CavalazziMarcoCarlo TESI
CavalazziMarcoCarlo TESI
CavalazziMarcoCarlo TESI
Thesis in
Distributed Systems
Supervisor Presented by
Prof. Andrea Omicini Marco Carlo Cavalazzi
Dr. Stefano Mariani
Prof. Mario Bravetti
Session II
Academic Year 2015/2016
To my family, all over the world, and to meine schöne und clever Freundin, Beatrice.
To Elena Vogliolo and Guido Langé, always there for me. To my Italian friends, that
push me to become a better man without asking me to change who I am. To my
professors, Marco Boschetti, Andrea Omicini, Mario Bravetti and Antonella Carbonaro,
without whom all this would not have happened. To my great supervisor at CERN,
Bruno Silva De Sousa, who inspires me to do more. A Jean-Alain Brulhart, qui m’a fait
vivre Genève, and to all my “crazy” friends in Saint-Genis-Pouilly and Geneva, they
made the experience even more worth it.
Table of Contents
Sommario ................................................................................................................... 1
Abstract ...................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 5
I social network sono comunemente visti come una tendenza globale, che consente
agli utenti di trovare altri con interessi simili, scrivere commenti, rispondere, esprimere
apprezzamenti verso o condividere un contenuto, creare gruppi e organizzare eventi.
Detto questo, c’è molto altro che può essere fatto per esprimere il vero potenziale dei
social media. Al fine di migliorare il business, provvedendo a dare al personale, ai
clienti e ai partner i migliori strumenti per cooperare e trarre valore da tutta la comunità,
molte organizzazioni stanno prendendo l’iniziativa, creando gli Enterprise Social
Networks. Un’attenta analisi dei casi di studio e delle statistiche mostra perché è
importante perseguire questa strada. Al CERN, l’Organizzazione Europea per la
Ricerca Nucleare, dove il numero di impiegati, studenti e volontari che ogni giorno
cooperano sia in loco che attraverso la rete raggiunge le migliaia, è stato sviluppato
un nuovo tipo di piattaforma, in grado di sfruttare la conoscenza collettiva del
personale. La tesi descriverà il caso di studio del CERN per capire non solo perché è
essenziale diventare un’organizzazione di tipo “social” ma anche come un ambiente
simile può essere sviluppato. Negli ultimi capitoli verrà esaminato il mio contributo alla
piattaforma, considerando il design per i dispositivi mobile, realizzato per far sì che
l’ambiente si adatti a qualunque dimensione di schermo, uno strumento di gestione
delle risorse integrato, che fornisce agli scienziati un mezzo per gestire facilmente il
lavoro di tutti i giorni sugli acceleratori di particelle, e l’Application Programming
Interface della piattaforma, che consente a chiunque abbia le credenziali di includere
il contenuto dell’Enterprise Social Network all’interno di un sito web personale o di
dipartimento, dando a tutti un modo ancora più semplice per partecipare.
Social networks are commonly seen as a global trend that allows users to search and
contact others with similar interests, write a post, reply, like or share content, create
groups and organize events. This said, there is much more that can be done to exploit
the full potential of social media. In order to improve the business, providing
employees, customers and partners the best tools to cooperate and gain value from
the whole community, many organizations are taking the matter in their own hands,
using Enterprise Social Networks. Close analysis of case studies and comprehensive
statistics shows why it is important to pursue this path. At CERN, the European
Organization for Nuclear Research, where the number of employees, students and
volunteers that everyday work in partnership both on site and through the network
reaches the thousands, a new kind of platform has been deployed, able to exploit the
social knowledge of the personnel. The thesis will describe the case study of CERN
to understand not only why it is essential to become a social organization but also how
a social environment can be developed. The last chapters will focus on examining my
work on the platform, considering a mobile responsive design, realized to make the
environment adapt to any screen size, an integrated resource planning tool, which
gives the scientists the mean to easily manage the everyday work on the particle
accelerators, and the platform’s Application Programming Interface, which allows
anyone with the right credentials to include content from the enterprise social network
into a personal or departmental webpage, giving everyone an even easier way to
The goal of the thesis is to prove that a more suitable and effective approach is indeed
possible, which can make an organization achieve better results in less time.
Enterprise Social Networks (ESNs) provide the infrastructure needed to support the
exchange of knowledge between employees, customers and partners to cooperate
and gain value from the whole community. They give users a proper environment to
cooperate and face every challenge together.
The 2015 McKinsey Global Survey on ESNs states:
“Where social tools are used, respondents say processes have changed notably as a
result — particularly for developing customer insights and competitive intelligence,
where 62 percent of respondents say the use of social technologies has significantly
changed the work flow. Executives also report that in the processes where social tools
are used most often, tools tend to be integrated more deeply into day-to-day tasks —
suggesting that companies must adjust the way they work to get the full value from
these technologies. […] At fully networked organizations — the companies seeing the
greatest benefits from internal and external use of social technologies — executives
report greater-than-average use of these tools in each process.” When asked about
the future of social media, they state, “In the coming years, nearly all executives
believe that social technologies could affect some key changes in structural and
management processes. Their visions of social’s potential diverge, though, depending
on the benefits their companies currently see. At internally networked organizations,
executives believe the use of social could democratize decision-making. Fifty-one
percent cite data-driven decisions as a likely change at organizations without
constraints (compared with 33 percent of the total average), and 24 percent cite the
use of internal markets and voting mechanisms to allocate resources (compared with
16 percent). At fully networked organizations, executives most often predict the
organization’s formal hierarchy would become flatter or disappear altogether.”
(McKinsey, 2015)
In order to properly understand and explore the topic, the thesis is organized as
The first chapter introduces the technology in all its many facets. It talks about
the origins of social networks and their peculiarities, providing an explanation
on what made them become a reality and how they work. It continues speaking
about the differences between classic and enterprise social networks, giving an
overview on their most important characteristics;
The second chapter talks about the concepts of knowledge, how it can be
managed and shared, explaining the barriers to knowledge sharing and what
can be done to prevent those complications;
Chapter 3 introduces the concept of social business. It discusses about the
benefits of Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs) and ESNs, providing
statistics and real-life examples to support the theory;
The fourth chapter presents the CERN organization. It talks about its
Communications Strategy and the reasons that brought to the creation of its
ESN, Social. It explains the system architecture and the planned improvements
for the near future;
Chapter 5 provides a detailed description of the work I have done on Social
while taking part on its creation, with a thorough explanation of the code. It
includes the development of its mobile design, an integrated Resource Planning
Tool (RPT) and its Application Programming Interface (API), together with a
clear description of its limitations in order to provide an objective view on the
possibilities of the platform.
1. Web 2.0
Originally, the Web has been conceived as a way to visualize static documents linked
through hypertext links built with the HTML programming language. It has been
defined as a way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. It is an
information-sharing model that is built on top of the Internet. This approach is the so-
called Web 1.0, pertaining the static web paradigm. From the data exchange point of
view, it is a unilateral communication. The client requests a webpage and the server
sends it back to the user, which will be able to read all its content and ask for another
webpage through a hypertext link or using a different URL, but nothing more. With the
advent of the Web 2.0 this has changed. The possibilities for the client are plenty now.
The term "Web 2.0” usually refers to an evolutionary phase of the Internet and, in
particular, of the World Wide Web. O'Reilly defines the Web 2.0 as "the commercial
revolution in the IT (Information Technologies) sector due to the use of the Internet as
a platform and the attempt to understand the rules of success on this new platform.
The main principle consists in building networking applications that improve while
operating. The more they are used the more they improve” (O’Reilly & Battelle, 2009).
This phase has brought to the appearance of all those online applications that allow a
strong website-user interaction (like Wikipedia, Facebook or YouTube).
The term makes its first appearance at the end of 2001, following the dot-com bubble
burst. The term “dot-com bubble” identifies a phenomenon of the new economy,
which in turn is the result of the transition from a manufacturing-based economy to a
service-based one. The dot-com bubble, developed in the late twentieth century,
comprehends many companies developed exploiting the surplus of funds generated
from the venture capitals bound to the optimism that ruled the stock market in that
period. The companies that managed to survive the end of the dot-com era are today’s
leading actors of the Web 2.0. Companies like Skype and YouTube.
The factors that facilitated the advent of the Web 2.0 phenomenon are many. We can
say that the most important ones are the maturity and the level of development of the
Internet and the realization that billions of people have now access to mobile devices
and technologies like Wi-Fi networks that make it as easy as possible for everyone to
surf the web and participate.
A great example is Google Search, one of the most famous search engines that ranks
all the data on the Internet. This service is strongly influenced by the number of
accesses from the clients and increases its effectiveness and the quality of its results
with its use. In fact, the more statistics are collected the higher will be the reliability of
the data provided. The Web 2.0, in fact, is not a specific application or a particular
brand, but it has to be considered as a group of approaches used to exploit the network
in a new and innovative way. With the 2.0 version, the web becomes a development
platform. For the companies the web is a business platform. For the marketers it is a
communication platform. For the journalists it is a new media platform. For the
technicians it is a new development platform and so on (McManus, 2005).
An important characteristic that defines the concept of Web 2.0 is represented by the
active participation of the clients. Before its advent, in both the web and the real world
the assets management was most of the times controlled by sector experts that
collected and organized the data. Now the user can participate and become an active
part that gives added value to the content. Another difference between the Web 1.0
and the 2.0 is the shift from the personal websites to blogs. A change that has
simplified a lot the web for its users. If before it was necessary to understand and know
how to write the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) code for the pages, now
anybody can publish his/her own material and give it a pretty design nonetheless. All
of that without ever possessing any technical skill.
These new technologies allow the information to become independent from the person
or the site that created them. It becomes possible for the user to mix and update the
data collected for a particular purpose, contributing to the enrichment of those data.
The Web 2.0 is open source, meaning that it is a free source of information that allows
to easily share knowledge and spread it, creating, at the same time, new job
their ideas and the bandwidth available with the upgrading of the computers and the
network” (Weinberger, 2007).
In an environment like this, we see people on the network become not just passive
users but active and responsive elements of the web. This brings us knowing that the
active participation of the users is a great example of democracy. Web services
are services offered by an electronic device to another electronic device,
communicating with each other via the World Wide Web for the purpose of exchanging
data. They are a central node of the Web 2.0 that leaves out the concept of specific
application. One must not consider the Web 2.0 as a well-defined application nor as a
specific service. It can be though as a group of websites, applications and resources
that work together and are easily accessible for the client.
The transition from the software as a product to the software as a service implies an
ongoing daily management, which, if omitted, can cause the termination of the
The most known applications in the Web 2.0 can be classified as follows:
Level 1 applications can work off-line, but
have technical characteristics that only
work while connected.
Level 1 Examples comprehend Google Docs,
which can synchronize the files modified
while off-line only when connected, or
iTunes with its music store.
This level’s applications can work without
a live connection.
Examples include Google Maps and
Level 0
Yahoo! Local, mapping applications that
gain value with the contributions of the
As stated before, up until the Web 2.0 the duty to collect and organize the content,
both in the web and in the Knowledge Management (KM) environments was
considered a job for the experts, while the final user could only read it while playing a
passive role. The great news introduced with the Web 2.0 is the possibility given to the
user to actively participate in the management and sharing of knowledge. This active
involvement creates an added value to the information on the web, thanks to the
provision of new ideas and new experiences.
Now that the users are able and willing to create value, both actively and passively,
the enterprises create new systems to aggregate users’ data that will later be used to
build value as a collateral effect of the normal usage of the application.
With the advent of the Web 2.0 we witness a radical change in the classification
systems. From the classic taxonomy (or science of classification), enforced from web
programmers through the use of directories, to the new concept of folksonomy, a
classification made from the users via keywords called “tag”. These tags are chosen
not from a list but created as needed. The tags are then associated to the information
shared. They make the classification and the research of content possible and they
are usually chosen according to personal criteria.
This application is particularly developed in the “social bookmarking”, virtual
bookmarks freely available and shared with the other members of the web community.
“Tagging”, the act of linking a tag to some piece of information, allows everyone to
look for information through tags and obtain the lists of related topics that have been
labelled with the same tag.
The web has now an architecture that allows everyone to gain from it. The users exploit
the network for their own personal gain but, at the same time, contribute to the whole
community adding value to the contents. When a user adds new material or new web
pages, these are integrated in the web structure so that the other users will
immediately be able to discover it and contribute to its development.
Again, Wikipedia is a great example of the Web 2.0 new features. A free encyclopaedia
where each element can be written from a user and modified from another one at any
given time, built in the hope that every user would contribute with reliable information.
This “experiment” of trust in the final user allowed Wikipedia to enter in the top 10 of
the most popular websites, representing a profound change in the way content is
The key to succeed in the Web 2.0 market is, thus, to master its collective intelligence
using the contributions of the users ad their interactions. Many companies already do
this and this way they also manage to save on advertisements, using viral marketing,
that is the word of mouth of the digital era, shared online for everyone to hear.
Summing up, the principles of the Web 2.0 are:
The Web as a platform
Services development
Active participation of the users
Improvement of the service with its use
Collective intelligence
In this section, we are going to introduce the concept of Social Networks. Before trying
to give a definition, let us walk through the various stages that brought to their creation.
1.1.1. Origins of Social Networks
Social media has become a ubiquitous part of the daily life, but its growth and evolution
has been in the works since the late 80s. From primitive days of newsgroups, listservs
and the introduction of early chat rooms, social media has changed the way we
communicate, gather and share information, and have given rise to a connected global
Let us have a brief look into the history of social networks, starting from the various
applications and services that came before them.
1978 The first service related with Social Networks appeared on the scene in
the 70s.
“The Bulletin Board System (BBS) was the first collaborative tool
available for the personal computer platform. The first BBS went up on
Feb. 16, 1978 in the suburban Chicago home of Walt Christensen.
(Carlson, s.d.). Once logged in, the user could perform functions such as
uploading and downloading software and data, reading news and
bulletins, and exchange messages with other users.
1980 Usenet is an internet service consisting of thousands of newsgroups.
Established in 1980, it is one of the oldest forms of computer network
communications still actively used today. Users can post to newsgroups
and access articles from years ago.
1980 CompuServe broke new ground in 1980 as the first online service to offer
real-time chat online with its CB Simulator, where CB stands for “citizens
band radio”, often abbreviated as CB radio. By 1982, the company had
formed its Network Services Division to provide wide-area networking
capabilities to corporate clients. (CompuServe, 2016)
1984 Prodigy Communications Corporation (Prodigy Services Corp., Prodigy
Services Co., Trintex) was an online service that offered its subscribers
access to a broad range of networked services, including news, weather,
shopping, bulletin boards, games, polls, expert columns, banking, stocks,
travel, and a variety of other features.
1988 Internet Relay Chat Protocol (IRCP) is an application layer protocol that
facilitates communication in the form of text.
The chat process works on a client/server networking model. IRC clients
are computer programs that users can install on their system. These
clients communicate with chat servers to transfer messages to other
clients (Oikarinen & Reed, 1993). IRC is mainly designed for group
communication in discussion forums but also allows one-on-one
communication via private messages (Kalt, 2000) as well as chat and
data transfer, including file sharing (Wallace, 2004) .
1996 ICQ is an open source instant messaging computer program that was first
developed and popularized by the Israeli company Mirabilis in 1996. The
name ICQ stands for "I Seek You". The ICQ client application and service
were initially released in November 1996 and the client was freely
available to download. Users could register an account and would be
assigned a number, like a phone number, for others to be able to contact
them (DeCoursy, 2001).
1997 In 1997 Andrew Weinreich created SixDegrees. With SixDegrees we
approach the first example of a real social network service website.
Named after the six degrees of separation concept it allowed users to
create an account and compile lists of "friends" or family members and
search for other users with similar interests.
1999 In one of the first attempts at social networking we also have LiveJournal.
LiveJournal is a community publishing platform, wilfully blurring the lines
between blogging and social networking. Since 1999 LiveJournal has
been home to a wide array of creative individuals looking to share
common interests, meet new friends, and express themselves.
LiveJournal encourages communal interaction and personal expression
by offering a user-friendly interface and a deeply customizable journal.
The service's individuality stems from the way highly dedicated users
utilize the tools, along with the instinct for individual expression, to create
new venues for online socializing (LiveJournal, 2016).
2001 Wikipedia is the first example of a successful social media that enabled
the users to actively collaborate toward a common goal.
“Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free-
content encyclopaedia project supported by the Wikimedia
Foundation and based on a model of openly editable content.”
(Wikipedia, s.d.)
2003 MySpace is a social networking website offering an interactive, user-
submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos,
music, and videos.
The novelty here is the inclusion of music and videos in the network.
Artists can upload their songs onto Myspace and have access to millions
of people on a daily basis. Many artists became famous thanks to this.
As a result, MySpace had a significant influence on pop culture and
2004 Facebook is the most known social network today. It is a for-
profit corporation and online social networking service based in Menlo
Park, California, United States.
After registering on the site, users can create a user profile, add other
users as "friends", exchange messages, post status updates and photos,
share videos, use various applications (apps), and receive notifications
when others update their profiles. Additionally, users may join common-
interest user groups organized by workplace, school, or other topics, and
categorize their friends into lists such as "People From Work" or "Close
Friends". In groups, editors can pin posts to top. Additionally, users can
complain about or block unpleasant people.
Since 2004, many more have spawn to populate the web, so we can see that the
efforts toward the creation of the perfect platform are not over yet.
Here we show the world map with the most popular networking sites by country:
no data
(Alexa, 2016)
Attesting to the rapid increase in social networking sites' popularity, by 2005 it was
reported that Myspace was getting more page views than Google.
We can see from the timeline that the advent of social networks was neither a
coincidence nor a single brilliant idea. Instead, we read that over the years many teams
contributed incrementally to the development of what could have been the best way
to make people connect and share information over the Internet.
Adapting to the new technologies and the new trends, companies from all over the
world try to create innovative platforms able to reach out to customers willing to expand
their horizons and discover new ways to express themselves.
1.1.2. What is a Social Network
In the previous paragraph, we have cited many social media trying to explain what
kind of service each of them provides or provided to its users. In order to best express
ourselves, be objective and ultimately give the most comprehensible idea of what
exactly is a social network we will propose now some definitions given on this
phenomenon in recent years.
“A social networking service (also social networking site, SNS or social media) is a
platform to build social networks or social relations among people who share similar
personal and career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.”
(Buettner, 2016)
“Internet-based software and interfaces that allow individuals to interact with one
another, exchanging details about their lives such as biographical data, professional
information, personal photos and up-to-the-minute thoughts.” (Investopedia, n.d.)
“Social Media is a new set of tools, new technology that allows us to more efficiently
connect and build relationships with our customers and prospects. It is doing what the
telephone, direct mail, print advertising, radio, television and billboards did for us up
until now. But social media is exponentially more effective.” (Safko, 2012)
As we can see from the few definitions given up until now there are many opinions on
what features a social media should or should not have. A review of the literature on
the topic can give us a more comprehensive view on the matter and sum up the main
characteristics that define a social media as such:
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people, companies and other
organizations to create, share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and
pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. The variety of stand-alone and
built-in social media services currently available introduces challenges of definition;
however, there are some common features:
1. social media are Web 2.0 Internet-based applications,
2. UGC (User-Generated Content) such as text, digital photo or digital video posts
are the lifeblood of the social media organism,
3. users create their own profiles for the website or app, which is designed and
maintained by the social media organization, and
4. social media facilitate the development of online social networks by connecting a
user's profile with those of other individuals and/or groups.
5. Social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly
interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create,
discuss, and modify user-generated content.
6. They introduce substantial and pervasive changes to communication between
businesses, organizations, communities, and individuals.
(Buettner, 2016) (Obar & Wildman, 2015) (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) (Ellison, 2007)
(Kietzmann & Hermkens, 2011)
As explained, there are many social networks available on the web. Between them,
there are some of everyone’s knowledge by now, like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter,
quoted as the most popular social networking sites of 2016 (eBizMBA Inc., 2016).
Facebook’s page example (taken on July 15, 2016)
YouTube’s page example (taken on July 15, 2016)
What is surprising about these platforms is that they are not only well known among
teenagers but among every age range; even people of 70 years of age know and use
them! This level of reach in the population makes them have an enormous amount of
users on the network. Consider that Facebook claims to have 1.13 billion daily active
users on average (stated on March 2016) (Facebook, 2016).
Social networks are based on the users’ ability to create personal profiles. It is than
possible for the users to provide some personal information regarding one’s tastes
and interests. Professional information is also useful in social network profiles;
descriptions of specialties, areas of expertise and professional interests give
opportunities to find colleagues with similar interests, experts in a particular area, etc...
(Angehrn, et al., 2008).
Social presence is created not only by static information in profiles, but also by
facilitating awareness about other people and their work. Awareness means an
“understanding of the activities of others, which provides a context for your own
activity” (Böhringer & Richter, 2009).
Once created the social profile, users are able to share text, images, sounds and
videos regarding any argument they want. This is because user-generated content is
the lifeblood of social media. It is through content that a user can discover other people
with the same interests and create connections. These connections enable then the
user to know more and more people, to the point that anyone is easy to reach. In this
case, it is easy to think about the six degrees of separation concept, which says that
everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any
other person in the world. Concerning the social media, we know that the number of
steps needed to reach someone can be reduced to one when the user is made able
to search for a specific profile. In this kind of environment, it is also possible to create
“groups” where a limited amount of users can talk about a specific subject and share
knowledge with a selected set of people. Another service offered to the users, between
the many, is the chance to create “events”, where friends can be invited to join and
participate in the discussions online before, during and after the occasion.
As we can see, there is no limit in the amount of services that can be offered to the
users from a social media. Every time a new need is identified, a new tool can be
developed in order to adjust the network to the users’ needs.
“Ask just about anyone today about social media, and they will probably acknowledge
using Facebook, knowing something about Twitter, and admit that social media are a
widespread, perhaps even global, trend. Push them a bit further, and they will affirm
that social media are genuinely significant somehow, but they might have a hard time
pinning down exactly how or why. If you probe deeper yet and ask them if or how
social media will transform the way businesses work, most people won’t have a clear
answer at all” (Hinchcliffe & Kim, 2012).
These doubts are entirely understandable, given how the digital world has virtually
remade the means and tools of digital communication in just a few years. As the
worldwide interactive marketing group-director of Coca-Cola, Michael Donnelly, said:
“Business is changing right before our very eyes. We are in a world of empowered
individuals with reliable, always-on, cross-media connectivity with a vivacious appetite
for continuous improvement to win amongst global competition.”
Operating a business through the social lens presents a profound new way of thinking.
Social media can benefit an enterprise in many ways. When talking about ESNs, social
media have to be seen as a means to an end, not the end itself. Enterprise Social
Networks enable “mass collaboration, in which a large and diverse group of people
who may have no pre-existing connections pursues a mutual purpose that creates
value” (Bradley & McDonald, 2011).
In the endless search for the customer needs and tastes, more and more companies
are shifting to social networks to get the answers they need in order to be able to
develop products that better reflect the preferences of their potential clients. Using
analytics and business intelligence, companies can give sense to the big amount of
data from the network, derive useful insight and glean value from the social media
relevant to the business. Instead of thinking on passively looking at the habits and
tastes of the customers, some companies bring them straight to the boardroom and
let them have a voice on the details of the final product or service.
In addition, businesses now can “pick and choose new partners in an open
marketplace, where business reputation and prior performance are shared and visible
for all to see” (Hinchcliffe & Kim, 2012). Every time there are teams, the social
approach can help. “What we are observing now is that social media have moved far
beyond a means to stay in touch with old friends and colleagues. They have become
how business gets done” (Hinchcliffe & Kim, 2012).
Operating a business through the social lens presents a profound new way of thinking.
In the attempt to provide employees, customers and partners the best tools to
cooperate and gain value from the whole community many companies are exploiting
the power of social media taking the matter in their own hands. In order to keep the
information shared safe and to personalize the experience given to the users the ESN
came to life. A private social network built specifically with the purpose to serve the
company, its employees, its partners and its clients. It is easy to imagine how the
purpose in this kind of networks is not the sharing of one’s personal thoughts (like on
Twitter) but to be available for everyone else involved, in case somebody would need
a particular skill or piece of knowledge.
The goal of the companies here is not only to give customers a loud voice, to flatten
the hierarchies making managers more approachable and to let the right person be
easily reachable but to embed mass collaboration in “who” they are and “how” they
work. They need to develop the right corporate skills to use this level of collaboration
again and again to deliver real business value, both inside and outside the enterprise,
all along the value chain.
The main tenets of this new philosophy are:
Anyone can participate
Nearly all aspects of business, regarding employees, partners, customers and
everyone that can bring value to the community, will ultimately be open, social and
participative. “In general, the more open the participation, the more superior the
result.” (Hinchcliffe & Kim, 2012)
Create shared value by default
Building value requires that, whenever possible, contributors automatically share
content with the entire community in as close to real-time as possible. The
reputation gained in the community by the author matters, as well as the resonance
of his/her contribution with others. Individual additions of shared value may seem
tiny at the moment, but when aggregated they build value exponentially.
While participation is self-organizing, the focus is on business outcomes
Control in social businesses is ultimately embodied in those willing to participate
and contribute. Instead of having a well-defined chain of command, a classic
organizational hierarchy, the control processes of social businesses change
dynamically according to its community.
Even if social networks and ESN use the same processes and similar tools, the goals
are completely different. While classic social media goals are solely those of the
individuals, in social business the purpose is specifically about productive outcomes
shared from everyone involved.
We identified here few of the benefits of using a social approach. In the next chapters,
we will give a broader view of the subject and we will answer some of the questions
that might already arise like:
With such seemingly uncontrolled processes how can work be done?
How does a business maintain direction, focus, control and ownership of the
How does a business define and solve problems while deriving business value
from the community as a whole?
Is it enough to provide the people with the necessary tools?
Who is winning in social business and why?
2. Knowledge Management
As commonly accepted, data is referred to as raw numbers and facts, information as
processed data, and knowledge as authenticated information. However, it is not
obvious to know how to discern between information and knowledge.
The main aspects that help us distinguish between knowledge and information are the
1. Knowledge is dynamic, it is created in the social interaction between individuals
and organizations and
2. Knowledge is context specific.
Without the social aspect and context, knowledge becomes close to just information
(Nonaka, et al., 2000).
Knowledge workers are employees whose job is to “think for a living”, to use
knowledge in order to solve a problem through creative thinking. Knowledge workers
are considered to be the intellectual capital of a company and a key factor in its
sustainable development. Managers must value the knowledge obtained by the
employees and do all that is necessary to exploit it as much as possible.
For a knowledge worker working in a team, one of the problems that could slow down
and mine the efficacy and the efficiency of the team is having different team members
at different times during the development of the solution for a client. When this
happens, there are three different kind of problems to consider:
1. Loss of knowledge. The longer someone stays on a team, the more knowledge he
or she acquires about the project, the problem domain and the stakeholders.
Losing a team member means losing all of his or her experience and knowledge.
When dealing with this kind of problem the most common approach is to make sure
that the team has at least some stable team members.
2. Thinking differently. When a group of people work for a long time together, they get
to know each other and start to develop work patterns that make the team efficient.
When a new team member arrives, the team might need some time to adapt. It is
clear now that the commonly used solution to deal with the “loss of knowledge”
problem is not enough. Using a knowledge management system and social
networking technologies (e.g. knowledge bases, wikis, blogs, social networking
groups etc.) would greatly accelerate a new team member’s trip along the learning
3. Low commitment. When a worker knows that you are going to work for a short
amount of time on a team, it might be difficult for him or her to share the enthusiasm
and be totally committed to the team. Motivation is the key to solve this problem.
Reward systems are an effective method to overcome low commitment. Both
positive and negative rewards can be considered. While positive reward systems
(e.g. public validations, days off, bonus pay etc.) are the most commonly used,
negative reinforcement approaches should be considered as well, since they are
the best way for an employee to understand in little time where he or she is doing
something wrong and why.
Many researched knowledge workers’ productivity and work patterns. Part of the
research has involved the analysis of how, on average, knowledge workers spend
their day. It has been noted that effective and efficient knowledge work relies on the
smooth navigation of unstructured processes and the elaboration of custom and one-
off procedures. "As we move to the 21st century business model, the focus must be
on equipping knowledge workers with tools and infrastructure that enable
communication and information sharing, such as networking, email, content
management and increasingly, social media." (Palmer, et al., 2014).
In the next section we will talk more about knowledge sharing (or information sharing),
analysing what exactly means “sharing” in this case and what kind of problems could
arise in the process.
It has been stated that the importance of Knowledge Management (KM) is no longer
restricted to knowledge intensive firms in the high-tech industries but to all sectors of
the economy (Teng & Song, 2011). Even companies in the traditional industries, such
as cement, can benefit greatly from KM (Zack, 2003). In essence KM is beneficial to
all sectors, be it educational, banking, telecommunications, manufacturing or even the
public sectors.
The management of knowledge has generated considerable interest in business and
management circles due to its ability to deliver to organisations strategic results
relating to profitability, competitiveness and capabilities enhancement. To state it more
clearly “Organisations that effectively manage and transfer their knowledge are more
innovative and perform better” (Riege, 2007). Successful organisations now
understand why they must manage knowledge, develop plans to accomplish this
objective and devote time and energies to these efforts.
to help others and to collaborate with others to solve problems, develop new ideas, or
implement policies or procedures.” (Wang & Noe, 2009).
It has to be considered not only as the sharing of knowledge between individuals but
also between teams, organizational units and organizations. In general, knowledge
management is aimed at identifying and leveraging the collective and personal
knowledge, know-how, experiences and judgments inside and outside organizations
to bring additional value to organizations and help them compete. (Quaddus & Xu,
2012). In this definition, we can read the focus of knowledge sharing on both tacit and
explicit knowledge. This is why most managerial practices and efforts are devoted to
facilitating sharing of both types of knowledge.
The goal of knowledge sharing is to share the existing knowledge not just for future
uses but also to create new knowledge more quickly. It regards a profound new way
of thinking that requires openness and trust at first and that will lead to fast and
effective improvements in the everyday work.
Technology itself does not make organisations share knowledge but, if people are
willing to share it, technology can increase the reach and scope of such exchanges.
Developing a KM system in place is not going to make people utilise it, but the success
of KM initiatives involves taking into account the socio-cultural factors that may inhibit
people to willingly share their knowledge, such as:
lack of trust,
lack of time or
fear of being judged
concerns about loss of power/status.
Lack of trust between employees is a well-known issue that endangers relations and
thus the efficiency of the whole company. In the case of knowledge sharing it makes
the member of the team avoid sharing his or her knowledge because there is no trust
in how that knowledge will be used or by who. To increase the level of trust between
workers it is useful to first have more information available about colleagues (Dignum
& Eijk, 2005) and then have closer and more frequent communications (Cheng, et al.,
2008). In this matter social networking tools help, providing more information about
members of the company and facilities for communication between co-workers
(Boeije, et al., 2009).
Lack of time is a common problem between workers that already spend a lot of time
on the projects they are working on and feel sharing knowledge not wrong but simply
as a waste of time, as if he or she is not paid to do so. In this case, it is necessary to
make it clear to everyone, even writing it on the contracts if necessary, that part of the
job is to define the notions learned and make them available for everyone to see. This
way everyone will take some time at the end of a project and complete the task feeling
rewarded from it.
The fear of being judged is usually felt by newcomers and, more in general, people
that are not very familiar with the subject they are going to talk about while sharing
their knowledge. It is completely normal to feel the pressure of the opinions of the co-
workers, to consider the possibility to be mocked or ridiculed. Everyone can make
mistakes. What is important is to learn from them. It is the company’s duty to clarify
that a behaviour that tries to diminish a colleague’s image will not be tolerated.
Loss of power or status are the concerns of the senior members of an enterprise. The
most experienced and knowledgeable elements of the company. This kind of
employees are the ones that should best embrace the sharing attitude, since their
contribution would greatly benefit the new members of the organization, making it
easier for them to catch up and be ready to help when needed. This said, it is not easy
for a person in a position of power to decide to share what made them reach that
specific position. They may fear that sharing their knowledge would make them lose
their job easily and the younger members of the company overtake them. In such a
case, it is advisable to create an environment where it is clear that such an outcome
is improbable and that the organization values very much the employee and its
contribution to the global knowledge of the company. More specifically, such an
outcome is possible only when the perceived benefits (some extrinsic motivation
solutions, such as bonuses, presents, etc) are higher than the perceived costs of
sharing (e.g. time and efforts for contributing knowledge). One of the immediate ways
to reduce perceived costs is to make it easier for people who share their knowledge
to do this, also with the help of IT, as well as make knowledge sharing secure from the
point of view of the loss of jobs or advantages (Cabrera & Cabrera, 2003).
To sum up, in order to deal with the issues stated above the main directions of efforts
are the following:
a) making knowledge visible and showing the role of knowledge in organizations,
b) building a knowledge infrastructure, not only technical system, but also
connections among people given space, time, tools and encouragement to interact
and collaborate,
c) developing knowledge-intensive and knowledge sharing culture in order to free
employees from fear of losing their advantages when sharing their unique
d) be liberated from the fear of losing important intellectual assets, if valued
colleagues leave the firm. (Yang & Chen, 2007)
The last point of the list explains in short one the most important features of knowledge
sharing: the possibility for a work team to preserve the knowledge of one of its
members if he or she leaves the team or the company. This way it is easier for the
team to recover from the loss and learn what they should in order to undertake the
work of the colleague.
In order to reach the goals set for knowledge management and realize an effective
knowledge sharing culture the company has to provide its employees the right tools,
education on how to use them and motivation to make it happen. Realizing the right
tools requires the chiefs of the departments involved to meet and make a list of all the
features that a proper tool must have in order to be both useful and easy to learn. The
IT department will be of help in this matter, yet the real problem is not the realization
of the tools, but giving the employees the motivation they need to use them. As we
read in (Argote, et al., 2003): “Organizational settings in the field of knowledge
management can impact an individual‘s ability to create, retain and share knowledge,
as well as provide motives and opportunities or tools to do this”.
It is clear by now that knowledge sharing is not necessarily synonymous with pro-
social behaviour. Indeed, knowledge sharing may involve significant effort or sacrifice.
For the most part knowledge-sharing barriers can be categorized into three
a. individual,
b. organizational and
c. technological.
A study of 1,180 staff members in the regional transport union of Palm Beach (Florida)
determined that its culture was not conducive to knowledge sharing for a variety of
reasons, including:
absence of support systems,
lack of training,
lack of job security,
lack of organizational culture,
employee competition, and
lack of recognition.
At the first element of the list, we find a huge technological problem. Having a good
technical support is key to make it easier for everyone to share one’s expertise and
later create new knowledge starting from the one collected so far.
The second issue in the list could be resolved exploiting technological tools, yet the
decision to make this kind of effort has to come from the organization itself. The
management have to evaluate the need for a proper introduction to the sharing
mechanisms for the employees. The third and fourth elements still are a responsibility
of the company, that must focus on creating a culture that considers the needs of the
employees while clarifying how useful for everyone is to work not as individuals or
small teams but as a community that involves all of the people at the company, the
customers and the enterprise’s partners.
Competition is usually good for business. It pushes everyone to “go the extra mile” to
become the best in what they do and be seen as such. As explained before, however,
this kind of behaviour can lead to difficulties in sharing one’s hardly achieved expertise.
It is necessary to do what it takes to make the employees certain that they will not lose
their advantage when sharing their unique knowledge.
The last point is an organizational problem as it is the company that has to recognize
the efforts of its workers. The solution for this problem can be found in a technical
approach that exploits social media tools to make it easy for both the worker and the
management to recognize when someone is making a significant effort in following the
sharing culture. This is possible through instruments that make it clear to everyone
who is the author of the shared piece of knowledge and who are the people that liked
or shared it. When number of “likes” or “share” is reached the software given the
employee a virtual medal, visible on his or her profile, which symbolizes the
achievement. In has been studied that this kind of tools greatly increases the
willingness of the stakeholders to participate in the community.
Beyond the effects of the introduction of technological tools, it has been proven that
there is also a relationship between group compatibility and knowledge sharing. The
more compatible a person is with the group in terms of age, gender, and other factors,
the more likely he or she is to practice knowledge sharing. Conversely, individuals who
perceive themselves in a minority (e.g. gender, marital status, education, etc...) are
less likely to participate in knowledge sharing. Of particular note is the finding that
women participants require a more positive social interaction culture before they
perceive a knowledge-sharing culture as positive. The list of compatibility variables
includes more than just the obvious traits of age, gender, ethnicity, and educational
level. Personality differences, communication skills, and individual values also
factored into the equation. (Keyes, 2013)
Another study, from (Wang & Noe, 2009), has shown instead that socially isolated
members or sub-groups are more likely to disagree with others and so contribute their
unique knowledge within a heterogeneous team.
We now know that people that perceive themselves as a minority in the team are less
likely to share their knowledge, but when everyone is a minority and the group is truly
heterogeneous then competition arises and knowledge sharing happens. In this case,
within a functionally diversified team, the acknowledgement of team members'
expertise also helps increase participation in knowledge sharing (Thomas-Hunt, et al.,
2003). This leads us to the understanding that, in order to obtain the knowledge
sharing pattern required to help group decision-making processes in the organization,
work teams should either be formed of people with similar status, education, gender,
age, skills and values or formed of a very heterogeneous set of team members.
In order to minimize the risks and increase the chances of success there are other
steps that can be followed. The research has proven that a less centralized
organizational structure can help facilitate the knowledge flow, as well as the open-
space working environment (Yang & Chen, 2007). Another research suggests that the
organizations should actively create opportunities for employee interactions to occur
and employees’ rank, position in the organizational hierarchy and seniority should be
deemphasized to facilitate knowledge sharing (Argote, et al., 2003).
We will later talk about the fact that many, if not all, of the guidelines collected can be
followed and made a reality in the organization using an ESN.
3. Transition to the Social Organization
The challenge for the enterprises now is to get to the market quickly, having products
and services that well respond to the needs of the customers. It is important to
remember here that consumers nowadays are evermore informed, thanks to the web,
and demanding. The network offers the companies the chance to renew their business
models, not to modify what is done but how it is done. The Web 2.0 offers
decentralized offices the chance to collaborate through the network, creating virtual
work teams. The collaboration concept is shaping the way companies get the work
done, coming from a vertical integration system and a hierarchical company model to
a system that focuses on coordination and cooperation. All of this is possible thanks
to the Web 2.0 technologies, which allowed a significant reduction of the costs of
coordination between enterprises. This new organizational concept brings many
companies to collaborate and form a corporation able to better exploit the economies
of scale and quickly answer to the demands of the market. Through cooperation, the
corporation can reduce costs and increase its ability to innovate, making each of the
companies more competitive on the market and able to follow its trends even when
the skills of a single company would not be enough.
The Internet evolution allows not only the employees to better collaborate with the
management and the company’s partners but also with the stakeholders outside of the
company, like customers and shareholders. The network gathers billions of people
and potential customers that use blogs, chats and websites to interact, acquire
information, buy online and cooperate with organizations (e.g. evaluating their
products and advertisement campaigns) in a very easy, fast and inexpensive way.
This opportunity of interaction can be welcomed and seen as a fortuitous new way to
create value by the enterprises or it can be seen as a threat. It is up to the organizations
to decide whether there is a way to exploit the potential of the web in their line of
business or not.
The concept considered is self-organization, which is the idea that independent users
can work together, willingly or not, and generate something valuable and original. This
emergent phenomenon very often reveal itself as successful, yet difficult to control
because of its inherent self-regulation and their lack of a hierarchical structure. The
determination of the company’s boundaries is an important step for an enterprise,
which can obtain a significant advantage if it can identify the right mix between the
skills that have to remain in the company and those that can be found outside its
borders. Sometimes companies keep expertise that could be found outside. While
years ago the enterprises focused on the development of products or services using
only the company’s resources, nowadays a growing number of enterprises work
together to achieve those services. The competitive advantage will not concern a
single activity but a set of activities run by various firms that, put together, are hard to
imitate. While a single one can easily be reproduced, the competitors will have a hard
time obtaining the same benefits from this activity as those that it gives when placed
in a system.
In this context, new figures are emerging, like agents and intermediaries that do
nothing but drive other companies to the creation of the added value that can be found
exploiting the web and the global market. These societies are usually small in the
number of employees but handle large business volumes in every field.
Herbalife, a company that works in the health sector producing dietary supplements is
an example. Herbalife is a multinational corporation distributed in more than 90
different countries has its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:
HLF) with net sales of $4.5 billion in 2015 (Herbalife, 2016). The strength of this
business is given by its ability to manage its resources, bringing their drugs
development teams, composed of doctors and scientists, in laboratories in China and
India while supervising their work from the corporation’s headquarters. The production
part is delegated to various satellite agencies located mostly in Asia and Europe while
the retail sales are assigned to thousands of independent distributors. The crucial part
handled by Herbalife is logistic, considered key from the management to ensure
availability of the products at all times. This focus on the supply-chain and the deals
with its partners grants Herbalife a net gain in respect to the centralized approach to
the business.
Wishing to expand their market share and their profits many companies find
themselves having to adapt their organization’s architecture and their business model
in order to achieve those results. The society will have to decide if to carry out
improvements following a traditional approach focusing in growing its personnel and
infrastructures and see its fixed costs or choose to merge with or acquire another
company. The merge and acquisition of another company allows to scale the business
rapidly. It lets two middle-level companies to share their knowledge in a single
development platform and become leader in the market. This way they can avoid new
fixed costs. Another alternative to the traditional growing approach is called “fast track
business model”. Many businesses, instead of following a more organic approach,
choose to establish contacts that let them create new value and grow their market
share. These enterprises usually acquire low-cost row materials and outsource the
production to some other company. They then exploit designers that offer their
services through the web and provide the company new ideas and new concepts for
the future. Ultimately, another partner handles the logistics. In the end, this kind of
corporations just need to manage the life cycle of a product employing a small number
of qualified staff. Taking advantage of the web it is possible to handle the whole supply-
chain in real-time reducing both development and production costs. Marketing and
advertisements are usually very expensive when considering the traditional approach,
especially when there is a product to sell but they require a limited budget when the
potential of the network is exploited. Targeted advertising and the online reviews of
the users create a powerful advertising campaign that counts on the word-of-mouth
and keep the budget low. Small companies are so free from many fixed costs that
burden the more traditional enterprises.
The advantage of using the Web 2.0 is the possibility to exploit social networks to
create a “lever” effect for problem-solving and information management. To be able to
achieve this goal tools such as wikis, weblogs and microblogs, social tagging, RSS
and social networks are introduced to the enterprise context. Here we give a more
detailed overview on each of these concepts.
Wikis are sets of user-editable web pages that offer anyone the ability to easily create
and edit pieces of content built collaboratively (Lazar, 2007). This tool came to wide
popularity through sites such as Wikipedia.
As Andrew McAfee points out while talking about the benefits of wikis for the
enterprises: “The main one they get out of it so far has been the ability to find not so
much other pieces of information but other brains all the way across the community.”
Beyond the written articles that one can find, “because everyone’s contributions […]
are attributed rather than anonymous, if you’ve done something smart, I can find not
only what you’ve done, but I can find you. The point is, I would never have found you
within the intelligence community without the new tools.” (McAfee, 2010)
Plus, the ability to easily create links between wiki pages enhances the knowledge
sharing dimensions (Levy, 2009). Wikis are designed according to the eleven
principles, summarized by (Wagner, 2004).
Principle Explanation
(Wagner, 2004)
Weblogs (or blogs) are web pages for personal use written in the form of a diary. What
distinguishes them from a personal website is that blogs are written continually in one
page with different posts in chronological order. Blog entries can be commented by
other authors and readers, and can be followed with the use of alerts like RSS
technologies. When weblogs and their authors are united in communities, they form
social networks. (Levy, 2009).
Recently microblogs became widely popular primarily through the success of Twitter.
A microblog is a smaller version of a blog, where authors have limited logs (for
example, in Twitter each entry is limited to 140 symbols). Microblogs, like blogs, can
bring to features like social networking activities but with a strong focus on mobility
(Böhringer & Richter, 2009). Microblogging has also found its place in the enterprise
environment. The most popular enterprise microblogging tool is Yammer
( Its main focus is on inspiring people to share information on
“What are you working on”, compared to the focus of Twitter on “What are you doing?”.
As the Yammer webpage says: <Just by logging in and sharing “what are you working
on” you’re growing your company’s Yammer network and building a knowledge base
of information that will benefit your coworkers.>. (Böhringer & Richter, 2009), on the
basis of a case study, concluded that microblogging helps creating awareness in a
company to support collaboration, communication and coordination.
Social Networking is the sum of every tool described above. It is based on the ability
of users to create a personal profile on the web unique for a particular website or
common (exploiting techniques such as OpenID, which allows the user to log in on a
website using the profile set on a different one). Profiles are created so that
interactions like contributing to wikis, social tagging and commenting on the
blogosphere create relationships between people (Tapiador, et al., 2006).
Barnes (1954) defined social network as a social structure comprised of nodes
(individuals or organizations) that are connected by one or more specific types of
relations and this definition is still valid today. In general, social networks and their
analysis are important for determining the ways groups operate, how problems are
solved and the extent to which people success in attaining goals (Lai & Turban, 2008).
Being already very popular on the Internet, social networking tools are introduced in
organizations. Profiling systems for employees, we see that the ability to author and
comment documents and pieces of knowledge in knowledge management systems
automatically creates relationships between people (Boeije, et al., 2009). During the
years, a wide variety of tools has been developed to increase the usefulness of social
networks. In the next paragraph we are going to analyse in more detail the kind of
social networks actually in use.
At this point, we are going to introduce some examples of enterprise social networks
in order to give a closer look on how an ESN can look like.
We will start talking about Salesforce. Salesforce is an enterprise customer
relationship management (CRM) giant, which has improved its CRM services
providing social networking capabilities. Its new Chatter service is available on
Salesforce’s real-time collaboration cloud. Users can use it to set up profiles and
generate status updates, which might be questions, bits of information and/or
knowledge or relevant hyperlinks. All of this is then aggregated and broadcasted to
co-workers on their personal page. Essentially, an employee’s personal page contains
a flow of comments and updates regarding those in that particular network. Employees
can also follow the rest of their colleagues from around the company, not just those in
their own personal network, enabling cross-organizational knowledge sharing.
Towards that end, Chatter also provides a profile database that users can tap into to
find someone with the needed skills for a particular project. All of this is accessible via
both desktop and mobile. Like, many of well-known software
companies have developed collaboration tools with similar features.
Chatter page example
On Beehive, the work team can create its own workspace starting form given
templates and rely on various features like team wiki, calendar, team task
management, discussion forums, contextual search and team announcements
through an ad-hoc microblog and its RSS feeds. The most interesting feature for a
team is the document library, which allows users to:
lock a file, to stop other to modify it
use check in and check out operations, that let a user download a copy of a file
and later upload the new version in the library and merge it with its online
set up specific privileges for each user
have control over the workflow of the project and
remote content sharing with Oracle UCM (Universal Content Management)
Beehive is then extendible with the use of scalable Oracle technology like, but not
limited to, “Oracle Information Rights Management” (IRM) or “Oracle Secure
Enterprise Search” (SES). Beyond Oracle’s extensions, the system that can also be
personalized with its given RESTful (that follows the REpresentational State Transfer
principle) APIs that exploit BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) and other
common specifications like the with all the standard communication protocols (like
IMAP, SMTP, CalDAV, iSchedule, WebDAV, XMPP, FTP, OMA Data
Synchronization, PushIMAP, SIP, and VoiceXML). All of these compatibilities make
the developers’ life easy when building an addition for the platform. “Oracle Beehive
Mobile Communicator” is the name of the app for smartphones that help workers stay
connected using IM (Instant Messages) while away from the computer. (Oracle, 2016)
Beehive page example
Server object model
While Oracle’s Beehive tries very hard to make it easy for developers to personalize
the environment and shows a platform similar to SharePoint, a significant difference
in the latter is the presence of the “feeds”. Regarding the handling of the feeds from
all the profiles in the network, SharePoint gives the users the ability to choose between
Yammer and Newsfeed.
SharePoint Newsfeed used to be the default option for social experiences in
Microsoft’s Office 365. It offers all the standard features such as the possibility to like,
comment, share the published content and follow others in order to have their feeds
straight in the homepage. It allows tagging and lets users cite each other in the feeds.
Newsfeed includes also an app for Windows Phone and iPhone smartphones that lets
employees to stay connected to your organization’s social pulse while on the go.
Yammer, instead, is a private, secure social network for an organization that will allow
people to collaborate securely across departments and geographies. It is designed to
inspire company-wide knowledge exchange and to increase team efficiency. Only
people with a verified company email address can join the company’s network.
To talk about Yammer we have to do a little digression talking about Twitter, a social
networking app made famous by celebrities who tweet hourly updates on what they
are doing (e.g., eating lunch, shopping, etc.). Twitter itself is not useful in a company’s
environment. It lacks to all the tools that an organization requires to control work teams
or share knowledge. This said, to bridge the gap Twitter developed an enterprise social
networking application called Yammer, bought in 2012 by Microsoft. With the ability to
integrate with tools such as SharePoint, Yammer provides a suite of tools including
enterprise microblogging, communities, company directory, direct messaging, groups,
and knowledge base. Much of what Yammer offers is free with the basic service. With
a fee, however, it provides niceties as security controls, admin controls, broadcast
messages, enhanced support, SharePoint integration, keyword monitoring, and virtual
firewall solution. Yammer can be used by the software development team to
interactively discuss any aspect of a project.
Project groups can use SharePoint in many ways:
to write up personal research and make comments on others’ research;
to ask questions;
to post links to resources that might be of interest to others in the group;
to add details for upcoming events and meetings;
to let each other know what they’re up to;
to add comments to other team members’ information and pages and
to record minutes of meetings in real time.
(Microsoft, 2016)
Yammer page example
Microsoft’s Skype for Business, formerly Lync, is another tool that Microsoft acquired
and integrated in its SharePoint platform. Skype for Business not only works on
desktops and mobiles but, most importantly, gives the users a way to communicate
not only through messages and images, but via voice, video, or document share from
anywhere with many people at a time, increasing even more the flexibility of the
(Microsoft, 2016)
One of the first companies to work in the collaborative market was Lotus, with its
platform: Lotus Notes. Now owned by IBM, IBM Notes (formerly IBM Lotus Notes)
brings together a wide array of tools: instant messaging, team rooms, discussion
forums, and even application widgets. There is also a wide variety of free tools
available, which can be adapted for one’s purposes. IBM Notes does not use feeds
like SharePoint but exploits emails to handle communication and focuses on improving
what emails bring, together with plain text. In one email we can find:
all the information on the contact that sent it
the text of the email where parts of it can be made as “live text”, which enables the
recipient to, for example, call phone numbers or open Google Maps to see the
location cited in the email through a single click
options to “like”, “follow” or “share” a document received or that is on the network,
in order to show appreciation, be notified when changes are made to the document
or simply share the file. It is also possible to write a personal comment that will later
be visible for all the community.
The email platform offers the user many features like drag-and-drop, which makes it
easier to select the recipients and the files to attach. Plus, there is a comprehensive
search option that allows the user to filter emails by the people involved as senders or
recipients, subject of the email, date in which it has been sent or simply “any column”,
which covers everything else.
IBM Notes page example
Another great example of a social environment is LinkedIn, which has been widely
used to provide networking capabilities for business people. A relevant feature is
LinkedIn groups. A group can be created for any purpose. In order to join a group a
user can either click on “Ask to join” on the group page or respond to an invitation from
a group member or manager. Thus, project teams can make use of the already-
developed facilities LinkedIn provides. Using this platform the employees can share
knowledge and handle team work. This said, there is one big issue regarding LinkedIn:
lack of confidentiality. Since it cannot be stored on the servers of the company, all the
information shared online from every member of the enterprise can be seen (at least)
from the LinkedIn system administrators, which may not be entrusted by the company
to look at their classified data. While usually this may not pose a threat, often the
information exchanged regards projects or initiatives that should remain visible only to
the employees of the company, which sign confidentiality agreements before
beginning their jobs. While for some organizations it could be just fine to make their
efforts visible, others like pharmaceutical companies would not agree in sharing details
on their researches.
LinkedIn groups example – Horizon 2020’s LinkedIn group
One might think that the use of these sorts of ad-hoc discussion tools would
degenerate into chaos. In truth, this rarely happens, even in a social network of
anonymous users. The largest wiki of all, Wikipedia, is fairly resistant to vandalism and
ideological battles. The reason for this is “the emergent behaviour of a Pro-Am
(meaning professional and amateur) swarm of self-appointed curators.” This group of
curators has self-organized what Anderson terms the most comprehensive
encyclopaedia in history—creating order from chaos. This is what is called “peer
production.” (Anderson, 2006)
These are only few of the many ESNs that are out there, trying to give the best platform
possible to employees of any company. We have covered here only the main features
of the ESNs considered, but it already shows the potential of social technologies.
3.4. Real-Life Stories
The first story we are going to investigate regards a German multinational software
giant that makes enterprise software to manage business operations and customer
relations: SAP SE (System analyses and Programme networking; Systems,
Applications & Products in Data Processing).
In the early 2000s, SAP encountered increasing challenges in the ways it provided its
network with information and its customers with support services. At the time, SAP
used common support channels like email and phone but it did not satisfy the clients.
Another issue was that potential customers were having trouble determining if SAP’s
complex software solutions would meet their needs.
In order to address the communication issues between SAP and its 170,000 clients a
proper solution had to be found. Experts determined that improving the old channels,
like adding more staff to existing support channels, would have had minimal impact.
At the time, online communities were new to the market, used to connect with people
with similar interests. Nevertheless, SAP had both the resources and the motivation
to test these new concepts for its service issues. The goal was to enlist clients and
other stakeholders to join the community to share ideas and solve problems. This way,
not only SAP could have had a new platform to communicate with the clients in a more
efficient way, but also customers could work together directly and exchange valuable
knowledge. Mark Finnern, who went on to become an SAP community evangelist (a
formally recognized champion of the service), said: “To make it work, we knew we
would have to put the people in our company on the front line before customers would
engage. It would be 90% of us and 10% of them at first. But we knew if we did that it
would eventually be 10% of us and 90% of them.” (Happe, 2010) It is essential for the
social organizations to commit seriously in order to kick-start participation by
customers and partners. Using this approach in just two years 100,000 customers
joined. “By plugging customers into the process of creating reusable knowledge, every
contribution made both SAP and the community much richer and more useful. What’s
more, the process was repeatable, scalable and relatively inexpensive compared to
traditional customer support methods.” (Hinchcliffe & Kim, 2012) The social network
works every day, 24 hours a day, and delivers high-quality information to stakeholders
making the company save on support costs. Moreover, it improves customer retention,
which is a crucial aspect for a company like SAP.
The second story regards another software giant that develops, manufactures,
licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal
computers and services: Microsoft.
In 2009, a survey revealed that Microsoft’s partners were less than satisfied with the
company. Precisely, 62% of them expressed desire for a stronger support that would
not include just periodical formal email announcements and occasional updates.
Microsoft executives decided to take action and use the same social media used by
others to organize quickly and effectively: Twitter and blogs. For each country, a new
Twitter account was set up to best address the partners while speaking in their own
language (e.g. or,
fostering participation. Microsoft applied a fast read-and-respond strategy that aimed
at answering as fast as possible to every question/problem. Satisfaction levels
increased by 15% the first year and 17% in the second while phone calls for assistance
dropped, substantiating the fact that the program was working. (Klier, 2011)
Many social business transformation stories exist outside the technology industry. Let
us look at how rethinking existing business processes can affect one of the biggest
consumer products multinational companies: Procter and Gamble Co. (P&G).
One of its best-known products, Old Spice, once a customer favourite, was losing
market share, especially among young consumers. In response, Old Spice used
advertising slogans like “If your grandfather hadn’t worn it, you wouldn’t exist”, but it
did little to increase sales. Since the traditional approach did not work, they had to
figure out a new way to communicate with the customers. The idea they came up with
required the use of both traditional methods and social media. Following this then-
revolutionary concept, the brand launched a new campaign during the Super Bowl and
on television, starring actor Isaiah Mustafa. The social media came into play when all
the television commercials were posted on YouTube, with the @OldSpice Twitter
account engaging with consumers in real-time. When somebody wrote to @OldSpice,
Mustafa answered to those messages with new spots posted on YouTube and then
referenced on Twitter. Advertisements that typically take weeks were produced in a
matter of hours, with a copywriter standing by, an actor and a warehouse full of
costumes where one could shoot the ad.
“The wide reach across traditional media kick-started social media participation, which
then led to compelling two-way conversations in social media between Old Spice and
consumers.” (Hinchcliffe & Kim, 2012) On the very first day, it received 6 million views
and in just six months achieved 1.4 billion views. The combined campaign reached
half of the Internet over its lifetime (Schroeder, 2010). After years of declining sales,
the new campaign helped increase the sales for Old Spice up by 107% (Griner, 2010).
At the same time, Old Spice has become the #1 Most Viewed Sponsored YouTube
Channel (P&G, s.d.).
Webster, 2016), is the “Goldcorp Challenge”. Goldcorp, a Canadian mining firm, was
having difficulties finding more gold to prospect on its 55,000 acres in Ontario. In literal
desperation, it opened up all its 400 megabytes of its valuable prospecting data to the
geological community for help. Despite worries about loss of secrecy and looking
foolish for not finding it themselves, they offered a $575,000 in prize for successful
recommendations. More than one thousand entities from over 50 countries applied
unique and highly disparate methods to crunch the data, including applied
mathematics, advanced physics, computer visualization and many other creative
methods. The success rate was impressive. Over 80% of new targets provided form
the community yielded useful finds. Ultimately, the challenge unearthed 8 million
ounces of gold and catapulted the organization form a poorly performing company
worth a mere $100 million into a $9 billion mining giant in a few years. (Tapscott &
Williams, 2006) (Hinchcliffe & Kim, 2012)
In 2010, the leaders of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre (MSFC) found
themselves having to deal with some serious problems. The space shuttle was
reaching its end of life and the plans for its replacement were not going anywhere
while the Constellation program and the Ares rockets were being criticized from
outside scientists and engineers. The Constellation program main goals were the
"completion of the International Space Station (ISS)" and the "return to the Moon no
later than 2020" with a crewed flight to the planet Mars as the ultimate goal. The Ares
rockets, instead, were the program's booster rockets. The ones that had to be used to
take the shuttle to its destination. (Connolly, 2006). So the shuttle and NASA’s
programs for the future of space exploration were at risk when President Barack
Obama announced a proposal to cancel NASA’s program in favour of privatization. As
MSFC leaders began rethinking the nature and value of the space mission, recognized
the importance of involving more people in the process of dealing with these
fundamental questions. They began envisioning how community collaboration could
help the mission and increase awareness of the value NASA and MSFC provide to the
world. (Pettus & Bradley, 2009)
Jonathan Pettus, Chief Information Officer at MSFC, said:
“We believed that social media could have a significant impact on how
we pursue our mission. That using it could help us collaborate in new
ways to build rockets better, but you cannot just put the technology out
there and expect big results. It is not that easy. We are not all the way
there yet, but we are moving forward towards out goals and our focus on
vision and purpose has provided a foundation for continued progress.”
(Pettus, 2011)
Organizations like NASA begun to use social media to exploit the advantages of
community collaboration. Some pursue it sporadically, but some are considering
involving the “social” part in their day-to-day operations. To give an example on how
things improved during the years for NASA we can look at the New Horizons space
probe that, on July 14, 2015, turned all its sensors to Pluto for a 20-hour long flyby.
Before it went dark – no contact with Earth – New Horizons sent one last chunk of data
home. Contained therein was the best picture of Pluto in history. When it received that
image, the agency did something unique: NASA posted the image on Instagram.
Doing so, NASA allowed people to share and comment not only on Instagram, but
also on many other social networks all over the world, receiving hundreds of thousands
of “likes” and comments. From putting the science team on Reddit for an AMA (Ask
Me Anything) (NASA, 2015) to pulling questions from Twitter during live press
briefings, the New Horizons mission reached out to millions of fans. Moreover, it is not
just New Horizons, NASA’s social media strategy is ambitious and, most importantly,
carefully planned.
Concerning the need to help its mission, NASA organized a series of call of proposals
with the aim to complement its research and speed up the development of new
technologies. They launched competitions for each piece of technology or theory
needed to move forward in the reach for Mars, coordinating with internal and external
stakeholders, including academia, industry and other government agencies. As an
example, the “Sample Return Robot Competition” is going to grant a $1.5 Million
reward to whoever manages to build a robot that can locate, collect and return geologic
samples on natural terrain without human control and within a specified time (NASA,
These innovations may enhance NASA's space exploration capabilities and could
have applications on Earth. All these projects, built outside the agency, are going to
save it both time and money. As stated by the presidential panel appointed for this
purpose on 2009, “allowing companies to build and launch their own rockets and
spacecraft to carry American astronauts into orbit would save money and also free up
NASA to focus on more ambitious, longer-term goals.” (Pasztor, 2010) This kind of
initiatives surely encourages innovation and allows NASA’s employees to go forward
and tackle the rest of the challenges that need to be addressed before launching the
next mission.
The main principles when talking about social businesses, KMSs and ESNs are the
II. Authoring is important to elicit the contribution of every person to collaborative
efforts or products and the contribution of any kind, whether it is knowledge,
insight, experience, a comment, a fact, an edit, a link and so on (McAfee, 2006).
IV. Reputation of an author or an object (a wiki article, blog, etc…) is defined not
by some set of characteristics but by the number of links directing to the object;
number of followers, “likes” etc... In order to make this principle work many
people must have the ability to build and share links, in general to express one’s
appreciation. This principle is highly dependent on the number of participants
in a network.
V. Recommendations are used to propose to users the items most relevant to their
interests based on their previous behaviour (McAfee, 2006).
VI. Signals (RSS, notifications) are useful to notify users when new content of
interest, comment, new post or reply appears.
VII. “Wisdom of crowds” effect implies that a large number of people making small
contributions can create a quality product (Kittur & Kraut, 2008).
VIII. Network Externalities or “network effect” means that the more users a system
has the more valuable it becomes for every single user (Kim, et al., 2009).
If the principles stated above are respected, using KMSs together with ESNs creates
many benefits for an organization. Hereunder are explained the most important ones.
Between the researches on the subject, an interesting interview nicely explains some
of the benefits of using an ESN:
“We made knowledge maps – knowledge areas and persons and put this in the
system. I like it and I know that younger generation loves it, too. The older
generation says they know everybody. But it is interesting to have this
discussion between the older and the younger people, saying “You know
everybody, but I can’t get into your network” – “Then just call me”. But then he
(an expert in some field) starts complaining that he is constantly being
questioned about trivial things. Then he realizes that it is interesting to write it
down. Besides, I can always say that if you have a question about
manufacturing engineering ask “Jan”, because he knows everybody, who
knows something about the question. But then Jan will start to complain for
constantly being bothered by people with some questions. And then they agree
on writing down who knows what.” (Gordeyeva, 2010)
In the previous sections and chapters, we have talked about a wide variety of social
networks and tools. The reason why we did so is to introduce the concept of Enterprise
Social Networks and give a more comprehensive view on the subject. It is necessary
now to state that even if we introduced many examples and considered many
technologies, when talking about social media the focus should never be on
technology but on conversations between people, since it is the conversations that
have the power to influence opinions. Billions of conversations take place every day
about new products, new promotions, the prices of the goods and services and the
opinions (both good and bad) of the customers on a brand (Keller, 2007). These types
of conversations strongly affect the opinions and the purchasing behaviour of the
consumers. (InSites Consulting, 2012) Even if the majority of conversations of this kind
takes place offline (InSites Consulting, 2009), online conversations have the
advantages to be able to reach large audiences quickly, easily and cheaply. Numerous
studies have underlined the relationship between positive conversations and good
sales figures (Herr, et al., 1991). Being able to exploit this potential can increase
people’s perception of the company and this will not only increase the sales, but also
make it easier to recruit new talented staff.
The highest proportion of unused conversation potential can be found among
customers and staff. Everyone will agree that satisfied customers are important.
Satisfied customers who talk about the company are even more important. A
European survey of various sectors showed that 28 percent of customers were very
satisfied with particular products or services they received, but did not talk with anyone
about them (Bellenghem, 2012). In other words, almost a third of the consumers had
a good experience of a product or service but said nothing about it to anyone. It is
clear that the amount of unused conversation potential cited before can be quite
alarming. Reducing the level of unused conversation potential makes a company have
a wider reach and greater impact in everything it does, from the development stage to
the customer relationship management.
In order to choose the ESN that best fits an organization, and that will likely increase
conversations on their products and services, there are many factors to take into
First, does the company need its products and services to be developed and improved
within a community of people or is it fine to use the traditional approach that limits a
specific team of employees to work on them?
To limit the number of employees working on a project makes it easy to the
team to work as a unit and have good communication. This said, it also limits
the amount of innovation put in the development phase and it does not
guarantee that all the knowledge needed to build a product or service is already
in the team. New requirements may come up and new technologies be
considered while brainstorming the new service or product and it would be
useful to be able to easily spot who can help or manage to read a report on a
previous project developed with that technology.
Second, does the company need a way to build knowledge retention and knowledge
search or does it just want to improve the way it communicates the news to the
A simple Facebook page or Twitter account, possibly supported by an
Instagram or YouTube channel, could be enough to engage the customers and
raise the awareness on the brand. Yet Twitter’s 140 characters cannot really
be knowledge. There is not much that can be written there. One can put a
question or an answer. Still, it facilitates conversation since writing a short
message does not require major efforts. On the other hand, if the goal is to
collect knowledge to be used in the future by any of the stakeholders, than a
Twitter account will not be enough. In this case, a dedicated ESN can be the
right solution, since it helps making personal and corporate knowledge more
visible and accessible for everybody.
Third, does the company need its partners to be able to contact any of the employees
in order to get the best answers to their questions or is it preferable to have a single
element in the organization to take care of this kind of public relations?
Without social tools, there would probably be a single person responsible for
the client. If that person is an expert on the field it could already be enough.
This said, the enterprise might want to speed up the learning curve of its
employees and be sure that its workers can always find the answers they need
for their client in little time. Social networking tools create social presence
(which means having some information about each person on the network) and
context for communication, so that a person’s job, title and responsibilities are
visible to everyone else. Thanks to this, both partners and colleagues are able
to recognise when somebody is the right person to contact or not.
Fourth, is it important to the managers to talk with any other employee easily or do
they prefer a more hierarchical arrangement, where a worker can speak only to his
peers and its direct supervisor?
With a hierarchical approach, the work environment is a more predictable and
manageable place where everyone just follows what the management says. In
this kind of circumstances, only few people can take initiatives. Using dedicated
Enterprise Social Networks flattens the traditional chain of command making
any member of the company, including the managers and chiefs, more
approachable. This allows everyone to obtain knowledge and get a feedback
from any employee while highlighting the most useful interventions, which will
receive more “likes” or similar tokens of appreciation. This way it is harder for
the management to play their role, but it uses this wider reach to get better
ideas from many more sources.
Fifth, how confidential is the information that is going to be exchanged on the network?
The traditional approach keeps using closed systems, like emails, that shield
the company from involuntarily leaking data outside the intranet. Having a more
open approach, on the other hand, gives the company all the benefits that we
discussed earlier.
Questions like these help narrowing down the characteristics that an enterprise is
looking for. Once those are known, a proper ESN can be chosen or even developed
from scratches. It cannot be emphasized enough, though, that having a tool as an
ESN does not mean that it is going to be used as much as expected. It is crucial when
becoming a social organization to have a Vision and a Culture that supports it. Without
these two elements, the best ESN is useless. Moreover, using a social approach does
not simply mean that the enterprise gets another tool. It is necessary to rethink the
way the company does business, because it is going to alter all the processes used to
build the final products and services. “Social business amplifies partner activities by
driving network effects and other ecosystem benefits, such as having the organization
come together with all of its partner companies to market, sell, innovate, support or
otherwise accomplish business objectives” (Hinchcliffe & Kim, 2012). This means that
the company will have to take into account all the entities involved instead of deciding
by itself.
4. CERN as a Social Organization
This chapter will introduce CERN and present Social, its enterprise social network.
4.1. CERN
At the end of the Second World War, European science was no longer world-class.
Following the example of international organizations, a handful of visionary scientists
imagined creating a European atomic physics laboratory. Raoul Dautry, Pierre Auger
and Lew Kowarski in France, Edoardo Amaldi in Italy and Niels Bohr in Denmark were
among these pioneers. Such a laboratory would not only unite European scientists but
also allow them to share the increasing costs of nuclear physics facilities.
French physicist Louis de Broglie put forward the first official proposal for the creation
of a European laboratory at the European Cultural Conference, which opened in
Lausanne on 9 December 1949. A further push came at the fifth UNESCO General
Conference, held in Florence in June 1950, where American physicist and Nobel
laureate Isidor Rabi tabled a resolution authorizing UNESCO to "assist and encourage
the formation of regional research laboratories in order to increase international
scientific collaboration…"
At an intergovernmental meeting of UNESCO in Paris in December 1951, the first
resolution concerning the establishment of a European Council for Nuclear Research
(Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) was adopted. Two months later, 11
countries signed an agreement establishing the provisional council – the acronym
CERN was born (CERN, 2016).
On 17 May, 1954, the first shovel of earth was dug on the Meyrin site in Switzerland under
the eyes of Geneva officials and members of CERN staff.
At CERN, many experiments are carried out at the same time with one main goal, to
understand the fundamental structure of the universe and push the boundaries of the
human knowledge a little further. Physicists and engineers use state-of-the-art
technology and most complex scientific instruments to study the basic constituents of
matter – the fundamental particles. The particles are accelerated close to the speed
of light and made to collide together in order to split and reveal the sub-particles they
are made of. The process gives clues about how the particles interact and provides
insights into the fundamental laws of nature.
The instruments used at CERN are purpose-built particle accelerators, like the Large
Hadron Collider (LHC), and detectors. Accelerators boost beams of particles to high
energies before the beams are made to collide with each other or with stationary
targets. Detectors observe and record the results of these collisions. Approximately
600 million times per second, particles collide within the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Each collision generates particles that often decay in complex ways into even more
particles. Electronic circuits record the passage of each particle through a detector as
a series of electronic signals, and send the data to the CERN Data Centre (DC) for
digital reconstruction. The digitized summary is recorded as a "collision event".
Physicists must then sift through the 30 petabytes or so of data produced annually to
determine if the collisions have thrown up any interesting physics (CERN, 2016).
Founded in 1954, the CERN laboratory sits astride the Franco-Swiss border near
Geneva. It was one of Europe's first joint ventures and now has 22 member states.
On June 28 2010, Rolf Heuer, the Ex Director General (DG) of CERN, decided to invite
the InterAction Collaboration to conduct a peer review of the communication, outreach
and education activities at the CERN Laboratory. The purpose was “to develop internal
communication, local communication and communication at the political level”.
On November of the same year, after extensive presentations and discussion with
CERN management and staff, the review committee delivered its final report at a
closeout that included the Director General and multiple members of the senior
management. In the report, between the many, there is a specific section regarding
“Publications, Web and Social Media” where the findings, comments and
recommendations of the review on the subject are summarized. It is important to
consider all these parts in order to fully understand the situation in 2010 and the
recommendations given.
CERN publishes a very wide range of printed materials:
The CERN Courier is a much-respected traditional publication and
targeted for the scientific community.
The Bulletin is very heavy to produce:
o It is a hybrid publication: half of the contents are printed, and
everything is posted on the Web.
o The Bulletin does produce high-quality contents that are
suitable for internal and external readers.
CERN prepares brochures in many languages. These brochures
contain appropriate contents for first time visitors.
The Communication Group publishes the CERN Annual Report each
year, which is a significant time commitment for the communication
The Web specialists in the CERN Communication Group are introducing a new
content management system with the help of appropriate expertise from the IT
A new domain name to represent CERN’s global status is being discussed:
CERN does have a very visible presence on Twitter: approximately 208,000
followers, “No. 1 in the scientific category”
CERN provides timely updates of developing events. For example, CERN used
the Web and Twitter to post regular updates from the First Physics event.
The CERN Courier has a different domain name:, operated by
the Institute of Physics.
The staff is highly motivated to produce high quality articles:
Translating the articles into multiple languages takes a large amount of
human resources and tends to slow down the process.
The contents and exact wording require delicate proof readings, given
the diplomatic and scientific situation of CERN.
An effort to make Web content more easily manageable is commendable.
The target audiences for each medium are mixed:
No regular publications for non-technical audiences or for the general
public exist.
Brochure content could be more coherent with the Web.
The CERN Courier is not visible on the CERN website.
Many articles in the Bulletin are good and interesting to internal and
external readers, including journalists.
The Bulletin might be much more effective if articles are posted and updated
Website coherency is an issue
No one is in charge of editorial management of the Web, which leads to
the lack of long term and daily decision-making.
Push ahead with the reorganisation of the CERN website.
Consider adding contract support to the CERN team to support this goal.
Use the reorganisation of the website to strengthen the brand image of CERN
and to restructure how target audiences reach news, bulletins and the CERN
Synchronise the printing process with Web publishing.
Establish a coherent mechanism to share information among staff writers and
Better utilise the power of the Web to reach the general public:
Daily CERN news, scientific news
Implement a process to evaluate the real time impact of publications, Web and
social media.
Develop a social media policy and plan.
As we can see, the focus is on creating a plan to handle the news and delivering the
information to the right audiences at the right time exploiting the Web. In fact, “the role
of communications is to plan strategically, manage and sustain an organization’s
relationship with key audiences, taking responsibility for the organization’s reputation
and thereby helping the leadership to achieve its strategic and operational goals”
(CERN IR-ECO group, 2016). As such, communications is an integral part of
management responsibility. Mainly, people with management-level accountabilities at
CERN are the Director General and the Directorate, which assists the DG and runs
the laboratory through a structure of departments. The Directorate is formed by the
chiefs of the following areas:
Between the many groups forming the International Relations sector, the
Communications group (DG-CO) is the most interesting for the purpose of the thesis.
Its mandate is to generate public engagement in science, to produce and distribute
information, to foster community building and to build support for CERN and its
missions. The key audiences are:
The recommendations from the Interactive Collaboration have been of great help
devising where to focus resources and time. In support to the review from the
Interactive Collaboration, the CERN communications group (IR-ECO) worked on
redacting a more exhaustive document that could provide valuable knowledge to the
directorate in order to take the necessary steps to further improve communications at
Presented in October 2011, the “CERN communications strategy 2012-2016” was a
draft document that outlined the strategic vision for official communications at CERN
and was the product of many months of consultation with key stakeholders by the
communications group. It had been informed by independent research conducted by
external partners, as well as the peer review process led by the InterAction
Collaboration. Its purpose was to generate and secure sustained political, financial
and popular support for CERN’s scientific and societal missions from all its stakeholder
groups. One of the tools used to achieve that goal is Social media. They are a
component of the CERN communication strategy and are used in order to disseminate
By 2014, the CERN Computer Security Team wrote the guidelines (CERN Computer
Security team, 2014) regarding the use of Social Media from its contributors (i.e. staff
members, fellows, apprentices, associates, users or students), who comment
professionally or privately about their activities at CERN using Social Media. They refer
to the CERN Code of Conduct (CERN, 2015) and explain what is considered a proper
behaviour on the network. Its talks about all the aspects that can interest a user when
going online, like the use of the CERN’s logo, confidential information, intellectual
property, how to handle differences in opinion and gives contacts for everyone who
needs to ask a question or need an advice about the Social Media policy. This way
everyone can have a reference on how to use the Media.
“Through the DG-CO group CERN devotes about 0.25% of its resources to the
organization communications function with further resources being deployed in other
Departments and Groups. At a time of unprecedented, global reputational potential for
CERN, the current resource levels and structures entail reputational risks for the
Organisation. These risks can also have a direct influence on the Organization’s
budget and ability to operate. The communications strategy defines the messaging
architecture, maps out target audiences, and formulates key messages and proof
points. It also proposes a structural alignment of CERN’s communications functions in
order to mitigate the risks and, just as importantly, to ensure that CERN is fit to meet
the communications requirements of its stakeholders in the second decade of the
21st century”. (CERN IR-ECO group, 2016)
CERN began using the social media channels in 2008. By August 2014, its Twitter
account had more than a million followers keen to find out news about the organization.
“During the 4 July 2012 Higgs announcement CERN’s live tweets reached journalists
faster than the press release and helped contribute to worldwide coverage of the
particle discovery and an October 2013 study (Lüfkens, 2013) cited CERN as the most
effective international organization on Twitter” (CERN, 2016).
work. The most important questions and answers are collected and displayed on the
CERN Media and Press Relations webpage, like:
Is the Large Hadron Collider dangerous?
No. Although powerful for an accelerator, the energy reached in the Large
Hadron Collider (LHC) is modest by nature’s standards. Cosmic
rays – particles produced by events in outer space – collide with particles in the
Earth’s atmosphere at much greater energies than those of the LHC. These
cosmic rays have been bombarding the Earth’s atmosphere as well as other
astronomical bodies since these bodies were formed, with no harmful
consequences. These planets and stars have stayed intact despite these higher
energy collisions over billions of years.
What happened with the LHC in 2015 and what does CERN plan to do in 2016?
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) restarted at a collision energy of 13
teraelectronvolts (TeV) in June 2015. Throughout September and October
2015, CERN gradually increased the number of collisions, while remaining at
the same energy. In November, as with previous LHC runs, the machine run
with lead ions instead of protons until mid-December when it had its winter
technical stop. The most powerful collider in the world was switched back on in
March 2016, followed by a period of tests. After a period of commissioning, the
LHC experiments began taking physics data for 2016. Over the coming months,
the LHC operators plan to increase the intensity of the beams so that the
machine produces a larger number of collisions. This will enable physicists to
have a better understanding of fundamental physics. Towards the end of year
the machine will be set up for a four-week run colliding protons with lead ions.
Why is the Higgs boson referred to as the God particle?
The Higgs boson is the linchpin of the Standard Model of particle physics but
experimental physicists were not able to observe it until the arrival of the LHC,
nearly 50 years after the particle was first postulated. Leon Lederman coined
the term ‘the God particle’ in his popular 1993 book ‘The God Particle: If the
Universe Is the Answer, What is the Question?’ written with Dick Teresi. In their
book, Lederman and Teresi claim the nickname originated because the
publisher would not allow them to call it ‘the Goddamn Particle’ – a name that
reflected the difficulty in observing the elusive boson. The name caught on
through the media attention it attracted but is disliked by both clerics and
Usually every answer carries one or more hyperlinks to direct the users to other web
pages on the CERN site that can better explain the subject.
Since CERN is a public non-profit organization and does not produce any product or
service to sell, its objective is not to make advertising campaigns like Old Spice nor to
ask for suggestions from the public on how to build particle accelerators. The goal is
the sharing of knowledge on new discoveries and increase awareness on what kind
of experiments are being carried on and why.
Being on many public social networks lets CERN take care of its fans and followers,
but does not help its employees. In order to give the proper support to its personnel, it
has to adopt a different system.
One approach uses emails to exchange knowledge. Primarily used for communication,
thanks to its flexibility it now also serves as to-do list, personal information
management tool, archive, mechanism to foster coordination and collaboration among
colleagues and source for assigning and delegating tasks (Mark & Voida, 2012). In
summary, its usage goes well beyond what it was originally built for, making us
checking email about 36 times an hour (Renaud, et al., 2006).
Looking at the research about social media, we find that another possible approach
considers ESNs. They started taking an important role inside organizations, with
Gartner stating that, by 2016 50% of large organizations will have ESN and 30% of
these will be considered as essential as email is today (Gartner, 2013). This clearly
indicates that the private sector realized the potential benefits and, at the same time,
the current workforce is getting more and more adapted to ESN, setting them as a
natural and essential tool at the workplace. We also know that ESNs allow solving
problems faster and better as knowledge becomes available and searchable. Instead
of seeking colleagues, one can go directly to the ESN and search for an answer. If no
results are found, questions can be posted very quickly on a lightweight and informal
way without causing interruptions. In a sense, ESNs can become an “internal Google”
to find relevant answers. ESNs empower people, everyone has an equal voice, it
encourages people to speak up giving them an opportunity to make meaningful
contributions with their skills and ideas, and again leveraging innovation. It increases
engagement by humanizing the way in which people work (Li, 2012), opposing to the
classic and formal way to communicate provided by email.
We can say that an experimental study has shown that people deprived of email
multitasked less had longer focus and even lower levels of stress (Mark & Voida,
2012). Using an ESN would allow us to keep the email channel for formal
communication while deferring informational emails to pull-oriented channels like the
ESN or RSS feeds. Email is also not adapted for all kind of communications. For
example, the case of the “reply-all syndrome”, when every employee willing to answer
an email replies to everyone and causes everyone to receive a huge number of emails
to read. It can cause all kind of reactions on members of a distribution list. At the same
time, how many times opportunities for a constructive dialog or opinion were missed
just because email is not suited? Knowledge residing inside mailboxes is locked. The
amount of knowledge that is inaccessible to others and eventually deleted (when the
mailbox owner leaves the organization) is unmeasurable. ESN’s by their nature, as
open communication platforms where everyone has an equal voice, can clearly unlock
opportunities for collaboration and capture existing knowledge for everyone.
Choosing between ESN and RSS technologies, we notice that RSS feed is a pull
communication channel, thus the information is published and then gathered by the
consumers, but it does not offer social interaction features – e.g. comments, sharing
or networking. (De Sousa, et al., 2015) These reasons brought to the adoption of an
Another aspect to consider when approaching social media is how to build the
network. Many questions arise, like: Do we want to build the enterprise social network
from scratches or do we want to use one that is already online, like Trello? Do we need
a specific one? In case we want to have a private ESN, do we have to build it or not?
Do we have any reason to distrust the ones available on the market? In case we want
to use a software like Oracle’s Beehive to set up our private social network, what
software should we use between the many?
Like many agencies, CERN considers much of the information exchanged between
employees as classified, so in this case it is not possible to choose an existing social
network as platform for the CERN social network. This is because all the information
exchanged on social networks like Trello has to be stored on their servers, thus
violating confidentiality. In particular, sharing specifics about the developed projects
could give the hackers and crackers, individuals with extensive computer knowledge
whose purpose is to breach or bypass internet security or gain access to software
without paying royalties, which daily try to violate the CERN network useful material to
exploit the hypothetical vulnerabilities of the system. The best solution is to maintain
the data inside CERN at all times using a private ESN. At this point, the choice is
between building the ESN from zero or adopt one of the many management platforms
available on the market. The management at CERN decided that the best choice
would be to follow the latter option and selected SharePoint to be the best platform.
On March 2014, the pilot service bringing social networking capabilities for CERN
people started (De Sousa, 2014). Available at the address,
Social introduces a lightweight communication channel, which aims to become a
central tool for people to follow and interact with information and at the same time
enrich existing communication channels with social features. The goal is to achieve
the potential benefits of an ESN by proposing rich profiles along with microblogging
features to communicate and share with CERN people.
Social main components are:
Blogs and Wikis
Personal homepages
Calendaring and Task Managing features
Communities and Workgroups
Microblogs and Instant Messaging
Social Network
Suggestion System and Social Voting
OneDrive for Business
Blogs and Wikis are available for anyone who wants to share knowledge, create a
personal website or start a wiki on a particular topic. Each of them can be accessed
from Social and users are able to comment and share the content.
Profiles are pre-filled with basic contact information like phone number, email address
and office location. Moreover, users can add their photo and information about
themselves, like areas of knowledge, past projects, relevant experiences or interests
that will help on the discovery of expertise on the network. This is extremely useful in
this kind of environment because of the broad range of skills of the employees and it
can help creating opportunities for new projects and collaborations. Social profiles also
include the activities made on the platform (as messages shared with everyone),
followed people, participation on communities or liked content. This makes profiles
rich and constantly updated with the latest information depending on the person’s
activity. At the same time, activities automatically shared can be configured on the
profile’s settings in order to adapt to the preferences of the user. As a platform open
to everyone at CERN, the variety of the content can be broad and thus not relevant to
all. The solution adopted makes it possible to follow content either by person or by
hashtag, making the consumption easy and customizable. This allows the users to
decide what content will be shown on their personal homepages after login.
Workgroups let team members express themselves on the work in progress, discuss
about it and ask for suggestions from the colleagues while been sure that only the
members will be able to see them and participate. This is useful in order to have a
private section where only the messages regarding one project are posted and, at the
same time, keep the information classified. Specific tools have been implemented for
workgroups, like a calendar where the members can add their tasks and their
deadlines, so that the rest of the team can program in advance the next steps.
Microblogging is at the hearth of Social – known as the Newsfeed. Using the textbox
available on the top of the homepage, one can very easily broadcast a message to
everyone or a limited group of people. Hashtags can be used to add context and
meaning to a post e.g. #chep2015, making it easier to find content or even get insights
of current trends on what people is talking about. To catch the attention from someone
the character @ appended by the person’s name, can be used for mentions. Social
interaction happens by adding comments to posts for conversation or giving “likes” for
public validation and relevance.
Social Newsfeed example
SharePoint query suggestions are phrases that we want the search system to suggest
to users as they start typing a query. They help make any research in the system
quicker and help filling the blanks when one cannot remember the full name or there
are more people with similar credentials. Social voting is another way to collect
feedback from the network, where an opinion can be expressed using one of many
options like the thumb up/thumb down system or the star system, where a user
express their vote on a scale from one to five stars.
OneDrive for Business is the default document library in a user's “My Sites” section in
SharePoint Server 2013 or SharePoint Online. The contents of the library can
optionally be synchronized with one or more of the user's computers or devices.
OneDrive for Business ensures that users’ business files are stored in a central
location. Storing business files in one location makes it easy for users to share and
collaborate on documents. Using Office 365 for enterprises, one can also reduce the
on-premises storage costs by moving the users' files to the cloud.
SharePoint OneDrive for Business page example
The features described above can also be used by CERN Service Accounts (CERN,
2015) making it possible for CERN services or events to be organized on Social to
communicate with everyone. An example are the IT Lightning Talks (ITLT), which “are
regular sessions of 5-10 short presentations (maximum 5 minutes long) on any topic
related to computing technology or to the IT department with the goal to have a
lightweight, informal and open communication channel, where everyone can share
experience, seek advice, propose ideas, find others interested, brainstorm, team-up...
and maybe create the next IT revolution!” (CERN, s.d.). ITLT use Social to publicize
presentations and, at the same time, promote discussion on the presented topics.
Social also provides the grounds to build communities where people sharing similar
interests can discuss about a topic, on a “questions and answers” oriented format,
similar to discussion forums. A Social Community takes form on a dedicated website
that can be created by CERN people using WebServices (CERN, s.d.). Those are
easily customizable in terms of look and feel. Permissions access is very flexible,
communities can be restricted to determined individuals, groups like CERN e-groups
(CERN, s.d.) or even people outside CERN whom can sign-in with public service
accounts like Facebook, Google or Microsoft account. There is a large set of features
to make the administration of the communities effortless and adapted to the needs,
like categories to organize discussions, badges, reputation settings for participants
and options for moderation. (De Sousa, et al., 2015) A very popular example of a
Social Community is the CERN Market (CERN, s.d.).
CERN Market’s Social Community page
Social Community Reputation and Badges settings page
Social Communities are directly connected with Social Newsfeed. Hashtags and
mentions can also be used on community posts, thus if a followed hashtag is used it
will be visible in the Newsfeed (or Yammer) page, even if the user is not aware that
the community exists. This makes the Social Newsfeed (or Yammer) the single place
where all the relevant content will be presented. At the same time, email based alerts
are available on communities, as it can be useful for the owners or most active
members. Email alerts can be triggered every time an activity occurs or be a summary
scheduled either daily or weekly at specific times. Social Communities can be explored
from a dedicated site exposing them by popularity.
The integration of Social with the existing Web environment is very important in order
to extend its usage to other contexts. Social is tightly integrated with the Collaboration
Workspaces through the implementation of microblogging in the context of team
collaborations for specific projects or services. This approach has shown very good
results in the context of the CERN WebServices team by increasing the
communication flow between team members that are responsible for different
platforms based on different technologies. This allowed to build better team spirit and
create synergies between the functional elements of the service.
By means of a REST API (CERN, 2014) a set of Drupal modules (CERN, 2014) is
available to introduce social features and content to existing CERN websites. It is
possible to embed information about a specific profile, show all conversations with a
known hashtag or list the picture and contact details of all members of a known
department or group at CERN (De Sousa, et al., 2015).
An application’s design is the set of activities aimed at identifying the best solution in
order to meet the functional (and non-functional) objectives expected by the customer
and the end user. These activities can be of various kinds, be carried out at different
times and different ways depending on the approach used. In general, they help the
architect and the development team to take important decisions, often of a structural
nature. Design shares with programming the tendency to use an abstract
representation of the information and the logical sequence of development steps, but
the level of detail in the two cases is different. The design builds a representation of
the software that considers many aspects. It focuses on the structure of the system
and the existing relations between the constituent parts, identifies the logical
operations that must be carried out and identifies the way in which the system can
interact with the outside world.
The result of the design is the definition of the system architecture, meaning the
structural organization of the system itself, which includes its software components,
the externally visible properties of each of them (the interfaces) and the relationships
between the parties. In this case, "software component" means any entity forming part
of a system, at different levels of detail and granularity, from the simple application
module (for example, a class in an application based on the object-oriented paradigm)
to the complex subsystem (for example, a DBMS or an LDAP server) (Bass, et al.,
2003). In line with the definitions given, we can say that every software system has its
own architecture since each system can be viewed as an aggregate of its constituent
parts and the relationships between them. In the simplest and trivial cases a system
is composed of a single constituent element. In these situations, the architecture is not
complex and is probably uninteresting. In more complex cases the software system is
formed by a series of heterogeneous subsystems that interoperate with each other
using more or less complicated mechanisms for communication, working with huge
amounts of data and users. In these cases, steps need to be taken in order to
guarantee the security and reliability of the system.
comprehensive usage analytics to measure the engagement of CERN people or
success of communication campaigns is also part of the plans (De Sousa, et al., 2015).
5. Hands-on Social Development
In this chapter, we are going to introduce the Technical Student Programme and the
work I have done on Social while attending it.
CERN gives every student the possibility to participate in one of projects at the
laboratory. It is the case of the Technical Student Programme. Aimed for
undergraduate in Applied Physics, Engineering or Computing looking for a practical
training period or a place to complete their final project, the programme allows a
student to spend 4 to 12 months at CERN during the course of the studies (Bachelor
or Master). An extension of up to a maximum of 14 months may be given.
The technical student programme gives the students a broader view of the world,
thanks to the mix of people with their own customs and traditions xcoming from all
around the world. It allows the students to take part in the research field and work on
a specific project. Most importantly, it is possible express an opinion on the project
and its development while being taken in serious consideration. Furthermore, one can
attend several seminars on a large number of subjects, expanding one’s knowledge
of the field of study.
SharePoint 2013 offered the possibility to set up the Social environment while
providing many integrated features to support it. In addition, “for smartphone mobile
devices SharePoint Server 2013 provides a lightweight, contemporary view browsing
experience for users to navigate and access document libraries, lists, wikis, and Web
Parts” (Microsoft, 2013). In fact, SharePoint 2013 offers the “SharePoint Newsfeed”
app to work with Social using Windows phones, iPhones and iPads. Unfortunately, it
does not cover other environments, like Android. In this kind of OSs, without proper
management, the website is always shown to the users in the same manner, meaning
that a smartphone would receive a web page content thought for a wide screen.
Shrinked to fit the screen of a smartphone, a page like that becomes very small,
showing small fonts, links and images. Since Android has a market share much larger
than all the other smartphone operating systems (OS) combined, it has been
necessary to develop a solution to this problem.
5.2.1. Development
of developer time was spent dealing with such requirements (Baginski & Sherman,
SharePoint 2013’s Device Channels rely instead on targeting the device accessing the
page and serving up customised HTML based on the device which will be rendering
the content. This ensures that one can provide a completely customised user
experience depending on whether the user is on a desktop, tablet or phone. One could
even go as far as serving up different content depending on the type of device (iPad,
Surface, Android for instance). This option comes, therefore, with many advantages.
It negates the main drawback of the responsive designs – HTML can be served in a
manner that completely optimises the page load for the device being targeted. A
desktop version could be highly interactive and visual, serving large images where the
mobile experience could be lightweight for improved performance. The disadvantages
of this approach mirror the advantages of the responsive approach. As has been
previously stated, search engines prefer the HTML being rendered at a given URL to
be identical. However, device channels serve up different content at the same URL for
different devices (Menezes, 2014).
In the end, it has been decided to create a mobile version of the website using the
Responsive Web Design, using CSS to get the responsiveness needed for the mobile
environment. This way the webpage can be personalized for both tablets and
smartphones and we are able to configure the outcome as needed. To work with the
RWD it is essential to activate or deactivate the following site features as specified:
o Mobile View – Deactivate
o Wiki Page Home Page – Deactivate
o Publishing – Activate
It is important to know that the “mobile view” did not help Social to be available on
mobiles and that it is necessary to deactivate that feature as a prerequisite for using
the RWD approach. After this, in order to have the “Master page” feature under
“Settings Look and Feel” on SharePoint 2013 it is indispensable to first activate the
“SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure”, and then the “SharePoint Server
Publishing”, which can be found at:
Settings Site Collection Features SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure;
Settings Site features SharePoint Server Publishing.
It is now possible to work with the “Master page” feature and we can assign
personalized CSS files to it. The use of a customized CSS (appendix A) added the
responsiveness needed for Social. Many parts of the page can be hidden and others
moved and enlarged in order for the users to have the core functionalities of Social
well visible and usable.
To have a responsive design, the most important rule used in the custom CSS file is
“@media”. Using a rule like the following it is possible to define the rules that have to
be used when the screen of the device has a maximum width of 750px:
@media only screen and (max-device-width:750px), media only
screen and (max-width:750px) {…}
In order to have a responsive design that can adapt to smaller devices other
arrangements have been done. The viewport is the user's visible area of a web page.
In this case, the viewport has been manually set, from the Master page, to:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-
This helps fixing the scale of the page and allowing it to have a consistent behaviour
between devices while using the custom CSS file.
Special units have been used, like vw and vh instead of pt or px, to define for example
the font-size, the width of the HTML divisions and the margins. Responsive units like
vw allow us to have an element that adapts to the width of the device, while units like
vh allow the element to adapt to its height. Exploiting this kind of CSS rules and
measures it has been possible to adapt the normal view of the Social into a more
mobile friendly one. After the development of the new website appearance, a
documentation has been written for the users in order to explain how to have the best
experience possible from any device.
On the left, mobile Social design displaying Tim Bell’s page; on the right, the feeds coming
from the people and groups followed by the user
Mobile Social design displaying all the feeds having the #Social tag
5.2.2. Testing
The tests have first been carried out on an Android smartphone, but the resulting
responsive design has been realized to work on any mobile device. The modifications
have first taken place in the development environment, where it has been possible to
test the behaviour of the page without bothering the production environment used by
the people at CERN. Once satisfied with the adjustments, a number of colleagues
helped to test the result in any sort of device, from Windows phones to Blackberries
and iPads.
5.2.3. Problems Encountered and Limitations
During the development of the mobile version of Social many design problems arose,
particularly when passing from testing the site on small devices like smartphones to
testing it on tablets, which are bigger and demanded a revision of the design in order
to adjust the given measures. Most of them regarded the outcome design, but some
were more difficult to handle and demanded some study of SharePoint. An example
regards the possibility for a user to click on a hashtag in a message in order to see
visualized all the feeds containing the same tag. This became a problem because,
even if they seem identical, the master page used when displaying the feeds
containing the same hashtag is different from the main one used to display the feeds
from followed people or groups, so the custom CSS file is applied only in the main
one. This was the problematic piece of code used in the main master page to include
the custom CSS file:
<SharePoint:AjaxDelta id="DeltaPlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead"
Container="false" runat="server">
id="PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" runat="server" />
<link href="SiteAssets/CustomResponsive.css"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ms-design-css-
conversion="no" />
<SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server"
AllowMultipleControls="true" />
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderBodyAreaClass"
runat="server" />
A very small correction in this case meant everything for SharePoint. Just adding a “/”
at the beginning of the URL of the CSS file solved the issue, explaining to the
environment that the CSS code had to be applied on every master page. This is the
final code:
<SharePoint:AjaxDelta id="DeltaPlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead"
Container="false" runat="server">
id="PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" runat="server" />
<link href="/SiteAssets/CustomResponsive.css"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ms-design-css-
conversion="no" />
<SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server"
AllowMultipleControls="true" />
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderBodyAreaClass"
runat="server" />
The only limitation there is in this case is the absence of a link to the documents stored
on SharePoint, so the user cannot access to the online files. It would be a useful
improvement for the future.
The engineers and physicists at CERN work every day to build, check and upkeep the
high-end instruments used for the research in particle physics. To achieve that, they
use a multitude of sophisticated pieces of equipment. For organizational purposes, the
IT department has been asked to develop an online service that could allow the
personnel to plan the use of the equipment. In particular, the requirements include:
The possibility to book one or more instruments and define a task for a set time
The possibility to associate an activity with the tool needed for it, the project to
which the activity is associated with and the employee that is going to carry out
the task using the booked equipment;
The possibility to group some instruments in the same category;
The possibility, for the project managers, to assign a person to a certain activity
and some equipment;
The possibility to specify the amount of magnets to control;
Having a visual representation of the schedule for each activity and each tool.
5.3.1. Development
To develop the service it has been decided to integrate the new service in the social
media at CERN. This way the social environment would expand becoming even more
useful and anyone willing to add an entry to the Resource Planning Tool (RPT) would
be able to do so without having to access to a secondary system.
Between the many features offered by SharePoint 2013 there is the possibility to
create a scheduled list of tasks through the “Tasks” feature. The tasks and subtasks
are then represented with start and end dates in a graphical timeline. The purpose of
such a tool is to allow all the members of a workgroup to know their respective jobs
and deadlines, in order to increase coordination and efficiency. Users have the ability
to add or remove tasks or subtasks from the timeline and display them with various
colours. The timeline allows the users to be easily be aware of the time period in which
the tasks have to be executed. Each Task can be moved upside or downside and re-
organized with a simple Drag&Drop action. Unfortunately, it is not possible to move
the tasks laterally in order to adjust the task’s time frame. To do so, a user has to
access the task’s “edit date range” page.
Standard SharePoint 2013 timeline example
When a task is selected, a “Timeline” tab appears in the ribbon at the top of the page.
This tab lets a user configure the look and feel of each individual task and, as an
example, make it be represented as a coloured bar or as a callout outside the timeline.
Apparently, SharePoint does not offer a utility that can satisfy all of the requirements.
Nevertheless, the Tasks list feature could be used as a starting point to develop all the
functionalities asked. Two webpages will need to be modified. The first is the one
provided to create a new task (creating a new task in the Tasks list on SharePoint) or
modify one. Beyond the standard entries, this page will need to ask to the user extra
information, including:
1. The name of the project
2. The name of the instrument
3. The available tools’ categories, because a tool can be part of a group and the
group name has to be visible
4. The activity of the project for which the equipment is needed
5. The amount of magnets to check (used in the particle accelerators).
Since it is important to insert the correct names for the project, the equipment category
and the equipment booked, it has been decided to use drop-down menus to make it
easier for the users to insert the right name choosing between all the possibilities
already listed.
Moreover, the scientists required to be able to see the timeline while creating a new
task. Since this is not possible when using the standard SharePoint interface, we need
to introduce a custom modification in order to retrieve the data from SharePoint and
display a custom timeline above the “New Task” form. This way, a user can easily
check when some equipment is available while defining the details of his or her task.
Talking about SharePoint 2013, we note that it implements Client Site Rendering
(CSR), which is a term used to express a technology that allows the data to be
transformed on the client side, rather than on the server. This means that it uses client-
side technologies, such as HTML and JavaScript. This allows developers to style
SharePoint elements using JavaScript, rather than having to write XSLT. In particular,
the “clienttemplate.js” file is the SharePoint 2013 CSR framework core file intended to
implement all JavaScript logic of CSR (Quinto, 2016). This means that in order to be
able to communicate with SharePoint we need to wait until the core file is loaded in
the page. To apply any modification to the webpage, the first function to call is
“ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded”, which is defined in SharePoint Foundation and
executes the specified function if the specified file is loaded; otherwise, waits until the
file is loaded before executing the function. Therefore, we need to call the function:
Through this function, the webpage waits until the “clienttemplate.js” file is available
and then uses the “registerRenderer” function to override the registered templates in
the SPClientTemplates object and set our custom function to handle the visualization
of the information on the page. The function is the following:
function registerRenderer()
var ctxForm = {};
ctxForm.Templates = {};
ctxForm. > ctxForm.>
We can then retrieve the information regarding the Task lists creating a new instance
of the SP.ClientContext object for our SharePoint site. To do this, we need to wait for
another file to be loaded in the webpage: “sp.js”, which “provides a subset of types
and members in the Microsoft.SharePoint namespace for working with a top-level site
and its lists or child Web sites” (Microsoft, n.d.). To be sure of that we can use the
same function as before. Once the SP namespace is loaded, we can navigate the data
and read any list we need, like “Equipment”. We can continue to use this operation for
each list and use the items retrieved to display a custom timeline with the equipment
on the side, the dates horizontally and the activities, together with the amount of
magnets used and the user to whom the task is assigned to, in coloured boxes inside
the timeline. In this case, the Drag&Drop function has to be removed to prevent one
activity to end up in the wrong row. We must avoid it, since it would mean that the user
would need a different instrument to carry out that task.
At this point, we can personalize the timeline even more, displaying for example the
tasks of one colour for each project or one colour for each user, so that a user could
easily find his or her own activities. In addition, the time span of the timetable can be
set as adjustable, spanning for example from few days to a year. Many details of the
page have been handled this way, like the automatic refresh of the equipment‘s drop-
down menu, where every time someone selects a category of tools only the
instruments belonging to the chosen category become available in the equipment’s
drop-down menu.
To use the custom JS file (appendix B) we need to deactivate the "Minimal Download
Strategy" feature for the site (from Settings Manage site features). Then the file has
to be added to the site using the “Miscellaneous” options of the existing SharePoint
Web Part. The first thing to do is to load it on SharePoint, in a folder like “SiteAssets”.
Then, it has to be linked to the site using a URL like the following:
Example of the new custom timeline
Since we now have two dimensions in the timeline, dates and equipment, and
SharePoint does not consider the possibility to have more than one dimension (the
dates), we need to create a new control for the New Task page in order to properly
check the availability of the chosen tool for the given dates before allowing the user to
save the task. The function used to achieve this goal is:
function updateSaveButtonOnClickEvent(){
var oldOnClickString =
var newOnClickString = 'if(consistencyCheckOnDates()){' +
oldOnClickString +';}else{alert("The selected equipment is
not available in the chosen period. Please enter different
Using this code, the “onclick” function of the “Save” button in the New Task form is
modified to first, include a check on the chosen dates, and second, launch the old
code to normally check the content of every input element compiled from the user. A
new JS file can be created to separate the operations regarding the timeline from the
ones regarding the New Task form. In this case, to include the JS file
“newTaskForm.js” (appendix B) in the page we can create a new empty “Content
Editor” Web Part and link the file as Content Link. The URL used will be like the
This way all the requirements for this page are met.
We have discussed about adding the timeline to the “New Task” page. The second
page that requires to be modified is the one containing the timeline and the list of tasks
that have been uploaded. In order to show it in the main webpage as well we need to
first hide the regular timeline unchecking the option in Web Part properties Show
timeline. Then, we need to repeat the previous operation and add the JS file
“customTimeline.js” (appendix B) to the Web Part through the JSLink in the Web Part
properties Miscellaneous with the link:
In the main webpage, beyond the timeline, there is shown a list of the saved tasks.
The basic list view in SharePoint offers few elements and no classification. During the
development of the RPT, the scientists asked to create a custom view for that list.
Using a Custom List View, we can show the tasks in the main page differently. This
way one can decide which property has to be displayed and where. In our case, it has
been possible to create groups of tasks according to the project to which they belong.
The new Custom List View is displayed in the next page.
As we can see, the tasks are grouped by project and the most important information
is on the left while the less important one is shown on the right.
Example of a Custom List View
5.3.2. Testing
The development of the Resource Planning Tool required many tests on different
machines and browsers to be sure that the final outcome would be seen the same
from every employee and every platform. The JS code has been tested thoroughly
using several SharePoint accounts in order to check its behaviour in different
conditions. Smoke tests have been carried out in order to seek for possible bugs while
using inconsistent values, like using letters to tell the number of magnets required for
an activity or requiring to use an equipment already booked for the selected dates.
Few small problems were encountered while approaching the world of SharePoint’s
customization and have been the portability of the code for the many platforms used
at CERN and browsers and finding the right information between the SharePoint’s
data structures, which did not present intuitive names.
APIs have many uses, depending on the context:
Libraries and frameworks
In the first case, an API use can vary depending on the type of programming
language involved. An API for a procedural language, such as Lua, could
primarily consist of basic routines to execute code, manipulate data, or handle
errors, while an API for an object-oriented language such as Java would provide
a specification of classes and their class methods (de Figueiredo, et al., 1994)
(Sintes, 2001). An API can also be related to a software framework. A
framework can be based on several libraries implementing several APIs, but
unlike the normal use of an API, the access to the behaviour built into the
framework is mediated by extending its content with new classes plugged into
the framework itself.
Operating Systems
APIs that can specify the interface between an application and the operating
system (Lewine, 1994). POSIX, for example, specifies a set of common APIs
that aims to enable an application written for a POSIX conformant operating
system to be compiled for another POSIX conformant operating
system. Linux and Berkeley Software Distribution are examples of operating
systems that implement the POSIX APIs (West & Dedrick, 2001).
Remote APIs
Remote APIs allow developers to manipulate remote resources
through protocols, specific standards for communication that allow different
technologies to work together, regardless of language or platform. For example,
the Java Database Connectivity API allows developers to query many different
types of databases with the same set of functions, while the Java remote
method invocation API uses the Java Remote Method Protocol to
allow invocation of functions that operate remotely, but appear local to the
developer (Bierhoff, 2009) (Wilson, 2001). Therefore, remote APIs are useful in
maintaining the object abstraction in object-oriented programming; a method
call, executed locally on a proxy object, invokes the corresponding method on
the remote object, using the remoting protocol, and acquires the result to be
used locally as return value. A modification on the proxy object will also result
in a corresponding modification on the remote object (Henning & Vinoski,
Web APIs
Web APIs are the defined interfaces through which interactions happen
between an enterprise and applications that use its assets. An API approach is
an architectural approach that revolves around providing programmable
interfaces to a set of services to different applications serving different types of
consumers. (Rudrakshi, et al., 2014) When used in the context of web
development, an API is typically defined as a set of Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP) request messages, along with a definition of the structure of
response messages, which is usually in an Extensible Markup Language (XML)
or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.
In the case of the Social API, it can be seen as a Web API that handles HTTP request
messages and uses the JSON format in order to deliver information, but it can also be
seen as a remote API, since it allows the user to read and manipulate remote
resources. It does not only give an interface to interact with the resources, but
implements all the functions needed to achieve that purpose.
The following list contains several examples of popular APIs:
1. Google Maps API
Google Maps API lets developers embed Google Maps on any webpage using
a JavaScript interface. It is designed to work on both mobile and desktop
2. Google YouTube APIs
These APIs let developers integrate YouTube videos and functionality into
websites or applications. YouTube APIs include the YouTube Analytics API,
YouTube Data API, YouTube Live Streaming API, YouTube Player APIs and
3. Flickr API
The Flickr API is used by developers to access the Flickr photo sharing
community data.
4. Twitter APIs
Twitter offers two APIs. The REST API allows developers to access core Twitter
data and the Search API provides methods for developers to interact with
Twitter Search and trends data.
5. Amazon’s Product Advertising API
Amazon's Product Advertising API gives developers access to Amazon's
product selection and discovery functionality. It is commonly used to advertise
Amazon products and monetize a website.
5.4.1. Development
The Social API (appendix C) is meant to be used from any of the CERN's employees
to retrieve the feeds from the Social Network and add them to a webpage, which can
be, for example, the experiment’s webpage, like the one for ATLAS, the departmental
webpage, like the one for Theoretical Physics, or even the CERN's homepage. It
allows users to talk with the SharePoint server and show the data retrieved on any
kind of webpage, taking also care of the design given to the information displayed. The
Social API implements not only a superficial interface for the developers, but also the
data structures and the functions needed to carry out the operations provided. The
API has been developed using the agile approach. It has been built incrementally from
the start, with each iteration producing a new functionality, instead of trying to deliver
it all at once near the end. The functions implemented have been the sum of the efforts
made to satisfy both the needs of the departments and the additional requests made
from the employees, which added value to the final outcome.
The development of the Social API required the use of many technologies:
SharePoint 2013 REpresentational State Transfer (REST) interface
JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, and interpreted programming language,
standardized in the ECMAScript language specification (Flanagan, 2011).
Alongside HTML and CSS, it is one of the three core technologies of World Wide
Web content production; the majority of websites employ it and it is supported by all
modern Web browsers without plug-ins. JavaScript is prototype-based with first-class
functions, making it a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative
and functional programming styles (Ecma International, 2016). JavaScript is also used
in environments that are not Web-based, such as PDF documents, site-specific
browsers, and desktop widgets. Newer and faster JavaScript virtual machines (VMs)
and platforms built upon them have also increased the popularity of JavaScript for
server-side Web applications. On the client side, JavaScript has been traditionally
implemented as an interpreted language, but more recent browsers perform just-in-
time compilation. It is also used in game development, the creation of desktop and
mobile applications, and server-side network programming with run-time
environments such as Node.js.
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML
document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much
simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a
combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery makes easier to both read and write
JavaScript (jQuery Foundation, 2016). The reasons why we use jQuery over plain
JavaScript can be explained with an example on how the two handle one simple
operation. The purpose of the code in both cases will be to make a line of text in the
HTML page change colour using its class name.
The JavaScript version:
var d = document.getElementsByClassName("goodbye");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
d[i].className = d[i].className + " selected";
While JavaScript makes the code difficult to read even for a simple action like the one
described, jQuery shortens the code while making it more readable. This, when writing
a high number of lines of code, allows us, and whoever will ever work on the API, to
effortlessly understand how it works.
Operation HTTP Keep in mind
Read a GET
Create or POST Use POST to create entities such as lists and sites. The
update a SharePoint 2013 REST service supports sending
resource POST commands that include object definitions to
endpoints that represent collections.
For POST operations, any properties that are not
required are set to their default values. If you attempt to
set a read-only property as part of a POST operation, the
service returns an exception.
Any service endpoint that represents an object
property set operation supports both PUT requests and
MERGE requests.
For MERGE requests, setting properties is
optional; any properties that you do not explicitly
set retain their current property.
For PUT requests, if you do not specify all
required properties in object updates, the REST
service returns an exception. In addition, any
optional properties you do not explicitly set are set
to their default properties.
Delete a DELETE Use the HTTP DELETE command against the specific
resource endpoint URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to delete the
SharePoint object represented by that endpoint.
In the case of recyclable objects, such as lists, files, and
list items, this results in a Recycle operation.
(Microsoft, 2015)
Description URL endpoint Body content
Retrieves lists/getbytitle('listname')?sele GET Not applicable
a specific ct=Title
property of
(In this
case, the
: true,
d': true,
'My list
We will explain the content of those URLs later on in this chapter.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing
the presentation of a document written in a markup language. The latter can be any
kind of markup language. It can be HTML, but also XML(Extensible Markup Language)
or XUL(XML User Interface Language) for example (Mozilla Developer Network,
CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of document content from
document presentation, including aspects such as the layout, colours, and fonts (W3C,
2010). This separation improves content accessibility, provides more flexibility and
control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enables multiple HTML
pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file and
reduces complexity and repetition in the structural content. This separation of
formatting and content makes it possible to present the same markup page in different
styles for different rendering methods, such as on-screen or in print. It can also be
used to display the web page differently depending on the screen size or device on
which it is being viewed. To display the information coming from Social correctly, a
dedicated CSS file has been created to handle the design of the feeds displayed using
the API. The Social API’s CSS is included in the HTML page from the developers.
Then, the API adds new elements to the webpage using specific attributes to let the
CSS distinguish the feeds displayed using the API from the rest of the webpage.
The API has been implemented following the jQuery example. In order to use a
function defined in the jQuery library a developer needs to write a prefix like “jQuery.”
or “$.” before calling the function. In the Social API, any function can be called using
the prefix “socialAPI().”, followed by the name of the function and its parameters. No
data structure or function of the API is available outside it without the use of its prefix.
This is an important feature for the API, since it will have to work in any kind of website,
where probably many other CSS and JS files will be used. This way we manage to
avoid conflicts with other resources, like having more than one JavaScript function
with a particular name.
When using the Social API, we find ourselves having to incorporate data from various
sources. We have to access data from the website domain and the SharePoint
domain. For security reasons though, there are blocking mechanisms that prevent
communication with more than one domain at a time. These security mechanisms are
implemented in most browsers, making difficult or impossible to accomplish client-side
calls across domains. In order to be able to work this way we need to exploit the
SharePoint cross-domain library, which is a client-side library in the form of a
JavaScript file (SP.RequestExecutor.js) that makes it possible to use Cross-Origin
Resource Sharing (CORS) requests.
Retrieve the feeds from Social regarding updateFeedsWithSameHashtag
a specific hashtag, like “#HiggsBoson”. If
already displayed, refresh the content.
In order for the Social API to work properly, it is necessary to include few other files,
together with the API, in the HTML webpage:
socialAPI.js The Social API itself.
socialAPI.css The CSS file that takes care of the design given to the
information displayed using the Social API.
jquery.js The jQuery library, needed from the API to work with
SP.RequestExecutor.js Needed to access SharePoint 2013 data using CORS
tagcanvas.min.js Used to display the 2D or 3D tag cloud in every browser
except Internet Explorer.
excanvas.js Necessary to display the 2D or 3D tag cloud when using
Internet Explorer.
We will now present each function described above explaining the operations required
for them to work. We will start from the “updateFollowedFeeds” function. Its input
parameters are explained in the following table.
whereToWrite The name of the HTML section where the feeds will have
to be written.
numFeeds The number of feeds to display in the page with this
flagDisplayReplies This flag tells the function if the replies to the feeds have
to be displayed or not.
In the function, some comments can be found to allow the reader to better understand
the code. Each comment line starts with the double slash punctuation (// comment). A
more throughout description of the code is given after the function. The function is the
function updateFollowedFeeds(whereToWrite, updateInterval,
numFeeds, flagDisplayReplies){
// Sanitizing the input. encodeURI() is used instead of
encodeURIComponent() when there has to be allowed the
possibility to have hashtags.
whereToWrite = encodeURI(whereToWrite);
updateInterval = encodeURIComponent(updateInterval);
if(numFeeds == null || numFeeds == undefined){ numFeeds =
0; }
if(flagDisplayReplies == null ||
flagDisplayReplies == undefined){ flagDisplayReplies =
true; }
// Consistency checks.
if( updateInterval===null ||
updateInterval===undefined ||
updateInterval<0){ updateInterval = 0; }
// Updating the global variables. These variables will be
necessary when the User needs to post a new message on
followedFeedsWhereToWrite = whereToWrite;
followedFeedsUpdateInterval = updateInterval;
followedFeedsNumFeeds = numFeeds;
followedFeedsFlagDisplayReplies = flagDisplayReplies;
// Clearing the section of the feeds that the user is
// Updating the focused section that we will pass to
the following function the new ID, which is inside the
new wrapper div.
whereToWrite = '#socialAPIFollowedFeeds';
executeRestCallExtendedSix(myFeedManagerEndpoint +
"my/news", 'GET', null,
checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds, onError,
whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, numFeeds, numFeeds,
// Searches the feeds and passes them to the function
// If we reach this part of the code it means that the
function has to retrieve the feeds without the
automatic refresh.
if(followedFeedsUpdatesHandler != 'a'){
// If there is an active automatic update of the
// Deleting the old automatic refresh of the
followedFeedsUpdatesHandler = 'a';
whereToWrite = '#socialAPIFollowedFeeds'; //
Updating the focused section that we will pass to the
following function the new ID, which is inside the new
wrapper div.
executeRestCallExtendedSix(myFeedManagerEndpoint +
"my/news", 'GET', null,
checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds, onError,
whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, numFeeds, numFeeds,
// searches the feeds and passes them to the function
As we can see, the function begins sanitizing the input and checking if some of the
variables are in the right range of admissible values. Then, it checks if the HTML
section passed in input actually exists in the page. This is important, since the function
cannot put the feeds wherever it likes. There has to be a wrapper HTLM section – like
<div id=”feeds”> – that suggests the function where it is safe to display the feeds. If
the HTML division is available, then a new <div> section is created inside with
"socialAPIWrapClass" as its class. This way we know we are printing the feeds in the
right spot and, at the same time, we make the CSS file included in the page, called
“socialAPI.css” (appendix C), work only on the elements inside the new HTML section.
After that, the user is authenticated on Social and the API executes a REST call to the
SharePoint interface to ask for the feeds. The function
“checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds” is set to be executed in case of success,
so it will be the one taking the data coming from SharePoint. The URL used for the
request is formed by the variable “myFeedManagerEndpoint”, which contains the
address, and the string “my/news”, so we are
using the SharePoint interface to the social feeds looking for the “news” of the user,
which correspond to the most recent feeds regarding all the actors he or she follows
on the network. If needed, we can use the “setInterval” function to set up the automatic
refresh of the feeds. Otherwise, a button can be created to call the same function and
have a manual update of the feeds.
Once the data reach the “checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds” function, the
received JSON file is parsed and analysed, in order to understand if there has been
any problem while communicating with the server, any internal error, if the request
was not well formed, if there is a problem in the data received, or if the ESN service is
down. If everything went well the feeds are passed to the “appendFeeds” function that
will take care of adding them to the webpage.
The function described can be called using the following code:
socialAPI().updateFollowedFeeds("#feedsFollowed", 60);
The function displays the feeds followed from the current user and takes in input the
number of seconds of interval after which these feeds will be automatically refreshed,
if the number of seconds is 0 (zero) the feeds will not be automatically updated. With
this approach, the logical level of the API can remain separated from its
Every CORS request made with JavaScript follows the same pattern, explained by the
following diagram.
In the Social API, the CORS requests are handled by functions like
“executeRestCallExtendedSix”, used in “updateFollowedFeeds”. The
XMLHttpRequest element in it, necessary to proceed with the CORS request, is
created in the function “createCORSRequest”. Both those functions can be found
function executeRestCallExtendedSix(url, method, data, onSucc,
onError, whereToWrite, id, numFeeds, numFeedsStillToGet, flag)
var xhr = createCORSRequest(method, url);
// In case the XMLHttpRequest object has a
"withCredentials" property, which only exists on
XMLHTTPRequest2 objects, we use this version of the
“open” function., url, true);
} else if (typeof XDomainRequest != "undefined") {
// Otherwise, check if XDomainRequest is defined.
// XDomainRequest only exists in Internet Explorer
// It is IE's way of making CORS requests. In this
case we need to use this other version of the “open”
xhr = new XDomainRequest();, url);
} else {
// Otherwise, CORS is not supported by the browser.
xhr = null;
return xhr;
In particular, about the .withCredentials we know that standard CORS requests
do not send or set any cookies by default. In order to include cookies as part of the
request, the XMLHttpRequest’s .withCredentials property has to be set to true.
In order for this to work, the server must also enable credentials by setting the Access-
Control-Allow-Credentials response header to “true”. The .withCredentials
property will include any cookies from the remote domain in the request, and it will
also set any cookies from the remote domain. Note that these cookies still honour
same-origin policies, so the JavaScript code cannot access the cookies from
document.cookie or the response headers. They can only be controlled by the
remote domain.
Before displaying any feed on the webpage, the message is checked to prevent any
problem in the HTML page. This is because if some code is injected into a Social entry,
it has to be properly sanitized when displayed in the webpage. The function written for
this purpose exploits a regular expression to replace the following characters and thus
sanitize a string from containing executable code: <, >, ", ', `, !, @, $, {, |, }, [, ], \, ^.
In order to do this, the characters are mapped with their correspondences and passed
to the “replace” function. So, the input message is encoded to be correctly represented
in an HTML webpage. To do this, we need the following function.
function myEscapeHTML(text){
var MAP = {
'<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'":
''', '`': '`', '!': '!', '@': '@',
'$': '$', '{': '{', '|': '|', '}':
'}', '[': '[', ']': ']', '\\': '\',
'^': '^'
// Note that the single quote (') cannot be replaced with
''', because it is not valid HTML 4. We have to use
return text.replace(/[\<\>\"\'\`\!\@\$\{\|\}\[\]\\\^]/g,
function (a) { return MAP[a]; });
whereToWrite The name of the HTML section where the feeds will have
to be written.
flagDisplayReplies This flag tells the function whether we want the replies to
the feeds to be shown or not.
In the function, some comments can be found to allow the reader to better understand
the code. A more throughout description of the code is given after the function. The
function is the following:
function updateFeedsFromProfile(accountName, whereToWrite,
updateInterval, numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies){
// Consistency checks
if( updateInterval===null || updateInterval===undefined ||
{ updateInterval = 0; }
if( numOfFeeds===null || numOfFeeds===undefined ||
numOfFeeds<0 || numOfFeeds>20){ numOfFeeds = 0; }
if( flagDisplayReplies===null ||
flagDisplayReplies===undefined )
{ flagDisplayReplies = true; }
// Sanitizing the input (encodeURI() is used instead of
encodeURIComponent() when there has to be allowed the
possibility to have hashtags.):
accountName = encodeURIComponent(accountName);
whereToWrite = encodeURI(whereToWrite);
updateInterval = encodeURIComponent(updateInterval);
numOfFeeds = encodeURIComponent(numOfFeeds);
console.log('Error while trying to write the feeds
from the specific profile. See function
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem"> <p
id="text"> There has been a problem while
communicating with the server. <br/>Please try again
later refreshing the page. </p> </div>');
if(updateInterval > 0){
// The function “checkPresenceOfElement“ returns
-1 if the element is not in the array.
var indexOfElement =
// If the element is inside the array, than we
have to clear the interval and pop the element
from the array before creating a new automatic
update interval.
if( indexOfElement > -1 && indexOfElement <
globalArrayOfProfiles.length ){
// Stopping the old automatic refresh of the
onError, whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite,
numOfFeeds, numOfFeeds,
flagDisplayReplies); // getting the
feeds and passing them to the function
// Creating the automatic refresh of the
var tempHandler = setInterval(function(){
parentWhereToWrite, updateInterval,
numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies); },
// The followed feeds will be updated every
"updateInterval" seconds.
tempElement = new updateObj(accountName,
whereToWrite, tempHandler, updateInterval,
numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies);
// Inserting the new element in the
// getting the feeds and passing them to the
// If we are here it means that the function has
to retrieve the feeds without automatically
update them.
var indexOfElement =
// The function “checkPresenceOfElement” returns
-1 if the element is not in the array.
checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds, onError,
whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, numOfFeeds,
numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies);
$(whereToWrite).html('<div>There has been a problem
while retrieving the feeds. <br/>Please try again
later. </div>');
As we can see from the code, the function also begins sanitizing and controlling the
input for possible problems. It checks the presence of the dedicated HTML section in
the page, creates the new division (with class “socialAPIWrapClass”) for the feeds and
authenticates on Social. At this point its behaviour becomes different from the previous
function, because in this case we have to take into consideration the fact that more
sections of the page can have this kind of feeds, each linked to a different profile on
Social. In order to take care of every profile considered we need to store them in a
global variable: “globalArrayOfProfiles”. This way we are able to take care of the
automatic refresh of each section separately, launch or stop a single timer or all at
once. After this, the CORS request is executed to get the feeds, using the URL'cern\\"+accountName+"')/Feed. As
we can see, the SharePoint interface used in this case requires a specific actor’s name
to get his or her feeds and uses the variable “accountName” from the input parameters
to take care of the issue. As in the previously examined function, in case of success
the function “checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds” takes the data in input and
checks for exceptions, after which the “appendFeeds” function takes care of the
displaying of the feeds. Even in this case we can set an automatic or manual update
of the feeds.
Name of the parameter Description
whereToWrite The name of the HTML section where the feeds will have
to be displayed.
flagDisplayReplies This flag tells the function whether we want the replies to
the feeds to be shown or not.
In the function, some comments can be found to allow the reader to better understand
the code. A more throughout description of the code is given after the function. The
code is the following:
function updateFeedsWithSameHashtag(tag, whereToWrite,
updateInterval, numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies){
// Consistency checks
if( updateInterval===null || updateInterval===undefined ||
updateInterval<0){ updateInterval = 0; }
if( numOfFeeds===null || numOfFeeds===undefined ||
numOfFeeds<0 || numOfFeeds>20){ numOfFeeds = 0; }
if( flagDisplayReplies===null ||
flagDisplayReplies===undefined){ flagDisplayReplies =
true; }
var noSharpTagString = '';
// This variable will be used for the innerWrap variable
var noSpaceNoSharpTagString = '';
for(var i=0; i<noSharpTagArray.length; i++){
if(noSharpTagArray[i][0] === '#'){
noSharpTagArray[i] =
noSpaceNoSharpTagString +=
encodeURI(noSharpTagArray[i]); // Adding the tag only
if( i < noSharpTagArray.length-1 ){
// Adding the tag plus an empty space
noSharpTagString +=
encodeURI(noSharpTagArray[i]) + ' ';
// Adding the last tag
noSharpTagString +=
whereToWrite = encodeURI(whereToWrite);
updateInterval = encodeURIComponent(updateInterval);
numOfFeeds = encodeURIComponent(numOfFeeds);
var innerWrap = "socialAPIFeedsWithSameHashtag"+
whereToWrite.substring(1, whereToWrite.length) +
var wrapSection = '<div class="socialAPIWrapClass">'+
'<div id="' + innerWrap + '">'+
// Activating the automatic refresh of the feeds
if(updateInterval > 0){
var index = checkPresenceOfElement(whereToWrite,
globalArrayOfHashtags); // Checking the
presence of the element inside the array.
// If the element is already present we can
simply modify the information about it.
if(index >= 0 && index <
.automaticUpdatesHandlersCode); //
stopping the previously set automatic
var handlerCode = setInterval( function() {
g, whereToWrite, updateInterval,
numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies); },
// The feeds will be updated every
"updateInterval" seconds
tesHandlersCode = handlerCode;
= updateInterval;
// else: we have to add a new element to the
var handlerCode = setInterval( function() {
g, whereToWrite, updateInterval,
numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies); },
// The feeds will be updated every
"updateInterval" seconds.
// Updating the global array for the timed
updateObj(noSharpTagString, whereToWrite,
handlerCode, updateInterval, numOfFeeds,
var index = checkPresenceOfElement(whereToWrite,
globalArrayOfHashtags); // Checking the
presence of the element inside the array
// If the element is already present we can
simply modify the information about it
if(index === -1){
// If the element is not yet in the array…
updateObj(noSharpTagString, whereToWrite,
null, 0, numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies));
// Adding the element to the array
// We want to write in the inner section.
whereToWrite = "#" + innerWrap;
// Retrieving the feeds with the same tag(s) and
writing them in the section of the HTML page with
whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, numOfFeeds,
$(whereToWrite).html('There has been an error while
trying to write the feeds with the same hashtag.
Please try again later.');
As in the other functions, here the code begins sanitizing and checking the input for
possible consistency issues. It checks the presence of the dedicated HTML section in
the webpage, authenticates on Social and creates the new division (with class
“socialAPIWrapClass”) for the feeds. After this, the function is similar to the previous
one, since we are facing the same possible issue: there can be more than one section
with feeds with the same hashtag in the page and each can have feeds containing a
different hashtag. As we can see from the code, the global variable
“globalArrayOfHashtags” is used to solve the issue. It is important to notice that we
can look for feeds with a variable number of hashtags in them. We can look for all the
feeds with a single hashtag, like #IT, or multiple ones, like #SharePoint and #API. In
the case with multiple hashtags, the API will retrieve all the feeds containing all of the
specified hashtags in their text. Next, through the function
“retrieveFeedsWithSameTag” it creates the CORS request for the SharePoint
interface using the URL:
“” + "query?querytext='tags:"+ tagText
We can see that here is used the Search REST service. The tags, placed after the
keyword “tags:”, will be a series of strings without any “#”, separated by a space. The
“sourceid” used is a special string that lets SharePoint know that we are looking for
the tags from the Conversations on Social and that it should not look for tags in other
areas like Collaboration Workspaces. The feeds are then passed to the
“retrieveFeedsWithSameTagBodyFunction” function, which will take care of displaying
the feeds on the page.
Examples of sidebars created on Drupal using the Social API.
On the left, it shows the feeds from the followed actors on Social; on the right, it shows the
most recent feeds with both #Social and #Drupal hashtags (CERN, 2015)
The fourth function considered is “loadTagCloud”. Its input parameters are explained
in the following table.
whereToWrite The ID of the HTML section where the feeds will have to
be placed.
In the function, some comment lines can be found to allow the reader to better
understand the code. A more throughout description of the code is given after the
function loadTagCloud(whereToWrite, maxNumTags, textColor,
textBorderColor, numDimensions, weightFlag, periodOfTime){
// Section checks. If the HTML sections are presents in the
webpage we can move on, otherwise the function has to stop.
while(whereToWrite[0] === '#' && whereToWrite.length > 0){
whereToWrite = whereToWrite.substring(1);
if( document.getElementById(whereToWrite) === null ){
// Error. No HTML section found to display the
followed feeds on Social. Please add a <div id="+
whereToWrite +"> section.
console.log('Error while trying to write the tags for
the Tag Cloud. The HTML section appears not to exist.
See the function loadTagCloud().');
case 'lastDay':
// Going back one day.
case 'lastWeek':
// Going back one week.
case 'lastMonth':
// Going back one month.
case 'lastYear':
// Going back one year.
case 'allTime':
date = null;
// We will retrieve all the tags ever used (with
their number of occurrences).
date = null;
// We will retrieve all the tags ever used (with
their number of occurrences).
month = date.getMonth() + 1;
if(month < 10){ month = '0' + month; }
// We want the 'month' string to have always two chars.
day = date.getDate();
if(day < 10){ day = '0' + day; }
// We want the 'day' string to have always two chars.
querySiteToGetTheTags = searchRestService +
"query?querytext='ContentTypeId:0x01FD* write>=\""+
date.getFullYear() +"-"+ month +"-"+ day +"
00:00:01Z\" -ContentClass=urn:content-
'GET', null, drawUserTagsInCanvas, onError, whereToWrite,
maxNumTags, textColor, textBorderColor, numDimensions,
// Getting all the tags from Social and passing them to the
function drawUserTagsInCanvas().
A the beginning of the function we can find the controls on the input, in particular on
the HTML section. We then create the “date” variable, which will tell SharePoint from
what point in time we need to examine the Social tags. The CORS request is then
launched using the URL:
“” + "query?querytext='ContentTypeId:0x01FD*
write>=\""+ date.getFullYear() +"-"+ month +"-"+ day +" 00:00:01Z\" -
Even in this case the Search REST service is exploited. In the URL, the string
“ContentTypeId:0x01FD*” specifically calls for trending tags, while the “write” keyword
is used to get everything written from the date given in input to the present. Then the
time string “00:00:01Z\" is passed, stating that we need the feeds written from the first
second of the given day. “ContentClass” is a mandatory property for SharePoint 2013
for this kind of requests and states that the content we are looking for does not regard
the People on Social (Microsoft, 2015). Instead, we can read from the last part,
“refiners='Tags'”, that our interest is for hashtags only. The feeds are then passed to
the “drawUserTagsInCanvas” function, which will take the data from the server and
take care of displaying the feeds on the canvas element in the HTML page.
Social API use example (CERN, 2015)
We will now present each function described above explaining the operations required
for them to work. We will start from the “updateGroupInfo” function. Its input
parameters are explained in the following table.
whereToWrite The name of the HTML section where the feeds will have
to be written.
flagDisplayReplies This flag tells the function if the replies to the feeds have
to be displayed or not.
In the function, some comments can be found to allow the reader to better understand
the code. A more throughout description of the code is given after the function. The
function is the following:
function updateGroupInfo(whereToWrite, department, group,
section, imageFlag, departmentFlag, numFeeds){
// Sanitizing the input (encodeURI() is used instead of
encodeURIComponent() when there has to be allowed the
possibility to have hashtags.):
whereToWrite = encodeURI(whereToWrite);
department = encodeURI(department);
group = encodeURI(group);
section = encodeURI(section);
groupString = '/' + group;
groupString = '';
var sectionString;
if(section == null || section == 'null' || section ==
undefined || section == ''){
sectionString = '';
if(typeof(section) === 'string' && section.length >
1 && section.length < 20){
sectionString = ' Section:' + section;
sectionString = '';
var tempElement;
var parentWhereToWrite = whereToWrite;
// Error. No HTML section found to display the
followed feeds on Social. Please add a <div
id="feedsFollowed"> section.
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem"> <p
id="text"> There has been a problem while
communicating with the server. <br/>Please try again
later. </p> </div>');
console.log('Error while trying to write the followed
feeds. The section ID passed in input seems not to be
present in the webpage.');
// tells the Server that we are looking for People (possible
search options: Everything, People, Conversations,
// Launching the function that executes the CORS
'GET', null, updateGroupInfoBodyFunction, onError,
whereToWrite, department, group, section, imageFlag,
departmentFlag, numFeeds);
errorHandlerFunction(11, "There was a problem while
communicating with the Server.\nPlease try again
Example of the Social API retrieving information on the People working in the IT/CDA/FW
section (written as department/group/section) (CERN, 2015)
At this point, we will look at the “postToMyFeeds” function. This function has the
purpose to post a new feed on Social using the user’s credentials. Its input parameters
are explained hereunder.
A more throughout description of the code is given after the function presented here:
function postToMyFeeds(message, inputFunction) {
if(flag){ alert("Message posted."); }
else{ alert("There has been a problem while
posting the message. Please try again later.");
// Calling the function that will read the text from the
<p> HTML section and post it online.
executeRestCallExtended(formDigestUrl, "POST", null,
postMessage, onError, message, inputFunction);
This is only the first of the two CORS requests needed to upload the post online. It is
necessary in order to get the “formDigest” value and be able to set the "X-
RequestDigest" property in the RequestHeader of the second XMLHttpRequest to the
formDigest value, like this:
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
So, if the CORS request is successful, the “postMessage” function is called. It first
reads the message written in the page. Checks if there actually is any message and
reads the data from SharePoint to obtain the formDigest. Next, we need to consider
that if there is any hashtag or web link in the message and we want them to be
recognised as such, instead of simple text, then we need to substitute them with
tokens, like {0} or {1}, and store their real values in a different location. Later, we will
add their real values in the JSON file for the SharePoint service.
If there are already some parts of the text that could be exchanged from SharePoint
as tokens, we need to modify those parts in order to avoid problems like unintended
repetitions of tags in the post. Using the regular expression (RE) /\{[0-9]+\}/ we
can identify the presence of any token-like string in the message. Those “fake tokens”
are modified simply adding a blank space between the parentheses and the content,
so that SharePoint will not see those as tokens and, at the same time, the message
will still be clear.
At the same time, using JSON as the format to exchange data, it is important to avoid
having more than one open or closed curly bracket at a time, like “{{“, because it would
cause problems while formatting the message for SharePoint. Even this issue can be
solved adding a simple space between the parentheses.
At this point the function looks for any hashtag or link in the page, so that they can be
correctly reported to SharePoint and be represented as such on Social. The words in
the text are split into an array using the space are key character and examined one by
one. Looking for hashtags, we just need to look for the “#” symbol, followed by a series
of simple numbers or letters. If found, the hashtag is saved in a list and replaced by a
token. In order to acknowledge the presence of web links we can use a regular
expression that checks for every possible combination of letters, symbols and
numbers that could represent a web link. The RE used is:
Next, the JSON file is formed respecting the following structure (expressed in
JavaScript), which includes the metadata needed form SharePoint to recognize its
" { 'restCreationData':{ " +
" '__metadata':{
'type':'SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData'}, " +
" 'ID': null, " +
" 'creationData':{ " +
" +
" 'Attachment': null," +
" 'ContentItems': " + contentItemsString +
" 'ContentText':'" +message+
"','UpdateStatusText':false "+
" } " +
" }}";
Now, the JSON file format varies slightly according to the presence/absence of
hashtags and links or the presence/absence of an attachment, but it always follows
the same design. In particular, we can see that, in this case, there is no attachment
and the text of the message will go in the “ContentText” section, while the real values
of the tokens will be written in the “ContentItems” division.
5.4.2. Testing
The testing phase followed the agile approach used for the development of the API.
Therefore, it took place iteratively for each of the functions implemented. In order to
check the behaviour of the API and its CSS, the tests have first been carried out on a
Windows machine using all of the most used browsers, like Mozilla Firefox, Google
Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari. Then, for compatibility purposes, older
versions of the same environments have been tested out. Almost every environment
required adjustments and it was often necessary to adopt ad hoc solutions.
After these tests, similar ones have been executed on Linux and Apple machines. This
has been crucial because all these three systems are used in the everyday work at
5.4.3. Problems Encountered and Limitations
During the development of the API, a number of problems arose and many requests
were presented during its development. It has been difficult to sort out the vast amount
of information returned from SharePoint in JSON format in order to find information
like the name of the author of a feed or the ID of the feed itself. As an example, to
capture the array of tags retrieved using the Search REST service for the tag cloud
we need to look deep in the JSON structure for the results. The resulting line of code
tags =
In the code presented, the first “result” corresponds to the main section of the JSON
file while every dot corresponds to opening a subsection in order to go deeper in the
file structure and find what we are looking for. As we can see, there are many levels
of information and it has been necessary to analyse them all. In a complex situation
like this one, where no detailed documentation from Microsoft can be found, it has not
been easy to find every piece of information required for the API functions to work.
In order to satisfy the requirements it has been essential to update the functions
developed many times in order to make them adaptable to any kind of preference,
from the section in which the feeds have to be displayed and the amount of seconds
to wait before a refresh of the feeds to the colour of the text. In addition, the design is
made responsive, so that it can adapt to the size of the HTML section in the webpage.
If the feeds are displayed in a sidebar the text shrinks, while if the feeds are displayed
in the centre of the page the text can have a larger font size and both the profile and
attached pictures can take more room.
Problem example: the post is repeated between its replies
As stated before, on Social it is possible to cite other authors in the feeds. The
limitations of the API include the impossibility to cite other authors in the feeds posted
through the API, writing for example “@Marco Carlo Cavalazzi” in order to notify the
user to look at that particular feed. This has been a conscious choice made during the
development process. The reason is that in order to get that kind of feature a user
should cite the person with their correct name on Social and it is unmanageable to
remember the name of all the people working at CERN. Now, this problem could be
solved using the SharePoint suggestion system, which suggests possible names while
typing them into the feed, but it would have introduced a high number of calls to the
SharePoint service and it has been decided that since it is not a crucial feature it was
not worth the risk of overloading the CERN’s network. It is possible to write that kind
of text in a post, but it will not trigger a notification.
In addition, the API will not be able to work on old browsers, like Internet Explorer 7,
especially because of the lack of support for CORS requests. A documentation has
been redacted for the users and developers who need the Social API, which clarifies
the problem and how to solve it.
6. Conclusions
The benefits of ESNs are undeniable. The extensive research on the subject proves
that the possibilities of an ESN can provide a useful platform on which everyone can
express opinions, ask questions and join discussions contributing to the process of
knowledge sharing, which creates a self-reinforcing flow of information that contributes
in making the organization ever more ready for future’s challenges.
We have seen how the IT department can develop tools and improvements for the
organization’s ESN. More importantly, we know that when a new collaboration tool is
necessary it can be integrated in the existing environment, making it a well-worth long-
term investment.
Clearly, the biggest challenge for most knowledge management initiatives is the
willingness of people to share knowledge with others both in their work groups and
across groups, as the cultural shift is significant. Social business requires a minor
revolution in thought and a steady evolution in cooperative action. In order for the
social approach to succeed there should be an organizational need, a problem in daily
processes or communications that can be solved by the introduction of new
communication media. In addition, new technologies should be easy enough to use.
Simplicity of social tools in both usage and installation facilitates the bottom-up
initiatives of adoption. Furthermore, certain organizational settings, such as open
enough culture, encouragement of innovation, clear intentions, policies and guidelines
towards the social organization should be in place. It may seem difficult. However, as
we have seen in many examples, there is no doubt that the potential benefits are worth
the efforts. “Social business successes of well-known, market-leading organizations
offer compelling evidence of the returns on this evolution of business” (Hinchcliffe &
Kim, 2012).
In order to work as a social organization, the enterprise has also to make use of new
success indicators, like:
Financial returns, no more based on sole profit, but identified following the
evolution during and after the change towards the conversation company;
Savings, that become evident when the number of conversations increases and
becomes less necessary to pay for expensive advertising;
The number of extremely satisfied customers and employees, since it is by
looking at those elements that the highest standards can be met;
Conversations, making sure that the conversation potential is fully exploited;
Knowledge integration, paying attention so that business is done in a way that
follows the new philosophy.
people or success of communication campaigns is also part of the plans (De Sousa,
et al., 2015).
The effective management of knowledge has been described as a critical ingredient
for organisations seeking to ensure a sustainable and strategic competitive advantage.
It has been brought out that processes and technology alone are not enough to drive
an organisation, but its people and the knowledge that resides in them are an integral
pivot in organisation’s success. It is therefore essential for management in
organisations to look for means to gain, maintain and leverage knowledge not for a
brief period but on a regular basis.
The ESN empowers people, giving them the tools to share knowledge and, at same
time, have available, at any time, all the knowledge present in the KMS of the
company. This way the company can react faster to new problems and be ready to
spot new business opportunities.
Appendix A
Here is displayed the code regarding the custom responsive design for Social Mobile.
File “CustomResponsiveness.css”:
/********** Custom SharePoint 2013 Responsive **********/
/* @media only screen and (max-device-width:750px), media only screen and (max-width:750px) { */
@media only screen and (max-device-width:750px), media only screen and (max-width:750px) { /* The order in which the conditions are written is IMPORTANT! */
div.toolbar-wrapper{width:100.1% !important;}
#cern-toolbar{height:110px !important;}
#cern-toolbar h1{
margin-top: 1em !important;
#cern-toolbar h1 a{
margin-top: 12%;
#cern-toolbar h1 span {
display: none;
#cern-toolbar ul {
border-right: 1px solid #000;
-moz-box-shadow: 1px 0 0 #444;
-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 0 0 #444;
box-shadow: 1px 0 0 #444;
#cern-toolbar ul li{
padding:0 !important;
#cern-toolbar li {
padding: 0;
margin: 0 1em 0 1em !important;
border-left: 2px solid #000;
#cern-toolbar li a {
background-image: url("/_layouts/15/images/cern/toolbar/toolbarsprite.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 67px;
width: 90px;
-moz-border-radius: 0;
-webkit-border-radius: 0;
border-radius: 0;
text-indent: -5000px;
overflow: hidden;
border-left: 2px solid #444;
#cern-toolbar .cern-account {
background-position: 9px 0;
#cern-toolbar .cern-directory {
background-position: 16px -107px;
background-size: 175%;
height: 120px;
padding-left: 2em;
#cern-toolbar .cern-signout {
background-position: 21px -221px;
background-size: 175%;
height: 120px;
padding-left: 2em;
margin-left: 0 !important;
#cern-toolbar .cern-multifactor {
background-image: none;
padding: 0;
@media only screen and (max-device-width:480px), media only screen and (max-width:480px){
@media only screen and (max-device-width:750px), media only screen and (max-width:750px){
For the Master page use: <SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="cssToggle.js" runat="server" Localizable="false" />
@media only screen and (max-device-width:750px), media only screen and (max-width:750px) { /* this condition is just for debugging, use the ones before this. */
/* General CSS. */
.ms-dialog body{background-image: none !important;}
.ms-dialog #s4-titlerow{display: none !important;}
.ms-dialog #contentBox{background-image: none !important;}
/* Global Body */
overflow: auto;
background-image: none !important;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95);
font-size: 4.5vw;
margin-top:2.5em; /* Used to place the content below the CERN Toolbar. */
width:90% !important;
div.desktopOrMobileVersion{ /* This is the parent section of the link to go to the Desktop version. It will appear at the bottom of the page. */
padding:26px 11.2% 26px 0;
div.desktopOrMobileVersion a{ /* This is the link to go to the Desktop version.*/
/* Correcting the displaying of the textarea used to write a new post on Social. */{outline: 1px solid #ababab}{outline: 1px solid #ababab}
/* Resizing the "Following Everyone Mentions" string's area and font-size. */
span#ms-microfeed-titleViewSelectorPivotContainer{width:92vw !important;} span{font-size:6.5vw !important;}
/* Resizing the spaces between the strings "Following", "Everyone" and "Mentions". */ span a{margin-right:4vw;} /* Following and Everyone */ span[alt="Mentions"]{margin-right:0 !important;} /* Mentions */ span[alt="Mentions"]{margin-right:0 !important;} /* Mentions selected */
/* Changing the font-size of the options from the "everyone" drop down menu near "Share with". */
.ms-core-menu-list{font-size: 3em; max-height: 14em;}
/* Changin the size of the arrow on the right of "everyone". */{height: 8px !important; width: 17px !important;} /* The parent section. */ img{ /* The image itself. */
height: 1580px !important;
width: 400px !important;
margin-top: -345px !important;
/* Hiding the white stripe on the left of the profile picture, because it comes from a sprite image and it is thus not expandable. */
/* Adapting the right side of the feeds (with author and text) to consider the bigger user profile pictures. */
.ms-microfeed-rootBody{margin-left: 16%;}
/* Enlargin the images near the system informations like "Bruno is now following Marco." */
.ms-microfeed-iconImage{width:0.7em; height:0.7em;}
/* Mention feeds: we are expanding the size of the image displaying an "@" to the left at "@Mentioned by..." string. */
.ms-microfeed-activityImage{width:0.7em; height:0.7em;}
/* We also have to add some space below the string "Posts that mention you in this view." */
.ms-microfeed-viewDescription{margin-top: -20px; padding-bottom: 40px;}
/* Hiding the RIGHT SIDEBAR area on the right which contains the search area and shows below the number of people followed, the number of documents, sites and tags. */
/* In a user's page we want to show the details of the user, which are in the "#MiddleLRightCell" section. */
#WebPartWPQ6{display:none;} /* Section with the information about the number of followed people etc... */
#MiddleLRightCell #WebPartWPQ7{display:none;} /* Hiding the trending tags */
/* Resizing the textarea to POST A NEW FEED and refine the settings for the links below the textarea, like "Following", "People" and "Mentions". */
.ms-microfeed-microblogpart#ms-microblogdiv{color:black; margin-bottom:1em; max-width:none; min-width:0; width:90vw;}
#DeltaPlaceHolderMain #MiddleLeftCell{width:100%;}
.ms-microfeed-postBox{width: 98.5%; color: black;} /* This line makes the textarea and its container have the same dimensions. */{height:93% !important;}
/* Enlarging the camera icon below it that is used to upload a picture with the feed. */
#ms-addImageButton_Span{width:50px;height:45px;} /* Enlarging the container. */
#ms-addImageButton_Span img{ /* Enlarging the image. */
/* Enlarging the "X" button at the top right corner of every feed usable to delete them. It is visible when the user clicks (touches) the feed's area. */{margin-left:-30px;}{width:40px;height:40px; margin-bottom:-5px;} /* Enlarging the
container. */ img{ /* Enlarging the image. */
width: 900px !important;
height:900px !important;
top: -1030% !important;
left:-1660% !important;
.ms-core-menu-root{display:none;} /* Hiding the dots at the right of the "Like" and "Reply" links below the feeds. */
/* Modifying how the links for "Following", "People" and "Mentions" are displayed. */
#ms-titlebararea{margin-bottom:0 !important; padding-bottom:1.5em !important;}
#ms-titlebardiv{margin-bottom:0;padding:0; width:94%;}
#ms-feedthreadsdiv{margin-top:-20px; padding-top:20px;}
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 319px), media only screen and (max-width: 319px){
#ms-microfeed-titleViewSelectorPivotContainer{font-size: 1.27em; }
/* Top Links */
#welcomeMenuBox, .ms-cui-TabRowRight{}
/* Top Links */
#ms-titlebararea{width:22em; padding-bottom:1.5em;}
/* Header Section */
#s4-titlerow{border-bottom: 0px #FFF solid !important; padding-top: 11px !important; background-color: transparent !important;}
/* Search */
.ms-mpSearchBox, #searchInputBox{background-color: transparent;}
.ms-srch-sb{background-color:#FFF; border: none !important; border-radius:6px; padding: 5px;}
.ms-srch-sb>input{font-size: 1.2em !important;}
/* Logo */
float: none;
padding-left: 0px;
margin-top: 50px !important;
margin-bottom: 0px !important;
line-height:normal !important;
text-align: center;
height: 100%;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-left: 0px;
width: auto;
display: block;
/* Main Navigation */
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox ul,
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox li,
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox .ms-core-listMenu-item,
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox > ul > li > table{display: block;}
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox > .ms-core-listMenu-root > .ms-listMenu-editLink{
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox .ms-core-listMenu-selected,
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox > ul > li > ul > li{
border: 1px #FFF solid !important;
margin: 15px 0px !important;
background-color: #FFF !important;
font-size: 1em !important;
padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px !important;
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox > ul > li > ul > li a{
padding: 0px !important;
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox > ul > li > ul > li > ul .dynamic{
display: none;
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox > ul > li > ul > li:hover{
background-color: #CCC;
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox .ms-core-listMenu-selected{
background-color: transparent !important;
color: #FFF !important;
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox .ms-core-listMenu-selected:hover{
background-color: #000 !important;
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox .ms-listMenu-editLink{
padding: 10px;
color: #000 !important;
.ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox .ms-listMenu-editLink{
padding: 10px;
font-size: 2.0em !important;
display: none;
.ms-navedit-flyoutArrow{background-image: none !important;}
color: #000 !important;
color: #FFF !important;
font-weight: bold;
/* Content Area */
min-width: 0px;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px 10px;
border: 1px #FFF solid;
background-color: transparent;
border: none !important;
#layoutsTable td{display: inline-block !important; float: left !important; width: 100% !important;}
#layoutsTable .ms-wiki-columnSpacing{padding: 0px;}
#layoutsTable td td{display: table-cell !important; float: none !important; width: auto !important;}
.ms-rte-layoutszone-outer{display: block;}
.ms-promlink-root{display: none;}
.ms-microfeed-fullMicrofeedDiv{min-height:72vh;} /* The height of this section has to be minimum of this size, to let the "Desktop version" link be at the bo ttom
even if there are no feeds listed. */
.ms-hashTagProfile-mainColumn{min-height:73.3vh;} /* Feeds with same hashtag: the height of this section has to be minimum of this size, to let the "Desktop version"
link be at the bottom even if there are no feeds listed. */
.ms-microfeed-fullMicrofeedDiv, .ms-microfeed-siteFeedMicroBlogPart, .ms-microfeed-feedPart, .ms-microfeed-rootText, .ms-microfeed-replyArea, .ms-microfeed-newReplyDiv{min-
width: 0px !important;}
.ms-microfeed-message{padding-right: 0px;}
border: 0px #FFF solid;
background-color: transparent;
margin: 0px;
font-size: 1.5em !important;
border-bottom: 1px #FFF solid;
padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px;
.ms-webpart-titleText > a{
font-size: 1.3em !important;
font-weight: normal;
border-bottom: 1px #FFF solid;
padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px;
.lm_wb_webzone-content{padding: 5px 0px 0px 0px;}
.ms-headerCellStyleIcon, .ms-vb-imgFirstCell{display: none;}
/* Resizing the little icon image on the left of "Show all x replies" when a conversation has more than 2 replies. */{width:28px;height:28px; margin-bottom:2px; margin-right:10px;}{
width: 900px !important;
height:900px !important;
top: -2896% !important;
left:-904% !important;
width: 900px !important;
height:900px !important;
top: -1680% !important;
left:-2376% !important;
/* Enlarging the camera icon below it that is used to upload a picture with the feed. */
.ms-microfeed-replyArea{width:50px;height:45px;} /* Enlarging the container. */
.ms-microfeed-replyArea img{ /* Enlarging the image. */
.ms-askMeAbout-aboutMe{width:20em;} /* Enlargin the section with the "Tell others about yourself and..." text on top of the page, right below the
title. */
#ms-titlebararea{margin-bottom:1em;} /* Adding some space below the string "[User name]'s Activities". */
#WebPartWPQ5 #ProfileViewer_ValueProperties{display:none;} /* Hiding the "SHOW MORE" option below the information fields below the title. */
/*************** Modifying the appearance of the pop-up window used to UPLOAD A PICTURE with the feed ****************/{width: 80% !important; height:11em !important; top: 20% !important; left: 10% !important;} /* Expanding the whole area. This section has the outer
white background. */{width:100% !important; height: 100% !important; margin-left:35px;} /* Expanding the sub-parent section. */{padding-right:20px;} /* Increasing the distance between profile image and feed text. */ iframe{min-width:95%; width:95% !important; height:390px !important; margin-top: -1em;} /* Expanding the parent section that contains the
"Browse", the "Upload" and the "Cancel" buttons. This section has the inner white background (try to increase the 'height' to see it). */
/* Resizing the "X" at the top-right corner of the pop-up window. */ span#dlgTitleBtns{display:none;} /* Hiding hte "X" button on the top-right corner of the pop-up window. The User can use the "Cancel"
button to go back to the main page. */ body div#mysite-titlerow{display:none} /* If this section is shown it is placed from the browser on top of the button "Browse..." and it will make it
unclickable. */ input#profileimagepickerinput{height:2em;} /* Increasing the height of the "Browse" button used to select the picture to upload on Social. */{width:100% !important;} /* Modifying the width of the overlay section that makes the background darker while the user chooses the image to upload. */ body input[type="file"]{font-size: 1em; width:98%;} /* Resizing the "browse" element. */{margin-top: 50px} body input[type="button"].ms-ButtonHeightWidth{ /* Resizing the "Upload" and "Cancel" buttons. */
font-size: 1em !important;
167 div.desktopOrMobileVersion{display:none;} /* Hiding the "Desktop version" link at the bottom. */
/*************** Modifying the appearance of the pop-up window used to UPLOAD A PICTURE with the feed ****************/{max-width:80% !important; font-size:1.5em;} button{font-size:0.5em;}{margin-left:30px !important;}
/*************** SPECIFIC HASHTAG: Modifying the appearance of the window used to show the feeds containing a specific hashtag (es. #social). ****************/
body{width:100%; margin-top:3em; word-wrap:break-word; -ms-word-break: break-all;} /* Defining new rules for the main section (with the
feeds). */{display:none;} /* Hiding the right column with "Add a related tag" and "SEE ALL". */{width:95vw !important;} /* Adjusting the width of the feeds. */{width:80%;} /* Adjusting the width of the main part of the feeds (the part without the profile
picture). */{width:24%;} /* Adjusting the width of the info on each feed which are displayed at the bottom-
right corner of the feed's space. */{width:3em !important;} /* This section expands its width when the user goes in all paging
pages except the first one. */{display:none !important;} /* This section of the page would show more details on the feed when the user goes hover it with the mouse. In the
Mobile version this area is hidden. */
/* Enlarging the star icon at the left of the first string "(star)follow this #tag". */ a#HashTagProfile_FollowTagLinkOption1 span{height:40px !important; width:40px !important; margin-bottom:11px;} /* Enlarging the parent
span. */ a#HashTagProfile_FollowTagLinkOption1 span{height:240px !important; width:240px !important; margin-left:-
64px !important} /* Enlarging the image itself. */ li#PagingImageLink{display:none;} /* Hding the small icons on the top-left of the page that are meant to allow the User to move
forward and back through the paging of the feeds. The User can anyway use a better designed link at the bottom centre of the page. */{width:22px; height:22px; margin-bottom: 7px;}{width:22px; height:22px; margin-bottom: 7px;} img{width:200px; height:200px; left:-170px !important; top: -33px;} img{width:200px; height:200px; left:-156px !important; top: -65px;} .ms-srch-result #Paging{margin: 45px 0 30px 7%;} /* Centering the paging numbered links (1 2 3). */
Appendix B
The code below regards the custom Resource Planning Tool integrated into
File “customTimeline_newTaskForm.js”:
/******* Code regarding specifically the "New Task" form for a new task. ********/
// Function that will be called only once, when the page is loaded. It shrinks the Equipment list to consider only the elements related to the selected category.
function editNewTaskFormEquipment() {
var listItemEnumerator = equipmentListItems.getEnumerator();
var removeButton = document.querySelectorAll('input[value="< Remove"]')[0];
removeButton.setAttribute("onclick", "onCategoryChange()"); // Setting an 'onclick' event that will ebtriggered everytime some equipment is
removed from the list.
var equipmentDisplayedList = document.querySelectorAll('[title="Equipment Name"]')[0]; // Chaching the HTML section with the equipment' drop-down list
if(equipmentDisplayedList == undefined || equipmentDisplayedList == null){
equipmentDisplayedList = document.querySelectorAll('[title="Equipment Name possible values"]')[0];
equipmentDisplayedList.innerHTML = ''; // Clearing the equipment' list
function onCategoryChange(){
var listItemEnumerator = equipmentListItems.getEnumerator();
var equipmentDisplayedList = equipmentDisplayedList = document.querySelectorAll('[title="Equipment Name possible values"]')[0]; // Chaching the HTML section with the
equipment' list
equipmentDisplayedList.innerHTML = ''; // Clearing the equipment' list
var chosenEquipmentArray = new Array(); // This array will contain the name of the equipment chosen from the User (so equipment put in the area ont he right).
var chosenEquipmentList = document.querySelectorAll('[title="Equipment Name selected values"]')[0]; // Chaching the HTML section with the equipment' drop-down list
for(var i=0; i<chosenEquipmentList.length; i++){
chosenEquipmentArray.push( chosenEquipmentList[i].text );
var dropDownElement = ''; // The HTMl string that will be put in the equipment' drop-down list
while ( listItemEnumerator.moveNext() ) {
item = listItemEnumerator.get_current().$5_0.$1h_0.$m_dict; // The current examined item
// This function is very wimilar to "onQuerySucceededEquipment()", but it handles the case in which every call tot he Server has already been made, so that we just have to use the global
variables already available for us.
function updateCategoryInTimeline(){
// Resetting the global variables
globalEquipmentArray = new Array();
globalCategoriesArray = new Array();
globalCustomTimelineEquipmentHTMLstring = '';
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE ") > -1 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./); // "True" if the Browser is IE (with support for IE 11).
var firefox = ua.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1; // Detects any version of Firefox. "True" if we are using Firefox;
while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
category = oListItem.get_item('Parent_x0020_Category').$2e_1;
if(category != null && globalCategoriesArray.indexOf( category ) == -1 ){ // If we have not met this category before...
globalCategoriesArray.push(category); // We add it to the 'globalCategoriesArray'
// Reading the selected category from the drop-down list in the webpage
var categories = document.querySelectorAll('[title="Equipment Category"]')[0];
var categoriesIndex = categories.selectedIndex; // Chaching the HTML section with the categories' drop-
down list
var selectedCategory = categories[categoriesIndex].innerHTML; // Catching the selected element in the list
// Seek for every equipment belonging to that category and add it to the HTML string.
while(innerListItemEnumerator.moveNext() ){
var innerListItem = innerListItemEnumerator.get_current();
if(category !== selectedCategory){ continue; }
if( category == innerListItem.get_item('Parent_x0020_Category').$2e_1 ){ // If the currently considered category
equipmentName = innerListItem.get_item('Title');
globalEquipmentArray.push(equipmentName); // Memorizing the name of the Equipment. We will need it later while
displaying the Tasks in the timeline
var stringHeight;
if(msie || firefox){ // If IE or Firefox...
stringHeight = 9;
stringHeight = 22;
numRows++; // Increasing the rows' counter (Used to set the height of the Timeline with the Tasks)
equipmentList += tempEquipmentString;
equipmentList += '</div>';
/********* Timeline customization code: through this code we can display the timeline above the "New Task" form and then launch the code above. *********/
if(firstCallAlreadyMade == false){
firstCallAlreadyMade = true;
function checkSituationAndLunch(){
// This control has been implemented since for some actions SharePoint refreshes the webparts without refreshing the whole webpage.
// We are talking about operations like expanding or collapsing a Group of Tasks.
if( document.getElementById("innerTimeline") ){ // If the timeline is already in the webpage...
return; // Do not add code to the timeline.
// Reading the Equipment and the Categories from SharePoint
}catch(e){ return; }
var globalCustomTimelineEquipmentHTMLstring = '';
function onQuerySucceededEquipment(){
// Resetting the global variables
globalEquipmentArray = new Array();
globalCategoriesArray = new Array();
globalCustomTimelineEquipmentHTMLstring = '';
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE ") > -1 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./); // "True" if the Browser is IE (with support for IE 11).
var firefox = ua.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1; // Detects any version of Firefox. "True" if we are using Firefox;
while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
category = oListItem.get_item('Parent_x0020_Category').$2e_1;
if(category != null && globalCategoriesArray.indexOf( category ) == -1 ){ // If we have not met this category before...
globalCategoriesArray.push(category); // We add it to the 'globalCategoriesArray'
// Reading the selected category from the drop-down list in the webpage
var categories = document.querySelectorAll('[title="Equipment Category"]')[0];
var categoriesIndex = categories.selectedIndex; // Chaching the HTML section with the categories' drop-
down list
var selectedCategory = categories[categoriesIndex].innerHTML; // Catching the selected element in the list
// Seek for every equipment belonging to that category and add it to the HTML string.
while(innerListItemEnumerator.moveNext() ){
var innerListItem = innerListItemEnumerator.get_current();
if(category !== selectedCategory){ continue; }
if( category == innerListItem.get_item('Parent_x0020_Category').$2e_1 ){ // If the currently considered category
equipmentName = innerListItem.get_item('Title');
globalEquipmentArray.push(equipmentName); // Memorizing the name of the Equipment. We will need it later while
displaying the Tasks in the timeline
var stringHeight;
if(msie || firefox){ // If IE or Firefox...
stringHeight = 9;
stringHeight = 22;
numRows++; // Increasing the rows' counter (Used to set the height of the Timeline with the Tasks)
equipmentList += tempEquipmentString;
equipmentList += '</div>';
function retrieveProjects(){
var siteUrl = document.URL; // It is going to be something like:
// We want something like ""
if(numSlashes == 4){
siteUrl = siteUrl.substring(0, i);
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(siteUrl);
var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle( globalProjectsListName );
var globalProjectsArray = new Array(); // This global variable will keep the names of the Projects and their associated colors.
function onQuerySucceededProjects(){
// Variables necessary to read the query results
var listItemEnumerator = projectListItems.getEnumerator();
var innerListItemEnumerator = projectListItems.getEnumerator();
function retrieveUsers(){
var siteUrl = document.URL; // It is going to be something like:
// We want something like ""
var globalUsersArray = new Array(); // This global variable will keep the names of the Users (saved in a list on SharePoint).
function onQuerySucceededUsers(){
// Variables necessary to read the query results
var listItemEnumerator = userListItems.getEnumerator();
var innerListItemEnumerator = userListItems.getEnumerator();
// Retrieving information about each of the Tasks and adding them to the Timeline
function retrieveTasksListItems(){
var siteUrl = document.URL; // It is going to be something like:
// We want something like ""
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(siteUrl);
var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle( globalTasksListName );
$(timelineArea).prepend('<div id="timelineArea"></div>');
timelineArea = document.getElementById("timelineArea");
// Modifying the CSS for the section to include the Rows on the Left of the Timeline.
// (if dynamic width) Each character equals 0.7em, so the amount of space on the left has to be 0.7*maxNumCharacters. = "120px"; //(0.7*maxNumCharacters) + 'em'; // Making space on the left of the Timeline for the Rows' titles. = ((22*numRows)+70) + 'px'; // Expanding the area including the timeline to push down the rest of the webpage (the list containing the Tasks).
// Creating some radio buttons to enable the User to change the timespan of the timeline
var radioButtons = '<span id="timelineRadioButtons" style="margin-left:7px;">Timespan <input type="radio" 1060);" name="time span" value="Week"
checked>Week ' +
'<input type="radio" 1060, null);"
name="time span" value="2 Weeks">2 Weeks ' +
'<input type="radio" 1060, null);"
name="time span" value="Month">Month ' +
'<input type="radio" 1060, null);"
name="time span" value="3 Month">3 Months ' +
'<input type="radio" 1060, null);"
name="time span" value="7 Month">7 Months ' +
'<input type="radio" 1060, null);"
name="time span" value="Year">Year ' +
                ' +
'<span id="colorRadioButtons">Color ' +
'<input type="radio"
name="color choice" value="Color the tasks by Project" checked>by Project ' +
'<input type="radio"
name="color choice" value="Color the tasks by User">by User ' +
// Reading the selected category from the drop-down list in the webpage
var categories = document.querySelectorAll('[title="Equipment Category"]')[0];
var categoriesIndex = categories.selectedIndex; // Chaching the HTML section with the categories' drop-down list
var selectedCategory = categories[categoriesIndex].innerHTML; // Catching the selected element in the list
/******* We are also ready to modify the equipment present in the drop-down list of the "New Task" form. *******/
// This function will color the tasks in the timeline according to the equipment or the personnel.
function colorTasksInTimeline(colorRule){
var timelineWidth = document.getElementById('timeline').style.width;
var numOfDaysInTimeline = 7; // Initializing the variable for the consistency check
var radioButtons = document.getElementById('timelineRadioButtons').getElementsByTagName('input');
var numOfDaysArray = [7, 15, 31, 90, 210, 365]; // Defining the array containing the number of days considered for each possible time span
// Reading the selected category from the drop-down list in the webpage
var categories = document.querySelectorAll('[title="Equipment Category"]')[0];
var categoriesIndex = categories.selectedIndex; // Chaching the HTML section with the categories' drop-down list
var selectedCategory = categories[categoriesIndex].innerHTML; // Catching the selected element in the list
if(colorRule == 'colorByProject'){
addTasksToTimeline(numOfDaysInTimeline, timelineWidth, selectedCategory, 'colorByProject');
addTasksToTimeline(numOfDaysInTimeline, timelineWidth, selectedCategory, 'colorByUser');
// This function will add the tasks read from the Server to the timeline "manually" (instead of using the SharePoint's disposition.
function addTasksToTimeline(numOfDaysInTimeline, timelineWidth, selectedCategory, colorRule){
// Checking the input
if( typeof(numOfDaysInTimeline) == 'string' ){ numOfDaysInTimeline = parseInt(numOfDaysInTimeline); }
if( typeof(timelineWidth) == 'string' ){ timelineWidth = parseInt(timelineWidth); }
if(selectedCategory == null || selectedCategory == undefined){
// Reading the selected category from the drop-down list in the webpage
var categories = document.querySelectorAll('[title="Equipment Category"]')[0];
var categoriesIndex = categories.selectedIndex; // Chaching the HTML section with the categories' drop-down list
var selectedCategory = categories[categoriesIndex].innerHTML; // Catching the selected element in the list
/****** If the User clicks on the timeline radio buttons we have to read which radio button ******/
if(colorRule == null){
// Reading the color rule to apply to the tasks
var radioButtons = document.getElementById('colorRadioButtons').getElementsByTagName('input'); // The radio buttons for the color rules
if(radioButtons[0].checked){ // If the first radio button is checked...
colorRule = 'colorByProject';
colorRule = 'colorByUser';
/******* This piece of code will be used to refresh the timeline when selecting different time spans (e.g.: 1 week, 2 week, 1 month etc...). *******/
// only if the timeline is set as "shown" from SharePoint. If "hidden" we can work without it.
var indexOfTasks = timeline.innerHTML.indexOf('<div class="ms-tl-today"');
if( indexOfTasks > -1){ // Using "timeline" as first variable in the next line does not work. We have to re-catch the HTML section.
timeline.innerHTML = timeline.innerHTML.substring( 0, indexOfTasks ); // We are deleting the tasks that were in the
}else{ // If the "Today"'s flag is not present...
indexOfTasks = timeline.innerHTML.indexOf('<div class="timeline-dates"');
if(indexOfTasks > -1){
timeline.innerHTML = timeline.innerHTML.substring( 0, indexOfTasks ); // We are deleting the tasks that were in the
timeSpan = 'threeMonths'; }
if(numOfDaysInTimeline == 210){ timeSpan = 'sevenMonths'; }
if( numOfDaysInTimeline == 365){ timeSpan = 'year'; }
else{ timeSpan = 'year'; }
today.setDate( today.getDate() - 2 ); // Bringing the today's date back to the first day of the timeline less one.
for(var i=0; i<numOfDaysInTimeline; i++){
today.setDate( today.getDate() + 1 ); // Updating the date object that we want to pass to the function
datesStrings.push( createDateString(today, timeSpan) ); //
Creating the dates strings passing to the function
if( timeSpan == 'twoWeeks' || timeSpan == 'month'){
// Saving the first date on the left and the last date ont he right of the timeline.
minDate.setDate( today.getDate() -(Math.floor(numOfDaysInTimeline/10)) ); // The 10% of the timeSpan regards the past
maxDate.setDate( today.getDate() + (Math.floor(numOfDaysInTimeline/10*9)) ); // The 90% of the timeSpan regards the future (90%
less the present day)
today.setDate( today.getDate() - (Math.floor(numOfDaysInTimeline/10)+1) ); // Bringing the today's date back to the first day of the timeline
less one.
for(var i=0; i<numOfDaysInTimeline; i++){
today.setDate( today.getDate() + 1 ); // Updating the date object that we want to pass to the function
datesStrings.push( createDateString(today, timeSpan) ); //
Creating the dates strings passing to the function
if( timeSpan == 'threeMonths' ){
// Saving the first date on the left and the last date on the right of the timeline.
// minDate = the present month
minDate.setDate(1); // The first day of the present month
maxDate = new Date();
maxDate.setMonth( maxDate.getMonth() +3 ); // To have the maxDate set on the last day of the next month we can forward by 2
months and then move 1 day back.
maxDate.setDate(1); // Setting the date on the first day of the month
maxDate.setDate( maxDate.getDate() -1 ); // Going to the last day of the previous month for maxDate (two months ahead for
if( timeSpan == 'sevenMonths' ){
// Saving the first date on the left and the last date ont he right of the timeline.
if(minDate.getDate() == 31){ minDate.setDate(30); } // We need this check because the next
function rewinds at most for 30 days (Javascript bug)
minDate.setMonth( minDate.getMonth() -1 );
minDate.setDate(1); // The result will be the first day of the previous month.
maxDate = new Date();
maxDate.setMonth( maxDate.getMonth() +6 ); // To have the maxDate set on the last day of the next month we can
forward by 2 months and then move 1 day back.
maxDate.setDate(1); // Setting the date on the first day of the month
maxDate.setDate( maxDate.getDate() -1 ); // Going to the last day of the previous month for maxDate (next month
for us).
if(maxDate.getMonth() === 'January' ){ maxDate.setFullYear( minDate.getFullYear() +1) }
// Creating the HTML code for the X axis of the timeline (the dates)
var datesAxisString = ''; // The dates for the X axis in the timeline
var separatorsString = ''; // The string with the small vertical separators between the dates on the timeline
var timelineNumColumns;
if(timeSpan == 'week'){ timelineNumColumns = 7; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){ timelineNumColumns = 15; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'month'){ timelineNumColumns = 31; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'threeMonths'){ timelineNumColumns = 3; } // 3 months
else{ if(timeSpan == 'sevenMonths'){ timelineNumColumns = 7; } // 7 months
else{ if(timeSpan == 'year'){ timelineNumColumns = 12; }}}}}} // 12 months
var sectionWidthInTimeline = Math.floor(timelineWidth/timelineNumColumns)-5; // Adjusting the width counting the padding-left property in the space sections
// The timeline is 1060px width, so we have to split this value in the number of subsections we want to create (es. number of days, hours of the day ecc...)
// We are adding 220px to the left margin to make space for the categories and equipment.
var timelineXaxis = '<div class="timeline-dates" style="width: '+ (timelineWidth+1) +'px; height:20px; margin-left:220px; left:0px; top:-20px; padding-right:28px;">' +
'<div style="padding: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden; position:inherit; height:
19px; background-repeat: repeat-x;"></div>' +
'<div style="white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; position: relative; color: rgb(119, 119, 119);
border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 119, 119); height: 20px; top: 0px; left: 0px; margin-left: 2px;">' +
datesAxisString +
'</div>' +
'<div style="white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; position:relative; color: rgb(119, 119, 119);
border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 119, 119); height: 10px; top: -16px; left: 0px; margin-left: 0px;">' +
separatorsString +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div id="innerTimeline" style="margin-left:220px; border:1px solid black; margin-top:13px;
timeline = document.getElementById("innerTimeline");
// Adjusting the height of the inner timeline = timelineHeight; // Enlarging the height of the timeline in order to have one line for each Equipment = timelineWidth;
while( listItemEnumerator.moveNext() ){
var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
// Taking only the "listId" and Formatting it for the EditItem2() method that will be created later.
listId = listId.substring(idIndex + 5, listId.length); // Keeping only the ID of the list.
listId = listId.toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, '%2D');
listId = '%7B' + listId +'%7D';
taskWidth = horizontalSectionWidth * taskDaysGap; //
+horizontalSectionWidth is necessary to add one plus section's width to make the items display correctly.
if(timeSpan == 'week'){ taskWidth -= 1; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){ taskWidth -=3; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'threeMonths'){ taskWidth -=3; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'sevenMonths'){ taskWidth -= 4; }
} } }
if(dueDate.getDay() === maxDate.getDay() && dueDate.getMonth() === maxDate.getMonth() &&
dueDate.getFullYear() === maxDate.getFullYear()){ if(timeSpan == 'week'){ taskWidth += 2; }} // If the item fits in the timeline but finishes
// At least one of the dates is inside of the timeline. Checking which one.
if(startDate >= minDate){
taskDaysGap = maxDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()+1; // Using the max date
present on the timeline as "dueDate"
taskDaysGap = Math.ceil(taskDaysGap / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); //
Getting the difference in days
taskWidth = horizontalSectionWidth * taskDaysGap;
if(timeSpan == 'week'){ taskWidth += 1; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){ taskWidth -=4; }}
//if(timeSpan == 'month' || timeSpan == 'twoWeeks') -> no need to add
value in these cases
if(dueDate <= maxDate){
taskDaysGap = dueDate.getTime() - minDate.getTime(); // Using
the min date present on the timeline as "startDate"
taskDaysGap = Math.ceil(taskDaysGap / (1000 * 3600 *
24)); // Getting the difference in days
taskWidth = (horizontalSectionWidth * taskDaysGap) +
horizontalSectionWidth -1; // +horizontalSectionWidth is necessary to add one plus section's width to make the items display correctly.
if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){ taskWidth -=1; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'threeMonths'){ taskWidth -= 4; }}
// In any case we want the width to lose a pixel, because in the "New Task" form we increase by one the 'leftPadding' of each of
// Except when the task takes the whole timeline.
if( taskWidth != parseInt( timelineWidth.substring(0, timelineWidth.length-2) )){
if(taskWidth < 2){ taskWidth = 2; } // Setting a minimum width
// Calculating the space to be added on the left of the task in the timeline
var leftMargin = 0; // It is the minimum distance from the left border in order for the Task to appear
in the innerTimeline (because it has 'absolute' positioning.
if( startDate > minDate ){
var daysDifference = startDate.getTime() - minDate.getTime();
daysDifference = Math.ceil(daysDifference / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
leftMargin += Math.floor(horizontalSectionWidth * daysDifference)+1;
if(timeSpan == 'month'){
leftMargin -= 2;
taskWidth += 1;
if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){
leftMargin -= 2;
if(timeSpan == 'threeMonths'){
leftMargin -= 6;
taskWidth += 1;
if(timeSpan == 'sevenMonths'){
leftMargin -= 7;
if(leftMargin < 0) { leftMargin = 0; } // Bounding the value of 'leftMargin'
// We want the dates to be in the format "22/10". We convert now the Date objects in strings to display in the
HTML element.
var startDateString = startDate.getDate() +'/'+ (parseInt(startDate.getMonth())+1);
var dueDateString = dueDate.getDate() +'/'+ (parseInt(dueDate.getMonth())+1);
taskWidth = Math.floor(taskWidth); // Re-adjusting the width, in case there are decimal numbers in it.
var equipmentHTMLString = ''; // String that will appear if the user clicks on the task in the
// We are already sure that this task has multiple equipment assigned to it.
for(var tempHTMLindex = 0; tempHTMLindex<equipmentArray.length; tempHTMLindex++){
equipmentHTMLString += ' '+ equipmentArray[tempHTMLindex].$2e_1 +'<br/>';
timeline.innerHTML += text;
var equipmentIndex = globalEquipmentArray.indexOf( equipmentName );
// If this element have an equipment assigned to it and If the task is not set for some dates outside the timeline we can proceed...
if( equipmentIndex > -1 && !(dueDate<minDate) && !(startDate>maxDate) ){
var distanceFromTopInTheTimeline = 0; // It is the minimum distance from the top to appear int he
innerTimeline, since the task has 'absolute' positioning.
distanceFromTopInTheTimeline += 22 * equipmentIndex; // Only the integer value, the 'px' part will be attached in the
"text" string.
// Calculating the space to be added on the left of the task in the timeline
var leftMargin = 0; // It is the minimum distance from the left border in order for the Task to appear in the
innerTimeline (because it has 'absolute' positioning.
if( startDate > minDate ){
var daysDifference = startDate.getTime() - minDate.getTime();
daysDifference = Math.ceil(daysDifference / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
leftMargin += Math.floor(horizontalSectionWidth * daysDifference)+1;
if(timeSpan == 'month'){
leftMargin -= 2;
taskWidth += 1;
if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){
leftMargin -= 2;
if(timeSpan == 'threeMonths'){
leftMargin -= 6;
taskWidth += 1;
if(timeSpan == 'sevenMonths'){
leftMargin -= 7;
if(leftMargin < 0) { leftMargin = 0; } // Bounding the value of 'leftMargin'
// We want the dates to be in the format "22/10". We convert now the Date objects in strings to display in the HTML element.
startDate = startDate.getDate() +'/'+ (parseInt(startDate.getMonth())+1);
dueDate = dueDate.getDate() +'/'+ (parseInt(dueDate.getMonth())+1);
taskWidth = Math.floor(taskWidth); // Re-adjusting the width, in case there are decimal numbers in it.
text = '<div class="ms-tl-bar" tabindex="0" style="position:absolute; cursor:pointer; margin-bottom:2px; width: '+ taskWidth +'px;
height: 20px; top: '+ distanceFromTopInTheTimeline +'px; left: '+ leftMargin +'px; background-color:'+ backgroundColor +'; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden;">' +
'<span class="ms-tl-barTitle" unselectable="on" style="margin-left: 5px; width:
625px; text-overflow: ellipsis; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: \'Segoe UI\'; font-size: 8pt;">'+ taskTitle + assignedTo +' : Equipment:'+ equipmentName + amountOfMagnets +'
magnets</span>' +
'<span class="dialogWindowString" style="display:none;">'+ project +
'<a href="#" >type="button" value="×" class="closeButton" style="float:right; cursor:pointer; padding:1px 0 3px; min-width:2.1em;"/></a> <br/>'+ taskTitle + assignedTo +'<br/>'+
equipmentName + amountOfMagnets +' magnets<br/>Time period: '+
startDate +' - '+ dueDate +
'<input type="button" value="Edit" style="float:right;
cursor:pointer; padding:2px 0; min-width:4em;" \''+ siteUrl +'/_layouts/15/listform.aspx?PageType=6&ListId='+ listId +'&ID='+ taskID +'&ContentTypeID='+
contentTypeId +'\')">' +
'</span>' +
timeline.innerHTML += text;
addTasksToTimelineFlag = true; // Updating the flag that tells the system if this function has been called.
/* This function returns the number of days contained in the considered month (considers also the leap years).
* Input:
* - the month and the year considered. */
function daysInMonth(month,year) {
month += 1; // Month has to be 1 based -> [1,12] instead of the Javascript usual zero-based month -> [0,11]
return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();
/* This function creates the string that will display the date and time of each feed and reply.
* Input:
* - the date object of the feed or reply
* - the string defining the considered time span. */
function createDateString(dateObj, timeSpan){
if(timeSpan == 'week'){
case 0: month="January";
case 1: month="February";
case 2: month="March";
case 3: month="April";
case 4: month="May";
case 5: month="June";
case 6: month="July";
case 7: month="August";
case 8: month="September";
case 9: month="October";
case 10: month="November";
case 11: month="December";
default: month="January";
case 0: month="Jan";
case 1: month="Feb";
case 2: month="Mar";
case 3: month="Apr";
case 4: month="May";
case 5: month="Jun";
case 6: month="Jul";
case 7: month="Aug";
case 8: month="Sep";
case 9: month="Oct";
case 10: month="Nov";
case 11: month="Dec";
default: month="Jan";
if(timeSpan == 'month'){
case 0: day="Sun";
case 1: day="Mon";
case 2: day="Tue";
case 3: day="Wed";
case 4: day="Thu";
case 5: day="Fri";
case 6: day="Sat";
default: day = "Mon";
case 0: month="Jan";
case 1: month="Feb";
case 2: month="Mar";
case 3: month="Apr";
case 4: month="May";
case 5: month="Jun";
case 6: month="Jul";
case 7: month="Aug";
case 8: month="Sep";
case 9: month="Oct";
case 10: month="Nov";
case 11: month="Dec";
default: month="Jan";
if( timeSpan == 'threeMonths' || timeSpan == 'sevenMonths'){
case 0: month="January";
case 1: month="February";
case 2: month="March";
case 3: month="April";
case 4: month="May";
case 5: month="June";
case 6: month="July";
case 7: month="August";
case 8: month="September";
case 9: month="October";
case 10: month="November";
case 11: month="December";
default: month="January";
var numberOfTheDay = dateObj.getDate(); // Returns the day of the month (from 1-31)
if(numberOfTheDay < 10){
numberOfTheDay = '0' + parseInt(numberOfTheDay, 10); // This way if the month is the 5th it will be displayed as "05", instead of "5"
File “newTaskForm.js”:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="/_layouts/15/clientpeoplepicker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// This jQuery configuration is MANDATORY to work with "_spPageContextInfo".
$(document).ready(function ()
// Updating the "Save" button in the "new task" form.
if (SP.ClientContext != null) {
SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(GetCurrentUser, 'SP.js');
else {
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', null, GetCurrentUser);
// This code adds the Username of the current user that is creating the new task to the "Assigned To" field (as a default content).
function GetCurrentUser()
var userid = _spPageContextInfo.userId;
var requestUri = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/getuserbyid(" + userid + ")";
var requestHeaders = { "accept" : "application/json;odata=verbose" };
$.ajax({ url : requestUri, contentType : "application/json;odata=verbose", headers : requestHeaders, success : onSuccess, error : onError});
// This function updates the content of the onclick string of the 'Save' button of the new task form.
function updateSaveButtonOnClickEvent(){
var oldOnClickString = $("input[value='Save']").attr('onclick');
var newOnClickString = 'if(consistencyCheckOnDates()){' + oldOnClickString +';}else{alert("The selected equipment is not avai lable in the chosen
period. Please enter different dates.");}';
// Global variable
var siteUrl = document.URL; // It is going to be something like:
// We want something like
* This function is activated when pressing the "Save" button in the form.
* It checks if the dates entered in the form are valid (if the chosen period intersect with another task's period).
* We need to have any equipment booked at most for one task on a certain date. */
function consistencyCheckOnDates(){
// Reading the dates entered in the form
var formStartDate = $("input[title='Start Date'")[0].value;
var formDueDate = $("input[title='Due Date'")[0].value;
var formSelectedEquipmentName;
var formSelectedEquipmentArray = new Array();
var year, month, day;
day = formStartDate.split('/')[0];
month = formStartDate.split('/')[1];
year = formStartDate.split('/')[2];
day = formDueDate.split('/')[0];
month = formDueDate.split('/')[1];
year = formDueDate.split('/')[2];
// Checking if the chosen dates fall inside the period in which another task has to be executed.
var startDateNotValid = formStartDate >= startDate && formStartDate <= dueDate; // If the formStartDate falls in the
period already chosen for another task -> True.
var dueDateNotValid = formDueDate >= startDate && formDueDate <= dueDate;
// If the formDueDate falls in the period already chosen for another task -> True.
var periodNotValid = (formStartDate < startDate && formDueDate >= startDate) || (formDueDate > dueDate &&
formStartDate <= dueDate); // If the chosen period comprehends the period chosen for this task.
// If the start date or the due date chosen are falling inside the chosen period we have to tell the User to select
different dates.
if( startDateNotValid || dueDateNotValid || periodNotValid){
return false;
if(equipmentName == formSelectedEquipmentName){ // If the task is using the
var startDate = oListItem.get_item('StartDate');
var dueDate = oListItem.get_item('DueDate');
// Checking if the chosen dates fall inside the period in which another task has to be executed.
var startDateNotValid = formStartDate >= startDate && formStartDate <= dueDate; // If the formStartDate falls in the period already
chosen for another task -> True.
var dueDateNotValid = formDueDate >= startDate && formDueDate <= dueDate; // If
the formDueDate falls in the period already chosen for another task -> True.
var periodNotValid = (formStartDate < startDate && formDueDate >= startDate) || (formDueDate > dueDate && formStartDate <=
dueDate); // If the chosen period comprehends the period chosen for this task.
// If the start date or the due date chosen are falling inside the chosen period we have to tell the User to select different
if( startDateNotValid || dueDateNotValid || periodNotValid){
return false;
// If all the Tasks using the selected equipment have been examined and no one is using the equipment in the chosen period we can say that everything is ok.
return true;
File “customTimeline.js”:
// Adding jQuery to the webpage
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>');
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(registerRenderer, 'clienttemplates.js'); // Telling to the webpage to launch our postTaskFormRenderer() function during the post rendering phase.
function registerRenderer()
var ctxForm = {};
ctxForm.Templates = {};
if(firstCallAlreadyMade == false){
firstCallAlreadyMade = true;
function checkSituationAndLunch(){
// This control has been implemented since for some actions SharePoint refreshes the webparts without refreshing the whole webpage.
// We are talking about operations like expanding or collapsing a Group of Tasks.
if( document.getElementById("innerTimeline") ){ // If the timeline is already in the webpage...
return; // Do not add code to the timeline.
// Reading the Equipments and the Categories from SharePoint
}catch(e){ return; }
/********* Timeline customization code: through this code we can display the timeline above the "New Task" form. *********/
var innerListItemEnumerator = equipmentListItems.getEnumerator();
var category = '';
var firstOfEquipments = true;
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE ") > -1 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./); // "True" if the Browser is IE (with support for IE 11).
var firefox = ua.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1; // Detects any version of Firefox. "True" if we are using Firefox;
while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
category = oListItem.get_item('Parent_x0020_Category').$2e_1;
if(category != null && globalCategoriesArray.indexOf( category ) == -1 ){ // If we have not met this category before...
globalCategoriesArray.push(category); // We add it to the 'globalCategoriesArray'
// Seek for every equipment belonging to that category and add it to the HTML string.
while(innerListItemEnumerator.moveNext() ){
var innerListItem = innerListItemEnumerator.get_current();
if( category == innerListItem.get_item('Parent_x0020_Category').$2e_1 ){ // If the currently considered category
equipmentName = innerListItem.get_item('Title');
globalEquipmentsArray.push(equipmentName); // Memorizing the name of the Equipment. We will need it later while
displaying the Tasks in the timeline
var stringHeight;
if(msie || firefox){ // If IE or Firefox...
stringHeight = 9;
stringHeight = 22;
numRows++; // Increasing the rows' counter (Used to set the height of the Timeline with the Tasks)
equipmentList += tempEquipmentsString;
equipmentList += '</div>';
function retrieveProjects(){
var siteUrl = document.URL; // It is going to be something like:
// We want something like ""
var globalProjectsArray = new Array(); // This global variable will keep the names of the Projects and their associated colors.
function onQuerySucceededProjects(){
// Variables necessary to read the query results
var listItemEnumerator = projectListItems.getEnumerator();
var innerListItemEnumerator = projectListItems.getEnumerator();
function retrieveUsers(){
var siteUrl = document.URL; // It is going to be something like:
// We want something like ""
var globalUsersArray = new Array(); // This global variable will keep the names of the Users (saved in a list on SharePoint).
function onQuerySucceededUsers(){
// Variables necessary to read the query results
var listItemEnumerator = userListItems.getEnumerator();
var innerListItemEnumerator = userListItems.getEnumerator();
// Retrieving information about each of the Tasks and adding them to the Timeline
function retrieveTasksListItems(){
var siteUrl = document.URL; // It is going to be something like:
// We want something like ""
$(timelineArea).prepend('<div id="timelineArea"></div>');
timelineArea = document.getElementById("timelineArea");
// Modifying the CSS for the section to include the Rows on the Left of the Timeline.
// (if dynamic width) Each character equals 0.7em, so the amount of space on the left has to be 0.7*maxNumCharacters. = "120px"; //(0.7*maxNumCharacters) + 'em'; // Making space on the left of the Timeline for the Rows' titles. = ((22*numRows)+70) + 'px'; // Expanding the area including the timeline to push down the rest of the webpage (the list containing the Tasks).
// Creating some radio buttons to enable the User to change the timespan of the timeline
var radioButtons = '<span id="timelineRadioButtons" style="margin-left:7px;">Timespan <input type="radio" 1060);" name="time span" value="Week"
checked>Week ' +
'<input type="radio" 1060, null);"
name="time span" value="2 Weeks">2 Weeks ' +
'<input type="radio" 1060, null);"
name="time span" value="Month">Month ' +
'<input type="radio" 1060, null);"
name="time span" value="3 Month">3 Months ' +
'<input type="radio" 1060, null);"
name="time span" value="7 Month">7 Months ' +
'<input type="radio" 1060, null);"
name="time span" value="Year">Year ' +
                ' +
'<span id="colorRadioButtons">Color ' +
'<input type="radio"
name="color choice" value="Color the tasks by Project" checked>by Project ' +
'<input type="radio"
name="color choice" value="Color the tasks by User">by User ' +
// This function will color the tasks in the timeline according to the equipment or the personnel.
function colorTasksInTimeline(colorRule){
var timelineWidth = document.getElementById('timeline').style.width;
var numOfDaysInTimeline = 7; // Initializing the variable for the consistency check
var radioButtons = document.getElementById('timelineRadioButtons').getElementsByTagName('input');
var numOfDaysArray = [7, 15, 31, 90, 210, 365]; // Defining the array containing the number of days considered for each possible time span
if(colorRule == 'colorByProject'){
addTasksToTimeline(numOfDaysInTimeline, timelineWidth, 'colorByProject');
addTasksToTimeline(numOfDaysInTimeline, timelineWidth, 'colorByUser');
// This function will add the tasks read from the Server to the timeline "manually" (instead of using the SharePoint's disposition.
function addTasksToTimeline(numOfDaysInTimeline, timelineWidth, colorRule){
// Checking the input
if( typeof(numOfDaysInTimeline) == 'string' ){ numOfDaysInTimeline = parseInt(numOfDaysInTimeline); }
if( typeof(timelineWidth) == 'string' ){ timelineWidth = parseInt(timelineWidth); }
if(numSlashes == 4){
siteUrl = siteUrl.substring(0, i);
/****** If the User clicks on the timeline radio buttons we have to read which radio button ******/
if(colorRule == null){
// Reading the color rule to apply to the tasks
var radioButtons = document.getElementById('colorRadioButtons').getElementsByTagName('input'); // The radio buttons for the color rules
if(radioButtons[0].checked){ // If the first radio button is checked...
colorRule = 'colorByProject';
colorRule = 'colorByUser';
/******* This piece of code will be used to refresh the timeline when selecting different time spans (e.g.: 1 week, 2 week, 1 month etc...). *******/
// only if the timeline is set as "shown" from SharePoint. If "hidden" we can work without it.
var indexOfTasks = timeline.innerHTML.indexOf('<div class="ms-tl-today"');
if( indexOfTasks > -1){ // Using "timeline" as first variable in the next line does not work. We have to re-catch the HTML section.
timeline.innerHTML = timeline.innerHTML.substring( 0, indexOfTasks ); // We are deleting the tasks that were in the
}else{ // If the "Today"'s flag is not present...
indexOfTasks = timeline.innerHTML.indexOf('<div class="timeline-dates"');
if(indexOfTasks > -1){
timeline.innerHTML = timeline.innerHTML.substring( 0, indexOfTasks ); // We are deleting the tasks that were in the
timeSpan = 'threeMonths'; }
if(numOfDaysInTimeline == 210){ timeSpan = 'sevenMonths'; }
if( numOfDaysInTimeline == 365){ timeSpan = 'year'; }
else{ timeSpan = 'year'; }
'<div class="ms-tl-todayLabel" style="position:absolute;
background-color:rgb(0, 114, 198); color:white; text-align:center; z-index=14; width: 49px; height: 20px; top: -42px; left: 95px; background-color: rgb(0, 114, 198);">Today</div>';
timeline.innerHTML += todayLabel;
today.setDate( today.getDate() - 2 ); // Bringing the today's date back to the first day of the timeline less one.
for(var i=0; i<numOfDaysInTimeline; i++){
today.setDate( today.getDate() + 1 ); // Updating the date object that we want to pass to the function
datesStrings.push( createDateString(today, timeSpan) ); //
Creating the dates strings passing to the function
if( timeSpan == 'twoWeeks' || timeSpan == 'month'){
// Saving the first date on the left and the last date ont he right of the timeline.
minDate.setDate( today.getDate() -(Math.floor(numOfDaysInTimeline/10)) ); // The 10% of the timeSpan regards the past
maxDate.setDate( today.getDate() + (Math.floor(numOfDaysInTimeline/10*9)) ); // The 90% of the timeSpan regards the future (90%
less the present day)
today.setDate( today.getDate() - (Math.floor(numOfDaysInTimeline/10)+1) ); // Bringing the today's date back to the first day of the timeline
less one.
for(var i=0; i<numOfDaysInTimeline; i++){
today.setDate( today.getDate() + 1 ); // Updating the date object that we want to pass to the function
datesStrings.push( createDateString(today, timeSpan) ); //
Creating the dates strings passing to the function
if( timeSpan == 'threeMonths' ){
// Saving the first date on the left and the last date on the right of the timeline.
// minDate = the present month
minDate.setDate(1); // The first day of the present month
maxDate = new Date();
maxDate.setMonth( maxDate.getMonth() +3 ); // To have the maxDate set on the last day of the next month we can forward by 2
months and then move 1 day back.
maxDate.setDate(1); // Setting the date on the first day of the month
maxDate.setDate( maxDate.getDate() -1 ); // Going to the last day of the previous month for maxDate (two months ahead for
// Creating the HTML code for the X axis of the timeline (the dates)
var datesAxisString = ''; // The dates for the X axis in the timeline
var separatorsString = ''; // The string with the small vertical separators between the dates on the timeline
var timelineNumColumns;
if(timeSpan == 'week'){ timelineNumColumns = 7; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){ timelineNumColumns = 15; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'month'){ timelineNumColumns = 31; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'threeMonths'){ timelineNumColumns = 3; } // 3 months
else{ if(timeSpan == 'sevenMonths'){ timelineNumColumns = 7; } // 7 months
else{ if(timeSpan == 'year'){ timelineNumColumns = 12; }}}}}} // 12 months
var sectionWidthInTimeline = Math.floor(timelineWidth/timelineNumColumns)-5; // Adjusting the width counting the padding-left property in the space sections
// The timeline is 1060px width, so we have to split this value in the number of subsections we want to create (es. number of days, hours of the day ecc...)
// We are adding 220px to the left margin to make space for the categories and equipments.
var timelineXaxis = '<div class="timeline-dates" style="width: '+ (timelineWidth+1) +'px; height:20px; margin-left:220px; left:0px; top:-20px; padding-right:28px;">' +
'<div style="padding: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden; position:inherit; height:
19px; background-repeat: repeat-x;"></div>' +
'<div style="white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; position: relative; color: rgb(119, 119, 119);
border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 119, 119); height: 20px; top: 0px; left: 0px; margin-left: 2px;">' +
datesAxisString +
'</div>' +
'<div style="white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; position:relative; color: rgb(119, 119, 119);
border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 119, 119); height: 10px; top: -16px; left: 0px; margin-left: 0px;">' +
separatorsString +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div id="innerTimeline" style="margin-left:220px; border:1px solid black; margin-top:13px;
timeline = document.getElementById("innerTimeline");
// Adjusting the height of the inner timeline = timelineHeight; // Enlarging the height of the timeline in order to have one line for each Equipment = timelineWidth;
while( listItemEnumerator.moveNext() ){
var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
// Taking only the "listId" and Formatting it for the EditItem2() method that will be created later.
listId = listId.substring(idIndex + 5, listId.length); // Keeping only the ID of the list.
listId = listId.toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, '%2D');
listId = '%7B' + listId +'%7D';
if(taskWidth < 2){ taskWidth = 2; } // Setting a minimum width
// Calculating the space to be added on the left of the task in the timeline
var leftMargin = 0; // It is the minimum distance from the left border in order for the Task to appear
in the innerTimeline (because it has 'absolute' positioning.
if( startDate > minDate ){
var daysDifference = startDate.getTime() - minDate.getTime();
daysDifference = Math.ceil(daysDifference / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
leftMargin += Math.floor(horizontalSectionWidth * daysDifference)+1;
if(timeSpan == 'month'){
leftMargin -= 2;
taskWidth += 1;
if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){
leftMargin -= 2;
if(timeSpan == 'threeMonths'){
leftMargin -= 6;
taskWidth += 1;
if(timeSpan == 'sevenMonths'){
leftMargin -= 7;
if(leftMargin < 0) { leftMargin = 0; } // Bounding the value of 'leftMargin'
// We want the dates to be in the format "22/10". We convert now the Date objects in strings to display in the
HTML element.
var startDateString = startDate.getDate() +'/'+ (parseInt(startDate.getMonth())+1);
var dueDateString = dueDate.getDate() +'/'+ (parseInt(dueDate.getMonth())+1);
taskWidth = Math.floor(taskWidth); // Re-adjusting the width, in case there are decimal numbers in it.
var equipmentHTMLString = ''; // String that will appear if the user clicks on the task in the
// We are already sure that this task has multiple equipments assigned to it.
for(var tempHTMLindex = 0; tempHTMLindex<equipmentsArray.length; tempHTMLindex++){
equipmentHTMLString += ' '+ equipmentsArray[tempHTMLindex].$2e_1 +'<br/>';
timeline.innerHTML += text;
var equipmentIndex = globalEquipmentsArray.indexOf( equipmentName );
// If this element have an equipment assigned to it and If the task is not set for some dates outside the timeline we can proceed...
if( equipmentIndex > -1 && !(dueDate<minDate) && !(startDate>maxDate) ){
var distanceFromTopInTheTimeline = 0; // It is the minimum distance from the top to appear int he
innerTimeline, since the task has 'absolute' positioning.
distanceFromTopInTheTimeline += 22 * equipmentIndex; // Only the integer value, the 'px' part will be attached in the
"text" string.
if(startDate >= minDate && dueDate <= maxDate){
taskDaysGap = dueDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()+1; // The +1 is necessary, otherwise sometimes a day is
lost, ending up counting e.g. 2 days gap instead of 3.
taskDaysGap = Math.ceil(taskDaysGap / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); // Getting the difference in days
taskWidth = horizontalSectionWidth * taskDaysGap; // +horizontalSectionWidth is
necessary to add one plus section's width to make the items display correctly.
if(timeSpan == 'week'){ taskWidth -= 1; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){ taskWidth -=3; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'threeMonths'){ taskWidth -=3; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'sevenMonths'){ taskWidth -= 4; }
} } }
if(dueDate.getDay() === maxDate.getDay() && dueDate.getMonth() === maxDate.getMonth() && dueDate.getFullYear()
=== maxDate.getFullYear()){ if(timeSpan == 'week'){ taskWidth += 2; }} // If the item fits in the timeline but finishes
// At least one of the dates is inside of the timeline. Checking which one.
if(startDate >= minDate){
taskDaysGap = maxDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()+1; // Using the max date present on the
timeline as "dueDate"
taskDaysGap = Math.ceil(taskDaysGap / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); // Getting the
difference in days
taskWidth = horizontalSectionWidth * taskDaysGap;
if(timeSpan == 'week'){ taskWidth += 1; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){ taskWidth -=4; }}
//if(timeSpan == 'month' || timeSpan == 'twoWeeks') -> no need to add value in these
if(dueDate <= maxDate){
taskDaysGap = dueDate.getTime() - minDate.getTime(); // Using the min date
present on the timeline as "startDate"
taskDaysGap = Math.ceil(taskDaysGap / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); //
Getting the difference in days
taskWidth = (horizontalSectionWidth * taskDaysGap) + horizontalSectionWidth -1;
// +horizontalSectionWidth is necessary to add one plus section's width to make the items display correctly.
if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){ taskWidth -=1; }
else{ if(timeSpan == 'threeMonths'){ taskWidth -= 4; }}
// In any case we want the width to lose a pixel, because in the "New Task" form we increase by one the 'leftPadding' of each of them.
// Except when the task takes the whole timeline.
if( taskWidth != parseInt( timelineWidth.substring(0, timelineWidth.length-2) )){
if(taskWidth < 2){ taskWidth = 2; } // Setting a minimum width
// Calculating the space to be added on the left of the task in the timeline
var leftMargin = 0; // It is the minimum distance from the left border in order for the Task to appear in the
innerTimeline (because it has 'absolute' positioning.
if( startDate > minDate ){
var daysDifference = startDate.getTime() - minDate.getTime();
daysDifference = Math.ceil(daysDifference / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
leftMargin += Math.floor(horizontalSectionWidth * daysDifference)+1;
if(timeSpan == 'month'){
leftMargin -= 2;
taskWidth += 1;
if(timeSpan == 'twoWeeks'){
leftMargin -= 2;
if(timeSpan == 'threeMonths'){
leftMargin -= 6;
taskWidth += 1;
if(timeSpan == 'sevenMonths'){
leftMargin -= 7;
if(leftMargin < 0) { leftMargin = 0; } // Bounding the value of 'leftMargin'
// We want the dates to be in the format "22/10". We convert now the Date objects in strings to display in the HTML element.
startDate = startDate.getDate() +'/'+ (parseInt(startDate.getMonth())+1);
dueDate = dueDate.getDate() +'/'+ (parseInt(dueDate.getMonth())+1);
taskWidth = Math.floor(taskWidth); // Re-adjusting the width, in case there are decimal numbers in it.
text = '<div class="ms-tl-bar" tabindex="0" style="position:absolute; cursor:pointer; margin-bottom:2px; width: '+ taskWidth +'px;
height: 20px; top: '+ distanceFromTopInTheTimeline +'px; left: '+ leftMargin +'px; background-color:'+ backgroundColor +'; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden;">' +
'<span class="ms-tl-barTitle" unselectable="on" style="margin-left: 5px; width:
625px; text-overflow: ellipsis; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: \'Segoe UI\'; font-size: 8pt;">'+ taskTitle + assignedTo +' : Equipments:'+ equipmentName + amountOfMagnets
+' magnets</span>' +
'<span class="dialogWindowString" style="display:none;">'+ project +
'<a href="#" >type="button" value="×" class="closeButton" style="float:right; cursor:pointer; padding:1px 0 3px; min-width:2.1em;"/></a> <br/>'+ taskTitle + assignedTo +'<br/>'+
equipmentName + amountOfMagnets +' magnets<br/>Time period: '+
startDate +' - '+ dueDate +
'<input type="button" value="Edit" style="float:right;
cursor:pointer; padding:2px 0; min-width:4em;" \''+ siteUrl +'/_layouts/15/listform.aspx?PageType=6&ListId='+ listId +'&ID='+ taskID +'&ContentTypeID='+
contentTypeId +'\')">' +
'</span>' +
timeline.innerHTML += text;
addTasksToTimelineFlag = true; // Updating the flag that tells the system if this function has been called.
/* This function returns the number of days contained in the considered month (considers also the leap years).
* Input:
* - the month and the year considered. */
function daysInMonth(month,year) {
month += 1; // Month has to be 1 based -> [1,12] instead of the Javascript usual zero-based month -> [0,11]
return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();
/* This function creates the string that will display the date and time of each feed and reply.
* Input:
* - the date object of the feed or reply
* - the string defining the considered time span. */
function createDateString(dateObj, timeSpan){
if(timeSpan == 'week'){
case 0: month="January";
case 1: month="February";
case 2: month="March";
case 3: month="April";
case 4: month="May";
case 5: month="June";
case 6: month="July";
case 7: month="August";
case 8: month="September";
case 9: month="October";
case 10: month="November";
case 11: month="December";
default: month="January";
case 0: month="Jan";
case 1: month="Feb";
case 2: month="Mar";
case 3: month="Apr";
case 4: month="May";
case 5: month="Jun";
case 6: month="Jul";
case 7: month="Aug";
case 8: month="Sep";
case 9: month="Oct";
case 10: month="Nov";
case 11: month="Dec";
default: month="Jan";
if(timeSpan == 'month'){
case 0: day="Sun";
case 1: day="Mon";
case 2: day="Tue";
case 3: day="Wed";
case 4: day="Thu";
case 5: day="Fri";
case 6: day="Sat";
default: day = "Mon";
case 0: month="Jan";
case 1: month="Feb";
case 2: month="Mar";
case 3: month="Apr";
case 4: month="May";
case 5: month="Jun";
case 6: month="Jul";
case 7: month="Aug";
case 8: month="Sep";
case 9: month="Oct";
case 10: month="Nov";
case 11: month="Dec";
default: month="Jan";
if( timeSpan == 'threeMonths' || timeSpan == 'sevenMonths'){
case 0: month="January";
case 1: month="February";
case 2: month="March";
case 3: month="April";
case 4: month="May";
case 5: month="June";
case 6: month="July";
case 7: month="August";
case 8: month="September";
case 9: month="October";
case 10: month="November";
case 11: month="December";
default: month="January";
var numberOfTheDay = dateObj.getDate(); // Returns the day of the month (from 1-31)
if(numberOfTheDay < 10){
numberOfTheDay = '0' + parseInt(numberOfTheDay, 10); // This way if the month is the 5th it will be displayed as "05", instead of "5"
Appendix C
// The API:
(function ($) {
var socialWebsite = "";
var socialWebsite = "";
var hashtagCheckTimer; // This timer will check if any feed with the same hashtag has been retrieved from
the Server. If not, it will display a message to the User.
var globalArrayOfProfiles = new Array(); // Array of objects like (accountName, whereToWrite, tempHandler, updateInterval, numOfFeeds)
var globalArrayOfHashtags = new Array(); // Array of objects like (noSharpTagString, whereToWrite, handlerCode, updateInterval, numOfFeeds)
var globalArrayOfSingleConversations = new Array(); // Array of objects like (URL, whereToWrite)
var followedFeedsWhereToWrite = ''; // global variable that stores the section containing the followed feeds
var followedFeedsUpdateInterval; // global variable that stores the update interval for the followed feeds
var followedFeedsNumFeeds = 0; // global variable that stores the maximum number of feeds to display
var followedFeedsFlagDisplayReplies = false;// global variable that stores the boolean var that says if to display the replies or not.
var followedFeedsUpdatesHandler = 'a'; // global variable that keeps the number of the automatic feeds updates handler
var errorHandlerFunction = function(){ alert("Error while making the CORS request."); }; // This variable will have the pointer to the function that will
eventually handle the exceptions while making the CORS requests.
// This function authenticates the User on Social (transparently to the User)
function authenticateOnSocial(inputFunction){
var executor = new SP.RequestExecutor(requestExecutorSite);
url: formDigestUrl,
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
dataType: "json",
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
// This function will be executed always. It is not an actual 'error' situation.
// After the authentication completes we use the function passed in input, that will contain the
calls for any other function on Social
if(inputFunction !== null && inputFunction !== undefined){
}catch(e){ console.log("Error: input function parameter in the authentication function is not valid."); return; }
// This function executes a REST call and passes all the data retrieved to the 'onSucc' function specified by the calling function.
function executeRestCall(url, method, data, onSucc, onError) {
var xhr = createCORSRequest(method, url);
if (!xhr) {
throw new Error('CORS not supported');
xhr. () {
xhr. > if (data !== null && data !== undefined && data !== ''){
// This function executes a REST call and passes all the data retrieved to the 'onSucc' function specified by the calling function.
function executeRestCallExtended(url, method, data, onSucc, onError, whereToWrite, id) {
var xhr = createCORSRequest(method, url);
if (!xhr) {
throw new Error('CORS not supported');
xhr. () {
onSucc(xhr.responseText, whereToWrite, id); // passing the parameters and the results of the RESTcall to the 'onSucc' pointed
xhr. > if (data !== null && data !== undefined && data !== ''){
if (!xhr) {
throw new Error('CORS not supported');
xhr. () {
onSucc(xhr.responseText, whereToWrite, id, numFeeds); // passing the parameters and the results of the RESTcall to the
'onSucc' pointed function
xhr. > if (data !== null && data !== undefined && data !== ''){
function executeRestCallExtendedFive(url, method, data, onSucc, onError, whereToWrite, id, numFeeds, tagText) {
var xhr = createCORSRequest(method, url);
if (!xhr) {
throw new Error('CORS not supported');
xhr. () {
onSucc(xhr.responseText, whereToWrite, id, numFeeds, tagText); // passing the parameters and the results of the
RESTcall to the 'onSucc' pointed function
xhr. > if (data !== null && data !== undefined && data !== ''){
function executeRestCallExtendedSix(url, method, data, onSucc, onError, whereToWrite, id, numFeeds, numFeedsStillToGet, flag) {
var xhr = createCORSRequest(method, url);
if (!xhr) {
throw new Error('CORS not supported');
xhr. () {
onSucc(xhr.responseText, whereToWrite, id, numFeeds, numFeedsStillToGet, flag); // passing the parameters and the
results of the RESTcall to the 'onSucc' pointed function
xhr. > if (data !== null && data !== undefined && data !== ''){
function executeRestCallExtendedSeven(url, method, data, onSucc, onError, whereToWrite, id, textColor, textBorderColor, numDimensions, weightFlag) {
var xhr = createCORSRequest(method, url);
if (!xhr) {
throw new Error('CORS not supported');
xhr. () {
onSucc(xhr.responseText, whereToWrite, id, textColor, textBorderColor, numDimensions, weightFlag); // passing the
parameters and the results of the RESTcall to the function pointed by 'onSucc'.
xhr. > if (data !== null && data !== undefined && data !== ''){
return xhr;
function onError() {
// This function retrieves the value associated to an element inside an array with elements like (name, value), if that element is present.
function getValue(key, results) {
try {
var postItem = jQuery.grep(results, function (e) {
if (e.Key === key){
return e;
return postItem;
catch (err) {
return null;
var tempCheck;
if(whereToWrite[0] === '#'){
// 'whereToWrite' can be something like "#feedsFollowed". To use the function 'getElementById' we have to skip the '#'. We do that using the
'substring' function.
tempCheck = document.getElementById(whereToWrite.substring(1)); // Checking the existence of the div section in the html code. If
(tempCheck = null) then no section has been found.
tempCheck = document.getElementById(whereToWrite);
whereToWrite = '#' + whereToWrite;
// If the section foreseen for the feeds (section id = whereToWrite) exists, then...
if(tempCheck !== null)
var result = JSON.parse(data); // parsing the data obtained from the social network
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem"> <p id="text"> There has been a problem while communicating with the server.
<br/>Please try again later refreshing the page. </p> </div>');
console.log("There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nSee checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds() function.");
// If the result object exists but has errors it means we made a bad request, than we have to stop the execution and signal it to the developer
in the console log
if(result.error.message.value.indexOf("Internal error code: 83") > -1){ // The User does not exist on Social
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem"> <p id="text"> Your account has not been found on
Social. <br/>Please visit and create the account first. </p> </div>');
}else{ // Other error
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem"> <p id="text"> There has been a problem while
communicating with the server. <br/>Please try again later refreshing the page. </p> </div>');
console.log("Bad request.\nPlease review the checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds() function.");
}catch(e){console.log("Exception thrown in function showUserInformationInFeedsWithSameTagBodyFunction()"); return;}
return dateB-dateA;
if(department === null || department === 'null' || department === undefined || department === '' || department.length < 1){
$('#content').html('<div class="feedsItem"> <p id="text"> There has been a problem while retrieving the feeds. Please try again later. </p>
var groupString;
if(group == null || group == 'null' || group == undefined || group == ''){
groupString = '';
if(typeof(group) === 'string' && group.length > 1 && group.length < 20){
groupString = '/' + group;
groupString = '';
var sectionString;
if(section == null || section == 'null' || section == undefined || section == ''){
sectionString = '';
if(typeof(section) === 'string' && section.length > 1 && section.length < 20){
sectionString = ' Section:' + section;
sectionString = '';
var tempElement;
var parentWhereToWrite = whereToWrite;
// Section check. If the HTML section is present in the webpage we can move on, otherwise the function has to stop.
if( document.getElementById(tempSectionID) === null ){
// Error. No HTML section found to display the followed feeds on Social. Please add a <div id="feedsFollowed"> section.
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem"> <p id="text"> There has been a problem while communicating with the server. <br/>Please try again
later. </p> </div>');
console.log('Error while trying to write the followed feeds. The section ID passed in input seems not to be present in the webpage.');
// Adding a new wrapping section in the HMTL page to make the SocialAPI's CSS file point only at this part of the webpage, in case many CSS files are used.
var wrapSection = '<div class="socialAPIWrapClass">'+
'<div id="socialAPIDepartment' + tempSectionID +'">'+
executeRestCallExtendedSeven(searchForGroupInfoSite, 'GET', null, updateGroupInfoBodyFunction, onError, whereToWrite, department, group, section,
imageFlag, departmentFlag, numFeeds);
catch(err){ errorHandlerFunction(11, "There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nPlease try again later."); }
// This function displays the elements found using "updateGroupInfo()".
function updateGroupInfoBodyFunction(data, whereToWrite, department, group, section, imageFlag, departmentFlag, numFeeds){
var peopleArray = JSON.parse(data);
peopleArray = peopleArray.d.query.PrimaryQueryResult.RelevantResults.Table.Rows.results; // Reading people's data.
console.log("There has been a problem while communicating with the Server. Please check updateGroupFeedsBodyFunction() function.");
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem"> <p id="text"> There has been a problem while communicating with the Server. Please try again
later. </p> </div>');
var numOfFeedsToDisplay = 0;
if( numFeeds < peopleArray.length && numFeeds > 0){
numOfFeedsToDisplay = numFeeds;
numOfFeedsToDisplay = peopleArray.length;
departmentString = getValue("Department", peopleArray[i].Cells.results); // Reading the Department from the first person
if( departmentString.substring(0, department.length) != department ){
departmentString = '<div> <p>Department: '+ departmentString +'</p> </div>';
var name = getValue("PreferredName", peopleArray[i].Cells.results);
var email = getValue("WorkEmail", peopleArray[i].Cells.results);
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem">' +
pictureString +
'<div class="notPicSection">' +
'<h2 id="author"> <a
href="'+ personalSite +'" target="_blank"> '+ name + '</a> </h2>' +
departmentString +
'<p>email: <a
href="mailto:'+ email +'"> '+ email +'</a></p>' +
'</div>' +
// If there are less than 10 elements displayed -> we call for more
if( document.getElementsByClassName("notPicSection").length < 10 ){
moreGroupElements(whereToWrite, department, group, section, imageFlag, departmentFlag, numOfFeedsToDisplay);
var groupString;
if(group == null || group == 'null' || group == undefined || group == ''){
groupString = '';
if(typeof(group) === 'string' && group.length > 1 && group.length < 20){
groupString = '/' + group;
groupString = '';
var sectionString;
if(section == null || section == 'null' || section == undefined || section == ''){
sectionString = '';
if(typeof(section) === 'string' && section.length > 1 && section.length < 20){
sectionString = ' Section:' + section;
sectionString = '';
executeRestCallExtendedSeven(searchForGroupInfoSite, 'GET', null, updateGroupInfoBodyFunction, onError, whereToWrite, department, group, section,
imageFlag, departmentFlag, numFeeds);
catch(err){ errorHandlerFunction(11, "There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nPlease try again later."); }
/* Ths function will retrieve the info about one particular thread. The one that can be found at the URL passed in input.
* Input:
* - whereToWrite: the id of the HTML section in which we want to display the feed.
* - url: the URL at which the feed can be found (loading it in a normal browser). */
function updateSingleFeed(whereToWrite, url){
if(whereToWrite[0] != '#'){
whereToWrite = '#' + whereToWrite;
// Adding a new wrapping section in the HMTL page to make the SocialAPI's CSS file point only at this part of the webpage, in case many CSS files are used.
var wrapSection = '<div id="'+ parentWhereToWrite.substring(1) +'" class="'+ parentWhereToWrite.substring(1) +'">' +
'<div class="socialAPIWrapClass">'+
'<div class="socialAPISingleFeed"
whereToWrite = '#socialAPISingleFeed';
var id = url.split("ThreadID=");
id = id[id.length-1];
console.log("Error: "+ result.error.message.value +"\nPlease review the updateSingleFeedInfoBodyFunction() function.");
$(whereToWrite).html("There was a problem while reading the ID of the feed. Please try again later.");
var xhr = createCORSRequest("POST", myFeedManagerEndpoint + "post"); // Creating CORSRequest to Like the feed
xhr. showUserInformationInFeedsWithSameTagBodyFunction(this.responseText, whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite,
xhr. request encountered an error.\nSee updateSingleFeedInfoBodyFunction() function.");
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
var data = "{ 'ID':'"+id+"' }"; // Including the ID of the feed we want to analize.
// Function that retrieves the feeds from the section Everyone on Social and print them in the webpage.
function updateFeedsFromEveryone(whereToWrite, updateInterval){
//// Sanitizing the input (encodeURI() is used instead of encodeURIComponent() when there has to be allowed the possibility to have hashtags.):
whereToWrite = encodeURI(whereToWrite);
updateInterval = encodeURIComponent(updateInterval);
var tempSectionID;
if(whereToWrite[0] === '#'){
tempSectionID = whereToWrite.substring(1, whereToWrite.length);
tempSection = whereToWrite;
whereToWrite = '#' + whereToWrite;
// Section check. If the HTML section is present in the webpage we can move on, otherwise the function has to stop.
if( document.getElementById(tempSectionID) === null ){
// Error. No HTML section found to display the followed feeds on Social. Please add a <div id="feedsFromEveryone"> section.
moreFeedsButtonPressed = false; // If the User has asked for a manual update then the automatic updates can be re-activated
$('#feedsSectionName').html("#feedsFromEveryone"); // Writing the name of the section. It will be read from checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds().
executeRestCall("''", 'GET', null,
checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds, onError); // getting the feeds and passing them to the function checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds()
// Consistency checks
if( updateInterval===null || updateInterval===undefined || updateInterval<0){ updateInterval = 0; }
if(whereToWrite[0] !== '#'){
whereToWrite = '#' + whereToWrite;
var tempElement;
var parentWhereToWrite = whereToWrite;
// Updating the global variables. These variables will be necessary when the User needs to post a new message on Social
followedFeedsWhereToWrite = whereToWrite;
followedFeedsUpdateInterval = updateInterval;
followedFeedsNumFeeds = numFeeds;
followedFeedsFlagDisplayReplies = flagDisplayReplies;
if(updateInterval < 1000){ updateInterval = updateInterval*1000; } // Converting the time from seconds to milliseconds
// If there are no feeds (there can be error message), so we clean the section
if( $(whereToWrite +" .feedsItem").length == '' || $(whereToWrite +" .feedsItem").length == null || $(whereToWrite +" .feedsItem").length == undefined ){
$(whereToWrite).html(''); // Clearing the section of the feeds I am following
// Adding a new wrapping section in the HMTL page to make the SocialAPI's CSS file point only at this part of the webpage, in case many CSS files are used.
if($(whereToWrite).html() == ''){ // If there are no feeds in the section yet...
var wrapSection = '<div class="socialAPIWrapClass">'+
'<div id="socialAPIFollowedFeeds">'+
// Creating the new automatic refresh of the feeds. The followed feeds will be updated every "updateInterval" seconds.
followedFeedsUpdatesHandler = setInterval(function(){ updateFollowedFeeds(whereToWrite, updateInterval, numFeeds, flagDisplayReplies); },
updateInterval); // This variable will be necessary when the User needs to post a new message on Social
whereToWrite = '#socialAPIFollowedFeeds'; // Updating the focused section that we will pass to the following function the new ID, which is
inside the new wrapper div.
executeRestCallExtendedSix(myFeedManagerEndpoint + "my/news", 'GET', null, checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds, onError, whereToWrite,
parentWhereToWrite, numFeeds, numFeeds, flagDisplayReplies); // searches the feeds and passes them to the function "checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds()"
// If we are here it means that the function has to retrieve the feeds without automatically update them.
whereToWrite = '#socialAPIFollowedFeeds'; // Updating the focused section that we will pass to the following function the new ID, which is
inside the new wrapper div.
executeRestCallExtendedSix(myFeedManagerEndpoint + "my/news", 'GET', null, checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds, onError, whereToWrite,
parentWhereToWrite, numFeeds, numFeeds, flagDisplayReplies); // searches the feeds and passes them to the function "checkDataReceivedAndDisplayTheFeeds()"
// This is an object representing a User profile on Social and the section in the webpage in which we want its feeds be displayed.
function updateObj(keyValue, sectionID, automaticUpdatesHandlersCode, timeInterval, numOfFeedsToRetrieve, flagDisplayReplies){
this.keyValue = keyValue;
this.sectionID = sectionID;
this.automaticUpdatesHandlersCode = automaticUpdatesHandlersCode;
this.timeInterval = timeInterval;
this.numOfFeeds = numOfFeedsToRetrieve;
this.flagDisplayReplies = flagDisplayReplies;
/* This function check the presence of an object with one element which is equal to the sectionId in input in an array.
* Input:
* - the ID of the HTML section in which the feeds have to be displayed. It is the string that the function will try to find in the elements in the array
* - the array in which the function will look into.
* Output:
* - If the element has been found the function will return the index of the element in the array
* - else: it will return -1
function checkPresenceOfElement(sectionId, array){
var length = array.length; // This line of code will allow us to read to length of the array only once (and not at each cycle in the "for" statement),
speeding up the execution of the code.
return -1;
function feedsToDisplayObj(sectionID, numFeedsAlreadyDisplayed){
this.sectionID = sectionID;
this.numFeedsAlreadyDisplayed = numFeedsAlreadyDisplayed;
// Function that retrieves the feeds from the page of an Actor on Social and print them in the webpage.
// The name of the actor is read from the html page, from a field invisible to the User.
function updateFeedsFromProfile(accountName, whereToWrite, updateInterval, numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies){
// Consistency checks
if( updateInterval===null || updateInterval===undefined || updateInterval<0){ updateInterval = 0; }
if( numOfFeeds===null || numOfFeeds===undefined || numOfFeeds<0 || numOfFeeds>20){ numOfFeeds = 0; }
if( flagDisplayReplies===null || flagDisplayReplies===undefined ){ flagDisplayReplies = true; }
// Sanitizing the input (encodeURI() is used instead of encodeURIComponent() when there has to be allowed the possibility to have hashtags.):
accountName = encodeURIComponent(accountName);
whereToWrite = encodeURI(whereToWrite);
updateInterval = encodeURIComponent(updateInterval);
numOfFeeds = encodeURIComponent(numOfFeeds);
var tempSection = whereToWrite.substring(1); // It will be the ID of the HTML section in which we want to write the information without the hashtag as first
var tempElement; // Temporary variable used to store new elements inside 'globalArrayOfProfiles'.
var parentWhereToWrite = whereToWrite; // Memorizing the main section
if(updateInterval < 1000){ updateInterval = updateInterval*1000; } // Converting the time from seconds to milliseconds
// Section check. If the HTML section is present in the webpage we can move on, otherwise the function has to stop.
if( document.getElementById(tempSection) === null ){
// Error. No HTML section found to display the followed feeds on Social. Please add a <div id="feedsFromProfile"> section.
console.log('Error while trying to write the feeds from the specific profile. See function updateFeedsFromProfile().');
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem"> <p id="text"> There has been a problem while communicating with the server. <br/>Please try again
later refreshing the page. </p> </div>');
if(updateInterval > 0){
var indexOfElement = checkPresenceOfElement(parentWhereToWrite, globalArrayOfProfiles); // The function returns
-1 if the element is not in the array.
// If the element is inside the array, than we have to clear the interval and pop the element from the array before creating a
new automatic update interval.
if( indexOfElement > -1 && indexOfElement < globalArrayOfProfiles.length ){
// Stopping the old automatic refresh of the feeds
whereToWrite = '#' + innerWrap;
// Function that retrieves the feeds with the same hashtag on Social and print them in the webpage.
function updateFeedsWithSameHashtag(tag, whereToWrite, updateInterval, numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies){
// Consistency checks
if( updateInterval===null || updateInterval===undefined || updateInterval<0){ updateInterval = 0; }
if( numOfFeeds===null || numOfFeeds===undefined || numOfFeeds<0 || numOfFeeds>20){ numOfFeeds = 0; }
if( flagDisplayReplies===null || flagDisplayReplies===undefined){ flagDisplayReplies = true; }
// Sanitizing the input (encodeURI() is used instead of encodeURIComponent() when there has to be allowed the possibility to have hashtags.):
var noSharpTagArray = tag.split(' '); // Splitting the input tags from one string to an array of strings.
var noSharpTagString = '';
var noSpaceNoSharpTagString = ''; // This variable will be used for the innerWrap variable only.
for(var i=0; i<noSharpTagArray.length; i++){
if(noSharpTagArray[i][0] === '#'){
noSharpTagArray[i] = noSharpTagArray[i].substring(1, noSharpTagArray[i].length);
noSpaceNoSharpTagString += encodeURI(noSharpTagArray[i]); // Adding the tag only
if( i < noSharpTagArray.length-1 ){
noSharpTagString += encodeURI(noSharpTagArray[i]) + ' '; // Adding the tag plus an empty space
noSharpTagString += encodeURI(noSharpTagArray[i]); // Adding the last tag
whereToWrite = encodeURI(whereToWrite);
updateInterval = encodeURIComponent(updateInterval);
numOfFeeds = encodeURIComponent(numOfFeeds);
if(updateInterval < 1000){ updateInterval = updateInterval*1000; } // Converting the time from seconds to milliseconds
// Section's check. If the HTML section is present in the webpage we can move on, otherwise the function has to stop.
if( document.getElementById(tempSection) === null ){
// Error. No HTML section found to display the followed feeds on Social. Please add a <div id="feedsWithSameHashtag"> section.
console.log('Error while trying to write the feeds with the same hashtag. The section ID passed in input is not present in the web page.');
// Adding a new wrapping section in the HMTL page to make the SocialAPI's CSS file point only at this part of the webpage, in case many CSS files are used.
var innerWrap = "socialAPIFeedsWithSameHashtag"+ whereToWrite.substring(1, whereToWrite.length) + noSpaceNoSharpTagString;
var wrapSection = '<div class="socialAPIWrapClass">'+
'<div id="' + innerWrap + '">'+
// Activating the automatic refresh of the feeds
if(updateInterval > 0){
var index = checkPresenceOfElement(whereToWrite, globalArrayOfHashtags); // Checking the presence of the element inside the
// If the element is already present we can simply modify the information about it
if(index >= 0 && index < globalArrayOfHashtags.length){
clearInterval(globalArrayOfHashtags[index].automaticUpdatesHandlersCode); // stopping the previously set
automatic updater
var handlerCode = setInterval( function() { updateFeedsWithSameHashtag(noSharpTagString, whereToWrite,
updateInterval, numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies); }, updateInterval); // The feeds will be updated every "updateInterval" seconds
globalArrayOfHashtags[index].automaticUpdatesHandlersCode = handlerCode;
globalArrayOfHashtags[index].timeInterval = updateInterval;
// else: we have to add a new element to the array
var handlerCode = setInterval( function() { updateFeedsWithSameHashtag(noSharpTagString, whereToWrite,
updateInterval, numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies); }, updateInterval); // The feeds will be updated every "updateInterval" seconds
globalArrayOfHashtags.push(new updateObj(noSharpTagString, whereToWrite, handlerCode, updateInterval, numOfFeeds,
flagDisplayReplies)); // Updating the global array for the timed updates
var index = checkPresenceOfElement(whereToWrite, globalArrayOfHashtags); // Checking the presence of the element inside the
// If the element is already present we can simply modify the information about it
if(index === -1){ // If the element is not yet in the array:
globalArrayOfHashtags.push(new updateObj(noSharpTagString, whereToWrite, null, 0, numOfFeeds,
flagDisplayReplies)); // Adding the element to the array
// This function returns the corrispondent handler for the 'whereToWrite' section ID.
function findMyHandler(whereToWrite){
var length;
// This function returns the corrispondent handler for the 'whereToWrite' section ID.
function findMyUpdateInterval(whereToWrite){
var length;
* This function displays the feeds into the webpage.
* Input:
* - the feeds to display
* - the ID of the HTML section where to display the feeds
* - the ID of the parent HTML section where to display the feeds
* - the maximum number of feeds to display
function appendFeeds(feeds, whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, numFeedsTotal, numFeedsStillToGet, flagDisplayReplies){
var numFeedsToDisplay;
if( (typeof numFeedsTotal) === 'string'){ numFeedsTotal = parseInt(numFeedsTotal); }
if( (typeof numFeedsStillToGet) === 'string'){ numFeedsStillToGet = parseInt(numFeedsStillToGet); }
if( (typeof flagDisplayReplies) === 'string'){
if(flagDisplayReplies == "false"){
flagDisplayReplies = false;
flagDisplayReplies = true;
if( feeds.length == 0 ){
// Printing the "no feed" message on the screen
var uniqueId = 'networkProblemsWarning'; // It is important to have a unique id, otherwise the function 'fadeOut' will work
only once.
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem" id="'+uniqueId+'"> <p id="text"> No (more) feeds available. </p> </div>'); //
Printing the "problem" message on the screen
$("#"+uniqueId).delay(5000).fadeOut('slow'); // This function will hide the warning after 5 seconds.
setTimeout(function(){ $("#"+uniqueId).remove(); }, 7000); // This function will remove the warning from the HTML code after 7 seconds.
numFeedsToDisplay = Math.min(feeds.length, numFeedsStillToGet);
var numFeedsDisplayed = 0;
// If we don't want to display the replies we want to show the profile Picture and Name ONCE. Now:
if(feeds.length > 0 && (!flagDisplayReplies) && (!picturePresentFlag)){
var participants = feeds[0].Actors.results;
var accountName, profilePicUri;
if( participants[feeds[0].OwnerIndex].AccountName === null || participants[feeds[0].OwnerIndex].AccountName === undefined ){
accountName = participants[feeds[0].OwnerIndex+1].AccountName.split("\\");
profilePicUri = participants[feeds[0].OwnerIndex+1].ImageUri; // Reading the URI of the profile picture of the User.
owner = participants[feeds[0].OwnerIndex+1].Name;
accountName = participants[feeds[0].OwnerIndex].AccountName.split("\\");
profilePicUri = participants[feeds[0].OwnerIndex].ImageUri; // Reading the URI of the profile picture of the User.
owner = participants[feeds[0].OwnerIndex].Name;
accountName = accountName[accountName.length-1];
var personalAboutPage = socialWebsite + "Person.aspx?accountname=CERN%5C" + accountName;
// Consistency check. If no picture is found -> use the anonymous profile picture.
if( profilePicUri === null || profilePicUri === undefined || profilePicUri ==="" ){
profilePicUri = socialWebsite + "_layouts/15/images/PersonPlaceholder.42x42x32.png?rev=23";
var group = ''; // The variable that will (if present) store the title of the group in which the User posted the
if(participants[0].ActorType === 2){
group = participants[0].Name;
var groupString = ''; // The string that will tell the group in which the User posted the feed
if(group !== ''){
groupString = ' <span>> '+ group +'</span>'; // output example: " > IT/OIS"
if( participants[feeds[0].OwnerIndex].IsFollowed ){
var authorString = '<span id="author"> <a href="'+personalAboutPage+'" target="_blank"> '+ owner + ' </a> </span> '+ groupStr ing;
var authorString = '<span id="author"> <a href="'+personalAboutPage+'" target="_blank"> '+ owner + ' </a> </span> '+ groupString;
// Reading the most recent feed's ID from the ones already displayed.
var addingFeedsFlag = false;
var dateOfTheLatestFeedAlreadyDisplayed;
var mostRecentId = $(whereToWrite +" #feedId").html(); // reading the IDs of the feeds already displayed.
if( typeof(mostRecentId) == 'string' && mostRecentId != null && mostRecentId != undefined && mostRecentId != '' ){
addingFeedsFlag = true; // There are already feeds in the page. We are adding feeds.
dateOfTheLatestFeedAlreadyDisplayed = $(whereToWrite +" .feedsItem .date")[0].innerHTML; // Reading the date of the first feed in the HTML
section which is the date of the earliest feed retrieved so far.
dateOfTheLatestFeedAlreadyDisplayed = new Date(dateOfTheLatestFeedAlreadyDisplayed); // Re-creating the Date obj from the
information found in the HTML section
if(feeds.length == 0){
var uniqueId = 'networkProblemsWarning'; // It is important to have a unique id, otherwise the function
'fadeOut' will work only once.
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem" id="'+uniqueId+'"> <p id="text"> No new feeds available. </p> </div>'); //
Printing the "problem" message on the screen
$("#"+uniqueId).delay(5000).fadeOut('slow'); // This function will hide the warning after 5 seconds.
setTimeout(function(){ $("#"+uniqueId).remove(); }, 7000); // This function will remove the warning from the HTML code after 7
var dateOfTheLatestFeedRetrieved = new Date(feeds[0].RootPost.CreatedTime);
// If we created a correct Date object and there are some more feeds coming from Social but those have been already displayed...
if( dateOfTheLatestFeedAlreadyDisplayed instanceof Date && dateOfTheLatestFeedRetrieved >= dateOfTheLatestFeedAlreadyDisplayed
feeds = feeds.reverse(); // Inverting the array of feeds to let the function add the oldest one first using
var howToWriteFeeds = "prepend";
// We are dealing with older feeds, we want them to be displayed after the ones already int he webpage
var howToWriteFeeds = "append";
}catch(e){ var howToWriteFeeds = "append"; }
// Foreach feed
var i = 0, thread, participants;
while( numFeedsDisplayed < numFeedsToDisplay && i < feeds.length ){
// If the feed has already been displayed we can analize the following one
// If the feed is on a page like IT/OIS that the author will be the one following the Owner.
var owner;
var accountName;
var tempIndex;
var profilePicUri;
// Reading the name of the owner of the feed
if( participants[thread.OwnerIndex].AccountName === null || participants[thread.OwnerIndex].AccountName === undefined ){
owner = participants[thread.OwnerIndex+1].Name;
accountName = participants[thread.OwnerIndex+1].AccountName.split("\\");
tempIndex = thread.OwnerIndex+1;
profilePicUri = participants[thread.OwnerIndex+1].ImageUri; // Reading the URI of the profile picture of the User.
owner = participants[thread.OwnerIndex].Name;
accountName = participants[thread.OwnerIndex].AccountName.split("\\");
tempIndex = thread.OwnerIndex;
profilePicUri = participants[thread.OwnerIndex].ImageUri; // Reading the URI of the profile picture of the User.
var dateTimeFeed = new Date(thread.RootPost.CreatedTime); // The Date construct allows the User to automatically
see the local time on the webpage
var dateString = createDateString(dateTimeFeed);
var threadId = thread.Id; // This is important to memorize on the html page. It will not be shown to the User, but it will be come very useful
for the other functions (e.g.: for the Replies).
// Consistency check. If no picture is found -> use the anonymous profile picture.
if( profilePicUri === null || profilePicUri === undefined || profilePicUri ===""){
profilePicUri = socialWebsite + "_layouts/15/images/PersonPlaceholder.42x42x32.png?rev=23";
var actorId; // This variable will be used for the feeds from other Users.
var likeCounterString; // The string stating the number of people that likes the post
var text = thread.RootPost.Text; // The text of the message
// If the feed retrieved is only a message from the system like "Marco is now following Eduardo" LikerInfo will be undefined or null, therefore...
if(thread.RootPost.LikerInfo === undefined || thread.RootPost.LikerInfo === null)
// If we reach this line the feed will be displayed.
numFeedsDisplayed++; // Increasing the number of feeds displayed.
text = formatText(text, parentWhereToWrite);
* Checking the existence of people that like the message.
// If the number of people who likes this post is 0 (no-one)
if(thread.RootPost.LikerInfo.TotalCount == 0 || thread.RootPost.LikerInfo.TotalCount === null || thread.RootPost.LikerInfo.TotalCount ===
likeCounterString = ""; // If nobody liked the feed nothing particular is shown
// If someone liked the post... e.g. 23 liked the post -> (smile 23)
likeCounterString = "<span class=\"smile\"></span> <b>" + thread.RootPost.LikerInfo.TotalCount + "</b> ";
// To 'Unfollow' that person the User will need the 'actorId'.
actorId = participants[thread.OwnerIndex].Id;
var deleteString;
if( whereToWrite === "#socialAPIFollowedFeeds"){
if( participants[thread.OwnerIndex].IsFollowed ){
// therefore it will not be possible for the User to Delete this feed.
// Instead, the User will be able to 'Unfollow' that person.
deleteString = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="deleteFeed" >-'+actorId+'- -'+participants[tempIndex].AccountName.replace("\\","\\\\")+'- -'+whereToWrite+'- -'+updateInterval+'')"> <b> X </b> </a>';
deleteString = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="deleteFeed"
<b> X </b> </a>';
deleteString = '';
var groupString = ''; // The string that will tell the group in which the User posted the feed
if(group !== ''){
groupString = ' <span>> '+ group +'</span>'; // output example: " > IT/OIS"
// If the creator of the thread is followed it means that it is NOT the User
if( participants[thread.OwnerIndex].IsFollowed ){
var authorString = '<span id="author"> <a href="'+personalAboutPage+'" target="_blank"> '+ owner + ' </a> </span> '+ groupString
+ deleteString;
var actorString = '<p id="feedId" class="actorId'+threadId+'">'+actorId+'</p>';
var authorString = '<span id="author"> <a href="'+personalAboutPage+'" target="_blank"> '+ owner + ' </a> </span> '+ groupString
+ deleteString;
var actorString = ''; // There is no need of the actorId if the feed is from the User itself
// If the feeds are to be displayed without replies we want to show only once the profile Picture and Name
var profilePicString;
profilePicString = '<div>'; // Hiding totally the picture and the name of the author, allowing at the same time the text section
of the feed to be shown.
// Standard format of the picture section
profilePicString = '<div class="picSection">' +
'<a href="'+personalAboutPage+'"
target="_blank">' +
src="'+profilePicUri+'" id="profilePicture" /> ' +
'</a>' +
'</div> ' +
'<div class="notPicSection">' +
'<p>' + authorString + '</p>';
var conversationUri = thread.Permalink; // This will be the link to the conversation on Social
openConversationString = '<p class="openConversationLink"><a href="javascript:void(0);"
thread.Permalink +'');"> > Open entire conversation </a></p>';
openConversationString = '';
// If we are writing new feeds (there are already some in the HTML web section).
if( howToWriteFeeds == "prepend" ){
var newFeedsSection = $(whereToWrite +"
#beginFeedsSection");//document.getElementById(whereToWrite).getElementById('beginFeedsSection'); // Reading the div section at the beginning and inside of the HTML section
if(!flagDisplayReplies){ // Adding a separation line between the feeds only if there have to be no replies.
$('<hr style="border-top: dotted 1px; margin:0; padding:0 0 8px; clear:both; height:0;"
// Displaying the feed
$(strOutput).hide().insertAfter(newFeedsSection).fadeIn(800 + (i*120)); // The (i*120) helps creating a cool
effect so that the feeds are displayed fading in one after another, instead than fading in all at the same time.
// We are adding the feeds in the section for the first time
// Displaying the feed
$(strOutput).hide().appendTo(whereToWrite).fadeIn(800 + (i*120)); // The (i*120) helps creating a cool effect so that
the feeds are displayed fading in one after another, instead than fading in all at the same time.
if(!flagDisplayReplies){ // Adding a separation line between the feeds only if there have to be no replies.
$(whereToWrite).append('<hr style="border-top: dotted 1px; margin:0; padding:0 0 8px; clear:both; height:0;" />');
// We are now hiding the textAreaRreply section. This has to do be done here and not in the CSS because otherwise it will not work well in IE
(even IE11), causing the whole page to crash if Enter is pressed while the cursor is inside the textbox (my personal comment: <the "good" old IE>).
var elem = getElementInsideContainer(whereToWrite, "textareaReply" + tempParentWhereToWrite + threadId); // Getting the element of the
'textareaReply' just appended to the 'whereToWrite' section.
var replies = thread.Replies.results; // Catching the eventually present replies of this thread
// We now look at the replies for this particular post. If any is found it is showed to the User.
// The User is able to delete answers written by other people.
if(replies.length > 0){
var parts;
var prefix = "http://";
var index;
/* The Server gives us the replies in inverted chronological order (most recent feed first),
* but we want to display them like on Social, so oldest first
* --> then we will use [ replies.length -1 -j ] as index for the single reply to be displayed. */
var reply = replies[ replies.length -1 -j ]; // Capturing a single
var creatorOfTheReply = thread.Actors.results[reply.AuthorIndex]; // Reading the creator of the reply
attachmentUri = null; // Resetting the attachment Uri
// If there is any attachment...
if( att !== null && att !== undefined ){
// and it is an image (image -> AttachmentKind = 0)...
if( att.AttachmentKind === 0 ){
attachmentUri = att.Uri; // Memorizing the URI of the image attachment
var attachmentString;
if( attachmentUri === undefined || attachmentUri === null || attachmentUri === ''){
attachmentString = '';
attachmentString = '<p> <img id="attachmentImage" src="'+attachmentUri+'"
/> </p>';
// "accountName" and "personalAboutPage" has already been declared before, so we will not use the keyword "var".
accountName = creatorOfTheReply.AccountName.split("\\");
accountName = accountName[accountName.length-1];
personalAboutPage = socialWebsite + "Person.aspx?accountname=CERN%5C" + accountName;
replyId = reply.Id; // This is important to memorize on the html page. It will not be shown to the User, but it
will become very useful for the other functions (e.g.: for the Replies).
profilePicUri = creatorOfTheReply.ImageUri; // Reading the URI of the profile picture of the User.
// Consistency check. If no picture is found -> use the anonymous profile picture.
if( profilePicUri === null || profilePicUri === undefined || profilePicUri ===""){
profilePicUri = socialWebsite + "_layouts/15/images/PersonPlaceholder.42x42x32.png?rev=23";
text = reply.Text;
text = myEscapeHTML(text); // Preventing code injection!
text = text.replace(/\n/g, "</br>"); // Replacing all the new line character ('\n') with
the equivalent in HTML.
text = formatText(text, whereToWrite); // This function will adapt the text to our needs
* Checking the existence of people that like the message.
// If the number of people who likes this reply is 0 (no-one)
if(reply.LikerInfo.TotalCount === 0){
likeCounterString = ""; // If nobody liked the reply nothing particular is
// If someone liked the post... e.g. 23 liked the reply -> (smile 23)
likeCounterString = "<span class=\"smile\"></span> <b>" + reply.LikerInfo.TotalCount + "</b>";
// If the User likes the reply we will show the 'Unlike' button
likeString = '<span> <a '+j+'
'+whereToWrite+'')" href="javascript:void(0);"> Unlike </a> </span>';
// Otherwise we show the 'Like' button
likeString = '<span> <a '+j+'
'+whereToWrite+'')" href="javascript:void(0);"> Like </a> </span>';
attachmentString +
class="noWrapString"><span class="date">' + dateString + '</span> </span> <span class="slideLeft"> </span>' +
class="noWrapString">' +
'</span>' +
class="replyId" id="replyId'+threadId+' '+j+'">'+replyId+'</p>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
$(replyStr).hide().insertAfter(thisFeedSection).fadeIn(800 + (i*120) + (j*120));
// Reading again the name of the owner of the feed because if there is any reply it would have been replaced by now.
if( participants[thread.OwnerIndex].AccountName === null || participants[thread.OwnerIndex].AccountName === undefined ){
accountName = participants[thread.OwnerIndex+1].AccountName.split("\\");
accountName = participants[thread.OwnerIndex].AccountName.split("\\");
accountName = accountName[accountName.length-1];
if( (numFeedsTotal !== null && numFeedsTotal !== undefined && numFeedsTotal > 0 && numFeedsTotal <= 20) && numFeedsToDisplay <
numFeedsStillToGet){ // If we displayed every feed we could and there are no more feeds on Social:
var uniqueId = 'networkProblemsWarning'; // It is important to have a unique id, otherwise the
function 'fadeOut' will work only once.
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem" id="'+uniqueId+'"> <p id="text"> No more feeds available. </p>
</div>'); // Printing the "problem" message on the screen
$("#"+uniqueId).delay(5000).fadeOut('slow'); // This function will hide the warning after 5 seconds.
setTimeout(function(){ $("#"+uniqueId).remove(); }, 7000); // This function will remove the warning from the HTML
code after 7 seconds.
// Enough feeds have been displayed for now.
// Stopping the retrieval of feeds and displaying the button to retrieve even more feeds.
$(whereToWrite).append('<a id="moreFeedsButton" class="moreFeedsButton"
href="javascript:socialAPI().moreFeedsFunction(''+ dateTimeString +'', ''+ whereToWrite +'', ''+ parentWhereToWrite +'', ''+ accountName +'', ''+
numFeedsTotal +'', ''+ numFeedsTotal +'',''+ flagDisplayReplies +'')"> Show more posts </a>');
/* This function uses a regular expression to replace the following characters and thus sanitize a string from containing executable code:
* <, >, &, ", ', `, , !, @, $, %, (, ), =, +, -, {, |, }, ~, [, ], ., \, ^, :, ;, ?
* including the space character!
* In order to do this we map the correspondences and use the replace function.
* Input: the string
* Output: the message, encoded to be correctly represented in a HTML webpage. */
function myEscapeHTML(text){
// We don't use the complete map because it can interfere with the
// var completeMAP = {
// '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&', '"': '"', "'": ''', '`': '`', ' ': ' ', '!': '!', '@': '@' , '$': '$',
'%': '%', '(': '(', ')': ')', '=': '=', '+': '+', '-': '-', '{': '{', '|': '|', '}': '}', '~': '~', '[': '[', ']': ']', '.': '.',
'\\': '\', '^': '^', ':': ':', ';': ';', '?': '?'
// }; // note: the single quote (') cannot be replaced with ''', because it is not valid HTML 4. We have to use '''.
var MAP = {
'<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', '`': '`', '!': '!', '@': '@', '$': '$', '{': '{', '|': '|', '}':
'}', '[': '[', ']': ']', '\\': '\', '^': '^'
}; // note: the single quote (') cannot be replaced with ''', because it is not valid HTML 4. We have to use '''.
return text.replace(/[\<\>\"\'\`\!\@\$\{\|\}\[\]\\\^]/g, function (a) { return MAP[a]; });
/* This function is called to substitute a tag contained in a feed with a link construct. That will let the User be able, cli cking on the tag, to retrieve all the feed with
that tag
* Input:
* - the text of the feed
* - the index of the tag inside the feed
* - the tag to substitute
* - the section where the tag will be written
* Output:
* - the updated text of the feed
function tagReplace(text, index, tag, whereToWrite){
var gap;
if(socialWebsite === ""){
gap = '<a href="'+ socialWebsite +'search/Pages/conversationresults.aspx?k=%23'+ tag.substring(1, tag.length) +'" target="_bl ank"><strong>'+ tag
// else: we are in the Production environment
gap = '<a href="'+ socialWebsite +'search/Pages/results.aspx?k=%23'+ tag.substring(1, tag.length) +'" target="_blank"><strong >'+ tag
// var functionInputStr = "'"+ tag +"','"+ whereToWrite +"', 0"; // we have to adopt this method to pass the two input variable to the next function.
// var gap = '<a functionInputStr +')" href="javascript:void(0)"><strong>'+ tag +'</strong></a>';
return textAndLengthOfString;
// all the characters found are equal
/* This function creates the string that will display the date and time of each feed and reply.
* Input:
* - the date object of the feed or reply */
function createDateString(dateObj){
var day = dateObj.getDay();
case 0: day="Sun";
case 1: day="Mon";
case 2: day="Tue";
case 3: day="Wed";
case 4: day="Thu";
case 5: day="Fri";
case 6: day="Sat";
default: day = "Mon";
case 0: month="Jan";
case 1: month="Feb";
case 2: month="Mar";
case 3: month="Apr";
case 4: month="May";
case 5: month="Jun";
case 6: month="Jul";
case 7: month="Aug";
case 8: month="Sep";
case 9: month="Oct";
case 10: month="Nov";
case 11: month="Dec";
default: month="Jan";
var numberOfTheDay = dateObj.getDate(); // Returns the day of the month (from 1-31)
if(numberOfTheDay < 10){
numberOfTheDay = parseInt(0, 10).toString() + parseInt(numberOfTheDay, 10); // This way if the month is the 5th it will be displayed
as "05", instead of "5"
var hours = dateObj.getHours();
if(hours < 10){
hours = parseInt(0, 10).toString() + parseInt(hours, 10);
var minutes = dateObj.getMinutes();
if(minutes < 10){
minutes = parseInt(0, 10).toString() + parseInt(minutes, 10);
var seconds = dateObj.getSeconds();
if(seconds < 10){
seconds = parseInt(0, 10).toString() + parseInt(seconds, 10);
var time = hours+ ':' +minutes+ ':' +seconds; // Creates a time string like "09:15:42"
var str = day+ ' ' +month+ ' ' +numberOfTheDay+ ' ' +dateObj.getFullYear()+ ' ' +time; // The final string that will be given as output
return str;
// This function retrieves an element in a container. It is used to retrieve the reply sections inside the section for the feeds coming from a specific profile.
// Use: var e = getElementInsideContainer("div1", "edit2");
function getElementInsideContainer(containerID, childClass) {
if(childClass[0] === '#'){ childClass = childClass.substring(1); }
var parent;
for(i=0; i<elm.length; i++){
parent = elm[i] ? elm[i].parentNode : {};
/* This function returns True if the string passed in input is a valid URL, False otherwise.
* Input: the string to analize
* Output:
* - True if the string contains an URL
* - False otherwise
function validateURL(str) {
// RegEx: Development word used to find this function easily while programming.
// Creating a Regular Expression to recognise if the string is a website or not.
// string to be deleted: left for development purpose. ^((?!href\=\").)
var pattern = /^((ftp|https?):\/\/)?(www\.)?([\w\-]{2,})([\.][\w\-]{2,})*([\.][a-z]{2,})+([\/][\w\+\-\?\.\&\%\=\#\:\;\(\)\~]{2,})*[\/]?/i;
// Function called by the User while pressing the button "More feeds".
function moreFeedsFunction(dateTime, whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, accountName, numFeedsToDisplay, numFeedsStillToGet, flagDisplayReplies){
// else: The button is in a section feedsFromProfile...
console.log("There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nSee moreFeedsBodyFunction() function.");
// If the result object exists but has errors it means we made a bad request, than we have to stop the execution and signal it to the developer in the console
var uniqueId = 'networkProblemsWarning'; // It is important to have a unique id, otherwise the function 'fadeOut' will work
only once.
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem" id="'+uniqueId+'"> <p id="text"> Network problem. Please try to refresh the page later. </p>
</div>'); // Printing the "problem" message on the screen
$("#"+uniqueId).delay(5000).fadeOut('slow'); // This function will hide the warning after 5 seconds.
setTimeout(function(){ $("#"+uniqueId).remove(); }, 7000); // This function will remove the warning from the HTML code after 7 seconds.
// else...
// Stopping the automatic retrieval of new feeds that would hide the "extra" feeds that the User may be reading at the moment.
// To refresh the feeds and reactivate the automatic retrieval (of the feeds) the User may click on the "News" button on the right top of the page, or refresh
the whole web-page.
var handler = findMyHandler(whereToWrite);
if(handler !== -1){
else{ //else: every feed found is printed
// This function opens the thread considered, with all of its replies, in a new tab in the browser.
// It opens the website memorized in the "permalink" variable into a new tab.
function moreRepliesFunction(permalink){, '_blank');
var x = confirm("Are you sure you want to get rid of this conversation?");
if(x === false) { return; } // If the User clicks on 'No' then -> do nothing; else: continue
var result = JSON.parse(data); // parsing the data obtained from the social network
console.log("There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nSee deleteFeedFunction() function.");
// If the result object exists but has errors it means we made a bad request, than we have to stop the execution and signal it to the developer in the console
console.log("Bad request.\nPlease review the deleteFeedFunction() function.");
// If there is even only one reply to this feed we need to refresh the page to make the replies disappear
for(var i=0; (document.getElementById('replyItem'+threadId+' '+i)) !== null; i++){
// We do not need to call the function "deleteReply()", because deleting the feed will also delete its replies.
// We just need to delete the replies from the html page.
elReply = document.getElementById('replyItem'+threadId+' '+i);
// If no more feeds are displayed... (if even the first feed (feed[0]) has been deleted...)
if (isEmpty($("#socialAPIFollowedFeeds"))) {
$("#socialAPIFollowedFeeds").append('<div class="feedsItem"> <p id="text"> No feeds available </p> </div>');
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(2, 'There has been an error while deleting the feed. Please try again later.');
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
var data = "{ 'ID':'"+threadId+"' }"; // Including the ID of the feed we want to 'Delete'
/* This function returns the content of an html section avoiding to consider spaces and line breaks.
* Input:
* the html element to control
* Output:
* True = the section is empty
* False = the section is not empty
function isEmpty( el ){
return !$.trim(el.html());
function deleteReplyFunction(data){
var result = JSON.parse(data); // parsing the data obtained from the social network
console.log("There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nSee deleteReplyFunction() function.");
// If the result object exists but has errors it means we made a bad request, than we have to stop the execution and signal it to the developer in the console
console.log("Bad request.\nPlease review the deleteReplyFunction() function.");
var xhr = createCORSRequest("POST", myFeedManagerEndpoint + "post/Delete"); // Creating CORSRequest to Delete the message
xhr. () {
// After the operation the User has to see the feed disappear from the page
manuallyUpdateAllTheFeeds(); // Updating all the feeds displayed
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(3, "There has been an error while deleting the reply.");
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
var data = "{ 'ID':'"+replyId+"' }"; // Including the ID of the feed we want to 'Delete'
// Reading the actor name of the followed User and its nickname on Social
var actorName = temp2[0];
var actorId = temp2[1];
var whereToWrite = temp2[3];
var updateInterval = temp2[4];
temp = temp2[temp2.length-1].split("\\"); // 'temp' should become from "cern\\name" an array like "[cern,name]"
var accountName = temp[temp.length-1];
// Calling the Server to get the formDigest and then calling the function 'unfollowPersonFunction()' to call the "unfollow" operation.
executeRestCallExtendedFour(formDigestUrl, 'POST', null, unfollowPersonFunction, onError);
function unfollowPersonFunction(data){
var result = JSON.parse(data); // parsing the data obtained from the social network
console.log("There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nSee unfollowPersonFunction() function.");
// If the result object exists but has errors it means we made a bad request, than we have to stop the execution and signal it to the developer in the console
console.log("Bad request.\nPlease review the unfollowPersonFunction() function.");
xhr. () {
// After the operation the User has to see the Actor's feeds disappear from the page.
// We refresh the feeds to hide the ones from the Actor that the User has just stopped following:
updateFollowedFeeds(whereToWrite, updateInterval); // updating the followed feeds
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(4, "'Stop follow' operation error. Please try again later.\n\nIf the problem persists for more than 24 hours please contact
the IT Services.");
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
var data = null;
$(whereToWrite).html(''); // Empting the HTMl section to force the update...() function to re-display every feed (with the new .
var xhr = createCORSRequest("POST", myFeedManagerEndpoint + "post/Like"); // Creating CORSRequest to Like the feed
xhr. () {
// If the code reaches this part the operation was a success... and the message has been liked.
manuallyUpdateAllTheFeeds(); // and we call the manual update of the feeds to let the User see the new ones.
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(5, 'There has been an error while trying to like the feed. \nPlease try again later.');
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
var data = "{ 'ID':'"+id+"' }"; // Including the ID of the feed we want to 'Like'
$(whereToWrite).html(''); // Empting the HTMl section to force the update...() function to re-display every feed (with the new .
var xhr = createCORSRequest("POST", myFeedManagerEndpoint + "post/Unlike"); // Creating CORSRequest to Unlike the feed
xhr. () {
// If the code reaches this part the operation was a success... and the message has been uploaded.
manuallyUpdateAllTheFeeds(); // and we call the manual update of the feeds to let the User see the new ones.
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(6, "There has been an error while trying to unlike the feed. \nPlease try again later");
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
var data = "{ 'ID':'"+id+"' }"; // Including the ID of the feed we want to 'Like'
// Let's find the ID of the reply
var replyId = document.getElementById("replyId"+id).innerHTML;
}catch(e){ replyId = id; }
var xhr = createCORSRequest("POST", myFeedManagerEndpoint + "post/Like"); // Creating CORSRequest to Like the feed
xhr. () {
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(7, 'Error while trying to like a feed.');
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
var data = "{ 'ID':'"+id+"' }"; // Including the ID of the feed we want to 'Like'
// Let's find the ID of the reply
var replyId = document.getElementById("replyId"+id).innerHTML;
}catch(e){ replyId = id; }
// If the result object exists but has errors it means we made a bad request, than we have to stop the execution and signal it to the developer in the console
if(result.error.message.value.indexOf("Internal error code: 83") > -1){ // The User does not exists on Social
alert("We couldn't get data from Social. Please visit to set up your profile first.");
}else{ // Other error
console.log("Bad request.\nPlease review the likeFeedBodyFunction() function.");
}catch(e){console.log("Bad request.\nPlease review the unlikeReplyBodyFunction() function."); return;}
var xhr = createCORSRequest("POST", myFeedManagerEndpoint + "post/Unlike"); // Creating CORSRequest to Unlike the feed
xhr. () {
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(8, 'Error while trying to unlike a reply.');
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
var data = "{ 'ID':'"+id+"' }"; // Including the ID of the feed we want to 'Like'
// This function Posts a new feed on the personal social web page.
function postToMyFeeds(message, inputFunction) {
executeRestCallExtended(formDigestUrl, "POST", null, postMessage, onError, message, inputFunction); // Calling the function that will read the text from
the p section and post it online
// Consistency check
if(message === null || message === "" || message === undefined){
console.log("Error: no message to upload");
var result = JSON.parse(data); // parsing the data obtained from the social network
console.log("There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nSee postMessage() function.");
// If the result object exists but has errors it means we made a bad request, than we have to stop the execution and signal it to the developer in the console
if(result.error.message.value.indexOf("Internal error code: 83") > -1){ // The User does not exists on Social
alert("We couldn't get data from Social. Please visit to set up your profile first.");
}else{ // Other error
console.log("Bad request.\nPlease review the postMessage() function.");
}catch(e){console.log("Exception thrown in function postMessage()"); return;}
// Since the tags are written as tokens like {0} or {1} we have to make any kind of text which has
// numbers (only numbers) between curly parentheses be modified in order to avoid unintended repetitions
// of tags in the post.
var fakeTokensArePresent = message.match(/\{[0-9]+\}/); // The '+' means that we are considering only positive integers.
if( fakeTokensArePresent !== null ){
message = message.replace(/\{/g,"{ ");
message = message.replace(/\}/g," }");
// Using more than one curly bracket per time can bring problems while composing the message for Sharepoint.
// The simple solution uses a space between every couple of brackets. Now the brackets do not bother the tags and do not bother while composing the message.
if( message.match("{{") ){
message = message.replace(/\{\{/g,"{ {");
if( message.match("}}") ){
message = message.replace(/\}\}/g,"} }");
* Looking for websites and tags inside the message
var sitesAndTagsArray = new Array();
var tempTag = "";
var dataItemNumber=0; // number of read tags used for the tokens to apply in the message
var tempToken;
/* Checking the existence of links to websites inside the text of the message. */
// Now we try to find possible URL links inside the text.
var parts = message.split(" "); // Splitting the message using the spaces ( URLs don't have spaces )
var i=0;
if ( validateURL(parts[x]) ){
sitesAndTagsArray.push(new socialDataItemObj(parts[x], 4));
tempToken = "{"+dataItemNumber+"}";
parts[x] = beforeUrl + tempToken + afterUrl; // Replacing the website string into the message with a token like "{0}" or "{1}"
while( i < parts[x].length ){ // It HAS TO recalculate the length everytime because it could happen that two or more tags are written one after
another without spacing.
// Making sure that it is a tag (#something) and it is not the HTML code for e.g. curly brackets ("{" and "}")
if(parts[x][i] === '#' && isOnlyLetterOrNumber(parts[x][i+1]) && ( parts[x][i+1]!=='1' && parts[x][i+2]!=='2' &&
parts[x][i+3]!=='3' && parts[x][i+4]!==';') && ( parts[x][i+1]!=='1' && parts[x][i+2]!=='2' && parts[x][i+3]!=='5' && parts[x][i+4]!==';') && (i+1) < parts[x].length){
// The first element is a '#'
tempTag += parts[x][i];
i++; // moving on
// From now on only letters and number will be accepted as part of the tag
tempTag += parts[x][i]; // copying the i-th character of the message into "tempTag"
* Re-assembling the message
message = "";
for( x=0; x<parts.length; x++ ){
message += parts[x] + ' ';
// Converting all the single quotes (') and backslashes (\) in the message adding and extra backslash to each char to let Javascript to read them correctly.
// This is done because otherwise there would be a problem during the creation of the post in the 'try' section a few rows below this line.
message = message.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); // To be able to post single backslashes we have to double each one of them
message = message.replace(/'/g, "\\'"); // "\\'" is the right replacement to be able to post single quotes
updateFollowedFeeds(followedFeedsWhereToWrite, followedFeedsUpdateInterval); //
...and we call the manual update of the feeds (to show the new one in the webpage)
}else{ // We sent the request correctly but there has been a problem
var response = this.responseText;
if(response.indexOf("Internal error code: 83")){ // If the response from the Server says
that the problem is that the user has not been found...
alert("We couldn't get data from Social. Please visit to set
up your profile first.");
}else{ // Generic error
if(inputFunction !== undefined && inputFunction !== null){
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(9, 'There has been an error while uploading the message. \nPlease try again later.');
if(inputFunction !== undefined && inputFunction !== null){
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
// Creating the data for the post
var data = " { 'restCreationData':{ " +
" '__metadata':{ 'type':'SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData'}, " +
" 'ID': null, " +
" 'creationData':{ " +
'__metadata':{'type':'SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData' }, " +
" 'Attachment': null," +
" 'ContentItems': " + contentItemsString +
" 'ContentText':'" +message+ "',
'UpdateStatusText':false " +
" } " +
" }}";
errorHandlerFunction(9, 'There has been an error while uploading the message. \nPlease try again later.');
if(inputFunction !== undefined && inputFunction !== null){
// Now the message is well-formed.
// We try to post it.
var xhr = createCORSRequest("POST", myFeedManagerEndpoint + "my/Feed/Post");
xhr. () {
if(this.status == 200){ // If the operation succeeds... than the feed has been uploaded.
if(inputFunction !== undefined && inputFunction !== null){
updateFollowedFeeds(followedFeedsWhereToWrite, followedFeedsUpdateInterval); //
...and we call the manual update of the feeds (to show the new one in the webpage)
}else{ // We sent the request correctly but there has been a problem
var response = this.responseText;
if(response.indexOf("Internal error code: 83")){ // If the response from the Server says
that the problem is that the user has not been found...
alert("We couldn't get data from Social. Please visit to set
up your profile first.");
}else{ // Generic error
if(inputFunction !== undefined && inputFunction !== null){
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(9, 'There has been an error while uploading the message. \nPlease try again later.');
if(inputFunction !== undefined && inputFunction !== null){
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
// Creating the data for the post
var data = " { 'restCreationData':{ " +
" '__metadata':{ 'type':'SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData'}, " +
" 'ID': null, " +
" 'creationData':{ " +
'__metadata':{'type':'SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData' }, " +
" 'ContentText':'" +message+ "',
'UpdateStatusText':false " +
" } " +
" }}";
errorHandlerFunction(9, 'There has been an error while uploading the message. \nPlease try again later.');
if(inputFunction !== undefined && inputFunction !== null){
/* This function deletes the text into the inner html section
* Input:
* - id = the Id of the section (it is used to to find the text to delete)
function clearMessageToTheUser(id){
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = "";
catch(e){ }
// This function returns the corresponding number of the input symbol in the ASCII table.
function asc(String){
return String.charCodeAt(0);
/* This function shows the Reply textbox that will be used to send a reply to a feed.
* Input:
* - inputString: one string containing two sub-strings separated using a space character.
* First there is the name of the section where the feed is written.
* Next the id of the feed considered.
function showReplySection(inputString){
// Reading the input
var parentSection = inputString.split(' ')[0]; // the id of the parent section where to find the threadId passed in input (see next line)
if(parentSection[0] === '#'){
parentSection = parentSection.substring(1, parentSection.length); // Eliminating the '#' at the beginning. This is necessary for the
'getElementInsideContainer()' function
var textareaSectionID = inputString.split(' ')[1]; // The ID of the section where the textarea is.
var id = inputString.split(' ')[2]; // The 'threadId'
var obj = getElementInsideContainer(textareaSectionID, idPar); // the object that holds the textbox for the reply
var objText = getElementInsideContainer(textareaSectionID, "textareaReply" + parentSection + id); // the textbox for the reply
var objButtonUploadReply = getElementInsideContainer(textareaSectionID, "uploadMessage" + parentSection + id); // the upload-the-reply button
// var objButtonUploadFile = getElementInsideContainer(textareaSectionID, "replyButtonUploadFile" + id); // the upload-the-reply button
// ToDO. Future development.
slider = obj;
var minHeight = 0;
var maxHeight = 120;
var time = 400; // The time needed to show the section
var timer = null;
// If the textbox for the replies is closed it slows down and shows itself to the User
if(obj.offsetHeight == 0)
// Apparently jQuery goes in conflict with "tagcanvas.min.js". Therefore we have to use only Javascript to make the window slide down or up.
// Showing the reply section using Javascript
}else { = height + 'px'; // safety side ^^ = '1'; = "alpha(opacity=100)"; // for IE 8 and earlier
// Hide the reply section
var instanceheight = parseInt(, 10); // Current height
var init = (new Date()).getTime(); //start time
// var height = (toggled = !toggled) ? maxheight: minheight; //if toggled
var height = minHeight;
clearInterval(timer); // Terminates itself
/* Function that clears the text of the reply that the User is writing (in case the User would like to empty the textbox and re-write the reply)
* Input:
* - inputString: one string containing two sub-strings separated using a space character.
* First there is the name of the section where the feed is written.
* Next the id of the feed considered.
function clearReplyText(inputString){
// Reading the input
var parentSection = inputString.split(' ')[0]; // the id of the section in which the feeds are displayed.
if(parentSection[0] === '#'){
parentSection = parentSection.substring(1, parentSection.length); // Eliminating the '#' at the beginning. This is necessary for the
'getElementInsideContainer()' function
var whereToWrite = inputString.split(' ')[1]; // the id of the parent section where to find the threadId passed in input (see next line);
if(whereToWrite[0] === '#'){
whereToWrite = whereToWrite.substring(1, whereToWrite.length); // Eliminating the '#' at the beginning. This is necessary for the
'getElementInsideContainer()' function
var id = inputString.split(' ')[2]; // The 'threadId'
var objText = getElementInsideContainer(parentSection, "textareaReply" + parentSection + id); // the textbox for the reply
objText.value = "";
$("#"+whereToWrite).html(''); // Clearing the HTML section to force the update...() function to re-display every feed and its replies.
// We are now ready to post the reply... calling the executeRestCall() function.
executeRestCallExtendedFive(formDigestUrl, "POST", null, postReply, onError, text, threadId, parentSection, whereToWrite);
var formDigest = result.d.GetContextWebInformation.FormDigestValue;
// Since the tags are written as tokens like {0} or {1} we have to make any kind of text which has
// numbers (only numbers) between curly parentheses be coded in html to avoid unintended repetitions
// of tags in the post.
var fakeTokensArePresent = message.match(/\{[0-9]+\}/); // The '+' means that we are considering only positive integers.
if( fakeTokensArePresent !== null ){
message = message.replace(/\{/g,"{ ");
message = message.replace(/\}/g," }");
// Using more than one curly bracket per time can bring problems while composing the message for Sharepoint.
// The simple solution uses a space between every couple of brackets. Now the brackets do not bother the tags and do not bother while composing the message.
if( message.match("{{") ){
message = message.replace(/\{\{/g,"{ {");
if( message.match("}}") ){
message = message.replace(/\}\}/g,"} }");
* Looking for tags and websites inside the message
var sitesAndTagsArray = new Array();
var tempTag = "";
var dataItemNumber=0; // number of read tags used for the tokens to apply in the message
var tempToken;
/* Checking the existence of links to websites inside the text of the message. */
// Now we try to find possible URL links inside the text.
var parts = message.split(" "); // Splitting the message using the spaces ( URLs don't have spaces )
var i=0;
if ( validateURL(parts[x]) ){
sitesAndTagsArray.push(new socialDataItemObj(parts[x], 4));
tempToken = "{"+dataItemNumber+"}";
parts[x] = beforeUrl + tempToken + afterUrl; // Replacing the website string into the message with a token like "{0}" or "{1}"
while( i < parts[x].length ){ // It HAS TO recalculate the length everytime because it could happen that two or more tags are written one after
another without spacing.
// Making sure that it is a tag (#something) and it is not the HTML code for e.g. curly brackets ("{" and "}")
if(parts[x][i] === '#' && isOnlyLetterOrNumber(parts[x][i+1]) && ( parts[x][i+1]!=='1' && parts[x][i+2]!=='2' &&
parts[x][i+3]!=='3' && parts[x][i+4]!==';') && ( parts[x][i+1]!=='1' && parts[x][i+2]!=='2' && parts[x][i+3]!=='5' && parts[x][i+4]!==';') && (i+1) < parts[x].length){
// The first element is a '#'
tempTag += parts[x][i];
i++; // moving on
// From now on only letters and number will be accepted as part of the tag
tempTag += parts[x][i]; // copying the i-th character of the message into "tempTag"
* Re-assembling the message
message = "";
for( x=0; x<parts.length; x++ ){
message += parts[x] + ' ';
// Converting all the single quotes (') and backslashes (\) in the message to the respective HTML encoded symbols.
// This is done because otherwise there would be a problem during the creation of the post in the 'try' section a few rows below this line.
message = message.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
message = message.replace(/'/g, "\\'");
* If there are some TAGS or WEBSITES
if( sitesAndTagsArray.length > 0 ){
// We will now create the string to put inside the 'ContentItems' section of the data inside the CORSRequest
var contentItemsString = '{ "results": [ { "__metadata": { "type": "SP.Social.SocialDataItem" }, "Text": "';
while( i<sitesAndTagsArray.length ){
// if we are analysing the last tag...
if( i === sitesAndTagsArray.length-1 ){
contentItemsString += sitesAndTagsArray[i].value;
if(sitesAndTagsArray[i].itemType == 4){
contentItemsString += '","Uri": "'+sitesAndTagsArray[i].value;
contentItemsString += '","ItemType": '+ sitesAndTagsArray[i].itemType +' }]},';
contentItemsString += sitesAndTagsArray[i].value;
if(sitesAndTagsArray[i].itemType == 4){
contentItemsString += '","Uri": "'+sitesAndTagsArray[i].value;
contentItemsString += '","ItemType": '+ sitesAndTagsArray[i].itemType +' }, { "__metadata": { "type":
"SP.Social.SocialDataItem" }, "Text": "';
* If there are some TAGS and/or WEBSITES & an ATTACHMENT...
if(attachmentUri !== "" && attachmentUri !== null && attachmentUri !== undefined){
updateSingleFeed(tempElement[0].sectionID, tempElement[0].URL);
manuallyUpdateAllTheFeeds(); // and we call the manual update of the
feeds to let the User see the new ones.
}else{ // We sent the request correctly but there has been a problem
var response = this.responseText;
if(response.indexOf("Internal error code: 83")){ // If the response from
the Server says that the problem is that the user has not been found...
alert("We couldn't get data from Social. Please visit to set up your profile first.");
}else{ // Generic error
alert('There has been a problem while posting the reply. Please try
again later.');
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(10, 'There has been an error while uploading the reply. \nPlease try again
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
// Creating the data for the post
var data = " { 'restCreationData':{ " +
" '__metadata':{
'type':'SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData'}, " +
" 'ID':'" + postId + "'," +
" 'creationData':{ " +
'__metadata':{'type':'SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData' }, " +
" 'Attachment': '"+attachmentUri+"'," +
" 'ContentItems': " + contentItemsString
" 'ContentText':'" + message + "',
'UpdateStatusText':false " +
" } " +
" }}";
errorHandlerFunction(10, "There has been an error while uploading the reply. \nPlease try again later.");
* else: there are some TAGS and/or WEBSITES but no ATTACHMENT
updateSingleFeed(tempElement[0].sectionID, tempElement[0].URL);
manuallyUpdateAllTheFeeds(); // and we call the manual update of the
feeds to let the User see the new ones.
}else{ // We sent the request correctly but there has been a problem
var response = this.responseText;
if(response.indexOf("Internal error code: 83")){ // If the response from
the Server says that the problem is that the user has not been found...
alert("We couldn't get data from Social. Please visit to set up your profile first.");
}else{ // Generic error
alert('There has been a problem while posting the reply. Please try
again later.');
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(10, 'There has been an error while uploading the reply. \nPlease try again
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
// Creating the data for the post
var data = " { 'restCreationData':{ " +
" '__metadata':{
'type':'SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData'}, " +
" 'ID':'" + postId + "'," +
" 'creationData':{ " +
'__metadata':{'type':'SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData' }, " +
" 'Attachment': null," +
" 'ContentItems': " + contentItemsString
" 'ContentText':'" + message + "',
'UpdateStatusText':false " +
" } " +
" }}";
errorHandlerFunction(10, "There has been an error while uploading the reply. \nPlease try again later.");
* If there are no TAGS and/or WEBSITES but there is an ATTACHMENT...
if(attachmentUri !== "" && attachmentUri !== null && attachmentUri !== undefined){
xhr. () {
// If the code reaches this part the operation was a success... and the message has been sent.
if(this.status == 200){ // If the operation succeeds... than the feed has been uploaded.
if(whereToWrite == "socialAPISingleFeed"){ // If it is a conversation we update
only that HTML section
// Looking for the section in the global array to retrieve the URL to
pass to the updateSingleFeed() function.
var length = globalArrayOfSingleConversations.length;
var tempElement;
for(var i=0; i<length; i++){
if(globalArrayOfSingleConversations[i].sectionID ==
tempElement =
globalArrayOfSingleConversations.splice(i, 1); // Removing that element from the global array (because it will be re-inserted in the updateSingleFeed() function)
updateSingleFeed(tempElement[0].sectionID, tempElement[0].URL);
manuallyUpdateAllTheFeeds(); // and we call the manual update of the
feeds to let the User see the new ones.
}else{ // We sent the request correctly but there has been a problem
var response = this.responseText;
if(response.indexOf("Internal error code: 83")){ // If the response from
the Server says that the problem is that the user has not been found...
alert("We couldn't get data from Social. Please visit to set up your profile first.");
}else{ // Generic error
alert('There has been a problem while posting the reply. Please try
again later.');
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(10, 'There has been an error while uploading the reply. \nPlease try again
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
// execute post
var data = " { 'restCreationData':{ '__metadata':{ 'type':'SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData'}, " +
"'ID':'" + postId + "',"+
" 'creationData':{
'__metadata':{'type':'SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData' }," +
" 'Attachment':
'"+attachmentUri+"'," +
" 'ContentText':'" +
message + "','UpdateStatusText':false " +
" } " +
"} }";
errorHandlerFunction(10, "There has been an error while uploading the reply. \nPlease try again later.");
* else: there are no TAGS & no ATTACHMENT
// Trying to post the message.
var xhr = createCORSRequest("POST", myFeedManagerEndpoint + 'post/Reply');
xhr. () {
// If the code reaches this part the operation was a success... and the message has been sent.
if(this.status == 200){ // If the operation succeeds... than the feed has been uploaded.
if(whereToWrite == "socialAPISingleFeed"){ // If it is a conversation we update
only that HTML section
// Looking for the section in the global array to retrieve the URL to
pass to the updateSingleFeed() function.
var length = globalArrayOfSingleConversations.length;
var tempElement;
for(var i=0; i<length; i++){
if(globalArrayOfSingleConversations[i].sectionID ==
tempElement =
globalArrayOfSingleConversations.splice(i, 1); // Removing that element from the global array (because it will be re-inserted in the updateSingleFeed() function)
updateSingleFeed(tempElement[0].sectionID, tempElement[0].URL);
manuallyUpdateAllTheFeeds(); // and we call the manual update of the
feeds to let the User see the new ones.
}else{ // We sent the request correctly but there has been a problem
var response = this.responseText;
if(response.indexOf("Internal error code: 83")){ // If the response from
the Server says that the problem is that the user has not been found...
alert("We couldn't get data from Social. Please visit to set up your profile first.");
}else{ // Generic error
alert('There has been a problem while posting the reply. Please try
again later.');
xhr. (e1, e2, e3) {
errorHandlerFunction(10, 'There has been an error while uploading the reply. \nPlease try again
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
// execute post
var data = " { 'restCreationData':{ '__metadata':{ 'type':'SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData'}, " +
"'ID':'" + postId + "',"+
'__metadata':{'type':'SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData' }," +
" 'ContentText':'" + message +
"','UpdateStatusText':false " +
"} " +
"} }";
errorHandlerFunction(10, "There has been an error while uploading the reply. \nPlease try again later.");
// This function allows both the API and the User to manually update the feeds in the web page.
function manuallyUpdateAllTheFeeds(){
var tempElement;
var i=0;
// Every REST call is made only if the corrispondent section exists in the HTML code.
if( document.getElementById(followedFeedsWhereToWrite.substring(1, followedFeedsWhereToWrite.length)) !== null ){
updateFollowedFeeds(followedFeedsWhereToWrite, followedFeedsUpdateInterval, followedFeedsNumFeeds, followedFeedsFlagDisplayReplies);
// For each profile that has to be read we retrieve the data from the globalArrayOfProfiles...
var tempGlobalArray = new Array();
var length = globalArrayOfProfiles.length;
for(i=0; i<length; i++){
tempElement = globalArrayOfProfiles.pop();
if(tempElement.sectionID[0] === '#'){ tempElement.sectionID = tempElement.sectionID.substring( 1 ); }
tempGlobalArray.push(tempElement); // Saving the globalArrayOfProfiles in a temporary array to prevent 'race conditions' that could
happen while updating one feed and trying to read the next one.
// ...and we use those data to call for an update.
for(i=0; i<length; i++){
tempElement = tempGlobalArray.pop();
if( document.getElementById(tempElement.sectionID) !== null ){
if(tempElement.automaticUpdatesHandlersCode !== null){
updateFeedsFromProfile(tempElement.keyValue, tempElement.sectionID, tempElement.timeInterval,
tempElement.numOfFeeds, tempElement.flagDisplayReplies);
}catch(e){ console.log('There has been a problem updating the feeds of the account: ' + tempElement.keyValue); }
// For each hashtag that has to be used to retrieve feeds with the same hashtag we retrieve the data from the globalArrayOfHashtags.
tempGlobalArray = new Array();
length = globalArrayOfHashtags.length;
for(i=0; i<length; i++){
tempElement = globalArrayOfHashtags.pop();
if(tempElement.sectionID[0] === '#'){ tempElement.sectionID = tempElement.sectionID.substring( 1 ); }
tempGlobalArray.push(tempElement); // Saving the globalArrayOfHashtags in a temporary array to prevent 'race conditions' that could
happen while updating one feed and trying to read the next one.
// ...and we use those data to call for an update.
for(i=0; i<length; i++){
tempElement = tempGlobalArray.pop();
if( document.getElementById(tempElement.sectionID) !== null ){
if(tempElement.automaticUpdatesHandlersCode !== null){
updateFeedsWithSameHashtag(tempElement.keyValue, tempElement.sectionID, tempElement.timeInterval,
tempElement.numOfFeeds, tempElement.flagDisplayReplies);
}catch(e){ console.log('There has been a problem updating the feeds containing the tag: ' + tempElement.keyValue); }
updateSingleFeed(tempElement.sectionID, tempElement.URL);
}catch(e){ console.log('There has been a problem updating the feeds containing the tag: ' + tempElement.keyValue); }
// The automatic update of the feeds is re-activated during the execution of the called functions.
// Function that retrieves the feeds with the tag written from the User in the textarea.
// (this has nothing to spare with the tags in the Canvas construct)
function findTaggedFeeds(tag, whereToWrite){
if(tag === null || tag === undefined || tag === ""){ return; } // consistency check
// If no 'whereToWrite' section ID is given in input... [ the function is called as "findTaggedFeeds();" ]
if( typeof(whereToWrite) !== "string" || whereToWrite === null || whereToWrite === undefined || whereToWrite === "" ){
whereToWrite = '#feedsWithSameTag';
// if(tag[0] !== '#') { tag = '#' + tag; } // We need the text with the # symbol at the beginning.
retrieveFeedsWithSameTag(tag, whereToWrite);
/* Function that makes the REST call to retrieve the tags from Social that will be displayed in the Tag Cloud.
* Input:
* - whereToWrite: the ID of the HTML section in which the tags have to be displayed;
* - maxNumTags: the maximum number of tags to retrieve;
* - textColor: in the 3D Tag Cloud it is possible to set the color of the text (e.g.: '#3861aa');
* - textBorderColor: in the 3D Tag Cloud it is possible to set the color of border of the text that appears when the mouse is over the tag (e.g.: '#3861aa');
* - numDimensions: the number of dimensions to take into account. (2= 2D Tag Canvas, 3=3D Tag Cloud);
* - weightFlag: it is possible to set the size of the text of each tag accordingly to the frequency in which they are present in Social;
* - periodOfTime: the period of the time we are looking for ('lastDay', 'lastWeek', 'lastMonth', 'lastYear', 'allTime'). The case does not matter.
function loadTagCloud(whereToWrite, maxNumTags, textColor, textBorderColor, numDimensions, weightFlag, periodOfTime){
// Section checks. If the HTML vsections are presents in the webpage we can move on, otherwise the function has to stop.
while(whereToWrite[0] === '#' && whereToWrite.length > 0){
whereToWrite = whereToWrite.substring(1);
if( document.getElementById(whereToWrite) === null ){
// Error. No HTML section found to display the followed feeds on Social. Please add a <div id="+ whereToWrite +"> section.
console.log('Error while trying to write the tags for the Tag Cloud. The HTML section appears not to exist. See the function loadTagCloud().');
case 'lastDay':
date.setDate(date.getDate()-1); // Going back one day
case 'lastWeek':
date.setDate(date.getDate()-7); // Going back one week
case 'lastMonth':
date.setDate(date.getDate()-30); // Going back one month
case 'lastYear':
date.setDate(date.getDate()-365); // Going back one year
case 'allTime':
date = null; // We will retrieve all the tags ever used (with their number of occurrences)
date = null; // We will retrieve all the tags ever used (with their number of occurrences)
var querySiteToGetTheTags; // This will be the URL used to retrieve the tags from Social
if(date === null){
querySiteToGetTheTags = querySiteToGetAllTheTags;
var day, month;
month = date.getMonth() + 1;
if(month < 10){ month = '0' + month; } // We want the 'month' string to have always two chars.
day = date.getDate();
if(day < 10){ day = '0' + day; } // We want the 'day' string to have always two chars.
querySiteToGetTheTags = searchRestService + "query?querytext='ContentTypeId:0x01FD* write>=\""+ date.getFullYear() +"-"+ month +"-"+ day +"
00:00:01Z\" -ContentClass=urn:content-class:SPSPeople'&refiners='Tags'";
// This function reads the Social tags retrieved. It then writes them in the webpage as invisible fields.
function drawUserTagsInCanvas(data, whereToWrite, maxNumTags, textColor, textBorderColor, numDimensions, weightFlag){
// Standardizing and sanitizing the input parameters
if(whereToWrite[0] === '#'){
var length = whereToWrite.length;
var i=0;
while( whereToWrite[0] === '#' && i < length ){
whereToWrite = whereToWrite.substring(1, whereToWrite.length);
if( i >= (length-1) ){
console.log('Error while analyzing the input parameters of the function drawUserTagsInCanvas().');
whereToWrite = encodeURI(whereToWrite); // Sanitizing the input.
var tagsRetrieved;
tagsRetrieved = result.d.query.PrimaryQueryResult.RefinementResults.Refiners.results[0].Entries.results; // capturing the array of tags
// there are no tags to show, hide the canvas container
document.getElementById(whereToWrite).innerHTML = '<p>No hashtags found.</p>';
var numTagsToPrint = 0;
if( typeof(maxNumTags) === "number" && maxNumTags > 0 && maxNumTags < tagsRetrieved.length){
numTagsToPrint = maxNumTags;
numTagsToPrint = tagsRetrieved.length;
// Foreach feed
for (var i = 0; i < numTagsToPrint; i++) {
tagCount = tagsRetrieved[i].RefinementCount;
tagCount = parseInt(tagCount,10)+10; // 10 is used to give the text a minimal useful size into the canvas. This way a tag used only once will
have 11 (1+10), a tag used twice 12 (2+10) and so on...
if(tagCount <= 0) { tagCount = 1; } // Security check. Bounding 'tagCount' to avoid bad appearance in the website and eventually
if(tagCount > 1000) { tagCount = 1000; } // Security check. Bounding 'tagCount' to avoid bad appearance in the website and eventually
tagName = tagsRetrieved[i].RefinementName;
// Seen that the tag names are encoded like this (the tag is '#mud'): "L0|#006cdbd1c-84d7-42f0-af53-9d420d87deec|#mud"
// we have to retrieve the name of the tag splitting the string at every '|' and reading the last string.
tagName = tagName.split("|"); // splitting the string in many substrings
tagName = tagName[tagName.length-1]; // retrieving the last substring as the Name
// Now that the page has been loaded and the tags have been retrieved we can display them on canvas calling:
createTagsCanvas('#' + whereToWrite, textColor, textBorderColor, numDimensions, weightFlag);
// This function displays on the webpage the Social tags retrieved using HTML5.
function createTagsCanvas(whereToWrite, textColor, textBorderColor, numDimensions, weightFlag){
var parentWhereToWrite = whereToWrite;
// Creating the container section for the content coming from the SocialAPI.
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="socialAPIWrapClass" id="socialAPIWrapClassTagCloud'+ whereToWrite.substring(1, whereToWrite.length) +'"></div>');
whereToWrite = "#socialAPIWrapClassTagCloud" + whereToWrite.substring(1, whereToWrite.length);
// To use the colours in the canvas uncomment this section and set 'both' for the "weightMode" property.
// Create Linear Gradient to apply colors to the tags related to their weights
canv = document.getElementById('socialAPITagsCanvas');
// To realize colored tags into the canvas we create a gradient that will be relate to the weights of each tag (the number of times the tag has
been used on Social)
var gradient = {
0: '#f00', // red
0.33: '#ff0', // yellow
0.66: '#0f0', // green
1: '#00f' // blue
try {
TagCanvas.interval = 20;
TagCanvas.textFont = 'Impact,Arial Black,sans-serif';
TagCanvas.textHeight = 25; // Height in pixels
TagCanvas.outlineThickness = 2;
if(textColor === null || textColor === undefined || textColor === ''){
TagCanvas.textColour = '#3861aa';
TagCanvas.textColour = textColor;
TagCanvas.maxSpeed = 0.07;
TagCanvas.minBrightness = 0.25;
TagCanvas.depth = 0.8;
TagCanvas.pulsateTo = 0.2;
TagCanvas.pulsateTime = 0.75;
TagCanvas.initial = [0.03,-0.03]; // Initial spin of the sphere
TagCanvas.decel = 0.98; // Controls the deceleration when the mouse leaves the
canvas area
TagCanvas.reverse = true; // Sets the way the mouse moves the sphere
TagCanvas.weight = true;
TagCanvas.weightFrom = 'data-weight';
TagCanvas.weightMode = 'size'; // The weights are emphasized with the size of the
text (the greater the weight the bigger the size)
// ! The options for 'SizeMin' and 'SizeMax' have to be both set to work.
TagCanvas.weightSizeMin = 11;
TagCanvas.weightSizeMax = 46;
TagCanvas.fadeIn = 800; // Let the canvas fade in when loaded
TagCanvas.hideTags = true; // This function hides the tag elements from the webpage (same effect as display:none;)
TagCanvas.Start(canvasID,'socialAPIWeightenedTags'+parentWhereToWrite.substring(1, parentWhereToWrite.length));
} catch(e) {
// Something went wrong, showing the User an error message:
document.getElementById(whereToWrite.substring(1, whereToWrite.length)).innerHTML = '<p>' +
'If you are reading this, your browser does not support the canvas tag. ' +
console.log('Error while setting the Tag Cloud 3D. Please debug function createTagsCanvas().');
// In this case, it will be a 2-dimensional graphic (list-like).
tagsForTagCloud2D = tagsForTagCloud2D[0].childNodes;
$(whereToWrite).append('<p>There is a problem communicating with the Server. <br/>Please try again later. </p>');
console.log('No readable tags found for Tag Cloud 2D. Please debug function createTagsCanvas().');
var weight = 1; // Variable containing the number of occourrences of the tag (the max number will be 10000, see function
drawUserTagsInCanvas(). Minimum font-size = 0.8em.
var length = tagsForTagCloud2D.length;
var minWeight=1000, maxWeight=0;
// Reading the min and max weight present
for(var i=0; i<length; i++){
weight = $(tagsForTagCloud2D[i].childNodes[0]).data('weight');
if( weight<minWeight ){ minWeight = weight; }
if( weight>maxWeight ){ maxWeight = weight; }
var weightGap = maxWeight - minWeight;
if( weightGap < 1 ){
$(whereToWrite).append('<p>There is a problem displaying the tags. <br/>Please try again later.
$(whereToWrite).append('<p>There is a problem displaying the tags. <br/>Please try again later. </p>');
console.log('There is a problem displaying the tags. Please debug function createTagsCanvas().');
/* Function that calls the server to retrieve the feeds with the same tag.
* Input: the text of the tag to search.
function retrieveFeedsWithSameTag(tagText, whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies){
if(parentWhereToWrite === '' || parentWhereToWrite === null || parentWhereToWrite === undefined){ parentWhereToWrite = whereToWrite; }
if(numOfFeeds <0 || numOfFeeds > 19 || numOfFeeds === null || numOfFeeds === undefined){ numOfFeeds = 0; }
// To retrieve the posts with this tag we use the "id" inside the following REST call:
// var filter = 'path:' + socialWebsite.substring(0, socialWebsite.length-1); // The 'filter' is used to filter the results and
receive only the ones coming from Social
var searchForTagPostsSite = searchRestService + "query?querytext='tags:"+ tagText +"'&sourceid='459dd1b7-216f-4386-9709-287d5d22f568'&sortlist='created:1'";
// The code '459dd1b7-216f-4386-9709-287d5d22f568' means 'Retrieve only Conversations'
executeRestCallExtendedSeven(searchForTagPostsSite, 'GET', null, retrieveFeedsWithSameTagBodyFunction, onError, whereToWrite,
parentWhereToWrite, numOfFeeds, tagText, flagDisplayReplies, null); // searches the tags and display the tagged feeds grouped
catch(err){ errorHandlerFunction(11, "There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nPlease try again later."); }
var result = JSON.parse(data); // parsing the data obtained from the social network
var uniqueId = 'networkProblemsWarning'; // It is important to have a unique id, otherwise the function 'hide' will work only
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem" id="'+uniqueId+'"> <p id="text"> Network problem. Please try to refresh the page later. </p>
</div>'); // Printing the "problem" message on the screen
$("#"+uniqueId).delay(5000).fadeOut('slow'); // This function will hide the warning after 5 seconds.
setTimeout(function(){ $("#"+uniqueId).remove(); }, 7000); // This function will remove the warning from the HTML code after 7 seconds.
console.log("There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nSee retrieveFeedsWithSameTagBodyFunction() function.");
// If the result object exists but has errors it means we made a bad request, than we have to stop the execution and signal it to the developer in the console
var uniqueId = 'networkProblemsWarning'; // It is important to have a unique id, otherwise the function 'hide' will work only
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem" id="'+uniqueId+'"> <p id="text"> Network problem. Please try to refresh the page later. </p>
</div>'); // Printing the "problem" message on the screen
$("#"+uniqueId).delay(5000).fadeOut('slow'); // This function will hide the warning after 5 seconds.
setTimeout(function(){ $("#"+uniqueId).remove(); }, 7000); // This function will remove the warning from the HTML code after 7 seconds.
// else...
// Stopping the automatic retrieval of new feeds that would hide the "extra" feeds that the User may be reading at the moment.
// To refresh the feeds and reactivate the automatic retrieval (of the feeds) the User may refresh the web-page.
var handler = findMyHandler(whereToWrite);
if(handler !== -1){
// If it is the first step in displaying the feeds there will not be any button yet. It will be added in the printArrayOfFeed sWithSameTag()
// Trying to read the results from the PrimaryQueryResult
primaryArray = result.d.query.PrimaryQueryResult.RelevantResults.Table.Rows.results;
if( primaryArray.length > 0 && primaryArray !== "" && primaryArray !== undefined && primaryArray !== null){
primaryQueryResultsFound = true;
primaryQueryResultsFound = false;
}catch(err){ }
// If the PrimaryQueryResult does not contain the results then the SecondaryQueryResults will
secondaryArray = result.d.query.SecondaryQueryResults.results[0].RelevantResults.Table.Rows.results;
if( secondaryArray.length > 0 && secondaryArray !== "" && secondaryArray !== undefined && secondaryArray !== null){
secondaryQueryResultsFound = true;
secondaryQueryResultsFound = false;
catch(err){ }
// If the primaryArray is not null...
// We check the secondary array. If it is empty...
// Printing feeds from the 'primaryArray'
printArrayOfFeedsWithSameTag(primaryArray, whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, numOfFeeds, tagText,
// Telling the User that no feed has been found
var uniqueId = 'networkProblemsWarning'; // It is important to have a unique id, otherwise the
function 'hide' will work only once.
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem" id="'+uniqueId+'"> <p id="text"> There has been a problem while
reading the feeds. Please try again later. </p> </div>'); // Printing the "problem" message on the screen
$("#"+uniqueId).delay(5000).fadeOut('slow'); // This function will hide the warning after 5 seconds.
setTimeout(function(){ $("#"+uniqueId).remove(); }, 7000); // This function will remove the warning from the HTML
code after 7 seconds.
// If both the arrays are useful we merge the two of them and call the printArrayOfFeedsWithSameTag() function passing the merged
primaryArray = primaryArray.concat(secondaryArray); // Merging the two arrays into 'primaryArray'
/* This function examines the content of the array and prints it on the screen in the 'whereToWrite' section.
* input:
* - array: the array to examine
* - whereToWrite: section ID of the area where the feeds have to be displayed
* - parentWhereToWrite: section ID of the parent area where the feeds are going to be displayed
* - numFeeds: the maximum number of feeds to display
* - tagText: the name of the tag with which we are requesting the feeds
function printArrayOfFeedsWithSameTag(array, whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, numFeeds, tagText, flagDisplayReplies){
clearTimeout(hashtagCheckTimer); // This line stops the timer that is going to check the situation of the section that should contain the feeds
with same hashtag
var arrayOfReadFeedsLinks = new Array(); // This array will contain only the 'original path' of the feeds already read and displayed.
// Ordering the feeds in chronological order, from the most to the least recent one.
// This operation is necessary because sometimes the results are coming from two concatenated arrays (each of them is ordered , buth concatenated they may be no
// array = array.sort();
array = array.sort(function(a,b){
var dateA = new Date(getValue("Created", a.Cells.results));
var dateB = new Date(getValue("Created", b.Cells.results));
return dateB - dateA; // Orders the feeds from the one with the most recent date to the one with the least recent date.
var itemResults;
var originalPath;
var parentLink;
var numFeedsToDisplay;
if(numFeeds === null || numFeeds === undefined || numFeeds <= 0){
numFeedsToDisplay = array.length;
numFeedsToDisplay = Math.min(array.length, numFeeds);
var i = 0;
while(i < numFeedsToDisplay && i < array.length) {
itemResults = array[i].Cells.results;
parentLink = getValue("ParentLink", itemResults); // The originalPath is not UNIQUE. In Sharepoint a single feed can
have multiple 'OriginalPaths' between the feed and the replies. This is why we use multiple elements to determine if the feeds has already been displayed or not.
originalPath = getValue("OriginalPath", itemResults); // The originalPath is not UNIQUE. In Sharepoint a single feed can
have multiple 'OriginalPaths' between the feed and the replies. This is why we use multiple elements to determine if the feeds has already been displayed or not.
// originalPath = getValue("RootPostUniqueID", itemResults); // Works only in the Development environment
// Redundancy check - if this feed has already been displayed, we skip it.
// The path can be different within the same feed, so we have to check the text and creation date.
if( arrayOfReadFeedsLinks.indexOf(parentLink) == -1 ){ // If the originalPath has never been read before...
document.getElementById( whereToWrite.substring(1, whereToWrite.length) ).innerHTML += '<div id="'+originalPath+'"
executeRestCallExtendedFive(formDigestUrl, 'POST', null, showUserInformationInFeedsWithSameTag, onError,
whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, originalPath, flagDisplayReplies);
// Activating a function that will check the situation of the page after 6 seconds.
// If, after that time, the page is still empty we assume that no feeds have been retrieved. Thus, we show a message to the User explaining the situation.
hashtagCheckTimer = setTimeout(function(){
// If every feed found has no text they are not displayed and the "whereToWrite" section will remain empty. In this case:
if( $(whereToWrite).html() === null || $(whereToWrite).html() === "" || $(whereToWrite).html() === undefined){
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem"> <p id="text"> No feeds found with this tag.<br/>Please try again later.</p>
</div>'); // We write that there are no feeds containing the tag searched
var result = JSON.parse(data); // Parsing the data obtained from the social network
var formDigest = result.d.GetContextWebInformation.FormDigestValue;
console.log("There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nSee showUserInformationInFeedsWithSameTag() function.");
$(whereToWrite).html("There was a problem while communicating with the Server. Please try again later.");
// If the result object exists but has errors it means we made a bad request, than we have to stop the execution and signal it to the developer in the console
console.log("Error: "+ result.error.message.value +"\nPlease review the showUserInformationInFeedsWithSameTag() function.");
$(whereToWrite).html("There was a problem while communicating with the Server. Please try again later.");
var xhr = createCORSRequest("POST", myFeedManagerEndpoint + "post"); // Creating CORSRequest to Like the feed
xhr. showUserInformationInFeedsWithSameTagBodyFunction(this.responseText, whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, originalPath,
flagDisplayReplies); };
xhr. request encountered an error.\nSee showUserInformationInFeedsWithSameTag() function.");
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-RequestDigest", formDigest);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata=verbose");
var data = "{ 'ID':'"+originalPath+"' }"; // Including the ID of the feed we want to analize. We can also use the URL of the feed as ID.
// If every feed found has no text they are not displayed and the "whereToWrite" section will remain empty for the
User. In this case:
if( !contentFlag ){
if(result.error.message.value.indexOf("Internal error code: 83") > -1){ // The
User does not exists on Social
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem" id="'+uniqueId+'"> <p
id="text"> Your account has not been found on Social. <br/>Please visit and create the account first. </p> </div>');
}else{ // Other error
$(whereToWrite).append('<div class="feedsItem" id="'+uniqueId+'"> <p
id="text"> No feeds found. Please try again later. </p> </div>'); // We write that there are no feeds containing the tag searched
}catch(e){ console.log("Exception thrown in function
showUserInformationInFeedsWithSameTagBodyFunction()"); return; }
console.log("Error: "+ result.error.message.value +"\nPlease check
showUserInformationInFeedsWithSameTagBodyFunction() function.");
}, 3000); // This function will be activated after some seconds from the call, to let other functions display some feeds in
the webpage.
thread = result.d.SocialThread; // If no errors occour we read the post in the answer coming from the Server.
console.log("There was a problem while communicating with the Server.\nPlease check showUserInformationInFeedsWithSameTagBodyFunction()
// The originalPath has been used to set up a div section where we have to write our feed. Thus, we need to change the whereToWrite variable.
if(whereToWrite === "#socialAPISingleFeed" || whereToWrite === "socialAPISingleFeed"){
newWhereToWrite = getElementInsideContainer(originalPath, whereToWrite);
newWhereToWrite = getElementInsideContainer(whereToWrite, originalPath);
if(newWhereToWrite === null){
var uniqueId = 'networkProblemsWarning'; // It is important to have a unique id, otherwise the function 'fadeOut' will work
only once.
$(whereToWrite).html('<div class="feedsItem" id="'+uniqueId+'"> <p id="text"> There has been an error while writing the feeds. Please try again
later. </p> </div>');
setTimeout(function(){ $("#"+uniqueId).remove(); }, 7000); // This function will remove the warning from the HTML code after 7 seconds.
* Displaying the information of the FEED
// Checking the existence of people that like the message.
var likesCount = thread.RootPost.LikerInfo.TotalCount;
var likeCounterString;
// If the number of people who likes this post is 0 (no-one)
if(likesCount <= 0 || likesCount === '' || likesCount === null || likesCount === undefined){
likeCounterString = ""; // If nobody liked the feed nothing particular is shown
// If someone liked the post... e.g. 23 liked the post -> (smile 23)
likeCounterString = '<span id="likeCounter'+ threadId +'"> <span class="smile"></span> <b>' + likesCount + '</b> </span>';
var dateString = createDateString( new Date(thread.RootPost.CreatedTime) ); // The Date construct allows the User to automatically
see the local time on the webpage
var tempParentWhereToWrite;
if(parentWhereToWrite[0] === '#'){
tempParentWhereToWrite = parentWhereToWrite.substring( 1 );
}else{ tempParentWhereToWrite = parentWhereToWrite; }
var repliesSectionID = 'replyItemsSection'+ tempParentWhereToWrite + threadId;
var authorIndex;
var groupString; // The string that will tell the group in which the User posted the feed
if(thread.Actors.results[0].ActorType === 2){
authorIndex = 1;
groupString = ' <span>> '+ thread.Actors.results[0].Name +'</span>'; // output example: " > IT/OIS"
authorIndex = 0;
groupString = '';
var postAuthorName = thread.Actors.results[authorIndex].Name; // The name of the User that posted the feed
var profileImageUri = thread.Actors.results[authorIndex].ImageUri; // The profile image of the Author of the feed
// If the User has not yet a profile image a default one is visualized
if( profileImageUri === null || profileImageUri === undefined || profileImageUri === '' ){
profileImageUri = socialWebsite + '_layouts/15/images/PersonPlaceholder.42x42x32.png?rev=23';
profileImageUri = '<img src="'+ profileImageUri +'" id="profilePicture" />';
var personalAboutPage = thread.Actors.results[authorIndex].PersonalSiteUri; // This is the Uri of the User's homepage on Social.
var attachmentUri;
attachmentUri = thread.RootPost.Attachment.Uri;
var attachmentString;
if( attachmentUri === undefined || attachmentUri === null || attachmentUri === ''){
attachmentString = '';
attachmentString = '<p> <img id="attachmentImage" src="'+attachmentUri+'" /> </p>';
// Redundancy check - if this feed has already been displayed, we skip it.
if( document.getElementById('profileImageSection'+ threadId) ){
// Appending the reply section that will be shown when pressing the "reply" button of a feed.
$(newWhereToWrite).append('<div class="textbox'+ tempParentWhereToWrite + threadId +'">' +
'<p id="textAreaReplySection"> <textarea
placeholder="" wrap="hard" id="textareaReply" class="textareaReply'+ tempParentWhereToWrite + threadId +'"></textarea> </p>' +
'<p class="replyButtonsGroup"> <input type="button"
value="Reply" id="replyButton" class="uploadMessage'+ tempParentWhereToWrite + threadId +'" ''
'+threadId+'')"> </p>' +
var containerID; // To have the container ID we have got to check if 'newWhereToWrite' is an object pointing to the HTML section or just the s tring
containing the ID of the section.
if(whereToWrite !== "#socialAPISingleFeed" && whereToWrite !== "socialAPISingleFeed"){
// In this case the reply button is already hidden from the CSS and we want to also hide the textarea.
// We are now hiding the textAreaRreply section. This has to do be done here and not in the CSS because otherwise it will not work well in IE
(even IE11), causing the whole page to crash if Enter is pressed while the cursor is inside the textbox.
var elem = getElementInsideContainer(containerID, "textbox" + tempParentWhereToWrite +threadId); // Getting the element of the 'textbox'
just appended to the 'whereToWrite' section.
// The textarea is visible and we want to also show the 'Reply' button.
// We are now hiding the textAreaRreply section. This has to do be done here and not in the CSS because otherwise it will not work well in IE
(even IE11), causing the whole page to crash if Enter is pressed while the cursor is inside the textbox.
var elem = getElementInsideContainer(containerID, "uploadMessage" + tempParentWhereToWrite +threadId); // Showing the "Reply" button that is
normally hidden through CSS.
$(elem).css("display", "inline");
* Displaying the information of the REPLIES
// Displaying the replies
var repliesSection = document.getElementById(repliesSectionID);
var numberOfRepliesToShow = 0;
var replyPicUri;
var replyActorName;
var text;
var attachmentUri;
var numberOfReplies = 0;
numberOfReplies = thread.Replies.results.length;
var attachmentUri;
attachmentUri = replies[y].Attachment; // Reading the attachment URI. If present it will be displayed,
otherwise its HTML section will self-remove itself.
var attachmentString;
if( attachmentUri === undefined || attachmentUri === null || attachmentUri === '' ){
attachmentString = '';
attachmentString = '<p> <img id="attachmentImage" src="'+attachmentUri+'"
/> </p>';
dateString = createDateString(new Date(replies[y].CreatedTime)); // creating the string with the date of last
modification of the feed
likeString = createLikeReplyString(replies[y].LikerInfo.TotalCount, replies[y].LikerInfo.IncludesCurrentUser, id,
newWhereToWrite); // Creating the string about the likes of the feed
'<div class="picSection">' +
'<div id="picSection">' +
'</div>' +
'</a>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="notPicSection">' +
'<p> <span id="author"> <a href="'+personalAboutPage+'" target="_blank"> '+ replyActorName + ' </a> </span> </p>' +
'<p>' + text + '</p>' +
attachmentString +
'<span>' +
'</span>' +
'</div>' +
// This function creates the string to upload into the reply section. Precisely regarding the people that like of the reply.
function createLikeReplyString(likeCounter, userLikesTheFeedFlag, id, whereToWrite){
* Checking the existence of people that like the message.
var likeCounterString;
// If the number of people who likes this post is 0 (no-one)
if(likeCounter == 0 || likeCounter === '' || likeCounter === null || likeCounter === undefined){
likeCounterString = ""; // If nobody liked the feed nothing particular is shown
// If someone liked the post... e.g. 23 liked the post -> (smile 23)
likeCounterString = "<span id='likeCounter"+ id +"'> <span class=\"smile\"></span> <b>" + likeCounter + "</b> </span> ";
var likeString;
// If the User likes the reply we will show the 'Unlike' button
// likeString = '<span> <a '+j+'')" href="javascript:void(0);" > Unlike </a>
likeString = '<span> <a id +' '+ whereToWrite +'')" href="javascript:void(0);"> Unlike </a>
// Otherwise we show the 'Like' button
// likeString = '<span> <a '+j+'')" href="javascript:void(0);"> Like </a> </span>';
likeString = '<span> <a id +' '+ whereToWrite +'')" href="javascript:void(0);"> Like </a>
/* This function will format the text given in input and give the formatted text in output.
* The aim is to format it to fit the HTML language. */
function formatText(text, whereToWrite){
text = text.replace(/\n/g, "</br>"); // Replacing all the new line character ('\n') with the equivalent in HTML.
text = checkSharpPresence(text); // Modifying the text received from Sharepoint to be read effectively from the next
two functions. (replacying "<c0>" with "#", but only when needed.
text = text.replace(/<\/c0>/g, ""); // Deleting all the end tag character from Sharepoint ('</c0>').
text = text.replace(/<ddd\/>/g, ""); // Deleting all the character from Sharepoint ('<ddd/>').
text = checkForWebpages(text); // Modifying the text to contain links in case there are some tags in
return text;
// If no elements like "<c0>" are inside the string -> end of the function.
if( content.indexOf("<c0>") === -1 ){ return content; }
// If there is a sharp before "<c0>" than the element is deleted, otherwise it is turned into a sharp ('#').
if( content[ content.indexOf("<c0>") -1 ] !== "#" && content[ content.indexOf("<c0>") -1 ] !== "@" && content[ content.indexOf("<c0>") + 4 ] !== "#")
content = content.replace("<c0>", "#"); // Replacing all the tag character from Sharepoint ('<c0>') with the equivalent in HTML..
return checkSharpPresence(content);
content = content.replace("<c0>", ""); // Deleting the tag character from Sharepoint ('<c0>') with the equivalent in HTML..
return checkSharpPresence(content);
/* This function check the text for the presence of link to webpages.
* If any link is found it is substituted with an <a> HTML statement to make the User able to go on that website using a new tab.
function checkForWebpages(text){
// Now we try to find possible URL links inside the text.
var parts = text.split(" "); // separate input by spaces ( URLs don't have spaces )
text = ""; // Resetting text
var prefix = "http://";
var linkFlag = false;
// Attempt to validate each string as URL.
// If it is an URL it is converted and then appended to the "text" string.
// else: it is simply appended to the "text" string.
for (var index = 0; index < parts.length; index++) {
var afterUrl = '', beforeUrl = '';
while(parts[index][0] === '(' && parts[index].length > 2){
beforeUrl += '(';
parts[index] = parts[index].substring(1);
while(parts[index][parts[index].length-1] === ')' && parts[index].length > 2){
afterUrl += ')';
parts[index] = parts[index].substring(0, parts[index].length-1);
linkFlag = validateURL(parts[index]);
}catch(err){ linkFlag = false; }
if( linkFlag ){
// If it is a valid URL then replace with anchor...
// If the URL does not have the "http://" at the beginning we have to add it on the reference, otherwise it will point to a page
inside our website, which is not the target.
if( parts[index][0] !== 'h' && parts[index][1] !== 't' && parts[index][2] !== 't' && parts[index][3] !== 'p' )
text += beforeUrl +"<a href=\"" + prefix + parts[index] + "\" target=\"_blank\">"+ parts[index] + "</a>"+ afterUrl
+" ";
text += beforeUrl +"<a href=\"" + parts[index] + "\" target=\"_blank\">"+ parts[index] + "</a>"+ afterUrl +" ";
if( index < (parts.length-1) )
// It was not a valid URL. Appending the text as it is:
text += parts[index] + " ";
// This is the last element, no space has to be added at the end.
text += parts[index];
return text;
/* This function check the text of one feed for the presence of tags.
* If any tag is found it is substituted with an <a> HTML statement to make the User able to call for feeds with that tag.
function checkForTags(text, whereToWrite){
var tempTag = "";
var tempStrToCompare = '<a ';
var tempStrToCompareLength = tempStrToCompare.length;
var tempRes = false;
var x=0;
// The field "text.length" has to be left as it is, because the length of the text changes everytime we find a tag, therefore it has to be retrieved dinamically.
while( x < text.length){
while(text[x] !== '<' && x < text.length){
// Now text[x] = '<'
if( text[x+1] === '/' && text[x+2] === 'a' && text[x+3] === '>' ){
x += 4; // Goes beyond the "</a>" tag
// Making sure that it is a tag (#something) and it is not the HTML code for curly brackets ("{" and "}")
if(text[x] === '#' && isOnlyLetterOrNumber(text[x+1]) && ( text[x+1]!=='1' && text[x+2]!=='2' && text[x+3]!=='3' && text[x+4]!==';' ) && (
text[x+1]!=='1' && text[x+2]!=='2' && text[x+3]!=='5' && text[x+4]!==';' ) && ( text[x+1]!=='3' && text[x+2]!=='9' && text[x+3]!==';' ) && (x+1) < text.length){
// The first element is a '#'
tempTag += text[x];
x++; // moving on
// From now on only letters and number will be accepted as part of the tag
tempTag += text[x]; // copying the x-th character of the text into the j-th position in "tempTag"
x +=; // The index is just beyond the tag. We have to add the string length and the length of the tag
again. -1 because the x will be increased by one at the end of the while cycle.
return text;
/* No event listener is needed right now. If needed, use this function as example:
window. ()
var elem;
// should I add the 'onclick' to the <a> section? But this would mean not having a onEvent situation...
temp.lastChild.addEventListener('click', socialAPI().unlikeFeedFunction(threadId, whereToWrite), false);
// This element retrieves the elements from the web-page to which we would like to apply the changes.
var SocialAPI = function(){ return; };
socialAPI = function() {
return new SocialAPI();
// This line allows the Developer to call the prototyped functions (see below) from outside this environment simply writing something like:
// socialAPI().nameOfPrototypedFunction(inputVariable);
// Exposing the prototype object via socialAPI.fn so methods can be added later
socialAPI.fn = SocialAPI.prototype = {
// API methods
// Main methods
authenticateOnSocial: function(inputFunction){
updateFollowedFeeds: function(whereToWrite, updateInterval, numFeeds, flagDisplayReplies){
updateFollowedFeeds(whereToWrite, updateInterval, numFeeds, flagDisplayReplies);
updateFeedsFromProfile: function(accountName, whereToWrite, updateInterval, numFeeds, flagDisplayReplies){
updateFeedsFromProfile(accountName, whereToWrite, updateInterval, numFeeds, flagDisplayReplies);
updateFeedsWithSameHashtag: function(tag, whereToWrite, updateInterval, numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies){
updateFeedsWithSameHashtag(tag, whereToWrite, updateInterval, numOfFeeds, flagDisplayReplies);
updateGroupInfo: function(whereToWrite, department, group, section, imageFlag, groupNameFlag, numFeeds){
updateGroupInfo(whereToWrite, department, group, section, imageFlag, groupNameFlag, numFeeds);
updateSingleFeed: function(whereToWrite, url){
updateSingleFeed(whereToWrite, url);
manuallyUpdateAllTheFeeds: function(){
findTaggedFeeds: function(tag, whereToWrite){
findTaggedFeeds(tag, whereToWrite);
loadTagCloud: function(whereToWrite, maxNumTags, textColor, textBorderColor, numDimensions, weightFlag, periodOfTime){
loadTagCloud(whereToWrite, maxNumTags, textColor, textBorderColor, numDimensions, weightFlag, periodOfTime);
postToMyFeeds: function(inputMessage, inputFunction){
postToMyFeeds(inputMessage, inputFunction);
// Other methods
clearMessageToTheUser: function(id){
moreFeedsFunction: function(dateTime, whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, accountName, numFeedsToDisplay, numFeedsStillToGet, flagDisplayReplies){
moreFeedsFunction(dateTime, whereToWrite, parentWhereToWrite, accountName, numFeedsToDisplay, numFeedsStillToGet, flagDisplayReplies);
moreGroupElements: function(whereToWrite, department, group, section, imageFlag, departmentFlag, numFeeds){
moreGroupElements(whereToWrite, department, group, section, imageFlag, departmentFlag, numFeeds);
moreRepliesFunction: function(link){
deleteFeed: function(id){
unfollowPerson: function(inputString){
likeFeedFunction: function(threadId){
unlikeFeedFunction: function(threadId){
showReplySection: function(mixedInput){
createReply: function(str){
deleteReply: function(id){
likeReplyFunction: function(id){
unlikeReplyFunction: function(id){
setErrorHandler: function(func){
errorHandlerFunction = func;
// We can write more methods here, each using 'return this', to enable chaining.
File “socialAPI.css”:
font-size: 18px;
.socialAPIWrapClass a{
color: #4d94cc; /* To avoid blue underlined links */
text-decoration: none;
.socialAPIWrapClass a:hover{
color: #4d94cd;
.socialAPIWrapClass a:focus{
color: #256ca4;
color: blue;
.socialAPIWrapClass button{
background-color: #297CCF;
border: 0px;
color: white;
padding-top: 4px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
padding-left: 7px;
padding-right: -2px;
.socialAPIWrapClass button:hover{
background-color: #246fba;
.socialAPIWrapClass input{
background-color: #297CCF;
border: 0px;
color: white;
padding-top: 4px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
padding-left: 7px;
padding-right: -2px;
.socialAPIWrapClass input:hover{
background-color: #246fba;
/* misc */
.socialAPIWrapClass .left {
float: left;
.socialAPIWrapClass .right {
float: right;
.socialAPIWrapClass h1{
color: #414141;
font-size: 2.8rem;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 3rem;
font-family: "PT Sans",Verdana,Tahoma,"DejaVu Sans",sans-serif;
/* updates */
.socialAPIWrapClass .feedsItem .replyItem {
border-bottom: 6px solid #FFF;
.socialAPIWrapClass .label {
margin-top: 20px;
margin-bottom: 23px;
border: 3px solid #212121;
overflow: hidden;
text-align: center;
padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
.socialAPIWrapClass #reply{
font-size: 0.75em;
.socialAPIWrapClass #feed{
font-size: 0.75em;
.socialAPIWrapClass #myCanvasContainer{
vertical-align: top;
display: inline-block;
width: 45%;
.socialAPIWrapClass #feedsWithSameTagSphere{
vertical-align: top;
display: inline-block;
width: 53%;
.socialAPIWrapClass #findTaggedFeedsArea{
vertical-align: top;
display: inline-block;
width: 30%;
.socialAPIWrapClass #feedsWithSameTag{
vertical-align: top;
display: inline-block;
width: 68%;
.socialAPIWrapClass .feedsItem {
display: table;
table-layout: fixed;
word-wrap: break-word;
font: normal 0.73em "Trebuchet MS",sans-serif;
color: #565656;
padding-bottom: 10px;
overflow: hidden; /* necessary to hide text in excess */
border-bottom: 1px solid #FFF;
width: 100%;
/* Now we put the name of the Author and the text near the user's picture starting at the right height. */
vertical-align: top;
.socialAPIWrapClass .notPicSection p{
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 8px;
.socialAPIWrapClass .notPicSection p a{
word-break: break-all;
display: inline-block;
-ms-word-break: break-all; /* For IE */
.socialAPIWrapClass .feedsItem #deleteFeed{
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
opacity: 0;
float: right;
font-size: 1.3rem;
font-family: Arial;
/* The 'X' at the top right of the feed used to delete the feeds changes colour gradually. */
transition: color 0.2s linear, opacity 0.2s linear, filter 0.2s linear;
-webkit-transition: color 0.2s linear, opacity 0.2s linear, filter 0.2s linear;
-moz-transition: color 0.2s linear, opacity 0.2s linear, filter 0.2s linear;
-o-transition: color 0.2s linear, opacity 0.2s linear, filter 0.2s linear;
.socialAPIWrapClass .feedsItem span#author{
font-size: 1.2em;
margin: 0px;
.socialAPIWrapClass .feedsItem #authorOfFeedsWithSameTag{
font-size: 1.39em;
.socialAPIWrapClass .feedsItem .date {
color: #777777;
font-size: 0.85em
.socialAPIWrapClass #textAreaReplySection{
margin-left: 60px;
.socialAPIWrapClass textarea{
.socialAPIWrapClass #textareaReply{
margin-top: 12px;
font-size: 0.75em;
width: 99.2%;
height: 60px;
.socialAPIWrapClass .replyButtonsGroup{
width: 100%;
text-align: right;
.socialAPIWrapClass #replyButton{
display: none;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.socialAPIWrapClass #replyButtonUploadFile{
display: none;
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 10px;
height: 35px;
.socialAPIWrapClass .feedsItem #feedId{
display: none;
.socialAPIWrapClass .feedsItem a:hover {
color: #444;
.socialAPIWrapClass .slideLeft{
.socialAPIWrapClass .noWrapString{
/* white-space: nowrap; */
white-space: nowrap;
.socialAPIWrapClass .replyItem{
display: table;
font: normal 0.73em "Trebuchet MS",sans-serif;
color: #444444;
margin-left: 35px;
padding-bottom: 6px;
overflow: hidden; /* necessary to hide text in excess */
border-bottom: 1px solid #FFF;
table-layout: fixed;
word-wrap: break-word;
position: relative;
.socialAPIWrapClass .replyItem .notPicSection{
display: table-cell;
/* Now we put the name of the Author and the text near the user's picture starting at the right height. */
vertical-align: top;
.socialAPIWrapClass .replyItem #deleteReply{
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
opacity: 0;
float: right;
font-size: 1.3rem;
font-family: Arial;
/* The 'X' at the top right of the reply used to delete the replies changes colour gradually. */
transition: color 0.2s linear, opacity 0.2s linear, filter 0.2s linear;
-webkit-transition: color 0.2s linear, opacity 0.2s linear, filter 0.2s linear;
-moz-transition: color 0.2s linear, opacity 0.2s linear, filter 0.2s linear;
-o-transition: color 0.2s linear, opacity 0.2s linear, filter 0.2s linear;
.socialAPIWrapClass .replyItem span#author{
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.05em;
.socialAPIWrapClass .replyItem .date{
color: #777777;
font-size: 0.85em;
/* content */
.socialAPIWrapClass .label p {
margin: 4px 0 10px 0;
.socialAPIWrapClass input{
.socialAPIWrapClass #tool{
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
background: #F0F0F0;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid black;
.socialAPIWrapClass #moreFeedsButton{
clear: right;
display: block;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
.socialAPIWrapClass #moreFeedsButton:active{
padding-top: 6px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
padding-left: 7px;
padding-right: -2px;
.socialAPIWrapClass input#moreRepliesButton{
clear: right;
display: block;
text-align: center;
color: #454545;
border-color: #a3a3a3;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
background-image: -webkit-gradient(
left top,
left bottom,
color-stop(0, #F5F5F5),
color-stop(1, #D4D4D4)
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #F5F5F5 0%, #D4D4D4 100%);
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #F5F5F5 0%, #D4D4D4 100%);
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #F5F5F5 0%, #D4D4D4 100%);
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, #F5F5F5 0%, #D4D4D4 100%);
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #F5F5F5 0%, #D4D4D4 100%);
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
.socialAPIWrapClass input#moreRepliesButton:hover{
border-color: #7eba7e;
background-image: -webkit-gradient(
left bottom,
left top,
color-stop(0, #95DE95),
color-stop(1, #CCFFCC)
background: #95db95;
.socialAPIWrapClass #genericButton{
margin: 10px 0 10px 0;
.socialAPIWrapClass #profilePicture{
width: 50px;
/* While the width is fixed, the 'height' property will adjust automatically */
max-height: 50px; /* Bounding the height property. */
.socialAPIWrapClass #profileReplyPicture{
width: 38px;
/* While the width is fixed, the 'height' property will adjust automatically */
max-height: 38px; /* Bounding the height property. */
overflow: hidden;
.socialAPIWrapClass .smile{
display: inline-block; /* This line makes us able to give a width and height to the span section. */
width: 11px;
height: 11px;
background: url("") -119px -1px;
.socialAPIWrapClass #attachmentImage{
/* Same limits as on Social. */
max-height: 300px;
max-width: 300px;
.notPicSection #author a {
word-break: normal;
word-wrap: break-word;
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