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Collected Misc. Works - James N. Mason

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“The Last Stormtrooper”

Modern politics are just that: Modern. Very recent developments as human societies were
becoming ever more complex. Basically it became no longer possible for a king or an emperor –
even with his prime ministers, etc. – to govern alone. But I am recalling an observation made by
one old time Right Winger many years ago when he said that, as a student of history, he wasn’t
aware of any king or emperor who deliberately mislead or betrayed his own people. The same
cannot be said for a great many of these modern politicians.

The origin of the terms “Left” versus “Right” is said to have originated at the court of Louis XIV
of France. Those ministers seated to the left of the king favored more “power to the people”
while those seated to his right supported the power of the crown itself. Louis was known as “The
Sun King” for France probably achieved its highest greatness under his reign. He is quoted as
saying, “After me comes the storm.” He was right.

If there ever was a genuine First World War in recorded history then it in actuality took place
between England and France during the Eighteenth Century. As part of this global struggle the
British colonies in America decided to revolt and declare independence but without the active
support of France, now under Louis XVI, they wouldn’t have made it.

The French support might have been unnatural as it was the basis for the treasonous action taken
by General Benedict Arnold who feared that this would give France the upper hand in the New
World. It did not. The new American republic – as it was calling itself – at first offered a crown
to George Washington who refused it. The governmental arrangement then established
hearkened back to the system of judges known to ancient Israel of which the Founding Fathers
were quite aware. But very basically, only White, land-owning males held the franchise. Some
“democracy”, eh?

Behind this American Revolution was the Masonic Lodge. A direct offspring of the Knights
Templar whose own roots traced back to at least ancient Egypt. But so far as I’ve ever been able
to ascertain, it was not only a good thing but in fact arose as a direct part of biblical prophecy.
Joseph, head of all the Tribes and father of the Anglo-Saxons, had divided his birthright between
his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. The two would in time become Great Britain and the
United States. They indisputably remain as heads over all the Tribes to this very day.

But then something ominous took place. At about this same time, as even mainstream history
provides, they was a “merging” between the Masonic Lodge and the Illuminati. What this meant
in reality was that the Masons were TAKEN OVER BY the Illuminati. The Illuminati was a
solidly Jewish affair, founded by one Adam Weishaupt of Germany and it was they who, some
years onward, would hire another Jew, Karl Marx, to pen the Communist Manifesto in order to
subvert and recruit disaffected White commoners everywhere and lead them in unnatural revolt
against their natural leaders in support of a Jewish overthrow of Godly, White order. All, of
course, in the name of “freedom” and “liberty”.

Now the “new” Masonic Lodge went to work in France. The nation had bankrupted itself in
support of the American colonies and these enemy burrowers saw their chance. The “French
Revolution” was no more French than was the so-called “Russian Revolution” of a century later
Russian. These were violent Jewish take-overs done in the midst of a general chaos and utilizing
masses of disgruntled and basically stupid White masses as their tools for overthrow. The
respective regimes of the King and the Czar, far from being “bloodthirsty” and “oppressive”,
were rather and in fact merely too weak and too tolerant to have withstood these devilish
conspiracies against them. The respective people merely traded one autocracy for another and
gained no genuine freedom at all but rather tremendous blood-letting and, as I said, the
overthrow of the Christian and White order of things in favor of a Jewish and essentially

So began the big push on the part of the Jews and their duped minions to go forward with this
general assault upon Western, Christian civilization. A great deal of order was restored with the
coming of Napoleon but a great deal of damage still remained. The general uprisings of 1848
represented one more communist, Jewish attempt toward anarchy in Europe but these were put
down. Once more, however, the somewhat weak-kneed monarchies of Europe thought it best to
“give in a little” and allow Jews, liberals and socialists to enter their respective parliaments. Like
giving a hungry tiger just a piece of yourself in hopes he’ll be satisfied.

Insane rivalries among the brothers of the Tribes of Israel heated to the boiling point by 1914 and
then broke out what is officially known as the First World War. Advances in technology and
increases in populations made this the most destructive war, by far, in all of recorded history.
Brother against brother – particularly as it involved England and Germany, Ephraim and Judah –
and all in the name of what? Battlefield deaths must be weighed along with the terrific damage
done to the respective home front societies. This was the upheaval of civilization.

In Russia, whose vast territories contained most of the Jews of the world at that time, the
communists saw their chance. Exactly as with France in the disorder following their involvement
in the American Revolution, Russia, as a result of its involvement in the First World War, was in
a state of civil and economic shambles. The intensely organized and fanatical Jews seized the
day as the only ones knowing or caring what they themselves were all about. In their tens of
millions they seized the Russian Empire and began killing White Christians, starting with the
Czar and his family and working their way down through over thirty million other innocent,
White Russians as they established their own dictatorship. Of course, through the already
Jewish-monopolized media in the West, these developments were painted as being otherwise.

And in the general chaos and collapse in central Europe following the bogus “armistice” of 1918,
more Jews went to work establishing even more communist dictatorships in places like Hungary
and Germany. In the West such violent activity wasn’t necessary as Jews had long ago, already
made their inroads with the “legal entry” provided by a blind and sold-to-the-highest-bidder
American plutocracy. The lands of the West were already tools of the Jews. The world was either
set for or, more accurately, was now in the grip of a global, Jewish conspiracy.

Again, it needs to be constantly stressed that all of this was in large part accomplished under the
banners and slogans of “freedom”, “liberty” and “democracy”. None of it could have been done
minus the active support of masses of duped Whites.

The very final verses in the Old Testament of the Bible refer to a certain “Elijah” whom the Lord
would send just ahead of the return of God in order to turn the hearts of the children to their
fatherland the hearts of the fathers to their children. He must be heeded lest the Lord should
smite the earth with a curse.

Every theologian I’ve ever asked about the identity of this “Elijah” has said the same thing: He
hasn’t yet arrived. We however say very differently. He came in the person of Adolf Hitler.

One thing anyone ought to catch right away is that the Bible has a most curious turn of phrase.
What exactly, in common terminology, do the words at the close of the Old Testament really
mean? I think it should be obvious that the reference is toward national unity and away from
what here, in recent decades, has been called a “generation gap”. After all, it has been White
confusion and division that has permitted all of this alien, Jewish mayhem to take place at all.
We have broken God’s commands and it is we who have been suffering the cost for it. God told
us in the plainest of terms NEVER to permit “strangers” of any kind to dwell amongst us and
NEVER to place them in positions of power over ourselves.

Hitler was a man who loved his own people beyond the power of mere words to convey. And he
was a man who, as he matured, came to see and to realize exactly who and what World Jewry
represented: The World Enemy or Die Weltfeind. He took direct action.

Even his detractors – who alone are capable of getting their “opinions” into the mass media –
have come to admit that Hitler had to have been some kind of super genius. Hitler’s own
contemporaries – even those who, under great duress after the War – have said the same thing.
All of the “experts” who surrounded Hitler had a hard time keeping up with his overall
understanding of things. It’s now being admitted that had the generals held strictly to Hitler’s
direct orders, the War might have taken a different outcome. What revelations yet might the
future bring?

But this man of whom George Lincoln Rockwell said was “the greatest mind in two thousand
years” – in direct reference to Jesus Christ himself – devised what he termed National Socialism.
The old order was dead, had failed. I have said that all of this represented the END of the
Thousand Years of Christ. And now it was the time of “Satan’s Little Season” when the accuser
or adversary would be calling all the shots. The rule of Jews. If anyone can see it as being
otherwise, then, I fear, they are to be counted among the duped. Of course, it is they who make
up the vast majority. And, as I like to poke and prod, doesn’t the overall situation rather reflect

Hitler saw the task as being one of WINNING AWAY his own people from the thrall of Jewish
lies and confusion. He not only chose a name like National SOCIALISM but also the use of the
RED FLAG – albeit with a bright, white dot and a big, black Swastika in the center – to help
further this effort. Plus he had a set of lungs along with that intellect and, more importantly,
THAT PASSION to win over individuals and masses. Plus even more than that, his answers, his
alternatives RANG TRUE to any who were healthy and honest. Fourteen years of the most
intense struggle and Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party came to power legally
and peacefully in Germany on January 30th, 1933.

Of this, at the end of his life in 1945, Hitler said that the power of the Jews was forever
BROKEN. Jesus said much the same thing on the Cross at the time of his own death. “It is
done.” Those of us who remain behind shall indeed experience great tribulation but “the world”
is beaten. Jesus’ words were vindicated only after the passage of a thousand years when his own
“Thousand Years” appeared to mark the blossoming of Western, Christian civilization. But this
too, as written in the Bible, would be undermined and would pass. Indeed, so it has been done.

As to the practical workings of National Socialism, it is merely a matter of our own people
looking after our own people. No “agenda” which overrides all other considerations. No concern
over any other peoples apart from our own whose interests do not coincide with ours. No hidden
conspirators pulling the wires whose only real interests are the accumulation of power and
wealth and which, at the end of the day, have as their ultimate aim the homogenization of a
diverse humanity into one, big, brown, mediocre mass of confusion… minus any past, present or
future… the PERFECT SLAVES.

Such it was “as in the days of Noah”.

If the debate on “freedom”, “civil rights” or “democracy” should ever once get in the way of the
welfare and betterment of our own people THEN, IT MUST GO!!! The people are suffering and
in more ways than most even suspect. They suffer and are BEING DESTROYED. Whatever it
may take to END THIS condition is what has to be immediately undertaken!! One can only
accomplish this if there IS NO OPPOSITION to it. If this implies dictatorship then so be it. But
at least let it be a WHITE DICTATORSHIP and not an ALIEN, JEWISH or otherwise colored

The Bible refers to the relationship between Jesus and his people – and make no mistake that
represents NO ONE other than OURSELVES – as being like unto that of a bride and groom,
himself as the groom and we as the bride. Under a so-called “democracy” any such relationship
is reduced to the state of an “open marriage”, nothing more than a whoredom. Once more,
doesn’t the state of things reflect this 100%? For myself, I long ago came to view so-called
“democracy” as being in reality nothing more than “managed confusion” with Jews being the

The present system is mainly worried about matters of economy. This is a falsity. Look at a
White nation and you’ll see prosperity. Look at a colored nation and you’ll see poverty or at least
a great and unfair disparity with the masses existing in squalor. God said that such would be the
case for these fallen racial types. And these Jews have as their desire to MIX OUR BLOOD
WITH THEIRS!!! The result would be THE END of life on this planet if one but thinks it

If Satan ever had a goal then THIS has got to be it!

The good and the betterment of one people: OUR PEOPLE! That is what National Socialism
means. Through whatever devices as may be required, and names and titles mean nothing here,
this goal – the safety and the welfare of our own people – is the paramount concern. No debate,
no vote. Only swift, direct and decisive ACTION.

Those will wonder about the closing words of both of these men, Jesus and Hitler. I have said
that, minus the unifying effect of early Christianity, we in Europe would certainly have been
OVERWHELMED and WIPED OUT by invading hordes of Moors, Mongols, Turks and Huns
even before the Thousand Years could begin. But what of Hitler?

Even by losing the War, even by seeing Europe and the rest of the world jointly occupied by
Communists and Capitalists – Jews – of East and West, Hitler brought to bear a latent nationality
which, militarily at least, did contain the march of Jewish Bolshevism across all of Europe. The
remainder of the world, the vast colored portion, never did really matter. And by the end of the
decade of the Eighties the Soviet monster fell and died, exactly as Hitler said that it would

But is there still more?

Yes, the Jewish stench still pervades every White, Western land, including even Russia. But
carefully note that this much is due to a case of “legal entry” on our own part. We permitted him
to creep in, however stealthily, and take over every sensitive point of our society… against the
admonitions of God in the Bible. And we pay the consequences.

Most anyone, however generally ignorant of the things which have been put forth here, is at
some level aware of the predicted apocalyptic fate of the world at the end of times.
“Armageddon” or whatever you may want to call it. A thing like this might well take place after
all. But the causes and the line-up as presently accepted are totally erroneous due mainly to a
total lack of understanding as to which people in today’s world represent the people referred to in
biblical prophecy. Remember that WHITES ONLY are the true PEOPLE OF ISRAEL.
Remember always that the forces of GOG AND MAGOG are RACIAL JEWS and are NOT
RUSSIA. And remember that most Jews of the world ARE RIGHT HERE AND RUNNING
THE SHOW. And in that correct sense, Gog and Magog are INDEED and RIGHT NOW
bringing the colored peoples of the earth – numbering as the sands of-the sea – AGAINST

The terrible devastation as described in the Bible about that last huge battle. Is it still to come?
Or has it passed? I’ve had sincere if mislead Christian veterans of the Second World War ask me
– aside from “What happened to my country?” – why no mention of the Second World War in
the Bible? Didn’t it rate? Well, if the world “missed” Elijah then I think it entirely possible they
might have “missed”, or at least misidentified, the Apocalypse.

What I think is that Germany – NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMANY – was made the sacrifice
for all of us. Aware, willingly and intentionally. The best, most discriminating minds on the
Bible and on prophecy agree that what is written has already happened before. A case of parallel
dimensions. But it doesn’t mean that it is an exact mirror image. It means that there are certain
variables. Jesus demonstrated this in his own final prophecy about the last of the faithful getting
out of Jerusalem BEFORE the attack of the Romans… AND PRAY THAT IT DOESN’T
HAPPEN IN WINTER. It is going to happen but it could be far more severe.

Not down in flames but up in flames went the Third Reich. They point to the Crucifixion as a
super-human sacrifice for all of us but, as we’ve seen, few realize its true significance.
Ultimately, way down the line, that horrific act saved us all from literal extinction at the hands of
colored hordes. Jesus might easily have avoided this fate of his but deliberately chose not to… it
had been detailed five hundred years before by Isaiah. Hitler could have – conceivably – taken a
course similar to that of Francisco Franco in Spain and died an old man in a world not much
changed. He chose otherwise knowing the outcome.

This, I believe, will become part of the great “edda” in the distant future for White humanity.
The devastation had to come, it was seen and written of. But it might be confined and redirected
if only some super-human force of personality could be there to do it. “Lest I smite the earth with
a curse.”

There’s your discussion of National Socialism.


I will the term “Identity” rather than “Christian Identity” as at no time do I want to even risk
being misunderstood.

Those of you who may have read Siege will fully know just how un-religious I am and will
always remain.

Let me start off by saying that the Church is but one more of our own ancient traditions that first
lost its “bite” and then was subsequently taken over by our enemies and turned against us as just
one more of their tools.

And so, at best, the Church as it presently stands, is useless. At worst, it is another machine by
which the enemy gets gullible people all revved up against themselves.

But it is the same for government, education, media, culture and anything else you may care to
look at. It is all hollowed out, rotten and meaningless. Ours is a people adrift and it is suffering
the consequences.

However, it wasn’t always this way as anyone ought to be able to know. Otherwise – as it goes –
we wouldn’t be here today. But we are here today and it is tomorrow we are concerned with.

As a life-long National Socialist, to me anything minus a Swastika embedded with it is an up-

for-grabs neutral, a generic and something I don’t have time for. This is because without RACE
as the core and foundation – stated right up front and indelible – then anything whatever amounts
to no more than silliness and fooling around.

And THAT is the lesson which, if not learned, will condemn anyone or anything to retracing
history’s painful steps.

But to the term “Identity”. If you don’t have at least that much then you don’t really have much
of anything else. If you don’t know who and what you are then you can hardly hope to have a
chance of discerning your own place in things or what your stance should be in any given

THAT is what they are trying to take away from you.

While there are still plenty of obvious and very apparent Whites all about, they can’t deny that
they exist. They can only maintain that it doesn’t matter whether one is White, Black, Yellow,
Brown or whatever as “we are all equal”. This is the greatest lie ever propounded.

I can recall a time when this sort of garbage was being said and in places where it shouldn’t have
been said but the vast bulk of the population did not go along with it. And ours was a far better
society than the present one. But that Swastika was not deeply embedded and things were
capable of being pushed off foundation, off course. And so they were. And here we have arrived.

But “here” cannot hold. It must go one way or another. The way it is pointing is the way toward
a total, global, permanent Third World situation. Only a fool or a maniac could think of a
scenario like that as anything desirable.

And so, yes, we must re-achieve our own good government, our own media, educational system,
culture, etc. But none of this can be achieved unless and until we rediscover our own

There is the significance and the importance.

I have hesitated and will continue to resist using the term “Christian Identity” because I know
that will right away turn off too many good people who have been so badly let down and turned
off by the Church. I was one of them for the first forty-five years of my life.

Then I went to prison on a gun charge and had lots of time on my hands to do little more than
read, write and exercise. All of this I did. Since I was last in lock-up twenty years prior on an
assault charge, things had changed drastically. Censorship and P.C. were everywhere dominant. I
went in an instant from minimum to maximum security when my politics were found out About
the only “literature” one could receive was religious and we are immediately back to what I’ve
been saying about the Church all along: That very “opiate of the masses” that Karl Marx said it

But somehow a group calling itself Canadian British Israel was on the “approved” list. I wrote to
them. Very soon thereafter I received a large box containing a ton of literature ranging from tiny
pamphlets to hard-bound books. Utilizing my built-in “filter”, I was able to scan right through all
religiosity and arrive at the core of the matter.

The supposed “Lost Tribes” of ancient Israel – some ten million individuals – made the unified
decision to depart entirely the Middle East and make their way en masse into Europe. A great
majority entered via the Caucasus Mountains of southern Russia. They broke upon the scene at
about the same time as the “Barbarians” enter history.

The “Lost Tribes” with no exit point and the “Barbarians” with no entrance point. But at the
same time.

We thus step right out of the Bible and into secular history. It is OURSELVES we are regarding

This is a most jarring realization.

I assure you that it is all highly documented and proven beyond the shadow of any reasonable
doubt and we will list sources you may check for yourself in order to gain the most minute of
details of this most fantastic of hidden truths.

To me, everything turns on this.

Certainly I had been roughly introduced to Christian Identity as long ago as 1969. The
Movement in those days would rent out – or steal – one another’s mailing lists and you never
knew what might next turn up in your mail box. Then about 1970 a Movement gathering in
northern Ohio was invited to use the church building of one Christian Identity minister. But all of
this was so very RELIGIOUS that it just rolled off of me.

I was political. I was racial. And that was it.

About everything I have written by way of books since Siege has been of a biblical nature.
Surprisingly, very little of it has to do with Identity but rather with the affinity between National
Socialism and early Christianity, or with the explicitly RACIAL aspect of the Bible itself.

I think I’ve done something not done before: I have striven – successfully I believe – to address
in a strictly NON-RELIGIOUS way the subject of our Identity. As stated above, I haven’t harped
away on it but rather I have woven it straight into our collective history, hardly without any

I leave the hammering away at details to the scholars. I shoot rather for the IMPLICATIONS.

What are those implications?

Firstly, it is that WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF THE BIBLE. We are “God’s Chosen People”.

Secondly, it is that racial Jews have as their allegory SATAN.

Thirdly, all of the “racist” and “segregationist” and “apartheid” institutions which the enemy has
been hard at work dismantling over the decades came originally as COMMANDS OF GOD as
the means by which we were to protect and preserve ourselves.

My own books go into these matters quite effectively and these are readily available through this
website. In all due modesty, I wouldn’t know who or what to recommend more highly.

I have clearly demonstrated in my book, The Theocrat, how Adolf Hitler was fully, 100% in line
with the strictest word of God, the Prophets and of Jesus Christ. But was the Third Reich at all
aware of Identity? I really don’t think so. But no matter. They were acting out God’s own will.

We will be taking up this question of “God” in subsequent pages of this website in the near
future. Save to say for right now that anyone who still believes that all of this “human condition”
business on earth could ever be by “accident” needs really to do some very serious considering
on the matter. The available evidence to the contrary is everywhere readily to be had.

One of the few – perhaps the only – experts in this field of “Ancient Aliens” has been its very
originator, Erich von Daniken, when he let it slip in one major-league documentary series that
the real trouble began on this earth when the higher beings began cross-breeding with the more
primitive ones.

They apparently had lost sight of their own Identity. They had given over to lust and the
enormous conceit of man’s own, hoked-up notions of “equality” among “citizens”, etc.

Here was the first and the deadliest of sins.

The Bible’s “Chosen People”. The ancient Indians’ “Aryans”. Adolf Hitler’s “Master Race”. The
Canadian British Israel people refer to themselves and indeed to all Whites as, “The Servant
People” which might throw some but not if one takes a look at it. “Servants” – or stewards – only
to God as it comes down to the care-taking and actual running of this earth. In working practice,

It still holds very true: Go in this world – or in your own community – to where it is White and
you’ll be okay; go where it is colored and you run a risk. General conditions betray the rest. And
oh, the ways in which they attempt to deny and to otherwise obfuscate that reality. Somehow,
according to them, it is WE who are to blame for their miserability! If we weren’t around
anymore, then maybe they wouldn’t feel or look so miserable. When in truth a world without
Whites would soon become a DEAD PLANET.


Who or what would wish for such chaos?

I’m not a believer in anything “supernatural”. I am a believer in what has been recently termed
hyper-physics or nano-physics. And within this realm of thought it can be easily seen that the
Bible is a gift to us both from the extreme PAST and the furthest FUTURE. What only a century
ago was considered as “myth” has since been confirmed by science. With regard to the
outlandish-sounding prophecies – visions of the future foreseen thousands of years ago there
have since been born out by events themselves. All of it amounts to the DESTINY OF WHITES.

No development, no history; No history, no destiny.

That’s ourselves and only ourselves and never let any enemy, alien media taste-maker con you
into believing otherwise.

Adolf Hitler had to have had some sense of the immutability of all this judging by his actions and
pronouncements, especially at the end. Because it is a story that’s already been told and is in the
process of being told once more. The best minds have it that even though it has all happened
before, it is not a mirror image and does contain possible variables. That would be the reason for
the necessity of those “Men Against Time which the authoress, Savitri Devi, wrote of.

Even at the end, at the moments of their own deaths, men such as Jesus and Hitler proclaimed
that “it is done”. By their very coming they did not “change” history. Instead, they kept history
right on course.

And it never was for a movement or a personality but for a PEOPLE. The WHITES!

Things look bad today for Whites everywhere. Bets are against us. But the reason for this
situation is that we once lost sight of our own IDENTITY at which point the age-old enemy
crawled his way back into our midst and assumed control over the very workings of our own
societies, thus enabling him to turn an essentially “neutral” condition into one decidedly ANTI-

And so the importance of Identity?

I never did and never would have placed any sort of value on “somebody else’s” book the way
that the Bible has been and as yet remains considered. I began life at that very same “neutral”
position and at an early age I learned what Jews really were all about. And if these were “God’s
Chosen People” then all of that nonsense could GO TO HELL!

That much and all the “love”, “brotherhood”, pacifism, equality plus all other such poisonous
garbage as peddled by the Church to enable the self-destruction of our people could just as well

But none of that is what the Bible states.

I read it while in prison. Had I not gone to prison, I’d have never read it.

I was positively COMPELLED to distill all of this so that it might more easily be gotten by as
many of our people as resources or invention could allow. Short of seizing a major network, this
website is probably the best possible means to this end.
Now, realize there is such a thing as desire and capacity. Most will have neither the desire nor
the capacity for any of this. However, some will. Can you imagine how this sort of realization
might come over a person with genuine desire as well as capacity? A transformation to make a
movement to salvage a people.

Then for all the rest a system of government dedicated to their IMPROVEMENT and not to their
continued devolvement the way we see it today.

National Socialism is that form of government but it will remain a distant dream without the
awakening to IDENTITY.

Helter Skelter is a never-never land, a mixture of fantasy and reality. Nevertheless it has forever
become part of the mass consciousness and the popular mythology.

Of course, a “Helter Skelter” is properly an amusement park ride although one seldom if ever
encounters it by that name anymore. Beyond that perhaps it is a reference to a situation rather

In that latter sense then did I first become acquainted with the term. Just part of the language and
a very antiquated part at that.

The release of the Beatles’ “White Album” really turned the trick. The cut on that album entitled,
“Helter Skelter” altered things forever. Of course, as the world knows, Charles Manson took that
piece really to heart. The bogus, fiction writer, Vincent Bugliosi together with his ghost writer,
chose it as the name for their magnum opus book, later to be turned into a television “docu-

If there are any truly magical words in today’s vernacular, then Helter Skelter has to be
paramount among them.

One fond memory of my days working out of Cincinnati just as things in the movement were
beginning to break out and get hot, any time we’d gather at La Rosa’s Pizza Parlor, I would quite
deliberately play on the juke box, “Helter Skelter”, despite the fact that I simply detest that brand
of music.
It did seem to reflect the mood and the sentiment that was then straining to be unleashed.
Certainly it was also at that time that I designed my “Independent Genius” poster which featured
Manson in his perhaps most famous mug shot and those words by Bernard Shaw. As Goebbels
said, “Let the storm break loose!”

The movement then and now was heavily split on this subject of Manson and, thereby, of Helter
Skelter. It was sort of a “crap-detector” for any and all remaining conservative residue. So be it.
As I said even then, one might conceivably be “sold” on Adolf Hitler. But no one could ever be
“sold” on Charles Manson: You were either there or you were not.

The former being the “threshold of anger”; the latter being the “threshold of alienation”. Put ’em
both together and LOOK OUT!

When my contact with the Manson Family was still new and we were excitedly exchanging what
our two “sciences” had independently discovered, I took a paperback edition of George Lincoln
Rockwell’s book, “White Power”, removed the Swastika-bearing cover from off of it, and sent it
in to Red and Blue, both still then confined at Alderson, West Virginia. The chapter I wanted
them to read most was entitled by Rockwell, “Nightmare”, and detailed a scenario as later
depicted by Bugliosi in his own work. They were most impressed by this.

The overthrow of White civilization by coloreds and all the violence and horror which that
would entail. But of course, had open violence broken out at that time, the coloreds would have
been swiftly and easily annihilated. No. It was ever a matter of slow, racial AMALGAMATION
which has been the real threat. The enemy declared it to be their intention and goal well over a
century ago. We can see it kicking into high gear today.

Helter Skelter was never at any time a thing which Manson had either masterminded, much less
ordered to take place. The setting, the back-drop for any such scenario is the damnable mess that
the ENEMY SYSTEM has created over the decades from out of a society which – even as I can
plainly recall – was peaceful and happy, clean and decent. It is they who created this, not
Manson or any of ourselves in the present. When we rightly prophecy what will occur from out
of this, then the lying, twisting enemy media makes it out that it is solely due to us.

Dishonesty plays a very real part in this. But, greater than that, these types which are generally in
control everywhere are helpless to say or do otherwise. They are HARD WIRED to carry on
exactly in the way which they do and are HELPLESS to do otherwise. We on the other hand are
those with a choice and we willingly choose the TRUTH, regardless of any cost.

But Helter Skelter is all around us, everywhere, all the time and at all levels. In Siege I stated
that, even in the 1960s, the liberal mayor of New York declared an on-going, permanent state of
“slow-motion riot” in the land. Over the ensuing half-century that has gone far beyond anything
even our own most dire prognosticators would have dared to imagine. Problem is that it has
become the “new norm”, as they say. A really twisted, perverted atmosphere in which to exist.

Helter Skelter has many faces, however. This death is not going to be a peaceful one, regardless
what any sick, twisted enemy minion might wish. The mass shootings which now are epidemic
and growing; the suicide rate which is equally epidemic. These are the unwilling, unwitting
results of a society that has become totally ALIENATED and to which NO ONE may truly feel a
part of. As is said of many human conditions – all of them negative – “only the breaking points
are different”. Some will go off the edge sooner, some later. As conditions worsen – and they can
do nothing else but worsen – more and more will be reaching, their own, personal breaking
points and they WILL GO OFF.

Gun control, my ass!

They’ll go off with a BUTCHER KNIFE if necessary.

A sweet saying that I involuntarily came up with on my own just a few years ago is, “Let the
system’s own evil now consume it!”

So it shall be.

They denied an orderly resolution to the jinni which they themselves let escape from the bottle.
Their own insanity, their own criminality, their own evil. It doesn’t matter which.

We called for this order. Manson called for this order. See what we got instead.

We told you so.


One and the same. That was a very large part of the theme of the previous entry into this series.
That the “lost” Tribes of Israel were in fact and reality the Barbarians, who, as history admits,
founded what we know as modern Europe. The big point not to be missed is that they carried
with them, even though unbeknownst; all of the prophecies laid out for ancient Israel. And,
unconscious of it – exactly as it said they would be – they fulfilled each and every one of them.

If you can think of anything more important than that, or anything more obscure and forgotten,
I’d like to hear of it.

Well, here’s one more.

Anyone nowadays who expresses doubt about, or who flatly denies, the reality of
extraterrestrials has got to be some kind of professional sports fan or the like.

Generally, I’ve found, the real problem enters with the concept of the FORM of things. If a thing
is real then it MUST assume some form. And we have it within our power to at least get it close
enough to be satisfied that a thing is indeed real.

The nonsense of the past, apart from flat denial, is that there are limitless galaxies within the
universe and that the probabilities of mathematics alone INSISTS that there has to be other
intelligent life out there somewhere.
And so they send signals, they set up listening stations, etc. They send out probes carrying basic
data about ourselves in hope it may be retrieved by other high intelligence. But they also at the
same time go well out of their way to debunk and discredit any and all sightings of what are
termed Unidentified Flying Objects. This is government officialdom.

Any who may step forth with reports or stories of their own involving such UFO’s is in for a hell
of a ribbing, perhaps the loss of employment if they are part of the aero-space industry. So many
just keep their mouths shut for these reasons. Not the first or only instance of the Truth being
ridiculed into silence.

Apart from sheer stupidity, why is it this way? Simply because the government knows – and has
admitted – that should anything of this sort be in existence, there’s be not a damned thing we or
anybody else could do about it should they, for example, be hostile in any way. Obviously, any
such technology would render our own as remaining at the dirt-scratching level by comparison.

But science as well as common sense in some areas begins to catch up. We recently lost Stephen
Hawking. Not only a pioneer but a prophet. The idea of parallel dimensions and multiple
universes is no longer a crazy man’s delusion. And, at the very same time, neither is time travel.
And so that at a glance rules out all the business of “where they come from” and “why can’t we
track them”. They don’t come from a place but from a time.

Furthermore, they’ve right here with us from the very beginning as even cave paintings indicate.

What do they look like?

The serious UFOlogists claim that there are two types of these beings who inhabit these
extraterrestrial craft: First, the ugly, little “grays”, the “goblins”; Second, the “Nordics” who are
indistinguishable from ourselves – at least our WHITE selves.

Now, there are proofs positive aplenty that these “gray aliens” are real. What of the “Nordics”?
Well, since they look exactly like ourselves, to put forth an alleged photo of one of these would
be like taking a photo of any one of ourselves and claiming it to be either “the world’s tallest
midget” or “the world’s smallest giant”. It wouldn’t be accepted.

The “gray aliens”, it is said, are artificially created to handle the dirty and the dangerous work.
During the Middle Ages those known as alchemists were said to be able to create what were then
known as “homunculi”, or something on the order of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. They also were
supposedly able to turn lead into gold. (They actually CAN turn lead into gold today but the cost
of doing this is greater than the value of any gold which might be gleaned.)

Getting about. We can’t get away from internal combustion, all that “thrust”, etc. How many
miles? How many years or light years, etc. None of this even enters into the actual picture. Anti-
gravity is what these beings have and regardless what anyone having bolted from “Area 51”
might claim, we have not managed to be able to “reverse-engineer” this technology despite the
rumors that the government is in possession of crashed UFOs.
They’ve been depicted everywhere from cave paintings to religious paintings from the very
beginning. Their visitations have been recorded all along. But it does seem as though things got
ramped up a bit toward the close of the Second World War with the “Foo Fighters” as the Allied
airmen referred to these UFOs who would be seen dogging their aircraft and then vanishing at
the speed of light. Then, of course, they were soon to be dubbed “Flying Saucers” soon after the

“Project Blue Book” was established by the government not to investigate these things but to
debunk and to cover them up. Same for the entire NASA organization.

“Third Reich UFOs” is just as much garbage as “Third Reich Occultism”. I met the man
responsible for the Third Reich UFO myth and he admitted to me that the whole thing was
cooked up – with he himself supplying the illustrations of these craft – in order to “get the Jews
looking over their shoulder” and, of course, to sell books.

But now here is where it may really seem to get weird. The truth is genuinely stranger than

These “Foo Fighters” and all the limitless sightings of these craft in the Post War period
coincides with the fall and destruction of the Third Reich and the implementation by force of the
System of Satan over the whole earth as a result. Anyone who doesn’t think that the destiny of
the world arrived at a critical climax at that time and that it remains so to this day, again, has got
to be a professional sports fan.

Technology is at a high – at least insofar as accepted, recorded history is concerned. But all else
is dead or dying along with that race of people who has pushed this technology to begin to
approach even that of God… the Whites. And if this global situation is allowed to continue to
where the Whites are either snuffed out or become merely a marginalized “priest caste” with the
rest of humanity crawling the earth as a non-descript, brown mass, then the light has gone out

But time-travel and prophecy again. The one would equal the other. How can one accurately
“see” the future if the future has not already happened or is in the process of happening? And
how can one manage to do that unless he – or some interested party – has the power of time-

There are those who deny God. There are those who deny UFOs. There are those who deny them
both. There are professional sports fans aplenty. Is one to be considered an atheist if he insists
that these UFOs together by helicopter with the crews that man them are in reality God and the

Terms such as “gods” are very, very antiquated. But, as has been pointed out by others, should
you or I even today come down by helicopter in some of the more remote, primitive islands in
the Philippines, we would instantly be hailed as “gods” ourselves. And it does always seem as
though the “gods” were white with red beards… who, incidentally, promised to come back.
When I had wrapped by my personal study of the Bible, some twenty-five years ago, I had
managed to boil the whole thing down to what I – in all due modesty – call my “Eight Words”:

It is NOT some personality contest. It is a biological experiment.

Why no direct involvement on the part of the extraterrestrials? I think the answer to that has to
do with degree rather than any lack of. One doesn’t intrude upon an experiment, otherwise it is
no experiment at all. Conservationists in the wild must sit and watch the young of every specie
perish and die rather than rush in and rescue them to a zoo or a laboratory.

But aren’t we different from animals?

I’d ask you to try to tell me WHY if indeed it be so.

So I’ll tell you instead.

We are different in a couple of ways: First, we are piss poor at the game of survival and we
MUST have an artificial environment in which to survive; Second, whereas all other animals
exist perfectly within nature in a fixed status, we know no limit to our potential for
development… to even extend to getting back to the stars where our DNA first came from.

BUT… it is a flawed intelligence, containing part of the animal and part of the godlike. You
really don’t witness insanity or self-destructiveness within the animal world. Even those along
the line of Nietzsche saw it and commented, “Man is a rope stretching between the animal and
the superman. A rope stretching over an abyss.”

Currently we stare down into the abyss.

All talk of “supermen” is strictly OUT… unless of course it has to do with some Jewish-inspired
comic book character. Why, that was what Hitler was talking about!! Can’t have that! Ain’t
right. But who said that?? The very ones driving toward a one-world brown, non-descript mass
of sub-humanity. Apparently there IS some kind of struggle at work. And the WRONG side is in
command of all the power and institutions of the earth.

But, as I learned in my studies, even this, especially this, was prophesized as well. The outcome,
though not pretty, is in our favor. Who will turn the tables? You guessed it…

They said they’d not sit idly by and watch their experiment simply go down the drain after all
this time and trouble as well as all their promises to a select few among us.

The term “alien”. We are being swamped everywhere, constantly by the real aliens, those who
are alien to our BLOOD. Then there are the alien concepts and beliefs that are universally being
pressed upon us by a media 100% in ALIEN hands. There is the alien culture which has replaced
our own culture, once more through these same means. At the end, they want us to mix our blood
with that of these aliens and thereby DESTROY ourselves. All of this too foretold and even
attempted in the past.

Saint Paul referred to what we call extraterrestrials as “celestials” and said that one should take
care whenever entertaining a stranger because he might be entertaining an angel.

The perverts of Sodom and Gomorrah attempted to accost some of these very messengers of God
and the whole place very soon thereafter was nuked as the glazed remnants slightly submerged
along the shore of the Dead Sea bear witness.

The very resurrection of Christ – which they have always gone out of their way to deny – was
carried out in much the same way. In the instant he was transformed into pure light to be carried
away, the image was left on his death shroud by which we have that “negative image” of his

So we cannot call our own progenitors “aliens”. They are the furthest thing from it. But they are

History can PROVE that the Barbarians and the Israelites are one and the same people. For the
rest you have as evidence literally everything that is around you. It requires the power of thought
which also was imparted along with our extraterrestrial DNA.

You can choose to use that power of thought or you can go on with being a professional sports

This series of writings consists of James Mason’s own analysis of Charles Manson’s quotes.
James Mason, having been a personal friend of Charles Manson’s for years while he was still
alive, has decidedly taken it upon himself to decrypt the sayings of Manson that some might
consider ‘cryptic’ based on his own personal knowledge of Manson and from the perspective of
someone who knew Manson and members of his “family”.

While we do not speak for Manson or his so-called “family”, we still find what Manson’s
outlook (or how we understand it) is not only similar to ours, but relevant to the current times
that we find ourselves in. This is bringing you access to Charles Manson’s insight as well as
presenting the truth as it is. Readers can find an extensive wealth of knowledge on Charles
Manson from the accurate and non-biased book by Nikolas Schreck called “The Manson file”.

Lessons of Manson

We lost Charles Manson in the flesh last year but his was a presence so large that it will remain
as though he never left at all. Of course one of the ways in which this is demonstrated is by
recounting all the many wisdoms he provided us with over the course of the decades.

One of these involved what he termed as “P.C.”s and “P.J.”s. No, not “Politically Correct” or
“Pajamas”. Rather, “Phony Christians” and “Phony Jews”. This was his way of referencing those
masses of humanity that go about either thinking or pretending to be something which they most
definitely are not. As those of us who hail from the southern part of Ohio might say, a hell of a
lot of people out there are running around with their heads up their asses.

Manson was so intensely focused on practically the entire population of the United States and
indeed the rest of the Western world living under total delusion that this principle became one his
primary themes. One more way of saying, “Wake up!” He always said that, “The truth is one”
and so it always has been. In order to get this truth across to as many people as possible, it is
necessary to say it in as many ways as one can find or invent.

Let’s look first at the case involving our own people, most of whom think of themselves
nominally as “Christian”. This is only what they were born into and they simply don’t know any
better. I’ve related the true story of the dear friend of mine who, as a Church woman in her
sixties at the time, confessed to me that she had studied the Bible all her life and still didn’t know
what it was about. Such honesty is rare.

But that would be exactly the case with 99.9% – or greater – of those considering themselves as
Christian. Worse however is that what they think that they know is false, even deadly. “Religion”
about equals “superstition” and superstition defines as “belief in the absence of facts”. And I
have given my own take on “belief”: You can “believe” even that you are a pair of needle-nose
plyers if you so choose but does that make it real?

That this man, Jesus, died to pay for your sins? That’s about the whole cornerstone of the thing.
“Grace” is a huge issue among these people also. From all I was ever able to gather on this, it
means that you may go on about doing any damned thing with the knowledge and assurance that
you are “covered” by Grace. To my mind this could mean that Jesus really died for nothing or
that the whole thing is a major misunderstanding and a misread. If not, then it must be a
deliberate misrepresentation.

Moving from this stuff which is confused as well as being useless, we move into that which is
downright deadly.

This belief holds that, “the Jews are God’s Chosen People”. In a number of detailed works, I
have shown positively that this is a most definite misread. As short and as plain as I can make it,
the Bible itself traces carefully the development of “Jews” from the time when our own ancestors
– the genuine Hebrews or Israelites – first entered Palestine, or what was then known as Canaan.

There they encountered certain native peoples in exactly the way our people have always done
whenever taking a land. It was God himself who admonished our Hebrew ancestors that they
must either kill off or drive out completely these native Canaanites lest they themselves be
diminished and destroyed through lingering contact with them. Our early ancestors failed in the
completion of this critical task.

Over the course of the next number of generations, and just like it has happened here in America,
these conquered people gradually assimilated into the Hebrew culture, making in many cases
prominent citizens and even soldiers. Yes, and even concubines all the way to queens, etc.
(Think of Bill and Monica; Think of Harry and Meghan.) They were working their way in and
becoming even indispensable. Again, they did this through assimilation which itself was enabled
through our own foolish “tolerance”.

But what they also did – exactly as God warned – was to infect the Hebrew Temple with their
own, peculiar, native ways, ways which were and are alien to ourselves. However now – once
more exactly the way it has come about here – all within the Hebrew Temple, whether true
Israelite or native Canaanite, were considered to be “Jews”. The confusion and the corruption has
reached that point. (Over here, to day, anything capable of crawling under the wire as nominally
“human” and having either the proper paperwork or having been whelped on this plot of soil is
an “American”.)

The predictable confusion and rot inevitably set in and the place fell apart. Mass deportations
began a la Joseph Stalin and still more from the same racial stock as the Canaanites were sent in
to fill the gap in population. These also adopted the now debased Hebrew Temple and became
more “Jews”. (After a few more centuries the actual, White Hebrews or Israelites broke out of
the area and made their ways into Europe to go on to found the modern, European nations.)

And then Jesus. A White man of the finest breeding. His genealogy is provided twice within the
Gospels. A direct descendant of King David, he truly was the rightful and proper king to that
one-third of the population remaining which was still White. However his directive to his
followers was to go to the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”, which, as everyone who knew
anything then, meant those of us already in Europe. Our former Holy Land was lost through our
own carelessness and the Bible – our own Book of Truth – was in the hands of our worst
enemies, pretending now to be “God’s Chosen” by default after our leaving the Temple and the
area itself.

Jews being Jews and being fully aware of this situation, took the only action they’re capable of
and arranged the murder of Jesus. But by his coming and, yes, his knowing sacrifice, he threw
the split between the opposing races, ended the confusion, with the Whites now becoming
Christians and leaving the Canaanites as Jews, God’s accursed. In that sense then he did save us
from the “sins of the fathers”. If this were to be taught in these churches, what a different society
we’d have.

Going on even further into the working nature of this deadly poison which passes as
“Christianity”, just a little hocus-pocus and a little “belief” makes equal the finest racial example
alongside the most stupid and primitive racial cur. Even the most conservative of these priests
and ministers will and do lay it all on the line for this dirtiest and most dangerous of all lies.
They are hand-in-glove with our Communist/Jewish race-mixing enemies where it counts most.
And they profane and blaspheme the name of God and of Christ by their so doing.

The earliest Christians fully knew and understood all of this. Those Crusaders who returned to
our Holy Land, killing as they went, weren’t doing so from out of any kind of bullshit
consideration. They knew who they were and they remembered what those enemies had done to
our Lord. The “pogroms” which followed were based on the same things. But what, I ask, were
those bastards doing within our midst anyway? Up to no good, to say the least. Perhaps even to
try and finish the job they were prevented from doing through the coming of Christ.

Which brings us up to the present. Just have a look around.

Then, of course, there is Hitler. Enough said.

As to the “Phony Jews” of Manson, by far most of those calling themselves “Jews” in the present
have absolutely no connection even with the Canaanites of the Bible who, unfortunately, do. It is
estimated that from 85% to 95% of these people descend from a pagan tribe having originated in
southern Russia and known to history as the Khazars. Just as with the en masse Christian
conversions in Europe among Whites, these Khazars converted en masse to Judaism around the
year 800 A.D. However it is interesting to note that even these are racial cousins to Canaanites
and they were known in the Bible as “Gog and Magog”.

It is unfortunate that when Manson would speak of things such as “P.C.”s and “P.J.”s, most
people would not only not understand what he was meaning or would, most of the time, simply
write him off as being the insane lunatic that the Jewish media has always made him out to be.

Better have a second look and listen up.

This has been the first, but not the last, in a new series: Lessons of Manson.

Beware of the Eagle

That line chosen for this entry into this on-going series is taken from one of Manson’s song
lyrics. “Beware of the eagle; don’t do anything illegal.” The eagle, of course, refers to the badge
of the law.

It seemed to me as though the decades of the Eighties and Nineties were one big mess of
involvement with the law. A state like this will evoke every kind of hostile resentment toward
that which appears to be focusing its full interest upon fucking you up or taking you down. All
will be familiar with the little slogan on the sides of many of their police cruisers which reads,
“To Serve and Protect”. I thought it best and more accurate to change that to read instead, “To
Harass and Disrupt”.

It would be too easy for me even at this remote date to go pretty wild in my assaults and jabs
against “the law”. I’ll need to restrain myself if I’m not to expend all of my ammunition in just
this one article. This because there are too many facets to this to be covered independently if
proper sense is to be made.

How about this for a start? The regular police in Germany harassed the hell out of Hitler’s
movement. Mostly petty garbage but they were there to carry out the orders of the state which,
itself, was in the hands of Germany’s enemies. After the 1933 seizure of power, many within the
police were still quite reticent to fall properly into line behind the new state. However they soon
enough came around and in short order were doing a magnificent job in cleaning Germany up
and keeping it clean. A good many became part of the Gestapo.

But one has to understand what goes into the making of a cop. It seems to be a universal thing.
That one particular dirty rat and fink on the south-eastern plains of this state – even as he was
sizing me up for a fall – said very plainly that, “You change the laws and we’ll enforce them.”
There you have it about as plain as it can be made.

The cops are not the natural allies of the punks, the shit-hooks and the bums. Much less the
niggers and the queers, etc. They love order and they hate trouble. They hate, as I like to say,
punks and punkism. So if you don’t come across like a punk with them, you’ll generally do all
right. I was never a punk and so I always made out well. Same would go inside prison. Prison did
for me what expensive resorts do for most. (Well, at $30,000.00 per man per year, that’s pretty
damned expensive.)

One has to watch out. The typical jailer is a wanna-be cop who couldn‘t make the grade. Pissed
off at the world in general. Back then I was fond of saying that, if it weren’t for us prisoners,
they’d be the scum of the earth. Or if this were a hospital instead of a prison, they’d be wiping
our asses. I liked to vent a lot in this manner. (But it was Mark Twain himself who said that if
you want to observe the real scum of the earth, just go see a prison… at the changing of the

I witnessed terrible things visited upon prisoners by guards. But there are those who rate such
treatment and there are those who are just helpless bad luck magnets. My advice to you is don’t
be either. These people don’t mess around. You can only lose in any kind of confrontation. As a
kid growing up, I had multiple family members who were prison guards, two of whom were
there at the federal reformatory while Manson himself was there as a youth in Chillicothe, Ohio.
I know the type well.

Let us say that here there exists little or no political or philosophical underpinning. A lot of
reaction and a lot of testosterone. It’s only what you would want in a peace-keeping force,
whether prison or police. Let it be fully understood that a political cadre is a thing rarest of the
rare. Anyone would be foolish to think otherwise. And, realizing this, it is important that we play
it accordingly.

Yes, the police will come after us if and when given the cue from their present masters. Never
doubt it. But, consider, Donald Trump himself is basically of a police mentality. He largely sees
it as it is and, insofar as he is able, likes to call it as it is. And for this he is both hated and feared
by the Jewish/Liberal System and coloreds alike. Not to mention all of the bums, queers, punks,
etc. Seeing Trump as a sort of archetype, we have to also see that he’s not in possession of the
facts we are in possession of and – ironically – due to that very same media he has declared to be
the worst enemy of the American people.

But look at how he balanced things out after the melee in Charlottesville when confronted by the
media. They just about had a stroke over this display of evenhandedness.
But neither he nor the cops in general will tolerate out-and-out lawlessness. Trump, like cops
everywhere, will act out of an instinct that is deeply recessed. Some people just haven’t been
gotten to yet by the poisoning of the media. The enemy fears them more than it does us. A
strong, sudden reaction there could bring them down. They represent the giant, not us. As
Kipling outlined beautifully and poetically in his, “When the Saxons Began to Hate”, it requires
a lot of shoving before our people on their own get the impulse to shove back.

We are the clear and steady mind and thought process of this now and, most importantly, when
that time arrives for the counter-shoving to begin. We cannot squander ourselves. We cannot
make of ourselves the kind of easy targets the enemy would delight in if we were to be so stupid.
I’m not hailing Bannen from the early days of the Trump campaign or presidency but I do know
that the enemy was screaming a lot more about him then than they were about Trump himself.
The enemy knows the value of political ideology behind any amount of political power.

That’s us.

The media plays its propaganda games. The nigger shown in his graduation robes versus the
same nigger gallivanting down the middle of a highway in the wee hours of the morning, no
doubt higher than a cat’s ass, and basically daring the cops to do something about it. And, more
than likely, carrying a weapon of some sort. He refuses to halt. He refuses to stop resisting. He
makes threatening gestures. Then he gets shot and killed. It is as it should be. Except that, as we
well know, no such scenario should even be possible as there ought to be no coloreds within our
society and our media should not be controlled by our worst enemies.

You may be certain that cops everywhere feel this if only by gut instinct. And it will be gut
instinct that turns the tables on these enemies which now arrogantly occupy our land and
dominate our people by their power of ”chutzpah”. We are the real brain, the mind and the
intellect – the WILL – behind this gut instinct. And Manson always emphasized the central
importance of ORDER. Again, that will be us in the final survey.

Anarchy? It’s here and it will increase. Why? Simply because of the hellish mess the occupying
enemy has made of our formerly great society. The alienation is here, growing and out of all
control. This not to mention the increasing colored element of the general population. They are
dark, primitive and basically lawless. As the God that created us said, we carry within ourselves,
each one, the morality as well as the law. “Kings and Priests” we are, each one. Those others
represent the jungle. When the enemy bemoans the fact that this society has never been more
polarized than it is at present, he voices his deepest fear. Polarity, by its very definition, is one
more term for clarity. Clarity is our own estate while it is confusion that is the estate of the

Their “diversity” is the death sentence of civilization.

Craziness and disorder? It’s here and it is increasing. But let us not ever permit this trend to
become associated with ourselves. This trend toward ever greater polarization has got to be taken
and used by us and turned ever toward our greater advantage. I wonder how many of those that
we are going to need might be at this moment reading this very article and what their reactions to
it might be. A light coming suddenly on? At the very least a certain clarification? The initial
steps toward a proper orientation of thought?

Greater things have hinged upon far less.

So don’t be petty, don’t be criminal. If for no other reason than that one given by Manson
himself: “Beware of the Eagle”. Your life and your liberty are most precious. And if you feel you
must sacrifice them, do make sure that the price is well worth paying.

The Media Only Reports 5% Of What’s Happening And That Much Is Distorted

Charles Manson and Donald Trump in sync together?

Manson never came out in so many words to declare that, in the words of Trump, the media is
the worst enemy of the American people. But he knew it and he meant this very thing

The media is a broad term but it basically takes in the entire apparatus of taste-making, of dream-
making, of opinion-making, image-making and basically everything which goes into “P.C.”,
“Politically Correct” and, by the same token, all which lies without those parameters and is,
therefore, strictly taboo.

This would of course take in the newspapers, radio, television, etc., and go on to include
Hollywood, Broadway and so forth. What Manson was referring to in the statement used as our
lead for this article was the news reportage facet of this machine. I’ve known this all my life and
for this reason I never used to waste my time “watching the news”. The thought to bear in mind
always is this: Television at the best of times is trash.

But during high 2016 as I was having coffee with some friends, one of them said to me, “You
know that Trump guy is wanting to build a wall along the border with Mexico.” Well, I was
hooked at that point and began right away to follow Trump’s campaign. Along the way, of
course, I happened to see a lot of other things as well.

For one thing the term “lock-step” needs to be taken in mind. Some of these brain-raped clowns
– most of them professional types – like to get their faces on camera and in all dead earnestness
declare that “freedom of the press had never been more important”. This as a direct swipe at
Trump for his 100% correct statement regarding the media but also as a demonstration of their
own bullshit hypocrisy and/or ignorance. Every facet of the media says exactly the same thing on
any matter. Anyone with a brain left will have to know that isn’t right.

I was shown only recently a brilliantly produced piece exposing how a large number of
television stations – all owned by the same concern – have their news announcers mouthing the
exact same words in precisely the way parrots do. It’s a very old trick. Get these comparatively
attractive and professional looking and sounding types up there on camera and hand them a
script. There’s even one of these types locally who comes out with the statement, “you might not
believe this but the bosses here let me speak my mind.” Yes. Just so long as he has really nothing
on his mind worth speaking.

From the time I was a kid it struck me the way all of these news programs are constructed.
Approximately one-third “news”; a second third weather and the final third sports. News, if it is
to be taken seriously, I can see as I can the weather forecast. But sports? It’s a naked contrivance.
No matter what happens there, nothing changes and nothing is affected. This is wrong. Attention
and priority are seen by this to have been badly misplaced and for a very long time. But to
paraphrase something said about one who died of a critical illness, “You don’t get that sick
overnight.” Anyone who ever caught the “Protocol of 1919” will know that undue attention to
sports had long been a major plank in the communist platform to get the American society –
indeed all Western societies – taken off base. The even older, Roman “Bread and Circuses” of
mass distraction.

But another one of those 1919 Protocols involved getting the masses all swept up in undue
preoccupation with sex. We are no moralists and no prudes but there is such a thing as healthy
outlet and the media is using all of its power to distract people away from that. Putting the
“okay” of “normalcy” – not really a word but we’ll use it anyway – to all forms of perversion
beginning with plain, old-fashioned immorality and going on into homosexuality and, ultimately,
miscegenation or race-mixing. The media makes it seem not only “normal” but downright
glamorous and, even worse, makes the participation in these acts – acts that were not long ago on
the books as criminal and outlawed behavior – appear as expressions of “personal freedom”.

Remember anytime considering human reaction to deliberate conditioning: “Monkey see,

monkey do.” That plus the word of advice shared with me in regard to handling large and
possibly dangerous livestock: “You’ve got to make them think it’s their idea.”

We come to abortion and the fact is that even our own movement is split on that subject. Some
say – and maybe right – that most of the abortions performed here involve colored types. Fine
and dandy. But I say that some more or less of them means not much while some more or less of
our own stock means a great deal. But I also say – and many will reject – that abortion is one
more abomination in the face of God. Murder. If Manson made any pronouncements on this
subject, I’m not aware of them. But I think he would be in agreement with me. Manson is well
known to have placed the greatest value and emphasis upon children.

Imagine your life’s goal and purpose, your calling, in favor of life as a homosexual? Or your
entire philosophy centered around the “right” to abortion? The media has done this with great
masses of people. If there is such a thing as a cult of death, then this has to be it. Or destroying
your family line through race-mixing? Or of adopting the offspring of alien, colored races? All of
this made “fashionable” by a sick and enemy-owned-and-operated media.

Just as I make it plain that Donald Trump is NOT the answer, I also say that if the enemy hisses
and goes into fits over this man, then I have to embrace at least that image. And if the enemy
holds as one of its most “sacred values” the murder of children in the womb, then I have to take
it upon myself to attack and condemn this as strongly as I am able. It is filthy and we are living
in a world getting filthier all the time. It is the doing of the enemy and the enemy-controlled

I cannot and will not waste much space here on the common tricks of the media especially as it
regards news reportage. Lock-step has been one of the sure-fire giveaways of this domination.
Such devotion to mere sports is another give-away to the skewed nature of this. But once the
“news” aspect of things has been gotten out of the way, covering as it has just done the further
downhill descent of things in general, the remainder of the program will usually be devoted to
goings on within the miserable and hopeless Third World, or what nowadays passes as “art”, or
what useless and futile doings as may be happening involving poor cripples or morons and
calling it “America Strong”.

It has always been and will always be our stance to “Keep the Emphasis Upon Excellence”. The
enemy media and its drive is to downplay every form or express ton of excellence and to replace
that with the defective and the mediocre. And this, as was brought out most strongly by Dr.
William Pierce in the 1960s, is the very essence of communism itself. The bringing low of
excellence and of high ideals in favor of the lowest common denominator. This is also the
purpose of so-called “democracy”.

Anyone ought to know that the best and safest form of lying is that which contains – or is
contained within – an element of truth. That way it can seldom if ever be pointed out and nailed
as a lie. But there is manipulation and it is manipulation which this enemy-dominated media
excels at. After all, it has no real competition. The fact that cannot be denied is that this
population – the population of each and every White nation on earth – doesn’t have a thought in
its brain that wasn’t planted there by the enemy media. How could it be otherwise?

“Institutions of higher learning”? That’s largely another topic but, in short, those lost institutions
which were formally our own merely take all of this universe full of “P. C.” delusion and put the
formal seal of authenticity on it. Education is out and conditioning is in. And I well recall at the
time of the surprise and the upset of the Trump electoral victory these vile and arrogant – brain-
raped – liberals going on about how Trump has been elected by the vote of “those without the
benefit of a college education”. What they were saying without realizing it was that Trump had
narrowly been elected by the TRUE and GENUINE American people, or at least those who were
left of it and not brain-raped out of all recognition.

It’s “1984” times ten thousand.

This is a matter of awareness. If you are not aware then you haven’t got a chance. All channels
of media and therefore of awareness are in the hands of an enemy that is on record as having
sworn to destroy us as a people. And how exactly does the situation in the nation and in the
world and, yes, in the shape and attitude of each individual line up with this truism we are telling
you? By accident, you say?

If it were an accident then it might be recognized as such and could be rectified. Are we that
stupid and that helpless? But no. All of this misery and chaos is by design. It goes according to
an agenda formulated in the minds of enemy aliens – Jews and their allies – very long ago. It is a
reflection of their own idea of a Utopia or an impossible world. By conspiracy they took control
of all sensitive positions within the respective nations of our people. One done, they moved to
begin to alter the very face and the nature of our societies to suit their particular, peculiar agenda.
And they would not and will not brook any resistance or opposition.

That’s why we are the “haters” and the “radicals”, the “misfits” and the “terrorists”. We are the
only ones left who are knowing and telling the truth.

Their lie and their conspiracy is today all-dominant, we admit. But what we see and experience
all around us is also THEIR result and THEIR responsibility. They would tell you that “the
Nazis” still represent and are the real evil in the world. But “the Nazis” hold no power,
anywhere. Neither “the Klan”, etc. This isn’t, as they say, “rocket science”, it is merely simple
deduction. Their lie and their conspiracy is failing and can only continue to fail. They will
continue to lie and to bolster their lie using every power of the State – and, yes, the media which
is fully at their free disposal. But it will be to no avail. For it is all a lie.

By their media they will sell you on the image. What you will get is the reality. And when all
collapses finally, all you will have remaining will be the damage. Who do you then go to for
your money back?
UNIVERSAL ORDER (Circa 1997-1999)

These are a series of articles from the website that was launched in the
summer of 1997 while James Mason was incarcerated in the Colorado prison system. The pieces
were written under the pseudonym “Robert Burns” aimed to catch the interest of those interested
in unpopular and suppressed topics delving into race, what others would call the “para-normal”,
pre-history, the Jews, and UFOs. These areas yield up the broader picture of the human
experience on this planet and thereby define the very principle of race that we began with.

The website abruptly came to an end in the autumn of 1999, removed from the internet for
violating the host’s “anti-racist policy”. Nonetheless, what is contained here is what somebody
wanted removed from the Internet, removed from your access. With this information archived
for your viewing pleasure now, you will come to an understanding of just who the enemies of
truth really are. The time is late.


This website was opened in the summer of 1997 and dedicated to the examination of what might
be called para-normal phenomena. The object then an now was to tap the vast and growing
interest into this other side of reality on a world-wide scale so as to be able to bring into focus the
meaning of it all to the curious and the searching.
Let us say now at the outset that there would positively be no such thing as “phenomena” if the
world was governed be truth and enlightenment rather than the forces of lies and confusion that it
unfortunately is. Because we maintain there is only one reality which encompasses the whole.
There are, however, endless illusions and interpretations of bits and pieces of “reality” as
fostered and allowed by the Masters of Deceit to ensure that people never find their way.

It is then that whenever some glimmer of slip of the rest of the whole reality manages to
penetrate through the curtain of the present, state-sanctioned version of what they would have
you accept “reality” as, people begin to wax “weird” or “spooky.” A perfectly natural human
response to that which they do not know or understand.

So then we of of Universal Order choose to define phenomena as any happening, thing or

concept either not accepted by or directly suppressed or attacked by this present world system.
Not for fun or diversion do we undertake this. Certainly not for profit. It is because the biggest
phenomenon of all is, quite plainly, the truth. And in this world where lies govern, you cannot
sell truth. You can make millions with lies but you’ll die a pauper in the truth. The world hates
the truth and always has. But it is the truth that we offer.

The System media forays into the so-called “para-normal” are kept, pocketed and disjointed
deliberately to prevent people from taking the pieces and finishing the puzzle. True to their time-
tested formula, they’ll allow you just enough to draw you down one more of their endless blind
alleys – to nowhere. Their aim always is to promote confusion, never understanding.

And so, next to truth itself, the biggest aspect of the whole field of phenomena is that of
conspiracy. Who, how and why, as to any move to confuse or suppress the truth. These twin
factors encompass it all. Those who doubt or do not even suspect the truth – or who may have
been tricked by the System into even hating it – would do well to take not of the effort against it
as well as the source of that effort. There should be all the confirmation any individual would
require. Such ado over nothing? Hardly.

To go further toward the core of this, as it involves you personally, pay attention to the way
things were, the way they are now and the way the trends suggest they will become under the
control of the world System we’ve been mentioning. Not merely an enforced mode of false
thought but hard, physical reality for an entire planet – Earth!

It is not curiosities and anomalies that we are dealing with. It is the fate of a people. “My people
perish through a lack of knowledge and the leaders are responsible for it.” That is a paraphrase
from out of the Major Prophets of the Old Testament.

With this in mind, one might begin to understand why so little by way of anecdote is to found in
this website. Because once something is established, it is time to move forward with that piece of
the puzzle and on to the next. To dwell on small details delights this System of Darkness. It is
rather the essential principle that must be grasped if anyone is to find their way and become
immune to the machinery of lies.
If the study of the various types of phenomena serves a purpose, it is to get you thinking. If the
System will lie about this, what else will it lie about? A great man once said: “You don’t have to
drink a quart of milk to know the whole quart is sour.”

We try to be at least engaging in these articles but it is not our aim to titillate. We have seen by
the statistics we have recorded that visits to our site tend to increase and decrease according to
how “serious” we become. People in the main prefer the “fun” and “fluffy” stuff. The “safe” and
non-threatening stuff. Another man said “Once I become an adult, it is time to put away the
childish things.”

Our efforts to illustrate the truth are intended then to point the way onward to the greater

“Narrow is the gate.” And, “many will be called but few will be chosen.” Garbage and falsehood
in abundance out there and seemingly a world population that can’t get enough of it. But can you
see where it is heading. Do you care? Do you want to share that fate?

To most – just as it has forever been – the truth will be a “bore” or “drag” – “too profound.” To
many it will be disturbing and frightening – “unpopular” and “unprofitable.” To those on the
other side of the issue entirely as well as those they have managed to entrap, the truth will be
something to attack, all-out.

Not asking that you take our word for anything, we lay all of this out so that you might be able to
begin to make your own judgements. And not only that but to possess the capability to validate
and confirm those judgements once you have learned how to read the System like an open book.

Our devotion to the topic of phenomena then is as a tool toward understanding. It is our desire to
place this in your hands – for free – so you can use it on your own and, hopefully, pass it on to

Toward this end we also maintain an e-mail address for you to send your questions and critiques.
Our responses to your comments are posted as well as well on the website in complete
confidentiality to you. Inquire or poke fun, as you choose. But we will answer you, in truth and
sincerity the way the System and its representatives never will. Perhaps you’ll have something to
offer us as well. But even your questions will tell us in what areas we are deficient in shining the

Please accept these articles and essays in the spirit in which they are intended: As a doorway into
the rest of reality.

A World Beyond

That was the title of a book that came recommended to me over twenty five years ago, written by
a woman who claimed to be a psychic in contact with the spirits of the dead. At that time in my
life, I was more than skeptical of all this sort of thing. In fact, I was more than skeptical of all
this sort of thing. In fact, I was a militant atheist. Reading that book was however a first for me
in that it marked the divide between mere skepticism or dismissal and a case wherein I was
clearly able to discern deliberate deception.

The religionists in the world are burgeoning, taking in millions of people and raking in billions
of dollars. A former contact of mine who was a business person once pointed out to me that even
in the worst of economic times, you’ll still see insurance high-rises and churches being built. My
own intuition told me that if the message and works of these Christians was truly on the mark,
what with all the vast resources and wealth at their command, this would be at the very least a
world on an upswing rather than teetering ever closer to the brink of the abyss as it is.

Terms like “mass taste,” I was familiar with even though “politically correct” had yet to be
invented. By then I knew all about media monopoly and thought control. Now I was seeing it’s
effect at work. Certainly by that time I was deeply into what is called “revisionist” history. (And
that term “revisionist” is widely derided by all the mainstreamers as being somehow cooked to
reflect a certain agenda whereas what we all were taught in school is the straight stuff. At the
very least, getting a take on history from an opposite slant should permit one to formulate a more
complete conception, that is if that is what they really want.)

It is tragic that practically everyone is subject to this riged taste-making and information black-
out. Someone once compared the human mind, even the most brilliant, to a sophisticated
computer: Regardless how powerful or even well-intentioned, if critical data can be withheld
from it or if misinformation can be fed into it, valid answers cannot possibly be forthcoming.

As a dyed-in-the-wool conspriatorialist, I maintain that is the object.

People, in the main, go on what they have to go on. So a very large part of the mess the world is
in can be ascribed to. In this instance it served to unmask one more scam on the part of an

In the old standy, pie-in-the-sky of churches and occultists alike, the author of the book went to
lengths to paint a beautiful, idyllic picture of this “World Beyond.” The “brotherhood” and
“tolerance” preached by these types here on earth is an estblished reality “over there.” To
illustrate this she cited an encounter she was able to overhear between Adolph Hitler and Martin
Luther King. The best of comrades on the other side, they were sharing all the “love” that is
latent in the living flesh but which is given full bloom in the afterlife.

Of course it didn’t stop there. It was that the “evil” and “misguided” Hitler had “awakened” to
the “righteousness” of the position of King. Gee – how very reassuring. So heaven is P.C. too
and, by that, if P.C. rules the earth, as it surely does, then we ought to be experiencing “heaven
on earth.” But it ain’t necessarily so.

This woman was but a product of the educational system which raised her. A sincere liberal type.
To make a name for herself, to help put across her own impressed liberal ideas and perhaps to
make a few bucks she decided to become a “psychic.” But anyone tapped into the omniscient
mass-mind of the cosmos ought to at least be as well-informed as any novice revisionist. Instead,
she brought with her into this venture just what state-of-the-art bunk she had been taught. And
she used that to attempt to convey to others what heaven must be like.

Had she been in possession of the rest ofthe balance sheet, she’d have known – as did J. Edgar
Hoover, himself no lily – that Martin Luther King had been a highly-trained, carefully placed
agent of the international communist conspiracy, with his task being to lead his fellow Blacks
from a course of nationhood for themselves and toward “integration” with White Society with
the destruction the latter as the goal. More a vision from hell than from Heaven. One must ask
themselves how, in plain practicality, all this is working out after all these years of being pushed
into official policy.

She’d have known that King was a loathesome sexual degenerate and was surrounded in his
organization, the “Southern Christian Leadership Conference,” by more communists and
perverts. So much so that Hoover at one point advised King to commit suicide. She’d know that
King’s own bosses murdered him when it become obvious his leadership was being rejected by a
majority of Blacks who were interested in nationalism and not one-worldism such as integration
promised. Then his killers elevated him to the status of a “god” – one which would be of
infinitely greater use to them than the person had been.

If King had awakened into some hereafter, a universal plane free of all lies and deceptions, he’d
hardly be expected to still be clinging to the old dialictics drilled into him by his Cominterm
masters, especially realizing they had just snuffed him for his trouble and devotion. Whether
there’s a hereafter to awaken into and whether he’d have gained admittance to it is another
question entirely.

But the author of the book knew nothing of this and it clearly showed through in her work. How
many readers were taking in by it all, gratified that their own prefab notions were being so nobly
edified? The cyclone of disinformation feeding itself.

Then there’s the matter of the “pop” conception of Hitler as evil incarnate. The most cursory
reading of Mein Kampf” would have revealed to her or anyone else the importance Hitler placed
upon the reservationof the British Empire, the Catholic Church, “the humane removal of the
Jews – a stubbornly umassimiliable minority – from Europe where they weren’t wanted and
safely to a land of their own – the rich island of Madagascar. The absolute urgency he placed
upon, the military destruction of World Communism. The stringent laws passed for the
protection and humane treatment of animals in the Third Reich. And after the rest of the world
had declared war on him for having taken Germany out of the New World Order, he neither
sought to develop what he considered to be inhumane weapons, like the atomic bomb, nor did he
utilize the ones he currently had, like poison gas.

The most lied about man in history has had innumerable volumes written against him alleging
every foul thin imaginable. Upon investigation -revisionism- none are found to stick. The exact
opposite of the treatment accorded to Martin Luther King.

It’s not the man nor is it his actions. It is rather what any individual represents to the interests of
the power which is fully capable to make darkness appear light, ugliness appear as beauty,
enemies seem to be friends, etc. Image-making as a tool for the instrumentation of a secret
agenda. Can you conceive the kind of power this is? the degree of control? Above all, why lie?

Truly a “world beyond.”

Is living in a world moved from truth and reality any less incredible than living or existing in an
entirely different dimension? Or might it equal the same thing?

Hoax. Something I hate. One more aspect of the lie. “Know the truth and the truth will set you
free.” In this case a knowledge of suppressed truth not only exposed a hoax, it demonstrated
again that the truth is always far stranger than fiction. But while knowing the truth when the
power of the lies sits in dominance may free you mentally, it will also bring you into direct
contention with all the force which tha lie has at it’s disposal.

The great secret of it all is revealed by this. Instead of falsely concentrating on making it appear
as though the eternal is in support of all this insane monkey business on earth, better to realize
that this is unholy nonsense stands in direct defiance of the eternal. With or without an
omnipotent god in some intangible heaven, it is the laws of nature, of biology and physics which
are being flouted. And, either way, it cannot last and cannot go unpunished forever.

Why No Contact?

Of all the questions that can be asked pertaining to the matter of extraterrestrial presence close to
Earth, the most important one has to be: Why no contact? It is because if you can answer that one
question, you’ve answered it all.

Who do we ask anyway? We have only our own reasoning to rely upon.

We can skip over any question of the existence of other intelligent life forms in the universe as
the mathematical odds in its favor are overwhelming. And we can dismiss the question of
whether they are visiting Earth as the reports have been too many, too constant, for too long for
the matter to be written off as a complete hoax.

Though there are countless descriptions, drawings and even clear photographs of their
appearances, it is not a critical issue what any of them may look like, Though it is fascinating, it
does not matter whether they have green blood or not. It’s both futile and risky to put forward
guesswork on where they may be from and in the end it doesn’t matter either.

While our own understanding may be advancing to where we can entertain faint glimpses of how
their craft may work, that, for our purposes, is also unimportant.

To the surprise of many, it doesn’t even matter whether or not they are friendly or hostile as, in
any event, we would be powerless to do anything about it one way or the other. even matter
whether or not they are friendly or hostile as, in any event, we would be powerless to do
anything about it one way or the other.
However, that question of friend or foe is one relating to contact. We can assure ourselves that if
they were interested in conquest or annihilation, they’d have made their move by now. There
would be no reason to wait.

Science seems to proceed on this assumption: Any intelligent beings out there ought to be trying
to contact us via the means which are familiar to us, perhaps utilizing some recognizable
mathematical code. And so huge radio receivers have been erected for round-the-clock listening.
This assumes two things: That “they” are somewhere very distant and “they” perceive us the way
we see ourselves and relative to how we imagine them.

Science, therefore, thinks that these extraterrestrials might one, being to stoop to modes of
communication to them on a par with tin cans tied together by string and, two, that they’d have
anything to say to any who would.

“Respectable” science doesn’t allow for them being here, literally right on top of us now.
Conceited and overblown human thinking cannot allow for certain critical considerations such
as-is there anything in anyone’s heart or mind that they don’t know or couldn’t know if they
wanted? Can anyone be so stupid as to believe that language could possible present a barrier?
Mostly, what could we possibly have to offer them apart from our own darkness and confusion?

Why no contact? The only thing that counts. It is because that would explain their presence as it
relates to us. That is the only thing we have a hope of figuring out on our own, without ready
answers or hard evidence to examine.

Obviously they’re having benignly observing for reasons of their own. Reasons we may be
certain contain no foolishness. The object of all this would have to be of greater importance to us
than them as they do us great honor and distinction just by their presence from deep in Space. On
the other hand, they would scarcely bother were this not of some primary concern to them as
well. We can do nothing for them while they could do much for us.

Is it conceivable that they would keep this up forever or would one day grow tired and depart?

Why no playing out of the old 1950’s gag, “Take me to your leader?” Simply because they know
more about our situation here than we do ourselves. They’d have to be ignorant fools to allow
themselves to be presented before some sold-out political hack. Besides, these same hacks are
fully aware of their presence and are committed to denying and concealing it.

These so-called “leaders” are the very last ones they’d want to address. If we had any true
“intelligence”, we’d see and know this ourselves and react the same way as the extraterrestrials.

To the question of “Why no contact?,” the answer is that there has been plenty of direct and
prolonged contact between extraterrestrials and humans, detailed and well-documented. To
limited perceptions, this occurred a very long time ago. To higher intelligence, this was only
within the same moment. No fools, they gave their message and departed, promising to return. In
that message, they made it known the exact kind of mess they fully expected to find upon that

They were here to provide all and explain all. More than once. Even at that -face-to-face- all this
fell on blind eyes and deaf ears. “Show me!” demand childish people. They were shown and still
it did no good.

Only a fool wastes his time repeating himself to other fools who don’t listen.

They outlined how they would make their reappearance and what signs to watch for and a copy
of this rests in practically ever American and European home. It’s the Book of Revelation at the
close of the Bible.

But who makes the connections? That was then and this is now, right?

The World they left then has sunk into these modern “religions,” held among what amount to
superstitious savages. When they again reveal themselves, it’ll be at a moment of crises for the
Earth and they will come to salvage what is salvageable among the beings that they planted here-
from their own seed- back before time even began.

To them, this has been a biological experiment and they will be only interested in culling the
most successful results. Even Jesus himself said that no one not having originated from Heaven
will have a chance of returning to Heaven. This will disappoint and enrage nine out of ten
people. Things on Earth are precarious enough already without them setting off a sudden
conflagration of this sort.

To them, this will be no more, no less than the promised fulfillment of their Word. To most on
Earth, just as they say in Revelation, it will be a time of terror and mourning. In short, it will be
seen as an “invasion from Outer Space” just as portrayed by Hollywood in their horror films.

Their advice only was to be ready. This would translate to mean being aware. That is what these
articles are intended to produce: Awareness.

Nazi UFOs

Just as with Harry Houdini who took the occult so seriously that he undertook a personal
campaign to expose the hoaxes which serve to confuse, weaken and debase the whole topic, so I
cannot tolerate deliberate hoaxes where U.F.O.’s are concerned.

For years there has been the business of both “Nazi U.F.O.’s” and “Nazi Bases at the Antarctic,”
Both are linked together with the old theory which held that Hitler escaped from Berlin in 1945.
Plenty of pseudo-documentaries, plenty of “eye-witnesses” to support it all.

In the summer of 1976, the author of one of the foremost volumes of this subject told me flat-out
that it was a complete hoax and that he himself had produced the extensive line of blueprints and
illustrations for the “German Flying Saucers.” he said that it was his intent to get the wire-pullers
of the New World Order looking over their shoulder – as well as to sell books.

Were it not for the tremendous standing body of disinformation surrounding Hitler and the
NSAAP such outrageous fabrication could never be put forth in the first place. Lies breed more
lies. People cannot grasp that the NSAAP was a very down-to-earth, meat-and-potatoes political
party which addressed the most basic problems of the common people and which came to power
through the most intensive – but entirely conventional – political campaigning.

People are fixated upon the panoply and stylized oratory, the stupendous military exploits of the
Third Reich and Hitler and do not suspect the actual uniqueness was in this having been the first-
ever racial state which naturally brought it into direct conflict with the budding New World
Order. People are taught to believe that Hitler was “mad” and intent upon world domination.
They do not know that Hitler had no interest beyond Germany, and, for that reason, he would
never have left the German nation.

Therefore, it must all have been “magic” or “evil”.

One thing stands clear to any who study history and that is that the greatest technical strides are
achieved during time of war. Not World War Two but the U.S. Civil War still holds the record
for the number of innovations made. Everyone is acquainted with Germany’s pioneering efforts
in rocketry and jet propulsion. But England, the U.S. and the Soviet Union were not far behind.
Who was it after all that developed the “devil weapon,” the atomic bomb, but the United States?

Because Germany was confronted by an eventual array of fifty-two nations around the world and
was out-numbered by a hundred-to-one and out-supplied by a ton-to-an-ounce, they had little
recourse but to pin their hopes to their,”geheimwaffe”, or , “secret weapons.” This boiled down
to a little more than a faith in quality over quantity. Of course, quantity won. And as always,
always in history – the winners are the “good guys” and the losers are the “bad guys.”

With demonetization comes the capacity for any ridiculous thing to be heaped onto the pile of
lies. This would certainly include the patient falsehood of “Nazi U.F.O.’s.”

Beyond that it is important to note that there has never at any time been a great and sudden leap
in man’s technology. No unexplained jump in development as to allow for “flying saucers”
either in the 1940’s or today. All of the wonders that appeared during World War Two were in
one way or another on the drawing boards during the 1920’s. Every bit of it traceable along a
straight, slow, painful and unbroken line. Brilliant but conventional.

Today’s automobile is little different from the Model-T and today’s jets aren’t far removed from
the identical principles behind the German WWII “Swallows” or “Arados”. Clever but hardly
miraculous. Very gradual and in many ways very backward. So it remains. There is no “alien”
technology in human hands.

This is not to say that the U.S. government may not posses captured or crashed U.F.O.’s. It is
only to say that they have not been able to figure them out and apply them. Not merely a more
advanced technology but a completely different technological concept. Like handing a computer
to a group of chimpanzees. It could hardly be applied to removing termites from their mound for
a light snack even with all the “reverse engineering” in the world. Considering the nature of what
it is that holds power in the world today, to me, this is very reassuring.

Yet it is undeniable that U.F.O.’s made their dramatic appearance during the closing months of
World War Two over Europe. Official debunkers may attempt to write off sightings in 1947 as
formations of top-secret delta wings but what of the “foo fighters” buzzing Allied war planes in
1944? The time, the place, the circumstances would indicate some link to Nazis and U.F.O.’s but
since they were clearly independent of one another, what link would that be? What could their
purpose be since they made no effort to involve themselves in the world hostilities even though
they could have easily and drastically altered the outcome?

Quite obviously they arrived at a moment of great crisis for earth as observers. Neither blessing
nor condemning, being present yet remaining aloof. And so that remains to this day.

Those who have carefully studies Hitler will be aware of his pronouncement in the 1920’s of his
awareness of being the one who would prepare the way for the last. What had to be done had to
be done. The War had to come and it had to end in sacrifice. In his final address on January 30,
1945, Hitler still spoke of the victory to come even as Communist Forces closed in around him
aided by the Western Allies.

Who will be the last? What victory?

Anyone who watches television or reads the tabloids will be familiar with the name of
Nostradamus. Especially now as we approach the end of the millennium these sensation and fear
mongers are selling papers, etc., through their second-guessing of who the Anti-Christ will be
immediately prior to the Apocalypse. According to Nostradamus, Napoleon was one such
Anti=Christ and Hitler was another. More recently they are claiming it is Saddam Hussein.

Note carefully: Each of these popular and “easy” Anti-Christs was out of the world “loop” in his
own day and was militarily defeated by what amounted to the World Order than and the New
World Order today. Ergo – all should be well and secure. But that’s not how the scenario plays
out in Revelation. Elsewhere in the Bible warning is given against paying heed to such as

The field of psychics, seers and prophets is every bit as rife with it’s own fakers and hoaxes as is
the are of U.F.O.’s. This, however, does not discount the basic reality of such things. Even the
Bible does not call them frauds but only says that they will mislead. Some power enables them to
see many of the same things as seen by the Biblical prophets. The important difference is in the
direction from which this power comes. That will determine how the visions will be taken,
interpreted and presented. Remember, thie “winner” will call it as it suits him. And the prevailing
power on earth, the temporary “winner” in the terrestrial sense is not God or the power of good.

Just as with those saucer over WWII battlefields, he could end it at any time but chooses to allow
it to play itself out.
The P.C. force which governs the earth today is the same P.C. force which provided
Nostradamus his insights and was the same P.C. force which murdered Jesus. And they’re going
to identify someone as the Anti-Christ? Just like the government denies knowledge of U.F.O.’s.
Who do Jesus identify as the “father of Lies”?

Taking cheap shots at this or that personality as being the Anti-Christ may sell books and
magazines but, I assure you, to point him out when he arrives will only get you vilified,
imprisoned or killed. Simply because the duped populations of earth have long been prepped to
see and welcome him as a literal “savior”, espousing every P.C. ideal that the New World Order
itself represents. To call the Anti-Christ the Anti-Christ would be a “hate crime” or an act of
“terrorism”. He will be hailed all over the world, his will be all power. He will be in the mold of
one of these smiling, mealy-mouthed, three-piece-suit, sold-out, tim-horn politicians.
Furthermore, all the petty, little sell-out bureaucrats in the communities will serve him willingly
– because it is “the law” and because it is their “job” to do so.

Can you see it coming?

Then Satan will step forward to claim open ruler-ship. Not some horned red devil but those for
whom Satan is allegorical. And if Satan’s form can be real and physical, why not that of God?

The U.F.O.’s are not Hitler’s though they dramatically upgraded their visibility at the time of his
death. Nether are they the New World Order’s. They are here, watching, and waiting for that
moment – “known only to God” – when the worlds of Revelation are played out. That moment
became imminent – “condition red” – when the New World Order eliminated it’s last opposition
in 1945. Evil will sit in total control then. Is that not what Revelation says? Is that not the New
World Order?

At the moment it raises its head and drops its “democratic” mask to make its grandstand play –
just as the legendary pride of Satan will demand it does – when it sheds its sold-out front men
and reveals itself, those hovering and elusive U.F.O.’s will move into action to fulfill the
prophecy of St. John and crush the Satanic System.

The Hitler connection? Same enemy. Same victory.

They’ll come blasting everything in sight in much the same ways as in these Hollywood films.
Not just the overt military power of the System, not just the hordes of those arrayed against
God’s people but also these churches and their armies of false believers. And not “monsters” but
the Biblical God and his angels returning – as promised – in the physical form which inspired all
the subsequent mythology.

The Roots of Racism

Recently it was announced that a study was going to be launched in order to discover whether
there is some genetic cause behind racism. Apparently the motivation for this study is the failure
of State integration programs, re-education and media exposure to bring about a hoped-for end to
racism. We are able to state right now that, yes there is a definite genetic cause for racism and we
will take time to explore it here.

First, one must step back and consider what different races are and how they originated before
any real understanding of racism or it’s cure can be reached. Obviously, if something is genetic
then it is going to be very deep seated.

Science differs as to how separate races of man appeared. The theory most in favor today is that
we all evolved from one common ancestor, assuming our different appearances and cultures
from having developed in widely divergent locales. A second theory has it that each of the
primary races arose separately, independently. Of the two, the evidence of both biology and
religion supports the latter.

The way certain diseases affect different races, either to varying degrees or exclusively, strongly
tends to indicate that there is more than the color of the skin to racial distinction.

Cultural differences, themselves genetically governed, refuse to be submerged even under the
pressure of a multi-cultural society of mass taste. This instinct is so strong that, among the
minority groups, it is misunderstood and mishandled, being viewed as a “crime wave” and “gang
activity.” Entire ethnic groups suffer poverty and prison due to this.

These contemporary considerations plus others can all best be understood and summed up, by
consulting the ancient texts as they can be seen from today’s vantage point.

The somewhat cryptic language found in Genesis pertaining to the creation of mankind now has
been unravelled and clarified through the discovery and translation of Sumerian cuneiform clay
tablets and cylinders. These texts are what the originators of Genesis drew their information from
though, in their translation, they greatly abridged their contents thus leading to today’s

The story as related in the first person – which would be taken to be God – has it that an
exploration team from a distant world came to earth a half a million years ago. The purpose of
this expedition was to find a source for gold with which to attempt to stabilize the diminishing
atmosphere of their home planet. In the form of dust. The presence of the scarce mineral
ascertained, the extraterrestrials required a labor force to get it form the ground.

Already obviously the master of space and time travel, they had also unlocked the secrets of
DNA and genetic engineering. “Let us make man in our own image.” Choosing the most
advanced creatures available to them – primate apes – they added to test specimens a measure of
their own DNA in order to produce a new kind of being, one capable of carrying out orders and
performing competently in mining gold.

Anyone familiar with the tale of “Dr. Moreau” and the “Island of Lost Souls” will recall the
“laws” given by the doctor to his menagerie of beast-men which he had created by surgically
speeding up their evolution. “Do not spill blood.” Was a major one. It was much the same on
earth eons ago between the gods and the first men. There was the “Tree of Knowledge” and the
“Tree of Life.” Until now, the real meaning of these had been lost.

Evidently, according to the text, there was a mutiny among the extraterrestrial crew. Rather like
the “Mutiny on the Bounty” when some of those crewmen of the two hundred years ago became
enamored of those islanders and broke discipline. Genesis states that the “sons of gods” found
attractive the “daughters of men” and took them as wives.

The leader of the mutiny – given as Enki in the text but known to us as Satan today – taught the
people how to reproduce themselves independent of God’s test-tube thereby eating of the fruit to
the “Tree of Knowledge.” Sex, one-on-one, as described in Genesis both in terms of “desire” and
“pain in childbirth.” As a result of this loss of higher control over human reproduction, the
attainment of the fruit of the “Tree of Life” – that is, the apparent immortality of the gods
themselves – was lost to humankind.

As punishment, God condemned Enki/Satan to life here on earth working alongside his creations
in the mines “on his belly, eating dust.” As portent of the strife to come as a result of this mutiny,
Genesis makes reference to on-going, eternal enmity between different seeds. Here then was the
original sin as well as the birth of racism.

Genesis traces humanity from the line of Adam but at the same time makes plain other people
were in the world already. Who was it in the “Land of Nod” to where Canin took refuge after
killing Abel and where he found a wife? Who were the “giants in the earth” then?

The extraterrestrials established their gold mines all over the earth, wherever gold could be
found. It would only follow that they would use the resources most readily at hand in whatever
the locale. If they were working with mutated apes then different areas of the globe would
indicate different species of ape. The birth of races. A chimpanzee for Whites, a gorilla for
Blacks, an orangutan for Orientals.

Our modern science has revealed that chimpanzees and humans share 98% the same DNA and
that chimpanzee DNA is closer to that of humans than that of gorillas. To my knowledge, they
either have not made the comparison between chimpanzees and separate races or between other
apes and races. Or they have chosen to conceal their findings. However, that missing 2% must
obviously have come from the stars. Human races may share 2% similarity – more or less – but
they still maintain a 98% difference.

The predominant difference is the same difference as between a lion and a tiger. Between a
moose and an elk. Between an eagle and a hawk. Species in nature never will mix or cross-breed.
Indeed, one species intruding upon the territory of another will be driven out or killed. Racism in

The word is artificiality. Animal societies are organic, not economic or political. The word is
domestication. The domesticated form of wolf – dogs – will readily interbreed. The domesticated
form of ape – humans – also are prone to cross-breed whereas their progenitors still in the wild
never would. Imperfect, artificial societies throwing these different breeds together unnaturally
and imperfect, artificial domestication through mutation has confused their natural instincts in
may cases – but not all.

At that, the remnants of our ancestry are still very physically evident just as they are
instinctually. Racism.

The question then becomes whether it is even possible to eliminate racism without eliminating
all races. Beyond that, whether such a goal is to be desired.

For the answer to these questions, we may return to the present. Looking to those areas where
human hybridization has reached saturation – as in most countries of the Third World where
continents cross – the most abject of human misery is what reigns. It would appear human
mineralization fares no better than mineralization among canines. Look at what populates these
dog pounds awaiting euthanasia and look what populates these areas imminently facing mass
death through starvation or disease.

“Tree of Knowledge.” “Tree of Life.” The revolt against God. The work of Satan. Lust. The
wages of sin.

Integration is State policy among all of these modern governments and societies. Forced
amalgamation of distinct human species or breeds. The argument that they can interbreed is used
as a reason that they should interbreed. However, examples are documented of “successful”
mating between humans and chimpanzees. How desirable is the result of that then rendered?
What effect upon any society?

When the gods departed from our midst, leaving behind a potentially disastrous situation, they
also left behind laws and wisdom which they hoped would guide us safely until their promised
return. To Western Civilization, these collectively are know as the Bible.

These laws throughout the book are surmounted by “thou shall not commit adultery.” Sexual
intercourse outside of wedlock or with the wife or husband of another is the contemporary
understanding but it would do well to consult any dictionary for the other definition of adultery.
(Adulterate – to make impure or inferior by admixture of other ingredients corrupt and debased.)

The references go on to include Noah – “a man pure in his generations” – who would be spare
out of a world having gone “corrupt.” The birthright of Abraham passing over Ishmael – whose
mother was a slave – and going to Isaac instead. The plea of Abraham that Isaac’s wife not be a
Canaanite but a Hebrew. The “two nations” in the womb of Rebekah – Jakob and Esau – of
whom Jacob married true and Esau did not. Afterward, this resulted in a race war, Genesis 32.

Leucitus goes on to “do not mate different kinds of animals,” “do not plant your field with two
kinds of seed,” “do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.”

Numbers describes the plague against the Israelites for their having sexual relations with
Moabite and Midianite woman and for worshipping their gods, a plague which consumed
twenty-four thousand. It was inlay ended when Phinehas drove one spear through both an errant
Israelite and his non-Israelite wife.

Deuteronomy deals with setting up a new nation. “When you enter the land the Lord your God is
giving you and have settled in it and taken possession of it, be sure to appoint over you a king
from your own brothers. Do not place a foreigner in charge over you…”

Deuteronomy again. “No one born of a forbidden marriage nor any of his descendents may enter
the assembly of the Lord, even down to the tenth generation.”

And again. “The alien who lives among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will
sink lower and lower. He will lend to you, but you will not lend to him. He will be the head, but
you will be the Tail.”

From Joshua 23: “if you ally yourselves with these nations that remain among you and if you
intermarry with them and associate with them, then you may be sure that the Lord your God will
no longer drive out these nations before you. Instead, they will become snares and traps you,
whips your backs and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from this good land, which the Lord
your God has given you.”

From Ezra 9 and 10: “The people of Israel have not kept themselves separate from the
neighboring peoples with their detestable practices. They have taken some of their daughters as
wives for themselves and their sons have mingled the holy race with the people around them.
And the leaders and officials have led the way in this unfaithfulness.”

“Therefore, do not give you daughter’s in marriage to their sons or take their daughters for your

Nehemiah 13:26, “Was it not because of marriage like these that Solomon king of Israel sinned?
Must we hear now that you too are doing all this terrible wickedness and are being unfaithful to
our God by marrying foreign woman?”

Isaiah 13:14+15, “Like a hunted gazelle, like sheep without a shepherd, each will return to his
own people, each will flee to his native land. Whoever is captured will be thrust through all who
are caught will fall by the the sword. “all who are caught will fall by the the sword.”

Hosea 5:6+7, “When they go with their flocks and herds to seek the Lord, they will not find him
he has withdrawn himself from them. They are unfaithful to the Lord, they they give birth to
illegitimate children.”

Matthew 15:24+26, Jesus said “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. It is not right to take
the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.”

Second Corinthians 6:17, “Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.”
Galatians 5:28-31, “Now you brothers, like Isaac, and children of promise. At that time the son
born in the ordinary way persecuted the sons born by the power of the Spirit. It is the same now.
But what does the Scripture say? ‘Get rid of the slave woman and her son. for the slave woman’s
son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman’s son.’ Therefore, brothers, we are
not children of slave woman, but of free woman.”


Out dated, old fashioned?

Who’s got it right: These modern priests and ministers or the Bible?

Is it possible to pick and choose the “nice’n’easy” parts of the Law and get away with it for

Is it all garbage anyway? At least we know that is what destroyed ancient Israel.

Could the evils being suffered here today be the same as the punishment dealt to first Satan and
then Israel?

Could the real evil not be with, other people but in the act of mixing and crossing people? That
does seem to be the message that is explicit in the Bible.

The laws of nature and biology, first having devolved into myth and then having been discarded
altogether by an arrogant and conceited humanity. Enlightened? When the logical and inevitable
consequences being to catch up with them, they not only do not make the correlation, they
indulge even harder.

Tempting God?

Such is the “Law of the Land.” Such is the message broadcast to every child and adult by the
media. So has become the popular belief, State religion. Remember the Golden Rule: “Those
with the gold make the rule.” So-called “evil” and “wrong” is whatever is in opposition to the
ruling power and it’s best interests for only they have the power to make it so through rewarding
that which serves them and punishing that which does not.

It would tend to follow then that we have “racism” only because divergent races are artificially
thrown together. And it is only the volatile problem that it is because the government attempts to
force upon the people that which they instinctively do not want. In short, there sits in power a
government which has not only declared war upon it’s own people but upon God himself.

Whose government would that be?

And who will win this war? At what cost?

Whose side will you be found on?

The State policy of racial integration will – if allowed to go on – result in the destruction of all
identifiable races and an end to “racism.” However, to espouse the destruction of a race, or races,
is called genocide. What does it matter the means or time table?

The concept of “racism” must be reexamined and redefined. Obviously the intrinsic evil lies
elsewhere, within an unnatural System whose programs have given rise to all the hatred, violence
and misery in order to promote it’s own power and wealth. But will they launch a study into this?

Don’t bank on that.

My Religion is better than Yours

Two things I instinctively had no patience for even as a child growing up: Myth and religion.
Things which were obviously fantastic being presented as serious repelled me. What sense?
What purpose? If the object is to be entertained by fiction then let be seen for what it is. I could
go whole-hog for classic horror but, for the rest, I demanded facts and truth as could be provided
by science.

Of course, the reaction is called atheism.

What was that about “the best of times and the worst of times?” To have been born mid-
Twentieth Century. To have never known a time without the atom or jet streaks across the sky.
But to have known the last steam engines on the regular line. To have seen the announcements of
the deaths of the last Civil War veterans and the announcements that man could now clone
himself. To have seen the film version of “War of the Worlds” and the discovery of actual life on
Mars. To recall the polio scare and then to have seen polio wiped out. From the milkman and
doctors’ house calls to convenience stores and HMO’s. From vacuum tubes to transistors to
satellites orbiting earth. Cars with curb-feelers and cars with air bags. The Berlin Wall going up
and coming down. From coal furnaces to solar panels. From the days of the British Empire to
watching a man walk on the moon.

Heroes shown to have had feet of clay and villains being rehabilitated. Corner grocery and drug
stores giving way to supermarkets and malls. Never locking your doors to barring your windows
and installing sophisticated alarm systems. The 78 rpm, the 45 rpm, the 33 rpm – all replaced by
the CD but containing sounds which perhaps should not exist. Government going from
background arbiter and manager to up-front, Big Brother social engineer. Media going from
entertainer and educator to PC opinion and thought maker. Elements if the society formerly left
to themselves, now thrown together – with hatred and violence about to blow the lid off.

Things in general appear to be moving the wrong way. The advances in technology do not
compensate for the drop in the general quality of everyday life. It’s hard to feel “at one” with
these surroundings unless one is numbed by drugs or by the chase after material acquisition. The
ancient mythology remains unchanged in it’s dusty volumes but the “living myth,” the modern
religion, can be seen being made to adapt to accommodate the trends. Very disappointing and
disturbing to think there is nothing fixed or stable.
This might serve to reenforce the atheistic position.

While society took a precipitous down-turn at mid-century, technology and discovery shot
straight up, with civilization about to crash bottom and science literally reaching both outer and
inner space. The best and the worst – it’s now possible to catch a real glimpse of God even as a
eternal night threatens to overcome all. A huge climax can be felt coming even if most can’t
quite understand it’s nature.

Religions clearly do not represent the light but are squarely on the side of darkness, just where
they’ve always been. They preach more of the very things which have brought us to this spot.
The harder they preach, the worse things become. And it’s all backed by the same laws they
enforced by State power. Most of it reflected by the State media. It by right, could accurately be
termed “State Religion.” Again, if one were to accept that this is the Word and Will of God, then
judging by the fruits of it all, this would add much ammunition to the atheists argument.

Any wonder then the turn to everything from Odinism to Satanism?

Some religions have long been traced back to certain origins. Odin, Confucius, Mohammed, etc.,
were real people who performed great deeds or wrote great words memory has, over the
centuries, been transformed into something larger than life – into that of gods. New truths – or
new takes on the one truth – always run into difficulty with existing State power as all are
familiar with the Roman persecutions of early Christians. In this century, State power so feared
the defeated Nazis would form the nucleus of a new religion that most of their bodies were
burned, the ashes scattered, and most buildings and locations most closely associated with them
were demolished.

Other religions are harder to trace because they appear to go back so far. Christianity stems from
the life and work of Jesus of Nazareth, a real person, whose birth is still used to mark the
beginning of the current age. But he is quoted as saying that he had come to reenforce the Old
Testament of the Bible, parts of which are know known to predate Egypt and Sumeria. Was he
here to generate something new or to clarify and adapt something very old? Someone said that
the truth is one, that truth never changes.

What does change is interpretation over increasing retellings. The “creationist” religions around
the world seem to share a common origin. As though God – or someone – handed down the truth
to humans so they wouldn’t forget and lose their way. Following that, God – or gods – departed.
In time, and we don’t know how much, wisdom and knowledge became confusion and
superstition. Imagine the owner’s manual for a VCR falling into the hands of primitive jungle
dwellers. Assuming the words could be read at all, of what use would it be to learn to repeat
them all by rote?

Minus understanding and application, all is useless.

All the ceremony and worship, all the fire and gongs in the world cannot supply understanding
where it is absent.
The best and the worst. Mid-Twentieth Century, where the bottom was reached regarding
religious darkness and where the breakthroughs were first made toward penetrating the ages-old

The truth is there to be found in a telescope or in a microscope. Then, armed with that, one may
go back to the most ancient texts and realize for the first time what they actually are saying.
What a time to be alive! To discover then the full truth, one has but to unravel how it came to be
lost in the first place, to get on that trail and follow it all the way back. From perfect truth to
perfect untruth. Knowing this to be the case and that a World Order is based upon it, one needs
to know that if he is to stand any chance of inheriting the earth, he’s best be pretty meek about it.

Otherwise, the power will move to silence him. What kind of power would have interest in
killing the truth? Maybe the mythology of “Good” versus “Evil” also has its basis in reality.

One event, one God, one truth, given to one people. Then disruption, confusion and chaos.
Untold thousands of years. Now different people each holding a variant of the truth, every bit as
bastardized and hybridized as they are themselves. Each one as valid or invalid as the other.
What is religion? Only a facsimile of an actual experience. What is myth? A confused
remembrance of real events. The real difference between myth and religions that religion is a
myth with active State power behind it. That only renders it dangerous, not as the truth.

The dominant myth has been carefully tailored to mirror the one-world political and economic
philosophy of the ruling power. Opiate of the masses in that sense. Total myth, total corruption.
No basis in reality. A concoction to benefit the few who are in control. Yet with millions
clinging to it for their system of values and beliefs. And the condition of the society reflects it.

Truth is anything but an opiate. It is the most jarring of stimulants.

The test of the old texts, aside from their tellings of how it all began which – though seen
through a thick veil of time – jibes with the latest scientific discoveries, is their prophecies of
how it will end. Here quantum physics and “unified theory” all are stretched to their breaking

To describe fantastic scenarios and the most dire fates is one thing but to outline the social
conditions which would lead up to and prevail at such a time – to hit the nail right on the head –
is another. In an unending universe, what answer could there be except that it’s already
happened, that someone was there to witness it, and for reasons of their own decided to tell us all
about it thousands of years ago?

Does it then all come down to how well one can hold to that truth. The truth in its pristine state
as well as inheriting and passing along the correspondingly, pristine state of their physical
creation? Wouldn’t the rest be corruption?

If its all been played out already, wouldn’t the point to it then be so that no one can say they
weren’t told? If it’s all set in stone already what else does the individual have in how own hands
to control?
What else would any creator be concerned with upon making his dramatic and promised return
to render judgement? Not in some “hereafter” but just as stated, right here on earth.

What then if it’s a culling of scientific experiment that’s about to happen? Just as Jesus said to
Nicodemus, any not having originated from Heaven will have no chance of returning to Heaven.

With religion redefined, it would also be necessary to redefine atheism.

The Secret of the Pyramid

The Great Pyramid of Giza is not only the last surviving one of the Seven Wonders of the World,
it is also the oldest. So unique is the Pyramid that it properly never should have been classed
along with other, completely contemporary, if spectacular structures all of which have long since
crumbled to dust. Even within a land dotted with pyramids, the great Pyramid is unique. No
wonder at all the universal fascination over this enigmatic edifice.

It may be said that there are several secrets connected with the Pyramid and these would include:
Who built it? When? How? Why? Each one of these has had entire volumes devoted to them, not
always yielding much enlightenment as to the truth of the matter.

We all were raised being told that all of the pyramids were royal tombs, built approximately five
thousand years ago, utilizing vast slave labor over periods of decades. None of these theories
holds water upon serious examination. Even in light of what commonly is known of Egyptian
burial practices of that period, none of that fits. Construction theories ranging for the use of
“ramps” to “levers” have all been tried on a much smaller scale and have failed. So then, aside
from just standing pat – or stonewalling – with these outmoded ideas, modern science simply
doesn’t know the answers.

We have evolved a magnificent technology today but it is a different brand of technology, or

“wisdom,” from that which existed long ago and which is responsible for the pyramid. The two
hardly resemble one another. Each had or has a different mindset and approach behind it. Trying
to make this other wisdom fit into the framework of our own understanding is what results in
completely false representation as we have in the case of the Great Pyramid especially. That
would translate to taking a P.C. approach to science or archeology. Obviously, that can’t hope to

If one can have no use for bending the evidence to fit a pre-conceived supposition, then they
might go far toward discovering the truth.

The Great Pyramid was constructed by a people referred to by the Egyptians as Hyksos, or
“Shepherd Kings,” who variously had invaded and occupied Egypt. These people later came to
be known as “Hapiru” or, more commonly, Hebrews. Still later, of course, as Israel.

The same tradition has it that it was at the direction of Enoch, the father of Methuselah (himself
famous for being Earth’s longest-lived human), that the Great Pyramid came into being. That
would mean that the Pyramid pre-dates the flood of Noah and would place it’s age at
approximately twelve thousands years – more than twice that estimated by today’s science.

It should be noted here that the Book of Enoch is one of those books deliberately left out of the
Bible for the reason that the framers of the Bible in the form that we know it found it too difficult
to fit Enoch into what their own conceptions of what God and Creation were. Enoch was one of
the fewer than a handful of those who reportedly never suffered a mortal death but who were
taken bodily up into Heaven by God directly.

Why the geometric form of a pyramid? Simply because that is the design best suited to withstand
the ravages of time. Not some baroque structure like the other six Wonders of the World which
have all long since collapsed, the Pyramid is so elegant in it’s simplicity that it is positively
Futuristic. Originally rising to a height of five hundred feet and covering thirteen acres of
ground, the Pyramid was surfaced with polished white limestone. Those surviving casing stones
which lie at the base show a fit so precise that a playing card can’t be fitted between their joints.
And yet those joints are mortared.

Being no mathematician, I won’t go into great detail there except to point out that the Giza site
lies at 30 degrees northern latitude and 30 degrees longitude and that the sides of the Pyramid are
perfectly aligned with the cardinal points of the compass. On a global projection map, the
Pyramid sits astride the crossroads of three continents, at the very center of Earth’s land mass.
Aside from being a thing of surpassing beauty, the Pyramid was also a thing of absolute

Mysterious yet revealing features about it include it’s missing capstone; the vacant and
unadorned “King Chamber”together with the empty “Coffer”; the totally incongruous “Grand
Gallery” with it’s oddly corbeled walls; the accompanying network of steep and originally
stairless passageways which make no sense in terms corridors; and it’s original entrance which
had been designed to swivel open at a mere touch.

The Arabs, who were the first modern, recorded ones to have entered the Pyramid in the year
820 A.D., found it’s condition to be so pristine that they could not detect the presence of the
entrance way. Noticing bats coming and going from what were considered air shafts closer to the
summit, it was decided there had to be rooms within and it was assumed these rooms must
contain trasure. The Arabs were required to force their way in using fires and cold vinegar to
shatter the impregnable limestone sheathing. Once they managed to join with existing
passageways, they had to remove huge stone plugs to gain access to the core of the building.

What they found was nothing. The Pyramid was empty and deserted. No riches, no gold. Not
even a mummy. In the disappointment, all the Arabs could do now was strip away the gleaming
white outer shell for use in building their city of Cairo nearby. Plunder and vandalism of the
greatest monument of all time. Actions indicative of a woefully deficient value system that still
persists today in a science which yet can only see these structures as “tombs” for egomaniacal
Key to the mystery both of the Pyramid’s construction and purpose can be found in the pages of
the Old Testament, in the Book of Exodus as regards the heavily detailed story of the Ark of the
Covenant. It’s specific dimensions, the fact that it was covered and lined with pure gold, the
obvious fact that it contained dangerous power and also that it could be used to communicate
directly with God. When the Philistines managed to capture the Ark following a battle with the
Israelites, they found it so deadly and unpredictable that they dumped it in the desert and notified
the Israelites to come and pick it up. At the completion of Solomon’s Temple, the Ark was
placed in the Holy of Holies, later to be stolen by the offspring of Solomon and the Queen of
Sheba and removed to Ethiopia where it remains today.

However, all over Egypt, throughout most of the actual crypts and tombs that have been
discovered containing their treasure, many such arks were found. Gold covered boxes albeit
without their power sources thus rendering them no longer active. Assumed to be mere “chests”
– empty – just as the Pyramid was considered a mere “tomb” – also empty. By the very vivid
descriptions of it’s power in Exodus, i.e., the toppling of the walls of Jericho, etc., we may
assume the Ark held the force of anti-gravity. In the proper hands, the convergence of the power
of two or more of these devices – capacitors, actually – could have been used to build the

The “King’s Coffer” in the uppermost chamber of the Pyramid is of identical proportion to that
of the Ark. It has been suggested by some that the Pyramid’s now-missing capstone was made of
solid gold. Engineers have postulated that the inexplicable “corbelling” of the sides of the
“Grand Gallery” leading near the “King’s Chamber,” could have facilitated the backward and
forward motion of some large, geared mechanism. Finally, as indicated through the original
design, the clear intent for easy and ready access to the interior – yet, by the presence of the
granite plugs, not all the way to the core.

As one who knows antique radios, I can readily see the similarity with the bulky and
cumbersome – even crude by present standards – tuning devices of these technical dinosaurs of
the early Twentieth Century and the kind of mechanism as may have occupied that “Gallery.”
Gold, as anyone ought to know, makes the most marvellous of conductors as well as being
corrosion-proof. Whatever was contained in the Ark as well as within the “King’s Coffer,” it was
some mineral substance highly radioactive, thus providing a power source.

Whereas the small and portable Ark, made as it was of wood,was notoriously unstable, the
massive stonework of the Pyramid would have grated great stability – and safety for any
operators who also knew how to open the entrance way. The size of the Pyramid in comparison
to that of the Ark would have meant at the same time a proportionate increase in range and
frequency. And whereas the Ark could be used to communicate with God when he was relatively
nearby (somewhere within Earth’s atmosphere), with the Pyramid acting as both transmitter and
receiver, God could be reached anywhere at anytime whether he may have been near Orion, the
Pleiades or on the surface of Mars.

One of the messages, perhaps the final message, received through this medium may have been
the urgent warning that the flood of Noah was imminent and unavoidable as a large heavenly
body was quickly approaching. Earth’s orbit and world certainly cause cataclysmic disruption
even if it didn’t actually strike Earth, through it’s gravitational force.

The word would have been to get ready as best you could. The only realistic and effective way to
endure and survive what was on the way would have been inside huge and unsinkable vessels –
referred to again as an Ark – for which also the specific designs were supplied. All of existing
humanity could not possibly have been accommodated. Only a very select few. Only those who
could be reached, only those who would listen, believe, and act.

During the global devastation which lasted for many months as the stray planet moved into and
then out of the solar system, not only was there the deluge as the atmosphere was torn but, as
recorded in Genesis, the “fountains of the Earth” opened up with geysers thousands of feet into
the stratosphere. A slippage of the Earth’s outer crust would also have created giant tsunamis
which would have literally scoured the Earth’s surface clean. Aside from what information man
could have packed up with him, there would only have been what remained of the structures
from the anti-deluvial world. Paramount among these would have been the Pyramid.

The Pyramid was already an ancient leftover into a new age of the Earth. Due to the atmospheric
changes alone, man no longer lived to the astronomical ages given in the Bible. More than his
physiological nature had been changed by this, his wisdom and understanding suffered
accordingly due to the disruption. Here was Egypt and all of subsequent civilization in it’s steady
decline into superstition and darkness.

The worship of cats and jackals and, not least, the mummification of dead bodies. Some memory
of the greatness of the past remained in myth and legend but the link with reality had been

Ignorance may have caused the survivors to attack the Pyramid as having been the cause of the
world disaster, stripping it of it’s gold capstone, removing it’s power source (and causing the
damage to the “Coffer” in the process), dismantling the machinery and – because it was beyond
their power to tear it apart – leaving the stone edifice to remain as the colossal oddity it is today.

The irony didn’t end with the Arab looters who hardly realized the laugh was entirely on them.
The loss of memory, the lack of respect, the lack of imagination was staring back at them in
silent rebuke from thousands of years before their own mercenary time. And despite more recent
rediscoveries in conjuring and trickery (technology), man’s nature and real wisdom continues to

That is not the final secret of the Pyramid, however.

The literal masterminds who built the Pyramid were fully aware of what they were doing. And
why. Into it they build what today might be called “back-up” or “fail-safe” system to it’s original
purpose. If that purpose is understood as communication with God, then the contingency plan
would have been for a written record should the verbal one be severed. Hence the eternal nature
of the construction. This record would need to survive the ravages of time and the elements as
well as to successfully resist the predations of man himself. That is until such a time as this
record could be rediscovered and understood.

Today some experts are convinced that as yet undiscovered chambers exist within the Pyramid.
Modern techniques of both sound and radar penetration have revealed structural anomalies
within the stone mass and specially constructed robots have explored the so-called “air vents”,
shafts which lead to nowhere, only to reveal more stone plugs and evidences of metal fasteners.
Behind this? The “treasure of Cheops”? Or the original, first-person story behind Creation? All
of the answers plus the destiny of man?

Unless these records are preserved on some material other than leather or papyrus, we may be
certain they have long since crumbled to dust. Stone or clay tablets, perhaps. Though that seems
unlikely owing to the volume required. Among Sumerian records are accounts of “malleable
glass” in very ancient times. Things akin to compact discs or computer chips? These would last
the ages awaiting the proper retrieval system. We now of course have this technology at our

Not satisfied to leave it at that, dependant upon means that might be found and conceivably
destroyed or purloined, the great engineers literally encoded what amounts to the contents of the
Bible into the courses of the masonry and the angles of the otherwise nonsensical passageways
of the Pyramid itself. The undying language of mathematics and geometry, incapably of lying.
All that is required is the human intelligence to see, recognize and comprehend. No technology

Western Civilization achieved that level in the previous century and it was during the Eighteen
Hundreds that the Pyramid was decoded. The entire march of time from the beginning of the age
to the end. That end is set to occur within the next century. In this, the Pyramid concurs with
calculations made from the Mayan calendars. Of course, that translates as the message contained
in the final book of the Bible, Revelation. Except that the language and the account would be far
more clear and straight forward.

If we each have this information in our personal possession, what then could be the significance
of learning it if it is repeated within the Pyramid?

With regard to the Bible, who reads it, who understands it? People attend “Bible study” groups
all their lives and yet know nothing of it’s actual message. Churches pervert it’s message. This
having knowledge of such vital information may spare the holder from the sheer terror and
despair as prophesied in Revelation among humanity when an angry and exasperated God
returns to Earth a-knocking personally following mankind’s having “hung up the phone” on him
and subsequently gone totally stupid and degenerate.

Who Left You God?

The premise I and many others have been pushing is, straightforwardly that “God” was and is a
race of extraterrestrials.
This is not to discuss the evidence in favor of that conclusion. Neither is it to ponder whether
there may be more than one “God” – or race of ET’s – or when and where they might have

If the theories are correct and these ET’s not only inspired the events in the Old Testament three
to five thousand years ago but indeed are responsible for the “creation of man” a half a million
years ago, then a more relevant question presents itself.

Five hundred thousand years ago, these beings not only knew everything there was to know
about space travel, they also knew all about such things as D.N.A.

The chances are that they themselves were not “created” but did evolve all their own even before
the earth or it’s solar system were in existence. Modern science here has a new term for it’s own
use: Terraforming, that is converting an uninhabitable world to a habitable one. This in regard to
projected colonization of Mars.

Had this taken place on Earth, in the dim past, the retelling of that very thing would amount to no
more or less than the story told in Genesis.

Our own science is at the point where none of this should sound too far fetched. Nothing
technological should be of any wonder to us the way our own knowledge is expanding. The only
wonder is how they managed to make it to that point

We don’t know what went on out in the universe but we do know what has gone on on Earth
over the course of recorded history. We know that there are people on Earth today who, upon
seeing a helicopter descend from the sky into their midst, immediately hail the occupants as
“God” or “Gods.” And we know the height that earlier civilizations reached, only to collapse and
be followed by “Dark Ages.”

“God,” therefore, would appear to be an entirely relative consideration. Magic and supernatural?
A digital watch would have gotten you burned three hundred years ago in Salem.

What isn’t relative or subjective is the the disruption or destruction of the upward climb of
civilization to the point where one is required to start off again from square one – if at all.

Earth in it’s long history has seen mass extinctions and world cataclysms repeatedly. From the
disappearance of the dinosaurs to the end of the world prior to Noah. These things were due to
cosmic happenings, beyond anyone’s control. And there’s no guarantee it won’t happen again.

But since the time of these global disasters, there has been a parade of civilizations far more
brilliant and long-lived than our own having come and gone. Egypt, India, Persia, Greece and
Rome, to name a few.

Had any one of these somehow managed to endure to the present day, who can tell at what level
their technology might be? In effect, for example, had not the past three thousand years been
spent in recovering old ground from the demise of Egyptian culture, it would presently be the
year 5000.

How did the ET’s manage to escape this themselves so as to be able to become “God” over this
galaxy and who know what others?

By five hundred thousand years ago, their own evolution had reached perfection – if such a thing
is possible. The odds against that are what is astronomical, not the odds favoring other intelligent
life in the universe.

If something doesn’t snuff out today’s civilization before man can leave Earth to colonize other
planets, then having made it onto that level will remove the threat of extinction through cosmic
disaster or the eventual death of the planet or the sun. This they obviously had well behind them.

Apparently they also already had the other two deadly danger to high civilization well behind

Perhaps they were blessed with having had their own home planet all to themselves. It seems this
would have been the only means to having been able to avoid war and – what’s worse – genetic
pollution which will erase a people as surely as any meteorite or hydrogen bomb.

And there is precisely the threat which now stands envelop Earth in a perpetual shadow of
stagnant development, meaningless existence and impending destruction of the environment.
Quantity is overtaking quality.

The ET’s came to Earth and elsewhere, it may safely be assumed, gave their DNA to boost
evolution, gave their early technical and moral boosts as well to the original civilization they

Was it too little? Were too many variable left unresolved? Or was it done this way deliberately,
stopped just short of perfection, to see whether we could make it the rest of the way on our own
in an isolated, controlled experiment?

Positive evidence for direct ET involvement with man in his affairs in distant times is certain.
Equally certain is that involvement was severed. As tantalizing as it may be to guess why this
separation took place, it too is not as important as the next question – which isn’t even a

In all of the religions inspired by these events which have since devolved to mere myth, one of
the things that continues to run true is that God promised to return. Christians call this the
Second Coming of the Christ. Revelation describes in great detail a huge space vehicle.

By “return” what is actually implied?

Have they really been absent or have they just stood aloof over several thousand years? Would
they have abandoned their experiment blind, not knowing what they might find later, or would
they have remained nearby constantly monitoring?

In the latter case, it would seem then that the moment to step back into the picture – just as a
parent having left his child to attempt to swim on it’s own – would be at that moment when it
was unmistakably clear that the child was going under for the final time.

Or – to rescue that child from self-destruction through his own willful foolishness, despite
himself. The same development of fact and truth into myth and falsehood could also be expected
to pave the way for just such suicidal belief and practice.

Why else would revelation express that this moment of sudden return be for many a moment of

Not due to the way any individuals may may have lived their lives and not for any narrow
concerns over punishment or reward in some “hereafter” would these beings who themselves
have survived all the odds dramatically reappear.

They came here to colonize to duplicate and replicate themselves for the most urgent and down-
to-earth, practical reason of all: Survival of the species. As an insurance policy for their own

They know in whom that DNA is best represented and they know also that it is imminent danger
of vanishing from Earth forever, drowned in mud.

They indicated they knew it would come to this and they made it clear they wouldn’t allow it to
come to pass.

The only final question is whether we are talking years or decades before we witness this going
on the basis hard statistics and their logical projections.

The Fallacy of Heaven’s Gate

Several decades ago the consideration of actuality of extraterrestrials could be seen to have
achieved a certain degree of respectability when the following question was asked for the first
time: How would the establishment of other intelligent life in the universe affect the concept of
God and religion? Strange that the question hasn’t been asked in a long time.

It has an either or answer, both of which would tend to trash all conventional values and beliefs.
Either God as he is understood according to this religion has been carrying on illicit “affairs” on
the other planets with other beings he does not want us to know about or – God in reality is and
has been all along a race of extraterrestrial.

And for those who pooh-pooh the whole idea of extraterrestrials, we need to ask them their view
on God and religion. Is one or the other or both garbage? Is one or the other or both real? On the
basis of what evidence or what prejudice? If God and angels are real, what form do they take? If
extraterrestrials and UFO’s are real, what is their origin and what purpose? One is as “crazy” and
“impossible” as the other.

Though this is a world that literally turns on lies and untruths, I personally cannot see an
institution so ancient and universal as the Church having arisen out of sheer fantasy and
falsehood. Though the reality and the meaning have largely been lost, huge masses of people-
primitive and civilized still cling to something represented by the facsimile of an original event.

After having survived several thousand years since the tales recorded in the bible took place,
only within recent, living generation has our own technology developed to where we have in our
hands many of these same “miracles” that until now were mere fairy tales. Its been half a century
since the term “flying saucer” was first coined and the official denials have never let up. Yet
today we are approaching an understanding of the propulsion system of that which has never

Their myth is today a religion.

During the fall of 1996, on one afternoon talk show, there was a panel of those claiming
extraterrestrial contact. Sadly there were the obvious cranks and hoaxers which came attached to
each and all controversial subjects. Grossly obese females claiming sexual violation at the hands
of extraterrestrials which were clear cases of wishful thinking or “look at me” or of ETs with
absolutely no self-respect.

But also on that panel was one attractive and intelligent blond woman who, through all the
audience taunts and cat calls, was trying hard to convey a message of rationality right through
her own obvious fanaticism. Not “contact”, as such, but more a direct lineage from ETs was her
theme. I was on the edge of my seat straining to catch her words until, after all the interruptions,
time ran out. I caught that her name was Vanna, and she was from southern California. Attempts
to reach her through that show failed.

Then, in the spring of 1997, came the world headlines of mass suicides of the Heaven’s Gate
Cult. After hearing all the talk of space ships etc., and learning the group had been headquartered
in southern California, my thoughts returned to Vanna. Whether she was a member of the group
or one of the deaths, I never learned.

It’s difficult to own a piece of the truth and still be rooted in the fallacy of the world. Onlookers
will take this and use it to write off that kernel of truth as mere insanity. Those caught up in it
may become it’s victims as did the Heaven’s Gate people. They say a little truth is a dangerous
thing and is it proved in their case. The discover of the truth is a hard path and the pitfalls and
casualties are great. Most won’t make the attempt, some will end down a blind alley, some will
lose their lives. A few will go on to make it.

State religion and State media don’t help.

These people, so professional, intelligent, and idealistic – and so committed had some inkling of
the great truth behind it all and yet brought with them into it so much the false and poisonous
superstition of the world that it ultimately killed them. The end result once again: The possibility
of there being extraterrestrials visiting Earth is for the eccentric and deranged.

What were some of the points on which Heaven’s Gate were so terribly wrong?

Of course, the whole episode coincided with the arrival of the Hale-Bopp Comet near Earth, for
some reason, the leader of this group imagined that a spaceship was traveling in the tail of this
comet. This belief in fact was what triggered the rash act of mass suicide among the members of
the group so that their “souls”, or whatever, might catch a ride on it to some destination.

They had convinced themselves that this was necessary in order to achieve “higher evolution”.
So deeply ingrained was this loathing of their own animal nature that some of the men had
undergone castration. The whole emphasis seemed to be only one more variant on the old world
institutions as the Catholic Church and Communism. It is beyond me why such a philosophy of
denial should be able to continually exert this kind of fascination over people’s minds.

A spaceship might need or want to follow in the wake of a comet in someone’s daydream or
inaccurate, incomplete conception. In reality, it would be a very bumpy ride, if not altogether a
physical impossibility. Beyond that, why would any extraterrestrials feel the need to take such an
odd course? At dead bottom, it would be unneccessary and pointless for them and – realizing we
are regarding “perfect” minds therefore wouldn’t happen.

If there exists a true “soul” them it would have to be part of a mass or universal mind, coming
from and returning to the whole at birth and at death. If this is the case, no artificial means-such
as hoping a passing spaceship-is required. If this is not the case, then no such “soul” exists. One
great danger then is in mixing one’s concept. It reminds one of some of the very earliest attempts
at flight. Looks silly now but deadly serious at the time.

They were correct that God does indeed ride a UFO but missed the point that death may well be
our own, personal end. God – or that race of extraterrestrials – is mortal. They may have figured
out ways of cheating death genetically, medically, or mechanically but they are mortal.
Remember the earliest patriarch of the bible lived for centuries – unless that is all bunk. We
literally devolved from them. These space-farring ETs certainly took the opposite, uphill path
from their own progenitors. They obviously experienced no “fall”.

If there is any “short-cut” to higher evolution it does not come through killing yourself. It could
only come through direct intervention on the part of some higher being using DNA mutation.
And if one reads Genesis closely enough, hits is exactly what is being implied. The implication
would also be that the higher DNA would belong to these same being and, by extension, make us
their literal offspring.

So I am reminded of Vanna’s claims and assertions in the face of that howling audience.
But this is not nothing weird or spooky. It is purely scientific and biological. That’s what
happens when wisdom is lost: It becomes confused superstition.

Whether due to atmospheric or climatic conditions, God may have been prevented from
completing what he began with Adam and Eve or whether, through human folly or Satanic
intervention, the perfect work at Creation has been partially undone since that time, we may be
certain the only path back to that state of Godlike perfection is through very carefully breeding
over many generation. Healthy sexuality is the direct means to that, not self-denial or castration.

“Get it all now” is the philosophy of the worldly System just as it is the philosophy of Satan. For
everyone just as for the members of Heaven’s Gate, it means death.

The “spirituality” enters with the awareness and the devotion to lock onto the upward path and to
not be moved from it by any force or temptation on Earth.

The world is at a great crossroads now. While we have arrived at where all these truths are
beginning to manifest themselves to us through our own expanding technology and we are
rapidly finding ourselves capable of implementing them to our benefit, we are nonetheless in
imminent danger of succumbing for all time to darkness and superstition which are,
unfortunately, expanding much more rapidly and which are fostered by the State.

A fanatical separation would then surely be indicated just to ensure survival. Nothing was ever
accomplished minus such fanatical drive. Heaven’s Gate fatal mistake was in bring with them
and amount of State-sanctioned lies and falsehoods.

The Cup of Iniquity

How is it possible for an atheist to agree in favor of such a preposition as ultimate and eternal
retribution for human behavior that is known to religionists as “sin”? That would seem to suggest
images of the proverbial “super spook in the sky” who, like Santa Claus, “is making a list and
checking it twice”. A belief for children, the mentally feeble or those who really don’t care and
who are just going through the motions for whatever ulterior reason.

Speaking for myself only, it is for those very reasons that I have always been atheist and anti-
church. Whether humbug or hypocrisy, there can be no tolerance for its institutionalization in

A terrible game is betrayed by carefully observing one critical fact. Modern, contemporary
atheists and religionists are united in idealizing and promulgating all that which is a poison to
any healthy society. At the same time, they are in sync as to who and what to attack and
condemn. What does it matter whether the one is motivated by “humanist” concerns and the
other by “spiritual” orientation if the results are to be the same?

This world suggests to me that, as per my original impression, the religionists have it all wrong
but that, after a lifetime of observation, the traditional crowd of atheists have it equally wrong
only from the opposite end of the spectrum. They both are brothers, again by virtue of insisting
to you that theirs is the only way and if you don’t agree, you are a hopeless fool or are damned to

Religion started somewhere, with something. That appears to be Square One. The appearance of
man and the appearance of religion – belief. Did he invent it out of whole cloth or was there an
original event? Was it the result of a primal reaction to fear of unknown or death or was it the
result of some actual creator – or race of creators – concernedly imparting certain laws and
guidelines to ensure the well-being of their own progeny?

In light of the very real wisdom included within texts untold thousands of years old I am inclined
towards the latter.

How then could it devolve into something so debased and meaningless as to be merely a fool for
State control or for unscrupulous money-makers? Even as Marx put it, as an “opiate for the
masses. So much so as to give rise to formal atheism and the advent of the “apostate priest,” etc.
Any signal, even one set down in writing, will fade and blur given sufficient time. Deletion,
embellishment – done on the part of a scribe or translator who, through his own
misunderstanding, sought to aid the “understanding” of those who’d follow him in the direction
of his own misdirection.

In short, be made to fit prevailing conception. “PC.” It is nothing new. Each age can be identified
through it’s own pet superstitions which are popularized through their handiness for the ruling
elite and convenience for the masses. The truth be damned.

Reverse-engineering in reverse. Some great technological wonderment captured or given is

dismantled and examined so as to reveal its secrets and to thus expand learning and development
by a huge leap. Instead, a great cosmic truth one imparted and now bastardized almost beyond
recognition becomes fossilized into meaningless ritual and of repeated words containing no
relevance. Has it ever worked? Can it go any way but down, handing brilliance or perfection to
those who didn’t have the capacity to create it in the first place? No. One has to take it, hold to it
and keep it pure. But can even that much be done? Apparently no.

But – there’s a concept also known as flying directly in the fact of. When things begin to slip so
fast that they move out way ahead of the corruption of the old texts which have guided values
and behavior for literally thousands of years, then there exists a very special situation which only
appears every once in a historic while. We have the distinction of living in just one such time.

“Why god believes exactly the way I do.” The book has become a flat-out embarrassment.

This struck me when the topic of one discussion show was announced as being, “Has Adultery
Become Passe?” Perhaps a poor example of a mortal sin is adultery but it is nonetheless one of
the “Big Ten.” By a quick count I note that all but two – murdering and stealing – are no longer
much of a concern for these laws today although these final two pose an immediate and dire
physical threat to the survival of the society. Would that be a coincidence or only the course it
would have to follow?
“Let anything and everything else go to hell as long as nobody bother me.”

Only after a lifetime of independent thought and study did I sit down by myself, on my own, and
read the entire Law. It was shocking. I had in effect returned home after having come full circle.
Not wanting to second-guess the great author, it does seem to me that so many of the other laws
laid out in the Old Testament ought to properly appear on the “Top Ten” in place of some of
those which do.

To personally go by many of these laws would cause one to be charged by this society with
“Hate Crimes”. There’s a huge conflict here. Who’ll win? Take one guess.

To pose the question, “Has Adultery Become Passe?”, does one mean no one is doing it anymore
or everyone is doing it to where it is a commonality? Of course, it’s the second choice. If that is
the case then it really means the act isn’t “passe,” only the label and the condemnation. So now
it’s “okay”? Some may kid themselves this way. It’s not a matter of “okay”. It’s a matter of
whether there are to be any results, any consequences. And not in the “spooky sense” but in a
real and concrete social cost.

As I said before, adultery may be a poor choice for a “sin” but, essentially, it is the perfect
illustration of the way this works. After all, who cares? Who’s hurt? Where’s the immediate
damage? The sanctity of marriage went long ago so what is the big deal? Naturally, the “easy”
ones will go first. The rougher ones will hang on until last. When no one cares or is able to do
anything about killing or looting, where will things be?

“Ah, but it’ll never come to that.”

If you dare, take a trip to certain sections of the Third World or – for that matter – to certain
“blighted” areas of the United States.

There are “rules” and then there are truths. This System and this society have made a mockery
out of both. It gets worse when the two are seen as the same. Unless some cop is standing by to
pinch you if you do something you’re not supposed to or do not do something that you are
supposed to. Things are upsidedown and this situation is enforced by the State.

Rules can be made up. Truth is eternal. They don’t necessarily compliment each other. As a
people goes rotten they have a certain knack for shelving or discrediting the old laws and
wisdom. Every generation and every age is – according to itself – the smartest and most
enlightened of all time. They’re quite willing to have it their own way and consequences be
damned. Like the chronic smoker and his “cancer stick,” that day will never come but, of course,
when it arrives, it is too late. Nothing “spooky” about that.

As an alumnus of a conservative Republican, later a Hard Right background, I’ve wondered for
over thirty years when and where all the degeneracy would climax and find it’s end. This during
a time when I was militantly atheist and amoral. Some attitudes and behaviors obviously will kill
out a civilization and its people. Not everyone shares this outlook or, if they do, only to varying
degrees. That’s your “right” in a democracy. Something or someone evidently attempted to
assert their “democratic rights” which led to the Battle in Heaven when, according to the story,
God expelled one-third of his angles and sent them to earth.

Where truth is concerned, there can be no variance.

One of my favorite stories from the Old Testament is that of Belshazzar’s feast. Babylon was in
trouble but the rulers and the elite were confident enough of their mercenaries and fortifications
to go on with their revelry. The Persians waded in under the wall with the river running low,
unopposed. The proverbial handwriting on the wall appeared in flaming letters. The only thing
that mattered was when the Persians burst in and killed everyone. If anyone will deny that this is
Babylon anew, here today, then they only pick their side.

One could just as easily cite Sodom and Gomorrah or the flood of Noah. These incidents were
real, as science and archeology have established. No myth, no fable.

Where does “God” move in? only when the cup of iniquity is full to overflowing. Then everyone
gets it.

Warnings? Aplenty. no one’s listening. Everyone “knows better”?

And how can one known when the cup is approaching full? When mortal sin becomes “passe”.
When “everybody’s doing it.” That’s as close as you can get without being there. There’s the
hourglass, there’s the measure.

You clock it for yourself.

Tricky again because it doesn’t have to be sudden or dramatic. “Going to hell” or “gone to hell”
can simply denote total collapse or debasement. In fact, this is by far the most common result. So
common, so ever-present that no one takes any special note of it. At least not for what it really
represents. The religionists would have you pour out your dollars on these people and these
places that exist in misery and degradation as, to them, it’s all a matter of money. The atheists
would have you do the same. Maybe some “education” might help…

The centers of high civilization and development thousands of years ago. Today the centers of
poverty and squalor. There was a time when they no doubt “knew better.”

And now it comes here.

God’s judgement or just logical steps one, two, and three?

That part of the world where the Bible first arose. Look at it now. Coming to a neighborhood
near you. The belief in the truth goes first. Finally evil and confusion is stamped and embedded
upon the very faces of the people themselves.
No chance then of any kind of salvation, either here or in any supposed “hereafter.” Jesus
himself made it clear that no one not having originated in Heaven has any hope of returning to

Lost the purity of belief and the purity of all else will follow.

Eternal damnation on earth. A living hell.

And who and what is pushing for this?

From Exodus to Esther

Few things are shrouded deeper in mystery than who and what Jews are. Most people just go
through life without giving this a second thought. Anti-Semites are generally found to be expert
at pointing out the degree of Jewish influence in countries where their numbers don’t warrant it.
Seldom, if ever is their nature and origin effectively nailed down. Still, most would assume that
the Bible must hold the answer and in that they are correct – though in a way next to no one
would suspect.

Taking a time-frame from the time of the Exodus, 1480 B.C., to the time immediately Post-
Captivity, 500 B.C., roughly one thousand years, and we are surprised to see the Jews spring in
to being within the pages of the Bible. It should not be necessary to state that an awful lot can
take place within the span of a millennium, especially in such a turbulent area as the Near East.
However, it might be useful to point out that some things are so obvious – yet buried in a
collection of works so ponderous – that they are entirely overlooked.

I’m starting off this examination of possibly the strangest tale ever told, it is essential to establish
what the Bible was and is especially regarding the Old Testament. It is the history of the people
of Israel. Nothing more, nothing less. The God of the Bible makes it plain that he is the God of
Israel and of no one else. The laws set down in the Bible are intended for Israel and for no one
else. The prophecies given in the Bible concern Israel and no one else. Very sorry if this upsets
or disillusions anyone, but the Bible and it’s message are highly exclusive. That the modern
perversion of it has made it appear to be a club anyone can join has also been responsible for it
losing it’s meaning and potency.

The entire emphasis revolves around genealogy and how to conduct the lives and affairs of this
nation so that it might prosper on the Earth – not in some “hereafter.” Matters ranging from
breaking free from alien oppression, to invading and conquering a land for itself, to God’s own
command to expel and slaughter the native inhabitants “lest I do to you what I plan to do to
them,” to unceasing wars with surrounding hostile nations, to a stringent set of laws governing
everything form state affairs to personal behavior. Ancient history, to be sure. Religion,
practically none at all.

By the time of the Exodus, the Hebrews had changed their name to Israel. “Ruling With God.”
The term “Jews” is nowhere to be found. According to the Biblical tale, it was easily apparent to
differentiate an Israelite from an Egyptian. This could only mean distinct racial characteristics.
Relying on the paramount importance given to birth and genealogy, the conclusion would have
to be made that the Israelites had not succumbed to racial mixture the way the broad masses of
Egyptians had by then done.

Though the Israelites numbered in the millions inside Egypt and although they made up the most
valuable and prosperous segment of the population, it was nonetheless seen as imperative that
they must extricate themselves for that milieu for the sake of their cultural and ethnic integrity.
However, as is well-known, the Egyptian establishment of that day was refusing to allow the
Israelites to depart to a land of their own – that is, to Canaan which was practically an Egyptian
province to the north-east.

Nevertheless, in another vignette familiar to most, the conflict came and the Israelites did deport
en masse. The Bible mentions that along with the approximately three million Israelites of the
Exodus there came a “mixed multitude.” Would not the implication be that the column of Israel
was indubitably unmixed?

After forty years of shaking off the effects of having existed for generations among alien people,
the Israelites were ready to take by military action the land of Canaan for themselves. And
though God had instructed them to spare no one so that their experience in Egypt might not be
repeated they nonetheless allowed many to live among them.

A national renaissance took place in the new nation of Israel, comprising of Twelve Tribes under
the United Kingdom. Great wealth, great military prowess and great but little-known
colonization went on centered around the area also known as Palestine. However, hand-in-hand
with that came gradual corruption and division morally and politically. Eventually the kingdom
split in two with Ten Tribes of Israel in the north and the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin in the
south. Finally, all were conquered and deported by the Assyrians and Babylonians, respectively.
Some ten million people by that time.

Yet one can only wonder at how much irreversible damage ethnically that had done. Further,
while the people of Israel and Judah had been in exile, their conquerors had imported outside
peoples to take over the now-vacant lands. These outsiders were the very ones God had
commanded to be destroyed and with whom Israel had constantly been at war. Collectively, they
were called Edom.

For such things to happen within a nation’s boundaries is for that nation to effectively cease to
exist. Or at the very least, to now exist as something it formally had no been. And it is at this
point that the name Jew comes into usage. Loosely, someone containing perhaps a drop of the
blood of Judah, or one living in the territory becoming known as Judea, or one professing the
religion then evolving a Judaism. But a thoroughly mixed lot, in no way related any longer to

One’s thoughts immediately turn to the balance of that original ten million that entered captivity
and their eventual fate. Here is where ones understanding of the rest of history pivots and
whether or not he has any real comprehension of who he is or what power he is subject to.
We know without doubt that about 700 B.C. the vast bulk of these Israelites – by now having lost
most of their identity and on the verge of entering history as “barbarians”- migrated in great
waves over the Caucasus Mountains and into Europe, evolving new names for themselves as
Celts, Gauls, Goths and Anglo-Saxons.

Most but not all left this way. As evidenced by the Book of Esther, a great many “Jews” had now
settled in Persia. The Jewish festival of Purim commemorates the events contained in Esther.
One hearkens back to the story in Exodus and is struck right away by the almost complete
contrast. Having infiltrated Persian society, the Jews have monopolized power and wealth to an
extent which has alarmed one of the chief Persian ministers, Haman. Loyal Persians conspire to
overthrow and expel this alien dominance over their land under Haman’s leadership and nearly
succeed. But Esther, a Jewish woman who is a favorite of the king, manages to upset these plans
resulting in slaughter of these patriots.

The Israelites would not remain in an alien land under any circumstances and fought to achieve
independence. The Jews would commit mass murder in order to remain within a host society as
an internal parasite. There the difference has been achieved. Total and complete. An entirely
different people.

After the Persians came the Greeks and then the Romans. Then the Diaspora, the Dispersion
mainly into Europe. And in short, the tale of Esther is repeated again and again for the next two
thousand years. Except with the Jews not preying upon Persians but upon the Tribes of Israel
which have by now made themselves into the modern states of Europe. The saga of Germany
and World War Two is but the latest. A neo-biblical myth has already been built around those
events and is known as “The Holocaust.” No six million Jews died but at least that many
Germans did for having tried to free themselves and their country. And not Haman but Hitler.

Those in control of the governments surrounding Germany – themselves Jews, partially Jewish,
or married to Jews as with Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin – arranged to precipitate a general
war, to invade and destroy Germany, to deport many of it’s people, to divide it’s lands between
themselves and to murder by hanging those German leaders as they could capture – exactly as
Haman and his sons were hanged.

As “pagans,” we being Israel – utterly forgot who we were along with the Biblical Covenant as
God’s Chosen People. Jews contemptuously refer to us as “gentiles” or non-Jews when, in fact, a
gentile is anyone non-Israel. It is they who are the real gentiles, abhorred by God. They clung to
the old beliefs, twisting them out of shape in their Babylonian Talmud, as well as the conviction
that it is they who are the “Elect of God.”

But them comes the New Testament. Jesus of Nazareth, a man to the tribe of Judah whose
bloodline had not been compromised, said he came to restore and to reinforce the Old Testament,
said to his disciples not to go to the gentiles but to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel with his
message. He confronted the Jews of his day and told them they were the same as their father, the
Devil – murders and liars. And as the Gospels tell ,the Jews succeeded in getting the occupying
Romans to murder Jesus.
And none of it is religious.

Try to Remember

Does it ever occur to the individual that even the common pedigree reaches back unbroken all
the way to the creation? Sound to obvious? No one would deny it’s truth but it’s the meaning of
it that’s been lost. For one thing this does not hold true for everyone – only those who today
could be the immediate descendants of their most distant forebears. Otherwise the trail has been
lost. The word for this is identity. And it is Identity which is under assault by the New world

It’s not at all uncommon today to find those with little or no knowledge of their own
grandparents. Many don’t really know the root of their own surname. The majority may
generally assume their ancestors came to North America from the British Isles or from Germany,
etc. Culturally, they have held before them images of – for example – China, which traces back
five thousand unbroken years while “Western Civilization” has barely achieved one thousand.
Generically, they see themselves as “white” or possibly “Caucasian”.

The crisis is this: Within this very recent advent of the officially multi-cultural, multi-racial
society, with it’s “democratic” government purportedly serving all but in reality only serving
itself, these people presently find themselves robbed of all heritage, without any culture of their
own and in imminent danger of losing the flame of Identity for all eternity as a direct result. That
perhaps the majority might respond, “So what?,” only underscores the reality and the danger.

It’s interesting to start by explaining the popular nomenclature for the respective racial groups.
The four major groupings include Negroid, Mongoloid, Australoid and Caucasoid. The first two
actually describe the people themselves in terms of their unique racial characteristics. The final
two deal in terms of geographic location. When one hears Negro, he thinks black. When one
hears Mongolian, he thinks Yellow with hooded eyes. Austrian Aborigine denotes Black again
but confined to the continent below the equator. Caucasian means White to most minds but
curious to note that the center of White population is far from the region of the Caucasus. No
physical description and no accurate geographic denotation. Just a name.

Historically, we seem to pick up with a series of “barbarian” invasions which eventually

smashed the Roman Empire, founded a series of modern nations across Europe and which have
remained in a more or less constant state of war ever since. The Classical Civilization of the
Mediterranean are held up as the ideal while our ancestors were running around in bearskins in
the wilderness at the same period. Today, of course, it is accepted as an article of faith that it is
of the greatest benefit to us to incorporate various Asian and African influences into our common
culture. Indeed, to incorporate them literally and physically into our families by marriage.

One and all might be agree with that if they are any global issues for all to be concerned with
they would have to include overpopulation, along with all the ills accompanying that: Starvation,
poverty, disease, deforestation, pollution.
On a massive scale worldwide, these things are the hallmarks of what is referred to as the Third
World. And even in the midst of the first World, the industrialized West, huge pockets of this
same blight exist in the major cites. The plain fact no one is supposed to mention is that this
could hardly be seen as anything other than par for the cause for colored, non-White
concentrations of people.

Whites – or Caucasians are not seen to be flooding to these places by boat or by sneaking across
the border, leaving their homelands behind. On the contrary, it is White missionaries and
charitable organizations that go there with gifts of food and medicine and education, pouring it
all out on a situation without hope of improvement from a sense of duty and mercy which, if it
exists in any other people, remains moot as no other people is in a position to give aid elsewhere.
More ominously, the White percentage of the world’s population stands at approximately 8%.
And that percentage is shrinking as the world’s population prepares to double in the next century.

Racist or not, one might ponder a future for Earth with no White element at all. The population
explosion does not include Whites and because of an almost total absence of any White sense of
Identity, it threatens to absorb and eradicate them for those who see this kind of “one-worldism”
as any kind of ideal or solution best try to imagine the world as one, big Calcutta only without
Mother Theresa.

The United States and Europe will keep generating wealth and goods? In fifty years the United
States will be a majority non-White. these are official government figures. What their meaning is
– or will be – is not projected. But if we as a people can manage to remember our own extended
past, we can know what it means.

Some references use the term Indo-European in place of Caucasian for Whites. That not only
places the location further away from the White center of population but it at the same time
strongly suggests the role of massive migration as part of their history. The recent image of the
“Wild West” or the “Wild Frontier”- was it confined to our own American West or was it only
the latest manifestation of an endless phenomenon? Two hundred years ago the frontier was in
Ohio down through the Gulf states. Four hundred years ago, it was the Eastern Seaboard itself.
Four Thousand years ago, it was Western Europe. All the way back to the Caucasus?

Those pointing to the “superiority” of Chinese culture for having remained steady for the last
five thousand years are overlooking something important. Outside of the cities, Chinese life
could well be that of five thousand years ago. What modern civilization they have, they received
from the West. They are a dead race. They were there then just as they are there now when the
flood of the Bible was devastating the West.

As far as the Black races are concerned, the same could be said of them in the jungles of Africa
or the deserts of Australia – unchanged in development from the time of their creation. Whites
have given them national boundaries, cities and languages but, at bottom, they are incapable
even of maintaining civilization the way Orientals can.

Certainly a mountain man in the United States of a century ago would have seemed like a
complete “barbarian” to a Londoner of the same period. And yet they would be racially and
culturally the same. In fact, as I have pointed out elsewhere, a Cro-Magnon man of thirty
thousand years ago could be a rocket scientist at the Johnson Space Center of today. The
difference is in staying to develop an established civilization or moving on to perhaps find
another. It’s also a matter of older civilization dying while younger ones mature.

Modern anthropologists and historians like to point to Africa as not only the starting place for all
of humanity but for high civilization – citing ancient Egypt. While it is easy to see the
progression, even the overlaying from Egypt, to Greece, to Rome, it’s even more important to
realize that the torch of high civilization was passed from White hands into other White hands.
“African” does not necessarily denote “Black”. If the jewel of African civilization five thousand
years was Egypt in the north, today it is in South Africa – a White nation despite the fact that it
has relinguished governmental control to Blacks.

Those Afrikaners arrived there centuries ago from elsewhere, just as did the early Egyptians. The
Blacks which later entered those civilizations and overwhelmed them came, of course, from
central Africa, themselves moving north and south, respectively. The same for the White
Australians and certainly the same for the White North Americans.

Each of the high or “Classic” – civilizations rotted and fell apart, ending with Rome. The Italy
we are familiar with – of the explorers and of the renaissance – is in reality one more of those
modern, “barbarian” states founded atop Roman ruins and peopled by fresh blood. This was part
of the birth of modern Western Civilization and the nations we are familiar with today.

But it raises two important questions: If Rome was the last of the Classic Civilizations and if it
died from within, where did the fresh blood and the impetus for high civilization come from?
Why did the “barbarians” wait until that moment in history to begin to stir and to develop? Those
questions can be best answered with other questions: Why did it take so long for places like
Tombstone, Arizona, or Dodge City, Kansas, to develop into civilized and safe places? And
where did that blood come from? Time, movement, and Whites.

Mainly ignored in the study of the early civilizations are the goings on in the area of the Middle
East. The progression wasn’t from Egypt to Greece. It was from Egypt through the Middle East
and to Greece. In fact, when speaking of the Middle East – that area immediately south of the
Caucasus Mountains – one will find a huge staging grand for massive migrations in several
directions. Each of the same stock that today populates Northwestern Europe – that is, Celtic or
Anglo-Saxon – and which had originally peopled and built Egypt. Not all reached a happy

Those who headed first north and then west into Europe are known on account of the fact that
they crossed that mountain range enroute as “Caucasians”. Another large group that left nearly
two thousand years earlier to head east to find India were known as Aryans, which, in the
Sanskrit language they developed, means “Lords” or “Nobles”. Of these, nothing remains except
their monuments, dead language and books of lost wisdom. To India, the “New World Order”
came early.
The success of the Caucasians in the West is owed to the isolation afforded by the rocky confines
of Northwestern Europe. The demise, ultimately, of not only the Aryans of India but of all of
Middle Eastern, Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilization was due to their immediate proximity
to other, darker, native peoples – leading to a confusion of cultures, beliefs and finally blood
lines. today, inside and outside of Europe, Whites face this some deadly danger, whether from
our having ourselves gone to where other people have existed or from our having literally
brought them in as slaves.

As we reach back further into time, two things begin to take shape: Even today, most really
responsible works admit that the true White homeland remains unknown but by tracing the
footprints of their unceasing wanderings back well into the last Ice Age indicators point to a
location central to the four continents bordering the Atlantic Ocean. A place now lost. The would
translate automatically as Atlantis. Also , that regardless the disruption or the travel, these people
bring with them the spark of high civilization which appears wherever they stop and make their

These people are by nature then wanders and colonizers, bringers of civilization. Since we – as
their direct descendants – now are reaching out into Space through our own genius, backed by
our own wealth, and since these traits are not seen to have evolved in any other people on Earth,
the conclusion has to be that back before Atlantis our home was in the stars. Or “Heaven”.

But we forgot that. And we seem to keep forgetting the lessons of history even as they keep
repeating themselves. We forget just how delicate and fragile our beautiful civilizations are, just
as we forget that a single drop of alien blood will nullify and destroy the spark within ourselves
of creating and maintaining these civilizations. Mostly, we do not even recognize that today there
is no longer anyplace on Earth to repair to to escape the decline, no longer a fresh source of
rejuvenating blood to build a new upon the ruins of a polluted and rotten, lost civilization.

Yet, in our possession today, we have the written promise of our father in the stars that when it
finally came to this – as he knew it would – he would dramatically step back into the situation
and rescue his children.

If you can manage to remember all this, you will know the meaning, the reason, the nature and
even the timing of the End-Time.

Did James Bond Kill Princess Di?

James Bond fans will know that Bond’s creator, Ian Fleming, was the real James Bond just as it
was the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, who was the actual super sleuth
who often aided Scotland Yard in solving mysteries.

Fleming wrote his own personal experience into each of his 007 novels from his days as part of
the British Secret Service or British Intelligence. Fleming’s growing dismay at the rapid decline
of Western Civilization and especially the British Empire following the conclusion of the Second
World War also was reflected in his Bond stories.
Most obvious were the identities of Fleming’s villains: Goldfinger, Blofeld, Klebb, Dr. No, etc.
He was trying to tell his readers something. While Fleming’s character, the hero, Bond, modeled
after himself, was carrying on a desperate behind-the-scenes battle to hold the line of civilization
against the encroaching one-worldism with Bolshevik overtones.

It’s been a losing battle steadily with sell-out politicians in all Western nations pulling the wool
over the eyes of their constituents while letting the enemy in through the back door. Worse, an
enemy-controlled media has thoroughly eroded the culture and the values of these same people
who are marked for destruction. All the intelligence, counter intelligence and powerful police
and military are useless against the effects of these rats in the pilings. Everything is rotting from
the inside out.

These symptoms of decay had reached into the British Royal family and have played themselves
out with the sad story of Princess Diana.

Already having practically flattened the institution marriage among the masses, creeping
Liberalism broke forth within the household of the present generation of British royalty with the
divorce of Princess Diana from Prince Charles.

The absence of love and even the presence of infidelity has never been anything uncommon. Yet,
a sense of duty had always demanded that the marriage continue and a certain front be
maintained for the common good. Now all that has been discarded and it has become “do what
though wilt.”

That plus the Liberal upbringing reflects itself in the suicidal outlook that it somehow is a virtue,
to dedicate oneself to pouring out all their care and concern, all their resources and energy upon
people and situations that amount to a bottomless pit. This is what Princess Diana become
identified with from the time of here divorce until the time of her death.

Alien domination has resulted in the most vile hyprocrisy on the part of all the people – but
especially the rulers. P.C. is one thing but natural instinct and working practicality are another.
Officially – as demanded by the power behind the scenes which holds the purse strings and pulls
the wires – all is peace, love, brotherhood and one-worldism. While these puppet rulers and
politicians, for the sake of their own wealth and prestige, have literally sold out their own people
to the dictates of these suicidal policies, an infrastructure of “reaction” and “racism” yet is
maintained to hold all together and keep the show running.

It was alright to raise the girl, Diana Spencer, poisoned in mind and spirit by all these Liberal
dogma. It was alright to cast her off by a divorce. It was alright to see her now cavorting around
as an international call girl. It was alright to see her image splashed all over the tabloids in the
arms of wealthy Third World playboys. Magnificent example for the millions of other “Dianas”
in the world.

Then it was learned she was about to marry the Egyptian character. It’s alright for all the other
“Dianas” of the world to interbreed with whatever as that is the cornerstone of “brotherhood” but
even to date on British coins, around the image of the monarch, is engraved “Defender of the
Faith.” Immediately following the incident in the Paris tunnel, the Egyptian press claimed that
Diana and her party had been set up by British Intelligence because she was about to bring a
Moslem into the extended Royal Family, as step-father to a future king.

First the French paparazzi were blamed for the fatal crash and then it was the French chauffeur
who supposedly was drunk. Both claims have been brought into question. Now extra car parts as
well as different paint scrapings have been found in tunnel. Eyewitnesses have come forward
claiming to have seen one or even two more cars speeding away from the crash scene.

Whatever else British Intelligence may be capable of, we know they murdered Rudolf Hess in
Berlin in the late 1980’s. Hess, who had been Adolf Hitler’s deputy in the Third Reich, was a
man in his nineties, who had been the lone prisoner at Spandau Fortress since 1966 where he had
been confined since 1946 following the Nuremberg War Crime Trials. The official version by
the British, who were controlling Spandau at the time, was that Hess had committed suicide by
hanging himself.

The Hess family never accepted that.

The Soviet Union had been around that time feeling its way toward glosnost as a first step
toward an easy let down as the rotten Soviet system was about to fall. For decades, the issue of
release of Hess had been batted back and forth among the former Allies, with one or the other
always vetoing any such suggestion. Now the Soviets announced that they would let Hess walk
when next it was their turn to govern the prison.

It had been the mission of Hess in May of 1941 to fly to England as Hitler’s personal emissary
and address Parliament in hopes of avoiding World War Two – which the hidden wire pullers
were engineering – but he was immediately imprisoned by the puppet Churchill regime and not
allowed to speak. After the War, he was sentenced to life as a “war criminal.” It was fully
expected he would die in prison.

Hess was strangled to death to prevent his talking freedom.

Which makes one wonder what the purpose of those guards at the hospital room of the one
survivor of that crash may be. To protect him or to make sure he doesn’t do the wrong talking?
Like Hess wasn’t supposed to survive, this man wasn’t supposed to live, either.

A situation similar to the unhandy presence of Lee Harvey Oswald after the Kennedy
assassination. Or that of Marilyn Monroe earlier. Always “plausible excuse” but always a victim
with a dynamite story to tell.

Diana was killed before she could commit a supreme act of abomination. She had become a
dangerous loose cannon. Just as with Kennedy after his murder by his very System masters, the
same System that killed Diana could feel absolutely free to permit her dead corpse to be
canonized by an adoring, if duped, public – harmlessly. Let the people have their cherished
illusions if it helps hold them in their chains. The armies of mourners all identified with the
despicable, Liberal causes she had given herself over to in life. All sympathy to her and to that
Egyptian wog. Fine example again.

Amazing an assassination of this sort, for such a reason, in view of the monarchy presiding over
the dismantlement of the empire, the invasion of Britain by hordes of Third Worldness, the
knighthoods for a rogues gallery of rotten bastards and their full commitment to the New World
Order. Unless the monarchy had nothing to do with it. Unless some element in the British
government saw this as too much and took it upon themselves to act. Some large element had
been eager for the message Hess was carrying over fifty years ago. That plan was only narrowly

Did James Bond kill Princess Di?

If so, it was an act motivated by a spirit that should have unleashed itself a very long time ago.
Someone or some group apparently took “Defender of the Faith” very seriously. More seriously
in fact than the royal family itself. If by faith we understand it to mean that which protects the
well-being and integrity of the people themselves as opposed to this popular brand of pure crap
that only helps spread the disease of tolerance and one-worldism – the very thing that led Diana
and countless others to their deaths.

The Royals

Anyone who spends any time consulting the media cannot have escaped the attention heaped on
Britain’s royal family. The popular fascination with so-called “celebrities” – Hollywood stars,
rock stars, sports stars, politicians, millionaires and royalty. The hollowness goes beyond the
mundane worship of fame and wealth and into pure gossip. Of course, gossip is at it’s best when
dealing with the seedy and scandalous. A broad statement on the society and it’s values when the
chief source of this emanates from those now positioned at the very top.

Never a moralist by nature, I try not to pay attention to what a Kennedy or a Windsor might do
with their private life but, instead, what they’re doing for the people they’re supposed to
represent. Many a ruler in history has carried a randy reputation but as long as his people and
nation were prospering, what did it matter? But when the nation is sinking and suffering while
those in high position continue to cavort – flaunting their privilege to the envy of the common
masses – it is generally a time of shame even while certain climax prepares to close in.

The position of the British Royal House is at present unique because for some years now the
question has been regularly put to the public whether or not the monarchy should be abolished.
And the answer to the affirmative has remained perennially high. Is this but one more
meaningless tabloid poll? Is it possible to take a valid position on this? In the context of the
times, does it bear any relevance? On the surface, the answers would appear to be, yes, it is
meaningless, and, no, there is no relevance. The royals are merely symbolic in any case and,
even should their status as figure heads should be eliminated, they’d still remain the filthy rich
playboys that they are.
But it is this very superficiality that all aware persons must train themselves to beware of. In
general we’re all stuck with the same media. Someone said that the media only reports five
percent of what goes on and that much is distorted. In the world very recently have been three
things bearing directly upon the matter of British royalty and each one carrying part of the
answer to the crucial and unasked question: Is their anything in the origin of this that might yield
some light on an otherwise dark and dreary subject.

These were: The release of the successful film, “Braveheart”; The removal of the Stone of Scone
from Westminster Abbey to Scotland; And the latest round of troubles in Northern Ireland during
which a most curious sign of an open palm superimposed over a six pointed star could be noticed
in news coverage. What’s this? Who knows, who cares? Little things count. It’s often in what the
media doesn’t tell you.

Let’s start with that one which the media only inadvertently flashed in the course of their
videotaping of Northern Irish rioting without any comment. The Red Hand of Ulster in from of
what looks like a Star of David. Strange and out of place? Also meaningless? Not if the story
behind it is known. But don’t rely on the media for it.

In Egypt about the year 1600 B.C., before the Exodus, twin sons were born to Judah, son of
Jacob and founder of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The attending midwife saw a hand
emerging and tied a cord around its wrist to mark it as the firstborn, entitling it to it’s father’s
birthright. However it happened that the other twin was delivered first. That one, Pharez, was
granted the birthright while the one bearing the red cord, Zarah, was denied. Another
meaningless Jewish fable? It doesn’t stop there.

This blood-feud within one family led to a split, with one descendant of Pharez heading one
royal house – as King David of Israel – and two descendants of Zarah – Calcol and Dardanus –
founding and heading the royal houses of Ireland and Britain, respectively. Calcol had made
straight for Ulster while Dardanus went to Troy, his offspring only, making their way to Britain
about the year 1100 B.C. following the destruction of Troy by the Greeks. He gave his name to
the Straits of Dardanelles.

Of course, Troy itself was assumed to be a fable until Heinrich Schleimann uncovered it’s
remains in northern Turkey a century ago. As for the tale itself, that symbol made it to Northern
Ireland somehow, and is in use today.

It is a question of migrations over many centuries of one people going from one part of the world
to another. The Bible traces a part of this from Babylon, to Egypt, to Canaan and back to
Babylon before it’s story leaves off. That date is about 700 B.C. when the Persians conquered
Assyria and Babylon, allowing the by then captive Tribes of Israel, numbering some ten million,
to either return to Jerusalem or depart elsewhere. Fewer that fifty thousand made the return.

Our school history books often pick up at about the same time with the sudden appearance into
Europe from the east of “Germanic” tribes of “barbarians.” To my own great frustration at the
time, their point of origin was either unknown or undisclosed. That they seemed to have come
from the general area of the Caucasus Mountains, all White Europeans today are referred to as

For some reason, only that half of the story is allowed to be generally known. And half a story is
sometimes no story at all just as half a truth is also half a lie.

The truth is that those migrations represented the tail end of a long progression out to the Middle
East and into Europe by those people today know as Anglo-Saxons. They were going to join
their kinsmen who were already established there, especially in the north-west portions and, most
specifically, the British Isles. That in-gathering of the British folk was only completed as late as
1066 A.D. with the Norman invasion, Different branches, or tribes, of the identical same people.

From the United Kingdom of Israel with it’s Twelve Tribes, to the United Kingdom of England,
Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Israel began to split apart following the death of Solomon about
970 B.C. Great Britain began to split apart just after World War One with the creation of the
Irish Republic.

The name, Britain; is itself of Hebrew origin: Brith, meaning covenant, and ish, meaning people,
or ain, meaning land. The other, older names of Ireland, Wales and Scotland – Hibernia, Cambria
and Caledonia – also share Hebrew origin. The older languages of the islands – Gaelic, Welsh,
Cornish and Erse – remain closely related to the native Hebrew. The heraldry is the same as with
ancient Israel: The lion of Judah; The unicorn of Ephraim; the harp of David; Even the ox which
is know today as “John Bull.” The Crown of St.Edward contains twelve jewels – representing
each of the Twelve Tribes – just as did the breastplate of Israel’s high priest.

Those who watched and were moved by the film, “Braveheart,” ought to remember the
supporting character, Robert Bruce. In the year 1320 he issued to Pope John XXII this Scottish
Declaration of Independence: “We know, Most Holy father and Lord, and from the chronicles
and books of the ancients gather that among other illustrious nations, our, to it the nation of the
Scots, has been distinguished by many honors; which passing from the greater Scythia through
the Mediterranean Sea and Pillars of Hercules, and sojourning in Spain among the most savage
tribes through a long course of time could, nowhere be subjugated by any people however
barbarous; and coming thence one thousand two hundred years after the outgoing of the people
of Israel, they, by many victories and infinite toil, acquired for themselves the possessions in the
West which they now hold.”

In the news also was the moving of the Stone of Scone, or the Stone of Destiny, form
Westminster Abbey after a presence there for seven hundred years, and to Scotland. In a few
places, it was mentioned that this was reputed to be the Biblical “Jacob’s Pillow” from Genesis
28, More fable?

That story is that after serving as the coronation stone for the kings of Israel for centuries, and
after the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and the sacking of the temple, It was taken to
Egypt by the Prophet Jeremiah who escaped about the year 585 B.C., taking along with it his
secretary, Baruch, and the tow daughters of the last king of Judah, Zedekiah.
At about the same time in Ireland the arrival was record of a venerated old man whom the Irish
called “Ollam Fodhla”, an aide of his they called “Brug”, two princesses and a sacred stone.
Their route had been from Egypt, to Spain and Ireland. The eldest daughter, Tea Tephi, married
the King of Ulster, a Prince of Zarah, these reuniting the House of Judah in the British Isles. In
503 A.D. the line passed to Scotland with Fergus the Great and later to England when James VI
of Scotland, became James I of England.

The Stone had followed the blood line and of this Genesis 49:8-10 says – “Judah, though art he
whom thy brethren shall praise… thy fathers’s children shell bow down before thee… The
sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a law giver form between the feet, until Shiloh come.”

It doesn’t stop there. Almost immediately following the crucifixion of Jesus, his uncle, Joseph of
Arimathea – the man who had supplied the “upper room” and his own tomb for the events
surrounding Jesus’ death – along with the Apostle Philip and the retinue, arrived in Britain about
36-39 A.D. They built the first church at Glastonbury and had with them the cup used at the Last
Supper – the “Holy Grail.” Joseph had been a wealthy businessman who owned tin mines in
Cornwall. His tomb was discovered in 1927 and it bore the inscription “I Came To The Britons
After I Buried Christ. I Taught, I Rest.”

Interesting and overlooked as well is the that December of 1917, at the end of the Biblical
“punishment period” of Times Seven, the city of Jerusalem was liberated from the Turks by
British forces under field Marshall Allenby. On the hilts of their swords, each soldier had the
symbol if the shield of David. The royal bandsmen carried silver bugles, exactly like those of
Joshua’s army. The music of the bagpipes had also returned.

But who knows and who cares?

These royals today are an unworthy and miserable lot, yes. They have stood by and presided over
the collapse of the British Empire, they saw that group of people identified in the Bible as, Edom
take control of the Holy Land – false “Jews” – and today thy appear content to watch as England
is flooded by Third World immigrants. Ireland has already broken away while Wales and
Scotland have their own secessionist movements. All while they divorce and cavort around.

Where is the significance?

In the Book of Kings are listed all of the kings of Judah and of Israel following the split after the
death of Solomon. A total of thirty-six, evenly divided. Only nine of these, or one-fourth, “did
good in the eyes of the Lord” while twenty-seven, or three-fourths, “did evil in the eyes of the
Lord.” So it remains to this day.

That however is not the point.

The point is that this unbroken line of Judah is destined to occupy the Throne of David until
Jesus himself – a descendant of Judah and of David through his mother – returns to claim it
forever. One would expect he will be disturbed to see the abuse and neglect of it’s authority.
Nevertheless, there it is.
All this sinking low, talk of abolishing the monarchy, of breaking up the union, of tampering
with the Stone of Destiny makes it look as though that time is coming close.

Had any of this occurred to any of you End-Timers?

Who Ordered the Holocaust?

The clash has been on for decades between revisionists and media, system “kept historians” as to
the nature and extent of those happenings in Europe during the Second World War generically
known as “The Holocaust.”

Especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the access to concentration camp records
captured by the Russians at the close of the War, scholars have been able to know that the scope
of the concentration camp deaths was but a fraction of what was previously claimed.

For it’s part, the officially P.C. system and it’s branch offices, represented by the various
governments of the nations of the world, has been passing more laws preventing research and
discussion of the subject while more and more “Holocaust Museums” have been created.

It is only certain that something happened then and there, that it focused upon Jews and that,
apparently, the Nazi Germans were responsible for it. Questions that have never been
satisfactorily answered include why it happened along with exactly who gave the order for it,
when, where, and how.

The troubling and frustrating thing about it is that even though the Third Reich period in
Germany represents the single most well-documented era in recorded history and that virtually
all of those archives were captured by the Allies at the close of the War, not a single cue has yet
surfaced as to the identity of the person or persons who actually gave the order for the Holocaust
to commence.

We may be certain also that should any document of this nature exist or be discovered, it would
instantaneously become world news. That no such thing is known or has been revealed tends to
fuel the revisionist argument that no actual Holocaust ever took place – at least not in the way or
according to the scale we have been accustomed to being told.

And still, over fifty years after the conclusion of the War, we have endless survivors from the
death camps stepping forward with their first-person tales of terror. Usually these involve that
person’s entire family having been sent to the gas chambers. Most lately we are hearing of how
these survivors are demanding the considerable fortunes they had deposited with Swiss banks to
be handed over to them now – presumably with interest.

In trying to unravel and hopefully make sense of this mystery we have the central character of
Adolf Hitler. If we are to believe our history books, Hitler was born a loser, with no talent or
ability, with an insane and totally illogical hatred of Jews, and who was appointed by the
President of Germany to head the government of the world’s most advanced and sophisticated
nation where upon he attempted to conquer the world and annihilate all the Jews.
Yet, with all that solid scholarship, we are left without the solid, hard evidence for a prima facie
case of premeditated mass-murder.

On the other end, we have the people known as Jews. Only that they were there, somehow
differently distinguishable from everyone else around and that Hitler personally hated them is all
the books tell us. Sounds crazy as hell. Some revisionist investigation will show that if one can
elevate their attention from the masses of little Jews, they can see that their brethren, the big
Jews, first were in control of the capital and the press of the advanced nations of earth and
second, they also made up the leadership of the movement known as World Communism and
were the government of the then Soviet Union.

That it was their control over the peoples that hosted them, that it was their Communist
revolution inside Germany that cost that nation World War One and delivered it into the slavery
of the Versailles Treaty, and that it was their Soviet Union which was casting it’s menacing
shadow over all of Europe may partially explain some of Hitler’s attitudes toward the Jews.

With all that, we still have no “smoking gun” that it was Adolf Hitler who ordered the Holocaust.

It takes some real investigation but it is possible to locate the document and identify the author
behind the idea of the Holocaust.

Since the Nazi files have been combed out and thoroughly exhausted, we may feel free to look
elsewhere. Obviously, a second, closer look at the principals is required. When regarding the
Jews, one obvious place to begin might be the Bible. The Book of Exodus makes no reference to
Jews. Only to Egyptians versus Israelites. As the Israelites prepare to leave Egypt and move into
the land of Canaan, tribes of those known as Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites
and Jelousites are named. Now it becomes Israel versus these people.

It is utterly critical to be aware that, one, collectively, these ancient peoples were known as Edam
or Edomites. Two, that the people we know today as Jews are, as even the Jews themselves
openly acknowledge, ancient Edam. Three, that the Tribes of Israel – Judah, Issachar, Zebulun,
Reuben, Simeon, Gad, Benjamin, Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Epharaim, and Manasseh – following
their reversals in the area of the Middle East, migrated across the Caucasus Mountains in the
centuries B.C. and became known as “Caucasians”, or today’s modern Celtics or Anglo-Saxons.

God, as quoted in Exodus, said, “My angel will go ahead of you and bring you into the land of
the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites, and Jebusites, and I will wipe them out.”

“I will hand over to you the people who live in the land and you will drive them out before you.
Do not make a covenant with them or with their gods. Do not let them live in you land, or they
will cause you to sin against me, because the worship of their gods will certainly be a snare to

God, as quoted in Deuteronomy, said, “and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to
you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them,
and show them no mercy. Do not intermarry with them. Do not give you daughters to their sons
or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your sons away from following me to
serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. This is
what you are to do to them” Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their
Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire.”

“Do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them – the Hittites, Amorites,
Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites – as the Lord your God has commanded you.”

Hitler – whatever else he may have been, – was the only man who could awaken and unite the
broken and disorganized German tribes – or states – and lead them into retaking control of their
land from the International Jews which had taken it over. Quite an accomplishment and the
reason he is most hated today be the Jews and the media.

But as to who ordered the Holocaust…

Take it to God.

The Fourth of July

Something encouraging has developed over the last few years. The fourth of July has found new
meaning where, before, it had lost all significance.

Formerly “Independence Day,” all pretense to that now and for a very long time has been a
sham. “Taxation without representation.” An internal tyranny can’t be seen simply because it
happens to be homegrown. The country is dominated by something as alien to it’s origin as
anything found outside it’s borders. A police state governs just in order to keep the pieces from
falling apart.

But one that is smart enough to allow the people their customs and their holidays – however
hollow they may have become.

In 1996, Hollywood issued a film entitled “Independence Day,” released on July 4th, to also
coincide with the now well-known incident at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. In 1997 – the
fiftieth anniversary of Roswell – Hollywood released a horror-comedy, “Men in Black,” dealing
again with extraterrestrials as a follow-up to their horror-drama of the previous year.

Of secondary importance for the moment is that the fixation seems to be bound up in fear and
terror when compared with the significance of this universal awareness. The thought-masters of
the System, from their master control headquarters in Hollywood, have caught the scent of
money, their own life-blood, associated with the extraterrestrial subject and are playing it for all
its worth.

The Fourth of July has begun and will continue to be dominated by this consideration of
extraterrestrials and this is a most positive thing even if all their representation in the public mind
is presently contained in the worst possible hands. Awareness, even if badly distorted, is far
better than ignorance anytime.
Thought is generated by the suggestion of extraterrestrials and even better than that, in a future
sense. “Independence Day” now is only an occasion for pyrotechnics and backyard barbecue.
UFO’s at least fire the imagination.

As this swing progresses from emphasis upon the past, toward the future, it is very revealing to
note “official” response. Great ceremony and piety for an historic event, the real meaning of
which was totally subverted and lost generations ago, while the mercenaries who’ve long since
assumed ascendancy in the land seize the occasion to sell more merchandise. And though
essentially the very same bunch is now pushing E.T.’s for mighty bucks, officially the entire
topic and denied and ridiculed.

Beyond perceptions and conceptions regarding the actual sovereignty of the United States or the
probability of extraterrestrial intelligence visiting Earth, one thing we may be certain of
concerning both is that someone is lying straightforwardly.

Either an increasing number of ordinary people who are coming forward with what they have
seen and know are lying or the government, with it’s “explanations” – of which there have now
been three – of what took place at Roswell, is lying. There can be no two ways: Someone is
consciously and deliberately lying.

Minus any hard evidence at all, the average observer has this to go on. Borrowing form
Shakespeare, one would surely begin to think they begin to protest too much. Stonewalling has
failed where reports have only continued to mount. Now there appears to be much ado over
nothing. To me, this is it’s own kind of confirmation.

Certainly there have been many deliberate hoaxes where UFO contacts and sightings have been
concerned. Hoaxes exist in every area of dealings you care to examine. They neither prove or
disprove anything. Regardless whether Roswell or 99% of all reports are false – the remaining
1% would be all that’s necessary.

For private individuals – pranksters – to conduct a hoax is one thing easily understood and
written off. For a government of professionals – in charge over the fate of millions – to mount a
“hoax in reverse”- is quite another and in no sense can be dismissed. What it is actually saying is
too huge an important.

So the question next becomes: Why lie?

Again, the common “trick-or-treat” variety prankster and his motives can be readily understood:
fun and games, perhaps money. Better that we learn to know the motivations behind the official
“I am not a crook” brand of liars. Though they have never come out and said it is because of
“national security,” this is the excuse that has most generally been attributed to them by

“Reverse-engineering” extraterrestrial technology for military application. Though they may well
have in their possession several extraterrestrial craft and may well have been holding them under
the microscope for fifty years, there is no evidence that it has been of any real use to them. The
most advanced of Earth’s technology remains yet quite conventional, in a straight line of slow
development with no great “leap” shown anywhere.

The fact here is that the ET technology is of such a different kind that it is worthless to these
people even as a gift. Like the Sudanese who pulled up the deep wells sunk by the British and
pounded them into spear head. It would not be a welcome thing for these people in control here
to have in their hands operational ET technology. More control and domination.

“National security” by whose definition? Security as defined by a government whose dictatorial

policies are driving this country toward it’s own destruction? “To prevent panic” in a society so
scared already that it is welcoming a police state to keep it safe in it’s homes? If it is a matter of
security, it can only be the security of the regime, not the country or the people.

Now it begins to make sense.

Hence the reason why they still go all out for a national holiday that has become obsolete and
becoming a bad joke. It is a lie to promote the idea of this still being a free and independent
nation , but it well suits the purpose of those in control.

In exactly the same sense does it suit their purposes to deny and ridicule the idea of
extraterrestrials monitoring Earth. That 1% of the evidence would still tumble all their
preconceived and “safe” notions of politics, science and religion which they have bent and
harnessed to serve themselves and hold the people in veritable slavery and perpetual darkness.

In the summer of 1997 in the U.S. Southwest, many citizens observed a craft hovering in the
night sky, for a long interval which, after doing some calculations, had to have been
approximately a mile wide. “Secret U.S. military weaponry”? If one thinks that’s large they need
to consult St. John’s description of a space vehicle one thousand, five hundred miles square in
the Book of Revelation.

If that kind of knowledge existed that long ago and it was revealed such a craft would come to
Earth in the closing days of this age to carry out a mission, then who really are we regarding
when contemplating such things as ET’s and UFO’s?

If the power which controls the Earth at present, “Rex Mund,” so hates and fears this force that it
is absolutely committed to concealing it from and, failing that, to ridiculing or painting it as
monstrous before the people because it refused to concede any power higher than itself, what
then are we actually talking about when we speak of this “New World Order”?

And who is branded as the father of the Lie in the Book of John?

Pose the right question and they, by their very nature, will answer themselves.

Or, if this too troubling or “controversial,” then your are free to wave your fourth of July flag and
simply go back to sleep.
The Eleventh Hour

Some while ago I did a piece entitled, “Fourth of July” in reference to finding fresh significance
for dates upon the calender that are still marked but whose meaning was long ago lost. My
contention then and now being that that is one of the surest signs of death and decay in any
civilization: When even the hallowed holidays have become meaningless.

Eleven o’clock on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, 1918. When the guns fell silent on the
Western front in World War One. Armistice Day. The end of the “war to end all wars.” Certainly
a date worth remembering.

One problem however, the fighting never really stopped. Terrific battles continued across Russia,
East Europe, around Turkey. Through the Twenties, into the Thirties and, eventually, the fires
converged again to for World War Two. Then, of course, the world was “made safe for
democracy.” The Korea. Then Vietnam, etc.

This is not intended as a history lesson. Save to say the whole premise of “the war to end
wars”was baloney at the time, a P.R. blurb for the poor fools who were to go and do the fighting
and dying for the families they left behind, or never began in the first place. With World War
Two, that fact became inescapable to all and so “Armistice Day” had to become “Veterans Day”
even though their country already had “Memorial Day” in honor to those who’d been killed in
the Civil War. A broadening and redundancy to cover a sanctified lie.

A quickly evaporating pool of the very elderly may yet attach something to these dates, recalling
as they do the best years of their own lives, spent devoted to killing their brethren in Europe.
Their grandchildren and great grandchildren probably care a lot less as they’re strung out on their
drugs and “hip-hop.” So much for the “better world” all the sacrifice supposedly went for.
Commemoration of sacrifice for a lie? Not my kind of holiday.

The civilization didn’t know it, the broad masses of people didn’t know it but the foundation of
their world had just been shattered to pieces. The outward signs were still in place for
reassurance but the core and the direction were gone. Over time, these things would make
themselves painfully manifest. But the suicide had been committed in such a “good cause”,the
disruption of the natural order had been undertaken in such “high ideals”. The shame and the
ugliness were just the price to pay for such “goodness”. Lies, all lies.

That the living symbol of all this, a prophet for the modern age, should also be born November
11 might also have to be considered more than coincidental. November 11, 1937: The birth of
Charles Manson.

A date to mark, pregnant with living symbolism. Lies may surround it, lies may be what spring
into the minds of most anytime that name is mentioned but truth remains truth, regardless
whether anyone may see it or not.

Such total and magnificent clarity, such polarization. Take your side: The World System or
Manson. Everything represented by the Beast, Babylon’s Whore, or Manson. Take a look at
yourself and decide who you most closely identify with: The System or Manson. The Satanic
System, which controls all media, all thought, day and night – represents itself as “good” while
representing Manson as “bad”. How deeply do you buy into that worldview?

The unfailing pattern. The “nobody,” the “misfit,”the “criminal,” who despite all, becomes a
world icon in his lifetime. If he hadn’t walked in the total truth amidst a world governed by total
lies, nobody might ever have noticed. But the darkness cannot stand to be disturbed, not even by
a pinpoint of light. Darkness can call itself light but this can succeed only so long as actual light
may be suppressed. So Manson, guilty of no real crime, remains locked in maximum security
prison, the truth and the light.

Just as the outward appearance seemed to belie the reality in 1918 and again in 1945, so too did a
society descending somewhere in mid progression in 1969, the year of the “Manson Murders,”
most certainly deride and ignore Manson’s statement to the court to the effect,”These children
coming at you with knives are your children. You raised them, I didn’t.”

And totally blind and consumed by the lie, they today, a generation later, can’t make the
correlation between that and the officially inaugurated phenomenon of the “Super Predators” –
youths who are redefining what violence and disorder are all about. But a lie can’t admit itself to
be a lie nor can it take truly remedial measures – it cant “do the right thing” as that would
automatically mean ending itself. So Manson must have the blame and all will be well. Right?

If the children are the products of their parents’ homes, of the media and the schools, what then
was Manson a product of? Of the very government run institutions – “correctional institutions” –
which are supposed to epitomize law, order and the highest values of the society. “The hallways
of the always,” as Manson refers to these reformatories he was literally raised in. The message?
Obey the rules and all will be well with you.

Not quite right. That’s a cover for the real message only implicit: Participate in the lie and you
may share in it’s rewards.

Manson emerged from prison into a world in upheaval in 1967 – “The Summer of Love.” A
strong social schism, blind and instinctive, among youth in reaction against the total moral
bankruptcy and hypocrisy of their parents. Tragically, this reaction had been foreseen and false
avenues and bogus personalities were provided by the powers in control to ensure nothing could
come of any of it. Basically, “more of the same” is what it came to boil down to. Where the
parents only paid lip service to the lie, the offspring would embrace it totally. More gasoline on
the fire. “Idealism.”

Without access to media or the blessings of big cash, reserved only for servants of the lie,
Manson, the world-shattering personality, could only affect those with whom he had direct
contact. And they dropped the lies and went with him. Sons and daughters of the professional
and well to do who had been lost. Bets were on everywhere that the country was about to erupt
into race war at any moment. Manson took his group to the desert to Death Valley, not only for
it’s physical safety but for it’s spiritual purity. Out of the Beast.
But to leave the Beast is to deny the Beast. To exist outside the Beast, however humbly, to
survive without it’s “blessings,” amounts to that very pinpoint to light which the Beast cannot
tolerate for fear others might develop, spelling it’s own end. The darkness was too powerful and
people are weak. Things went awry. The lie was provided the opening it required to send in it’s
paid pigs to go and destroy the Family out there in the desert, doing so under the cover of
“legality” so as to keep the masses of people under the spell, the illusion of the lie.

A circus for the media. “Hippies,” they were called. Reactionary America felt vindicated. The
“New Left” imagined it had found a hero. That was until Manson carved a Swastika into his
forehead. He was aware and refused to have himself be coopted into the some gigantic ruse as all
the rest, to be caught up in the Systems own game.

Truth remains truth even if no sees it. If only one man sees it out and claims it’s burden then it at
least has assumed earthly form. If it must be one man against the power of the world, so be it.
The fulfillment of all prophesy is the “I told you so” as the power of the lie continues to crack
more and more as it lurches toward it’s own demise, the physical impossibility of itself in a
universe where physics ultimately rules.

From his cell, don’t you think Manson sees and knows all of this and is content with his assured

An Ugly Place Full of Ugly People

Never out of the news is the Middle East. From the conclusion of the Second World War,
through the Korean War, through the Veitnam War, outlasting the Cold War, always, there has
been turmoil in the Middle East which bubbles like a cauldron and, at times, boils over,
threatening a world conflagration.

Centered upon what is referred to as the Holy Land, or the nation of Israel, or Palestine,
depending upon who you are and where your sympathies lie. “Holy” to three major regions yet
in working reality the symbol of everything unholy. The focus of hate, war, repression and
terrorism. For all the talk of peace there appears to be no hope and no future unless and until on
side or another either yields or is annihilated.

If ever there was a festering sore on the face of the globe, this is it. From the Biblical times, to
the Persian, Greek and Roman empires. Through Arabs, Turks, and Crusaders. Into our own time
with World War One and the Zionists, the evacuation of the British, the Declaration of the Israeli
state and all the subsequent Arab-Jewish wars, the Palestine intifada, right to the present day.

A unique spot upon the globe. A sliver of land between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. The
literal crossroads of three continents. More hotly contested than any other place. The formerly
dispossed Jews, though offered as a national homeland great tracts within the Soviet Union under
Stalin and the huge rich island of Madagascar by the powers of Europe, insisted upon taking
Palestine and rechristening it “Israel”by 1948, using the identical means of terror then as they
and the world media bewail and condemn now when used by the Arabs.
“Israel”, they – the Zionists – insist, is to be the seat of their one-world government that is to
come, supposedly as mandated to them by their God. No place else will do. To them it represents
the center of the world from whence the Jewish Millennium will issue forth. If the Biblical
“Armageddon” is triggered as a result of this self-fulfilling prophecy, then so be it.

Belief. It would seem no one group can lay legitimate claim to the Holy Land as being theirs
ancestrally – at least no one more so than anyone else. So it is belief and to what lengths any
respective group will go on account of it. Also, at what cost. Determination, resources and who’ll
give out first. From a practical and historic perspective, the position of the Jews there today
makes a close comparison to that of the Crusaders a thousand years ago with their Kingdom of
Jerusalem. And we know how that ended.

Barring a world war over this, and such outcome won’t matter a damn as, regardless, it’ll remain
an ugly place full of ugly people. The supreme object lesson of the significance of religion and
the power of superstition in the absence of all real meaning and positive force.

Let’s look briefly at those three beliefs for which that narrow piece of real estate is so sacred.

The Jews: it is stated plainly in the Bible that God gave the land of Canaan (yet another name for
the area) to the people of Israel after he removed them from Egypt. However, the story doesn’t
stop there. It is equally well recorded in the same Bible exactly how Israel began to take it all for
granted, forgot the Law, went corrupt, divided against itself and was conquered and deported to
other lands. Fewer than fifty thousand of these people returned there after the captivity and those
were mixed. During the captivity, the conquerors brought in foreign people to fill the vacant
land. Plus, well over 90% of those calling themselves Jews today are descended from the Asiatic
tribe – the Khazars – who merely converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.

Belief. Does a change of mind or the location of one’s birth place one in line for the Biblical
covenant, which in any case, has long ago played itself out? These Jews today are practically as
alien to the Hebrews, the Israelites, of three thousand years ago as any Chinese or Australian
Aborigine. Yet they fanatically cling to this belief. But does fanaticism equal validly and truth?

The Christians: Jesus and the Disciples, together with the events that surrounded them, are all
rooted in the area of Judea ( one more designation for it) and so, to the Christians, it is also a
place of pilgrimage and of reverence. Yet not since the Crusades have they been so foolish as to
think it was either necessary or practical to go and occupy it.

Belief again. Christianity is wide open to anyone who wants to call themselves Christian.
Whatever that may entail, it only has to do with some afterlife according to what the church has
devolved into in this age of P.C. Though the area is a lace where much happened, where many
significant people lived and died, where many special sites exist, it is questionable how much
real connection all this has with what Christianity has come to represent. In the main, the
Christian West seems content to stand behind the bandit state of “Israel” against the Arab world.

The Moslems: The legend goes that Mohammad upon reading in the Bible exactly what God had
to say about the racially mixed, threw his copy down and fled in panic. Being a wealthly and
powerful man in his own right, Mohammad saw fit to create a new religion of his own right, as
it’s own prophet, tailored to his own people, and so wrote the Koran. And as such, it has been
fabulously successful. The Biblical link is provided through Ishmael, the wayward son of
Abraham, the father of today’s Arabs.

By sheer default, the whole place is theirs. Four hundred million Arabs can’t be wrong. That is
only a fact of life, it cannot be changed and to attempt to fly in it’s face is to invite disaster. The
eventual outcome of the issue is clear, or should be to any realistic person.

But realism seems to be a scarce commodity with superstition standing in it’s place. As are the
dealings regarding the Holy Land, so are the dealings involving the rest of the nations of the
earth. Focus of values is entirely misplaced. Easily understood, the belief systems all overlapping
this one spot govern the millions around the world that are subject to them. No wonder at all then
why things are the way they are with no hope of improvement.

All this importance upon the Holy Land is effectively the equivalent of the millions who
pilgrimage to Graceland, the former home of Elvis Presley. Terrific emotional impact but of
what real meaning? Elvis is dead. ( Though there are those who insist he is still alive and lots
more who go to great lengths to imitate him.) The great religions are no different. What of the
long columns of these who still wait in the cold to file through Lenin’s Tomb? That his
experiment fell flat doesn’t seem to matter.

The saga of the Holy Land can be summed up thus: If one will read and comprehend the words
in the Old Testament and apply what knowledge our modern age are has gained, he will know
that those people who abandoned Egypt in favor of Canaan were what are known today as
Anglo-Saxons. Then they were known collectively as Israel. Previously, all Egypt was of this
same racial make-up. The same thing which destroyed Egypt later destroyed the Kingdom of
Israel just as it did the civilizations of all North Africa, the Near East and all the way to India.

Simply put, those who didn’t leave, who did not migrate, were absorbed into what today is
commonly called the Third World. Only the rocky confines of time and isolated Europe
prevented the same process from happening again there. The story of Adam to Abraham to
Moses to David to Jesus is one of a local struggle that was locally lost. The beliefs as set out in
the Old Testament were intended as a safeguard for the bloodline of that people. Over time, with
carelessness the belief system failed them and they vanished – one way or another. Now, today,
in that place is a crowd of essentially non-White types who have fallen heir to the leavings of the
great people who once inhabited it.

“Inheritors” exactly like these inner-city dwellers in the United States who may also claim the
same religion and even bear names like Washington and Jefferson, or Cortez and Pizarro, etc.

The Holy Land. A patchwork of different religions, different architecture, different races. A
mess. All myth, all superstition. Attention to the past, to death. Weird customs and practices. No
future, only strife. The mosques, temples, cathedrals, synagogues – mere trappings, mere going
through the motions. All reason and purpose lost and forgotten. There’s no “Holy Land”, only a
holy race. Israel isn’t there anymore.
Formerly the “Land of Milk and Honey”, now and for a long time past the symbol of literal hell
on earth. There is a lesson in that which goes way beyond praying at the wall, bowing toward
Mecca or retracing Jesus’s steps. The worth of abstract belief versus geographic separation of
races. Look at Europe, particularly the north-west fringes, then look at the Holy Land. Then
realize it once was the same over three thousand years ago. Prior to that time the people were
White and even the landscape had yet to turn to desert. All the religion in the world is of no use.

Better still to pay close attention to right here in North America in the present. It’s been said that
those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. It took a long time for the Near east
to go to hell. Some estimate the Arabian world was nominally “White” until the 1600’s. Where
as migrating from there and into Europe, we left the problem behind, since arriving in North
America we actually imported the danger within our midst. And the belief system dominant here
renders the overall situation as a relay race with suicide.

From 1950 to 2050, the United States specifically will have gone straight to hell. There are two
great “belts” which are expanding over the globe: The desert belt and the Brown belt. Third
world and deforestation. Coloreds, overpopulation, backwardness, poverty, disease, violence.
Third World, great ruins of dead civilization. What produces this is today’s philosophical
“ideal”. Go to the heart of our own city and see the process in action.

Is the entire world’s fate to become one big ugly place full of nothing but ugly people? If this
remains the “ideal”, backed by State power. What and coloreds may believe is unimportant as
they are lost beyond redemption anyway. What Whites believe is of critical importance as they
are the only ones with anything to lose by it.

One final word as regards the religious element. Each one talks much about the concept of sin.
What is a sin? Anything that would contribute to the scenario I’ve outlined. They each talk in
terms of “good” and “evil”. What is good? The pristine state of creation. What is evil? That
which motivates toward, again, the scenario of this article. At the same time, it answers what hell
is: The final and irrevocable arrival at that point.

Knowing that, you also know what real virtue and heaven are.

Pantheons out of Sync

The two theories I’ve heard regarding the possible origin of the Greek and the Roman gods have
it that, one, they are – or were – based on the actual, living kings and queens of Atlantis and,
two, that they were take-offs on the Hebrew patriarchs which are more familiar to us.

A couple of things must be borne in mind when contemplating a subject like this. First, whether
Atlantean, Hebrew, classic Greek or Roman, each of these peoples in thier prime and greatness
represented, Aryan stock. They were essentially ourselves in another time and another place.
What today is known as Anglo-Saxon or Western European. Second, we know that our story of
civilization goes way back, much farther than the five or six thousand years as alluded to in the
In fact, we know that Cro-Magnon man of thirty thousand years ago was essentially ourselves as
well. How long would we expect a large grouping of our own to remain stupid and backward,
without civilization or culture, even if dropped cold into a wilderness?

In these essays I stress throughout that God himself was and is a race of extraterrestrials who
arrived from deep space a half a million years ago, terraformed earth and mutated man out of
creations found here through the intermingling of the extraterrestrials own DNA.

Then there were god-men. Those who lived for centuries until the strain weakened and perhaps
the atmosphere changed. That certainly would have included Adam all the way through Noah.
Certainly, as far back as Atlantis goes, it would include those people as well.

We know of the great Aryan migrations out of Egypt, those which predated the famous Exodus,
which itself was but the final one. Aside from the religion then of the Hebrews which gave rise
to Christianity later, there was that which generated ancient India as well as the Norse Pantheon.
A common memory of Atlantis? Egypt was Atlantis’ oldest and most sophisticated colony and
for a time sought to hold Atlantis’ world empire together even after the final destruction which
most probably coincided with the Biblical flood.

The links between the religion of the Hebrew Temple and that of the Egyptians which they
fought to remove themselves from the midst of are likewise present. Thoth corresponds to
Jehovah and Set to Satan. Could this have represents a cleansing of belief, a getting back to
basics, with the dropping of the cats and the Jackal, ect., and the culling of the truth? Wouldn’t
that be what effective belief is all about?

The Greeks and the Romans? Other, earlier migrations heading from south to north as the last Ice
Age receded? Bringing with them their own version of a common ancient history from an Age of
Gold? Remember that the Roman pantheon is the Greek pantheon except having undergone
some slight evolution of it’s own through changes in time and location. But still clearly
recognizable as the same racial and cultural thread. Are we in any case to believe that our own
racial forebears were superstitious idiots who whipped their traditions up out of whole cloth?

The lesson to be learned – one of them – is how truth and tradition can become debased, corrupt
and ultimately lost over time. God doesn’t change nor do the events of the past only man’s
perception of them. Like the tale of the rumor mill experiment: A story told into an ear at one
end and repeated through until arriving back at it’s origin no longer resembled itself. Human

God in the Old Testament told the prophets that he no longer even wanted to see or hear the
pleadings and supplication of the people in the temple nor wished to receive their offering. Why?
Because their understanding and perception of him had become so perverted that he, in fact, was
not the god being addressed. So he “turned his face away” from them and they perished with
their superstitions. That very spot, by the way, is where this present culture now finds itself.

Questions remain pertaining to ever the possibility of this theory going on the basis of the time
frame. Plenty of time for the usual progression from fact to fable between Atlantis and Athens.
But if Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were actual personages, then there is real stumbling block. It’s
too recent. Besides , we already have established that “Adam” or the first colony of Aryan types
placed on earth, was extant in Western Europe at least by thirty thousand years ago – vastly
predating any Biblical chronology and even diplacing the “Garden of Eden” itself, by my own
reckoning, to Atlantis.

Others point out more common threads running through these ancient religions. Notably the
business of the Zodiac, the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Symbology employed by myth-makers,
coincidence, or something more?

Well-established, each in it’s own right, are all three. Certainly before man even realized a year
contained twelve months, it was reality. The Twelve tribes are all a matter of cultural and
genealogical record. The Zodiac is real enough and for the Bible to warn us against it’s use as a
source of divination. In other words, one could justifiably make of it whatever he will.

I’ve seen some remarkable numerology attached to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. No expert
in that area myself, they refer to the street number of the first NSDAP headquarters in Munich
and to the date of Hitler’s assumption of power, ect. George Lincoln Rockwell did make it a
point to refer to Hitler and the twelve hanged disciples at Nuremberg ( if you count the suicide of
Ley and Goring.) I’ve said it in several places that Hitler has already assumed godlike status
which can only be expected to intensify and spread. How will it be seen in another thousand
years after the age of these older, “rotten” gods has passed? I’d hate to think the day would ever
come when Hitler’s image and memory would become so degenerated even among his followers
to point where he would “turn his face” from us.

But if one has some appreciation of what the truth is then he is sure to keep running into it as he
probes history, turning back the pages to moments of greatness and of ruin. I’ve pointed out
elsewhere that a lot of this is plain physics, that for the same thing to repeat itself among the
same people over and over, despite the location or the moment, certain elements have to present
each time. Perhaps with the Greco-Roman gods we see it remembered. Perhaps with the
Patriarchs of the Bible and with Adolf Hitler we see it fresh and brand new.

The final, key lesson, is to hold the MEANING of it firmly and clearly in our minds and to not
allow it to lapse into quaint and eccentric bedtime story material, much less one more tool by
which a State power – always on the side of untruth – can jerk us around.

Three Faces of Satanism

The complacent clueless masses are going wild looking for “Satan” under every rock. Especially
where their children are concerned, whether it be in the music they listen to or their mode of
fashion. Exactly as when I was a kid, the parents are upset over the ever-steepening downward
trend but only able the moan and bewail the latest outward manifestations of a deeper problem.
This generation is as alienated from it’s parents as the previous one was from theirs.

Why? Because whatever “values” the older ones may somehow yet cling to are patently,
uniformly hollow, hypocritical and rotten. They go in search of something, anything.
Unfortunately, the same source that destroyed the traditional values also took care to lay every
sort of gimmick and trap out there to snare the lost and the searching. A deliberate set-up.

The worse-than-useless churches are leading the cry over “Satanism” in precisely the same sense
that he is a super-spook counterpart to their God. It has the same ring of crap to it as any of the
rest of their garbage and, by the unbroken trends, it is having the corresponding effect. That’s
what happens to a people when it’s belief system degenerates to total superstition. The people
themselves degenerate next. Throwing more superstition at very real social problems is just like
throwing gasoline on a fire trying to douse it.

But if we’re going to talk about Satan, let’s at least try to do it intelligently.

It was in 1967, in San Francisco, that Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan. I’m very proud
of my original 33 1/3 album of his “Satanic Mass” and my inscribed copy of his “Satanic Bible”.
I quoted LaVey extensively in my first book and a number of my closest and best Movement
comrades are bona fide high priests in LaVey’s church. A person might be shocked.

I even permitted myself to be billed as a “Neo-Nazi Satanist” to appear opposite radio

evangelist-for-profit, Bob Larson. If they want me to be “evil”, I’ll be “evil” for them. Evil sells,
evil excites and electrifies. That is what has been done to the image and reputation of “good”.
That’s part of the trap. A world deliberately turned upside-down. LaVey himself attacks those
who give truth for lies and lies for truth. He borrows straight from the Bible.

Not wanting to tell tales out of class, LaVey has showmanship strikingly reminiscent of George
Lincoln Rockwell and knows how to use shock and symbolism to defeat the news blackout and
to reach people’s minds and shatter preconceptions. It works like this: To the average person
who finds himself disillusioned and alienated by a world full of lies, if “God” is really as
nowhere as those churches represent then it only seems logical to take a second look at his
opposite number, Satan, in hopes of finding some meaning and worth.

Only an intrepid soul will go a route like this but only the intrepid will, in the end, be worth
anything – precisely as George Lincoln Rockwell knew when he adopted the name “American
Nazi Party.”

The heavy reliance upon Ragnar Redbeard’s “Might Is Right”, so “Viking” in it’s nature, even
provides a direct philosophical link between the two groups. The Norse, the Vikings, the doctrine
of strength as opposed to weakness – everything that this Big Brother System and it’s State
Religion brands as “evil”. Names and labels are as nothing. If something rings true, go with it
and to hell with whatever slander may be flung at you.

One more striking similarity shared by LaVey and Rockwell is/was their insistence upon strict
legality on the part of their respective memberships. Plain good citizenship. This so as not to
provide the “criminality” to cripple the effort and to enhance their own scam of “good Guys
versus Bad Guys” for the stupid masses.

That’s one face of Satanism.

The second face is the one which most catches the public eye and causes the greatest concern.
That is the “jokers”and the “wild cards” of the Night Stalker variety. Intent to “do evil” as it is
defined by the society as a means of rebelling or attacking a hypocritical and grossly cruel and
unjust Big Brother System. They are to LaVey’s group what the younger and more hot-headed
Skinheads are to older and more orthodox Nazis – an embarrassment. But they fire the
imagination and attract the youth by their exploits.

I even had occasion to become a sort of second-hand acquainted with the Night Stalker, Richard
Ramirez, through a mutual friend during 1993-1994. Intelligent and personable, one of those rare
personality types which can make others “fishers of men.” What is Ramirez in reality other than
a philosophical forerunner of what has already been dubbed the on coming generation of
thoroughly disaffected “Super Predators”?

So we have the one, LaVey and his followers, as a very conscious and careful reaction to the
phoniness of the System. While the real nightmare people, like Ramirez, ect., are direct and
organic products of a very inhuman System – it’s own sins assuming solid form to come back
upon it.

However – and I know I’ll be offending both when I say it – they share one thing in common:
Satan himself could hardly careless about either of them.

The directness and exuberance of both betrays an honest and will-to-life that places them at
direct odds with what Satan is and is all about.

Not a showman, not a prankster – Satan is “the man in grey flannel suit.” Not out to enlighten or
even cause alarm – Satan has a businesslike agenda of supreme seriousness. The words, “I’m the
Devil and I wish to do evil.” will never issue forth from his lips. He will never present himself as
what he is. His mission being serious, his methodology is equally serious – designed for effect,
not to gain superfluous reaction from bored people.

The mission is not to light hot-foots oo plant whoopie cushions in world affairs or even in
people’s lives. The mission is to destroy God’s people, to erase them biological and genetically.
What else would it be – or hadn’t you considered that? And you don’t do that by making people
afraid of you on sight. You do it by leading them over the precipice – with their full confidence
and participation. You do it by being “responsibility” personified, by being “legitimate
authority”, by actually stepping in and having these stupid people worship you and your doctrine
of death as “God.”

There you have it: The third and actual face of Satan.

Big Brother System? No. It’s the Beast System, the Whore of Babylon, the Satanic System.
Right here and now.

All power – everything – is solely in the hands of the System. Regardless what anyone may say
or do, only it controls the trends which are leading straight up to Apocalypse. The omnipresent
corruption of the philosophy of racial suicide. Not to mention the fanatical and irresistible
DRIVE to force all this without variance.

No accident. No mistake.

So – if you really want to serve Satan’s cause, enter big business or the media, join one of the
major parties, become a minister in a major denominational church. Become a real “law and
order”, “vote and pay taxes” person. Fall in line with the “New World Order.”

But now that you know all this, how attractive does any of it really sound?

Time and Time Again

“I don’t want to learn it. I want it to instruct me.” So said Adolf Hitler about the study of history.
As to the whole education process itself, Hitler added that the object was to retain the essential
and discard the non-essential. He was speaking of the ability to recognize and comprehend
patterns and principles as, without this, there is no awareness and, according to the famous quote,
people are doomed to repeat the past.

On the subject of Hitler, how many are they who make the study of the Third Reich period in
Germany their avocation, right down to all the names, dates and places, the orders of battle, etc.
and can recite those from memory as though part of church catechism , and yet know nothing of
what it all means. They’ve “learned it,” alright, but they have gained no instruction from it.

How many of us devoted years and even decades of our lives to intensive political activity within
the framework of a “neo-Nazi” grave, so taken were we by the Hitler mystique that we shut out
the entire context in which he lived and moved to the point where we approached irrelevance?
Not even knowing this was not the course had would have chosen for us under the new
circumstances. Hitler copied no one, he fit his atmosphere perfectly, and yet he was in a spirit
which was constant and eternal.

The religious. Stuck in the letter of the ancient texts to the Bible, they literally can quote you
chapter and verse. The man with his beard. long hair, robe and sandals. Approximately as out of
place in this world as Hitler with his moustache and uniform. But two thousand years ago he was
utterly common for his time and place. Yet, due to a unique spirit, he was able to meet a certain
set of circumstances that keeps recurring and do it in such a way that his name has lived on.

Well and good to look back and admire all that devotion among people, times and places so
distant to us as to appear like myth. But it was real to them. Among these fans and supporter
today, who would face the fiery end in Berlin or death upon the cross? As, “glorious” as the
legend may be now, it represented only personal death to them then.

People, it is clear, would far prefer to latch onto something safely in the past, to refer to it only
when satisfying and convenient. Then put it away to go on about the business of blindly existing,
essentially, serving whatever power it is that sits in control of present-day reality. Why this
phenomena of belief systems that are detached from present day practicality? If one wants to
retreat into the past, call it as such but don’t pretend to affect the present by it.

It’s an apparent human trait that seems to be inescapable. They forget. They never learn. They
can’t see the same thing reoccurring even as they stand in it’s midst. Great suffering, then
climax, then a new age. Then they forget again. Each time a Jesus or a Hitler is summoned forth
to answer up for and entire people. Then they enter common legend and even their own personal
significance is lost with the rest.

It’s disturbing to see and know these “experts” on matters such as the Bible or even Mein
Kampf. The ability to quote lines is useless unless one can fully know WHAT IT IS. The
regarding of the two as separate, even conflicting fields, says it all. The reality is that they are the
same. They tell the same story, sound the same warning, to the same people except an age apart.
Time and again. The dynamics never change, only times and manners. How should such trivial
considerations disguise an eternal cycle coming back around again? But it does.

Greatness and fall, greatness and fall. Of the same people. For the same reasons. With all the
same symptoms. With the same results. With the same enemy. Why is it that only we forget?

Human nature, man’s curse. If the Bible has any special significance it is to outline and make
that plain. It’s set to happen, it’s known to happen, it was seen to happen. And there is an
outcome. Finally comes an end when awareness arrives in full, never to depart again, so that
greatness and well-being may never be disrupted or lost.

If the experience of Adolf Hitler has any significance it is to underscore beyond any doubt that
the “age of magic” does not lie hopelessly far back in the dusts of time, beyond modern man’s
reach. That it is here with us – or us with it – in the present time despite anyone’s inability to
grasp it. That even in the midst of this most mundane of modern times, in reality no different
than any other, great things can happen to upset and topple the march of destruction and death as
a people.

Above all, not a matter of “faith” but of principle, of physics. If only the individual can see and
know all this then it, the awareness of it, can be for him a bottomless, unquenchable source of
strength and assurance. This was the identical message of both, Jesus and Hitler. The one as he
strove in a deadly, dangerous environment dominated by his enemies. The other as he sat in a
prison cell, charged with high treason, as his political party lay in ruins, banned by the “law of
the land.”

Events have always, will always, take it on their own. Masses of people will be swept along. A
tiny few extraordinary personalities, in possession of sufficient awareness, with courage and
ability to act, will catalyze these events. It would be unremarkable had not the conclusion to it all
been foreseen and recorded.

That by itself might be of no benefit to us today as we suffer and endure except that this same
awareness I speak of allows us to see and know that what was “near” two thousand years ago
now is imminent. A spot flare up here and there across the earth over the past ages, only to move
on and repeat itself indeed gone on, seemingly without end right to the present. Time and again.

Until the last of the more or less familiar, historical incidents played out in 1945 in Germany.

Now it’s a global lock. Same people, same enemy, same dynamics – except now, for the first
time ever, it is global and not a sideshow. Never before.

Magic is about to replay. Should the enemy have managed to convince you that all is dead, dull
and gray, that all is contained in his financial bottom line, to the point where you can’t even go
on in hope, an intelligent mind should be able to view all this in one of two ways – or both.

Physically, practically, this can’t endure as it can be seen to be eating itself now even as the
former greatness and health have been all but consumed. The “cup of iniquity” approaches full.
It’s almost full circle.

More than an unmistakable cycle that the astute might spot for themselves, to be able to draw
their own conclusions, someone knew it would come to this and detailed it to us many thousand
of years ago.

That next to none can see it means nothing. That much was recorded also.

Despite ignorance and even resistance, the pattern and process of birth, death and rebirth won’t
be denied.

Except that we are given the distinction of living to witness the last great playing out of this on a
world wide scale. For, those who have longed to know the secrets of the beginning, most if not
all of them will be revealed now, at the end. This time, so it is claimed, they won’t be lost.

Mormonism – Deliberate Hoax; Unwitting Truth

The trouble with all organized, formal religions is that they are focused upon myth instead of the
reality that inspired the myth. This at one stroke removes the belief system from the nuts and
bolts working of the government and the society and throws it all to the mercy of business and
finance and those who control it.

Worse, even the attention to the myth is secondary to the discipline given over to the form
established which surrounds and perpetrates it. Church. Truly it has become form before
function. The Church is but one more big business, exchanging a tax exempt status for carefully
towing the official government and media line.

If it isn’t already obvious that should the belief system rest on a foundation of sand, so does all
the rest, it should be. The object is to find the core of truth and be instructed by it. Then no evil
can touch you. This is only true in an individual sense, unfortunately. Forever, there have been
those committed to unearthing the truth and disseminating it to the best of their ability, often at
great personal cost. And still every world system in all ages has been found to be in the service
of lies.

That would indicate on its face that truth and power are not complimentary. “How can they
conceal that?!” It doesn’t matter what, take your pick. Or, if only that could be known, things
would dramatically change. There’s an actual publication current entitled, “The Truth At Last.”
Note always that nothing changes. Change I would describe as a divergence from the present
course. Change is not included as only a predictable deterioration as consequence of the present

It is that power will do as power will do, regardless. That is determined according to what the
power deems to be good for it. A certain order serving the position and wealth of some and the
secret agenda of the most high up. Truth be dammed if it is found to be inconvenient to this.
Those who hold power simply don’t care and, in order to join this crowd, you must be willing to
embrace and share in the lie.

Most common people likewise don’t care and are willing to be led around by the power. They
know, consciously or subconsciously, to go along with it or else exist in poverty or perhaps even
prison. Of what use then in this arrangement is truth anyway? It simply is not practical. No one
wants it. Trouble again is that truth will not be denied forever by petty fools who insist on flying
in it’s face. Consequences catch up inevitably and when they do, under such circumstances, the
innocent fall along with the guilty.

With that preamble out of the way, I’ll outline the evolution of my own search for truth.

From a life-long background of atheism and reliance upon the scientific method, plus a good
grasp of history, I unravelled layer upon layer of myth and falsehood until I felt I understood
what it was that animated and controlled the affairs of the world. That was well and good, even if
disturbing, but it failed to provide much of an answer. In short, all that ultimately delivered one
into the middle of a field where it left him. However, learning the nature of what was in control
ultimately pointed the way toward finding the answer.

Realizing that what held power in the world was something very huge and very wrong, that
sought to keep it’s nature hidden, that was possessed of an unclean drive and, mostly, knowing
it’s ultimate success spells death for even itself, one can see that the answer defies rationality just
as does the problem. So it was there that the quest of what lay behind the great myths began.

So it was that just as I had approached the Bible in mid-life, armed with insights to bust every
prejudice and superstition, I examined the Book of Mormon. The joy of both was in that my hard
won background allowed certain critical aspects to jump out at me through all the wordiness
which confuses and turns most people away, leaving it up to others to do the thinking and
interpreting of them (so long as it is kept within the strict tax exempt governmental parameters).

As discussed fully elsewhere, the Bible is quite legitimate in that it descends from both cosmic
truth and literal history despite having suffered from tampering during editing and translation.
The Book of Mormon, however, does appear, to be one of the most elaborate hoaxes ever. Yet,
despite that conclusion, it contains much that is instructional and, for the most part, could have
actually taken place and does impart some valuable codes of belief. Similar in that sense to the
Pagan beliefs of ancient Europe but also, in the end, unable to withstand onslaught from without.

In reading the lengthy text the first thing to become obvious is the great effort to mimic the King
James style of prose. An “angel” interested solely in conveying ideas and meaning as he caused
an indecipherable script to be understood by a human would hardly concern himself with holding
to what was already by then an archaic literary fashion. This is more along the line of a trick that
a skillful hoaxer would employ in order to better “sell” his product to a gullible public.

In direct line with that certain references are injected which date the origin of the work to the
time its appearance, i.e., early Nineteenth Century. To those people then, Columbus was the
discoverer of a totally new land. Had it been “inspired” by an angel, presumably all knowing, or
even written in the first person by someone, having come here from Eastern Hemisphere in years
B.C., the common knowledge of the land masses of all the globe would have been reflected.

Even more in keeping with the popular sentiments of the early United States are the repeated
uses of the word “liberty” which is as alien to the actual Bible as any term could be. It is a
modern reference and for it to have been included in any translation of any ancient text via an
angel would have to mean that the angel placed importance upon what would be “politically
correct.” Angels don’t do that. Only human crafters of bogus documents.

The most glaring thing is the frustrating omission of records of encounters with what the Vikings
would later refer to as “skraelings,” variously translated as being either “the weaklings” or “the
ugly men” but meaning American Indians. Having no real awareness of what the Indians were or
how they got here, the story was invented that it had been the division of these very same “Latter
Day” sojourners together with the backsliding of one branch and the fratricide of both which
accounted for the presence of savages and the absence of the Godly people at the time of

Finally, the great cities of stone built by these people. That the Lord caused them all to be
swallowed up by water and by earth is simply too convenient. Even the trace remains of the
nuked or submerged Sodom have been located on the shore of the Dead Sea. Is it even possible
for such remains to have been overlooked in the eastern United States.

Despite all that, the story contained in the Book of Mormon graces remarkably close to actuality
as we only recently have been able to know it. It draws a picture and sounds a warning that are
completely valid. And perhaps this was the intention of Smith and company after all. To the
credit side, few then or now would be willing to suffer persecution and death for a deliberate,
profiteering and damnable lie. I think they know what they were trying to do. However, today we
have no need to rely upon myth or invention. We have the truth even though it is every bit as
dangerous and unpopular.

One curious thing is that at at the time the Book of Mormon was “found,” or was being written, a
thing called British Israel was coming to vogue among Christian circles, including as one of it’s
proponents Queen Victoria. The crux of this theory was based upon migration. It claimed to hold
evidence that not only had the nation of Israel migrated out to Egypt in the universally known
Exodus to claim and settle the land of Canaan but that, following the Biblically recorded split,
conquest and captivity, that same nation of Israel migrated on to cross the Caucasus Mountains
and eventually settle primarily in north western Europe.

This would open up a cauldron of disturbing possibilities.

It might indicate that what Jesus said about his only being sent to the “Lost Sheep of the House
of Israel” was directly expressed to these “Ten Lost Tribes” who were by his time well
ensconced in their new European homes and harrying the Roman Empire on it’s fringes even as
it was about to snuff out their former home, the province of Judea.

It might explain all the apparent contradictions contained in so many of Jesus’ pronouncements
which so rankle the fighting spirit of what is considered to be Northern European man. His
vantage point was from that of a conquered and dying people who had forsaken and forgotten
their origins, who were paying the ultimate price of occupation, dispersion, dilution – erasure as
a people. Life and existence in the north was fresh and strong and the Pagan beliefs they had
built for themselves reflected that.

If this much were true, then the meaning of “Lost Tribes” or “Lost Sheep” would not have nearly
so much to do with their being displaced as it would with their having forgotten who they were
which led to their downturn of fortune and eventual displacement. This would render Jesus and
the apostles as messenger with a reminder that what happened to the “Promised Land” could
happen just the same anywhere else if first the belief system went lax and fell into superstition.
Though Christianity did ultimately sweep Europe, or “Christendom,” it unfortunately took the
form of a “spiritual” rather than a physical Israel, thereby losing all potency.

Worse still, it resulted in true Israel imagining those people now occupying the area of Palestine,
as identified in the Bible as Edom, the blood-enemies of Israel, to be “Jews” and the “Chosen
People” of God. Viewing themselves thus as “gentiles” while regarding these Edomites as
something somehow “sacred,” they are placed in an impossible, even fatal disadvantage. So it
stands to this day when we see conditions in Europe and the United States paralleling those of
the late Old Testament.

Only a few decades following Joseph Smith and the appearance of the Book of Mormon came
one Ignatius Donnelly, a contemporary and friend of Abraham Lincoln, who wrote a book
entitled, “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World,” which probed the myth as presented by Plato and
presented a powerful case for the core reality of a super-culture of vast antiquity. This seat of the
world empire was gradually erased through natural disasters but passed it’s mantle on to its’s
oldest colony which was Egypt. Migration and colonization.

The result of the decline of Egypt was the Exodus and the establishment of the United Kingdom
of Israel. The decline of that a thousand years later resulted in the migration over the Caucasus
and the foundation of what would become the modern states of Europe and their royal houses.
Following that the return to the Western Hemisphere.
“Return” because great stretches of the Americas had been part of the Empire of Atlantis and
remained close trading partners with the Egyptians and later the Phoenicians who were but the
Tribe of Dan and, still later, the Vikings. Columbus was guided by Phoenician maps in 1492, at
the end of the Dark Ages. World history was coming full circle. Though Joseph Smith couldn’t
have know it, Hebrew presence in North America was a reality. This was the very picture he was
try to paint with the Book of Mormon.

What had caused these Atlanteans, or Hebrews, or Anglo-Saxons to vanish had not been, as
Smith suggested, their slipping into barbarous practices. What happened to them was the same
thing that happened in Egypt and, later, Israel, annihilation or amalgamation by or with,
aboriginal peoples. Perhaps some of the Indian tribes did contain trace amounts of White blood.
Again, what a weird twist! Only picking up and moving on had allowed what collectively could
be called the Aryans to survive as a people. Europe geographically provided the most
magnificent separation where culture could again flourish and reassert itself.

Among the explorers of the Mississippi Valley region during the late Eighteenth and early
Nineteenth Centuries arose rumors of “Roman cities” that were wiped out by some of the the
worst flooding and earthquakes ever. Not until the late Twentieth Century did men like Von
Daniken and Sitchen come along to explain and place into perspective what might be behind
such things as “angels” bringing prophecies and revelations.

Smith, it would seem, was quite a visionary after all, way ahead of his time.

Three Lies

Many things are always produced by war but lies are in that forefront. It’s “go for the win” at all
cost and that includes the truth when it is trampled or discarded in the course of a wartime
propaganda campaign. It’s understandable after all. Must vilify the enemy, must generate
solidarity on the home front all in the name of morale. But is it possible to over do this and to
believe one’s own propaganda to an extent where it becomes self defeating?

Francis Parker Yockey, writing in “Imperium,” said that one either fights a real enemy or he
fights himself. On the basis of that then, no propaganda should be required to either inform a
people to it’s danger or whip up hatred toward anyone else. Someone else said that “an enemy is
anyone who attacks.” Twice in this century the United States has participated in World Wars
totally unnecessarily, with propaganda filling the gap in place of a natural and mortal enemy.

Is there such a thing as a “white lie,” a helpful or beneficial lie? “If it’s in a good cause,” you
say? One would have to ask, of what need would any truly good cause have for the weapon of
lies? Under any circumstances. Those millions upon millions who go to kill and to die, believing
their world is in some kind of imminent danger, are doing so under false pretenses. Somewhere
along that line a case for mass murder can be made. A piece of white granite in a military
cemetery is small thanks for having been duped into fighting someone else’s battle for them, for
purposes never fully disclosed.
This was brought to mind perhaps oddly enough, during a television newscast in July of 1997
when it was perfunctorily announced that it had just been released that the famous band leader,
Glenn Miller, had not been mission in action over the English Channel in 1944 but, instead had
died in Parisian brothel. Included in the report was that this fact had been withheld all this time,
and certainly at the beginning, for purposes of “morale.”

The disclosure had no effect upon my appreciation of Miller’s music. Of course, things were far
different then. Miller had also been a military captain and in charge of the Army Air Force Band
which had G.I.’s who were marauding all over Europe marching to the tune of W.C. Handy’s
“St.. Louis Blues.” Somehow, one just cannot envision James Stuart and June Allyson starring in
“The Glenn Miller Story” shortly after the War with the truth of the matter intact.

And on the reverse of all those record albums still being released throughout the 1960’s and
beyond, in the liner notes, that tragic, mysterious and legendary ending – lost over the English
Channel in December, 1944 – made it seem as though Miller might somehow be still there, in
action in ghostly form, unchanged from the days when that brand of sweet music was in vogue
even as the world was tearing itself apart.

Better to let the Germans have the blame for his loss. Better to allow the veterans to have their
lovely illusions. I wonder what effect the announcement of the actual truth may have had upon
those very elderly survivors fro the period who may have heard it. Far too late now in any event.
A curious if obscure lie but a definitive example demonstrating the government does lie. Only
that, not much more. Nothing really affected then or now. No fuss. Few really even give a damn.

Up the scale of possible significance where lies are concerned is the story everyone is familiar
with: Pearl Harbor, December 7th , 1941. The day Japan “sneak attacked” the U.S. Navy and
precipitated American entry into World War Two. “Remember Pearl Harbor,” as the song went.
Who could forget the intonation of Franklin Roosevelt as he addressed Congress, “… a day that
will live in infamy”?

But I grew up personally with one more most curious thing. My own father had been in the Navy
from 1938 until 1945 and was aboard the cruiser, U.S.S. Boise. He related to me the story of how
his ship had received orders to leave Pearl Harbor just prior to the attack, along with the aircraft
carriers and to make it’s way to Manila in the Philippines. Enroute west, the ship sighted a huge,
blacked out fleet maintaining radio silence and with a heading of east. Reports of the encounter
made then and upon arrival in Manila were ignored. I still have his map pin-pointing the

Since that time, volumes have appeared, authored by reputable scholars and historians, revealing
that the Japanese codes had been cracked and were being regularly intercepted and read. The
Roosevelt regime knew the Japanese plan of attack and did not warn the military at Pearl Harbor.
The obsolete battleships were deliberately left there as sitting ducks along with the men on them.
Murder or “morale?”

The fact is incontrovertible. Fitting it into place puts an entirely different slant on the Second
World War. The least little bit of digging now would reveal that it was Roosevelt’s deep desire to
get the United States involved in the War. This despite the fact that he had gone on radio to
assure American mothers that, “I hate war.” He needed war just in order to pull the U.S.
economy out of the Depression where his own “New Deal” policies had failed to do so. And,
even more than that, he wanted war so as to be able to militarily come to the aid of the battered
and staggering Soviet Union as part of of the linchpin toward the “New World Order.”

The American people did not want war. They well remembered the scam and hokum which had
drawn them into the First World War and the terrible mess which came out of that. Powerful
U.S. political figures were leading the movement to remain neutral. Charles Lindbergh among
them said at the time that if Americans allowed themselves to be tricked into going to fight for
the liberty of others again, they could end by losing it at home. Prophetic words. A ruse was

Failing in his attempt to goad Germany into attacking first by conducting open warfare upon
German ships in the Atlantic in 1941, he succeeded by issuing embargoes and ultimatums
against Japan the same year. The propaganda machine took it from there and the duped
American people fell all over themselves to go to war. They nuked a helpless, prostrate Japan as
retribution for Pearl Harbor. What they gained was the war in Korea, the war in Vietnam, the
terror of the Cold War in the grip of the “New World Order.”

These books carrying this information are readily, easily available. Among even amateur
historians this is common knowledge. Apologists can only dance around it with weak “maybe”
and “perhaps.” During the ceremonies commemorating Pearl Harbor in December of 1991, on
the occasion of it’s fiftieth anniversary, I watched a broadcast showing two elderly veterans, one
American, one Japanese who had been there in 1941. It was the American who openly cursed
Roosevelt and his criminal regime in Washington for having been the ones responsible.

Another deliberate, overt lie. You decide the significance. You decide if the cause was a good
one. But you first must be able to determine exactly what the cause actually was. Are you
capable of doing that or are there too many other, as yet unknown lies obscuring the truth just
like so man unexploded land mines.

But note, just like the story of Glenn Miller, there is no flap, no outrage over this. The truth is
laying there for anyone to pick up. However, again, it’s been over fifty years and what’s done is
done. What can be done about it now? Perhaps that was the idea at the time – as with any crime.

Finally, we move into the realm of what truly could be called “The Big Lie.” A lie so huge, of
such magnitude that a veritable “religion” or “faith” has been erected upon it. This to the extent
that, in some places, to even question it’s authenticity can get you fired from your teaching post
and, in still other places it can get you thrown in prison. This one, or rather it’s unmasking, is no
ho-hum matter. It’s pure dynamite.

Only decades after the end of World War Two did it receive the familiar label the entire world
knows: “Holocaust.” People on spot at the time along with revisionist historians all along have
been branding it the fake that it is.
Here I can share and appreciate the outraged incredulity of any new person confronted with this
allegation. What about all those pictures and newsreels? What about all those “witnesses,” all
those “survivors?” Six million dead people is a lot of people. But would you know the difference
between a photo of a pile of five hundred dead bodies or five thousand? Would you know who
they were or what killed them or why, unless someone told you? Statistics show that the Nazis at
no time had as many as six million Jews within their reach.

Arguments of logic can make a powerful case against the idea of a “Holocaust” on the part of the
Germans. While holding off the weight of the world, would they devote so much attention and
vital resources to an obviously “mad” pursuit? Or would they, as they did in reality, put these
people to useful purpose aiding their war effort as laborers? But why concentration camps?
Everyone has employed concentration camps. The United States also in World War Two for the
Japanese-American. And earlier for the American Indians. Not nice but sometimes a perceived

But what about the gas chambers? Aside from blurting out “gas chambers,” their existence
cannot be established and, indeed, never has been. What about Zykon-B? What about the shower
rooms? They were just that: Shower rooms, many of them crudely doctored after the War as the
Allies prepared to turn these places into propaganda museums. What of the crematoria? Just that:
Crematoria to dispose safely of the deceased.

What of all those piles and heaps, fields and pits of corpses, whether six thousand or six million,
discovered in the concentration camps at the end of the War? These were all casualties as the
result of typhus and starvation, all inside the final ninety days of the War, all as the result of the
disruption of German rail and transportation service by Allied bombing.

What are the facts? Especially, following the collapse of the Soviet Union which had “liberated”
the camps in the East (where, by the way, all the so-called “Death Camps” were located) we
have access to all the meticulous records kept by the Germans. For example, we know
conclusively that a total of twenty four thousand died at Auschwitz during it’s entire history. We
are able to accurately estimate that two hundred and fifty thousand persons died in German
concentration camps in all. That is of all causes, including Allied bombing, non of them
attributable to “gassing.” And of those, only approximately half were Jews.

Bad enough, you say. But a far cry from six million and an even farther cry form a deliberate
program of “genocide.” This can’t be dismissed as a slip of the pen. Especially since laws have
been passed to make it dangerous for anyone now to even attempt to investigate any of this.
Someone is lying, they know they are lying and they are determined to protect their lie.

You need to ask yourself why they would do this and who has the power to do this. Glenn Miller
is dead, Roosevelt is dead, a lot of people form World War Two are dead. It happened a long
time ago. Is there a significance today?

The same force that instrumented all those lies then remains alive and in power today. And as
pervasive as it is, mightn’t it be reasonable to assume that it directly affects you and your future,
personally, in ways you cannot imagine?


The average citizen will not make the connection which is in the Old Testament between ancient
Israel in it’s dying days and the United States – indeed all of Western Civilization – in present.
The signs, the symptoms, all shockingly the same for those with any awareness. Unmistakable.
Yet those agonized, detailed lamentations are no more than one archaic word piled upon another
for most. The message can’t make it off the pages and into the minds for those whom it was

Why? Perhaps the primary reason is the deceptively, overly obvious circumstances of Israel
having been militarily conquered, overrun by it’s outside enemies and it’s population having
been deported enmasse. Nothing like that here, right? No application, right? Just this kind of
subtlety and intricacy whether in understanding the Bible or in comprehending the present, is
what prevent the vast majority from taking and message of value from either the Bible or from
history in general.

First, it must always be borne in mind – just as history, science, archeology and anthropology
confirm to us – that we, the Anglo-Saxons, are Israel. A people of endless migration and
colonizations. When we study the Bible ,we study ourselves in another time and another place,
by another name. Still, the same blood. Because it’s the same blood, the patterns, the traits, the
strengths and weaknesses are the same. Because of this, the fate and the destiny – the prophesies
– for Israel are ours as well not only in the present but in the future. Were it not so, then the Bible
would be no more than one more volume of curious lore.

Those people did not drop off the face of the planet nor were they bred out of existence. We are

Second, just as the old political Movement taught, “our race is our fartherland,” or “our race is
our nation.” Israel was Israel even while still in Egypt, centuries before establishing it’s own
geographic boundaries. When Israel went into captivity and subsequently migrated into Western
Europe, that was the end of the working concept of Israel. Same people but with a new location,
a new name, in a new time. Labels change, blood does not. The “Israel” now in the Middle East
is a complete counterfeit. As John in Revelation said, “those who say they are Jews but who are

Third, people from North Western Europe – practically an exclusive concentration of Tribes of
Israel – came to these shores and established for themselves the United States. Precisely as in the
taking of the land of Canaan, they fought fierce battles with natives to drive them out of the land
little by little. God had said to Israel to drive out or kill the original inhabitants, to not have any
dealings with other alien nations, to not give our daughters or take their daughters, to not permit
“strangers” to be in power over us, to not worship other Gods – let he do to us what he intended
to do to them.
This is all specific reference to racial and cultural integrity.

Then as now, the society and government went multi-racial and multi-cultural. The very
abomination God warned against. He was just as specific as to what the consequences for this
would be. They were upon us then just as they are upon us now.

Four hundred years in Egypt, four hundred years under judges, four hundred years under kings.
Then captivity. By comparison, events have proceeded here at a lightening pace.

So what a time-frame a little slower or a little faster? So what a venue in the Western
Hemisphere instead of the Eastern? So what physical-political boundaries if the people who first
created them to serve their own well-being have lost control over them and the government has
fallen into the hands of our enemies – just as warned of in the Bible – and the land within has
become overrun with aliens – again, just as detailed in the Bible?

Evidence strongly suggests that we founded Egypt in it’s beginnings and peopled it and guided it
through it’s time of greatness. Then we forgot ourselves, lost control and wound up as strangers
and outcasts, having to literally fight out way out of there and into a corner of our own. Then it
happened again and again. Up to the present time.

Conquered? So what if a creeping, invading enemy sees fit to retain the form of nationhood he
first came to infiltrate and subvert for his own ends? If most can’t see or comprehend this and
instead imagine this “New Babylon” to still be the nation of their fathers, does it make any
difference as to the working reality? Of course, if you can’t see it, it’s going to happen to you.
That’s the blindness and helplessness which is the thread constant throughout the Bible and it is
the same evil which has the same people by the throat today.

“Committing whoredoms.” From the very first slippage, the very first compromise which a
mockery of this nation and it’s government in the previous century to the present, when
practically the entire people embraces every literal abomination as their way of life – going so far
as to brazenly call it days of the Old Testament are present, here and now. So what if no earthly
power within or without is capable of going up against the Beast System which has made the
United States it’s Citadel?

Worse than Conquered. Unconsciously enlisted into the army of Satan. Waiting to confront a
Red Devil with tail and horns. Vigilant for some foreign, Third World “enemy” to attack these
shores. Confident in their “democratic” form of government. Proud and satisfied of their
“Christian convert” from among the very people God forbade contact with.

On guard against “witches” and assorted weirdos that are but natural and logical response to a
society in decay. “Sorcery” as warned of in the Bible for the last days. One more tragic and
critical slip in translation for it means literally and refers directly to a society overrun by and
consumed with narcotics. Five percent of the world population and yet the United States
accounts for over half of the world’s drug use.
The identifying marks of not only the people but the place and the time are there. Take it or leave

So it would then follow logically that should you conqueror be conquered you might be
liberated. Back to revelation, there is no earthly force to go up against the Beast now in control.
Read the words carefully and don’t take it from me that this power can only come from off the
earth. And it is very physical, very real.

Why any such intervention? For the best, most easily understood of reasons. As it reads, not
because we number many, but because we number fewest. Not because we deserve it as we are
known as “stiff-necked people” who have blown chance after chance. But for very personal
reasons. “I chose you. You didn’t choose me,” so much for belief system – this is real, with a
mind of it’s own. It is a personal thing. An investment in care, a colonization from space. A
matter of blood. A matter of supreme insult gone too far for too long, about to receive it’s

A parent coming to rescue – and to chastise – his delinquent child and to once and for all set the
house in order.

Why the Denial?

During 1997 both the Air Force and the C.I.A. offered independent explanations for what had
taken place fifty years before at Roswell, New Mexico. The former had to do with “dummies”
that were dropped in conjunction with “weather balloons,” the latter dealt with overflights of U-2
spy planes.

It would have been better of them had they not moved off their tried-and-true stance of sheer
stone-walling, that “nothing happened.” After fifty years, not only Roswell will not go away,
countless more such incidents have been reported. The government had made the mistake all
liars eventually make: It has contradicted itself.

I’m one who had never seen a U.F.O. But I find the evidence for their existence overwhelming.
Beyond that, it only just makes sense. If we can get off the earth after such the short period of
technological development we’ve had, then what about the countless other more advanced
civilizations that the laws of probability insist must be out there?

Further, it explains much of our own religion and myth. No longer fairy tale but rooted in fact.
The kind of fact which we ourselves could not conceive of until only the mid part of this century.
Powered flight, wireless communication, escape from earth’s atmosphere. Now even genetic
engineering, cloning, etc. If we can figure these thing out for ourselves, why not others from
distant worlds many thousands of years ago?

Was it established here on earth in the dim past as a colony from another world? Is the confused
tale of that what has come down to us in our holy books to read practically incomprehensible?
The only realistic answer have to be yes and yes again. The only questions remaining are those
of detail, to fill in certain gaps. We hold the scenario sufficiently to be able to know what took
place “in the beginning.”

Using their own DNA, the extra-terrestrial expedition “created man in their own image” using
certain primitive life forms found here, already well acclimatized to earth. The experiment
apparently worked so well that the “sons of gods” found the “daughters of men” attractive
enough to “go in unto them.”

“Satan” seduced “Eve.” Unmistakable references to childbirth and race-war are mentioned in
Genesis. This act of mutiny on the part of one or more members of the expedition led to their
being condemned to grovel on their bellies in the mines, eating dust, as it were. The fable, the
allegory of the “apple” and the “serpent” have sown nothing but confusion ever since in this area
which is so very key to all human endeavor.

God’s breeding experiment went out of control. Humans know they could reproduce themselves
independently and at will, and with whomever. Or whatever. The original sin.

And only most lately have we been able to see something most real and basic in an ancient
symbol familiar to man since ancient Egypt, and no doubt long before that, but making no
apparent sense. The universal symbol of the medical profession, the caduceus, the intertwined
serpents. Only now, under our most sophisticated microscopes, have we rediscovered it’s origin
in the form of the intertwined doulbe-helix of DNA molecule.

Just as perfect understanding like that can devolve to images of snakes, devoid of real meaning,
so can the wisdom of man sink to superstition. And as his wisdom and understanding erode, so
too has it even been that his very bloodline becomes polluted through this original sin:
Miscegenation. The deaths of Egypt, India, Persia, Greece, Rome – who knows how many

Man never learns. Lust, greed, conceit. Finally total and irretrievable genetic debasement. The
victory of Satan.

However, in the written record left to us by these colonizers, we have the outline of the way the
future concerning ourselves would unfold and we have their promise that their seed, ourselves,
would not be allowed to be consumed by that of Satan, ultimately. John in Revelation describes a
literal war between the power of earth, totally in Satan’s control, and the returning God.

“Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven.” The pride of Satan.

The U.F.O. experts all seem to write of the government’s unwillingness to admit any knowledge
of extra-terrestrial presence near earth as, for them, a matter of “national security.”

Only the obtuse could buy into that. What kind of concern for the nation or it’s security could a
criminal conspiracy, like that which is in total power, possibly have? Having crept it’s way
secretly into control, without the knowledge or consent of the people. Having come to dominate
all wealth and media so that “leaders” could be bought and “opinions” made to order. Leeching
the lifeblood from the workers. Foreign policies that the people themselves did not want, such as
racial integration and the attack upon the Bible, etc.

Now turning this country into a police and prison state to extend their control as well as to try to
squeeze the last drop of wealth while holding the collapsing pieces together.

The moment of climax draws very near.

“National security?” Garbage! The security of it’s own, criminal enterprise which is locked onto
the national throat like a vampire. Exactly as set forth by John in Revelation, in the very latter
times, the world will become dominated by the Beast. Any who cannot recognize the Beast in
this Federal system, not only as it dominates this country but the rest of the world, are blind. For
if this isn’t the Beast System here and now which we live and suffer under then there is no Beast
and the whole thing is nonsense.

But I don’t accept that.

“Who can war against the Beast?” as John poses. From it’s nuclear arsenal to it’s local S.W.A.T.
teams, who can withstand the power of the System anywhere in the country or the earth? No one
on earth, certainly.

But, at an appointed hour that no one knows, the signal will be given to come in and blast all this
to pieces with irresistible force – superior technology from off earth.

A threat to the security of the nation or to the dictatorship of Satan? It is stressed time and again
that none will repent of anything until all has been smashed and utterly destroyed. Liars will not
admit their lies nor criminals their crimes. They’ll cling to their power and wealth to the end.

A tragedy for all the rest that these are the ones holding authority everywhere. Many will suffer
for having been led astray by these types. But an end to abomination shall be made.

God is watching and is very close.

The government will never admit the existence of U.F.O’s. It can’t.

The government is Satan’s instrument of power on earth and, knowing the pride of Satan, one
will know that he can never admit to any power greater than his own.

The Change of Mind Club

It seems to come down to this: Whatever a person may believe or accept. Like a version of
“Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.” Extend that to the Constitution and you have the inalienable right
to believe any damned thing you choose. Can that be a necessarily good thing upon examination?
It’s one thing to have a supermarket or an automobile lot packed with endless “choices” for the
consumer but should it be the same with belief systems? Of course, with a multi-racial and multi-
cultural society, this might follow as logical but, again , is this the desirable state of things?

From “the church of your choice” to going shopping for a church that most suits your own liking.
Is this a search for truth and guidance or merely a quest for seal-edification? Is it really a pick
your own brand of bunk situation and if you believe it hard enough it’ll come true?

In short how “real” can these beliefs actually be to their holders? Simply accept a certain
doctrine while following State laws and the hereafter will be yours. Anything and anyone who
accepts likewise is a brother while anyone who may believe the exact opposite remains a
neighbor. And should one only profess belief on his deathbed, that still gets you in the door.

It required of me to be into my mid-forties and with an extensive background of suppressed

information, plus an eye-opening and head-clearing stay in prison, to be motivated to open the
Bible and begin to read and, more importantly, for the meaning to leap out at me from the pages
as only the purest and most obvious form of logic.

Good people I have known have spent their lives attending Bible study groups and will go to
their graves having no inkling of it’s message.

My life-long background is as a National Socialist. I ought to have known that it works both
ways: while I embraced Adolf Hitler on the basis of why he was rejected by most, that is, by the
way he was repressed through media, I rejected the Bible for the same reason, even though it was
accepted by the most. My mistake. The way Hitler had been misrepresented appealed to me
while the way the Bible had been misrepresented did not.

Exactly as with “Mein Kampf,” no one actually reads the book, the are content to proceed on the
basis of what the media tells them it contains. A dangerous preposition for the lazy man who
leaves his decision-making up to others.

So it was with me. First, it was a “Jewish” book, dealing with Jews only and how they were
“God’s chosen People.” Second, it was with out relevance in the modern world, full of strange
names, strange places, strange customs – all from a very long time ago. Third, it probably all was
myth and fable anyway. Forth, the popular conception of God did not sit well at all with an
intelligent and questioning mind. Fifth, if the idea was to part company from a misguided and
complacent majority, then, “the Christians” surely represented that very body to be dropped like
a hot rock.

But did it never to occur to us that we had a plenty in our Movement who staunchly claimed to
be National Socialist and yet were in reality nothing close to it? Same principle except on a
vaster scale. People trying hard to conform to a misconception whipped up for them by the same
crowd and for the same reason. That NS background taught us well the technique of the Big Lie
as well as the identity of it’s practitioners.
Perhaps the first major hurdle is God. If you can come to recognize and know God from the
point of view of an atheist – as I am – then you know him for sure. Between our own modern
advances in science and technology and the most recent discoveries in archeology, shedding new
light on antiquity, we know “God” was a colonizing race of extraterrestrials who came to earth
futher back in time than most can imagine.

Everything is high-tech and biology. As solid and real as it gets. Not a matter of “believe it or
not,” but a question of follow certain immutable laws or die.

The implications in the Bible are plain enough. God fathered a race of people on earth far more,
“in his image,” than all the rest. The Bible deals and concerns itself strictly with these people and
no other. The Hebrews, names for Heber or Eber, meaning “colonizer”. Later, Israel, or “A
Prince ruling With God.” Who and what these people were is important to understand: They
were the final wave of Aryans to fall back onto the geographical safety of Europe, joining their
racial brethren already there.

“Jews” are taken up well in the Bible for those with the proverbial, “eye to see” and “ear to
hear.” Few things are stressed as heavily in the Bible as geneology and purity of bloodline. The
Exodus from Egypt was the last of the Aryan element fighting it’s way out of a dying, stinking,
alien mess very similar to what we see here today. They occupied for themselves a remote
Egyptian province in the north-east much the same way as Separatists here today postulate the
northwestern states.

The Bible takes pains to outline how God commanded the Israelites to destroy those found in this
province – Canaan – and how they did not complete this task. A complete set of laws was
provided by which to live in order to prosper and to preserve racial integrity. But after nearly a
thousand years, the Aryans had reached a stage similar to that in which they find themselves
today. Corrupt, divided, conquered. Finally they found themselves outnumbered and ruled over
in their own land by these very ones God had told them to eliminate in the beginning. These
were the Jews. And the Jews, in turn, were ruled over by a succession of empires: Persia, Greece,

Almost totally obscure is the critical link between where the history of Israel, in the Bible leaves
off at about 700 B.C. and it’s direct continuation into the present day. Because all of the
extensive prophesy in the Bible also concerns itself with the fate and destiny of Israel. That is,
Israel as a distinct race and bloodline and not as a “Change of Mind Club; of believers, much less
a clique of alien Jews pretending and supplanting the actual “Elect of God.”

Again, science and archeology have allows us to confirm that those migrations of “barbarians” in
the centuries B.C., invading Europe from the east, were the very displaced Tribes of Israel,
numbering some ten million, who had literally forgotten who and what they were but who were
nonetheless driven to join the north-west portion. It was as “pagans” that they came and it was
with other “pagan” that they joined. However, it was all one blood and one destiny.
We know a new page was turned in the earth’s history once all these Aryan elements were
gathered together in Europe for out of exile. This history is also Biblical prophecy. And it is only
now approaching climax.

There is other major stumbling block of Jesus of Nazareth and his identity and significance. As a
National Socialist, I am intimately familiar with Odinism, pagan philosophy, Norse Edda, ect.
That and the arguments against Christianity and it’s “alien” origin, that it is a “conspiracy” to
destroy the Aryan race, ect. That the church went corrupt long ago is not in question. However,
knowing our Norse culture and philosophy as I have all my life, in reading the Bible, particularly
Psalms and Proverbs, I can easily see and feel the identical spirt as the author of both.

A people’s blood will give rise to a belief system worthy and representative of itself. Odin, Thor
and Freya came out of Egypt prior to Moses and the Exodus. But they are the same people.

A clash of philosophy? The strength of Odinism versus the weakness of Christianity? One must
know the time, places and circumstances. Nothing weak in the Old Testament. God tells his
people to pick up the sword and kill his enemies. Sounds like pure Viking. Yet Jesus in the New
Testament says that the meek shall inherit the earth. Sounds positively subversive. Aryan folk,
gathered together, united in their numbers, consciousness and strength can well afford to be
brash and blustery. Whether in Canaan or in Scandinavia – or North America or anywhere else.
But infiltrated, divided, weakness and rules over by Judas-goats it is a different matter.

Wishful thinking again won’t change reality. Though we are of Viking blood, our physical
circumstances reflect most closely those endures by Jesus and his early Disciples. We are
everywhere subject to alien laws, alien rulers, our own people are unconscious and compromised
to a fatal degree, and we are in many places physically outnumbered. Bombast is hardly the
ticket – unless one is suicide bent.

We have arrived full-circle to exactly where ancient Israel did over two thousand years ago.
Read the lamentations and be struck by the unmistakable parallels.

When Jesus said, “I am not sent but unto the the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel,” he was
making a racial reference and was referring directly to those Aryans now, even in his day,
already ensconced in Europe. It was over with in the Holy Land and he had the unenviable task
of bringing down certain there while making sire the word reaches the people in Europe so they
might know. As Separatists, we know how difficult and even dangerous our “ministry”is. That of
Jesus lasted a scant three years before the Jews succeeded in getting the Romans to execute him
on totally trumped up charges.

Adolf Hitler? He has already been called “the one before the last.” The last great Aryan King to
lead his people in defiance of the descending Jewish worlds order. Or, better put, the “New
World Order” of Satan as fully described in Revelation. Hitler drove Satan back into the shadows
so that he remained forced to use Judas-goat through which to rule. He even halted Satan’s first
attempt at naked world dictatorship – Marxism – right in the heart of Germany at huge sacrifice,
causing it to languish and eventually collapse.
Today the signs are as alarming – or reassuring, depending on you point of view – that the
climax approaches. Satan’s one-world System is a reality, fully in place. Never before on earth.
It feels it’s way to the confidence it requires to step forth and drop the mask. And, for the first
time in the history of earth, the Aryans have no place to retire to for freedom and racial integrity.
This is it.

In Revelation it asks who has the strength to go up against the Beast System. No one. It states
that Satan grows furious as he realizes his own time is short. Do we not see this in the System’s
behavior? It states plainly, “I know the slander of those who say they are Jews but are not”.

John, from his prison on the Greek island of Patmos, had a vision of a returning Jesus – the very
final manifestation. He was arrayed in bronze battle dress. No more white robes, no more being
nailed to a cross. In essence, the same spirit as Hitler. Accompanied by all the martyred saints.
Accompanied by all the angels. And coming gunning.

Every ancient record to relate the coming of the extraterrestrials in antiquity also includes their
solemn promise to return. In the Bible, it is to save Israel, the “faithful”‘ who will be persecuted
above all as the Satanic System lowers it’s mask.

It is made clear the best we can hope to achieve is to stand forth, endure and overcome.

The prophecies? These are too accurate and detailed to be guess work. I expressed my theory
some years ago that and who had the power to transverse space must also have the power to
travel time, to slip in and out of dimensions. I believe it has already happened and they have seen
it. They cared enough to tell ancient man what hey saw. He recorded it as best he could.

Mohammad, the Arab, when he read and comprehended this, saw fit to pen his own religion for
his own blood. No way can any but Aryans embrace the Bible – that is if they read it and know it
by it’s letter.

Beyond even that, God said to Israel that he chose them, they didn’t choose him. Not exactly a
passive thing.

Not a matter then of “belief” or “philosophy”. All a question of awareness of exactly what is
what. Many who imagine themselves to embrace Christ will be in for a huge let-down. Many
who think him to have been a racial alien will be in for an even bigger surprise. “Each will flee
to his own.”

When it happens at the unknown hour, when it comes like the thief in the night, most won’t
comprehend what it actually is. They’ll only be terrified at the sight of what apparently is a
Hollywood “invasion from outer space” scenario playing itself out. some will keel over dead at
the sight. Some will actually resist it on the side of the familiar Satanic System. One-third of
everything will be blown away.

Or I could be crazy. The whole thing could be a hoax. Life on earth could be meaningless. And
things could go on as they are indefinitely. But who really believes that?
Gun Control

My contention is that conspiracy is of itself every bit the phenomenon any U.F.O. or Bigfoot
sighting could hope to be. It’ll get you branded an eccentric just as fast. The difference is that it’s
reality affects everyone, like it or not, know it or not. All these things are linked in one way:
They are not accepted in the world of illusion; The so-called “real world” where everything is
two-dimensional cardboard. I’ll be an eccentric, gladly, anytime.

Graduating long ago from political conservatism where everything was, frustration, outrage and
mystification over how “our leaders” kept dropping the ball or otherwise committing some
blunder, I matured, woke up as it were into the harsh and glaring light of the world of
conspiracy. You don’t really believe all those hard-boiled lawyers and businessmen who run this
government are even capable of making stupid mistakes, do you? That’s the part which should
rightly bring forth snickers and sideways glances.

Therefore, it has to be planned and then allowed to look like a “mistake” – an honest error –
which is endemic to any “democracy” and can be taken care of in the next election. If you
survive long enough and are actually aware of what’s going on around you – and are not the sort
who keeps going back to be taken again and again by the sideshow charlatan – you’ll inevitably
come to realize that all this bumbling around has a distinct pattern about it. It’s heading in a
certain direction.

You’ve been sold a “lemon.”

Get hold of a Communist Party program and you’ll see all the “mistakes” of the last fifty years
and more fall into place as perfectly as a jigsaw puzzle. Get hold of a copy of the Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion and you’ll know who’s doing it, how and even why.

The dictionary defines conspiracy as a coming together in secret of those who are planning a
criminal act. We can see and know exactly what the nakedly Communist regime did to the land
of Russia following it’s sudden, forced take over. Of course, at that, it was to put into place the
“workers Paradise” even if over thirty million of them had to be murdered to do it. Criminal?
Why else have to disguise you aim?

“But Communism fell, totally discedited, and has been replace by the glorious New World

They couldn’t represent the same thing, could they?

“Conspiratology” – did I just now coin a word? – relies upon more than just logic. More than just
“ye shall know them by their fruit.” Suppressed facts are at the core. Facts suppressed by whom?
You guessed it, the conspiracy.

Lenin’s Bolshevik revolution of 1918 in Russia was bankrolled to the tune of tens of millions of
dollars by Wall Street bankers right here in the U.S. – Kuhn, Loeb, Schiff, Warburg, ect. What’s
high finance doing installing a Marxist dictatorship, the Red Terror, over the heads of the
Russian people? A seeming contradiction? No. Only the clue as to who the real boss always has

What’s all this rambling preamble have to do with gun control? I could have picked from many
other examples of phony “issues” forever being batted back and forth, between two false and
impossible “positions” all for the distraction of the stupid and gullible masses, to illustrate my
point of the way conspiracy works toward implementing it’s secret agenda without the
knowledge of and against the wishes of an unsuspecting population. But I choose this one now as
it is a prime example.

What’s the excuse “to cut down on violence.”Right off the bat, one has to be an ogre to not want
to cut down on violence. Now you’re in the camp with the ” bigots’ and the “extremists.” (Yes,
one constant to always keep in mind here is that all media was long ago sewn up by the
conspiracy.) All “enlightened” and “progressive” and “responsible” people will naturally support
the ideal of gun control: A society free of violence.

But then who wouldn’t have supported the ideal of the “Worker’s Paradise”? Well, it soon came
to pass that if you did not, you wound up in the Gulag – or worse, (Yes, The soviet Union
achieved “gun control” at a single, quick stroke and, true enough, within that society there was
little actual crime or violence. The only violence came at the hands of the government against the
people who were helpless to resist.)

I can recall the year 1968 when the first anti-gun laws were enacted. Prior to that time you could
literally snip an ad from a comic book and order you weapon by mail. The nation was founded
and grew to greatness in just this way: Freedom. The conservative “pro-gun” people have the
slogan: Guns don’t kill people; People kill people. Typically, they missed the greater point. If it’s
a question ever of “Law and Order,” then unless the law comes from within each members of the
society, it has to be enforced from without. And that spells on it’s face loss of freedom,
repression and ultimately dictatorship.

One more of my thrusts is that you can examine nothing within a vacuum. Everything is linked.

While 1968 was indeed a violent year in our history, the state of the society itself was still
overwhelmingly law-abiding and orderly. In the average-sized Midwestern town where we lived
then, we’d only begun to lock our doors the year before. Drugs just were making the scene. Most
notably however, the agitation of the racial minorities had reached a crescendo and itself was
being deliberately changed. Another great “ideal” which to have gone against, then or now,
immediately put you in the same league as – God forbid – Adolf Hitler.

(But on the subject of gun control, under Hitler’s National Socialist regime in Germany,
everyone and all homes were not only encouraged to own private arms, the government
sponsored competitions and awards for proficiency in their use. Only after liberation” by the
Allies did “gun control” come in where even children had to relinquish their air guns.)
The embarrassing fact – and the thing which you are in plain bad taste to point out – is that, as
the gun gun control legislation has escalated continuously from 1968, so has the society grown
evermore violent and lawless. Forget this apparent dichotomy, hire more police.

A “mistake”? Another of my flashing red lights to always watch for: Once something has been
demonstrated to have been a social flop, note the degree of determination to press on with it
despite everything. Here is betrayed the presence of a fanaticism devoted to something apart
from the rubbish presented to the public as “plausible excuse.” Here is clearly demonstrated the
will of the conspiracy at work. And it’s control of government by which it can and will move to
impose itself upon the people.

Form an insane policy and then employ the power of state to force it to “work.” Not just a
conspiracy but a conspiracy on the part of those whose very spirit and motivation is alien and
dominate. This was the essence of Communism then and it remains so today. Names are

Again, why conspire, why lie? Do “they” know better than we know and, if so, why don’t things
improve? One old saying goes, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean you’re not being
followed.” All of this adds up to an enemy take-over, an enemy take-over that is already an
accomplished fact. The only thing remaining is the gradual maneuvering of the people
themselves into the new mould envisioned for them by their unknown masters.

The United States yet remains the most well-armed citizenry in the world. The simple, common
people obviously equate owning guns with freedom. Of what conceivable good is having any
kind of weapon if you cannot see your enemy? Exactly as a pacifier to a sucking infant, the guns
still in private hands merely grant a false sense of security as the Communist program continue
right in schedule.

It is rather the inevitable effects of their very own insane and impossible doctrines upon the
society which are causing it now to implode that gives rise to the increasingly edgy demands for
further anti-gun legislation as opposed to any real need to head off genuine freedom revolt. adly,
tragically, the intelligence level here just isn’t going to allow for anything beyond a bloodbath of

So there is today’s lesson in Conspiracy 101. A game of masterminds yet, in the end, a game of
fools. To win all the battles and lose the war. And at an incalculable human cost.

If anything, it at least ought to make you wonder.

The Secret of the Sphinx

No one in the literate world is unaware of the Sphinx of Giza. When I was a small child, my
father – from whom I inherited my awe and fascination of such things – gave me a small, silver-
plated antique replica of the Spinx which I still keep and treasure to this day. We knew the
Sphinx was ancient, we knew it was exotic, we knew it was mysterious. But at that time there
was little else that we did know about this most unique effigy.
History then was but a sham. Everything was all cut and dried. The world had been reduced to
the two-dimensional cardboard that I have referred to before. Even out there on the very
boundary of the infinite and unknowable, they had it all neatly compartmented. The Giza Plateau
in Egypt was the site of the Sphinx as well as the Pyramids. The Sphinx was the creation of
Chephren, whose tomb also was the second Pyramid. It was sculpted in his likeness. What more
evidence or proof? And the whole complex dated from approximately five thousand years ago,
that is, at the earliest beginning of man’s civilization.

So it was established and so it rested. Attention could be turned elsewhere. Case closed. Then
problems arose. Newly discovered and deciphered inventions stelae showed that the Sphinx was
already there in existence by the time Chephren came on the scene. One quick eyeball glance at a
statue positively confirmed as being Chephren, compared against the countenance of the sphinx
– scarred as it is by Turkish artillery fire – leaves no doubt the two are in no way similar.
Computerized, point-by-point comparison reveals an entirely different skull formation – a
different race of humanity entirely.

While almost everyone has at least heard of the Sphinx, almost no one has heard of the temple
complex immediately adjacent. While the Pyramids and the Sphinx share the Giza Plateau, the
Sphinx and it’s temple lie at a lower level in the rock that the Pyramids. Indeed, the Sphinx is
hewn out of the solid, living rock. Indications are that this work was only carried out in stages of
great intervals. And the stones of the Temple dwarf anything used in the construction of the
Pyramids. The suggestion then is that the Sphinx Complex out-dates that of the Pyramids.

Then one archeologist made another eyeball observation. He took a clear, close photograph of
the Sphinx, masked off all areas which would identify it as what it was, then presented it to a
geologist, posing the question: What would account for all this tremendous erosion?

Water erosion and nothing else. The masking was removed and the response was, “oh.”

Throughout most of the five thousand years of the history which modern science will grudgingly
admit to, the Sphinx has lain buried in sand – protected absolutely from any possible ravages of
wind or water in a harsh and unforgiving desert climate. Yet we now know that the area of the
Sahara was once green and lush. Ultra-high-tech satellite photography has been able to detect the
former course of the Nile River -taking a hard left turn in the area of Egypt and heading west,
across North Africa, toward the Atlantic.

Assembling all this data – unknown to science or archeology in the fifties – and estimating how
long it would require within a atmosphere full of precipitation for the kind of erosion evident on
the body of the sphinx to appear and one arrives at the incredible figure of fourteen thousand
years prior to our own time.

What my generation was taught goes instantly into the trash can.

Margin for error? Modern science still man the shaky battlements of the “5,00 year” assertion for
the entire Giza Complex. We know the Pyramids and the Sphinx equals the bad guess of the age
of them all. Not even within the ballpark.
First lesson: How could any body of trained professional be son badly wrong and still despite all,
stand firm on their gross error? Well, we only know that it happens. for our purposes, best keep
firmly in mind that it could be happening elsewhere – with other “certainties.”

From this point we really can’t claim any certainties. Only strong likelihoods based on the
evidence and on logic.

A question that comes up concerning the Sphinx that I believe has an easy and obvious answer
involves it’s head. Over this cam five-thousenad-year period we’re sure of during which time the
Sphinx has been mainly covered by sand, only the head has been periodically exposed. And yet,
on comparison with the dilapidated condition of the body, the heavy vandalism of the early
Moslems. Yet it’s all one piece of rock. What could account for this?

Some have put forward that the head is composed of a much harder strata of rock than the lower
body. The best explanation, I believe comes from,once again, making a simple eyeball
observation of the complete Sphinx. Of course, the thing is supposed to be a creature with the
head of a man on the body of a lion. However, when viewed in it’s completeness from the side, it
is badly out of proportion. The head is far too small. The artists who could produce such lifelike
qualities confined to the head – would comparable to those of Mount Rushmore – would hardly
have neglected the overall natural symmetry of the whole. Unless.

Unless the head is a recarving.

Any facial countenance suffering the same weather erosion as seen on the body of the Sphinx,
would have been rendered unrecognizable. And certainly, in order for a recraving to take place, a
much smaller product would have to be the result. There, I think, we have the answer to a minor

But closing the door on the easier, initial question involving the Sphinx only open the door to
bigger and deeper ones.

That spot – the Giza Plateau – quite evidently was extremely sacred, or special, to an incredibly
enduring civilization for a period of time far in excess of the total allotted to all of the
civilizations by modern science. Observation, again, shows us that the site sits astride the
crossroads of three continents, that it represents the veritable center of earth’s land mass.
However, the ancients were not supposed to be even capable of being aware of this fact. Or were

The Giza Complex is situated at thirty degrees longitude and thirty degrees northern latitude.
Coincidence? The Sphinx rests on the thirteenth parallel, facing due east. Some thinker on the
subject point out that our own NASA chose Cape Canaveral because of it’s orientation to this
same thirteenth parallel. Something atmospheric, something orbital. Could God have visited this
spot at some point in extreme antiquity? Not exactly an occasion to be tossed off.

It was from ancient Egypt that the Greek traveller, Solon, acquired the story of Atlantis which
was preserved for us by Plato. The priests of Egypt told Solon that their civilization had existed
from a time before the sun even rose in the east. Might the Sphinx have been created there as a
monument and a marker to commemorate the sun’s new place in the sky? And the face? Ra, the
sun God himself. (Indeed, the traditional Egyptian headdress is designed to represent the rays of
the sun.)

But an even older civilization to which, Egypt was but an heir? The idea of moving the seat of
great world empire from a volcanic island in the throes of breaking up to a spot strategically
selected for it’s location of maximum geological stability might have appeared sound on it’s
face. But with geological stability came ethnic instability. Tough it required untold thousands of
years, the racial decline of Egypt was a inexorable as it has been complete.

Mute witnesses in stone out there in the sand.

The story did not end there, however. The spark of high civilization did not die there in Egypt.
And neither did the Sphinx.

Our recorded history corresponds roughly to the frame of time as covered within the pages of the
Bible. What are we actually seeing in the story of the Exodus from Egypt? Could it actually have
been the racial remnant of the former majority 0 the heirs of Atlantis – seen fighting for it’s
genetic and biological (not to mention cultural) life in the only way it could, by extricating itself
from a hopeless and sinking racial and religious morass? Removing itself to an area it could
claim exclusively it’s own, where the belief system could also undergo a purification, separating
superstition from truth.

Whatever the case, the Sphinx went with the Israelites. Now referred to as Cherbim in the
Hebrew language. This time also with wings. The actual inspiration, the real significance? We
may never know. But it has to do with God, the Creator.

Inside of a scant millennium, the Kingdom of Israel fell to pieces for the same reasons that Egypt
had fallen. The location, not only the crossroads of continents but of races. The loss of purity of
belief and then the loss of purity of blood.

Another lesson of the Sphinx: However great the symbolism of the Sphinx – or Cherub – or how
shattering and eternal it’s original inspiration, we may be sure no such creature ever existed in
reality. It represents man’s religion itself. Some thing confused and allegorical, already well off
down the road to superstition. Where real understanding is missing, one may be certain that
gradual deterioration and death are to be the inevitable result.

The high of civilization fled the Mid-East just as it had fled Egypt and Atlantis before that. Into
Europe and then retracing old steps around the world. Carrying the story with it along the way in
the pages of the Bible but being unable to make the connection between those seeming “fairy
tales” and the real, flesh-and-blood world they were now facing.

Following the Napoleonic expedition into Egypt only two hundred years ago, we have dug the
Sphinx out of the sands which had suffocated it for longer than anyone can know. We have
learned to read again the lost language of the ancient Egyptians. We have unearthed the lifelike
images of their kings and queens which look uncannily and disturbingly like ourselves.

Meanwhile, a strange and alien population, who now own the land of Egypt, who are in no
remote what related to the ancient Egyptians, much less those who first carved the Sphinx, are
selling tickets to foreign tourists who come from around the world to marvel at the great

To the many then, the Sphinx is keeping it’s secret.

Measure of Contrast

I’ve long held that the key, the great giveaway as to the true nature of what’s what in the society
with regard to who and what the real power is, what their agenda is, as well as what is right and
wrong is bound up two ways: What critical element or elements are missing; And what is it the
power attacks and condemns most. Usually, these will be the same. A double assurance.

It must proceed from the conviction that something is basically and fundamentally amiss. How
can one be sure of a situation like that? Despite everything, all efforts in the “most enlightened of
all times,” things only become worse. So, unless you are one of those with a stake in the power
structure, you should be able to well sense what I’m talking about. That is, of course, if you’re
not one of those going through life with a very heavy set of blinders on.

Unfortunately there are many of those. And they are the very ones who shoulder and support the
same criminal system I’m referring to. The productive workers. Too involved in chasing the
buck to pay too much attention to what’s really going on. Too afraid to lose what they’ve got to
ask too many question. Too complacent to do any kind of real soul-searching. The very same
class of people targeted by the system for erasure in only a few more generations under present
trends and circumstances. But you can’t tell them that. It’s too disturbing for them.

Only the concerned and the aware will be suited and capable to ask the right question, much less
be able to handle the right answers.

In one recent article, I compared these timem to mid-roman times, especially as it affected the
lives of the earliest Christians. Decadence, corruption and barbarity – the hallmarks of recently
great civilizations now visibly on their way to doom. Yet still easily strong enough to persecute
and kill any would-be reformers with the nerve and the insight to step forth and declare the truth
in the midst of governing lie.

It simply profits the few in control and they will use their power to keep it that way. The future
of the people can go to hell. Period. The people themselves have only what they are told by their
masters to go on. You can see why Jesus stressed the matter of the rich hardly being able to make
it into heaven. They have a stake in this. As for the masses, common types will be occupied by
common things. “Many will be call but few will be chosen.”
We in the Movement could barely see any of this until recent decades. For one, most of us
rejected the Bible on the basis of how “Judeo-Christianity” appeared to us. We didn’t connect
with the way National Socialism and Adolf Hitler were presented to the public at large as the
reason they rejected them. Deception and blindness.

Neither did we suspect the full nature of the situation we sought to confront. We formed our
“parties,” our “organizations,” to “do something” about it. We couldn’t accept that it was with
Hitler that the final effort of significant, independent action against the Beast System, took place.
And it ended with a mass crucifixion of the entire German state. However, just as with the
crucifixion on Golgotha two thousand years ago, if that started something, if that signalled the
time was “close,” then the sacrifice made in the Second World War signalled the time was

“No political solution,” was what began to dawn over the increasing number of us in the decade
of the Seventies. That was also when the term “Zionist Occupation Government” – or Z.O.G. –
was first coined. That was when people of like Joseph Tommasi decided that any course of
action to be taken now would have to amount to violent and practically suicidal attacks upon the
System itself and not the swarming masses of “strangers” filling these streets.

What was happening?

Tommasi had said, “Heighten the contradictions.” Charles Manson said, “Make them be what
they are.” This all refers to polarization, greater alienation and of course an increase in contrasts.
Well, better than we could hope to do it on our own, the System has been doing it for us at a ratio
of a hundred thousand to one. Our frustrated political schemes are thus explained: The times are
evil. Nothing good or positive can come about. The Beast owns a monopoly. Jesus said to “hang
onto what you have,” and to exercise “the patience of the saints.” Be as cunning as a serpent and
as gentle as a dove.”

“For” who can war against the Beast?” And “he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.”

This means that we had it backward before. We thought to inspire and guide the events. Wrong.
We, in a more perfect awareness, must stand like a rock in a raging stream and allow the
onrushing torrent to pass us by and finally expend itself. This means that the System’s hirelings
have the power to abuse their authority; We have the power not to let it affect us or our course.
They are guaranteed to pass away while we remain standing. “And the meek shall inherit the

Our own awareness. “First myself and then the world.” We imagined ourselves and our effort as
part of the political process long ago. We didn’t appreciate the scope of the thing. We were
children. As Paul said, with our maturity it’s time to put away childish things. There is a lock on
-and if you haven’t sold out to become part of that lock, you are only kidding yourself, only
feeding into their deception.

Total contrast.
But I want to take up how we might best KNOW we’ve not merely cranks as well as how we can
assure ourselves of the ferocious speed at which all this is approaching it’s finite conclusion.

I stress again and again the hallmarks of this Movement, the very two which earn us all the
division: So-called “racism” and so-called “anti-Semitism.” These no more and no less perfectly
align with what the Bible admonishes about not dealing – much less marring with – “strangers,”
as well as not permitting “strangers” to be in positions of power over you. This points directly to
a multi-racial and multi-cultural society, one dominated at the top by racial Jews.

Bingo! This is why things are a damnable mess and can only get worse. You’ll not hear that
across any media – unless it is to condemn or decry “racism” and “anti Semitism” as what is
really “wrong” with the society, the biggest “evils.”

Well, the reality is that this nation was formed on racism and anti-Semitism, by racists and anti-
Semites. Most of the founding Fathers owned slaves and not just a few, like Franklin, wanted
Jews to be banned in the Constitution.

But no. Slavery was abolished but the colored bloc wasn’t removed to Africa the way Lincoln
wanted. And Jews were permitted to swarm in and buy up everything by the end of the
Nineteenth Century. The new “Promised Land,” the new “Land of Milk and Honey,” was

Look at it now. Where “White racism” is the most anathema thing of all. Where sometime in the
next hundred years Whites will be a MINORITY in this land. The identical same thing took
place in the Mid-East thousands of years ago and for the exact same reasons. And take a look at
that place today. The contention between Jesus and those powers then was RACIAL – though he,
in his perfect awareness, presented it a spiritual.

It required many centuries for things to deteriorate to a state like that by the time of Jesus. One
might almost view it as “accidental” or “carelessness.”

But it was also at that time that we can see racial Jews developing right within the pages of the
Bible – the children of the devil. Now, today, there is no accident – there is a fanatical plan and a
conscious drive to extend the Third World “Brown Belt” to encompass North America. And it is
led by Jews with their army of “Judas-goat hirelings.” So what if it is accomplished under the
guise of “Christianity” just so long as the Holy Seed is erased?

The old Temple Religion in the hands of racial Jews soon becomes Judaism and Christianity in
the hands of coloreds soon becomes Voodoo.

We would not have been “extremists” in Washington’s day. But we have held on to the truth
while events take all away with them headlong into degeneracy. Even a hundred years ago, or
fifty, or twenty-five. Look at the change.

As the hidden alien conspiracy extends it’s tentacles and it’s influence tells more and more, the
contract with those who “hold fast” becomes more marked. Whereas we used to be
“conservatives” and “reactionaries,” ostensibly on the side of the nominally “White” status quo,
we now are flat-out revolutionaries and, more to the point, separatists. This would not have been
possible too many years ago – when one could still find himself that this was still “the land of his

The Sixties scum who were then in college are now in the drivers’ seat everwhere. The lie is
dominant. Look at how it is and know that much worse is on the way.

Two things about this contrast, this clarification: It’s becoming so severe that average people are
coming awaken to it on their own, without extensive and practically “underground” Right Wing
training such as we had; And as the lie comes to replace all remnants of truth and reality, as
things fail more and more and they must resort to more “laws” and more repression to keep
functioning, the persecution of truth will get corresponding worse until the climax.

It is this speed that will ensure we will outlive the Beast. Under his own circumstances, time is
on his side to finally absorb the last of the Holy Seed on this continent. But by his very own
rotten polices and their manifesting failure – leading up to Apocalypse – time is what he’s
running out of. “Satan becomes evermore wrathful as he senses his time growing short.”

It’ll get rough.

But it’s coming FAST!

Those who Return

The modern age of empire was certainly entering full swing by the time Napoleon won his
famous battle of the Pyramids late in the 18th century. A hundred years later, as the 20th century
was about to dawn, practically the whole earth had been divided up between the powers of
Europe or their kin in America. Fifty short years after that, it all was breaking up and falling back
to what it had been.

A tremendous cycle seen in an incredibly short span of time.

Something hand-in-hand with this great progression of expansion and colonization even
conquest, was present there in Egypt with Napoleon and his troops. His “servants.” Beside
military occupation was the close examination of the ancient ruins of a lost but obviously high
civilization there in the sand.

It was Napoleon’s expedition that was responsible for discovering the Rosetta stone, thus
enabling modern man to begin to decipher the lost language of the Egyptians – hieroglyphics.

Always then on the heels of the conqueror, or the explorer, came the archeologist. To this day,
the familiar charicature of British explorer-scientist lives strongly in the popular culture. No
accident, for the tiny island nation had, by 1990, come to rule over fully one-fourth of the surface
of the world, dominating all the oceans in between.
The sight of the European explorer digging, sifting, measuring, at all these strange and forlorn
spots across the earth. An odd but consistent circumstance in each case; Always there is a native
population surrounding or nearby and yet these ruins stand abandoned, a mystery, a remnant of
literally a lost civilization. Why was it left up to outsiders – invaders from Europe – to ponder
and investigate these forsaken monument all over the globe?

Is our modern conception of history really so narrow that we are unable to suppose previous
cycles to rival that of the 19th Century? Not only that but cycles of vastly greater duration.

A sight unknown is that of the Third World man of science probing Europe for lost civilization
signs. Happenstance or in the observations one might make in the present all the answers to the

If the terrific speed of the cycle just passed may serve for anything then it should be as a lesson
in a bottle for us today of how fleeting, how fragile greatness can be. How vulnerable and
susceptible we are to losing our way and forgetting who and what we are. All recorded in
meticulous detail, beyond any question of doubt, the story of how we burst out of tiny and
craggy Europe to conquer and overspread the earth, bringing culture and civilization with us as
we came. Then the momentum stops and deterioration begins. Languages, boundaries, some
technology, etc., remain but essentially the jungle begins to reclaim.

From pinnacle to at least the point from which the nadir can be seen, all within the span of a
single century. No thinking person can possibly imagine that it hasn’t happened before – at least

The evidence is there and is today grudgingly, piecemeal, being admitted by mainstream science.
At a snail’s pace, so as not to disturb the general leep. So as not to awaken anyone to the perilous
situation we have allowed ourselves to fall into by fully knowing the past.

Pointless to argue for or against the reality of Altlantis. Officialdom has yet yielded to the
inescapable likelihood of that. No matter. One tiny piece to the puzzle – to look behind the
curtain of the early blind view of history that still endures – involves the indisputable water
erosion on the body of the Sphinx of Egypt which modern science dates to fourteen thousand
years ago. This doesn’t fit the preconception but it does fit the greater reality.

We didn’t begin our journey some scant five thousand years ago, as school textbooks still parrot.
We only began to awaken out of a slumber in that short span. We forgot, as though the great
majority of our own story was but a dream locked somewhere in our subconscious. Yet, as sure
as we may know the line of succession has remain unbroken since the day of creation, we may
be certain that we were there.

What is the passage of time other than the trail of footprints from one place to another? It
certainly is not isolated chambers suspended independent of one another. And the footprints
themselves? Traces of former dwelling, ancient civilization, or what remains of them. Its a poor
tracker who can’t recognize his own footprints.
It’s made easier when one realizes that if these footprints are represented by monumental
structures which have stood the test of time, then it can only be the train of one animal. Only one
animal makes them and only one animal cares enough to read them: Ourselves.

Ourselves? European? Americans? Shall we know ourselves according to where we called home
at a certain moment in time? An “American” of the present might encompass literally anything
and a “European” of thirty thousand years ago would have indicated a Neanderthal type. All
subject to change. Instead, let’s know ourselves according to what we are and what we do rather
than when or where we may do it.

Out of Egypt then, at the start of the present cycle which history acknowledges, came two
migrations: One calling itself Aryan and the other call itself Hebrew. The former translating to
Nobles, the latter to Colonizers. That’s more like it as it goes above time and place. Look for
nobles, look for colonizers and you’ll always find the same people.

Forgetfulness, yes, but at the same time their intrinsic capability to return. No one else on the
planet has that trait. For the rest there are no cycles. If not for the nobles, the colonizers and their
influence, for the rest one age would be no different than any other. Time would be meaningless.
No development. No destiny.

To the Hebrews was handed a message by one claiming to be their father from off earth, who
told them their whole past and whole future – lest they forget. They were even told in the
message that they would forget but that it would no alter their destiny. And this father said that at
the end of the long trail, he himself would return.

A strange people now vanished? Hardly, the message is the Bible and the Hebrews are ourselves.
Don’t be fooled by shifts in time and place, the footprints don’t lie.

Planted here untold millennia ago to compass the earth until at last we came to meet ourselves?
With super-technology almost worthy of the gods themselves. With the realization that these
super-civilization of the past are our own. And with the imminent, deadly danger of the light
going out over all earth for the final time, it’s time for the great instigator to make his

This science now is all but convinced there has to exist somewhere on the plateau of Giza –
perhaps within the Great Pyramid, perhaps near the right paw of the Sphinx – a record, the
compliment to the Bible, that will unlock all the “seals” contained in Revelation. Technology
equal to “magic” will make it’s discovery possible. My guess however: By the time such
discovery is made, the events as described in revelation will be enacting themselves. All in a
great circle.

“In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the
border there of to the Lord.” Isaiah 19:19.
Atlantis and Lemuria

At the time the earth first began to settle and form it’s atmosphere, there was but one sea and one
land. That land mass is referred to by science as Pangea. As the earth continued to cool, with
volcanic activity going on miles beneath the surface, Pangea began to break up, dividing and
separating into continents. The geological records shows that great tracts of high ground today
were once part of the ocean floor. How could any intelligent individual possibly imagine that the
exact reverse is not also the case? Illustrative of the even now “unquiet” earth are the examples
of the Indian subcontinent having literally rammed into the bottom of Asia, raising the
Himalayan Mountains as a result, and the great Rift Valley of east Africa which is slowly pulling
apart, giving rise to yet a new land mass in the distant future.

Looking at any map of the world, one can easily see exactly how the east coast of North and
South America once fit into the west coasts of Europe and Africa. As snugly as a jigsaw puzzle
but with one salient exception. The area defined as the Caribbean and the Sargasso Seas,
including what has become known as the Bermuda Triangle, comprises what amounts to an
anomaly in the geography. Here is a gap. An area which does not “fit.”

Before his death in 1945, the famous “Sleeping Prophet,” Edgar Cayce, predicted that the first bit
of Atlantis to be rediscovered would be found in 1968 off the island of Bimini. Right on cue, the
“Bimini wall” was discovered in shallow, crystal clear waters off the island’s coast in 1968. The
professional skeptics dismiss it as a “natural formation” despite the fact that the massive stones
of the fallen wall or road are each cut at all right angles. Furthermore, they are of the same huge
“Cyclopean” variety common to great structures still standing in both hemispheres.

Be that as it may, this was not the actual location of the homeland of Atlantis. Still relying on
any good, contemporary map, one can transpose the Caribbean anomaly across the waters to
where the two lands would have joined and see what is there today. Again, a really good map
will show the great, submerged Atlantis Seamount. Any map at all will show the Canary Islands,
Madeira and the Azores. Here are the peaks of the highest mountains of Atlantis.

A little further east, in North Africa, are located the Atlas Mountains. Returning to the Western
Hemisphere, there are the ancient Indian legends of a lost homeland called Aztlan or Atlava. We
got the name “Atlantic,” from the ancient Greek of Plato whose tale places it just outside and
beyond the “Pillars of Hercules,” what’s known today as the Strait of Gibraltar separating Spain
from Morocco, and pointing the way directly to the Azores, the Canary Islands, Madeira, etc.

The Spanish, as they just embarking on their explorations after 1492, came upon the Canary
Islands and found them inhabited by tall, blond, blue-eyed people called Guanches. This in a
place just off the coast of North Africa. They conveyed to the Spanish that they were the
descendants of shepherds who’d been tending their flocks high in the mountains of a once great
land when the whole world seemingly came to a sudden end. Unfortunately that fragile remnant
was quickly assimilated by the Spanish with next to no trace remaining today apart from
dwelling carved out of solid rock and some burial sites.
The Bimini location represents but one small part of a great, far flung empire that Altantis had
been the center of.

To gauge the approximate antiquity of all this, we can start again with Plato. He gained his
information from one ahead of himself, Solon, who’d traveled to Egypt and talked with it’s
priests – the keepers of the wisdom and the history. Egypt itself, as Solon was told, had existed
since before the sun had assumed the position where it now rose in the east and set in the west.
The fact, it was but the inheritor of an even greater, far older civilization – now vanished – that
had laid to the west.

The sudden and inexplicable appearance of “Cro-Magnon Man” in Western Europe thirty
thousand years ago coincided with one more of the major disturbances that accounted for the
ongoing break-up of Atlantis. The “Flood of Noah” which signalled the end of the last Ice Age
probably also saw the final demise of Atlantis as the seat of power and civilization. With the
melting of the ice caps, the sea level around the world rose by six hundred feet. That date would
have been approximately ten thousand years ago.

This in no way matches up with science and history which claim civilization of any kind has
only been around five thousand years at most. They claim that Plato’s account is the only
reference we have anywhere to Atlantis and that it was written as a piece of fiction. But of course
the case for Atlantis is everywhere, all about us. Other detractors say that perhaps Atlantis was
really Santorini in the Aegean Sea, destroyed by volcanic eruption about 1400 B.C. Still other
insist it was Troy, located in western Turkey – itself dismissed as mere legend only a century
ago. Yet mothers, that it was located on Antarctica before the ice.

Why the reluctance to simply believe what was written by Plato?

Dr. Robert Ballard, the man who found the Titanic and the Bismark, now announces that the
technology currently exists to allow for 98% of the oceans to be explored. Any government
anywhere in control, with any pretenses to humanitarian or scientific advancement, would
immediately leap onto this opportunity with the watchword – “find Atlantis.”

The Pacific Ocean is a far different realm than the Atlantic. The former, blue. The latter, green.
The great expanses of the Atlantic have very few islands dotting them while the Pacific is noted
for it’s countless chains. Particularly what are known as Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia in
the South Pacific.

Collectively, these too made the highest peaks of a land mass of far greater extent than Atlantis.
This was Lumuria – or “Mu.” We have no idea what it’s inhabitant may have called it, the name
“Lumeria” having been given it in most recent times by scientists who pondered the presence of
ring-tailed lemurs on such divergent and utterly isolated spots. Their conclusion being that these
places must at one time have been joined.

Strange that the same science does an astounding about-face regarding the native populations of
these scattered islands. Dark brown, very primitive and until very lately cannibalistic. It is
assumed they each got to where they are by boat. But from where?
The insistence to ignore the overwhelming evidence that mankind and civilization are far older
than previously supposed gives rise to an equally erroneous and even dangerous misconception:
That civilization is the only one that it has represented an unbroken and uphill climb from the
basic beginning – a scant five thousand years ago.

Egypt appearing in our history at it’s apex and well into it’s decline. This doesn’t add up. “Cro-
Magnon” types essentially identical to ourselves billed as “cavemen.” refugee would be a more
accurate term.

The “Cro-Magnon” coming to displace in Europe one more dark and cannibalistic race of human
types – the Neanderthals. While, on the far opposite side of the globe, in the area formerly
occupied by Lumeria, no such displacement occurred. The inhabitants remain almost exactly as
what they were back before time began. Not only an explosion of nature is pin-pointed by this,
but the epicenter of all civilization can be determined by tracing back the enduring ripples.

Back to Atlantis.

Legend of the Vampires

There could be no fiction without fact. Man’s mind just isn’t that inventive. Truth is always
stranger than fiction. Why the terrific demand then for fabrication? The longing for escape. The
object of distraction. Sometimes, however, for the purpose of instruction when to just come out
openly with something would be difficult, if not dangerous, or otherwise self-defeating. The
question then becomes: How many will be able to read the message and to how many will it
remain merely entertainment?

Those are the risks and those are the constraints whenever conditions are such that a certain truth
is, first, generally suppressed and unknown, and second, it just isn’t “healthy” to discuss it

The oldest talking film that still turns up on television is the 1930 version of “Dracula,” staring
Bela Lugosi. Basically the stage play caught on film, it was an instant hit and the ultra smooth
and sophisticated air that Lugosi brought to the part is the one that remains with it to this day.

However that was not the first filming of “Dracula.”

In 1922, in Germany, F.W. Murnau created the silent masterpiece, “Nosferatu.” Instead of
“Dracula,” it was “Count Orlock,” and instead of Transylvania, the setting was Hamburg. These
small changes so that no royalties would have to be paid to the widow the author, the Irishman,
Bram Stoker. At that, the Murnau version kept a lot closer to the book than the subsequent
Hollywood rendition.

There was nothing charming or “sexy” about Nosferatu. He was more the cadaverous monster
that Stoker described in his book. The horrific makeup on actor Alfred Abel – billed for the film
as “Max Schreck” (schreck meaning “terror” in German) – became progressively worse as the
film went on. When, as a child, I first saw clips on Ernie Kovaks “Silence, Please” it scared the
hell out of me.

Common knowledge today is the story of the source for Stoker’s protagonist, Dracula. An actual
medieval prince named Vlad Tepes, “Vlad the Impaler,” after his harsh treatment of Turkish
invaders of his Walachian and Transylvanian domains where, even today, he is honored as a
national hero. “Dracula” he inherited from his father, as “Son of the Dragon.”

This was and is no more that poetic or creative licence. Ian Fleming took the name for his
character – James Bond – from the author of a series of books on bird-watching. “Bond’s”
exploits, however, were real – being essentially Fleming’s own as a former part of British Secret

So where did Stoker derive all the fabulous material with which to surround his own creation?
During the 1890’s, when “Dracula” was first written, the folk legend of vampires were still very
much alive. Lately, modern investigation had revealed that much of the basis for local vampire
hysteria stemmed from outbreaks of tuberculosis at times when disease and the physical
symptoms of death and decomposition were generally unknown and superstition ruled.

That’s where the stake through the heart originated but, ironically, it was by the act of opening
the graves and desecrating the bodies that the disease itself was spread.

These factual revelations, however fascinating and satisfying, are still only representative of the
rich pool of source material from which all skillful authors are free to draw their inspiration and
their literary building blocks. This is not where the real legend of the vampires started from,

Names and identities, for one thing, are totally unimportant except for those very common minds
which thrive upon the anecdote in place of actual phenomenon, real historic event. We’re
discussing a plural, not a singular. The legend of the vampires involves a broad and enduring
social happening, not a one-time oddity.

Location provides the first genuine clue. The fantasy “vampires” or the tuberculosis scares may
have found their venues in and around Transylvania but the real legend stems from a much huger
but far less known tract of land a little further to the east, just inside Russia, called the “Pale of

Encompassing the Baltic States, Poland, White Russia and part of the Ukraine, all the way to the
Black Sea, this was the area in to which the Czars of Russia ordered the Jews once it had been
determined that they, collectively, were a baleful influence upon the national life. Here they were
to congregate in relative autonomy to carry on their peculiar religious and business practices.

In earlier articles we’ve discussed Idumean Jews, Turkic people who fell heir to the ancient
Temple religion of the Old Testament and then turned it to conform to their own, native ways as
“Judaism.” During the Eighth Century, A.D., their racial cousins to the north, the Khazars,
themselves converted en masse to Judaism. These were the people now know as “Jews” and who
were confined in to the Pale.

Vampires and blood. Inseparable. For one, to such blood directly implies parasitism. It was for
primarily this social and economic reason that the Czarist government had felt the necessity to
locate all of the sizeable Jewish population together there in the Pale, outside the national life of
Great Russia. It was from these urban centers that the Bolshevik movement was born among
these Jews and their kin the likes of Lenin (Goldman), Trotsky (Bronstien), Stalin (Dzugashvili),
etc. , which culminated in the Russian Revolution of 1918 and the murder of the Czar, his family
and approximately thirty million other Russians. The “Red Terror,” during which, by the way,
the Christian Church was openly declaring war upon.

A vampire’s aversion to the Christian Cross. Merely a neat, colorful bit of theatrics for the sake
of effect? Remember Vlad Tepes, fought in the name of the Cross against the Islamic Turks.
Some inversion. Or could this symbolism be more real than it occurs to the average person
today: The killers of Christ.

Back to blood and vampires again. Even today, it still comes up in books by the Jews themselves
about the “Blood Libel,” or the “Blood Accusation.” To the so-called “anti-Semitic” Movement,
this is known as Jewish Ritual Murder. Very simply, as each of their high holy days approached
– Purim, Passover, etc. – Christian children would disappear, never to be heard from again. Their
throats would be cut, their blood collected and then dried to be made into bread to “celebrate”
these holidays. Many saints of the Catholic Church from the Middle Ages are some of these
child victims whose identities and fates were established.

Which brings us up to the vampires’ legendary ability to “shape-shift,” to change into other
creatures such as the bat of or the wolf. Exactly as a Jew can also be an atheist and yet remain a
racial Jew, so too can he become a Zionist, or a Capitalist, a Liberal or a Conservative, etc., and
still remain first and foremost a Jew.

The vampire must bring with him a coffin, containing his native soil. Until their false and illegal
seizure of Palestine in 1948, Jews literally had no homeland of their own. “The Wandering Jew,”
stateless, rootless, without loyalty to anything except other Jews. Yet citizens of every country,
concentrating near the centers of wealth and actively pursuing the monopolization of same.

The infernal, notorious strength of the vampire: All are aware, or at least have some appreciation
of Jewish involvement in finance. One apocryphal quote, attributed to Jews, is “Give me control
over a nation’s wealth and I care not who writes it’s laws.” This simply because, with sufficient
money, anyone or anything can be bought – including entire governments, entire medias. With
front-men everywhere to do their bidding, with a total curtain, a complete information blind in
force, their dictatorship is unseen, largely unsuspected. To quote from Bram Stoker, “The
strength of the vampire is that no one believes in him.”

The intimate association of vampires with rats, disease, death, etc. As Adolf Hitler succinctly put
it, upon investigating any social malady or curse, if one only probes deeply enough, he’ll
invariably uncover a Jew”often quite blinded by the sudden light.” Pornography, narcotics,
crime. Worse – social policies leading to national degeneracy and death. Integration and
miscegenation. To become the vampire’s victim; to utterly lose one’s soul; to in effect become
one of them.

Touched upon in the previous paragraph was the aversion of the vampire to daylight. Certainly,
operating always as a criminal conspiracy which must remain hidden from it’s victims – hidden
in nature from all except those who have sold out to it – it could not survive exposure, the light
of day. The Jews have this one covered through their control of mass media – relegating their
accusers to the margins and, at that, working hard to remove our presence from these computer
networks. Truth is attacked as “hate.”

Mirrors, of course. The vampire can’t stand his own reflection. He has no reflection. He is a lie.
A mirror naturally would reflect this. Hence, a vampire will seek to shatter all mirrors he can
find. In precisely the same sense then is this present world order, these “worldly” values, all that
passes for “reality” a damnable lie, the fabrication of the Jewish which it is designed to serve.
And we, the Movement, are the mirrors. “Hate laws” coming into vogue where all the
stonewalling and slander of the past have failed.

Dracula’s objective? To invade the West, of course.

Remember that when Stoker first penned his novel, the Jews were just completing their grip over
the inner-workings of the great nations of the world. It was in the 1890’s that the, top-most
International Jews met in Switzerland to hammer out their infamous Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion, the blueprint for moving on to outright political control of the earth.

Now that too has become accomplished fact.

If you’ve noticed the society seeming a little weak or anemic lately, or diseased and repulsive,
and you can’t figure out why, go back and carefully re-read the full novel for further clues to the

Or, maybe you’d still prefer the “safe” fiction over my dangerous reality.

Go back to sleep.

Nighty, night!

Whose is the Master Plan

About the year 1897 a gathering of powerful but shadowy international figures met in
Switzerland for the purpose of codifying a strategy for total world domination. Primarily
representing high finance, the specifics were to discuss just how to extend this already
established control inside the respective countries they came from into comprehensive
dominance over every aspect of national life and ultimately to subject formerly sovereign states
under their one-world government-to-be.
Endless guesswork could be put forth as to the identities of these personalities, although the
majority and their names would probably mean nothing to history. Such is the case with those
who hold the actual power. And as much was declared by Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime
Minister under Queen Victoria. One individual however undoubtedly had to be Theodore Herzl
who is known to history as the Father of Zionism. For this was the meeting of the Learned Elders
of Zion.

Their document, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, actually the minutes of that
meeting, was leaked to the outside world however, a copy making it to the British Museum,
another into the hands of the Russian Czar who mass reproduced it for distribution as a warning
to the world. The Jews of the world joined together in condemning it as “fake” and as a
“forgery.” Naturally, what else could they say? What is Zionism? Precisely that which is
reflected within the pages of the Protocols. A movement among Jews to enact a world
government with themselves in exclusive charge, over the heads of the rest of the people of the
world – “Gentiles” or Goyim,” as the Jews call them. They identify themselves as the ones
whom God gave his covenant, by which to rule the world. Some people will imagine that this
spirit of Zionism is what animated the Jews of the world to seize Palestine and rename it Israel
for a national homeland. Few realize that this one act in a much broader program only delivered
into their hands the intended seat of their future world dictatorship.

Note well that the Arabs would have long ago, in their own words, “driven the Jews in the Sea,”
were it not for the 100% backing of the United States. But is it truly “backing” or is it what only
is to be expected on the part of state having some time ago ceased to function in it’s own
interests and now only reacts to commands of it’s real, hidden masters – the Jews themselves?

Conscious yet hidden. That defines conspiracy. If it were a covenant with God, it wouldn’t
require stealth or deceit. Yet, note the identity of those primarily upon whose backs all this
manipulation and consolidation of power has proceeded. Those ones whose very destiny carries
them to dominion over the earth: The white nations of Europe and America. Here is the true
covenant. Jews only represent a parasite carried in the bloodstream. “The Elect of God” are
almost entirely blind to themselves, exactly as foretold in the Bible.

Well enough to toss off the insidious outline contained in The Protocols as “forgery” in the
beginning. Within a few decades the precepts of the Protocols began to be played out on the
world stage. The Federal reserve, World War One, the murder of the Czar and his family in
revenge, Communist revolution, the death blow to the foundation of White society. By 1920’s,
Henry Ford, Sr., was able to aptly observe that even if the Protocols were forgeries, the Jews of
the world were following them to the letter, as a blueprint.

Things were proceeding at a lightning pace. Europe and Russia were done. The colored world as
yet remained basically within the context of the European empires. There remained the United
States. The Great Depression and then the New Deal. Social Security, Income Tax – all the
underlayment of what is referred to in Revelation as 666, the mark of the Beast, without which
no one could buy or sell. In short, no one could survive. If the Anti-Christ had a face, or more
than one face, then Franklin Roosevelt must surely have been a large part of it.
By 1933, it was done. Movement old-timers will already know that within Roosevelt’s
regime,the “New Deal,” the spirit and the commitment was that of Soviet Communism. Except
that, here again, the American people themselves wanted no part of it. So things had to move
carefully ahead in disguise. But this fact itself would indicate positively that the actual nature of
this Jewish Millennium was in reality that of Stalinist Russia. It doesn’t get any more brutal and
ugly than that.

It was all admiration for the “reforms for the workers” in the Soviet Union as far as the media of
the world was concerned. And we know who already had come to own and operate the media.
The same style of government was being set up here just as fast as the people – battered and
scared to death by the artificially induces Depression – could be conned into it. In working fact,
it was a done deal.

Then appeared Adolf Hitler who first took Germany out of the world apparatus – then called the
League of Nations – the very linchpin nation originally targeted by Lenin as key to world
revolution. The most advanced nation on earth outside the Jewish sphere and fully reawakened
just as in the slogan of Hitler’s Nazi Party: “Deutschland erwache!,” Germany awaken!

With but minor exceptions, the rest of the world declared war on Germany right away in 1933,
albeit in strictly economic form at first. Finally a hot war was ignited in 1939. Germany
accounted for itself magnificently well for six years before being snuffed out by the weight of the
world in 1945. Roosevelt’s Treasury Secretary, Henry Morganthua, Jr., had previously devised a
plan to erase Germany as a country by appointing it’s lands to it’s neighbors, dismantling it’s
industry and allowing it’s population to starve. Jewish revenge.

This plan was proceeding according to schedule until the over-action of the Soviets prompted a
reaction in the United State. Anti-Communism. The Cold War. Pressure on Germany was
relaxed though the respective armies of occupation remained as each side clung to it’s share of
that all-important country. Each of the two Germanies soon rose again to pre-eminence in the
world. And the original scheme of the Protocols was ruined, thanks to the sacrifice of Adolf
Hitler and Germany.

Soviet Communism fell – the only conceivable fate for a system of terror based on lies, having
been denied consummation for almost fifty years. The only hope for the Jewish Dictatorship now
would have to come through the West where it still was required to conceal itself behind a mark
of “democracy” and operate through nominally “White” politicians, or Judasgoats.

Which brings us to the present time and place. The tool of the Jews, George Bush, after leading
one more war against a sovereign nation awoke to the Zionist conspiracy – Iraq – himself
declared the “New World Order.” There it is. The form to be fleshed at by a Soviet-style reality.
And that in proceeding grace. The master plan appears to be within reach of it’s goal: Naked,
outright control. Without the requirement to pretenses of front men or branch offices.

The Protocols won’t be fulfilled minus that “brass ring” of openly-declared Jewish world
government. An insane ultimate requirement for an insane plan. The wrecked “League of
Nations” was quickly replaced by the “United Nations.” While the symbolic seat of their world
power is in Israel, the functional seat is the United States itself – the Whore of Babylon, the
Beast System.

But there is a hitch to this and I can see it even if you can’t.

We’ve already seen it with the fate of the Soviet system. Lies don’t work. They can be inflated
and enforced by coercion and terror but only as long as actual substance by which the rules can
pay their hired minions to do their bidding. The substance must be real not a lie. Also, there has
to remain some skeletal framework of an actual society over which the covering of lies can drape
and be supported. In short, the very essence of what the parasitic conspiracy first set its sights
upon to attack.

As any student of World Jewry will well know, their ultimate control equals destruction. Lies
consume everything living, of worth, and leave only an impossible, unworkable mess in their
wake. The “Midas Touch” in reverse. American society we see today just as such – and
worsening rapidly.

To the perfectly detached and objective person I ask how long can these trends continue? Is there
or is there not a bottom coming up? Is there or is there not a certain climax approaching? Like
the story of the dog who chased cars, what would he do if he caught one?

Dictatorship is here now. Make no mistake. They continue to fumble around with old and
familiar forms out of habit but in effect it is dictatorship. The hidden enemy wormed his way into
all aspects of national life and succeeded in knocking the natural order way off base, in line with
his own Protocols. He assumed control. However, as a result of doing what had to be done to
take this control, the object itself was killed. That is a healthy, viable society. With total
dominance, the society has come to resemble it’s actual master – the Jews. Insane because of
their very impurities. That can’t stand on its own. It can only be supported as a parasite within a
healthy organism. The organism is itself now about dead.

Now to the Revelation of St. John.

“Therefore rejoice ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitors of the earth and
of the sea! For the devil has come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that
he hath but a short time.” Revelation12:12.

Satanic – Jewish – rule will last only as long as this current System lasts. It is their system and it
is dying as I write these words simply because it is death itself and with its own triumph it has
consumed all life. Whether it realizes this or will admit it to itself is immaterial. Any but a fool
can see it and, more to the point, the System’s reactions – not the use of the term reactions, for
the System is no longer call the shots but is now subject to the consequences of its own policies –
are the witnesses that the Beast is now feeding upon itself.

Every move we witness today coming from the government – the Beast – is geared at least as
much toward keeping the pieces from flying apart and the foundation from crumpling as it is
toward just encroaching their power as in times past. They are feeling the necessity of
extraordinary measures now as their empire beings to turn to sand between their fingers, as the
very fabric of the society they transformed into their image begins simply to no longer work. A
police state will buy it a little more time but eventually all will come up bankrupt. Wrath is the
reaction of those whose utopia this is – or was.

Wrath directed toward an impossible situation and against all those who have called it as it is.

“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the
beast, saying, ‘Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?'” Revelation 13:4

The fate of those within and without the United States who may come into opposition with it’s
policies or who may merely seek to exclude themselves from them. The Beast even in death, the
unchallenged power on earth.

Even direct reference to “the synagogue of Satan, which says there are Jews, and are not, but do
lie;” Revelation, 3:9.

The end? “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword
must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” Revelation, 13:10

“And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the
nations:,” Revelation 2:26

With awareness should come an increase in patience. Not so much faith as such a great portion
of it has already come to pass. How could anyone doubt the outcome?

Who possessed the master plan? Those who contrived to dethrone order – an succeeded – or that
which foresaw it from the beginning and set forth its outcome way in advance?


Inescapable is it that a diligent examination of the various kinds of phenomena will lead you to
what I reluctantly call “religion.” Relevant because those in whose charge it officially rests have
so betrayed it and given it such a bad name. I might even go further and state that neither is even
that an accident.

Not a case of the blind man each studying part of the elephant, only to arrive at each one his
own, different conclusion of what an elephant is like. Rather a legitimate and accurate worldview
is what we are after. What the old-time Germans called “weltanschauung.”

At this point it would be overly presumptuous to think that anyone held the full and complete
truth. However, I will risk it an say that we on this website are more onto the right track than
anyone else of which we are aware. And we maintain an email address for anyone to point out
any error to us and to set us straight.
This we would welcome. But in well over thirty years it has not been forthcoming. We have
grown and expanded, slowly and sometimes painfully on our own but it never has occurred that
anyone or anything has even come close to overturning our basis or casting doubt as to the
course we have followed.

And still we grow and learn.

Compare that to the blind and rigid dogmatism not only of the Church but of every artificial,
man-made philosophy. then realize that it is all of these which govern the world. And then you
might begin to understand why not only things are the way thy are but why there is no hope of
things getting better.

And these churches especially, which are all false doctrine and misunderstanding, preach about
the necessity of faith. Faith in what? Not knowing what God even is, much less what his will is,
unable to accurately discern anymore between good and evil, totally ignorant of the timeless and
universal panorama, when they speak of “faith” it amounts to admonishing you to freeze your
mind and don’t think.

For, if it were entirely out of your hands, I doubt the great Phrophets and Martyrs would have
bothered to shed their blood. And if there were no variables at all with regard to human
awareness and action, I certainly do not believe the dominant World System would go so far out
of its way to persecute those who bear the truth now in the present day. (And I do not refer to
today’s Christian Church.)

I have tied it all to the role played by extraterrestrials, surely at the summit of any list of
anyone’s para-normal phenomena. They colonized Earth half a million years ago in order to
spread and to perpetuate their own DNA. There was something left undone, some schism, some
mutiny that has resulted in the fruits of this inter-galactic experiment slipping and falling into
grave danger of being destroyed. Of disappearing – There is the great contention then. Nothing
more or less.

But the end is written. It can go no other way. God – or the gods – come back to rescue their seed
at the last moment.

Still, the individual is urgently beseeched to wake up an d to choose his side consciously and
deliberately before the chips at last are down. This reveals something that I’m still trying to come
to grips with.

For, if it is already said and done, why then did the Prophet cry out – “My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge”? If indeed it is all set in stone, why do we of the Movement devote our
lives to spreading the word?

Extraterrestrials and the End of Time? To me right away here is suggested inter-dimensional
time-travel. For – intelligently speaking – you cannot have the one without the other. This
implies directly that it has all happened already – at least once. They saw it, recorded it and
revealed it to a very select few individuals – seers and prophets, etc.
Forget the fakes, enough of it is real.

Today’s religions largely then are separate takeoffs on the tone, actual event of countless
millennia ago. Just like the blind men and the elephant. Might this explain what’s behind the
positive insistence of many upon that phenomenon called reincarnation? And even among those
who don’t traditionally embrace that concept, what about deja vu?

No physicist, I am nonetheless convinced of two things: That the end will come just as it has
been written; But that, despite the fact that it appears to be a never-ending story, our own
individual free will comes into play each time. Is this how the great Creator hammers out
perfection in his creation?

How else? What else?

So somehow it’s not a mirror-image or an instant replay. If the outcome itself then is never in
danger, what else? It could be nothing than we ourselves as individuals.

It becomes more encouraging at that point as it then would seem that we count as individuals.
Not everyone is going to be visited or handed a vision. But most everyone ought to be able to
begin to figure it all out. That is,unless they are total wastes of time. Sadly, most are just that.
Well, maybe they’ll get to try again later.

Remember that I base all of this on one consideration. Either the Bible is grounded in fact or it is
not. If it is not, we can drop it now. If it is however, we need desperately to explore the form
these facts took. The world of phenomena.

And know to faith.

To us “faint-hearted mortals” who can’t quite see and grasp the next or the missing equation, the
same God as created mathematics – algebra – also gave us his own track-record as well as the
code to understand it.

Fortunate times we live in when 99% of that track-record can be reviewed for comparison with
the words of the ancient prophets. Checked for accuracy, as it were, for all doubters and skeptics.
If you have the capability to understand the code, the key to the riddle is yours. But how much
actual “faith” is required when the track-record we are speaking of is running absolutely true?
Why doubt that remaining 1%.

The significance of the individual? This is and has been, after all, a DNA experiment. A case of
biologically carried out traits. Only a remnant of an elect will possess the desire or the capacity
to come to this. Obviously, this instinct and this awareness must both be well in place ahead of a
certain moment when critical decision-making will be called for.

The object, of course, will be the re-joining with the Father.

Why Kennedy Was Killed

In 1918 sons were born to two well-to-do New England families. John F. Kennedy and George
Lincoln Rockwell. Their times and lives would bear a great many similarities and both would
end in assassination. Both went into politics following their military careers. Both were killed by
the same forces. It is the reasons why – as they were totally opposite – which contain the secret
to understanding.

Joseph P. Kennedy made his fortune through the bootlegging of liquor during Prohibition. With
this new-found wealth he sought to parlay it into political power. His intention was to buy the
office of president for his eldest son, Joe, Jr. But he was killed in the Second World War. It then
fell to the second son, John.

George Lovejoy Rockwell was headlining comedian in Vaudeville also during the same period,
later becoming a successful newspaper columnist. Both the elder Kennedy and Rockwell were
intimates with many of the Hollywood crowd of that day. However, “Doc” Rockwell harbored
no overweening ambition for his first son, Lincoln, or “Link, ” though he did display many of his
father’s own talents toward showmanship – and leadership.

Kennedy, attending Harvard, and Rockwell attending Brown, both enlisted in the U.S. Navy in
the Second World War. Kennedy, due to his later political fame is remembered for being in
charge of P.T. 109 as an ensign in the Pacific Theater of War. Rockwell, never a media darling is
unknown of having coordinated the air support for the retaking of Guam, also in the Pacific, as a
lieutenant commander.

Both men had first wives from whom they were divorced in the early 1950’s. However, as for
Kennedy being a Catholic an heading for national politics, it was left up to his father’s fortune to
not only grease the path but to hush it up as Americans then were not receptive to such things.
Both men married a second time.

Kennedy was officially launched into politics in the way that had already by then became
essentially the only way if one were to seriously expect any “success”: Through the influence of
money and through selling out his services to the powers that existed behind the scenes.
Rockwell entered upon a career as a commercial artist even as he raised a large family.

Here was the great divide.

What Kennedy was selling out to in order to achieve personal prestige, Rockwell was only then
beginning to uncover the true nature of to his alarm and dismay. Not for personal reasons did
Rockwell enter politics, but in order to save his country and his people from the hidden World
Enemy. For Kennedy, it was a game, a “job.” For Rockwell, it was a duty, a calling.

Up the ladder from congressman to senator, Kennedy was groomed as the Democratic candidate
for president in 1960. The previous year, Rockwell after a nine-year career as a political
conservative, decided it was time to come all the way out and announced his forming of the
American Nazi Party.
As Kennedy was being carefully promoted for the nation’s highest office, it was required of him
to play down his associations with the likes of Sammy Davis, Jr., and his White wife, Mai Brit,
as the American people still solidly rejected such things. The people couldn’t know the real
nature of the man chosen for them as their new “leader.” For he was chosen to lead them in a
direction they did not want to go.

Rockwell, already announcing himself as presidential candidate for the year 1972, as a National
Socialist, expounded a program of the most stringent anti-Marxism in all of it’s many guises,
including “democracy” and “liberalism”, with greatest emphasis upon racial solidarity and
exposure of undue and hidden Jewish influence within the American body-politic. As one who
recalls the times very well, this is what was in the hearts of the people, not the kind of world –
which now engulfs us – that Kennedy was put in harness to produce against the wishes of the

Of course the balance was struck by, the power of the Media – owned and operated as it was and
still is – by Jews and their puppets. What represented the actual will of the people and that which
in their best national interests was labelled as “bad” and “evil” by the opinion-forming media
which was in the hands of their worst enemies. While that which represented national decay and
death only a few generations away was being hailed as everything “good” and “progressive.”

Rockwell knew what he was doing as he launched into his openly Nazi career: He was literally
sacrificing his life for his people in a desperate attempt to awaken them form the death sleep
which they had been lulled into. Poverty and slander were to be his lot for the next nine years.

Kennedy, too, had some idea what he was doing by selling out to the power of the Jews:
Committing the most foul treason imaginable against the very people he was sworn to serve. But
while he lived, he experienced the kind of riches and “reward” that the power of Mammon can

Climbing no ladders, making no deals Rockwell immersed himself in a non-stop campaign to

awaken the American people – who were essentially leaderless against a world conspiracy which
was making it’s headquarters here in the United States – to the deadly danger that was fast
enveloping them even as they savored their Post War prosperity. Few saw or felt the “need” as
they escaped into their own materialism and into the suburbs.

Kennedy, first selling out to the Jews, had at the last minute enlist the aid of the Mafia in order to
swing enough labor union votes to barely ease out Richard Nixon in the national election. As his
first act as president, Kennedy withheld air support form the Cuban anti-Communist effort
known as the “Bay of Pigs”, causing it to fail and leaving Fidel Castro in power. Here he earned
some of his first deadly enemies.

That done, the media arranged a face-saving, incident known as the “Cuban Missile Crisis.” The
upshot of that was, while the American people were held in terror of a nuclear war, the stage was
set for the “deal” whereby the United States would remove it’s strategic missiles from Turkey if
the Soviet Union would remove theirs from Cuba. So the Communists gained the island of Cuba
and succeeded in getting the U.S. missiles out of Turkey. Some “great achievement.” Some

All throughout, at each step along the way, Rockwell would expose all of this within his own
tiny and struggling Party publication whose circulation held to within the thousands by the
terrific and unrelenting officially declared press blackout. The people basically never knew what
was being done to them.

Second only to hidden, alien conspiracy in control of society’s working as the upper-most issue,
was it’s own primary thrust via the national power it had illegitimately usurped: The policy of
racial integration. Here was where the people were feeling it and were openly rebelling. All
across the country but, most especially in the South.

Following the military loss of the Civil War the South continued a guerrilla struggle on against
it’s federal occupiers in order to maintain White society and to drive out the “carpetbaggers” – as
General Grant himself identified them, mainly Jews from the North come to prey upon the
prostrate South. The valiant efforts of the original Ku Klux Klan succeeded in doing just that by

And so the South and the nation maintained a delicate balance for the next century under the
“separate but equal” system of “Jim Crow”, or racial segregation. An impossible situation
demanding resolution, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Kennedy’s predecessor Eisenhower, had already used the National Guard to force racial
integration of schools of Little Rock, Arkansas. Government now once again the enemy of the
people. In a unified sign of protest against the invasion of sovereignty, many of the Southern
states incorporated the Battle Flag of the Confederacy into their own state flags. The Ku Klux
Klan experienced a dramatic revival as it appeared the people were preparing to fight.

This vicious campaign Kennedy inherited just as he had inherited Cuba and, also, Vietnam.
Coming more into light all the time is the documentation that Kennedy was planning the
complete U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam, to certainly be accomplished by his second term in
office. This would have upset anti-Communists as well as those in control of the military-
industrial complex who stood to gain – or lose – an unimaginable fortune. More deadly enemies.

No sooner than elected, Kennedy put his younger brother, Robert, in the office of Attorney
General. Immediately, Bobby Kennedy betrayed their erstwhile allies of organized crime and
went after the Mafia and organized Labor. Particularly one powerful and independent anti-
Communist branch, the Teamsters Union and their leader, James Hoffa. In a secret meeting with
George Lincoln Rockwell, Hoffa explained that it was this very independence that had caused
him to be singled out by Kennedy.

More enemies.
Word now is that Kennedy sought to place the blame for the “Bay of Pigs” on the C.I.A. and
supposedly was overheard to have said he intended to disband the organization and “smash it to
bits.” Not good.

All this plus a vice president – the powerful but uncharismatic Lyndon Johnson – who hated and
resented him, a “young upstart” who hadn’t paid his dues. The money and power brokers know
they can depend on an endless line of those who are ready and willing to sell out in order to
advance themselves. Not good, again.

But this is not what killed Kennedy.

It was his foot-dragging, his apparent reluctance, as “moral leader” of the racial integration
program which, first angered and, and then alarmed his masters. All of the rest could have been
in check for they all shared – and share – the same master: The Sanhedrin, the Kehilla, the
Illuminati – World Jewry.

George Lincoln Rockwell was not the only former U.S. military officer who had come to the
conclusion that, to quote Rockwell, “every thing that we had fought for in the War was being
turned over to the Communists.” These were the days when Jewish Hollywood was turning out
such viciously anti-military films as “Seven Days in May” and “Doctor Strangelove.” The Jews
still hated and feared the military. Kennedy had been military and was looking unreliable.

The time-honored Jewish solution: Murder.

In newly-released White House footage, a bug-eyed and physically ugly Kennedy can be seen
and overhead in telephone conversation with Southern governors, pleading with them to “play
along” with him in his monstrously treacherous plan to sell the American people out “nice n
easy”, without confrontation. Somehow however, this was not suiting the Jewish plan. They
wanted boldness. They needed a coup d’ etat of their own to forestall the one they felt was on the
way from the reactionary military unless the deadlock was soon broken.

Everyone now knows what a conspiracy was behind the actual assassination of Kennedy. A
masterful job of “damage control” on the part of the media is the significant thing, not the killing
of a head of state.

Of all the elements that rightfully could have wanted Kennedy dead, the only one not having a
hand in his death was the very one he had most grievously damaged: White America. It was
therefore decided the assassination would be staged in Dallas – a Right Wing hot-bed – and
would be blamed on the “Racist Right” in order to literally kill two birds with one stone:
Remove Kennedy and swing public passion against all forms of reaction. A veritable “Pearl
Harbor” repeat at home.

One patsy, one low-level operative in the huge conspiracy was inadvertently apprehended.
Otherwise nothing could have stopped the wave of hysteria and backlash upon which the plans
of the Jews would have ridden like a steamroller over all opposition. But there was Oswald and
Oswald had a Communist background. The assassination was in deadly danger of backfiring if
Oswald should talk. The backlash would have been against the conspiracy.

Jack Ruby (Jacob Rubinstein), Oswald’s immediate superior within the conspiracy, who had a
record not only in organized crime but the Communist movement, whose apartment Oswald had
been enroute to at the Dallas Police Station and then, as soon as Oswald indicated he was willing
to talk, moved in to kill him in the old fashioned “Murder, Inc.” way.

The terrific discipline on the part of the media, that Ruby was a “distraught Kennedy admirer
acting out his grief for Mrs. Kennedy” and Ruby’s own great discipline in sacrificing his own
life in the name of his rotten “cause.” A perfect example of the kind of grip of absolute terror
which this nation and the world is in. All these sell-out “leaders” know the same awaits them
should they ever break rank.

More sobering, the unbelievable control wielded by the conspiracy by which a thing like the
Kennedy assassination and it’s subsequent cover up could be orchestrated, utilizing each of the
huge elements – Mafia, CIA, FBI, Dallas Police, Cubans, the media and his own vice president –
all of them powers in their own right, as though they were mere marionettes. An “open” and
“free” society? An illusion of monumental proportions.

Murder and cover-up had been part and parcel of Kennedy’s presidency all along. Marilyn
Monroe, killed before she could blow the whistle on both Kennedy and his brother, Bobby, now
that she was pregnant by one of them. The president of South Vietnam, Diem, when he chose not
to sell out his own people as Kennedy was suggesting. Now it was Kennedy’s own turn.

The part of the plan that was kept to was the deification of their own throw-away boy. Kennedy
was seen to be of more use to them dead than alive – an automatic warrant of death for any who
so carelessly permits such a situation to develop. Onto the U.S. half dollar, Cape Canaveral
renamed for the time being “Cape Kennedy,” in New York, Idyllwild Airport renamed “Kennedy
International.” Boulevards and buildings across the country named for Kennedy. He still turns up
at flea markets on day-glo tapestries, along with Elvis Presley – Kings of the Unthinking.

More to the point, now Lyndon Johnson could stand up in Congress and solemnly intone the
phrase that the best and most fitting way the representatives of the nation could honor the fallen,
beloved president was by enacting without delay all the “Civil Rights” legislation that had been
piling up until then. Johnson could be photographed shaking hands with the scoundrel, Martin
Luther King (soon to be murdered by the same people for the same reason) Whereas Kennedy
could never himself countenance such a thing.

And the nation got Vietnam.

The greater portion of all this was laid out and published in the Rockwell Report even before the
year 1963 was out. Way ahead of all the “Jim Garrisons” and “Oliver Stones.” However the
press stanglehold still held and people never knew. Sometimes pieces of the lie do come out but
not before it is too late for anyone to react appropriately.
On August 25th, 1967, near his Arlington, Virginia, headquarters, George Lincoln Rockwell was
shot and killed in ambush by a sniper. One “Oswald” type was convicted of the crime. As he did
not make the mistake of talking, he lived to see freedom again. The conspiracy trails lead off in
two separate directions and taper off into thin air. Hardly of any true importance. It was one
more System hit.

But Rockwell was killed because he had taken his stand against the conspiracy and was
approaching success. His gradual, grudging breakthroughs against the media blackout, his warm
receptions before college audiences, his recent “Great White March” in Chicago the year before.
And the rumor that certain high-ranking military leaders were about to come out openly in
support of Rockwell – Marine Corps General “Chesty” Puller among them caused the conspiracy
to act once again.

Rockwell’s successor group quickly devolved into a cult of personality, and faded away. While,
during the 1970’s, the truly patriotic an nationalistic leaders were retired ahead of their time and
replaced by more pliable and willing “politically correct” career stooges.

Meanwhile the process has continued uninterrupted while the media keeps everyone asleep and

Two lives, two careers, two deaths.

So parallel yet so divergent.

Part of the world just beneath the surface that you are not allowed to see.


A number of trends are concurrent throughout the Bible. One, Jews begin to outweigh Israelites.
Two, the contact between God and man grows ever more distant. And, three, sacrifices all but
cease. This is no accident or coincidence. Rather, it is all part of the trend to corruption and
alienation which makes up the tragedy recorded in the Bible.

As one who grew up at a time when the Bible was lightly dismissed as fairy tale, the business of
sacrifice seemed the epitome of superstitious folly and barbarism. However, as things matured
with the fullness of time, on ecould not only see the “miracle” as manifestations of super high-
tech on the part of a race of extra-terrestrials, but one could also see the lamentations as the very
mirror of social development as we have them today.

So much space is devoted to sacrifice and in such great detail, can we then afford to write it off
as useless appendage?

Only perfect specimens would do. Nothing blemished. Only certain animals. Only certain
portions, prepared a certain way. Some sacrificed were given to the priests. Some were
consumed by the people themselves. Others were burnt as offerings to God, to send him a
“pleasing aroma.” The most stark description of any Biblical sacrifice came as part of the
dedication of the Temple of Solomon when, in front of the whole assembly, the fire, or the beam
of light, came down from the cloud and consumed the offering.

That moment probably represented the very height in the history of Israel in the Holy Land. For
it was from there downhill all the way. Evidence suggests that Solomon himself was the
offspring of King David by a Hittite woman – Bathsheba. In other words, he was basically half-
Jewish. Furthermore he took for himself innumerable wives and concubines from the “women of
the land”, or “strange wives.”

If the great king himself could turn his back on God’s commands and transgress the Law in the
manner, we must suppose that people there and then became much the same as this people here
and now – an abomination in the eyes God to the point where he ultimately turned his back on
them, leaving them to their fate. Complete collapse, destruction and captivity.

Some could cite endless historic examples which first lost their ethnic integrity and then slid
down the ladder to degradation and death as only the logical and predictable result. But we have
within the pages of the Bible the “joker” or “wild card” of sacrifices directly to God to weigh
into the equation.

Is it real or is it garbage? And if it is real, what was it’s form and purpose?

From the days of Genesis when God literally walked with man on earth, to the sons of gods
marrying the daughter of men, to the wiping out of the resultant confusion with the Deluge of
Noah, to Moses talking with God but not seeing his face to the cloud in the sky over the Exodus
bringing a pillar of smoke by day and a column of fire by night, to speaking only through
prophets, finally disappearing altogether as man became utterly base and degraded. And with
that estrangement went the sacrifice – a token of man’s oneness with his God.

God plainly said through the prophets that he wanted no more offerings from these people as in
their hears they really worshipped some foreign god and not himself. And so it was an so they
perished. Seemingly vanished off the face of the earth.

But not so really. Their corruption led to the downfall of that civilization in that time and place, it
led to their being “scattered”, with their eyes shut as to their identity and legacy. It led to a new
beginning and greatness unheard of just as prophesied. They were now the Anglo-Saxons of
Europe and their kin in the far-flung colonies. No longer “Israel” but now Christendom, yet still,
assuredly Isaac’s sons – Saxons.

But there never was again that kind of Godly presence as in the days of old. There was only
prophecy to be guided by. A great scenario had to be played out with the majority of the players
unconscious even as to their own roles.

Up into the present time. All of the lowest of the low symptoms of a people and a society in
decay as could be found in the darkest pages of the Old Testament are everywhere seen as
“normal” and “accepted” – if not official policy – in this world today. Any astute person can
easily see the end of it coming up. It is the Apocalypse, nothing short.
That ought to speak for itself.

However, in opening this piece I referred to super high-tech in the most ancient times. Man may
sink into barbarity and superstition but that doesn’t mean that “God” also changed accordingly.
If our own progenitor from space got fed up with us on account of our “hard hearts” and “stiff
necks,” if we, buy our own folly, are today governed by those very ones whom “God”
commanded us to wipe out – who later became known as “Jews” – and if he today remains
totally aloof from our presence, who can hardly take it as a sign of his non-existence. It only
means that he is the very self-same “jealous god” that he said he was.

There’s only one way that a life-long and militant atheist like myself can subscribe so
wholeheartedly to the Bible and that is by recognizing that all of it had its start in a great truth
and it degenerated form there – as did man himself. That great truth is that God was and is a race
of colonizing extraterrestrials who came here to start a biological experiment with their DNA.
History then is only a record of the travails, the near misses and close-calls of that colony. It only
just makes sense.

And they’re here today, hovering close. Closer than in a very long time, especially since the
close of the Second World War when Satan drew his knot tight around his control of all earth.
That tightening coincided with a suddenly intensified and newly clarified and understood
phenomena of the U.F.O. for me, the conclusion and the correlation is inescapable.

The narrow and exclusive U.F.O. investigators apparently have not made any correlation
between the ongoing livestock mutilations, which appear to have no explanation, and the practice
of animal sacrifice in the Old Testament. To me, when I first read it, it leaped out at me, as
inescapable as the rest.

Or, if anyone else has made the connection, they’ve seen fit to keep it to themselves. Spooky in a
very real sense.

The very definition of “atheist” means one who does not accept the existence of “deities.” In
other words, all is mortal. There is nothing “supernatural.” A meat eating God.

What he’ll no longer accept form man he seems willing and capable – and desirous enough – to
take on his own.

Better explanations are invited.


With the final twelve months of the Twentieth Century now ticking past, I feel it is well to enter
my own retrospective on this most unique period of time in history. Having lived and witnessed
its last half, despite the terrible nature of much that is represented by it, I nonetheless cannot
escape a certain feeling of nostalgia for this most tumultuous of times. We lived it, it was our life
and along with everything else, we laughed. There’ll not be another like it.
Three elements go together to make the Twentieth Century what it was: Though Western Man
entered it as a nominal master of all the earth, he was, even then, under alien domination at all
critical levels of all of what still, at that time, were taken to be his own, sovereign states; And
although the level of Western culture had achieved the highest degree – probably – of any
civilization ever, the invading parasites were even then perfectly position to begin their work of
undermining it; Finally, as if to offset the foregoing which, in any case, was as yet far from
apparent, the explosion of Western technology – once again in alien hands – actually only served
to hasten the effect, the speed which, as far as I’m concerned, will remain the salient feature of
the century.

Watershed is perhaps the best term to use in describing the events of the Twentieth Century. The
unbroken climb from the fall of Rome despite the unceasing fratricidal rivalries amongst the
people of the West as they scarcely realized who they were and what their mission was, now was
going to be halted and reversed by these same internal parasites as they not only capitalized upon
but actually orchestrated the two suicidal conflicts of World Wars One and Two.

Traditions lacking “why” and “wherefore” were prime targets for brand new subversion,
especially in the wake of a calamity such as the so-called “Great War” of 1914-1918. An entire
order was swept away and its place was introduced – in it’s most distilled form – Communism
all across Western civilization. Actually, a revolt against civilization in its essence. One might
not recognize Leninism or Stalinism here today in the seat of the “New World Order” but there
in lies the secret of its success in overturning natural order in under a hundred years.

Globalism was the goal as set forth in 1897 in Basil, Switzerland, when the meeting of the
Learned Elders of Zion was convened. Today it is an accomplished reality. One economy, no
sovereign states, and an overlordship which is both unseen and unknown. Certainly one also
which is unelected and not responsible to anyone. It has only to step forward in its own good
time and declare itself for what it always has been. That, of course, will make up one of the
pivotal moment of the Twenty-first Century.

I have always envied my parents who were able to live in the first half of the Twentieth Century.
Disastrous as it surely was, it was equally rich in what had been build up over the proceeding
two millennia. Destroyed upon the crucible of two insane World Wars, all in the name of the
very highest ideals, engineered by our worst enemies who had burrowed themselves deeply into
every government hierarchy, instrumented by probably the worst, most traitorous sell-outs ever
in history, and fought by the last generation of true Men of the West – whether “victorious” or
defeated in battle, utterly duped and, in effect, warring against themselves – it again was not
immediately apparent to the participants.

The lot of my generation – those with the awareness to know what it was they were really living
through and witnessing – was to watch the freshly killed corpse as it passed through the various
stages of decomposition. All life and vitality gone, no real collective national spirit or will, just
the worsening signs of decay. Naturally, the alien masters painted all this as “progress,”
“justice,” “fairness,” etc.. With everything of real value or worth now defamed and discredited,
the focus and the rush turned to crass materialism and to notions equally bankrupt and silly. The
natural hunger and striving within thus totally thwarted and denied, the great and common
masses – the very “West” itself – were now fully primed to self-destruct on the family and
individual basis.

With an alien overlordship controlling everything at the top and with an ever-broadening alien,
colored population filtering up from below, the fabric of the very society quickly began to show
the strain. Long ago having been born into this displays multiple symptoms of plain insanity. I at
least can remember when it was not so. But I’m showing some age.

I remember my parents’ generation quite plainly in shock and amazement when I was young
over what had gone wrong with their world, where their posterity was heading for, the general
and increasing deplorabilty of things as a whole. Too much into destroying one’s own future.
One does however reap what he sows. Mercifully, my parents have long since left this life.
Maybe, toward the end, they got a glimmer of reality and forsake that for which they imagined
they were fighting – everything held dear and represented by Western Civilization.

In my treatises about ancient history, and even pre-history, I can toss around concepts such as
“give or take ten thousand years or so” and still be effectively on the mark. No longer. Things are
racing toward some cosmic conclusion and the most terrific changes take place from year to
year. Never before. It is as though time itself is being tightly compressed, moving rapidly toward
critical mass. Truly, given these trends and the speed at which they are playing themselves out,
history itself can be said to have entered a vortex.

The Twentieth Century has been my home. For good or for ill, I’ve been able to witness a
progression of events that otherwise would have required the passage of several centuries. And
that is nothing to be overlooked. It carries its own kind of satisfaction especially if one has been
fortunate enough to be permitted to hold the key to it all. Nothing self-congratulatory, I can see
the pattern that’s there for all to see if they had the desire – and if they were allowed to know.

It requires a person absolutely lost to be unable to at least recognize trends. But that,
unfortunately describes the majority. However, that does nothing to affect the course of those
same trends not does it exert any influence whatever on the final outcome. But “lost” would
aptly describe these people today, the spiritual, genetic – the literal-heirs of Western Civilization.
Events would seems to be closely in for the kill. That climax, again, is held in reserve for the
century that is about to dawn.

A century in retrospect. Certainly this would beg the question of which personality would stand
forth most clearly as Man of the Century. The mouth pieces representing the monopolized
elements of all the media will nominate the standard few from among the most notable sell-outs
to the trends I’ve outlined previously, those representing falsehood, deception and nation
destruction. However, those in possession of the great pattern, and at the same time who are
aware of the great purpose, will reject all these and will know – beyond any shadow of a doubt –
exactly who the only true Man of the Century can be.

The man who, on a world scale, bucked and very nearly reversed the trend to death. The man, of
all world leaders in charge of a great, Western nation, who was not sold out, who was not part of
the plan of the Learned Elders. The man who, as a result, a century ago, usurped legitimate
authority and today wrestle hopelessly with their fruits. The man who will dominate all until the
truth and true order come to reclaim the earth once again, after all this rottenness has collapsed.
The only genuine hero in an era of cowards, whose image stands in ever increasing contrast to
the baseness of the age. The one sent to split the otherwise total darkness and herald the Golden
Age to follow – Adolf Hitler.

And there is the final line. The only stand-out against a backdrop of shame and betrayal. The
world may curse him as it once cursed his forerunner two thousand years ago. In their blindness
and miserability they may hate him even as they love their own damnation. Not only does it
change nothing, it only underscores the reality.

As we bid a mixed farewell to the Twentieth Century, we may know that, the resolution and
outcome of all of today’s most pressing issues will come somewhere within the Twenty-first,
when Adolf Hitler will find all of his own vindication.

What properly to make of Trump?

I’ll start with my own initial impressions.

These days I’m finding myself needing and wanting to break free of the habit of watching the
evening news on television. This bothers me about myself because I never used to do it. Never,
that was, until about a year ago when having coffee with friends and the subject of Donald
Trump came up in connection with the then hotly contested presidential primary. One companion
happened to mention that “this guy Trump wants to build a wall along the border with Mexico.”
That was all it took to hook me.

From that movment until the election itself, I watched his climb. And on the very night of t he
election, in the wee hours of the morning, as I sat in near amazement. I am not ashamed to say
that I shed a tear of joy at his win.

But I am not fooled and neither should you be. There’s a very old adage which has it that if one
is thirsty enough he’ll drink even dirty water. And for anything that remotely smacks of decent
leadership in this country, this populace – the white populace – is dehydrated unto the brink of
expiration. I was telling everyone that, of course, I expected “that dirty old hippie” to win the
election. Why? I would go on: “She is the shit-hook candidate and I’m afraid that we are out-
numbered in this country by shit-hooks”.

Sometimes it’s impossible to not discuss personalities. So a look at the man himself. Not since
the early part of the 1960s have I even bothered to study any of these people for, as I’ve been
saying ever since about that time, “these people don’t even deserve names.” But I bought
literature popularly out on Trump. He is not a dupe or a brain-raped zombie a la Clinton. He is a
nationalist and realizes the importance of ethnicity. But he is surrounded by Jews. They’re
throughout his own family. Indeed, if he did not meet the criteria of the real Jews who hold the
real power, he never would of have made it in the first place.

And you simply CANNOT have any truck with the Jews. Ever!

Secondary to the hints of genuine nationalism that we were getting from Trump was the very
literal and real outrage being spewed forth by the liberal and communist media and establishment
against Trump. That wasn’t faked. It was funny to watch. The low-down and dirty attacks upon
him by the media – which he rightly declared to be the worst enemy of the American people –
were breathtaking. The attacks upon him from within the Republican Party itself were equally
telling: A blind person could have seen that the people were responding to his message of
nationalism. To attack him was to attack them. What are any of them doing unless striving to
represent the will of the people?

The answer? Serving some alien-inspired, secret agenda. Who could possibly kick at a slogan
like, “Make America Great Again”? The answer is again: Those who know damned good and
well that america was at its greatest when it was an overwhelmingly WHITE nation! Know it but
hate the idea because they themselves are not white or else they have become so depraved that
they cannot tolerate anything remotely clean and decent.

Trump spoke it and the people – the white people – responded. Here is a huge lesson.

As I said, I personally did not expect Trump to win and for the reasons I stated. The population
has been so altered in this country and with the remainder so brain-raped and poisoned that I did
not believe that it was possible for a good man to be elected. I am of the belief that these people
voted themselves into this mess and they’ll not be able to vote themselves out of it. And, yes, I
still stand by that conviction.

It was close, too close. Trump was correct, I believe, when he asserted that there were millions of
fraudulent votes cast by illegal aliens in favor of the “dirty old hippie”. That same coffee-
drinking friend of mine outlined to me personally how ridiculously easy it was to go to the
Department of Motor Vehicles, get an I.D. and then use that to cast in an illegal ballot. The
enemy media, of course, pooh-poohed the very notion.

However, I felt at the time that, the way population trends are moving, in another four years or
eight at the most, another rabbit-out-of-the-hat miracle like this would no longer be at all
possible. The tipping-point will have been reached. Then the electorate will be of absolutely no
use at all, even to the proverbial blind person.

But many took heart at the Trump win. Admittedly, I myself feel “better” just on an average,
day-to-day basis. It’s wonderful. Sort of like the way nostalgia works: It was so very much
BETTER than it is at present! Like the cancer sufferer a year or two ago. He still had the disease
then but it hadn’t yet advanced so far.

So-called “hate crimes” reportedly took an upswing. The mood shifted. Trump denounced these
actions and distanced himself from them. But the redneck in some instances was calling this the
“Trump Nation”. A lot of people stand ready to take action. They require leadership. They
require a media of their own. They need to be properly educated, not brain-raped.

Through the Trump win can we assume that the enemy apple cart may still be upset? We’d be
fools to rule it out. There is an entrenched enemy system in power in this country. Just look at
how it is moving to block each one of Trump’s lightweight moves to nationalistically protect the
sovereignty of this country. Their desire is a one-world – THIRD WORLD – bastardized hell-
hole. That is their goal. When they cry, “Keep your eyes on the prize”, that is their “prize”.

At the same time, we surely cannot depend upon any “legalistic” recourse to the nation’s and the
world’s dilemma. We’d be even bigger fools to bet on anything like that.

Trump talks about legalities, etc. And you see the treatment he receives from the enemy system.
We, as National Socialist revolutionaries, are not concerned with “legalities”. We realize that the
only issue is RACE! Should millions upon millions of decent, white folk enter this country
minus the proper procedures of immigration, etc., we would shout, “Hallelujah!”
Trump talks about curbing “illegal drugs”. That man who is president of the Philippines has the
only answer: His police force is shooting drug addicts on the street. He has gone on national
television to invite drug addicts to commit suicide. That is the only way to handle a national
cancer. And the rest of the sick world uniformly condemns his action.

And what of the race mixers who openly parade forth on these streets here today more and more?
We know the answer and so do you. A great hero who shall have his statues on display here one
day was Joseph Paul Franklin who claimed some forty-odd of them late in the last century.

And what of the queers also holding forth brazenly?

But do not misunderstand.

“Make America Great Again.”

The Trump win probably one day will be seen as an attempt of some sort at a revival here. But I
don’t believe that it shall last. Race again. The flood of coloreds plus the trend toward race-
mixing here goes on untouched. Historically, you cannot go back. You must go forward. And we
continue to go forward into a darkness. That darkness, as said, must have its own tipping point.

I posed the question decades ago that will this enemy alien system be able to perpetuate itself
long enough so as to be able to snuff out effectively all white life here and in the world or shall it
crumble or be destroyed ahead of that time?

The Trump win points up certain weaknesses within the system. It also points up grave
weaknesses of our own. We would desire a certain climax. But it is the strategy of the enemy
system that the whites of this country and the world should not get the chance to fight. Slow,
lingering death is their strategy. And a winning one thus far.

With regard to so-called “Hate Crimes”, I would strongly remind each one of you of the words of
Nathan Hale when he said, “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country”. In modern
parlance this would translate to: Don’t sell yourself cheap!

You – we – are too valuable for that.


Once more I ask you to dismiss the nightly news and whatever you may have thought you knew
about Russia.

Whence came Russia? For all intents and purposes, Russia is or was a colony of Sweden
approximately as North America is or was a colony of Great Britain. The name itself arose from
the Varangian’s or the Rus, Swedish Vikings once again. All the same while that Leif Erickson,
etc., and his crew members were navigating from Scandinavia to Iceland to Greenland to
Vinland, or North America.

But it goes deeper and further back than that. All those mighty rivers of East Europe beginning
with the letter “D” were to those Vikings exactly as the Atlantic had been to our own. It is well
known that when the Vikings ran out of waterway, they’d take their ships overland using rollers.
So was it down from Scandinavia to colonize Russia or had it been up from some place else?
The Slavs of the area invited the Vikings who had been traversing their rivers to come and
govern them. And there was the start of Russia. The development of Russia closely followed the
final phases of the divided Roman Empire. Whereas in the West we have looked to the Church of
Rome, in the East it had been Constantinople. Kaiser and Czar both are direct derivatives of

Just as with the British, the Russians had plenty of native people on their hands as they colonized
the world, both west and east. With the Russians, they didn’t move very far off of those rivers
they knew so well, content with leaving things pretty much along further inland… and very
backward. Still, with one-sixth of the earth’s surface in one contiguous mass under their control
by the Nineteenth Century, they could hardly have failed to have become one of the world’s
foremost powers.

But Russia had another problem. Jews. In those days Russia harbored most of the Jews, by far, in
the world. And those were all confined legally to what was known as the Pale of Settlement in
Western Russia, including Poland at that time. Jews had been confined there due to their
pernicious influence upon the social, moral and economic life of the Christian Europeans who, in
some instances, were the local racial minority.

And Russia was a closed society, an autocracy. A land larger than the planet Pluto was the
private back yard of the hereditary Czar. According to the pushers of so-called “democracy”, this
was a grave sin, a grave injustice. Jews, being the foremost pushers of this social disease called
“democracy”, could find no way in unlike the way they were accomplishing it in the more
“liberal” and decadent West. That circumstance plus the numbers which they enjoyed led to but
one conclusion on their part: Revolution.

History has a number of blackouts. The so-called “Russian Revolution” is one of those. This was
the violent take-over of Russia by racial Jews in the wake of the awful disruption caused by the
First World War. It is but a fact and the Jewish authors more recently have felt freer to begin
telling on themselves about it in mainstream volumes. Marx was Levy. Lenin is now revealed as
Blanc. Stalin must be next owing to a most probable Jewish paternity. But no matter. The body
and the bulk of that Bolshevik move was Jewish.

Then the murdering began. From the Czar and his family on down to include about thirty million
Christian, White Russians. This is only what Jews do when they seize complete control. Russia
was effectively behead and rendered one giant charnel house.

The people of Europe well realized this. The same was tried in the confusion following the First
World War in Central and Eastern Europe but soon failed… as there weren’t enough Jews to
enforce it. The ideology of Communism was and is insane and unworkable as has been proven
and shown. No matter. To these people it is the AGENDA which counts, never the reality or the
good of the people. The agenda plus the overthrow of White, Christian civilization. It becomes a
Jewish madhouse. (Is this in any way beginning to sound at all familiar?)

And in the West at the same period? Communism was fashionable. It had already by then made
its inroads into the highest levels of the national lives of the great nations of the West. Jews over
here were having a smooth if slower time of it buying up the media and the politicians

No need for violence. They could and were busy slime-dripping their way into control. The “best
brains” over here – like Franklin Roosevelt, etc. Who was another part-Jew on his Delano side –
were all set to go into national leadership roles. Churchill too – on his mother’s side – in Britain.
All nice and legal but propelled by Jewish-inspired panic.

Lenin had said that the way to the Red revolution of the world lay through Germany. He had
attempted to accomplish this very thing in 1920, following the conclusion of the Russian Civil
War, but was stopped at the very gates of Warsaw by the troops of Joseph Pilsudski. Had the Red
Army then been able to link up in Germany with the forces of the “Bavarian Soviet” – led by
more Jews – that would have been it.

Then Adolf Hitler. World Jewry never quits. They never forget, either. Look at the massacre of
the Polish Army leadership after 1939 by the Jewish NKVD as pay-back for Warsaw in 1920.
Look at the murder of Mussolini, his mistress and uncounted Fascist leaders in 1945. At the time
of Mussolini’s defection from World Communism and his Fascist take-over of Italy in 1922,
Lenin had said, “When we lost Mussolini, we lost Italy.” They won’t accept “no” for an answer.
To hell what the people want or don’t want, it is the AGENDA which counts. That, again, plus
the hatred for White, Christian civilization. (Sounding any more familiar?)

They were intent upon having Germany and the rest of the world for militant, Jewish
Communism. A dreadful squeezeplay was put on Germany which, had it not been for Hitler and
his National Socialist Party, would have succeeded.

And then, as I have mentioned in other articles, what we have always known but what has been
verified since the fall of the Soviet Union, Stalin’s plan – exactly like Lenin’s – to militarily
overrun Europe by sheer force. Mainstream history admits to a force of more power than the rest
of the world’s combined poised there on the western frontier of the Soviet Union by 1941. And
the West’s response? It had declared war on Hitler for an attack upon Poland. But no declaration
of war against the Soviet Union for its attack upon Poland at the same time… plus Finland,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Rumania. A set-up?

Hitler attacked first in June of 1941 in response to this blackmail. Had it not been for the
involvement of the United States, it is certain that Germany would have wiped out the Soviet
Union. Even as late as 1943. As late as 1945 in the streets of Berlin, German youths with
bazookas were killing more tanks than Soviet industry could produce. Only the involvement of
the United States kept the Red Army alive. The result? The Soviet Union was so grievously hurt
that it lingered on for another forty years and then dissolved. All that while coddled and pumped
up by, again, this country.

In 1924 in his masterwork, Mein Kampf, Hitler stated that at that point in time Russia was
indeed nothing more than a Jewish charnel house and the deadliest enemy facing the world. He
added that Jews represented nothing more than a deteriorating effect, however. And he went on
to say that, in the futures the world would be dominated by three “super-powers”: The United
States, China and Russia. By this he could only have meant a Russia freed from Jewish
Communism. He must have known at some level the role he would play in this.

The spirit of the nation, of the people as versus the influence of alien Jews. Which would be the
stronger? The United States was literally impelled by a latent sense of national urgency to fill the
gap during the forty-year-long Cold War. All that while Jews here were giving to the Soviet
Union our atomic secrets, etc. All that while Jews here were busy in government turning this
place from the great country it was and into the “Third Babylon” that it has since become.

My own take on the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the decade of the Nineteen
Eighties and the one which I have never seen or heard repeated anywhere was this: Simple
matter. Communism doesn’t work. But that never mattered to any of the “Old Bolsheviks”.
Always again, it was the AGENDA, never the reality. They’d see millions starve, would kill
millions, pass any laws, etc, to prop up the AGENDA. But by far most of these types were now
dead and were replaced by more-or-less regular people. And these regular people simply said,
“To hell with it.” And it fell.

Today? I won’t say that Jews are out of the national life of Russia. But the Imperial Russian flag
– complete with the golden eagle of the Romanovs-has replaced the Red rag. The Romanov
family itself has been retrieved from its dumping site in Siberia and has been canonized by the
Eastern Orthodox Church.

What of Vladimir Putin? I can’t help but like the man. If Russia played any role at all in the
defeat of the dirty, old hippie – Hillary Clinton -in last year’s general election, then they did this
country a tremendous good favor. (Maybe Putin is able to see Clinton for the sick son-of-bitch
that she is and the very sort of personality which so afflicted Russia for so long with that
particular brand of insane, anti-human AGENDA.)

And if the media dislikes anyone, then they have GOT to be good. It is a sick and alien media
which we have over here. It is JEWISH. (Besides blood there is the Jewish mentality which
Hitler so carefully outlines in Mein Kampf. An old saying has it that a people will eventually
come to resemble their true overlords. This country has become one, big Jewish Hollywood.)

For the grand finale?

They are those who put across the so-called “Russian Revolution”. Russia was, in reality, their
FIRST VICTIM. And now, perhaps, Russia has thrown them off.

Where are most of these types today? Here, in the United States. By themselves they are nothing.
Sitting in control of a great nation they are significant indeed. If there is any such thing as a force
in the world that could be seen as “Gog and Magog” then it can only be the United States. It
grieves me to say this but it is inescapable. Look at the pattern. Exporting so-called “democracy”
to a world that doesn’t want it. At gun-point if necessary. By economic blackmail most of the
time. With its poisonous media mesmerizing people’s minds. Pushing dope, queerism and, worst
of all… RACE-MIXING. It doesn’t matter what they choose to call it, it is the same AGENDA!
The overthrow of civilization, the destruction of genuine culture and, ultimately, the erasure of
White blood through miscegenation.

These same religionists, then and now, point to Ezekiel who said that Gog and Magog would
attack from the north against a nation of unwalled cities.

The religionists showed a map of the world as spread out from the North Pole. They postulated
an I.C.B.M. attack by Soviet missiles from the arctic and against the United States.

That is how they would come. I postulate this: Knowing what the evil power which controls this
country is all about, that is, dedicated to the destruction of White sovereignty everywhere, and
watching its aggressive behavior everywhere toward this end, I see its economy and
infrastructure literally groaning under the intolerable weight of this very same INSANE
AGENDA. But it goes on despite everything because we here have an overabundance of these
self-same INSANE TYPES who would see this continue no matter what.

Exactly as the rotten Roman Empire, I see the day when these here will have no choice except to
start to pull back their troops from around the world just in order to maintain things at home.
When that happens, all over the globe – and especially in Europe – there will be seen a sudden
uprising of nationalist movements.

They are there now, just waiting. Hitler will suddenly be hailed as the Hero which he was. And
the insane bastards still retaining power here will do what all insane bastards can be expected to
do: Play their final card. And those I.C.B.M.s may go over the North Pole, but they’ll be coming
from here to there instead!!

Those familiar with prison life will instantly recognize “P.C.” as synonymous with “Protective
Custody” or “Punk City”. But the more recent application of P.C. has been and is “Politically
Correct”. Everyone knows this. However it seems no one pauses to ask the important question:
Politically correct according to who, to what?

This is one hell of an admission when one stops to consider it.

It means that there exists a rather rigid “standard”, if that is the right word, of speech and
behavior. When I was a very young person there most certainly was a standard of speech and
behavior, not to mention of dress, morals, appearance, even hygiene, etc. But that’s all gone it
seems. It’s been replaced. We can see what it is but, again, who replaced it?

I didn’t even hear the “F” word until I was about fourteen years of age and I knew instinctively
that there was a time and a place for its use. Today little girls are adept at its common usage. I
enjoyed going to the carnival and entering the freak shows. But today who’d pay money to see
the tattooed man (or woman), the geek, the fat man (or woman) or any description of weirdism
when they can be encountered regularly on the city streets?

There was the “Wild Man of Borneo”. He’s everywhere today.

Yes, we had a time and a place for everything. And we knew it. It was the code of behavior. We
enjoyed our filthy stories alright. The two biggest genres of the dirty joke involved the sexual
pervert and the colored type. Yes, we knew they were there but they were solely the objects of
ridicule and derision. We would poke fun at one another by humorously intimating this, or that
schoolmate or chum was somehow mixed up in some of this business.

When it came down to seriousness, queers and/or those who would step outside their own race –
as rare as this was in those times – could quite easily find themselves at real and immediate risk.
It was no more or less than the society caring for itself and its own well being. It was no more or
less than the community expression of healthy instinct. But why was it that the government and
the media wasn’t backing us up?

Perhaps lesson #1 in becoming aware, in becoming part of the movement, beyond the possession
of your own healthy instincts is in learning and in realizing that this nation’s – and every white
nation on the earth – own institutions have long ago been usurped by a hostile people, their
fellow travellers and the alien agenda which they share. Usurped over a century ago with the full
intent of turning them against the people of this land.

That much accomplished long ago, we see today the predictable result upon the general

The freak show has escaped the circus tent and has become the norm. In Europe in the twenties
and thirties, Bolshevism was also referred to as “the end of values”. And in Europe in the
twenties and thirties, anyone who knew anything realized that Bolshevism was Jewish. And
maybe lesson #2 in becoming an aware individual and a prospect for inclusion into this
movement is the coming to the knowledge that all of this, every bit of it, stems from the Jewish
control, the white sellouts, and “Americanism” over our societies and culture.

A deliberate breaking down of the strictures of our formerly white society. And I say strictures
because that’s what they were. Sounds repressive, doesn’t it? And that’s exactly what our racial
enemies would call it. They’d call it that and in the same breath raise the cry for “freedom”. But
their version of freedom isn’t really freedom at all, it’s anarchy. They’ll set you free so as to be
able to destroy yourself.

Lesson #3 might be to learn and to accept that the ONE issue on the fact of this earth is that of
RACE. And race only matters to whites because it is they and they alone who have anything to
lose genetically. All the rest, the blacks, the browns, and the yellows have either already lost it or
they never had it in the first place.

As yourself this: How free are you really to buck the unwritten precepts of so-called “P.C.”?

No, this isn’t freedom one bit. It is the replacing of one set of standards with another. Or perhaps
better put it is the deliberate destruction of all genuine standards and their replacement with a
very literal dictatorship of the end of values. That can’t be anything other than a hostile take-

What had been, not just in my early years but over a thousand years of white, western
civilization, the worst disgraces have now become “okayed” and are protected by law. It couldn’t
be worse had this nation succumbed to the hostile military invasion. Abominable things are now
impressed upon this people by what the movement long ago came to call the Z.O.G., or Zionist
Occupation Government.

“P.C.” is as filthy as it is alien.

Human nature. Not always a pretty thing. Even among whites. Whites have most highly evolved
– or divinely imparted – instincts of any of the various human species found on earth. Hence our
magnificent civilizations and societies, our art and our culture. Yes, even our governments and
systems of law as perverted as they have become in recent decades. Even the colored third
worlders are wanting desperately to escape their own, colored Third World and come here. But a
place full of third worlders is and has become third world itself.

But the most highly evolved also means the most easily tampered with. When all of one’s
institutions are taken over and every evil is unleashed and made even to look acceptable if not
appealing, and then add a huge and growing colored presence, nation death approaches quickly.
And all in the name of “freedom”.

According to P.C., anything filthy seems to go. Anything weak or depraved is to be admired,
even emulated. Deviants and race-traitors are “bold” and “daring” and certainly “progressive”.
But of course it is a progression to the grave. Poor devils who are born as failed experiments in
this greatest of all biological experiments are lauded for being able to breathe, to walk and
perhaps utter a few syllables. Again, the freak show has escaped the tent. The back alley has
come onto the boulevard. The third world … and that is their term as I recall when Africa was
referred to as “The Dark Continent”… has invaded civilization.

But what won’t P.C. tolerate and what does P.C. hold up as its own prime example of subjective

White pride. White awareness. White self-defence. White Sovereignty. Certainly there must be
no criticism of itself. We all saw its reaction when the very mild Donald Trump surprised the
world with his win last year. They are the most intolerant of all and this becomes all more
apparent the more power they wield. This found its fullest expression at the times of the French
and Russian revolutions when Jews seized power in the name of “freedom” and then commenced
killing Whites on a vast scale.

But ultimately it is and has got to be Hitler and Nazism which drives them into the greatest

There it is. They point out the answer themselves. With the universal recognition that there is
indeed a P.C. in this world and that its most hated – and feared – enemy is Hitler and Nazism,
you have everything you need to know.

The minute enough people see this, and remove this alien System, OVER THEIR DEAD
BODIES, the power of P.C. will be broken forever.
One Hundred Years of Failure?

It was during the summer of 1967 that Commander Rockwell wrote his second book, “White
Power”. He had then a much easier go of it than he had in getting published his first book, “This
Time the World”. Such was the degree of development of his American Nazi Party over the
preceding five years or so. Both books became blockbusters and are still in print, albeit on the
underground press. The tragic part was that he was dead about the time the first edition of the
book appeared.

But Chapter Twelve of that book was entitled, “Fifty Years of Failure”, and dealt with the
abysmal record of the U.S. Right Wing in being able to do anything about Jewish-Communist
inroads against decent, White American society. That of course was fifty years ago. And so now
I entitle this piece, “One Hundred years of Failure?”

However note that I have included a question mark in my title. No, I will not trudge on in futile
criticism even if it should be found appropriate. Yes, the so-called Right Wing/Alt Right has
failed and shall always fail. Those identifying with that cause will continue to find themselves
bereft of all hope. It is a losing proposition. Perhaps Commander Rockwell was making the same
point fifty years ago when he stressed that we, as National Socialists, are NOT PART OF the
right wing/far right.

The Commander began that chapter, “Had I been born a thousand years ago, I would have been a
leftist.” Meaning that things were rough, exceedingly so. White civilization was only then
starting to be able to get up onto its feet after nearly a thousand years of darkness following the
collapse of Classical civilization. I know one thing, the Commander would have been on the side
of civilization.

I’ve said it that when circumstances dictate that there is no room for bullshit, then there’ll be no
bullshit. And there was no room absolutely for any sort of bullshit a thousand years ago. The
best, the strongest would lead and the rest would follow. Period. It was survival,. Without this
firm grasp of reality, we would have never withstood the onslaughts of Moors, Turks, Huns and

My favorite scene from the film, “Braveheart”, was when Edward I (the great English king who
expelled all Jews from his realm) caught some asshole whispering garbage into the ear of the
queen, and without hesitation, flung him out of the tower window. Thus perish all “liberals”, all

And it lasted and Merry Old England would thrive until the civil war of the 1600s when Oliver
Cromwell permitted the Jews to reenter England. So our problems of today found their root.

What can you really expect while tolerating “a little cancer” within your body or your brain?

We were forbidden from “money handling” or usury”. But the Jews were not. So bring in filthy
Jews to handle your filthy money affairs, right? But the Jews have long had a saying, “Give me
control over a country’s gold and I care not who writes its laws.” Aside from that, they had to
mind their “P”s and “Q”s as they were originally expelled on account of the growing charges
against them of ritual child murder. So they bided their time.

They sank their roots deep and took a deadly hold before revealing their hand this time. Before it
could be realized, it was too late.

And still the “love affair” with these Jews goes on.

Today we are broken. It’s not a game of “Left Wing” versus “Right Wing” any longer, as if it
ever was. It’s just that before things get too bad one may be able to continue fooling himself into
believing that he can master the situation on his own.

Fools in the past have called for a return to “a kinder, gentler time.” Fools today call for “an
earnest turning to the Lord.” They say, “Pray for our leaders.” When this society departed from
its White ways and admitted colored into its bosom, that spelled the end of kind and gentle times
and the opening of the way to savagery and degeneracy. When we as a people forgot that RACE
is the foundation of everything then we began electing traitors and sell-outs into government and
surrendered everything, every recourse we once had to solve our own problems as a free and
sovereign people.

One doesn’t “pray” types. They FIGHT them!

There were no Jews or coloreds on any frontier except those whom we encountered in our way
and were required to KILL.

Once things settled down, however, became much more “civilized” and safe, then slowly incrept
the merchants and the money lenders. There became “leisure time” and the opportunity for
bullshit thought and action. Former slaves were granted citizenship. Jews introduced their
poisonous lie of human “equality”. (And don’t quote to me the documents authored by the
Founding Fathers about “all men are created equal” as these were mainly slave holders and were
speaking only about other Whites.)

Media monopoly accomplished the rest until Whites today make a sad and sorry comparison
with their Viking ancestors.

But it isn’t new.

This is how high civilizations have always died. Same causes, same symptoms. Except for two
things: This time it has been deliberately RED-LINED and this time there is no frontier to retire
or in order to begin afresh.

We as a people might begin to sort this out were it not for, #1, a hostile, alien clique of Jews and
fellow travellers in control of all opinion-forming media and positions of sensitivity and power
and, #2, a vast and increasing body of colored aliens right in our own midst as “fellow citizens”.
This amounts to a DEATH TRAP unless and until sufficient Whites can come to a full awareness
of the nature of the situation.

And “Right Wingism or Alt Right” is nothing but a game. Has always been. “A little more of this
and a little less of that.” We’ll either be a people unto ourselves again or we’ll cease to exist as a
people. Then where will your bullshit of “Left” or “Right” be? Ask this to any of the billions of
poor bastards caught in the Third World. Nothing for them matters anymore as they have already
lost it all and forever.

So “A Hundred Years of Failure?” Yes, when one looks at it as a bunch of amateur game-players
up against the master game-players of all time: The Jews.

There never was a time for game-playing. But previously there was a lot more room for escapism
and excuse-making. That’s about all but dried up now.

Do you realize that the tables could be turned in an instant in our favor should this kind of
awareness become general?

More mesmerism than anything else. And, unless I am mistaken, Mesmer was a Jew who came
up with hypnotism. More “Emperor’s New Clothes” than anything else. Commander Rockwell
long ago stated that there were more people out there who knew and felt the real score than most
imagine. But this enemy alien control over taste-making has everyone convinced that they are all
alone in a world governed by “P.C.”.

That spell – for a spell it is – must be broken.

“A Hundred Years of Failure?” For game-players, yes. For the march of history and the iron laws
of reality, no. This shit we see today doesn’t work. Hasn’t ever worked. Will never work. The
Soviet Union fell because enough at the top who weren’t Jews saw that crap had never worked
and it was time to give up the game.

I do not say to place any faith or confidence is any of these swine in government here today.

I do say that with the aid of our own White genius – in the form of the internet – with the
TRUTH as our weapon we can awaken sufficient numbers of our people so as to be able to at
least AFFECT something to the positive and for the first time in over a hundred years.
Fifty Years Onward!

As the old cliche goes, I remember it as though it had been yesterday. Friday, August 25th, 1967.
About midday. My family and I were on our way from town to the house in the country. Dad had
stopped at the corner market just outside of town for the obligatory case of beer. When he
emerged and reentered the car he said, “I see where your friend got shot.” I had no idea what he
could be talking about. “Rockwell.” Whereupon he handed me that day’s paper. There it was on
the front page. Life for me has contained some real shocks but this was probably the first serious
shock of an adult nature. I had not very long before turned fifteen and had been a member of
Rockwell’s Youth Movement for less than a full year.

Naturally, I was to remain 100% absorbed by this over the coming days and weeks. “Now
what?” That was the automatic, instinctive thought which struck me in that moment. The weight
of the occasion increased over me as we drove the next eight miles before I could position
myself by a radio in order to be able to gather any news report on the event and learn more
details. It may have been by that means later that same day that I first heard that the sneak
assassin had been one of Rockwell’s own former right-hand men. More shock.

The following day, a Saturday, I went to the garage down the alley – the “headquarters” – of the
then nominal local unit elder and together we then walked to the downtown and the newsstand
where we bought up a copy of every newspaper there which carried the assassination headline.
Such publicity. Not since September of 1966 had the Party and Rockwell received such coverage
at the time of the Great White March in Chicago.

Not much else to do other than to watch and to wait. Day by day for the next several days on the
evening television news and in the press came further word on the event. Then it tapered off.
Next word came from Party headquarters at Arlington, Virginia, in the form of a letter to the
membership thanking them for their condolences and providing perhaps a few more details plus
the assurance that things would continue no matter what.

So it went throughout the remainder of 1967. The turmoil over the burial of Commander
Rockwell’s remains. The trial of the assassin. The conversion of Party leadership.

Things did continue, as promised. There took place a cremation after the Army refused burial at
the federal cemetery due to Party uniforms. The assassin was quickly convicted. And the
National Socialist White People’s Party was securely established yet in Arlington, Virginia.

One could sense that a new age had begun.

That age continues into this day. I’ve written of it recently that one trooper, John Ryan, had
commented in 1969, after I had joined the Arlington staff, that “the only thing good about the
‘good old days’ was that Commander Rockwell was alive”. The truth in this was to become ever
more clear and profound with the passage of time.

Manson was with the Family for three years. Hitler was with the Movement for a generous
twenty-five years. And Rockwell was with the Movement for nine. I shared that final year. That
time has stood for me like a tower. Everything since then has been in its shadow. I’ve spoken
with German veterans, Manson Family members, etc., and they all express the same feeling. Of
Hitler, Rockwell wrote that he had been “the greatest mind in two thousand years.” Something

Lately there has come to my attention comments made by, ostensibly, members of the
movement, to the effect, “What did Rockwell actually DO?” Did he turn the situation around?
No. Were the “Jews through in ’72,”as he had said? No. But there was, however, the line he
wrote into his autobiography, “This Time the World”, which said, “I knew I would not live to see
the victory I would make possible but I would not die before I had made that victory certain.”

What did Hitler actually DO? After he created the world’s first example of “thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven”, he was overwhelmed and destroyed by Jews and their minions. And
Manson? Again. And Rockwell? Again. Those who were either with them or who had been at
least their contemporaries never forgot them. What they each did was to have created a
LEGEND. And, as I have said before, there is no such thing as a man who “changed history”.
But there have been men who have held history right on course. And these are the men we are
regarding here.

Had our ancient ancestors not varied from the Natural Law, after a thousand years of White,
Western, civilization, had our ancestors not gotten back into bed with Jews, Hitler and Germany
would not have had to make that sacrifice. Had not all of our formerly White societal institutions
been allowed to go to hell then Manson would not have been obliged to create the Family. And
had not all of this occurred then Rockwell would not have had to form the American Nazi Party
and, as a direct result, sacrifice his own life.

But it all did occur. And, despite everything, history has continued. And what is history? It is the
story of development. Animals do not have history. They have evolved to a perfect state in
complete line with nature. There are many examples of more-or-less “human” types which do
not have development. They remain in the mud basically because they are mud. Only Whites
show development. Only Whites have history. And, at the very same time, only Whites have

But history is not linear, it is cyclical. High civilizations have risen and fallen. They are created
and they rise as WHITE. They fade and they die as COLORED. Had any of the men previously
cited fully succeeded in their own time, then all of great prophesy would have been invalidated.
A certain climax, a certain fulfillment had to be reached. I assure every reader now that that
fulfillment has just about been reached. Everyone, friend and foe, agrees that a tremendous
climax must be near.

Had it not been for Hitler and the Third Reich then militant, Jewish Bolshevism would have
rolled over the entire world in the last century: “The end of values’,’ as it was regarded by those
on the side of civilization then. Manson, the Family and their sacrifice has long been credited as
having “ended the Sixties” and the moment of the filthy hippies. And what of Rockwell and the
American Nazi Party?

As I began, his death was) marked – greeted – with unprecedented publicity on the part of the
Jewish media. They were gleeful, even relieved, that this man was now gone. And they felt
confident enough to celebrate with this orgy of publicity. And this over a man whom they had
sworn to IGNORE during his active career on earth, in this life. Rather telling if one only thinks
about it for a moment. Not newsworthy? No constituency? Then why the declared news
blackout? Because the Jewish masters of the media did not want the masses of Whites to even
suspect that there was resistance to their drive for racial integration in the United States and the
Western world. Their lie of “racial equality” simply could not stand up to the clear light of day
and it is that which they knew they must deny to the White masses. That plus the reality that the
greatest son of the White race, Adolf Hitler, had come as their savior and now was being
criminalized and defamed by their own very worst enemies.

But Rockwell wore on. Never quit. Never varied from the unvarnished truth. Until the day he
And a legend was created.

Today Rockwell is more well-known than he was during his own lifetime. Via the Internet – a
marvel of White genius – he is more active and getting around than he ever was during the
Sixties. More importantly, the dire dangers and predictions he was making then which were at
the time pooh-poohed by those smart-asses who believe that “it can’t happen here” or who were
themselves too cowardly to buck up against the Jewish terror are all about us as a horrific and
painful vindication.

The press – the media – is more and more standing forth as exactly what i t has always been: A
controlled tool of a vague and unspecified enemy. If a U.S. President can say this, then you can
believe it. But we are extremists because we do specify.

Commander Rockwell both saved my life and made it at the same time. My eternal devotion is as
the only natural and logical result. In recent decades I’ve felt it merciful that he did not live to
see the depths to which his beloved America would sink. At the same time, I’ve never been more
relaxed and confident of the final outcome.

A certain impetus.

Like a boost out in space which may not seem like much down here on earth but which out in a
vacuum of such impetus is sufficient to accomplish that which is necessary.

To hold history on track.

To ensure that the White race meets its destiny.

The Media

Unlike in the past, I’ll not tell you now to disregard the nightly news as this piece directly
addresses it. And I’m not going to continue to fall into the error of past decades by citing to you
every kind of statistic demonstrating how the mass media is own and operated by Jews. For one,
I’m not currently up on those statistics and, two, it’s gone beyond that sort of thing being

We for a long time felt that by exposing those damning figures the White populace could be
awakened. Wrong. “Truth” and “facts” in their raw state won’t do it, that much has been proven.
Reason and logic might when they are based upon the truth and the facts. The enemy lacks these
things: Reason and logic. He relies upon the manipulation of emotion in tandem with the “cherry
picking” of facts, etc. That plus his favorite, tried-and-true weapon: Lies.

So when Donald Trump exclaims that the media is the worst enemy of the American people, I
don’t think he even realizes exactly how right he is. One can see the war that has been declared
against Trump, by the enemy media any night on the televised news. They themselves are stating
that it has already far surpassed the war that they waged against Richard Nixon in the mid-
Seventies. Let’s hope that Trump has not committed any faux pas of the kind Nixon did which
allowed them to unseat him.

Neither man however, Nixon or Trump, could do what needed to be done and seize air time, plus
invoke Executive authority, to call upon the people and the military, etc., to literally take back
this country from its seducers, the Jews and their fellow-travellers. The people – that is, the
Whites- are not in the same shape they were in the Seventies and the military, I fear, is no longer
dependable at all. Plus the reality that both men were and are surrounded by, literally, in bed
with, Jews themselves.

Why is this? Simply because of the enemy alien media and its influence over the minds and
hearts of the people, and I will always be referring to Whites as “the people”. Law enforcement
says to all potential victims of car-jackings, “Don’t get into the vehicle with the hijacker.” This is
simply because the hijacker will remove you to a place and situation far less advantageous to you
and more advantageous to himself. This country as a whole “got into the vehicle” with its
hijackers a long time ago and has certainly been taken to a spot where its survival, and the
chances thereof, have tremendously reduced.

It is Psychology 101 that people will listen to and rely upon that source of authority and
information that, to them, appears to carry the greatest clout. So easy it is to take over and
control a society. Over a century ago they – the Jews – began making their moves to monopolize
the media. Buy it up as in the case of the newspapers. Move in on it as in the case of television.
To invent it as in the case of Hollywood. Leaving any of the rest as mere pikers, virtually without
a voice.

Lenin saw this at once when he viewed his very first motion picture. Sarnoff knew it when he
wrangled control of television away from its White inventor, Farnsworth, who, from that point
forward, never would allow a television set within his own home. The Jewish clothing merchants
knew it when they grabbed some of Edison’s movie cameras and headed for the West Coast and
bought up some lemon groves and called it “Hollywood”.

An old saying has it that a people will eventually come to resemble its true masters. So true that
is. Fascinated as I have always been with old Hollywood, the amount and degree of degradation
there from the beginning is still disturbing. My favorite area was always the horror films of the
old period. That and comedy. Boris Karloff was once asked in Universal studio where the toilet
was. His reply was that the whole place was a toilet. Vincent Price commented that Hollywood
was a “very evil” place. And the great W.C. Fields remarked that “Hollywood is a golden
crown… over a rotten tooth.”

But the public flocked to see the latest releases from Hollywood. An escape from their own,
bland lives. A means by which to escape the terrible austerity of the Great Depression. Whatever
the reason, it couldn’t help but have its gradual effect. The watershed came with television in
every American home. Nothing like this ever before. “The lying wonder.” I first caught that as I
was reading the Bible for the first time in my life during my mid-forties. Well, it IS a wonder and
it DOES lie. And it was at that precise point that an entire generation – my own generation –
departed from the traditions of its ancestors and set upon a path of national, cultural and racial

Charles Manson once pointed out one of the master strokes of these mind-manipulators and
taste-makers as it concerned the epidemic of drug use in the United States. Some burrowed
enemy while posing as an “educator” or the like whose secret agenda was to get a group of
kindergarteners to throw rocks would proceed this way: Inculcate into the children that the worst,
most horrible thing they could do was to throw the rocks which were conveniently piled nearby.
Next step would be to “piss off”, anger or otherwise alienate the children. They then revert to
throwing the rocks and believe that it has been their own idea.

Race mixing is the same. Homosexuality is the same. Abortion, the same.

You are free according to these people to do anything to destroy yourself. Somewhere I saw it
recently, “Don’t tear down a wall until you know why it was built in the first place.”

Remember always that these people are the very inventors of so-called “psychology”.

George Lincoln Rockwell once was asked by a reported as to why the Jews are doing this.
Rockwell’s reply was that he didn’t know. This country has been so good to them, Rockwell
said, that he couldn’t understand why they would want to harm – or mutate – it the way they
were doing. But it has long ago been observed – even by Rockwell – that unless one harbors
such propensities within himself, he cannot see it or understand it in others. As Stroker wrote in
his novel, actually an allegory of Jews, “Dracula”, the greatest strength of the vampire is that no
one believes in him.

The filth portrayed by Hollywood and television. Is it just trying to keep up with popular trends?
Or is it actually leading the way? I assure you, it is the latter. “Monkey see, monkey do.” And
that reality way predates even Psychology 101. If it’s up there on the screen, then it must be
“okay”, even “cool” for me to do. We used to gas out theaters showing these kinds of films in the
late Sixties and early Seventies. Bucking the tide, as it were.

And so we have long had a nation full of would-be Jews. Idolizing the fantastic images coming
out of Hollywood. What else do they know? What else CAN they know? There are no other
sources. Image-making. Going straight to the emotions, to the subconscious, to the viscera. There
is nothing to compete with this, anywhere.

Brainwash, or, as I like to call it, BRAIN RAPE. Rockwell compared it to the misuse of even the
best computers: Garbage in; Garbage out. Manson declared that the media only reports about
five percent of what’s happening and even that much is distorted. And, as was just touched upon,
we don’t need any longer to count the Jews. They have long since raised up more than one
generation of “would-be” Jews. Those helplessly locked into the Jewish mind-set of liberalism
and racial, national and cultural death.

They were exceptionally fond of this one during last year’s election: Those supporting Trump
hadn’t had the “benefit” of “college enlightenment”. In other words, those with any sort of
nationalistic bent – any who desired to “Make America Great Again” – had to be stupid and
ignorant. If anything typifies the Jewish attitude of arrogance and disregard, then that is it! The
rush to death is the only “enlightened” way to go!! For it is not “enlightenment” that one receives
in these colleges today, it is rather CONDITIONING.

And it is THEY who are too stupid to see this.

Not much can be expected to happen as long as this awful menace continues to grip the minds
and imaginations of by far the bulk of not only the American people but the people of every
White land. Not much, that is, apart from the continued gradual decline that I have been
witnessing all of my life.

Gradual, yes. But everything that we have learned tells us that there has to come a tipping point.
Will that tipping point come sooner or later? Forcing the issue has been tried. Every lesson of
history tells us that this is the way every high civilization has died. The one difference is that
here, this time, all of this process has been carefully and deliberately RED-LINED by a
conscious conspiracy with a hidden agenda. Every other time, as with Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc.,
it has been more or less by accident as well as having been over a great deal of time.

Maybe it is they who are forcing the issue.

It seems as though we cannot depend upon some calamity to disrupt the sway of the evil system
and its media. Naturally, it would occur to anyone with healthy instincts that certain action must
be taken. Truth – that and every law of reason, history, physics – is our weapon. It is up to us to
wield this weapon in an appropriate and responsible way. Nothing apparently “junior league”.
Nothing skirting the one issue: Race.

I personally have witnessed and experienced more than one turn-around of what even
sympathetic “experts” have informed me were “hopeless” or “impossible” situations. Couldn’t it
happen on a grander scale? One, I never quit. Two, I knew I had right on my side. Three, I
fought skillfully. Four, I gained valuable allies along the way. And five, my adversaries were the
most rotten of bastards. Couldn’t this be expanded?

Some are saying that the media is beginning to suffer. That more people are giving it a vote of
“no confidence” and are turning to the web, etc., for their sources of information. The media of
course, being what ist is, will never admit this.

“Make them BE what they ARE!”, Manson said. To be seen as what they really are is one thing
which they can’t stand. To isolate and distill the truth and present it professionally. To hold the
mirror up to the vampire. For the vampire – and the media – can fool indefinitely the masses of
people. But he – and it – can’t fool a simple mirror.

We must be that mirror.

The Greatest Generation

This is a term that’s been heard more over the course of the past twenty years or so. It’s
something which struck me at the beginning as it contains connotation and now, after all this
time, I want to get all of its implications solidly down for all to see and understand.

That group being referred to are approximately those from which my own parents sprang, having
been born at about the time of the First World Way, having fought in the Second World War and
having sired the so-called “Baby Boomer” generation of which I am a member (even though I
dislike the sound of the title.) It is said that those remaining are dying at the rate of six hundred
per day. Soon there’ll be no more.

But I want to begin by emphasizing that, yes, they were the Greatest Generation. Here is where
all similarity between my take on this and all of the others ends.

Why were they the Greatest Generation? Simply because they represented the absolute height of
White Civilization and society. After them, it was downhill all the way. And I include and
condemn my own generation in this in a most profound way. We were the first generation to
break with the traditions of our ancestors going back a thousand and more years. From that time
to this, a little less has been passed along from parent to child with each succeeding generation
until there is practically nothing worthwhile remaining.

I distinctly remember even as a child thinking to myself as I observed the world around me that
my generation could never hope to measure up that of my parents. What a strange thing for a
child to consider. But when the term, “Greatest Generation” was first coined, my suspicions were
confirmed although, once again, for quite different reasonings.

The mortal enemies of our people okayed the creation and circulation of this term for their own
purposes which are always of a nefarious nature as far as the best interests of our people are
concerned. As far as I could see, and it turns out I was right, the subsequent generations weren’t
made of the same mettle as that of my parents. That, by default, placed them at the top of the
grid. Not a happy thing. Our enemies, on the other hand, decided that it might serve their secret
agenda by “honoring” those who had permitted themselves to be duped into going to war to fight
their brethren in Europe who – ironically enough – were equally part of that same “Greatest

While I lamented the downward turn of affairs for White Civilization, the common enemy
heralded it as the dawn of their own great day… which we see the symptoms of all around us and
spreading like the proverbial cancer.

“They saved the world.” This short statement comes usually in conjunction with the afore
mentioned appellation. But while they most surely were the Greatest Generation, and for the
reasons I have cited, they sadly did not save the world. No. Rather, they not only left the world in
awful jeopardy, they were duped into shattering the very essence of the spirit which was the very
foundation of White Civilization: Racial awareness, unity and loyalty. From that point onward to
today, everything they supposed they had been fighting for – their “way of life” – no longer had
a leg to stand upon morally. And downward it gradually began to go.

Instead, it was the other portion of the world-wide, white “Greatest Generation” which truly
saved the world. Specifically, those heroes and martyrs of Germany and its allied, European
states, who rose to the tremendous challenge of preventing Jewish Bolshevism from rolling
across all of Europe as it was set to do by the summer of 1941. This was total sacrifice. And, of
the so-called “Allies”, their mission was accomplished in historic terms.

During the Sixties, it was not an uncommon thing, especially for me as a member of a National
Socialist outfit, to encounter German veterans who had immigrated to the United States
following the war. They wondered at nothing nor were they perplexed at anything. They had
known what they were fighting for – as well as against – and they too gave it their all. With
defeat came every harsh reality that their leaders had warned them of. Yet they had performed
their duty magnificently. Hail to them all and especially those who lived to see the collapse of
the Soviet Union. Vindication!
Conversely, I well recall my own father – who had served in the United States Navy from 1938
until 1945 and had seen the worst there was – hating and despising all that he saw developing
within his own beloved country post war. What the hell was going on!? This isn’t what he had
fought for. And all of his comrades, insofar as I could tell, felt exactly the same way. I remember
the evening a friend of mine and I dropped into a tavern just outside my old home town in Ohio
and saw some poor devil, obviously a victim of shell shock, at the bar. Jerking violently as
though the burst were still going off all around him, he tried to enjoy his beer. We engaged him
in conversation and he revealed that his condition had occurred during the Battle of Kaserine in
Tunisia against Rommel’s Afrika Korps in 1943. At the end of it all, his indication was that,
should he have it to do all over again, this time he would be WITH Rommel and not against him.

These days even I still regularly have coffee with former customers of mine from my days in the
professional world. World War Two veterans now in their nineties but still sharp and vital (and
providing much personal hope for those of my own age group.) A genuine pleasure to sit and
converse with those of my own background and values. I take the place of my own father who
has been gone for a very long time. They wonder what went wrong. What has happened to their
country. One of them hints at what I am stating here but, generally, they cannot or do not dare to
make the connection. And I do not press the issue. Why, after all?

But with an immediate menace successfully stymied, that of militant Jewish Bolshevism, what
with the impelling of American Forces into Europe at the collapse of Germany to see through the
Cold War to its conclusion, there was hand-in-hand the sharp and steady decline of Western
society and all the subsequent generations. And not just in America but in each and every White
nation. A threat just as deadly and stemming from the same source, just not as sudden or as
imminent and one which we ourselves are guilty of being “in bed with”, of providing it with the
“legal entry”. The final round, the “death dream”, or “death sleep”, if you will.

That total loss of moral footing which came as a result of the Second World War when the Jews
behind the scene sought to “criminalize” everything which a nation must have in order to
perpetuate and advance itself by associating it with “Nazi Germany”, that “most evil of all
societies and political regimes”. After all, why had our own heroes fought and died? The answer,
again, that no one can countenance, is that they were all lied to and duped, USED to go and fight
a war basically against themselves, against literally their own brothers. Brothers, by the way,
whose own societies were approximately just like their own with one critical difference: The
leaders, the governments, the media, etc., on the Axis side were truly representative of and acting
in full accordance with the best national interests of their respective people. Not so in the West or
the East where secret agenda having nothing to do with the welfare of the people but quite to the

The treason, the sell-out, the brainwash, etc., all kept up apace. I witnessed it all and hated
instinctively every bit of it.

The political scene has been one of “Conservative” versus “Liberal”, or so it is thought. But the
“Conservative” of today would more resemble the “Liberal” of several decades ago. Hence the
steady, uninterrupted downhill decline of the Western societies. The key to the understanding of
this phenomenon is this: The Liberals have at their backs the hard-shell and essentially
Communist establishment with all the force of high finance, government and media. The
Conservatives have only – exactly as the title presumes – only “what’s left”. And that much is
dwindling all the time.

What’s worse, they can’t effectively fight back with the one weapon that could win for them:
The issue of RACE. That has been assigned – even by them – to the anathema world of “Hitler
and the Nazis”, who “we” fought. And “we” couldn’t possibly have been misled, right?

The Greatest Generation. The highest height before the decline. That is a historic trend if ever
there was one. You can see it in Rome, in Greece, in the whole of Classical Civilization. Now it
is the turn of Western Civilization. That is precisely the point at which we find ourselves at
present. Just as with Rome in the Year Zero, still dominant in the world economically and
militarily but rapidly dying of unchecked internal cancer. And as this country moves from White
to Third World, a certain tipping point approaches.

One might despair were he not aware of every bit of this was fully anticipated and written of –
prophesied – thousands of years ago. Had Hitler and those wonderful heroes of long ago
somehow managed to stalemate the war and to have survived, then all of that prophecy of much
longer ago would have been invalidated. There was a critical job to do and they did it. But what
was written then has but to play itself out to the very last letter.

During the meantime, what of the individual? Awareness and faith. Awareness and faith.
Awareness in not being fooled into believing in or being part of the game. Faith not in anything
blind but in loyalty to the traditions of our own noble ancestors who built White Civilization over
the course of the centuries, before our own institutions were invaded and compromised – turned
against us – by the very enemies of the White Race.

Maybe, just perhaps, the Greatest Generation will be yet to come.

Why Does the System So Hate “Fascism”?

I originally was going to entitle this piece, “Why Does the Left So Hate ‘Fascism’?” But it isn’t
just the left, it’s the whole System which includes the Left. Note that they don’t “hate”
communism. Maybe they’ll deride it at times as having been a failed economic system and
perhaps a wee bit on the “repressive” side. But “hate”, no. Hate requires strong emotion and that
just isn’t there whenever the System media brings up communism. But it’s certainly there
whenever Fascism is taken up.

Of course, being rational and objective in these things is to miss the point but still it is a good
starting place.

Whenever I would address student groups at schools during the 1980s, I would toss out a series
of questions as to who the supposed greatest mass murderer of all history was according to the
Guinness Book of World Records. Mao Tse Tung came in first with a score of about 50,000,00;
Stalin was second with a tally of about 30,000,000 and Hitler came in a distant third with a mere
12,000,000. And yet, when most people think of a mass murderer, they think of Hitler.

I would ask these high schoolers – political science majors – how many G.I. soldiers died in the
Second World War. Nobody knew. I would ask them how many Jews died and they all knew.
And the figure that they all knew was nothing more than baloney at that. More than strange?

But again I stress, do not miss the point here. An important tale is thus being both implied and
established here at the same time.

I’m still being told of news items such as, if I am recounting it correctly, a German SS veteran in
his nineties who had been a radio operator at Auschwitz who was only recently sentenced to five
years for his role in “The Holocaust”. At the same time, it does slip out that in none of the
formerly Soviet Bloc countries – including Russia itself – were any of the communist overlords
ever brought to any kind of justice. This is a tale screaming very loudly.

It’s a tale of just who’s “touchable” and who is “untouchable”. And who would decide and
enforce a thing like that? Why, only those in ultimate control. According to this then, 50,000,000
Russians don’t count. 30,000,000 Chinese don’t count. A quarter of a million American
servicemen don’t count. And, more to the point, more Germans who died after the war than
during the war don’t count either. (But of course, THEY HAD IT COMING TO THEM for
daring to touch the untouchable.)

Then to the matter of just why it remains “Fascism” that is the prime epithet of these mindsets
and not “Nazism”. It’s very twisty and turny. When they do at times give mention to the latter, it
is almost always in the form of “Neo-Nazis”, or, literally, “New Nazis”. This beats me. I’m not a
“New” Nazi. I am just a Nazi. But one does have to keep one thing in mind here at all time:
Before 1945, we were a Party; After 1945, we have been a Religion.

However I believe it can be positively traced to this: As Hitler stated in Mein Kampf, he would
have never believed it possible that Bolshevism could be turned back were it not for the example
of the Fascists in Italy under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. Indeed, it was Lenin who said,
“When we lost Mussolini, we lost Italy.” And as that German SS veteran in his nineties could tell
you, these types don’t forget.

The honest and objective person outside the movement – should there even exist such a thing –
needs to ask themselves these things. In some of my earlier writings, I suggested to the reader
that, should you ever want to get a sense of what the scene of hatred must have been like that day
at Calvary two thousand years ago, just view the footage of the scene in Milan in April of 1945
when the bodies of the murdered Mussolini, his mistress and some of his aides were desecrated
and displayed publicly – not by the Italian people – but by Red Star Brigades of communists.

And exactly what “crimes” had Mussolini been guilty of? Stop and ask that of yourself for a

Why, he was guilty of the greatest crime of all. He not only awoke in himself to the false and
deadly communist premise, he formed an organization which defeated it in his homeland of Italy.
That plus giving hope and encouragement to the other anti-communists around Europe and the
world. His government, which lasted for two decades, was the best and most stable in Italy’s
history. In helping to overturn it once general war had broken out and general madness and
lawlessness prevailed, this country happily allied itself with such forces as the communists and
the Mafia. The truth once again cries out.

How few have considered together the sign of the Cross and the name of Fascism? Setting aside
for the moment any thought of the supernatural with regard to the sign of the Cross, the early
Christians took the symbol of murder, shame and martyrdom and made it their own. What a bold
step, would scare the hell out of the weak and faint-hearted. Would tell their enemies that their
own best effort had failed ultimately. One reason I never deny or disown Fascism.

Point being, that symbol then could get you killed. And today, that name could well get you the
same with the right – or wrong – circumstances. Such is the carefully cultivated hatred.

It was the System then and it is the System today. It was and is the Jews behind both. And they
were in control of the West just as much as they were the East during the Twentieth Century as
well as on into the present. It is the SYSTEM. Watch ho wit behaves and operates.

I had long grown disgusted by all representation of the Spanish Civil War of the Nineteen
Thirties because they all hailed the losing communist side as having been the “heroes” of that
vicious and brutal struggle. Nowhere was there to be found a true representation. Why? Because
the Fascist had been the victors. It had a truly happy ending. Franco had been shrewd enough to
have kept his country out of the general war and had managed to survive. Otherwise, he too
might have been strung up in a square in Madrid. (Contact International Historic Films for their
catalogue and a source for the best documentary on this largely unknown chapter in recent

They today condemn Chilean General Pinochet for having ousted the communist Allende and
having killed a great many of his followers in the process. He was a “Fascist”. What? They’d
have preferred a communist Spain and Chile? They tell on themselves.

At the very height of the Cold War and in the midst of the great Conservative backlash of the
Fifties and Sixties, it was correctly observed – perhaps even by the John Birch Society – that, to
the mind of the trained communist, anyone is a “Fascist” who consciously and openly opposes

And make no mistake, it doesn’t have to identify itself as communism. They know what they’re
about. A myriad of “social” and “progressive” fronts. Anything “liberal”. Certainly anything
“leftist”. Anything that has at its core the dismantling of White Civilization. And with the
dismantling of that, the erasure of the White race itself. That has always been the business of the
Jews and all of their dupes and tools.

You see, and as I have stated, they have all the ease and luxury. They have governments,
economies, militaries, medias, etc., on their side. It as yet remains in the conspiracy stage but it is
very real and most effective. When they had it ALL and in the OPEN, as in the case of Bolshevik
Russia, it was mass murder. Undisguised. Hitler and the sacrifice of Germany made an end to
that. And they hate Hitler ahead of anyone or anything on Earth, ever before in history. (Take
away the falsehood of the “gas chambers” and what do you have left? Hitler dared to TOUCH
the supposedly UNTOUCHABLE!)

We, on the other hand enjoy no such luxury. We have no citadel. No back-up. No fall-back. No
publicly recognized or universally hailed “hero leaders” such as the media built-up scoundrels
idolized by the left. The Second World War took care of that. Or at least it was supposed to have
done. But, thanks to George Lincoln Rockwell, we have taken on, and adopted as our own, that
symbol of shame and defeat, of infamy and all things vile – according to the World Enemy who
presently calls all the shots and names all the names – the Swastika.

And whereas the symbol of the Cross no longer drives them into a frenzy as it once did – its role
in the history of our race having played itself out – the symbol of the Swastika certainly does.
The deluded masses of our own people curse and hate it: The symbol of their own EARTHLY
salvation. But the ENEMY knows what it represents. As long as there are those who hold it
sacred, the Enemy knows his battle can never safely be called won.

The Enemy fully knows why he hates. The duped masses hate but they don’t really know why.

It is a situation that can be reversed. But it’ll require a miracle to accomplish.

We do not have much time left for the White race, as it is so diminished that the Earth no longer
possesses any true destiny. A fool could see that a climax approached. All there is to do is work,
brace and wait.
When I was still working as a retail security agent, the thieves – made arrogant by all the “civil
rights” bullshit – would boldly declare to us that, “You can’t touch me!” That was a guarantee
that they were to get “touched”, then and there – and take a sudden trip, face-down, to the
concrete floor.

I’d like to be around to repeat that action on a grand scale.


They certainly don’t advertise it and there’s nowhere you may go to get a copy of their strategic
plan but the proverbial “eyes with which to see” will tell you that high on the enemy’s preferred
list has always been: Never give them the chance to fight. Why this? Because even today, if you
were to fight – fight as a people – you’d win.

Had the Rhodesians fought, really fought, they’d still have their country. Had the South Africans
really fought, even as the minority which they were, they’d yet be free. They permitted
themselves to be sold out from within, betrayed. The price, apart from the degradation of it all?
An explosion of rape, murder and general chaos. (Is this sounding at all familiar?)

But things like this never just “happen”. There must be sound and genuine leadership and this,
too, has been carefully, scrupulously denied our people by secret masters. Only turds and more
sell-outs are allowed to get anywhere near national politics. Not leaders, but managers. Selected,
okayed, to manage the gradual downfall of this once-great land and its people. And down to
what? Down to a Third World level.

Remember the last time this country or any country of the West was allowed – even encouraged
– to really fight? The two disastrous World Wars when the biological best fought the biological
best in the name of lies and some happy crap about supposed “democracy”. And all of it at the
behest of those conspirators who had wormed their way into power and media. The result? You
see it all around you.

Francis Parker Yockey wrote in his “Imperium” that one either fights a true enemy or else he
fights himself. Of course, when you fight yourself, you can only lose.

They say and are probably right that the United States citizenry is the most heavily armed in the
world. But you’ll never get the chance to use it. They’re depending on you aging, dying and your
grandchildren inheriting your guns. And, furthermore, they’re depending on those grandchildren
to be non-white. You lose finally and irretrievably. That’s the extended strategy and it is, for
their purposes, an apparent winner.

Under the conditions which they have brought about through their media, their sell-out
politicians and their having ram-rodded through so-called “integration” decades ago – plus the
ruination of the culture, the plague of dope, the explosion of queerism, etc. – all that remains to
seal the deal is time and proximity. A sure thing unless something gets changed. An “accident”?
I don’t think anyone that deeply asleep would even be reading this.

The country has gone to hell with the citizens fully armed. It has gone to hell with many of the
citizens at least still voting (but always for those same shit-hook candidates picked for them by
their worst enemies.) It has gone to hell nominally under its precious Constitution. It has gone to
hell with its imagined “free press”, long ago having been brought and otherwise monopolized by
its mortal enemies. It has gone to hell right under its old flag, the red, white and blue.

Outrages the number of and kind of which we dared not even dream of in the 1960s are rampant
and customary. From within and without we are assailed by colored trash and are told that we
must bend over and grab the ankles. “Candles and Teddy Bears.” We are told we must hold to
“legalities”. We need to be told, just as Goebbels told the German people: “People arise and let
the storm break loose!”

Again I stress, there is not only no leadership, there is what amounts to ANTI-LEADERSHIP.
An all-consuming VOID of anything remotely positive to guide our people. That and, again, a
poisonous media which keeps them down and divided, brain-raped and in far too many instances
turned against their own people and best interests.

You will not be granted a chance to fight. It has been the height of folly for decades, generations,
for those of a nationalistic or racialistic bent to have hidden behind the delusion of having their
weapons on hand. Life a “blue blanket” while the colored tide, the mud flood steadily arose
around them.

Now to harsher reality.

We attempted to force the issue ourselves during the latter stages of the last century. Good and
brave men sacrificed everything in the name of sparking a fighting revolution in this country. In
the name of the Fourteen Words they sacrificed and died. And God bless them all. All was given.
But the spark didn’t catch. All honor to them but let that lesson be well taken.

It’s rather like two sides of the same coin. While Whites as a people are to be denied the
opportunity to fight for their sovereignty and survival by the machinations of the occupying
enemy, then we – as the remnant – must deny to the same enemy any sort of target. High-profile
won’t work. Grand-stand plays won’t work. They’ve been tried over and over with diminishing
results as the population sinks ever deeper into its death slumber. And we cannot afford – never
could afford – to sell ourselves cheaply for any reason. It has been tried. It has not worked.

Joseph Tommasi in 1974 declared that the White Man has lost. He was right. When you lose all
control over all of your national institutions to a hostile enemy, what else can you call it? But
that needs to be SEEN and acknowledged for what it is. Only then can something really begin.
One cannot proceed on delusion.

As a child, when they would quote to me things like “Turn the other cheek” and “Love your
enemy”, my instinctive response – even as a child – ranged from total disinterest to revulsion.
Who needed this after all? This was alien to any proud American, any proud White. But that was
the Fifties. This is nearing the second decade of the 21st Century. This have altered. Context has
proved to have been the key.

With the Roman Empire, as rotten and corrupt as it has become, those being conquered by that
System did try running out with sword and flame against the odds. We know how they wound
up. And nothing changed. The idea was to survive and to go on as a remnant so as to be able to
influence, even to MAKE the future once the current filthy and rotten System collapsed. Those
who followed this instruction, and those who fully understood the score, were liberators or the
liberated. The “barbarians”.

A big pill to swallow, I know. But no bigger than the falsity of the so-called “Holocaust”. And
unless one does get this fully digested he is condemned to go round and round in unending
delusion and mystification.

“Resist not evil.” That’s the short and sweet – and clean – way of saying as Manson did that the
best and only way of dealing with outrageous bullshit was not to bat it back and forth but to let it
drop to the ground and die there. Die there while you go on about your far more important

The litigious society. A parable lesser known of Outlaws has to do with avoiding at all cost your
involvement with the officer, the magistrate and the jailer. Easy it is to get involved with the
State. Hard it is to get uninvolved. “Avoid even the appearance of evil.” Commander Rockwell
might have used this one himself had he not been so committed to staying clear of any religious
overtone. It simply meant, as he himself stressed over and over, that the strictest adherence to
non-criminality must be maintained in order to… not make of ourselves easy targets for the
waiting Jew system and its police.
On and on I might go with this sort of illustration, but hopefully some by now are getting the

There will nevertheless be losses. Witness the arrest of Charles Manson himself. He had been
deemed too effective, too dangerous. He was set up by them and criminalized, in hopes that
would stop the movement then.

Jewels of information and truth can be found in all sorts of places. My father was a great
collector of the magazine National Geographic. At that time all so-called native peoples were
represented as exactly what they were: Merely part of the local flora and fauna. Sometimes to be
exploited. Sometimes to be handled as dangerous gadflys. Never to be taken seriously. Today’s
version of National Geographic has crumbled and deteriorated right apace with everything else.
Sickening to make the comparison.

One particular issue recently devoted to the topic of the Apostles revealed something to me
eminently worth sharing here. While literally each and every photographic representation of a
“modern Christian” was of some disgusting Third Worlder, there was let slip a short quote from
the Roman historian, Tacitus. He was speaking of the recent persecutions of Christians following
the burning of Rome. He expressed doubt that they had any involvement in the arson but rather
that it was used as an excuse to go after them because of “their hatred of humanity.”

The first “haters”!

History does repeat.

We have a heavy responsibility with all of this and only through the fullest awareness and most
careful procedure can we hope to render justice to it. Outlasting total destruction, be there to
ensure racial survival.
An American Nazi Looks at “The Holocaust”

Probably my own first, personal glimpse at a sight from what later became known as “The
Holocaust” was a double-page spread in one of my father’s mens magazines. A huge pit filled
with dead, emaciated bodies. Wow! Here was a sight not often – if ever – encountered. Certainly
not thus far in my young lifetime. The year no doubt was around 1961. It was also around the
time of the kidnapping of Adolf Eichmann by Jews in Argentina and the sensation arising from
that. Prior to that time, not much.

Years later Commander Rockwell wrote that his was happening when it was in answer to
renewed, world-wide Nazi activity as spearheaded by himself and his American Nazi Party. It
only just makes sense. At the kangaroo court held by the so-called “Allies” in Nuremberg during
1945-1946, defendants such as Hermann Goering were tying the prosecution up in knots until
films from some of the concentrations camps were brought forth. This more than “levelled” the
playing field in favor of the prosecution. It stunned and sickened even the German defendants.
From that point it was all downhill for them until the time of the hangings each of which was
conveniently “botched” to last up to half an hour before death finally ensued.

Can one believe their eyes? Short answer, yes. But exactly what was it they were seeing?
Horrific scenes from camps located in the west such as Belsen and Buchenwald. Places where
starvation had begun setting in months before due to the total disruption of any transport by
“Allied” dominance in the air. Were the Germans to permit their own good citizens to starve
before inmates of criminal facilities? That alongside mass outbreaks of typhus is what created all
that carnage.

Heinrich Himmler is well-known for having begun negotiations with the brother of the King of
Sweden and the Swedish Red Cross to start getting some of these inmates out and to where they
could be better cared for. This kind of testimony at Nuremberg or any place else would have
been most inconvenient for the “Allies” and so Himmler was murdered while in British custody
(contrary to popular mythology that he committed suicide.) As for Count Bernadotte? He was
murdered some years later in Palestine by Jewish terrorists.

United States Senator from Ohio, Robert Taft, was at the time outspoken against the concept of
these so-called “war crimes trials” on the basis of two things: Ex Post Facto law which meant
that the “laws” and the “charges” all were created after the fact expressly to fit those to be
charged with “something”; And the fact that the victors were the accusers, judge, jury and
executioner. A legal and moral outrage. AT the time when the so-called “United Nations” had
already been formed, the thing to have done – if all of this was even for real – would have been
to choose nations which had been neutral throughout the war. Nations such as Sweden,
Switzerland, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and so forth.
But to think thus is to entirely miss the point. Roosevelt’s brainchild, the “United Nations”, was
brought into being at the height of the Second World War. The target? You guessed it. Just when
the war was turning clearly against the Axis – meaning Europe itself – all of those many second-
and-third-rate countries of the world unmistakably were getting the message that they’d better
now fall into line with the way that the wind was blowing if they cared at all about their own
future. The “Allies” themselves had demonstrated they’d not stop at invading and occupying
sovereign nations such as Iran, Iceland and those of North Africa.

The great masses of people are really, really stupid. Always have been. Always will be. And the
World Enemy knows this the best. And he makes the best use of it.

Total hypocrisy. Total illegality. All of it artificially draped in the robes of the highest of
morality and the highest of legality. Easy done when your opponents literally have no power or
voice. What there was at the close of the Second World War was a COMPLETE LOCK upon the
Earth by the forces of the World Enemy, the Jews and their accomplices. That is the sad fact.
And to hell with any view toward any Third World locale, look instead to the formerly White
nations – victor and vanquished alike – and see what they have degenerated into after close to a
century of Jewish domination. You may then begin to see who is the attacker and who is the

The Second World War was engineered by World Jewry to physically TAKE OUT its serious
opposition in the world, to SILENCE it and, ever afterward, to CRIMINALIZE it. It is right here
that “The Holocaust” comes in. It is right here where any rational and intelligent discussion ends.
Emotion and reaction and, should that fail, quasi-legal persecution take over. You can’t even
QUESTION this just like you once couldn’t question the Earth revolving around the Sun.

And now perhaps we get into the meat of the issue.

What did I know about the Jews as a fourteen-year-old kid when I joined Rockwell’s Youth
Movement? Only that I liked them as entertainers, etc. Rockwell himself was one of the first
pioneers – the lonely few – who were strenuously debunking “The Holocaust” even though that
name had yet to become the trademark which it is today. He was made out to appear as a
complete “nut” when up against such “evidence” as those pictures I began this article with. Here
was a tremendous challenge. We today enjoy TONS of material, literature and evidence of our
own which literally demolishes the big lie of the so-called “Holocaust”. Rockwell had not this

Rockwell cited the experiment he tried in about 1958 when he submitted a totally fictitious
concoction of his own to one men’s magazine centered around “Nazi atrocities”. As he revealed,
they not only accepted the story for publication, paid him for it but they produced their own
illustrations to accompany it! Conclusion? Any damned lie – so long as it seems to come from
the “proper” and “accepted” angle – can expect to be published as FACT. Most oddly enough, I
did the very same thing myself while still in middle school. I was a dues-paying member at the
time and I wrote a terrible tale on the same theme and submitted it in English class. Never
received it back or discovered what kind of grade I may have gotten on it however.
I lived for a time in Poland during the early years of this century. Loved the place and its people.
Poland used to house most of the Jews of the world. (Today it is the United States.) And today
one would be hard-pressed to bump into a Jew in Poland. They went somewhere. Of course, I
visited Auschwitz. A damned nice place, I thought. I’ve been myself in far worse lock-ups right
over here. (And the “gas chamber” and crematoria were located well OUTSIDE the compound
wire meaning that no one went there unless they were ALREADY DEAD.)

The Jews carefully hung all of this “criminal activity” onto the German SS. At Nuremberg the
SS was declared to be “a criminal organization” so the lowliest raw recruit was in for a hell of a
time. Why this? Because the membership of the SS was literally the best of the best. And the
Jews and their communist agenda specifically TARGETS the best of the best, the cream of the
crop and all forms of EXCELLENCE. Their goal is a mud and mediocrity planet. One which
they can rule over openly.

As a National Socialist and one long-since having been fully apprised on the score behind “The
Holocaust” right alongside the role of the Jews in world historic affairs and the tremendous harm
they have inflicted upon the White race, I say that I would be greatly disappointed and downright
PISSED OFF had not the Germans done their utmost against these people while they had the
chance. After all, with the cameras grinding, Hitler did state that, should world Jewry succeed in
touching off another world war, the result would be the end of the Jewish race in Europe.

“Gas chambers”? No. It is a disproven lie. Flat out. But it does capture the imagination. The
image of “innocent victims” being herded to their deaths at the hands of cold-blooded murderers.
Those poor, innocent Jews being done to death on orders of a mad man. There could have been
no doubt then or now as to the reaction which could have been expected to a thing of this sort on
the part of the masses of people. Calculated to CRIMINALIZE their opponents.

The Jews of the world at that time – and still largely today – had control of the greatest nations of
Earth. Churchill was partly Jewish, as was Roosevelt, and I’ll come out on a limb here and state
that Stalin too was probably part Jewish. Their regimes were Jewish-dominated. Their respective
medias were Jewish-dominated. Each of their agendas mirrored one another. It was more of a
subtle world lock at that time. But then came Hitler and action had to be taken.

The mighty Jews were outside his realm and surrounded and attacking Europe. But within his
realm Hitler had the bio-mass of the Jews. Where did all the Jews go? The big killings, even as
they say, went on in the East where most of the Jews were to be found. The German advance of
1941 was so swift that many of these Jews weren’t able to flee eastward with the Red Army. The
Germans along with the White Europeans of these eastern territories FULLY KNEW what these
Jews were all about. They WERE the Reds, they WERE the oppressors, the torturers, the
overlords of most recent months and years. They KNEW because they had seen and felt it at first

“Now we’ve gotcha!”

And the mass shootings commenced, largely at the hands of the respective native people but
under the auspices of the German Army. Mainly Polish old-timers were fond of saying that
Hitler had it right when it came to the Jews. Manson said that, “Hitler levelled the karma of the
Jews.” A huge clean-up took place. Hallelujah!

But this truth wouldn’t play all that well, that is from the Jewish standpoint, alongside their own
Holohoax rendition. But it is true that hell was really packin’ ’em in during the early 1940s.

So much for “The Holocaust”, a work left uncompleted.

A New Media

Those who knew anything about the media from the days of Henry Ford to those of George
Lincoln Rockwell realized that it had been subverted and taken over by Jews. From newspapers
to radio to Hollywood to television, etc. If they didn’t own it outright then they were the
advertisers who could call most of the shots. And if they weren’t the writers and editors
themselves, then they could depend upon the brain-raped goyim having come out of their
likewise subverted and poisoned “institutions of higher learning”. But make no mistake, when
considering the media, you must consider it as a major tool in the hands of the Jewish enemy.

It is of course a product of Aryan genius just as is everything else within the civilized world.
They see this and they know this which is exactly why they knew then and still know that they
must move in on it, seize control of it and bend it to their own ends. They will control the flow of
information and they will see to it that there can be no significant divergence of opinion. The
foulest of degenerates will be elevated to practically “hero” status while the most worthy of
genuine national hero types you will never even hear of or, if you do, they will be tar-brushed as
“haters” or now even as “domestic terrorists”.
Within the past year or two it has been unmistakable that they have ramped up their drive toward
general race-mixing not only in their regular programming but in commercials as well. It is
“monkey see, monkey do”, just as simple as that. Enabling, “okaying” this worst of all disgraces,
of all abominations now to a population that has become sufficiently alienated from one another
to fall for anything. They KNOW what they’re doing.

When I was a kid in the early Sixties and waiting to take off for elementary school in the
mornings, I’d catch on local television a thing called, “Sunrise Semester”, as part of Ohio State
University. It uniformly dealt with what later became known as “subliminals”. They’d flash a
series of letters or numerals very briefly in front of a panel of students and then ask them to
recall what they’d just seen. They did remarkably well at it. I never saw the value of it but it did
prove a kind of point. They’re doing that now with shots of race-mixed couples on television.
The subconscious is a remarkable area. Again, they KNOW what they’re doing.

Those not having read Commander Rockwell’s book, “White Power”, will probably not have
otherwise ever heard of Israel Cohen’s “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century”. I’ve only
seen it reproduced one other place (apart from the Nazi newspaper I was editing in the 1970s)
and that was a large book by another Jew which denied the veracity of the thing. Before going
further, here is the text of the pertinent part:

“We must realize that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into
the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites,
we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America, we will aim for subtle
victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instill into the Whites a
guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to
prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment.
With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process
which will deliver America into our hands.”

Rockwell took this quote from out of the U.S. Congressional Record, Proceedings of the House,
1957, page 8559. It was introduced as having been authored by one Israel Cohen, a leading
Communist in England, in his essay entitled, “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century”, and
having been penned in 1912.

Any time a thing like this is brought to general light, the Jews go all-out to disclaim it as a
“forgery”. But, just as Ford stated back in the 1920s, forgery or not, they’re following these
precepts like a blueprint. And we have asked many decades later, a forgery of what? Of course
the year of 1912 was already AFTER they had just about taken over the media and after they had
created the N.A.A.C.P. in 1909. They had already gotten themselves into the position of being
fully capable to implement just such a thing as outlined previously.

But a lot of work had yet to be accomplished. The Negroes had to be elevated, yes, but the
Whites had to be beaten down. That time around 1912 was a time when there were still lynchings
going on anytime a Black stepped out of line or committed a racial offense. There were still huge
race riots going on where armies of enraged Whites would invade Black areas and do some mass
killing. Whites had to be rendered neutral while Blacks had to be enflamed. And make no
mistake again, the Blacks could NEVER have accomplished any of this on their own.

The Jews may have owned the studios in Hollywood but it was still up to White geniuses such as
D.W. Griffith to produce the product. If you have not yet seen his 1915 masterwork, “Birth of a
Nation”, then I urge you to do so now. It is readily available even still. With Civil War veterans
on the set to ensure accuracy, he showed the tale as it had been. The tragedy of the event but,
more importantly, the role of the Ku Klux Klan in preserving White, Southern society afterward.
President Woodrow Wilson, himself a Virginian who had lived through the Civil War, said at the
time of the film’s White House showing, “It’s like writing history with lightning.”

But there was much howling from the Jewish/Negro quarter. Came the year 1939 and the block-
buster feature, “Gone with the Wind”. The only reference to what had to have been the Ku Klux
Klan was when some of the men took off to go down some place to clean out a den of thieves
and robbers. There were depictions of Carpet Baggers but no mention that these had all been
Jews from the North and that General Grant had issued a proclamation expelling them from the
South as such.

It’s only gotten worse. MUCH worse.

They have a stage play now about Alexander Hamilton full of niggers in the cast. Total
falsification of history, Stalinist style.

The truth is that people these days and for a long time past don’t have a thought in their heads
that wasn’t planted there by the Jewish media. Think about it. If not this media then from where?
And then you wonder why things are the way they are?

And then this: People like the Nazis and the Klan are the worst kind of evil imaginable!! They
have NO POWER, NO INFLUENCE and yet they, somehow, represent the problem. Think
about it. I shouldn’t have to go on.

There has to be a NEW MEDIA. A White racialist media geared to the good of the White folk.
This media presently will have to be SHUT DOWN, completely and all at once. I recall
Manson’s having said that when the television goes off, half the population will go insane right
away with the other half just sitting in front of the blank screen waiting for it to come back on.
When it DOES come back on, it will be with a SWASTIKA to get things kicked off.

It was exactly this same way in Germany in the 1920s. And it was thought that the German
theater, cinema, etc., could not even survive minus the Jewish input. But it did survive and went
on to quickly THRIVE. There was in Hollywood what was called the “Gothic” period in horror
films. Hardly “Gothic”, it was these Jews having hauled-ass from out of Germany – realizing
that their game was up with the coming of Hitler and the Nazis – and taken up position in
Hollywood with their horror films, etc. Note that there WERE NO horror films produced in Nazi
The book burnings by the German college students in 1933. Can you not say that there is
PLENTY of trash literature in abundance today which -for the sake of our people – OUGHT TO

Nothing, no one should be “free” to poison the culture and, thus, the very people themselves.
Nothing, no one, should be “free” to introduce CONFUSION and DISTORTION into the culture
and, thereby, to harm the well-being of the people.

Lies and distortion CAN BE identified and called as such. Whenever they are, they must be

“Modern art”. Total bullshit. Dangerous when presented and accepted as anything serious. Hitler
organized exhibitions of degenerate art and presented it AS SUCH. And its power was thus
broken over the people.

This “modern music”. For well over a half century these idiots have been jumping around up on
stage, with that carefully cultivated bummy look, with their guitars and drums, merely screaming
and grunting, and making millions of dollars off the fools. (With Jews in the background,
always.) The nigger “musicians” even worse, of course.

Genuine culture has DIED and will have to be RESURRECTED!

Pornography will have to be eliminated altogether. One of my favorite Stalin stories has it that
when presented with examples of some of the pornography recently seized by some of his secret
police, his comment was, “Do people really do this sort of thing?” It is anti-life. In NS Germany,
there was GESUNDE EROTIKA… or healthy eroticism, geared toward the strengthening of the
ARYAN BIRTHRATE. To the Jewish mindset, it is the sex act; To the Aryan mindset, it has to
be the CHILD.

To wipe out the source of the foul poison that has been killing our people is first. To refill the
airwaves with information and entertainment may be a case of crawling before one can walk or
run. But what could be more worthy or important?

To report the news as it should be reported will be an easy task. To raise up a new generation of
actors and writers for a reborn Hollywood will be a higher challenge but it has to be done.

But we MUST and we WILL retake the course and content of our own culture and, thereby, the
health and well-being of our people.
Regarding the Church of Satan

Questions continue to be raised concerning my own stance regarding Anton LaVey and his
Church of Satan. Probably now is the time to get all of this clarified and down on paper, once
and for all.

This isn’t a condemnation nor is it an endorsement. I neither disown nor do I embrace either the
man or his creation.

He – it – simply were. Objects of interest in a world beginning to pull apart. The biggest
consideration is that I went with Commander Rockwell at that time and no one else.

There had been that blurb in that final issue of “The Stormtrooper” in the summer of 1968 which
pointed out that the government permitted a Satanic burial in a federal cemetery but had refused

It was written into the opening of “Siege”, the book, that I had gained my own, first and real
introduction to LaVey and his Church of Satan right at Party headquarters in Arlington late in
1968 when I bought the LP album, “Satanic Mass”, from another Party comrade. “Looks weird.”
I commented. “I assure you, it is.”, came back from the seller.

Much later, after I had gotten it home back in Ohio and was able to play it, I found that it wasn’t
all that “weird”. Lots of great Wagnerian music along with that of Beethoven providing the-
background for the reverberated voice of LaVey himself as he read out his own material. The
accent of that voice struck me as being Jewish, which it was. Word had it that LaVey was at least
partially a Rumanian Jew.

But hitting the nail on the head is just that, an accuracy. And he had plenty of those contained in
his album.

Lies inculcated as a child around its mother’s feet, although LaVey never specified as to just
what those lies were.

He struck a chord with his assault upon the state of the modern Christian Church. Did his own
take on an upended version of the “Sermon on the Mount”. What I loved best was his philosophy
toward one’s own enemies. In those days I was counting enemies and not friends.

When, during the summer of 1983, I had met my assembled enemies “in the valley” and had
defeated them against all odds, the mood this placed me in could only have been expressed by
LaVey’s own words on the subject. And so this amounted to the most lengthy, by far, quote ever
printed in “Siege”, the newsletter.
Around 1990, through the auspices of my new publisher, Michael Jenkins, himself a member of
LaVey’s Church, I received in the mail a printed copy of LaVey’s “Satanic Bible” straight from
the source and within it was a most generous and complimentary inscription. This has been
reprinted in “Siege”, the book.

Out of this came the now infamous videotape of the clash between me and the televangelist, Bob
Larson, which took place in the summer of 1993. “Neo-Nazi Satanism” was the heading Larson
chose for the thing. Of course the game of Larson and all such is to set up an “evil” so that he
can attack it on air and thereby hopefully squeeze more money out of his listeners. Both sides
were so happy with the results that we both distributed the tape to our respective memberships.

Going now off memory, I really don’t think that the subject of Satan was even brought up. Plenty
of Hitler and Manson but no Satan. I’m glad of this. I still wouldn’t have disowned LaVey but,
instead, would have launched into what I am now about to launch into.

I was saying then and I’m still saying now that the Church has gone to hell. One more of our
own institutions that has long since begun to fail us as a people and is doing far more to aid our
own enemies in destroying us. But in 1993 I still wouldn’t have had this snappy comeback:
Nothing of a lasting nature can have begun life as bullshit. But all things left in the hands of man
over long periods will eventually wind up as bullshit.

That is the key as I was to discover later that same decade.

LaVey certainly got the bullshit part but I don’t think he perceived the rest of it. Even if he had,
as a Jew, he could have done nothing with it. I, for all my young life, had also sensed the
bullshit, empty, part of it. It WAS weak, it WAS nowhere and it LOOKED TO BE a recipe for
racial and national suicide.

And so I not only never entered into it, I rejected it.

LaVey’s approach was this: Perhaps the opposite number of all this -Satan – was worth a second
look after all. Strength, vitality and smash your enemy square in the face. Deny yourself nothing.
Hard to argue with when left with only those facts easy at hand.

But LaVey – as much as I liked and admired him – was basically an atheist and his group was
basically a sex club. His was an interesting alternative viewpoint but he wasn’t at all racial. I was
saddened when I learned of his death.

I wrote into a book on the subject that is nearing a fresh reprinting that some texts do indeed
seem to be “sealed” as though by magic. Two of these books are “Mein Kampf” and the “Holy
Bible”. They are found commonly, everywhere, in all languages. But who really READS them?
And of those who might, how many COMPREHEND and UNDERSTAND them? They are
effectively thus SEALED.

Perhaps as a quick promo for the upcoming book, I saw and then went on to demonstrate – to
PROVE – that these two otherwise “sealed” books are actually exact PARALLELS. It’s uncanny
and it can get the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. But there was the foundation of the
first Church which went on to give us this final cycle of civilization: White Civilization.

But, my, how things can and do get lost with time.

I also wrote much about the “real” Satan, or at least the allegory thereof. If you’re busy looking
for a Red Devil, with horns, a pitchfork and a long, pointed tail, you’re not only going to come
up very disappointed but, while at it, wasting your time this way, you stand to fall victim to the
REAL evil that is passing as the “new normal”. Not only that, but what is universally elevated to
the very pinnacle of highest and finest of “ideals”. And THAT is how Satan works in REALITY.

A thousand bullshit diversions await you out there but to find the TRUTH these days is
practically an impossibility. What does “Satan” mean, anyway? Literally, the “Accuser” or the

The entire thrust of the Bible, both testaments, has to do only with the fate and destiny of Israel.
And Israel is a PEOPLE, not a place. And it is WE who ARE Israel. And what does “Israel”
mean? Literally, “A Prince Ruling with God”. It is WE who still rule this earth but, sadly, with
the Jews existing as a parasite within our nervous system. Every bit of this strange story is
outlined and where the secular narrative leaves off, the rest is prophesized. And 99% of that
prophesy has since been fulfilled.

When I saw that about twenty-five years ago, that’s when I stopped worrying.

Some things within the Bible are allegorical. Bram Stoker’s novel, “Dracula”, is an allegory of
the Jews. The “Serpent” in the Garden of Eden is allegorical. Later on in the book, the Serpent is
identified as Satan. And toward the end of the book, Satan is identified with the Jews. (You can
go and read this for yourself but you can also go and climb Mount Everest.)

Am I dreaming this or are all the forces at work in the world today set against the White race?
Am I dreaming this or are all these self-same forces guided and controlled by Jews? The
Accuser, the Adversary. All of this finds its origin set before “the foundation of the earth”.

Truth so old that it has become mystified. I try to de-mystify it. Evil? That means only confusion
in all things. Good? That signifies clarity or purity in all things. These are never subjective terms.
But they’ve been TURNED that way in more recent times. People can lose sight of the truth or,
just as often, agents of confusion can be sent in to help things along in getting knocked off base.

God – or evolution – created RACE. There is no race to compare with the White race. The White
race today is threatened with EXTINCTION through miscegenation – or race-mixing. That
began in the Garden of Eden. (There never was any mention of any “apple”.) Civilization after
civilization has come and gone because of this. Always there was a remnant and a fresh place to
go and start again. Today there is none. End time.

So who or what then is leading this drive? It has long been fully documented that it is the Jews.
And what’s behind them?
I’m not a religious nut nor am I a “Bible-thumper”. But anyone should by now realize that this
world situation is bigger than what comes across on the nightly news. In that “nightly news”
element, we lose. But in the bigger element – of REALITY – we win.

The Constitution: A Fail Document?

The short answer to this disturbing question has to be: Yes.

It has been under the Constitution that this country has been taken over and sent to hell. This is

Though not part of the Constitution, the words of Jefferson one may sometimes see up on posters
about the need for some blood to be spilled now and again in order to preserve and renew liberty
are revolting to me because they are not being acted upon on the grand scale which they need to
be acted upon.

About like, “Freedom Is Not Free”. Makes me sick. Mere blurbs and buzz words without
backing of any kind. (And don’t point to the military veterans as none of the wars this country
has involved itself in since the War of Independence itself has had any bearing on “our
freedom”. Indeed, quite the contrary.)

Whenever the hidden masters of this country have an enemy they need to have destroyed – as
with Germany in both World Wars – they are very much the “patriots” and the flag-wavers. This
in order to help whip up the dumb masses – or is it dumb asses – to go off to kill and be killed,
all for an agenda totally unknown to them. If the enemy is communist as with Korea and
Vietnam, then victory is denied while the numbers of the real enemy here at home parade about
carrying enemy banners and cursing this nation.

Talk about a protracted conflict, agonizing many nations across the Middle East, consuming
billions of U.S. dollars and killing and maiming thousands of U.S. service personnel! And no
“peace marches; etc., on the part of these same Jews on campus as in the Sixties and Seventies.
No one standing up in Congress to oppose these wars. No denunciation from the media. Why?
Because these are wars that are popular with Jews and deemed by them as necessary.

And everything today is “proud to serve”, etc. They’re even hailing the same Vietnam vets they
once were cursing and throwing eggs and rotten vegetables at. All in the “national spirit” which
they require to perpetuate their wars in the Middle East. All supposedly for “freedom” and
“democracy”. Such complete bullshit!

What does all of this have to do with the Constitution? Merely to illustrate the way things have
been and are being yanked around, back and forth, arbitrarily, by these Jewish masters as it suits
their purposes and whims. They’re doing the same with the Constitution, manipulating it to suit
their pleasure.

There is a Biblical concept which deals with the SPIRIT of the law as opposed to the LETTER of
the law. We know that practically all of the framers of the Constitution were slave holders and
when they declared in the “brother document” to the Constitution, the Declaration of
Independence that “all men are created equal” they were referring to WHITES ONLY. Plus, later
on, in the Constitution itself, this is underscored when it came to the regular taking of a federal
census: Black individuals were to be counted as only three-fifths of a human being.

That last part is harder for them to get around than the much more familiar first part. And that is
why you’ve probably never even heard of it. But none of them ever latched onto that first famous
line harder than the liver-lipped, communist nigger agitator, Martin Luther King, once again, to
fulfill his own filthy purposes.

They’ve gone over, under and around the Constitution until this country barely even resembles
its former self even as I can easily remember it. Washington, Jefferson and the rest would puke
their guts out to see what their fine efforts have been turned into.

This country came up fast, the fastest ever. We were told in elementary school that this nation
was the miracle of all time because of this. Very true. But they needed to have gone into the
reasons behind this phenomenon. However, to have done so, even then, would have smacked of
“racism”. Unless a great principle such as this is nailed positively then it is going to slip and to
fade and ultimately be gone.

That’s one of my great objections to so-called “democracy”: You aren’t allowed to really NAIL
anything. I’ve described democracy as “managed confusion” with the Jews – the media masters
– as the managers. And that is precisely what it does amount to. They establish this philosophy
of general confusion while only they themselves are in a position to set trends which, under these
circumstances, will ultimately carry the day.
But the point is that this country was already GREAT no later than the turn of the Nineteenth
into the Twentieth Century. It was a world power, a dynamo of industry and economy plus it had
a culture of its own. And all of it – the Civil War not withstanding – as a STRICTLY
SEGREGATED society. Negroes and coloreds of all kinds PLAYED NO REAL PART other
than that not far removed from draught animals.

And this country will be recorded as having GONE DOWN fast.

It arose so swiftly because only the BEST elements from Europe had come here and held all
franchise. With them they brought all of the knowledge and experience of a thousand years of
Western civilization. It was fast but it wasn’t easy. As we were told in grade school, this was a
“roaring wilderness”. True. But more than that, those woods and those plains were full of hostile
Indians which had to be conquered, subdued and very nearly extincted before we could fully
complete our task of nation-building.

Imagine a bunch of liberals, queers or niggers accomplishing this.

No, these types can only affect the DECAY and DESTRUCTION of a great nation. And that is
exactly what they are now doing. All with the help of what began as our own institutions long
ago subverted and twisted by the slithering, slime-dripping Jewish enemy.

The very Constitution itself perhaps foremost among these originally White institutions.

It has always been thus. Whites – among the many facets of their inborn genius – have always
created GREAT STATES and GREAT CIVILIZATIONS. But they have always made the
terrible error of IMPORTING CHEAP LABOR – meaning COLORED labor – and then going
decadent themselves, “emancipating” and then making “citizens” of these colored types. The
worse confusion of all and the kind which can never be reversed is that of the CONFUSION OF
THE BLOOD. And that very thing can be seen here today ramping up to a crescendo. This place
which began as an extension of Europe is headed toward becoming an extension of the Third
World. Some future, some goal, some “ideal”.

Along with the rest, even this awful downward turn for this country sets a new record. As I’ve
said, something like this used to require centuries of carelessness and depravity to realize. Now
it’s taking place inside of a few generations. I’ve seen it happen. And that is because it has
literally been RED-LINED by the enemy Jews who hold the reigns of real power. Quite actually
a deliberate DERAILMENT of a society!

Manson was no doubt the first to face and declare that THE INSTITUTIONS ARE GONE!!
Stick with them and they’ll take you down along with them.

Now for the long answer to the lead question of this article.

Enlightened good faith has gone out the window. It’s not even a nation anymore. It’s a collection
of groups, ethnicities that do not even belong together in the same space, under the same
government. Lincoln himself would proclaim this very idea to audiences of newly freed slaves.
(But we know what happened to Lincoln.) Everybody is using what’s left of the former
framework as a means to jockey for their own interests and certainly all of it at the expense of
the Whites who built this place.

For our part, it’s the right to free speech and the right to own guns. And I’ll be the first to admit
that these things are most crucial to us now and into the foreseeable future. So we must tacitly
support even a Trump if he declares to support these things.

In too many nominally “White” lands, I’d be quickly jailed just for what I’ve written into this
article so far. And in too many formerly White colonies, the settlers are being picked off –
murdered – by local “natives” because they have lost sovereignty and the right to bear arms.

It’s a great lesson of history that you cannot and should not attempt to revive that which has gone
down. I would include the U.S. Constitution in this. Perhaps it has not failed us but the fact that it
was not iron-clad sufficiently so as to preclude absolutely the internal and hostile takeover by a
sworn enemy of our people now renders it as a future relic of history and literature.

What is needed here is more along the lines of the Nuremberg Racial Laws of the Third Reich.
Let them try to get around that! (And very few words did that document contain as opposed to
the daunting look and length of the Constitution.)

Only the RACE is the NATION and vice versa.

So here is one more argument which would go to separate us from any of the conservatives or
reactionaries out there on the scene. Be assured that, should any side feel the confidence that the
tipping point has been reached in this country, they will suspend the Constitution and go after
their opponents with both feet, gloves off.
Agents Provocateur

As old as modern society everywhere are the police agents who are sent in to spy and/or generate
trouble where there otherwise wouldn’t be any.

I’ve seen my share. I never had any difficulty understanding that such things went on whereas a
great many others seemed to remain unawares. It’s simply a standard ploy.

Commander Rockwell, in an apocryphal tale, would call over to the FBI office in Washington,
D.C., and ask them to send him more infiltrators like so-and-so because he really needed all the
help and support that a good agent would provide.

That’s just it. To ingratiate one’s self, to build one’s credibility. Unless that much is
accomplished then the agent isn’t going to be of much use. Then one has to judge what the
ultimate aim of this individual might be. Merely to gather information? Perhaps to sow disunity
in the ranks? Or maybe to actually set one or more persons up for a criminal fall?

I believe I’ve witnessed all levels but how to be sure unless there does follow actual arrests and
criminal prosecution with the agent or agents themselves appearing on the witness stand for the

The old Right Wing bullshit of accusing this or that former associate of being an FBI/Queer/Jew
simply because there has been a personal falling out doesn’t exactly help matters. For one, it
spreads paranoia. (And one of my life-long mottos has been, “FIGHT PARANOIA!”) For
another, it tends to cheapen the enmity of the very real threat of infiltration. For yet another, it
practically renders impossible any chance of later reconciliation.

So be careful. Avoid steps that cannot be retraced.

Those who have met me may be sick by my seeming lack of interest or concern in private
backgrounds. No. It’s just my ages-old training in “THE NEED TO KNOW”. I don’t need to
know what you do for a living, etc. I don’t need to know what kind of weapons you may own. I
don’t need to know – and I surely don’t want to know-what you may be up to. And so forth.

Conspiracy – talk – has probably put away more good comrades than any action ever taken, legal
or otherwise.

Happily we today are moving away from the kind of situation where a scenario of that kind is
possible. Actually I began saying years ago that if they want to plant someone next to me, they’ll
have to by necessity come in accompanied by a full brass band. There’ll be no “sneaking” in as I
am a lone wolf.

I’ve never been set up. I’ve done jail and prison time but only because I was guilty as hell.
Handling that sort of thing is another story, however. Frankly, I have never seen smoke where
there has not been actual fire. In other words, we have to cooperate in the very machinations of
these police agents in order for them to succeed.

Let me digress just a bit and say that it just LOOKS BAD, even pitiful, when any movement
member – once having been arrested, tried and convicted – claims to have been 100% set up by
the police. Was he an idiot? Is he still an idiot? Has he not learned anything by the experience? Is
he apt to do it again, perhaps endangering others who may trust him as a leader? These are
serious considerations.

It’s hard to say, “I got fucked.” But truth is truth.

I hope everyone reading this article will be keeping up on the four-volume set of reprints of “The
Stormtrooper” magazine being now published by Siege Culture. Because in those pages
Commander Rockwell stresses over and over about not only how we must not BREAK the law,
moreover, we don’t NEED to break the law. Some people, however, don’t possess a full grasp of
the geo-political picture and get impatient. But also this is the favorite playing ground for the
agent provocateur.

And if it’s hard to say, “I got fucked.”, then it’s impossible to say, “I fucked myself.”

I’ve never heard anyone admit to this even though I’ve seen the situation repeated too many

“To Serve and Protect”. That’s the motto down both sides of most police cruisers here in the
United States. But back when I was really feeling the pinch of way too much police attention, I
changed it to the much more appropriate, “To Harass and Disrupt”. The police mindset is still
one more topic that needs its own separate article.

If there is one word for it then that word must be ENTRAPMENT. Within the pages of “Siege” I
know I went into some great detail about an infiltration attempt I experienced during the early
1980s. Very professional and well-financed. Went on for about three years with the credibility
and ingratiation stage. I realized it all along. The “brass band” I spoke of earlier. It’s a dangerous
game and one really should not get involved in it. But just as with polite invites to come down to
the station and have a chat with detectives, I wanted to know what it was they wanted to know.

Finally I found out that they wanted to use me as a bridge to get next to three of the then most
prominent movement leaders in the country. Once having ascertained this, I went to an excellent
attorney I’d made the acquaintance of previously – ex-FBI – and gave him the story. He quickly
found out that these people were with a private detective outfit near the State Capital of
Columbus, Ohio. To get the full story would require some bucks. As the three men were the
ultimate targets of this, I wrote each one and said I would need about $500 From each to go
forward with the investigation. Not one responded. Later came the Ft. Smith, Arkansas, sedition
trial with each one of them hauled into court and with one of the infiltrators I had identified as a
State’s witness. Then they were willing to listen. I may have included that this was one of the
reasons I first ceased publication of “Siege”, the newsletter. Right Wing bullshit.
But perhaps the best ever illustration of this sort of thing that I have ever witnessed is one that,
for whatever reason, I don’t think I have ever related on paper. Classic. Textbook, as they say.

It was late in the 1970s and the big communist push for school bussing for the purpose of school
integration was on hot and heavy. Two Right Wing brothers in Ohio thought they’d “push back”,
as the saying now goes. There commenced the typical Right Wing meetings dedicated to the
matter. The old “show, blow and go” routine. But I felt it my duty to at least show as I had
known the two for some years.

One day the leader of the two told me he had a new head of security for his group. I asked how
well he knew this person. He told me of a “master stroke” he had devised on the subject: He said
he had two applicants for the position and that he had them check each other out. The winner
was the one who did the best job. Why, natch! The informant working for the police did the
better job!! He got the spot.

Some short time later I was arriving home and was informed that I had an urgent call from the
father of the two men. It was all over the news, they had both been arrested and charged with
plotting to plant a bomb under the elementary school where the daughter of the federal judge
presiding over the local school bussing program attended.

I and one other comrade gathered what was requested by the court-appointed attorneys and
headed straight off for the fifty-mile trip. One attorney was the sort you wouldn’t want defending
you on a traffic ticket. But the other was a genius to put Perry Mason to shame. So goes it with
court-appointed representation. We were asked to present our own identification first. Then the
photos of the accusers which I had been careful to take at one of the meetings. The attorney said
he’d be right back. When he did return, he had determined that here were members of the police,
the fire department and one plain, old fashioned agent provocateur.

(Yes, this was the same attorney I went to later.)

Now all of this was just before the breaking of the DeLorean case and the Abscam case in the
world news. These both turned out to be what was then called ENTRAPMENT cases but at this
moment in time the world had yet to become acquainted with such dealings. More to the point,
the average person – from whom juries are selected – still couldn’t believe that such things even
took place.

The agent came to the two men and suggested some sort of dramatic action be taken to get things
really stirred up. He said that “Terry” could build and plant a bomb for them. A logical target
might be that school. All that was required would be for the two of them to SUPPLY THE
MONEY to purchase the bomb-making ingredients. When the elder of the two got to feeling a
little queasy about the whole thing and attempted to back out, the agent warned that “Terry”
would be very pissed off by this and might just plant the bomb under their own house! And so it
went forward, right up to the moment of the arrest.

Every detail of this came out in federal court. I attended each day of the week-long trial. At one
point the attorney had the agent crying like a baby on the witness stand. And yet the jury took
practically no time in returning with a conviction. The judge jerked back at the news of the
verdict as though he had been electrically shocked. In the end he was as light on them as he
could be, even sending them to a white-collar facility together. But only afterward came
Delorean and Abscam, a little late for their purposes. Five years for being stupid and weak.

“Avoid even the appearance of evil.” You ought to know what book that came out of. It was the
same even two thousand years ago.

If we ever needed this sort of thing, we don’t need it now. And if we ever could afford this sort
of thing, we can no longer afford it. Best news of all is that we are moving to a new stage where
we are becoming almost immune from this type of infiltration. That and the fact that there is
plenty of real terrorism being carried out by those not connected with ourselves in any way.

Remember, the agents will go free while you go to prison.

Eugenics and Euthanasia

This has to do with the two, twin, opposite ends of the spectrum, pillars of any National Socialist
leaning government: Eugenics and Euthanasia. The former meaning literally “good breeding”
with the latter meaning “mercy killing”.

(As an aside, there is as far as I’m concerned a third “EU” although you’ll not be able to find it in
any dictionary. At least I’ve never been able to. It seems as though this was a word coined by
that old carny and Devil worshipper, Anton LaVey. The word was “eustress”. The opposite of
distress. The fun/fear or thrill you get from riding a roller coaster or going through a “haunted
house”, etc. A very real concept.)

Perhaps most will argue against euthanasia these days because it invades the “rights” of the
individual. We know what Hitler had to say about this business of “rights”. There is but only
ONE “human right” and it is the same as the one supreme duty: To maintain and procreate the
race PURE!

And these days no one will stand in favor is eugenics because it now has become the accepted
norm that to do anything other than let the race fall to pieces is a kind of evil. “Fascist” or
“Nazi”, etc.
Even more conservative Christians declaim eugenics because it takes away from the role of God
in human matters. They attack euthanasia on the same grounds.

We, as human beings with dominion over all the earth and its contents, have been practicing with
animals both eugenics and euthanasia for centuries and with marked success. Commander
Rockwell hit the nail on the head when he declared that he had found the Achilles Heel of the
commie/Red/liberal sickos: If there is no God, as they maintain, then that surely renders us as no
more than animals like any of the rest. Why then should we be exempt from any of the rules that
are applied to animals?

Personally, I think the evidence is crystal clear that we ARE animals which have been mutated
into something higher by forces from off of this earth. Of course, that would have to be “God”. A
“domesticated ape”, perhaps. But with this domestication comes many problems, primary among
them the presence of “free will” and the danger of biologically back-sliding through the crossing
of breeds or of species.

These creators realized this and gave us many laws or commandments to, hopefully, guard
against this. With time and proximity to other races, these laws have always broken down and
been followed by the collapse of the civilization itself and, with the exception of a certain
remnant, the destruction of the very people themselves thus leaving another blot, another stain on
the surface of the globe a la the “Third World”.

Admitting or recognizing that we ARE animals and subject to every law that all other animals
are subject to – including breeding – and the obvious reality that there was/is a Creator who
clearly hates and forbids the mixing of breeds, what sane and thoughtful person could possibly
find fault with the idea of taking these beginning of life and ending of life principles and
applying them to ourselves? If there is any way of bringing heaven to earth, this would have to
be it.

Within the past forty-eight hours I’ve had these two scenarios presented to be my close
acquaintances. The first from an elderly man who had had a terrible struggle with alcohol in his
past but somehow managed to survive and overcome it. At the end of his “rehab” one doctor
took him on a tour of some state facility for hopeless cases. Among the rest was a pair of naked
adults in a sandbox. At play basically like small children. The doctor said that they’d be “hosed
off” about once a week and then be allowed to go on. No hope. You get the picture in all of its
many variations.

When I was locked up in maximum security, I learned that it cost the tax-payers $30,000.00 per
year for my upkeep. Today I live well and comfortable on less than a third of that. But for me
there was definite hope. You get the picture.

In Germany there had been a state-sanctioned push for euthanasia and it had actually been
implemented. Amazingly enough, public protest all but put an end to the program. National
Socialism wasn’t granted the time needed to raise up a fresh generation which hadn’t been so
thoroughly inculcated with silly ideas. But the National Socialists had produced and released one
documentary film exposing the fact that, statistically and through these modern and crack-brain
notions, the hopeless among their society were GAINING in number against the healthy
producers. Exactly as with the static or declining – or POLLUTED – birthrate, this trend would
have to be HALTED.

What farmer would tolerate this for an instant within his stock?

Last year after Trump won the election, a number of pieces of literature on his life and
background appeared on the newsstands. One revealed that his father had been a man who
believed that if you mated two excellent human types, the result would be an excellent type.
Only those having been thoroughly subjected to massive BRAIN-RAPING could in a million
years have issue with this. It is only fact, only reality. These bastards of the media ran this so as
to DISCREDIT Trump and his background.

The second scenario that came to me was from a lovely girl I’ve known for some years
discussing marriage, family and children. (Yes, if I were somewhat younger, I’d step in and
answer that problem personally.) I laid it out to her that, first, “marriage” up until the Twentieth
Century, had been a matter of sheer survival and to hell with considerations of “love” and
“romance”, which, in any event, soon enough wear off with the novelty of sex itself. There was
no Social Security and there was no welfare. Children were a matter of survival as most people
were on the farm and who was going to run the place when you grew too old? Today it’s no
longer an issue of immediate, personal survival and the “moral” issues which didn’t linger long
have completely given way. The society is dying by great leaps and bounds.

To have children, yes. The marriage had a fifty/fifty chance of making it but at least there’d be
the children, albeit with a broken home. Choose a good biological mate, I told her, so as to give
the children the best possible advantage in life. She’s from a country in Eastern Europe and so I
think she’ll be alright in choosing a mate. But she’s twenty-seven years old now and needs to
step on it.

The best possible way to eugenics is through the total separation of the races. Then very little can
possibly go wrong. But this whole earthly experience is but one, great biological experiment.
And each one of us is a biological experiment in microcosm. There will be goofs and failures.
Then eugenics needs to borrow from euthanasia to keep things on track so that the whole thing
doesn’t degenerate down into one big failure. That in fact is what is on the way through
mankind’s supreme conceitedness and it will be the reason for the “return of the gods” to step in
at the last moment and see that their experiment doesn’t go all the way down the drain.

It was Darwin who first came up with natural selection but it was his cousin, Galton, who first
came up with eugenics as a natural consequence. At about the same time in France, Gobineau
was formulating actual racialism. But all of this – from a mythologized angle – was as old as
Genesis itself. Of course it took the Jews along with an army of hare-brained Whites to deny all
of this scientific reality and replace it with sloppy, sentimental – and suicidal superstition.
“Equality” and “the rights of man” bullshit. Control and restraint as opposed to absolute anarchy.
It applies to all things and it most certainly applies to human breeding. Anarchy will gain you
just that and, at its logical end, total oblivion. We can see that end even now peeking over the
horizon. It screams out to each one of us to “hang onto what we’ve got” – that is our good blood
and our awareness – just as it screams out to the gods to either quickly use it or get off of it.
If This Were A Hundred Years Ago

No, I don’t wish that this were a hundred years ago. Because a hundred years ago it was a
terrible time. However, it was a time far better than this. Pointless to live in the past or even to
long for it. But lessons may be taken from it. Indeed, that’s about all its good for now. I always
get sick to my stomach whenever I see or hear repeated by the communists or the liberals,
“Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat its mistakes.” Yes and absolutely.
But what the hell are they talking about?

It seems as though they are always referring to Hitler and his National Socialist State whenever
they decide to use this saying. But why? Hitler has been the ONLY ONE to have really learned
from the past and saw to it that the sins of old would not be repeated. For this they hate him more
than any figure before or since. Perhaps, in their sick and devious brains, this has something to
do with “guarding against” any return of Nazism. Heaven forbid!

Here we’re not even going to learn from the past. Merely make certain comparisons. And in
every case we don’t even need to hearken back a full century. My own lifetime would do for the
most. All of it to draw a certain illustration. And that from which to learn, hopefully.

That crack whore. What would she have been a hundred years ago? That slime-dripping queer.
What would he have been a hundred years ago? That hopeless drug addict. What would he have
been a hundred years ago? That filthy race-mixer (of either sex). What would they have been a
hundred years ago? On and on I could go but I think you begin to get the idea. All the human
wreckage we see everywhere. And I’m only regarding Whites here. From all the bums to all the
dirty, useless politicians and so-called “leaders” that we are saddled with at present and for a
long time past. What would any one of them have been a hundred years ago?

That’s far from being a useless pipe dream. It begs the question: Were any of these people really
BORN to this?

Hitler said that people, by and large, are born blank slates, to be influenced and molded by the
influences around them. Here he too was regarding only Whites. This because HEREDITY is
primary and foremost. But, as Rockwell said, you can take a born idiot and put him through the
best universities and it will do him no good. But you can take a born genius and raise him in a
dark, locked closet and thus ruin him that way. These are extreme examples. They are
nonetheless perfectly valid. In real life, however, we see these principles at work in somewhat
subtler shades.

A saying I only very recently saw and one which I can wholeheartedly agree goes this way:
“Don’t tear down a wall until you first learn why it was built.” I never tire of quoting Nietzsche
when he said, “Man is a rope stretching between the animal and superman. A rope stretching
over an abyss.” I’ve said that animal intelligence is perfect. Human intelligence is flawed.
Imperfect because it contains strong elements of both the superman and the animal. I guess this
is what is called “human”.
And we have all different levels – species if you will – of what might loosely be called “human”.

Saint Paul admonished, “Be SPIRITUAL, don’t be CARNAL.” This was a nod to nobody else
but Nietzsche himself. And to me as well. Science realizes that our craniums contain two brains:
The cerebellum and the cortex. The first contains all the most basic instincts. The second is the
much more highly evolved – or “human” – brain which separates us from the rest of the animal
realm. Paul was really saying, “Rely on your God-given brain and not upon your animal brain.”
The reality is that most of the human types on earth have a lesser proportion of this God-given
brain than do some of the rest. And here again, we are regarding Whites. In short, you may rule
out the coloreds. Those in whom you can literally SEE the animal in their very countenance. And
by that things are greatly simplified.

My more redneck friends love this one: “You can take the nigger out of the jungle but you can’t
take the jungle out of the nigger.”

From the Bible all the way up to our own Founding Fathers here, certain specific laws were
promulgated to protect and ensure the future safety and integrity of the societies they were
respectively establishing. Why this? Again, learning from the past. White societies are the only
ones to fall because they are the only ones to rise. Even among Whites there are a few leaders
while there are many more followers. This is only natural and Hitler saw it as a matter of
personalities. But it also makes the take-over of a society by an invading enemy so relatively

The White pagans isolated as they were in their northern homelands did just fine. No Jews to
lead them astray. No coloreds with which to pollute their blood. They could hardly have gone
wrong under these circumstances. But Whites have development and destiny. World domination
and high culture as well as science. The reach back to the stars from which they had come.
Contact with colored races. Penetration by Jews. Ease and luxury time. A chance for bullshit
thought to occur. All high civilizations die in just the same way, with all of the same symptoms.

While some knew this, for the remainder it had to be impressed. “You’ll live and conduct
yourself in this manner or else.” For the good of the whole. I remember this. And life was good.
Then the Jews and the sickos moved in with their whisperings of “freedom”, “equality”, etc. And
life is no longer so good.

How monstrous to contemplate the subservience of the higher brain to do the bidding of the
lower, animal brain. But that is precisely what this call for “freedom” results in. How much more
monstrous is the thought of the highest of “ideals” in the present day being but the worst of all
lies imaginable: “Equality” among human types! But there it is nonetheless. The driving force
behind today’s world. The result? Not a Utopia but a hell on earth. A drive toward a permanent
and universal Third World condition across the entire planet.

Now they say that the kind of social aberration which exists here at present does not exist like
this within the Third World. True. A constant state of physical squalor, yes, but all of this
neurosis, no. It’s found its own level. What we are witnessing here is literally the DEATH
THROES of a formerly great people. On their way to hell. The word is ALIENATION. The core
having been removed from the atom. A world without gravity. No up or down. A coming apart.

Nothing rises all at once and nothing goes to hell all at once. Maybe I seldom come across as a
“sympathetic” person. Perhaps this article will be the closest as I ever come. But I see all these
teeming types of people, lost Whites really, and I have come to ask myself, “What would he or
she have been a hundred years ago?” When evil wasn’t rampaging right in their very midst as a
physical force. When their leaders weren’t themselves but brain-raped assholes sold out to all of
our own worst enemies, their kind of thought and their agenda. When the laws and the social
strictures wouldn’t even permit this sort of garbage to go on.

“Tough love” in the strictest sense? I think so.

Everybody has heard this one or at least should have become acquainted with it by now: “The
breaking points are different.”

The most susceptible will fall first. And they are. Falling like flies. They’re being LED TO IT.
Everything of worth removed or condemned and everything of poison and filth reintroduced and
hailed as the highest expression of “freedom”, etc. The flaw and the frailty of the human
condition is thus exposed.

The thing to always note carefully however is that this time today it is by no accident. It is
DRIVEN. It is RED-LINED as official policy. Its controllers are the most vicious and intolerant
tyrants ever to have appeared on earth. You see the hell they give to the U.S. President who
merely wants to have what’s right and healthy for the nation. No, they demand nothing short of a
headlong dive into depravity and death.

They are the Jews and their brain-poisoned lackeys.

The formerly White society of this country is rapidly dying and has been replaced by something
evil and totally unnatural. All of this to suit an evil and unnatural agenda belonging to the very
enemies of humanity itself. The more or less early victims are to be seen everywhere. When will
YOUR turn come? Or that of your children or grandchildren? With this evil force in command, it
is only a matter of time.

They talk about “hate”.

Try to imagine what kind of HATE drives this!

Half Mast

Approximately fifteen years ago I began commenting in reaction to an increasing national trend
that they might as well just leave the flags at half-mast rather than raise and lower them every
whip stitch.

When I was a kid, seeing the flag lowered to half-mast was a sight rarest of the rare. I think the
first time I ever witnessed this was at the time of the death of John Foster Dulles, a member of
the Eisenhower administration. The teacher explained that this gesture was done as a symbol of
deep respect and of loss for a most significant person.

Today it has become quite a different thing. I think my Dad would comment that they’ll need to
oil those pullies, etc., on the flag staffs on account of all the increased wear and tear.

Now some screwball shoots a place up and down goes the flag.

I make light of it because what else can one do? To take it “seriously” as all the rest seem to do is
to fall into the same trap as they’ve fallen into. This is the world “through the looking glass”.
Let’s see if I can get it more or less straight: Some creeping and spreading evil continues to rise
and manifest itself in mass deaths – becoming absolutely the new norm – and the best anyone
can do is lower the flag and propose harsher gun restrictions.
Have you got any idea what this implies?

There’s an endemic and fatal malady metastasizing and these people are not only powerless to
prevent it, they’re either unable or unwilling to name it. And you next know what that means:
It’s going to ride it all the way out to death. But of course this is but a symptom and it is far from
being isolated.

When I was still addressing teacher’s seminars – also about fifteen years ago – I had been invited
there to share some personal insights regarding school violence and gang activity. I told them the
truth they’d never heard before but, alas, it was not what they wanted to hear. I think they must
have wanted to hear something along the lines of what was needed was “more democracy”. No.
That’s what got us INTO this mess in the first place and we don’t need to be pouring more
gasoline on the fire.

Alienation. That and anger. Put the two of them together and you have a population of walking
time bombs albeit with fuses of different lengths. I have known both and in intensity I know
would have driven most right over the edge. My difference was I was part of the movement and I
at least had a handle on the “why” of the whole thing. The movement, of course, is so driven
underground that the real chances of the average person coming across its truth are just about nil.
(That, by the way, is the “straight and narrow” gate versus the wide and gaping gate.)

Hitler, the threshold of anger. Manson, the threshold of alienation. These reactions, these
emotions may well be what drives a person to these images but, at least, when one gets there, he
will begin to find answers. Without these answers, loss and devastation and the very real
possibility of violence outburst only increase.

Anyone can easily understand anger. But alienation is a different thing. The dictionary says that
it is to “make hostile” or to “estrange”. Yes. But how has it been done here and on so grand a
scale? This way: After having succeeded in usurping the entire “nervous system” of the country
in preparation to impose their private agenda, they proceeded to turn this place into a multi-
racial, multi-cultural “Babylon”. Whereas it was founded and grew to greatness as a WHITE
NATION, it now had become an open and overflowing Sewer.

But this condition, they will tell you, is to be “celebrated” as magnificent “diversity”. Diversity,
yes. But we as a people were warned and commanded to AVOID this very thing as it would
ultimately lead to our own national death. But death would not be swift. It would slow and
tortuous, filled with shame and disgrace. But the same people again insist that shame and
disgrace actually are “pride” and “freedom”.

You can certainly fool the intellect, as these people have proven through their misuse of mass
communication, education, etc. But you cannot fool the subconscious. You can’t fool the instinct
which has evolved over millions of years with a few decades of lies and distortions. There will
be deep conflict within the person. Every sort of negative response all the while great damage is
being done. You can certainly shatter a society all the way down and into the very unit of the
family. They’ve done it! Man, being a social creature, can only react to this in ways which are
nothing nice.
Everything worthwhile has been taken away. What other result can there be apart from

How do you “fix” that?

A person who genuinely feels part of something isn’t going to go and shoot it up.

Coloreds and other alien types – both racial and religious – may be naturally expected to do so.
But they shouldn’t be within a White society in the very first place. Indeed, it was this
“integration”, the fracturing of White society, which has led directly to the condition I am
discussing. In order to “succeed” at this kind of aberration, one has to surrender to it completely
and embrace it totally, about the way the liberals, the queers and the race-mixers have done. (Oh,
and don’t forget the dopers.)

This is what they are being driven to do by every “official” voice everywhere. But not us, of
course. But then, according to these same voices, we are moral lepers and beneath contempt.

Anytime you detect a move which places agenda above the good of the people, you have found
what basically amounts to a criminal conspiracy. It may not work but that’s immaterial. They’ve
already seized government and media, etc., they own and control the police, etc., and so they
have everything they require to FORCE IT INTO PRACTICE. That and to drive any true
opposition underground.

Two elements to this as I’ve said before: Those in the know who fully realize that the agenda is
to DESTROY A PEOPLE, the only people not already destroyed, the Whites; And those
absolute pieces of shit who either believe this is some formula for Utopia on a global scale or
who sense that this is the side of the bread that is buttered for them. But, really, who would
continue on in a-pattern which clearly doesn’t work? And then ATTACK those who claim to
have an answer? Sick, criminal, both?

I make light of the “flag” thing because it stands as an undeniable indication of the bankruptcy of
the system. It is the “chickens coming home to roost”. When I left Ohio twenty-five years ago, I
left it with my curse: MAY THEIR OWN EVIL NOW CONSUME THEM.

There’s a built-in problem however with blanket curses and that is that they play out exactly as a
blanket. That and no one ever wakes up to realize what is happening. Just enveloping darkness
and everyone left to wonder why, which is if they even wonder at all. At a bar only yesterday I
was talking with a rather thoughtful person who seemed to believe that, in the end, they will
wake up. I grew a bit angry and said, “No. They’ll die in their shit.” (I felt like saying “sins” but
didn’t want to seem like a religious nut.)

I asked this same person whether he had ever actually seen anyone who woke up or changed. No.
The enemy knows – as the inventor and master of psychology – that people will absolutely cling
right to the death to those delusions they have been inculcated with and which they have bought
into with everything they’ve got. A matter of pride as much as a matter of not possessing the
strength or will to pull out in time.
And that is how a people and a civilization is destroyed and dies.

Small comfort for ourselves. I can only repeat that, for the salvation of a situation such as this
one, it is going to require extraordinary and outside intervention. Well, in all of the ancient
myths, the gods have promised this much. And as I’ve said before, it’s about time for them to
either use it or get off of it.

Right into Bed

Even as I was contemplating this article the point of it was driven home to me only this morning
for about the ten thousandth time.

That initial titling, “Right Into Bed”, has to do with everything and everybody – except ourselves
who are the disenfranchised – having long ago gotten into bed with the SUPER superstition of all
time: That of so-called “‘racial equality”. And remember that superstition can be described this
way: Belief in the absence of facts. Conversely but just as accurately: Disbelief in the presence
of facts.

Every age, it seems, has its Big Number One with regard to the preferred superstition. One used
to have to worship the emperor or swear that the sun revolved around the earth, etc. Otherwise he
might be burned or nailed to a cross. Today it is “racial equality”. (It’s also “The Holocaust” but
that’s another story.) To fly directly in the face of all direct evidence, all reality, and every lesson
of history is, to me, an amazement. And yet it is everywhere universal.

Back east when I was a kid we had lines like this: Where I come from we breed animals, we
don’t fuck ’em.

But in all seriousness, we too ARE animals and fully subject to the same laws of breeding – in
our case EUGENICS – as any other animal. Any farmer, as it has been said, in his barn yard
knows the value of good breeding. And yet, somehow it doesn’t seem to apply to us “humans”.

In all honesty this insanity of “equality” is not the exclusive estate of the sick, Jewish left. It’s
been around for quite a while. Certainly, it took off here around the time of the Civil War.
Craziness. Prior to that time I think the issue was overlooked generally thus allowing for a
gradual deterioration of the national stock. But as far back as Saint Paul the notion of carefully
watching your breeding was introduced when he observed – and I paraphrase – that previously
this sort of thing God “winked at” but now, in the present, you must take care with it. This was at
the time of the obviously approaching death of Classical Civilization and just before the start of
Western, Christian Civilization. Race, as Paul knew, was pivotal to both phenomena.

But it was Count Gobineau – a French nobleman of the Nineteenth Century, who first, it is
claimed, codified and expounded upon racialism as a principle. Took long enough in the history
of mankind, I should think to have come up with this realization.
William Pierce in his fine publication of the 1970s “Attack!” newspaper, reproduced a poster
circulated by the Jews which was headed, “Jews! Don’t Mix ‘n’ Match!” The message given
therein was this: Leave all that nonsense to the stupid Goyim – the Whites – and let them thereby
destroy themselves genetically. But we Jews must be on guard to preserve ourselves. Joke
however was and shall always be on them: As the great Reverend Jack Crites loved to comment,
“All mixed up as they are with Hittites, Hivites, Jebusites, etc., we know that they are bastards.
And I think we also know that they are DIRTY bastards!”

No. It is WE who are the ONLY ONES who have anything to lose genetically. And hovering as
we are at about 10% of the world’s population, it would be sheer childsplay to get ourselves
completely lost in that great bio-mass of mud. Indeed, it isn’t even the billions of India or China
that we need to concern ourselves with as they can affect nothing situated where they are. It is
however the millions that we have here among us as “citizens” Polluting the national
bloodstream in the present and threatening national death in the future.

Here’s another one you may want to share: I believe that one speck of shit in a gallon of ice
cream ruins the whole gallon.

You mean you don’t?

But it’s true. The significance of the slightest racial taint is present all throughout the Old
Testament. The Books of Leviticus and of Deuteronomy – that is, the spelling out of the Law and
then even the REPEAT of the Law – deals with matters such as how many generations of correct
breeding would be required to cleanse any racial taint. Six generations on average. No accident
was it that one had to prove his genealogy going back six generations before being admitted in to
the membership of the SS. (And then there were the “Nazirites” of the Old Testament but I’ll
leave it to you to research that one on your own.)

To destroy an enemy or a marked victim. Even then, thousands of years ago, they knew they
couldn’t achieve this in head-on, military confrontation. And it remains true to this day. As I’ve
said, they won’t permit you the chance to FIGHT because they know you’d win. They won’t
send their colored rabble against your armed citizenry because they know you’d CREAM them!
No. They’ll be satisfied to wait and allow their poisoning of the s0ul and spirit of you, your
children and your grandchildren via their media and “educational” control together with their
control of all other formerly White institutions until the level of “voluntary” race-mixing has
reached the point of no return. Then Satan will have won.

Now to the second element of the title of this feature: “Fine Folks with Fatal Flaws.” This
conspiracy – for it IS a conspiracy – could have no hope of achievement without the cooperation
of many of those within our own race. The White race possesses the most highly developed
sense of ideals. To this we owe our great civilizations. But that which is most highly developed
is at the very same time the most vulnerable to twisting or perversion. The enemy – the Jew –
knows this which is why he went after and attained over a century ago mastery of all media and
education. Massive brainwash was, after that, mere childsplay.
And so we see everywhere some really fine folks who are completely taken away by all of this
“racial equality” bullshit. People who are hard-shell conservative, people who are even anti-gay,
people who voted for Trump, etc. But they espouse this. “Equality” crap! Otherwise intelligent
people who staunchly stand by this garbage! And they wonder why things are continuing to sink,
why God has turned his face from them. They can’t be woken up.

If anything is holding this mess of a society together, it is people like these together with their
fine sense of ideals, etc. But they are fatally flawed. They are themselves lowering their posterity
into the grave in carefully measured increments. Would that it could break loose, get out of
control so that we might get the chance to fight.

Forget the coloreds, the Jews, the communists, etc. They are doing as they might be expected to
do. But the supposed White conservatives?! Unless and until they embrace RACIALISM as the
single greatest factor and principle in human affairs, the present trend will only continue.

If you lose your racial integrity you’ve lost everything. And you can’t get it back. Anything else
which today plagues our race may be overcome and gotten over. Anything. But to go non-white
is forever. You don’t need a crystal ball to peer into this kind of a “future” if that is what it even
can be called. Merely take a look at any colored, Third World venue. Even those people are
trying to get out of there. Hopelessness. Human life is dirt cheap, a glut on the market. And many
of these places are among the most “conservative” on earth. A lot of good it is doing them!

Our eternal enemies, the Jews, have taken this perennial, “White Achilles’ Heel” and have
codified it into our own very death sentence. And the most have indeed jumped right into bed
with it. And even the very crème of the crop of our community, our society have embraced it
with a vengeance. Headlong to suicide.

Most will agree that without some sort of extraordinary and sudden intervention this arrangement
will end up just that way for at present there stands nothing to halt or reverse it. We have
ourselves of course. But we are marginal at best. There have always been keepers of the flame.
However, should the broad yeomanry of any nation succumb to miscegenation then all is
ultimately lost. As David said in his Psalms, “If the foundations be destroyed; what can the
righteous do?”

As events rush toward their climax, an already predetermined climax, it is necessary to note that
we have Hitler who came to prepare the way, just as he himself stated. And we need to realize
that every bit of this was anticipated and spelled out thousands of years ago, right along with its
foregone conclusion. Someone went to a hell of a lot of trouble to give this planet a Super Race.
They themselves have stated that it is not their desire or intention to stand by and watch it go
down the drain.

But there will be that “Last Battalion” and we are it.

Those Who Want To Live

“Those who want to live, let ’em live. Those who want to die, let ’em die.” The words of Charles
Manson. And Manson will always be with us.
Here he was speaking of the dope epidemic in not only this country but the whole Western
world. Better put, the WHITE Western world for we are one and we are all in the same boat. By
the very same token, the causes for this plague – only one of several – are the same as well.

I discovered quite a while ago that all high civilizations die in the same way, with all the same
symptoms. Always, truly high civilizations are WHITE civilizations. Colored civilizations don’t
fall because they don’t rise. White civilizations fall due to infusion of colored influence.

A thing like that can’t get a foothold unless and until White consciousness, awareness, pride and
unity have been damaged and done away with Along with that tortuous process comes what I
have called increased alienation, lack of direction and lack of purpose. The core of the atom has
been removed. There isn’t even any longer a sense of up or down.

Into an atmosphere such as this may be expected to enter every sort of aberrant behavior,
including the use of dope.

Manson also had this to say regarding the dope epidemic: If it is in your agenda to get a class of
kindergarteners to throw rocks but you cannot come out openly with it then you proceed as
follows: Inculcate into them that they are not to go near the pile of rocks; That to throw the rocks
is the worst possible thing they could do. Then go on to piss them off – or to alienate them.
They’ll go to the rock pile, throw the rocks and believe that it has been their own idea.

These people here today do their dope with an air of defiance – about like a child – in the belief
and with the cry of “freedom”. It’s the same with race-mixing and queerism.

None of this is anything new, as I’ve said. What is new, as I’ve also said, is that here, today it is
all red-lined. Pushed, enabled and protected by the so-called “late Cleaned up and made to look
“respectable”, even “glamorous” by the enemy-controlled media. Remember that it was
ALWAYS there but not only did it have the stigma of shame attached to it but it was firmly
outlawed. And so the society held together fairly well.

With regard to the crime rate I had been kicking around a piece to have been entitled something
to the effect, “We Need to Get Back a Thousand Years”. I just love to recount the actions of the
Philippine President as he sanctions the open killing of the dope addicts over there. I wouldn’t
have thought it possible for any of my attitudes to harden further but they did during the time I
worked security for a major retailer. Dealing all day, every day with the shit-hooks and scum-
bags of the universe. “You act like it’s your stuff.”

“It’s more my stuff than it is your stuff.” “Why are you chasing me?” “Why are you running?”

Around here the vagrants have a thing going which they call, “The Right to Rest”. This is a trick
just to enable loitering. As a result, you see bums lying around all over the place. The problem
was rife when I first came to my main store. “I’m tired of you fucking bums!!” I would shout.
“I’m not a bum!” would come back. “Homeless”, is the enabling term.
During my wintering over at the Cincinnati Workhouse in 1974-1975, I learned many things.
One was that the town used to be known as “Rag Town”. A person had to have at least a dollar in
his pocket or else be subject to arrest for vagrancy.

During my professional period, I promulgated this one: “Those with the most attitude are the
ones that can least afford it.” Gradually company policy would embrace a no-chase rule as well
as a no-touch rule whenever dealing with thieves. This sort of thing spreads like cancer – as I
told them -and it was no time before the thieves, whenever confronted, would arrogantly boast,
“You can’t touch me.” But we generally ignored the rules and this would get them “touched”,
thrown to the floor, cuffed up and dragged back to the office even as we risked reprimand and
perhaps even loss of job.

This represents a general caving in.

However if one but notices, it all goes hand-in-hand. Low-life Whites, niggers and other
coloreds, certainly dopers and not just a few way-out-in-the-open queers, etc. As I viewed all of
this at my beginning, I declared that the age of the self-service department store was over, at
least as it had been envisioned by the likes of F.W. Woolworth, J.C. Penney and S.S. Kresge, etc.
Thank God I was able to retire before what I could see coming actually took place. Today there
are no more of my old stores operational in this city.

Manson spoke a lot about WILL. An enemy might be expected to use any kind of weapon,
psychological or otherwise, against his intended victim. But the intended victim population
which doesn’t possess the WILL to react accordingly to brash incursions against its peace and
order sets itself up for elimination sooner rather than later.

Will and HEART, Manson would talk about. I guess “tough love” would be the approximate
equivalent used by these enablers today. But here the point is missed for without the core of the
atom and without any sense of direction it’s all a waste of time. With regard to the dopers, the
“success rate” of so-called “rehabilitation” is about one in a hundred. Recidivism on the part of
convicted criminals who go to prison is notorious. I used to overhear them as they would talk
about how they were going to commit their next rape as soon as they were out, knowing now
how they had been caught. (This was while I was a political prisoner in maximum security.)
Well, you HANG rapists. No lengthy process. Biblically, if you catch a thief, he HAS NO

In certain Arabic countries, they still cut off hands or brand faces. In our own Anglo-Saxon
lands, we used to have hanging, drawing and quartering.

And all of this was a community spectacle.

Biblically, queerism carried the death penalty. It also carried the death penalty in the Third

Actually, the Third Reich was most humane. They establish their concentration camps to place
these types into – every sort of anti-social type – first to protect the general society and,
secondly, to see whether there was in existence any hope of individual salvation. “Arbeit Macht
Frei”. One did not get up in the face of his Camp Commandant with a phrase like, “You can’t
touch me.”

The Age of Satan began with the Age of Reason, so-called. The Age of Liberalism, so-called.
The Age of Enlightenment, so-called. Things had softened to the point where racial aliens – Jews
– were permitted back into our midst and they went right to work on these “causes”. To overturn
our civilization and to destroy us as a people.

To the dopers, no more endless waste of civil service time in resuscitating them. Let ’em die. For
those incarcerated on dope charges, apart from actual dope DEALING, cut ’em loose out the
front door with the warning that if they are caught again, it’ll mean hanging publicly. No

Coloreds are ordered out, period. No concerns over “legalities” or anything else. Just
COLOREDS OUT! Then, after a time, should any colored face be seen within our renewed
White society, it would mean another public hanging. Crime would just about disappear. Prisons
WOULD disappear.

Now, that’s real WILL and real HEART!!

Rights? As Hitler said, there is but ONE right as well as ONE duty and that is to keep the race

It was said that during the days of Ghangis Khan a virgin carrying a sack of gold could walk
clear across Asia without fear of anything.

But rights? A man’s home and property is sacrosanct. A man’s family likewise. His right and his
duty to make a decent living. Certainly to bear arms. Protest? As Hitler told those whose nerve
was failing them as the War turned against Germany, “You can tell ME that but don’t tell anyone
else!” Strikes? A National Socialist government would see to it that all effort went toward the
GOOD OF THE RACE and never toward anyone’s personal profit. When profiteering and other
crimes against the people were uncovered, the immediate result would, again, be public hanging.

Heart and will.

Getting back a thousand years.

Taking this people once again in hand.

No one would WANT or need dope. Indeed, it wouldn’t be available. No one would want to face
the SHAME of queerism or race-mixing and, indeed, no coloreds would be available.

The family core would be reestablished.

But what an obstacle is it that has to be removed first, before any of this real healing can start to
take place. It is a. DETERMINED enemy and it has too many of these people in its grip shouting
“freedom” and “equality”. It’ll have to be BROKEN. Or, if not, it’ll have to fall apart from
within. But there’s the “Catch 22”: What might be left remaining should all of this poison and
insanity go on, uninterrupted, to its logical conclusion?

If it were to be left up to the gods and their return, they could quite easily take control of this
planet. Then what do you suppose they’d do with all this teeming, overwhelming human mess?
Right! ZAP!! And for the rest? Get with the program. They will not be running for office.

Those who want to live, let them live.

Those who want to die, let them die.

Relics & Icons

When at the close of the Second World War our enemies sought to expunge every trace of
Hitler’s movement they surely went all-out. Murdering the top leadership, ruining the lives of the
lower ranks and generally terrorizing the general population. Think of it. An entire, great nation
taken captive and forcibly separated from its own, natural leadership with an alien, enemy
collaborationist regime installed over their heads. With still more land stolen from them and
more dead after the war than during it. Plus the false stigma of “criminality” attached to them.

Landmarks such as the Berghof at Berchtesgaden, the New Chancellery in Berlin, the Court of
Honor in Munich and countless other significant structures all the way down to individual graves
vandalized, desecrated and erased. And then up until now all the many volumes of lies and
distortions regarding the period which have passed for “history”. The banning of the use of the
Swastika but not the Hammer and Sickle, etc. and the illegalization of the publication or
distribution of Hitler’s book, “Mein Kampf”.
To anyone who has familiarized himself with the Old Scriptures, all of this sounds very
Herodian. But that didn’t work then and this isn’t working now. The source has been the same
just as has been the target and the goal, except upon a far grander scale. Christ said it was won
back then but it would have been difficult if not impossible for any “normal” person there and
then to see or accept that. Two thousand years later we can plainly see that one more great cycle
of civilization had just had its roots laid by that sacrifice.

But that cycle has now played itself out, just as the Scripture had even then predicted it would.
All things do.

It’s tough today – but not as tough as it was fifty or so years ago – to imagine that a new future
had its roots laid in the ashes of Berlin and in the blood of countless martyrs. 1 am convinced
that it had. There are questions and there are doubts about exactly how this new future and this
new cycle of civilization are going to be realized and find its way but, really, the challenges we
face today are no worse at all than those our distant ancestors faced then. If this were not to be
the case then I’m afraid that this planet and whatever destiny may have been intended for it are
through. And the evidence from throughout all history does not support that.

I could go into ancient iconography but I think by now most everybody has begun to get my
point. Reliquaries which usually contained fragments of bodies, etc. Happily, we’re not into that

However, there has existed since the end of the Second World War – and growing ever since – a
veritable ARMY of Third Reich collectors. What are these pieces of history other than relics?
And what could be the motivation of those who, today, are spending serious fortunes to obtain
them? To be sure, there were forgers and falsifiers way back in time “creating” relics to be sold
to pious worshippers. It is the same today. More of this old Third Reich stuff is in existence
today than there was during the time of the Reich. So one needs to be careful. Still it all presents
strong evidence of a phenomenon which shouldn’t be overlooked.

Dr. William Pierce was outspoken in his disapproval of our – as movement activists – spending
our precious time and money in the pursuit of collecting Third Reich memorabilia. Better, he
declared, to put it all toward advancing the cause by spreading the word. Hard to argue with that
position. Never would I ever presume to argue against Dr. Pierce. No. I simply went ahead and
began to accumulate my own Third Reich collection in the same year that I joined the
movement. I’m forever glad that I did because today the same collection would be far out of the
financial reach of the average person. Back in that day the getting was still very good.

Then too, around the Arlington headquarters back then, such things as “collectors” were
generally frowned upon with regard even to the picking up of A.N.P. relics. “Backward
looking”, perhaps. But I was a born collector and a collector must collect. Once more, I’m
damned glad that I did because then and there was the optimal place for it. I don’t view the
internet but I’m told that even these items – paper publications – are off the charts in their
But money was never the issue for me. A true collector does it out of love. Today I am shown
these things – Third Reich and A.N.P. – on the internet, together with their astronomical costs,
and two things come over me: One, I’m glad I had what I had; And, two, it’s all out there, more
than I ever dreamed or imagined, and one day it’ll all come back together when the time is right.
For now, anybody who’d pay that kind of money can be trusted to TAKE CARE OF the items in
question. And so it’s pretty clear that all the frenzied efforts on the part of the destroyers and
vandals have been largely in vain.

For anyone not a collector, it’s somewhat difficult to convey the kind of thrill, pleasure and joy
that accompanies the acquisition of a new piece to the collection. Why, it suddenly brings the
entire collection back to a new freshness and life. I learned a lot of German language and a lot of
movement history in the process of this. I put together a reference library on the subject and
became expert to the degree that, ultimately, the dealers would come to me any time they got
hold of a piece which they themselves could not identify.

I was never any kind of a sports person. Hunting, even fishing turned me off because I am such
an animal lover. Such things as golf I positively couldn’t fathom or get into. But now I
understand that the most of it was but an excuse for just GETTING OUT THERE on a fine day
and having a great time at what one has become proficient at to some extent. It was just the same
for me in my forty years of collecting Third Reich. There was a monthly gun show in the next
county from where most of my stuff eventually came from. And this event to me – and my
participation in it – was for that span of time what seemed to be life’s higher purpose.

“Beautiful” and “exciting” are the terms some non-collectors and non-believers would term the
collection when seeing it. You judge for yourself by the accompanying illustrations.

An old high school chum very recently told me that that gun show no longer is being held. Very
sad. For the first year after I had left Ohio, I was so home sick that the thought kept crossing my
mind that, following my death, I would wish for my heart to be buried at the Fayette County Fair
Grounds where the gun show was held.

My first two pieces were a pair of Wehrmacht breast patches won in a card game in 1966. My
final piece was what is commonly known as the “Iron Half-Moon”, actually a Turkish award
from World War One but which is not uncommonly seen on German Third Reich Uniforms
which I obtained in 2004. Each piece, as you can tell, is a souvenir which carries a memory.
That’s also part of being a collector.

I still retain those pieces along with enough of the rest so as to make me appear like a collector
generally ahead of the majority. But in the year 2004 I sold the bulk of the collection and gave
the money to my wife at the time in order to get her set up in life. (A thing I was never able to do
for myself until I at last achieved a certain age.) For a couple of years I was heartsick over the
loss but today I am proud and happy that I took this course of action. After all, what was I going
to do with it all? Die with it? And then what? No. I know that, as stated before, it is all still out
there, in safe hands, ready to make its comeback when the time is perfectly right. And I am
perfectly satisfied.
Collectors, perhaps. Museum keepers, no.

Should any of us – all but the wealthiest – have aspirations of becoming competitive museum
keepers, we are foredoomed to falling flat against the competition. Let us rather accept that that
end of things is well under control. And then let us go onward to do what only we can do and
minus any genuine competition: That is, to put forward Hitler’s movement. Only then will these
relics of today, just as with the relics of old, assume the real value and dignity for which so many
of our good people died.

Websites for WWII Military Collecting:

I’ve never been accused of being a moralist and so I think this qualifies me well to outline the
National Socialist stance on pornography… at least THIS National Socialist’s stance on

By the name alone it must be ruled out of any decent, healthy and above all, White society.

For the word defines literally as “gross stimulus”. And gross is not part of our game. It is part of
the enemy’s game and it belongs properly to him.

Also, by this definition, pornography doesn’t have to pertain to anything sexy. It can just as
easily be applied to the scary as well. Witness all the countless gory and disgusting horror films
which flood the market.

Hitler in Mein Kampf – or at least in the Ralph Manheim translation – used the word
“delimitation” quite a lot. I’ve never been able to find that word in any dictionary. But going off
of what Hitler was saying, it obviously has to do with staying within certain bounds. Therefore, it
could be connected with the term, restraint.

Now think about it. This is exactly what the enemy is pushing for in literally all things. An end to
all restraint.

Cleverly, the enemy calls this “freedom”.

And get this always: The enemy even today cannot take us militarily and he well knows it. Not
with the billions of the world’s coloreds, not with anything. But he has an ages old hatred which
demands of him that he does destroy us as a race, as a people, and the only way he can get this
accomplished is to induce us into DESTROYING OURSELVES. The only way to do that is to
make us think it is our own idea, that it is our “right” and our way to “freedom”.

How better to do that than to have previously sewn up all forms of media, entertainment and so-
called education? The perfect place from which to perform a monumental brainwash job on an
entire populace. After all, how would they know otherwise? Their parents would have grown up
under somewhat better standards but they cannot compete with the might – the “thrill” – of the
media. Generation after generation becomes a little more lost.

It’s part of culture distortion. After of course an alien presence takes hold of all sensitive spots
within a society, all the while having as the end of his agenda the destruction of that people, the
first thing to do is poison and distort the culture. To falsify history, remove truth and to insert
lies, etc. Then, with more or less everyone in an admittedly diverse population, all sharing the
same distorted culture, the real damage can begin.

The dope, the queerism and – at the end of it all – the race-mixing. Hopping into bed with a
nigger takes a lot of desensitization. No normal, healthy person would ever contemplate such a
thing. It is the original sin and it is the unforgivable sin. Because to blaspheme the Temple of the
Holy Spirit – that is your body and the genes carried within it – means to have your name
excised from out of the Book of Life.

In plainer terms, it spells the end of your family line which, it can hardly be denied, began with
the Creation. Worse, it creates a new SATANIC line. (And take that! All those who accuse me of
being a Satanist.) Farmers in their barnyards understand breeding as it comes to animals. It has
required generations of BRAIN-RAPE to get things to the present point where open race-mixing
is today commonly presented in television commercials. It is desensitization accompanied by
monkey-see, monkey-do.

And gross, when it has become the new normal, amounts to desensitization. That is a thing
which you positively do not want when it comes to your reproductive habits. Our ancestors kept
covered up and sex was confined, or limited, or restrained, to marriage. But WOW! What a sky
high birthrate! I think they must have been onto something.

An old saying has it that, “Beauty is Aryan; Glamour is Jewish.” Of course, all import upon the
sex act, consequently, is Jewish, while the love and the prospect of the child is Aryan. That was,
of course, until generations of mastery over our media, etc., has rendered most Whites as little
more than spiritual Jews. Distortion.

I’ve don’t have to tell you how it is out there with regard to marriage, family and childbirth. It’s

As often as not, I use myself as a sort of weathervane, or litmus test regarding such trends. I’ve
lived it and I’ve seen it. I easily recall coming across some of my father’s “girlie” magazines
stashed underneath his car seat back in the Fifties. POW! I wish to God some of that same
sensation could come over me today!! And these were just “cutie pie” magazines, nothing hard
or rough.

I used to have terrific fun in describing to the “young-uns” I worked with all the hoops we were
forced to jump through just in order to get our hands on what were then commonly referred to as
“stag films”. And these were nothing more than straight sex. Forty dollars in 1970 was a lot of
money and that was the cost of a two-hundred-foot reel of silent film. About twenty minutes
running time. We had to drive fifty miles to the State Capital to even find a porno store. Then we
had to produce our own I.D. plus see the I.D. of the shop owner to make sure no police were

You had to of course have access to a film projector. You had to have a secure location to screen
this stuff. (Can’t have Mom or Dad – well, at least not Mom – walking in on you.) And you
needed, if not a proper movie screen, then at least a blank surface onto which to project the
image. (Once when we had nothing but flowered wallpaper to work with, we got the brilliant
idea of using a drawn window shade. That produced a lot of car honks from out on the street
where the image could be seen in reverse.)

But, again, it always was straight sex between a man and a woman. And I might add, a WHITE
man and a WHITE woman.

They say that after the advent of home video, pornography became bigger than Hollywood itself.

And the flood gates were open.

I’ve said in the past that the kind of “democracy” that these bastards today are thinking of first
made its appearance in two places: Stalinist Russia and the pornography industry. Think of it.
Man, that’s REAL equality! Forced on the one hand and induced through conditioning on the
other. We viewed all of that back in the day as something truly weird and most definitely alien
and evil. Today it is the norm. As I said, I’ve seen it develop.

Back in the Nineties – using myself again as a test case – I was rediscovering the world of
comics. I had been an avid fan back in the “Silver Age” of the 10¢ and 12¢ classics. Things had
changed and more than just the price. One dealer told me that someone had been arrested in
Cleveland for distributing pornography to minors for this new stuff. But during this same period,
I ran across something advertised entitled, “Betty Being Bad”. The cover looked good and so I
ordered it. I had not previously heard of Betty Page but when I opened that comic – all photos,
actually – I was magically transported back to the Fifties, in the back seat of my Dad’s ’49 Ford,
and with a precious few glances at that “girlie” magazine. Here was innocence, here was restraint
but what a punch it still could pack.

I became a fan. But as I studied and learned more about Betty Page, I found that she had been
victimized sexually as a high school student in Tennessee, had travelled to New York to seek a
living as a model, had been “recruited” into a private camera club by a Negro – and I won’t
comment more on that – and had ended up with a Jewish soft-core pornographer. Her life was a
mess. But in the Fifties, for a young White woman to get herself involved with such as all that, it
would have required a heavy lot of damage to have already been done.

Today all that same damage is being done and on a grand scale.

But I was called upon to write this piece due to a comment made by someone within what is
called the “Alt Right” (Richard Spencer) and having to do with child pornography. I’ve had this
theory of mine on the subject formed up for quite a while but only now do I put it to paper.

The masters of the media and most certainly the masters of pornography – the Jews – do not
have at heart the best interests of our people and this includes children. The government being
but an extension of all this may have the very same said for it. Let’s get that much well digested.

And so why then – in the midst of all this ocean of filth and depravity, all of it touted and state
sanctioned – would there be such a hissy fit about child pornography? Many, many years up the
river for mere possession. It doesn’t fit the picture. It is an anomaly of the highest rank. And so,
therefore, it really begs for some deep consideration.

Here is what I came up with.

Ads for open, legal child pornography were rife in the men’s magazines up until about 1979.
Then they went down as though someone had flipped a switch. They were instantly replaced by
“phone sex” ads. A move like that, involving anything, should stir suspicion. It requires a central
command, in effect. And who has that power?

Follow the money. If you want to keep something mysterious, hot and alluring the way to do it is
to outlaw it. Also, to keep it a sellers’ market. Look at Prohibition. People will brave the law.
Flood the market with photos of naked women and the market gets burned out and queerism
becomes the new “kick”. Flood the market with queerism and what’s left? It’s not new. Its part
of the Jewish religion as laid out in the Talmud. A greater evil would be hard to imagine.

Jesus said, “Suffer the little ones to come unto me.” He also said it would be better for anyone
who would offend one of these little ones if he were to have a mill stone around his neck and
dropped into the sea.

For the record, pornography was outlawed in the Third Reich and I’d bet the farm that child
pornography would have fetched the death penalty. And to hell with squawks over so-called
“First Amendment” issues. But is there the will to wake up from such a nightmare as this?

That’s Mighty White of You

That very old saying was probably last heard over any popular media in one of the “Dirty Harry”
series starring Clint Eastwood back in the Seventies. The context was Harry doing his best to
further antagonize a gang of vicious Blacks as he was invading their headquarters. I actually
encountered it again most recently in a William Powell/Myrna Loy film dating from the Thirties
where it was used naturally in a perfectly normal, social setting. Just a nice thing to say to

But, of course, if one were to try to use it today it would always be taken within the “Dirty
Harry” sense. My, how things have changed. And not for the better.

Before things in general got lost and there stood a common knowledge as regards those other
people out there, those “native” types, it was simply understood that the only real decency and
civility that might be expected was only to come from Whites. Why, those colored types weren’t
even kind or civil to one another, much less toward any Whites. They might grovel when held
under the gun but the hatred and resentment was ever there, at a slow burn.
History, as it is written and known today, is the story of Whites as they regrouped and rearose
from out of a colored world in revolt. Back-to-back in Europe where they could make a unified
stand, they resisted and then conquered the mightiest colored menaces then in existence in the

The great Madison Grant wrote of the Whites returning to the Western Hemisphere following
Columbus, that the enemy they faced there, especially the Plains Indians, were the worst, most
terrible scourge ever faced since the Mongols. You just wouldn’t want to be at their mercy…
because there was none.

This mess at present in Afghanistan. If the British Empire couldn’t do it and if the Soviet Union
couldn’t do it, then what in hell makes this country believe that it can do it? And why, after all,
would anyone even be interested in subduing such a place anyway? Rudyard Kipling, in one of
the poems he penned in the Nineteenth Century, included – roughly – the line which I attempt to
recall: “If you find yourself wounded on the Afghan plains, just roll to your rifle and blow out
your brains.”

Nothing was more looked down upon, even as I am able to remember White, life that some dirty
lout… and I’m talking here about Whites now. We would hear it repeated that a “nigger” was
some low down individual which had nothing to do with color. Certainly there was the term,
“niggardly”. Men like George Washington – tougher than steel – could comfortably wear
powdered wigs and white lace. Women in those days as property? We had elevated them to a
super-status and they literally had it made. Look at what all this supposed “freedom” has done!

I nearly laughed myself sick the other day while watching for the first time a W.C. Fields
comedy from the Thirties, “Man on the Flying Trapeze”. One had to remember a time when it
didn’t require all that much to create a scandal. And Field’s screen persona was always that of a
drunken lecher. This was outrageous then. That kind of ridicule went far in keeping the general
populace in line with regard to their common decency and morality. No one wanted to be a
general laughing stock… unless he was getting paid handsomely for it as an artist the way Fields

Then there was Erich von Stroheim – or just “Von”, as his friends called him. No matter what
film he might be playing in, the posters always were headed this way: “The Man You Love to
Hate”. I remember while watching” The Great Gabbo” of his for the first time, as he and his
pretty stage assistant, Betty Compson, were having a back-stage argument, with her catching the
worst of it. She told him that she wasn’t going to take it anymore and he smirked and said; “Oh,
is that so?” As he was peeling off his jacket in what looked be preparation for giving her a
beating, I found myself halfway up out of my chair before even realizing it.

These were the ways NOT to act if you were any sort of White man.

The old Klan didn’t focus all of its attention upon Blacks who had gotten out of line. If any
White man of the community either wasn’t properly caring for or was outright abusing his
family, they’d pay him a midnight visit and he’d be taught a lesson not soon to be forgotten, by
him or by the rest of the community.
But then in came liberalism and supposed “freedom”. “Progressive” became the word. And
Whites began acting like coloreds. Some of my fondest memories are of the office chats I’d have
with the old family friend of ours back in Ohio, Judge J. Don Ratcliff. (He was whispered to
have been a “racist” by some of the lesser in the legal profession there back then… heaven
forbid!) It turned out one time that he – now in private practice – was representing the husband
of one of the daughters of an ex-wife of mine. Some coincidence. He gasped and said of that
person, “He’s a super-bum! A scoundrel!!” Few people these days have even heard that
reference. I guess it’s because there are too many of them and it might be offensive to them.

Rather, it’s merely the new norm.

Later, same girl, new boyfriend. My wife and I arrived at one of my rentals where the girl was
living and found her crying and practically hysterical. Seems the boyfriend had beaten and raped
her. She indicated that he probably could be found at the “Blackhawk” bar and grill and so, while
her mother stayed with her, I went over to the “Blackhawk”. Sure enough. I quietly took a seat
next to him and whispered that if he should ever set foot on any property of mine again, I’d kill
him. He never did. But soon thereafter the girl moved out in order to be with him.

Not very “White” of either one of them, I should think.

Civilization – true civilization – obviously then is a very thin, red line. (And that very term –
“Thin Red Line” – originates from the worldwide phenomenon of those British colonial troops,
in their red coats, holding the line of civilization against the teeming hordes of savage coloreds.
Thin and actually very delicate a line as well. Those savages could do nothing about it on their
own. Instead, it had to take place at home, with the creeping liberals and outright Jews in our
midst to begin poisoning the popular spirit. Look at the wonders that has produced!

Are even the coloreds themselves any better off? Hardly! “Free”, I suppose. No more White
colonialism but I know and many of them realize that they had been far better off before so-
called “liberation”. These people have NEVER had the capacity for self-government. It’s a
difficult thing for anyone to have to admit but what is the alternative? You can see it on the news
any night of the week. ANY word from out of Africa is one of awfulness and terror.

They went ballistic when Trump referred to places like Haiti as “shit holes”. Well, they really
ARE shitholes! I use the term “shit-hooks” as that denotes people rather than places. But if you
gather enough shit-hooks into anyplace, then you have created a shithole. And that is exactly
what they’re trying to do here!

I wonder just how few actually know any real part of the history of Haiti. Up until the time of the
French Revolution, Haiti was the most prosperous spot in the entire Western Hemisphere. The
French planters had their Black slaves working all those sugar mills, etc. With the disruption
caused by the French Revolution in 1789 and afterward, the coloreds saw their chance, rose up
and slaughtered all the Whites… thus gaining their “freedom”. I guess you could say they kept
their eyes on the prize.
But what a prize! Ever since that time, Haiti has been one of the poorest, most backward and
miserable places on earth. A SHITHOLE!!!

Direct, colored revolt is one thing. But the great masses of Whites allowing themselves to be
degenerated, reduced to the cultural level of mere coloreds is another thing completely. And that
is the threat and the danger which we face today.

Few even know what it once used to mean to be White.

We owe this to the slowly creeping, alien domination of our institutions, our government and our
media, etc. They have turned a formerly White – that is White and ACTING White – population
into a population of shit-hooks -or at least WOULD BE shit-hooks. And doesn’t the general
atmosphere reflect that perfectly?

The way out of a thing like this always in the past has been, first, the total collapse of that
afflicted culture, nation or state. Followed by the getting out of the mess on the part of whatever
healthy element of the former society as may have remained untainted. The singular exception to
this iron rule of history was the example of the Third Reich in Germany under Adolf Hitler and
the National Socialists. He peacefully retook power away from the alien occupiers and in an
orderly manner restored to the German people their natural dignity.

But we know how the rest of the world reacted to that. (And still does.)

So here today will it go the one way or the other?

One thing is certain, there is today no longer ANY PLACE for any healthy remnant to repair to
for safety and a chance at a fresh start. So I believe that rules that option out.

And a man, a leader like Hitler only comes along once in every couple thousand years. So don’t
look for that to happen again very soon.

However, we have the lesson from the previous two-thousand-year phase of civilization. It
looked pretty bleak in the Year 1 A.D. But we also know how that eventually turned out… With
White, Western civilization and its own glorious Thousand Years!

But it is important to note that they, then KNEW and WROTE that this, too, would run its course
and indeed it has.

We are going to be required to have a maximum amount of COURAGE and FAITH, coupled
with knowledge, wisdom and action, if we are to be the redeemers and founders of any renewed,
great cycle of civilization. Somehow I feel assured of this. But then – to borrow from Farmers’
Insurance – I’ve seen a lot and I’ve covered a lot.

But I’ll assure you of this: To be in possession of the TRUTH is the one thing that can’t be done
Those who hold the truth will be the ones. Period.


Important it is to get this topic straightened out in our minds.

Forget about the nightly news for the time being and, as always, go to the very origins.

This traces all the way back to the Book of Genesis in the Bible. It involves three of our – the
Whites – greatest patriarchs: Abraham; Isaac; and Jacob. Even a cursory reading of the chapters
involved will reveal to anyone with their eyes open and their heads – and instincts – on straight
and intact that the issue is one of true breeding on the one hand and tainted blood on the other.
This was the only issue then and it remains the only issue at present.

Sarah had been unable to provide Abraham with a son and so she “gave him” her Egyptian
maidservant, Hagar, for this purpose. The result was Ishmael. Later, God came to Abraham and
told him that he and Sarah would together bear a son the following year and would call his name
Isaac. The tradition that has come down to me has it that when the elderly couple first heard this
news, they both laughed. Hence the name, Isaac… “To Laugh”. Furthermore, just as Ishmael,
was to become the father of the Arabs, so Isaac was to become father of the… Saxons, or
“Isaac’s Sons”.

Although Ishmael was the first born to Abraham, the blood was tainted because of his mother
having been an Egyptian. The Covenant God intended to make with Abraham, that is, the turning
of the whole earth over to his descendants, could not include one of mixed blood. And, hence,
Isaac. But though Abraham was instructed by God to send away both Hagar and Ishmael, he was
assured that the eldest son would go on to be the father of his own great nation.

These were our own people situated at the crossroads of three continents and practically without
natural borders, surrounded by alien, colored peoples. To follow up, it deeply worried Abraham
and Sarah that their son, Isaac, might end up marrying one of these dark females himself, thus
spoiling the family line. He did not, however, and next came Esau and Jacob. Again, even
though Esau was first born, it is stated that he was “red” and “hairy”, an obvious reference to
some sort of negative throwback. Therefore, the birthright, or Covenant, passed over to the
younger son, Jacob. True, racial continuance once more.
A “great enmity” arose from this. Jealousy on the parts of the elder offspring of two generations.
It is said that in the case of Esau, he was the father of the Turks. But it all begs the question:
From where did this racial taint appear in the first instance?

That goes all the way back to Adam and Eve. Clearly, they could not have been the very first
human-like creatures on earth. For one, the figure then called “the Serpent” and later referred to
as “Satan”, was able to seduce Eve (there is no mention of any “apple”) and produce the first
murderer, Cain. Then, once Cain was expelled from Eden, he went “into the Land of Nod” and
took at least one wife to begin his own, Satanic, line. Who were these people?

All of this is very ancient tradition but none of it is “religion”. The farmer in his barnyard knows
that you don’t breed a fine thoroughbred with a cur. And the older the genes, the more deep
seated and dominant they are. Perhaps I should say, the more primitive. Again, tradition claims
that it required six more gestations before. Eve could produce a suitable replacement for Abel,
whom Cain had killed, and his name became Seth. Sound like a fable? Get a good dictionary and
look up the word, “telegony”. This has to do with the passing of the albumin within the sperm
that is transferred during the act of copulation and which will linger long afterward, continuing to
effect any subsequent offspring despite the fact that completely different fathers may be

A more primitive type of humanoid existing on earth at the time of – or even prior to the time of
– Adam and Eve, the first Whites. Capable of and desirous of intermingling sexually with the
Whites. Neanderthal? We are certain of only this much and it is all that is important. But just as
important is that the Bible identifies this type as “Satan”.

Then too is the business of the “Mark of Cain” placed upon this bastard offspring who became
the first murderer. To my mind, what else could this have been other than a different skin color?
(And the silly and stupid liberals love to repeat that there’s no difference between any of us other
than the color of the skin!)

Getting back to Jacob, whose name was subsequently changed by God into Israel which meant,
“a Prince Ruling With God”, he went on through four wives to produce twelve sons and one
daughter. Each of the sons produced his own family, the families became tribes and the tribes
became nations. And these nations – through migration – are today the great Christian nations of
Europe and, by extension, of America, Australia and New Zealand.

(The one daughter, Dinah, it is said went “visiting the daughters of the land” one day and was
raped by some of the “brothers”. Whereupon a few of our own White brothers went a calling and
killed all the colored brothers. But it is here we lose track of Dinah.)

Fast forward to Egypt and the sojourne of Joseph and the rest of the clan there. Jacob had named
his son Joseph as head of the tribes. Joseph subsequently split that birthright between his own
two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Historically, Ephraim has become Great Britain and its
Commonwealth while Manasseh has become the United States. What “family” is #1 in the world
today and what branch of that family is boss over all? Exactly as was decreed in the Covenant
between God and Abraham in the Book of Genesis.
All high civilizations start out as White but die after having assimilated sufficient colored blood.
This was the case with Egypt. Look at those White and blue-eyed early Pharaohs, look at that
bust of Queen Nefertiti. And look at all those poor, miserable slobs there today. Without hope.
Existing in a living hell. Without any chance of salvation. This is the work of Satan and it is
coming to a neighborhood near you.

The husband of Nefertiti and the father of King Tut was Akenaton. After his death the Egyptian
priesthood attempted to utterly erase his name. He had attempted a reform in Egypt. (Was he the
“Donald Trump” of ancient Egypt?) But he failed. The place was too far gone spiritually and
racially. And so, a couple of centuries later, an Egyptian priest of noble – White – Mood named
Moses, of the Tribe of Levi, saw that the only way to save what decent blood as still remained
was to TAKE IT OUT and away from dying Egypt and into its own land. This was the Exodus
into the Promised Land.

But there was a hitch, naturally. God commanded of the ancient Israelites that they – upon
conquering the Land of Canaan – kill or drive out all of the native inhabitants they found there:
Hittites, Hivites, Jebusites, Girgashites, Perizzites, etc. Because, as stated by God, if they failed
to do this, then these tribes would ultimately become their destruction. The Israelites did kill and
drive out a great many of these Canaanites but, to their eventual misery, as well as our own
today, they enslaved a great many more, putting them to paying tribute. As with the Black slaves
here today, eventually they gained their freedom, became “citizens” and assimilated into the
Hebrew Temple. And this development gave the world “Jews”.

Following this, ancient Israel became rotten under the influence of these alien, Canaanite,
“Jews”. Exactly as God foretold. Long story short, the upward of ten million population was
deported eastward, a la Joseph Stalin, with a mere seventy thousand returning – as recorded in
the Bible- seventy years later. The rest of that original ten million? Northward and westward into
the “Land of the Setting Sun”, Europe, where they went on over the coming centuries to fulfill
the Covenant between God and Abraham. And to do this basically free from any racially alien

I see them these days with their piercings, tattoos, etc. Their loud and raucous music and so
forth. I think of them as neo-pagans. For the ancient tribes had by then abandoned most if not all
of their former, old and corrupted ways and had become pagans. They entered Europe as the
“barbarians” as the ancient Greeks were calling them due to the strange sound of their languages.

The King James Bible has a blank space of fully five hundred years from the time of the return
of that seventy thousand to Jerusalem and the coming of Jesus Christ. Why? Simply because the
Bible only concerns itself with Israel and there basically was no Israel in that area during that
period. But a few from the Tribe of Judah and the Tribe of Benjamin did return and from these
we get Jesus and his Apostles.

Things were hopelessly lost in the Holy Land but Jesus made it clear to his followers that they
were to carry this message to “the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” who now were getting
settled in Europe. Had it not been for Jesus and his few, then the Book of which I have been
speaking thus far would have remained solely within the hands of those now controlling the
formerly Hebrew Temple, the Jews. It would have remained locked away from us. Our own
Book of Truth. We, as a people, would not long have survived had this been the case.

Infuriated by this, the Jews murdered Jesus. But it did no good.

Once more, fast forward. Centuries later an Arab named Mohammad, as the tradition goes, was
reading the Bible. Apparently, he interpreted it the same way as I have done and, when finished
reading it, he threw it onto the ground and fled away in terror. He went on to compose the Koran.

As I invariably counter whenever discussing current issues with the religious, legalistic set, it has
always been and shall always remain a matter of RACE, not legalisms. A matter of BLOOD, not
of belief. “That book is for those people.” It was tailor-made, expressly for them. And it is not
based upon blood but upon belief. “Anyone can join.” Like an auto club or like any kind of
superstition. Just “believe” and you’re “in”. I say that you can “believe” that you are a pair of
needle-nose pliars. But are you really? For them it has held together very ancient societies from
then until now. It’s been about all that they’ve had. Now it is being threatened with so-called
“democracy” and some of them are fighting back.

So-called “democracy” or, as I like to call it, MANAGED CONFUSION, is death to any society.
Regardless of color, etc., we are all “Americans” and we must put our faith in more of this same
managed confusion. A dirty, filthy lie! They have nothing to lose genetically but some do take
pride in their customs and traditions. They resent the hell out of that enclave of Jews right in
their midst. That was OUR Holy Land given to US by God. But WE fouled it all up all on our
own exactly the way we are now fouling up and LOSING the United States to colored aliens.

They call us “crusaders”. They are not entirely wrong in this. The Crusades were called over a
thousand years ago, once the Tribes of Israel had about gotten back up on their feet and were
ensconced in their new nations in Europe. They were no longer pagans by then but had become
Christians. And they were aware of their heritage and Identity. They determined to go back
militarily and reclaim their Holy Land. It succeeded for a mere two centuries and then was lost to
militant Islam. As God himself said in the Old Testament, “When I knock something down, it
STAYS down.” (This notwithstanding the counterfeit, Jew “State of Israel” which the United
States keeps propped up with artificial life support and which is the basis for what might well
ignite a Third World War.)

We had a little trouble with the Muslims during the Middle Ages and even afterward. They very
nearly overran all of Europe during that time. Had they succeeded then, there would be no White
race today, no light in the world whatsoever. And had it not been for early Christianity, they
most surely would have succeeded. In a discussion of Charles Martel, the hero who stopped the
Muslim advance across France, I posed the question: What would Charles Martel think of all this
damnable, abominable mess today with these same types invading every White land as
“refugees”, invited in – as it were – by the very traitors who we find ruling in all White nations.

And our own people. The state they find themselves in after generations of rule by not only these
same traitors at all levels of government and society but brainwashed – or, better put, BRAIN-
RAPED – by a media that is, exactly as said by Donald Trump, their own worst enemy. But
Trump doesn’t and can’t go all the way with his statement. He can’t because he is surrounded by
Jews. It is a JEWISH media that has done this to our people. And all too often, it will be found to
be Jews who are the spearhead of this traitorous drive to subvert and to sell out our people.

I’ve said for many years that a people who is aware and free does not do this to itself. And
should it ever find itself in a mess of this kind, again, if it is aware and free to act appropriately,
it will take steps to correct the situation. Not here, not today. No. It is because every nation of the
West, every White, Christian nation is ENEMY OCCUPIED. There is such a thing as national
interest, even as Trump declares, and then there is such a thing as HIDDEN AGENDA, as
Trump will hint at but can never call for what it is due to his connection with Jews. What holds
sway here is that same hidden, alien agenda and not national interest.

Then, at last, we come to race hate. Not ours. THEIRS. What we might do as great nations at the
behest of Jews in our midst may be justification for the hatred of the Muslims but racial hate
takes precedence over that. It’s back to the Bible. They hate us for what we are. As long as we
survive they must see themselves as what they are. And that is a miserable image which they
can’t stand. They can do nothing about it. They can’t clean themselves up. They can only try to
pull us down.

“The rod of God’s anger.” The ONLY God is OUR God. He only chastises those whom he loves
and that is ourselves. WE would not be in this or any other kind of mess had we never in the
beginning deviated from his laws and commands. To keep the Holy Seed Holy and to never put
strangers in power over us or to permit them within our midst.
Pope Urban II And The Crusades



THE Stranger within my Gate,

He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth
But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock

They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wonted to,
They are used to the lies I tell.
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy and sell.

The Stranger within my gates,

He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,

Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.

This was my father’s belief

And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.


IT WAS not part of their blood,

It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,

Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd,

It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the Saxon began to hate.


It was not suddenly bred,

It was not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.


MY BROTHER kneels, so saith Kabir,

To stone and brass in heathen-wise,
But my brother’s voice I hear
My own unanswered agonies.
His God is as his fates assign,
His prayer is all the world’s-and mine.


Know What the Hell You’re Doing

A number of years ago I ran into the following quote from a man named Ellis Jones.

“All during a man’s life he is doing something he expects to turn to his benefit, otherwise he
would not do it in the first place. After his deeds have all turned sour and against him, the fool
sits there and bemoans his actions without realizing that he could not undo his past doings
anyway and makes an ass out of himself to boot for the sole benefit of his tormentors… Never
regret your past and therefore you will not have to fear the future.”

This is taken from a wonderful book entitled, “They Too Were Americans”, by author Scott
Freeland and released by R. James Bender Publishing. I recommend the book most highly.

The book deals with the German-American Bund, a topic most have at least heard of but which
practically none know anything about. The book not only establishes the record but at the same
time sets the record straight.

All of the high intentions and fine ideals of these thousands of men and women during primarily
the 1930s in the United States which were systematically persecuted and finally undone totally
by the December 7th, 1941, enemy master-stoke, are detailed in this book at length. It is heart-
breaking. If you have been any kind of movement activist and think you’ve ever had it tough,
you need to study this book and you’ll know that you’ve only had it ridiculously easy.

But that’s as far as I’ll take it with regard to the Bund. This is a universal phenomenon.

I think of Albert Speer. The only defendant at the initial run of the Nuremberg Trials who
changed his plea from “Not Guilty” to “Guilty”. And one of only two to actually denounce
Hitler. He managed by this cowardice to save his own life and get twenty years’ incarceration
but what he did to his own honor and, even more, the honor of all the millions of heroes and
martyrs who never abandoned the faith, the truth and the right, was infinitely worse than any
actual death sentence.

Speer went on after his release from Spandau Prison in Berlin in 1966 to become a wealthy man
with the sales of his books, all of which painted the Nazi regime in Germany in criminal colors
despite the fact that he knew the truth was the exact opposite. He always maintained he knew
nothing of any so-called “Holocaust” which was correct simply because there was never any
such thing. All of the main defendants claimed the same thing but were called liars by the
kangaroo court.

There’s really no defense for cowardice. But one might say that Speer experienced, what I call,
tragedy beyond bearing. However, the plain fact remains that the rest of the Nuremberg
defendants did not succumb the way he did. So there is no excuse. One authoress who made
Speer’s later acquaintance and who was either a Jew or was married to a Jew and whose mission
in life was to propound and perpetuate the “Holocaust” myth, recounted the following tale as told
to her by Speer during an interview.
It was right after the murder/executions of the main Nuremberg defendants in the gymnasium of
the “Palace of Justice” (and I use quotation marks because of the monumental cynicism and
hypocrisy which went on in this building already carrying this name.) The place had already
been scrubbed up but the remaining defendants, those with prison sentences, were brought in to
mop it up yet once more. Speer noted there was a large blood stain on the floor which would not
budge. Of course it had come from one of the murdered men when the hanging gallows, which
had been deliberately rigged to malfunction, caused the man’s face to be mangled against the
floor as he dropped. Rudolf Hess, as Speer noted, stood at attention and gave the Nazi salute to
this spot. But the authoress who recorded this interview at least thirty years later told that at this
telling Speer was still flushed and mopping sweat from his face.

Tragedy too great to bear.

Now I’ll stop with the Third Reich anecdotes and come to the present time and place.

It seems to me that people aren’t made of the same stuff they once were. I recall seeing at a
theater some years ago a documentary on the explorer Shackleton. One of the very last of the
greats before the White Man had explored the entire world. It was about 1900 and in the
Antarctic. Shackleton’s ship had become caught in the ice and was gradually being crushed by it.
By every standard of measure, this appeared to be a death sentence. There was no radio then,
nothing. But there was a whaling station some ungodly distance away. The supplies and even the
dogs had all been eaten. What faced Shackleton and his men was a crushing prospect. Over
mountains of snow, oceans of ice and somehow to the whaling station where help might be
summoned not only for themselves but the men remaining back by the wrecked ship.

The long and short of it? Not only did they make it but there was not a single loss of life.

Then, in the present, modern age, a team was assembled to retrace Shackleton’s steps back then.
And these were all young, healthy men, well-rested, well-fed and in tip-top shape. They made
the same journey but reported that it took everything they had to do it. With radio and every sort
of emergency back-up, it was all they could do.

They claim that the testosterone levels have been dropping at a steady pace now for some
generations. I tend to believe it even though no one has come up with an explanation for it. That
much had better be figured out or else it is curtains.

They say that all men are cowards and only the breaking points are different. Maybe. I know that
there are those who have gone the complete distance and beyond.

It does however seem to me that a critical thing is to always do your best to know what the hell
you’re getting into before you get into it. Then, just perhaps, you may measure yourself first.

It must be known and appreciated by the individual that when taking on the World Enemy one is
very literally accusing the accuser. The “Accuser” – or the “Adversary” – is the translation of the
name, Satan. The entire nation of Germany did exactly that – and failed – and have a good, close
look at that outcome. Tragedy too great to bear. Better consider a thing like this as regards your
own, personal life.

We don’t need or want any more personal or collective tragedies. Bad things will happen but I
believe that the price was paid back then and that we, by using good, common sense, may escape
so much of that. We certainly don’t need or want any more of our own people making asses of
themselves when caught, persecuted or harassed by the enemy system. And a thing like that is
100% within our own control… IF we know ourselves and IF we know what the hell we are
doing even as we are doing it!

You’ve GOT to know your enemy. You’ve GOT to know the stakes.

In line with my belief that the price has already been paid, there is that quote from the Bible
which states that Satan is absolutely furious because he knows his time is short.

See the way Satan, his dupes and his agents reacted to the surprise win of Donald Trump. And
that’s nothing.

This is REAL. This isn’t a game.

It may appear to be stacked against us. It may appear to be a hopeless situation. But have a look
at the enemy’s response to our mere presence. Now, once more, it is within our 100% control to
MAKE THE MOST of this presence by NOT being fools or idiots. And, for Christ’s sake, don’t
crumble when captured by the enemy merely for the sake of some imagined, temporary
advantage. In short, BE A MAN!!!

But do yourself and the rest of us the favor of knowing what the hell you’re getting into before
you get into it.
Starved & Poisoned

Most ought to know by now that my own “Big Three” symptoms of national death are as
follows: Illicit use of narcotics; Homosexuality; and Miscegenation or race-mixing. But there
really is and should be a fourth and that would be Culture Distortion. Actually, each one of these
four represents distortion in one form or another and, as I was able to discern some long while
ago, it is distortion that is meant whenever the “mystical” term “evil” is brought up in the Bible.
(And, in the Bible, each one of these, under names like “sorcery”, “sodomy” and the more
complex ones like “worshipping other gods” and “giving and taking in marriage” – a thing only
mentioned whenever cross-breeding is taken up and forbidden in the same breath – carries
sentence of death.)

But this piece is devoted to culture distortion.

I am, of course, a “Baby Boomer” even though I have always hated that reference. My parents
were perhaps a little older than the average when they had me. But I’ve seen that a little can
mean a lot in social development beginning with my own generation. Things have been moving
– or deteriorating -that fast. I’ve witnessed it markedly demonstrated among siblings in the same
household. I think my awareness took off earlier than most and, pairing this with older parents, I
have identified more closely with their world than that of my own age group. And for this I am
most grateful.

Music especially. My own large collection of vinyl LPs is built over the foundation of my
father’s record collection and I still refer back to them not infrequently.
One good illustration and a proper way to start may center around New year’s Eve, an annual
occasion just past. I get asked what I’ll be doing for New Year’s Eve and my response invariably
is that I’ll be at home in bed asleep. And invariably I relate my “Guy Lombardo” story.

Next to no one today knows the name of the band leader Guy Lombardo. But he and his music
were carefully introduced to me by my father at an age when he assumed I was capable of
comprehending and retaining the information. He was right. “The Royal Canadians” and with
“The Sweetest Music This Side of Heaven.” From the beginning and to the end of my life,
Christmas music will always be represented best by his album, “Jingle Bells”, where he is joined
by the Andrews Sisters, if that tells you anything.

But Lombardo was best known as “Mr. New Year’s Eve” because of the annual gig he began
playing at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York in 1929 which lasted until his death in 1975. This
ritual I grew up with. Toward the end of his life, Lombardo was being interviewed and made the
comment that when he died he planned on taking New Year’s Eve with him. And, for me, he did.
The night of every December 31st and into the New Year, the occasion would be nationally
televised and there would be the dancers on the floor – an all-White crowd, I assure you – with
the old dames and their diamond tiaras in their hair indicating that they’d been coming there ever
since 1929.

But if you ever wondered how and why the tune of “Auld Lang Syne” became associated with
New Year’s Eve, it was because of this regular ritual involving Guy Lombardo whose theme
song it was.

Now to the point. I guess they sometimes still play Auld Lang Syne around New Year’s but
you’ll play hell hearing a straight version of it. It’s all been “niggered” up, filthied up. Not pure,
not strong, not “sweet” any longer. It would genuinely cause real consternation among one of
these modern day crowds if it were to be played properly and correctly. I think it would cause a
reaction like unto one of Donald Trump’s letting loose with one of his racial, political or social

Not caring about any “reputation” of my own, I am saying that the common culture has been
deliberately poisoned and there will be no tolerance of it ever being cleaned up.

Same with the national anthem. Why some screaming, screeching Negress or the like slurring her
way through this beautiful anthem? Don’t we have any White, male baritones to perform it right?
Or do I miss the point? Again, I believe it is done deliberately.

What I am now calling the “Big Four” involved in national death must all go hand-in-hand. Any
one of them could not have survived to get a foot in the door of our national life minus the
presence of the other three. You just don’t get high while screwing your male nigger lover and
listening to Guy Lombardo.

One more true story quickie. Early in this century during a time when I was managing a rooming
house, the owner and I heard a loud screech and then a bang out in the alley. It was broad
daylight. We ran to investigate and found a small car hung up, obviously crashed, on a heavy
metal post. We determined it had been stolen from one of the nearby car lots, raced down our
alley where it had struck a dumpster and then caught on that post whereupon the thieves
abandoned it and ran. With engine still running, both doors wide open and the radio blaring “rap”
music. The building owner exclaimed at the sound, “Isn’t that disgusting?” And I responded,
“What did you expect, Mozart?”

As a kid of approximately kindergarten age, I plainly can recall a moment when probably a baby
sitter was playing her A.M. radio in our kitchen and I was hearing for the first time some “Rock
‘n’ Roll” or “Doo-Wop”. This must be a joke of some kind, I thought to myself. Why, these
people can’t even speak correctly much less presume to play music. But it was no joke. Or was
it? A joke the kind of which is outlined in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.

It was taken seriously and it caught on. The careful deliberation of that is documented and well
known. “Payola”. Money paid out by these promoters to the stations to see to it that these songs
were broadcast a certain number of times each day regardless of any complaints on the part of
anyone. The purest of brainwash techniques. And the story is also well known that many stations
in the South would not play a record performed by a Black. The answer? Find “artists” who were
White but who could “sing Black”. Elvis, Jerry Lee, etc. And music began to be destroyed.
Today it is destroyed with not even recognizable melodies present.

The likes of Duke Ellington, Count Basie, etc., were Black but basically playing – and even
composing – music which was White, even if somewhat sullied up. Today it is the complete
reverse. Whites doing their damnedest to come across Black. It’s even reached Nashville.

It’s poison and don’t tell me that you can’t become addicted to poison. A physical dependency or
a subconscious dependency. Starved on the one hand and poisoned on the other. Why, there’s
been for quite a while now what they’re calling “Christian” rock and rap. I tell them that it isn’t
in the words but in the alien beat that the damage and the infection takes place. They don’t get it.

So it should be no wonder why we Nazis can’t get our hands on enough music from the Third
Reich, whether military or simply popular. And we WERE starved for it way back in the day
when about the best one could come up with was the album, “Hitler’s Inferno”. Some of the best
music to be had then or now but interspersed with the vilest commentary. Today, thank God, we
are literally AWASH in it! Like dying and having gone to heaven. But… there doesn’t exist a
decent band to play this sort of thing live and with a healthy, White gathering there to enjoy it.

You can see anytime a slime-dripping “march” down any city street formed of niggers or queers
or the like and with the accompanying “music” coming off some “boom-box”. But how about a
formation of healthy White men really MARCHING down the street to the sound of an also
marching brass band`!? The reaction? Starved? I should say.

Common culture. Not what the individual may choose to seek out but the COMMON culture. On
the television then, with all of three channels to choose from ordinary commercials to the nightly
station sign-offs, some of that music was positively glorious and inspirational. Promos for the
armed forces were especially so. Then came Vietnam and all that was taken care of. Even the
Wilkinson Sword razor blade commercial, reciting famous battles while “Rule Britania” played,
was enough to cause vest buttons to pop.

Was it that the nigger element of consumerism couldn’t quite identify with that or was it
something else? I believe that it was the latter, that “something else”, which set the ball rolling
and that the monetary interest permitted it to go forward.

The common culture has been deliberately starved and poisoned. For it is the common
population – the population base – that is targeted for ruin and destruction. Paranoid?

Distortion in all things is what we have.

With no place to turn.

A death trap.

Can you wake up?

I never fell asleep.

Esoterica and the House Fire Situation

Let’s go to the dictionary once more to check out the definition of the word “esoteric”.
“Designed for or understood only by the specially initiated; Private; Secret.” The “esoterica” part
is my own invention.

Earlier in the month of January, during the course of a meeting of Atomwaffen and Siege Culture
people, it came up that there are those who are enamored of something they are calling “Esoteric
National Socialism”. After a weak laugh, I commented that the terms are mutually exclusive and
that this could be nothing more than some kind of a useless diversion on the part of those who
have no real idea of or stomach for confronting the enemy or arousing the people.

The situation Hitler found himself in the middle of in 1919/1920 -indeed all of Central and
Eastern Europe – was literally a house on fire. Through the shock and exhaustion of the First
World War, the old, established order had been weakened sufficiently so that a comparatively
small clique of Jews and a somewhat larger coterie of duped hangers-on had been able to seize
power and declare such things as the “Bavarian Soviet Republic”, etc. Mass murders were taking
place on the part of these Jews against the local, White, Christian inhabitants. The economy was
in shambles. Foreigners were overrunning the borders.

And then, once the Freikorps had been able to get much of that back in hand, a sort of half-death,
half-nightmare situation set in which became known as the “Weimar Republic”. The name came
from the fact that the traitorous Social Democratic Party (actually Marxism without the balls)
didn’t feel safe in Berlin and set up its headquarters in that outlying town. Open Communist
insurrection was stamped out but foreign troops still stood on parts of German soil and the border
skirmishes continued else-where. The economy was still a mess. But more than that, an
atmosphere of the worst sort of immorality had set in. Over here at present, the situation of
deplorability has almost caught up to the way it was in Germany at that time.

The Communists were still the largest party in Germany and, following the defeats at the hands
of the Freikorps earlier, the Comintern, under the direction of Stalin, ordered that they try no
more grandstand plays and rather just wait for things to develop, then to step in and take power.
This was on its way to happening. Had the Germans gone to Communism, the awful burden of
so-called “reparations” would have ended. Had any one or more of the various German states
broken away from the Fatherland, the same would have occurred. And at least some form of
“order” would have been reestablished. They resisted this admirably but it was a situation which
couldn’t have lasted.

The Jewish-Communist plan would unquestionably have worked had it not been for one thing:
Hitler and the National Socialists. This is the reason that they hate Hitler above all else right to
this very day. It is NOT for some supposed “crimes” he committed. It is because he ruined their
master plans. THEY know it even if the rest do not.
Lenin had always desired Germany far more than Russia but Russia dropped into their hands
first. Germany was and is key. People have little realization just how deeply infected even the
West was with Communism and Social Democracy even then. They sat in the sensitive positions
most everywhere but could not have the satisfaction of coming right out with it and declaring
their own soviet republics and pressing forward, unhindered, with their radical Marxist
programs. The general populations might just have revolted and they’d have been through.

There were those at the time of the Russian Revolution who were well aware that this was a take-
over of Russia by international Jewry and who were warning their respective governments that
action needed to be taken IMMEDIATELY to snuff it out before it could go further. But, as I
said, the “hidden hand” was already too deeply entrenched in places like Britain, France and the
United States for anything like this to be allowed. Had Germany been taken by Communism in
the Twenties or Thirties, no one would have taken any action whatever. How do we know this?
Because in 1939 and 1940, the Soviet Union was attacking and overrunning places like Finland,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Rumania – not to mention eastern Poland -without any move or
protest from the West. It was a set-up.

And, as it is now known, Stalin’s great push against the whole of Europe with, as the historians
have been claiming, more tanks, planes, artillery and troops than held by the rest of the world
combined, would have gone off and would have been successful. Had it not been for Hitler and
National Socialist Germany. (They still officially claim that Hitler “betrayed” his “ally”, the
Soviet Union.)

This is not even to touch upon the tremendous social improvements provided by Hitler and the
National Socialists. Here their achievements were at least as stupendous as were those on the
battlefield. The German people were freed and remained so until 1945 when the crush of the rest
of the world came pouring in on them. The military threat of the Soviet Union was at least
partially thwarted through some remaining sense of national interest on the part of the United
States after the death of Roosevelt. But the undoing of the great social progress made during the
Third Reich was absolute so that the German people might take up again where they had
previously left off with regard to slow, national disintegration.

But, as Rockwell said, Adolf Hitler had fought the Alamo of the White race. And so it was.

Better to the point, Hitler had not done this esoterically. He and his followers screamed it at the
top of their lungs in all public places. They clashed with the Communists in the battle for the city
streets and many were killed. The Communist-supportive government outlawed them and jailed
many more. Way ahead of the Third Reich and way ahead of the so-called “Holocaust”, the
scum-bag elements in Germany were smearing and defaming Hitler, etc., because they knew and
saw that his policies, if gotten into power, would clean Germany up and ruin their own, rotten

There never was a moment to be lost. There was a people and a world to save. Esoterica directly
implies a lot of time to be wasted, a lot of games to be played.
There were plenty of game-Players in Germany at that time. One of Hitler’s early followers –
Ernst Hanfstangle – described from his having been an eye-witness the scene at the Burgerbrau
Kellar the night of November 8th, 1923, just prior to the Munich Revolt, that Hitler had not
jumped up onto that table and fired his weapon into the ceiling in order to frighten or intimidate
people. No. He had done it in order to WAKE THEM UP after their having been put to sleep by
these very game-playing esoterics who desired to babble in the face of Germany’s house fire.

There were game-players which had to be violently dealt with in 1934 and again in 1944. (And it
had been game-playing that resulted in the deaths of the Sixteen Martyrs at the time of the
Munich Revolt.)

Quite naturally, official history does not do well at recording the actual motivations behind the
attempts against Hitler in 1934 and 1944. Sell-out in the first instance, probably, and complete
loss of nerve in the latter. But nothing clear. Remember that: Nothing clear. And that would be
my own definition of the term “esoteric”.

The poor fool, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, so often hailed by these champions of esoterica today, was a
profoundly confused individual but one who acted upon his confusion. It cost him his life.

And how have I myself often described the term “democracy”? I have long been convinced that
it represents nothing more or less than MANAGED CONFUSION. Nothing staid but an unclear
drive in an unclear direction coming from an uncertain source. But the society and the people can
be CLEARLY seen to be going to hell.

And so this business of esoterica can be found anywhere and at any time, in any situation. Of its
own, it can never start or account for anything positive. Within something which is positive, it
can do great harm.

I realize we cannot take up arms ourselves at our nation’s borders at present nor can we
physically assault our nation’s enemies as they slime-drip their way down our city streets.

But we can and we must deal in only the most PLAIN AND UNVARNISHED truth as is
available to us. And that truth is always going to be the message of RACE!

Anything that veers from that path is some form of esoterica and we haven’t got time for it.
There is a house on fire!!
The Rockwell Centenary

For the image of a man who was so alive and in the times to have reached its centenary this
March 9th is sobering beyond the power of words to convey. He departed this life while still in
his physical prime just over a half-century ago. To have been associated with his organization
then was so very cutting edge, so completely modern. To have marked someone’s centenary then
would have placed you back at the time of the Civil War. A half-century back then would have
taken one from the time of Queen Victoria and well into the Atomic Age.

Yet here we are.

And we are, after all, still here.

I want to make it a point to remember how the Jews and all the rest of the system smart-asses
were calling Rockwell – when they weren’t ignoring him – a “failure” in life as well as in his
chosen path, that of radical politics in the form of the American Nazi Party. And it always upset
me down deep in my gut when these same know-it-alls would borrow from somebody when
saying – as some sort of veiled warning/condemnation/threat that “those not learning the lessons
of history are doomed to repeat them.”
There were and are many lessons of history that these types either have not learned or who, for
their own deceptive purposes, choose to cherry-pick. One of these is that the men who have had
some of the greatest impact upon history have only done so well after their deaths. Rockwell
knew this and was careful to state it in regard to himself in the pages of his autobiography, “This
Time the World”. “I knew I would not live to see the victory I would make possible but I would
not die before I had made that victory certain.”

I state this now and dare anyone to try and contradict it: Rockwell’s presence is greater today
than at any time during his own life. We’ve seen this reality jump dramatically just within the
past one year through the efforts of Atomwaffen and Siegeculture. And being somewhat in a
position to know, I can tell you that it represents only the barest of beginnings.

One of Rockwell’s earliest supporters, Floyd Fleming, never tired of referring to him as some
sort of cosmic genius. He actually was. His grasp of history as well as of the present day led him
to declare of himself and his role that he was the “Saint Paul” to Hitler’s “Christ”. In this he was
right again and things over the course of the last fifty years have only gone to bear this out.

But it required centuries for Christ’s message to finally take on the power of the State under
Emperor Constantine. We feel today that we don’t have that much time what with the way things
are deteriorating. To be sure, the Classical world was then irremediably stricken and was going
to fall, no matter what. The future was all in the hands of the pagans to the north who were still
to receive the Word. Paul realized this then but still acted as though it were “a house on fire”. As
I was setting about demystifying the words of the Bible – and certainly those of Paul, who wrote
most of the New Testament, it came over me that here certainly was one more cosmic genius.

One of the things I feel I demystified then was the often used term, “salvation”. We’ve all heard
of salvage yards where the usable material is separated from the junk. It is no different with
human material. We find ourselves today in the midst of a great salvage yard as we attempt to
spread the Word to as many of those worthy to receive it and thereby be represented in some sort
of future as we are able.

Our circumstances may be less than glamorous, the work may be dirty and at times even
dangerous, and the “junk” element may well outweigh that of the more valuable. But had this
very same task not been willingly and knowingly undertaken by the likes of Paul back then, then
I assure you we would not be here today attempting to successfully bridge the gap between one
civilization and the next. Cycles of civilization have been and are perhaps the one great lesson of
history. As great or even greater than that is the reason for it.

Look at Germany today. Even the voice of the enemy has no choice but to admit that Germany
leads Europe. Then look at Germany all throughout the latter half of the Forties. A burned-out
waste land. Enemy occupied and cut into pieces. I say look at that and then look at all of these
so-called “developing” nations throughout the Third World. And then the words of Hitler as he
wrote in “Mein Kampf”. “A people does not go to ruin through lost wars but only through the
loss of the purity of their blood.” Case made beyond the power of enemy lies and propaganda to
deny or obscure.
However, the great reality of these times is that all of what has been known as White, Western
Christian civilization is in the same boat with regard to the common threats facing it. No longer
an “Eastern Bloc”, it even includes what had been encompassed by the Soviet Union. But in this
there is great clarification and clarification is always our ally as opposed to the distortion and
confusion of the enemy.

As is my way, I won’t waste time and paper bewailing these details. For it has already been done
and in detail far greater than anything I could hope to replicate. Former speech-writer for Richard
Nixon and presidential candidate, Patrick Buchanan, issued a book in 2002 entitled, “The Death
of the West”. I recommend this book to anyone. The subtitle to this book was, “How Dying
Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization”. All very reasoned
and fact-based. But Buchanan was received – or treated – as one of us when the book was first
released by these grinning and arrogant, over-confidant Third World invaders among us.

Rockwell was saying much the same throughout the 1960s. It was as true in 1965 as it was in
2002. Only the symptoms have gotten worse. If you as yet haven’t read Rockwell’s second book,
“White Power”, then you must. But Rockwell from the start took the high ground, got in front of
the situation and declared himself a Nazi, took the Swastika as his symbol and worshiped the
image of Adolf Hitler. The enemy thus couldn’t accuse him of this the way they did Buchanan.
And, by this, Rockwell created a legend which will live throughout eternity. Buchanan today is
practically forgotten.

It makes a person wonder how many “runners-up” may have existed at the time of Paul. Trying
to disguise or “sugar-coat” the message in order to, perhaps, escape the kind of horrible death
that standing up openly for Christ could get you. And there were plenty of those. But they are
forgotten, Paul is remembered and the job got done. What job? The salvation of an entire people
– the White race – and a chance at one more glorious cycle of civilization. The times of Paul
have returned and that is where we presently find ourselves, like it or not.

But you’d better KNOW IT. Because if you don’t, if you insist upon continuing along in some
sort of personalized delusion for the sake of safety or ego, then you are wasting your time and
indeed your life.

You will be forgotten. In the meantime, you are helping spread distortion and confusion. You
are, in effect, part of the problem and not of the solution.

So then, are we radicals and extremists because we are so far ahead of the times or is it because
we pull absolutely no punches? Probably a bit of both. But what do we care? Has anyone or
anything managed to do any better for the situation? We don’t feel we have time to waste.
Really, does anyone have time to waste? Unless, of course, their entire existence has been a
waste. And, yes, there are plenty – too many – of those. As Hitler said, all consumed by the daily
price of milk – or maybe the sports page. Or as I say, placed on earth only to exhale carbon
dioxide and shit in the water.

I was actually born over anxious. Got to do something NOW! That, when not gotten under
control can get you all fouled up, ruined and killed. This sort of thing, tragically but not
accidentally, is not taught anywhere. I guess you either survive long enough to get the picture or
you just do not. That’s even worse than the law of the jungle. But what a test! The numbers, the
numbers. They forever appear to be against us. And yet we have made it to this point.

Time running out? Whether it is or whether it isn’t, there is no time to waste.

Rockwell was one of the very few who WASTED NO TIME. He gave every minute of his
existence to the cause and, in the end, he even gave his DEATH. Legends aren’t easily made and
it is the true test of a genuine legend when – as it was and remains – that the lying, manipulating,
opinion-forming and taste-making enemy media does its very damnedest to see to it that the
person is literally BURIED from the sight of the public, and still the legend not only lives on but

ur race has seen worse days than these, I assure you. As I carefully scanned and studied the Bible
– knowing that the people at the heart and core of it were OURSELVES – I marveled that we
were able to come through at all those thousands of years ago. And today we don’t face the kind
of terror that they faced then. On top of that we possess the kind of miraculous weapons and
tools that they couldn’t even imagine.

It’s within and within again. Within our established borders and institutions that the threat lies.
And within each one of ourselves that the division and confusion, the inability to act and to act
effectively exists. If, to borrow from the Book, the veil could be but lifted from the eyes of our
fellows, then the abysmal situation which now exists could be reversed effectively overnight.

That’s our task. To attack it as capably and well as we can.

To do less is a waste of time. To remain inactive because one desires to do more at this time –
when the means do not exist – is equally a waste of time.

Personally, I could not look in the face any of our great heroes who have gone on – Rockwell
among the foremost of them – if I were to permit myself to fail in such a manner.

“A Man with his Camera”

Or, more precisely, a man with at least three cameras. For it is the output of three cameras that
goes into the making of this program which is entitled, “Thora and Link”. Commander Rockwell
was always, it seems, a shutter-bug by nature. He had trained in Navy photographic school
during the Second World War and had gone into business as “Maine Photo Art” after the War.
And thank heaven for all of this as it made possible for us today and ever after to see and know
that much more of the rich and meaningful life that this special individual led.

Rockwell was also a man with two great loves, both of which he came upon in his life practically
simultaneously: National Socialism and a woman named Thora Hallgrimsson. Previously over
the course of his young life Rockwell had been searching and struggling toward both of these
things. Much philosophical and spiritual confusion and yearning plus even a marriage that was to
end in divorce. But, once found, Rockwell, true to his nature, locked on.

This collection of photographs covers the period from 1950, when Rockwell was recalled to
active duty in the Korean War and ordered to San Diego, California, to 1958 when the moment
came in Arlington, Virginia, to make the terrible choice between his beloved family and the
Movement, the future of which now rested entirely in his hands. Self or posterity? He made the
choice only a great man would or could make. From that very moment, all of it – past, present
and future – became legend.

We’ve arranged the presentation in three parts: The output of a 3-D “Viewmaster” camera; a
series of black-and-white prints; and a series of large-format color slides. In essence then, we’ll
be covering the same ground three times but in three separate ways. Of course, it was necessary
to have the two sets of slides printed and, in the case of the “Viewmasters”, it wasn’t easy or
cheap. The black and white prints had only to be carefully removed from their album which was
practically falling apart. The large, color slides were all jumbled up, bent in many cases and
cracked in some.

In processing the “Viewmasters” I made a discovery that is worth sharing. The opening frames in
this program are of several of the so-called stereo “reels” themselves. A number of things are to
be noted: On some, the Commander has made inscriptions in his own hand; on others he has put
his initial “R”; on at least one he has written out long-hand “The 3-D Company”. But on still
others there is printed professionally and in color a label also bearing a logo for “The 3-D
Company”. The first actual print from one of these slides is of a photograph of a construction of
this same logo. It’s all his own artwork, his own design. It is obvious to me by this that, while
stationed with the Navy in San Diego, the Commander – ever the entrepreneur – started up this
company himself as a franchise or the like. Then, as we know, he was transferred to duty in
Iceland where he would meet and fall in love with Thora. But he took his own “demo” model of
the camera along with him.

However, San Diego is doubly significant in the life of George Lincoln Rockwell at this point
because it was while there that he first read Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf’ and became instantly
converted to National Socialism. It was as a committed National Socialist that Rockwell would
spend the remainder of his life. The true instinct and steel-trap intellect of the man, the honesty
and the bravery, the zest and the lust for life, the talent, the personal charisma, the utter devotion
to duty. Any one of these attributes would be remarkable by itself in any individual. But to have
them combined together in one person is something unique. And the result, once again, was

With the noted exceptions of the shots we made of the reels in the beginning, each of the three
segments opens in Iceland. It would be an invaluable aid to the viewer if he could have with him
or at least be familiar with the story as told by Commander Rockwell himself in his
autobiography, “This Time the World”. A number of the illustrations in that book were taken
from these very same collections. One may be aware of the end of one segment and the start of
another thusly: When first color changes to black and white, we have gone from the opening to
the second segment; when color returns, we have moved into the final segment.
The first part ends in Memphis, Tennessee, about 1956 when Rockwell was working with
Conservative Robert Snowden. Why then and there? I suspect it was because of the added
expense of the “Viewmaster” process coupled with the ever-tightening financial straits Rockwell
and his family were having to undergo. The next shots off that camera are not until after the
founding of the American Nazi Party in 1959 and will be included as part of the next program
devoted to the A.N.P.

The second part ends in Arlington, Virginia, in the summer of 1958 with a backyard birthday
party for one of the kids at Williamsburg Boulevard. This house had been provided by Harold
Arrowsmith with the arrangement that Rockwell lead an openly anti-Semitic group backed by
Arrowsmith’s financing. It held until things got too hot and Arrowsmith bailed. These shots
would have been from about the time of the July picket of the White House.

But note the carefree looks not only on the kids – with miniature “Heils” all around – but also on
the face of Thora herself as she caters to the party.

The third part ends with, as Rockwell captioned the same shot which he reproduced in “This
Time the World”, the final take of the kids before his family’s flight took off for Iceland late in
1958. The fury of the Jews at this sign of renewed resistance – the first since 1945 – and the
complete cowardice of the so-called “Conservative” or “Right Wing” instantly rendered it
impossible to maintain a family safely or comfortably. Seldom in any man’s life does there come
this sort of complete break, a total end and a total new beginning, but this was such a time in
Rockwell’s life.

In between, to help the viewer better appreciate what’s taking place, there are scenes from
around the Navy base at Keflavik, Iceland, which look more like an Air Force base as Rockwell
was a Navy flier. There are in the second segment a couple of rather dark shots of a review
taking place in a hangar. The Commander is the tall figure in the center of the group of officers.
That year was 1952. Unless I am badly mistaken, there at the opening of the second segment are
photos from the diplomatic party in Reykjavik where Link first met Thora. There was, naturally,
a courtship period although Link admitted a love-atfirst-sight passion between them. The little
boy there at first was Thora’s son, “Ricky”, by a first marriage.

There was the wedding at the National Cathedral in Reykjavik on October 3rd, 1953, and the
reception following that at the home of the Hallgrimsson family. Then the honeymoon to
Berchtesgaden, Germany. We have a couple of shots taken during the military flight over as well
as a nice grouping of shots from the famous Tea House, atop the Kellstein. There will be a few
more shots from the honeymoon in the second segment.

“In May (1954) my wife gave birth in the Base Hospital to my first son, Lincoln Hallgrimmur,
whom we came to call ‘Grampaw’. I was overjoyed! After three daughters (from his first
marriage), at last a son!

“We came back to the U.S.A. (in 1955), arriving as I had at Brown University, in a hurricane, at
Brunswick, Maine, where I was to be attached to inactive duty.” “Thora, Ricky, ‘Grampaw’ and
I took a little cottage on Bailey’s Island, at the very height of a roaring gale, and I set about
methodically preparing to publish a full-color national magazine. We had exactly three hundred
dollars to our names.”

The series of shots of the log cabin, the lake, Rockwell in the boat and at the typewriter most
probably are from this period. There also comes a series of views starting with a rather poor-
quality one of Rockwell’s D.C. office of “U.S. Lady Magazine” followed by a dazzling display
of Rockwell’s own art, presumably outlining that first issue. In the second black and white
segment will be a few shots of Rockwell’s “U.S. Lady” staff. A couple of secretaries and the
man who ultimately bought the effort out after only a handful of issues, John Adams, I believe.

“…I drove down from Maine to Washington, D.C., obviously the only place such a magazine as
‘U.S. Lady’ should be published. After staying again for a while at the Icelandic Embassy, we
rented a lovely old Virginia plantation home about sixty miles out in the ‘hunt’ country south of
Washington. We got the place for a hundred a month, since it was so very far out. It was really
luxurious. There were bathrooms with fireplaces, chaise lounges and oil paintings! But
commuting a hundred and twenty miles a day in my little Plymouth station wagon was extremely
difficult. I began to sleep some nights in the tiny office I had rented in the Walker Building, a
block away from the White house.”

In the black and white second segment there is a nice series which depicts this home in Flint Hill,
Virginia, along with a festive occasion attended by neighbors or perhaps in-laws. In 1956 Thora
and Link have their first daughter, Jeannie Margaret, who was born at George Washington
University Hospital in D.C. Hopefully, by this, the viewer will be able to keep track of the
children as they are appearing. The third segment is practically all given over to the kids. There
are at the beginning some nice shots of the father-in-law with friends in Iceland on horseback
with little Ricky. In that grouping as well will be a portrait of Admiral William Halsey with the
Rockwell logo clearly visible at the bottom, right.

And, also in 1956, Rockwell loses control of his magazine, “U.S. Lady”: “Once again, I had
created what I set out to create, but lost the fruits of my labors because of the lack of capital.” It
was at this time Rockwell decided to go directly into politics. In line with this decision, and
arising out of a political contact had made as a result of a Conservative meeting he had held on
July 4th, 1956, at the Mayflower Hotel in D.C., Rockwell and his family traveled to Memphis,
Tennessee, to assist in the Hard Right effort of one Robert Snowden. We’ve included a couple of
scenes from that period, especially of Snowden seated at his desk. These are about the only shots
with a purely political content in this program. If I included the extra scene of the younger man
also at a desk in the same office, it was to determine whether or not the man is Rockwell. He is
not. But, after the failed attempt at the Mayflower Hotel previously to accomplish anything with
Conservatives, this experience in Memphis was his second bitter let-down. It was around this
time that Rockwell purchased a trailer as a hedge against more Right Wing instability.

That Thanksgiving Rockwell was back in New England meeting with DeWest Hooker and some
of his men who were active on the streets. It was at this time that Rockwell realized that only an
openly Nazi approach was worthwhile.
While we have no pictures of the momentous meeting Rockwell had with Hooker – apart from
that one reproduced in “This Time the World” – we know that at this point he was moving about
the eastern United States with his family in the trailer looking for that one leader, that one
organization that might hold a key to a future. There was to be none. It was going to be he,
himself, or nothing at all ultimately.

But the period was a harsh one for him and his family. The second segment of photos
dramatically reproduces part of this by its emphasis on the “trailer’ period. Some of these shots
will be at Haines Point, D.C., on an island in the Potomac River, with others being from a park in
Moonachie, New Jersey, across the river from Manhatten. The Moonachie period Rockwell
recalled fondly, however. And despite the very real hardships of this life, all of the quite intimate
black and white photos of this second segment tend to reflect only a happy domesticity. It surely
must have been love. Rockwell had by this time traded the Plymouth for a 1949 Cadillac to
better tow the 1944 trailer. The year 1957 saw the birth of Thora and Link’s third child, Evelyn
Bentina, at Hackensack, New Jersey.

At least one black and white photo clearly depicts the Christening of a new born infant. And one
will notice a small series of black and white prints showing some different children. These are
the three girls from Rockwell’s first marriage: Bonnie; Nancy; and Phoebe Jean. (Nancy will
also be the pretty one in the “Mickey Mouse” cap.) A rare visitation for him. Who is the elderly
woman shown with Nancy? A mother-in-law, perhaps? Another move with the trailer, this time
to Lincoln, Pennsylvania, situated between Lancaster and Reading, as the quest continued.

At about this same time, Rockwell was contacted by DeWest Hooker and asked to represent him
at an upcoming meeting of Hard Right types in Knoxville, Tennessee. Out of this meeting was to
evolve the long-lived “National States Rights Party”. But at the meeting also was one Wallace
Allen – later to figure in the creation of the American Nazi Party – who convinced Rockwell to
come join him in Atlanta, Georgia. As Rockwell wrote, the family in the trailer arrived in Atlanta
in January of 1958 on the coldest day there in record and was quartered in what Rockwell termed
“a dump” of a trailer park. One more Conservative effort fails.

The Right Wing contacts never ceased, however, and next it was on to Newport News, Virginia,
to work with a William Stephenson, publisher of “The Virginian” magazine. It was here that
Rockwell was introduced to Harold Arrowsmith and the plans were laid to start an organization
that not only told it exactly as it was – accusing the Jews – but was dedicated to taking the
message into the streets and to the public, thus breaking out of the dead-end and nowhere Right
Wing cycle. Arrowsmith was a millionaire and a research scholar who would not only finance
Rockwell and his family but would provide much damning evidence on the Jews to be published.
Rockwell, at last, would lead.

A house was leased in Arlington, Virginia, on Williamsburg Boulevard not only as a home for
Rockwell and his family but also to contain presses and photographic equipment by which to
print the new organization’s – “National Committee To Free America From Jewish Domination”
– literature. In quick order the decision was made to stage a live picket before the Eisenhower
White House in protest over U.S. support of Jews in the current crisis over Lebanon. Men from
Hooker’s group were bussed down from New York for the occasion which took place that July.
Simultaneously, contacts Rockwell had made in Louisville, Kentucky, and Atlanta, Georgia,
picketed as well.

Things went surprisingly smooth until October 12th, 1958, when the Atlanta Synagogue was
mysteriously bombed. Rockwell’s men in Atlanta – including Wallace Allen – were arrested on
the charge but never convicted. However, it was the resultant “heat” from all the national
publicity that proved the most decisive. The media “barricade” was broken, to be sure, but at a
cost. Arrowsmith – terrified – pulled out, together with his finances, demanding back not only
his presses but the house. And physical attacks upon the home began. Late in the year, Rockwell
sent his family to live in safety with Thora’s parents in Iceland. That very final shot of the third
and final segment was taken at Idyllwild International Airport as the family was about to depart.

Thora and Link would meet only one more time. The next year was, by Rockwell’s own account,
the most lonely, desperate and miserable of his life. But he overcame every obstacle and every
threat and, on March 8th, 1959, (one day before his own forty-first birthday) he formally
announced the creation of the American Nazi Party.

But in the interim the in-laws went to work on Thora with threats of disinheritance, etc.
Rockwell made it over to Iceland in the fall of 1959 but it was no good. Separation papers were
signed that October 28th… the date of one of their daughters’ birthday. Rockwell prepared to fly
back to the United States when…

“She (Thora) had come to say goodbye! She was pouring tears. I took her in my arms and
sobbed uncontrollably. So did she. I begged her to tell me why… but all she would say was that
she wished it could be otherwise more than I did!

“Had I managed to fight my way back to a united family up there, after the brutal and heart-
breaking battle I had experienced, the warm love of my wife and children might have overcome
my sense of duty to the Cause. I might have postponed for too long the all-out battle we have
fought and won here, as a shell-shocked man eschews the trenches when he can. Who would
leave a warm feather bed to jump into the icy torrents in which he most probably will be

“Irrational or not, I have now come to the conclusion that my beloved wife acted only her part in
a drama neither of us understood… which is the only explanation for the crazy goodbye at the
airport. She booted me brutally back into the fight I told her, almost from the first day I met her,
was the whole purpose of my life. In hurting me more terribly than I believed possible for a
human being to be hurt and survive, she gave me the one last weapon I needed to fight and hold
my victory… and she forced me out into the battle.

“In addition to all these things she did for me, she gave me the most impenetrable armor on

“As I began to recover from my spiritual collapse, I found myself steeled and hardened and
almost somnambulistic in my attitude. And for the first time in my life I just didn’t care what
happened. I became virtually a tool of the giant Forces which I realized had shaped my life.
“My wife had given me the most priceless armor available: Fearlessness.

“I began slowly to realize what she had done for me. Even unconsciously, this wonderful woman
had given me what I needed at the right time.”

(Quotes taken from “This Time the World”, Chapter Fourteen.)

Keep the Emphasis on Excellence

I’ve said recently that if there exists any real enemy and if that enemy has a name, it is
confusion. Certainly part of confusion would have to be the absence of any genuine ideals. Goals
to aspire to whether they’ll ever be reached or not. If there isn’t a constant upward struggle then
stagnation and degeneration will inevitably set in. So it has become in the United States and in
all of the Western nations.

Not so in the colored, Third World countries. They don’t fall because they’ve never risen. They
exist just as they have always existed, in a perpetual state of stagnation. Some may have had
great pasts as with Egypt, but once their population base went colored that was the end. Sub-
Sahara Africa was and is worse. Minus the White colonization following the voyages of
Columbus, etc., they’d still not even possess national boundaries, real languages and would be
existing at a level not far removed from their simian cousins.

China and Japan. Dead races they have been called. Outstanding at copying and mass production
but, again, without the White race, they’d have nothing to copy or reproduce and would still be
existing somewhere within the Middle Ages, where they were when discovered by Whites.

For the rest, the mulatto or mestizo races, whatever may be left from the colonial days of the
Spaniards or Portuguese, etc., is what they have to lay claim to any real degree of civilization at
all. All those great and mysterious monuments of the southern latitudes are from a culture which
hailed the “white gods with red beards” who said they’d one day return… and I guess they did
with the Spaniards but, once more, they neglected their blood lines and look at the dreary mess

I never messed around with “the news” until the Trump campaign two years ago. Then I became
hooked as I closely monitored Trump’s rise from hopeless odds to win the presidency. Then it
was his struggles against the sicko, neo-commie system and media. But now all that has about
levelled out. Now it’s mostly about the stupid and useless goings on within areas of the Third
World or else the Third World-esque doings here as well as in Europe. So my disgust took back
over – as well it should have – and I am weaning myself back away from what Kaye and
Sullivan termed the “Yiddle-Fag” machine.

Even when somewhat dealing with Whites, this media focuses upon things like the “Special
Olympics”, etc., as well as how successfully these lost Whites are assimilating colored, Third
World ways, if not outright mates. It is dramatic the way naked race-mixing has been ramped up
over the past twelve months in the area of televised commercials. And with the fiftieth
anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King, these Black leaders are actually claiming things
to be “worse” now than they were then! I don’t see how they get this unless, of course, it is
coming from trained communist agitators – exactly as King himself was – whose singular goal is
the total destruction of everything White.

The mention itself of communism – small “c” – does point up absolutely the goal of that
mindset: The removal of excellence; the end of values. The “victory” of absolute “equality” in
the only way in which it could ever be achieved: Complete mediocrity through total
bastardization. The ultimate and end target of this? The White race itself.

Some decades ago one Japanese leader declared quite publicly that should the White race
disappear from the earth, then the final end of all civilization would soon follow. Of course he
was right. Most colored types will never say this because it is a terrible thing to have to admit
about yourself. And so hatred seems to be the way to go for them. Hatred against Whites, of
course, for even existing and – so long as they do – standing as a reminder of exactly what any
and all lesser breeds are and will always remain. And so, for these then, breeding Whites out of
existence is the answer to their dilemma. That, then, is the very “prize” upon which they must
train their eyes.

Now that’s real HATE… capital “H”. We cannot even contemplate or house that kind of hate or
resentment because we don’t have it in us, we just don’t stand in that shadow, thank God. And
yet it is we who are called by the enemy media the “haters”. Speaking for myself, I do not hate
people. I DO hate the destruction of my own people, however, by whatever means. And that, by
its very definition, could only be seen as genuine LOVE… and not the bullshit and poisonous
“love” pandered by the enemy system as a primary tool to induce Whites to contribute mightily
to their own destruction.

But for me to declare something like the title of this piece – Keep the Emphasis On Excellence’-
is to seemingly miss the point. As if anyone had any choice in the matter at all. No. This-is just
as it has always been a conscious and deliberate drive on the part of the enemy and his brain-
raped dupes to poison the minds and spirits of the unsuspecting White masses and to get them
beaten down, to keep them beaten down even while the instincts of the coloreds are being
simultaneously inflamed against them. It is a strategy that was declared by the enemy well over a
century ago even though it has been in effect their program from the dawn of time.

Our mission with this website of ours is to reach and to inform as many of our own people as
possible with the message of the truth and of hope. Just as for ourselves it is a matter of the will
and the initiative of the individual. It is not a matter of mass taste or brainwash as with the drive
to death of the enemy media. Unless and until the enemy power over the masses of Whites
everywhere can be broken, it will remain a matter of great numbers of otherwise good people
continuing to fall like flies, helpless against this artificially generated Pied Pipet’s call to death.
And with a few who have managed to save themselves, and thus some form of a future, by
awakening to and resisting this mass poison.

And so back to excellence and ideals. Look at the faces on those statues of Classical Greece and
Rome. Except to those who are irredeemably lost and gone, that still represents the ideal of
physical beauty. Except to those who are either alien to our blood or who have totally succumbed
to the spiritual poison of that same alien enemy, then – culturally the highest ideal remains the
music, art and literature of Europe of – over a hundred years ago, before things lost their way and
the influence of the enemy grew so strong.

Those stoics of Classical Civilization struggled and wondered why the great days of their own
culture appeared to be over with. Apparently it never really occurred to them because they
weren’t able to halt and reverse the decline. It was, of course, because of the integration into their
society of former slaves – coloreds – who had managed to earn their personal freedom and then
to assimilate into the greater society… and to do so, of course, as “equals”. This suggests a
rottenness that is practically bottomless and, unless it can be seen and caught in time,

We however know the score. We can and do stand up and do and declare something about it. We
are like those that are furiously striking pieces of flint over small piles of leaves trying to get a
fire started. About all I can assure anyone of is that we continue to strike those flints – with ever
increasing facility as with the addition of the internet – even as the same pile of leaves becomes
drier and drier. We won’t quit because we can’t. And if there should ever come a climax to all of
this, then our input will surely be a part of it.

Physical beauty as I just described as reflected in Classical sculpture is even today not
uncommon upon our streets. And in those days they had not even the faintest glimpse of the
recording of sound which means that we have not and well not lose what our own great masters
gave us as part of our culture and will keep it until such time as we again- once freed from every
alien dominance and influence – can pick up where they left off. As for technology, that has
never left us and would be the last thing to go in any event. But I’ll only paraphrase the great
Wernher von Braun – a former SS colonel – who lamented once that had Germany won the War
we’d already have landed on Mars… and at a time before man had landed on the moon.

I’ve said it before from out of deepest conviction and I’ll keep on saying it that, if the veil of
darkness could be but suddenly lifted from the eyes of our people, then the situation could be
reversed literally overnight. That, of course, represents the big “IF”. Nonetheless that is our
undertaking just as it should be the sole undertaking of any capable and responsible White
person who hears and comprehends this message.
Me Three

Always wanting to give credit where it is due, our title line comes from a standard “Three
Stooges” gag. Moe says, “I’m in.” Curly says, “Me too.” And Larry says, “Me three.”
Thoroughly Jewish, the long-running act at last has been recognized as the greatest ever after
having been panned and shunned for decades. I would never want to be without my complete set
of “Three Stooges” twenty-minute shorts.

Jews makes the best entertainers no doubt due to their “chutzpah” together with their own, inbred
twisted take on things in general. This can make for terrific comedy as well. But when applied to
politics and culture, etc., it can be and indeed has been devastating. Just as Hitler observed in
Mein Kampf, Jews are an agent for disintegration. Picture the familiar courtroom scene full of
either “The Three Stooges” or “The Marx Brothers”. Or the soiree where a pie fight erupts.

Comedy can turn dark hardly without one really noticing. Then it changes and becomes
communism or liberalism or the like. And then if you don’t laugh – or at least “go along” – you
can find yourself in some rather serious trouble, maybe killed. So goes the Jewish “thing”.

But now recently we have seen the “Me Too” movement among some of these more “liberated”
women in business and in media, etc. I cannot and I do not come to the aid of foul Jews the likes
of Harvey Weinstein, etc. But I like to think that I at least pay attention to things as they happen
and do not simply swallow things whole the way most seem to do.
Two things appeared salient to me in connection with all of this. One, the timing of it. Here they
all come straight from out of the woodwork, just as though someone had flipped a switch, right
on cue. And the media stood poised to lap it all up and get it broadcasted to the masses. Two,
what did ever happen to “due process”? Someone can stand up and accuse you of something and,
right away, you are through. This, after all, was the main hallmark of the very real witch hunts of
centuries ago.

No, this is all rigged up. One question would be, “Why now?” Well, we may be certain that the
enemy Jewish system is doing this for purposes of its own and it feels that things at present are
“ripe” enough for it to have its desired effect. Next and most important, “Toward what purpose?”
It’s so important to realize what the enemy is up to while he is up to it. And one really needs to
be careful for, as the great Arthur C. Clarke once said, “It’s easy to be wrong.” Best of all is the
ability to anticipate what the enemy will do even before he does it.

I think this has to do with upcoming elections in this country. The enemy was stunned by the
surprise upset victory of Donald Trump for President of the United States over their own, hand-
picked, shit-hook variety, slime-ball candidate… Hillary. She was set to win. I expected that she
would win. But recall how, at the last minute, they pulled up an amateur video of Trump from
years before purporting to have him saying some pretty crude things in regard to women. And I
expected that surely would be the final nail in the coffin. But, miraculously, it was not.

Yes, the enemy and all his minions were genuinely stunned by their loss. And, yes, we must
certainly take a large measure of hope from this ourselves because it shows that the enemy’s
arrangement is not foolproof as he would like us to believe. And surely the enemy must and will
– and is – taking serious steps toward correcting the situation which he sees as very critical.
Things like the way Trump reacted to the scene in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year still has
them jumping up and down. You see, they will not for a moment tolerate the slightest even-

We’ve seen how this current ploy has worked effectively against the man running for the Senate
in Alabama. A former – maybe current – Republican majority voted in a Democrat reacting on
the unsubstantiated charges against the former involving sexual improprieties. No proof. No due
process. Sensing a winning formula, they’re going to milk it for all its worth.

Now I would have been the very last one to have imagined myself talking in serious terms about
Republicans versus Democrats, After all, these are the twin gangs which have ruined this society
over the course of the past century. However, I do come from hard-shell conservative,
Republican territory. But the reality of the matter is that things do appear to be polarizing as they
have not done before. The enemy loudly bemoans this in his media. They blame Trump for it.
They, of course, want us all to “come together” into that one, brown mass of nothingness and to
do it in the least amount of time possible.

They are in a hurry. There can be no mistake about it. And therein might be their Achilles Heel.
Just leave it alone the way it stands and time will take its course, exactly as it has always done
with racially mixed societies. But it might require centuries for the completion. The enemy either
can’t or doesn’t want to wait. He seems to need and want this NOW. So, perhaps, he’ll overplay
his hand. We can only hope and keep on doing our best.

Talk of late has been for there to be no more a White man as head of the Democratic Party.
Great! Just as Tommasi said, heighten the contradictions. The talk has surfaced only this year
regarding the actual REPEAL of the Second Amendment to the Constitution so that they may be
able to disarm White Americans. I promise you, the First Amendment would not be far behind
ensuring that we would be legally muzzled and would face prison for exactly what I am saying

And, getting back to the so-called “Me Too” movement, they are hard driving toward the
unseating of the Republicans starting later this year and, ultimately, with the next presidential
election. Once more, I think their chances of succeeding in this are very good. Even as Hitler
would say, it is a case of simple mathematics: Our “side” – or should I place the quotation marks
around “our” instead – hasn’t got anything to compare to the iron solid, fanatical drive enjoyed
by the enemy side (because for that to be the case, they’d have to stand up and declare
themselves to be racists and neo-Nazis); They can’t put masses of people into the streets; And
they most certainly don’t possess anything comparable to the enemy media which can sway the
public mind and emotions.

This not even to mention the growing colored demographics which soon will render any talk of
“elections” as totally moot.

Well, there you have it. I don’t think it’s even possible for me to be wrong in this.

But let’s not leave it there.

I’ve said it over and over that should White awareness and, resultantly, White unity ever be re-
achieved, the battle would be won overnight. We have – along with other, similar websites –
only recently managed to get ourselves back up on line after having been taken down as a result
of enemy actions to get us silenced. Why? There can be but one answer: They do not want our
message out, period. Why, again? Poisonous? Maybe to them. But sincere even-handedness –
true democracy – would reason that we should be let go in order that our “poisonous” message
would discredit itself and then fall flat to evaporate.

I’ve always found the best witness to be the hostile witness. Plus, you can learn much from a liar
but that you must first well understand that he is a liar.

The enemy decries “polarization”. He has a fit at a man like Donald Trump being elected
president. This tells me that the old comparison between ourselves and the man with the two
pieces of flint and the pile of leaves is closer to the truth than most would accept.

Just about as primitive as it gets, we’ve been striking those flints together over those leaves for a
heart-breakingly long time now. Just trying to spark a flame which could be fanned into an
inferno. What we today see going on around us and what I’ve taken some time to look at here
might indicate that that small pile of leaves is getting dryer all the time. The enemy fears we
might just catch on after all and he moves to forestall it. Only natural, only to be expected.

But he’ll need to do better than he has been doing. All this silliness of getting some punk outfits
to take down our websites!! And in order to do better he’ll need to grow a set of balls. The last
time I said something like that was just before I was S.W.A.T. raided by the local sheriff’s
department. But that really wasn’t “balls” after all. I tried but couldn’t count the number of cops
involved. But that, along with everything else that followed, only led… to this.

Heighten the contradictions.

Then we’ll see who’s got what.

“Me three.”

The Three Disgraces

No, not the Three Graces but the Three DISgraces.

In one generation how things in this country and the entire West have gone literally to hell. And,
again, I saw it go.

As a kid and a young person there actually were three major disgraces as viewed by the society
in general and this was, of course, a White society. These were: Queerism; Dopism; and Race-

These were – and still are and forever will be – sins, mortal sins. Why this? Simply because each
one represents something which is ANTI-LIFE and moreover, anti-WHITE LIFE.

Western Civilization had survived and grown great over the past thousand years because its
people had escaped from rotten and dying cultures where these things had become the norm and
in which any people remaining would ultimately become caught up and infected by these social
cancers and, thereby, ERASED as a people.

They were however remembered. One needs to look no further than Genesis to read of the
deadly peril caused by these things to our people thousands of years ago and to read of the
condemnation against them as spoken by the Lord through his prophets. And right across the
Atlantic into the New World the lessons came. Written into our state laws and standing in effect
at least into the 1960s were prohibitions against these very things.

The talk has been of late to “Make America Great Again”. Supposing you could roll back every
social legislation not just covering the past generation but back a good century and a half, then
you might stand a reasonable chance of restoring this country to greatness.

How did we deal with these topics back then? As to queerism, my mind at least just didn’t run in
that direction. Sure, we had “sissies”. But QUEERS?! The consideration just wasn’t made. The
serious thought wasn’t at all entertained. But I will say that within the middle school jargon and
humor of that time, you were out of the loop unless you were adept at impugning the other guy’s
manhood. But even at that the whole thing was kept where it belonged through harsh ridicule.

At serious glance, we each one are but microcosms of an even greater biological experiment.
Things will go wrong. In nature these mistakes do not survive. Here is where modern humanity
deals itself a potential death blow. A “born” homosexual, transsexual or whatever the hell is a
freak of nature. But, when a society goes terminally ill such as the way this society has gone,
these sort of thing becomes literally like a spreading cancer even among the otherwise “normal”.
Of course, within the system of KZ Lagers in the Third Reich, the homosexuals had their very
own classification: That of a pink triangle.

As to dope, I well remember the opening of the school season in the fall of 1967. It were as
though someone had thrown a switch because in there suddenly came the tong hair as well as the
dope. I had never even heard the term “pot” until I came across it on a Tom Lehrer record in
about 1966. Still, it was an extremely fringe thing and I only recall a joke told to me by one
chum at the time: What did the hippie say at his trial? Give me liberty or give me meth! Still the

Dope was always part and parcel of colored, Third World cultures. It was of course rampant here
among the coloreds. Some rotten Whites might slip into Chinatown or Harlem for a little
indulgence but the vast, broad base of White America remained untouched by this scourge and
this poison. And America remained great.

As to race-mixing, just as within the pages of the Bible itself, that was and is an offense against
God and Creation so severe that language describing it has been carefully couched so as not
shock and offend the decent, average reader to so excessive an extent. Things like “apples” and
“serpents” have been introduced in place of the actual, disgusting details. In the recent past I’ve
made mention of examples of the illuminated Kama Sutra which graphically depict inter-racial
intercourse. And have a look at India today – where the Kama Sutra originated – in order to
know exactly where that sort of activity will get you.

That, of course, was the lowest of the low. It still is and it will always be. Yes, we most certainly
did have our nigger jokes. But we did not joke about miscegenation. It was too grievous. Too
grievous even though we never saw it through the 1950s and 1960s.

Yes, there in southern Ohio in those days we had our share of mulattoes. Very few actual Blacks
but plenty of mulattoes. Hell, we even had a family carrying my own family name. But these
types were confined to the south end of town. And, yes, even Ohio was segregated with the
exception of the public schools.

These people in those days amused me, approximately like monkeys in. the zoo. But just as
Rockwell said, they represented early immorality. In practically every case there were older
Blacks in the rear of the classroom because they had been held back a grade or two.
Development in them, as a result, was further along. I clearly recall one, lunch time when so
many of us would retire to Rieder’s Pharmacy. There sat India Mason at the soda fountain. In
walked Charles Beverly, a typical basketball type. India took hold of her skirt and hiked it up
way above her thigh in order to convey a certain message to Charles.

The overt race mixing didn’t commence until after I had gotten myself out of school even ahead
of the early Seventies. It involved actual Blacks, upper-crust, sicko White bitches and, of course,
the liberalized Church. It had begun.

But note how it all seemed to go together. Never in a vacuum, it all came in concert. And about
like someone having thrown a switch. Not to omit the so-called “music”, either. Must have the
proper “atmosphere”.

And you bet, I began to HATE.

That was small town, mid-west, conservative, Republican southern Ohio. But just as Rockwell
illustrated in his second and final book, White Power, the disease was far worse and had
penetrated much deeper in the bigger cities across the country by that time. I’ve heard some say
that all of this represents but an “aberration” among our people. I think that misses the mark by a
very wide margin. As Saint Paul outlined, previously this sort of thing came after century’s
worth of lust and proximity had had their way in the empires of antiquity. The actual concept of
race apparently had not yet been conceived of. But, Paul said, now was the time to take careful
note of it and play things accordingly.

Well, of course, race has long since been identified as a very real consideration. The most real
and most important of all considerations in human dealings. The Bible states it. Our own laws
here stated it. Good common sense and healthy instincts declare it. The farmer in his barnyard
knows it. And, yes, the enemy knows it.

That’s what makes this time unique. As I said, none of this appears within a vacuum. Take the
three disgraces and place them all together because that’s where they belong. They together
represent the hallmarks of the sick society. They together represent DEATH.

I’ve outlined before how the sickening and arrogant liberal types seem to love repeating
whenever referring to Hitler and the Third Reich that “those who fail to learn from the lessons of
history are doomed to repeat them.” I would ask of them, exactly what the hell “lessons” are you
referring to? Hitler SAW the lessons of history and fought – and succeeded – in rescuing
Germany from them. They went into concentration camps! Then the stupid and duped “Allies” –
along with their Jewish-Bolshevik brethren – swooped in and restored the rule of death.

No, the lessons of history have most certainly not been forgotten. At least not by those in the
know. The brain-raped masses of Whites in the Western world have had these lessons denied to
them, or else have had them associated with the worst EVIL by-the alien, enemy masters of the
media to them. This drive to quick death has been deliberately RED-LINED by these alien,
enemy occupiers of all of our societal sensitivity points for the expressed purpose of inducing
our people to self-destruct. Now, if you want to look for EVIL, look no further than this.

I saw it all happen. So did millions of others. Why am I the only one stating the actual case-of
the matter? The enemy would have a field day with this question.

But there is only one reality however many “takes” there may be on that one reality. Most
obviously go according to the enemy-generated take on the present day reality.

I’ll attempt to paraphrase a favorite quote of mine. It may well have come from Hitler or it may
not have. That doesn’t alter its truth.

“They sat by the side of a corpse and in the signs of decay they saw only signs of ‘new’ life.”

Having successfully reemerged on April 20th – deliberately choosing the date of Hitler’s
birthday for the occasion – after having had our website “taken down” on March 9th –
Rockwell’s birthday (and was this facilitated by enemies or “friends”?) – I, for one, am strongly
taken back to the days in Weimar Germany when, between communists in the streets and the
sick-o government sitting in power, the attempts to silence us were at least as adamant then as
they are now. Incidentally, redeverbot means a ban on speaking.

So, if Hitler couldn’t speak in a certain German province, then it would be up to Rosenberg or
Goebbels, etc. If the Brown Shirt couldn’t be worn, then it would be a white shirt. And if the
white shirt was also banned, it might become no shirt at all. If the Party newspaper, the
Volkische Beobachter or Racial Observer, were banned then a new publication with a new name
would instantaneously appear the next day.

Maybe I am wrong but were any such measures ever taken against the communists? Certainly,
today the communists are fully legal over there but not the National Socialists. Sort of says a lot.
Says ALL, in fact. They’ve gotten a little bit more cool in their tactics of late. Nothing so bold
and dramatic as REDEVERBOT. Now it is “hate speech” instead and, surely, we can’t be having
any of that! In the countries of Europe so long accustomed to so-called “liberal democracy” – a
creepy, cowardly form of Marxism – they will straight-up lock you up for so-called “hate
speech”, of even questioning certain historical fantasies. Over here so far they’ll – just like the
sneaks and cowards that they are – get you “taken down” from the use of the internet.
But those with the smarts, the determination, the will and the sure conviction that their message
MUST be gotten out to the people – to be stopped by NOTHING – shall overcome all and get
right back up again.

To go on, a so-called “hate crime”, or that label attached to any other common crime, will
automatically have the effect of doubling down on any sentence that may incur. Who decides
these things? Well, here at least is the way it works: All of this business is aimed against Whites
with the intention of removing every vestige of means at self-defense against colored incursion
and outrage. The system of institutions once raised by our own forefathers has now been coopted
and turned against us by an occupying, enemy power. It was the same there, in Germany then
and it is the same today in every White, Western land. We truly are all together in the same boat.

Who is this enemy power? We don’t need to go into name-calling – even if the name, the
identity, is fully accurate. The enemy power is, above all things, ANTI-WHITE. Know them by
their actions.

People talk a lot about conspiracy. The enemy media even loves to tickle the toes with “rabbit
hole” fakes like “The X-Files” which might titillate but which merely misdirect. Unlimited
wealth or ungodly power over the heads of and without the knowledge or consent of the people.
But for what real purpose? These media shows never fully, satisfactorily explain this. Some kind
of “control”, yes. But control to accomplish what? Merely look at the trends as they exist and
have existed for a few generations now and you will know the answer.

Where is it headed? It is headed – being forced – in the United States and every Western land
toward a permanentized THIRD WORLD condition. Going colored. Any attempt, any word or
even thought to go against this trend is anti “P.C.” It is not “politically correct”. But politically
correct according to who or to what? We need a national referendum on all of this but do you
suppose such a thing will ever be granted? Hell, no. They very much fear that a thing like that
might backfire in their faces exactly the way the surprise upset victory of Donald Trump blew up
on them.

And, my God, how they hate Trump. They can’t stand it. Can’t live with it! Jumping up and
down, foaming at the mouth. Every snide remark, every slander on the part of the media. Every
roadblock, every defiance on the part of the enemy entrenched in government. Every cardboard
sign carried by every communist march. All of this and more aimed against this man with some
healthy instincts and good intentions, plus the courage and integrity to put it all forth, together
with some common even-handedness is more than they can take.

Then what of us? The NAZIS!!!

They know we’d put a sudden end to them. Did it once. But they were successful in lying to the
good people of the other Western lands that their “way of life” was being threatened by this man,
Hitler, and his nation of Germany. Well, where is that “way of life” that my parents’ generation
went and fought for, or so they thought? GONE! Someone was lied to. No need again to name
names. All one has to do is take a look at the outcome. That way of life has been eradicated more
surely than had this nation been overrun by a hostile foe. Now it really IS being overrun by
hordes of these coloreds because they know and realize that “our” government is really their own
best friend and that the Whites are basically helpless to prevent this invasion, albeit a slime-
dripping kind of invasion.

And why no kind of genuine leadership? It’s been this way all throughout history. Never any
shortage of those who’ll do anything for money. Media darlings. Pretty faces. Pretty promises.
Take the easy course, Do it the nice way. Piss no one off. Roll over. Grab the ankles. Lay down
and die. Above all, never name the real issues, never call it as it really is. But just always
condemn the “haters”. Nice and safe. Will win you points with the ugly, violent enemy sitting in
dominance. People understand fear and it is fear which rules.

But it’s okay to hate the haters.

That would be ourselves. We, who have NO POWER, NO INFLUENCE over what goes on in
the land, in any land. We, who by virtue of whatever never gave up on what our parents’
generation supposedly went to war to protect. What every previous generation went to war to
protect… hearth and home. What else do you go to war for? Well, these days it is to force
unwanted and un-native – if I may coin a word – “democracy” upon Third World people in
Arabia. Insane and criminal. It’ll last as long as it takes water to refill the hole of a finger being
withdrawn from a glass of water. But that’s “defending our freedom”?!

Freedom? Sickening hypocrisy. It’s been long ago said that only free men can discriminate.
Today discrimination has been outlawed. And that is a main tenet of Marxism, of communism.
Not just phony-baloney “equality” as some sort of sick daydream but the violent enforcement of
it through the power of the state. The enemy here today has been smart enough to allow them to
keep their flag and just about all of the trappings of their former national life. They can talk it all
up as much as they want. And, by this, they think they are “free”. But while all of this nonsense
is going on, the guts and the vitals of their very nation are being gnawed and eroded by rats in
their midst more all the time. Try to point this out or do something about it and you are in for a
very special kind of hell.

Freedom of speech here goes like this: You’re fine as long as you are saying gibberish or
something directly in line with the program of the enemy. That is, anything nonsensical or anti-
White. But say something out of line and you no longer deserve or have the protection of the
First Amendment. If this doesn’t describe hypocrisy then the word itself has no meaning.

But we go crying to no one because there is no one to go crying to. We at least recognize that the
playing field is not even. That the deck is stacked. That you can have all the freedom which you
are able to fight for and achieve. That it is still the jungle and a fight for survival on the part of
the fittest. It is the miserable and – even more – the UNAWARE who have awaiting them the pit.

Then back to redeverbot. Do we actually offend their delicate sensibilities by our

pronouncements? To the extent that they simply must put a halt to such outrage and indecency?
Are we really so obscene? Too bad they took such care to have all of our obscenity laws knocked
down decades ago in order to make way for their own pornography, etc.
If we are that stupid then it should be a cinch for us to discredit ourselves. And in that context, it
is well for each one of us purporting to represent the racialist movement to bear in mind that we
have the heaviest, most grave of responsibilities to keep our message pure and true and not to fall
into the trap of making ourselves and our movement look like what the enemy tries to make us
out to be. Because, never doubt, the enemy and his controlled media loves the idea of parading
our own kooks and nuts out in front of the public just like the proverbial clay pigeons.

But in the world of reality, the true test will be just as it has always been, that of the enemy who
sits in control – or through any one of his low-level “cat’s paws” – to get us “taken down”.

It’s very simple: The lie cannot parade successfully or confidently as “truth” whenever there
remains one spark of actual truth alive anywhere. We will go on as this light to the end, no
matter what, until the climax, the end is reached.

“Put On the Full Armor of the Lord”

We were sent a letter to the website recently making a few statements and raising a few
questions about the subject of Aryans in the ancient Middle East. Well, of course, yes. The fact is
that the entire area was a lot Whiter several thousand years ago than it is today. All history
supports that with the possible exception of the directly lying and downright delusional so-called
“Black history” which claims that even Beethoven was a nigger.

Photos dating from the time of the First World War depicting King Faisal and some of his
entourage shows essentially a White man surrounded by a retinue of gradually darkening types,
all the way down to solid black. Look at Assad today in Syria. A White man. You’ll find a few
Whites everywhere but the issue will remain: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the
righteous do?” That was posed by King David of ancient Israel. We put it this way: If you lose
your White population base, you’re through as a nation.

This is the great lesson of history and, yes, any failing to take its lesson are doomed to repeat it.
And what of the prevailing mood in all White lands today – dominated as they are by enemy,
alien regimes and their own, private medial? There is “no such thing” as race and any who would
beg to differ are tarred as “racists” and moral lepers, etc. Laws are everywhere on the books for
the prevention of anything remotely resembling White self-defense. Outright race-mixing is
openly pushed everywhere.

This goes beyond ignorance. This represents a deliberate agenda and one which is clearly anti-
White. One must ask: How can this be happening in a land that was ninety percent White only a
generation ago? The answer is: By the work of a conspiracy, against the will and the best
interests of the Whites. One has to be old enough to remember the time before so-called
“integration” set in. Yes, it was real and it was wonderful. Life was a joy. But an entrenched
conspiracy began saying that this “wasn’t fair” to the colored minority and so it had to be
“changed”. (And how I hate that word “change”.)

And so you see the result of all this today and, let me assure you, it hasn’t reached its end yet.
“Keep your eyes on the prize”, the coloreds love to repeat. Well, what exactly is this “prize”? A
situation without Whites or one where Whites have been relegated to insignificance? Well,
anyone may make personal and direct use of a veritable “time machine” into the future by
booking a flight to any Third World country just to witness what this would be like. Actually,
you only have to view the nightly news to see it any day of the week from right at home. Is this
condition desirable? Is it what anyone wants to bequeath to their children and grandchildren?

Our friend who wrote in warned of not trusting Blacks. He also quoted the line from the Bible
which says that the leopard can’t change its spots, not the Ethiopian his skin. True. But this only
means that one CAN trust them both, implicitly. Trust them to BE WHAT THEY ARE. But it is
up to us to be aware of exactly what they are. And as we have covered, all of history stands to
tell us just that. However, when an alien media has the power to erase or falsify history that is
where the danger reenters, just as it has done throughout history.

Now, getting into the Bible, it would seem that most of the people in the racialist right view the
Bible as being some sort of alien text that, when absorbed by our people, amounts to but a
formula for national suicide. I know this because for a long time I was one of them. But consider:
The Church and its representation of the Bible is but one more of our own institutions that has
gone rotten and/or has been infiltrated and taken over by the enemy and thus turned against us.
No institution has gone untouched in this way. My personal feeling is that the Church – along
with the rest – had come to represent, in effect, a neutral propelled along by sheer inertia and had
already become a prime and easy target for any invading conspiracy.

One old Right Wing saying had it that, “Priests don’t become communists but communists
become priests.” No doubt in my mind at all that Stalin ordered this to occur during the Twenties
and Thirties and so there came Pope John XXIII, or the “Red Pope”. It most certainly isn’t
confined to Catholicism but to every branch and level of Christianity just the way it applies to
every form of government in the White West. And this forms a great PRINCIPLE for all to keep
always in mind.

Then there is reality. Reading the Bible is the literary equivalent of climbing Mount Everest. And
even should you make it all the way past every word through sheer force of will and
determination, unless you have had in your possession a few key insights throughout, you’ll
come out probably knowing less than when you went in. Once more, it had been the same with
me. It just isn’t taught correctly. As the Bible itself states, “strait and narrow” is the gate to truth
and wisdom but wide is the gate to falsity. So it remains.

I will tell you this as I discovered it myself and as the series of volumes I wrote on it to explain
to everyone demonstrates: The entire Bible is OUR BOOK, dealing with OUR origins, OUR
history and OUR destiny; and it is also a great WARNING to us saying DON’T LET THIS
HAPPEN TO YOU! It is WE who were and are and always will be God’s Chosen People exactly
as the historic record proves. And the great danger has always been our permitting those of alien
race to infiltrate our societies and thus “turn them away from the Lord.”

Even Right Wing Christian types will moan that “we” must turn our hearts back to the Lord.
They even urge “praying” for “our” leaders to do this same thing. They obviously understand
nothing. First, if the image and the universal idea of the Lord is so utterly Misconstrued as it
currently is and has been for such a long time, then it is rendered IMPOSSIBLE to truly “turn to
the Lord” because he is accepted as virtually some kind of Clinton liberal and, in any event,
won’t be at all receptive. Second, our people generally just can’t grasp the concept of the alien
infiltrator and the internal sell-out which is what make up our so-called “leadership”. They will
only turn to their own, personal God: The dollar bill.

As part of Ephesians, Chapter 6, Verses 10 through 20, it is stated to put on the full armor of the
Lord. We, at, have as our motto, “Toward a higher awareness.” It is the same
thing. The enemy knows who he is, knows who we are, knows what he wants and is well along
the road to getting it. In contrast, how much of any of this is known and appreciated even by
those in forefront positions ostensibly on “our” side? Virtually unarmed. With predictable

Our friend who wrote in goes into all the very extensive mention in the Bible regarding Hittites,
Hivites, Jebusites, Girgashites, Perizzites and the other tribes of aliens that the ancient Israelites
were obliged to remove from what had been promised to us as the Holy Land and he also quite
correctly compares this to the case here in America when our pioneer ancestors were required to
kill or drive out the Red Indians in order to occupy the land. The comparison is exact.

But Red Indians – savage and fierce as they were – were not the same stuff as Canaanites as the
tribes named above were collectively known. The Bible carefully recounts how these conquered
people eventually, over generations, assimilated themselves into the Hebrew Temple and, at the
end of it, became “Jews” along with the rest of the population there in the same way that all
groupings here today are “Americans”. The Bible’s warnings of this and against this are dire and
they are constant. But at least every member of the racialist right is generally aware of the role
that racial Jews are and have been playing in the plight of our White race worldwide and

Now, hopefully, more and more will see that this is a situation far broader and greater than
anything they may have previously imagined. And that will amount to their having then put on
the full armor of the Lord.

Neither Red Indians nor any other conquered race have ever posed this kind of threat to Whites.
It’s something unique, something special and, certainly, something Biblical.

The great Reverend Jack Crites would bring down the house anytime he would end with his
outline of the “Edomites” or “Canaanites” being racial bastards by definition and by saying,
“And I think we all know that they’re DIRTY bastards, too.”
Whole Lotta Race-Mixing Goin’ On

The title of this piece treats the subject in light fashion even though it is of the heaviest gravity. I
do this because it is important not to be “bent out of shape” by all of this but to view it as just
one more sign of the times. We at least must not be dragged kicking and screaming behind the
national and world trends but must remain way out in front of them with the familiar, old “I told
you so.”

What do you expect? Some sort of improvement? Some kind of abatement? This could only
happen should there be something there to CAUSE IT TO HAPPEN. And there presently is not.
That’s just the way things work. This drive toward race-mixing on a massive scale has been the
agenda of the Enemy for a very long time. As someone observed long ago, the Whites managed
to resist it for quite a while. But it was known by the Enemy and by anyone who was able to
know anything that this could not last.

As far as I am concerned and have been able to observe, the flood gates were opened wide by
last year to this most abominable of all abominations. What announced it to me? Aside from the
marked increase in these dirty sons-of-bitches on the city streets, it came from no one else but
Madison Avenue: Advertising. Television commercials, even billboards, etc. You know of
course what advertising is all about. It is to get you to GO FOR something by the power of

Somewhere, someone issued the order to drop all pretense and to just GO FOR IT. And they are
and have been. It means that this represents the tipping point. It means that the climax is that
much closer.
Only this very day as I was strolling through a local super market and was going up the
“seasonal” isle, I wasn’t much anticipating seeing what I had seen about a week before, which
was in the form of an illustration of a blonde female with a Negroid child in a picnic or beach
setting. However, since my last visit, someone had defaced the hell out of the White female’s
image. So it is. Health remains but it is dispossessed and that is the tragedy and the danger.

Back to the title I chose for this piece. Jerry Lee Lewis back in the 1950s had a huge hit with,
“Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On”. The man who controlled Sun Records then commented that
what that really meant was that it was a whole lot of fucking going on. Yes, but the general
public wouldn’t catch on to that. It was correct. Poison was being introduced and the public –
especially the youth – was buying into it. For it was never about the wording but rather about the
alien, savage beat. There were those warning of this even at the time but you can imagine how
they were received.

And I’m not even going to mention that stupid, dumb-ass bastard over in England. All I’ll say is:
Welcome to the death of ancient Egypt, Israel, Greece or Rome. Because that’s what it looked

But never forget that it is the condition – the content – of the broad masses of any country that
decides exactly what that country really is. Lose your yeomanry and you’ve lost it all.

And they’re falling for it wholesale. Great progress, great headway for all mankind. Such love!
Those dirty bastards of that “royal house” all in line with that crap! Those crowds outside equally
all in line. I tell you right now that the flood gates are absolutely wide open.

But despair not.

We are at a landmark. The gods – or God – will shortly have to either use it or get off of it.
Because here it is. One hell of a botched generation is about to come up. I saw a billboard only
very recently depicted a mother – certainly not White – with an offspring one couldn’t really tell
what the hell it was in what would formerly have been a Gerber type of advertisement. Just
freaks of nature, total bastardizations. And this is what is becoming the accepted norm.

I say again, what have you expected?

Exactly like the sinking Titanic, there must come a tipping point sooner or later. Well, it is here
now. Are you so naive as to expect things to get better? Is that some sort of “Hail Mary” or
what? Because on what could you possibly base such a hope? This sort of thing ALWAYS
happens whenever divergent races are to be found within a single societal unit and accepted as
“equal citizens”, etc. It is that much worse in the present day when there is an ENEMY
CONSPIRACY in control over EVERYTHING which has as its long stated goal the polluting
the White race out of existence.

There is, of course, much more to this phenomenon than meets the eye. What of the countless
lives ruined due to all of this deliberate misleading? Hitler said that people are just people and
are subject to the powers which control the environment which they grow up in. Otherwise good
people are being DESTROYED by all of this. I know, I never fell for any of it and perhaps you
did not either and so what is the excuse of anybody else? But that’s no good. It’s invalid. It
means only one thing: Some are set apart.

A more heavy responsibility couldn’t be imagined.

A long time ago a conversation that Hitler was having with someone during the Kampfzeit
period in Germany was recorded and it went something like this: The person was complaining
about too many Germans falling for the Jewish line and, basically, destroying themselves. To
which Hitler retorted in a somewhat violent fashion, “DON’T CARP AT ME!” Because it only
outlined and underscored the very nature of the struggle which they, then were engaged in.

To complain?

What is to complain? To “bitch” about one symptom or another in an admittedly helpless way.

That is so far beneath what we are supposed to be about that it practically sticks in the throat.

No. We say that this has been the plan of the Enemy all along. If one were to have said back then
that we were “crazy” or “paranoid” then we say presently that – well – HERE IT IS!!! That these
people – these erstwhile “Whites” – have been seriously beaten down in order to have ever gone
for this. And just who, or what, has had the power all along to accomplish a goal like this? Even
as Donald Trump would say… THE MEDIA. And just who controls the media? We’ve been
blowing the whistle on the media for just as long.

For those idiots who might say, “Big deal”, to all of this or “Whose business is it anyway?”, we
must point out all of the sacred loveliness of the colored Third World and then ask, “Is that
where you want to go?” Well for God’s sake, GO THERE! But don’t bring it here!!

The wars of this country – apart from its own War of Independence – have all been toward the
overthrow of civilization. The brave, White men who fought in these wars were told and
imagined that they were “fighting for freedom”. Total lies and nonsense. If they could but have
seen ahead to where all of it would lead, then I assure you THEY WOULD NOT HAVE
FOUGHT! The best killing the best and here is where it all has led.

But let’s quit the carping as Hitler would admonish.

This is the historic trend. This is the plan of the Enemy alien agenda which governs everything.
Every bit of it was set into place a good century ago and it has proceeded according to plan ever
since. And now here it is. What could anyone have expected?

Here it is.

We are not – or had better not be – reactionaries. A reactionary would complain about this as
though there was someone else to go to for a remedy. Think it all the way out. Go to who?
With hell they are in agreement and with death they are in accord.

Nothing new.

It is really up to us now.

Remain aware and remain steadfast.

The rest may be going to hell but that does not mean that we have to go with them.

Hitler said also that it mattered not whether any particular task appeared an impossibility. Only
that it was the right and proper path. As such, we take that path just as though it was a complete

This means, naturally, that WE are the future if there is to be any future.

Fair questions that might be asked – but of who I wouldn’t know – would include just how long
this is going to go on before a break comes. Not long in historic terms. The way it is set to
proceed now, only a few of these botched generations will be required before the complete and
final death of the West is assured. A little race-mixing leads to a lot more as the resultant
confusion increases. The death of all decent humanity on the globe? Flies absolutely in the face
of all reason and logic. And it was reason and logic which placed us here.

We were told absolutely that it ultimately would come to this before the final end.

And here it is.

So now is the time to really take heart and to dig in.

They’ll be falling like flies from here on out so be braced and ready for that spectacle.

No one could possibly have counted on a situation like this to continue forever.

Any man who is a man will have wanted for a certain climax to come.

Well, here it is.

We’re All in the Same Boat Now

That is if it were ever any other way.

When Patrick Buchanan wrote his book, “The Death of the West”, over what is becoming a
while ago, he spoke of all White nations, including Russia. He cited practically all of the death
symptoms from falling birth rates to alien immigration. The breakdown of our respective
societies. The failing of the Christian religion. What he couldn’t very well go into – unless he
desired to join our ranks as an “extremist” and a “hater” – was the root causes of all this:
Primarily the existence of an alien, Jewish conspiracy which has embedded itself solidly into the
deepest workings of every White society.

However, exactly as Commander Rockwell always stressed, you can thus fool everyone except
the enemy himself by these essentially cowardly tactics. To pull back just at such a critical point
is to effectively defuse your entire purpose and point. It’s a mistake that we, as “extremists”,
don’t make.

But the lights are in danger of going out once and for all across the White, Western world. And
again I stress Russia is fully included in this. Should that occur then this will have become
forever more just a planet of shit and misery. With no hope whatever of any future comeback.

I will maintain always that this is by no accident, that it did not have to be, that it indeed
wouldn’t have been minus the poisonous influence of the Jews and the effects of their infernal
conspiracy against the West. And I will insist always that the final joke will be upon them as
every bit of this terrible drama was seen and written of, predicted, and anticipated from, as they
say, “before the beginning”.

So why do I bother with these articles, etc.? Because it is incumbent upon me to do so. As I
recall my laughable “parole hearings” of over two decades ago when the outcomes were a
foregone conclusion due to my politics, it was a matter of, even as Manson said of his own
similar such circuses, if I don’t at least appear, it’s on me; if I do appear and the expected out-
come does in fact take place, well, at least I’ve once more made them be what they are.

To know and understand the truth and the reality is about as heavy a responsibility as can be
born. To waste it, to throw it away is about as grievous an effort to the power which gave it to
you as can be imagined. I wouldn’t want to face the consequences of that.

I’d been kicking around an idea for a fresh article for some time to be entitled, “Some Kind of
Tournament?”, and dealing with the devastating fratricidal wars of the past century. It came back
to me last night as caught for the second time, “The Great War”, on PBS. I couldn’t watch the
whole thing again. It got to the part where these propaganda-crazed idiots over here were going
after pet dachshunds in the street. The Germans were the “Huns” – despite the reality that the
Germans had STOPPED the Huns – and the Kaiser was “The Beast of Berlin” – despite being
the most Christian and honorable of men imaginable.

One thing that series introduced me to that I had been previously unaware of however was the
personality of one George Creel. I had been aware of “Colonel” Mandel House who was one
alter ego of President Woodrow Wilson and a most baleful influence at that. But Creel I’d not
heard of. A quick look through “Google” and it was revealed he was a Polish Jew and his looks
really lived up to that assessment. So did his mindset and his actions. The man who had gained
reelection for Wilson on the slogan, “He Kept Us Out Of War”, he suddenly became the prime
mover in favor of the United States entering World War One against Germany.

What was never mentioned at all was the infamous Balfour Declaration. The series pointed out
that in essence Germany was stalemating the war in the west but was winning it in the east. The
Allies, Britain and France, had no more to go. Mutinies were breaking out. Then the World Jews
stepped in. The offer was that they, through their entrenched power in the United States, would
bring America into the war on their side IF, after having won against Germany, they would turn
Palestine over to the Zionists. Palestine was then held by the Turkish Empire which itself was an
ally of Germany.

What did the nations of Europe, particularly the so-called “Allies”, think that this was, a
tournament of some kind? Insane, idiotic talk of “survival”. A German dictated peace would
have been far preferable to an essentially Jewish dictated peace. At least it would have been a
WHITE peace.

In the meantime, right alongside all of this monkey business, was the so-called “Russian”
Revolution. The Jews of Russia in their millions had been fighting an active war against the
Christian, White regime of the Czar for over fifty years. Not for so-called “freedom” or “liberty”
but simply for the destruction of a Christian, White order of society. The Caucasus region was
the ancestral home of the Khazars who then and now make up 85% of all those calling
themselves Jews. The Pale of Settlement region was then the home of by far most of the world’s

The real crux was that the Czarist society was truly closed and this meant that the Jews could not
creep in, sneak in and infiltrate it the way they had already been able to do in the nations of the
West. Plus they had the physical numbers to make a real fight of it. In Germany it wasn’t quite
the same but the world Jews still felt that here was a nut to be cracked. In Britain, France and
America the Jews had already done their work. Always the object was the OVERTHROW of the
White, Christian order and the implementation of the Jewish agenda over the White peoples of
the earth.

“To Make the World Safe for Democracy”. To overthrow our own, natural order and replace it
with an alien, Jewish “managed confusion” so that our people could be weakened and destroyed.

A year ago I was fortunate enough to have made the acquaintance of a certified genealogist who
revealed to me many fascinating things about my own background. I was totally absorbed by the
sight on the computer screen of the draft cards of both of my grandfathers, made out in their own
hand, from the year 1917. And the both of them – never having known one another – had fudged
on their draft cards to avoid going into the First World War. One had said that he was older than
in reality. The other claimed an invalid wife which I knew wasn’t true.

The point being that, just as the PBS series pointed out, this was a most UNPOPULAR war with
Americans. We had NO BUSINESS in that war. The second largest group of Whites in America
were of German descent, George Washington had warned against any European entanglements.
No. This was brought about solely of, by and for JEWISH interests.

But George Creel, the Jew, went to work and actually produced a miracle – through propaganda
and logistics – of creating an American army and sending it to. Europe to turn the tide and “win”
the war. In record short time. A win for Jewry. A loss for Whites everywhere.

The deaths of millions of good, White men. The best fighting and killing the best. And for what?
Those of central Europe knew they were fighting for home and hearth. Those of the western-
most countries were told they were fighting for “democracy”. The outcome? The destruction and
overturn of Western, Christian civilization on BOTH sides. Aside from the dead, whether winner
or loser, the damage done to the societies of all was worse.

They, the Jews, got Palestine which they renamed “Israel” in 1948. And what has it been other
than a hotbed and a flashpoint for world conflict ever since? But in this is great insight into the
Jewish mindset: It doesn’t matter to them whether this is a good idea, a beneficial idea, or not.
The only thing to matter is that it falls in line with their own pre-set AGENDA. And to hell with
any cost. Communism has always been their baby and what has communism ever brought other
than death and misery? Who cares about that as long as the AGENDA is adhered to? And here
and all across the West today? “Democracy”. The people suffer and diminish under its influence.
But who cares just so long as it is the AGENDA which triumphs??

Well, to a very large extent, we gave to them, at least here in the western-most nations, “legal
entry”. For all of us and far too often it has ever been a case of some kind of damned
“tournament” to go to war against our White brothers. All to their benefit, that of the Jews. And
at the very same time, of the coloreds of the world. For look at who and what is currently
overrunning every Western land!

That old kind of poisonous and divisive “nationalism” has about stopped or at least it SHOULD
have stopped by now. Only a fool, an idiot or a criminal would today think otherwise and would
go on to promote White conflict on the basis of sub-nationality.

I want to end this with a word of clear-cut optimism.

Despite the horrendous damage done by the so-called “Russian” Revolution to the Russian
nation, the nation itself survived and triumphed over it. Exactly as in the way that the French
nation survived and triumphed over the equally Jewish “French” Revolution of 1789. Damage
was done and some of it as yet remains but the NATION was greater than the Jewish agenda.
And today we find ourselves ALL IN THE VERY SAME BOAT.

I’ve said it again and again that the climax is upon us. This is the stage upon which it is set.
Don’t Make the Mistake

The mistake that I’m talking about is the one which has been very largely responsible for the
terrific mess which the entire Western world at present finds itself in. And that is this: To
imagine that this business of the human condition on earth is a matter of some sort of personality
contest when in fact it has always been a matter of a biological experiment. The sloppy
sentimentalists together with the arch conspirators are to be found in bed together in the former
camp while we National Socialists are to be found alone in the latter.

But I will forever stress that, yes, they pretty much are running the show, however, look at what
kind of show that it is. Now, unless a person is “one of them”, that is some colored type or some
criminal conspirator or some brain-raped zombie, then a hard look at how things stand and,
what’s more, the curve they’ve taken over the past several decades together with the trend as it is
presenting itself for the future, the picture ought to be one of sheer horror.

Someone, perhaps Hitler, said that “they sat by the side of a corpse and in the symptoms of decay
saw only signs of ‘new’ life”: The Bible said that “with death they are in agreement and with hell
they are in accord.” Pat Buchannan said that, “one man’s septic tank is another man’s hot tub.”
This all just goes to illustrate that far too many people in any time or place are just too far gone
to pay any serious heed to.

Our race just wants to get along. All other races just want to worm their way in. And should we
allow them to worm their way in then we shall be destroyed by it. As Rudyard Kipling said so
masterfully in his short poem, “The Stranger”, many members of our own race may be dirty sons
of bitches, however we can know and understand their faults while the stranger, while he may
come across as a prince of a fellow, is alien to our blood, we cannot “feel his mind” and we do
not know when his gods may recall his service to them.
But beyond any of that, it is the threat of direct race-mixing which has always been that sentence
of death which hangs over our heads. Death because any crossing between Whites and coloreds
results in the end of a White line and absorption into a colored line. Death. No longer to be found
“written into the Book of Life”. Satan’s ultimate win. Biological because any race other than the
White race is something less, something closer to the animal. More primitive and, therefore,
more deep-seated and dominant. This means but one thing: We are the only specie of human
type on the planet which has anything to lose.

With the general collapse of the order and the culture of what had not long ago been magnificent,
White societies, and with the complete take-over from within of all of our institutions and, above
all, media, all begins to appear as one. This was not by accident. Robbed on the one hand and
poisoned on the other. People being only what they are – “monkey see, monkey do” – and after a
few, short generations of this type of conditioning – and with time and proximity – the broader
masses begin to fall like flies to this planned genocide, which is exactly what it is.

Back when I was a youth in southern Ohio, there was an area south of town known as Moss
Hollow. We’d go there to party. It was well known who and what I was even then. But up the
hollow was a middle-age colored couple. Our hostess had as her only comment that they were
“nice people”. Perhaps they were, I never met them. But that was never the point. My own
saying that one speck of shit in a gallon of ice cream ruins the whole gallon holds true. It’s what
you ARE and not how you may ACT.

You don’t arrive at full blown, wholesale race-mixing overnight. It takes a lot of deterioration on
many levels – every level – of the society. In fact, it has to start with a society which contains a
significant percentage of racially “strange” types to begin with. Then what to do? One will either
expel them or will ultimately intermingle with them, over however long or short a time, and
thereby be destroyed. It is crystal clear upon which course this country has set its direction.

The subject of Negroes aside, the great German explorer, Humboldt, commented in the
Nineteenth Century that America would one day absorb Mexico and thereby be destroyed.
Apparently even he couldn’t countenance miscegenation with Negroes on a grand scale.

But none of it is new. This is only the way civilizations have ever been destroyed over the
centuries and the millennia. It is the mistake which they all have made and none have ever
seemed to have been able to learn from their predecessors. “It can’t happen here.” Maybe that’s
what they thought… if they thought anything at all. Maybe the current situation will go on
interminably. What an idea! A lingering death, a lingering hell! But no. It will most assuredly
NOT continue on this way forever. It will continue to SINK right apace with the darkening of the
general population. It will reach a permanently Third World state of existence from which
nothing can ever elevate it.

But there was always a third way to go. Not to expel, not to die with the rest but to remove
oneself – one’s people – from the dying mess once one has seen and realized that there is no
longer any hope for the state or the society or its institutions which have gone rotten. Moving on
has always been the way that the Race and the Civilization have been able to survive and go on
to new greatness.
However we see something new at present, two things in fact. One, this drive toward racial and
national death is moved by a very conscious and deliberate conspiracy. The people didn’t want it
at all. They were subverted into it. The 1912 pronouncement by one Israel Cohen said it best and
in the fewest words when he declared that they – Jews/Communists – would aid the Negro to a
certain “equality” with Whites and thereby cause racial intermingling which, according to him,
would deliver America to their cause.

Second, it is presently out of the question for any sizeable group of Whites anywhere to
withdraw en masse from any of the formerly White lands, to go out to a fresh frontier, to start
over fresh and clean, while the old and the rotten could be left to die of its own evil. The global
lock of this World. Enemy is total and absolute. If such a move could even be generated in the
first place, the forces of these Alien regimes which govern all of our lands would move speedily
to destroy it.

All of this taken together spells only one thing: That the greatest climax ever upon this earth is
fast approaching.

The way it now stands, Whites nowhere have any say or control over their own destiny. They are
at every turn governed, controlled and POISONED by this same conspiracy which I have just
mentioned. Their traditionally White lands are being filled and overrun with colored types. There
is no White leadership at any official level anywhere. There are only sell-outs. The media and the
educational system deals strictly in POISONING the minds, the souls and the spirits of Whites
everywhere. The results of all of this are becoming devastating. And, again, it only points to a
great CLIMAX in the near future.

This business of so-called “racism”… an epithet created by the Enemy even as he was
formulating all the rest of his attack against us. What it defines in reality is no more or less than a
normal condition of wanting to be with one’s own fellows, abide by his own laws, traditions and
customs and, above all, to BREED TRUE. Anything aside from this natural condition is nothing
more than DEPRAVITY and DEGENERACY, some alien form of twisted and wholly artificial,
unnatural mind warp. It arose, took hold and came to dominance through alien Jews whose wish
to destroy us as a people goes back at least to their murder of Christ.

For the rest, those of our own people who have labored under the delusion of there being “no
difference between races other than the color of the skin”, it has been this mistake, this gravest of
errors, which has made this otherwise impossibly outrageous, outlandish and RIDICULOUS of
assumptions seemingly “acceptable” to our naturally easy-going and welcoming people. It stood
this way for a very long time. Now it has become a DICTATORSHIP without tolerance of any
differing of opinion. Now it has become RED-LINED just as I never tire of stressing.

There you have declared – by them – the climax.

Hope? What do I offer by way of hope? None of the silliness or the foolishness of the past. No
stupid “formulas”.
This racial idea, at least among human types, is comparatively very new. Gobineau wrote of it in
the middle of the Nineteenth Century in a very good but still flawed pioneering work. When
King Edward VII of England was put to task over just how to receive some Negroid “royalty” at
his table, he uttered that the individual was either a king or just some nigger. True racialism had
a long way to go. When the mighty Third Reich was established on earth in the Twentieth
Century, the rest of the globe conspired and moved to destroy it militarily.

This racialism is without any doubt an idea whose time has come if there is to be any hope of a
decent future on earth. Of that there can be no question.

How will it come about? How will these enemies of truth and natural order be dealt with,
removed from positions of dominance? What will become of all the nominally “human” garbage
that the earth is presently awash in?

I will conclude by stating only that this has ALWAYS been the way that decency and greatness
have been ruined through countless centuries and civilizations. And I know and have seen that
today’s present situation was ANTICIPATED, fully described and its outcome documented
thousands of years ago. I will say that higher humanity wasn’t planted on this earth for the hell of
it. I will say that the Third Reich and its example were not in vain. I will repeat that the climax is
here. I will insist that the moment was chosen at the beginning of time.

To the amazement of many I will state that the outcome has already taken place, perhaps many
times over, and is about to take place again.

Mortals can be expected to make these mistakes.

Those responsible for the creation of the earth and what life there is upon it do not make

House Cleaning & Commemoration

What is it they call cleaning out your computer once it has gotten all full and overwhelmed with
useless, outdated information? Well, no matter. What very little I know of computers and how to
use them lets me know that unless this operation is performed now and then, the computer itself
will become slower and slower in its performance.
Aside from the phenomenon of the flag being raised and lowered to half-mast about like laundry
out to dry, practically at the drop of a hat, to where the action itself now has lost most of its
original meaning, we have now a glut of “holidays” which need to be culled out in about the
same fashion as one might clean out their computer for maximum performance.

We won’t even bother to discuss – as Commander Rockwell called him – Marxist Lucifer Coon
or that Mexican, whoever the hell he was or is.

Rather, some of the oldies, some of the standards which have been around for a very long time
but which have just about played all the way out with regard to any potency.

Labor Day is a good one to let go of and replace it with May Day as was done in NS Germany,
after January 30th, 1933. May 1st or “Tag der Arbeit”. Memorial Day needs to be retired as well.
Originally intended to commemorate the dead of the Civil War, it’s all played out now. Veterans
Day, the same. Originally “Armistice Day” commemorating the dead of the First World War, or
“The War to End All Wars”. Well, we know how that went. Only afterward was it altered to
Veterans Day.

With regard to the millions of brave men who fought and died in the wars of this country from
the Civil War to the present, we are aware that their sacrifices were worse than in vain: They
were USED by our common racial enemy for his purpose of OVERTURNING and
DESTROYING White order and White life, all in the name of so-called “freedom” and
“democracy”. How much better for their memory if we now commemorate instead the salvation
and resurrection of exactly what it was that they assumed they were fighting for.

We can keep dates such as Washington’s Birthday, Easter, The Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and

Then there would be those to be added. But as this is the month of August, it is incumbent upon
us to recall the deaths of two great American NS martyrs: George Lincoln Rockwell and Joseph
Charles Tommasi. Rockwell, who died on August 25th, 1967, and Tommasi, who died on
August 15th, 1975. Both shot down by cowardly assassins representing the reactionary side of
the Movement itself. I would suggest using the date of August 25th for the both in much the
same way as Presidents’ Day marks – or honors – the birthdates of both Washington and

(We would do well to remove also the likenesses of Roosevelt and Kennedy from the U.S. dime
and half dollar, respectively, and replace them with likenesses of Rockwell and Tommasi.)

Traditionally we have some pretty good music to go along with our best holidays that is when
you are able to catch it rendered minus any of the currently popular niggerization. Generally for
this one has to reach way back into a very old collection of LPs but at least it is there, kept safe.
By the exact same means then we propose to introduce along with our fresh and new holidays –
the first of which is the one marking the deaths of the two heroes mentioned above – some of the
very finest music that Western Civilization has to offer and, in this case, it is “I Had a Comrade”
or, in the German language, “Ich hatt einen Kameraden”.
It frustrated me no end that I was unable to convert a magnificent rendition of this most excellent
and solemn of anthems from LP and onto CD to be used in this website but such are the
intricacies of technology in the hands of one who barely comprehends any of it. That version was
a purely instrumental one while the one we are using now enjoys a vocal chorus, albeit in
German language.

Well, why not? While we’re at changing things I think it would an outstanding idea to replace
any “second language” in the United States from Spanish and to German. (The story goes that
our official national language only missed being German by a single vote in the Continental

A proper clean-up and a proper commemoration of the sort that could and would go a long way
to reviving real MEANING to things in this country, things that people could really get into and
be uplifted by.

At about mid-day on August 25th of any year in the future, all normal broadcasting would cease
for the playing of “I Had a Comrade” and the entire population would come to a standstill and
would know exactly what it was all about. In that day, in a cleaned-up and revivified America,
the population of refreshed and rejuvenated Whites would know and understand that they owed
their renewed condition of honor and greatness to these two martyred comrades – Rockwell and

AND… there’d be no goddamned “sales events” anywhere trying to capitalize on an occasion as

solemn and sacred as this or any other holidays which we will have salvaged or introduced.
Things are going to get SERIOUS and become REAL once more.

Naturally, there’d be ceremonies in Arlington, Virginia, on the 25th and in Los Angeles,
California, on the 15th. Formations representing the political and the military, no silliness of any
kind, ever.

There’d be other, newer holidays as well but this is the month of August – here and now – and
that is what we’re dealing with.

I’m keeping this message short for a purpose.

We’ll now re-introduce “I Had a Comrade” as we institute a new, national holiday for a nation
that is starving, dying for genuine TRUTH and MEANING. For your own edification, if you as
yet do not fully know and understand the lives and the roles of Rockwell and Tommasi, I urge
you to check out our website for this critical information so that you, too can be fully a part of
this grand event in years and decades to come.
It’s Not Too Late To Hate

But it is too late to love Sharon Tate.

Terrible what has become of National Geographic magazine in recent decades. My father would
buy every old copy he could get his hands on at the local Goodwill Industries back home. In
those pages would be recounted the study and exploration of the globe by White men as it was
subject to White, Western civilization. And any “natives”? Well, to us then, “natives” meant
coloreds and were about as seriously regarded as any of the rest of the flora and fauna.

(We used to chide one another: “Your grandmother was a centerfold in National Geographic.”)

Now that venerable old magazine has gone the way of just about every other thing we used to
look upon as an institution. Multi-cultural and multi-racial, where the savages are no longer
savages, etc. Caught it by accident on some news program where the current editor-in-chief –
maybe even publisher – is some dirty, old Jewess. Sad. And, yes, I do HATE it!

But somehow I got hold of a copy of the March, 2012, issue of National Geographic where the
feature story was entitled, “The Journey of the Apostles”. Photographic illustrations of present-
day “Christians” depict colored low-lifer even while reproductions of ancient artworks clearly
show solid White types as the earliest Christians. You see the deliberate slant.

But they inadvertently let slip with a big hunk of truth when they printed this, “An immense
multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against
mankind… Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed
to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when
daylight had expired.” That Was the Roman historian Tacitus writing in the year 64 A.D.
So, according to Tacitus, the earliest Christians – who didn’t even call themselves that but rather
believers in “The Way” – most probably were not responsible for the burning of Rome but were
instead scapegoated as being “haters”. And this went on for a good two centuries.

We know how Gibbon described the slow death of ancient Rome, when the Roman cities were
no longer Roman, etc. They taught us in elementary school that the Germanic north did a brisk
business with Rome for blonde hair to be fashioned into wigs for Roman women because they
couldn’t understand why there were fewer and fewer blondes in Rome. And still the blonde ideal
remained the highest standard for beauty.

But everyone was a “citizen” – either a citizen or a slave – and there were plenty of slaves, both
White and colored. Form ahead of function. You might be tossed to the lions if you did not
worship the emperor as a god. Superstition. Having been a Roman citizen more than once saved
the bacon of Saint Paul. We know how it is here today in the United States with all this business
of “citizenship”. Anything that can crawl under the wire as nominally “human” and do the
prescribed paperwork can become a “citizen” and, if they are any kind of “minority” – and so-
called minorities represent nine-tenths of the world population – then they have greater rights
than YOU and are quite literally a protected species.

So we see a move toward what might, with extremely blurred vision, be seen as a policy of some
sort of national unity, certainly on the basis of an ersatz “equality”. Maybe Eisenhower was
thinking this same thing when he first ordered the schools of this country integrated in the 1950s.
But then we have reality versus image. The image may have been sweet. But the reality is that
our education system went from #1 in the world to where now the schools are literal jungles,
conditioning and not education is the object, illiteracy is the outcome, mass shootings are getting
to be the norm and metal detectors and armed guards are becoming permanent fixtures. And,
worst of all, Whites subjected to this from the earliest age are poor representations of what
Whites were once and what they ought to be. And no one thinks that a mistake has been made
and that it ought to be fixed.

No one. For that sort of realization would automatically be termed as “HATE”.

So what then? Just go on ahead and die?

Some of the works we have this year been releasing clearly demonstrate what Christ and the
early Christians were really all about. They were OURSELVES of two thousand years ago. The
first real HATERS! Any person who does not HATE that his country, his culture and his people
are being destroyed has got to be – as Commander Rockwell said – some sort of
INTELLECTUAL QUEER! That or else one of the enemy.

Very recently one of our comrades was confronted at his place of residence by a bunch of these
very same intellectual queers – from Germany, of all places – and asked the ridiculous question,
(paraphrasing) “What makes you think that you can just hate?!” Not missing the point here, the
real object was to get this comrade into hot water with his neighbors and his landlord, etc., and,
hopefully, to get him evicted. But so exemplary had been his behavior over the tenure of his
residency there that the landlord told those fucking brain-raped communists to get the hell off the
property and not to come back!

Well, at least it beats the hell out of a trip to the coliseum and a frolic with the lions. But it is the
sentiment that counts.

Nerve?! You ask about nerve?! What makes them think that they can confront us or anyone else
over the way they think and speak?! As some others have stated in the past, this is still the United
States of America!

No. In ancient Rome they really didn’t know what the hell they were doing. Believe it or not. It
is obvious that they had no inkling about the facts of race or of the deadly damage caused by
race-mixing. And the Roman Empire died a slow, agonizing death not even realizing what was
killing them. Worse than that, they went after those people who DID know and sent them to
horrible deaths. Human nature and not a very pretty picture.

If there was an agenda then it at least was not at its very bottom a plan to wipe out a specie of
human type. And we all should know what the word is for that: GENOCIDE. They were foolish
and they were blind. And they as a culture and a society paid the price.

Here in the present there are plenty of what I would call ASSHOLES who are kow-towing to all
this “equality” crap for perhaps the same reasons as the ancient Romans… All “citizens” need to
be treated equally. But at the bottom of all this today is the stated agenda of our RACIAL
ENEMIES to mix us up with former slaves and biological SHIT-HOOKS of all descriptions in
order to eliminate us as a RACE.

If this is some sort of “great idea” then look at what it has done to not only American society but
every society of the White West. Dismal and hopeless places of shame and despair. And should
this agenda be seen through to completion? A permanent state of Third Worldism over the entire
globe. And if you think today’s Third World is in a mess, try to imagine how it would be without
the nations of the White West to be sending in food, medicine and every other kind of aid.

Who or what would or could be behind an agenda such as this?

And what kind of stupid fools would involve themselves in the furtherance of insanity such as

The answer has got to be awareness. And this same awareness has got to be backed up by
ACTION. It is no more, no less than self-defense. But to the mind of the trained enemy or the
sincerely duped, this all represents HATE.

I state all of this now and in this way for the sake of any newcomers who will be visiting our
website. And I state it for the sake of those who are currently with us but who have yet to
experience the kind of CHUTZPAH – Jewish for nerve – coming from these “apostles of
brotherhood” to again borrow from Commander Rockwell.
These are your enemies. Whether racial enemies or poor slobs of your own kind who have been
poisoned by enemy propaganda. They seek to stamp out any resistance to the death sleep which
has been cast over our entire people. They do not want us waking up our own people. It is they
who HATE. And they are bothering about us now in this fashion because they are worried at the
success we are having. That and no other reason.

We take it as a badge of honor.

And we determine to double down in our efforts.

Whenever and wherever confronted by these self-supposed bullies, the proper response is,
“Satan, get thee behind me!”

(Or in more modern parlance, “Kiss my ass!”)

Last Chance Cafe

Round about these parts there are a lot of places named “Last Chance” this or that. And back in
the Nineteenth Century this was no joke. But today it has assumed a kind of “cute” ring to it.

Last evening as I was poring over some old Hard Right tracts I pulled one up which read, in part,
“White Man, this is your last chance!” It dated from 1976. Same people around the same time
were publishing features entitled, “Rhodesia Must Be the Turning Point!” etc. Well, I was
damned sure in my own mind that Rhodesia was NOT going to be any sort of “turning point” in
the downward trend of the fortunes of the West.

Furthermore, I felt then that it was a bad mistake to take any such stance and, especially, to
publish same. Looks bad and only goes toward the disheartenment of those who might be, first,
exposed to and, then, embrace this sort of “blue-skying”.

(For the record, Rhodesia was sold out from the inside. Whites there were deprived of the chance
to really fight… as I have said… a fight which they would have won.)

How many “last chances” have we seen come and go right here in this country over the decades?
“The Coming Red Dictatorship”, etc. Well, I promise you that in effect the “Red Dictatorship”
has been here in force for quite some time already. I don’t care what it calls itself or what
symbolism it uses. I don’t care who is aware of it or who is not. I don’t care that a Donald Trump
may be in office at the moment, etc. This great, big “pie graph” which we all inhabit just keeps
trending toward a bigger slice for them and a smaller slice for ourselves regardless. That’s all
that I care about.

That, as I have said many times, is the key note and the cornerstone of the communist agenda.
Period. They don’t care how it gets there, only that it does get there. And it’s getting there.

Last chances? Some in this movement will insist that Hitler was our last chance. Oh, that would
have been too easy, too pretty. Hitler’s was an orderly, legalistic and humane answer to the
world problem. He was answered with the utmost violence and illegality. Maybe he was in
reality THEIR last chance. “No more ‘Mr. Nice-Guy’”.

Here, more lately, it might have been the murder of George Lincoln Rockwell who, again, had a
solid and workable plan to peacefully and legalistically deal with the overriding problems of the
time. Again, I say, too nice and neat.

You must realize exactly what we have been up against all along.

This is savagery in slow motion. This is brute force in a suit and tie. This is super-sophisticated
BRAIN-RAPE unlike anything George Orwell could ever have come up with. They moved in on
our people and culture with one thought in mind: To destroy us. This is HATE the kind of which
our people can’t even conceive of. (And it is we who are labelled by these types as the “haters”.)

You have to understand that these types will not tolerate even a hint of self-defense. They will
perceive it as “fascism” and generally call it as such. No. It must, according to them, go all their
way all of the time. At worst for them they may take the old one step back and two steps
forward. They are deadly determined. They hold all the playing cards. It’s sickness and death all
the way as far as they are concerned for us… or else – as far as they are concerned – it is
“fascism” and it is that notion which they have propped up to become the new greatest evil

“Big Brother” is a totally outdated term. It has become long ago clichéd and we should avoid its
use as it now only goes to cheapen the enmity which needs to be taken with the greatest
seriousness. “P.C.”, to me, is a better term. From mere name-calling and over to actual operation.
And who is it that’s behind “P.C.”? It might get some people thinking.

But as for any last chances, I suppose it all has to do with what you consider to be any sort of
“line in the sand”. I assure you, you’re going to LOSE each and every time. Why? Simply

It must and it shall play itself out, wherever that may lead. Only a couple of things at this point
may be certain: It will get worse before it gets better; and any actual climax will not be pretty.

The “last chance” frame of mind is deadly poisonous. By adopting it you only set yourself up for
disillusionment. It represents a dangerously limited appreciation of the world situation. It makes
a fool and a victim of any who fall for it.

I say we as a race are going to overcome and survive this most deadly of any challenge we have
ever faced and then go on into the brightest future ever. But it will be done not only in spite of
the all-powerful enemy, but in spite also of OURSELVES. For we have clearly shown that we do
not DESERVE redemption but that the enemy has clearly shown himself as too vile to ever
become the master over this or any other planet.

I’ve said it before many times that we have faced in the past some absolutely horrendous – and
what would have been permanent – threats. Well, for one thing, in those times, we had ourselves,
our own leaders and we FOUGHT. But I’ve also said it time and again in recent years that not
only were these challenges of old fully anticipated and laid out in writing long before their actual
occurrences, so too is the present and final one. Does it really require a lot of blind faith to see
that, if there is an answer, this must be it?

For the rest, they can jump up and down all they like and see where it gets them. Draw that line
in the sand for it just might be your final chance.

It doesn’t matter if a world picture is not to your liking. It doesn’t matter if yours or anybody
else’s great plans do not seem to be working out. There only is what there is. People want more
than anything to hold onto some form of a past which – when compared with today – looks really
wonderful but which, in fact and reality FAILED because it succumbed to the machinations of an
insidious enemy. It along with that enemy must BOTH GO AT THE SAME TIME. Quite
obviously this is the way it has to go and the way it is going to go.

Deterioration speeds up all the time as though time itself is being compressed. This can’t go on
forever as there is a bottom which must be reached, sooner or later. Culture is dead. This is a
police state and even that is creaking and groaning. What? Half the population guarding the other
half? But even that insane picture couldn’t hold. The shift in the demographics dictates positively
that it can’t and won’t. This is the ball which they have kicked off. They couldn’t stop it if they
wanted to… and they don’t want to.

Just as an aside, in the month of July I finished the proof reading of the upcoming fourth edition
of my book, Siege. It was written nearly forty years ago. In places I would comment that this
whole drama might well require “another twenty years” before completion. Some hopes! But
then, Dr. William Pierce in his own masterwork, “The Turner Diaries”, set his futuristic scenario
in the Nineteen Nineties. So I guess that we’ve been seeing and learning all this time, at least I
hope so. And I would also hope that some of us have been transmitting what we have seen and
learned to others so that some degree of enlightenment might be gained and perpetuated.

I once asked Dr. Pierce, point blank, “What’s going to happen?” His answer was, “I don’t
know.” Well, I’ll say once more that we will come through this. However, the time-table, the in’s
and out’s, etc., are for the moment unquantifiable. Save to say once more that it will be rough
and it will be bad. That you may count on.

Hitler in Mein Kampf posited in reference to Central Europe that should the racial situation as it
was arising there at the time continue on for another five hundred years, then at the end there
would be very few examples left of the “Image of God.” That certainly was the issue then just as
it is now. And the time-frame of five centuries?? I don’t want to think it will require that long.
But I am fairly certain that it will not come in my own life time. That’s a broad expanse.

Think of the continuing degradation. Think of the genetic damage. Think of the MESS that will
somehow have to be cleaned up.

But it is coming and it will be.

There’ll be no lines in the sand.

Last chances? Maybe there never was a chance in the first place because if there ever was, it
surely was blown long ago.

Was it blown in the Garden of Eden where and when the first instance of race-mixing took
place? Probably. But, again, the entire saga from that moment to this was recorded and projected.

And now here we are.

Whose Jews?

One would surely think that what with Jews in Trump’s own family plus his moving of the U.S.
Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem the Jews themselves would be pretty much in his corner.
But no.

One of the absolute cornerstones of basic awareness is that the media everywhere is in the hands
of Jews and their brain-raped or sold out minions. This media hates Trump. This media declared
war against Trump well before he rightly stated that it was the worst enemy of the American
people. One can see it being played out day by day, week by week, month by month and year by
year. Like the giving of aid and comfort to the enemy during the Vietnam War. Like the
crucifixion of Richard Nixon throughout the Watergate ordeal. It is as carefully orchestrated as it
is vicious.

Now, as an aside to all of that Watergate business, we have seen one of the two Jews mainly
responsible for that, Woodward, having come out with a book claiming another “Deep Throat”
inside Trump’s White House and declaring himself to represent a “resistance” to Trump. It was a
big splash and then… gone! Probably a hoax as it went no further.

I want to stop to carefully point something out that should never be missed. This attack against
Trump just as the subversive efforts during Vietnam and the death by character assassination
against Nixon are more aimed at WHITE AMERICANS than anything else. Trump and his
nationalism; the attempt to halt the spread of communism in Vietnam; Nixon and his own anti-
communism going back to the 1950s, etc.

Another of the cornerstones of awareness is that communism is and has always been a Jewish
thing. Basically, it is the movement by which to FORCE the dirty lie of “equality” among
humanity. And not only “equality” but every form of filth and degeneracy to go along with it.

As one example, in Colorado about twenty some odd years ago a bill was put forward which
would allow decent people – especially those in business – to defend themselves against the push
of homosexuals to penetrate to all levels of the society. The bill passed and became law. THEN
the Jews and other communists went wild! The “leader” of this backlash was none other than
Hollywood Jewess, Barbra Streisand, who threatened that all her Jew and other scumbag buddies
in Hollywood would BOYCOTT the Colorado resorts like Vail and Aspen unless this decision
on the part of the will of the good people of Colorado were reversed. THEN the Jewified
Supreme Court went into action and struck the bill down as “Unconstitutional”. You cannot even
try to defend yourself effectively.

(At present there is a Jew-Queer running for Governor of the State of Colorado and bets are that
he’ll make it.)

Now we are witnessing truly the surreal. Trump is on the verge of packing the Supreme Court
with conservatives and with the votes in hand to ram-rod it through. Everyone knows that the
object in mind here is the overturning of the so-called “Roe vs. Wade” decision which legalized
abortion. One ought to know our position on abortion: To abort a healthy, White child is one of
the worst crimes imaginable; however, we frankly don’t give a damn about any of the rest. And
so a few more or less of the others matters not while even ONE more or less of our own does
indeed matter a great deal. Abortion, then, is a blot, an abomination and should be eradicated.

But no, again. It does seem as though these communist types have as their very reason for living
anything and everything which is flat-out ANTI-LIFE. Abortion has to be right up there at the
top of the list along with queerism and race-mixing, etc. To call it – or them – “sick” is to way
understate the case. They are positively intent upon FORCING all of this sickness and DISEASE
upon the rest of us until there is no life or health left anywhere. And they happen to OWN the
media, the politicians, the educational system, etc.

So… when Trump stated – more than once across this very media – that the media is the worst
enemy of the American people at least a shot was fired in response to this enemy attack against
our very existence. They never forget this sort of thing. Not ever. I still say that Trump didn’t
know just how right he was and is.

However, as far as the enemy is concerned, they feel that they cannot let “Roe vs. Wade” go
down. Think about it. To my awareness they have NOT ONCE taken a step backward in their
drive to destroy this country and its people, indeed every Western nation. If it ever has been a
step back, then it has been also two steps forward for them. These people are the tyrants to end
all tyrants. “No” will not be accepted as an answer. The will of the people be damned, as far as
they are concerned. Mere guinea pigs, as far as they are concerned. But no lab assistant ever has
harbored the kind of SICK HATRED toward their guinea pigs the way these communist/liberal
types HATE any sign of health and strength, especially as it is demonstrated in the White Race.

Plus to strike down this evil in a perfectly legalistic manner also would be too much for them.
They love best to portray their opposition as thugs and as criminals. This is the real reason why
they hate Hitler: He EXPOSED them and STRIPPED THEM OF THEIR POWER legally! By
the will of the people. This they cannot stand.

So now we have seen two women step forth and charge Trump’s Supreme Court nominee with
“sexual misconduct” going back decades. This is a desperate, last-ditch stand. If this man is
installed, then “Roe vs. Wade” goes down and they suffer a shattering defeat. And it might only
be the first of such defeats. But all of this “Me Three” crap does to me smell like the worst of

This nominee – Kavanaugh – is a jurist. His training at least seems to be propelling him to hold
out and wait for the rubber to meet the road in the form of actual evidence. We’ll have seen by
the time this article goes up on the web. The man has even come out and stated something that I
couldn’t expect any man to admit: That he was a virgin through high school and college! I would
hope and expect that Trump, with his billions, would hire an army of private investigators to dig
into these women’s pasts and come with the dirt. Who exactly recruited them for this task?

Worst case scenario: Even if Kavanaugh doesn’t make it, Trump will pick one more conservative
and with the same object in mind. Then let the communists go ahead and attempt more of their
bullshit. Even the stupid public would have to begin to get the idea.

You might begin to get the idea that I’m loving this.

Back to Trump as Friend-of-the-Jews. Trump is a nationalist. Benjamin Netanyahu is a

nationalist. Vladimir Putin is a nationalist. Netanyahu expressed the most sincere of gratitude
when he thanked and congratulated Trump on the U.S. Embassy move although everyone knew
it meant the end of any hopes for peace in that area… as though there ever was any real hope for
peace in the first place. And it should be super-obvious to all the way they HATE Vladimir
Putin. (He brought back the Cossacks and there had been talk of bringing back the Czar.)

After visiting Paris on Bastille Day and witnessing a grand military parade, Trump expressed
that it would be a good idea to stage something similar here to coincide with Veterans Day. The
communists went wild with outrage. The only parades they want are strictly THEIR OWN. They
have robbed this country of its national pride. All they want is “gay pride”, “Black pride”, etc. At
once I thought the idea to be terrific. Even though the marching columns would be dotted with
coloreds, dikes, etc., the overall effect would have been momentous! In the end however, Trump
post-poned the thing due to the extravagant cost which was presented to him. He said he refused
to be “held up”. Personally, I’d have gone for it at any cost. Maybe next year.

There it is.
As I’ve said before, even Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again” still has them
jumping up and down for that is pure nationalism and, as anyone ought to know, would have to
mean “Make America WHITE Again”!

This is a struggle of life and death. A struggle of life AGAINST death. The enemy enjoys every
material advantage which he took great care to gain for himself before coming out too boldly
with exactly what he is and what he wants. But a sudden reaction, a sudden over-play, a sudden
awareness on the part of sufficient Whites and the game is up. This is what we stand for. This is
what we fight for and will continue to fight for until it has become reality.

A long time ago, when I was embroiled in possibly the worst and most dangerous quasi-legal
mess I’ve ever faced, I commented to one friend that, despite all appearances, this scheme
against me would not succeed. My friend then asked why I believed as I did despite all. My
instinctive response was that it would not succeed because it was too filthy. That and because I
refused to bow and because of the help of God and a few good friends. And, sure enough, it did

This will too.

A Communist Defeat

As I’ve said in the recent past, I’m going to stop using such wishy-washy terms as “liberal”,
“left-wing”, “democrat”, etc., and stick to strictly calling things by what they really are. Our
political opponents are COMMUNISTS regardless of any degree of shading, etc. Let’s all start to
call everything exactly the way it is. This action alone will begin to bring results as the air itself
is cleared.

And what is communism other than the alien, Jewish-inspired move to overturn and destroy
White, Western, Christian civilization through the means of forced “equality”, the general
“dumbing down” and the resultant miscegenation which will send this nation and any other
spinning in a downturn – irredeemably – of Third Worldism. So are they insane, are they
criminal or exactly what? No matter. This has to be STOPPED.

Unless I am grossly mistaken, this communist move within the United States has NEVER
SUFFERED A SINGLE SET-BACK in its long assault against this country’s real values and
traditions since the attack began well over a century ago. I wrote earlier about the struggle to
prevent the confirmation of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and exactly what hinged upon that.
It is with an eye toward the overturning of the Roe vs Wade abortion decision. As of this writing,
it appears, even according to the enemy media, that Kavanaugh WILL be confirmed. Eventually,
the attack will come against Roe vs Wade and the conservatively “stacked” Supreme Court will
shoot it down. A communist defeat. The first. Hopefully not the last.

We are a peaceful, tolerant people who were and are just trying to “get by” with our lives, etc.
Then entered the alien, Jewish invaders with their conspiracy to not only take us over but to
literally wipe us out by corrupting and twisting our culture and our institutions to the point where
they barely resemble their former selves. Then, of course, to mix us with niggers, etc., so as to
quite effectively erase us from the face of the earth. All of it, be careful to note, done in the name
of “fairness”, “justice”, “freedom” and, of course, “equality”. They were able to get many of our
own people to join them in this big lie.

All my life I resisted, didn’t give a damn about the “news” because, from the age of fourteen, I,
as a member of the National Socialist Youth Movement had learned that all official channels of
“information” were enemy controlled and not to be heeded. But, of course, there remains that
principle of the “hostile witness” and the being able to learn even from a liar just so long as you
knew that a liar he is. Attacks on those people from Rockwell to Wallace and beyond. Then it
came 2016 and Trump. This man, I was told, intended to build a wall along the U.S./Mexican
border. Wow! Then I became a devotee of the “news”. Lines were drawn and I knew it was no
put-on, no bullshit. AND THEN TRUMP WON!! I have previously stated how I, in the wee
hours of election morning, shed a tear of joy at that miracle.
No bullshit, indeed. The communists and their minions everywhere have never gotten over that.
They can’t even really conceal their hatred and contempt for the man who won the hearts of the
true, real Americans which yet remain. And now it’s happened again with Kavanaugh. They
went all-out by sending in LIARS and prepped, trained communist agitators to shoot the man
down at the last minute exactly the way they had tried it against Trump in 2017. And it failed
again. I cannot overstate what a turning point this does represent.

But it’s all been too close, painfully close, and the trends of demographics – the increase of the
colored population against the Whites – is going to tell the tale eventually unless something is
done. The communists have been having their way, uninterruptedly, over the past century
because of the previously entrenched Jewish conspiracy with their money power and their
control of the media, etc. However, that has not been all.

In the earliest stages of the Twentieth Century the Jews and their communist dupes decided to
TAKE OVER the Democratic Party and turn it to their own use. This they did. What had been
the Party of the Old South, the White Man’s Party, was now just a tool of the Jews. Tragically,
many stoic Southerners couldn’t see this and actually help elect what – if there were ever a
genuine Anti-Christ to appear on the face of the earth – was their champion, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, a partial Jew himself.

It was done through the atmosphere of panic due to the Great Depression of 1929 which, again,
they themselves had artificially kicked off in order to “redistribute wealth” non-violently as
opposed to the way it had been done by their “Russian Revolution” of 1918. Roosevelt forced
through Marxist socialism in this country, went on to engineer the Second World War to take out
communism’s last significant opposition on the world stage and to set the ball rolling for the so-
called “Civil Rights Movement” which today just about has the American society shattered to

But it has been shown that the Democratic Party, under the auspices of the Jews, at least
possesses PARTY UNITY and, yes, even LOYALTY quite similar to that discipline and loyalty
as demonstrated by the Communist Party itself. And why not, after all? It doesn’t matter that it is
relying upon the efforts of armies of WHITE DUPES to help destroy their country and
themselves. The enemy media and so-called “educational system” has long ago rendered these
types as nothing more than BRAIN-RAPED ZOMBIES. But they ARE committed to discipline
and loyalty and, yes, they are true FANATICS about it.

The Republican Party and conservatism in general lacks all of these things. There is no huge,
powerful conspiracy behind them; there is no brain-wash apparatus to swell their ranks with
wild-eyed zealots; and there most certainly is no party DISCIPLINE AND LOYALTY. The
recent spectacle of some of the more weak-titted and confused senators, etc., among their ranks
was enough to make a person sick. They lack a HARD CORE of their own fanatics and this
alone can and will spell the difference.

In a long interview with ProPublica recently, I know I disturbed them when I came out and said
that we had learned from the failure of the armed revolution attempt of the Eighties and Nineties
and now were taking a closer look at the likes of Trump and the U.S. conservative movement in
general. Things have changed dramatically and, I stress again, that it is FOR REAL. Even the
enemy media can’t resist decrying that this country and its politics have never been more divided
than they are now. Their atmosphere is CONFUSION. Our atmosphere is CLARITY. Even as
Joseph Tommasi said in the Seventies, HEIGHTEN THE CONTRADICTIONS!!

Commander Rockwell announced the formation of the American Nazi Party in 1959. In 1967 the
name was changed to National Socialist White People’s Party for a look and a sound of greater
seriousness and believability. How many other such “parties” existed at the same time and for
essentially the same purpose? Commander Rockwell made a LEGEND, at least, while none of
the others even achieved that much. But as for ever having been any kind of true “party”, I’m
afraid not. Not even close. And today it remains the same. And it will always remain this way.

But as the Commander said way back then, IT IS WE WHO ARE OUR OWN PEOPLE’S
HARD CORE. As such, we cannot permit ourselves to continue going to waste in this precious
role. The Commander envisioned a Right Wing movement operating much the way the
communists do, through a Hard Core and working its way out in more “softer” fronts so as to
attract less fanatical supporters but in greater numbers. But no. That total lack of DISCIPLINE
and LOYALTY prevented the Commander’s dream from becoming reality.

I myself, ahead of the most, disdained totally the thought of anything not overtly National
Socialist and not openly displaying the Swastika. I still do. But even as Hitler said in the 1934
film, “Triumph of the Will”, we must in our strategy and our tactics always remain flexible while
in our philosophy and our worldview we must remain as hard as steel. Nothing demonstrated the
correctness of this outlook greater than the failure of the Munich Revolt of 1923 and the
subsequent march to victory in Germany in a legalistic fashion in 1933.

Never would I have, nor did I ever in reality urge anyone to adopt this or that ridiculous
“strategy” of the likes of “pull up all roots and move to the North West”. Not even “abandon
your life and livelihood and relocate to national headquarters.”


Echoing the “Lone Wolf” strategy. Infiltrate.

You will sacrifice nothing. Join locally and quietly. Keep your more fanatical tendencies quiet
for the moment. Become actively involved. Become a leader. Eventually run for office. Don’t do
any of this if there is anything in your background that the enemy can use later to destroy you
should you begin to achieve success. On the other hand, never back-peddle the way some
movement luminaries have done in the past when their backgrounds were blown up in the enemy
press. Doesn’t look good and won’t help. There IS a party there, waiting for us and it is up to us
to go and assume control of it. Who gives a damn what it may be called or what the condition of
it may be at present?

Pipe dream? Can’t be done?

At least it doesn’t sound crazy. At least it doesn’t entail the risky or the dangerous and the illegal.
It only requires some DOING on the part of some genuinely CAPABLE and SINCERE

Remember Hitler walking into the tiny German Workers’ Party in 1919.

Are we or are we not at least the equals of these types filling the ranks of the Republican Party

We’ve nothing to lose by it and it may even be fun.

(Perhaps even stir some madness!)

Day of the Martyrs

…or rather Night of the Martyrs as it was in the wee hours of October 16th, 1946, that close to a
dozen of the finest men who ever lived went to the gallows in Nuremberg, Germany.

This is not to bewail the details of that but it is necessary in order to set the tone properly for
what is to become one more genuinely national holiday not only for White Americans but for
Whites everywhere once they have been reawakened to their danger and to their destiny.

“War Criminals” they were called and still are for the present. But as they themselves said at the
time, they had broken no laws. No matter. The invading “Allies” CREATED some brand new
“laws” expressly for the occasion. Ex post facto was and is the legalistic term for this as pointed
out by then Ohio Senator Robert Taft as part of his condemnation of the whole, ugly – and illegal
– farce. (And Taft himself might well be counted among the martyrs as it is rumored and was
suspected that he was murdered by the same forces not long afterward.)

The number of the dead might have been an even dozen had it not been for the suicides of, first,
Dr. Robert Ley who early on following the arrests of the German leaders decided not to
participate in this charade and then, lastly, of Hermann Goering who, after he had stood boldly
and bravely forth throughout the sham “trial” defending Germany’s honor, ended his own life
just hours before the scheduled executions.

Conditions throughout the one-year-plus ordeal amounted to, at best, slow torture what with
starvation rations and freezing conditions not to mention the torture of not knowing the
whereabouts or circumstances of their families, etc. Direct and overt torture in other cases as
with Hans Frank and Julius Streicher. At the end, the hangings themselves were “botched” so
that it might require up to twenty minutes for a man to die of slow strangulation.

And recall that these “trials” were put on – “hosted” – by the Americans, not the Soviets, etc.

One more U.S. Senator, Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, was besieged by some of his
constituents of German extraction that there were terrible outrages being committed against the
German people by the occupying “Allied” forces and that he needed to investigate this. He did
and was shocked and horrified by what he found. Later, of course, he became famous – or
infamous – for his disclosures of the extent of communist infiltration into the U.S. government,
business and industry, etc. One more martyr himself, he was first undone by burrowed
communists in government here – from Eisenhower on down – and then he too was murdered

General George S. Patton – a man who more properly should have been fighting WITH the Axis
powers rather than against them according to his own personal beliefs – was likewise murdered
in December of 1945 at the orders of Joseph Stalin, carried out by agents of the OSS, forerunner
of the CIA, for his similar discoveries of such outrages and his statements that the Soviet Union
needed to be taken out militarily forthwith. The martyrs are to be found everywhere.

Crimes? As far as the Germans are concerned, remove the so-called “Holocaust” – which has
long since been debunked – and what do you really have left? What of Taft, McCarthy and
Patton, etc.? They didn’t even get a typically Stalinust show trial. They were on the “winning”
side. They couldn’t be “tried”. They just had to be bumped off.

The “crime” of the Germans was that they had awakened to the world wide conspiracy, had freed
their own nation from its grip and, when attacked by the rest of the world still in the grip of the
conspiracy, they fought like the proverbial tigers and almost won. Beyond even that, they held a
worldview which was totally anathema to the conspiracy of the Jews and which – in the eyes of
the Jews – had to be criminalized as far as the rest of an unsuspecting humanity was concerned.
Hence, show trials.

These so-called “trials” and subsequent murders didn’t stop there. They continued into the
1950s. In fact, these persecutions – for that is exactly what they are – continue to this very day
with old men in their nineties who may have been low-level functionaries, radio operators, etc.,
at different Third Reich facilities being arrested and/or deported even as they must be hauled
about on stretchers.

The number of the martyrs extends well into the millions. Those who died at the fronts in the
Second World War, those who died in “Allied” captivity after the war which was an even greater
number, those civilians who died in the mass murder bombings of the cities, those who died of
murder, rape and plunder, and the suicides also of those who desired not to face life in an enemy-
occupied world. And none of this is strictly confined to Germany. Practically every nation in
Europe experienced the same thing for it had been a European civil war… a struggle for
European freedom against the aggressive encroachment of an alien, communist agenda. What
tipped the balance in favor of the communists was United States intervention.

Then, with that struggle over with, the alien agenda turned its sights against the United States
itself. Those servicemen who imagined they were going off to war to defend their country and
their way of life – some of whom are still living – little realized that they were being duped,
being used to actually go and undermine and destroy Western Civilization at the behest of the
worst enemies of one and all. They now wonder, those who are left, what the hell happened to
their country. These too could be considered among the martyrs. Every unborn, White child
aborted, sacrificed, murdered in the name of the resurrected god, Baal, is likewise one more
martyr and they alone number in the millions.

Now, if a thing such as this cannot be counted as worthy of official note, then nothing can. Not
even the persecutions of the early Christians can satisfactorily compare.

This is all world-historic despite still being mainly seen by the vast majority as something
entirely other than what it was and is in reality Author and historian David Irving coined the term
“Innocenticide” as a far more appropriate thing upon which to attach our attentions and our
sympathies. Innocent people done to death on account of some foreign and aggressive doctrine, a
conspiracy, determined to control the earth and to reshape humanity into some kind of brown and
mediocre mass, ideal for the dictatorship of the Jews.

Oppose this and you are immediately, automatically a “criminal”. Why, they have had their so-
called “Hate Laws” in place now for a very long time. To the extent and the effectivity that you
may actively oppose this criminal insanity itself, to that same extent will they send their hired
minions after you, to ruin, to imprison or to kill you. And so, with that firmly in mind, the list of
the martyrs is not a closed one.

I have recounted elsewhere the occasion when I was summoned from out of my maximum
security prison cell and to the office of my then “case manager”, a Black. I don’t recall the actual
purpose of the “visit” but I do recall that on the wall of his office he had a large print of a great
mass of children, all of them either brown or black. No Whites. That, as far as he was concerned,
was the “future”. That is the “prize” upon which they must keep their eyes. I said, “No.” That it
would never reach that point. He replied by saying that it was all due to people like me, those
who were “resisting”.
I am no martyr nor do I desire to be. But it could just as well happen. Could have taken place
several times over by now and could well still happen in the future. I’d prefer to keep on fighting
until I am allowed to die a “straw death” at home in bed. But we seldom get these choices.

Rather, I have found myself in more recent years – in my mind and heart at least – there in that
cold dungeon in Nuremberg among those, some of the greatest martyrs of all time, and sharing
with them, in my imagination at least, every hardship and privation. I get no form of pleasure
from this. I only find it to be inescapable.

But thinking even of the millions – a majority of whom were burned to death in bombing raids –
their sufferings were no worse than that of our Lord, Jesus Christ, dying upon the cross at the
hands of the very same fiends, with the very same purpose in mind.

So when I say “world-historic”, I mean it.

The climax approaches.

The absolute and concrete presence of such an evil conspiracy must be taken as the “hostile
witness”, the proof positive that things are not to be taken just at face value, which things are not
as they seem or are made out to be.

All of this terror and suffering as well on the part of the brave, the good and the innocent is the
price paid for ultimate victory.

The blood of the martyrs cries out.

The Delirium of the Twenty-First Century

Sure, this notion of racial equality has been around for a very long time. But it’s not been a part
of the way Western Civilization worked and grew great. Some idle crack brains in their off hours
whipped that nonsense up mainly from out of a very weak and shaky grasp of the Bible. Even
during the Civil War, men from Abraham Lincoln on down to the common foot soldier wanted
nothing more to do with Negroes than any man of the South. The issues then were, on the one
side, the increasingly ill treatment of the South by the Northerners in Congress and, on the other
side, the determination to preserve the Union.

Even enemy sources today are admitting that, by standards of today, Lincoln would be
considered as a “racist” because he was an outspoken advocate of racial separation up to and
including repatriation of Blacks to Africa or elsewhere and away from the midst of Whites.
Lincoln, sadly, was partially in bed with this same enemy which was at work even back then and,
with the South defeated and the slaves turned loose, they arranged his assassination before he
could implement their repatriation. The enemy had plans for these masses of coloreds.

Through the heroic efforts of the Ku Klux Klan, the South was able to retain its own society for
the next hundred years. But all the while the babble about “equality” went on and on, in the
schools, in the legislatures, in the media, etc. Black influence penetrated the common culture.
Things were gradually being softened up. The enemy – Jews – went to work to speed things up
as with their creation of the NAACP – National Association For the Advancement of Colored
People – in 1909.

Colonel John Beaty outlined in his early masterwork, Iron Curtain Over America, that soon after
this move on the part of the Jews, they next moved to literally take over the Democratic Party
which long had been known and understood to be the White Man’s party, especially in the South.
All of this was taking place within the same time frame as the violent and bloodthirsty
communist revolutions in Russia and in central Europe, also put on by more Jews following the
wake of the First World War. Same leaders and same object in mind: The overthrow of White,
Christian civilization and its replacement by some form or another of hell on earth.
They triggered the Great Depression in 1929 in order to “redistribute” wealth while the
communists over there were doing the same at gun point. Also, to generate enough panic here so
as to be able get their own man into the presidency. And this man was Franklin Roosevelt. The
“D” in the Delano part of Roosevelt’s name contained the Jewish element in his own
background. While in the Soviet Union it was “Uncle Joe” Stalin who was world communism’s
boss, it was Roosevelt over here who was – in line with iron communist discipline – his direct
tool. But what a tool! In charge over the nation with the greatest economic and military potential.

Together they took care of the social and political renaissance that had taken place in Europe,
known to the common mythology as “World War Two”.

Roosevelt had a wife also, Eleanor. A cousin of his. A communist lesbian as it is now generally
admitted even by her fans and admirers. More outspoken than he, especially on matters of race,
he nonetheless was shrewd enough to realize that he couldn’t come out too far or push too hard
on such matters lest he stir up the kind of White revolt which might derail the communist plans
for this country and the Western world. It had to be done by increments, carefully.

The man back in Chillicothe, Ohio, Sylvester Bookwalter, who was my barber from the time I
got my first haircut until the time when he passed away in the mid-1970s, had been a bombardier
in the Second World War. And thus he had taken part in what can only be seen as the suicide of
the West. But he was something to listen to as he would cut your hair. As he saw it this country
was headed for blood being splashed from one side to the other. That Martin Luther King was
nothing more than a communist agitator. But my favorite vignette from him was of the time
during his military years when he and his fellows in the Air Corps were “treated” to a visit from
Eleanor Roosevelt.

Her husband had been stricken in the 1920s with polio and was unable to travel freely. (The
media held him as such a darling that the result was 90% of the American public didn’t even
realize he was a cripple.) And so she donned a kind of uniform and globe-trotted to visit the
troops in his stead. And so, according to “Bookie”, she appeared up on stage accompanied by
some Black junior officer. His impression at the time was that he and not just a few others in
attendance received the feeling that “she was screwing that nigger.” Probably right. Eleanor
Roosevelt was a notoriously ugly female but, as it is well known, niggers will screw even a

But there’s an excellent example of just what was in charge even way back then. There’s the
anecdote about her traveling to Tennessee by car – after the death of her husband – with a gun in
the glove compartment lest she and her companion be waylaid by White rednecks on their way to
attend a meeting of the Highlander Folk School, a communist training center for colored
agitators. Martin Luther King, one more attendee, may have even met her there.

John Kennedy, now the scion of the rotten-to-the-core Kennedy clan, when he was being pushed
toward the presidency by his father, Joseph, went to Eleanor to ask for her open support. She said
yes but on one condition: That he come out openly for so-called “civil rights”. This he promised
to do and the rigged election was delivered to him. The man was widely hated by those who
knew, realized and cared about anything. To those who only knew or cared about media image-
making, he was an idol. But Kennedy was dragging his feet on “civil rights” even as the national
pot was boiling with increasing resistance. Commander George Lincoln Rockwell was part of
this resistance.

The decision was reached by Kennedy’s handlers that he had become now worth more dead than
alive. His own vice president, Lyndon Johnson, stepped up and offered to take Kennedy out of
the way… “Just send him to Texas.” Then “civil rights” went into high gear. Also, the nation’s
strict immigration laws went down at that time. You can catch a glimpse of the way things have
gone from then until now. The slippery slide got steeper.

But they and their media then made a “god” out of Kennedy, their boy that they had just
murdered. Next was to be Martin Luther King once the Black communities across the country
began voicing their wish that “Dr. King stay out of our affairs.” Same treatment. Same elevation
to “god” status in order to create and further propel the myth. And the masses being what they
are fell for it in their droves.

That – along with the so-called “Holocaust”, marca registrada – have entered as twin pillars of
the new religion. You cannot question so-called racial equality. You cannot question the veracity
of the “Holocaust”. You can be jailed. Like posing the opinion a thousand years ago that perhaps
the sun does not revolve around the earth or that just maybe the earth is not flat. These could get
you burned at the stake. (When men of greater antiquity knew the real truth.) But falsities
regarding astronomy, etc., could not harm the race whereas lies about “equality” most certainly
can and are.

I don’t think there was any evil intent a thousand years ago. Just ignorance backed by a blind
determination to support the official line of the Church. In any case, we continued to move
forward. We at least were under our own leaders, even if they were flawed. And our societies
were still strictly our own. Jews had not yet made the inroads which they were later to make.

Today it is different. An enemy has taken control over the workings of our society, over every
nation of the West, and has put forward this new false “religion” that no previously White nation
any longer has the right to keep itself White. And the stupid idiots are falling for it. While at the
very same time they are falling like the proverbial flies as a result. If ever there was a move
toward genocide, this is it.

This then is the Delirium of the Twenty-First Century, the new and all-powerful superstition
which will, unless broken up, lead an entire people to its destruction.

How will it resolve? Will the enemy system collapse before its own end goal can be achieved?
Will the voices of truth somehow be able to awaken sufficient numbers of their own people to
cause a reaction against this conspiracy? Will it require an off-earth intervention – as promised
by the holy books – before it can go all the way?

I believe, just as I must believe, that it will not succeed ultimately. Why? Two reasons: One,
such an outcome goes against all logic; Two, every piece of this was anticipated and written of
thousands of years ago and in the most minute detail. We wait.
Some will go with the truth while the most will go with the superstition of the age.

Where will you be found?

And the Truth is…

One doesn’t have to preach hate or violence although simply refraining from doing so will not
prevent one from being called a “hater” or a “domestic terrorist”, etc. Still, this provocation
should not be taken as any kind of go-ahead for actually living up to those epithets.
It’s not necessary to hate anyone. And to ever resort to violence, at least within the setting we
have here at present, is to buck up directly against the admonition of Saint John when he said,
“He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.” Translated, this means should you so much
as pick up a pea-shooter you’ll right away be facing the S.W.A.T. team.

The violence will continue and it will increase but let it do so without us. We should know better.
We have no control over it. We do not advocate it as demonstrated by these very words. We
counsel against it, once more as demonstrated by these pronouncements. But we do understand
that this is a nation beset by an ever-growing number of alienated individuals who are, step-by-
step, arriving at their respective breaking points. As there is no resolution to the situation which
breeds these feelings and, to most, no constructive or positive channel for their anger and
frustration, they will continue to go off.

We tell our people this: Your life and liberty are precious. We need you with us to help awaken
the rest of our people. Going and taking out one or a handful of others will in the end achieve
nothing except to take YOU out of the picture and provide more grist for the mill of the enemy
media. Don’t waste your time and, more importantly, don’t waste yourself. It’s been tried, I
assure you, and we have seen the results. It is a negative and a loss. Don’t do it.

We don’t need violence. We can’t use it. If we today are so impulsive as to give way to such
urges – no matter how seemingly justified – we play directly into the hands of the enemy. Let’s
not, therefore, be foolish.

I can and do say this because the reality is that we have always had TRUTH on our side. Some
kind of “moral victory”? No. I myself don’t have any time for that sort of thing. More a case of
pure physics. You know, “equal and opposite reaction” plus “cause and effect”. That sort of
thing. The man jumping off the high building may think he’s “defying gravity” and, for a short
while, he is. But that ground does come up very suddenly and very hard.

We have a society, a culture, a civilization which has quite literally jumped off of a high roof and
presently is in free fall. This is absolutely nothing new. They’ve all done it, every great culture
that has ever risen and then fallen has done it exactly this way. But, as I’ve stressed in the past,
THIS TIME is different in the respect that, one, our present fall has been deliberately RED-
LINED by an identifiable group and, two, the whole process was predicted – prophesized – and
literally FORESEEN two thousand years ago. So who’s kidding who?

Everyone is blind, running around with their heads up their asses. They have embraced the
culture of death and, as the book says, “with hell they are in agreement”. They’ll kill you and
believe that they are, again in the words of the book, “believe they’re doing the Lord’s work.”
Hard Left or Hard Right, it matters not. They both fall into this category. Never think otherwise
as it’ll cost you.

The LIE is in total charge. It may seem to be making some kind of “go” of it because that which
it targets the highest – the White, productive element of the population – as yet hangs on,
suffering and groaning but still shouldering it all. Remove that and hell rises. I’ve said it and I’ll
keep on saying it: If you really want to see the final outcome of this great, liberal-democratic
experiment, you don’t need to wait. Just travel to ANY Third World spot and have a good look
around. Nice? Anything to be desired? Any sort of goal worth going after? That kind of world
which you would want to bequeath to your grandchildren?

Well, it’s coming here and at a steady pace.

This couldn’t be the case without MILLIONS of duped Whites taking part in it and, yes,
shouldering it as well. Brain-raped as we call it. All of their instincts having been perverted. Self-
hate, actually. How could such a thing come to pass? Media monopoly. Buy it all up and then it
becomes your own plaything. That’s easy enough to check out. We know and we state flatly that
this has been the work of Jews going back more than a century. It’s only a fact. But is it “hate”?
It’s certainly not a lie. Since its beginning, however, it has been willingly joined by these same
millions of previously duped minions who don’t even need to be told what to say: They are
unable to say anything other than what has been planted in their brains.

And with all that “education” – read CONDITIONING – they’ll spit and sneer at anyone who
assumes a different stance. I’m afraid they’re like rabid dogs.

This truly is then one hell of a spot. The prognosis isn’t a very pretty one. How could it be what
with the “best” who are running the show all in lock-step with the drum beat of death? Yet
decency and civilization have come through in the past and they’ll come through now. The hard
part is that we just can’t see it right now, the way of it, that is.

So what then is the big truth and the big enemy? What is that thing which you can point a finger
at without necessarily being seen right away as a “hater”? For we must not fall into the trap
deliberately set by the enemy and ourselves trigger the knee-jerk reflexes which he has planted
within the entire population. Only a genuine grasp of the TRUTH and the appropriate means of
handling it can avoid this.


Confusion is the answer. That is what is killing us.

Confusion within your own bodily system is what will unleash the cancer that will kill you as an
individual. You don’t “catch” cancer. It develops from within. At present we are stricken with

Just as with the appearance of AIDS – a message from God, if you like – which was unheeded as
THE PRICE… these people sought only some means by which to go on with their abominations
and thumb their noses at the natural reaction. No lesson taken.

“Diversity”. In the book this is referred to as “confusion of face”. It is forbidden to us by God

himself. Now there doesn’t have to be “hate” and there doesn’t have to be “supremacy”. But
there does have to be CLARITY, which is the opposite of confusion. “Democracy”. I prefer to
call this managed confusion with only the plotters at the top being the managers. You’re
supposed to hail and embrace this “diversity” and this “democracy”. It is a shell game and we as
a people have been losing steadily at it throughout our long history on this planet.

These brain-raped dupes positively HATE Donald Trump with a passion for, among other things,
his motto of, “Make America Great Again”. Anyone would sense that this can only mean, “Make
America White Again”. So the inference is that America is no longer great at present. But it once
was. And that would be back before all of this damnable DIVERSITY had a chance to set in.
These types actually LOVE THE DISEASE which is killing us! Maybe it’s largely a matter of
they themselves simply not being of our own stock. If there is any real hate involved anywhere,
it is coming from their direction and toward ourselves.

But I would say to them also: Go and live in a Third World spot. Who would you hate then?
What would you or could you do? Why, you’d get out of there if you could, come here and then
begin agitating against the White order as it remains which is the ONLY THING separating this
place from that!! Insane? Criminal? Evil? It hardly matters.

Stricken by confusion. With nobody save ourselves calling it as such. Do they hope for
improvement? They cannot and will not face the reality and pronounce the proper diagnosis.
What chance then? To attack us ever more vehemently for calling it as it is? We spoil the dream,
or the nightmare, for them. Without us naming the truth, then the lie could much more easily be
‘able to masquerade as the “truth”. That’s the reason that they hate us!

But there’s your truth, as plain as I can make it.

Let us base all of our thoughts, all of our words and all of our actions upon it.
That Poisonous Crap

I lambasted the Church pretty well in the pages of SIEGE nearly forty years ago and have had no
occasion to turn back upon anything I wrote then. Let it stand.

But it was Manson who stressed that all of the formerly White institutions had died and rotted
away, becoming in essence, tools in the hands of the common racial enemy against the very
people who first gave them rise. This is not anything new but one must have a grasp of history in
order to see it.

Had I not served a several-years sentence for some bullshit charge in the Nineteen Nineties, I
never would have been able to come up with the proper answers to these critical questions which
certainly bothered me and obviously still bother and confuse millions of others, laying the way
open for them to be fooled and mislead… as always by the common, racial enemy whose
greatest weapon is confusion and the exploitation thereof.

People I would not call stupid still fall for what I call “this poisonous crap”. I’m not trying to sell
books here but it is all explained to all but the self-blinded in those volumes we have released
over the previous year. With one more to go, it’s all there for any who sincerely seek for the

Nothing which has lasted the ages could have started out as bullshit. But nothing left in the hands
of man has ever escaped from becoming bullshit. These are my words. I stand by them.

There are many millions of sincere people who, it would appear, follow the book. Some of these
people are liberals and some are conservatives. Here we go again. Losing sight of the kernel of
the issue in favor of petty, bullshit issues.
Well, here it is: A misread. Yes, a misread.

“Belief”. In these works just described I said that a person can “believe” anything up to and
including that he is a pair of needle-nose liars. And if he REALLY believes it, does that make it
any the more “real”? Of course not. It just makes that person a little further out than the rest.
“You MUST believe!” Bullshit, I say!

I found it on my own and it was RACE. Everything else is either a spin-off from that or else it is
a direct LIE. Either way, it represents nothing more than a DIVERSION. And do we have time
for diversions?

Then there is what I came to call “desire and capacity”. Who really WANTS to know and who is
actually ABLE to comprehend? That narrows it way down. This cannot be fitted into
professional sports. Pretty sad and obvious that that is where the common mentality is to be

In a forthcoming book I talk about being a kid and all wrapped up in a large, cardboard box out
in the back yard when there is a big and beautiful house right there. Something that one feels
they can better comprehend and control. Any FOOL, IDIOT or SAVAGE might “comprehend”
some message of “universal salvation” to the complete overlooking of the FULL MESSAGE
contained in those sixty-six books which make up the whole Bible. And that message has only to
do with the struggles and near-misses of only the White race.

Period. But people, as ever, go only by what they’re TOLD. I tell the true story of the dear friend
of mine, a woman then in her sixties, who said to me that she had studied the Bible all her life
and still didn’t know what it was about. Then the young and tough supporter who once chided
me over the phone, “Are you still reading the Bible?” And to this I quickly answered, “No. I read
it. I got it and that’s it.”

To absolutely CLING to something, blindly, fanatically, without reason or insight. That is what
these religious types do. Many of them quite simply have suffered in their lives some kind of
burn-out or melt-down. And to this they have retreated. Others turn to dope or alcohol or sex.
But it is BLIND and it is UNTHINKING.

Liberal or conservative, what does it all have in common? If the person only BELIEVES, then

Is this or is this not the very basis of the communist program and agenda? Is this or is this not the
very same foundation as VOODOO? That voodoo doll with the pins stuck in it has NO POWER
except that which YOU GIVE TO IT!

This is insane.

Those with both the capacity and the desire who actually read the Bible will come away seeing
and knowing that it is OUR BOOK, that the story of the development of the JEWS is a terrible
and tragic story which has afflicted us ever since. That RACE is everything as set forth by God
himself. That it is our own transgressions from the LAW which has had all of these grave
consequences for ourselves. And that JESUS CHRIST was sent to GIVE US ONE MORE
CHANCE, the savior, in short.

But these “Judeo-Christians” – an impossibility in reality – have it that he came to somehow

wipe out our sins by permitting himself to be murdered by these Jews, our own LIVING SINS.
So now all is okay. All of the rest of the dire lessons given within the pages of the Bible, both
testaments, are now INVALIDATED somehow.

That is exactly like taking a pair of high-power binoculars and looking through them
REVERSED. It is exactly like taking the words of the Founding Fathers regarding “all men are
created equal” and making that into a recipe for race-mixing. Most of the Founding Fathers were
SLAVE HOLDERS and it is absolutely clear that they were referring to WHITES ONLY.

Instead, I take the entire book and apply it to the sacrifice that Jesus made. The CONTEXT. That
can only come from DESIRE AND CAPACITY. But that can’t very well be applied to the
masses of humanity. And that is why early Christianity had to finally come to taking STATE
POWER… so that the racial doctrine could be ENFORCED over the masses for their own sake
as well as for the sake of the future. They could attach any sort of “belief” to this but they had to
CONFORM. Coloreds were driven out and so things were secured. But Jews were eventually
permitted to re-enter and so the danger reemerged. And here we are today.

Empty “belief” and swarming with coloreds.

The genuine UNDERSTANDING of all this is called National Socialism.

Merely leaving it up to tradition and to the general conception of what was right and decent
wasn’t good enough ultimately. It lasted a thousand years… The Thousand Years of Christ. But
then the adversary was released from his prison to go forth to once again deceive the nations.
The Jews got out of their Pale of Settlement and have re-infected the nations of the West and we
are feeling the painful results. Our people are left without a moral leg to stand upon. And
National Socialism has been criminalized by these same “adversaries”.

The plain, straight truth is that Jesus came to THROW THE SPLIT between White “Jews” and
colored “Jews” there in the ancient Holy Land. He did so by the shedding of his blood. By so
doing he bought for us this one, last cycle of civilization which now is threatened. But all of this
was previously foretold.

The actual Whites, the true Israelites, the genuine Hebrews not only became Christians but LEFT
THE AREA ENTIRELY to go and build a new future in Europe and, later, in places like
America, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Again, all of it foretold.

The original command was that we have nothing to do with foreign races or any of their ways.
What do we have today other than “diversity” and “plurality”, etc.? And are we not paying the
price? But you can’t sell that to a bunch of morons or a bunch of coloreds. The big bucks just
aren’t there. The safety isn’t there. The immediate gratification isn’t there. No meaning at all.
“Easy believe”. Crap. And poisonous crap at that.

The Muslims of the world don’t hate Christianity due to any promise of any “afterlife”. No. They
are smart enough to know that it was from the beginning the CREED OF THE WHITE MAN
which permitted us to survive and to repel their onslaught of the first millennium A.D. They
know this while our own people do not! But they also know that our civilization is being run and
controlled by RACIAL JEWS who represent the asshole and armpit of humanity. They know this
and they are resisting it.

I walk past these grand, old edifices called churches and see the banners they have displayed
upon them, “All Are Welcome”, “Peace”, “Co-Exist” and showing every filthy religious symbol
of every non-white “belief” in the world. Something for everybody is really something for
nobody. And where there is “tolerance” it only means that somebody has in fact laid down and

One day I would hope that these magnificent examples of our own genius at architecture will be
returned to the service of God.

And all of the CRAP will be out in the alley, waiting to be picked up and deposited where it

No White Leadership
There are certain themes which need to be never overlooked and this is one. Rockwell said it first
and best when he simply pointed out that there is no White leadership. Sure, there are plenty of
“white” faces up there but that’s a far cry from being a genuine White LEADER. These types are
mere place holders, mere errand boys. Theirs is the task of the slow and orderly sell-out of White
interests and, ultimately, of the White race itself. This is anybody who doesn’t directly stand up
for the White race. And you know how few those are. They are nowhere within officialdom.
That much is for sure.

To stand up against the phantom of P.C. Lately from Papa John to Meghan Kelly, to even be
suddenly “fingered” or “ratted out” by whomever due to having made some utterance deemed by
whatever as being “racist” and their careers are either over with or severely threatened. And they
run like rabbits, falling all over themselves to “apologize”. What the hell is this? Well, I’ll
certainly call it cowardice. And it most certainly is a sure sign of a tyrannical dictatorship set in

Ignorance of the facts and the reality of race? No question. Victims of the same brain-rape which
has infected the land for several generations now? Yes. But then there are ourselves. We offer no
excuse because we don’t need one. We stand up and call it exactly as it is and tell the Jewish
would-be masters to shove it up their asses. And it feels mighty satisfying. But of course we are
no part of officialdom and exist on the margins of the society because of it. That’s fine. All honor
is ours.

Could Papa John or Meghan Kelly be much worse off had they done this very thing? It naturally
would follow that if more and more people would have the guts to buck what everyone knows is
P.C. then P.C. would be quickly on its way out. It is in effect the old story of “The Emperor’s
New Clothes” where all of the “responsible adults” somehow “know better” than to call it like it
is and declare that the emperor is up there butt-ass naked. And it takes an “irresponsible” but
innocent, and therefore honest child to come out with the plain truth. That “child” here and now
is represented by us.

This cowardice is what’s killing our people. And of course Hitler said that best when he stated
that the world is not for cowardly people. Every kind of colored “leadership” – hell, every kind
of PERVERT leadership – is not only fully tolerated, never denounced, but everywhere HAILED
as something great. Anything at all White is attacked and denigrated. And we still make up the
majority in this land. Another proof of an enemy occupation. Trump is right now the best
example of this: Elected by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE but hated and slandered and
everywhere undermined by this very same occupying enemy presence… and particularly by the
MEDIA which he himself has tagged “the worst enemy of the American people”. How very

He can’t say that it is a JEWISH MEDIA because he is partially in bed with this enemy. But, as
we have stated, Trump is a nationalist and there are also Jewish nationalists but these types are
not represented within the cabal which presently rules here. (But note how some of the Jews
Trump had been surrounding himself with are cracking under legal indictment and turning like
the rats that they are by their very nature.)
So anyone with any sort of brain or instinct left can see that nothing even approaching anything
like honesty or appropriate action will be tolerated by these filthy swine who are controlling the
strings of P.C. As one German veteran I knew long ago once commented to me, “It seems as
though these Americans are wanting to give it away as fast as they can.” No. That’s only as the
result of the creeping liberal influence that has infiltrated into our national life. These Americans
voted for Trump because he spoke much of their own will.

That’s what just a little truth and courage can do. At the same time it will invite a firestorm of
fury from the enemy, alien occupation regime which is only what is to be expected. But to not
back up from their “charges” of “racism”, etc., and to literally TELL THEM TO GO TO
HELL… what’s left to them then? GO TO HELL YOU JEW BASTARDS… Or GO TO HELL
YOU SICK, LIBERAL BASTARDS. We’re either going to ignite a fire within the collective
breast of our own people or we, as a whole, are going to continue to diminish. That simple.

“Take out the shepherd and scatter the flock.” Make sure that no shepherd appears and you’ve
accomplished the same goal. The enemy knows that not everyone is cut out to be a leader. This is
true. One thing the tiny, Jewish minority has going for it is the “chutzpah” that is born within
every Jew. That is the brassy, overweening NERVE to push himself or his agenda forward,
ahead of anything and everything else. But that’s not true leadership. Whites are inherently
decent and do not possess this kind of nasty trait.

Rockwell saw the value and critical need for true, White leadership and gave his own life even as
he took the point position in supplying this very same need. Robert Miles saw and stated the it is
woe to the people who fail to take heed of any such display of true leadership because it will, as
a result, start to diminish in the face of a people so unworthy. And Tommasi said, rightfully, that
“leadership is those who are DOING IT.” It may have Theodore Roosevelt who uttered words to
the effect that anyone could criticize and even condemn “the man in the arena” but, in the end, it
is ONLY the man in the arena who is actually DOING IT.

White division. This recent conservative backlash which has had the enemy system so incensed
lately was, for me, way too close. This has been demonstrated by the most recent retaking of
control of the House of Representatives by Democrats. Only White division can account for this.
Paying attention to bullshit considerations and not “keeping your eyes on the prize” as the
coloreds like to say. Even inside of this movement the division is great and is predicated on such
tripe as personality and this or that minor and insignificant consideration, the MAIN POINT of

And where is OUR EXCUSE for this? We have none. It is endemic. It has plagued us and given
our racial enemy the opening he has needed from the very beginning of time. And today it
approaches its ultimate climax. The challenge, the revolution in thought, has got to be a truly
RACIAL MINDSET. Let the enemy call it whatever he will. It matters not. Nothing else matters
but a racially consciousness, a racial awareness. All else is trivial, about like professional sports
as I enjoy saying. That has to start here and that is why we operate this website. That is certainly
why the enemy keeps trying to shut us down.
What does it mean? It means that the present and future cadre of White leadership starts HERE.
It gravitates and move out from HERE. It starts with YOU. I still, for the moment, subscribe to a
very old publication which keeps on asking the rhetorical question, “Why doesn’t our leadership
wake up and smell the coffee?” They are referring to these elected, useless bastards whose job it
is to NEVER WAKE UP and start acting the part of leaders rather than mere custodians. Any
who would even ask or entertain such a question are really NOWHERE in themselves. Waiting.

Hitler wrote of a period, a very short period, in his own life of “waiting”. It was again after an
extremely short period that he decided that the wait was over and took things upon himself.
Nothing half-hearted and the followers were there. And when I say “followers”, I mean the type
of persons who, today, would more than constitute the type of real LEADER than has been seen
around these parts in a very long time. And the enemy was rolled steadily back. It was a furious,
tiring and super-human fight. Mainly it was the fight to overcome the divisions and the doubts of
the German people themselves that were being taken advantage of and exploited by the common

The truth is hard to come by. Manson said words to this effect. He also said words to the effect
that “these people don’t know-the truth, wouldn’t recognize it if you showed it to them and
would try to kill you if you did try.”

The possession of the truth and the courage to state it openly. That is what is lacking. That is
what permits this enemy to trample all over everything that is clean and noble and decent. And it
is what will in the end snuff out all of the above.

The truth and the courage. That’s leadership. We invite you to join us and be a leader.

Too few will know what “ATWA” means. But the initials simply stand for “Animals, Trees,
Water and Air”. This is the creation of none other than Charles Manson who will one day – after
all the smoke and the poison within our culture has dissipated and blown away – be recognized
as the environmental champion par excellence.

There are those who expressed the need of a statement on our part outlining our stance on
environmentalism. Right enough. But I couldn’t title it that way. The reason being that the
concept and even the word itself have been so co-opted by our enemies, the liberals and the
communists, that I find it hard to even spit them out.

Why is this? Exactly as with everything else they touch, even things which might be of value if
taken correctly, so-called “environmentalism” has been thoroughly sullied and ruined. Why,
again? And, again, it is because of the very nature of these same liberals and communists, etc., to
turn everything they touch into “phony baloney”, a mere hook to get otherwise good and sincere
people involved in their garbage, spin their wheels, but become otherwise caught up in their
poisonous, left wing crap.

These types are serious and real when it comes down to their assaults against White, Western
civilization which they hate and want to see destroyed. But anything and everything which might
otherwise be seen as “helpful” is but a sham. Manson himself would point to them and observe,
“They go out to these ‘Save the Environment’ rallies, basically all ‘show, blow and go’, then hop
back into their cars, go home and turn on the lights.”
I bump into them myself when out walking in the downtown in the form of “Greenpeace”. Those
trying to get money from me is an impossibility. My trying to set them straight on exactly what
genuine environmentalism would call for is equally an impossibility. So it stands.

Sure, maybe we all can refrain from littering and perhaps indulge in some recycling. But, as we
would like to say back in Ohio, that’s about like pissing in Lake Erie. And I well recall the time
when the fish from out of that lake, as well as the rivers back there, could not be eaten due to the
amount of pollutants they had ingested. Happily, this is no longer the case and so we see that
improvement can be made.

The point to remember is that any improvement of this nature and on a scale that really matters
has got to come from above and not below. It must be by governmental command. It has to be
made the law. State power. At all times that must be the goal. Only then can a comprehensive
program be placed into action and enforced and real and rapid change be affected. Otherwise, it
pretty much remains at that same level of “show, blow and go”. I don’t know about you but we
haven’t got time for that.

One will never know the pain I experience whenever I catch one of these ads about the
endangerment to animals or the forestation or the ocean, etc. They want your money. I’m
naturally in favor of anything which would alleviate any of this kind of danger or suffering. But
how can we be sure? We can’t.

Some years ago I found myself in the middle of a situation wherein a colony of about nine feral
cats was about to lose its home. A property had sold. There was no way in hell that I could have
stood by and watched this occur. Yes, I did try to reach one of these pro-animal organizations
which advertises quite heavily but found it to be impossible. So much for that. I had to take it on
my own.

You see, feral cats cannot be adopted out as they are mainly wild. So you can forget the humane
society unless you don’t care that they are right away euthanized. Personally, I’ve always held
animals in greater value and esteem than humans. Yes, you can live-trap them and remove them
some distance away but will there be adequate shelter for them, a food and water source, etc.?
But, at any rate, under such circumstances they will always try to find their way back “home”
and will likely perish in the attempt.

No, first you must find for them, ideally, a “tack barn” or some other similarly enclosed structure
where they can be held for at least thirty days until they have come to realize that this is their
new home. At that point they can be released, ideally again, into a country setting but near to that
solid shelter. I spent one whole month burring up my telephone time as I networked trying to
locate just this very thing. As you may assume, it was not easy. But I’m sure that something in
my voice conveyed the urgency of the situation and ultimately it was accomplished.

Then utilizing borrowed live-traps came that period of catching them. This was heart-rending in
itself. Two traps and, with luck, two cats per night. The very first to go was naturally the most
tame and friendly of the lot. Their usual food source had to be eliminated and the only food
placed inside the traps. That was a cold and rainy month and I didn’t get much sleep. The woman
with the barn would make approximately a hundred-mile round trip for each pair of cats until it
was done.

On one occasion I found that I had caught two more cats only to find a little later than someone
had actually released them. Not a chance of ever catching them again. So I provided for them
nearby and they were with us for a few more years, living quite well. The very last one only died
last month of very old age and I had his body cremated. (You see, “animal control” will pick up
the body if it is left by the curb and will then take it to the dump. You don’t do this with a
creature with whom you’ve had a very real relationship.)

So one could say that, in these areas, I am committed.

I think that here we are regarding direct action. Here was extremism that did some direct good
and, I assure you, won me the respect and admiration of the neighborhood. And this sort of thing
in itself can and does pay dividends.

If I could do something, anything, to clean up the oceans or the skies, you may be certain that I
would. If I could do anything to prevent the further predation of any animal species, I would. I
would hang up high and in public any and all who would so violate the sanctity of God’s nature
in full view of the general public and this sort of thing would soon be erased. But I can’t. And
those who advocate actions far less severe are merely blowing smoke. So it will remain for a
time uncertain.

Manson and the rest of us who will forever honor his name and memory are different also in
another, very major respect. Racial hygiene. Sure, the “developed” countries are emitting the
most pollutants by virtue of their heavy industry, etc. But, as I have said, this sort of thing can be
altered at a command once the proper leadership has assumed its place. And I say again to hang
’em high any who go against a command of this sort. But travel to any Third World area – or,
hell, to any “ghetto” in this country – and see how they live. They exist in garbage. They
generate the garbage in which they live. Whites – unless they are absolute renegades – do not
live this way.

The very ones who sit in charge today and for a very long time past and who are also the ones to
persist in the destruction of the common environment are at the same time the ones in line for the
destruction by gradual erasure of the White race. They either don’t give a damn for anything but
their own profits or else they are actively, consciously part of the Satanic conspiracy which has
as its stated goal – and has had now for thousands of years – the death of the White race. I speak
of Jews and their psychic kin.

Here is the challenge and the only real issue. Remove this cancerous tumor within our national
body or else see it eventually, sure as hell, kill the whole entity. “Tolerate a little cancer?”

Now you can go out and wear outlandish costumes, even commit certain criminal acts all
ostensibly in the name of the environment and no one will raise much of an eyebrow. You may
collect paltry sums of money on the street to “save the whales” but their numbers are still
shrinking. (And we just don’t have zoos for the great whales.) And you may even go home
feeling good about yourself for having done so. But get to the bottom of the issue and you begin
to encounter serious trouble.

Race. Whites, when left alone and their highly evolved instincts remain untainted by
liberal/communist influence, will gravitate toward the proper direction. And, especially when
they are led and represented by a true, White leadership, they can move mountains, work
miracles. Today they are not only burdened by an impossible and unnatural load of useless
human types, not only poisoned and turned against themselves by an unnatural and alien
“culture” and brainwash, they are MISLED by a thoroughly EVIL kind of scum-of-the-earth type
of sub humanity and in many cases those of our own blood having succumbed and gone over to
the cause of the enemy himself. We see and live within the result of all this.

This is the real cause, the real issue. And nothing of any significance can be accomplished unless
and until it is finally resolved. Either that or the slow but sure death of the entire planet.

Coloreds are basically included whenever speaking of the flora and fauna. That used to be the
clear message one received whenever reading an issue of National Geographic magazine. Today,
with a Jewess in control, that is no longer the message. Now the message is a lie. The lie
dominates all. They hail the lie. Should you dare to – or are even capable of – questioning the lie
then you let yourself in for very serious persecution. For until all light has been extinguished, the
lie cannot safely and securely pass itself off as “truth”. Here you have your so-called “hate laws”.

So don’t kid yourself. The environment IS in danger. So much so that one cannot think otherwise
than that a great climax is being approached. However, it all hinges upon the reality that a great
EVIL is in control of all of the workings of the great nations of the earth. And, by that, I mean
the WHITE nations of the earth who alone would have the desire and the capacity to DO
SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And should they succumb to the push that is now on, full blast, for
race-mixing then it is a 100% guarantee that the earth and ALL life on it will DIE.

And, ask yourself, who or what could be behind a program such as that?
Trump II

Those who have been with us for awhile will know that we launched this series about a year-and-
a-half ago with a feature entitled simply, “Trump”.

One could say that we are now two years in with regard to the Trump presidency. I think it’s
time to take some stock on what’s been transpiring during this time.

The most salient thing, without a doubt, has to be in regard to Trump’s own statement regarding
the media. He stated quite plainly during his campaign that the media is the worst enemy of the
American People. We concurred then and we most certainly still do today.

The “Russia” thing. I was saying it then and I’ll always say it that IF Russia or anyone else
helped keep the dirty, old hippie from winning the election, we as a nation owe them the deepest
debt of gratitude.

The so-called “investigation”. For anyone who was around throughout the “Watergate” affair,
this will ring so absolutely familiar. And, to boot, one of the two Jews responsible for “breaking”
that story actually came out with another book on the Russia affair, implying that Trump had a
bad leak within his own White House feeding these bastards of the press every sort of
“information” with the further implication that there was a “resistance”, a la the July 20th plot
against Hitler. That received one, good blast over the media and then… nothing. Too spurious
even for them to play along with.

The steady drum beat. The brow-beating. The crucifixion. So very familiar. Sure, Nixon was no
kind of hero. But he was a nationalist and what he and his men did with regard to bugging the
Democratic National Headquarters was the RIGHT thing to have done under the prevailing
circumstances. This country was at war with a communist power and the Democratic candidate
was undisguisedly a pro-communist. But, as far as the Jews and their media are concerned, to be
a nationalist and to actively oppose communism is anathema. Besides that, Nixon was the one
who got the communist stooge, Alger Hiss, that had been planted at the right side of that other
Stalinist puppet, FDR. And for this they never forgave Nixon, either.

But that “investigation” dragged on and on as well. Being fed also by their “Deep Throat” source
within the FBI – one more Jew named Felt – Nixon’s own base of supporters, his “Silent
Majority”, was tortured right along with him by the Jewish press even as one after another of his
“right hand men” caved and cracked, about like what we’re seeing today with Trump’s former

Dirt? Sure, there’ll be dirt until such time as a truly racial-nationalist regime can gain power and
rule, more or less, by direct decree. And, what would be much more, after the media, etc., has
been absolutely and 100% removed from the hands of these enemy, alien Jews. (Don’t you think
that their own boys and girls aren’t filthy as hell in all aspects? The game board simply is not
I believe that they’ll drag this “investigation” out until time for the next general election. Pure
poison. They let slip and suffered an amazing loss in 2016. They have been furious about it ever
since. I see these jokers on these network news broadcasts as they fight hard to maintain straight
faces even as they twist and turn the latest “development” in the “Russia investigation”. To a
discerning and intelligent mind, most of these “developments” amount to nothing at all.

But Trump, just like Nixon, had already surrounded himself with Jews. Nixon at least never had
them within his own family, however. No matter. Word has been how Nixon and Billy Graham
would get together at the White House and discuss “Satanic Jews”. G. Gordon Liddy, the only
one of the Watergate crew to never break and never talk, would screen showings of “Triumph of
the Will” at the White House. Nixon’s daughter, Tricia, sent word of congratulations to Lester
Maddox in Georgia for the way he was handling the segregation problem there.

Nixon and Trump had this also in common: Both men seemed to be sincerely dedicated to this
country even if their perception of the dangers was: off kilter. Both men tried to tell the honest
truth about the situation as they saw it. And the way most decent Americans saw it as well.
Hence their initial popularity. But this rankled with the Jew/Liberal/ Communist conspiracy,
their intelligentsia and their media. It was not at all according to their program of ruining and
destroying the fabric of this country as fast as they possibly could.

So they brought their power to bear. Yes, they murdered Kennedy right in front of God and the
whole universe and got away with it. It was not only a coup d’etat but a WARNING to any and
all other politicians as to what awaited them should they not tow the line properly once they had
sold themselves to the conspiracy. But neither Nixon nor Trump had sold directly out the way
Kennedy had done. And so it became the slow crucifixion in the press. Character assassination.
Their support base was as much a target as they were themselves. And, by that, I mean White

As William Pierce once commented of that whole Watergate affair, Nixon – at least in theory –
COULD HAVE called a national emergency and placed the military in charge, arresting all these
Jews and communist/liberal traitors, etc. But he knew the lesson of Kennedy. Today, the military
is no longer dependable the way it might have been nearly a half-century ago. Things have
shifted and not in a good way.

I wonder what’s going through Trump’s mind these days.

Then there is “The Wall”. I used to never bother about watching the “news” until after I learned
that this fellow, Trump, was wanting to build a wall along the border with Mexico. Now I
seldom fail. Democrats and other bastards whose top priority is to further poison the national
bloodstream just can’t have any talk of this at all. And so, to date, no wall. Now these scum-
suckers have the majority in Congress. A sad day but one which I saw coming. (But, even as our
own movement suggested over thirty years ago, you don’t need a wall, all you need is a mine
field and then just let ’em come on ahead.)
But, on that topic, you really don’t need anything except a DECLARED WHITE STATE where
anything “of color” is illegal right off the bat. That plus an entire, White populace fully armed
and deputized to act.

The mess over health care, etc. This really makes me sick. No one, absolutely no one breathes a
word regarding the one and only, genuine fix for this absolute disgrace: SOCIALIZED
MEDICINE. End of problem. (And end to the profits of the gougers.) Exactly the same for the
outrage of these damnable “student loan debts”. SOCIALIZED EDUCATION. A nation which
fails to pick out its best and brightest and give them the fullest benefit of the highest education –
all at State expense – is criminally stupid. And keep all these damned foreigners, etc., the hell
OUT of our institutions of higher learning. DO NOT GIVE THEM OUR TECHNOLOGY!!!

Finally, perhaps, the alleged ‘boost” which the Trump presidency has given to the “Alt Right”,
etc. Yes, I’ve said it myself that I find it even a lot nicer just getting up in the morning knowing
that there is a man in the White House who is not either a nothing or an outright sell-out. That
plus the screaming and hollering done by the enemy at this very same thought.

But, yes, it’s true. Leadership, even implied leadership, even false leadership pointed in the right
direction, can and does provide wonders. It’s only natural. I addressed a recent article under the
heading “No White Leadership” very recently. Rockwell said it again and again that it was this
lack, even ahead of an enemy-dominated media, which was killing our people. So many viewed,
and still do, Trump as their leader and they respond to his message. The entire point of the press
black-out against Rockwell then and the rest of us today is to keep White America from even
realizing that there is a White resistance, a White leadership present on the scene and to, thereby,
deprive them of any hope, of any chance at all.

Their HATE and their FEAR. Concentrate and strike exactly where they themselves point.

As for the personal attacks involving women and Trump. I do play it perfectly level anytime a
thing like this is brought up. I couldn’t have cared less about any of Clinton’s affairs. It was what
he was doing to the country and to the White race that infuriated me. And I don’t give a single
damn what Trump does involving women just so long as he has the national interest at heart and
acts upon it accordingly.

Well, I think we have the next two years all mapped out for us. The slide into racial hell a little
slower due to a nationalist being in office, the fury of the enemy media pumping at a high level
as it rails against this, and a Hard Right which will remain on a somewhat more encouraged level
as a result. But change? No.

I must doubt much that Trump will win reelection. That will be sad and we will probably slip
back into a more “terrorist” frame of mind. Well, what can we really expect?

Might give it some deep thought now, while it’s still quiet.
Nazi Humanitarians?

Sounds highly contradictory, doesn’t it? That however is due entirely to the atmosphere made up
almost exclusively of lies, generated and maintained by the enemy, alien Jewish media. In effect,
the image held in the minds of most people regarding anything “Nazi” is really of a JEWISH
“Nazism”! Take that piece of crap, “Hogan’s Heroes”, where all the Nazis are played by Jewish
actors. (And to take that illustration even further, try to imagine a comedy situation – where the
captors are all idiots – set not in a Luftstalag but in a Soviet gulag or maybe even the “Hanoi
Hilton”. Recall that even the Black American airmen shot down by the Germans said openly that
they were treated better by the Nazis than they were by the people back home.)

Now maybe with minds better set into proper place, we can begin to discuss what I currently
have in mind.

Not being of the “1984 – Doublespeak” set, I still call things exactly according to what they are.
No prettying up, no soft-soaping and most certainly no P.C. Here we are overrun with bums.
That they are homeless is but a circumstance of their being bums. And so they are not “the
homeless”, they are bums. The Bible says that a righteous man need never be a “bagger”. Not a
beggar but a bagger. The sight around here of the back packs, not to mention the shopping carts
which have been appropriated by these people in which to transport all their worldly belongings
is a commonality. What the Bible means is that any righteous individual, in the event of sudden,
personal catastrophe, will have family and friends upon which to fall back until the situation can
be brought back into control.

During my professional career, I promulgated a number of sayings of my own and one of these
was this: If you ever wonder why the homeless are homeless, just take one of them into your
own home and keep them on the couch or in the extra bedroom and you’ll soon learn why.
Basically, they have blown off any charity or goodwill that may once have come from family or
friends. Soup kitchens and day or night shelters? Yes, but these are merely bandaids, salve on the
cancer and serve just for that moment. They are no answer.

Today’s situation is different from that of the Great Depression. At that time practically anyone
apart from the very rich might suddenly find himself out on the street due to the artificially
created financial panic on the part of the Jews who controlled all finances. And this after they
had grabbed for themselves this same financial control in the form of the Federal Reserve, going
partly on the argument that such a thing would PREVENT any such panics in the future. This
action on their part was meant for two things: One, to “redistribute wealth” a la the Russian
Revolution of not very many years prior (and, to be sure, some of the “favored” were tipped in
advance to take steps to protect themselves.); Two, to create just such a panic in which to take
full advantage and get installed a demagogue of their own which, in that case, turned out to be
Franklin Roosevelt, himself a partial Jew.

Today I see all these poor wretches and I can’t help but think to myself, where are the asylums
for these people? I at one time had a companion who, whenever being approached by one of
these people for a handout, would angrily retort, “Get a job!” He was missing the point. These
people are unemployable. Again, during my working life, I would tell those who might complain
of this or that task not being part of their supposed “job description” that indeed this was a non-
union workplace and that, were there a pile of manure out back fifty feet high and they were told
to go and remove it, they’d have to grab a shovel. Along that same line I would say that one had
to have at least a modicum of something on the ball to even shovel manure. And these people
don’t even possess that much.

But I saw quickly that there were different levels, different classifications of bums. There are the
demented. And there used to be what commonly were referred to as insane asylums for these
types. Not necessarily pretty or happy places but places where the inmates would not starve,
would not freeze and would have access to sanitation and medicine, etc. I mean, is not “insane” a
legitimate application? Or mightn’t it be found “offensive” to the insane person? Therefore then,
it mustn’t be used. P.C. Back to the job place, when .I would train a new person in the security
area the time would eventually come for them to become “certified” to make apprehensions, etc.
But I invariably would tell them, “It only takes a judge and two family members to get certified.”
These days that translates legally to certified INCOMPETENT and not necessarily as insane. But
there never were any “incompetent asylums”.
Then there are the dopers. Nobody, anywhere it seems uses this term anymore. Might be
offensive to the dopers. Nobody calls anybody a “dope” anymore, either. Where do you think
that came from in the first place? Back about the same time as the Depression when dope was
certainly around but was confined to the very fringes of national life, just as was queerism and
race-mixing. If you weren’t demented going in, then the use of dope will bring on that very same
condition. But worse, the addiction, the craving will drive them to – literally – sell out their own
grandmother for a nickel. One may ask what prompts any individual to go down the dope
highway in the first instance. They again miss the point. Manson – according to the Jewish media
the great dope-master of all time – explained it this way: If one wanted to get a group of
kindergarteners to throw rocks and make it appear to be of their own volition, he first must
inculcate into their brains that the worst thing they could possibly do was to go to that pile of
rocks nearby, take them and throw them. The next step would be to piss off that group of

I don’t use the term, “piss off”. I prefer “alienation”. And I will stress always that this, along
with every other Western society, has become thoroughly alienated. A strong, happy and healthy
people will not even entertain the thought of using dope. But if I may borrow from what I know
Manson would say, a fucked up bunch of people most certainly will. Who – or what – is in the
perfect position to so fuck up an entire population? Those in complete control of all opinion-
forming media, of course. After all, where do these people receive every thought implant that
they have in their brains? Not from the Nazis, I can assure you. Remember we are regarding here
those very ones who literally INVENTED psychology. They know everything there is to know
about manipulation. Then create the market and fill the demand. Never doubt that the very
government itself, at all levels, is behind the dope trade.

Then there are the attitude cases. Again from my years of dealing with bums and thieves, etc., I
came up with this one: Those with the most attitude are the ones who can least afford it. (Oh,
yes. And to me always they were THIEVES and not “shoplifters”.) “How dare you?!” “You act
like it’s your stuff!” “Why are you chasing me?!” I never knew a thief who wasn’t also a liar and
vice versa. Yes, dope was common across the board. So was chronic alcoholism. A favorite new-
speak term is “entitlement”. These types feel absolutely entitled to steal what they want. We
were not supposed to even touch them when they were detected. But I and my team simply
ignored all that. We did so at the risk of our jobs. The arrogant statement on the part of a
confronted thief that, “You can’t touch me.”, got them “touched” in a most dramatic way. For
these types ahead of any of the rest, I had no sympathy at all.

This plague of bums on our city streets is a national disgrace. It is WRONG to permit people to
exist in this fashion. And it is WRONG to permit these types to sully our civic life. Rights? It
know it to be true that a great many of these types exist as they do WILLFULLY. But no matter.
Nobody has this right. Nobody has the “right” to be a doper and nobody has the “right” to be a
queer or a race-mixer. It represents national CANCER and cannot be tolerated.

Rights and duty? Hitler summed it up perfectly when he tied it all together with the right and the
duty to keep the race pure.
For the sake of genuine humanitarianism as well as for the sake of the well-being of the society
as a whole, these types must be taken off the streets and deposited in fresh, new communities
where they’ll be properly taken care of, on the one hand, and no longer a blight upon our civic
life on the other hand. They must have no choice in the matter. For their own good and for the
good of the rest of us. This shame must END.

There was a problem like this in Germany. The answer to it was the creation of the system of KZ
Lagers. And KZ Lager in German means Concentration Camp. Forget the Jewish lies. Don’t
forget the pictures of the piles of dead bodies but know that all that carnage was caused by the
Allied bombings which resulted in the inability to transport food and supplies to these
installations. And realize absolutely that there were never at any time or in any place such things
as “gas chambers”.

Jews, communists, queers, dopers, such things as Jehovah’s Witnesses, subversives of all kinds,
common criminals, pornographers, sex traffickers, child molesters, etc., were scooped up off the
streets and placed in these camps. There was one more major classification and that one was the
“Work Shy”. The bums. The society, therefore, was cleaned up and in record short time. Quite
naturally, the so-called “Allies” released all these types at the end of the War. A crime wave
instantly spread across the land and, within a short time, most of these types had been rearrested
by the “Allies” themselves. Other, less dramatic shit-hook types were placed in government
positions in “liberated” Germany by the same “Allies”. Look at what we presently have here

The signs atop the main gates of these concentration camps read, “Work Will Make You Free”.
In other words, you had the possibility of getting yourself straightened out and rejoining decent
society. Different sections of the camps were for different classifications of inmates. Different
handling. But, I assure you, the attitude cases might actually face the chance of being worked or
beaten to death.

I have visited Auschwitz. To my travel companions I commented that this was a nice place and
that I myself had been locked up in far worse places in the United States. “Yes, but did you have
anyone trying to kill you?” Are you kidding me?

As Manson would say, everything today is upside-down. It is our task to get it turned right-side-
up once again.

That’s a radical concept and it is why we are radicals.

More Truth

Last entry on this subject – although we deal only in the truth – was headed, “And the Truth Is”.
In it we stated that the true enemy of all civilization and decency was CONFUSION. Going
further we pointed out that CONFUSION is, in all reality, what is represented by EVIL. To the
opposite, it is CLARITY which actually stands for GOOD. Thereby we have been able to
demystify and objectivize these two most overworked and misunderstood terms. And this
remains our goal: The drive for truth and clarity.

Now we arrive at the matter of what we should properly see as our own, personal role in
concerns such as these. It has always come up and I expect it shall always continue to come up
regarding those adherents to the movement who come in, stay awhile, and then depart under
varying circumstances. It’s been called the “Eighteen Month Syndrome” as that seems to be the
average term of tenure for so many of these new recruits. Then too, sadly, once a “comrade” and
now a “dirty son-of-a-bitch” as often as not accompanies most such departures.

We could continue to examine and to pick apart this unfortunate and on-going trend. But we’ve
long been doing so and, no matter what anyone may try to say or do about it, it only continues
unabated. Well, anytime confronted by a thing like that, one had just best consider it a “constant”
and just go on. The “constants” one must learn not to worry too much about but rather pay
closest attention to those developments which are new and unique.

Misunderstanding. That’s one constant. And as long as it remains a constant, we will never stop
seeing these drop-outs or “defections” or whatever it is that you may want to call them. One’s
own, personal appreciation of what this is supposed to be about. In just about each and every
case, all such appreciations are badly lacking. And when these are found to not measure up to
actual reality then disaffection takes place and this rarely has a pleasant face to it.

There’s the book, long out, entitled, “The True Believer”, by one Eric Hoffer. It maintains that
those drawn to extreme causes are that way due to some inner deficiency. I’ve intended now for
a long while to write a piece about how not everything – by a very long shot – is YOUR FAULT.
I’ve long maintained that this IS A FUCKED UP CULTURE AND SOCIETY. Many will
contradict this. But it has also been said that “one man’s cess pool is another man’s hot tub.”
Yes, there are plenty whose perceptions have become equally demented with the sick times as
they try to come to an agreement with death and an understanding with hell.
And you cannot undo a billion years of evolution in a generation or two. “You cannot de-Nazify
Mother Nature.” When a thing like this is tried, the inevitable result is always ALIENATION.
The symptoms? The rush to drugs, to homosexuality, to race-mixing as well as to suicide and to
mass homicide, etc. Going crazy. Something inward disagrees. But where to turn? Well, anytime
the lie comes to dominate and becomes the “new normal”, then just as naturally as anything,

Via any “acceptable” channels, there is NO PLACE TO TURN. Therefore stands the
UNACCEPTABLE. Cleverly the enemy has taken this into account and has already placed
myriad traps to catch the unsuspecting. But he did not “place” Adolf Hitler and National
Socialism. What he did do was attach a totally false image to Hitler – one of criminality – so as
to perpetually dissuade people from seeking him out as any sort of savior. In the main, in the
short sense, this has worked. But then there are those who were not only NOT dissuaded but
were, instead, DRAWN to Hitler. I am among these.

Hitler’s true image – right through all of the lies and the distortions of the enemy media –
universally dominant – reached some of us in spite. Visceral. Racial. Manly. Then came the
learning process, the penetrating of the lies in an academic sense. Slow and laborious. Often
painful. Then what to do? Organize for action. Only natural and logical. Only what White Men
do. And now back to that seemingly endless cycle of the “Eighteen Month Syndrome”. Some last
longer and make bigger splashes than others. Some end tragically. The outcome to date? History
continues on its course just as the enemy assumes he is in the driver’s seat.

What to draw from all of this?

Despite anything certain facts cannot be ignored. There are the lost, and this is a fact. Their word
and their judgment are not to be accepted as valid. They are lost. They may be in the majority
and they may occupy the seats of temporal power but that is only indicative of a sick culture and
a sick society. Do not be swayed.

If history contains any certain lessons – so that we may not have to repeat all of those steps – it is
that some particular behaviors, whenever accepted as “alright” by the society officially, mean
that that society has marked itself for DEATH and that this death is approaching at a rapid pace.
That is the truth. However, many will see this phenomenon as “progress”. Yes, if it is death
which is your goal and your ideal.

“Keep your eyes on the prize.” I have long been convinced that this is their “prize”. They are
welcome to it. Leave me out, however.

The real role of Hitler. Exactly as prophesized, Hitler was SENT INTO THIS MESS at the
critical juncture to KNOCK OFF BASE the master plan of the World Enemy which was, up to
the time of his coming, proceeding perfectly according to plan. Then they were suddenly forced
to deal with Hitler. In ways which we today do not fully understand, Hitler DEFEATED THEIR
PLAN through this greatest of miracles and this greatest act of heroism and sacrifice ever known
throughout history. Defeated by the enemy? A damned shame? A loss? The ultimate triumph of
the enemy? No.
Consider this: Had Hitler prevailed in the temporal sense then, it would have invalidated all of
prophecy. He succeeded fully in what his given mission had been. In going over his “Table
Talk”, his tone and his optimism remained unchanged from 1942 right through 1944. Hitler set
the stage for the final climax. And only a blind fool or an idiot could fail today to see that climax
rapidly approaching.

Reasons aplenty. What looks like a failure on the part of the movement ever since is a
misreading. When the job has been done, what more is there to do? The gnashing of teeth? The
jumping up and down? The going out on a banzai charge? It dawned over me some years ago
that it might seem as though Providence had deliberately CONFOUNDED all of our own efforts
to “do something” to alter the standing situation. Doomed before they even could get off the
ground. The most will not accept a thing like this and will keep on bashing their heads against a
brick wall. That is until they are dead or until they become dispirited, disaffected and give up.

What does all of this point to? One thing: This climax will occur with our without our help.

So then, what is our proper role? In times such as these, when the lie is in dominance and,
thereby, everything is being led over a cliff, those who enjoy a brush with the truth have a sacred
obligation. To cling to and to draw ever closer to the truth. To consider themselves for this
reason as being most precious and to value their existence. Leave all the rash actions now up to
others as, due to the ever increasing alienation which is naturally generated by the society itself,
there will be more and more of these.

Stand for the truth and spread the truth.

Forget all nonsense.

Know the truth.

Function before form.

Keep YOUR eyes upon OUR prize!

Hitler pointed the way and did all of the dirty work – along with so much of the glorious work.
National Socialism. Racial community. That’s what’s lacking. That’s what’s under vicious attack
by the enemy and that is what will be restored at the end of the coming climax.

The deep down desire has always been to be part of this. It’s as real as you want to – or are
capable of making it. You are in charge of this. Watch out for the phony-baloney “leaders” and
all of the crack-brained schemes. Stay off of treadmills of supposed “action”. Avoid like poison
the siren song of the world as it tries to lure you back into the death trap of its sweet temptations.

Stay aloof from it. Watch it as it transpires for it is transpiring rapidly. This truth, your truth, will
be validated every day right before your eyes as the system of lies continues to putrefy and to
stink and to fall apart exactly as the rotting corpse that it is.
Represent clarity over confusion and you can’t lose.

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