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Romeo and Juliet

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Year 9 English CAT 2023

Romeo + Juliet analysis of text essay

Lesson 1:
• Select from one of the 3 topics below and complete a plan for your essay
• You can use the internet to help you to locate quotes
• All students must hand in their plan at the end of the lesson


1. Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet suggests that the cycle of violence can only be
broken through loss. Discuss.

2. “Oh,I am fortune’s fool” To what extent does Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet
suggest that the tragic outcome of film was predestined and unavoidable?

3. “My only love sprung from my only hate!” How does Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo +
Juliet explore the power of love?

Lesson 2:
• You now have 75 minutes to write a 600-800 word analysis of text essay
• You are allowed to use your planning sheet and a dictionary
• No other resources are allowed
Year 9 English Analysis of Film CAT - Rubric Name: __________________________
Grading Range UG E E+ D D+ C C+ B B+ A A+
Meets Criteria Below minimal standard To minimal standard To a low standard To a medium standard+ To a high standard+ To a very high standard
No understanding of the Shows some understanding Demonstrates an Demonstrates a good Demonstrates a very good Demonstrates a strong
plot, text and themes of the plot, text and themes understanding of the understanding of the text, understanding of the text, understanding of the text,
demonstrated but the discussion lacks plot, text and themes but themes and characters. themes and characters. themes and characters.
complexity. the line of discussion
occasionally lacks
Content complexity or relevance.
No clear line of discussion Establishes a line of Establishes a line of Establishes a clear line of Establishes a clear line of Establishes a complex line of
established. discussion that lacks discussion that addresses discussion that addresses discussion that addresses discussion and critically
complexity or relevance to most aspects of the topic. the whole topic. the whole topic very well. addresses the whole topic.
the topic.
No paragraphing Attempts to structure Includes a simplistic Includes appropriately Includes effective and well- Makes thoughtful use of essay
ideas. Uses paragraphs and introduction/conclusion. structured introduction/ structured structure, including a
introduces a point at the Develops clear conclusion. Generally introduction/conclusion. introduction, topic sentences,
beginning of the paragraph. paragraphs. Uses topic makes appropriate use of a Topic sentences and structured paragraphs and a
Attempts to analyse key sentences. Attempts to topi sentences. Paragraph paragraph structure assists conclusion. Structure assists
points. analyse key points. structure assists the logical the logical flow of ideas. the logical flow of ideas.
flow of ideas. Analyses key Analyses key points. Analyses key points in detail.
No reference to the novel Attempts to support some Generally supports main Generally supports main Consistently supports main Supports main ideas by making
as a means to support the main ideas by using ideas by using evidence ideas by making use of ideas by making use of use of a range of appropriate
contention. evidence from the film, from the film, such as appropriate evidence from appropriate evidence from evidence from the film,
such as references to references to significant the film, including quotes. the film, including quotes. including quotes. Examines this
Use of evidence significant moments. moments. Identifies film Identifies film techniques Considers the meaning of evidence for meaning.
Attempts to identify film techniques used and used and explains how they this evidence. Identifies film Thoughtfully identifies film
techniques. attempts to explain how impact the audience. techniques used and techniques used and how the
they impact the audience. logically explains how these director uses these to
impact the audience. influence the audience.
Poor spelling, Expression of ideas is often Expression of ideas is Expression of ideas is Expression of ideas is Ideas expressed clearly and
punctuation and tenses unclear. Spelling is often mostly clear. Generally generally clear. Spells consistently clear. confidently. Spells words
hinders meaning and the incorrect. Capital letters spells words correctly. words correctly and Consistently spells words correctly. Uses a range of
Fluency, writer’s intention is and punctuation are often Capital letters and recognises when a word is correctly. Consistently uses punctuation appropriately and
punctuation unclear. inaccurate. Some punctuation are usually spelt incorrectly. Generally punctuation appropriately effectively. Accurate use of
and spelling inconsistencies with tenses. accurate. Mostly accurate uses punctuation and effectively. Accurate tenses.
use of tenses. appropriately and use of tenses.
effectively. Accurate use of
No evidence of Limited evidence of Good evidence of Good evidence of Good evidence of Good evidence of
brainstorming or brainstorming and brainstorming and brainstorming, planning brainstorming, planning, brainstorming, planning, proof
planning. planning. planning. and proof reading. proof reading and editing. reading and effective editing.
1. Essay Topic: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Underline or highlight the key words in this essay question and then write them in the central circle below

3. Complete the mind-map

Romeo + Juliet
Brainstorm all examples and quotes that you think
Example: are relevant to this topic Example:

Key Words
Quote: Quote:

Example: Example:

Quote: Quote:


4. Write a contention (your main idea/argument) that responds to the essay topic:


5. Break your contention down into 3 smaller parts/ideas that you will discuss in each paragraph:

- Remember to use the formula: title/director + verb + idea

Key idea/Topic Sentence 1: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Key idea/ Topic Sentence 2: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Key idea/ Topic Sentence 3: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Verbs to improve your topic sentences:

Accentuates Depicts Identifies Acknowledges Endorses Explores Dismisses Focuses Criticises

Insinuates Explores Magnifies Produces Provokes Probes Questions Reflects Illustrates

Emphasises Proposes Recognises Constructs Rationalises Constructs Establishes Addresses Legitimises

Examines Scrutinises Generates Exposes Invited Refutes Builds Contrasts Reiterates

6. Plan your paragraphs:

STRUCTURE CONTENT YOUR PLAN: Use this section to plan your response step-by step in dot points.

Introduction Introduces topic, states your contention and arguments.

❖ Introduce the title of the text,

the text-type and the full name
of the author/director

❖ You may also wish to mention

the text-type and author of the
original text

❖ Restate the essay topic in your

own words to show your

❖ You can add some brief details

about the setting, plot or main
characters if it clearly relates to
the essay topic

❖ Outline the 3 key

ideas/supporting arguments
that you will use to back up your
contention on the topic.

❖ Link back to your overall topic

Paragraph 1 Include 3 paragraphs in the body of your essay

Point: (Topic sentence) State one

P of your key ideas/supporting
arguments in one clear sentence
- This should mention a message
conveyed in the texts

E Explain: Develop your idea further

by explaining it in more detail.

Evidence: Discuss scenes, film

EA techniques and quotations to
support your ideas.
Analyse: Explain how this evidence
supports/proves your key point.
Mention how the
author/director wants this to
affect the audience.

Evidence: Discuss another scene,

EA film technique and/or
quotations to support your
Analyse: Explain how this evidence
supports/proves your key point.
Mention how the
author/director wants this to
affect the audience.

Link: Write a sentence that links

L your analysis of the evidence
back to the essay topic and your
Paragraph 2

Point: (Topic sentence) State one

P of your key ideas/supporting
arguments in one clear sentence
- This should mention a message
conveyed in the texts

E Explain: Develop your idea further

by explaining it in more detail.

EA Evidence: Discuss scenes, film

techniques and quotations to
support your ideas.
Analyse: Explain how this evidence
supports/proves your key point.
Mention how the
author/director wants this to
affect the audience.

EA Evidence: Discuss another scene,

film technique and/or
quotations to support your
Analyse: Explain how this evidence
supports/proves your key point.
Mention how the
author/director wants this to
affect the audience.

L Link: Write a sentence that links

your analysis of the evidence
back to the essay topic and your
Paragraph 3

Point: (Topic sentence) State one

P of your key ideas/supporting
arguments in one clear sentence
- This should mention a message
conveyed in the texts

E Explain: Develop your idea further

by explaining it in more detail.

EA Evidence: Discuss scenes, film

techniques and quotations to
support your ideas.
Analyse: Explain how this evidence
supports/proves your key point.
Mention how the
author/director wants this to
affect the audience.

EA Evidence: Discuss another scene,

film technique and/or
quotations to support your
Analyse: Explain how this evidence
supports/proves your key point.
Mention how the
author/director wants this to
affect the audience.

L Link: Write a sentence that links

your analysis of the evidence
back to the essay topic and your
Conclusion Sum up your essay and link back to the topic.

❖ Restate your contention

- Reword the essay topic
- make a clear statement
about the message
- ie. what did the
author/director want the
audience to think, feel,
consider, question about
the theme mentioned in
the essay topic

❖ Summarise your 3 key


❖ Make a strong final

statement on the topic

7. After you have finished planning and drafting your essay, use the following checklist as part of the proofreading and editing process.
I understand the topic and what it is asking me to talk about.
I have developed a contention and 3 key ideas/arguments in response to the topic
I have written an introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion
My body paragraphs open with clear topic sentences that use the title/director + verb + idea formula
I have demonstrated that I have a strong knowledge of the text’s characters, events and themes
I used a range of relevant quotes to support my ideas.
I have used quotation marks to show where I have used a quote
I have embedded quotes and adjusted them to the grammar and syntax of my sentence
I have used connectives (transition words) to show how my ideas and examples relate to one another.
I have used a range of film techniques and have analysed how the director has used these to convey ideas/a message to the audience
I have used capital letters for the names of all people and places.
I have written in the third person (ie. no I, my, you or us unless it is part of a quote)
I have written using the present tense
8. Use some of these words/terms to improve your essay:

a) Connectives (transition words)

Basic transition words and phrases Advanced transition words and phrases
Moreover Further to this

Furthermore In addition

However Providing a point of contrast

Yet Mirroring

Although Departing from

While Offering a different/similar

Similarly Corresponding to this

Likewise This…is paralleled by/through/with

In contrast Creating a different/similar

b) Film metalanguage:

Cinematography Editing Sound/audio Mise en Scene

• Long shot • Cut • Dialogue • Lighting

• Mid shot • Fade in/fade out • Music • Colour
• Close-up • Dissolve • Soundtrack • Costume & make-up
• High/ Low angle • Crosscut • Sound effects • Setting/decor
• Panning • Flashback • Diegetic • Props
• Dolly/tracking shot • Stock shot • Non-Diegetic • Body language
• Voiceover

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