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Accounting For Overhead

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- Overhead and activity levels are budgeted/

estimated by an entity for the whole
Overhead- all other cost incurred in the factory accounting period
aside from direct materials and direct labor.
- The numerator and denominator in
determining the POH rate is being studied
well based on management estimates,
 Part of product/inventoriable cost
 Part of total manufacturing cost SPECIFIED VOLUME OF ACTIVITY
- Includes all cost incurred in the production (BASE TO BE USED)
process which are not direct materials or The base to be used should be related to
direct labor, also it is not directly traceable functions represented by the OH cost being
to the products completed but are still applied:
necessary to be incurred to raw materials
to finished goods.  FOH is labor oriented – base should be
o Indirect materials direct labor hours/ direct labor cost
o Indirect labor (factory supervisor,  Investment oriented related to operation of
factory janitor) machinery – base should be machine hours
o Factory insurance  Is material oriented – base should be
o Factory depreciation of equip and materials cost
1. Direct labor hours
a. The most common used base
o Repairs and maintenance
or denominator
o Rent
b. The number of direct labor
o Utilities
hours spent is readily
PREDETERMINED OVERHEAD RATES available in a payroll sheet
- Is an allocation rate that is used to
Estimated Factory OH
apply the estimated cost of manufacturing FOHR=
overhead to cost object for a specific reporting Estimated Dirct Labor Hours
period. = Factory overhead rate per labor
We only estimate the total overhead cost for hour
the period using a specific allocation rate.
We do not use actual overhead cost incurred.
We used the budgeted/estimated overhead 2. Direct labor cost
a. More reliable than material
cost as labor rates do not
1. Allows an entity to get immediate cost
change as often
information for decision – making and
b. A direct relationship between
pricing decision without the need to
labor cost and factory
wait for the actual overhead cost
overhead is needed
which take time to accumulate.
c. Available on the payroll sheet
2. When overhead rates are
predetermined, it allows uniform Estimated factory OH
costing whatever season or FOHR= ×
circumstance the company is into
Estimated Direct Labor Cost
(uniform costing so price won’t = Percentage of direct labor cost
change from time to time)
3. Within the relevant range, there will
be no problem on fluctuations of act
Machine hours
levels and the cost related thereunto.
a. Direct relationship between
Budgeted OH cost
Predetermined OH rate= machine hours and factory oh
Specified volume of activity cost is needed
b. May occur in companies or - Manufacture only a single product
departments that are largely - Manufacture different products that go
automated so hat majority of through the same series of productive
the factory overhead cost departments
consist of depreciation of
factory equipment Departmental Rate – shall be use when
different products are being manufactured by
Estimated factory OH an entity
Estimated Machine Hours - Also applicable when products do not pass
= Factory Overhead Rate per through the sae series of production
machine hour departments
- Compute for the estimated factory
4. Direct material cost overhead per dept. segment/ cost centers
a. A direct relationship between - Determine the applicable base
direct materials and factory
overhead cost is needed. NORMAL COSTING
b. This may occur in companies – is a costing system that is used to
where a very large part of determine the cost of producing products by
total cost is attributed to using the actual cost of direct labor and direct
direct materials materials and an allocation method for
c. This is not an appropriate overhead.
base to when more than one
product is manufactured by a
company Actual Normal CS Standar
Estimated factory OH Direct
FOHR= × 100actual actual Budget
Estimated Direct Materials Cost
cost ed/
= Percentage of Direct materials Indirect actual Budgeted/ Budget
cost cost applied ed/
5. Units of production
a. Simple method because units
produced are readily Manufacturing overhead (temporary acc)
available Actual overhead Overhead applied to
b. Appropriate when a company cost incurred production
or a development  Indirect  Actual costing –
manufactures only one materials all actual OH
product.  Indirect labor  Normal costing
Estimated factory OH  Utilities – Predetermined
FOHR=  Rent rates
Estimated Units of Production
 Insurance
= Factory overhead rate per unit of
 Depreciation

FOHR computed is known as the plant-wide or

blanket rate
All departments in the company will use the
same application rate for manufacturing
overhead and the same base 1. With the use of actual costing:
Applicable to entities who: Actual overhead = Applied
 Since actual amount of overhead is being 2. Indirect actual OH
applied to production labor 2. Normal
2. Normal costing use: 3. Utilities costing –
o Actual overhead not equal 4. Rent predetermine
Applied overhead 5. Insurance d rates
6. Depreciati

1. To record various indirect cost
1. Actual overhead > Applied oh actually incurred
 Overhead at the end of the period is under
applied (kulang) Factory overhead control Xx
2. Actual OH < Applies OH Salaries and wages payable Xx
Supplies inventory Xx
 Over applied
Accu, depreciation xx
1. Overhead variance is immaterial
a. The amount of variance is closed FOCH Account: an account record used to
against COGS track and control the indirect manufacturing
b. Underapplied=COGS increase cost incurred in a production process
c. Overapplied= COGS decreases
2. Overhead Variance is material A suspense account that represents the
a. The amount is closed and accumulation of all manufacturing overhead
prorated against the accounts in cost during a specific accounting period.
which applied overhead resided:
Sample OH Dr. Cr.
WIP inv., FG inv. And COGS item
TYPES OF OVERHEAD Indirect Factory OH Salaries
labor payable
Indirect Factory OH Inventory or
OVERHEAD material supplies
function Elem Beha norm Controll Factory Factory OH Prepaid
s ents viour ality ability insurance insurance
producti Indir Fixed Nor Controll Factory Factory OH Accumulate
on ect mal able Depreciation d
mate depreciation
rial Taxes/ Factory OH Taxes and
Adminis Indir Varia abnor Uncontr utilities utilities
tration ect ble mal ollable payable
labor 2. Applying the overhead:
Selling Indir Semi
ect - WIP inv Xx
expe varia Manufacturing OG control xx
nses be (Amount is computed POHR multiplied by the
distribut activity volume for the period)
3. Completion of work in process inv:

FG inv Xx
WIP inv xx

Manufacturing overhead 4. Sales of goods:

Actual overhead Overhead applied to
cost incurred production COGS Xx
1. Indirect 1. Actual FG inv xx
materials costing – all
The Factory Overhead account is not a typical With this, we can compare the revenue of
account. It does not represent an asset, liability, each department with their total cost. Then
expense, or any other element of financial take decisions relating to particular
statements. Instead, it is a “suspense” or department.
“clearing” account.

Amounts go into the account and are then Allocation Apportionment

transferred out to other accounts. In this case, Deals with the Deals with proportion
actual overhead goes in, and applied overhead whole items of cost of items of cost
goes out Direct process of Needs a suitable basis
departmentalization for sub-division of
of overheads the cost
Whether a particular item of expense can be
ALLOCATION APPORTIONMENT, AND allocated or apportioned does not depends
ABSORPTION OF OVERHEAD on the nature of expense, but depends on the
relation with the cost centre or cost unit to
which it is to be charged
Allocation of overhead

 When items of cost are identifiable directly

with some products or departments such Service and producing department
cost are charged to cost centres. This
process is known as cost allocation
 It is complete distribution of an item of Producing department
overhead to the departments or products on These departments perform the primary
logical or equitable basis is called purpose of the company—to produce goods
allocation. and services for consumers.
 Where a cost can be clearly identified with They are cost accumulation centers in which
a cost center or cost unit, then it can be work is performed directly on the goods being
allocated to that particular cost center. produced.
Allocation of OH Examples of operating departments are the
- Allocation is a direct process of identifying assembly departments of manufacturing firms
overheads to cost units or cost centers. So and the departments in hotels that take and
the term allocation means allotment of confirm reservations.
whole item of cost to a particular cost Service department
center or cost object without any division. Service or support department is a unit in an
organization that contributes in a very indirect
way to the conversion of raw materials to
Apportionment of OH finished goods. They are, however and still,
involved in producing goods.
 Cost apportionment is the allotment of
proportion of items to cost centers The costs of service departments are allocated
 When items of cost cannot be directly to the producing departments because they
charged to or accurately identifiable exist to support the producing departments.
with any cost centers, they are
This method of allocation makes it possible to
prorated or distributed amongst the
assess the department’s operational efficiency.
centers on some predetermined and
If the internal cost for a service is greater than
suitable basis.
the price charged by an external supplier, the
Apportionment of overhead costs means to service department could be considered for
divide total cost of overhead among different elimination.
departments or branches or cost centers of a
company Methods of allocating service department
1. Direct method
a. Most widely used method
b. Ignores any service rendered
by one service department to
c. It allocates each service
department’s total cost
directly to the producing
2. Sequential/step method
a. Recognizes services rendered
by service departments to
another departments
b. Sequence typically starts with
the department that renders
service to the greatest number
of other service department
and ends with the department
that renders service to the
least number of other
c. Once a service department’s
cost are allocated, no
subsequent service
department cost are allocated
to it
3. Algebraic method
a. Allocates cost by explicitly
including mutual services
rendered among all

Absorption of Overhead

 The ultimate aim of Overhead

Accounting is to absorb them in the
product units produced by the firm.
 Thus, the indirect costs or overhead
will have to be distributed over the
final products so that the charge is
 This process is known as cost
absorption or ‘Absorption’ of
 FOH rate is used here!

When OH variance is material:

The amount of OH is closed and prorated
against accounts in which applied overhead
resides: work-in process inventory, finished
goods inventory, and cost of goods sold.

Cost Accounting

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