Where the TRICKS come from
Many ol ns are coming hack into tock ln andhat is
ore wonder may amon presi pis
THE GLOVE RADBIM. Similar tothe sive Fy
SLIDING DIE BOX. Made in polished oak Complete 50
DEMON WONDER ROX. Made in pols copper .. 25
PHRO”-A HALT-INCH HOLE. Latest enlarged medel 63
FLOWER BALLS. Ast of sx on tape
FEATHER BOUQUETS, An ion 12 from 25
WOOD EGGS Small,1)-:Targo, 16. Handkerchief Bec 118
VANISHING WAND TRICK. Ebonite Wand, 2 nds,
22 thls
TRIC LIGHT GLOBE, Pot cut by us 15 gears
0. The Original Glove Monkey
OSWALD WILLIANS’ Famous Cutstring PILLARS || 76
ONE HAND HOULETTE, "Rising Care 126
THE MOCKER DECK, Matkod pack of playing cards 6.6
EVAPORATED MILK JUG. Rest on the marist. 126
SAY WHEN?” Ghss ot Boor Product 126
FLASH PAPER. One shet (018 customer 1
BLOK-CORD TRICK. Worth doabe 55
THE SNOWMAN TRICK, Made i metal, wo
FRESH EISH, The Arold Furst Novelty 26
NEW SURROR GLASS, With Floted Mirror 56
Tee you aren akely asntertber send 6, for cape
of Chebtmas Nuaibee o¢ 18 for Chests Number and
fists of 144 pages of the VERY LATEST IN MAG
Saturday, 2st February, 1948
SCALBERT’S MASTER MYSTERYJust what the Doctor ordered !
‘Satrany 200 Febuary, a 1Snoar and pas EVIaRYRODY WELCOME
87, Watdour Street, Piccadilly, LONDON, W.1.
nn Dattr, 105, including SATURDAYS, |
Gir Wa Sit ni, Saran Set
| Five Star Reasons
Twp Latest ax Best ow acre
‘# Tur Tanner axp Best Naatc $
me 1 Tu PROVEN,
HA nernesesrarise srocx Faox TH Bost Davos
+ NinANS LnnrEp aNeoRnonares
Tuesmican Cosvace a
Anite Yor wav negetne ron Tam SiMn CA 1
TREE AbeIe® cw Costeate asp MARE C?
1 or mex Nonr’s Leavtyo
# OUR Lists ane Isscen Frese New Lists 1 Pasrakat
So Place voUk Sage Os Be Nate List NOW
Remember the wame—A LAN MILAN
Ht OPEN DAILY (cluding Saturdays) 930-8. Closed Wed, haltday
J Milan House, 33, Sunbridge Rd., Bradford, Yorks.
JERSISTENT ramouss that Blackstone isto appear here have been
ican fn eon wks Our inomalan mat ty em
unlikely, but weare in cose tous) with te situation and if ayy
vetoes bea sees vl be aa prempy. ioe
Meanwhile, the Great ste is readying for a ew tour afer a a
dh to aid histo cin leet, We understand tat Hoe
3H sed th, ieee ey
Tinking up two names closely associated with our publications,
oare pleased frecord that Pat Hiley (one of whose bight ideaappecre
in “Simply, Wierd") won the Eaend: Maurie ‘Trophy eerded
Anmoally fof the BS, member with Jes than five yeaty poromndng
See. Thesinand opting a tha yeara cota
which ia goed sgn, beeaus if fellows mith only afew years expences
fan do so wel, they should be atthe top ofthe tran co Tee Ue
‘standard of the ar in years to come, A report, tural. appears i the
Society Reports pages of ths save this s your Balto wblsed cone
Frmathn of the facts rely was n man enjoyable ewer aad he
result was gratifying though it would til have been aa enjoyathe
‘Sreing whucver had wot
Another enjoyable (enction_of the same Society was its annual
hikes Party, revive for the fst tne since the wan whjeh tok Pace
on Saturday las, Stanley Moree and is good lady Cid mat of the
‘Srgensng, and aso presented Ghive Pups routine and Punch and
{udy, both greatly edjoyed by the children” Kerock did ogelng, ane
‘Geoige Willett magic, al eeetering well, Tt any years stce we
attend a ehrens rary other thm dn a professional enpacty, bet
‘we Hasek a good time that e ell be there again next Feat
thon we eat ay of many mage shows
The latest Hugard Braue work," The Roya Road
has arrived front Attica Thee designed
the wh
rd Bagh
booketal sae snd covers
irounawirk eech sedis joauons " But Not to Pay” We
ae hoki out eeview of thi go-ige bn fora wack to enable we to
ork through it conscletinshy with pack a hand; me were one use
fuought> say that we "knew nothiig aboot cards” 0 now seams the
fine to ean ace
‘Avonteriporary, “The Wizard” reaches us after a. gap of several
tmnths.(Werdon'emean t ida coe out ba that i aida fect te}
Faltor George Armaltong promises sealed versims of Jour books ie
9‘the new wolame, whist The Gen,” we son, as no fewer shan fv sri
Wernst advert Adraon the strength of the fact that iru no seria
‘whatever-qute a novelty. “That se, however, not what we wanted
Tosay. A mention isiade ia "Ths Wirard "of various famous ventrio
‘gusts and their publicity - we have not seen anything as succes as
iat procured by George Tollerton of New Zeshind, who Works on a
Stonsired programme on te ratio thro, ead woe looks of wisecracks
ind stores aboat hs Gummy Jery-—and himel?—age most ambitious,
He has, of course, advantages nl given to vents, here, but even £0,
full credit to hum fr grabing the chances and eapytabeing on them:
‘One aa oaly hope that the gtoirth of television wil give tone of us
Tnapisians a change on sims ines,
UJast a it of“ bash-tush ” news to round off the week's materia
Talkabout a Homme of lagi” in Landon ss been going on for cong,
tind rumours have filowed each othes so monotone for many Seat,
{hat ye feel reluctant to add to thee number, bat we imagine that
unething concrete iin the offing now Well De teling yon,
— fe
Come in on Tip-toe
An interesting and informative atile on Rag Pictures by H.C. Mol
awl appest in next week's ne of Abracadabra, and a special Willan
Hed Yerdon of" Do As 1 Do" by Bly Mccom. ‘The Francis White
{Hldes on entertaining children wil begin in Ne, 120
The Magician pictured ee is—
(a) Dante
(0) All Bey
fe) Max Andrews,
a) Voltaire,
Asuve will le fond om page 60JIMMIE’S FOUR-ACE
WORKED Edvard Proudlock’s routine with the Four Accs for a
isn, abd then shelved i One day, however, Bright idea
toned, and got the eect ouf once mnoge and dusted it up. So
za doing Itai these days and thas i the way it gous. TE follows a
Standard routine with she Diminishing Cards
The plot ts that Ure performer des the Prowdlocke Four Aces, and
fotos ths by having m member of Se audience come alos and ser to
feat the effet, The handing of the ears for thos second part of the
{bpp wll be ready recognised as one of the “antomatic methods of
Iloeming the sec. For the rest, | think maders tll Be abe 8
low the routine iT give te accompaning patter.
“usualy get several complaints wherever wok Hatffect. Peopla
pint oat tHat they can't see the little cards. Hero, thea, another
Him spocly deve for sh bet tne who ate a Hil Bard of
heating, (Tako up the Jamtbos).
‘Acfully. these ate ‘The largest cards they make jn this size, Te
‘woul't take many of them to makes doven ss Phew! The cora
‘Bigrua conight, (Fan the deck) Your par isto keep your eye om
the Avr, ad for thot reason T call edge them on the upper ledge of
this bostdits 2 Kind of board and lodging arangemest.
On top of each Ace Tam going place three of thece remaining
cards, ‘Three on the fist Ace, T sed to have a Beautiful Blends
Sealant Rep me ith chisel, ut—buy Fras she thin! Thad been
Suvbathing wth heron the Detch ope Gay, abd when T got up to fetch
fi1iosefillow tapped me om the shoulder and sas," sete me You've
‘edt your braces behind
‘Bnd one, tw, tates cards on the second Ace, A further three
on the tied
Thea T got myself a ney assitint, She was the opposite, She
was trie, "On night, om the way to 8 showy, She waste Tor me om 8
[Sel come. She was dss all ¢@, and when ahe paired coment
ng by ped etc i.
Find The lst ote, to) three on the fourth pile
Right!" Now We have’ to have one of these ple of cards chosen.
(Peosued ta have chosen, ung a convenient Torco) Don't forget to
Wates the Acs Well tke the fist pile fet, ‘Teze we are: one,
tbe, three spor earde and the Ace of Diamonds, “Well turn the Aad
‘over so that i's the only card with its back to you. Take away the
fist spot eard, chen the scond, then the thid-aid as om ser we Sze
Tei lth the cu of On "(Fhe remaining spot ened cpt doen with
2 shu und ap other coment, The second ple e dealt within mvc
or the font of anyone whois stl awake, P do it once more
swith the last ple, this ne quite faels--Wwell as faily as T can without
‘aking it too easy. The big black Ace of Spates this ime, snd 1 turn
lm over on the buck of the packet but sticking wp, o> that you ave
fo tron in keeping him in wie. (Spot cans are rove before)
‘And this time there ean be novdoubt sbaut it.” We have the Ase of
The obvious question i, Wher re the Aces? And the obviois
snswer i tat bile you ween’t watching they jumped out of my hand
find went right to tat pile over thee. ‘Fact. Wall, thats mp story
find to prove it to you Til slow You Ghat ere are—The Four Aces!
(Fal dramatic exiphtes here)
(Atter the applanse, gather the cards together, bringing tho Ace of
Heart othe top, and pines them facesp Bend We stand There they
Iie beside a duplicate set of ards, nf, forthe routine whieh follows
Thave no axe to grind, bata cota deal who advocates ects i te
‘how and not in the eupbourd can supay both the Prosdlosk cards and
‘torn ordinary Jurbos ta natch. A generat saved to come tom
thesuencn to fp, and ater ate gagying be handed the dupleate
set of cane)
1Now st, you've just seon me work & rick with thee gant card
and thoos foot front seemed to like i, As tis isa special eerasion,
‘Yin going to touch yom bow tno exactly the same trek Its easy
‘money for old vope.” Just take the carde tnd we'll go ase, (You thn
Walt nto de atten, tale a vacant sae, preferably the ue your elper
Ts jst varated, it convenient, and continue your instructions)
Trt of al, will you please deal the four Aces ont op the stand?
‘That's. Stind well back, so that everyone ean see, Now on top of
ich Areal thre of tho spot cards Takeyour me User's no
‘We're all here forthe east ofthe sight. Good. Now fake np any pie
yon like and old it face downwards in yooe hands. Take another pile
nd placa It on top or beneath the pie yon ready holdit doesn
really matter where re ge Nove he third ie; then fhe fourth. | Warn
‘work, u'r it? (Dash ack tothe stage and mop his brow.)
The nest thing you have to do isto sole the lady you like Best fa
the adience, Tit come with you. Pleusr addvess ‘her akly, ina
(gentlemanly mannes, and ask het Ht sho wil be good enough to ut the
‘ards, Will you ask is gentlonian w eat the ears, too, and then eat
‘hem yoursell for good measure. ‘Tots af fun swt fe? The fea i
‘that yt do all tha work and L got pal for sti hope
Now we have to ulld up to 4 terre climay, Del the four eds
fon to the Statd agin, ths time withthe fae Aden, t9 Dalld up the
‘akpinsa, One, tw, thre, four, Ard four more on top of them (And
0 on.) Now for the terre fale. Take one of Your hands—you've
ot top, haven't yoa and est on amy ple yo ike, ‘Good Now
Place the other three ples usdo, fe ian't ala) as staihtlorard a
{histone of the piles hae to be forced, and’ you kuow wil, because
the Acss aro paneldotted for vlentincaion, The thee indent ples
Inaving en id asid, the lelpcr i vty his final stration).
‘Wal, you've chosen the ple, and ve done ll the work yourself,
9 iC Uhre fs any exe coming belongs to yo, doesn't it? OF curse,
‘Take the four cards you have left and deal the face-outwards un the
stand, and you hare—yes yon have the Four Aces! And i you
Alon get sone terre applause, tint my fault
LLTHOUGH the good items for the entertainment of eden which
fare produced cach year eater very nicely for shove who space
inthis brand of entertainment, the chappie whose main work
is the entereainment of alts may find i rather expansive t0 sip a
fale show (or an ootsstnal party, Many stonk efrte may, nowevet
Headapted, Let us discuss a ew dressings
“Take the ghost tube, My model snot fitted with rings, but anyway
most Fiddls ave sen the stock tobe tssue-paper covered in the ork
Prsntation, How cin 1 use this valuable’ prop 20 that it wil ot
Fimneelately be resminized as Uye sane elt had old Sosnd-s ste?
Wal hem’ he way fe
"An effect for keldie enhanced it accompanied by astory: An
easy way-of searing story whieh wil preserve the personal clment (0
hegin By saving’ 1 had a'éreom Lt night? all ht! Thad a
tama fst Sige, and Ja mp dresm [bod a shocking col and without a
Shanky (omy uate. Plenty of pany, but no hanky. And when Tooke.
at my boskeof clothing coupens, there was no conpen that T cod use to
thay myself = handerelie,
Av his stage the than is showing a large relic of clothing
‘coupon book, The latino the longer sides mast be Sightty more than
the helghtof the ghost tube, Theres scope for eomedy with ths Donk,
bcatie when it opened the audnee sees one coupon with the wor,
"Do not ase unl toll aot to" writen devia, "On the thet
inside cover ar threo black eompons above'the lege,” For uso i the
Bleck Market waly’” You neva" worry about whether it wil ree @
faugh—iy audiences guffawed ant T dont supp tht Yorkshize hos
more javeiledtinquents than most ets place.
eration books simply made, For mine, 1 tool the pages from
anol exersse-ok, aad Went to Work on the eovers with India il)
After showing the bool, the magick shows the ghost tube to be
canpty, remarking tht he decide to take Ue" Tubs (he, tho Under
runt) tthe Boned of Trade m London inorder oda see Magic
EXiting Coupons. To his actnicunent, the tube” hich ists
packed with peopl, wor quite empey. de ploers the tube, fake side
Spon ne tn di rte the at ok in rnt ofan sit
‘All Sortscf vein things happen in dreams, he somtimes and fe ca
found that he had no real nced to goto tho Beerd of Trade, So sayin,
I eaches fide the tube and widhdravs a Toad of silks handkerchv 6
for hiscol Should he be one of thse Mucky magllans who posses sks
braring Disney ard other characters, be can supplement the elect by
saying thet the tube began to fll up with wrird people, and there were
Shon so many that feel not help wishing hey wee al ianderchies,
“Then wines ean come true in the production of the load
TT wonder if you possess that goal-prst stand which, has recently
become oo poplar in my part ofthe weld for electing the diappewrance
ofcoins. ‘The cons ft into a grove ia the thin crowbar; a wave ofthe
ands aid the eine ll van "You know the one Lean To ies this
Giskana fer etldgens shows, use iatead of cone Tour Cat pees of
Woods cart shaped snd pated to resem ids
‘Shw th burl ad mde them pre om the top Bar ofthe “gate ”—
a tol eason for using etatd Hee thi ‘Tell our youthful fudensa
iat your neat “experiment i not magic atl, but a simple test in
BAO ssc or soc
‘dmc c0=0N Boon
e505 spss
eps SOF Fao in
| Ase) |i
gar” |S,
ON CHILDRENS’ SHOWS’ iearithmeti,, Point ont that there are four birds on s gate, and put your
Sgustion "Four birds ona gate Along comes «hunter, ass fle,
frst knocks one othe bt, "How many mere ef?
nes your audience is frightful wise {nis generation i wil
then,” cue you have emphasicd that tie ea smple fost in arith
metic. Without commenting on thei answer, yon say," Fou've often
eed problems like Wat in oar arithmetic books, but you don't often
fata ehanos to check your dnster by trying oat the problem in real if
Today, 1m going 49 give yon n chines. Su saying! you hand a pistol
{brealcaway, ce what have So) o.a boy in the asin, tel it tale
farofal aim dnd then to hye at the bird
“You have told mo," you repeat, that if one ofthe birds is ile,
tere willbe three. Naw we'll se if you were right." The hoy Bre,
anda the birds vanish," Thats the comect answer,” you say." There
fare aa bids lle because when they heard the bug ofthe gun the eal
Ing thes lew of
ave vou any box or envelope whose purpose ta change one lant
tard for anpiher? Iso, you ean work the falling elect for chien:
{Construct lange stand-up card bearing a portal ofa teacher, Show
nother cad beri the pict of «sul bay, complete mth halo and oo
‘on, snd Joking fghtfelly angelic. Place this card n your oard-changng
paras, whatever itis, and cemark that there is ony one fault with
inmy Gro he i far too good. His parents got far ted of im,
Dare there was nothing they could smack him for They approached &
wird, and he cei," 7M make him into assy little boy fr you.” So
Siying) produce @ botle of tablessice and pretend a pou sone inta
{your an-esanging pidge
‘The car is then remove and stood up facing the teacher card. Tt
fs seen that Jimmy has indeed become suey, for be putting his tongue
tut at tance! : “
1f your apparatus will do the tick, you can of conse change the
monster back gain by pouring im sugar Itstead of see
Well there they are, Not one of them ie a miracle, of course, but
‘hoy shotld start you Thinking
FUE pick Des Milan ants, No. 72? Lucky
fellow! And have you a duplicate Joker? ‘Then yotuare hekee
Stil. Should you nt have either ofthese, Lsuguet that you do
fot bother to read on loss your artist ables enable you to produce
2 Joker similar to the one fon inthe pace abovesmentloned,
“The performer proces his pase ot earls and Tune through it to
find the Joker. This he rtnoves and places, asthe spscators watch, tata
his inside breastpocket. A spstatr ie now asked to pis him a nner
Tween, say, onc and twenty Cards am counted off to ttt umbe
8d the lst Of them seven to the spectator, ho looks att and places
in his pocket at the performer’ requ
Hei then asked to look through the pack and remove the Joker, He
{nfs the magician that this s het posse, since the Jokes Was pice
fn the latter's pocket before the trick began. But the plore explains
‘ata mistake ha on made, and lows the hil to extn is poe
‘is, tndaed,enipy. ‘The belpey finds the Toker inthe pack ao asked
to eeatne it closely, He wil find thatthe Joker is holding fan of
firds. AY the face of the fa, the only ced whose complete face fs
texposed is the Ace of Hearts And the Aco of Hearts was the very card
Ietramoad ftom the pace
No donb, by now, Hite ferther explanation will be necssary, ‘The
plioate Joker explains one Lill of the tick. “One Joker placed
femnawherein the cantte of the pack, and thee on the tp. ‘The ater
removed and placed, to all appearances, In the Sane coat pocket,
‘Actually, under ever af the coat, i Goes int the upper waistcot pocket
woul tnd easy dodge which’ lite practice il porter.
‘Thote sil emaine the force of cand, Any of poor pets wil do,
but Lprclor one of Annemanns 20a,” The Aco of Hearts place, soy
fourth trom the top. When the spoctator ives you His number, start
dealing ccs on to the table, counting as you do so. Count three cards
Jest hs namie, ne tough inadvertently pul yours ap and ack him
foc bs umber again, Then pick up the eards What hav buun dealt of
aid place them tn one pile on top of the yack. His card will now be in
{he the priton to bet counted to atte number given,
Tho Humber cf cards down at whict the ‘once card is placed
ig immated. Te maters only: that the peviormen, mma is
musta,” should deal ovis the mimber given one card fewer that the
fost ftom the top of the force card. Should te card bo seth and
the numer wiv fourteen, then nineteen cars will nord tn be dealt
nd ao.on- Bat it iscleanly beter to hep the munsber fein eaze one
Should bo enereted. before the wequisito numbar of cards have been
‘dealt to the table
‘YEAR or two ago, went toa sriss of lectures on America, Teves
‘hot that T was particu intersted in Amedieny bt T ws
{intrested in'a gil Wh was attnding the lectures. learned ery
bitle shout America, but quite fot abo the gil I remember, one
right aftr the lestare "| But that's rt wha I started trite an
‘One thing the projese bloke talked aboot wa the. Dust”
Xm atid | ten ndthing abot antl he explained at tome length
member it wel, because te gil didn’t tam upto this particulas season)
In caso some readers sharo thit ignorance, TH brieiy recap. In simple
language, oo that even Arthur Dower can undorstand it the Ameria
setts found the soil very ich, so that it produced woaderfal crop,
‘They planted and planted, year aftr yea, cl they took al the gone
thom the sol and it gradually torded to dust, Great farms became
Gertie and whole pains » deer,
71 thinkeall dh ¢ more oles sight, but hall-ay through the etre
1 noticed another ge, and she was rather. Beto get back Again
folthe Dosthow._ Ty lecturer wound sp by saving thats was beesuse
hating was pt indo The sl, ad everyting taken ou, (hat brea
‘npty and void
‘ore simpy pot, to get the golden eggs, you must eed the goose T
could have sad (hat, buf then Fshoubl ave missed the gag about the
‘lal by this time you would have pased on to Society Reports,
‘Tosday, 4 tementious purer of men and women ae geting 3
terre Hie out of magi. Some are of tyal blood | others Ga do no
better than proce a puke of cards fn pub, with 2 dren lew. (An
incidentally, some ofthe latter ean noel spits of many on ani
Intion) Av Chaide Chandi bas writen elsewhere there are unigve
possbites open tous if we wil only pool oar Knowledge forthe better
Font of magi Could the to-oeration ofall magica be ented?
Tine wal tel
‘On the face oft, it aos very doubtful. ‘There are so many magicians
taking overything they ean out of magie ana potting nothing In. Aro we
Feat for & Magical Dustbow]?" Brom all ovee the cousty, reports
pour fv of Joel mage ori fnreasing membership | new Raglan
reappearing on reraberahip forms, even they never appear om plats
fone Thee ra vast cference betwesn thew to forme-ew ich almost
brings me back to tht pl agai, ut
at's tke took at the Tac Soles’ Magazines and Circulars
(none page, words of welcome fo new members: en another. an appeal
formore suppor at meetings Tam sre that the LSM. wile rind iL
tse them ae-ttypieal example of the creeping dicthowl of magie eit
Wasr'ttypia), shouldn't mention t; for Tkaov the 3 isaheppy and
Touring society Bul i the cureat fe of The Maga Casete
{ail in aty pith, the beat Socery magatne, rank Boynett reports
that ata teent Cle Meeting devoted toa eo our demonstration of
the latest mie by Jack Hoes, Harry Stoney, Doaelas Francs, Cea
Rrceh and Gi Lain, the attendaney of mers wa very poor Ca
Yow maine hae "Hive lending magisane who are pts Over ty
they ean into magic, giving fwoshour demonsteaton, and magicians
Cainot other to go and watch” Gandoese knows vine won appt
they were seed to do samething
“This shot neat a any way to eft om the LSE, a8 T have sd
T have mentioned them ly bless ey ate typical of many other
focitiea Te dhe answer that we ae havi fo mac aie?
There mes tume when ay entertament rennet had to earch for @
onjarer. Tosday, however, iareme that everyone kn soca Who
esa bit of magic, nd 1 don't think hel cage,” May te” Dally
roe" had sorting when it recorded that taagcane were" eat
nny’"1 Tost fran expeiment, tum to he Sorety Reports a the end
Df this isu Naturally, Thaven’t seen them yet, but sm prepazed to
take the chance, Howe many nes natnes a You pick out? Are there
any? OF do yo tad there only the ames of tagicins Who have been
sing owe oy ar tle gua anya
"A eor meek ago, I sgested that anjone had 3 sages problem, 7
night he given in Abra, al ears could subi thet solutions. zave
Ste. Ont of tie probable three thousand readers of the mages, one
‘nt in station.” Was thet one some new name? Not on your bet
Tt was Revert Binanson. Stange, wasn't it? "Or west?
Report by Goodiiffe
"T has been the wail of magicians ever since dive started revs
Ahet whenever es 4 thw it ano i i win
thing ave a tendency to go wrong and there has boat no pn
tunity (0 smooth out the wrinkles, Our correspondent Wil Het,
was the victim when Chefalo opened at Stocktona few weeks ago, and t
thd the pleasure of seeing this artist under more comfortable conditions
fn London ist wook, whero the stage conditions wero cxcallnt, 29 tat
the scenery and prope, could ke displayed to best advantage
‘Resdors wil aleady have been tld, thaaks to Will, of the details
of the stow, so that an Itemiead account woukd be mite repetition
1 propose thee, jst to menton tose posts Wh pastisly
Ossupsin the second half of the programme, Chefalo provides, ip
seme forty minates, as much magic as Most twoehour shows. 1 noticed
that, es 6 the ease with all the" greats” standard efeets had all been
ven some " twist "40 it them dutof the rut, Hone for example was
the Lota owl dsgused a5 an Oriental water jf shape ilrent
from the standard deter ite and equipped with handles Asta
hnad been qratsforned fom a vanish (0 iteration, The Chisese
ings, the largest and heaviest T have seen, tally Inked Incredible, and
Jeans! alilion Dollar Mystery was alter beyond recognition. Tis
[Est which ele! the show, way 1 mazin, a postive paler tothe
Isyman, ann my view raneewith Amac's itd the Lady "among the
fiat osm oa
‘As the curisin rises (sorry about this haphazard arrangument of the
report) a magniicant Egyptian wating is revealed, with a squad of
Aaistants Headed by Chelabys wile Maddclna, who prforns several
cts prio to the prodition of the gfeat man om huge rum sut-
pended in mld-aie perhaps this doc sound toerbly exiting to the
Ihagician, but believe me, it certainly is baller inthe layman's eves
1 otioed artielarly a production of three doves fom a changing
beg, debe in Simply Wieand en thats another one that works)
‘ni, thee wore soversl amazing livestock Hes, thoweh Lm temper
praise with eiticam in that tie artes banding offs animals sented
forme eather too rung fora Bits audience,
Tor chse-up wrk, a lot off done standing on a chalet the centce
aise of the Stall, Chilo will ake some beeing, thous 1 personaly
Falta bit sory for evstomers upatits, who must have been fastalsed
Dy teuentexeutsions from the tage, pnctaated by Inghter roe se
‘Who ell who eval see just wat went om
‘One might complain of the odd assortment of assistants gatherod
together, presumabiy for quota pusposes, in the show 1 dont Bare
Gist hat Teertainly cantot congratulate hm. Thy looked thoroughly
‘end ad unattractive ten Iwas ther, though Isami that had st
‘ime rom the Windmill
Choflo as a charming manner and gets over well, especialy
considering that he speaks with a marked fotugn accent He, Rise,
Tooked spiel and spun and entirely master of the sittin, and theable asiotance of his wife i several of she more ambitious items carried
‘he show through splendaly.Penonaly, enjoyed it toravghont, more
particularly becuase se was not too long and boenuse the balk of he
Iterial was quite new to me.I doubt #1 have ever seen a magic ow
fire moved ta smoothly, andsinee it il ba traveling around hs No.
Hille curing the next fee montis, rst conde wl beable ty ee ead
fudge for heniseves. My advice isnot to mis
Magical Newsbits . . .
‘Opr rent montion ofthe valu of Cod Programmes Bas brought in
ftom Len Jenaings an excellent example of this hd of thing Giving
Almest the whole ota Night of Magic at Bogooe Reg on 28th February,
‘boas compiled ¢ programmno fll of gags and woeeracks, Welat
Enc (Nit) Willams: "Should like to see a ryport of the show put om
‘Dy the Taviabla Man at the Royalty Chsten, next wnck ce Abra X07,
"here Ta Sea Thain.) Youshosl have icadea the Worcester Thestae
Royal there lent a magica there sther”" The name which shoald
Inve appeared that of St Clirs "our apologies oth to him and
‘Tc Dell Hall at Bekington was packed for Frank Baumforth’s
Night of Magis” thee on the Sth Pesan. tn te bil wate Len
Wily sa gud storyopinning compere Billy Lawrence, with vated
Tacs) Gsorge Sravood and Bortica Wooly i a extension of the
TBAT Shisll Act Tom Hanes ith hie hits Schooner ach
rk Buu pai wih ns the grand aver, Hay
facbrok wth tater wired magie, and Chis Porson sb
vith the Watch Target and Squeetaway Block, Other variety acs alse
Sppeared (according to Edwin. Harington, who sonds tho detals)
Wl ot dn cee howe
Del O'Dell, we learn, intonds being prosnt at the Intemational
Congress in Lausanne in September; Geraldine Larsen aid her so also
ope to be psset,
‘Welles Wild Jonson : “Tul Emanson not to go pinching holes
in envelopes tomar then, but (try crmpng the comers as though th
were ard Ifmoicnd, i Inoks like natural damage.” ace
Googge Mackenzie ofersarvice on preparing & home-made Tastanto
ok in the current Mae's Monthly, and Kan de Coury has half-dozen
tips for use with Mac's propa... Horace King ts Cover Magician
‘eee Rebuy Waar at Bly conte the var em, Ania
(Over seventy mmbers of the British Ring have applied for fll
aembership ofthe THA, ant not seven, a8 the pte seus say Est
ek. Hut you'd probably guessed
Quick m2... You were wrong | Its Robert Harbin in his impresive
cts a8 Menta fn" The Ward of Or,” carrenty toaring
Barly responses to the ney Mammoth Competition annoaneed
iano, lug have been good. Clay, the contest isnot going to Dea welk-
(ver for anybody
Have sou entered yet? May we remind you that here i chance of
ching Uce lest onset eleven worthewile pies. A Fist Bae of
Prost etendo wa eae anda Sef
as of au i llr oc the Boat ebect he competion as a Wk
Jitlp su, here again ae the ow entegorcs” Neatal oe Cadets
Maier Rppartas Stages Manipulative Magi, Comedy Magic. The
ules are reprinted below
‘Entros must be written on but no in any case by appara
fue sige of the paper oly th
2, No eonespondente can be 5. Entries can only be acknow-
ered inka regarding’ the ledged if @ stamped and eel
competition Adres” posteasd for the
3. Entlyforthecompetition mast purpose is encod,
eundetstond togiveGoodlfle 6, The closing date of the com>
fail pabiestion and many fetition is ith June, tos,
factating nih Enno entriss can ba accepted
44 Eales should be accompanied after that dae.
‘where necessary by draings, 7, The ides’ decision i fina
Soe NDONS eo
Bi, Usevtrd, ABLE, prea
and wekomed) Jon Ramsay and other welllnown visio fn Now
Stele, Hull Loos and Batey. ‘Tho eta and demonstaton consisted
Gt ena aad all, the Cylinder and Halt-coims, Rope Robes, Pup
ran Thimbles aka novel form of en Okt ox, witha outing
hates explained iy deta. ALI clase a sale ofthe ten thimbles used
Feel fa'rns, whieh goes fnto the Benevolent Fund of the Magi
Gis Landon
Hoh, who was giving the Keto fp ths manner forthe fst time,
ectped that he felt ature leche shold be conducted on sitar hs
vate of thanks ves propre by Hob Lavirace (York), capper by
ook Marsh (Neweaste) and Bert Dexter (Hal and exjunded to by. the
Teeter inno well aon poetio style, Readers will not be surprised
to fesun that oucof-owa visitors turned ame by the ely mering
tran me EN Alison
‘he Northamptonshire Magicians’ Club. ‘The Anau Comptition|
for the Ene Lewis Cup ws hehd on February 72h, In heen competion,
{Ge tise place was ae between last year's winner, onwyt fonts of
Board, dnd Reg. Gayton each wil bald the cup forsix months Tid
tnd fourth planes were ten by Lee Boks of Noeehaapton and Jom
Powel of Leamingn respectively. Jwdges wees Willd Tyler (the
fnapical angi) Nes, Burdett (Qe feminine view) and John Mier of the
‘Northampton Drama Cub (presentation), an he ding as based on a
‘podlliet Tw Magi, as reunmended by Burt, 1 Holt was the tie
oWhere to See @hem
‘Week Commencing 23 Fetmuary, 1948,
(Ants aril Yo ape of ha ebb Sotings)
Eonavyoi, ober Harn
“ascaw [Psvion| award Viktor (Bans sso)
Letcesren (Palace). Ali Bey, i
Lonbow cabaret) tee
Townes (Teas). Stuthd
Lontos (Wind) Troll Tayo.
Lawnow (Wool Greey Enpin). Chea
Tonnes [Woolwie Epi Clyde Cyton,
Naversten (Qaeens Park ippadrome) Lise Gear
Mopursneovod (empire) sce
Weer Harriott Clete
Wonevsren (Royal) Autue Dow
Some Raton
eepee, Erie Lewis the onzanser, end prizes and the eup wete presented
by Mrs. Haris, wife of the President,
‘The British Magical Society. The contest for the Muarce Junior
Showmanship Trophy tool placa on Febranry aoth. Prom the fst,
te gong was Keen, and tna eld of seven starters and one aonerantes,
Pat Hily jookeyed hues oto awe fst place Wally Walker as
close snaad-ony fore marks bend 4 total of he handed
find the judges? askin pocking the winner mst have baon unenvabiy
dimes. Pat Biles at war ented" Tusk Delight and
‘res, pttdr and presentation wers all in Keeping with the part, Com
iratolitions are due to all contestants for thle truly exelent efor
WoT. Pat
‘The Worcester Wizards, At the Frbrunry_ Sth misting, Peter
Garnock, was eppointed the Soceies Repreemtative for the itevuld
(Cap Contest in Mey. AMflar the Dusiase menting," Sarpise Bucket
‘competition took pace, Each member evaght a rick wf in paper,
Tints instructions; these were given to another membet who ed {0
Make a tice of f and work (tate a fw minutes stuiy. Tae
‘isting closed Wwith's demonstration by Erie Willan of sore of te
Tatas fonts by the Stain of Unique Stu
The North-West Magicians’ Club (Blackpool) presented two ss
simultanconsly in diferent wards of the Vietona Hospital on Fetrary
‘oth. Artis wore: Ling Perma (Eastern Magi), Charis Clifton, Wil
Desnan, Thomas Hook, larry Howarth and Cady. Kentare and Lady,
Hal Ray, Ke Robinson’ and Vernon and Paice.
‘The Assoated Wiaaeds of the South. Alli) Aris” yas the
subject farting. The gist ait was Os Panel Shops
‘uly sateen yeas od she gave sechnically parect vent. ect, Enough
ripe might be capable of improvement. Phesdent Jeferey_ Atkins
perlormed Trovblewie to everyone's dlight, aid Secretety tan Simon
Tovowe with nice cisplay of Chapeaugtaphy, stembor Cepia Slater
after a short talk on hypotam, demonstrated with lad) put flo
State of catalesy. The concding act was n Se jugs Aipay by
ropes Arthur Kersey; be uo als, raat and otherimpodinety
fn concluded by spinning ® ring on @ sunshade, «Altogether,
gnly appreciated evening veered’ Beal
"The Magic Citle, Another link with the palmy days of Maskelyne
and Devt tas been proviced forthe Czee Meu in the shape of
rN. hlaselynes mons seesat, conta Hey i his incredible plate
pinsing ast Herbere . Collingy who gave i staged a demonstration
Fite on Robruuy roth, weg the orignal Maskelyne table (previously
donee bhi). This pitespining lok the easiet ting i te world
fot jou fy it as one or iyo members foand wien they Hed ago. But
the pits sive hi eelaped Herbert ce ap epg
shen av younger le pected hare a day ih bis mater crockery
Le ee Wit Deter
GoODLIFFE, 6, Colontade Pasaze,
[aga Fchange Sen]
WEN ore eee
crease "| [Spiny saumegrs - 70
Ging Carts = 7/6
Par ly
EES ie knpea Avene, Wort
sun nsesas of Gono” Joma,
fad Gicte: sive” at esThe World’s Finest Pocket Tricks
| ames sovCATED Pesci,
ot sa nc 5 Pee
SePisteclosr "5/6 fet
H. KIMBERLEY, So.iUi Warwcs:
Magicians’ Mouths Water
‘enya mete
The Northern Magic Company
lm Terrace Studio, Benefit Yard, PONTEFRACT.
London Society of Mai
3) post fre. 32 a year (12 isues.
GEN PUBLICATIONS, 85, Shasbury Avenue, London, We1.