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Python and PyQt - Building A GUI Desktop Calculator - Real Python

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The key takeaways from the tutorial are how to build graphical user interfaces with Python and PyQt, connect user events to application logic, and organize a PyQt project.

The main steps covered in the tutorial are installing PyQt, creating the first PyQt application, learning the basics of PyQt widgets and layouts, creating signals and slots, and building the calculator application.

The main components of a PyQt application discussed are widgets, layout managers, dialogs, main windows, and event loops.

Python and PyQt: Building a GUI Desktop

by Leodanis Pozo Ramos  Aug 29, 2022  85 Comments
 gui intermediate projects

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Table of Contents
Getting to Know PyQt
Installing PyQt
Virtual Environment Installation With pip
System-Wide Installation With pip
Platform-Specific Installation
Creating Your First PyQt Application
Considering Code Styles
Learning the Basics of PyQt
Layout Managers
Main Windows
Event Loops
Signals and Slots
Creating a Calculator App With Python and PyQt
Creating the Skeleton for Your PyQt Calculator App
Completing the App’s View
Implementing the Calculator’s Model
Creating the Controller Class for Your Calculator
Running the Calculator
Additional Tools
Further Reading

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Even though web and mobile applications appear to have taken over the software development market, there’s still
demand for traditional graphical user interface (GUI) desktop applications. If you’re interested in building these
kinds of applications in Python, then you’ll find a wide variety of libraries to choose from. They include Tkinter,
wxPython, PyQt, PySide, and a few others.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of building GUI desktop applications with Python and PyQt.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

Create graphical user interfaces with Python and PyQt

Connect the user’s events on the app’s GUI with the app’s logic
Organize a PyQt app using a proper project layout
Create a fully functional GUI application with PyQt

For this tutorial, you’ll create a calculator app with Python and PyQt. This short project will help you grasp the
fundamentals and get you up and running with this GUI library.

You can download the source code for the project and all examples in this tutorial by clicking on the link below:

Download Code: Click here to download the code that you’ll use to build a calculator in Python with PyQt in
this tutorial.

Getting to Know PyQt

PyQt is a Python binding for Qt, which is a set of C++ libraries and development tools providing platform-
independent abstractions for graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Qt also provides tools for networking, threads, regular
expressions, SQL databases, SVG, OpenGL, XML, and many other powerful features.

Developed by RiverBank Computing Ltd, PyQt’s latest editions are:

1. PyQt5: An edition that’s built against Qt 5.x only

2. PyQt6: An edition that’s built against Qt 6.x only

In this tutorial, you’ll use PyQt6, as this version is the future of the library. From now on, be sure to consider any
mention of PyQt as a reference to PyQt6.

Note: If you want to dive deeper into the differences between these two versions of the library, then check out
the PyQt6 documentation on the topic.

PyQt6 is based on Qt v6. Therefore, it provides classes and tools for GUI creation, XML handling, network
communication, regular expressions, threads, SQL databases, web browsing, and other technologies available in Qt.
PyQt6 implements binding for many Qt classes in a set of Python modules, which are organized in a top-level
Python package called PyQt6. For PyQt6 to work, you need Python 3.6.1 or later.

PyQt6 is compatible with Windows, Unix, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android. This is an attractive feature if you’re
looking for a GUI framework to develop multiplatform applications that have a native look and feel on each

PyQt6 is available under two licenses:

1. The Riverbank Commercial License

2. The General Public License (GPL), version 3

Your PyQt6 license must be compatible with your Qt license. If you use the GPL license, then your code must also
use a GPL-compatible license. If you want to use PyQt6 to create commercial applications, then you need a
commercial license for your installation.
Note: The Qt Company has developed and currently maintains its own Python binding for the Qt library. The
Python library is called Qt for Python and is the official Qt for Python. Its Python package is called PySide.

PyQt and PySide are both built on top of Qt. Their APIs are quite similar because they reflect the Qt API. That’s
why porting PyQt code to PySide can be as simple as updating some imports. If you learn one of them, then
you’ll be able to work with the other with minimal effort. If you want to dive deeper into the differences
between these two libraries, then you can check out PyQt6 vs PySide6.

If you need more information about PyQt6 licensing, then check out the license FAQs page on the project’s official

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Installing PyQt
You have several options for installing PyQt on your system or development environment. The recommended option
is to use to use binary wheels. Wheels are the standard way to install Python packages from the Python package
index, PyPI.

In any case, you need to consider that wheels for PyQt6 are only available for Python 3.6.1 and later. There are
wheels for Linux, macOS, and Windows (64-bit).

All of these wheels include copies of the corresponding Qt libraries, so you won’t need to install them separately.

Another installation option is to build PyQt from source. This can be a bit complicated, so you might want to avoid it
if possible. If you really need to build from source, then check out what the library’s documentation recommends in
those cases.

Alternatively, you have the option of using package managers, such as APT on Linux or Homebrew on macOS, to
install PyQt6. In the next few sections, you’ll go through some of the options for installing PyQt6 from different
sources and on different platforms.

Virtual Environment Installation With pip

Most of the time, you should create a Python virtual environment to install PyQt6 in an isolated way. To create a
virtual environment and install PyQt6 in it, run the following on your command line:

 Windows   Linux + macOS

Windows Command Prompt

PS> python -m venv venv

PS> venv\Scripts\activate
(venv) PS> python -m pip install pyqt6

Here, you first create a virtual environment using the venv module from the standard library. Then you activate it,
and finally you install PyQt6 in it using pip. Note that you must have Python 3.6.1 or later for the install command to
work correctly.

System-Wide Installation With pip

You’ll rarely need to install PyQt directly on your system Python environment. If you ever need to do this kind of
installation, then run the following command on your command line or in your terminal window without activating
any virtual environment:


$ python -m pip install pyqt6

With this command, you’ll install PyQt6 in your system Python environment directly. You can start using the library
immediately after the installation finishes. Depending on your operating system, you may need root or administrator
privileges for this installation to work.

Even though this is a fast way to install PyQt6 and start using it right away, it’s not the recommended approach. The
recommended approach is to use a Python virtual environment, as you learned in the previous section.

Platform-Specific Installation
Several Linux distributions include binary packages for PyQt6 in their repositories. If this your case, then you can
install the library using the distribution’s package manager. On Ubuntu, for example, you can use the following


$ sudo apt install python3-pyqt6

With this command, you’ll install PyQt6 and all of its dependencies in your base system, so you can use the library in
any of your GUI projects. Note that root privileges are needed, which you invoke here with the sudo command.

If you’re a macOS user, then you can install PyQt6 using the Homebrew package manager. To do this, open a
terminal and run the following command:


$ brew install pyqt6

After running this command, you’ll have PyQt6 installed on your Homebrew Python environment, and it’ll be ready
for you to use.

If you use a package manager on Linux or macOS, then there’s a chance you won’t get the latest version of PyQt6. A
pip installation will be better if you want to ensure that you have the latest release.

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Creating Your First PyQt Application

Now that you have a working PyQt installation, you’re ready to create your first GUI app. You’ll create a Hello,
World! application with Python and PyQt. Here are the steps that you’ll follow:

1. Import QApplication and all the required widgets from PyQt6.QtWidgets.

2. Create an instance of QApplication.
3. Create your application’s GUI.
4. Show your application’s GUI.
5. Run your application’s event loop, or main loop.

You can download the source code for the examples that you’ll code in this section by clicking the link below:

Download Code: Click here to download the code that you’ll use to build a calculator in Python with PyQt in
this tutorial.

To kick things off, start by creating a new file called in your current working directory:


"""Simple Hello, World example with PyQt6."""

import sys

# 1. Import QApplication and all the required widgets

from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QWidget

First, you import sys, which will allow you to handle the application’s termination and exit status through the exit()
function. Then you import QApplication, QLabel, and QWidget from QtWidgets, which is part of the PyQt6 package. With
these imports, you’re done with step one.

To complete step two, you just need to create an instance of QApplication. Do this as you would create an instance
of any Python class:


# ...

# 2. Create an instance of QApplication

app = QApplication([])

In this line of code, you create the instance of QApplication. You should create your app instance before you create
any GUI object in PyQt.

Internally, the QApplication class deals with command-line arguments. That’s why you need to pass in a list of
command-line arguments to the class constructor. In this example, you use an empty list because your app won’t
be handling any command-line arguments.

Note: You’ll often find that developers pass sys.argv to the constructor of QApplication. This object contains
the list of command-line arguments passed into a Python script. If your application needs to accept command-
line arguments, then you should use sys.argv to handle them. Otherwise, you can just use an empty list, like
you did in the above example.

Step three involves creating the application’s GUI. In this example, your GUI will be based on the QWidget class,
which is the base class of all user interface objects in PyQt.

Here’s how you can create the app’s GUI:


# ...

# 3. Create your application's GUI

window = QWidget()
window.setWindowTitle("PyQt App")
window.setGeometry(100, 100, 280, 80)
helloMsg = QLabel("<h1>Hello, World!</h1>", parent=window)
helloMsg.move(60, 15)

In this code, window is an instance of QWidget, which provides all the features that you’ll need to create the
application’s window, or form. As its names suggests, .setWindowTitle() sets the window’s title in your application.
In this example, the app’s window will show PyQt App as its title.

Note: More precisely, this step requires you to create the app’s top-level or main window. The term
application’s GUI is a bit generic. Typically, an application’s GUI consists of more than one window.

You can use .setGeometry() to define the window’s size and screen position. The first two arguments are the x and y
screen coordinates where the window will be placed. The third and fourth arguments are the window’s width and
Every GUI application needs widgets, or graphical components that make the app’s GUI. In this example, you use a
QLabel widget, helloMsg, to show the message Hello, World! on your application’s window.

QLabel objectscan display HTML-formatted text, so you can use the HTML element "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>" to
provide the desired text as an h1 header. Finally, you use .move() to place helloMsg at the coordinates (60, 15) on the
application’s window.

Note: In PyQt, you can use any widget—a subclass of QWidget—as a top-level window. The only condition is
that the target widget must not have a parent widget. When you use a widget as your top-level window, PyQt
automatically provides it with a title bar and turns it into a normal window.

The parent-child relationship between widgets has two complementary purposes. A widget with no parent is
considered a main or top-level window. In contrast, a widget with an explicit parent is a child widget, and it’s
shown within its parent.

This relationship is also known as ownership, with parents owning their children. The PyQt ownership model
ensures that if you delete a parent widget, such as your top-level window, then all of its child widgets will
automatically be deleted as well.

To avoid memory leaks, you should always make sure that any QWidget object has a parent, with the sole
exception of your top-level windows.

You’re done with step three, so you can continue with the final two steps and get your PyQt GUI application ready to


# ...

# 4. Show your application's GUI

# 5. Run your application's event loop


In this code snippet, you call .show() on window. The call to .show() schedules a paint event, which is a request to
paint the widgets that compose a GUI. This event is then added to the application’s event queue. You’ll learn more
about PyQt’s event loop in a later section.

Finally, you start the application’s event loop by calling .exec(). The call to .exec() is wrapped in a call to sys.exit(),
which allows you to cleanly exit Python and release memory resources when the application terminates.

You can run your first PyQt app with the following command:


$ python

When you run this script, you’ll see a window that’ll look something like this:

Your application shows a window based on QWidget. The window displays the Hello, World! message. To show the
message, it uses a QLabel widget. And with that, you’ve written your first GUI desktop application using PyQt and
Python! Isn’t that cool?
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Considering Code Styles

If you check the code of your sample GUI application from the previous section, then you’ll notice that PyQt’s API
doesn’t follow PEP 8 coding style and naming conventions. PyQt is built around Qt, which is written in C++ and uses
the camel case naming style for functions, methods, and variables. That said, when you start writing a PyQt project,
you need to decide which naming style you’ll use.

In this regard, PEP 8 states that:

New modules and packages (including third party frameworks) should be written to these standards, but
where an existing library has a different style, internal consistency is preferred. (Source)

In addition, the Zen of Python says:

…practicality beats purity. (Source)

If you want to write consistent PyQt-related code, then you should stick to the framework’s coding style. In this
tutorial, you’ll follow the PyQt coding style for consistency. You’ll use camel case instead of the usual Python snake

Learning the Basics of PyQt

You’ll need to master the basic components of PyQt if you want to proficiently use this library to develop your GUI
applications. Some of these components include:

Layout managers
Main windows
Event loops
Signals and slots

These elements are the building blocks of any PyQt GUI application. Most of them are represented as Python classes
that live in the PyQt6.QtWidgets module. These elements are extremely important. You’ll learn more about them in
the following few sections.

Widgets are rectangular graphical components that you can place on your application’s windows to build the GUI.
Widgets have several attributes and methods that allow you to tweak their appearance and behavior. They can also
paint a representation of themselves on the screen.

Widgets also detect mouse clicks, keypresses, and other events from the user, the window system, and other
sources. Each time a widget catches an event, it emits a signal to announce its state change. PyQt has a rich and
modern collection of widgets. Each of those widgets serves a different purpose.

Some of the most common and useful PyQt widgets are:

Line edits
Combo boxes
Radio buttons

First up is the button. You can create a button by instantiating QPushButton, a class that provides a classic command
button. Typical buttons are Ok, Cancel, Apply, Yes, No, and Close. Here’s how they look on a Linux system:
Buttons like these are perhaps the most commonly used widgets in any GUI. When someone clicks them, your app
commands the computer to perform actions. This is how you can execute computations when a user clicks a

Up next are labels, which you can create with QLabel. Labels let you display useful information as text or images:

You’ll use labels like these to explain how to use your app’s GUI. You can tweak a label’s appearance in several ways.
A label can even accept HTML-formatted text, as you saw earlier. You can also use labels to specify a keyboard
shortcut to move the cursor focus to a given widget on your GUI.

Another common widget is the line edit, also known as the input box. This widget allows you to enter a single line
of text. You can create line edits with the QLineEdit class. Line edits are useful when you need to get the user’s input
as plain text.

Here’s how line edits look on a Linux system:

Line edits like these automatically provide basic editing operations like copy, paste, undo, redo, drag, drop, and so
on. In the above figure, you can also see that the objects on the first row show placeholder text to inform the user
what kind of input is required.

Combo boxes are another fundamental type of widget in GUI applications. You can create them by instantiating
QComboBox. A combo box will present your user with a dropdown list of options in a way that takes up minimal screen

Here’s an example of a combo box that provides a dropdown list of popular programming languages:

This combo box is read-only, which means that users can select one of several options but can’t add their own
options. Combo boxes can also be editable, allowing users to add new options on the fly. Combo boxes can also
contain pixmaps, strings, or both.

The last widget that you’ll learn about is the radio button, which you can create with QRadioButton. A QRadioButton
object is an option button that you can click to switch on. Radio buttons are useful when you need the user to select
one of many options. All options in a radio button are visible on the screen at the same time:

In this radio buttons group, only one button can be checked at a given time. If the user selects another radio button,
then the previously selected button will switch off automatically.
PyQt has a large collection of widgets. At the time of this writing, there are over forty available for you to use to
create your application’s GUI. Here, you’ve studied only a small sample. However, that’s enough to show you the
power and flexibility of PyQt. In the next section, you’ll learn how to lay out different widgets to build modern and
fully functional GUIs for your applications.

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Layout Managers
Now that you know about widgets and how they’re used to build GUIs, you need to know how to arrange a set of
widgets so that your GUI is both coherent and functional. In PyQt, you’ll find a few techniques for laying out the
widgets on a form or window. For instance, you can use the .resize() and .move() methods to give widgets absolute
sizes and positions.

However, this technique can have some drawbacks. You’ll have to:

Do many manual calculations to determine the correct size and position of every widget
Do extra calculations to respond to window resize events
Redo most of your calculations when the window’s layout changes in any way

Another technique involves using .resizeEvent() to calculate the widget’s size and position dynamically. In this case,
you’ll have similar headaches as with the previous technique.

The most effective and recommended technique is to use PyQt’s layout managers. They’ll increase your productivity,
mitigate the risk of errors, and improve your code’s maintainability.

Layout managers are classes that allow you to size and position your widgets on the application’s window or form.
They automatically adapt to resize events and GUI changes, controlling the size and position of all their child

Note: If you develop internationalized applications, then you’ve probably seen translated text get cut off mid-
sentence. This is likely to happen when the target natural language is more verbose than the original one.
Layout managers can help you prevent this common issue by automatically adjusting the widget size to the
available space. However, this feature can sometimes fail with particularly wordy natural languages.

PyQt provides four basic layout manager classes:

1. QHBoxLayout
2. QVBoxLayout
3. QGridLayout
4. QFormLayout

The first layout manager class, QHBoxLayout, arranges widgets horizontally from left to right, like with the
hypothetical widgets in the following figure:

In the horizontal layout, the widgets will appear one next to the other, starting from the left. The code example
below shows how to use QHBoxLayout to arrange three buttons horizontally:

1 #
3 """Horizontal layout example."""
5 import sys
7 from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (
8 QApplication,
9 QHBoxLayout,
10 QPushButton,
11 QWidget,
12 )
14 app = QApplication([])
15 window = QWidget()
16 window.setWindowTitle("QHBoxLayout")
18 layout = QHBoxLayout()
19 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Left"))
20 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Center"))
21 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Right"))
22 window.setLayout(layout)
25 sys.exit(app.exec())

Here’s how this example creates a horizontal layout of buttons:

Line 18 creates a QHBoxLayout object called layout.

Lines 19 to 21 add three buttons to layout by calling the .addWidget() method.
Line 22 sets layout as your window’s layout with .setLayout().

When you run python from your command line, you’ll get the following output:

The above figure shows three buttons in a horizontal arrangement. The buttons are shown from left to right in the
same order as you added them in your code.

The next layout manager class is QVBoxLayout, which arranges widgets vertically from top to bottom, like in the
following figure:

Each new widget will appear beneath the previous one. This layout allows you to to construct vertical layouts and
organize your widgets from top to bottom on your GUI.

Here’s how you can create a QVBoxLayout object containing three buttons:

1 #
3 """Vertical layout example."""
5 import sys
7 from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (
8 QApplication,
9 QPushButton,
10 QVBoxLayout,
11 QWidget,
12 )
14 app = QApplication([])
15 window = QWidget()
16 window.setWindowTitle("QVBoxLayout")
18 layout = QVBoxLayout()
19 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Top"))
20 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Center"))
21 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Bottom"))
22 window.setLayout(layout)
25 sys.exit(app.exec())

On line 18, you create an instance of QVBoxLayout called layout. In the next three lines, you add three buttons to
layout. Finally, you use the layout object to arrange the widget in a vertical layout through the .setLayout() method
on line 22.

When you run this sample application, you’ll get a window that looks something like this:

This figure shows three buttons in a vertical arrangement, one below the other. The buttons appear in the same
order as you added them to your code, from top to bottom.

The third layout manager in your list is QGridLayout. This class arranges widgets in a grid of rows and columns. Every
widget will have a relative position on the grid. You can define a widget’s position with a pair of coordinates like
(row, column). Each coordinate must be an integer number. These pairs of coordinates define which cell on the grid
a given widget will occupy.

The grid layout will look something like this:

QGridLayout takes the available space, divides it up into rows and columns, and puts each child widget into its own

Here’s how to create a grid layout arrangement in your GUI:


1 #
3 """Grid layout example."""
5 import sys
7 from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (
8 QApplication,
9 QGridLayout,
10 QPushButton,
11 QWidget,
12 )
14 app = QApplication([])
15 window = QWidget()
16 window.setWindowTitle("QGridLayout")
18 layout = QGridLayout()
19 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Button (0, 0)"), 0, 0)
20 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Button (0, 1)"), 0, 1)
21 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Button (0, 2)"), 0, 2)
22 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Button (1, 0)"), 1, 0)
23 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Button (1, 1)"), 1, 1)
24 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Button (1, 2)"), 1, 2)
25 layout.addWidget(QPushButton("Button (2, 0)"), 2, 0)
26 layout.addWidget(
27 QPushButton("Button (2, 1) + 2 Columns Span"), 2, 1, 1, 2
28 )
29 window.setLayout(layout)
32 sys.exit(app.exec())

In this example, you create an application that uses a QGridLayout object to organize its widgets on the screen. Note
that, in this case, the second and third arguments that you pass to .addWidget() are integer numbers defining each
widget’s position on the grid.

On lines 26 to 28, you pass two more arguments to .addWidget(). These arguments are rowSpan and columnSpan, and
they’re the fourth and fifth arguments passed to the function. You can use them to make a widget occupy more than
one row or column, like you did in the example.

If you run this code from your command line, then you’ll get a window that looks something like this:

In this figure, you can see your widgets arranged in a grid of rows and columns. The last widget occupies two
columns, as you specified on lines 26 to 28.

The last layout manager that you’ll learn about is QFormLayout. This class arranges widgets in a two-column layout.
The first column usually displays messages in labels. The second column generally contains widgets like QLineEdit,
QComboBox, QSpinBox, and so on. These allow the user to enter or edit data regarding the information in the first

The following diagram shows how form layouts work in practice:

The left column consists of labels, while the right column consists of input widgets. If you’re developing a database
application, then this kind of layout can be a useful tool that’ll increase your productivity when creating input forms.

The following example shows how to create an application that uses a QFormLayout object to arrange its widgets:


1 #
3 """Form layout example."""
5 import sys
7 from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (
8 QApplication,
9 QFormLayout,
10 QLineEdit,
11 QWidget,
12 )
14 app = QApplication([])
15 window = QWidget()
16 window.setWindowTitle("QFormLayout")
18 layout = QFormLayout()
19 layout.addRow("Name:", QLineEdit())
20 layout.addRow("Age:", QLineEdit())
21 layout.addRow("Job:", QLineEdit())
22 layout.addRow("Hobbies:", QLineEdit())
23 window.setLayout(layout)
26 sys.exit(app.exec())

Lines 18 to 23 do the hard work in this example. QFormLayout has a convenient method called .addRow(). You can use
this method to add a two-widget row to the layout. The first argument to .addRow() should be a label or a string.
Then, the second argument can be any widget that allows the user to enter or edit data. In this specific example,
you’ve used line edits.

If you run this code, then you’ll get a window that looks something like this:

The above figure shows a window that uses a form layout. The first column contains labels to ask the user for some
information. The second column shows widgets that allow the user to enter or edit the required information.

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With PyQt, you can develop two types of GUI desktop applications. Depending on the class that you use to create
the main form or window, you’ll have one of the following:

1. A main window–style application: The application’s main window inherits from QMainWindow.
2. A dialog-style application: The application’s main window inherits from QDialog.

You’ll start with dialog-style applications first. In the next section, you’ll learn about main window–style

To develop a dialog-style application, you need to create a GUI class that inherits from QDialog, which is the base
class of all dialog windows. A dialog window is a stand-alone window that you can use as the main window for your

Note: Dialog windows are commonly used in main window–style applications for brief communication and
interaction with the user.

When you use dialog windows to communicate with the user, those dialogs can be:

Modal: Blocks input to any other visible windows in the same application. You can display a modal dialog
by calling its .exec() method.
Modeless: Operates independently from other windows in the same application. You can display a
modeless dialog by using its .show() method.

Dialog windows can also provide a return value and have default buttons, such as Ok and Cancel.

A dialog is always an independent window. If a dialog has a parent, then it’ll display centered on top of the parent
widget. Dialogs with a parent will share the parent’s task bar entry. If you don’t set parent for a given dialog, then the
dialog will get its own entry in the system’s task bar.

Here’s an example of how you’d use QDialog to develop a dialog-style application:


1 #
3 """Dialog-style application."""
5 import sys
7 from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (
8 QApplication,
9 QDialog,
10 QDialogButtonBox,
11 QFormLayout,
12 QLineEdit,
13 QVBoxLayout,
14 )
16 class Window(QDialog):
17 def __init__(self):
18 super().__init__(parent=None)
19 self.setWindowTitle("QDialog")
20 dialogLayout = QVBoxLayout()
21 formLayout = QFormLayout()
22 formLayout.addRow("Name:", QLineEdit())
23 formLayout.addRow("Age:", QLineEdit())
24 formLayout.addRow("Job:", QLineEdit())
25 formLayout.addRow("Hobbies:", QLineEdit())
26 dialogLayout.addLayout(formLayout)
27 buttons = QDialogButtonBox()
28 buttons.setStandardButtons(
29 QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel
30 | QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok
31 )
32 dialogLayout.addWidget(buttons)
33 self.setLayout(dialogLayout)
35 if __name__ == "__main__":
36 app = QApplication([])
37 window = Window()
39 sys.exit(app.exec())

This application is a bit more elaborate. Here’s what this code does:

Line 16 defines a Window class for the app’s GUI by inheriting from QDialog.
Line 18 calls the parent class’s .__init__() method using super(). This call allows you to properly initialize
instances of this class. In this example, the parent argument is set to None because this dialog will be your main
Line 19 sets the window’s title.
Line 20 assigns a QVBoxLayout object to dialogLayout.
Line 21 assigns a QFormLayout object to formLayout.
Lines 22 to 25 add widgets to formLayout.
Line 26 calls .addLayout() on dialogLayout. This call embeds the form layout into the global dialog layout.
Line 27 defines a button box, which provides a convenient space to display the dialog’s buttons.
Lines 28 to 31 add two standard buttons, Ok and Cancel, to the dialog.
Line 32 adds the button box to the dialog by calling .addWidget().

The if __name__ == "__main__": construct wraps up the app’s main code. This kind of conditional statement is
common in Python apps. It ensures that the indented code will only run if the containing file is executed as a
program rather than imported as a module. For more about this construct, check out What Does if name == “main”
Do in Python?.

Note: On line 26 in the above example, you’ll note that layout managers can be nested inside one another. You
can nest layouts by calling .addLayout() on the container layout with the nested layout as an argument.

The above code example will show a window that looks something like this:
This figure shows the GUI that you’ve created using a QFormLayout object to arrange the widgets and a QVBoxLayout
layout for the application’s global layout.

Main Windows
Most of the time, your GUI applications will be main window–style apps. This means that they’ll have a menu bar,
some toolbars, a status bar, and a central widget that’ll be the GUI’s main element. It’s also common for your apps
to have several dialogs to accomplish secondary actions that depend on a user’s input.

You’ll inherit from QMainWindow to develop main window–style applications. An instance of a class that derives from
QMainWindow is considered the app’s main window and should be unique.

QMainWindow provides a framework for building your application’s GUI quickly. This class has its own built-in layout,
which accepts the following graphical components:

Position on
Component Window Description

One menu bar Top Holds the application’s main menu

One or more toolbars Sides Hold tool buttons and other widgets, such as QComboBox,
QSpinBox, and more

One central widget Center Holds the window’s central widget, which can be of any type,
including a composite widget

One or more dock Around the central Are small, movable, and hidable windows
widgets widget

One status bar Bottom Holds the app’s status bar, which shows status information

You can’t create a main window without a central widget. You need a central widget even if it’s just a placeholder.
When this is the case, you can use a QWidget object as your central widget.

You can set the window’s central widget with the .setCentralWidget() method. The main window’s layout will allow
you to have only one central widget, but it can be a single or a composite widget. The following code example
shows you how to use QMainWindow to create a main window–style application:

1 #
3 """Main window-style application."""
5 import sys
7 from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (
8 QApplication,
9 QLabel,
10 QMainWindow,
11 QStatusBar,
12 QToolBar,
13 )
15 class Window(QMainWindow):
16 def __init__(self):
17 super().__init__(parent=None)
18 self.setWindowTitle("QMainWindow")
19 self.setCentralWidget(QLabel("I'm the Central Widget"))
20 self._createMenu()
21 self._createToolBar()
22 self._createStatusBar()
24 def _createMenu(self):
25 menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Menu")
26 menu.addAction("&Exit", self.close)
28 def _createToolBar(self):
29 tools = QToolBar()
30 tools.addAction("Exit", self.close)
31 self.addToolBar(tools)
33 def _createStatusBar(self):
34 status = QStatusBar()
35 status.showMessage("I'm the Status Bar")
36 self.setStatusBar(status)
38 if __name__ == "__main__":
39 app = QApplication([])
40 window = Window()
42 sys.exit(app.exec())

Here’s how this code works:

Line 15 creates a class, Window, that inherits from QMainWindow.

Line 16 defines the class initializer.
Line 17 calls the base class’s initializer. Again, the parent argument is set to None because this is your app’s main
window, so it must not have a parent.
Line 18 sets the window’s title.
Line 19 sets a QLabel as the window’s central widget.
Lines 20 to 22 call non-public methods to create different GUI elements:
Lines 24 to 26 create the main menubar with a drop-down menu called Menu. This menu will have a
menu option to exit the app.
Lines 28 to 31 create the toolbar, which will have a toolbar button to exit the app.
Lines 33 to 36 create the app’s status bar.

When you implement GUI components using their own methods, like you did with the menu bar, toolbar, and status
bar in this example, you’re making your code more readable and more maintainable.

Note: If you’re running this example on macOS, then you may have issues with the app’s main menu. macOS
hides certain menu options, like Exit. Remember that macOS shows the Exit or Quit option under the app’s
entry on the top of the screen.

When you run the above sample application, you’ll get a window like the following:
As you can confirm, your main window–style application has the following components:

One main menu generically called Menu

One toolbar with an Exit tool button
One central widget consisting of a QLabel object with a text message
One status bar at the window’s bottom

That’s it! You’ve learned how to build a main window–style application with Python and PyQt. Up to this point,
you’ve learned about some of the more important graphical components in PyQt’s set of widgets. In the next few
sections, you’ll study other important concepts related to building GUI applications with PyQt.

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QApplication is the most foundational class that you’ll use when developing PyQt GUI applications. This class is the
core component of any PyQt application. It manages the application’s control flow as well as its main settings.

In PyQt, any instance of QApplication is an application. Every PyQt GUI application must have one QApplication
instance. Some of the responsibilities of this class include:

Handling the app’s initialization and finalization

Providing the event loop and event handling
Handling most system-wide and application-wide settings
Providing access to global information, such as the application’s directory, screen size, and so on
Parsing common command-line arguments
Defining the application’s look and feel
Providing localization capabilities

These are just some of the core responsibilities of QApplication. So, this is a fundamental class when it comes to
developing PyQt GUI applications.

One of the most important responsibilities of QApplication is to provide the event loop and the entire event handling
mechanism. In the following section, you’ll take a closer look at what the event loop is and how it works.

Event Loops
GUI applications are event-driven. This means that functions and methods are called in response to user actions,
like clicking on a button, selecting an item from a combo box, entering or updating the text in a text edit, pressing a
key on the keyboard, and so on. These user actions are commonly known as events.

Events are handled by an event loop, also known as a main loop. An event loop is an infinite loop in which all
events from the user, the window system, and any other sources are processed and dispatched. The event loop
waits for an event to occur and then dispatches it to perform some task. The event loop continues to work until the
application is terminated.

All GUI applications have an event loop. When an event happens, then the loop checks if it’s a terminate event. In
that case, the loop finishes, and the application exits. Otherwise, the event is sent to the application’s event queue
for further processing, and the loop iterates again. In PyQt6, you can run the app’s event loop by calling .exec() on
the QApplication object.
For an event to trigger an action, you need to connect the event with the action that you want to execute. In PyQt,
you can establish that connection with the signals and slots mechanism, which you’ll explore in the next section.

Signals and Slots

PyQt widgets act as event-catchers. This means that every widget can catch specific events, like mouse clicks,
keypresses, and so on. In response to these events, a widget emits a signal, which is a kind of message that
announces a change in its state.

The signal on its own doesn’t perform any action. If you want a signal to trigger an action, then you need to connect
it to a slot. This is the function or method that’ll perform an action whenever its associated signal is emitted. You
can use any Python callable as a slot.

If a signal is connected to a slot, then the slot is called whenever the signal is emitted. If a signal isn’t connected to
any slot, then nothing happens and the signal is ignored. Some of the most relevant features of signals and slots
include the following:

A signal can be connected to one or many slots.

A signal may also be connected to another signal.
A slot may be connected to one or many signals.

You can use the following syntax to connect a signal and a slot:



This will connect slot_function to widget.signal. From now on, whenever .signal is emitted, slot_function() will be

The code below shows how to use the signals and slots mechanism in a PyQt application:


1 #
3 """Signals and slots example."""
5 import sys
7 from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (
8 QApplication,
9 QLabel,
10 QPushButton,
11 QVBoxLayout,
12 QWidget,
13 )
15 def greet():
16 if msgLabel.text():
17 msgLabel.setText("")
18 else:
19 msgLabel.setText("Hello, World!")
21 app = QApplication([])
22 window = QWidget()
23 window.setWindowTitle("Signals and slots")
24 layout = QVBoxLayout()
26 button = QPushButton("Greet")
27 button.clicked.connect(greet)
29 layout.addWidget(button)
30 msgLabel = QLabel("")
31 layout.addWidget(msgLabel)
32 window.setLayout(layout)
34 sys.exit(app.exec())
On line 15, you create greet(), which you’ll use as a slot. Then in line 27, you connect the button’s .clicked signal to
greet(). This way, whenever the user clicks the Greet button, the greet() slot is called and the label object’s text
alternates between Hello, World! and an empty string:

When you click the Greet button, the Hello, World! message appears and disappears on your application’s main

Note: Every widget has its own set of predefined signals. You can check them out on the widget’s

If your slot function needs to receive extra arguments, then you can pass them using functools.partial(). For
example, you can modify greet() to take an argument, like in the following code:


# ...

def greet(name):
if msg.text():
msg.setText(f"Hello, {name}")

# ...

Now greet() needs to receive an argument called name. If you want to connect this new version of greet() to the
.clicked signal, then you can do something like this:



"""Signals and slots example."""

import sys
from functools import partial

# ...

button = QPushButton("Greet")
button.clicked.connect(partial(greet, "World!"))

# ...

For this code to work, you need to import partial() from functools first. The call to partial() returns a function
object that behaves similarly to greet() when called with name="World!". Now, when the user clicks on the button,
the message Hello, World! will appear in the label just like before.

Note: You can also use a lambda function to connect a signal to a slot that requires extra arguments. As an
exercise, try to code the above example using lambda instead of functools.partial().

The signals and slots mechanism is what you’ll use to give life to your PyQt GUI applications. This mechanism will
allow you to turn user events into concrete actions. You can dive deeper into signals and slots by checking out the
PyQt6 documentation on the topic.

Now you know the basics of several important concepts of PyQt. With this knowledge and the library’s
documentation at hand, you’re ready to start developing your own GUI applications. In the next section, you’ll build
your first fully functional GUI application.
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Creating a Calculator App With Python and PyQt

In this section, you’ll develop a calculator GUI app using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. This
pattern has three layers of code, with each one having different roles:

1. The model takes care of your app’s business logic. It contains the core functionality and data. In your
calculator app, the model will handle the input values and the calculations.

2. The view implements your app’s GUI. It hosts all the widgets that the end user would need to interact with the
application. The view also receives a user’s actions and events. For your example, the view will be the
calculator window on your screen.

3. The controller connects the model and the view to make the application work. Users’ events, or requests, are
sent to the controller, which puts the model to work. When the model delivers the requested result, or data, in
the right format, the controller forwards it to the view. In your calculator app, the controller will receive the
target math expressions from the GUI, ask the model to perform calculations, and update the GUI with the

Here’s a step-by-step description of how your GUI calculator app will work:

1. The user performs an action or request (event) on the view (GUI).

2. The view notifies the controller about the user’s action.
3. The controller gets the user’s request and queries the model for a response.
4. The model processes the controller’s query, performs the required computations, and returns the result.
5. The controller receives the model’s response and updates the view accordingly.
6. The user finally sees the requested result on the view.

You’ll use this MVC design to build your calculator app with Python and PyQt.

Creating the Skeleton for Your PyQt Calculator App

To kick things off, you’ll start by implementing a minimal skeleton for your application in a file called You
can get this file and the rest of the source code for your calculator app by clicking the link below:

Download Code: Click here to download the code that you’ll use to build a calculator in Python with PyQt in
this tutorial.

If you’d prefer to code the project on your own, then go ahead and create in your current working
directory. Open the file in your favorite code editor or IDE and type the following code:

1 #
3 """PyCalc is a simple calculator built with Python and PyQt."""
5 import sys
7 from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QWidget
11 class PyCalcWindow(QMainWindow):
12 """PyCalc's main window (GUI or view)."""
14 def __init__(self):
15 super().__init__()
16 self.setWindowTitle("PyCalc")
17 self.setFixedSize(WINDOW_SIZE, WINDOW_SIZE)
18 centralWidget = QWidget(self)
19 self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget)
21 def main():
22 """PyCalc's main function."""
23 pycalcApp = QApplication([])
24 pycalcWindow = PyCalcWindow()
26 sys.exit(pycalcApp.exec())
28 if __name__ == "__main__":
29 main()

This script implements all the boilerplate code that you’ll need to run a basic GUI application. You’ll use this
skeleton to build your calculator app.

Here’s how this code works:

Line 5 imports sys. This module provides the exit() function, which you’ll use to cleanly terminate the app.

Line 7 imports the required classes from PyQt6.QtWidgets.

Line 9 creates a Python constant to hold a fixed window size in pixels for your calculator app.

Line 11 creates the PyCalcWindow class to provide the app’s GUI. Note that this class inherits from QMainWindow.

Line 14 defines the class initializer.

Line 15 calls .__init__() on the super class for initialization purposes.

Line 16 sets the window’s title to "PyCalc".

Line 17 uses .setFixedSize() to give the window a fixed size. This ensures that the user won’t be able to resize
the window during the app’s execution.

Lines 18 and 19 create a QWidget object and set it as the window’s central widget. This object will be the parent
of all the required GUI components in your calculator app.

Line 21 defines your calculator’s main function. Having a main() function like this is a best practice in Python.
This function provides the application’s entry point. Inside main(), your program does the following:

Line 23 creates a QApplication object named pycalcApp.

Line 24 creates an instance of the app’s window, pycalcWindow.
Line 25 shows the GUI by calling .show() on the window object.
Line 26 runs the application’s event loop with .exec().

Finally, line 29 calls main() to execute your calculator app. When you run the above script, the following window
appears on your screen:
That’s it! You’ve successfully built a fully functional app skeleton for your GUI calculator app. Now you’re ready to
continue building the project.

Completing the App’s View

The GUI that you have at this point doesn’t really look like a calculator. You need to finish this GUI by adding a
display to show the target math operation and a keyboard of buttons representing numbers and basic math
operators. You’ll also add buttons representing other required symbols and actions, like clearing the display.

First, you need to update your imports like in the code below:



import sys

from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt

from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (

# ...

You’ll use a QVBoxLayout layout manager for the calculator’s global layout. To arrange the buttons, you’ll use a
QGridLayout object. The QLineEdit class will work as the calculator’s display and QPushButton will provide the
required buttons.

Now you can update the initializer for PyCalcWindow:


# ...

class PyCalcWindow(QMainWindow):
"""PyCalc's main window (GUI or view)."""

def __init__(self):
self.generalLayout = QVBoxLayout()
centralWidget = QWidget(self)

# ...
You’ve added the highlighted lines of code. You’ll use .generalLayout as the app’s general layout. In this layout,
you’ll place the display at the top and the keyboard buttons in a grid layout at the bottom.

The calls to ._createDisplay() and ._createButtons() won’t work at this point, because you haven’t implemented
those methods yet. To fix this issue, you’ll start by coding ._createDisplay().

Get back to your code editor and update like in the following code:


# ...


class PyCalcWindow(QMainWindow):
# ...

def _createDisplay(self):
self.display = QLineEdit()

# ...

In this code snippet, you first define a new constant to hold the display height in pixels. Then you define
._createDisplay() inside PyCalcWindow.

To create the calculator’s display, you use a QLineEdit widget. Then you set a fixed height of thirty-five pixels for your
display using the DISPLAY_HEIGHT constant. The display will have its text right-aligned. Finally, the display will be
read-only to prevent direct editing by the user. The last line of code adds the display to the calculator’s general

Next up, you’ll implement the ._createButtons() method to create the required buttons for your calculator’s
keyboard. These buttons will live in a grid layout, so you need a way to represent their coordinates on the grid. Each
coordinate pair will consist of a row and a column. To represent a coordinate pair, you’ll use a list of lists. Each
nested list will represent a row.

Now go ahead and update the file with the following code:


# ...


# ...

In this piece of code, you define a new constant called BUTTON_SIZE. You’ll use this constant to provide the size of
your calculator’s buttons. In this specific example, all the buttons will have a square shape with forty pixels per side.

With this initial setup, you can code the ._createButtons() method. You’ll use a list of lists to hold the keys or
buttons and their position on the calculator keyboard. A QGridLayout will allow you to arrange the buttons on the
calculator’s window:

# ...

class PyCalcWindow(QMainWindow):
# ...

def _createButtons(self):
self.buttonMap = {}
buttonsLayout = QGridLayout()
keyBoard = [
["7", "8", "9", "/", "C"],
["4", "5", "6", "*", "("],
["1", "2", "3", "-", ")"],
["0", "00", ".", "+", "="],

for row, keys in enumerate(keyBoard):

for col, key in enumerate(keys):
self.buttonMap[key] = QPushButton(key)
self.buttonMap[key].setFixedSize(BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE)
buttonsLayout.addWidget(self.buttonMap[key], row, col)


# ...

You first create the empty dictionary self.buttonMap to hold the calculator buttons. Then, you create a list of lists to
store the key labels. Each row or nested list will represent a row in the grid layout, while the index of each key label
will represent the corresponding column on the layout.

Then you define two for loops. The outer loop iterates over the rows and the inner loop iterates over the columns.
Inside the inner loop, you create the buttons and add them to both self.buttonMap and buttonsLayout. Every button
will have a fixed size of 40x40 pixels, which you set with .setFixedSize() and the BUTTON_SIZE constant.

Finally, you embed the grid layout into the calculator’s general layout by calling .addLayout() on the .generalLayout

Note: When it comes to widget size, you’ll rarely find measurement units in the PyQt documentation. The
measurement unit is assumed to be pixels, except when you’re working with QPrinter class, which uses

Now your calculator’s GUI will show the display and the buttons gracefully. However, you have no way to update the
information shown on the display. You’ll fix this by adding a few extra methods to PyCalcWindow:

Method Description

.setDisplayText() Sets and updates the display’s text

.displayText() Gets the current display’s text

.clearDisplay() Clears the display’s text

These methods will provides the GUI’s public interface and complete the view class for your Python calculator app.

Here’s a possible implementation:


# ...

class PyCalcWindow(QMainWindow):
# ...

def setDisplayText(self, text):

"""Set the display's text."""

def displayText(self):
"""Get the display's text."""
return self.display.text()

def clearDisplay(self):
"""Clear the display."""

# ...

Here’s a breakdown of what each method does:

.setDisplayText() uses .setText() to set and update the display’s text. It also uses .setFocus() to set the
cursor’s focus on the display.

.displayText() is a getter method that returns the display’s current text. When the user clicks the equal sign (=)
on the calculator’s keyboard, the app will use the return value of .displayText() as the math expression to be

.clearDisplay() sets the display’s text to an empty string ("") so that the user can introduce a new math
expression. This method will be triggered every time the user presses the C button on the calculator’s board.

Now your calculator’s GUI is ready for use! When you run the application, you’ll get a window like the following:

You’ve completed the calculator’s GUI, which looks pretty sleek! However, if you try to do some calculations, then
the calculator won’t respond as expected. That’s because you haven’t implemented the model and the controller
components. In the next section, you’ll write the calculator’s model.

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Implementing the Calculator’s Model

In the MVC pattern, the model is the layer of code that takes care of the business logic. In your calculator app, the
business logic is all about basic math calculations. So, your model will evaluate the math expressions that your
users introduced in the calculator’s GUI.

The calculator’s model also needs to handle errors. To this end, you’ll define the following global constant:

# ...

# ...

This ERROR_MSG constant is the message that the user will see on the calculator’s display if they introduce an invalid
math expression.

With the above change, you’re ready to code your app’s model, which will be a single function in this example:


# ...

class PyCalcWindow(QMainWindow):
# ...

def evaluateExpression(expression):
"""Evaluate an expression (Model)."""
result = str(eval(expression, {}, {}))
except Exception:
result = ERROR_MSG
return result

# ...

In evaluateExpression(), you use eval() to evaluate a math expression that comes as a string. If the evaluation is
successful, then you return result. Otherwise, you return the predefined error message. Note that this function isn’t
perfect. It has a couple of important issues:

The try … except block doesn’t catch a specific exception, so it’s using a practice that’s discouraged in Python.
The function uses eval(), which can lead to some serious security issues.

You’re free to rework the function to make it more reliable and secure. In this tutorial, you’ll use the function as is to
keep the focus on implementing the GUI.

Creating the Controller Class for Your Calculator

In this section, you’re going to code the calculator’s controller class. This class will connect the view to the model
that you just coded. You’ll use the controller class to make the calculator perform actions in response to user

Your controller class needs to perform three main tasks:

1. Access the GUI’s public interface.

2. Handle the creation of math expressions.
3. Connect all the buttons’ .clicked signals with the appropriate slots.

To perform all these actions, you’ll code a new PyCalc class in a moment. Go ahead and update with the
following code:


import sys
from functools import partial
# ...

def evaluateExpression(expression):
# ...

class PyCalc:
"""PyCalc's controller class."""

def __init__(self, model, view):

self._evaluate = model
self._view = view

def _calculateResult(self):
result = self._evaluate(expression=self._view.displayText())

def _buildExpression(self, subExpression):

if self._view.displayText() == ERROR_MSG:
expression = self._view.displayText() + subExpression

def _connectSignalsAndSlots(self):
for keySymbol, button in self._view.buttonMap.items():
if keySymbol not in {"=", "C"}:
partial(self._buildExpression, keySymbol)

# ...

At the top of, you import partial() from functools. You’ll use this function to connect signals with
methods that need to take extra arguments.

Inside PyCalc, you define the class initializer, which takes two arguments: the app’s model and its view. Then you
store these arguments in appropriate instance attributes. Finally, you call ._connectSignalsAndSlots() to make all
the required connections of signals and slots.

In ._calculateResult(), you use ._evaluate() to evaluate the math expression that the user has just typed into the
calculator’s display. Then you call .setDisplayText() on the calculator’s view to update the display text with the
computation result.

As its name suggests, the ._buildExpression() method takes care of building the target math expression. To do this,
the method concatenates the initial display value with every new value that the user enters on the calculator’s

Finally, the ._connectSignalsAndSlots() method connects all the buttons’ .clicked signals with the appropriate slots
method in the controller class.

That’s it! Your controller class is ready. However, for all this code to work as a real calculator, you need to update the
app’s main() function like in the code below:

# ...

def main():
"""PyCalc's main function."""
pycalcApp = QApplication([])
pycalcWindow = PyCalcWindow()
PyCalc(model=evaluateExpression, view=pycalcWindow)

This piece of code creates a new instance of PyCalc. The model argument to the PyCalc class constructor holds a
reference to the evaluateExpression() function, while the view argument holds a reference to the pycalcWindow
object, which provides the app’s GUI. Now your PyQt calculator application is ready to run.

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Running the Calculator

Now that you’ve finished writing your calculator app with Python and PyQt, it’s time for a live test! If you run the
application from your command line, then you’ll get something like this:

To use PyCalc, enter a valid math expression with your mouse. Then, press Enter ↩ or click the equal sign (=)
button to compute and show the expression result on the calculator’s display. That’s it! You’ve developed your first
fully functional GUI desktop application with Python and PyQt!

Additional Tools
PyQt6 offers a useful set of additional tools that can help you build solid, modern, and full-featured GUI
applications. Some of the most remarkable tools related to PyQt include Qt Designer and the internationalization

Qt Designer allows you to design and build graphical user interfaces using a drag-and-drop interface. You can use
this tool to design widgets, dialogs, and main windows by using on-screen forms and a drag-and-drop mechanism.
The following animation shows some of Qt Designer’s features:
Qt Designer uses XML .ui files to store your GUI designs. PyQt includes a module called uic to help with .ui files. You
can also convert the .ui file content into Python code with a command-line tool called pyuic6.

Note: To dive deeper into Qt Designer and better understand how to use this tool to create graphical user
interfaces, check out Qt Designer and Python: Build Your GUI Applications Faster.

PyQt6 also provides a comprehensive set of tools for the internationalization of apps into local languages. The
pylupdate6 command-line tool creates and updates translation (.ts) files, which can contain translations of interface
strings. If you prefer GUI tools, then you can use Qt Linguist to create and update .ts files with translations of
interface strings.

Graphical user interface (GUI) applications still hold a substantial share of the software development market.
Python offers a handful of frameworks and libraries that can help you develop modern and robust GUI applications.

In this tutorial, you learned how to use PyQt, which is one of the most popular and solid libraries for GUI application
development in Python. Now you know how to effectively use PyQt to build modern GUI applications.

In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to:

Build graphical user interfaces with Python and PyQt

Connect the user’s events with the app’s logic
Organize a PyQt application using a proper project layout
Create a real-world GUI application with PyQt

Now you can use your Python and PyQt knowledge to give life to your own desktop GUI applications. Isn’t that cool?

You can get the source code of your calculator app project and all its associated resources by clicking the link below:

Download Code: Click here to download the code that you’ll use to build a calculator in Python with PyQt in
this tutorial.

Further Reading
To dive deeper into PyQt and its ecosystem, check out some of the following resources:

PyQt6’s documentation
PyQt5’s documentation
PyQt4’s documentation
Qt v6’s documentation
The PyQt wiki
The Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt book
The Qt Designer manual
Qt for Python’s documentation

Although the PyQt6 Documentation is the first resource listed here, some important parts of it are still missing or
incomplete. Fortunately, you can use the Qt documentation to fill in the blanks.

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About Leodanis Pozo Ramos

Leodanis is an industrial engineer who loves Python and software development. He's a self-
taught Python developer with 6+ years of experience. He's an avid technical writer with a growing
number of articles published on Real Python and other sites.

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Python's del: Remove Prompt Engineering: A How to Read Python Python Classes: The
References From … Practical Example – … Input as Integers – … Power of …

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In this tutorial, you'll learn Learn prompt engineering In this tutorial, you'll learn In this tutorial, you'll learn
how Python's del statement techniques with a practical, how to use Python to get how to create and use full-
works and how to use it in … real-world project to get … integer input from the user … featured classes in your …
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a year ago edited
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For anyone wanting to use PyQt6 on the PyQt5 version of this course (great
course, Leodanis!), here are the changes needed:

- Environment set-up e.g. pip install PyQt6

- All imports referencing PyQt5, replace with PyQt6
- Use exec() only; exec_() has been deprecated
- In, replace QDialogButtonBox.Cancel with

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