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EXAM HOPE 11 Copy Edited

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Direction: Kindly read and analyze each item carefully and choose among the choices the BEST
1. It is referred as the ability of an individual to carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue.
A. Exercise B. Physical Fitness C. Health-Related Fitness D. Skill-Related Fitness
2. Physical Activities aim to develop fitness. What body systems directly benefits from regular exercise?
A. Nervous System B. Respiratory System C. Digestive System D. all of the above
3. Health Related fitness is made up of 5 sections. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the
A. muscular strength and endurance C. Flexibility
B. cardiovascular/respiratory D. body fitness
4. Regular physical activity provides an individual with physical, mental and social health benefits. The
following are benefits of physical activity EXCEPT __________.
A. healthy growth and development C. control of weight and body composition
B. strong bones and muscles D. obesity
5. Some people may experience variety of challenges along the way that hinders them to be physically
active. This is referred to as ______.
A. composition B. barriers C. principles D. components
6. For optimal results one should at least exercise 3-5 times a week. What is the recommended number of
minutes required for teenagers who perform physical activity?
A. at least 25-30 minutes B. at least 40 minutes C. at least 50 minutes D. at least 60 minutes
7. Cardio-respiratory is called as cardio-vascular fitness. It is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood
vessels to supply oxygen to your body tissues during sustained physical activity. Which of the following
is considered as cardiovascular activity?
A. stretches B. jogging C. weight lifting D. jumping jacks
8. Aerobic exercise provides muscles with____________ that is needed by the organs and vessels
A. calories B. water C. flexibility D. oxygen
9. Which statement is true about physical activity?
A. Exercise promotes physical well-being. C. Regular exercise reduces risk of diabetes.
B. Regular exercise improves quality of life D. All the statements are correct.
10. We eat food to increase our energy, renew our strength to power up our minds, to think more clearly
and to handle problems wisely. A healthy eating pattern includes the following EXCEPT____________.
A. eating a variety of vegetables
B. eating Fat-free or low-fat dairy, including milk, yogurt and cheese
C. eating protein foods, including seafood, lean meats and poultry
D. having a lot of carbohydrates and fatty foods
11. Below are the purpose, equipment and goal of a particular test. Identify the test that fits the description.
Purpose: To test flexibility of the arms
Equipment: tape measure
Goal: Keeping both legs straight, one will sit on the edge of the tape measure, raises arms upward and
bends to stretch. The measurement on the tape measure will be recorded on the 3rd trial.
A. 3-minute step test B. Sit and reach C. Hamstring test D. Zipper test
12. Which of the following physical fitness tests is for muscular endurance?
A. Weight lifting B. basic plank C. 3 minute step test D. sit and reach
13. It is a test for cardiovascular endurance level based on how quickly your heart rate will go back to the
normal range after a physical activity. Which from the following choices is being referred to?
A. 3 minutes step test C. Hamstring and hip flexor test
B. Flexed-arm support D. Zipper test
14. Patricia is preparing the equipment to be used for her Physical Fitness Test particularly the Curl-up.
What equipment should she prepare?
A. mat and masking tape C. mat and stopwatch
B. mat and protractor D. mat and food
15. It is defined as a measure of body mass based on height and weight that aid in determining weight
categories. Which of the following terms below is being referred to?
A. BMI B. Waist line C. Waist to Hip Ratio D. None of these
16. This type of training principle states that in order for the muscles to get stronger additional load must be
added to what was used to.
A. Individuality B. Specificity C. Overload D. FITT
17. Cardiorespiratory endurance is best described as the ability of the
A. heart and lungs to work efficiently in order to supply oxygen to the muscle
B. joints and bones to move through its full range of motions
C. muscle to work over a long period of time
D. both B and C
18. In FITT formula, the last “T” stands for
A. Time B. Tie C. Three D. Type
19. Overload, Progression and Specificity are classified as?
A. FITT B. Principles of Exercise C. Principles of Physical Activity D. Phases of Training
20. Overload principle states that in order for your body and muscle group to get stronger and better you
need to add more exercises than normal. Overload principle is essential for it __________.
A. helps develop balance C. increases blood flow
B. rebuilds damaged muscles D. allows your body and muscles to adapt to a new level of stress
21. What is the FITT principle recommendation for the time that will give you the most benefit from your
cardiorespiratory workout?
A. 5 minutes B. 25 minutes C. 50 minutes D. at least 1 hour
22. Intensity during a cardiorespiratory endurance workout means
A. how hard an activity is performed C. what type of activity is performed
B. how long an activity is performed D. how often an activity is performed
23. Principle of Progression is best described as the
A. ability to prolong activity C. frequency on how often the activity is done
B. gradual increase in exerting effort or load D. specific exercise for specific muscles
24. In order to attain the desired fitness, one should consider ______________.
A. awareness of the factors that affects health C. healthy eating habits
B. behaviour modification D. all of the above
25. It is the ratio of lean tissue to fat tissue in the body. Which among the health related components is
referred to?
A. body Composition B. muscular Strength C. flexibility D. cardio-respiratory
26. During an intensive physical exercise, what is the best drink to keep you hydrated?
A. sports drink B. coke C. milk D. fruit Juice
27. Which of the following is NOT a component of Health-Related Fitness?
A. flexibility B. body composition C. agility D. cardiovascular endurance
28. Which of the following statements best describes good hygiene during physical activities?
A. regular bath to avoid offensive body odors during physical activities
B. washing hands before and after the physical activities
C. wiping down equipment before and after using
D. all of the above
29. Its procedure is to stand on a weighing scale free from any object for test accuracy. What test is being
conducted in the said procedure?
A. Anthropometric measurements B. Height test C. Waist line test D. Weight test
30. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. Individuality B. Specificity C. Alternate D. Progression
31. In the FITT Principle, F stands for?
A. Fundamental B. Frequency C. Function D. Failure
32. This principle of physical activity pertains to “doing more than normal” for improvement to happen.
A. Individuality B. Specificity C. Alternate D. Overload
33. Refers to how long or the duration of the physical activity
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Type D. Time
34. Which of the following principle of physical activity states that the effect of training will be lost if it is
A. Individuality B. Reversibility C. Overload D. Progression
35. Arnel is a cyclist, thus his training involves exercise of the legs. What principle was being shown?
A. Individuality B. Overload C. Specificity D. Progression
36. Which of the following principles states that no two individuals will benefit from the same exercise
exactly the same way?
A. Individuality B. Overload C. Specificity D. Progression
37. Angie is performing the ruler drop test. Which skill-related component is being tested?
A. Agility B. Reaction time C. Speed D. Coordination
38. Which of the following is done to quicken the heart rate before engaging in a physical activity?
A. warm up B. cool down C. exercise D. dance
39. 3 times a week is an example of what FITT principle?
A. intensity B. frequency C. time D. type
40. Regular dance exercise improves the endurance of body muscles, allowing them to work harder for
longer period without feeling tired. Which following statement is true?
A. Regular dancing activity is great for losing weight. C. Dancing increases balance and coordination
B. Dancing improves posture and releases stress. D. all of the above
41. Which statement is true about Health Related Fitness?
A. HRF is the ability to perform during games and Sports.
B. HRF has seven (7) components.
C. HRF involves exercises that improve physical health.
D. all the above.
42. Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce during single effort. Which of
the following activity develops muscular strength?
A. hand stand B. dancing C. jumping jacks D. weight lifting
43. To build energy during dance activity one should consider eating a healthy diet. The following are good
practices except?
A. eat green leafy vegetables C. drink 6-8 glasses of water .
B. reduce your daily calorie intake. D. starve yourself to lose weight.
44. Prolonged, vigorous physical activities like sports can be dangerous when performed in hot and humid
weather because this can cause_______.
A. reduce heart rate C. increase energy
B. rise in body temperature D. lower body temperature
45. When creating a personal fitness program, the activities you choose for the workout is an example of
which component in the acronym F.I.T.T.?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
46. Which element of the F.I.T.T. Principle focuses in increasing endurance if it is your goal?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
47. How many skill related components are there?
A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 5
48. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. agility B. coordination C. muscular endurance D. power
49. Which of the following DOES NOT encourage cardiovascular endurance?
A. Brisk walking B. running C. cycling D. writing
50. Which of the following are the activities you do at your home?
A. occupational B. domestic C. transportation D. leisure


1. B 26. A

2. D 27. B

3. D 28. B

4. B 29. B

5. D 30. C

6. D 31. D

7. D 32. D

8. D 33. C
9. D 34. B

10. C 35. A

11. D 36. D

12. D 37. D

13. A 38. B

14. D 39. C

15 C 40 A

16. C 42. A

17. D 42. A

18. D 43. D

19. B 44. C

20. D 45. A

21. A 46. A

22. A 47. D

23.B 48. D

24. C 49. B

25. A 50. D

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