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IGCSE-OL - Bus - CH - 8 - Answers To CB Activities

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Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Business Studies

8 Recruitment, selection and training

of employees
Answers to Coursebook activities
Activity 8.1 (page 108)
Answer should consider advantages/disadvantages of internal and external recruitment for each post and
make a decision as to which one is ‘best’. No single correct answer, but likely that a machining supervisor
might be recruited internally whereas a factory manager might need external recruitment. Answers might
take the opposite view but must be justified to demonstrate evaluation skills.

Activity 8.2 (page 110)

Student’s own answer.

Activity 8.3 (page 112)

Student’s own answer.

Test yourself (page 114)

1 Internal recruitment – person appointed to post already employed by the business in a different role.
External recruitment – employment of someone from outside the business.
2 Job title, main duties, responsibilities and accountability, etc.
3 Offers greater flexibility; increases skills and experience of workforce; might help to keep experienced
full-time employees who might otherwise leave; can attract skilled and experienced employees who are
only interested in working part-time; evidence suggests that part-time employees are more productive.

Activity 8.4 (page 115)

Student’s own answer.

Activity 8.5 (page 116)

Report should consider advantages/disadvantages of internal and external recruitment and apply these
to Ravinder’s business. On the basis of this analysis, the report should make a decision and justify which
method Ravinder should use. No ‘right’ answer – will depend on the quality of analysis of the factors and
making a reasoned judgement as to which method is ‘best’ in this context.

Test yourself (page 116)

1 Training provided to employees when they first join an organisation, which introduces them to the
workplace, colleagues, facilities, health and safety procedures, etc.
2 On-the-job training – employee learns by doing the job, often by working alongside an experienced
employee. Off‑the-job training – takes place away from the workplace in training centres, colleges, etc.

Test yourself (page 118)

1 Increased automation/use of technology; fall in demand for the product produced by the workforce;
relocation to another part of the country or a different country.
2 Incompetence, poor conduct.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Chapter 8 Answers to Coursebook activities 1

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Business Studies

Test yourself (page 120)

1 Name of employee, name of employer, hours of work, pay, holiday entitlement, job title, main duties, etc.
2 Race, colour, gender, religion, age, disability.

Case study (page 120)

a Being dismissed from a job without good reason.
b Race, gender.
c Answer should discuss why employees need to be protected from employers who might act unfairly
and dismiss employees without good reason. Quality of argument is what is important, i.e. it should
consider advantages to employees and possible disadvantages to employers.

Exam-style practice questions (page 115)

1 a List of qualifications, skills, experience and personal qualities looked for in the successful applicant. [2]
b Cannot discriminate on any of the following: gender, race, colour, religion, disability, age. [2]
c Must give all employees a contract of employment (1), removes possibility of misunderstanding
about pay, hours of work, holidays, duties, etc. (1); minimum wage laws (1), Glowtech cannot exploit
employees by paying very low wages (1). (Maximum: 4) [Total: 4]
d Employees feel part of the business more quickly (1). Settled employees are likely to be more
productive (1), increases labour productivity/reduces average costs (1). Employees are given health
and safety training (1), reduces risk of accidents (1), production time not lost due to injury to
employees (1) or Glowtech will not have to pay compensation to injured employees (1). (Maximum:
6) [Total: 6]
e Internal recruitment – appointing someone who already works for Glowtech to be the new
supervisor (1). Can be a source of motivation for existing employees (1). Person appointed will
already understand Glowtech procedures and will require less training than if the company were
to use external recruitment (1), this will be less costly for Glowtech (1). However, using external
recruitment might mean appointing a better-qualified person (1), they might bring new ideas that
improve the way Glowtech works (1). Appointing someone from outside will increase training
costs and might demotivate existing employees (1). Answer must choose one of the methods and
justify why it is best, e.g. it is not a very senior position and probably plenty of suitably experienced
employees are already employed by Glowtech who could do the job. (Maximum: 6) [Total: 6]
2 a Employee tells employer that they wish to leave employment perhaps because they have found
another job or are retiring. [2]
b Job that employee does is no longer needed. [2]
c Qualifications required (1), academic qualifications or professional qualifications that Bright Sparks is
looking for from applicants for the manager vacancy (1). Experience (1), what relevant work experience
applicants for the manager’s job need, e.g. must have five years’ experience in a marketing role (1). [Total: 4]
d Maximum 2 marks for identifying the features of a contract of employment, e.g. information about
duties, working hours, pay, holidays, etc. Answers might include that a contract of employment is a legal
agreement (1), which removes the risk of misunderstandings about pay, working hours, etc. (1), prevents
employees from being exploited (1). Contract of employment provides details of an employee’s duties (1),
employees cannot be forced to do work they have not been employed to do (1), protects employees from
unfair dismissal for refusing to do work that they have not been employed to do (1). [Total: 6]
e Costs include amount paid to training organisation (1) and output lost while employee is being
trained (1). Benefits – improved productivity (1), reduced average costs (1); better-quality products
(1), reduced waste / customer complaints (1), increased sales / profits / reputation / brand image
(1); employees feel valued, which increases motivation (1), reduced labour turnover (1), reduced
recruitment costs (1). (Maximum: 5) Disagree with marketing director because benefits identified
outweigh costs, or similar statement (1). [Total: 6]
© Cambridge University Press 2018 Chapter 8 Answers to Coursebook activities 2

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