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I. Objectives
At the end of a 45-minute period, the grade four pupils will be able to:
A. Describe an ecosystem;
B. Identify the living and non-living components of anecosystem.
C. Distinguish the kinds of ecosystem in the environment.
D. Make a sample of an ecosystem.

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Ecosystem
References: Exploring and Protecting our World

III. Procedure

Teacher Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

1. Prayer

Please let us all stand for

the prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, As we gather
here today, we invite Your presence into
Anna , Please lead the this classroom. Lord, bless each and
prayer every student here, as well as our
teacher, as we embark on another day
of learning. Please give us clear minds
and open hearts so we can grasp the
knowledge and lessons set before us.
2. Greetings

Good morning class!

Good Morning Teacher !
3. Checking of attendance
Everyone, please be (Students well shout I’m here as
seated so I can start checking the teacher call their name)
your attendance. Once your
name is called, just raise your
hand and say present.

B. Motivation

Before we start our lesson, I will

show a flash card of subtracting with
the same denominator and ask (Students well raise
students to answer it. their hands to answer)

Mary, what is the answer? 5/10 teacher

Very Good!

C. Lesson proper

Class, do you love to eat chocolates? Yes Ma’am

We’d love to, Ma’am.
Who wants to eat a chocolate? Me maam!

I have here a bar of chocolate and

I am going to divide it equally into four parts.
(Slice). So I have now 4 slices or 4/4 of chocolate. 2/4 is left maam
(Give the 2/4 of the chocolate to two pupils, 1/4 each).
So I have given Mario ¼ of the chocolate
and another ¼ to Rowena. How much is left?

Yes Very Good! I sliced the chocolate

into four equal parts so we get 4/4 or 1 of course
and I gave Mario and Rowena ¼ each of
the chocolate. So ¼ + ¼ , we get 2/4 or ½ and
the parts that is left for me is also 2/4 or ½ .

Now class, do you have any idea of what

will be our topic for today? Subtracting of similar factors and
mixed numbers

Exactly class. Today, we will be discussing

how to subtract fractions. And I
want you to meet the following
objectives which are to:
subtract fractions with the same
denominators, subtract
fractions with dissimilar denominators,
subtract mixed numbers with similar denominators,
and subtract mixed numbers with dissimilar
Can I expect that from you? Sure Ma’am.
So we have here different rules in
subtracting of fractions.
Take note that I am going to give you
a quiz after this so you better bear
with me class, listen carefully as I am
going to present and discuss each rule
one after the other.
To subtract fractions with similar
denominators,we simply subtract the
numerators and write the difference over
the same denominator.
Dulce have 5 slice of cake she ate 4/5 of the cake
in the morning and 3/5 in the afternoon. How much cake

What is asked in the problem? How much cake left

What are given? 4/5 – 3/5 =

So we are going to subtract the given

fractions to answer what is asked in
the problem. As what is stated in the
rule, we simply subtract the numerators
and write the difference over the same
denominator in subtract of similar
fractions. So we simply subtract 4 and 3
which is equal to 1 and write it over
the same denominator which is 5.
And the answer is 1/5.

Did you get it?

Yes Ma’am.
So let’s proceed.
To subtract fractions with similar
denominators, we simply subtract
the numerators and write the difference
over the same denominator.
The only difference is we are going to
subtract the numerators.
A water tank was ⅞ full of water. After a
day of use, it was ⅜ full. How much water
was used during the day?

What is asked? The amount of water that

was used during the day. 4/8 of water

What are given? 7/8 full of water an 3/8

To find the amount of water that was

used during the day, we are going to
subtract 7/8 from 3/8. So simply subtract
the numerators 7-3 is equal to 4 and write
it over the same denominator which is 8
and then we get 4/8.

To subtract fractions with dissimilar

denominators, rename the dissimilar
fractions into similar fractions by finding
the (LCD) and then proceed as in
subtracting fractions with the same
Aling Dionisia, a stuffed-toy maker, uses 5/9
bag of stuff for a dog and 4/6 bag of stuff for
a cat. How much more stuff does she use
for a dog than for a cat.

What is asked? The amount of stuff she

use for a dog than for a cat.

What are given? 4/6 bag of stuff for dog and

5/9 bag of stuff for a cat.
Like adding of fractions with
dissimilar denominators, we need
To find the LCD in order to rename
these fractions into similar fractions 18
allowing us to proceed in subtraction.
What is the LCD of 6 and 9?

So the fractions involved are now

12/18 and 10/18. And to answer what is
asked in the problem we are going to
subtract 10/18 from 12/18 and we get
2/18 or 1/9.

To subtract mixed numbers with similar
denominators, we subtract the whole
numbers, then the numerators and retain
the denominator.
A vendor sold 31 6/7 kilograms of mangoes
on Monday and 26 5/7 kilograms on Tuesday.
How much more kilograms of mangoes did
she sell on Monday than on Tuesday?

What is asked? The amount of mangoes

in kls that she sell more
on Monday than on

What are given? 31 6/7kls of mangoes

on Monday and 26 5/7
kls on Tuesday.

As stated in the rule we are going to

subtract first the whole numbers-
31-26=5, and then the numerators-
6-5=1 and write it over the same
denominator 7. And we get the answer
which is 5 1/7.

To subtract mixed numbers with

dissimilar denominators, change
dissimilar fractions to similar fractions.
Subtract the whole numbers, and then the
numerators, and copy the denominator.
Mang Tony is a candle maker. He had 5 3/4
disks of wax. He used 4 2/5 of them.
How much wax does he have left?

What is asked? The amount of wax he have left.

What are given? He had 4 2/5 disks

of wax and he used
5 3/4 of them.

What is the LCD of 4 and 5? 20

Through the use of LCD we can now
derived similar fractions where we
can apply operations directly. In this
case the fractions that we derived are
5 15/20 and 4 8/20. Subtract the whole
Numbers 5-4=1 and then the numerators
15-8=7 and write it over the same
denominator 20. The answer is 1 7/20.

Direction: Solve each problem.
1. Julie bought ½ meter of red ramie cloth for her table napkins and 3/6 white ramie cloth for
placemats. How many meters of cloth did she buy?
2. Mrs. Robles baked 1⅔ dozen cookies. She brought ¾ dozen to school for her friends. How
many dozen of cookies were left?
Direction: Perform the indicated operation.
a. 1 2/5+3/5
b. 2 ¼ - 2/4
c. 1-6/6

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