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EAFIA Accelarator Form Completed (Final)

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Application form | Accelerator - Round 1

Beyond Farming Collective

Before you start…

Thank you for expressing interest in this first Beyond Farming Collective (BFC) Accelerator program. Before filling in the
Application form, please read the BFC Accelerator guide and the Application evaluation criteria. Make sure to respond to each
question in the form, but keep it brief! The filled form should be no longer than 8-10 pages.
To submit your application, send the filled form by email by 30 September, depending on your country to:
- Ethiopia: Meron, AND Valeria,
- Nigeria: David, AND Valeria,
- Tanzania: Grace, AND Valeria,

1. Explain your service innovation in a maximum of 150 words!

Feed is a major determinant input for productivity and welfare of animals. The use of safe and good
quality feed is of paramount importance to ensure sustainable livestock production and productivity that
is useful for the economic and social growth of the country. Feed ingredients are sourced from various
sources through long value chains, exposed to poor transportation, storage and adulteration and as a result
are poor in quality and safety. To address these challenges, EAFIA would like to embark on feed
laboratory analytical service innovation to measure and ensure the nutrient contents/ compositions
(energy, protein, fatty acids, minerals and etc.) and quality of the feed ingredients and to determine the
level of nutriments contents and quality of the compounds that meets requirements of target animals that
would improve productivity and product quality, efficiency in a cost-effective manner for the feed
processors and livestock producers.

2. Target group ✔ Desirability

Describe the target group of the suggested service innovation. Who are they, and where are they located? How big is the target group
you could serve? What is your relationship with them?

The target group for which the feed laboratory analytical service innovation is suggested include the feed
processors (private, farmers’ cooperative unions (FCUs) and other unions), feed input suppliers, livestock
farmers that use compound feed (dairy, poultry, fattening and farms) and other related feed input
suppliers and dealers. Most of these actors are smallholders. There are about 120 feed processors in the
country, of which 66 % are private and 33 % are unions and FCUs. Our laboratory analytical service will
target these member and non-member feed processors with a focus on FCUs found in four regions (6 in
Oromia, 6 in Ahara, 8 in Tigray ,6 in SNNPR). As the private feed laboratory providing analytical service
in the country are about two, they are not easily accessible and costly for small scale feed processors
making it hard for them to compete with large scale processors.

3. Problem & Solution ✔ Desirability

What is the problem, or need of the target group that you are trying to solve? Describe it and how it affects the target group. Also,
explain how the service innovation would help solve the problem.

Quality animal feed is an essential factor determining the optimum animal production, productivity
and animal products quality. Most of the available feeds and feed inputs used by feed processors and
livestock producers are obtained from various sources such as farmers (maize & soyabean), agro-
industrial by-products suppliers, feed dealers, traders and brokers. Most of the private and FCUs/
unions feed processors are smallholders and do not easy access to feed laboratory analytical services
which are often pricy to test and ensure the nutrient contents and quality feeds they buy or sell. This
exposes the feed processors to buy low quality feed inputs and to produce low quality compound feeds
that do not meet quality requirements that satisfy the needs of commercial livestock farmers.
The feed laboratory analytical servic provides accessible and affordable feed quality testing service
that will;

 help ensure nutrient contents of feeds and allows quality-based buying and selling for both the
feed inputs and compound feeds of known quality and safety. This will improve the
productivity and profitability of the feed and livestock producers and the product supply and
product quality used by the large community.
 Avoid mistrust between feed business actors.
 It can play as entry point to enhance awareness and change attitudes of feed producers and
actors to self -regulation in maintaining the feed quality and safety issues and help them run
competitive feed business.
 It can play as central role and creates opportunities to work with professionals to provide
package of services to feed and livestock producers.
 The different feed ingredients and compound feeds analyzed can be complied and published in
bulletins and be used for advisory purposes.
 The service will also generate recurring revenue for EAFIA.

4. Traction ✔ Feasibility
Is the service innovation in the idea stage, or was it already introduced by your organization(s)? Are you currently providing (parts of)
the service? Please explain whether you would like to launch a new service or scale an existing one through the Accelerator.

The proposed feed laboratory analytical service innovation is a new idea for EAFIA. EAFIA needs to
launch a new small-scale feed laboratory analytical service using the Accelerator Fund and to
expand/scale-up it in the future. For measuring and ensuring the feed nutritional contents and quality
of the feed inputs and compound feeds the importance of the feed laboratory analytical service has
been demanded by almost all EAFIA members as the existing feed analytical services are not easily
accessed and costly.

5. Small-scale producer impact ✔ Impact

Explain how the service innovation will improve small-scale producers' livelihoods (through, for example, improved access to
financial and social capital, financial and physical assets, and climate and environmental resilience).

The feed laboratory analytical service will primarily benefit small scale producers. First, it will
benefit small scale feed processors that do not have the capacity to have their products tested to buy
feed inputs and sell their products on quality bases and compete with large scale processors in
selling their products at market and win large scale commercial bids. Secondly, small scale

livestock farmers, who purchase animal feed from small scale processors will benefit from
purchasing quality ensured feed that will improve the productivity of their livestock that directly
translates into improved income. Quality feed as commodity enhance investment, creates jobs
(income)and assets for stallholders (women youths) improve their income and food security,
intensive feeding reduces land degradation and improve environmental resilience and

6. Other impacts ✔ Impact

Will the service innovation contribute to any other of the following impact areas? If yes, explain which one and how.

Feeding quality tested, correctly formulated and properly mixed balanced ration increases animal
productivity, quality of product & animal welfare. With improved productivity, in addition to the
economic gain, it also has a positive impact on food and nutrition.
Land degradation related to open grazing can be reduced with the provision of quality tested animal
compound feed.
Mostly it is women that are involved in a small scale (household) livestock practice. Improving the
productivity of livestock with quality assured feed will benefit women through improved income
and household nutrition.

7. Revenue model ✔ Viability

What is the revenue model of your service innovation? Who is going to pay for what, when and how much?
The major sources of revenue, type and the amount to be collected include:
1) Annual membership fee from 40 active members at initial years (members increase by about two-fold
following service innovation, 2) Special fund raising /sponsorship from 20 capable members and 5 likeminded
3) Revenue from feed Analysis: 3.1) Major feed Inputs: a) Different flour mill by products, b) Different oil
cakes, and c) Brewery grains and other feeds
3.2. Compound feeds/rations: a) Dairy rations (milking &dry cows7calves), b) Fattening rations (cattle, shoats
&etc.) .c) poultry rations (layers, pullets& growers), and d) others rations
Note : the feed analytical service charge is estimated to be 30% less for members as compared to the private
service charge . B/s the purpose of the service charge is not for profit making, but for running and scaling scope
and quality of the service and enhancing other services (training GMP, studies and etc.). The types /sources
revenue and amounts are shown in Table 1 below.

Table1: Physical Plan Types/Sources of Revenue and Revenue /income estimates for Year1(6months) &Year 2
Physical Plan Revenue /income estimated (Birr)
Year Year 2 Year 2 Revenue
Year 1(Oct.2024 to
1( Oct.2024 to (Mar.2015 Unit cost Year 2 (Mar.2015 estimates($USD)
Unit Feb 2,2025 (6
Feb 2,2025 (6 to Feb (Birr) to Feb 2,2026)
No Description of Types/Sources of Revenue months) 2,2026)
Annual /Membership fee(5000Birr) received/ collected
1 from 40 active members but increasing by 40% yearly No 40 56 100,000 280,000
as service innovation begins 5,000
Fund raising /sponsorship from about 20 capable
2 members and 5 organizations increasing by 20% No 25 30 20,000 250,000 600,000
Sub-total (1+2) 350,000 880,000 15,776
3 Revenue from Major Feed Inputs analysis

Maize and 4 flour by-products (bran, short, etc.) tested 3 No of

3.1 120 264 100,800 221,760
times yearly by 20 customers yearly Samples
Testing 4 Oil cakes (noug,, groundnuts, cotton seed
3.2. " " 120 264 100,800 221,760
cake, and other) 3 times by 20 customers/yr. 840
Brewer’s grains& chopped hays(3items) tested 3 times
3.3. " " 90 198 75,600 166,320
yearly by 20 customers yearly
Sub Total 330 726 277,200 609,840 10,933
4 Compound feeds/ rations to be Analyzed
Dairy rations (3 types rations tested 4 times /years by 25 No samples
4.1. 150 330 126,000 277,200
customers/year tested 840
Fattening / 3 types of rations (cattle &shoats
4.2. " " 90 198 75,600 166,320
&emergency feed) 3times/yr. by 20 customers. 840

Poultry rations /3 Types of rations (pullets, layers &etc.)

4.3. " " 150 330 126,000 277,200
tested 4 times by 25 customers yearly
Others (3 types -cattle, shoats& others) 30 66 840 25,200 55,440
Sub Total 420 924 352,800 776,160 13,915
Total Revenue 980,000 2,266,000 40,624

8. Willingness to pay ✔ Desirability
Do you have evidence that the paying customer in your revenue model is willing to pay the suggested price? Please explain.

There is a consensus that this service is very much needed by the feed industry actors verified
through FGDs. The main purpose of EAFIA from the feed analytical service is to promote feed
quality and therefore will only charge an affordable service charge to sustain the operation. The
main goal is not to make profit. The service charge will be lower than the price charged by
private laboratories and will be a better alternative.

9. Financial sustainability ✔ Viability

What is your plan for sustaining the innovation after the Accelerator funding ends? How will you cover the financial needs to
maintain, and potentially scale your innovation?

 The main investment for this service is the initial investment for procurement of equipment and
other needed materials that will be covered by the fund. Even though EAFIA will not focus on
profit taking, the planned service charge will cover the operation cost.
 Providing the feed analytical service will attract additional members to join EAFIA that will
improve membership fees both in amount and volume to sustainably run the innovation service,
even to scale it up, and
 Enhance lobbying closely working with key feed and livestock mandated institutions
(MOA,MoI and etc) and likeminded organizations as partner to get fund and expand the
laboratory services ,use for research on feed quality and safety issues , database development
and etc. to get more acceptances and support.

10. Action plan ✔ Feasibility
Describe a high-level action plan for the 12 months of implementation between March 2024 and February 2025. Define 2-4 key milestones and the main activities you need to implement to complete
No Description of Key Milestones/activities Implementing months from March 2024 and February 2025
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
1 Establish Feed Laboratory Analytical Service Innovation with NIRS t o provide affordable feed
analytical services to feed processors and others to ensure feed quality &safety and to generate
sustainable income for EAFIA to enhances other services to members &feed actors
1.1 Activities following the grants: Preparatory Phase
Conduct discussion with key AFIO leaders and technical team on status if EAFIA is short listed and
1.1.1 check selected feed lab. machines comply with specification, or to update if necessary, and hiring
liaising officer and putting in place
1.1.2 Conduct a half day consultative workshop with members and stakeholders to:
. Introduce the planned activities & implementation and awareness creation to members and users,
. Highlight on methods & procedures of sample collection/receiving from customers, analysis,
dissemination of test results and etc.

2 Renting Laboratory rooms and sample stores (2 rooms) attached to EAFIA office, and/or, lobbying and
finding alternatives to get support from Key Ministry (MOA and/or MOI) -Feed laboratory rooms and
office for future expansion phase

Selection and hiring feed laboratory personnel and provide practical training at ILRI or AAI, and arrange
own Furniture (tables, chairs, &etc.)

b) Purchasing Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Content Analyzer and DS2500F/DS3F Analyzer with all
necessary accessories, software, hardware with guarantee year and manuals including One Mobil feed
testing device and accessories and manuals
Advocacy and awareness creation to members and users and popularization of service through members,
media and websites
3 Implementation

3.1. Arranging & putting in place all logistics and furniture & feed lab. instruments and install instruments

3.2. Demonstrating feed sample collection and receiving from costumers, analysis, disseminate test results and
collecting income (operate at 20- 30%)

3.3 Conduct full-scale operation of sample receiving, analysis and disseminating results and income

11. Budget ✔ Feasibility
Please fill in the table below with the estimated budget needed to achieve the milestones described above.
Table2: Estimated budget
Milestones Accelerator Other Total costs per
budget resources* milestone

1 Investment costs

1.1 Purchasing NIRS Instrument with all necessary items. $ 19,000 $- $ 19,000
with all necessary accessories, maintenance and manual

1.2 Purchasing one Mobil feed testing device with all $4,500 $ -- $4,500
accessories for quick field work

1.3 Purchasing some Lab. Furniture (Clapboard, weighing $- $ 2,500 $ 2,500

scales and etc. +use own furniture

2 Operational costs

Conduct a half day consultative workshop with members $ 2,000 $5,00 $2,500
and stakeholders and introduce the planned activities and
awareness creation and highlight on methods sample
receiving from customers, analysis, dissemination of test

2.1 Renting Laboratory rooms (2 rooms), arranging logistics $5,00 $ 2,500 $ 3,000
and the necessary materials in place

2.2 Hiring liaising office& consultant for short-term and Feed $ 3,000 $3,000 $ 6,000
Laboratory Personnel and provide training,

3 Awareness creation /popularization and demonstrating feed $5,00 $5,00 $1,000

sample collection, analysis and disseminating test results
through medias, etc

4 Starting full-scale operation of feed sample collection $ 5,00 $1000 $1,500

/receiving from customers, handling, analysis and
dispatching results) and car renting

5 Miscellaneous costs $-- $5,00 $ 5,00

TOTAL $ 30,000 $10,500 $ 40,500

*What other financial resources are you planning to use to implement the innovation? For example: AFIO’s own savings from e.g.
membership fees, other grants, loans, revenues generated from the innovation, etc. Please explain.

The expected financial resources for the implementation of the innovation (EAFIA plans)
include the following:
 Accelerator fund from BFC for the establishment of this new and useful new
 Membership fees: this believed to increase, expected to double volume from
increasing number of members and amounts of annual fee. B/s the innovation is
beneficial for them.
 Fund raising/sponsorship, from members and other organizations.
 Support from government and NGOs; because it will open various opportunities to
work with various institutions and professionals.
 Find other grants and support for future scaling it up

12. Partners ✔ Suitability

Are you planning to implement the service innovation in partnership with others? If so, please share the name of partner
organization(s), describe role division and any track record of working together previously.

But as the nature of the innovation needs support and partnership other organizations, and
EAFIA has been closely working with different Government and NGOs and livestock and feed
sector and has good relations and track records with
1) Ministry of Agriculture (Livestock sector /feed directorate) support in policy, strategy
formulation /feed survey and various feed sector activities.
2) Ministry of Industry with Directorates and National Sectoral Association(SA)- support
in policy, fund for annual meeting and workshop
3) Ethiopian Agricultural Authority (EAA), former VDFACA
4) Ministry of Finance
5) Regional Agricultural offices and livestock and feed directorates
6) Other sectoral associations (SA)- dairy poultry -can be partner in the future
7) International Organizations/ Partners include: BCF, ILRI, FAO, IGAD/ICPALD,

13. Your organization(s) ✔ Suitability

Please briefly describe your team. How is your organization structured, how big is the team? If
you are applying in partnership with other AFIOs, please describe each organization briefly.

EAFIA’s Organization and Structure

The General Assembly (GA): It is the highest decision-making body providing directives regarding the overall
association matters such as by-laws, rules, regulation and decision on membership fees and budget and etc.
Board of Director/ Management Body: Under the umbrella of GA, the Board of Directors is responsible for
formulation of work plans &provides directives to the EAFIA executive director and two workers, accountant and
EAFIA has a full- time Executive Director and two workers, an accountant and secretarial worker and advisory
board and will use high-level consultants when necessary. EAFIA will hire additional workers (liaising officers,
feed laboratory personnel) and par time consultants, when necessary.
Organizational Structure

General Assembly

Board Directors

Executive Director

BFC Technical
Team Advisory

14. Project team ✔ Suitability

Who will work on implementing the innovation, and what will be their role? Describe their relevant experience and skills. How long
have they been working in your team? What is the planned time commitment of the project team?

The project will be implemented by the following

Executive director :- under the guidance and support of the General board, he is fully
responsible for the overall coordination, managing and undertaking all the duties and
activities of EAFIA
Liaising officer – EAFIA plans to hire a Liaising Officer, who has a versatile knowledge in
planning and management. He is responsible to support the EAFIA Director in planning and
implementation of the innovation and other EAFIA activities.
Feed laboratory personnel – will be responsible for collecting/receiving the feed samples,
recording, analyzing, documenting results and making ready for disseminating to customers
and/or reporting
Finance and other staff - will be responsible for planning, managing and implementing and
controlling the financial matters (income and expenses) according to the plans following the
Planning and
EAFIA also uses Short-time professional consultants (where necessary)
Legal advisory
M&E Committee
Technical advisory and BFC Technical Team: These are high level animal feed professionals
willingly providing advice and technical support to EAFIA.

15. Additional details

Health and Project

Sport and
Do you have any additional details that you would like to share with us? For example:
- Describe previous results of testing the innovation (achieved by your organization or by others)
- Insert photos or other visuals that illustrate your innovation
- Share if you have any questions or comments to the BFC team about your application
- Anything else you would like to share

EAFIA has diversified members such as feed processors, feed input suppliers, feed
machinery/equipment suppliers, forage seed producer, dairy and poultry producers and farmers
cooperatives/FCUs engaged in feed processing) and had over 90 members, especially by
ACDI/VOCA support before COVID19, which now decreased with current situations. With the
support this innovation service it can easily be restrengthened.
Achievements and Lessons Learned: - Capacity Building / Trainings- short-term on: Ration
formulation GMP, HACCP, and QC to EAFIA members’ technical staff, MoA, University staff and
Preparation and Publications: Technical Manuals & Bulletins preparation & availed to users: 3
Technical books (feed resources& Ration formulation), 6 Technical bulletins (two in feed analysis),
conducted different studies using high professionals (2 feed survey reports and feed Tax exemption)
and etc. The publications can be shared in soft copies if necessary.

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