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Evaluation of Meso and Microplastic Ingestion by The Nor - 2023 - Marine Pollut

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Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115646

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Evaluation of meso- and microplastic ingestion by the northern fulmar

through a non-lethal sampling method
France Collard a, b, *, Hallvard Strøm a, Marie-Océane Fayet c, Fannar Þeyr Guðmundsson a,
Dorte Herzke c, d, Ådne Hotvedt a, Arja Løchen a, Cédric Malherbe e, Gauthier Eppe e,
Geir W. Gabrielsen a
Norwegian Polar Institute, Fram Centre, 9296 Tromsø, Norway
Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Fram Centre, 9296 Tromsø, Norway
Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Fram Centre, 9296 Tromsø, Norway
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), Hansine Hansens veg 18, Tromsø N-9037, Norway
Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, MolSys Research Unit, University of Liege, Allée de la Chimie 3, B6c Sart-Tilman, B-4000, Liege, Belgium


Keywords: An increasing number of organisms from the polar regions are reported contaminated by plastic. Rarely a non-
Fulmarus glacialis killing sampling method is used. In this study we wanted to assess plastic levels using stomach flushing and
Stomach flushing evaluate the method suitability for further research and monitoring. The stomach of 22 fulmars from Bjørnøya,
Svalbard, were flushed with water in the field. On return to the laboratory, the regurgitated content was digested
Plastic pollution
using potassium hydroxide. The extracted plastics were visually characterised and analysed with spectroscopy.
FTIR spectroscopy Only three birds had plastics in their stomach, totaling 36 particles, most of them microplastics (< 5 mm). The
plastic burdens are much lower than previously reported in Svalbard. The stomach flushing is assumed not to
allow the collection of the gizzard content. This is a major limitation as most of the plastics accumulate in the
fulmar's gizzard. However, the method is still useful for studies investigating plastic ingestion dynamics, allowing
to sample the same individuals over time.

1. Introduction the intestine to be evacuated. Fulmars have been defined as a bio­

indicator for the North Sea region in 2008 by the Oslo-Paris Convention
Plastic pollution is a global problem, even in remote regions such as (OSPAR Commission, 2008) and for Iceland more recently, in 2018
Antarctic and Arctic waters (reviewed in Bergmann et al., 2022; Caruso (Snæþórsson, 2021), and are recommended for biomonitoring in the
et al., 2022). Increased research into plastic pollution in the polar re­ Arctic (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, 2021) The
gions shows plastic contamination in organisms and compartments OSPAR convention established the Ecological Quality Objective
previously thought uncontaminated (Benjaminsen et al., 2022; Collard (EcoQO) based on beached fulmars where the proportion of birds having
and Ask, 2021; Grøsvik et al., 2023; Meyer et al., 2023; Technau et al., 0.1 g of plastic in their stomach should not exceed 10 % (OSPAR Com­
2022; Tekman et al., 2020). Despite the increasing number of scientific mission, 2010).
articles on plastic pollution, there is only one species used as a bio­ Evidence of harm in seabirds caused by the interaction with plastic
indicator for plastic pollution in a legislative framework, the northern debris has been known for a long time (e.g. Pettit et al., 1981) and new
fulmar Fulmarus glacialis (OSPAR Commission, 2021), hereafter called impacts on health have been recently discovered, on fulmars but also on
fulmar. Several characteristics such as feeding ecology and gut anatomy, other species (Charlton-Howard et al., 2023; Fackelmann et al., 2023;
make the fulmar ingest -and retain- a lot of plastics in their stomach. Rivers-Auty et al., 2023; Tulatz et al., 2023) which supports the need for
That stomach is divided in two parts, the proventriculus (or forest­ a more extended biomonitoring program on seabirds, for example in the
omach) and the gizzard (or ventriculus), where hard particles accumu­ Arctic where beached birds are difficult to obtain because of the
late until they are small enough to pass through the pylorus and reach remoteness of the region and presence of scavengers. Also, to sample

* Corresponding author at: Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Fram Centre, 9296 Tromsø, Norway.
E-mail address: (F. Collard).
Received 6 June 2023; Received in revised form 22 August 2023; Accepted 6 October 2023
Available online 11 October 2023
0025-326X/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
F. Collard et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115646

healthy birds is often a prerequisite for the evaluation of the effect of for future studies. For the samples collected in 2019, the filtering
microplastic (MP, < 5 mm) ingestion on the body condition and the membranes were stored for further analyses.
exposure to plastic-related chemicals. It is therefore important to assess
other ways to investigate plastic ingestion. Regardless of the context of 2.3. Spectroscopic analyses
the study, the stomach -or the gastrointestinal tract content- is most of
the time the only matrix used to assess plastic pollution in many animals. The particles from the two sample sets (2018 and 2019) were ana­
Studies on seabirds, including fulmars, are no exception and alive birds lysed with two different instruments. The samples collected in 2018
are therefore sacrificed to collect the stomach content for further ana­ were analysed by Raman spectroscopy and the ones collected in 2019
lyses, if no beached birds are used. Rarely a non-lethal sampling method were analysed by FTIR spectroscopy.
is used, such as stomach flushing, regurgitates or scanning technologies. Prior to the Raman analyses, the 15 ml tubes, containing the parti­
Scanning technologies, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cles, were centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min (Collard et al., 2015). The
scanning, are not adapted to be used in the field even though promising bottom of the tube was collected (around 2 ml) and spread onto a
from tests in the laboratory (Anderssen et al., 2022). Regurgitates pro­ stainless-steel plate (Collard et al., 2021). Spectra were obtained using a
vide important information on recently ingested plastic but do not LabRam 300 spectrometer (Horiba Jobin-Yvon) equipped with an
provide with certainty a complete sample and they cannot be collected Olympus BX 40 confocal microscope and an Andor BRDD iDus CCD
from birds which are unable to regurgitate (Provencher et al., 2019). detector cooled at − 70 ◦ C. Depending on the particle, two excitation
The stomach flushing method was already used in the 1970s to study the sources were used: a 532-nm or a 785-nm diode laser. The maximal
diet of reptiles (Legler, 1977) and birds (Moody, 1970). The stomach beam laser powers at the particle surface were 5 mW and 30 mW,
flushing method has over the years improved (Wilson, 1984) and some respectively. A 600 or a 1200 lines/mm grating was used with the 532
studies are using this for plastic pollution research (e.g. Lavers et al., nm and 785 nm lasers, respectively. Obtained spectra were matched
2014; Verlis et al., 2013). Even though this technique shows some lim­ with reference spectra with Omnic Specta software (Thermo Fisher
itations, it at least avoids euthanizing the studied animals, a factor of Scientific, U.S.A.). All the hard particles were checked for composition.
importance especially when the studied species is considered endan­ For the samples collected in 2019, a portable Fourier-transform
gered or rare, and the sacrifice of many individuals is not desirable infrared (FTIR) spectrometer “Cary 630” (Agilent Technologies, Santa
(Randall and Davidson, 1981). Euthanizing further prevents repeated Clara, USA) with a Diamond Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) sam­
sampling e.g. when studying the dynamics of a population where the pling accessory was used to identify the composition of the particles. The
same individuals are tracked and sampled for stomach content several spectral resolution was set at 8 cm− 1 and spectra were collected between
times a year (Randall and Davidson, 1981). To our knowledge, the 650 and 4000 cm− 1. Thirty-two scans were accumulated for each
flushing method has not been used yet on the northern fulmar in the analysis. After each sample, the crystal was cleaned with 2-propanol on
context of plastic pollution. The aim of this study is therefore to assess a wipe. Acquired spectra were compared to those in the ATR Demo
plastic ingestion in fulmars using stomach flushing and evaluate the reference library. In both cases, only the polymers showing a match
method suitability for further research. equal or superior to 0.7 (Joint Research Centre, 2013) were included in
the results.
2. Methods All the particles were photographed to measure their maximum
length with the ImageJ software (v1.52). Unfortunately, 5 plastic par­
2.1. Sampling ticles could not be measured as they were lost during manipulation. Four
of them were red fibres in sample 2018–09. The colour was also recor­
In July 2018 and July 2019, the stomach contents of 10 and 12 ded using the eight categories (off/white–clear; grey–silver; black;
breeding adult fulmars, respectively, were sampled in Herwighamna, blue–purple; green; orange–brown; red–pink, or yellow) defined by
Bjørnøya, Svalbard. The birds were captured by using a snare attached to (Provencher et al., 2017) and the type was determined following the
a pole. The stomach flushing method described by Wilson (1984) was “Save the North Sea” protocol (van Franeker et al., 2005) from 5 cate­
used. The bird was contained in a bird bag with the head sticking out and gories: fragment, sheet, foam, thread (all user plastics) and pellet (in­
the beak was held open, while a rubber tube was gently guided down the dustrial plastic), with one more category, fiber, as all particles were
throat. Lukewarm water was pumped into the bird, until it started included in the results. The plastic particles extracted from the stomach
flowing out. The tube was then removed, and the bird turned upside contents of 2019 were weighed (Quintix64-1S, Sartorius AG, Göttingen,
down over a tray, the throat was massaged gently to induce regurgita­ Germany, precision 0.0001 g).
tion. If the bird regurgitated after a small amount of water was pumped, In this study, all plastic particles visible with the naked eye,
the process was repeated. The bird was then released, the sample rinsed including fibres, were included, with a lower detection limit of 100 μm
from the tray into a container which was marked and frozen and sent to and 1 mm for the samples collected in 2018 and 2019, respectively.
the Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway, for analysis. However, to improve the comparability with studies following the
OSPAR protocol (OSPAR Commission, 2008), results are also given only
2.2. Plastic extraction for particles larger than 1 mm and with fibres excluded. The type was
therefore categorized following the “Save the North Sea” protocol (van
For the samples collected in 2019, the stomach content was first Franeker et al., 2005): fragment, sheet, foam, thread (all user plastics) or
sieved through a stainless-steel sieve with a 1-mm mesh size. The ma­ pellet (industrial plastic). Since we focused on visible particles, our
terial on the sieve was then rinsed off with a 10 % KOH solution into a samples were less prone to contamination. To ensure the absence of
glass beaker. More KOH was then added to reach a ratio of 3:1 (v/v, contamination, we performed one blank with the same water than used
Rochman et al., 2015). The mixture was then left for 24–48 h to digest. to flush the birds' stomach to check for any procedural contamination
Afterwards, the mixture was sieved through the same sieve mentioned which might have come from the equipment or consumables. No plastic
previously. The hard particles were then rinsed off with milliQ water piece was found in the blank.
into a filtration unit containing a filter membrane in cellulose acetate (5
μm mesh size, Sartorius). For the samples collected in 2018, the content 3. Results
was sieved through two sieves, 100 μm and 20 μm. the procedure is then
the same as described hereabove. The filter membrane was rinsed with In total, 36 plastic particles were extracted from the stomach con­
ethanol and all hard particles were stored in a 15-ml tube. In this study tents of 22 adult fulmars (Table 1). Only three birds had plastics in their
we focused on the larger size class (> 100 μm), the smaller being stored stomach after applying the flushing technique (percent of occurrence of

F. Collard et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115646

Table 1 mm) are excluded leading to an average of 0.5 particle per stomach. The
Overview of ingested microplastics (MP), ND: not determined, PA: polyamide, percent of occurrence would though remain the same (13.6 %). The
PE: polyethylene, PET: polyethylene terephthalate, PP: polypropylene. average length, however, would then be 4.56 mm (± 1.02) as most of the
Sample ID Number of plastic Polymer Shape Colour Length red fibres were smaller than 1 mm, increasing the average length. The
pieces (mm) total weight of the plastics from the samples collected in 2019 (Fig. 1)
2018- 0 would still be 52.3 mg and no bird would exceed the EcoQO perfor­
Blank mance threshold of 0.1 g (OSPAR Commission, 2008).
2018-1 0
2018-2 2 PE Fragment White 5.65
4. Discussion
2018-3 0
2018-4 0 Compared to previous studies performed in Svalbard, the plastic
2018-5 0 burdens found in fulmars in this study using the flushing technique were
2018-6 0
quite low. The percent of occurrence, the average number of plastic
2018-7 0
2018-8 0
pieces and the average mass of plastic in the fulmars' stomach are all
2018-9 24 PET Fiber Red 0.76 much lower than previously reported on the same species in other parts
1.42 of the Svalbard region (Table 2). Several factors could explain this dif­
0.72 ference, for instance the occurrence of regurgitation as a defence
mechanism while manipulating the bird for sample collection. The latter
1.04 did happen a few times in our fieldwork but the regurgitated volumes
1.79 seemed non-significant compared to the stomach contents we were able
0.96 to collect through stomach flushing. A more important factor is the
effectiveness of stomach flushing to collect plastic pieces ingested by
fulmars. The stomach flushing is assumed to allow the collection of the
0.22 proventriculus content only due to the isthmus juncture, the gizzard
0.41 remaining unavailable (Ryan and Jackson, 1986; Trevail et al., 2015;
0.55 Verlis et al., 2013). This is a major limitation when investigating plastic
pollution as most of the plastic pieces ingested by fulmars accumulate in
0.93 the gizzard and the number of pieces is much higher there than in the
1.32 proventriculus (Collard et al., 2022a; Mallory, 2008; Terepocki et al.,
0.77 2017). Plastics do accumulate in the gizzard where they, together with
1.43 other hard particles, will be ground up into smaller particles. The
retention time of those particles can consequently be very long, from
ND several weeks up to a year according to some studies (Nania and Shu­
1 PA Pellet Off ND gart, 2021; Ryan, 1988; Ryan and Jackson, 1987; Terepocki et al., 2017;
2018-10 0 van Franeker and Law, 2015). It can however be useful if a snapshot of
2019-01 0
the most recently ingested plastic particles is needed, the main limita­
2019-02 0
2019-03 0 tion being that very small particles may have reached the gizzard
2019-04 0 already. To ensure a more reliable collection, a particle size limit should
2019-05 0 be set, fitting the isthmus juncture diameter. Sampling the gizzard
2019-06 0 content, where plastics accumulate, is of high importance as plastics
2019-07 0
2019-08 0
may negatively impact the bird's health through both physical and
2019-09 1 PE Fragment Yellow 4.14 toxicological effects, such as puncture, fibrosis and pollutant leaching
2 PP Fragment Off 4.20 (Charlton-Howard et al., 2023; Tanaka et al., 2020; Tulatz et al., 2023).
3 PP Sheet White 3.23 Another factor is the sampling season. In this study the birds were
4 PA Pellet Off 4.03
sampled late July, when the chicks have hatched and are fed by the
5 Rubber Fragment Black 4.96
6 PP Fragment Grey 4.29 parents. Previous studies reported a parental transfer of plastic through
7 PP Fragment Yellow 6.45 regurgitation during the chick-rearing period (Rodríguez et al., 2012;
8 PP Thread Green 5.20 Ryan, 1988; Tulatz et al., 2023). In the case of Svalbard, the comparison
9 PP Sheet Off 4.86 with other studies is challenging as some of them included several age
2019-10 0
2019-11 0
classes (Collard et al., 2022a; Trevail et al., 2015; Tulatz, 2021). Those
2019-12 0 which included adult birds did not sample in July but rather in March
(Collard et al., 2022a) or September (Trevail et al., 2015; Tulatz et al.,
2023). The only other study focusing on Bjørnøya did not mention what
13.6 %). On average, 1.6 particle (± 5.5 SD) of plastic was found per time of year the fulmars were collected (van Franeker, 1985). Therefore,
stomach. The variability was high as the maximum of plastic pieces in it is impossible to evaluate the impact of the parental transfer in fulmars
one bird was 25, i.e. almost two thirds of the total number of plastic from Svalbard. We recommend that future studies on plastic ingestion in
pieces, with 23 being fibres. Those fibres were made of polyethylene fulmars, and seabirds globally, report the timing of sampling and
terephthalate (PET) but other polymers were also found (Table 1). The breeding conditions (Provencher et al., 2017).
average length was 2.16 mm (± 1.89 SD) and 77.8 % of all plastics were From the several studies performed in Svalbard, only one was carried
microplastics (≤ 5 mm). Several colours were reported but red was the out with fulmars sampled in Bjørnøya (van Franeker, 1985) and our
most numerous due to the high number of similar red fibres in a stomach study is the only one which used that method among all the published
sampled in 2018. The plastic particles from the 2019 samples weighed articles on plastic pollution in fulmars from Svalbard. Although the
52.3 mg altogether. plastic levels in those birds were also quite low compared to other places
According to the OSPAR guidelines, only 12 particles should have in Svalbard, the percent of occurrence was still high: 82 % of the
been included in the results, once the fibres and the small particles (< 1 sampled birds (n = 22) had plastic in their stomach. This supports the
assumption that the full stomach content, i.e. the gizzard content, is not

F. Collard et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115646

Fig. 1. Example of plastic pieces found in fulmar 2019-09. Scale bar: 5 mm.

Table 2
Summary of data on plastic ingestion by fulmars in Svalbard (modified from Collard et al., 2022a). PO: percent of occurrence, OSPAR: results according to OSPAR
Sampling year Sampling method PO (%) Plastic burden Region Study

1980 Dissection 82 4–5 items/ind. Bjørnøya van Franeker, 1985

1997 Dissection 91 10.3 items/ind. Kongsfjorden Collard et al., 2022b
0.07 g/ind.
2013 Dissection 87.5 15.3 items/ind. Isfjorden Trevail et al., 2015
0.08 g/ind.
2018–2019 Flushing 13.6 1.6 item/ind. Bjørnøya This study
2018–2019 (OSPAR) 13.6 0.5 item/ind.
2020 Dissection 95 36.1 items/ind. Kongsfjorden Tulatz et al., 2023
0.21 g/ind.
2021 Dissection 100 45.5 items/ind. Kongsfjorden Collard et al., unpublished data
0.31 g/ind.

recovered from the stomach flushing, leading to an underestimation of to produce fishing nets. The Barents Sea gather several fisheries area and
the plastic levels in fulmars collected for this study. In addition, there are therefore more thread-like particles were expected to be found in the
almost 40 years between the sample collections. Back in 1980, one can stomachs compared to hard fragments. A possible sorting from the bird
think that, although present, the marine environment was less polluted could explain this finding. Fragments might look more like usual preys
in plastic. The global production of plastic was 65 million tonnes against of fulmars. Due to one individual, a lot of red fibres in polyethylene
368 million tonnes in 2019, between 5 and 6 times more than 40 years terephthalate (PET) were found. PET is a common polymer used in
ago. It is estimated that approximately 7 billion of the estimated 9.2 textile, which could originate from effluents, local or from a distant
billion of cumulative plastic production between 1950 and 2017 became origin. Very few towns or settlements in the Arctic are equipped with
plastic waste, three-quarters of which was placed in landfills, were wastewater treatment plants, leading to a direct release of used waters in
mismanaged or ended up in the environment (United Nations Environ­ the environment. Among others, each washing cycle can produce be­
ment Programme, 2021). Despite this, more plastic was found in fulmars tween hundreds to millions of fibres (De Falco et al., 2018; Pirc et al.,
collected in 1980 than in our study, in 2018 and 2019. The stomach 2016; Sillanpää and Sainio, 2017) that will be directly release to the
flushing method does not provide a complete overview of all the plastics environment if there is no mechanical process to retain them.
ingested in the recent history of the bird, but it can still be useful for Bjørnøya is located in the western Barents Sea, and is the southern­
studies which want to investigate the dynamics of plastic pollution in most island in the Svalbard archipelago. Bjørnøya is surrounded by
fulmars, or other organisms, over time allowing to sample the same Arctic waters, but is also close to the Polar front constituting the border
individuals if marking the bird is possible. between the Atlantic water masses, coming for lower latitudes, and
Fisheries are a likely source of plastic in the Arctic (Grøsvik et al., Arctic water masses. The fulmar, once the chick is a few days old, spends
2018), and has been mentioned in some previous studies focusing on less time at the colony and increase their foraging distance (Hamer et al.,
marine organisms (Liboiron et al., 2019, 2016; Murray and Cowie, 1997). Depending on the population, fulmars can have a foraging range
2011). In this study, only one particle is suspected to find its origin from of 245 km (Hamer et al., 1997). With such long trips, fulmars from
fishing gear, more specifically fishing net or rope. That particle is a green Bjørnøya could feed themselves, or their chicks, both in Arctic and
thread-like particle made of polypropylene, a polymer commonly used Atlantic water masses, Recent tracking conducted as part of the

F. Collard et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115646

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