OB - Job Satisfaction
OB - Job Satisfaction
OB - Job Satisfaction
The Work Itself – the strongest correlation
with overall satisfaction
Social Component – there is a strong
correlation with how people view the social
context of their work
Pay – not correlated after
individual reaches a level of
comfortable living
• Advancement
• Supervision
• Coworkers 3-10
Better job and organizational performance
Better organizational citizenship behaiors
(OCB – Discretionary behaviors that contribute
to organizational effectiveness but are not part of
employees’ formal job description)
Greater levels of customer satisfaction
Generally lower absenteeism and turnover
Decreased instances of workplace deviance
Employee attitudes give warnings of potential
problems and influence behavior
Satisfied and committed employees exhibit
behaviors that increase organizational outcomes
Managers must measure job attitudes in order to
improve them
Most important elements a manager can focus on
are the intrinsic parts of the job: making the work
challenging and interesting
High pay is not enough to create satisfaction 3-13
Individuals have many kinds of attitudes
about their job
Most employees are satisfied with their jobs,
but when they are not, a host of actions in
response to the satisfaction might be expected
Job satisfaction is related to organizational