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Chest Trauma in Athletic Medicine

Nicholas R. Phillips, MD1 and Derek E. Kunz, MD2

ysis of high school athletics found only

Abstract 4.9 injuries to the torso V including
While overall sports participation continues at high rates, chest injuries chest, thoracic spine, and abdomen V per
occur relatively infrequently. Many conditions of chest injury are benign, 100,000 athletic exposures. Most of
related to simple contusions and strains, but the more rare, severe injuries these injuries were benign and related to
carry a much higher risk of morbidity and mortality than the typical issues contusion or muscle strain, but around
encountered in athletic medicine. Missed or delayed diagnosis can prove to half of all torso injuries still required
be catastrophic. Sports medicine providers must be prepared to encounter a further diagnostic workup. Additional-
wide range of traumatic conditions relating to the torso, varying from the ly, only 42.3% of all athletes returned to
benign chest wall contusion to the life-threatening tension pneumothorax. sport within a week after a torso injury
Basic field-side management should be rapid and focused, using the stan- (7). Prompt identification and treatment
dardized approach of Advanced Traumatic Life Support protocol. Early and can mean a significant difference in out-
appropriate diagnosis and management can help allow safe and enjoyable come. Sports medicine providers must be
sports participation. aware of the spectrum of injuries that can
occur, from the mundane to the deadly,
and be ready to act appropriately.

Introduction Basic Treatment

The volume of people involved in sports in the United States Evaluation should begin with the basic principles of any
continues to occur at a very high level throughout various age initial injury encounter. While Advanced Traumatic Life Sup-
groups. Each year greater than 7.8 million high school students port (ATLS) cannot fully be performed field-side, its guidelines
and 60 million youth older than 6 yr participate in organized provide an appropriate outline for action. The common ac-
athletics (1,2). Meanwhile, adults are showing increased par- ronym of ‘‘ABC’’ V indicating airway, breathing, and circu-
ticipation in higher risk activities with extreme action and ad- lation V is often used. Patient assessment should begin with
venture sports totaling 22 million participants and obstacle an evaluation of airway patency. Any cause of obstruction
racing adding 4.5 million annually (3,4). With the large overall should be addressed immediately, with a jaw thrust being
numbers and increasing adult participation in riskier activity, appropriate in most instances. Breathing status is evaluated
it is likely that the sideline physician will be increasingly by inspection and auscultation. If deficient, the primary cause
exposed to chest trauma. should be treated per the specific interventions indicated be-
In general, chest and torso trauma related to sports is rel- low, along with supplemental oxygen and positive pressure
atively rare. It can be caused by rapid deceleration or direct ventilation with bag valve mask. Circulation is assessed with
impact to the thorax. While infrequent, however, these inju- evaluation of pulse presence/quality, heart rate, and blood
ries run the risk of being extremely serious and even life- pressure. Circulatory collapse can occur through hemor-
threatening. In overall trauma mortality, thoracic injuries rhagic shock related to intrathoracic blood loss. Additionally,
account for about 25% of all early-trauma related deaths, but obstructive shock can be related to impeded venous return
some studies have shown sports causing only about 2% of due to elevated intrathoracic pressure (as in tension pneu-
those chest injuries requiring treatment (5,6). A recent anal- mothorax) or inadequate cardiac filling (as in cardiac
tamponade). Any life-threatening abnormality of airway,
breathing, or circulation failure must be treated as it is dis-
Samaritan Athletic Medicine at Oregon State University, Samaritan Health covered. Less severe conditions are more thoroughly evalu-
Services, Corvallis, OR; and 2Saint Alphonsus Sports Medicine, Boise, ID
ated/treated on a less emergent basis once the athlete is
Address for correspondence: Nicholas R. Phillips, MD, Samaritan Athletic confirmed as stable.
Medicine at Oregon State University, Samaritan Health Services, 845, SW The primary survey is often expanded to ‘‘ABCDE’’ to in-
30th St, Corvallis, OR 97331; E-mail: clude disability and exposure. Disability evaluation consti-
tutes a basic assessment of neurologic status, while exposure
Current Sports Medicine Reports serves as a reminder to examine the patient fully from head to
Copyright * 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine toe to ensure that no injuries are missed.

90 Volume 17 & Number 3 & March 2018 Chest Trauma in Athletic Medicine

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While this focus resides on chest trauma, one must also is in question, computerized tomography (CT) scanning of the
consider associated injury, specifically intra-abdominal trauma. chest can be used, which is still considered the gold standard.
Although specific abdominal conditions and treatments are Tension pneumothorax is a clinical diagnosis that should
beyond the scope of this article, basic trauma assessment and be made before the attempt at any diagnostic imaging, as the
appropriate triage protocols apply. delay in management can prove fatal. This condition leads to
a severe increase in intrathoracic pressure that impedes venous
return and ultimately decreases cardiac output. The patient
Continuing Developments
usually appears to be in distress, and signs typically involve
The increased utilization of bedside and field-side ultrasound
hypotension, a deviated trachea away from the side of injury,
provides an evolving aspect of this topic. Bedside ultrasound has
distended neck veins, and decreased or absent breath sounds.
been used in emergency medicine and trauma surgery for
Management of pneumothorax depends on the extent of
some time with good accuracy in diagnosis of chest trauma
the ailment and the condition of the patient. For a small,
(8Y11). This modality provides added benefit of portability,
simple pneumothorax with stable vital signs and no distress,
relatively low cost, and avoidance of ionizing radiation. As
observation alone is usually sufficient. Depending upon pro-
sports medicine providers become more adept at the use of
vider and patient comfort, this can be performed in the in-
ultrasound within the musculoskeletal realm, expansion to
patient or outpatient setting. Serial imaging will confirm the
more nonmusculoskeletal applications is a natural step. Op-
resolution and return to play timeline. Air travel should be
portunities for expedited diagnosis using portable ultraso-
avoided when pneumothorax is suspected or confirmed.
nography will be highlighted throughout this overview.
Though no strict guidelines exist for timeline on resuming air
travel after resolution of pneumothorax, it is felt that flying
Acute Life-Threatening Emergencies should be avoided for at least the first 2 wk after confirmed
Pneumothorax resolution (15).
A pneumothorax occurs when air becomes trapped be- With more notable pneumothoracies, tube thoracostomy is
tween the visceral pleura of the lung and the parietal pleura often performed to aid in resolution and healing. For tension
of the chest wall. This can occur spontaneously or with pneumothorax, immediate needle decompression is critical.
trauma. Spontaneous pneumothorax most often occurs in Though it is anxiety-inducing, this procedure should be within
young, tall males (12). It has been described as occurring in the scope of all sports medicine practitioners who provide care
noncontact sports such as scuba diving, weight lifting, and on the sidelines. Using a large bore catheter, the second in-
running (6). Additionally, it can occur in older people with tercostal space in the midclavicular line on the side of injury
underlying pulmonary disease. Pneumothorax in trauma should be punctured. Typically a large release of air is ap-
typically results from rib fracture that leads to direct injury preciated when the pleural space is entered. The needle should
of the pleura; however, sports-related traumatic pneumo- then be removed and the catheter secured in place while
thorax in the absence of rib fracture has been reported (13). transport for definitive care is arranged.
Simple pneumothorax itself is rarely life-threatening, but it
can develop into and must be distinguished from tension Pericardial Effusion, Cardiac Tamponade
pneumothorax, which can quickly lead to death. A pericardial effusion occurs when there is an increased
Diagnosis of pneumothorax is based initially on clinical accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac surrounding the
signs and symptoms. Patients usually complain of a pleuritic heart. There are numerous causes of pericardial effusions
chest pain and shortness of breath. Breath sounds may be occurring under conditions that are infectious, inflammatory
decreased, and lung fields may be hyper-resonant with per- (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren syndrome, systemic lupus
cussion. Subcutaneous emphysema also may be appreciated. erythematosus), neoplastic, cardiac, idiopathic, or traumatic.
Hypoxia can be seen in more severe cases. However, even in Under normal physiologic conditions, the pericardial sac con-
the absence of physical exam signs, suspicion must remain tains 15 to 50 milliliters of serous fluid (16). Cardiac tamponade
high, as clinical diagnosis can be difficult. occurs when fluid accumulation reaches a point at which
While chest X-ray has historically been the first line in ventricular filling is reduced and hemodynamic compromise
evaluation for the condition, ultrasound has gained popular- is observed. In the acute setting with pericardial effusion oc-
ity in the acute setting for an expedient diagnosis of pneu- curring due to trauma, cardiac tamponade can be seen with as
mothorax. This modality has been found to be extremely little as 200 to 300 ml of fluid accumulated in the pericardial
accurate and is now being considered the preferred first-line space (17). Any athlete sustaining chest trauma could po-
tool for diagnosis in critical care settings (14). Studies have tentially develop a pericardial effusion/cardiac tamponade.
demonstrated better sensitivity and similar specificity when However, given the wide variety of other causes, athletes
comparing ultrasound to standard chest X-ray (8). Specific- with any of the underlying medical conditions known to be
ities have been found to be greater than 99% (9). Pneumo- a risk factor could develop a pericardial effusion/cardiac
thorax on ultrasound demonstrates lack of normal lung tamponade spontaneously.
sliding, absence of B-lines (also known as comet tail artifacts), The diagnosis of pericardial effusion should be based on
and possible presence of a lung point/transition point. clinic presentation and diagnostic imaging. Some patients
M-mode utilization allows for visualization of lung sliding with pericardial effusion may be asymptomatic, but those
using a static image (Fig. 1A, B). Further workup with formal with symptoms may report chest pain and dyspnea that
chest X-ray is still indicated when appropriately removed from worsen when lying flat and improve while in an upright po-
the athletic venue. This can quantify the size of the pneumo- sition. On physical exam, the athlete may have findings de-
thorax and evaluate for associated bony injury. If the diagnosis scribed as Beck’s Triad, which includes hypotension, jugular Current Sports Medicine Reports 91

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 1: Panel A. Normal lung ultrasound. Using M-mode analysis allows for visualization and documentation of lung sliding over time
using a static image. This image demonstrates normal chest wall tissue that is not moving depicted by horizontal lines superficially. The
pleural line appears hyperechoic (arrow) and the image deep to the pleural line demonstrates a granular appears due to the sliding of lung. This
constitutes the ‘‘seashore sign’’ whereas the superficial linear pattern makes up the waves and the granular artifact pattern deep to the pleural line
makes up the sand. (Image courtesy of Charles Price, OMS-III. College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific-Northwest). Panel B. Pneumothorax. On
this image, the tissue deep to the pleural line continues to demonstrate a horizontal linear pattern, indicating lack of normal lung sliding. In real-time,
dynamic images confirm this lack of lung sliding. Normal and pathologic examples of this can be seen in supplemental digital content videos 1 to 3.
(,, and (Image courtesy of Elias Jaffa, MD.
Duke University Medical Center, Division of Emergency Medicine).

venous distention, and muffled heart sounds. Beck’s Triad is (16). Echocardiography can dynamically assess the pericar-
seen in a minority of individuals with pericardial effusion/ dial effusion, providing the size of the effusion and evaluation
cardiac tamponade, but more commonly in the setting of of abnormal filling patterns suggestive of cardiac tamponade.
acute chest trauma (18). Electrocardiogram findings may in- A pericardial effusion appears as an anechoic fluid collection
clude electrical alternans, which describes consecutive, nor- within the pericardial sac surrounding the heart (Fig. 2). On
mally conducted QRS complexes alternating in height. Chest dynamic ultrasound, cardiac tamponade appears as patho-
X-ray findings may include the heart appearing boot- or water logic collapse of the right ventricle during diastole. Certainly
bottle-shaped. with ultrasound becoming an increasingly common practice
Pericardial effusions can certainly be seen on a CT/MRI, in sports medicine, the ability to quickly assess the pericardial
but echocardiography is the diagnostic modality of choice space with bedside ultrasound could be a valuable diagnostic

92 Volume 17 & Number 3 & March 2018 Chest Trauma in Athletic Medicine

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Figure 2: Pericardial effusion. This image demonstrates hypoechoic fluid around the heart. During real-time ultrasound, diastolic collapse
of the right ventricle is noted in cases of cardiac tamponade. Videos of this finding can be seen in the supplemental digital content videos 4
and 5 (, (Image courtesy of Elias Jaffa, MD. Duke University Medical
Center, Division of Emergency Medicine).

tool when suspicion for pericardial effusion/cardiac tamponade Flail Chest

is high. Flail chest occurs when there is an unstable portion of the
The treatment of pericardial effusions ranges from obser- chest wall secondary to multiple rib fractures. This condi-
vation to emergent intervention and is dependent on the clini- tion requires segmental rib fracturesVat least two locations
cal status of the patient, underlying etiology, and expected of the same ribVof at least three consecutive ribs. This
clinical course. Small effusions, if not causing symptoms, can condition is unlikely to be encountered in sport-related injury,
often be observed. If signs of cardiac tamponade are present, but it should be present among the differential diagnoses of
emergent treatment with drainage is needed. These tech- chest trauma.
niques include needle pericardiocentesis, percutaneous ballon Flail chest is characterized by paradoxical breathing wherein
pericardiotomy, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) the flail segment of the chest falls during the expected chest
approach, surgical pericardial window, and emergent thora- expansion of inhalation and rises during the anticipated de-
cotomy (19). Though needle pericardiocentesis would rarely pression of exhalation. Management requires aggressive pain
be required in the acute athletic setting, one should be aware control to allow for full expansion of the lungs and can re-
of this procedure, as it could prove to be lifesaving. quire mechanical ventilation. There has been some increasing
interest regarding surgical fixation of rib fracture to allow for
Commotio Cordis earlier recovery (23,24).
Though it is initiated by trauma, this condition does not
involve any traumatic structural damage, but instead relates Sternoclavicular Dislocation
to an initiation of abnormal function of the heart. Commotio The overall rate of sternoclavicular dislocation is low. His-
cordis occurs after acute direct trauma to the precordium. It is torical studies reported the condition to be involved in less
thought that the likely precipitating factor is impact during an than 5% of all shoulder girdle injuries, though some authors
extremely narrow segment of the T-wave upstroke portion of feel this may have underreported the condition (25,26). An-
the cardiac cycles, which initiates arryhthmogenic changes, terior instability is much more common than its posterior
leading to ventricular fibrillation (20). Diagnosis relates to counterpart, but posterior dislocation carries the risk of in-
the recognition of typical signs of arrhythmia leading to car- creased injury to associated mediastinal structures (27). Injury
diac arrest after an appropriate traumatic event. The specifics usually occurs with indirect contact after lateral compression
of the traumatic impact can vary quite widely, but most fre- to the shoulder. Direction of the instability will be related to
quently involves direct anterior chest wall impact from a the point of impact and the position of the shoulder at the
firm, small ball (such as baseball or lacrosse ball) in a child or time of impact. Direct injury can occur after impact being
adolescent (21). Treatment should follow usual ACLS guide- placed to the medial clavicle, usually resulting in a posterior
lines and sideline management of cardiac arrest. Use of early dislocation (28).
defibrillation in this condition has been shown to be the most Diagnosis can be suspected by clinical palpation of the
critical component of treatment. Though survival rate has area, though subtle depression of posterior dislocation can be
been improving over recent years, it is still extremely low overall difficult to discern. Plain film radiography lacks adequate sen-
at 15% and drops to 3% if initial attempt at resuscitation is sitivity due to the overlapping anatomic structures seen on im-
delayed beyond 3 min (22). aging, including medial clavicle, ribs, sternum, and vertebrae. Current Sports Medicine Reports 93

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Serendipity view, with the X-ray beam directed 40 degrees Urgent and Subacute Issues
cranially, can enhance visualization of isolated sternoclavicular Chest wall contusion
dislocation. Definitive confirmation often requires CT and Overall, contusion is the most common outcome of chest
this allows for assessment of associated injuries. trauma and accounts for nearly 50% of all injuries to the torso
Early management consists of primary identification and (7). Diagnosis is primarily clinical by appropriate history and
transfer for definitive care in severe cases. Anterior dislocations examination but can require further workup to evaluate for
can be managed conservatively, but typically warrant an at- more severe associated conditions. Symptoms and examina-
tempt at reduction. Ideally, these should be reduced within tion findings can easily overlap those seen with rib fracture,
24 h and can often be achieved by closed reduction (29). pulmonary contusion, and pneumothorax. Once other con-
Closed reduction of posterior dislocations should not be routinely ditions have been ruled out, treatment includes pain control
considered, and current recommendations direct toward modalities with ice, analgesics, and anti-inflammatories.
open reduction (26). This often uses an orthopedist comfort-
able in the management of the injury, with on-site availability
Rib Fracture
of trauma and/or thoracic surgery. In the rare event of posterior
Rib fracture is one of the more common types of chest
dislocation with severe hemodynamic or airway compromise,
trauma (34). Though it is not acutely life-threatening by itself,
emergent reduction can be considered. Several techniques have
rib fracture can be associated with several of the potentially
been described. One potential technique involves placing a
fatal conditions listed above. Concomitant injuries must be
bolster between the shoulder blades of the supine patient,
considered, especially with extra vigilance for pneumothorax.
with subsequent posteriorly directed pressure applied to the
Diagnosis is typically made by chest X-ray and/or rib series
shoulder in order to lever the clavicle on the first rib. Alter-
X-ray, which can be supported by physical exam with focal
natively from this position, traction can be pulled on the arm
rib tenderness, bony crepitus, or mobile rib segments. Ultra-
while moving it into abduction and extension. Manual trac-
sound also can be used for diagnosis. A fracture appears as a
tion on the medial clavicle with the provider’s fingers or a
cortical irregularity of the hyperechoic bony cortex of the rib
sterile towel clip also can be used (26,28).
(Fig. 3). Ultrasound has been found to be accurate and routinely
more sensitive than standard radiography (10,11).
Aortic Injury Once associated emergency conditions have been ruled out,
Blunt aortic injury is an often fatal condition that is seen in acute management of rib fracture centers around pain man-
the setting of severe chest trauma. For those individuals suf- agement and pulmonary hygiene to prevent secondary com-
fering blunt aortic injury, as many as 80% will die before plications. Inadequate initial treatment can lead to self-splinting
arrival in the hospital (30). The majority of blunt aortic in- and resultant atelectasis with the risk of subsequent pneumo-
juries occur in the setting of motor vehicle crashes. However, nia. Pain control often requires the use of narcotics, in addition
in the sport setting, blunt aortic injury could occur under any to acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories.
circumstance in which sudden deceleration occurs. Various Additionally, nerve blocks can be employed in the appropri-
research articles have described aortic injuries sustained from ate setting.
sporting events ranging from rugby to skiing (31,32). This Isolated rib fractures in the young, healthy athlete can typi-
injury occurs when sudden deceleration leads to significant cally be treated as an outpatient after demonstration of ade-
forces being applied to the fixed and mobile portions of the quate pain control and lack of respiratory distress. Hospital
aorta, potentially causing tears. admission is often recommended in the elderly and those with
The diagnosis of blunt aortic injury is based on imaging significant comorbid illnesses. Hospitalization can be con-
(30). However, if an athlete suffers severe chest trauma and sidered for a patient with 3 or more rib fractures and should
complains of chest pain and/or if hemodynamic compromise be suggested if there are any signs of respiratory compromise.
is present, aortic injury should certainly be on the differential This can be indicated by oxygen saturation less than 92% on
diagnosis. Chest X-ray imaging may reveal indistinct medi- room air, failure to achieve incentive spirometry greater than
astinal silhouette and loss of normal contour of the aorta. 1000 cc or 15 ccIkgj1, and vital capacity less than 55% of
Although it is easy to complete, chest X-ray has an unaccept- predicted (35).
able rate of missed injury (30). For many years, aortography
was considered the best diagnostic test, but given its re- Pulmonary Contusion
quirement for special personnel and the fact that it is highly Pulmonary contusion is a relatively common finding in major
invasive, it has been replaced by CT as the diagnostic imaging blunt trauma such as motor vehicle accidents and severe falls,
test of choice for blunt aortic injury. but reports have indicated that it can also occur in collegiate
Treatment of blunt aortic injury depends on severity and football players (36,37). Additionally, there have been case
ranges from medical therapy to operative repair. Medical reports occurring in divers after direct chest wall impact to
management revolves around beta-blockers and antihyper- water (38).
tensive medications to decrease shear force on the aortic wall. Presenting signs and symptoms of the condition are vague
When intervention is deemed to be necessary, surgical options and nonspecific. Patients usually complain of shortness of
range from a clamp-and-sew to shunt-bypass technique. Over breath and chest pain. Physical exam can include tachypnea,
the past 50 yr, there has been a great deal of advancement in wheezing, decreased breath sounds, or crackles, or exam may
endovascular grafting for aortic injury repair. More and more, be completely normal (39). Hemoptysis may be present. Any
this mode of treatment is becoming the intervention of choice of the signs and symptoms may develop immediately or can
in the setting of blunt aortic injury (33). present in a delayed fashion.

94 Volume 17 & Number 3 & March 2018 Chest Trauma in Athletic Medicine

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Figure 3: Rib fracture. This image demonstrates discontinuity of the normally smooth bony cortex of the rib. (Image courtesy of Chris-
topher Moore, MD. Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine).

Chest X-ray is typically normal immediately after injury, but can often occur concomitantly. Additionally, the more sig-
appearance of infiltrates will often develop later, anywhere nificant injuries can have dire complications, especially if
from 4 to 48 h after injury. CT scan is considered the gold diagnosis is missed or delayed. Sports medicine providers
standard for evaluation and will demonstrate pathologic must be aware of the conditions on the severe end of the
changes immediately (40). Management consists of supportive spectrum that often necessitate further evaluation. As sports
care with analgesia and pulmonary hygiene. Hypoxia is treated medicine providers become more comfortable with the use
with supplemental oxygen, and close vigilance must be of field-side ultrasound, expanding its use beyond muscu-
maintained, as the condition can rarely evolve into Adult Re- loskeletal pathology toward the ability to assess potential
spiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), which often requires traumatic chest injuries could be extremely valuable. When
mechanical ventilation. the severe injuries do occur, providers must be comfortable
in trauma protocol and aware of lifesaving procedures that
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96 Volume 17 & Number 3 & March 2018 Chest Trauma in Athletic Medicine

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