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Case Study Assignment - Burger Ramly

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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3-4

2.0 Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 5
3.0 Result and Analysis........................................................................................................ 6-12
4.0 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 13
5.0 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 14


Time study is a structured process of directly observing and measuring human work using a
timing device in order to establish the time required for completion of the work by a qualified
worker when working at a defined level of performance. Before undertaking time study, it is
necessary to see that product, shop layout, handling system, equipment and tooling, materials
and parts, lot-size, working conditions, work place arrangement, work methods and motion
sequence, are fully standardized. Time study is fruitful and most effective in plants having
large-scale output of standardized product, on jobs repetitively performed. Time study is not
that much useful for non-standardized products; it is almost impractical to conduct time study
for operators doing a series of semi-standardized jobs in a random sequence.

Moreover, the main objective of time study is to determine by direct observation, the
quantum of human work in a specified task and hence to establish the standard time, within
which an average worker working at a normal pace should complete the task using a specified
method. Furthermore, the other objectives of the time study are to fix a fair output rate for
workers, to furnish a basis of comparison for determining operating effectiveness and lastly to
set labour standard for satisfactory performance. Apart from that, the time study procedure
typically involves using a stopwatch. Output standards could be set, given the motion pictures
and with the exposure rate known, based on job element times derived from the simo-charts.
The time study is done typically by industrial engineers, whose chief heads up the industrial
engineering department within the purview of engineering division.

Besides, the time study also has the advantage which is the output standards are easily
convertible into standard labour cost per unit of output. Other than that, the output standards
also facilitate scheduling and controlling the flow of production, through the determination of
numbers of machines and operators required to maintain production schedules and through
balancing line production for the several line operations. Lastly, the time study also has some
limitations such as it is not suitable for non-repetitive jobs and for non standardized or indirect
labour jobs. The time study also less suitable on jobs paced by automatic machines than on
jobs where operators control the work place and Production cost may be increased due to loose
output standards.


This assignment has been carried out to establish the labour or worker standard by using
the time studies method for the selected task. As of the task given, our group decided to do the
time study analysis on the workers at Burger Ramly stall. Therefore, the proper time study
method has been used to determine the standard time of a job by observing the worker at Burger
Ramly stall during the process of preparing the burger to the customer. Furthermore, this
assignment also has been carried out to compare the variation in labour standard between all
workers at Burger Ramly stall and identify the factors that contribute to the variation. Therefore,
by performing time studies, the students will learn how to record the observed time, break the
jobs into elements, and rate the jobs. Lastly, this assignment also has been done to expose the
students to the practical applications of the work study technique that has been studied
theoretically during the Industrial Management class.


1. The type of operation for the case study was discussed among group members which
are burger production.
2. The location of burger stall and date to observe was selected.
3. The parameters to be observed such as job elements, number of samples, performance
factor and allowance factor were determined and listed to be recorded later.
4. The observation was done on the date and location that was selected and data on worker
was obtained.
5. With all the data needed were collected, then the average time for each job element
were calculated with the formula:
Average time = (Total observation time / No of observation)
6. The normal time for each job element were then calculated using the formula:
Normal time = (Average observed time) x (Rating factor)
7. The standard time for each job element were calculated using the formula:
Standard Time = (Normal time / 1 - Allowance factor)
8. Then the total average time, total normal time and total standard time were calculated.
9. An analysis on the worker was done based on the data and calculation made.


3.1 Worker 1 (MUHAMMAD FAHMI BIN SARUAN) (2019819196)

Allowance factor = 11%

Job Element Observed Time (minutes) Performance

A Preparing and slicing the salads 2.1 1.5 1.5 2.3 1.7 95%
B Slicing the burger buns 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.5 1.2 110%
C Grilling the patty on the stove 5.1 5.6 6.3 5.3 7.1 120%
D Dressing the burger with salads and topping 1.2 0.9 1.5 1.9 1.3 105%
E Packaging the burger 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 110%

1. Average times for each element

2.1 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 2.3 + 1.7

Average time for A = = 1.82 minutes

1.3 + 1.4 + 1.1 + 1.5 + 1.2

Average time for B = = 1.3 minutes

5.1 + 5.6 + 6.3 + 5.3 + 7.1

Average time for C = = 5.88 minutes

1.2 + 0.9 + 1.5 + 1.9 + 1.3

Average time for D = = 1.36 minutes

0.5 + 0.8 + 0.7 + 0.6 + 0.5

Average time for E = = 0.62 minutes

2. Normal time for each element

Normal time = (Average observed time) x (Rating)

Normal time for A = 1.82(0.95) = 1.729 minutes

Normal time for B = 1.30(1.10) = 1.43 minutes

Normal time for C = 5.88(1.20) = 7.056 minutes

Normal time for D = 1.36(1.05) = 1.428 minutes

Normal time for E = 0.62(1.10) = 0.682 minutes

3. Total normal time

Total normal time = 1.729 + 1.43 + 7.056 + 1.428 + 0.682

= 12.325 minutes

4. Standard time for the job

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒

Standard time =
1−𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟

1− 0.11

= 13.85 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠

3.1.1 Analysis for Worker 1

The value of allowance factor for this job is 11%. The value of 11% has been considered based
on the total of rest allowance that have been given to the worker such as personal allowance,
5%, basic fatigue allowance, 4% and the standing allowance which is 2%. The total normal
time is 12.325 minutes and the standard time is 13.85 minutes. Based on the data and result
obtained, it can be observed that the value of standard time for Worker 1 is quite different
compared to the other workers. There are some variation in labour standard between all workers
at Burger Ramly stall. This is because the performance of the Worker 1 might be inconsistent
during performing his job. The performance rating of this worker was increasing at certain job
element and decreasing at the end of the job. The inconsistency of the performance of Worker
1 has been affected by several factors. The main factor that contribute to the inconsistency
during performing the job is the unexpected demand by the customers. The unexpected increase
in demand caused the worker to perform the job in a short time. Therefore, the productivity of
the worker will increase at the certain time but also decrease as the worker feel fatigue to
complete their job in order to satisfy the unexpected increase in demand by the customer.

3.2 Worker 2 (MOHD KHAIRUL HAKIM BIN MUHAMAD) (2019848498)

Job Element 1 = Preparing and cutting salads.

Job Element 2 = Slicing the burger buns.

Job Element 3 = Grilling burger patty.

Job Element 4 = Dressing the burger with salads and toppings.

Job Element 5 = Packaging the burger.

Job Observed Time (minute) Performance Allowance

Element Rating, PR Factor (%)
1 1.15 1.13 1.16 1.12 1.14 98 5
2 0.21 0.23 0.18 0.20 0.22 108 2
3 6.70 6.65 6.74 6.68 6.77 91 12
4 0.92 0.96 0.85 0.89 0.91 100 8
5 0.62 0.63 0.58 0.68 0.59 102 4

Sample Calculation (Job Element 1)

Average time = (Total observation time / No of observation)
= (1.15+1.13+1.16+1.12+1.14) / 5
= 1.140 minutes

Normal time = (Average observed time) x (Rating factor)

= 1.14 x 0.98
= 1.1172 minutes

Standard time = (Normal time / 1 - Allowance factor)

= 1.1172 / (1 – 0.05)
= 1.1760 minutes

Job Total Time Average Time Normal Time Standard Time
Element (min) (min) (min) (min)
1 5.70 1.140 1.1172 1.1760
2 1.04 0.208 0.2246 0.2292
3 33.54 6.708 6.1043 6.9367
4 4.53 0.906 0.9060 0.9848
5 3.10 0.620 0.6324 0.6588

Total average time = (1.140 + 0.208 + 6.708 + 0.906 + 0.620)

= 9.582 minutes

Total normal time = (1.1172 + 0.2246 + 6.1043 + 0.9060 + 0.6324)

= 8.9845 minutes

Total standard time = (1.1760 + 0.2292 + 6.9367 + 0.9848 + 0.6588)

= 9.9855 minutes

3.2.1 Analysis for Worker 2

Based on all data collected and calculated for Worker 2, job element number 3 take the longest
processing time while job element number 2 is the shortest processing time. After taking all
the parameters in, time taken to process one complete burger is less than 10 minutes. The most
efficient process is job element 2 because of its high performance factor and its lowest
allowance factor while job element 3 is the least efficient process because of its low
performance factor and high allowance factor. By having high allowance factor, that means
more time are spend not doing the work. The overall performance of Worker 2 is excellence
since the total average time is shorter than total normal time and total standard time.


Observations (minutes)
Job Elements Performance Factor
1 2 3 4 5
Preparing and slicing the salads 2.1 2.3 1.5 1.7 1.3 120%
Slicing the burger buns 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.2 110%
Grilling the patty on the stove 5.5 5.3 4.1 4.8 4.4 110%
Dressing the burger with salads and topping 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 130%
Packaging the burger 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 125%

Job Elements Average Time (minutes) Normal Time (minutes)

Preparing and slicing the salads 1.78 2.136
Slicing the burger buns 0.32 0.352
Grilling the patty on the stove 4.82 5.302
Dressing the burger with salads and topping 0.12 0.156
Packaging the burger 0.12 0.15
Total Normal Time (min) 8.096

There are many allowance factors for worker 3 to be considered such as:

a) Personal allowance, 5%
b) Basic fatigue allowance, 4%
c) Standing allowance, 2%

The total of allowance factors is 11%. Hence the standard time for one burger is 9.09 minutes.

Standard time = = 9.09 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠

3.3.1 Analysis for Worker 3

Thus, it can be considered faster to finish the burger. The performance rating for this worker
also increases because of consistent during performing the job. Even though too many
customers come to buy, worker 3 work quietly and leisurely. Other than that, the foods are safe
and delicious to eat. For safety, worker 3 told that the customers are must to line up for waiting
their order to finish. This is because to avoid unwanted thing to happen.

We have surveyed that many customers were so satisfied with the burger from the worker 3.
Also, worker 3 have been working hard from evening to night every Monday to Friday.

3.4 Worker 4 (MOHD IRFAN ZUFAYRI BIN ABDUL JAID) (2019819028)


1 2 3 4 5 RATING (%)
(1) Preparing and Slicing Salads 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 105
(2) Slicing Burger Bun 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 100
(3) Grilling Patty 5 4.8 4.6 4.6 4.6 105
(4) Assembling and Dressing 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1 115
(5) Packaging the Burger 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.8 110
Total Time 9 8.4 8 8 7.2

(1) Preparing and Slicing Salads 0.8 0.84
(2) Slicing Burger Bun 0.2 0.2
(3) Grilling Patty 4.72 4.96
(4) Assembling and Dressing 1.24 1.42
(5) Packaging the Burger 1.16 1.28
TOTAL 8.12 8.7


Personal Allowance 5

Basic Fatigue Allowance 4

Standing Allowance 2

Heat and Humidity 3


Standard Time : 10.23 minutes

3.4.1 Analysis for Worker 4

For this standard time analysis on worker 4, the worker longest time to complete 1 burger was
4.5 minutes on the first observation and the shortest time was 3.6 minutes. On the first
observation, the task such as grilling patty required more time as the stove was cold and needed
time to be heat up and cook the patty. On the number 2 to 5 observation, it shows more
consistency to the time taken to finish each job element.

The allowances factors were decided to a total of 15%. To justify this allowances,
constant allowances like personal and basic fatigue at 5 and 4 percent as following the ILO
standard. For variable allowances, the job required worker to stand to do all job element and
the heat and humidity mostly contribute by the heat coming for the cooking stove. The location
of burger stall at roadside usually a bit hot due to the surrounding heat coming for the tarmac.
All the allowances factors were taken account to finally obtaining the standard time which was
5.11 minutes.


In this case study, the labour standard time varies from the highest at 13.85 minutes on worker
1 and the shortest on worker 3 at 9.09 minutes. This variation in labour standard due to the
several factors such as allowance factors, worker rating and process strategy. For example, the
allowances factor is different in terms of variable allowances. Each worker has a different needs
and situations. As an example, some worker working in a hot environment. This environment
will affect worker performance and allowance factors will be higher than other workers.
Another factor can cause difference in labour standard were process strategy. Some workers
have a better cooking equipment that help them to making burger faster. While some other
reduce their preparing time by having their salads or vegetables pre-cut in a large batch.

In terms of ergonomics and work environment. The nature of working at burger stall
usually a prolonged periods of assembly work with a normal detail job. This type of work will
require adequate source of light. By having enough source of light while operating, worker able
to make sure meat cooked perfectly and prevent of burnt. The assembly process of burger patty,
buns and topping can be done in tidy and neat order, this will help to improve quality of burger
appearance. The temperature and humidity of working environment should be at acceptable
level. Working in a hot environment or exposure to high temperatures can cause stress to the
body. When this stress combined with physical activities, dehydrate and fatigue can lead to
disruptions in the body. Making the preparing times longer.

By knowing the standard time, owner or employer can determine the labour
productivity of their workers. The expected production output by the workers can be estimated
by the owner so that they can generated profit by achieving a certain number of sales and
prevent from losses. Owners also can decide if the labour requirement which in this case the
man-power or number of worker are sufficient to run the job.


In summary, we have collected and compute the data into the results and analysis by
using time studies method. We have involved 4 worker of the Burger Ramly stalls from
different places. We have recorded the observed time and classified the job elements. We have
learned the proper time study method and used it to determine and calculate every average
observed time, normal time, standard time for a job. We also used the application of the work
study theoretically during the Industrial Management class. We also have determined the
comparison of the variation in labour standard and factors that can aspect the variation such as
labour productivity, safety, and ergonomics.


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