Production Technology Jan 2023
Production Technology Jan 2023
Production Technology Jan 2023
2 a) Define core. What are the characteristics of core. [7M]
b) How are moulding sands classified? Explain. [7M]
3 a) Define gating system. What are the various design requirements of a gating [7M]
b) Explain the process of cooling and solidification in casting. [7M]
4 a) What are various methods of melting the metals for casting? [7M]
b) What is die-casting? Mention its advantages, limitations and applications. [7M]
5 a) Describe thermit welding with neat diagram. Write its advantages, disadvantages [7M]
and applications.
b) Describe plasma arc welding with neat diagram. Write its advantages, [7M]
disadvantages and applications.
6 a) What are the various Nondestructive methods conducted to test the welded [7M]
b) What is oxy-acetylene welding? Draw and explain forward and backward [7M]
7 a) What is forging? Explain drop and roll forging in detail. [7M]
b) What is extrusion process? Mention its advantages, disadvantages and [7M]
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Code No: R2021033 R20 SET - 1
8 a) Describe hot working process. What are advantages, limitations of hot working [7M]
b) Describe wire drawing operation in detail also mention the defects in wire [7M]
drawing operation.
9 a) Explain the process of deep drawing with neat sketch. [7M]
b) Explain the process of rubber pad forming. Write its advantages, disadvantages. [7M]
10 a) Explain the process of stretch forming with neat sketch. [7M]
b) What are the various types of presses? Explain detail. [7M]
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Code No: R2021033 R20 SET - 2
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Code No: R2021033 R20 SET - 3
2 a) Explain any four pattern allowances briefly with sketches. [7M]
b) Explain any four of the following cores: [7M]
(i) Green sand cores,
(ii) Loam cores,
(iii) Oil sand cores,
(iv) Dry sand cores.
3 a) Describe direct arc and indirect arc furnaces with sketches. [7M]
b) Describe investment casting with neat diagram. Mention its advantages and [7M]
4 a) What is a riser? What are the various requirements of a riser? Mention the [7M]
location of the riser in the gating system.
b) Explain the centrifugal casting with neat sketch. [7M]
5 a) What is brazing? Explain the process involved in brazing with its advantages [7M]
and limitations.
b) Describe resistance spot welding with neat diagram. What are the process’s [7M]
advantages, limitations and applications.
6 a) Describe MIG welding process with neat sketch. Mention its advantages, [7M]
disadvantages and applications.
b) Draw and explain the friction welding process. Mention its advantages and [7M]
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Code No: R2021033 R20 SET - 3
7 a) Define forging. What are the various forging hammers that are employed in [7M]
process of forging?
b) What is the process of Tube drawing? Explain the principle of Tube drawing in [7M]
8 a) Explain the terms ‘recovery’, ‘recrystallisation’, and ‘grain growth’ in detail. [7M]
b) Explain the principle and process of cold working. Write its advantages, [7M]
9 a) Explain the process of blanking in detail. [7M]
b) Explain the process of electro-magnetic forming with neat sketch. [7M]
10 a) What is coining? Enumerate the process of coining. [7M]
b) What is spring back effect? How to prevent it? Explain. [7M]
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Code No: R2021033 R20 SET - 4
2 a) Define pattern. Explain following patterns with neat sketch: [7M]
(i) Match plate pattern,
(ii) Gated pattern,
(iii) Split pattern,
(iv) Skeleton pattern
b) Define casting. Why casting is preferred over other manufacturing methods? [7M]
3 a) Explain the process of shell moulding. What are its advantages, disadvantages, [7M]
b) Discuss various casting defects. [7M]
4 a) Define gating system. What are the basic elements of a gating system? Explain [7M]
with neat sketch.
b) With neat sketch, explain how the solidification takes place using chills. [7M]
5 a) Explain electroslag welding in detail with diagram. Mention its applications. [7M]
b) Describe the classification of electric arc welding. Explain atomic hydrogen [7M]
welding with neat sketch.
6 a) What is submerged arc welding? Explain it with neat sketch. Mention its [7M]
advantages and limitations.
b) What is heat affected zone in welding? How its effects the quality of the weld [7M]
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Code No: R2021033 R20 SET - 4
7 a) Draw and explain Indirect extrusion process. Mention its advantages, [7M]
disadvantages and applications.
b) What are the various forging defects? Explain in brief. [7M]
8 a) Compare hot and cold working process. [7M]
b) What is rolling process? Explain various types of rolling processes in brief. [7M]
9 a) What is the various press tools employed in sheet metal forming process? [7M]
b) Describe the process of electro-hydraulic forming with neat sketch. [7M]
10 a) Differentiate between blanking and piercing operations with a suitable sketch. [7M]
b) What are various types of HERF? Explain any two types of HERF forming with [7M]
neat sketch.
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