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You are on page 1of 7 9958947060 Course Code = MMPC-019 Course Title : Total Quality Management Assignment Code: MMPC-019/TMA/JAN/2023 Coverage AM Blocks Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your study centre, Last date of submission for January 2023 session is 30 April, 2023 and for July 2023 session is 31” October, 2023. 1. Discuss the importance of awards and recognitions in Total Quality Management (TQM). Explain with the help of examples. 2. What do you understand by ‘Policy Deployment’ in TQM? Discuss. 3. Discuss the different structures for cross functional management with respect to TQM. 4. Write a brief note of the fundamental concepts of excellence with respect to TQM. Discuss the objective, structure and importance of ISO 9001:2015. Disclaimer/Special Note: These are just the sample of the Answers/Solutions to some of the Questions given in the Assignments. These Sample Answers/Solutions are prepared by Private Teacher/Tutors/Authors Meenakshi Sharma for the help and guidance of the student to get an idea of how he/she can answer the Questions given the Assignments. We do not claim 100% accuracy of these sample answers as these are based on the knowledge and capability of Private Teacher/Tutor Meenakshi Sharma. Saniple answers may be seen as the Guide/Help for the reference to prepare the answers of the Questions given in the assignment. As these solutions and answers are prepared by the private Teacher/Tutor so the chances of error or mistake canmot be denied. Any Omission or Error is highly regretted though every care has been taken while preparing these Sample Answers/ Solutions. Please consult your own 9958947060 Teacher/Tutor before you prepare a Particular Answer and for up-to-date and exact information, data and solution. Student should must read and refer the official study material provided by the university. 1. Discuss the importance of awards and recognitions in Total Quality Management (£QM). Explain with the help of examples. ANS: Total Quality Management (TQM) supports the organizations in their efforts to obtain satisfied customers. A major boost to the growth of TQM is the promotion of quality award models like Deming Application Prize, Maleolm Baldrige National Quality Award, Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award and CII-EXTM Bank award. These award frameworks are used by many organizations to assess and benchmark their level of TQM implementation. The common purpose of quality award is to promote excellence in quality and implementation of total quality management in enterprises. Many Indian companies have spruced up quality efforts with TQM and have even won the quality awards. A major boost to the growth of TQM is the promotion of quality award models like Deming Application Prize, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award and CI-EXIM Bank award. These award frameworks are used by many organizations to assess and benchmark their level of TQM implementation. The recoguition of the suecesses obtained by organizations using the total quality management (TQM) approach has been made historically through quality awards. The validity and applicability of the criteria used in such evaluations as well as, the consistent impartiality of the adjudication processes’ are what determine whether such recognitions are meaningful or mere token awards made inthe name of quality. The major intemationally recognized quality awards of the European Community, Japan, the USA and Canada use evaluation criteria which are similar in nature“A critical part of the management of quality is the strategic and systematic approach to achieving an organization's vision, mission, and goals. This process, called strategie planning or strategic management, includes the formulation of a strategic plan that integrates quality as a core component. Quality’ is generally referred to a parameter which decides the inferiority or superiority of a product or service. It is a measure of goodness}to understand how a product meets its specifications. Usually, when the expression “quality” is used, we think in the terms of an excellent product or service that teets or even exceeds our expectations. These expectations are based on the price and the intended tse’of the goods or services. In simple words, when a product or service exceeds our expectations we consider it to be of good quality. Therefore, it is somewhat of an intangible expression based upon perception W. Edwards Deming, Armand V, Feigenbanm and Joseph M. Juran jointly developed the concept of TQM. Initially, TQM originated in the manufacturing sector but it can be applied to all organizations. The concept of TQM stafesithat every employee works towards the improvement of work culture, services, systems, processes and so on to ensure a continuing success of the organization. TQM is a management approach for an organization, depending upon the participation of all its members (including its employees) and aiming for long-ten success through customer satisfaction. This approach is beneficial to all members of the organization and to the society as well. Continuous improvement is the heart of TQM as it links produet quality and customer satisfaction. This leads to measuring and monitoring all activities of the process cycle so best products can be obtained, The theory of prevention rather than detection is followed in this context. The customer-driven approach helps to prevent errors. For successfull implementation of TQM, committed and well trained work force is required. Participation of employees is reinforced by award, reward and recognition system, The education and training of employees 9958947060 is also very essential for the quality. This involves the continuous improvement of organisational processes, resulting in high quality products and service 2. What do you understand by ‘Policy Deployment’ in TQM? Discuss. ANS: Policy deployment is a component of Total Quality Management and a foundational building block of Lean, Six Sigma, and other project quality systems. The central planning tool involved in policy deployment is called a policy deployment matrix. To develop the matrix, the following 5 step process is carried out Develop Corporate Objectives (if not already developed), Develop Corporate Targets. Select Projects, Determine Improvement Targets. Create the Implementation Plan, Corporate Objectives Often this is clearly established before you get to the deployment stage. Often more than one is present, and all should be itemized in the matrix. Corporate objectives should be SMART Specific. What will the goal accomplish? Measurable. How will you measure whether or not the goal bas been reached? Achievable. Is it possible to achieve? Results focused. What is the benefit in accomplishing the objective? Time bound, What is the completion date? All of these questions need to be answered before the implementation of the strategy is addressed. I’ve found that the best way to effectively implement comporate strategy is to determine at least 5 of these corporate objectives, and make sure they are specific. Almost all corporate strategy includes things like increasing share price, maximizing revenue, and the like. That's the easy way out, and it usually results in strategy sessions becoming a paper pushing exercise that has ‘no meaningful results on the ground. For the purposes. of policy deployment, objectives are better more specific, such as “reduce defects” or “improve review processes.” Corporate Targets Once you determine what the objectives are, targets for each should be established. For example, if the objective is “reduce: defects” a target might be “5 defects per 10,000 items shipped, as measured by customer complaints.” The objective does not have to contain numbers, but the target should Select Projects Once the targets have been chosen, improvement projects can be initiated. Available resources such as project managers and team members should be considered, and budgets need to be in place From my experience, by this point the projects required to carry out the corporate strategy tend tobe obvious. Forexample, if corporate objective is to “reduce defects” a Six Sigma project could be identified. Most managers know what needs to be done to improve their unit, and at the risk of sounding)like I'm belittling the process (uot my intention), sometimes strategy becomes a way to tell them politely that it’s time to do it, Improvement Targets These are targets that are linked to the above projects. For example, if a Six Sigma project is identified then a realistic improvement target might be to “reduce defects to 5 in 10,000.” It should be specific and measurable, just like the SMART objectives listed above. Throughout the strategy deployment program, these improvement targets will be scrutinized and their progress evaluated. These form the backboue of the program, because they can be measured down the road to determine the effectiveness of the strategy deployment. Create the Implementation Plan 9958947060 Once the improvement projects and targets are established, the implementation plan identifies who is responsible for which target, and provides a means for judging the percent complete of each task. The implementation plan is the ongoing progress chart used by the project team to ensure the targets are met. Policy Deployment Matrix As mentioned above, the deployment matrix is essentially the cornerstone product of the policy deployment stage. You will find other spreadsheets and tables relating to policy deployment, but they will all derive from the matrix in one form or another. 3. Discuss the different structures for cross functional management with respect to TQM. ANS: With a focus on teamwork, TQM leads to the creation of cross-functional teams and knowledge sharing. The increased communication and coordination across disparate groups deepens institutional knowledge and gives companies more flexibility in deploying personnel. Cross-fumctional management (CFM) is necessary for the successful implementation of Hoshin Kanri. Moreover, CFM requires an important change in the structure of management relationships, in order to allow continual checking of goals ‘What is Catehball in Cross-Functional Management? Catchball is a term cam from the children’s ball game, where instead of a ball, an idea or goal is tossed around from person to person. Moreover, it is a vital element that requires continuous communication for ensuring the development of appropriate targets and means. Andpto their deployment at all levels in the organization. Moreover, this approach builds buy-in through participationin the goal-setting process and to ensure appropriate levels for goals and targets, Objectives of CEM. The aspects of Hoshin planning rather than management by objectives, focus on measuring results through the process rather than targets, Moreover, in management by objectives the objectives of the target setting and measurement incline on business tangibles such as profits and cost: The organization tends to give rise toa culture of individual orientated management control and troubleshooting, rather than teamwork and continuous improvement. Moreover, Hoshin planning focus on self-assessment with individual participation and flexibility. Above all, to apply the principles of Hoshin planning effectively, there are a number of prerequisites that an organization has in place Cross-functional management recognizes that no organizational unit can by itself control every aspect of the business operation to ensure that the customer's requirements are met. Cross- functional managementiis a method of cooperating across fimetional organizational boundaries — interacting with each other to make sure that the product or service meets the quality standards that are set. Indian organisatoins may take sometime to fully appreciate the power of this foundational priticiples of TQM, Because there may be a feeling that each managers in hissher department is functioning well. Generally, there may be every person for him/herself focus. They are interested in getting their jobs done and don’t bother about others. With the application of this principle and more decentralized approach, managers will be able to control the resources necessary to satisfy customers. Thus there would be improvement in customer satisfaction and cost savings. Slowly on implementation of TQM, Indian manages will understand and realize the meaning and application of cross-functional management Communication among departments will improve. Cross-funetional management techniques would reduce design time, improve product and service quality and build a sense of mission among company employees. this principle is very powerful as it aligns the vectors so that everyone and everything is going in the same direction. In the absence of this principle, no other approach for TQM can be successful 9958947060 4. Write a brief note of the fundamental concepts of excellence with respect to TQM. ANS: The eight principles of TQM are customer focus, employee involvement, integrated system, process-centric approach, systematic flow, continual efforts, fact-based decision- making, and relationship management. An organization must understand them to achieve excellence in manufacturing processes. Truly excellent organisations are those that strive to satisfy their stakeholders] by what they achieve, how they achieve it and what they are likely to achieve. This is hard enough at the best of times; sustaining it in a world of increasing global competition, rapid technological innovation, changing processes and frequent movement in the economie, social and customer environments, is even harder. Excellence is achieving results that delight all the organisation’s stakeholders. In the fast changing envionment that is today’s world, Excellent organisations are agile, flexible and responsive as stakeholder needs and expectations change, often frequently and quickly. Excellent organisations measure and anticipate the needs and expectations of their stakeholders, monitor their experiences and perceptions, and monitor and review the performance of other organisations. Information is gathered from both current and future stakeholders. This information is used in order to set, implemient and review their policies, strategies, objectives, targets, measures and plans, for the short, medium and longer term. The information gathered also helps the organisation to develop and achieve a balanced set of stakeholder results, Excellent organisations know and intimately understand their customers They understand that customers are the final arbiters of product and service quality. They also understand that customer loyalty, retention and market share gain is maximised through a clear focus on the needs and expectations of both existing and. potential customers. They are responsive to those customers’ present needs and expectations. Where appropriate they segment their customers to improve the effectiveness of their response. They monitor competitor activity and understand their competitive advantage. They effectively anticipate what customers’ future needs and expectations will be and act now in order to meet and where possible exceed them. They monitor and review the experiences and perceptions of their customers and where things go wrong.they respond quickly and effectively. They build and maintain excellent relationships with all their customers. Excellent organisations have leaders who set and communicate a clear ditection for their organisation. In doing so they unite and motivate other leaders to inspire their people, They establish values, ethics, culture and a governance structure for the organisation that provides a unique identity and attractiveness to stakeholders. Leaders at all levels within'these organisations constantly drive and inspire others towards excellence and ino doing display both role model behaviour and performance. They lead by example, recognising theit stakeholders and working with them on joint improvement activity. During times of turbulence they display a constancy of purpose and steadiness that inspires the confidence and commitment of their stakeholders. At the same time they demonstrate the capability to adapt and realign the direction of their organisation in the light of a fast moving and constantly changing external environment, and in so doing cary their people with them; Excellent organisations have an effective management system based upou, and designed to deliver, the needs and expectations of all stakeholders. The systematic implementation of the policies, strategies, objectives and plans of the organisation are enabled and assured through a clear and integrated set of processes. These processes are effectively deployed, managed and improved on a dayCito-day basis. Decisions are based on factually reliable information relating to current and projected performance, process and systems capability, stakeholder needs, expectations and experiences, and the performance of other organisations, including, where appropriate, that of competitors. Risks are identified based on sound performance measures and effectively managed. The organisation is govemed in a highly professional manner, meeting and exceeding all corporate external requirements. Appropriate prevention measures 9958947060 are identified and implemented inspiring and maintaining high levels of confidence with stakeholders. Excellent organisations identify and understand the competencies needed, both now and in the future, in order to implement the organisation’s policies, strategies, objectives and plans. They recruit and develop their people to match these competencies and actively and positively support them throughout, Personal development is promoted and supported allowing, people to realise and unlock their full potential. They prepare people to meet and adapt to the changes required of them both in terms of operational changes and personal capabilities. They recognise the increasing importance of the intellectual capital of their people and use their Knowledge for the benefit of the organisation. They seek to care, reward and recognise their people in a way that builds their commitment and encourages their loyalty to the organisation They maximise the potential and the active involvement of their people through shared values, and a culture of trust, openness and empowerment. They utilise that involvement to generate and implement ideas for improvement '5. Discuss the objective, structure and importance of ISO 9001:2015. ANS: ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization: a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide pfoduets and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, inchiding processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, All the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generie.and arevintended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides Specific. For the best results, an objective needs to be clear and specific. Instead of saying “to improve non-conforming product,” a specific Quality, Objective would be “to reduce non- conformances on the third widget line,” if the third widget production line is showing data as the most troublesome area for non-conforming product Measurable. If an objective can’t be measured, howwill you know if it has been obtained? In order to make a Quality Objective effective, it needs to be measurable, so this means that having aan objective “to reduce nou-conformaaces on the third widget line from 15% to 5%” is much more effective than saying “to improve quality of the products on the third widget line.” You can measure the defects being made, and therefore make plans to reduce the number of defects, but a vague measure of “quality”'is more ephemeral and very hard to plan improvements for. Agreed. For an objective to be agreeduit first needs to be created and approved by top level management. Once management agrees on the objective it needs to be communicated to each level of the organization that will be required to implement the plans to achieve the objective, and the people at these levels of the organization need to agree that the plan is achievable Without this buy-in they may not fully work towards the goal and the plan may be doomed to failure. Realistic. Being realistic with an objective will make selling it within your organization easier. If you tell your employees that you want to reduce defects from 50% to 2%, they will not be able to see how possible, especially if the plans around the object do not support the improvement. It is better to set realistic goals and overachieve than it is to set unrealistic goals, and always fall short of the expectation. Time-Based. To be truly effective, an objective needs to have a time associated with it. To say “reduce non-conformances on the third widget line from 15% to 5% in the next year” allows for better planning, since a plan needs to have dates in order to be properly tracked. Again, having the time associated will allow you to monitor how close you expect to be in achieving your goals, IMPORTANCE: 9958947060 ISO 9001 helps organizations ensure their customers consistently receive high quality products and services, which in tum brings many benefits, including satisfied customers, management, and employees, Because ISO 9001 specifies the requirements for an effective quality management system, organizations find that using the standard helps them: Organize a QMS Create satisfied customers, management, and employees Continually improve their processes Save costs In Nevada, the Clark County School District used ISO 9001 to save $174 million over 10 years in actual expenditures and cost avoidance. More than 3,000 employees were trained to the standard, enabling three critical components of the system’s success: training, communication and respeet, and efficiency. ISO 9001 is defined as the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. It is the most popular standard in the ISO 9000 series and the only standard in the series to which organizations can certify. ISO 9001 was first published in 1987 by the Intemational Organization for Standardization (ISO), an intemational agency composed of the national standards bodies of more than 160 countries. The current version of ISO 9001 was released in,September 2015

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