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Breezhaler ®

Bronchodilator (Beta 2-Adrenergic Agonist/Anticholinergic)

Pharmaceutical form

Transparent yellow cap and natural transparent body capsules containing a white to
practically white powder, with the product code “IGP110.50” printed in blue under
two blue bars on the body and logo ( ) printed in black on the cap.
Active substance

The delivered dose (the dose that leaves the mouthpiece of the inhaler) is equivalent

Active moieties
Indacaterol and glycopyrronium
Capsule fill: Lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate.
Capsule shell components: Hypromellose, purified water, carrageenan, potassium
chloride, FD&C Yellow5/Tartrazine.
Once-daily maintenance bronchodilator treatment to relieve symptoms and reduce
exacerbations in adult patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
General target population
The recommended dosage is the once-daily inhalation of the content of one
® inhaler.

Special populations
Renal impairment
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium can be used at the recommended dose in patients with
mild to moderate renal impairment. In patients with severe renal impairment or
end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis it should be used only if the expected
benefit outweighs the potential risk. See also sections WARNINGS AND
Hepatic impairment
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium can be used at the recommended dose in patients with
mild and moderate hepatic impairment. No data are available for subjects with
severe hepatic impairment. See also section CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY.
Pediatric patients

Geriatric patients
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium can be used at the recommended dose in elderly

Method of administration
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium capsules must be administered only by the oral
inhalation route and only using the Breezhaler ® inhaler. Capsules must not be

swallowed (see also section OVERDOSAGE).

It should be administered at the same time of the day each day. If a dose is missed,
it should be taken as soon as possible. Patients should be instructed not to take
more than one dose in a day.
Capsules must always be stored in the blister to protect from moisture, and only
removed IMMEDIATELY BEFORE USE (see also section STORAGE).
When prescribing indacaterol/glycopyrronium patients should be instructed on
correct use of the inhaler. Patients who do not experience improvement in breathing
should be asked if they are swallowing the medicine rather than inhaling it.
Patients with hypersensitivity to indacaterol or glycopyrronium, which are
components of indacaterol/glycopyrronium, or to any of the excipients.
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium should not be administered concomitantly with
products containing other long-acting beta-adrenergic agonists or long-acting
muscarinic antagonists, drug classes to which the components belong (see section
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium should not be used for the treatment of asthma due to
the absence of data in this indication.
Long-acting beta 2 -adrenergic agonists may increase the risk of asthma-related
serious adverse events, including asthma-related deaths, when used for the
treatment of asthma.
Not for acute use
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium is not indicated for the treatment of acute episodes of
Immediate hypersensitivity reactions have been reported after administration of
indacaterol or glycopyrronium, which are components of indacaterol/glycopyrronium.
If signs suggesting allergic reactions occur, in particular, angioedema (including
difficulties in breathing or swallowing, swelling of tongue, lips and face), urticaria,

Paradoxical bronchospasm
As with other inhalation therapy, administration of indacaterol/glycopyrronium may
result in paradoxical bronchospasm that may be life-threatening. If paradoxical
bronchospasm occurs, treatment should be discontinued immediately and
alternative therapy instituted.
Anticholinergic effects related to glycopyrronium
Like other anticholinergic containing drugs, indacaterol/glycopyrronium should be
used with caution in patients with narrow-angle glaucoma or urinary retention.
Patients should be advised about signs and symptoms of acute narrow-angle
glaucoma and should be informed to stop using it and to contact their doctor
immediately should any of these signs or symptoms develop.
Patients with severe renal impairment
For patients with severe renal impairment (estimated glomerular filtration rate below
2 ) including those with end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis,

it should be used only if the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk (see
section CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY). These patients should be monitored closely for
potential adverse drug reactions.
Systemic effects of beta-agonists
Although no clinically relevant effect on the cardiovascular system is usually seen
after the administration of indacaterol/glycopyrronium at the recommended dose,
as with other compounds containing a beta 2 -adrenergic agonist, it should be used
with caution in patients with cardiovascular disorders (coronary artery disease, acute
myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension), in patients with convulsive
disorders or thyrotoxicosis, and in patients who are unusually responsive to
beta 2 -adrenergic agonists.
As with other drugs containing an inhaled beta 2 -adrenergic agonist, it should not be
used more often or at higher doses than recommended.
Cardiovascular effects of beta-agonists
Like other drugs containing a beta 2 -adrenergic agonist, it may produce a clinically
significant cardiovascular effect in some patients as measured by increases in pulse
rate, blood pressure, and/or symptoms. In case such effects occur, the drug may
need to be discontinued. In addition, beta-adrenergic agonists have been reported to
produce ECG changes, such as flattening of the T wave, prolongation of QT interval,
and ST segment depression, although the clinical significance of these findings is
Clinically relevant effects on prolongation of the QTc-interval have not been observed
in clinical studies of indacaterol/glycopyrronium at the recommended therapeutic
dose (see section CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY).
Hypokalemia with beta-agonists
Beta 2 -adrenergic agonists may produce significant hypokalemia in some patients,
which has the potential to produce adverse cardiovascular effects. The decrease in
serum potassium is usually transient, not requiring supplementation. In patients
with severe COPD, hypokalemia may be potentiated by hypoxia and concomitant
treatment (see section INTERACTIONS) which may increase the susceptibility to
cardiac arrhythmias.
Clinically relevant effects of hypokalemia have not been observed in clinical studies
of indacaterol/glycopyrronium at the recommended therapeutic dose (see section
Hyperglycemia with beta-agonists
Inhalation of high doses of beta 2 -adrenergic agonists may produce increases in
plasma glucose. Upon initiation of treatment with indacaterol/glycopyrronium,
plasma glucose should be monitored more closely in diabetic patients. During
clinical studies, more patients on indacaterol/glycopyrronium experienced clinically
notable changes in blood glucose (4.1%) at the recommended dose than on placebo
(2.3%). It has not been investigated in patients for whom diabetes mellitus is not
well controlled.
The presentation of the safety profile is based on the experience with combination
indacaterol/glycopyrronium and the individual components.
Summary of the safety profile

The safety profile was characterized by typical anticholinergic and beta-adrenergic

symptoms related to the individual components of the combination. Other most
common adverse drug reactions related to the drug product (reported ≥3% and
greater than placebo) were cough and oropharyngeal pain (including throat
At the recommended dose, the adverse drug reaction profile in patients with COPD
showed clinically insignificant systemic effects of beta 2 -adrenergic stimulation. Mean
heart rate changes were less than one beat per min, and tachycardia was infrequent
and reported at a lower rate than with placebo. Relevant prolongations of QT c F were
not detectable in comparison to placebo. The frequency of notable QT c F intervals
Tabulated summary of adverse drug reactions from clinical trials

Phase III trials of 6- and 12-months duration are listed by MedDRA system organ
class (Table 1) (6 -month Core Safety database). Within each system organ class, the
adverse drug reactions are ranked by frequency based on the indacaterol/glycopyrronium
treatment arm, with the most frequent reactions first. Within each frequency
grouping, adverse drug reactions are presented in order of decreasing seriousness.
In addition, the corresponding frequency category for each adverse drug reaction is
based on the following convention (CIOMS III): very common (≥1/10); common

very rare (<1/10,000), including isolated reports.

Combination indacaterol/glycopyrronium showed similar adverse drug reactions as
the individual components. As it contains indacaterol and glycopyrronium, the type
and severity of adverse reactions associated with each of the components may be
expected in the combination.

Table 1 Adverse drug reactions observed with indacaterol/glycopyrronium in

two placebo-controlled clinical trials
Placebo Frequency
Adverse drug reactions daily N=345 category
n (%)
n (%)
Infections and infestations
Upper respiratory tract
Very common
Nasopharyngitis Common
Urinary tract infection Common
Sinusitis Common
Rhinitis Common

Placebo Frequency
Adverse drug reactions daily N=345 category
n (%)
n (%)
Immune system disorders
Hypersensitivity (0) Uncommon
Metabolism and nutrition disorders
Diabetes mellitus and
Psychiatric disorders
Insomnia Uncommon
Nervous system disorders
Dizziness Common

Placebo Frequency
Adverse drug reactions daily N=345 category
n (%)
n (%)
Headache Common
Paraesthesia (0) Uncommon
Eye disorders
Glaucoma* (0) Uncommon
Cardiac disorders
Ischemic heart disease Uncommon
Atrial fibrillation (0) Uncommon
Tachycardia Uncommon
Palpitations Uncommon

Placebo Frequency
Adverse drug reactions daily N=345 category
n (%)
n (%)
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders
Cough Common
Oropharyngeal pain incl
throat irritation
Epistaxis (0) Uncommon
Gastrointestinal disorders
Dyspepsia Common
Dental caries Common
Dry mouth Uncommon

Placebo Frequency
Adverse drug reactions daily N=345 category
n (%)
n (%)
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
Pruritus/rash Uncommon
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Musculoskeletal pain Common
Muscle spasm (0) Uncommon
Myalgia Uncommon
Renal and urinary disorders
Bladder obstruction and
(0) Uncommon
urinary retention

Placebo Frequency
Adverse drug reactions daily N=345 category
n (%)
n (%)
General disorders and administration site conditions
Pyrexia* Common
Chest pain Common
Peripheral edema Uncommon
Fatigue Uncommon
*new adverse drug reaction observed with the combination indacaterol/glycopyrronium
but not with the monotherapy components.

Adverse drug reactions from spontaneous reports and literature cases (frequency
not known)
The following adverse drug reaction has been reported in post-marketing
experience: angioedema (frequency not known).
Additional information on individual components
Gastroenteritis, pain in extremity and paradoxical bronchospasm have been observed
previously with the individual components but not with indacaterol/glycopyrronium
fixed dose combination in the two placebo-controlled trials and are therefore not

Description of selected adverse drug reactions

The most common anticholinergic adverse event was dry mouth (0.6% versus 0.3%
for placebo); however, this adverse event was reported at a lower frequency with
indacaterol/glycopyrronium combination than with glycopyrronium monotherapy.

mild degree, none was severe. Cough was common, but usually of mild intensity.
Some serious adverse events, including hypersensitivity and ischemic heart disease,
have been reported as ADRs for indacaterol administered as monotherapy. The
reported frequencies for indacaterol/glycopyrronium for hypersensitivity and
ischemic heart disease were 0.1% versus 0.0% for placebo and 0.4% versus 0.3%
for placebo, respectively.
Special populations

Interactions linked to the indacaterol/glycopyrronium
Concomitant administration of orally inhaled indacaterol and glycopyrronium under
steady -state conditions of both drugs did not affect the pharmacokinetics (PK) of
either drug.
No specific drug-drug interaction studies were conducted. Information on the
potential for interactions is based on the potential for each of its two components.
Interactions linked to indacaterol
Indacaterol has not been shown to cause drug interactions with co-medications. In
vitro investigations have indicated that indacaterol has negligible potential to cause
metabolic interactions with medications at the systemic exposure levels achieved in
clinical practice (see section CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY – Biotransformation/metabolism
and elimination).
Anticipated interactions resulting in concomitant use not being recommended
Beta-adrenergic blockers
Beta-adrenergic blockers may weaken or antagonize the effect of beta 2 -adrenergic
Therefore it should not be given together with beta-adrenergic blockers (including
eye drops) unless there are compelling reasons for their use. Where required,
cardioselective beta-adrenergic blockers should be preferred, although they should
be administered with caution.
Drugs known to prolong QTc interval
As with other beta 2 -adrenergic agonist-containing drugs, it should be administered
with caution to patients being treated with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic
antidepressants, or drugs known to prolong the QT interval, as any effect of these on
the QT interval may be potentiated. Drugs known to prolong the QT-interval may
increase the risk of ventricular arrhythmia (see section WARNINGS AND
Sympathomimetic agents
Concomitant administration of other sympathomimetic agents (alone or as part of
combination therapy) may potentiate the undesirable effects of indacaterol (see
Concomitant treatment with methylxanthine derivatives, steroids, or non-potassium-
sparing diuretics may potentiate the possible hypokalemic effect of beta 2 -adrenergic
agonists (see section WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS).
Observed interactions to be considered
Metabolic and transporter based drug interaction

impact on safety of therapeutic doses of indacaterol. Drug interaction studies were

ketoconazole, erythromycin, verapamil and ritonavir). Verapamil was used as the
prototypic inhibitor of P-gp and resulted in 1.4- to two-fold increase in AUC and
1.5-fold increase in C max . Co-administration of erythromycin with indacaterol
max . Combined

a 2-fold and 1.4-fold increase in AUC and C max , respectively. Concomitant treatment

1.8-fold increase in AUC whereas C max was unaffected. Taken together, the data
suggest that systemic clearance is influenced by modulation of both P-gp and

inhibitor ketoconazole reflects the impact of maximal combined inhibition. The

magnitude of exposure increases due to drug interactions does not raise any safety
concerns given the safety experience of treatment with indacaterol in clinical trials of

Interactions linked to glycopyrronium

In vitro studies showed that glycopyrronium is not likely to inhibit or induce the
metabolism of other drugs, nor processes involving drug transporters. Metabolism in
which multiple enzymes are involved, plays a secondary role in the elimination of
glycopyrronium (see section CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY – Biotransformation/metabolism
and elimination). Inhibition or induction of metabolism of glycopyrronium is unlikely
to result in a relevant change of systemic exposure to the drug.
Anticipated interactions resulting in concomitant use not being recommended
The co-administration of indacaterol/glycopyrronium with inhaled anticholinergic-
containing drugs has not been studied and is therefore, like for other anticholinergic-
containing drugs, not recommended.
Observed interactions to be considered
Cimetidine or other inhibitors of organic cation transport
In a clinical study in healthy volunteers, cimetidine, an inhibitor of organic cation
transport which is thought to contribute to the renal excretion of glycopyrronium,
increased total exposure (AUC) to glycopyrronium by 22% and decreased renal
clearance by 23%. Based on the magnitude of these changes, no clinically relevant
drug interaction is expected when glycopyrronium is co-administered with
cimetidine or other inhibitors of the organic cation transport.
Women of child-bearing potential
There are no special recommendations for women of child-bearing potential.
There are no data from the use in pregnant women. Likewise there are no data from
the use of either indacaterol or glycopyrronium in pregnant women.
No effects on the embryo or fetus were seen at any dose level during an embryo-
fetal development study in rats. Indacaterol was not teratogenic in rats or rabbits
following subcutaneous administration. Reproductive toxicity was seen for
indacaterol as an increased incidence of one skeletal variation following
administration to rabbits (see section NON-CLINICAL SAFETY DATA).
Glycopyrronium was not teratogenic in rats or rabbits following inhalational
administration (see section NON-CLINICAL SAFETY DATA). In human parturients

The potential risk for humans is unknown. Therefore as there is no adequate

experience in pregnant women, it should only be used during pregnancy if the
expected benefit to the patient justifies the potential risk to the fetus.
It is not known whether indacaterol and/or glycopyrronium passes into human
breast milk. Indacaterol and glycopyrronium (including its metabolites) have been
detected in the milk of lactating rats. Therefore the use of indacaterol/glycopyrronium
by breastfeeding women should only be considered if the expected benefit to the
woman is greater than any possible risk to the infant (see section NON-CLINICAL
Information related to indacaterol and glycopyrronium
Reproduction studies or other data in animals did not indicate a concern regarding
fertility in either males or females (see section NON-CLINICAL SAFETY DATA).
Labor and delivery
Information related to indacaterol
Like other beta 2 -adrenergic agonist containing drugs, it may inhibit labor due to a
relaxant effect on uterine smooth muscle.
Information related to indacaterol/glycopyrronium
In a single dose study in healthy volunteers the 4-fold of the therapeutic dose of

one hour, each) was well tolerated with no relevant effects on heart rate, QTc-
interval, serum potassium or blood glucose.

and there were no relevant effects on heart rate, QTc-interval, blood glucose or

accurate analysis. In a total of four patients non-sustained ventricular tachycardia

An overdose could lead to exaggerated effects typical of beta2-adrenergic

stimulants, i.e. tachycardia, tremor, palpitations, headache, nausea, vomiting,
drowsiness, ventricular arrhythmias, metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia, and
hyperglycemia or could induce anticholinergic effects, i.e. increased intraocular
pressure (causing pain, vision disturbances or reddening of the eye), obstipation or
difficulties in voiding. Supportive and symptomatic treatment is indicated. In serious
cases, patients should be hospitalized. Use of cardioselective beta blockers may be
considered for treating beta2-adrenergic effects, but only under the supervision of a
physician and with extreme caution since the use of beta-adrenergic blockers may
provoke bronchospasm.
Information related to indacaterol

increase in pulse rate, systolic blood pressure increase and QTc interval.
Information related to glycopyrronium
In COPD patients, repeated orally inhaled administration of glycopyrronium at total

Acute intoxication by inadvertent oral ingestion of glycopyrronium capsules is

unlikely due to the low oral bioavailability (about 5%).
Peak plasma levels and total systemic exposure following i.v. administration of

in healthy volunteers were respectively about 50-fold and 6-fold higher than the
peak and total systemic exposure at steady-state achieved with the recommended

Mechanism of action
When indacaterol and glycopyrronium are administered together, they provide
additive efficacy due to their different mode of action targeting different receptors
and pathways to achieve small muscle relaxation. Due to the differential density of
beta 2 -adrenoceptors and M 3 -receptors in central versus smaller airways, beta 2-
agonists should be more effective in relaxing small airways whilst an anti-cholinergic
compound may be more effective in large airways. Thus for optimal bronchodilation
in all regions of the human lung, a combination of a beta 2 -adrenergic agonist and a
muscarinic antagonist may be beneficial.
Indacaterol is an ‘ultra’ long-acting beta 2 -adrenergic agonist for once-daily
administration. The pharmacological effects of beta 2 -adrenoceptor agonists,
including indacaterol, are at least in part attributable to stimulation of intracellular
adenyl cyclase, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) to cyclic-3’, 5’-adenosine monophosphate (cyclic monophosphate). Increased
cyclic AMP levels cause relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle. In vitro studies have
shown that indacaterol has more than 24-fold greater agonist activity at beta 2-
receptors compared to beta 1 -receptors and 20-fold greater agonist activity
compared to beta 3 -receptors. This selectivity profile is similar to formoterol.
When inhaled, indacaterol acts locally in the lung as a bronchodilator. Indacaterol is
a nearly full agonist at the human beta 2 -adrenergic receptor with nanomolar
potency. In isolated human bronchus, indacaterol has a rapid onset of action and a
long duration of action.
Although beta 2 -adrenergic receptors are the predominant adrenergic receptors in
bronchial smooth muscle and beta 1 -adrenergic receptors are the predominant

receptors in the human heart, there are also beta 2 -adrenergic receptors in the
human heart comprising 10% to 50% of the total adrenergic receptors. The precise
function of beta 2 -adrenergic receptors in the heart is not known, but their presence
raises the possibility that even highly selective beta 2 -adrenergic agonists may have
cardiac effects.
Glycopyrronium is an inhaled long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonist (anti-
cholinergic) for once-daily maintenance bronchodilator treatment of COPD.
Parasympathetic nerves are the major bronchoconstrictive neural pathway in
airways, and cholinergic tone is the key reversible component of airflow obstruction
in COPD. Glycopyrronium works by blocking the bronchoconstrictor action of
acetylcholine on airway smooth muscle cells, thereby dilating the airways.
Of the five known muscarinic receptor subtypes (M 1-5 ), only subtypes M 1-3
defined physiological function in the human lung. Glycopyrronium bromide is a high
affinity muscarinic receptor antagonist of these three receptor subtypes. It
demonstrated 4- to 5-fold selectivity for the human M 3 1
human M 2
evidenced by observed receptor association/dissociation kinetic parameters and the
onset of action after inhalation in clinical studies.
The long duration of action can be partly attributed to sustained drug concentrations
in the lungs as reflected by the prolonged terminal elimination half-life of
glycopyrronium after inhalation via the glycopyrronium inhaler in contrast to the
half-life after i.v. administration (see section CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY –
Elimination). Lung pharmacokinetic data in rats following inhalation of
glycopyrronium bromide provides further evidence for this.
Pharmacodynamics (PD)
Primary pharmacodynamic effects
The combination of indacaterol and glycopyrronium showed a rapid onset of action

The mean bronchodilator effect derived from serial FEV 1

significantly greater for combination indacaterol/glycopyrronium, when compared to

comparison), (serial spirometry subset).

There was no evidence for tachyphylaxis to the effect of indacaterol/glycopyrronium
over time when compared to placebo or its monotherapy components.
Secondary pharmacodynamic effects
The systemic side effects of inhaled beta 2 -adrenergic agonists and inhaled
muscarinic receptor antagonists are the result of activation of systemic beta 2-
adrenergic receptors and blockade of muscarinic receptors after systemic
absorption of the drugs. The side effect profile of indacaterol/glycopyrronium was
explored in healthy subjects and in COPD patients.
Effects on heart rate
Heart rate effects in healthy volunteers were investigated after a single dose of

not show a consistent PD-effect.

Whilst there were no significant effects when combination indacaterol/glycopyrronium
was compared with indacaterol and glycopyrronium alone, heart rate seemed to be

Heart rate in COPD patients at supratherapeutic dose levels was investigated in

The components (indacaterol and glycopyrronium) are not known to have a
QT-prolongation potential at clinical dose levels. A thorough QT (TQT) -study in

demonstrate a clinically relevant effect on the QT-interval. Also for glycopyrronium,

no QT-prolongation has been observed in a TQT study after an inhaled dose of

The effects on QTc-interval were investigated in healthy volunteers after inhalation of

expected by the properties of its components.

also had no apparent influence on the QTc-interval in repeated ECG assessments

lower with placebo.

Serum potassium and blood glucose
In healthy volunteers, after administration of indacaterol/glycopyrronium

Pharmacokinetics (PK)
Following inhalation, the median time to reach peak plasma concentrations of

Based on the in vitro performance data, the dose of indacaterol delivered to the lung
is expected to be similar for indacaterol/glycopyrronium 110/50 microgram and

either similar or slightly lower than systemic exposure after indacaterol

Absolute bioavailability of indacaterol after indacaterol/glycopyrronium

glycopyrronium was about 40%.

The steady-state exposure to glycopyrronium after indacaterol/glycopyrronium

The median time to reach peak serum concentrations of indacaterol was

Indacaterol serum concentrations increased with repeated once-daily administration.

Following oral inhalation using the glycopyrronium inhaler, glycopyrronium was

About 90% of systemic exposure following inhalation is due to lung absorption and
10% is due to gastrointestinal absorption. The absolute bioavailability of orally
administered glycopyrronium was estimated to be about 5%.
Following repeated once-daily inhalation in patients with COPD, PK steady-state of
glycopyrronium was reached within one week of treatment. The steady-state mean

glycopyrronium (AUC over the dosing interval) was about 1.4-to 1.7-fold higher than
after the first dose. Urinary excretion data at steady-state compared to the first dose
suggest that systemic accumulation is independent of dose in the dose range of

After intravenous infusion the volume of distribution (V z
in vitro human serum and plasma

After i.v. dosing, the steady-state volume of distribution (Vss) of glycopyrronium was

apparent volume of distribution in the terminal phase following inhalation (Vz/F) was
in vitro
human plasma protein binding of glycopyrronium was 38% to 41% at

once-daily dosing regimen.

After oral administration of radiolabelled indacaterol in a human ADME (absorption,
distribution, metabolism, excretion) study, unchanged indacaterol was the main
component in serum, accounting for about one third of total drug-related AUC over

Phenolic O-glucuronides of indacaterol and hydroxylated indacaterol were further

prominent metabolites. A diastereomer of the hydroxylated derivative, a
N-glucuronide of indacaterol, and C- and N-dealkylated products were further
metabolites identified.
In vitro
metabolized indacaterol to the phenolic O-glucuronide. The oxidative metabolites
were found in incubations with recombinant CYP1A1, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4.

hydroxylation of indacaterol. In vitro investigations further indicated that indacaterol

is a low affinity substrate for the efflux pump P-gp.
In vitro metabolism studies showed consistent metabolic pathways for
glycopyrronium bromide between animals and humans. No human specific
metabolites were found. Hydroxylation resulting in a variety of mono-and bis-
hydroxylated metabolites and direct hydrolysis resulting in the formation of a
carboxylic acid derivative (M9) were seen.
In vitro investigations showed that multiple CYP isoenzymes contribute to the

catalyzed by members from the cholinesterase family.

magnitude as the exposure to the parent drug. Since in vitro studies did not show

parent drug C max

from the swallowed dose fraction of orally inhaled glycopyrronium bromide by
pre-systemic hydrolysis and/or via first pass metabolism. After inhalation as well as

of dose). Glucuronide and/or sulfate conjugates of glycopyrronium were found in

urine of humans after repeated inhalation, accounting for about 3% of the dose.
In vitro inhibition studies demonstrated that glycopyrronium bromide has no
relevant capacity to inhibit CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6,

In vitro enzyme
induction studies did not indicate a clinically relevant induction by glycopyrronium

In clinical studies which included urine collection, the amount of indacaterol
excreted unchanged via urine was generally lower than 2% of the dose. Renal

elimination of systemically available indacaterol.

In a human ADME study where indacaterol was given orally, the fecal route of
excretion was dominant over the urinary route. Indacaterol was excreted into human
feces primarily as unchanged parent drug (54% of the dose) and, to a lesser extent,
hydroxylated indacaterol metabolites (23% of the dose). Mass balance was complete
with ≥90% of the dose recovered in the excreta.
Indacaterol serum concentrations declined in a multi-phasic manner with an

calculated from the accumulation of indacaterol after repeated dosing ranged from

After i.v. administration of [ 3 H]-labelled glycopyrronium bromide to humans, the

elimination of systemically available indacaterol.

In a human ADME study where indacaterol was given orally, the fecal route of
excretion was dominant over the urinary route. Indacaterol was excreted into human
feces primarily as unchanged parent drug (54% of the dose) and, to a lesser extent,
hydroxylated indacaterol metabolites (23% of the dose). Mass balance was complete
with ≥90% of the dose recovered in the excreta.
Indacaterol serum concentrations declined in a multi-phasic manner with an

calculated from the accumulation of indacaterol after repeated dosing ranged from

After i.v. administration of [ 3 H]-labelled glycopyrronium bromide to humans, the


composite of pulmonary and intestinal absorption.

In COPD patients’ systemic exposure as well as total urinary excretion of
glycopyrronium at pharmacokinetic steady state increased about dose-

Special populations
A population PK analysis in COPD patients after inhalation of indacaterol/glycopyrronium
indicated no significant effect of age, gender and (lean body) weight on the systemic
exposure to indacaterol and glycopyrronium. Lean body weight (which is a function
of weight and height) was identified as a covariate. A negative correlation between
systemic exposure and lean body-weight (or body weight) was observed; however,
no dose adjustment is recommended due to the magnitude of the change or the
predictive precision of lean body weight.
Smoking status and baseline FEV 1
indacaterol and glycopyrronium after inhalation of indacaterol/glycopyrronium.
A population analysis of the effect of age, gender and weight on systemic exposure
in COPD patients after inhalation indicated that indacaterol can be used at the
recommended dose in all age and weight groups and regardless of gender.
The pharmacokinetics of indacaterol was investigated in two different
6 , (TA) 6 ] genotype and the low activity
[(TA) 7 , (TA) 7 ] genotype (Gilbert’s syndrome genotype). The study demonstrated that
steady-state AUC and C max of indacaterol were 1.2-fold higher in the [(TA) 7 , (TA) 7 ]
genotype, indicating that systemic exposure to indacaterol is only insignificantly

A population PK analysis of data in COPD patients identified body weight and age as
factors contributing to inter-patient variability in systemic exposure. Glycopyrronium

body weight groups.

Gender, smoking status and baseline FEV 1
Patients with hepatic impairment
Based on the clinical PK characteristics of its monotherapy components, it can be
used at the recommended dose in patients with mild and moderate hepatic
impairment. No data are available for subjects with severe hepatic impairment.
Patients with mild and moderate hepatic impairment showed no relevant changes in
C max or AUC of indacaterol, nor did protein binding differ between mild and
moderate hepatic impaired subjects and their healthy controls. Studies in subjects
with severe hepatic impairment were not performed.
Clinical studies in patients with hepatic impairment have not been conducted.
Glycopyrronium is cleared predominantly from the systemic circulation by renal
excretion (see section CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY – Elimination). Impairment of the
hepatic metabolism of glycopyrronium is not thought to result in a clinically relevant
increase of systemic exposure.
Patients with renal impairment
Based on the clinical PK characteristics of its monotherapy components, it can be
used at the recommended dose in patients with mild to moderate renal impairment.
In patients with severe renal impairment or end-stage renal disease requiring
dialysis indacaterol/glycopyrronium should be used only if the expected benefit
outweighs the potential risk.
Indacaterol: Due to the very low contribution of the urinary pathway to total body
elimination of indacaterol, a study in renally impaired subjects was not performed.
Glycopyrronium: Renal impairment has an impact on the systemic exposure to
glycopyrronium. A moderate mean increase in total systemic exposure (AUC last) of
up to 1.4-fold was seen in subjects with mild and moderate renal impairment and
up to 2.2-fold in subjects with severe renal impairment and end stage renal

2 ) glycopyrronium can be used at the recommended

Indacaterol/glycopyrronium: When corrected by lean body weight, no statistically
significant effect of ethnicity (Japanese versus non-Japanese) on exposure for both
compounds was found.
Indacaterol: No difference between ethnic subgroups was identified. Limited
treatment experience is available for the black population.
Glycopyrronium: There were no major differences in total systemic exposure (AUC)
between Japanese and Caucasian subjects. Insufficient PK data is available for other
ethnicities or races.
The Phase III clinical development program [IGNITE] included five studies: one

daily) study [SHINE]; one 26-week active-controlled (fluticasone/salmeterol


once daily) study [SPARK]; a 52-week placebo-controlled study [ENLIGHTEN]; and a

3-week placebo- and active-controlled (tiotropium once daily) exercise tolerance

These studies enrolled patients with a clinical diagnosis of moderate to very severe

post-bronchodilator FEV 1
post-bronchodilator FEV 1 /FVC ratio of less than 70%. The 26-week active-controlled
study, [ILLUMINATE], enrolled patients with a post-bronchodilator FEV 1
≥40% of the predicted normal value. In comparison, the 64-week [SPARK] study
enrolled patients with severe to very severe COPD, with a post-bronchodilator
Effects on lung function

clinically meaningful improvements in lung function (as measured by the forced

expiratory volume in one second, FEV 1 ), in a number of clinical studies. In Phase III

were maintained over the 24-hour dosing interval from the first dose. Within the
26-week [SHINE] and 52-week [ENLIGHTEN] studies, there was no attenuation of
the bronchodilator effect over time.
Trough FEV 1
In the [SHINE] study, it increased post-dose trough FEV 1
placebo at the 26-week primary endpoint (p<0.001) and showed significant
increases compared to each monotherapy component treatment arm (indacaterol
and glycopyrronium) as well as the tiotropium treatment arm (see Table 2).

Table 2 Post-dose trough FEV 1

Treatment difference Day 1 Week 26

– placebo
– indacaterol
– glycopyrronium
– tiotropium
The mean pre-dose FEV 1
the morning dose of study drug) was clinically meaningful and statistically

to glycopyrronium (70 -
<0.001) [SPARK].
Peak FEV 1
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium produced statistically significant improvement in peak

Indacaterol/glycopyrronium increased post-dose FEV 1 0-12

compared to fluticasone/salmeterol.
Onset of action
In the [SHINE and ILLUMINATE] studies, indacaterol/glycopyrronium demonstrated

Table 3 Onset of action versus placebo, tiotropium and fluticasone/salmeterol

Day 1 Week 26
versus placebo

versus tiotropium

Day 1 Week 26
versus fluticasone/salmeterol

Serial spirometry subset

In the 26-week, placebo-controlled [SHINE] study, 12-hour serial spirometry was


consistently maintained over the 26-week treatment period with no evidence of

Figure 1 1
spirometry subset)

LS Mean of FEV




30 min

23h 15m
23h 45m


Figure 2 1
treatment (FAS, serial spirometry subset)
1.55 Placebo

LS Mean of FEV







23h 45m


In the [SHINE] serial spirometry subset, indacaterol/glycopyrronium demonstrated a

statistically significant improvement in FEV 1

Indacaterol/glycopyrronium also had clinically meaningful and statistically

significant improvements in FEV 1

Figure 3

Week 12 Week 26 Indacaterol/glycopyrronium

1.85 1.85
1.80 1.80
1.75 1.75

1.70 1.70
LS Mean of FEV

1.65 1.65
1.60 1.60
1.55 1.55
1.50 1.50
1.45 1.45
1.40 1.40












In the [ILLUMINATE] study, indacaterol/glycopyrronium demonstrated significant

overall improvements in lung function compared with fluticasone/salmeterol, across
all key subgroups, including age, gender, smoking history, disease severity, and
Symptomatic outcomes
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium significantly reduced breathlessness as evaluated by the
Transitional Dyspnea Index (TDI). Indacaterol/glycopyrronium demonstrated a
clinically meaningful and statistically significant improvement in the TDI focal score

[SHINE], and fluticasone/salmeterol (0.76, p=0.003) [ILLUMINATE].

A significantly higher percentage of patients receiving indacaterol/glycopyrronium

indacaterol/glycopyrronium vs. 59.2% tiotropium, p=0.016) [SHINE]

fluticasone/salmeterol, p=0.088) [ILLUMINATE].

Health related quality of life
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium once daily has also shown a statistically significant
effect on health related quality of life measured using the St. George’s Respiratory

compared to placebo ( -3.01, p=0.002) and tiotropium (-2.13, p=0.009) [SHINE] and

improvements of the domains of the SGRQ score “symptoms”, “activity” and

“impact of daily life” were all statistically significant versus tiotropium at Week

-2.24, p=0.008) [SPARK].

A higher percentage of patients receiving indacaterol/glycopyrronium responded
with a clinically meaningful improvement in SGRQ score (defined as a decrease of at

respectively, p=0.088) and tiotropium (63.7% indacaterol/glycopyrronium vs. 56.4%

tiotropium (57.3% indacaterol/glycopyrronium vs. 51.8% glycopyrronium, p=0.055;

vs. 50.8% tiotropium, p=0.051, respectively) [SPARK].
Daily activities
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium demonstrated a statistically superior improvement
versus tiotropium in the percentage of ‘days able to perform usual daily activities’

glycopyrronium (1.87; p=0.195) and statistical improvement over tiotropium (4.95;

p=0.001) [SPARK].
COPD exacerbations

the rate of moderate or severe COPD exacerbations by 12% compared to

glycopyrronium (p=0.038) and by 10% compared to tiotropium (p=0.096).
In addition, it was shown to be clinically and statistically superior to glycopyrronium
and tiotropium in reducing the rate of all COPD exacerbations (mild, moderate, and
severe), with a rate reduction of 15% for indacaterol/glycopyrronium as compared
to glycopyrronium (p=0.001) and 14% as compared to tiotropium (p=0.002).
For time to first moderate or severe COPD exacerbation, indacaterol/glycopyrronium
demonstrated a 7% risk reduction compared to glycopyrronium (p=0.319).
Glycopyrronium and tiotropium showed no difference in risk reduction.
Use of rescue medication

in the [ILLUMINATE] study.

[SPARK] study.
Exercise tolerance
In a 3 -week study [BRIGHT] where exercise tolerance was tested via cycle

indacaterol/glycopyrronium, dosed in the morning, reduced dynamic hyperinflation

and improved the length of time exercise could be maintained from the first dose
onwards. On the first day of treatment, inspiratory capacity under exercise was

treatment, the improvement in inspiratory capacity with indacaterol/glycopyrronium

Whole-Body Plethysmography measurements of Residual Volume (RV) and
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) give insights on airway closure and reflects the
presence of gas trapping, considered a hallmark of COPD. On the first day of


Information related to indacaterol/glycopyrronium
A bridging toxicology program was performed for indacaterol/glycopyrronium that
included in vitro and in vivo safety pharmacology assessments, 2-week inhalation
toxicity studies in rats and dogs, a 13-week inhalation toxicity study in dogs and an
inhalation embryo-fetal development study in rats. Increased heart rates were
apparent after the administration of each individual monotherapy and combination
indacaterol/glycopyrronium during cardiovascular safety pharmacology or
repeated-dose toxicity studies in dogs. The effects on heart rate increased in
magnitude and duration when compared with the changes observed for each
component alone consistent with an additive response. The highest doses of
indacaterol administered alone or in combination were associated with a similar
incidence and severity of papillary muscle lesions in the heart of a few individuals
during the 2-week toxicity study in dogs. Shortening of PR, P width, QT that reflected
increased heart rate and decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure were also
apparent following treatment with indacaterol/glycopyrronium during the
cardiovascular safety pharmacology study in dogs. An estimation of the safety
margin is based on papillary muscle lesions in the heart of dogs as the most

in the 13-week toxicity study was devoid of heart lesions and corresponds

(indacaterol/glycopyrronium), for each component respectively.

Information related to indacaterol
Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional
studies of safety pharmacology, repeated-dose toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenic
potential, and toxicity to reproduction. The effects of indacaterol seen in toxicity
studies in dogs were mainly on the cardiovascular system and consisted of
tachycardia, arrhythmias and myocardial lesions. These effects are known
pharmacological effects and could be explained by the beta 2 -agonistic properties of
indacaterol. Other relevant effects noted in repeated-dose toxicity studies were mild
irritancy of the upper respiratory tract in rats consisting of rhinitis and epithelial
changes of the nasal cavity and larynx. All these findings were observed only at
exposures considered sufficiently in excess of the maximum human exposure
indicating little relevance to clinical use.
Adverse effects with respect to fertility, pregnancy, embryonal/fetal development, pre-
and postnatal development could only be demonstrated at doses more than 500-fold

effects, namely an increased incidence of one skeletal variation, were observed in

rabbits. Indacaterol was not teratogenic in rats or rabbits following subcutaneous
administration. Studies on genotoxicity did not reveal any mutagenic or clastogenic
potential. The carcinogenic potential of indacaterol has been evaluated in a 2-year
inhalation study in rats and a 26-week oral transgenic mouse study. Lifetime treatment
of rats resulted in increased incidences of benign ovarian leiomyoma and focal
hyperplasia of ovarian smooth muscle at doses approximately 30-times the dose of

of the rat female genital tract have been similarly demonstrated with other beta 2-

with indacaterol did not show any evidence of tumorigenicity at doses of at least

Information related to glycopyrronium

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional
studies of safety pharmacology, repeated-dose toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenic
potential, and toxicity to reproduction and development.
The effects seen during repeated-dose inhalation toxicity studies were attributable to
exacerbations of the expected pharmacological action of glycopyrronium or mild
local irritation. These included mild to moderate increases in heart rate in dogs and
a number of reversible changes in rat and dogs associated with reduced secretions
from the salivary, lacrimal and Harderian glands and pharynx. Lens opacities
observed during chronic studies in rats have been described for other muscarinic
antagonists and are considered to be species-specific changes with limited relevance
for therapeutic use in patients. Findings in the respiratory tract of rats included
degenerative/regenerative changes and inflammation in the nasal cavity and larynx
that are consistent with mild local irritation. Minimal epithelial changes in the lung at
the bronchioloalveolar junction were also observed in rats and are regarded as a
mild adaptive response. All these findings were observed at exposures considered to
be sufficiently in excess of the maximum human exposure and therefore indicate
limited relevance during clinical use.
Genotoxicity studies did not reveal any mutagenic or clastogenic potential for
glycopyrronium. Carcinogenicity studies in transgenic mice using oral administration
and in rats using inhalation administration revealed no evidence of carcinogenicity
at systemic exposures (AUC0-24h) of approximately 53-fold higher in mice and

Published data for glycopyrronium do not indicate any reproductive toxicity issues.
Glycopyrronium was not teratogenic in rats or rabbits following inhalation
administration. Reproduction studies in rats and other data in animals did not
indicate a concern regarding fertility in either males or females or pre- and
post-natal development. Glycopyrronium and its metabolites did not significantly
cross the placental barrier of pregnant mice, rabbits and dogs. Glycopyrronium
(including its metabolites) was excreted into the milk of lactating rats and reached
up to 10-fold higher concentrations in the milk than in the blood of the dam.
Not applicable.

Do not store above 30°C.
Protect from moisture.
Do not use after the date marked “EXP” on the pack.
Drugs must be kept out of the reach and sight of children.
Your indacaterol/glycopyrronium pack
One indacaterol/glycopyrronium pack contains:
t one Breezhaler ® inhaler
t one or more blisters containing indacaterol/glycopyrronium capsules to be
used in the inhaler



Capsule chamber

Inhaler Blister card Inhaler base

Only use the Breezhaler ®

inhaler contained in this pack. Do not use the
indacaterol/glycopyrronium capsules with any other inhaler, do not use
Breezhaler inhaler to take any other capsule medicine.

Do not push the capsule through the foil to remove it from the blister.

medicines and inhalers no longer required.

Do not swallow indacaterol/glycopyrronium capsules. The powder in the capsules
is for you to inhale.

How to use your inhaler

Pull off cap. Open inhaler:

Hold the base of the inhaler firmly and tilt
the mouthpiece to open the inhaler.

Take one blister and peel away the

protective backing to expose the capsule.
Do not push capsule through the foil.

Prepare capsule:
Separate one of the blisters from the
blister card by tearing along the

With dry hands, remove one capsule from

the blister.
Do not swallow the capsule.

Remove one capsule:

Capsules should always be stored in the
blister and only removed immediately
before use.

Insert capsule: Close the inhaler:

Place the capsule into the capsule Close the inhaler fully. You should hear a
chamber. ‘click ’ as it fully closes.
Never place a capsule directly into the

Press both buttons together firmly at the

same time. You should hear a ‘ click ’ as
the capsule is being pierced.
Do not press the piercing buttons more
than once.

Pierce the capsule:

Hold the inhaler upright with the
mouthpiece pointing up.

Release the buttons fully. Breathe out:

Before placing the mouthpiece in your
mouth, breathe out fully.
Never blow into the mouthpiece.

• Place the mouthpiece in your mouth

and close your lips firmly around the
• Breathe in rapidly but steadily, as
deeply as you can. Do not press the
piercing buttons.

Inhale the medicine:

Before breathing in:
• Hold the inhaler as shown in the
picture with the buttons to the left and
right (not up and down).

If you do not hear a whirring noise, the

capsule may be stuck in the capsule
chamber. If this occurs, open the inhaler
and carefully loosen the capsule by
tapping the base of the inhaler. Do not
press the piercing buttons to loosen the

As you breathe in through the inhaler, the
capsule spins around in the chamber and
you should hear a whirring noise. You will
experience a sweet flavor as the medicine
goes into your lungs.

Open the inhaler to see if any powder is

left in the capsule. If there is powder left
in the capsule, close the inhaler and

able to empty the capsule with one or

two inhalations.
Some people occasionally cough briefly
soon after inhaling the medicine. If you
do, don’t worry, as long as the capsule is
empty, you have received the full dose.

Hold breath:
Continue to hold your breath for at least

possible while removing the inhaler from

your mouth. Then breathe out.

Do not store the capsules in the

Breezhaler ® inhaler.

Remove capsule:
After you have finished taking your daily
dose of indacaterol/glycopyrronium, open
the mouthpiece again, remove the empty
capsule by tipping it out of the capsule
chamber, and discard it. Close the inhaler
and replace the cap.

– Do not swallow the capsules.
– Only use the Breezhaler ®
inhaler contained in this pack.
– Capsules must always be stored in the blister, and only removed immediately
before use.
– Never place a capsule directly into the mouthpiece of the Breezhaler ®
– Do not press the piercing buttons more than once.
– Never blow into the mouthpiece of the Breezhaler ®
– Always release the push buttons before inhalation.
– Never wash the Breezhaler ® inhaler with water. Keep it dry. See below “How to
clean your inhaler”.
– Never take the Breezhaler ® inhaler apart.
– Always use the new Breezhaler ®
inhaler that comes with your new medication
– Do not store the capsules in the Breezhaler ®
– Always keep the Breezhaler ®
inhaler and capsules in a dry place.

Additional information
Occasionally, very small pieces of the capsule can get past the screen and enter
your mouth. If this happens, you may be able to feel these pieces on your tongue. It
is not harmful if these pieces are swallowed or inhaled. The chances of the capsule
shattering will be increased if the capsule is pierced more than once (step 7).
How to clean your inhaler
Never wash your inhaler with water. If you want to clean your inhaler wipe the
mouthpiece inside and outside with a clean, dry lint-free cloth to remove any
powder residue. Keep the inhaler dry.

For suspected adverse drug reaction, seek medical attention immediately and
By reporting undesirable effects, you can help provide more information on the
safety of this medicine.
CAUTION: Foods, Drugs, Devices, and Cosmetics Act prohibits dispensing without

Manufactured by Novartis Pharma Stein AG

Imported by United Laboratories, Inc.

No. 66 United Street, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Reg. No. DR-XY44936

Information issued: March 2014


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