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Moro Resistance To Spanish Occupation

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Colonial Aims
3Gs - God (Spread of Christianity
Gold (outsource any material resources that they can get from colonized
Glory (Expand territory under Spanish Crown)

*Colonized the country for 3 centuries

*Rajah Sulayman and his uncle, Lakandula – rulers of Manila and Tondo
= these sultanates had relationship with the sultanate of Brunei
= relatives by kinship, inter-marriages

*Gov. General Francisco De Sande instructed Capt. Esteban Rodriguez de Figueroa in

May 1578 regarding the Spain’s basic policy to Moros

1. Get them to acknowledge Spanish sovereignty over their territory

2. Promote trade with them, limiting their trade to Philippine islands and exploring
natural resources of Moroland with view to their commercial exploitation.
3. Bring end to Moro Piracy against shipping and an end to Moro raids on the
Christianized settlements of the Visayas and southern Luzon.
4. Hispanize and Christianize Moro along the same lines followed with respect to
other lowland Filipino (Indio) groups. (Rodriguez offended the Moros by saying
that they must stop admitting themselves to Muhammad and throw away their
practices as Muslims because there is only one God and that is the God that
Christians believe)

*Moro response:
1. Moro buccaneers harassed the Spanish shipping so were dubbed as PIRATES.
2. Moro expeditions carried Jihad (Holy war) to the coast of the Visayas and Luzon
where their war vessels were periodically raided, killed and plundered Christian

*Juramentados was the term given by the Spaniards to the Moros who willingly give
their lives just to protect their land and not being under the Spanish regime. They were
the terror of Spanish camps in Moroland until the end of Spanish regime.


*Described as GUERRAS PIRATICAS or a fight against Moro Pirates.

*Moros in the 3 phases had strong ties and were aided by their neighbouring
principalities and allies such as Brunei, Ternate, and Dutch – exerted effort in fighting
against the Western invaders.
• 1565 – Arrival of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi on the waters of Visayas
• March 1565 – The first act of war was committed by the Spaniards. Captured a
Bornean trading vessel in the vicinity of Bohol. Moros lost 20 as against as
one of the Spanish sides. Cebu became the first Spanish settlement in the Visayas
but later abandoned because of the hostile natives.
• 1569 – Spanish vessels captured 4 of the 20 vessels of Bornean and Sulu
while sailing in the Visayan waters.
• 1571 – Spaniards captured Manila. – signaled the success of Spanish
colonization of the Islands.
• 1578 – Spaniards invaded Brunei and forced Sultan Seifur-Jiral to flee.
• 1581 - The Spaniards returned but was unsuccessful, but they succeeded in
eliminating Bornean pretension in the country.


• June 1578 – Arrival of Figueroa in Jolo.

• March 13, 1579 – Capt. Gabriel de Rivera sent to Mindanao to make the
Muslims pay tribute and garrisoned Tamontaka, but later abandoned due to
hostile natives.
• In 1591 – Spanish govt’ colonized Mindanao.
• 1596 - Esteban Rodriguez de Figueroa,newly-designated governor of Mindanao,
lannded in Cotabato but failed to contact Maguindanao Sultan • He was struck on
the head with a Kampilan at Buayan by Raja Sirungan.
• Build a fort around Tampakan. Aid of Ternate - 800 warriors. Ternatans realized
that the loss of Mindanao would mean that it could serve as a base for Spanish
operations against them. Mindanao and Buayan – meant a strong defense line
for Ternate.
• 1597 – Juan Ronquillo – Occupied La Caldera but later abandoned because
of food shortage and difficult communication.


• 1599-1600 – Rajahs of Maguindanao and Buayan made two devastating

raids on the Bisayas. (Panay, Negros, and Cebu). Expedition involved about
3,000 warriors.
• 1602 - Moros launched another raid, this time with the help of Ternatans,
Sangils, Tagolandas, Maguindanaon, Buayan, and Basilan and reached as
far as Southern Luzon. Response: Juan Gallinato led an expedition to Sulu and
• 1608 - BUISAN, the Maguindanao rajah, attacked Bisayas towns. He returned
some captives and gold and exhorted the Datus to sweep off the Spaniards.
• 1609 – Peace agreement was entered between Gallinato and the Moros.
• 1624 – Datu Acheh and his men were taken prisoners and detained by the
Spaniards. (while sailing on trade). In 1627, Out of rage, Rajah Bungso, Sulu
Sultan, he led 30 caracaos and boats bearing 2,000 warriors.
• April (22) 1628 – Spanish expedition in Jolo.
• 1629 – Sulu under Datu Acheh attacked settlements in Camarines, Samar, Leyte,
and Bohol, returning back with usual load of hundred captives.
• (Mach 17) 1630 – Spaniards left Dapitan for Jolo.
• 1631 – Sulus attacked Leyte, brought captive and sold them at Makassar.
• 1632 – Alliance between Raja Bongsu and Katchil Qudarat of Maguindanao.
• 1634 - He attacked the Visayas to weaken the Spaniards.
• 1635 – Spaniards built fort in Zamboanga. Fort protects their Catholic missions in
Mindanao, also serves an outpost of Spaniards if there are movements coming
from the Muslim troops. 3,000 Spaniards and 1,000 Visayan allies came to


• 1635 – Sebastian Hurtado de Corcuera became the governor-general of
Governor Corcuera’s tasks:
• To capture Kudarat and put Spanish puppet in Maguindanao Sultanate
• To capture the main cotta of Sulu and establish colonies there.
• To invade Brunei once again and put it under Spanish sovereignty.
• 1637 – Corcuera captured the settlement in Lamitan.
• Qudarat was wounded and managed to escape to Lanao.
• Wife jumped off the cliff with her infant to avoid capture.
• Qudarat campaign for support among Maranaos.
• Corcura was given a hero’s welcome in Manila
• 1638 - Spaniards and native allies laid siege to the Sulu sultan’s cotta in Jolo.
• 1643 – Spanish Capt. Francisco Atienza, who became Zamboanga governor,
went to Simuay to have the peace treaty ratified. – a treaty pledging to abandon
all their forts in Sulu. = allowed them to build church and convert natives which
latter prompting Qudarat to declare Jihad(Holy War) and asked the aid of Sultan
of Makassar, Sulu, Ternate and Brunei.
• 1645 – the peace was broken when the Spanish ambassador was assassinated
in his insistence to convert the Sultan.
• 1646 – similar treary was also made between the Sulus under Rajah Bongsu and
• 1663 – Due to Koxinga threat, Zamboanga was abandoned. Kongxinga –
believed to be a Muslim and Chinese conqueror who had proven great victories
in the Asian Mainland.

• 1720-1721 - Sulu and Iranun attacked the fort but failed despite the use of
hundreds of war vessels and thousands of warriors. – resulted to a peace treaty
• 1730 – Azim ud Din assumed as Sulu sultan after the dethronement of Nasar ud
Din. Azim ud Din submitted himself to the Spaniards who baptized him as Don
Fernando II, in Pangasinan. = he was not sincere of his action, charged of
treason and jailed for 30 years in Fort Santiago.
• 1737 – treaty between Spanish govt’ in Manila and Sulu.
• 1756-1763 – British from EIC occupied Manila between 1762-64.
• 1764 – Azim ud-Din returned to Jolo under British protection. He was given the
title ‘Amir ul-Mu’mineen’ (Commander of the believers).
In this phase of the war,
• Hundreds of Muslims were carried into captivity
• Hundreds of Christian natives were captured and sold as slaves in
Makassar and Java
• Muslim raids in the Visayas were fierce
• The Muslim remained unconquered and began to accelerate their
commercial activities with the British.


• 1850 – Spanish campaign was launch to devastate all the Samal settlement of
Tungkil and punish all the sultan as the ultimate author of the piratical activities.
• October 1851 – Spaniards garrisoned Pollok (Cotabato) – enabled them to
secure a strong foothold in Muslim territories in Mindanao.
• 1860 – established politico-military govt’ in Mindanao and Basilan.
• 1875 – Dattu Uto, Rajah of Buayan formed a confederation of the various
sultanates in Pulangi - to counteract Spanish advancement into their dominion.
• Feb. 29 1876 – Another Spanish campaign to capture Jolo – this time used
Sultan Jamlul- Azam’s ignorance to previous treaties as an excuse.
• A few expeditions were sent by Spaniards to the Maranao areas and Buayan to
consolidate their hold in their lands.
• Cotabato became a Spanish outpost and Spaniards were able to build forts along
the Pulangi.
• Sultan Anwar ud-Din (Datu Utto) was the only opposing force against the
• 19th century – Moroland was launched by no less than the iron-fist Spanish
Governor Ramon Blanco.
• March 10, 1895 – Battle of Marahui (fight between Maranaos and Spaniards)
Amai Pakpak was martyred and shahid in defense of Ranao as an Islamic
• December 10,1898 – Treaty of Paris – added Moro sultanate’s dominion to
• August 1899 – The Bates Agreement – allowed the Americans to occupy the
dominion of the Sulu Sultanate and datus of Mindanao. (Signed by the Sulu
Sultanate, Jamal ul-Kiram II.

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