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Kinetic and Related Models doi:xx.xxxx/krm.2011.x.

c American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Volume x, Number 0x, xxx 2011 pp. 1–xx



Ansgar Jüngel
Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 1040 Wien, Austria

Josipa-Pina Milišić
Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing,
University of Zagreb, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Abstract. Navier-Stokes equations for compressible quantum fluids, includ-

ing the energy equation, are derived from a collisional Wigner equation, using
the quantum entropy maximization method of Degond and Ringhofer. The vis-
cous corrections are obtained from a Chapman-Enskog expansion around the
quantum equilibrium distribution and correspond to the classical viscous stress
tensor with particular viscosity coefficients depending on the particle density
and temperature. The energy and entropy dissipations are computed and dis-
cussed. Numerical simulations of a one-dimensional tunneling diode show the
stabilizing effect of the viscous correction and the impact of the relaxation
terms on the current-voltage charcteristics.

1. Introduction. Degond and Ringhofer initiated in [11] a program to derive a

model hierarchy for quantum fluids by extending the moment method of Levermore
[23] to the quantum context. The moment equations are closed by taking that dis-
tribution function in the definition of the moments, which maximizes the quantum
entropy (or, more precisely, free energy) under the constraints of given moments.
In the classical setting, this approach was first used by Dreyer [13], later carried
out by Levermore [23], and refined by Anile and coworkers for semiconductor device
modeling [1].
By applying a hydrodynamic scaling in the quantum Liouville equation (or
Wigner equation), Degond and Ringhofer formally derived nonlocal quantum hydro-
dynamic models [11] (also see the recent reviews [8, 9]). In contrast to the classical
equations, the quantum stress tensor may be nondiagonal and the quantum heat flux
may not vanish. Local quantum hydrodynamic equations were obtained by expand-
ing the quantum equilibrium distribution in powers of the scaled Planck constant

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 35Q30, 76Y05; Secondary: 35Q40, 82D37.
Key words and phrases. Quantum Navier-Stokes equations, density-dependent viscosity,
Chapman-Enskog expansion, finite differences, tunneling diode, semiconductors.
The first author acknowledges partial support from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), grants
P20214 and I395, and from the Austrian-French and Austrian-Spanish Projects of the Austrian
Exchange Service (ÖAD). Both authors have been supported by the Austrian-Croatian Project
of the ÖAD (HR 01/2010) and the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports of the Republic of
Croatia (MZOS).


[21, 22] (also see [7]). Similar model equations were derived by Gardner [15] who
used another equilibrium distribution motivated from classical gas dynamics.
Quantum diffusion models can be derived from collisional Wigner equations [20].
In some physical applications, such as semiconductor theory, momentum is trans-
ferred to the crystal lattice such that only mass and energy are conserved. Then the
mean momentum of the thermal equilibria vanishes and the hydrodynamic equa-
tions are not well adapted to the macroscopic fluid transport [9]. Instead, one
may employ a diffusive scale in the Wigner equation with suitable scattering terms,
which leads to quantum drift-diffusion and quantum energy-transport models, see
[6, 10].
All these models were obtained by performing the zero-mean-free-path limit in
the collisional Wigner equation. In the first-order approximation of the mean-free
path, it is well known in classical gas dynamics that this leads to viscous correc-
tions to the Euler equations. This idea was applied by Brull and Méhats in [4] to
derive the isothermal quantum Navier-Stokes equations. In this paper, we comple-
ment the result of [4] by computing the full quantum Navier-Stokes equations, i.e.
including the energy equation, and its local approximation. Moreover, we discuss
the energy and entropy dissipation of the resulting model and present, for the first
time, numerical results for these models.
To this end, we start from a collisional Wigner equation in the hydrodynamic
1 α 
wt + p · ∇x w + θ[V ] = (M [w] − w) + ∆p w + divp (pw) , (1)
α τ
where w(x, p, t) is the Wigner function in the phase-space variables (x, p) ∈ R3 × R3
and time t > 0, α is the scaled mean-free path (which is assumed to be small com-
pared to one), τ is a relaxation time, and θ[V ] is a nonlocal potential operator,
involving the scaled Planck constant ε (see Section 2.1 for a definition). The elec-
tric potential V may be a given function or self-consistently coupled to the particle
density through the Poisson equation. The collision operator on the right-hand
side of (1) consists of two terms: The dominant term is of relaxation type, i.e., the
Wigner function has the tendency to tend to the quantum equilibrium or quantum
Maxwellian M [w] (see Section 2.1). The second term is a Caldeira-Leggett-type
collision operator [5]. Its moments lead to momentum and energy relaxation ex-
pressions which are often used in quantum hydrodynamic equations [17].
Performing a Chapman-Enskog expansion w = M [w] + αg around the quantum
Maxwellian gives nonlocal equations for the first moments of w, the particle density
n, the momentum nu, and the energy density ne, including viscous corrections of
order α. Local expressions in the particle density n, velocity u, and temperature
T are obtained by expanding the higher-order moments in powers of ε2 . Then,
assuming further that the temperature variations and the vorticity A(u) = 21 (∇u −
∇u⊤ ) are of order ε2 , i.e. ∇ log T = O(ε2 ) and A(u) = O(ε2 ), the expansion up to
order O(α2 + αε2 + ε4 ) gives the following quantum Navier-Stokes system:

nt + div(nu) = 0, x ∈ R3 , t > 0, (2)

ε nu
(nu)t + div(nu ⊗ u) + ∇(nT ) − div(n∇2 log n) − n∇V = div S − , (3)
12 τ0
(ne)t + div (ne + nT )u − div n(∇2 log n)u + div q0 − nu · ∇V

2 3 
= div(Su) − ne − n , (4)
τ0 2
where u ⊗ u is a matrix with components uj uk , ∇2 is the Hessian matrix, τ0 = τ /α,
the energy density (up to terms of order O(ε4 )) is given by
3 1 ε2
ne = nT + n|u|2 − n∆ log n, (5)
2 2 24
the viscous stress tensor S and the total heat flux q0 are defined by
2 5 ε2
S = 2αnT D(u) − αnT div u I, q0 = − αnT ∇T − n(∆u + 2∇div u), (6)
3 2 24
D(u) = 21 (∇u + ∇u⊤ ) is the symmetric part of the velocity gradient, and I is the
unit matrix in R3×3 .
The mass and momentum equations (2)-(3) with constant temperature have been
derived by Brull and Méhats in [4]. The novelty of this paper is the derivation of
the energy equation and the numerical solution of the full Navier-Stokes model.
In the following, we comment the form of the pressure, total heat flux, and the
viscous corrections. The pressure p(n, T ) = nT can be interpreted as the Boyle law
for a perfect gas [14]. The total
R heat flux q0 consists of two contributions: one from
the third-order moment q = R3 12 (p−u)|p−u|2 M [w]dp/(2πε)3 (see (15)), which is of
quantum mechanical origin, and another contribution from the heat flux 52 αnT ∇T
(computed in Section 2.4), which arises from the Chapman-Enskog expansion. The
heat conductivity equals κ(n, T ) = 52 αnT , expressing the Wiedemann-Franz law.
This term is often used in numerical simulations as a stabilizing term in the quantum
hydrodynamic equations, see e.g. [15, 22].
The viscous stress tensor for Newtonian fluids with vanishing bulk viscosity coef-
ficient reads as S = 2µ(D(u) − 13 div u I) [14]. In our model, the viscosity coefficient
is equal to µ = αnT . Thus, in the semi-classical limit ε → 0, we recover the clas-
sical Navier-Stokes equations with the above viscosity coefficient which can be also
obtained from a Chapman-Enskog expansion of the classical BGK model.
The global-in-time existence of weak solutions to the barotropic quantum fluid
model (2)-(3) with T = 1 was proved, in a one-dimensional setting, in [19] for ε = α
and, in several space dimensions, in [18] for ε > α, in [12] for ε = α, and in [16]
for ε < α. Up to our knowledge, no analytical results are available for the system
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we perform the Chapman-
Enskog expansion of the Wigner function and derive the local quantum Navier-
Stokes equations (2)-(4). We show in Section 3 that the total energy, consisting
of the thermal, kinetic, and quantum energy, is conserved for all time if 1/τ =
0. Furthermore, the fluid entropy is dissipated for incompressible fluids. Finally,
numerical simulations of a one-dimensional tunneling diode and stationary current-
voltage characteristics are presented in Section 4.

2. Derivation of the model. In this section, we derive the system (2)-(4) from
the Wigner equation (1).

2.1. The Wigner-BGK equation. We recall the kinetic quantum model [3] in-
troduced in the introduction:
1 α 
wt + p · ∇x w + θ[V ]w = (M [w] − w) + ∆p w + divp (pw) . (7)
α τ

The pseudo-differential operator

1 ′
(θ[V ]w)(x, p, t) = (δV )(x, η, t)w(x, p′ , t)ei(p−p )·η dp′ dη
(2π)3 R3 ×R3
with its symbol
i  ε   ε 
(δV )(x, η, t) = V x + η, t − V x − η, t
ε 2 2
models the influence of the electric potential V = V (x, t), which is assumed to be
a given function or selfconsistently coupled to the Poisson equation. Here, ε > 0
denotes the scaled Planck constant. In the semiclassical limit ε → 0, the potential
operator θ[V ]w converges formally to its classical counterpart ∇x V · ∇p w. We refer
to [17] for some properties on the Wigner equation.
The first term on the right-hand side of (7) describes a relaxation process towards
the quantum equilibrium state M [w], the so-called quantum Maxwellian which has
been introduced in [11]. It is the formal maximizer of the quantum free energy
subject to the constraints of given mass, momentum, and energy. More precisely,
let the quantum exponential and quantum logarithm be defined by
Exp w = W (exp W −1 (w)), Log w = W (log W −1 (w)),
where W is the Wigner transform, W −1 its inverse, and exp and log are the operator
exponential and logarithm, respectively, defined by their corresponding spectral
decompositions [11]. The quantum free energy is given by
1 |p|2
S(w) = − w(x, p, ·) (Log w)(x, p, ·) − 1 + − V (x, ·) dxdp.
(2πε)3 R3 ×R3 2
Whereas the classical free energy is a function on the configuration space, the quan-
tum free energy at given time is a real number, which underlines the nonlocal
nature of quantum mechanics. For a given Wigner function w, let M [w] be the
formal maximizer of S(f ), where f has the same moments as w, i.e.
   
Z 1 Z 1
w  p  dp = f  p  dp.
R3 |p| /2 R 3
|p|2 /2
If such a solution exists, it has the form
|p − v(x, t)|2
M [w](x, p, t) = Exp A(x, t) − ,
2T (x, t)
where A, v, and T are some Lagrange multipliers [11, 17]. The rigorous solvability
of the constrained maximization problem is a delicate issue. It is shown
R in [25] that
there exists a unique maximizer of S subject to a given local density R f dp/(2πε)3
in the one-dimensional setting. By definition, the quantum Maxwellian satisfies for
all functions w  
Z 1
(M [w] − w)  p  dp = 0. (8)
R3 |p|2 /2
Physically, this means that the collision operator Q(w) = (M [w] − w)/α conserves
mass, momentum, and energy.

2.2. Nonlocal moment equations. We introduce the notation

hg(p)i = g(p)dp
(2πε)3 R3
for functions g(p). Multiplying the Wigner equation (7) by 1, p, and |p|2 /2, respec-
tively, integrating over p ∈ R3 , and employing (8), we obtain the moment equations
∂t hwi + divx hpwi + hθ[V ]wi = 0,
∂t hpwi + divx hp ⊗ pwi + hpθ[V ]wi = −ατ −1 hpwi,
∂t h 12 |p|2 wi + divx h 21 p|p|2 wi + h 12 |p|2 θ[V ]wi = −ατ −1 h|p|2 w − 3wi,
where p ⊗ p denotes the matrix with components pj pk (j, k = 1, 2, 3), governing the
evolution of the particle density n, the momentum nu, and the energy density ne,
defined by
n = hwi, nu = hpwi, ne = h 12 |p|2 wi.
The variable u = (nu)/n is the macroscopic velocity and e = (ne)/n the macroscopic
energy. The moments on the right-hand side of the moment equations can be written
α nu α 2 3 
− hpwi = − , − h|p|2 w − 3wi = − ne − n ,
τ τ0 τ τ0 2
where τ0 = τ /α, and the moments of the potential operator θ[V ] can be simplified
as shown in the following lemma.
Lemma 2.1. The moments of the potential operator θ[V ] become
hθ[V ]i = 0, hpθ[V ]wi = −n∇x V, (9)
hp ⊗ pθ[V ]wi = −2nu ⊗s ∇x V, h 12 |p| θ[V ]wi = −nu · ∇x V, (10)
h 21 p|p|2 θ[V ]wi = − hp ⊗ pwi + ne I ∇x V + n∇x ∆x V, (11)
where a ⊗s b = 12 (a ⊗ b + b ⊗ a) denotes the symmetrized tensor product and I is the
unit matrix in R3×3 .
The moments (9) are computed in Lemma 12.9 in [17], (11) is shown in Lemma
13.2 in [17], and (10) is proved in Lemma 1 in [25].
In order to calculate the moments hp ⊗ pwi and h 12 p|p|2 wi, which appear in the
moment equations, we use the Chapman-Enskog expansion
w = M [w] + αg,
which defines the function g. The moments can be written as
hp⊗pwi = hp⊗pM [w]i+αhp⊗pgi, h 12 p|p|2 wi = h 21 p|p|2 M [w]i+αh 12 p|p|2 gi, (12)
Inserting the Chapman-Enskog expansion in the Wigner equation (7), we obtain an
explicit expression for g:
g = − (M [w] − w) = −wt − p · ∇x w − θ[V ]w + ατ −1 (∆p w + divp (pw))
= −M [w]t − p · ∇x M [w] − θ[V ]M [w] + O(α), (13)
where O(α) contains terms of order α.
It remains to compute the higher-order moments of M [w] and g. To this end,
we introduce the quantum stress tensor P and quantum heat flux q,
P = h(p − u) ⊗ (p − u)M [w]i, q = h 12 (p − u)|p − u|2 M [w]i.

Then, using the relations hM [w]i = hwi = n, hpM [w]i = nu, and h 21 |p|2 M [w]i = ne,
which follow from (8), we compute

P = hp ⊗ pM [w]i − u ⊗ hpM [w]i − hpM [w]i ⊗ u + u ⊗ uhM [w]i

= hp ⊗ pM [w]i − nu ⊗ u, (14)
q= h 12 p|p|2 M [w]i − h 12 |p|2 M [w]iu + 1 2
2 |u| hpM [w]i − 1 2
2 u|u| hM [w]i
− hp ⊗ pM [w]iu + u ⊗ uhpM [w]i
= h 12 p|p|2 M [w]i − (P + neI)u. (15)

Hence, by (12), we can write

hp ⊗ pwi = P + nu ⊗ u + αhp ⊗ pgi,

h 12 p|p|2 wi = (P + neI)u + q + αh 12 p|p|2 gi.

This shows the following lemma.

Lemma 2.2. Up to terms of order O(α2 ), the moment equations of the Wigner
equation read as follows:

nt + divx (nu) = 0, (16)

(nu)t + divx (P + nu ⊗ u) − n∇x V = αdivx S1 − , (17)
 2 3 
(ne)t + divx (P + neI)u + divx q − nu · ∇x V = αdivx S2 − ne − n , (18)
τ0 2
where τ0 = τ /α and S1 and S2 are given by

S1 = ∂t hp ⊗ pM [w]i + divx hp ⊗ p ⊗ pM [w]i + hp ⊗ pθ[V ]M [w]i,

S2 = ∂t h 21 p|p|2 M [w]i + divx h 12 p ⊗ p|p|2 M [w]i + h 12 p|p|2 θ[V ]M [w]i.

These equations can be interpreted as a nonlocal quantum Navier-Stokes system.

By expanding the quantum Maxwellian M [w] in powers of ε2 , we derive a local
version of this system. Such an expansion has been already carried out in [22] for
P , q, and ne. Under the assumptions that the temperature varies slowly and that
the vorticity tensor A(u) is small, in the sense of ∇x log T = O(ε2 ) and A(u) =
1 ⊤ 2
2 (∇u − ∇u ) = O(ε ), it is shown in [22] that

P = nT I − n∇2x log n + O(ε4 ), (19)
q=− n(∆x u + 2∇x divx u) + O(ε4 ),
3 1 ε2
ne = nT + n|u|2 − n∆x log n + O(ε4 ). (20)
2 2 24
(Notice that the formula for q in [22] contains a misprint.) Moreover, the Lagrange
multiplier v is related to the macroscopic velocity u by [22]

nu = nv + O(ε2 ). (21)

In the following subsections, we derive local expressions for the viscous terms S1
and S2 up to order O(αε2 + α2 ).

2.3. Calculation of S1 . We set S1 = S11 + S12 + S13 , where

S11 = ∂t hp ⊗ pM [w]i, S12 = divx hp ⊗ p ⊗ pM [w]i, S13 = hp ⊗ pθ[V ]M [w]i.

It is sufficient to compute these expressions up to terms of order O(α) or O(ε2 )

since the expressions αdivx S1 and αdivx S2 are already of order O(α). By Lemma
2.1, we have
S13 = −2nu ⊗s ∇x V. (22)

For the calculation of S12 , we set s = (p − v)/ T and employ the following expan-
sions (see [22]).

Lemma 2.3. It holds:

hsM [w]i = O(ε2 ), hs ⊗ s ⊗ sM [w]i = O(ε2 ),

hs ⊗ sM |w|i = n I + O(ε2 ), hs ⊗ s|s|2 M [w]i = 5n I + O(ε2 ).

Taking into account (21) and Lemma 2.3, we infer that

√ √ √
hpj pk pℓ M [w]i = (vj + T sj )(vk + T sk )(vℓ + T sℓ )M [w]
= hvj vk vℓ M [w]i
+ T vk vℓ hsj M [w]i + vj vℓ hsk M [w]i + vj vk hsℓ M [w]i

+ T vj hsk sℓ M [w]i + vk hsj sℓ M [w]i + vℓ hsj sk M [w]i
+ T 3/2 hsj sk sℓ M [w]i

= nuj uk uℓ + nT uj δkℓ + uk δjℓ + uℓ δjk + O(ε2 ). (23)


S12 = divx (nu ⊗ u ⊗ u) + divx (nT u)I + 2∇x (nT ) ⊗s u + 2nT D(u) + O(ε2 ), (24)

where we recall that D(u) = 12 (∇u + ∇u⊤ )/2.

The calculation of S11 is more involved. By (14) and (19), we have

hp ⊗ pM [w]i = P + nu ⊗ u = nT I + nu ⊗ u + O(ε2 ),

and thus, the time derivative becomes

2 1
S11 = (nT I + nu ⊗ u)t + O(ε2 ) = (ne)t I − (n|u|2 )t I + (nu ⊗ u)t + O(ε2 ).
3 3
Elementary computations show that

(n|u|2 )t = 2(nu)t · u + divx (nu)|u|2 , (25)

(nu ⊗ u)t = 2(nu)t ⊗s u + divx (nu)u ⊗ u.

Then, employing (18) and the expansions for P , ne, and q, i.e.
5 1
(ne)t = −divx nT u + nu|u|2 + nu · ∇x V + O(ε2 + α),
2 2

we find that
2 2 1
S11 = (ne)t I − (nu)t · u I + 2(nu)t ⊗s u + divx (nu) u ⊗ u − |u|2 I + O(ε2 )
3 3 3
2 5 1 2 2 2
= − divx nu T + |u| I + nu · ∇x V I + divx (nu ⊗ u) · u I
3 2 2 3 3
2 2
+ ∇x (nT ) · u I − nu · ∇x V I − 2divx (nu ⊗ u) ⊗s u − 2∇x (nT ) ⊗s u
3 3  
1 2
+ 2n∇x V ⊗s u + divx (nu) u ⊗ u − |u| I + O(ε2 + α).
The terms involving T simplify to
−divx (nT u)I − nT divx u I − 2∇x (nT ) ⊗s u.
The terms involving third powers of u sum up to −divx (nu ⊗ u ⊗ u). Hence,
S11 = −divx (nT u)I − nT divx u I − 2∇x (nT ) ⊗s u − divx (nu ⊗ u ⊗ u)
+ 2n∇x V ⊗s u + O(ε2 + α).
In view of (22) and (24), we conclude that
S1 = 2nT D(u) − nT divx u I + O(ε2 + α).
2.4. Calculation of S2 . Similarly as in the previous subsection, we set S2 = S21 +
S22 + S23 , where
S21 = ∂t h 21 p|p|2 M [w]i, S22 = divx h 12 p ⊗ p|p|2 M [w]i, S23 = h 12 p|p|2 θ[V ]M [w]i.
Formula (11) and the expansions (14), (19), and (20) show that

S23 = − P + nu ⊗ u + ne I ∇x V + O(ε2 )
5 1
=− nT I + n|u|2 I + nu ⊗ u ∇x V + O(ε2 ).
2 2

Next, we calculate the fourth moment h 12 p ⊗ p|p|2 M [w]i. Setting s = (p − v)/ T
and employing Lemma 2.3 and (21), we obtain
√ √ √
h 21 p ⊗ p|p|2 M [w]i = 12 (v + T s) ⊗ (v + T s)|v + T s|2 M [w]

= h 12 v ⊗ v|v|2 M [w]i + T v ⊗s hsM [w]i|v|2

+ (v ⊗ v)v · hsM [s]i + T 21 hs ⊗ sM [w]i|v|2

+ v ⊗ vh 21 |s|2 M [w]i + 2h(v ⊗s s)v · sM [w]i

+ T 3/2 v ⊗s hs|s|2 M [w]i + hs ⊗ s ⊗ sM [w]i · v
+ T 2 h 12 s ⊗ s|s|2 M [w]i
1 1 1
= nu ⊗ u|u|2 + T |u|2 hs ⊗ sM [w]i + T u ⊗ uh|s|2 M [w]i
2 2 2
1 2
+ 2T u ⊗s hs(u · s)M [w]i + T hs ⊗ s|s|2 M [w]i + O(ε2 )
1 1 7 5
= nu ⊗ u|u| + nT |u| I + nT (u ⊗ u) + nT 2 I + O(ε2 ).
2 2
2 2 2 2

1 1 7 5
S22 = divx (nu ⊗ u|u|2 ) + ∇x (nT |u|2 ) + divx (nT u ⊗ u) + ∇x (nT 2 ) + O(ε2 ).
2 2 2 2
It remains to calculate the time derivative of h 21 p|p|2 M [w]i. Setting k = ℓ in (23)
and summing over j, we find that
5 1
h 21 p|p|2 M [w]i = nT u + nu|u|2 + O(ε2 ).
2 2
5 1 5 1
S21 = ∂t nT u + nu|u|2 + O(ε2 ) = ∂t ne u − nu|u|2 + O(ε2 )
2 2 3 3
5 5 3 1 1 1
= (ne)t u + T + |u|2 nut − (n|u|2 )t u − |u|2 nut + O(ε2 )
3 3 2 2 3 3
5 5 1 1
= (ne)t u + T + |u|2 nut − (n|u|2 )t u + O(ε2 ).
3 2 2 3
By (25) and nut = (nu)t + divx (nu)u (which is a consequence of (16)), it follows
5 5 1 5 1
S21 = (ne)t u + T + |u|2 (nu)t + T + |u|2 divx (nu)u
3 2 2 2 2
1 2
− divx (nu)|u|2 u − uu · (nu)t + O(ε2 )
3  3   
5 5 1 2 5 1
= (ne)t u + T + |u| (nu)t + T + |u|2 divx (nu)u
3 2 2 2 6
− uu · (nu)t + O(ε2 ).
Inserting the momentum equation (17) and the energy equation (18),
5 1
(ne)t = −divx nT u + nu|u| + nu · ∇x V + O(ε2 + α),
2 2
(nu)t = −divx (nT I + nu ⊗ u) + n∇x V + O(ε2 + α),
in the expression for S21 gives
25 5 5
S21 = − divx (nT u)u − divx (nu|u|2 )u + nu · ∇x V u
6  6 3  
5 1 2 5 1
− T + |u| divx (nT I + nu ⊗ u) + T + |u|2 n∇x V
2 2 2 2
5 1 2
+ T + |u|2 divx (nu)u + divx (nT I + nu ⊗ u) · uu
2 6 3
− nuu · ∇x V + O(ε2 + α).
The terms involving the potential V sum up to
5 1
nuu · ∇x V + nT ∇x V + n|u|2 ∇x V,
2 2
which equals −S23 up to terms of order O(ε ). We simplify the terms involving T :
7 2 5 1
− divx (nT u ⊗ u) − nT udivx u + nT (∇u + ∇u⊤ )u − T ∇x (nT ) − ∇x (nT |u|2 ).
2 3 2 2

Finally, we summarize all remaining terms involving fourth powers of u:

1 1 1
− |u|2 udivx (nu) − nu(u⊤ ∇uu) − |u|2 (u · ∇)u = − divx (nu ⊗ u|u|2 ).
2 2 2
We conclude that
5 1 2
S21 = nT I + n|u|2 I + nu ⊗ u ∇x V + 2nT D(u)u − nT udivx u
2 2 3
1 7 5 1
− ∇x (nT |u|2 ) − divx (nT u ⊗ u) − T ∇x (nT ) − divx (nu ⊗ u|u|2 )
2 2 2 2
+ O(ε2 + α).

Summing S21 , S22 , and S23 , some terms cancel, and we end up with
5 2
S2 = nT ∇x T + 2nT D(u)u − nT udivx u + O(ε2 + α).
2 3
Notice that, up to the Fourier heat term (5/2)nT ∇x T , S2 equals S1 times u.
We have proved (formally) the following result.

Theorem 2.4. Assume that A(u) = (∇u − ∇u⊤ )/2 = O(ε2 ) and ∇ log T = O(ε2 ).
Then, up to terms of order O(α2 + αε2 + ε4 ), the moment equations of the Wigner
equation (1) are given by (2)-(4), where the energy density ne, viscous stress tensor
S, and the total heat flux q0 are given by (5) and (6).

3. Energy and entropy estimates. In this section, we prove energy and entropy
estimates for the quantum Navier-Stokes system (2)-(4). Let the electric potential
V solve the Poisson equation
λ2 ∆V = n − C(x), (26)
where λ > 0 is the scaled Debye length and C(x) models fixed background ions
(doping profile).

Proposition 1. Let (n, nu, ne) be a smooth solution to (2)-(4) and let V be the
solution to (26). We assume that the variables decay R sufficiently fast to zero as
|x| → ∞ uniformly in t. Then the total mass N (t) = R3 n(x, t)dx is conserved, i.e.
dN (t)/dt = 0, and the total energy
λ2 2
E(t) = ne + |∇V | dx
R3 2
is dissipated according to
dE 2 3 1 2 ε2 √ 2
+ n(T − 1) + n|u| + |∇ n| dx = 0.
dt τ0 R 3 2 2 6
In particular, without relaxation (1/τ0 = 0), the energy is conserved. Furthermore,
the energy can be written as
3 1 ε2 √ λ2
E(t) = nT + n|u|2 + |∇ n|2 + |∇V |2 dx ≥ 0.
R3 2 2 6 2
The total energy is the sum of the thermal, kinetic, quantum, and electric energy.

Proof. The conservation of the mass N is clear. The dissipation of E follows from
= (ne)t + λ2 ∇V · ∇Vt dx
dt 3
 2 3 
= nu · ∇V − λ2 V (∆V )t dx − ne − n dx
R3 τ0 R 3 2
Z Z 
 2 3 1 ε2 |∇n|2 
= − div(nu)V − V nt dx − n(T − 1) + n|u|2 + dx
R3 τ0 R 3 2 2 24 n
2 3 1 ε2 √ 
=− n(T − 1) + n|u|2 + |∇ n|2 dx
τ0 R 3 2 2 6

using (26) and (2).

Next, we calculate the evolution of the thermal energy 23 nT . By (5), we find that

3 1 ε2
(nT )t = (ne)t − (n|u|2 )t + (n∆ log n)t . (27)
2 2 24

We employ (4) and (25) to reformulate the first two terms on the right-hand side:

5 1
(ne)t =div(−nT u + αnT ∇T ) − div(nu|u|2 ) + div(Su) + nu · ∇V
2 2
+ div nu∆ log n + 2n(∇2 log n)u + n∆u + 2n∇div u
2 3 
− ne − n ,
τ0 2
1 1
− (n|u| )t = −(nu)t · u − div(nu)|u|2
2 2
1 ε2
= div(nu ⊗ u) · u − div(nu)|u|2 + ∇(nT ) · u − div(n∇2 log n) · u
2 12
n 2
− nu · ∇V − (div S)u + |u| .

Since the third-order terms in u sum up to zero,

1 1
− div(nu|u|2 ) + div(nu ⊗ u) · u − div(nu)|u|2 = 0,
2 2

the sum (ne)t − 12 (n|u|2 )t simplifies to

1 3 5
(ne)t − (n|u|2 )t = div − nT u + αnT ∇T − nT div u + S : ∇u
2 2 2
ε ε2
− div(n∇2 log n) · u + div nu∆ log n + 2n(∇2 log n)u
12 24
 2 3 ε2 
+ n∆u + 2n∇div u − n(T − 1) − n∆ log n , (28)
τ0 2 24

where the double point “:” means summation over both matrix indices. We notice
⊤ 2 2
S : ∇u = αnT (∇u + ∇u ) : ∇u − (div u)
1 ⊤ ⊤ 2 2
= αnT (∇u + ∇u ) : (∇u + ∇u ) − (div u)
2 3
= αnT 2|D(u)|2 − (div u)2 .
The remaining time derivative becomes, by (2),

(n∆ log n)t = −div(nu)∆ log n − n∆(∇ log n · u + div u).


n∆(∇ log n · u + div u) = n∇∆ log n · u + 2n∇2 log n : ∇u + ∆u · ∇n + n∆div u

= div nu∆ log n + 2n(∇2 log n)u + n∆u − div(nu)∆ log n
− 2div(n∇2 log n) · u,

it follows that
ε2 ε2  ε2
(n∆ log n)t = − div nu∆ log n + 2n(∇2 log n) · u + n∆u + div(n∇2 log n) · u.
24 24 12
Inserting this identity and (28) into (27), we conclude that
3 3 5 ε2
(nT )t + div nT u − αnT ∇T − n∇div u
2 2 2 12
= −nT div u + αnT 2|D(u)|2 − (div u)2

2 3 ε 2 
− n(T − 1) − n∆ log n . (29)
τ0 2 24
This formulation allows us to formulate the evolutions of the thermal energy and

Proposition 2. Let (n, nu, ne) be a smooth solution to (2)-(4). We assume that
the variables decay sufficiently fast to zero as |x| → ∞ uniformly in t. Then
Z Z Z  
3 d 2
nT dx = ∇(nT ) · udx + α nT 2|D(u)|2 − (div u)2
2 dt R3 R3 R3 3
Z  2

2 3 ε √
− n(T − 1) + |∇ n|2 dx, (30)
τ0 R 3 2 6
d n 3
n log 3/2 + nT dx
dt R3 T 2
5 n 2 3 n
=− α |∇T |2 + αn 2|D(u)|2 − (div u)2 + (T − 1)2 dx
R3 2 T 3 τ0 T
2 Z
ε n 1 n
− ∇T · ∇div u − (T − 1)∆ log n dx. (31)
12 R3 T 2 τ0 T

The first integral on the right-hand side of (30) expresses the energy change due
to the work of compression. In incompressible fluids, this term vanishes. The second
integral is nonnegative since
2 1 X ∂uj ∂uk 4
2|D(u)|2 − (div u)2 = + + (div u)2 ≥ 0.
3 2 ∂xk ∂xj 3

The third integral represents the dissipation due to relaxation. The first term on
the right-hand side of (31) expresses the dissipation due to temperature variations,
viscosity, and relaxation, the second term vanishes for incompressible fluids without
relaxation. In this situation, the entropy is nondecreasing.
Proof. The first identity follows immediately from (29) after integration over x ∈ R3
and integrating by parts in the terms nT div u and n∆ log n. For the proof of the
second identity, we employ (2) and (29) to obtain
Z   Z  
d n 3 d 5 3 3
n log 3/2 + nT dx = n log n − n log(nT ) + nT dx
dt R3 T 2 dt 3 2 2 2
Z    R 
3 5 3 3
= nt log n − log T − nt − (nT )t + (nT )t dx
3 2 2 2T 2
ZR h  
= − div(nu) log n − log T
R3 2
1  3 5 ε2 
+ div nT u − αnT ∇T − n∇divu + ndiv u
T 2 2 12
− αn 2|D(u)|2 − (div u)2
2 1  3 ε2 i
− 1− n(T − 1) − n∆ log n dx.
τ0 T 2 24
After integration by parts, some terms cancel and we infer that
d n 3
n log 3/2 + nT dx
dt R3 T 2
Z    3 n 
5 n 2 2 2 2 2
=− α |∇T | + αn 2|D(u)| − (div u) + (T − 1) dx
R3 2 T 3 τ T
ε2 n 1 n
− 2
∇T · ∇div u − (T − 1)∆ log n dx.
12 R3 T τ0 T
This concludes the proof.

4. Numerical simulations. In this section we present some numerical simulations

of a simple one-dimensional resonant tunneling diode.
4.1. Geometry and scaling. The geometry of the tunneling diode is shown in
Figure 1. The total length of the device is L = 75 nm. The diode consists of
highly doped 25 nm GaAs regions near the contacts and a lightly doped middle
(channel) region of 25 nm length. The channel contains a quantum well of 5 nm
length sandwiched between two 5 nm Alx Ga1−x As barriers with Al mole fraction
x = 0.3. The double barrier heterostructure is placed between two 5 nm GaAs
spacer layers. The double barrier height is B = 0.4 eV if not otherwise specified. It
is incorporated into the quantum Navier-Stokes equations by replacing the potential
V by V + B in the momentum and the energy equations.

16 −3
2 10 cm

AlxGa As

AlxGa As




Energy [eV]

GaAs 10 cm

GaAs 10 cm


0 25 30 35 40 45 50 75
Position [nm]

Figure 1. Geometry of the resonant tunneling diode and external

potential modeling the double barriers.

In our simulations, we use the one-dimensional stationary full quantum Navier-

Stokes equations, coupled to the Poisson equation for the electric potential. Includ-
ing the physical parameters, the equations read as follows:
(nu)x = 0, (32)
m(nu2 )x + kB (nT )x − (n(log n)xx )x − qnVx
4 mnu
= kB ατr (nT ux )x − , (33)
3 τp
5 1 ~2
kB (nT u)x + m(nu3 )x − (nu(log n)xx + nuxx )x − qnuVx
2 2 8m
5 4 1  3 
= kB ασ(nT Tx )x + kB ατr (nT uux )x − ne − kB nT0 , (34)
2 3 τw 2
εs Vxx = q(n − C), (35)
where the energy density equals
3 m ~2
kB nT + nu2 −
ne = (ln n)xx .
2 2 24m
The physical constants in the above equations are the effective electron mass m,
the Boltzmann constant kB , the reduced Planck constant ~, the elementary charge
q, and the semiconductor permittivity εs (see Table 1). The value for τ0 given in
Table 1 represents the low-energy momentum relaxation time from the low-field
electron mobility in GaAs at 77 K (see [15]). The momentum and energy relaxation
times are denoted by, respectively, τp and τw , and their values will be specified
later. The parameter τr has the dimension of time and it is introduced to keep α
dimensionless. We assume that τr is the time which a thermal electron needs to
cross the device (see below). The parameter σ is defined by σ = κτ0 kB T0 /m with
the thermal conductivity κ, and the lattice temperature T0 .
We employ the following standard scaling:
x = Lx̃, n = C ∗ ñ, V = V ∗ Ṽ ,
T = T0 T̃ , C = C ∗ C̃, u = u∗ ũ,

Parameter Physical meaning Value

q elementary charge 1.602 · 10−19 As
m effective electron mass 0.067 · 10−31 kg
kB Boltzmann constant 1.3807 · 10−23 kg m2 /s2 K
~ reduced Planck constant 1.0546 · 10−34 kg m2 /s
εs semiconductor permitivity 12.9 · 8.8542 · 10−12 A2 s4 /kg m3
τ0 relaxation time 0.9 · 10−12 s
T0 lattice temperature 77 K
Table 1. Physical parameters for GaAs.

where C ∗ is the maximal doping value, V ∗ = kB T0 /q, and (u∗ )2 = kB T0 /m. The
scaled Planck constant and the scaled Debye length are defined by

~2 εs kB T0
ε2 = , λ2 = ,
mL2 kB T0 q 2 C ∗ L2

and we define τr = L/u∗ . This leads to the following equations in nondimensional

form (omitting the tilde symbol)

(nu)x = 0, (36)
ε 4 nu
(nu2 )x + (nT )x − (n(log n)xx )x − nVx = α(nT ux )x − , (37)
12 3 τ1
5 1 ε2
(nT u)x + (nu3 )x − (nu(log n)xx + nuxx )x − nuVx
2 2 8
5 4 1 3 
= ακτ (nT Tx )x + ατ (nT uux )x − ne − n , (38)
2 3 τ2 2
λ2 Vxx = n − C, x ∈ (0, 1), (39)

τp τw τ0
τ1 = , τ2 = , τ= .
τr τr τr
These equations are solved in the interval (0, 1) with the following boundary con-
ditions taken from [15]:

n(0) = C(0), n(1) = C(1), nx (0) = nx (1) = 0,

ux (0) = ux (1) = 0, T (0) = T (1) = T0 , V (0) = 0, V (1) = U,

where U is the applied voltage.

We discretize the quantum Navier-Stokes equations (36)-(39) using central finite
differences on a uniform mesh with N = 500 points. This corresponds to a mesh
size of △x = 1/500 = 0.002. The resulting discrete nonlinear system is solved by
a Newton method where no damping was needed. We follow the approach used in
[22] and employ the continuation method for the applied voltage: first the system of
equations is solved for applied voltage U = 0 V; then, the solution corresponding to
the voltage U is taken as an initial guess for the solution of the system with applied
voltage U + Ustep . The voltage step is chosen as Ustep = 1 mV.

4.2. Simulations of the isothermal model. First, we consider the isothermal

quantum Navier-Stokes model [4, 18]

(nu)x = 0, (40)
ε nu
(nu2 )x + (nT )x − (n(log n)xx )x − nVx = 2α(nux )x − , (41)
12 τ1
λ2 Vxx = n − C, x ∈ (0, 1). (42)

We are interested in the influence of the relaxation term −nu/τ1 on the static
current-voltage characteristics of the tunneling diode. In our tests, we have chosen
the (augmented) effective mass m = 0.126 · m0 , m0 = 10−31 kg, the barrier height
is B = 0.4 eV, and the momentum relaxation time τp = τ0 , which yields τ1 = τ0 /τr .
With the above values for T0 = 77 K and L = 75 nm, the scaled Planck constant
becomes ε ≈ 0.0162.

4 α=ε⋅r 26
x 10
r = 0.05
r = 0.1
10 r = 0.5 10
Electron density n [m ]
Current Density J [Am ]


8 22

10 r = 0.05
2 r = 0.1
r = 0.5
0 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 20 40 60
Voltage U [V] Position x [nm]

Figure 2. Current-voltage characteristics (left) and electron den-

sity (right) for the isothermal quantum Navier-Stokes model with-
out relaxation term for various values of the viscosity α.

Figure 2 (left) shows the dependence of the viscosity parameter α on the current-
voltage characteristics and the electron density when the relaxation term vanishes,
i.e. 1/τ1 = 0. As physically expected, the current density decreases for certain
applied voltages, which is called negative resistance effect. An important parame-
ter in applications is the peak-to-valley ratio, i.e. the ratio between the first local
maximum and the next local minimum of the current density. We observe that the
ratio increases for smaller values of the viscosity parameter α. Moreover, a small
value for α produces multiple negative resistance effects, related to the appearance
of “wiggles” in the electron density behind the right barrier (see Figure 2, right).
Next, we include the relaxation term −nu/τ1 in the momentum equation. Figure
3 shows the influence of this term on the current-voltage characteristics and the
electron density. We observe that relaxation term eliminates the multiple negative
resistance regions. The current density decreases with decreasing relaxation times
τ1 , and the electron density varies only near the right contact.

τ =τ⋅r τ =τ⋅r
1 1
8000 10
r = 10
7000 −4
r = 10
−3 10
r = 10
Current Density J [Am−2]


Electron density n [m ]
r = 10
5000 r = 10 22
3000 10

2000 r = 10−5
10 −3
r = 10
1000 −1
r = 10
0 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 20 40 60
Voltage U [V] Position x [nm]

Figure 3. Current-voltage characteristics (left) and electron den-

sity (right) for the isothermal quantum Navier-Stokes model in-
cluding relaxation for various values of the relaxation parameter
τ1 . We have chosen α = ε.

4.3. Simulations of the nonisothermal model without relaxation. We con-

sider the full quantum Navier-Stokes model (36)-(39) without relaxation terms (i.e.
1/τ1 = 1/τ2 = 0). We choose the viscosity parameter α = ε and the barrier height
B = 0.4 eV. The influence of the effective electron mass on the current-voltage curve
is illustrated in Figure 4 (top). It is well known that the peak-to-valley ratio in-
creases with increasing values of the effective mass (see [24, Figure 6] for related
numerical results). Figure 4 also shows the electron density and temperature for
varying effective masses at the first peak (solid line) and the first valley (dashed
line) of the current-voltage charateristics. Notice that the electron density is very
small in the right barrier compared to the values at the contacts. Interestingly,
the electron temperature is almost constant except in the right barrier where sharp
temperature gradients appear. This shows that the assumption of low temperature
variations, which has been used to simplify the model equations, is debatable in
this case (see below for nonvanishing relaxation terms).
4.4. Simulations of the nonisothermal model with relaxation. Next, we con-
sider the quantum Navier-Stokes model including relaxation terms. The relaxation
times are given by the Baccarani-Wordeman expressions [2]
T0 τp  3kB T 
τp = τe0 , τw = 1+ ,
T 2 mvs2
where vs = 2 · 107 cm/s is the saturation velocity and τe0 = 100τ0 is the low-energy
momentum relaxation time. These expressions have been also employed by Gardner
[15] in his quantum hydrodynamic simulations. We have chosen the value for τe0
for numerical reasons: With this value, the numerical scheme is stable with respect
to changes of the other parameters (effective mass, viscosity etc.). We choose the
barrier height B = 0.4 eV.
Figure 5 (top) verifies that the peak-to-valley ratio increases with the effective
mass. The figure also shows the electron density and temperature for different
values of the effective mass at the first peak (solid line) and the first valley (dashed
line). Similarly as for the case without relaxation terms, in the first current valley,

4 m = 0.092 ⋅ m m = 0.126 ⋅ m
0 0
x 10
16 18000

14 16000

Current Density J [Am ]

Current Density J [Am ]


2 2000

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Voltage U [V] Voltage U [V]
m = 0.092 ⋅ m m = 0.126 ⋅ m
0 0
25 25
10 10

23 23
10 10
Electron density n [m−3]

Electron density n [m ]

21 21
10 10

19 19
10 10

U = 0.179 V U = 0.155 V
U = 0.286 V 17
U = 0.296 V
10 10
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Position x [nm] Position x [nm]
m = 0.092 ⋅ m0 m = 0.126 ⋅ m0
110 110

105 105

100 100
Electron temperature T [K]

Electron temperature T [K]

95 95

90 90

85 85

80 80

75 75

70 70

65 U = 0.179 V 65 U = 0.155 V
U = 0.286 V U = 0.296 V
60 60
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Position x [nm] Position x [nm]

Figure 4. Current-voltage characteristics (top), electron density

(middle), and electron temperature (bottom) for the nonisothermal
quantum Navier-Stokes model without relaxation terms for differ-
ent effective masses m.

the electron density is relatively large in the quantum well but very small in the
right barrier. On the other hand, the temperature changes drastically. Indeed,
the particle temperature is almost constant except in the double-barrier structure.

m = 0.092 ⋅ m m = 0.126 ⋅ m
0 0
1200 120

1000 100
Current Density J [Am−2]

Current Density J [Am ]

800 80

600 60

400 40

200 20

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Voltage U [V] Voltage U [V]
m = 0.092 ⋅ m0 m = 0.126 ⋅ m0
25 25
10 10

23 23
10 10
Electron density n [m−3]

Electron density n [m ]

21 21
10 10

19 19
10 10

U = 0.179 V U = 0.152 V
U = 0.289 V 17
U = 0.298 V
10 10
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Position x [nm] Position x [nm]
m = 0.092 ⋅ m0 m = 0.126 ⋅ m0
77 77

Electron temperature T [K]

Electron temperature T [K]



U = 0.179 V U = 0.152 V
U = 0.289 V U = 0.298 V
76.4 72
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Position x [nm] Position x [nm]

Figure 5. Current-voltage characteristics (top), electron density

(middle), and electron temperature (bottom) for the nonisother-
mal quantum Navier-Stokes model with Baccarani-Wordeman re-
laxation terms for different effective masses m.

Compared to the case without relaxation terms, the temperature variations are
small and the relaxation eliminates the temperature oscillations.
The dependence of the viscosity α on the current-voltage characteristics and the
electron temperature is presented in Figure 6. As in the isothermal model, we

find that the peak-to-valley ratio increases for smaller values of α. However, in
contrast to the isothermal model, no multiple negative resistance regions occur and
the temperature has no sharp peaks, at least for α larger than ε (compare to Figure

α=ε⋅r α=ε⋅r
900 80
r = 10
800 r = 50
r = 150 70
700 r = 450

Electron temperature T [K]

Current Density J [Am−2]


500 50

400 40

200 r = 10
20 r = 50
100 r = 150
r = 450
0 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 20 40 60
Voltage U [V] Position x [nm]

Figure 6. Current-voltage characteristics (left) and electron tem-

perature at U0 = 0.45 V (right) for the nonisothermal quantum
Navier-Stokes model with Baccarani-Wordeman relaxation terms
for various values of the viscosity α.

Up to now, we have used the same value of α in front of the thermal conductivity
term as well as the viscosity terms in equations (36)-(38). We are interested in the
influence of the thermal conductivity term
α1 κτ (nT Tx )x
and the viscosity terms
4 4
α2 τ (nT ux )x , α2 τ (nT uux )x
3 3
on the current-voltage characteristics and the electron temperature. Figure 7 shows
the results obtained by taking the fixed value of the thermal conductivity coefficient
α1 = 100ε and by varying the viscosity constant α2 . Our numerial results are
similar to those for the isothermal model; see Figure 2. For α much smaller than ε,
there are multiple negative resistance regions in the current-voltage characteristics.
Moreover, we observe oscillations in the electron temperature, which dissappear for
larger values of α2 , see Figure 7 (bottom).
Finally, Figure 8 shows the influence of the thermal conductivity term on the
current-voltage characteristics and the electron temperature. We have fixed the
viscosity parameter α2 = 100ε, whereas the value of the thermal conductivity con-
stant α1 varies. It turns out that the thermal conductivity stabilizes the numerical
scheme. Indeed, if the constant α1 has been chosen too small, we observed strong
oscillations in the electron density and the electron temperature became negative.
Figure 8 (bottom) shows that the temperature becomes very small (the minimal
value is about 0.05 K only) in the quantum well when the parameter α1 is of the
order of or smaller than ε.

4 α2 = ε ⋅ r α2 = ε ⋅ r
x 10
18 100
r = 0.05 r = 0.05
16 r = 0.075 95 r = 0.075
r = 0.1 r = 0.1

Electron temperature T [K]

r = 0.5 r = 0.5
Current Density J [Am ]



2 65

0 60
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 20 40 60
Voltage U [V] Position x [nm]
α =ε⋅r

Electron temperature T [K]



r = 100
0 20 40 60
Position x [nm]

Figure 7. Current-voltage characteristics (top left) and elec-

tron temperature at U0 = 0.7 V (top right and bottom) for
the nonisothermal quantum Navier-Stokes model with Baccarani-
Wordeman relaxation terms for various values of the viscosity α2 .


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α1 = ε ⋅ r α1 = ε ⋅ r
120 80
r = 0.5
r = 0.75 70
100 r=1

Electron temperature T [K]

Current Density J [Am−2]

80 50


40 20

20 r = 0.5
0 r = 0.75
0 −10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 20 40 60
Voltage U [V] Position x [nm]
α1 = ε ⋅ r

Electron temperature T [K]





10 r = 10
r = 100
0 20 40 60
Position x [nm]

Figure 8. Current-voltage characteristics (top left) and elec-

tron temperature at U0 = 0.335 V (top right and bottom) for
the nonisothermal quantum Navier-Stokes model with Baccarani-
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