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IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS) SL: 1.5 Humans & Pollution

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IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS) SL 

1.5 Humans & Pollution

1.5.1 The Nature of Pollution
1.5.2 Different Types of Pollution
1.5.3 Effects of DDT on Animals
1.5.4 Pollution Management

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1.5.1 The Nature of Pollution YOUR NOTES

The Nature of Pollution
Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances or agents into the environment
These substances cannot be rendered harmless by the environment at a rate that is
greater than the rate of their release
Pollution is harmful to organisms and can adversely affect normal environmental
It is a major source of contamination of the Earth and atmosphere, making
ecosystems and habitats toxic and unpleasant
Pollution can be:
Natural (e.g. ash from volcanic eruptions) or human in origin (e.g. microplastics)
Intentional (e.g. industrial waste discharged into rivers) or unintentional (e.g.
accidental oil spills from oil tankers)
Pollution results from the release of substances that degrade the sustainable quality of air,
water, and soil, negatively impacting human quality of life
Main Sources of Pollution
Pollutants can come in various forms, including:
Organic or inorganic substances
Light, sound, or heat energy
Biological agents
Invasive species
Human activities, including the combustion of fossil fuels, are the major sources of
Defining pollution levels is challenging and depends on the nature of the environment. For
Oil slicks pose a more significant threat in Arctic areas than in tropical ones due to
slower decomposition rates in colder environments
Pollution levels that do not pose a risk to healthy adults can still affect young children,
the elderly, or asthmatics
The Major Sources of Pollution

Source Type of Pollution Activity Effects

Sulfur dioxide, Acid rain, photochemical

nitrogen oxides, Burning fossil fuels smog, respiratory
particulates problems

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Spraying crops with
Bioaccumulation, 
Pesticides, fertilisers, pesticides, spreading
Agriculture biomagnification,
animal waste fertilisers on fields, runoff
from manure and silage

Release of toxic
substances into the
Industrial accidents e.g.
Industry Toxic spills and leaks environment e.g.
chemical factories
Minamata, Japan and
Bhopal, India

Waste dumped in landfill Contamination of

Solid domestic
Domestic sites, waste from toilets, groundwater, release of
waste, sewage,
Waste household cleaning methane, eutrophication,
chemical waste
products disease

Driving, fuel and oil leaks

Air pollution, respiratory
Exhaust fumes from channelled into
problems, climate change,
Transport vehicles, runoff from surrounding land and
contamination of streams
roads watercourses by road
and soils

Volcanic ash, Volcanic eruptions, Respiratory problems, acid

particulate pollution wildfires, dust storms rain, habitat destruction

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 Worked Example

Construct a systems diagram to show the impacts of air pollution from the
pollutants nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, focussing on the formation of acid
rain and its effects.

 Exam Tip
Although natural pollution can exist (e.g. in the form of ash from volcanic eruptions or
dust from dust storms) the syllabus refers to pollution as the introduction of
pollutants to the environment through human activity, so you should focus on
revising human sources of pollution for your exams.

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1.5.2 Different Types of Pollution YOUR NOTES

Types of Pollution
Pollution can be classified based on different criteria, including:
Point source pollution vs non-point source pollution
Persistent pollution vs biodegradable pollution
Acute effects of pollution vs chronic effects of pollution
Primary pollution vs secondary pollution
Classifying Pollution

Point Source Non-Point Source

Point source pollution comes from a single Non-point source pollution comes from
identifiable source, such as a factory or a dispersed sources, such as runoff from
sewage treatment plant agricultural fields or urban areas

Persistent Biodegradable

Persistent pollution does not degrade or break

Biodegradable pollution can be broken down
down quickly, such as heavy metals or certain
by natural processes, such as organic waste

Acute Effects Chronic Effects

Acute effects of pollution occur in a high Chronic effects of pollution occur over a long
concentration for a short period of time, such period of time in lower concentrations, such as
as an oil spill air pollution from vehicle emissions

Primary Secondary
Secondary pollutants form when primary
Primary pollutants are directly emitted into the pollutants undergo physical or chemical
environment, such as carbon monoxide or reactions in the atmosphere, such as the
particulate matter from burning fossil fuels formation of ozone from nitrogen oxides and
volatile organic compounds

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1.5.3 Effects of DDT on Animals YOUR NOTES

Effects of Using DDT
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was widely used as a pesticide from the 1940s until
it was banned in many countries in the 1970s due to its environmental and health impacts
It is an example of a conflict between the utility of a 'pollutant' and its effect on the
DDT is a powerful insecticide, so it was effective in controlling insect-borne human
diseases, such as malaria (transmitted by mosquitoes) and typhus (transmitted by lice),
particularly in tropical regions
However, it was discovered that DDT was also causing harm to non-target organisms,
such as birds and fish, through biomagnification
This means that top predators, such as eagles and falcons, were receiving high doses
of DDT, which caused them to lay eggs with thin shells, resulting in reproductive failure
The conflict between the utility of DDT in controlling diseases and its environmental
impacts led to a ban on its use in many countries, including the United States
Its use has been restricted under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
The use of DDT remains controversial, with some arguing that it should be allowed for
use in disease control in areas where it is the most effective option, while others argue
that the environmental impacts are too significant to justify its use
DDT highlights the importance of considering the potential environmental impacts of any
chemical or substance before it is used, particularly when it will be widely distributed into
the environment
It also shows that sometimes a trade-off must be made between the benefits and the
negative impacts of a substance

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Through the process of biomagnification, the concentration of DDT in the tissues of YOUR NOTES
organisms increases at successively higher trophic levels in a food chain 

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1.5.4 Pollution Management YOUR NOTES

Pollution Management
Human activities, such as farming and industrial practices, urbanisation, development of
transport, and energy production, are the major causes of pollution
The amount of material released into the environment determines the impact
There are three main stages leading to the impact of pollutants on the environment
Stage 1: Human activity producing the pollutant
Stage 2: Releasing of the pollutant into the environment
Stage 3: The impact of the pollutant on ecosystems

The main stages leading to the impact of pollutants

There are three strategies for managing the impacts of pollution (which relate to the stages
of pollutant impact shown above):
Changing human activity
Regulating and reducing quantities of pollutants released at the point of emission
Cleaning up the pollutants and restoring the ecosystem after pollution has occurred
Modern technology can reduce the impact of pollution by managing these three stages of
pollutant impacts, for example:
Stage 1 could be managed by introducing electric and hybrid cars that use less fossil
Stage 2 could be managed by fitting catalytic converters to car exhaust systems or
adding scrubbers to industrial chimneys to remove toxic chemicals and allow for their
Stage 3 could be managed by using synthetic membranes to capture chemical spills
(e.g. mats designed to capture and hold hydrocarbons)

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The main strategies for managing the impacts of pollution

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