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M2 The Physical Self

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The Physical Self

Understanding the Self

Prof. Jerra C. Orquina

▪ Physical Self
▪ Major Proponents about the
Topics: Physical Self
▪ The Body and Self-esteem
▪ Overview of Self-esteem
The Physical Self

• The physical self refers to the body which we interface

with our environment and fellow being.
• It is a tangible aspect of the person that can be directly
observed and examined.
Examples of
traits and Weight Height
features of the
body that define
the Physical Self
Hair Complexion
▪ The transmission of traits from parents to
offspring. The traits are made up of specific
information embedded within one’s gene

Phenotype – the physical expression of

a particular trait

Genotype – the specific information embedded

within one’s genes; not all genotypes translate
to an observed physical characteristics.
• Our concept of our self and
the perception of people
around us will always have
big effect on how we deal in
a situation
Sigmund Freud William James Wilhelm Reich Erik Erikson

• The physical • Considered the • The mind and • The role of bodily
body as initial body are one organs is especially
body is the source of sensation important in early
and necessary for • All developmental
core of human the origin and stages of a person’s
experience maintenance of psychological life.
where self and personality. processes are • Example: a child
• Example: A boxer a part of gets their
personality is during a fight, do confidence when
not notice/feels his
physical they bigger,
constructed. wounds until the processes, vice stronger, faster and
more capable of
intensity of fight versa. learning complex
has subside. skills.
The Body and Self Esteem
• People from different cultures have opted to
change their features in attempt to meet the
cultural standards of beauty, as well as their
religious and/or social obligations.
• They modify and adorn their bodies as part of the
complex process of creating and re-creating their
personal and social identity to be accepted by
society and to be able to accept themselves.
• Presently, the youth is too conscious of their
physical attributes.
Have you ever compared yourself to celebrities?
How did it feel afterwards?
Overview: Self-Esteem
These people hold high regards of
themselves. They think they are better
while underestimating others.
High Self- This is a positive self-esteem and person
Esteem satisfied of oneself

Low Self- This person does not value oneself and

Esteem does not trust one’s possibilities
Most of the time, our self-esteem is defined by our
physical attributes. Beauty as defined by the society,
culture or traditions also matter to the person.
What is self-esteem?
• Self-esteem is the value and worth we attach to
A closer look ourselves as a whole
at Self-Esteem • Often connected with self-confidence - the level
of trust you place in yourself to do well in a
particular situation.
• Self confidence can vary for all of us depending
on our mood, our recent experiences or the
• If your sense of self-esteem is low, it can leave
you lacking in self-confidence as you approach
different situations in your life.
How are physical appearance
and self-esteem related?

• Your feelings about your physical appearance and self-esteem go

hand in hand, particularly if you experience frequent negative
reactions or comments.
How does self-esteem develop?
• Body image - your perception of your own appearance may change
over time, along with how much emphasis you place on your
• Feelings about our physical appearance and self-esteem are often
related because we live in an image-orientated society.
• Feelings of self-esteem can vary depending on whether you were
born with a visible difference or disfigurement, or acquired it early
in life, or experienced a change in appearance later in life.
How much value
do you see on
Have a great day! ☺

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