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The Crisis of Democratic Order

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1. Indira Gandhi emerged as a towering leader with tremendous popularity.
2. The competition between political parties became bitter and polarised.
3. Tension in the relationship between government and judiciary.
The Supreme Court found many initiatives of the government violative against the constitution.
The Congress alleged that the Supreme Court was against the principle of democracy and
parliamentary supremacy.
The Congress also stated that the court was becoming an conservative institution and an obstacle in
the way of implementing pro poor welfare schemes.
4. According to the opposition parties Indian politics was becoming personalised and the
government authority was becoming personal authority.
5. The division between Indira Gandhi and her opponents sharpened.
1. The social and economic conditions of the country did not improve after 1971 and 1972.
2. The Bangladesh crisis put heavy constraints on Indian Economy.
8 million people migrated from East Pakistan to India.
This was followed by a war with Pakistan.
After the war USA had stopped providing every possible aid to India.
3. There was a hike in oil prices in International Markets that resulted in all round increase in the
prices of commodities in India.
Prices increased from 23% in 1973 to 30% in 1974.
This led to high level of inflation and further increased the hardships of the people.
4. The Industrial growth was low and unemployment was very high especially in rural areas.
5. Monsoon failure in 1972 - 73 led to the decline in agricultural productivity and resulted in 8% of
decline in food grain output.
6. To reduce the government expenditure the salaries of the government employees were frozen
which resulted in further dissatisfaction all over the country.
7. Non Congress opposition parties were able to conduct popular protest against the government
more effectively.
8. Student unrest became more intense in this period.
9. The activities of Marxist groups increased and they did not believe in the political system.
Their main objective was to overthrow the capitalist system by arms and insurgent techniques and
establish a political system.
They are also known as Marxist Leninist or Maoists or Naxalites.
They were very strong in the state of West Bengal and the government took harsh measures to
suppress them.
1. In 1967 a peasant uprising took place near the Naxalbari police station area of Darjeeling hill
district of West Bengal under the leadership of CPI - M.
2. This peasant movement spread to several states of India and came to be known as Naxalite
It spread in 75 districts of 9 states and most of them were very backward areas inhabited by
3. The reasons behind the Naxalite Movement:-
a. Sharecroppers and small cultivators under tenants are denied from their basic rights such as
security of tenure, their share in produce and payment of fair wages.
4. In 1969 CPI - ML was formed out of CPI - M under the leadership of Charu Majumdar and he
believed in Maoist path of peasant revolution.
It argued that democracy in India was sham and decided to adopt a strategy of protracted guerilla
warfare to lead a movement.
5. The supporters advocated use of violative means to achieve political goals.
6. The Naxalite Movement used forces to snatch lands from rich landowners and distributed those
lands among poor and landless.
7. The West Bengal government under Congress used Preventive Detention and other string
measures but Naxalite Movement did not come to an end.
8. The government has taken stern measures to suppress the Naxalite Movement.
9. Human Rights Activists criticised the government for violating constitutional norms in dealing with
the Naxalites.
10. Thousands of people died between the Naxalite and anti Naxalite violence.
1. In January 1974 students in Gujarat started an agitation against the rising prices of essential
commodities and corruption of high levels.
2. The student protests were joined by many opposition parties and due to its intensification
President's Rule was imposed on Gujarat.
3. The opposition parties demanded fresh election for the state legislature.
Morarji Desai the leader of Congress O and main rival of Indira Gandhi announced that he would go
on an indefinite fast if fresh election is not held.
4. Under intense pressure fresh election were held in Gujarat in June 1975 and the Congress was
1. In March 1974 students came together in Bihar against the price rise of essential commodities,
food scarcity, unemployment and corruption.
2. They invited Jayaprakash Narayan to lead the movement.
3. Jayaprakash Narayan retired from active politics and was involved in social work of people agreed
to lead the movement on two conditions:-
a. The movement must remain non violent.
b. The movement will not limit itself to Bihar.
4. The student movement assumed a political character and a national appeal.
5. JP demanded for the dismissal of Congress Government in Bihar and called for a total revolution in
social, economic and political spheres to establish true democracy.
6. A series of Bandhs and Strike were organised against the Bihar government but the government
refused to resign.
7. The movement was beginning to influence national politics and it also started to spread in other
parts of the country.
8. In 1975 JP led people's march to parliament and it was one of the largest political rallies held in
the capital.
9. The rally was supported by non Congress parties such as:-
a. Bharatiya Jana Sangh. b. Congress O. c. Bharatiya Lok Dal. d. Socialist Party.
These parties were projecting JP as an alternative to Indira Gandhi.
10. Many criticised that both Gujarat and Bihar movement were anti Congress and against the
leadership of Indira Gandhi rather than against the state and was motivated by personal opposition
of Indira Gandhi.
1. In May 1974 the National Coordination Committee for Railway men’s Struggle led by George
Fernendes gave a call for nationwide strikes for employees of railways.
2. The reasons for the strikes are:-
a. Denial towards demand related to bonus.
b. Poor service conditions.
c. Rights of workers.
3. This strike threatened to paralysed the country and it added to the atmosphere of labour unrest.
4. The government opposed to these demands and declared the strike illegal and deployed
territorial army to protect railway tracks.
5. The strike was called off after 20 days without any settlements.
1. In this period three constitutional issues emerged:-
a. Can the Parliament abridge the Fundamental Rights?
The Supreme Court said it cannot.
b. Can the Parliament curtail the Right to Property by making an amendment?
The Supreme Court stated that Parliament cannot amend the Constitution in such a way that rights
are curtailed.
c. The Parliament can amend the Constitution saying that it can abridge Fundamental Rights for
giving effect to DPSP.
The Supreme Court also denied this provision.
2. All these led to a crisis between the relationship of Judiciary and Executive.
3. The crisis culminated in the famous Kesavananda Bharati Case where the Court gave a decision
that there are some basic features of the Constitution that the Parliament cannot amend.
4. Immediately after Supreme Court's decision in 1973 regarding Kesavananda Bharati Case, a
vacancy rose for the post of CJI.
5. The senior most judge of the Supreme Court is appointed as CJI but keeping the rules and three
senior judges aside the Congress government appointed Justice A.N Ray as the CJI.
6. This appointment became politically controversial because the three judges who were kept aside
by the government were given rulings against the stand of the government.
7. Constitutional interpretations and Political Ideologies were rapidly mixing up.
8. People close to PM demanded for a judiciary and bureaucracy committed towards the vision of
executive and legislative.
9. The climax of confrontation was that the High Court declaring Indira Gandhi's election invalid.
1. On 12 June 1975 Justice Jagmohan Lal Sinha of Allahabad High Court passed a judgement
declaring Indira Gandhi's election at Lok Sabha is invalid.
2. This order came on an election petition filed by a Socialist leader and contestant of 1971 election
Raj Narain.
3. According to the petition Indira Gandhi was alleged to use the services of government servant in
her election campaign.
4. The judgement of High Court meant that Indira Gandhi was no more an MP and thus she could
not remain as a PM until she is again elected as an MP within 6 months.
5. On 24 June the Supreme Court granted her a partial stay on High Court order but she could not
take part in the proceedings of Lok Sabha.
6. The stage was now set for a big political confrontation.
7. The opposition political parties led by JP demanded for Indira Gandhi's resignation and organised
a massive demonstration in Delhi's Ramlila Ground on 25 June 1975.
JP also asked the government officials to not to follow illegal and immoral orders of the government.
The political mood of the country turned against Congress.
8. In response the government declared state of emergency.
9. On the ground of threat of internal disturbances the government provoked article 352 of the
constitution to declare Emergency.
10. According to Article 352 Emergency can be proclaimed over:-
a. External threat.
b. Threat of internal disturbances.
11. The Constitution provides some special power to the Union Government when Emergency is
imposed which are as follows:-
a. The federal distribution of power remains practically suspended and all powers concentrated in
the hands of union government.
b. The government also gets the power to curtail or restrict all or selective Fundamental Rights.
c. Emergency is an extraordinary condition in which normal democratic politics cannot function.
12. On the night of 25 June 1975 the PM recommended imposition of Emergency to President
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed and he issued it immediately.
13. After midnight electricity to all major newspaper offices were cut off and large no. of leaders of
opposition parties were arrested.
14. The cabinet was informed about a special meeting on 6 am on 26 June after all these had taken
1. The Emergency brought the agitations to an abrupt end and strikes were banned and all kind of
protests, strikes and public agitations were disallowed.
2. Press Censorship:-
a. Using its special power the government suspended the freedom of press.
b. The newspapers were asked to get prior approval for the publication of news.
c. Newspapers like Indian Express, Statesmen and Nai Dunia protested against censorship by leaving
blank spaces where news items had been censored.
d. Magazines like Seminar and Mainstream chose to close down rather than submit to censorship.
e. Many Journalists were arrested because of writing against the Emergency.
3. Extensive Use of Preventive Detention:-
a. Under this provision people are arrested and detained not because they have committed any
crime but on the apprehension that they may commit any crime in future.
b. Many opposition leaders were arrested and put in jail.
c. Arrested political leaders could not challenge their arrests through Habeas Corpus because various
fundamental rights of citizens were suspended including the right of citizens to move to court for
restoring their fundamental rights.
d. Many cases were filed against the detention of political leaders in High Court and Supreme Court
but the government claimed that it was unnecessary to inform the leaders about the reasons for
which they were arrested.
e. In April 1976 the Supreme Court ruled out High Court and accepted government's plea which
granted the government the power to take away the citizen's right to life and liberty. Thus it closed
the doors of Judiciary for the citizens.
4. Apprehending social and communal disharmony the government banned Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) and Jamait - e - Islami.
5. The Kanada writer Shivarama Karanth who was awarded with Padma Bhushan and Hindi writer
Fanishwarnath Renu who was awarded with Padma Shri returned their awards as a protest against
6. An amendment was made declaring election of PM, President and Vice President could not be
challenged in the court.
7. The 42nd amendment was passed during this time period under which several changes were
made and this amendment is also known as mini constitution.
8. The duration of legislature was extended from 5 to 6 years thus elections after 1971 held at 1978
instead of 1976.
1. Emergency is one of the most controversial episodes of Indian Politics.
2. Reasons for considering Emergency as controversial:-
a. Differing viewpoints about the need to declare Emergency.
b. Using the powers provided by the Constitution the government suspended the democratic
a. In May 1977 the Janata appointed a commission of inquiry headed by Justice J.C Shah the retired
CJI to inquire about the Emergency proclaimed on 25 June 1975.
b. The Commission examined various kinds of evidences and called scores of witness to give
c. Indira Gandhi who appeared before the Commission refused to give any answers.
d. The government of India accepted the findings, observations and recommendations of the Shah
1. The Constitution simply mentioned the reason of internal disturbances for declaring Emergency.
2. Before 1975 Emergency was never proclaimed on the ground of internal disturbances though
there were many agitations going on in different parts of the country.
3. Supporters of Emergency:-
a. They argued that the opposition parties must allow the elected ruling party to govern according to
its policies.
b. According to them frequent recourse to agitations, protests and Collective action are not good for
c. It is wrong to have extra parliamentary politics targeting the government.
d. All these led to instability and distractions for the administration to perform routine task for
development and all the energies are diverted for maintenance of law and order.
e. Indira Gandhi wrote in a letter to Shah Commission that subversive forces were trying to obstruct
the progressive programmes of the government and attempting to dislodge her from power by extra
constitutional means.
f. CPI backed INC during Emergency period on the basis of believing that there was an international
conspiracy against the unity of India and believed that some restrictions on agitations were justified
because the agitations led by JP were mainly by the middle classes who were opposed to the radical
policies of INC.
g. After Emergency CPI felt that it was their mistake to support INC for in the Emergency period.
4. Critics of Emergency:-
a. According to them Indian politics has a history of popular struggles but all these did not led to the
imposition of Emergency.
b. According to JP and many other leaders people have the right to public protest against the
government in a democracy.
c. The Bihar and Gujarat movement were mostly peaceful and non violent and many of the leaders
who were arrested never tried for any anti national activities.
d. The home ministry which is responsible for monitoring internal situation of the country did not
concerned about law and order situation in the country.
e. If some agitations had over stepped their limit then the government had enough routine power to
deal with it rather than suspending democratic functions and using of draconian measures such as
f. According the critics the threat was not to the unity and integrity of the country but to the ruling
party and PM.
They alleged Indira Gandhi misused constitutional powers for saving her personal power.
1. The government stated that it wanted to use the Emergency to:-
a. Bring law and order.
b. Restore efficiency.
c. Implementation of pro poor welfare programmes.
In this direction Indira Gandhi had announced a Twenty Point Programme that included:-
 Land Reforms.
 Land redistribution.
 View of agricultural wages.
 Workers participation in management.
 Eradication of bonded labour etc.
2. The urban middle class were generally happy on the declaration of Emergency because:-
a. Agitations came to an end.
b. Discipline was enforced by the government.
3. The poor people also expected the government's promises of implementing welfare programmes.
4. Critics stated that the promises of the government remained unfulfilled it was meant to divert
attention from the excesses happening during the time of Emergency.
5. The Shah Commission estimated that 676 political leaders were arrested and 1 lakh 11 thousand
people were arrested under Preventive Detention.
6. Severe restrictions were put on press without proper legal sanctions.
7. The General Manager of Delhi Power Supply Corporation received verbal orders form the Lt.
Governor of Delhi to cut off electricity in all newspapers presses at 2 am 26 June 1975 and the
electricity was restored after 2 to 3 days after the set up of censorship apparatus.
8. Sanjay Gandhi the youngest son of PM did not hold any official political position but gained
control over administration and interfered in the functioning of the government.
He played decisive role in demolitions and forced sterilisation.
9. The Emergency affected lives if the common people through:-
a. Tortures. b. Custodial deaths. c. Arbitrary relocation of the poor.
d. Compulsory sterilisation for population control etc.
1. The Emergency brought out the weakness and strength of the Indian democracy.
2. India ceased to be democratic during Emergency but within a short span of time normal
democratic functioning resumed.
3. First lesson that is learned is that it is extremely difficult to do away with democracy in India.
4. Second is Emergency provision in the Constitution have been rectified.
Internal democracy can be proclaimed only on the ground of armed rebellion and the advice to the
President to proclaim Emergency must be given in writing by Union Cabinet.
5. Thirdly after Emergency people became more aware of the value of civil liberties.
The Court who had failed to protect civil liberties during the time of Emergency later played an
active role in protecting civil liberties post Emergency period.
Many civil liberties organisations came up after Emergency.
6. There was a tension between routine functioning of a democratic government and political
protests by parties and groups.
7. The Emergency rule took through police and administration.
These institutions could not function independently.
According to the Shah Commission they were turned into political instruments of the ruling party.
They became vulnerable to political pressure and the problem did not resolved even after
1. After the Emergency Lok Sabha elections were announced.
2. In North India the impact of Emergency was felt most strongly and the 1977 elections turned into
a referendum on the experience of the Emergency.
3. The opposition fought the election on the slogan of Save Democracy.
4. The people verdict was decisively against the Emergency that is the governments that are
perceived to be anti democratic are severely punished by the voters.
5. The experience of 1975 - 77 Emergency resulted in strengthening the foundation of democracy.
1. In January 1977 after 18 months of Emergency the government decided to hold the elections.
2. Elections were held in March 1977.
3. All leaders and activists were releasing from the jail.
4. Very little time was left for the opposition but the political development took place very rapidly.
5. The major non Congress opposition parties came together in pre Emergency period and in post
Emergency period they together formed the Janata Party under the leadership of Jayaprakash
6. Some other leaders of Congress formed a separate party named Congress for Democracy under
the leadership of Jagjivan Ram which later merged with the Janata Party.
7. The Janata Party made this election into a referendum and its campaign was focused on:-
a. Non democratic character of the rule.
b. Excesses that took place during Emergency.
8. The public opinion was against Congress.
9. JP was symbolised as the restoration of democracy.
10. The formation of Janata Party ensured that the non Congress votes will not be divided and this
provided a tough competition for Congress.
11. The final results of the 1977 elections came out and for the first time since independence
Congress apart was defeated in Lok Sabha elections.
It had won 154 seats that is less than 34%.
The Janata Party and its allies won 330 seats out of 542 seats and Janata Party alone won 295 seats
and this enjoyed a clear majority.
12. In North India there was massive electoral defeat against Congress.
The Congress lost in every constituency of:-
a. Bihar. b. UP. c. Delhi. d. Haryana. e. Punjab.
It was able to win one seat each in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
Indira Gandhi was defeated from Rar Bareli and her younger son Sanjay Gandhi was defeated from
13. Congress did not lose elections in the states of:-
a. Maharashtra. b. Gujarat. c. Odisha. d. And many South Indian States.
14. Congress managed to win in South Indian States because of the following reasons:-
a. The impact of Emergency was not felt equally in all the states.
b. It was mostly felt in the North Indian States.
c. More importantly North India has experienced some long term changes in the nature of political
The middle castes started to move toward Janata Party from Congress which is one of the reason for
Janata Party's win in 1977 Lok Sabha elections.
1. The Janata Party government that came in power after 1977 elections were far from cohesive.
2. After elections there was a stiff competition between three leaders for the post of PM:-
a. Morarji Desai who was the rival of Indira Gandhi since 1966 and 67.
b. Chaudhary Charan Singh leader of Bharatiya Lok Dal and farmer's leader from UP.
c. Jagjivan Ram who had a vast experience as a senior minister in Congress Government.
3. Eventually Morarji Desai became the PM but this did not end the power struggle within the party.
4. Critics stated that the Janata Party lacked:-
a. Direction. b. Leadership. c. Common Programme.
5. The Janata Party was unable to bring any fundamental changes in political from those that are
pursued by Congress.
6. The Morarji Desai government lost its majority and lasted for less than 18 months.
7. Jagjivan Ram became the PM with support of Congress only for 4 months because of the
withdrawal of the support of Congress.
8. Fresh elections were held in January 1980 and Congress defeated Janata Party.
INC achieved a great victory in 1990 elections and won 353 seats and came back to power.
9. Thus the governments which are unstable and quarrel some are close severely punished by the
1. Between the elections of 1977 and 1980 the party system had changed dramatically.
2. Since 1969 the Congress had started shedding its character as an Umbrella Party which
accommodated leaders and workers of different ideologies and viewpoints.
3. The Congress party identified itself with a particular ideology that is socialist and pro poor party.
It attracted people on the basis of sharp social and ideological divisions and on the basis of appeal of
one leader Indira Gandhi.
4. The opposition parties relied more on non Congressism and realised the need to avoid the division
of votes of non Congress parties which played a major role in the elections of 1977.
5. In an indirect manner the issue of backward caste began to dominate Indian politics since 1977.
The leaders of backward castes played an important role.
The issue of reservation of OBC became very controversial in Bihar and following this the Janata
Party appointed Mandal Commission at the centre.
6. The Emergency period is also described as a period of constitutional crisis regarding the battle
between Parliament and Judiciary.
7. It was a period of political crisis.
The party in power had absolute majority but still it suspended democratic process.
There was an abuse of the democratic norms by the ruling government with the help of special
power it achieved during Emergency.
The political crisis was more serious that the constitutional crisis.
8. Another issue was the role and extent of mass protests in a parliamentary democracy.
There was a clear tension between institution based democracy and democracy based on popular
This tension was attributed with the inability of the party system to incorporate the aspiration of the
1. Jayaprakash Narayan is known for three contributions:-
a. Fight against corruption.
b. Principle of Communitarian Socialism.
c. Championing of Total Revolution.
2. He was the first leader in post independence India who took step against corruption through the
participation of youth in the states of Gujarat and Bihar.
3. He advocated the office of Lokpal against corruption.
4. His principle of Communitarian Socialism views India as a society of communities having three key
a. Community. b. Region. c. Rashtra.
All combining together as an example of True Federation.
5. Based on the above principle Jayaprakash Narayan advocated the transformation of individual,
society and state through his call for Total Revolution.
6. This Total Revolution led the transformations in:-
a. Moral. b. Culture. c. Economy. d. Polity. e. Education. f. Ecology.
7. His transformation included:-
a. Right to recall the importance of village and morals samities in democratic politics.
b. Call for Upper Ke Log join political struggle for clean politics in the country.
8. According to Jayaprakash Narayan essence of transformation revolves around Man who could be
the real catalyst of change in India.
1. Ram Manohar Lohia is the main proponent of Socialism in India.
2. He championed the idea of Democratic Socialism associating socialism with democracy.
3. His principle of Democratic Socialism has two objectives:-
a. The economic objective in the form of food and housing.
b. The non economic objective in the form of democracy and freedom.
4. Lohia advocated Chouburja Rajneeti in which he describes four pillars of politics and socialism.
The four pillars are:-
a. Centre. b. Region. c. District. d. Village.
All are linked with each other.
5. Lohia argued that the policy of affirmative action should not only be for downtrodden people but
also for women and non religious minorities.
6. Based on the premises of Democratic Socialism and Chouburja Rajneeti Lohia supported a Party of
Socialism as an attempt of merging all political parties.
7. According to Lohia the Party of Socialism should have three symbols:-
a. Spade (prepared to make efforts).
b. Vote (power of voting).
c. Prison (willingness to make sacrifices).
1. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya was a philosopher, sociologist, economist and a politician.
2. The philosophy presented by him is called Integral Humanism which was intended to present an
indigenous socio economic model in which human beings remain centre of development.
3. The aim of Integral Humanism is to ensure dignified life for every human being while balancing
the need of individual and society.
4. It supports sustainable consumption of natural resources so that resource can be replenished.
5. Integral Humanism enhances political economic social democracy and freedom and also promotes
6. The philosophy of Integral Humanism is based on three principles:-
a. Primacy of whole.
b. Supremacy of Dharma.
c. Autonomy of Society.
7. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya did not supported Western Capitalist Individualism and Marxist
Socialism because they only considered the need of human body and mind and were based on
materialistic purpose.
Capitalism and Socialism lack space for spiritual development which is equally important for
complete development of human beings.
8. His philosophy on internal conscience pure human soul to be called Chhitti and Deen Dayal
emphasised on a casteless classless and conflict free social system.
1. Increasing participation of people in the democratic politics of the people is termed as Democratic
2. There were three democratic upsurges in post independence India:-
A. The First Democratic Upsurge:-
1. It occurred from the period of 1950s to 1970s.
2. This period was based on the participation of Indian adult voters in the democratic politics both
at centre and state.
3. This period falsified the western myth of requirements for a successful democracy:-
a. Modernisation. b. Urbanisation. c. Education. d. Access to media.
4. The successful holding of elections to both Lok Sabha and legislative assemblies all across the
state on the principle of parliamentary democracy were the testimony of India's first democratic
B. Second Democratic Upsurge:-
1. This took place during 1980s.
2. This period is accompanied with increasing participation of the lower classes of the society such as
SC, ST and OBC according to Yogendra Yadav.
3. This participation made Indian politics more accommodative and accessible for these classes.
4. This Upsurge did not make any changes to the standard of living of these classes especially Dalits.
5. The participation of these classes into organisational and political platforms gave them the
opportunity to strengthen their self respect and ensure empowerment in the democratic politics of
the country.
C. Third Democratic Upsurge:-
1. It began with the era of LPG in early 1990s and led to the emergence of competitive market
2. The Third Democratic Upsurge represents a competitive electoral market which is based on the
principle of survival of ablest rather than survival of the best.
3. It underlines three shifts in India's electoral market:-
a. State to market.
b. Government to governance.
c. From state as controller to state as facilitator.
4. This period also promoted participation of youth in democratic politics and they emerged as a
real game changers for the development and governance in India's contemporary democratic
1. Marxist in his youth.
2. Founder General Secretary of Congress Socialist Party and later Socialist Party.
3. A hero of 1942 Quit India Movement.
4. Declined to join Nehru's cabinet.
5. After 1955 quit active politics.
6. Became Gandhian and involved in:-
a. Bhoodan Movement.
b. Negotiations with Naga rebels.
c. Peace initiatives in Kashmir.
d. Ensured surrender of Decoits in Chambal.
7. Leader of Bihar movement and was symbolised as the opposition of Emergency.
8. Moving force behind the formation of Janata Party.
B. MORARJI DESAI (1896 - 1995):-
1. Freedom fighter and a Gandhian leader.
2. Proponent of Khadi, Naturopathy and Prohibition.
3. CM of Bombay State.
4. Deputy PM from 1967 to 69.
5. Joined Congress O after the split.
6. First PM belonging from non Congress party from 1977 to 79.
1. PM of India from July 1979 to January 1980.
2. Freedom fighter and active in politics of UP.
3. Proponent of rural and agricultural development.
4. Left INC and found Bharatiya Kranti Dal in 1967.
5. CM of UP and later one of the founders of Janata Party in 1977.
6. Deputy PM and Home Minister from 1977 to 79.
7. Founder of Lok Dal.
D. JAGJIVAN RAM (1908 - 86):-
1. Freedom fighter and Congress leader from Bihar.
2. Deputy PM of India from 1977 to 79.
3. A member of Constituent Assembly.
4. A Member of Parliament since 1952 till his death.
5. A scholar and astute administrator.

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