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Self Confidence Group 3 Draft 4

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Abdulhalim Daud, Yusriani Ode Mantra, Karima Fataruba, Rina Adriyanti, Kemal Pramesta
Adam, Attahira A. Dabi dabi, Meilia Ibrahim.


1. Introduction
English speaking refers to the ability to communicate in the English language. Speaking is an
interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and
processing information (Nety et al., 2020). English is an important means of communication in
the world. As an international language, English is one of the foreign languages taught to
students in Indonesia. The students must be able to compete in the current global era, where
competition is growing tighter. One of the skills required by students is communication in
English. Learning English plays a central role in students' intellectual, social, and emotional
English learners need four skills in learning English, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and
writing skills. Of the four skills, speaking is the most important skill in communicating.
Speaking skill is an important part of the language learning curriculum (Rusdi, 2019). Anyone
who wants to improve his/her speaking skill must have self-awareness, self-motivation, and
positive behavior patterns, and must make efforts to avoid communication errors . Speaking skill
is one's important skill to improve English proficiency from the very beginning of language
learning (Bashori et al., 2022). Speaking skill is very important for students in communicating
effectively through spoken language (Putera Jaya et al., 2022). The inability of students in
speaking a foreign language can cause them difficulties in expressing their ideas even in simple
conversations. One of the main objectives of a language learning program is to develop speaking
skill and integrate spoken language. Language learning means using language in both spoken and
written communication, and being able to express feelings, thoughts, and experiences in various
contexts. Becoming a good speaker requires more confidence to be able to communicate with
others. When someone talks to another person, not only the information is given, but also doing
of their strength of belief of the validity of that information. Self-confidence is an attitude or
feeling confident in the ability of oneself (Nety et al., 2020). Self-confidence is defined as the
believe or trust that a student has in performing something successfully (Mohseni & Omrani,
2016). According to (Perkins, 2018) self-confidence is related to success, achievements in
education, conciliation, and a persons’ well-being, among other things and self-efficacy, self-
esteem, and self-compassion are the three factors which can affect the level of self-confidence of
any individual. Usually students do not feel comfortable to speak out because they have not a
good selfconfidence. They always think about what people think when they speaking. A good
selfconfidence not only concern in a good pronunciation, but speaker has to communicate with
the listener and make the listener understand about the information being delivered by the
speaker. Lack of self-confidence may bring the students’ belief that they are not going to be a
good English speaker. This lack of self-confidence also becomes a great problem which affects
the students’ speaking performance. It is difficult for the students to master English speaking
skill if they are not confident with their own speaking ability.
This research identifies problems regarding lack of vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar, the
reason students are afraid of making a mistake when speaking English, the public reaction makes
students unable to communicate using English and the factors influence students' self-confidence
in speaking English.

2. Literature
This part of the study explores previous studies related to students’ self-confidence. It explores
the level of students’ self-confidence in English sepaking calss.
2.1 The level of students’ self-confidence
A large body of literature is related to measuring students’ self-confidence in learning. (Akbari &
Sahibzada, 2020) believe that self-confidence is an attitude and students with self-confident
believe on their abilities, they are goal-directed, they believe that they will reach their goals and
expectations. Self-confidence is not the same in all areas of a person’s life. It is possible that an
individual be very confident in one area of life and less confident in some other areas of life.
(Amhar Amin Lar & Maulina, 2021) has investigated the relationship between students’ self-
efficacy and their English language achievement on 1,146 students and has found out that more
than a half of the students were highly self-confident and less than the half number of students
were low self-confident. On the other hand, (Atherton, 2015) measured confidence of male and
female students in open access enabling courses and found that male students were not having
any significant lack of confidence in regard to the assessment tasks that involved the quizzes and
the final exam. On the other hand, his study revealed a significant lack of confidence among
female in regard to all areas, including course satisfaction, mid-semester test, their relation with
their professors, taking pre-requisite textbooks and materials, quiz performances and their
performances in final exam.
Some other researchers have explored the level of students’ self-confidence in learning in regard
to some other factors. For instance, (Palavan, 2017) has studied diversity as the theoretical
framework in their study and an influencing factor for students’ self-confidence and studying
college students’ experiences with diversity and their effects on their self-confidence, social
agency and disposition toward critical thinking. The study found that students with different
experiences, different courses, having a positive relationship with their different partners were
having a higher level of self-confidence. The study further found diversity as an important
component for college students’ education.

3. Methodology
3.1 Research Design
This research is a qualitative research using observation methods and creating questionnaires to
determine students' self-confidence in speaking class. Qualitative research aims to reveal
qualitative information so that it places more emphasis on process and meaning issues
(Sugiyono, 2009:31; R&D, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2009, p.111) by describing a problem. This
research is a qualitative research using observation methods and creating questionnaires to
determine students' self-confidence in speaking class. The research sample was 6 students in the
third semester of the English Department at Khairun University. To measure students' level of
self-confidence, this research used a questionnaire to scale that is valid and has been tested for
truth. This scale can include questions that are relevant to the context of an English speaking
class. Data be collected through distributing questionnaires to students. The questionnaire be
filled out independently by students.
The data obtained will be analyzed using statistical methods, such as descriptive analysis (mean,
median and mode) and regression analysis if necessary. This analysis will help identify factors
that influence students' level of confidence in English classes. The results of the analysis will be
used to convey the student's level of confidence and identify areas that require improvement in
learning to speak English. Determine an appropriate research time period, for example several
months or one semester.

3.2 Location and Time of Research

This research was conducted at the Khairun university campus and focused on the third semester
English program. This research was carried out for approximately one month to obtain
information, collect data and analyze data.

3.3 Population and Sample

The population of this study were third semester students of the English Language Program at
Khairun University. The number of third semester students is 43 (forty three). Researchers apply
purposive sampling, namely taking samples with certain considerations, these considerations are
based on certain interests or goals. The consideration is that students have high and low self-
confidence in speaking classes, Therefore, researchers chose 6 (six) who have active and passive
roles in speaking class.
3.4 Instrument of Research
In collecting the data the researcher uses instrument questionnaire.

3.4.1 Questionnaire
In this research, a questionnaire as a post-test was given to find out students' confidence in
learning to speak English in class. There are 19 statements that include whether students are
interested in learning to speak or not. This statement is divided into two types statements, there
are positive statements and negative statements.

3.5 Data Collection Procedures

3.5.1 Pre-test / Questionnaire 1
The pre-test is given to find out information and data about student self-confidence
speaking skills before treatment. In this section, the researcher will provide
questionnaire to students to determine students' confidence in speaking English.
The following is the pre-test procedure:
1. Researchers create a question form using Google Forms.
2. The researcher shares the link to the question form that has been created.
3. Researchers give students time to prepare their answers.
4. Researchers collect student answers.

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

The data collected through the test analyzed qualitative in percentage to measure the students’
self- confidence in speaking class on the English education program khairun university. This
qualitative analysis uses an observation questionnaire to determine the limits of students’
speaking ability in English based on their level of self- confidence. The researcher asked several
questions applied in this research to process data as followed:
1. Assessment of student self- confidence in terms of five components confidence scale.

Table 3.1 Scale Confidence

1. Confidence in self-ability a. Confidence in self- ability
b. Has the ability to build social relationships
2. Optimistic a. Not desperate when faced with problems
b. Don’t hesitate to try something new
3. Objective a. Look at the problem according to the facts
b. Consider the impact of the decisions taken
4. To be responsible a. Able to carry out obligations properly
b. Have a good commitment
5. Rational and realistic a. Accept the reality
b. Having attitudes and thoughts that can be
accepted by common sense

For data based on the questionnaire was analyzes using an observation table. Data in student
attitudes were analyzed using observation questionnaire task. Observation task is used as in the
following table.

Table 3.2 Classification of students’ self- confidence in speaking class


HIGH 2 a. 3,91
b. 3,82
MIDDLE 2 a. 3,79
b. 3,75
LOW 2 a. 3,58
b. 3,4
Research and Discussion
1. Research
2. Discussion


Akbari, O., & Sahibzada, J. (2020). Students’ Self-Confidence and Its Impacts on Their Learning
Process. American International Journal of Social Science Research, 5(1), 1–15.
Amhar Amin Lar, M., & Maulina, M. (2021). STUDENTS’ SELF-CONFIDENCE IN
Atherton, M. (2015). Measuring confidence levels of male and female students in open access
enabling courses. Issues in Educational Research, 25(2).
Bashori, M., van Hout, R., Strik, H., & Cucchiarini, C. (2022). Web-based language learning and
speaking anxiety. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(5–6), 1058–1089.
Mohseni, A., & Omrani, H. (2016). The Relationship among Self-Efficacy, Critical Thinking and
Professional Success of Iranian Efl Teachers. Modern Journal of Language Teaching
Methods, 6(7).
Nety, N., Wahyuni B, A., & Nurhaeni, N. (2020). STUDENTS’ SELF CONFIDENCE IN
SPEAKING ENGLISH. English Education Journal, 8–16.
Palavan, Ö. (2017). Impact of drama education on the self-confidence and problem-solving skills
of students of primary school education. Kastamonu Education Journal, 25(1).
Perkins, K. E. (2018). The Integrated Model of Self-Confidence: Defining and Operationalizing
Self-Confidence in Organizational Settings. In Angewandte Chemie International Edition,
6(11), 951–952. (Vol. 3, Issue 1).
Putera Jaya, H., Petrus, I., & Lingga Pitaloka, N. (2022). Speaking Performance and Problems
Faced by English Major Students at a University in South Sumatra. South Sumatera.
Indonesian EFL Journal, 8(1).
Rusdi. (2019). The importance of speaking skills in English classrooms. Alford Council of
International English & Literature Journal, 2(2).
Sugiyono. 2009. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D.
Bandung: Alfabeta.

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