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As Computers Are Being Used More and More in Education, There Will Be Soon No Role For Teachers in The Classroom

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As computers are being used more and more in education, there will
be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.

There is no doubt that education and the learning process has changed since
the introduction of computers: The search for information has become
easier and amusing, and connectivity has expedited the data availability.
Though experts systems have made computers more intelligent, they have
not yet become a substitute of the human interaction in the learning process.
In my opinion what can be expected is a change of the teachers’ role, but not
their disappearance from the classroom.

Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier
with computers. The mere activity of touching and exploring this device
constitutes an enjoyable task for a child. This, accompanied by the relaxing
attitude and software interactivity, usually contributes to a better grasping of
new knowledge. At a higher educational level the availability of digital books,
simulators and other academic materials provide the student with an ever
accessible source of information, that otherwise would not be at hand.

But, besides the increasing complexity and behavior of intelligent software,

which is usually embedded in the academic digital material, the need for
human interaction in the learning process will always be present, at least in
the foreseeable future. There is the necessity for a human being to be able to
determine what the specifics needs of each individual are. The expertise of a
teacher in how to explain and adapt complex concepts to different
individuals can hardly be mimicked by a computer, no matter how
sophisticated its software is.
As computers are becoming a common tool for teaching, teachers should be
more aware of their role as guides in the acquisition of knowledge rather
than transmitters of facts. They have to be open minded to the changes that
are taking places, keep updated and serve as problem solvers in the learning
process, thus allowing students to discover the fact for themselves.

To summarize, in my personal view, teachers play and will continue to play

an important role in the classroom, especially at the primary level. No matter
how complex computers become, there will be no replacement for the
human interaction, but in the way haw this interaction takes place.

ความเห็นจากคุณครู: This is an excellent essay! Are you a native English speaker?

Well done. The only problem is that this essay is too long, 365 words
instead of 250-265 maximum.
2. Popular events like the Football World Cup and other international
sporting occasions are essential in easing international tension and
releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.

Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting
events such as the Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes
show their best performance to make their country proud. These sporting
occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in
difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s
economy and other governments were fighting over the land.

The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting
events can bring nations together, at least temporarily. From the ancient
History, when Greeks and Romans would interrupt battles to participate in
the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes from
Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and
even embrace each other after an event. Moreover, these popular events
have called the world’s attention to the terrible consequences of wars; thus
some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and live

Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing

countries which live in a daily internal civil war. For example, Brazil has a high
rate of unemployment, lack of education, hunger, crime, poverty and
corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian and
a low self-esteem. However, when the Football World Cup starts, the
Brazilian squad, which is considered the best team in the world, provokes an
amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most people seem to forget all their
problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads with the
national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags.
Moreover, the competition brings families and neighbors together and even
rival gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully.

In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing

international tensions and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.

ความเห็นจากคุณครู: This is a great essay, the ideas, language, structure of

paragraphs and sentences, and your grammar show a good command
of the English language. In my opinion it is Band 8. Keep up the good
3. Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the
development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer
nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations
in such areas.

Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialised countries
which the main difference between them is the amount of money that
governments apply in important sectors such as education, health and
commerce. Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of their
unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured
education system and a weak international trade. This vicious cycle will
continue indefinitely unless wealthier nations show interest in minimizing the
worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more responsibility for
assisting less fortunate countries.

Most of the African countries live in sub-human conditions because of the

extreme poverty, upheaval, hunger, disease, unemployment, lack of
education and both inexperienced and corrupt administrations. The
devastating consequences of the AIDS epidemic in those countries could
improve if the infected population were to receive free drugs to control the
disease, have access to health professionals and get information on how to
prevent its spread. But this can only be achieved through international help
programs in which leaders of the world’s richest countries donate medicine
and also send doctors and nurses to treat and educate those in need.

Moreover, most of the poor countries rely on selling agricultural products

and raw materials to rich nations and buying industrialized products from
them resulting in a huge financial deficit. Consequently, they borrow a
significant amount of money from the World Bank to try to improve their
broken economies, but sometimes the money disappears with no significant
changes and they cannot even pay the interest to the bank. Regarding this
issue, last year the G8, which is comprised of leaders of the eight richest
nations, decided to forgive billions of dollars worth of debt owed by the
world’s poorest nations. In addition, they developed adequate loan programs
to financially assist those countries.

In conclusion, leaders of the industrialised countries play an indispensable

role in assisting developing nations in dealing with essential areas such as
health, education and trade. Also, their aid is the key to breaking the vicious
cycle, which results in poverty and death.

ความเห็นจากคุณครู: This is a great essay, seems to be on a Band 8 level, there’s

nothing to improve here.
4. As computers are being used more and more in education, there will
be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.

There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of

people’s lives, especially in the field of education. Nowadays, an increasing
number of students rely on computers for research and to produce a perfect
paper for school purposes. Others have decided to leave the original way of
learning and to get knowledge through online schools. These changes in the
learning process have brought a special concern regarding the possible
decrease of importance of teachers in the classroom.

Some people believe the role of teachers started to fade because computers
have been helping some students to progress in their studies quicker
compared to studies in an original classroom. For example, in the same
classroom, students have different intellectual capacities, thus some would
be tied to a slow advance in their studies because of others’ incapability of
understanding. In this way, pupils could progress in their acquisition of
knowledge at their own pace using computers instead of learning from

However, the presence of a teacher is essential for students because the

human contact influences them in positive ways. Firstly, students realize that
they are not dealing with a machine but with a human being who deserves
attention and respect. They also learn the importance of studying in a group
and respect for other students, which helps them improve their social skills.

Moreover, teachers are required in the learning process because they

acknowledge some students’ deficiencies and help them to solve their
problems by repeating the same explanation, giving extra exercises or even
suggesting a private tutor. Hence, students can have a better chance of
avoiding a failure in a subject.

In conclusion, the role for teachers in the learning process is still very
important and it will continue to be such in the future because no machine
can replace the human interaction and its consequences.

ความเห็นจากคุณครู: This is a great essay. Seems worthy of Band 8. No

improvements are necessary, keep up the good work!
5. Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school
program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is an obvious fact that financial aspects are a major part of the daily life, as
an adult and even as a young individual. Each and every one of us has to
make financial decisions concerning recreation, health, education and more.
The question is whether to start with financial education as part of school
program or to postpone it for a later stage in life.

To begin with, being able to understand the value of money, the way the
economic system works and to interpret financial news and its implications is
a virtue. Without this virtue, an individual, even a young one, might suffer to
some extent. For an example, a child who doesn’t understand the concept of
money might find it more difficult to except choosing only one present out of
more possible ones.

In addition, many adults are lacking capability of financial analysis. Quite

often, the reason can be the lack of sound foundations or insecurity when it
comes to financial terms and concepts. Starting from an early age, building a
strong background, can very likely prevent such situation.

However, financial education necessarily involves quantifying and setting

prices and value for services and goods. It can easily turn young people into
cynical human beings who lack emotion. Furthermore, a tendency to self-
concentration and egoism might rise when one start measuring everything
from a profit-making perspective.
In conclusion, financial education has both pros and cons. In my opinion, the
advantages are more significant than the disadvantages, making financial
education an advisable component of the school program. The
disadvantages should be thought of as a certain price that young people
have to pay due to the characteristics of the world that we live in.

ความเห็นจากคุณครู: This is a wonderful essay. It covers the task, is correctly

structured, the paragraphs are logically connected, the structure of
sentences shows excellent command of the English language. The
vocabulary is fine and both spelling and grammar are very good. See
comments underlined in blue for some minor corrections. Overall, looks
like a Band 7.5 – Band 8 essay.

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