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Tapping Into Your Fullest Potential

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Lee Milteer’s Millionaire Smarts® Coaching Program

Tapping into Your Fullest Potential

Lee Milteer Interviews Jeff Faldalen
IV. Beliefs are not Static

Dear Millionaire Smarts® Members:

Our goal this month is to inspire you to tap into your fullest Potential. Part of the success of
achieving potential is understanding your belief systems. Neuroscientist’s say is that 75% of what
we know, we'll know in our entire life by the age of 5. So we have lots of programs that we decided
with childhood logic that's actually running our lives today. And we get addicted to those thoughts
which turn into beliefs. We have to take the time to literally question and change some old beliefs
that hold us back, cause us stress and create pain in our lives and business.

The following is an excerpt from Jeff’s new book: The Map to Your Fullest Potential- Discover
the Secret Path to Your Greatest Treasure and you as Millionaire Smarts® Members have the right to
use this for personal use.

Beliefs are not Static

Why insist that beliefs are static, meaning they can't be changed? This is not accurate at all. How
many times have we heard you can't teach an old dog new tricks? That is so far from the truth
because neuroscientists have absolutely proven time and time again that our brains are very plastic.
That way of thinking is along the lines of, “If I work out, it doesn't matter, my muscles aren't going
to grow.” Everything in nature is about expanding. It's about adapting. It's about changing to adapt to
the current situation. Whatever your beliefs are about evolution, it is very clear that the universe is all
about adaptability. It's about evolving. It's about progress. That's what potentiality is - truly
understanding this whole development progress.

Progress is the Soul of the Universe

Rumi said, "Progress is the soul of the universe." Why is that important? Because for us to be
congruent with how we're designed, we have to step into progress. You start out saying, "Okay, what
is possible? What is impossible?"
All of us know we are capable of so much more than what we're currently doing. Then we step
into, "Cool. Then I'm going to take action. I'm going to do something to step into what I think is a little
bit beyond what is in my current situation."
We take action; whether it's small or life changing, it matters.
Here's a step-by-step process to accepting fluidity in your beliefs, broadening your horizons, and
figure out the direction to take to achieve your fullest potential.

Step One: Attaching to the Results

No matter what, you're going to get results. You're going to get feedback from whatever it is that
you're doing. What is really important about this process, what aids in your ability to keep moving
forward, is taking note of what you attach to the results of taking that action.
Here's the interesting point I want to make: even if it doesn't go the way you hoped it would, there
is still something powerful to takeaway from the experience. Of course, if you're reaction is, "I'm not
any good. My dreams aren't that important. It's not worth it. How come this always happens to me?"
then you won't take away positive fuel to improve your circumstances.

On the other hand, if you stay positive, ready to take the next step, no matter the outcome, how
will this impact your life? Your fullest potential, that's what. When you're going through this process,
it’s important to find out what you attach to the outcome. Don't make it personal and terminal – allow it
to create a new door of experience to learn from and walk through to an even better outcome down
the road.
Again, this is what affects your ability to step into your full potential because who wants to sign up
for abuse? That's what we're doing when we do these things, when we step outside of our comfort
zone. What do you attach to the results of whatever the outcome is?
Do as a caterpillar. A caterpillar does not attach any of that to itself when it is metamorphosing
into a butterfly.

Step Two: Forming Beliefs

The next step in this process is we start forming our beliefs. The more you're able to embrace this
act of being more graceful, loving yourself, the more you're able to push into uncomfortable zones.
For example, instead of attaching anything that doesn't feel good immediately to failure, "I'm a
failure," or “This doesn't work,” understand this is just part of a process. It is important to remember
that the negative beliefs you may have about yourself are not based on facts. Our beliefs are formed
by experiences we have and are often first formed in childhood. If the beliefs you have about yourself
are not serving you or your objectives, you can form new, more positive beliefs that will help you
accelerate towards personal achievement.

Step Three: Step out of the Comfort Zone

Step out of your comfort zone. What keeps you in that comfort zone is actually the conversations
you have with yourself, your most intimate relationship.
The only person we spend our entire lives with is ourselves. We are the only single person we
spend every single moment of our life with. Remember – you're the driver of your own life. You can't
get out of the car until Game Over. Therefore, you should be the most important relationship - not the
only relationship - but the most important one. That relationship is going to reflect the quality of your
As you're zooming down life's road, how do you talk to yourself? How do you see yourself? What
is your self-image? How do you pick yourself up when you get knocked on your ass? How do you
respond when somebody says something to you that is outside of your comfort zone? How well do
you take criticism? What does that mean to you?

Hear (and Listen) to Feedback

Feedback is hugely important in the process of everything we do. If you
attach feedback as being ridiculed or criticized or anything along those lines,
then that's going to affect your ability to step into the feedback.

In architecture school, I was blown away by how collaborative life can be.
Each student had to have nerves of steel when proposing their projects. It was
guaranteed that our ideas would be picked apart and questioned, cross-
examined. Of course, the at times critical feedback was difficult to take. But
through the feedback of other students and professors, it was clear to me how
much improved my project became. Through collaboration, the road you take to
your fullest potential can be streamlined – you can find a shortcut by listening to
others. It is crucial to have good coaches and mentors in your life and business.

If we're not in alignment with who we are, we're going to have inner civil wars within ourselves
which is going to affect our potentiality. Creation is potentiality. Ever notice that when you watch a
movie and you feel this emotion welling up inside of you and it feels uncomfortable? It feels

uncomfortable because most of the time you're not in tune with your feelings or what's going on inside
of you. But there's a voice that you can't ignore, and it says, "Man, wouldn't it be awesome to be able
to do that?" We don't listen to that voice because all of a sudden, that voice - that inspiration – or
whatever it is, starts bringing up other doubts or thoughts within ourselves.
Let me give you an example: first, answer the question, "What do you want?”
Stop right there.

The moment we ask ourselves what we want and certain ideas pop up, all of a sudden, there's
this aspect of us that starts putting in all these other thoughts about how it's not possible to get what
we want. We shut that dream down instantly because it's uncomfortable. When we just ask the
question, "What do I want?" and we don't ask “how” or “why,” then we can sit there and entertain that
thought for a little bit and actually start giving that thought more life.

What's more important to you is keeping your fears alive, which are constricting your creativity or
feeding your creativity, which will give you a higher quality of life. Ask yourself that question because
there are actually archetypes within us. These archetypes all serve us in different ways.
When you think about potentiality, remember: potentiality is not positive or negative, it's both. You
need to be able to let go of what they call “duality.” When we take what we would consider bad and
throw the entire thing out rather than looking at just that aspect, we take content and blanket it over
context. What I mean by that is, say for example, somebody's in an unresourceful state. They were
tired. They had a fight with their significant other. They got bad news about somebody close to them;
whatever it is, they come into work and they're a little bit short. They're a little bit irritable. The person
on the receiving end of that behavior all of a sudden projects their behavior on them and says, "This
is a bad person. This is a mean person. This is whatever," to try to protect themselves. They take one
incident and they blanket it over the entire context of that person's life.

That is duality, and it is one of the most crippling things to potentiality. It's like saying to Roger
Bannister, "What are you doing, man? Did you lose your mind? There's no way ..." In fact, I think back
on those days, they had mathematically proven it was impossible to run a mile in four minutes. He
had other plans.

What you need to do is be able to protect what it is that you think is possible. Now, it doesn't
mean not share it with people but rather it's sharing your thoughts, ideas, and dreams with people
that will encourage you to expand on them.

Your environment greatly affects how you think about things. Birds
of a feather flock together. Let's say, your five best friends are an
average of who you are. Each of them want to stay where they're at
and all of a sudden, you get this inspiration; how they respond can
greatly influence how you act on that inspiration.

The word “inspiration” comes from “God breathed” or “breathed from a

higher source.” That inspiration has come to you for a reason. You can
choose to listen to it or you can choose to listen to the discomfort it brings and shut it down
immediately. We all have situations where we had an idea we didn't act on, and because we didn't act
on it, somebody else did. Then, years later, we’re yelling at the TV, "Oh my gosh, I thought of that
five, six years ago."

That inspiration is looking for somebody who's going to take that idea the next level. Which way?
This way? This is where potentiality comes into it. Potentiality is looking for different things for the
person that's going to take action on it. Taking action on an idea is going to take you further.

To find out more about our expert guest check out Jeff’s website: and the
Jeff Faldalen show on Facebook, also his podcast, the Potential Zone, and his new book,
'The Map to Your Fullest Potential’ is on Amazon.

HOMEWORK FROM LEE: I suggest you take Jeff’s formula and use it to help you break out of the
old belief systems that literally hold you back from seeing new opportunities to leverage. Be sure to
use his step-by-step process to accepting fluidity in your beliefs, broadening your horizons, and figure
out the direction to take to achieve your fullest potential.
Step One: Attaching to the Results
Do as a caterpillar. A caterpillar does not attach any of that to itself when it is metamorphosing
into a butterfly.

Step Two: Forming Beliefs

The next step in this process is we start forming our beliefs. The more you're
able to embrace this act of being more graceful, loving yourself, the more you're
able to push into uncomfortable zones.
Your beliefs are formed by experiences you have had. If the beliefs you have
about yourself are not serving you or your objectives, you can form new, more
positive beliefs that will help you accelerate towards personal achievement.

Step Three: Step out of the Comfort Zone

Step out of your comfort zone. What keeps you in that comfort zone is actually the conversations
you have with yourself, your most intimate relationship. How do you talk to yourself? How do you see
yourself? What is your self-image? How do you pick yourself up when you get knocked on your ass?
How do you respond when somebody says something to you that is outside of your comfort zone?
How well do you take criticism? What does that mean to you?

Work and Live Smart,

Lee Milteer
Business and Life Strategist

P.S. Be sure to go to our Millionaire Smarts® Membership site where you will find Free Bonus
reports from our Millionaire Smarts® Faculty. How to Access the Millionaire Smarts® Membership
Site: Go to and put in your code for the month, 358263 at the bottom of the web
page where it says COACHING SIGN IN. It will take you to the private and password protected
Millionaire Smarts® Coaching membership site.

Permission granted for reprint for Lee Milteer Inc., Sponsors and their members only for personal use.
©2019 Lee Milteer Inc.

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