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Journal 2 Field Experience

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Journal #2

Over the last couple weeks, I have had the opportunity to work alongside the Health Education

teacher here at Owego Free Academy. In this short time, I have already learned so much from

her in regards to classroom management, instructional strategies, and how to effectively keep

students engaged in the classroom.

My SBTE has several good qualities that I have made note of to incorporate into my own future

classroom due to how effective they are. She established a routine in which students come in,

take out their iPad and instantly begin working on the intro activity. If group work is to be done

that day, students know to meet in the front of the room to receive a tongue depressor with a

number on it to designate their groups. Doing so helps to eliminate students pairing with the

same partners or misbehaving when they solely pair with their friends in the class. Additionally,

students are supposed to complete all work in their IPad, however, some choose to do it on paper

instead. She always has extra paper copies for students who prefer to work on a hard copy. She is

also a very understanding and approachable teacher; she is willing to put in the extra work to

make sure students understand the material, and is accommodating to their needs as not only

students, but as people. This is important because it not only shows students mutual respect that

is expected from them, but also makes them feel cared for and understood. So far, I would not

change much in my own classroom compared to what I am observing in my SBTE’s; but I am

likely to take her ideas and put my own twist on it. A lot of qualities that I am observing stand

out to me as a future health education teacher because I think they are all necessary to have to

successfully lead in this course. Students need to feel comfortable and accepted in health

education especially. By creating an inclusive environment that is laid back, however well
managed, the students feel a sense of community that will help them develop and grow in their

knowledge of health and wellness.

My SBTE uses assessments throughout the class in the form of formative assignments

throughout the lesson that go along with the unit, and summative in the form of a project. In my

time with her so far, I have helped students complete and submit formative assignments for our

lesson on goals where students were to identify all the components of SMART Goals, and write

their own goals and what they can do to reach them. They also just submitted a Goals project

where they picked one goal, submitted pictures of it to help show what goal they are working

towards, and will follow up on the goal later in the quarter. I like that the assessments are

authentic and relatable to the students in the real-world. The SBTE doesn’t assess just for the

sake of assessing, there is always a purpose to it. One thing I would change is figuring out a way

to hold students more accountable to submitting their work. Most students submit their work

without being asked twice, but there are other students who need to take time out of their study

halls or as homework to complete work they are missing from earlier in the year. There is really

no “consequence” to students for work that is not submitted as long as they get it done before the

quarter ends.

Some classroom strategies I have seen thus far are direct and indirect teaching, incorporation of

technology through note taking on IPads, educational videos, and researching materials on the

IPads. In the upcoming unit, I will see the jig-saw method in place to aid the mental health unit.

These strategies align with the standards and guidance document by allowing for a skills-based

approach to learning that is also learner-centered.

These past few weeks, we have worked on investigating leading causes of death, stress and stress

management techniques, time management, and values. Our current unit that we are working on

is mental health where students are taking a deep dive into self-esteem, stigma surrounding

mental health, bias, and suicide. The students will also be starting a mental health project next

week to assess their learning of the unit. I’ve had a few successes thus far in the classroom where

I am building relationships with the students, and have multiple opportunities to help them

achieve in individual and group work. I walk around the room with the SBTE and check in on

student progress during individual work. I have also had the opportunity to teach two activities in

the values lesson and teaching bias through a thought-provoking activity that gets students

thinking of their own bias in the real-world. Some challenges I have is that although the class I

am working with is great, I feel like I need to establish myself more as a teacher in the classroom

so when I do teach, I have more control over the class. Most of the students know me at this

school as the Athletic Trainer working with athletics after school. This helps since I have a

foundation with most of the students since I have worked here for three years, but I need to

figure out the best way to set that divide when I am teaching, or use it to my advantage.

Overall, I am really enjoying my experience thus far, and have a great SBTE who is more than

willing to help and support me through my field experience!

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