Monoline 200 2,800,000.00 Maguindanao,
Basilan, Sulu,
& Tawi-Tawi
Bottom stake method 150 900,000.00 Basilan, Sulu,
& Tawi-Tawi
Seaweeds Nursery 15 1,800,000.00 Maguindanao,
Basilan, Tawi-
Tawi, & Sulu
Fish Cages 6 8,800,000.00 Maguindanao,
Lanao Del Sur,
Basilan, Sulu,
& Tawi-Tawi
Fish Pens (20x30m) 25 9,775,500.00 Basilan, Tawi-
P a g e 21 | 84
Tawi, Sulu,
& Lanao Del
Milkfish Cage Culture 3 9,000,000.00 Regional Office
Abalone Culture 2 800,000.00 Tawi-Tawi
Brackishwater Procurement
Fishponds (fingerlings, net, 6 2,400,000. Maguindanao,
feeds, fishpond materials or 00 Basilan, &
equipment Cotabato City
Freshwater Procurement
Fishponds (fingerlings, net, 8 2,800,000. Maguindanao,
feeds, fishpond materials or 00 Lanao Del Sur,
equipment & 63 Barangay
Fish Cages 8 5,600,000. Maguindanao,
00 Lanao Del Sur,
& 63 Barangay
Fish Pens (20x30m) 16 5,600,000. Maguindanao,
00 Lanao Del Sur,
Cotabato City
& 63 Barangay
Feeds Procurement
Starter 700 1,500,000. Regional
00 Office,
Lanao Del Sur,
Cotabato City,
63 Barangay,
Basilan, & Sulu
Grower 700 1,500,000. Regional
00 Office,
Lanao Del Sur,
Cotabato City,
63 Barangay,
Basilan, & Sulu
Finisher 700 1,500,000. Regional
00 Office,
Lanao Del Sur,
Cotabato City,
63 Barangay,
Basilan, & Sulu
P a g e 22 | 84
Capability Building
Aquaculture Skills Training 4 300,000.00 100 Lanao Del Sur, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
& Tawi-Tawi
Postharvest and Marketing
Fish Based Value-Added 2 160,000.00 100 Maguindanao Completed
Processing Training Lanao Del Sur
Seaweed Based Value-Added 2 160,000.00 100 Basilan & Completed
Processing Training Tawi-Tawi
Thermal Processing Training 2 160,000.00 100 Sulu & Basilan Completed
(Bottled Fish Products)
Training on GMP, SSOP, 2 160,000.00 100 Sulu & Completed
HACCP, and HALAL Maguindanao
Training on Marketing and 2 160,000.00 100 Maguindanao & Completed
Entrepreneurship Sulu
Capture Skills Training 3 240,000.00 100 Basilan, Sulu, Completed
& Tawi-Tawi
Resource Management 3 240,000.00 100 Maguindanao, Completed
Training Lanao Del Sur,
& 63 Barangay
Fish Vending Set 50 1,500,000. 100 All Completed
00 BARMMwide
Smoke Fish Display Cabinet 25 250,000.00 100 Maguindanao & Completed
Lanao Del Sur
Fish Processing Sets
Fish Drying Processing Set 25 875,000.00 100 Maguindanao, Completed
Basilan, Sulu,
Tawi-Tawi, &
63 Barangay
Fisheries postharvest
Freezer 30 900,000.00 100 All Completed
Fish Drying racks 70 700,000.00 100 All Completed
Fish stalls with weighing scale 30 300,000.00 100 Basilan, Sulu, Completed
& Tawi-Tawi
Smoke House 5 150,000.00 100 Maguindanao Completed
Portable Smoke House 20 12,000.00 100 Maguindanao Completed
Fish meat grinder 10 50,000.00 100 Maguindanao Completed

P a g e 23 | 84
Fiscal Year 2022
Land Acquisition and
Distribution (LAD)
Claim Folder Preparation and 1870.34 6,546,198.60 20 Lanao Del Continues
Documentation (CF Doc) Sur, Implementation
Sulu, &Tawi-
Land Survey 1770.34 10,313,694.2 60 Lanao Del Procurement
5 Sur, Stage
Sulu, &
Post-land Distribution
Activities (POST-LAD)
Subdivision Survey of 2269.43 11,347,146.4 60 Basilan, Procurement
Collective CLOAs 0 Lanao Del Stage
& Tawi-Tawi
Land Acquisition and 150 52,500.00 Maguindanao Continues
Distribution Information Sheet Implementation
ARB Profiling and Carding 4400 1,666,305.00 35 All Continues
System BARMMwide Implementation
102nd Main Camp Tangisun 13445 4,891,890.00 Lanao Del
Agriculture Cooperative Sur
Kudal Peoples 14653 4,670,050.00 Maguindanao
Organization/Inug-Ug Farmers
One Tabawan Association 100905 3,168,520.00 100 Tawi-Tawi Completed
Lamitan Agrarian Reform 100932 2,928,650.00 100 Basilan Completed
Beneficiaries Cooperative

P a g e 24 | 84
Climate Resilient Farm
Productivity Support Project
Lower D'lag Farmers 7 800,000.00 Maguindanao
Tipo-Tipo Agrarian Refrom 5 700,000.00 Basilan
Beneficiaries Development
Taraka Farmers and 3 700,000.00 LDS
Sitio Upper Mahlum ARB 4 1,640,000.00 Tawi-Tawi
Producers Association
Social Infrastructure
Building (SIB)
Organizational Development 7 350,000.00 Basilan,
and Strengthening Lanao Del
Sulu, & Tawi-
Formation of ARB 4 200,000.00 Lanao Del
Organization for potentials Sur,
and new Maguindanao,
ARBs (LTI PBD integration) Sulu, & Tawi-
ARB Membership 525 157,500.00 Lanao Del
Recruitment Sur & Tawi-
Enterprise Development and
Economic Support (EDES)
Development of Products and 5 250,000.00 Basilan,
Services Lanao Del
Sulu, & Tawi-
Provision of Business 5 250,000.00 Basilan,
Development Services (BDS) Lanao Del
Sulu, & Tawi-
Major Crop-Based Block 3 360,000.00 100 Maguindanao, Completed
Farm Productivity Sulu, & Tawi-
P a g e 25 | 84
Enhancement Tawi
Support to Women Agrarian
Reform Beneficiaries
Financial Literacy Program for 100 500,000.00 100 Lanao Del Completed
Women Agrarian Reform Sur, Sulu, &
Beneficiaries Tawi-Tawi


Fiscal Year 2021 Extended Funds
Rice Crop Manager (RCM): A 1 project 100 Completed
Comprehensive Decision established - 235 RCM
Support Tool for Increasing Recommen
Yields and Income for Farmers dations
in BARMM generated
Philippine Rice Information 20 field 100 Completed
SysteM (PRiSM): An established - 20 field
Operational System for Rice /monitored sites
Monitoring to Support conducted/
Decision Making Towards monitored
Increased Rice Production in
the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao
Accelerating Development and 16 69 (5 for dry and
Adoption of Next-Generation participato 6 for Wet
(Next-Gen) Rice Varieties for ry varietal Season-on-go
the Major Ecosystems in selection
Establishment of techno-demo 5 livestock
farms on Halal crops and established (Goat)
livestock production Techno- distributed to
demo 100
Farms participants /
sites beneficiaries
100 100 Completed
participant - 4 sites or
s/ batches of
beneficiari participants
es trained and
the last
P a g e 26 | 84
gave a
during the
in the sites
Community-Based 5 40 2 sites
Participatory Action Research established scheduled for
(CPAR) on Crops-livestock Techno- the distribution
and poultry integrated farming demo of Livestock
system Farms (goat)
100 40 no training
participant conducted only
s/ technical
beneficiari briefing for the
es 2 sites
Research Study on Halal 1 research lapsed due to
Poultry Feeds Studied the agri inputs
not delivered
Selection and adaptability of 30 techno- lapsed due to
stress-tolerant seeds/planting demo the agri inputs
materials for priority established not delivered

Establishment of techno-demo 10 Techno lapsed due to

on Package of Technologies Demo the agri inputs
(POTs) on vegetable established not delivered
production cum seed

Fiscal Year 2022

Rice Crop Manager (RCM): A 1000 field Detailed
Comprehensive Decision recommen Proposal and
Support Tool for Increasing dation PRs Approved;
Yields and Income of generated waiting for the
Bangsamoro Rice Farmers and BAC signal
disseminat for PR fin
ed meals
Establishment of mangosteen 1 The Detailed
orchard garden for varietal adaptabilit Proposal and
P a g e 27 | 84
adaptability trials in Sulu y trial PRs were
established approved;

PRs amounting
below 50
thousand were
and higher
amounts were
processed in
the BAC
Evaluation of the efficiency of 1 trial The Detailed
Artificial Insemination (A.I.) established Proposal and
for Poultry (Chicken and PRs were
Duck) in BARMM approved;

PRs amounting
below 50
thousand were
subject to
while higher
amounts were
processed in
the BAC.
Pilot testing for Model 1 model Returned to the
Ladderized Production farm Admin and
Support System established Finance Office
for approval of
PRs of the
Conduct of BARMM RDE 1 forum 100 Completed
Technology Forum conducted - The project
16, 2022
Establishment of BARMM 4 92.91 1053 farmers
Agricultural Soil Information coordinati were given free
System (BASIS) on laboratory
meetings services and
conducted fertilizer
with recommendatio
offices 318 hectares
of agricultural

P a g e 28 | 84
2 GIS areas registered
mapping in RSBSA
equipment were mapped
procured in terms of pH,
nitrogen (N),
9 Research phosphorus
Associates (P), and
, 1 GIS potassium (K)
1, 1 On-going
Chemist, creation of
and 2 agricultural
Laboratory atlas for
Aides twenty-one
hired (21)
municipali 110 soil test
ties from kits to be
Basilan, produced after
Tawi- delivery of
Tawi, materials
Lanao del
Sur, and Awaiting for
Maguinda balance report
nao were from Budget
mapped Section.
MAFAR Control Panel for 1 97.07 Payment for
Animal Disease Recognition renovated the
Enhancement Services Serology procurement of
(MAFAR-CARES) Laboratory lab supplies is
underway. On-
8 Program going blood
Manageme collection and
nt animal
Activities laboratory
conducted testing
1 Program regionwide.

kits, and


P a g e 29 | 84



Accelerating Development and 14 On-going

Adoption of Next Generation Participato implementation
(Next-Gen) Rice Varieties for ry of the project.
the Major Ecosystem in Performan The team
BARMM ce Testing planned to
and validate
Validation possible sites
(PPTV) in
and Lanao Del

Philippine Rice Information 20 field 40 12 sites on-

SysteM (PRiSM): An sites going
Operational System for Rice monitoring
Monitoring to Support
Decision Making Towards
Increased Rice Production in
the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao
P a g e 30 | 84
Selection and evaluation of 2 ObEx:
promising varieties of cassava evaluation Travelling
(high yield, good eating trials expenses
quality, low cyanic content) established
for food consumption
Screening of traditional 2 ObEx:
varieties of corn tolerant to screening Travelling
biotic and abiotic stresses trials expenses

Research on durian and 1 agri- ObEx:

mangosteen food processing, based food Travelling
packaging and shelf life product expenses

Production and promotion of 3 Techno OBex -

climate-smart rice varieties, Demo and Consultancy &
corn and adlay Evaluation Travelling

AGRI ROS -Lanao del sur

Collection, characterization 1 100 implemented

and propagation of traditional accession
cassava varieties in Lanao del collected
Establishment of Sustainable 1 Project 100 implemented
Corn Production in Sloping Establishe
Areas d

Establishment of fresh food 1 Techno waiting for the

always in the home Demo and downloading
Demonstration Project Establishe of funds

Establishment of techno-demo 1 Techno

on free range chicken Demo and

Conduct training on lowland 1 training 9

and Upland palay check conducted
system, corn production
system, vegetables production
system and Sloping
Agricultural Land Technology

P a g e 31 | 84
Operation and maintenance of 1 unit 100 waiting for the
Research Outreach Station in downloading
Lanao del Sur of funds


Germplasm collection and 1 waiting for

propagation of native durian in Accession the
sulu Collected downloading
of funds
Establishment of adaptability 1 AYT waiting for
varietal trial on Rice and corn conducted the
of funds
Establishment of techno demo 1 Techno waiting for
on Vegetable production Demo and the
Establishe downloading
d of funds
Establishment of techno demo 1 Techno waiting for
farm on poultry production Demo and the
with hatchery Establishe downloading
d of funds
Upgraded Goat Stock 1 Project waiting for
Production for Dispersal Establishe the
d downloading
of funds
Operation and maintenance of 1 unit 100 implemented
Research Outreach Station in
AGRI ROS- Tawi-Tawi

Techno Demo on Vegetable 1 techno-

Production cum Seed demo
Production established

Operation and maintenance of 1 unit 100 Implemented

Research Outreach Station in
AGRI ROS- Basilan

Establishment of techno-demo 1 techno- waiting for

on free range native chicken demo the
establishe downloading
d of funds
Operation and maintenance of 1 unit 100 implemented
Research Outreach Station in
P a g e 32 | 84
AGRI ROS- Maguindanao

Training on Research proposal 1 waiting for

Making the
of funds
Operation and maintenance of allocation
Research Outreach Station in provided
Maguindanao from AGRI
a. Repair and Maintenance ROS-Lanao
b. Supplies and Materials
del Sur (P
a. 1 unit 100,000) and
b. 3 unit (P150,000)
a. waiting for
the technical
design from
Aquaculture Research

Establishment of Agri- 1 Waiting for

Aquaponics Pilot Testing in the delivery
Ligawasan; Ladderized of materials;
Production Support System Source of
Fund GAA
Grouper Broodstock 1 100 Implemented;
Development in Floating cages Still waiting
for the
Source of
and NFP
Abalone breeding and Natural 1 100 Operational;
food production there is an
facility which
is the pycho-
laboratory for
natural food
P a g e 33 | 84
Source of

Photographic Documentations
Agriculture Services
Supply and delivery of Palay seeds for distribution to the provinces

Supply and distribution of Corn seeds and fertilizers

Supply and distribution of Corn seeds and fertilizers

P a g e 34 | 84
Distributed 1,440 heads of free-range native chicken for Halal compliant production under
regional allocation in the following areas in the province of Maguindanao and SGA, to wit:
 Datu Odin Sinsuat
 Mamasapano
 Datu Saudi Ampatuan
 Shariff Saydona Mustapha
 Guindulungan
 Sultan Kudarat
 Talayan
 Datu Montawal
 Special Geographic Area (SGA)
 Pagalungan
 Buluan

P a g e 35 | 84
Distributed 360 heads of native Chicken for Halal compliant production with inspectorate team
and the representative from COA dated September 30, 2022 intended/allocation for MAFAR-
Basilan at Sta., Clara, Lamitan.

Agricultural Machineries, Equipments, Infrastructure Support

Feed Mixer (small scale) was completed/delivered on February 18, 2022 at Brgy. Muti,
Guindulungan, Maguindanao.

Development of small-scale Halal Feed Mill in the BARMM located at Brgy. Muti,
Guindulungan, Maguindanao.

P a g e 36 | 84
Halal Food Meat Processing Training Center in BARMM located at Brgy. Madia, Datu Saudi
Ampatuan, Maguindanao.

Integrated Halal Slaughter House and Poultry Dressing Plant (Class AA) located at Brgy.
Sambolawan, Datu Salibo, Maguindanao.

Extension Support, Education, and Training Services (ESETS)

P a g e 37 | 84
Halal Goat Production and Management training was conducted on May 24, 2022 @ Lamitan
City, Basilan

Training on Halal Slaughtering was conducted on May 25, 2022 at @ Lamitan City, Basilan.

Seminar on Philippine National Standards on Halal, Halal certification and Agri-fishery

production was conducted on June 23, 2022 @ MAFAR MPH, Bangkal, Patikul, Sulu

P a g e 38 | 84
Training on Halal Agri-fishery production was conducted on June 28, 2022 @ MAFAR MPH,
Bangkal, Patikul, Sulu.

Training on Halal Slaughtering was conducted on June 21, 2022 @ MAFAR MPH, Bangkal,
Patikul, Sulu.

Training on Halal Agri-fishery production was conducted on May 26-27, 2022 @ Pagasinan,
Bongao,Tawi-Tawi and attended by 31 participants.

P a g e 39 | 84
BINHI-Livestock and Poultry
Conduct of rabies vaccination in support to the Rabies Awareness Month Celebrationat Brgy.
Sanggadong, Kabacan and Brgy. Tupig, Carmen, North Cotabato (March 29-30, 2022)

Delivery of Veterinary Drugs and Biologics GAAB 2021 (extended) at MAFAR – SGA 63 Barangay
(April 20, 2022)

Delivery of Egg Incubator 2021 at Brgy. Macasampen, Guindulungan, Maguindanao

(April 21, 2022)

Delivery of veterinary drugs and biologics for the province of Sulu

P a g e 40 | 84
Delivery of veterinary drugs and biologics for the province of Tawi-Tawi

Delivery of veterinary drugs and biologics for the province of Basilan

P a g e 41 | 84
Delivery of 65 Heads Native Goat under GAAB 2021 Binhi Livestock at Brgy. Kayaga, Kabacan,
North Cotabato on February 17, 2022 (Allocation for SGA 63 Barangay)

Delivery of 100 Heads Native Chicken under GAAB 2021 Binhi Livestock at Brgy. Kayaga,
Kabacan, North Cotabato on February 17, 2022 (Allocation for SGA 63 Barangay)

Conduct of Animal Vaccination at Datalpandan, Guindulungan, Maguindanao on January 20,


P a g e 42 | 84
Conduct of Animal Vaccination at Brgy. Nabalawag, Barira, Maguindanao on January 25, 2022

BINHI- High Value Crops Development

Provision of seedlings as planting materials

BINHI-Organic Agriculture
Supply and delivery of assorted organic vegetable seeds

P a g e 43 | 84
Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD)
The ministry had participated to the Bangsamoro Foundation Day celebration through
MAFARLENGKE sa BGC on February 18, 2022

The ministry had successfully participated to the Bangsamoro Womens Month Celebration
through its MAFARLENGKE ni Fatima (Gender and Development Trade Fair and Exhibits) at
the Bangsamoro Government Center, Cotabato City on March 9, 2022.

P a g e 44 | 84
The ministry, through its Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD) and Fisheries
PostHarvest and Marketing Division (FPHMD) joins the Mindanao Trade Expo 2022, Araw ng
Davao Trade Fair at the Abreeza Mall, Davao City on March 9-13, 2022.

MAFAR Minister Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., led the launching of the MAFARamadhan sa
BGC. This is a trade fair for the whole month of Ramadhan. The market place is in front of
MAFAR-BARMM, Bangsamoro Government Center, Cotabato City.

The ministry through AMAD had validated the proposed site for the establishment of the Market
Shed through the ministry’s MAFAR Local Exchange and Network of Goods in any Kind of
Emergency (MAFARLENGKE) in Guindulungan, Maguindanao and at Brgy. Talub, Tamparan,
Lanao del Sur on April 25-26, 2022, respectively

P a g e 45 | 84
The ministry through AMAD had validated the proposed site for the establishment of the Market
Shed through the ministry’s MAFAR Local Exchange and Network of Goods in any Kind of
Emergency (MAFARLENGKE) in Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi province on May 11-18, 2022

P a g e 46 | 84
Validation of MAFARLENDS 2022 Applicants for Maguindanao Province (Sultan Mastura,
Sultan Kudarat, Shariff Shaydona Mustapha, Datu Piang, Datu Salibo, Mamasapano, Datu Saudi
Ampatuan, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Guindulungan, Talayan, Datu Abdullah Sangki, Kabuntalan, Datu
Anggal Midtimbang, Sultan Sa Barongis, Datu Paglas, Upi, Gen. Salipada K. Pendatun and
Cotabato City and Pikit North Cotabato.

Validation of MAFARLENDS 2022 Applicants for Maguindanao Province ( Sultan Mastura,

Sultan Kudarat, Shariff Shaydona Mustapha, Datu Piang, Datu Salibo, Mamasapano, Datu Saudi
Ampatuan, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Guindulungan, Talayan, Datu Abdullah Sangki, Kabuntalan, Datu
Anggal Midtimbang, Sultan Sa Barongis, Datu Paglas, Upi, Gen. Salipada K. Pendatun and
Cotabato City and Pikit North Cotabato.

Conduct of Orientation on Bangsamoro Farmers and Fisherfolk Enterprise Development

Information System (FFEDIS) and E-Bangsamoro System cum Organizational Management
Skills Training on May 23-25, 2022 at 88 Hotel, Koronadal City
P a g e 47 | 84
Conduct of Stakeholders Consultation on Coffee and Banana May 26-28, 2022 at 88 Hotel,
Koronadal City

Photo Documentation during the Training on Mango, Banana, Cacao Production Cum Enterprise
Development with Field Trips May 11-12, 2022 at Sulu Province

P a g e 48 | 84
Conduct Validation, Monitoring and Orientation of ACEP-GIAHEP Scholarship Program in
•June 13-14, 2022, Marawi City/Lanao del Sur
- Buad Agricultural School
-Adiong Memorial Polytechnic State College
-Mindanao State University-Marawi
•June 15-17, 2022, Tawi-Tawi
-Tawi-Tawi Regional Agricultural College

P a g e 49 | 84
The Agribusiness Marketing Assistance Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and
Agrarian Reform led the Training on Financial Management and Simple Bookkeeping on June 21-
23 at Golden Lace Fine Dining Resto, Cotabato City.

𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐏. The PGs participate in the discussion

of Leadership and Governance led by RPCO-BARMM I-REAP head Dr. Tong D. Pinguiaman. It
aims to give them a clear understanding of how to be good leaders and managers in their
organizations. June 9, 2022, South Cotabato

Market Linkages On High Value Crops (Sakurab ,(White Scallion)) And Scoping Session Cum
Inception Meeting For The Cluster Wide Value Chain Analysis (Vca) Of Sakurab July 6-9, 2022,
Harbor Lights Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City

P a g e 50 | 84
Participation during the Online Training “Market-Oriented Agriculture Promotion for Asian
Countries (Planning and Management) under the Technical Cooperation Program of the
Government of Japan. July 25-29, 2022, at JICA Philippines Office in Makati City.

Participation in the Mid-Year Cluster Assessment of the Implementation of Agricultural

Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (ACEF) Program for CY 2022. July 26-29, 2022 at Mezzo
Hotel, Cebu City

P a g e 51 | 84
The ministry, through its Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD) and Fisheries
Post-Harvest and Marketing Division (FPHMD) joins the 48th Nutrition Month Symposium and
Culmination Activity. Theme: BARMM CHILDREN SHOULD HAVE ENOUGH: “Addressing
Micronutrient Deficiencies through Supplementation and Food Fortification in the New Normal,
the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform showcase the Nutrition Booth in the
exhibit during the event.July 21, 2022 at Robinsons Function Hall 1 of Alnor, Cotabato City

P a g e 52 | 84
The ministry, through its Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD) conducted a
Cooking Contest in the Celebration of the 48th Nutrition Month 2022. Four groups participated
and showcased their talent in cooking including Yantakus Marketing Cooperative, Prince CJ,
Magsaysay Women’s Association and Sambiar Marketing Fisherfolk Multi-Purpose Cooperative.
After thorough judging, Sambiar Marketing Fisherfolk Multi-Purpose Cooperative won the
contest and received a cash prize. July 27, 2022 at City Mall, Cotabato City

The Ministry participated in the celebration of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME)
Week of the MTIT showcasing the different exhibitors from the other ministries in the
Bangsamaro Region. July 25-29, 2022 at City Mall, Cotabato City

Participation during the BIMP-EAGA Vision 2025 Midterm Review (MTR) Task Force Meeting.
July 19-22, 2022 at Century Park Hotel, Metro Manila
P a g e 53 | 84
MAFAR-AMAD in Collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (UNFAO) as a Resource Person on “Training-of-Trainers on Agro-Enterpreneurship Risk
Reduction and Management and Climate ChangeAdaptation for Business Continuity. August 1-3,
2022 at Koronadal City

Participation in the Poultry Industry Investment Forum and Business Matching in Special
Geographic Area (SGA), July 28, 2022 at Kabacan, North Cotabato.
P a g e 54 | 84
Training on Mango, Banana, Cacao Production cum enterprise Development and Field Trips ,
June 8-10, 2022. BARMMIARC Training Center, Sultan Kudarat Maguindanao, Kablon Farms,
Tupi South Cotabato
The Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Section conducted the Training on Mango, Banana,
cacao Production cum Enterprise Development and Field trips to currently producing and/or
aspiring Mango, Banana and Cacao farmers. Thirty farmers from six cooperatives in
Maguindanao were invited to attend the training starting June 8 to June 10, 2022 at
BARMMIARC Sultan Kudarat Maguindanao (June 8-9) and Kablon Farms in Tupi South

P a g e 55 | 84
Packaging and Labelling Training, July 12-13, 2022, Golden Lace Fine Dining Resto, Macapagal
St. Rosary Heights IX, Cotabato City
The Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Section conducted the Packaging and Labelling
Training to FFCAs who are engaged in processing of value added agri-fishery products. Eighteen
farmers from nine FFCAs (2 participants per FFCA) in Maguindanao were Invited to attend the
packaging and labelling training conducted last July 12-13 at Golden Lace Fine Dining, Cotabato
City. The activity aims to help farmers and fisherfolks in developing value-added products with
high quality and marketability.

Training on Labelling and Packaging at Sitio Lambog, Parangan, Tawi-Tawi on July 13-14, 2022

P a g e 56 | 84
𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐊𝐄 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐨 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐨
Through its MAFAR Local Exchange and Network of Goods in any Kind of Emergency
(MAFARLENGKE) as the banner marketing development program of the Ministry of
Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform, participated in the Mindanao Trade Exposition.
The week-long expo would last from August 12-19, 022 on the Ground Floor, Activity Center of
Abreeza Mall.From MAFAR, different products of the various provinces consisting of food and
non-food products were showcased and offered for sale. These products include coffee, seaweed
chips, dried fish, salted eggs, banana chips, native delicacies, decorated weaved mats, handicrafts,
keychains, inaul, and other textiles.
The event is spearheaded by the Mindanao Trade Expo Foundation, in partnership with the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Agriculture (DA), Philippine Exporters
Confederation Inc. (PHILEXPORT), and Abreeza Ayala Malls

P a g e 57 | 84
M𝐀𝐅𝐀𝐑 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐯𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
More than 40 Bangsamoro farmers from the Municipality of Barira and Matanog Maguindanao
underwent Training on Vegetable Production under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Agrarian Reform Gender and Development Program on August 23-26, 2022.The said training was
focused on pumpkin planting, where Senior Agriculturist Ramil M. Timpolok and Agriculturist II
Edres M. Kasabican served as resource speakers.

Site Validation for the Establishment of Market Shed in Special Geographic Area and Cotabato
City, August 11-12, 2022
P a g e 58 | 84
Training on Labelling and Packaging, August 10, 2022 at Sta. Clara, Lamitan City

M𝐀𝐅𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐐𝐆𝐈𝐒

50 technical officers underwent a training workshop on Quantum Geographic Information System
(QGIS) on August 30 to September 2, 2022.Spearheaded by the MAFAR- Agribusiness
Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD) at Pagana Native Restaurant.

P a g e 59 | 84
AMAD OIC Chief Datu Hamsur Zaid emphasized the objective of the activity, and he said, "Our
industry today is more innovative, that is why we need to upgrade our technology tool to gather
more specific and authentic data that we will be using as a guide to identify our beneficiaries.”

MAFAR BARMM participates in the First Garden Show 2022. The activity dubbed as
Pamumulan sa MAFARLENGKE will run from September 15-18, 2022, at the Alnor Parking
Grounds, Cotabato City. Three exhibitors are invited to the said event.

𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐬 T𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 B𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐲 P𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐲𝐨 M𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 S𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform, in collaboration with the
Information and Communications Technology Service, conducted training to facilitate the
expansion, strengthening, and nationwide implementation of the price and supply monitoring
system of selected agri-fisheries commodities.

P a g e 60 | 84
On September 21-23, the Agribusiness Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD) spearheaded the
Marketing and Entrepreneurship Training-Workshop cum Re-orientation/Walkthrough and
Hands-On Training on bantay Presyo Monitoring System (BPMS) and Trading Post Commodity
Volume Watch (TPCVW) at Pagana Native Restaurant, Cotabato City

MAFAR-BARMM participates to the Regional Coffee Industry Roadmap Formulation Workshop

(Session 1) at Pinnacle Hotel, Davao City on September 5-9, 2022.

Participation to Industry Forums, Fairs, Expo: Philippine Coffee Expo 2022/Workshop for
Stakeholders Consultation for Coffee at SMX Lanang, Davao City on September 13-17, 2022.

P a g e 61 | 84
Exploratory/Inception meeting with Mindanao State University-Maguindanao regarding their
proposed studies in Maguindanao on September 27, 2022.
During Workshop on Designing Buyback Scheme for the LGUs in the Adoption of Home-grown
School Feeding at General Santos City on September 26-29, 2022

Conduct of Benchmarking Activities in preparation to the Market Linkages on Rice and Corn
Industries in BARMM, at Carmen, Libungan, Kabacan, North Cotabato, LAMSAN Holding
Corporation, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao on October 6-9, 2022.

P a g e 62 | 84
Fisheries Services
Conduct of Fishing Gear and Standardization Workshop, June 29-30, 2022, Cotabato City

Participated in Tuna Congress, September 1-2, 2022, General Santos City

P a g e 63 | 84
Conduct Monitoring Assessment/Validation & Technical Assistance, May 16-29, 2022,
Maguindanao and Sulu

Fisherfolk Month Celebration, May 12, 2022, D&M Catering Services, Cotabato City

Mangrove Crab Hatchery Operations, June 5-19, 2022, SEAFDEC, Iloilo

P a g e 64 | 84
Cage Culture of Marine Species, April 18-19, 2022, NMC, Panabo City

Training on Improved Seaweed farming technologies, June 5-12, 2022, BFAR-NSTDC, Sorsogon

P a g e 65 | 84
Fish Feed Formulation, May 30 - June 3, 2022, Safe Haven, Cotabato City

Fishpond Operation and Management Training, September 6-8, 2022, CNX, Cotabato City

CAPTURE Training entitled, "Training on Fishing Gear and Fishing Method" held @ Bangungui,
Sulu on August 23 - 24, 2022

P a g e 66 | 84
AQUACULTURE Training entitled, “Seaweed Farming, Post-Harvest and Marketing" held @
MAFAR Fisheries Building, Port Area, Jolo, Sulu on Aug. 19 - 20, 2022

Aquaculture Skills Training: Finfish Culture in Marine Fish Cages held @ Karaha, Panglima
Sugala on March 18-20, 2022.

Aquaculture Skills Training: Conducts

Hands-On Training On Fishpond And Fish-Cage Operation, June 29, 2022, Lanao del Sur
P a g e 67 | 84
Successful Milkfish Operators in Kalangan II, Cotabato City

Artificial Reef Deployment (CNU)

Mangrove Rehabilitation

P a g e 68 | 84
P a g e 69 | 84
P a g e 70 | 84
P a g e 71 | 84
P a g e 72 | 84
P a g e 73 | 84
Agrarian Reform Services
Orientation on ARC Launching and Document Preparation on July 18-19, 2022 (1st batch) and
July 21-23,2022 (2nd batch) at Pagana Kutawato Native Restaurant, Cotabato City

P a g e 74 | 84
Islamic Microfinance Training of Facilitators for Agrarian Reform Sector on June 21-22, 2022 at
Pagana Kutawato Native Restaurant, Cotabato City

Technology Orientation on Agrarian Reform Community Developemnt Plan Formulation on June

23, 2022 at Pagana Kutawato Native Restaurant, Cotabato City

Farm Business School (FBS) Training of Facilitators (TOF) for Agrarian Reform Sector (Phase II)
cum PBD Lawyering last September 6-7, 2022 at Bihing Tahik Resort, Bongao,

P a g e 75 | 84
Under the CRFPSP, MAFAR Agrarian Reform Division conducted Training on Coffee
Production for TARBADECO held at Tipo-Tipo, Basilan last September 26, 2022.

Under the Social Infrastructure Building (SIB), MAFAR Agrarian Reform Division conducted
Organizational Strengthening for TIPARBECO held at Municipal Hall, Ungkaya Pukan last
August 2, 2022.

P a g e 76 | 84
P a g e 77 | 84
P a g e 78 | 84
IV. Issues/Concerns and Recommendations
Challenges in Agriculture and Fisheries Sectors
The rising prices on energy, oil, fertilizer, and high input costs. Many Bangsamoro farmers
fisherfolk are simply unable to take their production further due to the high expense of many
critical inputs. These include lack of Post-Harvest Facilities, Climate Change, Market Forces,
Land Rent, and Demographics. These challenges put the region difficulty to fill local production
The big gap in the transportation and connectivity also a big challenge to the region as it is the
primary link of farm produce to the market. The slow pace of the rehabilitation, construction, and
opening of new farm-to-market roads is the biggest friction of agri-fishery development in the
Low competitiveness, food security, and high poverty incidence are the main challenges of the
agriculture and fishery sectors. Climate change is a big threat that can exacerbate poor
performance of the sector.
A host of issues beset postharvest handling and marketing. Limited postharvest and storage
facilities, inadequate transport infrastructure and services, limited knowledge on proper product
handling or grading, poor packaging materials, lack of incentives to improve quality of produce
and tedious processes for product registration all these lead to high postharvest losses, inflated
marketing costs, low farm gate prices and poor competitiveness.
a) External threats to crop productivity, fisheries and aquaculture production
Despite the region’s vast water resources, fertile lands, and suitable climatic condition ideal for
various farming activities, the region has yet to realize the full potential of its agriculture sector
as crop productivity continues to be vulnerable to climate change and natural disasters.
Another factor affecting agricultural production is climate change and natural disaster. The
changing climate conditions also affected fish catch among fisherfolks across the provinces in
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).
Pest and insect proliferation affect the growth of agricultural crops. To cite an example,
infestation of wild hogs hindered farmers farming activities in Tawi-tawi. In the case of Lake
Lanao, proliferation of foreign species as the main reason for the lake’s degradation.
b) Limited market development and market networking
One of the recurring issues that describe the challenges of the agriculture sector is selling their
products. Compared with other regions in Mindanao Island, marketing and selling their product
is quite a challenge for the farmers especially for smallholders.
Challenges related to this issue includes price of agricultural products, limited market for crops,
non- competitive agricultural industry, and agricultural value chain.

P a g e 79 | 84
The absence of post-processing facilities for the fisheries and aquaculture products in the island
provinces put their province at a disadvantaged position as they can only sell such products as
Smallholder farmers end up selling their produce to the usual businessmen/middlemen whom
they borrowed money for capital inputs due to limited market for their crops.
c) Observable decline human capital
More farmers prefer their children to pursue other profession other than farming to relieve them
from poverty.
In addition, the floodings because of unexpected typhoons presumably the effect of rising
temperature due to climate change. Mostly affected are the rice and corn productions in the
region particularly in the provinces of Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur respectively.
Maguindanao serves as the rice granary and major production area of the region belongs to
Mindanao catch basin that in the advent of continuous rains, the low-lying municipalities which
are among the rice production areas are experiencing perennial flooding and damages the crops
and hard to recover if not given immediate attention, support, and urgent intervention.


Opportunities in the agriculture and fisheries sectors

The Bangsamoro region shall endeavor to produce its own agri-fishery inputs to supply the needs
of the local farmers and fisherfolks in the region, enhance the implementation of pre and post-
harvest facilities, promote organic farming to uplift the health of the Bangsamoro people and to
minimize carbon emissions, and fast track the rehabilitation, construction, and opening of new
farm-to-market roads in the identified agri-fishery production areas in the region.
The Bangsamoro Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) shall build economic zones, industrial
zones, free ports, food terminals, and barter trades to accommodate the agri-fishery produce in
the region and to promote the local brands either locally and internationally.
The ministry can capitalize some of the region’s top crop products by formulating new products
and ways on how to use these crop products.
With BARMM’s large marine resources, new industries can specialize in post- processing/post-
harvest of fishery products.
Another potential industry in the region is the Halal Industry.
An equitable distribution of land can be a powerful strategy towards promoting economic
development and environmental quality as farmers tend to be better environmental stewards by
protecting and enhancing the soil fertility and water quality permanently to benefit from it.
P a g e 80 | 84
Farmers, council members and experts are also seeking a participatory form of governance in the
management of the agricultural sector where peasants, women, youth, indigenous people, civil
society organizations, business and academe can be heard.
Strategies of the Ministry
The following are the strategies of the ministry in order to achieve a food-secure and progressive
Bangsamoro. It envisions a Bangsamoro region of food-secure society where farmers enjoy
decent and rising standard of living. This is through increasing productivity, strengthening farm
mechanization, promoting climate resilient production systems; promoting product and farm
diversification; reducing post-harvest losses and conduct capability training across farmers,
fisherfolk and small landowners.
The ministry has these strategies on increasing the rice productivity; growing rice where it is best
grown; expansion of irrigation system; use of hybrids; support to upland and rainfed lowland rice
farms; adoption of yield-enhancing technologies and development and application of decision
support tools.
On the other hand, on the strengthening farm mechanization, the ministry shall continue the
provision of technical services; strengthen support to farmers’ association; and supporting
modernization or upgrade of postharvest facilities.
On the aspect of promoting climate resilient production system, there shall be regional testing of
varieties under various ecological conditions may identify varieties specific to defined ecological
conditions -- identified varieties should be produced and recommended to farmers.

Buy-back scheme (Government to Government partnership)

The ministry may opt to introduce a buy-back scheme of farmers and fisherfolks produces to
boost the eagerness of individuals in joining the farming and fishing productions and businesses.
This may include the capacity building of the youth sector to engage in farming and fishing
productions to mitigate the achievement of food security in the region.
One of the challenges in the agri-fishery sector is the aging farmers and fisherfolks and the youth
sector has less interest in the farming and fishing productions. To lure them to have the interest
in these sectors of the economy, the government must equip them and provide them necessary
interventions, trainings, and support them scholarships in the field of agriculture and fisheries

Boosting the corn industry of the region

Increasing production of quality corn for human consumption, feeds and industrial uses, as well
as empower the farmers and support various stakeholders to be cost efficient, profitable,
sustainable and resilient.

P a g e 81 | 84
These can be done through increasing productivity through adoption of technologies and planting
corn only in growing areas with comparable advantage; improving market connectivity and
standard compliance through interventions such as contract growing; making corn production
systems resilient to climate change and promoting white corn grits as complimentary food staple.
These are other strategies; conduct of technology demonstration; extensive promotion of modern
production technologies; improving extension delivery system; expanding farm mechanization;
intensify farm clustering; strengthening breeding program and germplasm collection; enhancing
the yield in resource-limiting upland and sloping land and expanding production areas through
intercropping and adoption of production practices.
Other strategies also include at improving market connectivity and standard compliance;
strengthen farm industry linkages; expanding GAP certified farms and provision of modern
postharvest, drying and storage facilities
On the other hand, the region aimed at making corn production systems resilient to climate
change through designing and building storage facilities for seed reserve; providing appropriate
irrigation system; producing forecasting using site-specific climate and soil data and adopting
disaster risk maps by identifying disaster prone areas

Boosting the high value crops

For the high value crops, it aimed at increasing production income and livelihood opportunities
of small producers; harmonizing development interventions in strategic production areas; and
enhancing resilience to climate change and providing access to affordable, safe and healthy food.
With respect to high value crops, the thrust and priorities are improving efficiently level of farm
operation and management; enhancing productivity and production of priority commodities;
support for processing; steady supply and prices pf products; and promoting of food security in
schools and communities.
Other strategies include providing of quality planting materials; improving commodity
competitiveness to reduce importation of various vegetables; value adding and product
development; rejuvenation and rehabilitation; support full use of local and traditional crop
species with net potential; research, development and extension services; provide/establish
production, post-harvest and product development, equipment and facilities; intensify support to
food safety and consumers’ welfare and stronger coordination and partnerships with other
ministries, government agencies, offices and LGUs.

Increasing the productivity of livestock

The region shall modernize and restructure the production and post-production system to provide
nutritious, safe, accessible and convenient products that satisfy changing consumers’ needs in a
manner that is mutually profitable and equitable along the value chain.
P a g e 82 | 84
The following are the objectives on increasing the livestock industry; increasing livestock
production and improve productivity to help ensure availability, accessibility and affordability of
livestock products; invigorating the rural economy by promoting enterprise development and
increase farmer’s income; ensuring the compatibility of practices in livestock and poultry
enterprises with environmental standards and work for the regional and national competitiveness
of the domestic poultry and livestock enterprises.

Improving the fishery sector of the region

These are the strategies on improving the fishery sector of the region; determining new fishing
grounds and expand access to existing fishing grounds; implementing science- based
conservation and management measures; promoting the use of appropriate and updated
technologies; facilitating livelihood opportunities; improving reporting compliance and
maintaining database; securing the quality fry/seed supply through coordinated investments in
propagation facilities; institutionalizing Good Aquaculture Practices (GAP) for key commodities
and promote sustainable aquaculture; assuring quality and traceability of aquaculture inputs and
outputs; investing on species with high commercial potential; optimizing operation of
mariculture parks; and ensuring climate/disaster resilience of the aquaculture sector.
These strategies can be done through improving fisheries post-harvest and cold chain technology
and facilities; increasing production of value-added products from fish and fishery
by-products/processing wastes; improve compliance of fishing establishments to relevant
national and international regulations; increasing and strengthen fishery-based livelihood and
entrepreneurial programs in coastal communities; and formulating and implement consistent
policies on granting of incentive and other support services.
Other strategies included the expanding the market for sustainable fish and fishery products;
ensuring the availability of sufficient supply in foodfish-deficient areas; increasing the number of
capacitated/competitive fishery-based MSMEs that can enter the market; establishing a
comprehensive market information system; strengthening the enforcement of laws, policies, and
regulations related to trade and marketing; and enhancing capacity/competency of fishery
institutions, manpower, and professionals specific to marketing.

P a g e 83 | 84

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