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Hands-On Activities in Science For Grade 7

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Volume: 14
Pages: 73-81
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1239
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8392572
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-28-9
Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 73-81, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1239, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8392572, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Hands-on Activities in Science for Grade 7

Morena SM. Raymundo*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This research study dealt with the Hands-on Activities in Science for Grade 7 in Tanay West National High
School during the School Year 2022 – 2023. Descriptive-developmental and experimental methods of research
were used in the study. In order to determine the level of performance of the respondents, Spearman-rho and
Pearson r, Mean and standard deviation, t-test, mean gain and percentage and Weighted Mean were the
Statistical tools used. The findings of the study were as follows; The test items were found Highly Reliable and
Valid. In Chemistry, the performance of experimental group was Developing (D) in all the lessons during
pretest. On the other hand, the post test result was Proficient (P) in Acids and Base and Advance (A) in Metal
and Nonmetal. While the control group performed Developing (D) in their pretest, the performance increased as
Approaching Proficiency (AP) in all the subtopics under Metal and Nonmetal. In Biology, the performance of the
experimental group in pretest was in Developing (D), while in the posttest, it became Proficient (P) and
Advance (A). On the other hand, the performance of the control group was Developing (D) in their pretest and
Approaching Proficiency (AP) in their posttest. There is a significant difference in the Level of Performance of
both groups of respondents in their pretest and posttest results, thus, the null hypothesis was rejected. The Level
of Performance of both groups as revealed by the Posttest results with respect to Chemistry and Biology,
significantly differ. The developed Enhancement Activities in Chemistry and Biology with respect to the
different criteria were found effective and Very Much Accepted as instructional materials.

Keywords: hands-on activities, science, grade 7

Introduction use of everyday gadgets, simple set-ups or low-cost

items that can be found and assembled very easily.

Science is unique among school subjects in that its Hands-on Activities were perceived as an enjoyable
curriculum aims to create future scientists rather than and effective form of learning of almost all the major
the future citizen. This produces a foundation U.S science curriculum reforms of the late 1960s and
curriculum whose coherence only becomes clear for early 1970s. In biology and chemistry, Biological
those who stay the distance, and with it the value and Science Curriculum Study (BSCS) and Chemical
meaning of the subject. Moreover, it is dominated by Education Materials Study (CHEMS) were developed,
an assessment system whose predominant demand is respectively. For the elementary school level,
low-level cognitive recall. Such a system promotes particularly three major curriculum programs such as
“performance learning,” which is extrinsically Science-A Process Approach (SAPA), Elementary
motivated, rather than “mastery learning,” which Science Study (ESS), and Science Curriculum
concentrates on the student, to the detriment of student Improvement Study (SCIS) began to be used in
engagement. Those who drop by the wayside are left classrooms during those times. Although these
with a few disjointed pieces of knowledge whose programs (ESS, SCIS, SAPA) differed in their
salience is difficult to comprehend. organization and style, they were synonymous with the
spirit of the elementary school curriculum innovations
Hands-on science is defined mainly as any by their hands-on and activity-based strategies
instructional approach involving activity and direct emphasizing problem solving, process skills, and
experience with natural phenomena or any educational creativity.
experience that actively involve students in
manipulating objects to gain knowledge or In the 2003 Third International Mathematics and
understanding. Some terms such as materials-centered Science Studies (TIMMS) for the fourth graders,
science and activity-centered science are used Philippines ranked 23rd among 25 countries in both
synonymous with hands-on science or terms such as Mathematics and Science. Test result for the 8th
materials-centered activities, manipulative activities graders equivalent to second year high school shows
and practical activities are used synonymous with that the Philippines at the 40th in mathematics and
hands-on activities. Unlike the laboratory works, 41st in Science among 45 countries (Soriano, 2013).
Hands-on Activities do not necessarily need some
special equipment and special medium. According to It is alarming that despites of the initiatives and
Jodi and Eckert Hands-on Activities are based on the dedication of different institution and parties to

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 73-81, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1239, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8392572, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

upgrade the levels of knowledge and skills for Science evaluated by the experts with respect to:
and Mathematics the country is still left behind. 4.1 Objectives;
4.2 Content;
Since the aim of science education is to help every 4.3 Organization and Presentation;
Filipino learner to gain a functional understanding of 4.4 Relevance;
scientific concepts and principles linked with real-life 4.5 Usefulness; and
situations and acquire scientific skills, attitudes and 4.6 Availability of Materials?
values necessary to analyze and solve day to day
problems, development and validation of hands-on
activities on the teaching of the selected topics is Literature Review
Pascual (2020) studied on the “Development and
In view of this, the researcher being a teacher of
Evaluation of Multi-Strategy Based Activity Module
Science who has observed the poor performance of the
in Teaching High School in Biology”. The developed
students in Science in the scheduled tests believed
multi strategy-based activity module as instructional
that the students’ proficiency can be improved as she
material was found to be functional, suited, and
further assumed that there are various techniques in
purposeful as attested by the evaluation made by the
teaching science by providing hands on activities on
t e a c h e r s in s el e c t ed p r iv a t e and p u b lic
selected topics in Science. Hands on activities as one
schools.Menciano (2017) pointed out the positive
of the instructional strategies can be used in teaching
effect of instructional materials on the pupils’
Science through computer, television, webcam, OHP
performance using the developed and validated small-
and other forms of technology that could provide the
group activities through cooperative learning.
students the actual moving and colorful pictures of the
lessons. The study of Pascual and Menciano revealed that
learning materials and multi-strategy in learning
Research Questions process helps to develop a competitive individual.
Thus, the researcher aims to develop Intervention
The study aimed to determine the level of acceptability
Materials that can also help to meet the goal in
of the developed Hands-on Activities in Science for
learning and to suffice the learner needs.Carigma
Grade 7 students as evaluated by the experts and (2019) also developed and validated module in
students in Division of Rizal, during the School Year handicraft technology. She concluded that the
2022 -2023. Specifically, this sought to answers the developed module is very acceptable as supplementary
following questions: materials in the teaching of the subject.
1. What are the indices of validity and reliability of the Armeth-Brothers (2007) conducted the design and
developed pretest and posttest that covered different development of modules for medical terminology
topics used in the Hands-on Activities in Science for electronic textbooks. The design of the e-text
Grade 7? c o n f o r m e d to e s t a b l i s h e d web d e s i g n
2. What is the level of performance of the two groups recommendations including those for navigations,
of respondents on the selected topics in Grade 7 screen design, clarity, and comprehension. It also
Science as revealed by the posttest results with respect followed instructional design principles, derived from
to: adult learning theories and multimedia evaluations to
2.1 Chemistry; organize content and to design learning activities. The
2.1.1 Acid and Base; and result of the study is a prototype electronic textbook on
2.1.2 Metal and Non Metal? compact disk consisting of medical terminology in
2.2 Biology; anatomy and physiology content, games and drills,
2.2.1 Animal Cell and Plant Cell; and video scenarios, audio clips, and illustrations to be
2.2.2 Interaction? used by allied professionals.
3. Is there a significant difference on the level of
performance of the control and experimental group as Doblada (2007) in the Effect of Enrichment Activities
revealed by the posttest results with respect to the cited on the performance of fourth year high school students
topics from the developed Hands-on Activities in in trigonometry found out that there is a significant
Science for Grade 7? difference in the performance of the experimental and
4. What is the level of acceptability of the Developed control groups with respect to different lessons in
Hands-on Activities in Science for Grade 7 as trigonometry as revealed in pretest and post test results

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 73-81, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1239, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8392572, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of his respondents. exist. It also involved some type of comparison or

contrast and attempt to discover relationship between
According to Hmelo-Silver (2004) hands-on teaching existing non-manipulated variables. Experimental and
is an extremely effective strategy for increasing descriptive methods of research were used in the
performance and depth of knowledge and supports the study, since the study aimed to determine the level of
21st century skills that target learning and innovation acceptability of the Hands-on Activities in Science for
abilities (the 4Cs): communication, creativity, Grade 7 students.
collaboration, and critical thinking. Well-designed
hands-on activities focus learners on the world around Participants of the Study
them, spark their curiosity, and guide them through
engaging experiences—all while achieving expected The respondents of the study were the forty (40) Grade
learning outcomes. One of the benefits of hands-on 7 students in Tanay West National High School during
teaching is the development of critical thinking skills. the School Year 2022 - 2023 who serves as the
By investigating the subject matter through hands-on respondents of the study. The forty (40) students will
activities, students learn both content and thinking be divided into two groups. Fishbowl techniques were
strategies. Hands-on activities support problem-based utilized to choose the group. Twenty (20) students are
approaches to learning by focusing on the experience chosen as experimental group and the other twenty
and process of investigating, proposing, and creating (20) students as the control group. The respondents
solutions. As a result, students learn how to gather were chosen purposively for the purpose, since one
information and solve problems. hundred percent (100%) of the students were directly
handled by the researcher.The science teachers from
The study of Hussain and Akhtar (2013) on The Tanay West National High School were also used as
Impact of Hands-on Activities on Students’ respondents in determining the level of acceptability of
Achievement in Science: An Experimental Evidence the developed Hands-on Activities in Science for
from Pakistan aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Grade 7 through researcher-made questionnaire-
hands-on activities on 8 grade students’ achievement checklist.
in science. The results indicated that there was a
significant difference between the means of the Instruments of the Study
students’ science achievement in favor of the
experimental group. The results of this study are A researcher made test were utilized as the main
important especially for developing countries that instrument to determine the performance of the two
cannot afford to use expensive science equipment to groups of respondents in Grade 7 Science. On the level
make the students physically active and engaged in of acceptability of the Developed Hands on Activities
learning science. on Selected Topics in Grade 7 Science an adapted
questionnaire checklist (Calindog 2013) was used.

This study used the experimental method of research The study was undertaken during the school year 2022
utilizing pretest and posttest experimental and control - 2023 covering the first and second quarter of the
group design and the descriptive method of research grading system. Permission to conduct the study was
utilizing a questionnaire-checklist. According to secured from the office of the Schools Division
Calmorin (2004), experimental research is a highly Superintendent, Division of Rizal. The researcher
controlled procedure involving the control of conducted a standardized diagnostic test to know the
manipulation of conditions for the purpose of studying level of preparedness and knowledge of the learners
the relative effects of various treatments applied to regarding the topics included in the study. She then
members of a sample, or of the same treatment applied tabulated and interpreted the result of the test to know
to members of different samples. In the matched the specific topics that need to improve.
group design, two groups were matched, one group
called the experimental group and the other the control After that, the researcher developed a Hands-on
group. Activities in Science for Grade 7, a researcher-made
test was constructed and validated. Respondents of the
Descriptive method of research as defined in the book study were chosen according to their scores and
of Best and Kahn (2003), as what is describing, utilized the fishbowl method of sampling to group the
recording, analyzing and interpreting conditions that respondents. A questionnaire-checklist was prepared

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 73-81, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1239, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8392572, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and distributed to experimental groups and science

teachers to determine the level of acceptability of the
further learning from the lessons of it. But in the
developed Hands-on Activities in Science. After the
experiment, the data gathered were analyzed and
posttest, after taking the lessons the results show the
interpreted. increase on their scores. The group who experiences
using the developed hands-on activities got higher
Ethical Considerations scores & interpretation. It implies that the developed
hands-on activities are effective means of increasing
The researcher herself explained and gave the the level of performance of the students.
informed consent to each participant before the
conduct of the study. She ensured them that the Table 2. Mean and Standard Deviation on the Level of
information would be used with utmost confidentiality Performance of the Two Groups of Respondents on the
and within the purpose of the study only.
Selected Topics in Grade 7 Science as Revealed by the
Pretest and Posttest Results with Respect to Chemistry
Results and Discussion

Table 1. Computed r-values for the Indices of Validity

and Reliability of the Developed Pretest and Posttest
that Covered Different Topics Used in the Hands-on
Activities in Science for Grade 7

As shown by the table, the computed r-value of topics

under chemistry were 0.75 and 0.73 respectively using
the half test and the r-values of 0.86 and 0.84
respectively using the whole test. Both tests were
verbally interpreted as highly reliable. On the other
hand, the computed r-values for the topic under Table 3. Mean and Standard Deviation on the Level of
biology were 0.80 and 0.71 using the half test. While
Performance of the Two Groups of Respondents on the
the r-values for the whole test obtained the r-values of
0.89 and 0.83 respectively. Both tests were interpreted
Selected Topics in Grade 7 Science as Revealed by the
as highly reliable. This is true in the sense that Pretest and Posttest Results with Respect to Biology
majority of the analyzed test items were identifies as
good items.

It implies that the developed pretest and posttest on the

selected topics in grade 7 science was found reliable
and valid.

The table 2 shows that in lessons 1-6 the results of the

pretest the controlled group got the interpretation of F
or Fair as majority while the experimental group got
most of the verbal interpretation of P or Poor. It means
that the prior knowledge of those students is not
enough to get higher scores on answering test without

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 73-81, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1239, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8392572, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Considering the test score of the respondents that

increases progressively from the pretest to the posttest.

Table 5. Significant Difference on the Level of

Performance of the Experimental Group as Revealed
by the Pretest and Posttest Results with Respect to
The table shows that in lessons 1-6 the results of the
pretest of both groups are in the same interpretation of
F or Fair, it means that the students have the prior
knowledge but still it is not enough to get higher
scores on answering test without further learning from
the lessons of it. But in the posttest, after taking the
lessons the results show the increase on their scores.
The group who experiences using the developed
hands-on activities got higher scores & interpretation.
It implies that the developed hands-on activities are
effective means of increasing the level of performance
of the students.

Table 4. Significant Difference on the Level of Table 6. Significant Difference on the Level of
Performance of the Experimental Group as Revealed Performance of the Control Group as Revealed by the
by the Pretest and Posttest Results with Respect to Pretest and Posttest Results with Respect to Chemistry

This implies that the level of performance of the

This implies that the level of performance of the control group reveals on the null hypothesis that there
experimental group reveals on the null hypothesis: is a significant difference on the level of performance
there is a significant difference on the level of of the students in the pretest and posttest results with
performance of the students in the pretest and posttest respect to Chemistry. The increase of the scores are
results with respect to Chemistry were improved. more than fifty (50) percent.
This implies that the level of performance of the
This implies that the level of performance of the
experimental group reveals on the null hypothesis that
control group reveals on the null hypothesis that there
there is a significant difference on the level of
is a significant difference on the level of performance
performance of the students in the pretest and posttest
of the students in the pretest and posttest results with
results with respect to Biology were increased.
respect to Biology were increased.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 73-81, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1239, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8392572, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

This implies that the level of performance of the

Table 7. Significant Difference on the Level of
Performance of the Control Group as Revealed by the experimental and control group with respect to posttest
Pretest and Posttest Results with Respect to Biology results in biology were increased. Also lead to reject
the null hypothesis that there is a significant difference
on the level of performance of the control and
experimental groups as revealed by the posttest results
with respect to biology.

Table 10. Level of Effectiveness on the Performance of

the Two Groups Respondents on the Selected Topics in
Grade 7 Science as Revealed by the Pretest and
Posttest Results with respect to Chemistry

Table 8. Significant Difference on the Level of

Performance of the Control and Experimental Groups
as Revealed by the Posttest Results with Respect to

The experimental group got the percentage of 6.25,

while the control group got 4.00 in lesson 2. The total
percentage increase was 56.25 which verbally
interpreted as effective. The experimental group got
the percentage of 6.85, while the control group got
3.20 in lesson 3. The total percentage increase was
114.06 which verbally interpreted as effective. In
lesson 4, The experimental group got the percentage of
This implies that the level of performance of the 9.75, while the control group got 4.85. The total
experimental and control group with respect to posttest percentage increase was 101.03 which verbally
results with respect to chemistry were increased. As interpreted as effective. The experimental group got
revealed in the individual scores of the respondents. the percentage of 8.50, while the control group got
Also lead to reject the null hypothesis that there is a 4.35 in lesson 5. The total percentage increase was
significant difference on the level of performance of 95.40 which verbally interpreted as effective. The
the control and experimental groups as revealed by the experimental group got the percentage of 9.85, while
posttest results with respect to chemistry. the control group got 4.60 in lesson 6. The total
percentage increase was 114.13 which verbally
Table 9. Significant Difference on the Level of interpreted as effective.
Performance of the Control and Experimental Groups
It implies that the developed hands-on activities on
as Revealed by the Posttest Results with Respect to selected topics in grade 7 science were found effective.
As revealed by the result, the experimental group got
the percentage of 6.35. while the control group got
3.90 in lesson 1. The total percentage increase was
62.82 which verbally interpreted as effective. The
experimental group got the percentage of 9.55, while
the control group got 4.05 in lesson 2. The total
percentage increase was 135.80 which verbally
interpreted as effective. The experimental group got

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 73-81, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1239, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8392572, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 12. Mean and Standard Deviation on the Level

of Acceptability of the Developed Hands-on Activities
on Selected Topics in Grade 7 Science as Evaluated by
the percentage of 10.00, while the control group got the Experts with Respect to Objectives
4.35 in lesson 3. The total percentage increase was
152.87 which verbally interpreted as effective. In
lesson 4, The experimental group got the percentage of
8.00, while the control group got 4.55. The total
percentage increase was 75.82 which verbally
interpreted as effective. The experimental group got
the percentage of 7.65, while the control group got
3.95 in lesson 5. The total percentage increase was
93.67 which verbally interpret as effective. The
experimental group got the percentage of 9.70, while
the control group got 4.60 in lesson 6. The total
percentage increase was 110.87 which verbally
interpreted as effective.

Table 11. Level of Effectiveness on the Performance of

the Two Groups Respondents on the Selected Topics in
Grade 7 Science as Revealed by the Pretest and
Posttest Results with respect to Biology

Table 13. Mean and Standard Deviation on the Level

of Acceptability of the Developed Hands-on Activities
on Selected Topics in Grade 7 Science as Evaluated by
the Experts with Respect to Content

It implies that the developed hands-on activities on

selected topics in grade 7 science were found effective
and help to increase the level of performance of the

It reveals that in terms of objective the average mean is

4.66 and the standard deviation of 0.19 and interpreted
as VHI or Very Highly Implemented. The table
indicates the results that those teacher respondents It reveals that in terms of content the average mean is
come up to the verbal interpretation of VHI or Very 4.60 and the standard deviation of 0.23 and interpreted
Highly Implemented because they were not supposed as VHI or Very Highly Implemented. The table depicts
to have a thorough exposure on developed hands-on that as evaluated by the teacher-respondents; the
activities in science 7. developed hands-on activities are highly sufficient. It
was because the teacher perceptions to the content of
the lesson are unsurprisingly very much familiar
because they also taught the said lesson on their
respective schools.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 73-81, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1239, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8392572, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

perceptions in terms of relevance of the developed

hands-on activities in selected topics in grade 7
Table 14. Mean and Standard Deviation on the Level
science. It also reveals that the medium used in the
of Acceptability of the Developed Hands-on Activities
reinforcement materials is really effective and suited to
on Selected Topics in Grade 7 Science as Evaluated by
the level of understanding of the students.
the Experts with Respect to Organization and
Presentation Table 16. Mean and Standard Deviation on the Level
of Acceptability of the Developed Hands-on Activities
on Selected Topics in Grade 7 Science as Evaluated by
the Experts with Respect to Usefulness

It reveals that in terms of organization and presentation

the average mean is 4.62 and the standard deviation of
0.32 and interpreted as VHI or Very Highly
Implemented. The results implies that the experts’
perceptions with respect to the organization and
presentation shows little differences, may be because
teachers have lot of ideas on that matter, so they
expect to some much unique presentations.
It reveals that in terms of usefulness the average mean
Table 15. Mean and Standard Deviation on the Level is 4.60 and the standard deviation of 0.28 and
of Acceptability of the Developed Hands-on Activities interpreted as VHI or Very Highly Implemented. It is
on Selected Topics in Grade 7 Science as Evaluated by depicted that with respect to usefulness the developed
the Experts with Respect to Relevance hands-on activities are very useful for both
respondents having an over-all mean of 4.60. It reveals
that the level of acceptability of the hands-on activities
found out very useful in terms of usefulness.

Table 17. Mean and Standard Deviation on the Level

of Acceptability of the Developed Hands-on Activities
on Selected Topics in Grade 7 Science as Evaluated by
the Experts with Respect to Availability of Materials

It reveals that in terms of relevance the average mean

is 4.68 and the standard deviation of 0.19 and
interpreted as VHI or Very Highly Implemented. The
result means that the experts have the same

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 73-81, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1239, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8392572, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

employed. (3) A parallel study may be conducted in

It reveals that in terms of usefulness the average mean other field such as English, TLE, Math, Filipino, etc.
is 4.50 and the standard deviation of 0.25 and to be able to construct a set of reinforcement materials
interpreted as VHI or Very Highly Implemented. in different subjects. (4) Further evaluation on the
Developed Hands-on Activity for better development
It implies that with respect to the availability of of the activities.
materials used in the developed hands-on activities is
very available. It reveals that the level of acceptability References
of the hands-on activities found out very useful in
terms of availability. Armeth Brothers (2007), Modules for Medical Technology (
Electronic Textbook McGraw Hill, New York 2007)

Conclusion Doblada, Vivencio M. “The Effect of Enrichment Activities on the

Performance of Fourth Year Students in Trigonometry” Unpublished
Master’s Thesis, University of Rizal System Morong, Rizal 2007.
From the findings of the study, the following Ladera, Jayson., “Development, Validation and Acceptability of
conclusions were formulated: (1) The pretest and Enrichment Activities in Science IV”. Unpublished Master’s Thesis.
posttest items are valid and reliable. (2) Both groups of Rizal 2006.
respondents increase the Level of Performance in Menciano, Filfanco L. “The Effect of Cooperative Learning
Approach in the Pupils Performance in Science”, Master’s Thesis,
Chemistry and Biology. (3) The performance of the URSA, 2007.
respondents exposed and unexposed to Hands on
Activities, significantly improved. (4) The Pascual, Ernesto R., “Theories and Practices of Hands-On Activities
performance of the respondents utilizing the Hands-on in Science Education” Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Graduate
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chiba University 2009.
Activities are better. (5) The performance of the
respondents utilizing the Hands-on activities highly Soriano, Joshua T,. “Development and Validation of Understanding
improved. (6) The developed Hands-on Activities is by Design Materials in Teaching Science” Master’s thesis, URSM ,
accepted as instructional materials in teaching Grade 7
Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Based on the result of the study, the following Morena SM. Raymundo
recommendations are hereby proposed: (1) There Tanay West National High School
should be additional intervention materials in teaching Department of Education - Philippines
Chemistry and Biology aside from the Hands-on
activities to further improve the performance of the
students. (2) Various strategies might be used in
teaching, to enrich student’s interest must be

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