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Transportation Management Plan

Project Level Guidance Manual

Delivery & Operations Division
Traffic–Roadway Section

January 2022
Oregon Department of Transportation
Transportation Management Plan Project Level Guidance Manual

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Oregon Department of Transportation
Transportation Management Plan Project Level Guidance Manual
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Oregon Department of Transportation

Statewide Project Delivery Branch – Engineering & Technical Services Branch
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Transportation Management Plan Project Level Guidance Manual

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Transportation Management Plan Project Level Guidance Manual

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1

1.0 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Work Zone Guiding Principles and Decision Tree ....................................................................... 2
Mission................................................................................................................................................. 2
Goal ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Guiding Principle ............................................................................................................................... 2
Directive/Strategy............................................................................................................................... 2
Resources ............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.1 Applying the Work Zone Decision Tree ............................................................................. 3
1.1.2 Transportation Management Plan ....................................................................................... 3
1.2 TMP and Work Zone Decision Tree throughout the Project Life Cycle ..................................... 5
1.2.1 Scoping .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 Preliminary Design ................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.3 Final Plans ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.4 Construction............................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 TMP Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.1 Program – Level TMP ............................................................................................................ 7
1.3.2 Corridor – Level TMP ............................................................................................................ 7
1.3.3 Project – Level TMP ............................................................................................................... 7
1.4 TMP Requirements & Responsibilities............................................................................................ 8
Chapter 2: Transportation Management Plan ..................................................................... 11
2.1 TMP Goal........................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Project – Level TMP Components.................................................................................................. 12
2.2.1 Introduction/Summary........................................................................................................ 12
2.2.2 Project Description ............................................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 Existing and Construction, Traffic & Roadway conditions ........................................... 12
2.2.4 Project Work Zone Strategies ............................................................................................. 12
2.2.5 Work Zone Strategies Proposed Impacts.......................................................................... 13

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2.2.6 Work Zone Strategies Alternatives Discussion................................................................ 14
2.2.7 Contract Documents and Backup, Design & Construction ............................................ 14
2.2.8 TMP Construction Monitoring ........................................................................................... 14
2.2.9 TMP Evaluation/Report ...................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Project – Level TMP for Minor Projects ........................................................................................ 15
Chapter 3: Project Data/Management Strategies ................................................................ 17
3.1 Project Data ....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1.1 Data Collection ..................................................................................................................... 17
3.1.2 Temporary Traffic Control Devices ................................................................................... 19
3.1.3 Project Coordination, Contracting, and Innovative Construction Strategies .............. 19
3.2 Public Information Possible Management Strategies.................................................................. 20
3.2.1 Public Awareness Strategies ............................................................................................... 20
3.2.2 Road User Information Strategies ...................................................................................... 20
3.3 Transportation Operation Possible Strategies................................................................................ 21
3.3.1 Demand Management Strategies ....................................................................................... 21
Chapter 4: Work Zone Decision Tree .................................................................................... 23
4.1 Work Zone Decision Tree Layout and Instructions .................................................................... 23
4.1.1 Possible/Viable...................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.2 Impacts................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.3 Stakeholders and Input ....................................................................................................... 24
4.1.4 Decision Status ..................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 Temporary Traffic Control Management Strategies ................................................................... 25
4.2.1 Construction Strategies ....................................................................................................... 25
4.2.1 Construction Strategies (Continued) ................................................................................. 27
Chapter 5: TMP Resources ...................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Rules, Regulations, and Policies..................................................................................................... 29

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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.0 Purpose
The Project-Level Transportation Management Plan (TMP) guidance document outlines the
development, content, and purpose of the Project-Level TMP.
A Transportation Management Plan is a documented set of coordinated transportation
management strategies used to manage the temporary work zone impacts of construction
The purpose of the transportation management program is to minimize disruptions to public
traffic, including motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians, the freight industry and communities
without compromising public or worker safety, or the quality of work being performed. A
Project-Level TMP, used for either single projects or coordination of multiple projects within a
given area, will provide the details behind the development of the Traffic Control Plan (TCP),
including the Temporary Pedestrian Accessible Route Plan (TPARP), and other measures that
will be put in place for each project or group of projects to achieve this goal.
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has developed the Oregon Highway Plan
and Oregon Transportation Plan; these plans are considered Program-Level TMP’s. Corridor-
Level TMPs have also been developed for significant corridors throughout Oregon. Both the
Program-Level and Corridor-Level TMP’s help outline the development of requirements and
performance specifications for Project-Level TMPs. The goal of the project-level TMPs will be to
address the traffic related impacts of the construction projects in a cost-effective and timely
manner with minimal interference to the traveling public through the effective application of
traditional and innovative traffic mitigation strategies. TMPs use multi-faceted and multi-
jurisdictional programs of operational, communications, and demand management strategies to
maintain acceptable levels of traffic flow during periods of construction activities.

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Transportation Management Plan Project Level Guidance Manual

1.1 Work Zone Guiding Principles and Decision Tree

Working with the Work Zone Safety Executive Steering Committee, the agency has developed
and is implementing the Work Zone Guiding Principle:

ODOT’s mission is to provide a safe, efficient transportation system that supports economic
opportunity and livable communities.

Our work zone safety goal is zero fatalities and injuries, including ODOT employees,
contractors, public safety professionals and the traveling public while efficiently moving people
and goods.

Guiding Principle
The best work zone design and management plan will maintain safety and mobility, a balance
that shall be analyzed continuously throughout the lifecycle of the facility.

To accomplish this goal, project design teams shall consider the full range of options including,
but not limited to, separation of the traveling public from workers and work areas, speed
reductions, law enforcement, enhanced traffic control devices and signage, and overall roadway
and work zone design.
Effective communication with travelers is essential to establish reasonable expectations and
minimize unsafe driver behavior. While there is no single solution that is appropriate for all
roadway designs and work zones, whenever practicable workers should be separated from

Mobility Committee
ODOT’s Mobility Committee is a resource that can provide necessary balanced guidance. Work
through your mobility coordinator and the mobility committee to reach resolution. Bring issues
forward early in the scoping and design stage to avoid surprises and keep everyone in the
problem solving mode.

Work Zone Decision Tree Form

The Work Zone Decision Tree will help us identify separation options available per work zone.
Impacts to safety, mobility, scope, schedule, budget, delay, driver convenience, and “other”

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Transportation Management Plan Project Level Guidance Manual
impacts shall be identified when assessing separation options. To help guide us through our
decision making, the Decision Tree is intended to provide new tools and approaches.

1.1.1 Applying the Work Zone Decision Tree

The Guiding Principle emphasizes ODOT highway work zones are to be managed through the
life of a project – from initial scoping, during project development, and throughout
construction. Safety for workers and public traffic and traffic mobility must be integral parts of
the traffic control plan design and construction. Manage safety and mobility throughout the life
of projects.
The expectation for design teams is to apply the Work Zone Guiding Principle and the Work Zone
Decision Tree at key milestones throughout the course of the project – starting with Project
Scoping and continuing through construction.

1.1.2 Transportation Management Plan

As part of the commitment to safety and project integrity, ODOT makes the Transportation
Management Plan (TMP) a required portion of all ODOT highway construction contracts within
State highway right of way. ODOT maintenance operations and permitted work are encouraged
to use a TMP, but it is not a requirement. See Section 1.4, below, for more information about the
TMP, its development and minimum required contents.

In September 2004, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published updates to the
work zone regulations at 23 CFR 630 Subpart J. The updated Rule is referred to as the Work
Zone Safety and Mobility Rule (Rule) and applies to all State and local governments that receive
Federal-aid highway funding. Transportation agencies are required to comply with the
provisions of the Rule by October 12, 2007. The changes made to the regulations broaden the
former Rule to better address the work zone issues of today and the future.
Growing congestion on many roads, and an increasing need to perform rehabilitation and
reconstruction work on existing roads already carrying traffic, are some of the issues that have
led to additional, more complex challenges to maintaining work zone safety and mobility. To
help address these issues, the Rule provides a decision-making framework that facilitates
comprehensive consideration of the broader safety and mobility impacts of work zones across
project development stages, and the adoption of additional strategies that help manage these
impacts during project implementation. At the heart of the Rule is a requirement for agencies to
develop an agency-level work zone safety and mobility policy. The policy is intended to
support systematic consideration and management of work zone impacts across all stages of
project development. Based on the policy, agencies will develop standard processes and
procedures to support implementation of the policy. These processes and procedures shall
include the use of work zone safety and operational data, work zone training, and work zone
process reviews. Agencies are also encouraged to develop procedures for work zone impacts

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assessment. The third primary element of the Rule calls for the development of project-level
procedures to address the work zone impacts of individual projects. These project-level
procedures include identifying projects that an agency expects will cause a relatively high level
of disruption (referred to in the Rule as significant projects) and developing and implementing
transportation management plans (TMPs) for all projects.1
The project-level TMP Guidance document was developed to provide guidance to ODOT
designers on how to develop TMP documents for projects. With the adoption of the Work
Zone Guiding Principle and the introduction of the Work Zone Decision Tree, this manual has
been significantly modified to provide guidance to staff involved with ODOT highway

1FHWA, Jeannotte and Chandra, Developing and Implementing Transportation Management Plans
for Work Zones. December 2005.

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1.2 TMP and Work Zone Decision Tree throughout

the Project Life Cycle
1.2.1 Scoping
Many of the high-level decisions regarding traffic management strategies become clear at the
scoping stage of the project. While the outcome of scoping might not be a formal TMP report,
several pieces of information that will lead into the document are first collected through
scoping. The basic details of the project, such as the purpose and location of the project, are
recorded in the Project Charter and the Business Case documentation. Designers should draw
information from these documents as they begin to form the final TMP.
An initial Work Zone Decision Tree is required at the Scoping stage in order to promote the full
evaluation of traffic management strategies. Depending on the type of project, some options
included on the form might be impractical, but the main purpose of the Guiding Principle is to
explore additional safety strategies on every project.

1.2.2 Preliminary Design

As the concept for a project is developed into a preliminary design, many decisions are made
that shape the construction timeline, traffic control strategies, and mitigation efforts available
for the remainder of the project lifecycle. The TMP at this stage should be considered as a diary
for traffic management related decisions. By including this information in the TMP, users of the
document later in the lifecycle can benefit from the reasoning behind the traffic management
strategies that were chosen. The Work Zone Decision Tree is a vital tool at this stage of project
development. Many of the high-level safety strategies must be identified by this point or they
will not be able to be included in the project later. The TMP can also be the starting point for
coordination with Mobility and other key stakeholders.

1.2.3 Final Plans

The Work Zone Decision Tree is a process that transfers between stages of the project lifecycle.
As additional information becomes available and as decisions are made, the Work Zone
Decision Tree is a tool for guiding and recording safety and mobility strategies. At the end of
the plans development, the Work Zone Decision Tree should explain all of the safety and
mobility strategies that are included in the bid package. Likewise, the TMP should include a
narrative regarding all of the considerations made for safely managing the work zone and how
the public’s mobility.

1.2.4 Construction
The TMP and Work Zone Decision Tree are to be submitted to eBids for prospective bidders to
understand the safety and mobility expectations for the project. Construction staff should

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familiarize themselves with the TMP, including any components of the TMP that need to be
implemented by the Project Manager. Depending on whether or not the Contractor adopts the
Agency-provided TCP, the TMP and Work Zone Decision Tree may need to be re-evaluated or
revised. The TMP may also need to be re-evaluated or revised during the project based upon
changes to the TCP.
During the project the Project Manager should monitor the TMP/TCP and make changes as
necessary based upon contract changes. The Project Office should also implement all parts of
the TMP directed at the Project Manager; these could include such items as Traffic Operations
Center coordination or Public Information campaigns. The Project Manager will include
updated final versions of the TMP and Work Zone Decision Tree in the final project

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1.3 TMP Structure

ODOT organizes TMP’s into 3 levels with each having a different level of effort and detail as
described below:

1.3.1 Program – Level TMP

The Program-Level TMP addresses traffic management at a high-level and serves as a
framework for Corridor-Level and Project-Level TMPs.

1.3.2 Corridor – Level TMP

The Corridor-Level TMP addresses traffic management on the level below the Program-Level
for specific corridors Corridor-Level TMPs address corridor management (including
communication, coordination, and implementation), bridge delivery scheduling and staging,
and work zone traffic operations strategies at the corridor level and serve as the framework for
Project-Level analysis and enhancements, where needed. The analyses focus on areas of a
corridor where delays and access issues may result in significant negative mobility and
economic impacts to motorists, the freight industry, individual businesses and communities, or
where substantial overall economic benefits may be achieved through alternative strategies.

1.3.3 Project – Level TMP

The Project-Level TMP addresses transportation management for each project or group of
interrelated projects within a highway corridor. This document will serve as guidance in
developing the TMP in conjunction with the Traffic Control Plan (TCP). A Project-Level TMP
will consist of Temporary Traffic Control Plans, Public Information Campaigns, and
Transportation Operations Strategies and all relevant documentation used to develop the TCP.
The TCP will follow ODOT Guidance for the layout and placement of the temporary traffic
control devices, signs, and related safety appurtenances and equipment for the highway
construction project. Supporting documentation will consist of all relevant correspondence,
meeting minutes, calculations, models, and agreements used to support and show how the TCP
was developed and how it achieves the goal of providing the best solution for safety and
mobility within the project and surrounding environment. Project-Level TMP’s should be
shared with Construction personnel before a Contract is awarded. The TMP document
organization and design is standardized in template form. The Project-Level TMP serves as the
documentation that supports the traffic control plans for the project. A standard template for
all projects has been developed as a means to streamline the stakeholder communication
process. The template for the TMP can be found on the ODOT Work Zone Traffic Control

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1.4 TMP Requirements & Responsibilities

The TMP will be relative to the scope of work – the more complex the project, the more details
and information should be included in the TMP.
The FHWA has identified two different categories of TMPs to identify complex projects versus
projects more routine in nature. Routine projects will only require a Traffic Control Plan (TCP)
to satisfy the requirement of a TMP. However, satisfactory documentation should still be kept
for all design decisions that affect the TCP and construction schedule.
Within the New Rule language, a “significant” project is one that meets the following

“…alone or in combination with other concurrent projects nearby is anticipated to

cause sustained work zone impacts that are greater than what is considered tolerable
based on State policy and/or engineering.”

And, is on an Interstate highway within a designated Transportation Management

Area (TMA).

By granted authority, ODOT has developed an additional criterion for identifying “significant”
 All projects with a construction budget greater than $5 million.
As a “significant” project, the TMP must include all of the following:
 A temporary Traffic Control Plan
 Transportation Operation (TO) strategies – Efforts to minimize or mitigate traffic
congestion, delay, volumes, peak hour surges, etc., during construction
 Public Information (PI) campaigns – Communication strategies designed to notify
and inform the affected stakeholders and the traveling public of project schedules,
changes, alternate routes and mobility options.
FHWA has recommended that a Traffic Control Narrative be prepared for all projects along
with the Traffic Control Plans. In order to meet the Work Zone Guiding Principle, ODOT now
requires that a Work Zone Decision Tree and TMP be prepared for all highway projects. The
TMP, at a minimum, will include a basic narrative of the project and discussion of the safety
strategies evaluated.
For projects that do not meet the specific definition of a “significant” project, the FHWA
recommends that transportation agencies consider including both TO and PI strategies in their
TMPs, when practical.
TMP development and an initial Work Zone Decision Tree will begin as early as the Project
Scoping phase. Because these are living documents, they will continue to grow and evolve
throughout the life of the project design phase. Upon completion of the design – during the

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“Plans, Specs & Estimate” (PS&E) phase - the TMP and Work Zone Decision Tree will be
distributed to Project Team members (including Consultant staff), the agency’s Construction
Project Manager or Coordinator, and made available to prospective bidders through the eBids
system. A designated Traffic Control Plan (TCP) Designer is responsible for the coordination
and development of the TMP and the TCP, with the cooperation of the Project Manager/Leader.
TMP’s are not developed for TCP designers, and therefore TCP designers may feel that they are
a waste of resources. TMP’s are developed for others involved in the project, so that they
understand the reasoning behind the Contract TCP and the selected safety and mobility
strategies. The TMP and Work Zone Decision Tree will help construction personnel and
stakeholders better understand the contract TCP.
The TMP and Traffic Control Plan shall be developed utilizing the design standards and
guidance obtained from the current editions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD), the ODOT Traffic Control Plans Design Manual, the Work Zone Traffic Analysis
Manual, the current ODOT Standard Specifications for Construction, and the ODOT Standard
Drawings for Temporary Traffic Control.
At a minimum, the TMP and Work Zone Decision Tree should provide information regarding
the traffic management evaluated and selected for the project. These documents serve as the
communication tool to stakeholders and the public regarding the selection of safety and
mobility strategies according to the Guiding Principle

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Chapter 2: Transportation Management Plan

2.1 TMP Goal
In conjunction with the goals of the FHWA Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility (23 CFR 630
Subpart J ) and the Work Zone Guiding Principle, the purpose of this task is to minimize
disruptions to motorists, the freight industry and communities without compromising public or
worker safety, or the quality of work being performed. Project Teams will be responsible for
following the guidance in this document for developing a Project-Level TMP for the specific
project they have been assigned.
The goal of the TMP will be to address the safety and mobility related management of the
project in a cost-effective and timely manner, coordination of construction activities with
adjacent or overlapping projects; and, to minimizing the operational impacts to the traveling
public. Chapters 3 and 4 discuss descriptions of possible TMP elements and strategies for the
corresponding project Work Zone Decision Tree.
As the project team develops the Project-Level TMP, they must coordinate and work directly
with the ODOT Region Traffic offices and Region Mobility Managers. The project team should
account for project and corridor-specific conditions identified in the Corridor-Level TMPs, and
input from stakeholders. The TMP must also support the staging of the construction activities
of the project in order to optimize road user mobility and promote safe and efficient
construction of the project.
The Project-Level TMP length will vary based on the scope of work, complexity of the project,
and stakeholder involvement needs.

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2.2 Project – Level TMP Components

The following components should be considered for inclusion in a Project-Level TMP. Not all
components listed will be included in the TMP, depending on the complexity of the project and
the level of detail required. TMP’s for basic projects may not include many of the components
The TMP should be scaled to the size and complexity of the project. A simple paving project
may have a one-page TMP summarizing the project decisions. A more complex project’s TMP
could be several hundred pages.

2.2.1 Introduction/Summary
The introduction/summary should include a brief overview of the project, including a brief
overview of the existing conditions and proposed improvements, recommendations for traffic
control for the project, and goals and objectives of the TMP. The introduction/summary may
also include table of contents, other organizational information, or TMP Roles and
Responsibilities. The introduction/summary should also include pertinent project specific
information that may have a large impact on the project, i.e. extremely high traffic volumes,
closures, etc.

2.2.2 Project Description

The project description should include the scope and definition of the proposed project.
Information included may be project background, type, limits/corridor, goals and constraints,
construction phasing/staging, schedule and timeline, and related projects.

2.2.3 Existing and Construction, Traffic & Roadway

This component should describe all of the pertinent existing and proposed conditions within
the project limits. Include traffic information, roadway information, land use, stakeholder
input, and other information pertinent to the TMP.

2.2.4 Project Work Zone Strategies

Discuss preferred Work Zone Traffic Control Strategies, including the Traffic Control Plan,
Public Information Campaign, Stakeholder commitments, and Traffic Operations. Include who
is responsible for each preferred strategy, most strategies will be the responsibility of the
contractor, but the Project Manager office or TOC may have responsibilities.

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Temporary Traffic Control

The temporary traffic control section should discuss the overall temporary traffic control
strategy used for the project, including construction stages and phases. Construction schedule,
lane use, lane closure hours, detours, local events, and other pertinent contract data should be

Temporary Pedestrian Accessible Route Plan

The temporary pedestrian accessible route plan section should discuss the pedestrian specific
temporary traffic control strategy used for the project, including construction stages and phases.
Construction schedule, lane use, lane closure hours, detours, local events, and other pertinent
contract data should be included.

Public Information
Discuss the public awareness and motorist information strategies utilized by the contract. The
information programs inform the public of the overall purpose of the project so as to generate
and maintain public support. The program also encourages changes in driver behavior during
the project to help minimize congestion by recommending alternate routes during construction.

Traffic Operation
The traffic operation section should discuss any traffic operations employed by the project to
lessen traffic impacts of the project. Items may include demand, work zone safety,
traffic/incident, or enforcement management strategies.

2.2.5 Work Zone Strategies Proposed Impacts

The Work Zone Impact assessment should discuss all of the potential impacts the project will
have on public traffic, other projects, and the stakeholders. The Impact Assessment may be
qualitative or quantitative, but generally will involve a brief discussion on how the project is
expected to impact project users.
The adoption of the Guiding Principle has resulted in changes to the Mobility coordination
process. The Mobility Procedures Manual remains as the policy document to be observed for
all projects. The Mobility Considerations Checklist (PD-16 Checklist) is now incorporated into
the TMP process for all projects. The mobility impacts must be documented and receive a
signature of review and acceptance from SPDB Mobility Services Team.
Discuss other adjacent projects (County, municipal, utility) that may affect the current project.
Information collected from affected stakeholders may help identify or further clarify additional
issues - including special events, seasonal or daily restrictions, local property developments,
local ordinances (such as noise-related ordinances that may restrict night work), and access

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Construction schedule-related limitations should be discussed in this section, including lane
closure restrictions, typically provided by Region Traffic Analysts or through outsourced
parties, seasonal lane or closure restrictions, and environmental issues. This section should also
include access management details and possible impacts to emergency and public services
(buses, postal, sanitation).

2.2.6 Work Zone Strategies Alternatives Discussion

Discuss other viable temporary traffic control, public information, and traffic operation
strategies that were considered for the project but not implemented. The purpose of this section
is to inform readers what other strategies were considered and why they were not chosen.

2.2.7 Contract Documents and Backup, Design &

Insert copies of all important contract documents, including Contract Traffic Control Plans,
Specifications, Approvals (i.e. Speed Zones, Temporary Signal Plans), Estimates, Contact lists,

2.2.8 TMP Construction Monitoring

The construction project management staff, in conjunction with the TCP designer, should
monitor the work zone and TMP and if necessary make changes. Any changes to the work zone
or TMP should be consistent with the decisions made in the original TMP and involve the TCP
Designer. All changes to the work zone and TMP should be documented in the TMP.
Monitoring typically includes construction staff observing the work zone, but could include
traffic measuring tools, cameras, or other types of monitoring equipment.

2.2.9 TMP Evaluation/Report

The TMP should include an evaluation report upon completion of construction to document
lessons learned and provide recommendations on how to improve the TMP process and/or
modify guidelines.
The evaluation report should include an overall statement reflecting the usefulness, suggested
improvements or changes for similar future projects, Traffic Control CCO’s, and incidents
related to the TMP.
For a small project, a TMP evaluation could be a discussion with the TCP designer regarding
what elements of the TCP plan went well and which could be improved upon. For larger
projects, an actual evaluation report should be developed. The evaluation report not only helps
the designer with lesson learned, but could also help policy makers improve the overall design

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2.3 Project – Level TMP for Minor Projects

TMP are required for all projects, including minor projects. The scope of the TMP should be
scaled to the size and impact of the project, but must include a baseline of information so that
project impacts are communicated through the TMP. Minor projects, like all TMP’s, are
required to use the TMP template provided on the ODOT Work Zone Traffic Control website, Minor projects may
consolidate the TMP template to minimize the size of the document, but need to follow the
structure of the TMP template.
The following information elements are required for all projects, regardless of project size:

Project Description: Provide the location, purpose, and general scope of work for
the project.
Estimated Duration and Anticipated Dates: Provide the best available
information for the timeline for the project. This information is critical to Motor Carrier
for managing restrictions and stakeholder coordination and is needed as early in the
process as possible.
Traffic and Delay Analysis: Provide key details regarding current roadway
operation, including volume, truck volume, or presence of significant crash history. The
appropriate analysis methodology and output will vary by project type. At a minimum,
delay analysis should identify whether construction will result in a decrease of traffic
performance. The analysis should also include a sensitivity analysis by increasing
anticipated traffic volumes by 5%-10% to identify projects that have higher risk of
experiencing a major delay event.
Mobility Impacts: Motor Carrier requires that each project provide details regarding
impacts and restrictions to freight mobility, include information in the TMP required by
PD-16 and relevant to the Motor Carrier division and the mobility of the project.
Project Coordination: For projects on an identified critical route pairing per the
Mobility Procedures Manual, the design team must include actions taken by the Region
Mobility Liaison in the TMP. For all projects, provide information about any projects,
including local agency or permit work, and actions taken to coordinate so that impacts
are minimized.
Discussion of Traffic Management Strategies/Work Zone Decision Tree
Narrative: Provide detailed explanation for the selection of traffic management,
temporary traffic control devices, and the traffic control plan strategies. The purpose of
this section is to provide information for how and why the traffic control plan was
developed and to support stakeholders and construction offices in delivering the plans
as intended.

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Chapter 3: Project Data/Management

3.1 Project Data
Prior to developing a Project-Level TMP, important work zone information should be collected
and organized. Only include information that is imperative to the TMP.

3.1.1 Data Collection

A list of possible work zone information is below.

Traffic Data: Data related to the movement of vehicles, pedestrians, bikes, etc. on a
highway. Typical traffic data examples are: Average daily traffic (ADT) volume and
peak-hour volume, hourly traffic volumes, vehicle classifications, accident data, etc.
Roadway information (roadway types, conditions, capacity, etc.):
Information related to the roadway prism and network. Roadway classification, Terrain,
Speed Limits, design speeds, design vehicle, horizontal and vertical alignment, super-
elevation, grade, slopes(cut/fills), pavement type, clear zone, barriers, lane and shoulder
widths are typical roadway characteristics.
Land use (location of residences, businesses, industry, etc.): How the
land adjacent to the project is being used and how that impacts the project. Typically
used for economic impact analysis, stakeholders identification, management strategies,
and the TCP. May include Right of Way constraints and road approaches.
Existing Size Restrictions: Width, height, weight, or other highway restrictions
that limit vehicles travelling on a highway. Identify any existing height, width, or weight
restrictions that are present on the highway as well as routes that may be used as
marked or for emergency detours.
Environmental, Geotechnical, and Hydraulic issues: Project site conditions
that may impact project temporary traffic control. Environmental, geotechnical and
hydraulic issues may impact construction schedules, staging, etc. (in-water work
windows, etc.).
Transit service within area (type, frequency, etc.): Public transportation
facilities located or serviced within the work zone. Typically these services have to be
maintained during the project.
Project location/limits/length: Physical limits of the project and temporary
traffic control.

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Location of other construction projects: Other projects near the work zone that
may impact the temporary traffic control. Typically used to determine conflicting
projects and overall delays.
Special events: Local or regional events that may impact the temporary traffic
control. Used to determine if the proposed construction schedule may need to be altered
to accommodate local events. This information should be gathered through
coordination with local officials and/or chambers of commerce, as well as through
coordination with ODOT Region staff. Examples include bike rides, football games,
parades, etc.
Utilities: Public utilities (gas, power, water, sewer, etc.) that travel through or are in
the vicinity of the project. Utility conflicts may impact construction schedules, staging,
ADA/Pedestrian accommodations: Existing ADA/pedestrian facilities located
within the work zone. ADA/pedestrian accommodation should be maintained during
the project.
Mobility Requirements: Specific Mobility requirements and standards requiring a
minimum roadway prism and a maximum amount of delay. See ODOT Mobility
Procedures Manual.
Structures, including bridges, retaining wall, sound walls, sign bridges:
Structures within the vicinity of the work zone that impact the traffic control plan.
Structures usually confine the roadway prism.
Signs, Signals, & Illumination: Traffic features located within the roadway prism.
Project may be able to use the feature, provide temporary features, or have to
cover/remove features during the project.
Railroad, Rest Areas, Transit, Bus, Weigh Stations, Parks, Stadiums,
Schools, etc.: differing types of adjacent facilities may have broad impacts to the
Funding: The origin of the funds and the amount of funds may impact the level of
traffic control that can be supported for the project. Safety should not be sacrificed
because of budget constraints.
Right of Way: Land owned and occupied by a public entity where a public road
exists. Width of right of way may impact TTC strategies.
Emergency Services/School Bus Routes: Services that are maintained through
the work zone. Depending on whether or not these services are disrupted the TTC
strategy may need to accommodate these services.
Seasonal restrictions: (traffic variations, weather-related work windows, etc.)
Restrictions that only occur during a certain time of year. May impact the TTC strategy.

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List of project stakeholders and others potentially impacted by the

project: The stakeholders for each project must be identified and coordinated with
throughout the design and construction process. The stakeholders may include, but are
not limited to: Agency representatives, motor carriers, local agencies, state police,
emergency service providers, hospitals, schools, regional shopping malls, utility owners,
and community leaders.
Project contacts: contacts for the project, including Incident Response and

3.1.2 Temporary Traffic Control Devices

See the MUTCD and ODOT Traffic Control Plan Manual for a list of work zone devices.

3.1.3 Project Coordination, Contracting, and

Innovative Construction Strategies
Coordination: Coordinating the project with other nearby projects or events can
provide benefits to the project and the travelling public. Coordination with a regional
TOC, utilities, business’s, and other project stakeholders can also benefit the project.
Contracting Strategies: Contracting strategies that are different than the standard
Design-Bid-Build project can be used to provide a benefit to the project.
 Lane Rental: Lane rental involves a charge assessed to the contractor when a
portion of the roadway is obstructed and unavailable to traffic. The lane rental
charge can vary according to time of day, day of week, number of lanes
impacted, and duration. The contractor’s bid includes an estimate of the number
of hours that closures will be in place, with the actual payment to the contractor
based on the actual use of closures.
 Incentives/Disincentives Program: This strategy involves the use of incentives
and/or disincentives in the construction contract to minimize construction
 Design Build: This strategy involves the use of one contract to design and build
the project thus reducing project duration by allowing construction to begin
prior to design completion.
 Day/Night Evaluation: Given that each project is unique, the types of risks will
vary from one project to another. Therefore, the decision on whether the work
should be performed at night versus day should be investigated for each work
Innovative Construction Techniques: These strategies involve the use of special
materials such as quick curing concrete or precast items (e.g., culverts, bridge deck slabs,
and pavement slabs) to minimize the duration of construction or maintenance activities
where traffic restrictions need to be minimized.

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3.2 Public Information Possible Management

Public information strategies have the potential to reduce work zone impacts by providing
specific information concerning road projects to road users and the community. Public
Information strategies are meant to lessen the impact of the project to road users by alerting
them to potential impacts and ways to avoid the impacts.

3.2.1 Public Awareness Strategies

Public Awareness strategies include ways to provide the public with information about the

Websites: Websites dedicated to providing information about the project. Information

included in the website could include videos, slides, and presentations.
Public meetings/hearings: Presentation of project information to public via a
public forum. Public comments on the project can be gathered at these forums.
Press Releases: Using media sources to spread information about the project.
Sources could be TV, Radio, newspaper, etc. Most sources of media will generally
distribute the information for free, but paid advertisements can also be used.
Brochures: Brochures about the project. Brochures can either be passively or actively
distributed. Active distribution would include mailing the brochure to certain groups.
Passive distribution is placing the brochure in public areas around the project.
Coordination with interested parties: Actively pursuing communication with
parties that are known to have a stake in the project.

3.2.2 Road User Information Strategies

Information strategies provide current road users traveling through or near work zones
valuable information about the work zone and possible mitigation steps.

Radio: Radio dedicated to providing information about the project to certain users.
Traffic reports, dedicated Highway Advisory Radio, radio targeting certain groups, i.e.
Trucks, etc.
Variable Message Signs: Portable or permanent message signs that are able to
relay information to road users. Various types of information can be included on VMS,
including warning messages, travel times, incidents, etc.
511 / Tripcheck: Web or phone based traveler information systems that can provide
road users valuable information about a work zone.

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3.3 Transportation Operation Possible Strategies

Transportation operation strategies are methods to manage the transportation system by
varying demand within the system.

3.3.1 Demand Management Strategies

Demand management serves the purpose of reducing the travel demand through the
construction area.

Transit modifications/incentives: Using transit alternatives to move travelers

through the project. Removing vehicles traveling through the project can help project.
Methods include providing, modifying, or diverting transit options through the work
zone. Another method is providing incentives to use transit to get people out of vehicles.
Incentives can get people to use the bus, a park-n-ride, work variable hours,
telecommute, or a carpool.
Shuttle Services: Using shuttle services to transfer travelers through or around the
work zone. Used when certain modes of transportation are excluded from the work
zone. Usually used for pedestrians, but can be used for other modes like bicycles.
HOV Lanes: Web or phone based traveler information systems that can provide road
users valuable information about a work zone.
TOLL/congestion pricing: Using or increasing tolls to vary the demand through
the work zone.
Signal/Ramp Metering: Using signals to vary the demand on a highway or
through a work zone.

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Chapter 4: Work Zone Decision Tree

4.1 Work Zone Decision Tree Layout and
The Work Zone Decision Tree has two primary purposes: guide the user to consider the full
range of work zone safety and mobility options as prescribed by the Guiding Principle and to
communicate this evaluation to all involved later in the project lifecycle, including industry
stakeholders. The current version of the document can be downloaded from the Traffic Control
Plans unit’s website.
The Work Zone Decision Tree consists of a list of work zone safety and mobility strategies that
are to be considered for all projects. The form is expandable to include any number of
additional options that project staff considers to be relevant. Each strategy to be considered for
a project is evaluated at each stage, including options that might have previously been deemed
unworkable. As the project lifecycle advances, the strategy is analyzed for inclusion with the
ultimate decision noted.
The details or explanation included as part of the Work Zone Decision Tree should be brief; in
most cases one or two sentences are sufficient. An in-depth discussion of an option and any
supporting data or analysis can be included with the TMP. This documentation occurs for each
stage in the following four steps:

4.1.1 Possible/Viable
The first step in the evaluation process for an available traffic control strategy is to consider if
the basic concept fits within the boundaries of the project’s purpose. Strategies that are more
effective at providing positive separation of workers from live traffic should receive the highest
scrutiny and consideration. Notes regarding the possibility or viability of a strategy can be
minimal, provided the record indicates that the strategy was actively considered. It is
reasonable that certain options are obviously inappropriate given the project scope.

4.1.2 Impacts
This section asks the user of the form to consider the potential costs and tradeoffs for each
strategy. These impacts could include monetary expense, lane-width reductions, lengthening
the construction schedule, potential safety risks to other road users, etc. The listed impacts
should include the key details that drive the ultimate decision on whether or not to include the
strategy in the design. The designer should make every attempt to include these impacts from
an objective point of view; the decision will be made later.

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4.1.3 Stakeholders and Input

A clear procedure has previously been established to follow when the stakeholder to be
impacted by a traffic control strategy is the freight industry. The Mobility Procedures Manual
details the traffic flow and minimum clearances to be maintained through work zones. Where
these commitments are implicated, project staff coordinates with Motor Carrier to advance
complex issues to the appropriate stakeholders for resolution.
ODOT construction projects impact additional parties including the construction industry, law
enforcement, and the public-at-large. This step in the evaluation process requires the designer
to identify the impacted parties for each given strategy. There might not be a formal committee
or specific person to be consulted in the evaluation, but the perspective and needs of each party
must be considered and documented.

4.1.4 Decision Status

The expectations for documenting the decision to include or exclude a traffic control strategy
are to notate that a definitive determination was made and the staff member responsible for that
decision. This step is a matter of transparency for stakeholders and staff within the agency. In
providing a clear statement towards the inclusion or exclusion of a strategy, downstream users
will understand why a strategy was chosen and thus prevent wasteful investigation later in the
project lifecycle. A brief statement supporting the decision should be included.
The conclusion of each phase of the project lifecycle will potentially leave a strategy in a
pending status for further consideration at a later stage of the project. For example, two
strategies for additional exposure mitigation might be viable and under consideration while the
project advances. It is acceptable that a decision is not reached for stages prior to final plans.
Once a stage has been completed, the form is designed to lock the prior stage’s form entries
from further editing. Additional information gained later in the project lifecycle can certainly
be used to change a decision or eliminate a previously viable strategy. However, the
documentation pertaining to prior stages should be preserved. Include additional
documentation with the TMP.

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4.2 Temporary Traffic Control Management

Temporary Traffic Control construction strategies, devices, and coordination are utilized to
provide mobility, safety, and efficiency within a construction project. This document is meant to
supplement the MUTCD and provide additional strategies/measures that use the devices in the
MUTCD to provide temporary traffic control. The Work Zone Decision Tree contains the
option to add an unlimited number of custom strategies. This list compliments the list that is
included with the form as a starting point for consideration.

4.2.1 Construction Strategies

The following construction strategies list is intended to be a list of possible strategies/measures
that a designer can pick from to provide temporary traffic control. The traffic control plans
should be developed based upon the strategy chosen.
The traffic control elements should be developed by following the MUTCD and the ODOT
Traffic Control Plans Design Manual. The ODOT Traffic Control Plans Design Manual
discusses many Traffic Control Management Strategies that are formally used in Oregon, but
refers to the strategies as Traffic Control Measures (TCM). The Work Zone Traffic Analysis
Manual discusses how ODOT work zone traffic analysis should be calculated. Below is a list of
possible Temporary Traffic Control management strategies.

Off-peak/day/night/weekend/off seasonal work: Scheduling the work so

that impacts to users is minimized. May include avoiding peak travel times, weekends,
or busy seasons for the entire project or for pieces of the project.
Temporary Pavement: Building temporary surfacing to move traffic around the
Two way traffic on one side of divided facility (Crossover): Moving all traffic
to one side of a divided facility so that the other side of the facility can be free of traffic.
Construction work can be completed in the area free of traffic.
Lane/Ramp Closure: Closing lanes of traffic with traffic control devices to be able
to perform the project. Lane closures should take into account traffic that will be
moving through the project, ODOT uses the Work Zone Traffic Analysis Manual to
determine lane closure restrictions.
 Reduced Lane/Shoulder Width: The lane or shoulder width can be reduced to
maintain lane configurations.
 Additional lane closures for worker safety: Taking an additional lane to
increase lateral buffer space.
 Shoulder Closures: Closing the shoulder to perform work.

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Total Closures: Totally closing the facility to perform work. Traffic is usually
diverted around the project via an official detour or alternate routes. Total closures
usually allow the project to be completed in a shorter timeframe.
Lane Shifts: Maintaining lanes through a project but using available surfacing to shift
traffic over a certain distance to move traffic around a work area.
Construction Staging/Phasing: Breaking the project into manageable pieces to
be able to construct the project while maintaining traffic. The project is usually broken
down into stages, which are further broken down into phases. Different stages/phases
will use different configurations of alignments and traffic control devices.
Mobility Restrictions: Restricting oversize load access through the project to
minimize the roadway prism during construction.
Reduced Speed Limits: Reducing the speed limit through the project with the aims
of increasing safety for both traffic traveling through the project and workers. Reducing
the speed limit by a large amount may be counterproductive as large speed variances
may decrease safety.
Enforcement Program: using police to either enforce the work zone or provide a
presence in the work zone, aim is to safety maintain traffic through the work zone and
increase worker safety. Usually used when workers are exposed to traffic in an adjacent
lane. Currently ODOT’s work zone enforcement grants administered through the Work
Zone Safety program are the method to get enforcement on a project.
One-lane, Two-way Operation: using flaggers, pilot cars, or temporary signals to
move traffic through a one lane section of roadway while the other lane is closed.
Construction work can be performed in the closed lane.
Rolling Slowdown: using construction vehicles to slow traffic to allow a large gap in
the traffic stream (up to 20 minutes) to perform short duration construction work.
Lane Closure Restrictions: Restricting the time frames when lane closures can
occur to limit the impact to traffic travelling through the project. Usually this is
completed by a traffic analysis that is scaled to the size and location of the project.
Detours/Alternate Routes: Detours and alternate routes are used to divert traffic
around a project. A detour is a dedicated route where traffic that would normally go
through the project is diverted; the traffic will then be brought back onto the normal
route at the end of the detour. An alternate route is a dedicated route that traffic is
encouraged to use to bypass the project.
Traffic Operations Center: A project specific Traffic Operations Center to manage
traffic through a project. On mega-projects a Traffic Operations Center specific to the
project may be worth the expense to provide real time traffic monitoring.
Traffic Control Supervisor: Dedicated trained traffic control personnel on the
project to monitor and adjust the temporary traffic control.

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4.2.1 Construction Strategies (Continued)

Emergency Communications Plan: Written plan that describes what to do and
who to contact in the case of an emergency located with the work zone. Emergencies
will have to be defined and specific roles and responsibilities should be developed for
each emergency.
Contingency Plan: The traffic contingency plan addresses specific actions that will
be taken to restore or minimize effects on traffic when the congestion or delay exceeds
original estimates due to unforeseen events such as work zone crashes, higher-than-
predicted traffic demands, or unavoidable lane closures that remain in-place beyond
contract limitations. The contractor’s contingency plan addresses activities under the
contactor’s control in the work zone.
Incident Response Plan: As minor incidents can potentially become major issues,
an Incident Management plan should be developed for each construction project.
Incident Management plans are well-thought out and well-executed programs that
detect and address roadway incidents within a work zone and restore traffic capacity as
safely and quickly as possible.
Access: maintaining or removing access adjacent to or through the project to different
user or stakeholders may improve the functionality of the work zone. Side streets,
driveways, and pedestrian access are a couple of examples of types of users whose
access may impact the project.

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Chapter 5: TMP Resources

5.1 Rules, Regulations, and Policies
Rules, regulations, and policies that are related to TMPs may be found in the following
publications (use the most recently Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) -approved
 FHWA Transportation Management Plan (TMP) Development Resources
 FHWA Assessing the Effectiveness of Transportation Management Plan Strategies:
Feasibility, Usefulness, and Possible Approaches
 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
 Oregon Supplement to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)
 Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction
 ODOT Traffic Manual
 ODOT Highway Design Manual
 ODOT Traffic Control Plans Design Manual
 ODOT Mobility Procedures Manual
 ODOT Work Zone Traffic Analysis Users’ Guide
 A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTO Green Book)
 ODOT Sign Policy and Guidelines
 ODOT Technical Guidance – Directives, Bulletins, and Advisories. These documents are
prepared with the purpose of providing technical direction and advice on the proper
and accepted policies, processes, and procedures to be followed when conducting
engineering and related business on behalf of ODOT.
 Traffic Control Supervisor Training Manual
 Contract Documents

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