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4630 Self-Propelled Sprayer

(From Serial Number
55000 to 189999)

4630 Self-Propelled Sprayer (From
Serial Number 55000 to 189999)

Proposition 65 Warning

Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents

are known to the State of California to cause cancer,
birth defects, and other reproductive harm.

If this product contains a gasoline engine:


The engine exhaust from this product contains

chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.

The State of California requires the above two warnings.

Additional Proposition 65 Warnings can be found in this manual.

John Deere Catalão

Worldwide Edition
READ THIS MANUAL carefully to learn how to operate equipment as described in this manual. The warranty is
and service your machine correctly. Failure to do so explained on the warranty certificate or statement which
could result in personal injury or equipment damage. you should have received from your dealer.
This manual and safety signs on your machine may also
be available in other languages. (See your John Deere This warranty provides you the assurance that John
dealer to order.) Deere will back its products where defects appear within
the warranty period. In some circumstances, John Deere
THIS MANUAL SHOULD BE CONSIDERED a permanent also provides field improvements, often without charge
part of your machine and should remain with the machine to the customer, even if the product is out of warranty.
when you sell it. Should the equipment be abused, or modified to change
its performance beyond the original factory specifications,
MEASUREMENTS in this manual are given in both the warranty will become void and field improvements
metric and customary U.S. unit equivalents. Use only may be denied. Setting fuel delivery above specifications
correct replacement parts and fasteners. Metric and inch or otherwise overpowering machines will result in such
fasteners may require a specific metric or inch wrench. action.
RIGHT-HAND AND LEFT-HAND sides are determined by THE TIRE MANUFACTURER'S warranty supplied with
facing in the direction of forward travel. your machine may not apply outside the U.S.
WRITE PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS (P.I.N.) If you are not the original owner of this machine, it is in
in the Specification or Identification Numbers section. your interest to contact your local John Deere dealer to
Accurately record all the numbers to help in tracing the inform them of this unit's serial number. This will help John
machine should it be stolen. Your dealer also needs these Deere notify you of any issues or product improvements.
numbers when you order parts. File the identification
numbers in a secure place off the machine.
WARRANTY is provided as part of John Deere's support
program for customers who operate and maintain their
DX,IFC1 -19-03APR09-1/1

Emissions Performance and Tampering

Operation and Maintenance
The engine, including the emissions control system,
No deliberate tampering with or misuse of the engine
shall be operated, used, and maintained in accordance
emissions control system shall take place; in particular
with the instructions provided in this manual to
with regard to deactivating or not maintaining an exhaust
maintain the emissions performance of the engine
gas recirculation (EGR) or a DEF dosing system.
within the requirements applicable to the engine's
Tampering with an engine’s emissions control system
will void the European Union (EU) type approval and
applicable emissions-related warranties.

Company Info
John Deere Brasil Ltda.
Street: Eixo 03, Quadra 11, Lote 00, S/N
District: DIMIC
CQ291459 —UN—23JAN12

City: Catalão/GO - Brazil

Zip: 75709-685
CNPJ (Corporate Tax No.): 89.674.782/0010-49

OU90500,0000244 -19-24AUG16-1/1



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General View
General View ......................................................00-1 Transport and Operate Safely ..........................05-15
Prevent Machine Runaway...............................05-15
Avoid Contact with Agricultural Chemicals .......05-16
Safety Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid Fires......................05-16
Recognize Safety Information ............................05-1 In Case of Fire ..................................................05-17
Understand Signal Words...................................05-1 Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely ..............05-18
Live With Safety..................................................05-1 Avoid Exposure To Chemicals..........................05-19
Follow Safety Instructions...................................05-2 Clean Vehicle of Hazardous Chemicals,
Prepare for Emergencies....................................05-2 Including Pesticides .....................................05-20
Wear Protective Clothing....................................05-2 Non-Permissible Use........................................05-20
Protect Against Noise .........................................05-3 Emergency Exit ................................................05-20
Practice Safe Maintenance.................................05-3 Safely Machine Transport.................................05-21
Service Machines Safely ....................................05-4
Avoid Backover Accidents ..................................05-4
Handle Electronic Components and Safety Signs
Brackets Safely ..............................................05-4 Recognize Safety Information ............................10-1
Park Machine Safely...........................................05-5 Road Transport Decal ........................................10-2
Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating..........05-5 Seat Belt Decal...................................................10-2
Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines ......05-5 Do Not Give Rides Decal....................................10-3
Avoid High-Pressure Fluids ................................05-6 General-Purpose Fire Extinguisher Decal ..........10-3
Check Hydraulic Hoses ......................................05-6 Electric Line Contact Decal ................................10-3
Follow Tire Recommendations ...........................05-6 Chemical Exposure Decal ..................................10-4
Service Tires Safely............................................05-7 Avoid Falls Decal................................................10-4
Decommissioning — Proper Recycling Shields Decal......................................................10-4
and Disposal of Fluids and Components .......05-7 Exhaust Heat Decal............................................10-5
Handle Chemical Products Safely ......................05-8 Hot Surface Decal ..............................................10-5
Service Spray Equipment Safely ........................05-8 Bypass Start Decal .............................................10-5
Protect Against High Pressure Spray .................05-8 Jackstand Decal .................................................10-6
Use Proper Tools ................................................05-9 Clean Water Tank Decal.....................................10-6
Work in Clean Area ............................................05-9 Automatic Air Spring Leveling System Decal .....10-6
Work In Ventilated Area......................................05-9 Agricultural Chemicals Decal..............................10-7
Prevent Battery Explosions ..............................05-10 On-Board Air Tank Decal....................................10-7
Handling Batteries Safely .................................05-10 Driveshaft Decal .................................................10-8
Service Drive Belts Safely ................................05-10 Spray Boom Decal..............................................10-8
Do Not Open High-Pressure Fuel System........ 05-11 Solution Tank Decal............................................10-8
Service Cooling System Safely ........................ 05-11 Lateral Tilt Decal.................................................10-9
Service Accumulator Systems Safely............... 05-11
Avoid Hot Exhaust ............................................05-12 Information Signs
Using Compressed Air For Cleaning ................05-12 Wheel Decals .....................................................13-1
Working Area....................................................05-12 Remote Solution Pump Switch Decal.................13-1
Operate Safely..................................................05-13 Orifice Valve Instruction Decal............................13-1
Use Safety Lights and Devices.........................05-13 Emergency Brake Decal.....................................13-2
Keep Riders Off Machine .................................05-13 Suspension Lubrication Decal ............................13-2
Machine fitted with Instructional Seat ...............05-14 Component Wash Decal.....................................13-2
Use Steps and Handholds Correctly ................05-14
Use Seat Belt Properly .....................................05-14 Safety Features
Use Caution On Hillsides..................................05-14 Safety Features ..................................................15-1

Continued on next page

Original Instructions. All information, illustrations and specifications in this

manual are based on the latest information available at the time of publication.
The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice.
Moline, Illinois
All rights reserved.
A John Deere ILLUSTRUCTION ™ Manual
Previous Editions
Copyright © 2017

i 102819


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Page Page

Current Total Page............................................25-39

Controls and Instruments Reset Area Counter..........................................25-39
Front Console .....................................................20-1 Enable/Disable Distance Counter.....................25-40
CommandARM™ ...............................................20-2 Reset Distance Counter ...................................25-40
Multi-Function Lever ...........................................20-2 Job Summaries Page .......................................25-41
Side Console ......................................................20-3 Enable/Disable Job Summary ..........................25-42
B-Post Controls ..................................................20-3 Reset Job Summary Counters .........................25-42
Heater/Ventilation/Air-Conditioning Lifetime Page....................................................25-43
System (HVAC) Controls................................20-3 Diagnostic Readings Page ...............................25-43
Key Switch..........................................................20-4 Diagnostic Tests Page ......................................25-44
Multi-Function Lever Height Adjustment.............20-4 Nozzle Flow Check...........................................25-45
Adjust Steering Wheel ........................................20-5 Recent Problems Page.....................................25-46
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) .....................25-47
SprayStar™ System Controller Diagnostics ......................................25-47
Service and Operate Chemical Refill Tank .........................................................25-48
Sprayers Safely..............................................25-1 Fence Row Nozzles (If Equipped) ....................25-49
Avoid Exposure To Chemicals............................25-2 Apply With Low Application Rates....................25-50
Setup and Operation ..........................................25-2 FieldCruise™ Control .......................................25-51
SprayStar™ System ...........................................25-2 Control Unit Info................................................25-52
Application Menu ................................................25-3
Application Menu Overview ................................25-3 Lights
Sprayer Main Page.............................................25-6 Identification Lights.............................................30-1
Using Drop-Down Lists and Menus ....................25-6 Light Switches ....................................................30-2
Spray Setup Page ..............................................25-7 Turn-Signal Lever ...............................................30-3
Set Application Rates .........................................25-8 Hazard Warning Light Switch .............................30-3
Set Minimum Pressure .......................................25-9 Dome Light and Console Light ...........................30-4
Set Manual Pressure ........................................ 25-11 Beacon Light (If Equipped) .................................30-5
Set Spray Off Pressure.....................................25-12 Worklights Adjustment........................................30-5
Set Tank Volume ..............................................25-13
Set Spray Response.........................................25-14 Operator’s Station
Set Boom Charge .............................................25-15 Roll-Over Protective Structure (ROPS) ..............35-1
Enable/Disable Boom Pressure Relief .............25-16 Fire Extinguisher.................................................35-1
Alarm Setup......................................................25-17 Seat Belt Use......................................................35-1
Boom Setup Page ............................................25-18 Operator’s Seat ..................................................35-2
Set Number of Boom Sections .........................25-19 Instructional Seat................................................35-2
Set Number of Nozzles, Nozzle Cab Door ............................................................35-2
Spacing, and Nozzle Spray Width Cab Windows .....................................................35-3
for Broadcast Spraying.................................25-20 Sun Visor ............................................................35-4
Set Number of Nozzles, Nozzle Rearview Mirror ..................................................35-4
Spacing, and Nozzle Spray Width Outside Mirrors ...................................................35-4
for Band Spraying ........................................25-22 Windshield Wiper................................................35-5
Vehicle Setup Page ..........................................25-23 Clean Cab Windows and Service Wiper.............35-5
Total Engine Hours ...........................................25-24 Heater/Ventilation/Air-Conditioning
Reset Service Interval Hour Meter ...................25-25 System (HVAC) Operation .............................35-5
Set Vehicle Speed Selection ............................25-26 Cab Pressure Indicator.......................................35-7
Spray Calibration Page.....................................25-26 Horn....................................................................35-7
Set Flowmeter Calibration Number ..................25-27 Service Socket....................................................35-8
Calibrate Pressure Sensor ...............................25-28 Convenience Outlet ............................................35-8
Calibrate Solution Pump...................................25-31 Operating Tips About Your Audio System ..........35-9
Reset Spray Calibrations to Factory Installing Mobile Radio and Antenna ................35-10
Default Settings............................................25-33 Mobile Radio Bracket Template........................ 35-11
Spray Boom Calibration Page ..........................25-33 GreenStar™ Connectors ..................................35-13
Boom Return to Height Calibration...................25-35 AutoTrac™ Assisted Steering System
Reset Boom Calibrations to Factory (If Equipped).................................................35-14
Default Settings............................................25-36
Vehicle Calibration Page ..................................25-36
Prestarting Checks
Calibrate Wheel Speed Sensor ........................25-37
Avoid Static Electricity Risk When Refueling......40-1

Continued on next page

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Page Page

Fill Fuel Tank ......................................................40-1

Checking Engine Compartment for Break-in Period
Accumulated Trash and Debris ......................40-2 Perform Break-In Checks ...................................55-1
Check Engine Oil Level ......................................40-3
Check Coolant Level ..........................................40-4
Check Hydrostatic/Hydraulic Oil Level ...............40-4
Solution System
Solution System..................................................60-1
Drain the Fuel Filters ..........................................40-5
Service and Operate Chemical
Lubricate Front Suspension................................40-5
Sprayers Safely..............................................60-4
Check Tires Condition ........................................40-6
Avoid Exposure To Chemicals............................60-5
Check Air Springs (If Automatic Air
High Flow Solution Pump (If Equipped)..............60-5
Spring Leveling System is not Equipped) ......40-6
Replacing Nozzles..............................................60-6
Drain Moisture from On-Board Air Tank .............40-7
Nozzle Types ......................................................60-6
Clean Eductor Filter............................................40-8
Flat Fan Nozzle ..................................................60-6
Clean Solution Strainers.....................................40-9
Even Spray Nozzle .............................................60-7
Rinse Solution Pump, Spray Boom,
Hollow Conical Nozzle........................................60-8
and Flowmeter .............................................40-10
Flood Nozzle.......................................................60-9
Lubricate Spray Boom Lift Arm Pivots..............40-10
Flat Fan High Flow (Flood) Nozzle .....................60-9
Check the General-purpose Fire Extinguisher ..40-10
Use Nozzle Tip Calculator and Selector...........60-10
Checking and Replacing Worn Nozzles ........... 60-11
Operating the Engine 24.4 m (80 ft) Spray Boom Flow
Start Only From Operator's Seat ........................45-1 Characteristics—Application Rate
Engine Fuel System and Power Rating..............45-1 and Speed....................................................60-12
Engines with Turbocharger.................................45-1 27.4 m (90 ft) Spray Boom Flow
Starting with Booster Battery ..............................45-2 Characteristics—Application Rate
Engine Start........................................................45-3 and Speed....................................................60-13
Cold Weather Starting ........................................45-4 24.4 m (80 ft) Spray Boom Flow
Warming and Operation the Engine Slow ..........45-5 Characteristics (Standard
Instrument Check After Engine Start-Up ............45-6 Flow)—Flow Rate and Pressure ..................60-14
Engine Speeds ...................................................45-8 27.4 m (90 ft) Spray Boom Flow
Engine Shutoff ....................................................45-8 Characteristics (Standard
Restarting an Engine Which Has Run Flow)—Flow Rate and Pressure ..................60-15
Out of Fuel .....................................................45-9 Calibrating Nozzles...........................................60-16
Calibration Procedure.......................................60-16
Operating the Sprayer Conversion Factors (Calibrating for
Service and Operate Chemical Carriers Other Than Water)..........................60-17
Sprayers Safely..............................................50-1 Installing and Positioning Nozzle Tips
Avoid Contact with Agricultural Chemicals .........50-2 and Strainers................................................60-17
Clean Vehicle of Hazardous Pesticides..............50-2 Clean SprayMaster™ Triplet Nozzle Bodies ....60-18
Avoid Power Lines..............................................50-3 Clean SprayMaster™ 5-Position
Avoid Exhaust Fumes.........................................50-3 Nozzle Bodies ..............................................60-19
Operate Warning Lights......................................50-4 Solution System Valves ....................................60-20
Driving on Public Roads .....................................50-4 Solution Strainers .............................................60-24
Drive the Machine...............................................50-5 Fill Solution Tank without Quick Fill™ Valve.....60-24
Backup Alarm .....................................................50-5 Fill Rinse Tank ..................................................60-25
Before Operate in the Field ................................50-6 Fill Solution Tank with Sprayer Pump ...............60-25
Operate in the Field ............................................50-6 Prime Solution Pump with Rinse Tank Water ...60-27
Operate Traction Control ....................................50-8 Fill Solution Tank with Sprayer Pump
Operate Flow Divider (If Equipped) ....................50-8 While Adding Chemicals Through Eductor ..60-28
Operate Spray Boom Section Control ................50-9 Fill Solution Tank with Nurse Tank Pump .........60-32
Reduce Travel Speed....................................... 50-11 Fill Solution Tank with Nurse Tank
Park Brakes Operational Check .......................50-12 Pump while Adding Chemicals
Relieve Spray Boom Pressure .........................50-12 Through Eductor ..........................................60-33
Automatic Air Spring Leveling System Use Eductor to Load Chemicals with
(If Equipped).................................................50-13 Solution Tank Full.........................................60-36
Transport Machine............................................50-14 Agitation System of Tank Solution ....................60-40
Mired Machine ..................................................50-15 Prepare to Spray ..............................................60-42
Park Machine....................................................50-17 Rinse the Solution Tank and the Spray Boom ..60-43

Continued on next page

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Use Rinse System (Rinse Solution Adjust Shim Gap with Wheel on Ground ..........85-16
Pump, Spray Boom, and Flowmeter Only)...60-47
Recommendations to Eliminate Air Transporting the Sprayer
from Solution System ...................................60-47 Use Safety Lights and Devices...........................95-1
Drain Solution Tank ..........................................60-48 Transport and Operate Safely ............................95-1
Clean Stuck Solution Valve ..............................60-49 Towing The Sprayer............................................95-1
Clean Water Tank .............................................60-50 Prepare Sprayer for Transport on
Semi-Tractor Trailer .......................................95-2
Spray Boom
Unfold Spray Boom ............................................65-1 Sprayer Storage
Unfold Spray Boom in Limited Height Area ........65-2 Service and Operate Chemical
Fold Spray Boom................................................65-4 Sprayers Safely............................................100-1
Fold Spray Boom in Limited Height Area ...........65-5 Avoid Exposure To Chemicals..........................100-2
Spray with Outer Spray Boom Sections Folded ..65-8 Clean Vehicle of Hazardous Chemicals,
Spray with One Side of the Spray Boom Folded ..65-8 Including Pesticides .....................................100-3
Adjust Breakaway Section Springs.....................65-9 Drain Gasoline When Storing Machine ............100-3
Adjust Roll Suspension Springs .........................65-9 Recommended Cleaners And Coatings ...........100-3
Adjust Spray Boom Stop Screws......................65-10 Clean Solution System .....................................100-4
Adjust Inner Fold Cylinder—Type A .................65-10 Prepare Machine to Ship During
Adjust Inner Fold Cylinder—Type B ................. 65-11 Cold-Weather Months ..................................100-5
End Cap (Aspirators) ........................................ 65-11 Prepare Machine for Storage ...........................100-6
Remove Machine from Storage........................100-9
BoomTrac Pro™ (If Equipped)
BoomTrac Pro™ System....................................75-1 Access to Service Points
BoomTrac Pro™ on Main Page..........................75-1 Access to Engine Compartment .......................200-1
Operate BoomTrac Pro™...................................75-2 Access to Batteries...........................................200-1
BoomTrac Pro™ Page .......................................75-3 Access to Fuses and Relays ............................200-1
Set Sensor Target Mode.....................................75-4 Access to Hydrostatic Drive Pump Isolators.....200-2
Set BoomTrac Pro™ Response .........................75-5
Set Target Height Input Mode.............................75-6
Set up BoomTrac Pro™ Sensors .......................75-7 Fuels, Lubricants, and Coolant
BoomTrac Pro™ System Status Page ...............75-9 Engines with Tier 3-Stage IIIA/MAR-I
Calibrate Spray Boom Level Position ...............75-10 Emission Control ..........................................205-1
Calibrate Spray Boom Hydraulic Valves........... 75-11 Diesel Fuel........................................................205-2
Lubricity of Diesel Fuel .....................................205-3
Handling and Storing Diesel Fuel .....................205-3
Wheels, Tires, and Tread Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid Fires......................205-3
Service Tires Safely............................................85-1 Avoid Static Electricity Risk When Refueling....205-4
Safely Mounting Tires.........................................85-1 Supplemental Diesel Fuel Additives .................205-4
Tire Parts ............................................................85-2 Biodiesel Fuel ...................................................205-5
Tire Denomination ..............................................85-2 Testing Diesel Fuel ...........................................205-6
Tire Tread Types.................................................85-3 Minimizing the Effect of Cold Weather
Discarded Tires ..................................................85-3 on Diesel Engines ........................................205-7
Tires Inflation Pressure.......................................85-3 Complete Up Fuel Tank ....................................205-8
Use Proper Lifting Equipment.............................85-4 Fuel Filters........................................................205-8
Use Sprayer Support Stand and Lift Bracket......85-4 Diesel Fuel Additive Products...........................205-8
Adjust Front Axle Toe-In .....................................85-6 Diesel Engine Break-In Oil —
Tighten Wheel Nuts ............................................85-7 Non-Emissions Certified and
Remove and Install Wheels................................85-7 Certified Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Stage
Remove and Install Wheel Shields (If I, Stage II, and Stage III ...............................205-9
Equipped).......................................................85-9 Diesel Engine Oil — Non-Emissions
Set Tread Width—Manual Adjust .....................85-10 Certified and Certified Tier 1 and
Set Tread Width—With Hydraulic Stage I........................................................205-10
Tread Adjust Option .....................................85-13 Extended Diesel Engine Oil Service
Determining When to Adjust Shim Gap Intervals — Non-Emissions Certified
on Axle Tread Adjust ....................................85-14 and Certified Tier 1 and Stage I ................. 205-11
Adjust Shim Gap with Wheel Off Diesel Engine Oil — Tier 3 and Stage IIIA .....205-12
Ground (Preferred).......................................85-15

Continued on next page

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Engine Oil and Filter Service Replace Primary and Secondary

Intervals—Tier 3 and Stage IIIA — Engine Air Filters........................................210-12
PowerTech™ Engines................................205-13 Clean Primary Engine Air Filter Element ........210-13
Mixing of Lubricants........................................205-13 Verification Thermostat Opening
Hydrostatic/Hydraulic Drive Oil.......................205-14 Temperature ...............................................210-14
Oil Filters ........................................................205-14 Replace Engine Fan Belt................................210-14
Planetary Hub Oil ...........................................205-14 Do Not Modify Fuel System............................210-16
Grease............................................................205-15 Bleed the Fuel System ...................................210-17
Alternative and Synthetic Lubricants ..............205-15 Handle Halogen Light Bulbs Safely ................210-17
Lubricant Storage ...........................................205-15 Replace Work Headlights Bulbs .....................210-18
Diesel Engine Coolant (engine with Replace High and Low Beam
wet sleeve cylinder liners) ..........................205-16 Headlights Bulbs ........................................210-18
Operating in Warm Temperature Climates .....205-17 Adjust the Headlights......................................210-20
Water Quality for Mixing with Coolant Replace Fill Station Light and Platform
Concentrate................................................205-17 Lights—Halogen Bulbs...............................210-22
Testing Coolant Freeze Point .........................205-18 Replace Work Lights—Halogen Bulbs ...........210-22
Replace Front Turn-Signal and Hazard
Maintenance and Service Intervals Warning Lights Bulbs .................................210-23
Required Emission-Related Information...........207-1 Replace Front Clearance Lights Bulbs ...........210-24
Important Considerations .................................207-1 Replace Rear Turn-Signal, Hazard
Clean Vehicle of Hazardous Pesticides............207-1 Warning, Clearance, Brake, and Tail
Prevent Hydraulic System Contamination ........207-1 Lights Bulbs................................................210-24
Decommissioning — Proper Recycling Replace Dome Light Bulb...............................210-25
and Disposal of Fluids and Components .....207-2
Welding Near Electronic Control Units .............207-2 Service—First 50 Hours
Safeguard Alternator and Regulator.................207-3 Change Final Drive Oil .....................................215-1
Service Intervals ...............................................207-4
Service—First 50 Hours ...................................207-5 Service—First 100 Hours
Service—First 100 Hours .................................207-6 Check Suspension Rod Screws .......................220-1
Service—Daily or Every 10 Hours ....................207-7 Check Shim Gap on Axle Tread Adjust ............220-1
Service—Weekly or Every 50 Hours ................207-8 Change Engine Oil ...........................................220-2
Service—Yearly ................................................207-9 Replace Engine Oil Filter..................................220-3
Service—Every 100 Hours ...............................207-9
Service—Every 250 Hours .............................207-10
Service—Every 500 Hours ............................. 207-11 Service—Daily or Every 10 Hours
Service—Every 750 Hours ............................. 207-11 Check Engine Oil Level ....................................225-1
Service—Every 2 Years or 1500 Hours..........207-12 Check Coolant Level ........................................225-2
Service—Every 2 Years or 2000 Hours..........207-12 Check Hydrostatic/Hydraulic Oil Level .............225-2
Service—Every 5 Years or 4500 Hours..........207-13 Drain the Fuel Filters ........................................225-3
Service—Every 6 Years or 6000 Hours..........207-13 Lubricate Front Suspension..............................225-3
Check Tires Condition ......................................225-4
Check Air Springs (If Automatic Air
Service—As Required Spring Leveling System is not Equipped) ....225-4
Clean Flowmeter ..............................................210-1 Drain Moisture from On-Board Air Tank ...........225-5
Clean Fill Strainer .............................................210-2 Clean Eductor Filter..........................................225-6
Clean Aspirators, Nozzle Bodies, and Tips ......210-3 Clean Solution Strainers...................................225-7
Check Solution Tank Hoses..............................210-4 Rinse Solution Pump, Spray Boom,
Checking Engine Compartment for and Flowmeter .............................................225-8
Accumulated Trash and Debris ....................210-4 Lubricate Spray Boom Lift Arm Pivots..............225-8
Clean Radiator and Air Conditioner Check the General-purpose Fire Extinguisher ..225-8
Replace Cab Air Recirculation Filter.................210-6
Replace Fresh Air Filters ..................................210-7 Service—Weekly or Every 50 Hours
Power Link Box.................................................210-9 Lubricate Center Spray Boom Section .............230-1
Load Center Fuses ...........................................210-9 Lubricate Outer Spray Boom Hinge..................230-2
Load Center Relays and Diodes.....................210-10 Lubricate Breakaway Chain Pivot and Hinge ...230-2
Charging Batteries (Removed From Tighten Spray Boom Assembly ........................230-2
Machine) .................................................... 210-11

Continued on next page

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Service—Every Year Service—Every 2 Years or 2000 Hours

Change Engine Oil ...........................................235-1 Change the Engine Coolant .............................295-1
Replace Engine Oil Filter..................................235-2 Replace Engine Thermostats ...........................295-4
Check Seat Belts ..............................................235-2 Adjust Engine Valve Clearance ........................295-5
Replace Cab Air Recirculation Filter.................235-3
Replace Fresh Air Filters ..................................235-4 Service—Every 5 Years or 4500 Hours
Replace Primary and Secondary Replace Engine Torsion Damper......................300-1
Engine Air Filters..........................................235-6
Clean Engine Vent Tube...................................235-7
Check the Hydrostatic Drive Pump Isolators ....235-7 Service—Every 6 Years or 6000 Hours
Check Service Brake Components...................235-7 Change the Engine Coolant .............................310-1
Check Front Axle Toe-In ...................................235-9 Replace Engine Thermostats ...........................310-4
Replace Air Drier Cartridge ............................235-10
Test Coolant....................................................235-10 Troubleshooting
Clean Sprayer and Coat Exposed Surfaces...235-10 Engine Troubleshooting....................................400-1
Hydrostatic Drive Troubleshooting ...................400-5
Hydraulic System Troubleshooting...................400-8
Service—Every 100 Hours
SprayStar™ Solution Control System
Lubricate Steering Cylinder Ball Joints.............245-1
Check Service Brake Components...................245-1
Solution System Troubleshooting...................400-17
Tighten Wheel Nuts ..........................................245-2
Eductor Troubleshooting ................................400-18
Suspension System Troubleshooting .............400-20
Service—Every 250 Hours Tread Adjust System Troubleshooting............400-21
Change Engine Oil ...........................................250-1 Electrical System Troubleshooting .................400-22
Replace Engine Oil Filter..................................250-2 Operator's Cab Troubleshooting.....................400-23
Check Solution Tank Straps .............................250-2 Spray Boom Operation Troubleshooting ........400-26
Lubricate Engine Driveshaft .............................250-3
Rotate Tires ......................................................250-3
Check Shim Gap on Axle Tread Adjust ............250-3 Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Replace Cab Air Recirculation Filter.................250-4 Information Indicators .......................................405-1
Replace Fresh Air Filters ..................................250-5 Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) Information ..405-1
Drain Water and Sediment from the STOP and Service Alert Indicators...................405-2
Fuel Tank......................................................250-7 Engine Control Unit Diagnostic Trouble
Codes (ECU)................................................405-4
Chassis Diagnostic Trouble Codes ..................405-5
Service—Every 500 Hours Solution System Diagnostic Trouble Codes .....405-6
Change Engine Oil ...........................................260-1
Replace Engine Oil Filter..................................260-2
Replace Hydrostatic and Hydraulic Oil Filters ..260-2
Engine Specifications .......................................410-1
Change the Hydrostatic/Hydraulic
Fuel System Specifications ..............................410-1
System Oil....................................................260-3
Transmission Specification...............................410-1
Change Final Drive Oil .....................................260-4
Sprayer Ground Speeds...................................410-1
Replace Fuel Filters..........................................260-5
Brake Specifications .........................................410-2
Visually Inspect the Suspension Bushings .......260-6
Planetary Hub Specifications............................410-2
Check Suspension Rod Screws .......................260-6
Electrical System Specification.........................410-2
Hydraulic and Hydrostatic System
Service—Every 750 Hours Specifications ...............................................410-2
Test Coolant......................................................270-1 Spray Boom Specifications...............................410-3
Check Air Intake Hoses ....................................270-1 Steering System Specifications ........................410-3
Check Engine Speeds ......................................270-1 Spray System Specifications ............................410-3
Solution Pump Specifications ...........................410-4
Service—Every 2 Years or 1500 Hours Nozzles Specifications......................................410-4
Test Injector Nozzles ........................................290-1 Capacities.........................................................410-4
Check Engine Fan Belt.....................................290-1 Weights.............................................................410-4
Replace Primary and Secondary Dimensions.......................................................410-5
Engine Air Filters..........................................290-2 Speed Limit Decal ............................................410-7
Eurasian Economic Union ................................410-7

Continued on next page

vi 102819


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Carbon Dioxide Emissions (CO₂) .....................410-8

Whole Body Vibration .......................................410-8
Sound Level......................................................410-8
Machine Design Life .........................................410-9
Metric Bolt and Screw Torque Values...............410-9
Unified Inch Bolt and Screw Torque Values....410-10
Face Seal Fittings Assembly and
Installation—All Pressure Applications....... 410-11
Metric Face Seal and O-Ring Stud
End Fitting Torque Chart—Standard
Pressures ...................................................410-12
Metric Face Seal and O-Ring Stud End
Fitting Torque Chart—High Pressure
SAE Face Seal and O-Ring Stud End
Fitting Torque Chart—Standard
Pressures ...................................................410-14
SAE Face Seal and O-Ring Stud End
Fitting Torque Chart—High Pressure
External Hexagon Port Plug Torque Chart .....410-16

Serial Numbers
Keep Machines Secure ....................................415-1
Keep Proof of Ownership .................................415-1
Interpreting Machine Serial Number.................415-2
Interpreting Engine Serial Number ...................415-3
Identification Numbers......................................415-4

Lubrication and Service Records

Daily or 10 Hours Service Record ....................420-1
Weekly or 50 Hours Service Record ................420-1
Yearly Service Record ......................................420-2
100 Hours Service Record ...............................420-2
250 Hours Service Record ...............................420-2
500 Hours Service Record ...............................420-3
750 Hours Service Record ...............................420-3
2 Years or 1500 Hours Service Record ............420-3
2 Years or 2000 Hours Service Record ............420-4
5 Years or 4500 Hours Service Record ............420-4
6 Years or 6000 Hours Service Record ............420-4

Glossary of Terms.............................................425-1

vii 102819


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viii 102819


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General View
General View

CQ298865 —UN—15JAN15
4630 Self-Propelled Sprayer
OU90500,0000352 -19-14JAN15-1/1

00-1 102819

Recognize Safety Information
This is a safety-alert symbol. When you see this symbol
on your machine or in this manual, be alert to the potential
for personal injury.
Follow recommended precautions and safe operating

T81389 —UN—28JUN13

DX,ALERT -19-29SEP98-1/1

Understand Signal Words

DANGER; The signal word DANGER indicates a
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in
death or serious injury.
WARNING; The signal word WARNING indicates a
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

TS187 —19—30SEP88
death or serious injury.
CAUTION; The signal word CAUTION indicates a
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used
to alert against unsafe practices associated with events
which could lead to personal injury.
A signal word—DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION—is precautions are listed on CAUTION safety signs.
used with the safety-alert symbol. DANGER identifies CAUTION also calls attention to safety messages in this
the most serious hazards. DANGER or WARNING manual.
safety signs are located near specific hazards. General
DX,SIGNAL -19-05OCT16-1/1

Live With Safety

Before returning machine to customer, make sure
machine is functioning properly, especially the safety
systems. Install all guards and shields.

TS231 —19—07OCT88

DX,LIVE -19-25SEP92-1/1

05-1 102819


Follow Safety Instructions

Carefully read all safety messages in this manual and on
your machine safety signs. Keep safety signs in good
condition. Replace missing or damaged safety signs. Be
sure new equipment components and repair parts include
the current safety signs. Replacement safety signs are

TS201 —UN—15APR13
available from your John Deere dealer.
There can be additional safety information contained on
parts and components sourced from suppliers that is not
reproduced in this operator's manual.
Learn how to operate the machine and how to use controls
properly. Do not let anyone operate without instruction.
Keep your machine in proper working condition.
If you do not understand any part of this manual and need
Unauthorized modifications to the machine may impair the
assistance, contact your John Deere dealer.
function and/or safety and affect machine life.
DX,READ -19-16JUN09-1/1

Prepare for Emergencies

Be prepared if a fire starts.
Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy.
Keep emergency numbers for doctors, ambulance service,
hospital, and fire department near your telephone.

TS291 —UN—15APR13
DX,FIRE2 -19-03MAR93-1/1

Wear Protective Clothing

Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment
appropriate to the job.
Operating equipment safely requires the full attention of
the operator. Do not wear radio or music headphones
while operating machine.

TS206 —UN—15APR13

DX,WEAR2 -19-03MAR93-1/1

05-2 102819


Protect Against Noise

There are many variables that affect the sound level
range, including machine configuration, condition and
maintenance level of the machine, ground surface,
operating environmental, duty cycles, ambient noise, and

TS207 —UN—23AUG88
Exposure to loud noise can cause impairment or loss of
Always wear hearing protection. Wear a suitable
hearing protective device such as earmuffs or earplugs
to protect against objectionable or uncomfortable loud
DX,NOISE -19-03OCT17-1/1

Practice Safe Maintenance

Understand service procedure before doing work. Keep
area clean and dry.
Never lubricate, service, or adjust machine while it is
moving. Keep hands, feet, and clothing away from
power-driven parts. Disengage all power and operate
controls to relieve pressure. Lower equipment to the
ground. Stop the engine. Remove the key. Allow machine
to cool.
Securely support any machine elements that must be
raised for service work.
Keep all parts in good condition and properly installed.
Fix damage immediately. Replace worn or broken parts.
Remove any buildup of grease, oil, or debris.
On self-propelled equipment, disconnect battery ground
cable (-) before making adjustments on electrical systems
or welding on machine.
On towed implements, disconnect wiring harnesses from
tractor before servicing electrical system components or

TS218 —UN—23AUG88
welding on machine.
Falling while cleaning or working at height can cause
serious injury. Use a ladder or platform to easily reach
each location. Use sturdy and secure footholds and

DX,SERV -19-28FEB17-1/1

05-3 102819


Service Machines Safely

Secure long hair behind your head. Do not use a scarf,
necktie, loose clothing and necklaces when working
near machinery, tools or moving parts of a machine. If
these objects get entangled in equipment they may cause
serious injury.

TS228 —UN—23AUG88
Remove rings and other jewelry to prevent electric shock
or entanglement in moving parts.

DX,LOOSE -19-31MAY07-1/1

Avoid Backover Accidents

Before moving machine, be sure that all persons are clear
of machine path. Turn around and look directly for best
visibility. Use a signal person when backing if view is

PC10857XW —UN—15APR13
obstructed or when in close quarters.
Do not rely on a camera to determine if personnel or
obstacles are behind the machine. The system can be
limited by many factors including maintenance practices,
environmental conditions, and operating range.


Handle Electronic Components and Brackets

Falling while installing or removing electronic components
mounted on equipment can cause serious injury. Use a
ladder or platform to easily reach each mounting location.
Use sturdy and secure footholds and handholds. Do not

TS249 —UN—23AUG88
install or remove components in wet or icy conditions.
If installing or servicing a RTK base station on a tower or
other tall structure, use a certified climber.
If installing or servicing a global positioning receiver mast
used on an implement, use proper lifting techniques and
wear proper protective equipment. The mast is heavy and
can be awkward to handle. Two people are required when
mounting locations are not accessible from the ground
or from a service platform.
DX,WW,RECEIVER -19-24AUG10-1/1

05-4 102819


Park Machine Safely

Before working on the machine:
• Lower all equipment to the ground.
• Stop the engine and remove the key.
• Disconnect the battery ground strap.
• Hang a "DO NOT OPERATE" tag in operator station.

TS230 —UN—24MAY89
DX,PARK -19-04JUN90-1/1

Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating

Avoid potentially toxic fumes and dust.
Hazardous fumes can be generated when paint is heated
by welding, soldering, or using a torch.
Remove paint before heating:

TS220 —UN—15APR13
• Remove paint a minimum of 100 mm (4 in.) from area
to be affected by heating. If paint cannot be removed,
wear an approved respirator before heating or welding.
• If you sand or grind paint, avoid breathing the dust.
Wear an approved respirator.
• If you use solvent or paint stripper, remove stripper with
soap and water before welding. Remove solvent or
paint stripper containers and other flammable material
from area. Allow fumes to disperse at least 15 minutes Do all work in an area that is well ventilated to carry toxic
before welding or heating. fumes and dust away.

Do not use a chlorinated solvent in areas where welding Dispose of paint and solvent properly.
will take place.
DX,PAINT -19-24JUL02-1/1

Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines

Flammable spray can be generated by heating near
pressurized fluid lines, resulting in severe burns to yourself
and bystanders. Do not heat by welding, soldering,
or using a torch near pressurized fluid lines or other
flammable materials. Pressurized lines can accidentally
TS953 —UN—15MAY90

burst when heat goes beyond the immediate flame area.

DX,TORCH -19-10DEC04-1/1

05-5 102819


Avoid High-Pressure Fluids

Inspect hydraulic hoses periodically – at least once
per year – for leakage, kinking, cuts, cracks, abrasion,
blisters, corrosion, exposed wire braid or any other signs
of wear or damage.

X9811 —UN—23AUG88
Replace worn or damaged hose assemblies immediately
with John Deere approved replacement parts.
Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin
causing serious injury.
Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before
disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all
connections before applying pressure.
with this type of injury should reference a knowledgeable
Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect hands medical source. Such information is available in
and body from high-pressure fluids. English from Deere & Company Medical Department in
Moline, Illinois, U.S.A., by calling 1-800-822-8262 or +1
If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid 309-748-5636.
injected into the skin must be surgically removed within
a few hours or gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar
DX,FLUID -19-12OCT11-1/1

Check Hydraulic Hoses

Hydraulic hoses can fail due to physical damage, kinks,
age, and exposure. Check hoses regularly. Replace
damaged hoses.
Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate skin causing

X9811 —UN—23AUG88
serious injury. Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard.
Protect hands and body from high-pressure fluids.
If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid
injected into skin must be surgically removed within a few
hours or gangrene can result. Doctors unfamiliar with this
type of injury should reference a knowledgeable medical
source. Such information is available from Deere and
Company Medical Department in Moline, Illinois, U.S.A.
NXN,9930,HYD -19-29NOV16-1/1

Follow Tire Recommendations

Keep your machine in proper working order.
Use only prescribed tire sizes with correct ratings and
inflate to the pressure specified in this manual.
Use of other than prescribed tires may decrease stability, H111235 —UN—13MAY14

affect steering, result in premature tire failure, or cause

other durability or safety issues.

DX,TIRE,INFO -19-19MAY14-1/1

05-6 102819


Service Tires Safely

Explosive separation of a tire and rim parts can cause
serious injury or death.
Do not attempt to mount a tire unless you have the proper

RXA0103438 —UN—11JUN09
equipment and experience to perform the job.
Always maintain the correct tire pressure. Do not inflate
the tires above the recommended pressure. Never weld
or heat a wheel and tire assembly. The heat can cause
an increase in air pressure resulting in a tire explosion.
Welding can structurally weaken or deform the wheel.
When inflating tires, use a clip-on chuck and extension
hose long enough to allow you to stand to one side and
NOT in front of or over the tire assembly. Use a safety Wheels and tires are heavy. When handling wheels and
cage if available. tires use a safe lifting device or get an assistant to help
Check wheels for low pressure, cuts, bubbles, damaged lift, install, or remove.
rims, or missing lug bolts and nuts.
DX,WW,RIMS -19-28FEB17-1/1

Decommissioning — Proper Recycling and

Disposal of Fluids and Components
Safety and environmental stewardship measures must
be taken into account when decommissioning a machine
and/or component. These measures include the following:

TS1133 —UN—15APR13
• Use appropriate tools and personal protective
equipment such as clothing, gloves, face shields or
glasses, during the removal or handling of objects and
• Follow instructions for specialized components.
• Release stored energy by lowering suspended machine
elements, relaxing springs, disconnecting the battery
or other electrical power, and releasing pressure in
hydraulic components, accumulators, and other similar filters; batteries; and, other substances or parts.
systems. Burning of flammable fluids or components in other than
• Minimize exposure to components which may have specially designed incinerators may be prohibited by law
residue from agricultural chemicals, such as fertilizers and could result in exposure to harmful fumes or ashes.
and pesticides. Handle and dispose of these • Service and dispose of air conditioning systems
components appropriately. appropriately. Government regulations may require
• Carefully drain engines, fuel tanks, radiators, hydraulic a certified service center to recover and recycle air
cylinders, reservoirs, and lines before recycling conditioning refrigerants which could damage the
components. Use leak-proof containers when draining atmosphere if allowed to escape.
fluids. Do not use food or beverage containers. • Evaluate recycling options for tires, metal, plastic,
• Do not pour waste fluids onto the ground, down a drain, glass, rubber, and electronic components which may be
or into any water source. recyclable, in part or completely.
• Observe all national, state, and local laws, regulations, • Contact your local environmental or recycling center, or
or ordinances governing the handling or disposal of your John Deere dealer for information on the proper
waste fluids (example: oil, fuel, coolant, brake fluid); way to recycle or dispose of waste.
DX,DRAIN -19-01JUN15-1/1

05-7 102819


Handle Chemical Products Safely

Direct exposure to hazardous chemicals can cause
serious injury. Potentially hazardous chemicals used with
John Deere equipment include such items as lubricants,
coolants, paints, and adhesives.

TS1132 —UN—15APR13
A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provides specific
details on chemical products: physical and health hazards,
safety procedures, and emergency response techniques.
Check the MSDS before you start any job using a
hazardous chemical. That way you will know exactly what
the risks are and how to do the job safely. Then follow
procedures and recommended equipment.
(See your John Deere dealer for MSDS’s on chemical
products used with John Deere equipment.)
DX,MSDS,NA -19-03MAR93-1/1

Service Spray Equipment Safely • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (see
Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely in this section)
CAUTION: Spray solutions or vapors may be • Clean vehicle (see Clean Vehicle of Hazardous
dangerous. Treat all spray chemicals, solutions, Chemicals, Including Pesticide in this section)
or solution residues with great caution. DO • Drain Solution Tank (see Draining Solution Tank in the
NOT take chances. When in doubt, proceed Solution System section)
as though contamination is present. • Rinse solution system (see Operate Rinse System
(Rinsing Solution Tank and Boom) or Using Load
Before performing any service activity: Station Rinse in the Solution System section)
OU90500,0000485 -19-25SEP15-1/1

Protect Against High Pressure Spray

Spray from high pressure nozzles can penetrate the skin
and cause serious injury. Keep spray from contacting
hands or body.
If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any high

TS1343 —UN—18MAR92
pressure spray injected into the skin must be surgically
removed within a few hours or gangrene may result.
Doctors unfamiliar with this type of injury should reference
a knowledgeable medical source. Such information is
available from Deere & Company Medical Department in
Moline, Illinois, U.S.A.

DX,SPRAY -19-16APR92-1/1

05-8 102819


Use Proper Tools

Use tools appropriate to the work. Makeshift tools and
procedures can create safety hazards.
Use power tools only to loosen threaded parts and

TS779 —UN—08NOV89
For loosening and tightening hardware, use the correct
size tools. DO NOT use U.S. measurement tools on
metric fasteners. Avoid bodily injury caused by slipping
Use only service parts meeting John Deere specifications.

DX,REPAIR -19-17FEB99-1/1

Work in Clean Area

Before starting a job:
• Clean work area and machine.
• Make sure you have all necessary tools to do your job.
• Have the right parts on hand.

T6642EJ —UN—18OCT88
• Read all instructions thoroughly; do not attempt

DX,CLEAN -19-04JUN90-1/1

Work In Ventilated Area

Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death. If
it is necessary to run an engine in an enclosed area,
remove the exhaust fumes from the area with an exhaust
pipe extension.
If you do not have an exhaust pipe extension, open the

TS220 —UN—15APR13
doors and get outside air into the area.

DX,AIR -19-17FEB99-1/1

05-9 102819


Prevent Battery Explosions

Keep sparks, lighted matches, and open flame away from
the top of battery. Battery gas can explode.
Never check battery charge by placing a metal object
across the posts. Use a volt-meter or hydrometer.

TS204 —UN—15APR13
Do not charge a frozen battery; it may explode. Warm
battery to 16°C (60°F).

DX,SPARKS -19-03MAR93-1/1

Handling Batteries Safely

Battery gas can explode. Keep sparks and flames away
from batteries.
Never check battery charge by placing a metal object
across the posts. Use a voltmeter or hydrometer.

TS204 —UN—15APR13
Always remove grounded (-) battery clamp first and
replace grounded clamp last.
Keep the connections terminals and interconnections of
well-fitting to avoid bad contact, it may cause overheating
and damage the battery.
Do not leave tools and disconnected cables on the
• Avoiding use of air pressure to clean batteries.
Avoid hazards by: • Using correct battery booster or charger procedure.
• Do not use chemical cleaning products to clean
• Charging batteries in a well ventilated area. batteries.
• Wearing eye protection and rubber gloves. • Do not smoke or use fire near the batteries.
FC59002,000001A -19-23APR15-1/1

Service Drive Belts Safely

When servicing drive belts always observe these
• Avoid serious injury from hand or arm entanglement.
Never attempt to clean, check or adjust belts while the

TS285 —UN—23AUG88
machine is running. Always shut off the engine, set the
parking brake and remove the key.
• Do not attempt to clean belts with flammable cleaning

OUO6043,00015E3 -19-24MAY04-1/1

05-10 102819


Do Not Open High-Pressure Fuel System

High-pressure fluid remaining in fuel lines can cause
serious injury. Do not disconnect or attempt repair of fuel
lines, sensors, or any other components between the
high-pressure fuel pump and nozzles on engines with
High Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) fuel system.

TS1343 —UN—18MAR92
Only technicians familiar with this type of system can
perform repairs. (See your John Deere dealer.)

DX,WW,HPCR1 -19-07JAN03-1/1

Service Cooling System Safely

Explosive release of fluids from pressurized cooling
system can cause serious burns.
Shut off engine. Only remove filler cap when cool enough
to touch with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to first stop
to relieve pressure before removing completely.

TS281 —UN—15APR13
DX,WW,COOLING -19-19AUG09-1/1

Service Accumulator Systems Safely

Escaping fluid or gas from pressurized hydraulic
accumulator systems can cause serious injury. Extreme
heat can cause the accumulator to burst, and pressurized
lines can be accidentally cut. Do not weld or use a torch
near a pressurized accumulator or pressurized line.

TS281 —UN—15APR13
Relieve pressure from the hydraulic system before
removing accumulator. Never attempt to relieve hydraulic
system or accumulator pressure by loosening a fitting.
Accumulators cannot be repaired.

DX,WW,ACCLA -19-15APR03-1/1

05-11 102819


Avoid Hot Exhaust

Servicing machine or attachments with engine running
can result in serious personal injury. Avoid exposure and
skin contact with hot exhaust gases and components.
Exhaust parts and streams become very hot during

RG17488 —UN—21AUG09
operation. Exhaust gases and components reach
temperatures hot enough to burn people, ignite, or melt
common materials.

DX,EXHAUST -19-20AUG09-1/1

Using Compressed Air For Cleaning

CAUTION: Reduce compressed air to 210 kPa

(2 bar) (30 psi) or less when using for cleaning
purposes. Clear area of bystanders, guard
against flying debris, and wear personnel

TS266 —UN—23AUG88
protective equipment, including eye protection.

AG,OUO6043,83 -19-28JUL99-1/1

Working Area • the working area of the operator in which preparation

of the spraying liquid and cleaning of the sprayer takes
The working area is defined and required as follows: place
• an area of 1 meter around the machine for preparation • the “manoeuvring zone” of the components of the
of the spraying liquid (filling work) and cleaning of the sprayer, and in particular a 1 meter zone around the
spraying apparatus machine as a whole and the area required to fold out
• the seat on the machine from where the crop protection the spray booms
work is carried out
Danger zones are taken to mean:
OUO6092,0000362 -19-03MAY10-1/1

05-12 102819


Operate Safely
Always check general operating safety of the machine
before using. Drive slowly over rough ground.

Before, operating machine always checks immediate Slow down when turning.
vicinity of machine for people and obstructions. Ensure Always shut off engine when leaving machine. Remove
adequate visibility. key when leaving machine unattended. Park brake
Operate vehicle only when all guards are fitted and in engages when engine is turned off regardless of
their correct position. multi-function lever position.

DO NOT start engine with multi-function lever engaged. Keep hands, feet, and clothing away from moving parts.

DO NOT operate close to a ditch or creek. Wear relatively tight and belted clothing to prevent from
being caught on some part of the machine.
DO NOT fold or unfold boom near overhead wires.
Always come to a complete stop before reversing
OU90500,0000486 -19-25SEP15-1/1

Use Safety Lights and Devices

Prevent collisions between other road users, slow moving
tractors with attachments or towed equipment, and
self-propelled machines on public roads. Frequently
check for traffic from the rear, especially in turns, and use
turn signal lights.
Use headlights, flashing warning lights, and turn signals
day and night. Follow local regulations for equipment
lighting and marking. Keep lighting and marking visible,
clean, and in good working order. Replace or repair
lighting and marking that has been damaged or lost. An
implement safety lighting kit is available from your John

TS951 —UN—12APR90
Deere dealer.

DX,FLASH -19-07JUL99-1/1

Keep Riders Off Machine

Only allow the operator on the machine. Keep riders off.
Riders on machine are subject to injury such as being
struck by foreign objects and being thrown off of the
machine. Riders also obstruct the operator’s view resulting
TS290 —UN—23AUG88

in the machine being operated in an unsafe manner.

DX,RIDER -19-03MAR93-1/1

05-13 102819


Machine fitted with Instructional Seat

On machines equipped with an instructional seat, one
rider is permitted for providing instructions to the operator.
Refer to Use Seat Belt Properly in this section.
WZ00232,00001DD -19-03AUG09-1/1

Use Steps and Handholds Correctly

Prevent falls by facing the machine when getting on and

T133468 —UN—15APR13
off. Maintain 3-point contact with steps, handholds, and
Use extra care when mud, snow, or moisture present
slippery conditions. Keep steps clean and free of grease
or oil. Never jump when exiting machine. Never mount or
dismount a moving machine.

DX,WW,MOUNT -19-12OCT11-1/1

Use Seat Belt Properly

Avoid crushing injury or death during rollover.
This machine is equipped with a rollover protective
structure (ROPS). USE a seat belt when you operate with

TS1729 —UN—24MAY13
• Hold the latch and pull the seat belt across the body.
• Insert the latch into the buckle. Listen for a click.
• Tug on the seat belt latch to make sure that the belt
is securely fastened.
• Snug the seat belt across the hips.
Replace entire seat belt if mounting hardware, buckle,
belt, or retractor show signs of damage.
discoloration, or abrasion. Replace only with replacement
Inspect seat belt and mounting hardware at least
parts approved for your machine. See your John Deere
once a year. Look for signs of loose hardware or belt
damage, such as cuts, fraying, extreme or unusual wear,
DX,ROPS1 -19-22AUG13-1/1

Use Caution On Hillsides

Avoid holes, ditches, and obstructions which may cause
sprayer roll-over, especially on hillsides. Avoid sharp
turns on hills.
Never drive near the edge of a gully or steep embankment. RW13093 —UN—07DEC88

Stay off slopes that are too steep for operation.

OUO6092,0000F99 -19-28JUN07-1/1

05-14 102819


Transport and Operate Safely

Keep away from overhead power lines. Serious injury
or death to you or others can result should machine
contact electrical wires. Know the transport height, boom
operating height and boom folding height of your machine.

N44191 —UN—27APR92
Perform a complete assessment of the field before
performing any spraying operations to decide the best
working method and boom folding/unfolding operations.
Stop slowly to avoid “nose diving”.
Keep SMV emblem and reflectors clean and in place.
Do not exceed maximum transport speed specified in the
operator manual.
Check and follow local regulations for equipment size,
Reduce speeds for icy, wet, graveled or soft roadway lighting and marking before driving on public roadways.
OUO6092,0000377 -19-14MAY10-1/1

Prevent Machine Runaway

Avoid possible injury or death from machinery runaway.
Do not start engine by shorting across starter terminals.
Machine will start in gear if normal circuitry is bypassed.
NEVER start engine while standing on ground. Start

TS177 —UN—11JAN89
engine only from operator’s seat, with transmission in
neutral or park.

DX,BYPAS1 -19-29SEP98-1/1

05-15 102819


Avoid Contact with Agricultural Chemicals

This enclosed cab does not protect against inhaling
vapor, aerosol or dust. If pesticide use instructions require
respiratory protection, wear an appropriate respirator
inside the cab.
Before leaving the cab, wear personal protective

TS220 —UN—15APR13
equipment as required by the pesticide use instructions.
When re-entering the cab, remove protective equipment
and store either outside the cab in a closed box or some
other type of sealable container or inside the cab in a
pesticide resistant container, such as a plastic bag.
Clean your shoes or boots to remove soil or other
contaminated particles prior to entering the cab.

TS272 —UN—23AUG88
DX,CABS -19-25MAR09-1/1

Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid Fires

Handle fuel with care: it is highly flammable. Do not refuel
the machine while smoking or when near open flame or
Always stop engine before refueling machine. Fill fuel

TS202 —UN—23AUG88
tank outdoors.
Prevent fires by keeping machine clean of accumulated
trash, grease, and debris. Always clean up spilled fuel.
Use only an approved fuel container for transporting
flammable liquids.
Never fill fuel container in pickup truck with plastic bed
liner. Always place fuel container on ground before
refueling. Touch fuel container with fuel dispenser nozzle Do not store fuel container where there is an open flame,
before removing can lid. Keep fuel dispenser nozzle in spark, or pilot light such as within a water heater or other
contact with fuel container inlet when filling. appliance.
DX,FIRE1 -19-12OCT11-1/1

05-16 102819


In Case of Fire
CAUTION: Avoid personal injury.

Stop machine immediately at the first sign of fire. Fire

may be identified by the smell of smoke or sight of flames.
Because fire grows and spreads rapidly, get off the

TS227 —UN—15APR13
machine immediately and move safely away from the fire.
Do not return to the machine! The number one priority
is safety.
Call the fire department. A portable fire extinguisher can
put out a small fire or contain it until the fire department
arrives; but portable extinguishers have limitations.
Always put the safety of the operator and bystanders first.
If attempting to extinguish a fire, keep your back to the 1. Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle
wind with an unobstructed escape path so you can move pointing away from you, and release the locking
away quickly if the fire cannot be extinguished. mechanism.
Read the fire extinguisher instructions and become familiar 2. Aim low. Point the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
with their location, parts, and operation before a fire starts.
Local fire departments or fire equipment distributors may 3. Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.
offer fire extinguisher training and recommendations.
4. Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side.
If your extinguisher does not have instructions, follow
these general guidelines:
DX,FIRE4 -19-22AUG13-1/1

05-17 102819


Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely

Chemicals used in agricultural applications such
as fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides,
rodenticides, and fertilizers can be harmful to your health
or the environment if not used carefully.
Always follow all label directions for effective, safe, and

TS220 —UN—15APR13
legal use of agricultural chemicals.
Reduce risk of exposure and injury:
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as
recommended by the manufacturer. In the absence
of manufacturer's instructions, follow these general
- Chemicals labeled 'Danger': Most toxic. Generally
require use of goggles, respirator, gloves, and skin
- Chemicals labeled 'Warning': Less toxic. Generally
require use of goggles, gloves, and skin protections.

A34471 —UN—11OCT88
- Chemicals labeled 'Caution': Least toxic. Generally
require use of gloves and skin protection.
• Avoid inhaling spray or dusts.
• Always have soap, water, and towel available when
working with chemicals. If chemical contacts skin,
hands, or face, wash immediately with soap and water.
If chemical gets into eyes, flush immediately with water.
• Wash hands and face after using chemicals and before
eating, drinking, smoking, or urination.
• Do not smoke or eat while applying chemicals. • Store chemicals in a secure, locked area way from
human or livestock food. Keep children away.
• After handling chemicals, always bathe or shower and
• Always dispose of containers properly. Triple rinse
change clothes. Wash clothing before wearing again.
empty containers and puncture or crush containers and
• Seek medical attention immediately if illness occurs
dispose of properly.
during or shortly after use of checmials.
• Keep chemicals in original containers. Do not transfer
chemicals to unmarked containers or to containers used
for food or drink.
DX,WW,CHEM01 -19-05APR04-1/1

05-18 102819


Avoid Exposure To Chemicals

CAUTION: Exposure to chemicals, including

pesticides, can cause injury or death.

TS220 —UN—15APR13

To reduce risk of chemical exposure:

accordance with chemical manufacturers label
• Allow only trained, certified applicators to apply
• Always close the windows and doors during spraying
• Verify that John Deere activated carbon filters, or
appropriate substitutes, are installed at all times (see
Check and Replace Cab Air Filters in the Lubrication
and Maintenance section)
• Keep chemicals out of the cab

TS272 —UN—23AUG88
• Clean or remove contaminated shoes or clothing before
entering the cab
• Keep cab interior clean
• Read and follow all instructions in:
- Manufacturers label for each chemical applied
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Worker
Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides
- State or regional guidelines for worker safety and
health • If necessary to leave cab when chemicals, including
pesticides, are present, always use personal protective
- Operator’s Manual for this machine
equipment recommended by chemical manufacturer
• Numerous requirements must be met, including but not
• Before reentering cab, remove personal protective
limited to EPA regulations
equipment used to handle chemicals, including
• Even while inside cab, always wear long sleeves, long
pesticides, and store equipment in accordance with
pants, shoes, and socks when applying chemicals,
EPA guidelines to prevent contaminating cab
including pesticides
OU90500,0000478 -19-29SEP15-1/1

05-19 102819

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