Gray’s: Law are the rules which the courts lay down for the determination
of rights and duties
Problems: Courts are not the only bodies lay down the law
Schools of Jurisprudence
Jurisprudence: Roman started studying jurisprudence initially, the word
derived from Greek term juris prudential which mean ‘Knowledge of law’ or
‘skill in law’
Paulus, Roman jurist, maintained that "the law is not to be deduced from the
rule, but the rule from the law"
Bentham and Austin(disciple) are the main English propounds of jurisprudence
in early 19th century .
Buckland: "The analysis of legal concepts is what jurisprudence meant
It is the lawyer's examination of the precepts, ideals and techniques of the law.
Jurisprudence, in its simplest form, is the philosophy of law. It includes the
study and analysis of law generally, as well as its systems, institutions, and
principles. Legal theory, meanwhile, focuses specifically on the law in practice:
how it functions and operates within societies.
Why to divide law in different schools?
Though main goal of all schools is same which is law but different schools have
different opinion on what is law, source of law, why to study law or approaches
to law.
Analytical School
Also called as ANALYTICAL LEGAL POSITIVISM or Imperative school or Austinian
school or Bentham school or Positive school or english.
Bentham and john austin are founders
Analytical schools mainly concentrate on Relationship between state and law
According to these school it considers law as it is not as it ought to be.
Treats law as a command of sovereign.
Related to or involving the explanation of phenomenon in terms of the
purpose they serve rather than of the cause by which they arise.
Important authors: Austin, Bentham, Hart, Holland, Salmond, Kelsen, Gray.
Bentham view
Contributed a lot to A. School and wrote the book Limits of Jurisprudence
Definition: Law consists of rules which are of broad application and non-
optional character, but which at the same time amendable to formation,
Legislation, and adjudication.
Hart introduced the distinction between primary and secondary rules,
which became a fundamental concept in analytical jurisprudence. Primary
rules are rules of conduct that govern behaviour in society, such as criminal
and civil laws. Secondary rules, on the other hand, are rules that specify
how primary rules are created, changed, and adjudicated. They include
rules of recognition, change, and adjudication.
Law is a system of social rules which acquire the character of legal rules.
He prescribed a standard of conduct not a command and is followed not in
out of sense of obligations but an expectation that other have same
obligations to follow it informalized not habitualised.
Austin believes in sanction of punishment but in practical every law
doesn’t have punishment.
Austin ignored the precedents and customs by giving total concern on
Ignored all other jurisprudence school of laws
In current era constitution stands above everything but Austin primarily
believes sovereign has ultimate authority
Doesn’t work in international laws as sovereign is not common for every
Judicial review or court participation was ignored
Historical School
Friedrich carl von Savigny is the founder of H. School and
Introduced Volksiest Theory(German phrase depicting the unique spirit and
character of a nation's people)
Volksiest Theory believes that Law is a product of people’s general
consciousness and manifestation of spirit. Origins of law is found in
Volksiest which means In Consciousness and will of the people consists of
1. Traditions
2. Habits
3. Practice
4. Beliefs of the people
In general They strictly believe that law is not made but not found
Law is the exaggerative form of social customs, Economic needs,
Conventions, religious principles and relations of people with society.
Source Of Law according to these school is History. Customs, Traditions,
Religion and Habits.
Law developed with contemporary to civilization.
Law should be changed from time to time according to the human needs
and Nature.
They believes that law has direct relationship with life, which became a
basis for sociological school.
They strongly believe that Sovereignty is only a law implementing body but
not a law making. According to These School Law Is made By the People
for the people.
Indian laws are not will of the people but just a copy paste of English
law(Most Of them).
Charles Allen said that Most of the customs like slavery is bought only by
elite class in society for their benefits so laws may concern the powerful
people of the society rather than Weak sections.
Prof. Stone said that every law cannot be practised in the name of peoples
will as some laws like banning sati and widow remarriage acts, which
society may not be willing to do but as these are not moral in nature,
legislature must be involved.
Father of ancient comparative Jurisprudence
He divided development of law in four stages
First stage: Judgement of king is said to be judgement of god. Law made by
the commands of the rulers.
Second stage: Commands of the kings became customary law
Third stage: The knowledge & administration of customs goes into the
hands of a minority usually to Priests, due to the weakening of the power of
original law – makers and claiming to remember the customary laws.
Fourth stage: With the discovery of art of writing, codification of laws made
them easily accessible. It broke the monopoly of the Priest class in matters
of administration of law.
Types of societies
Static Societies: Societies which does not progress and develop their legal
structure after the fourth stage of development of law are Static society. Static
societies don’t progress beyond the era of codes.
Progressive Societies: Societies which go on progressing after the fourth stage
of development of law are Progressive Societies. They develop their laws with
the help of these instruments:
Natural School
Other names
1.Philosphical school
2.Meta Physical school
3.Ethical school
Sociological School
Auguste Comte is the founder of the French philosopher, of these school. He is
best known for his development of positivism and his work on the classification
of the sciences
Realist School
Also known as American school or modern theory.
John Chipman Gray and Oliver Wendell Holmes as the mental fathers of the
realist movement'
Although Gray was a prominent advocate of analytical jurisprudence, he shifted
the focus away from statutory legislation being the core of the law and instead
emphasized the role of judges.
Grey defined it as law is not just as a set of rules and principles but also
as a product of social forces and conditions.
He provided examples illustrating how judges' political views, economic
beliefs, and personal qualities have determined crucial legal matters for
extended periods. Gray's work paved the way for a more skeptical
perspective on law.
It emphasizes understanding how laws are shaped and influenced by
societal factors, including culture, economics, and social norms.
Justice Holmes
Justice Holmes defined Law as Is the thing that the courts do, it isn’t
simply what courts state.
It's important to note that Holmes' intention was not to provide a final
definition of law, but rather to emphasize the influence of practical factors,
including the beliefs and convictions of those involved in creating laws
He believed that law should be studied empirically and pragmatically,
separate from moral considerations. Holmes played a crucial role in
changing the way law was perceived, highlighting the importance of legal
experience and the pragmatic aspects of law.
Holmes' perspective placed litigation and lawyers at the centre of legal
matters, focusing on predicting what courts might do rather than abstract
deductions from general rules.
Life of law has not been logical but as experience.
Law is not predictable it is completely based on facts placed before judge.
Look law as natural science but not as a philosophical study.
Look law as it is not how it ought to be(Same as analytical).
Search for meaning of law in judgments, precedents, legal opinions.
Sources of law
the term is used in the sense of the sovereign or the State from which law
derives its force or validity. Sometimes it is used to denote the causes of law or
the matter of which law is composed. It is also used to point out the origin or
the beginning which gave rise to the stream of law
In general precedents are the Previous decisions of court of law.in a judgement
decision legal principle used is said to be a precedent. JUDICIAL precedents are
an important source of law. They have enjoyed high authority at all times and in
all countries.
Precedents have every high value in English as judges in English law has very
high position which makes their opinions reputated.
In India judgements of SC and HC are said to be precedents.
The reason why a precedent is recognised is that a judicial decision is presumed
to be correct.
Every judicial judgement will have atleast persuasive valve
stare Decisis
The doctrine of stare decisis has been recognised by the Constitution of India.
Article 141 provides that the law declared by the Supreme Court of India shall
be binding on all courts in India.
Under the stare decisis rule, a principle of the law which has become settled by
a series of decisions is generally binding on the courts and should be followed in
similar cases
Though it says it is binding it is not absolute It says that long standing
precedents need not be disturbed.
If the court thinks that previous judgement referring to itself wrong then it
cannot be used in these judgement.
Ratio decidendi
According to Salmond: "A, precedent is a judicial decision which contains in
itself a principle. The underlying principle which thus forms its authoritative
element is often termed the ratio decidendi. The concrete decision is binding
between the parties to it but it is the abstract ratio decidendi which alone has
the force of law as regards the world at large."
he ratio decidendi is the part of a judicial decision that has binding or
precedential authority and is relevant for future cases with similar legal issues.
he ratio decidendi is the part of a judicial decision that has binding or
precedential authority and is relevant for future cases with
similar legal issues.
Classification Of Laws
Law is a body of principals recognized and applied by the states in the
administration of justice. According to Blackstone he says law is a rule of civil
conduct prescribed by the supreme power in the state, commanding what is
right and prohibiting what is wrong. According to Simonton he says that law is
the body of principals and rules recognized and enforced by the courts by which
the relations of the members of the community with each other are regulated.
Notion of classification is very archaic one. Classification was first made by
Roman Jurists. The ancient Hindu Jurists also laid down eighteen titles or heads
of “Vyavahara” civil law. Classification of laws are ephemeral in nature as laws
are not static it keeps changing in respect to the sporadic development in the
society and one of the fine examples is decriminalization of Sec 377 of Indian
Penal Code. So, it’s not possible to discuss the classifications given by various
Jurists, only a General Classification shall be given which has been adopted by
most of Jurists of the modern times.
B.1) Law of Tort - Tort Law is the branch of private (civil law) that
holds a person or private organizations responsible for damage they cause
another person as a result of an accidental or deliberate action. With the
advent of modern developments law is getting amended in a maverick way to
be the panacea of societal sporadic change. The above classification is not
universal, this classification is widely accepted by most of jurists and thus it
remained in the crux of all the classification. But with the growing society we
need to bring change within this intravenous classification.
Functions Of Law