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June 19-23, 2023 CSS11 DLLWK9

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Daily School San Nicolas National High School Grade Level 11

Lesson Teacher DOMINADOR BENJAMIN G. BERNABE Learning Area Computer System Servicing
Log Teaching Quarter 4th
Week June 19-23, 2023


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and principles in setting up computer networks

B. Performance The learners shall be able to set up computer networks based established procedures and system requirements for hardware
C. Learning LO 2: Set network configuration
Competencies/ 2.1 Check network connectivity of each terminal in accordance with network design
Objectives 2.2 Diagnose and repair any problem or fault in the network system in line with standard operating procedures
2.3 Configure Network Interface Card (NIC) in accordance with the network design
II. CONTENT  network design
 addressing
 subnetting
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. Other Learning
Resources Materials, tools, equipment and testing devices, personal computer, laptop, wireless device, LED-TV, internet
A. Reviewing previous What 5S means? What are uses of Fiber optics?
lesson or presenting 5S is a system for organizing spaces so work can be Uses of Optical Fiber:
the new lesson performed efficiently, effectively, and safely. This
system focuses on putting everything where it  Medical Industry.
belongs and keeping the workplace clean, which  Communication.
makes it easier for people to do their jobs without  Defence.
wasting time or risking injury.  Industries.
 Broadcasting.
5S involves the removal of unnecessary items in the  Lighting and Decorations.
workspace, thus improving productivity with minimal  Mechanical Inspections.
waste of time. The method promotes a clean working
environment to reduce or totally eliminate work- What is the Ethernet?
related injuries. It helps ensure workplace safety. What are the basics of LAN cables?
What best describes Ethernet?
B. Establishing a What is the most important benefit of 5S? Explain the different types of PPE that are relevant to computer systems
purpose for the lesson servicing. This may include safety glasses, gloves, face masks or respirators,
Improvement in Safety: 5S helps in crating a safe protective clothing, hearing protection, and anti-static wrist straps. Describe
workplace by reducing accidents caused by Slippery when and where each type of PPE should be used
floors, eliminating oil leaks and creating visual
indicators. Improves Machine Uptime: By following
daily cleaning and fixing the abnormalities, the
breakdowns of the machines would significantly
Applying 5S to Everyday Life
1. Remove old clothes from your wardrobe that
you no longer wear, to make it easier to
choose from the clothes that you do wear
2. Always keep your keys in a standard place,
preferably near the front door (Straighten)
3. Wash the dishes regularly, rather than letting
them pile up (Shine)

C. Presenting examples/ Configure IP Addresses and Unique Subnets for

instances of the new New Users
This document describes basic information needed
to configure your router, such as how addresses are
broken down and how subnetting works.

D. Discussing new Subnetting is a method of dividing a single physical

concepts and practicing network into logical sub-networks (subnets).
new skill #1 Subnetting allows a business to expand its network
without requiring a new network number from its
Internet service provider. Subnetting helps to reduce
the network traffic and also conceals network
E. Discussing new When a bigger network is divided into smaller
concepts and practicing networks, to maintain security, then that is known as
new skill #2 Subnetting. So, maintenance is easier for smaller
networks. For example, if we consider a class A
address, the possible number of hosts is 224 for
each network, it is obvious that it is difficult to
maintain such a huge number of hosts, but it would
be quite easier to maintain if we divide the network
into small parts.
F. Developing Mastery
G. Finding practical To build the networks used throughout the world you must understand the single most important networking protocol: Internet
applications of concepts Protocol, or IP. IP itself has several components, most notably IP addressing, IP routing, IP routing protocols, and of course, IP
& skills in daily living subnetting.

Unfortunately, learning IP subnetting can be a big challenge. For example, IP subnetting includes many interwoven ideas, and many
common tasks in networking require knowledge of those fundamentals. However, output and figures that describe IP networks do not
describe the underlying concepts; they just list the numeric facts about addresses and subnets. Without proper background
knowledge, people can struggle to connect the facts to the ideas and make the correct conclusions.

Additionally, subnetting math causes the kinds of challenges to both new learners and long-time IT practitioners. Subnetting math
works a lot like math word problems did for us all back in school. Thankfully, all the subnetting math can be understood with a little
explanation and practice. However, subnetting includes enough different ideas, terms, and math processes so that you might struggle
in choosing what number you need to find, what math process to use, and what the results mean once calculated.
H. Making generalizations This complete IP version 4 (IPv4) subnetting course sets out to solve these problems. The course works through a series of topics
& abstractions about the about some big ideas, followed by the related subnetting math, and then has available practice for you to build the skill level you need
lesson for your purposes. No matter your motivation or current job role, this course helps you
Learn subnetting: Understand the ideas and terms in each part of IPv4 subnetting, how to use the ideas in the related mathematical
processes, and the purpose and meaning of the facts learned by those processes.
Do subnetting: Work through a sequence to first learn by seeing the process, and then transition to doing the process through
practice problems with video explanations, internalizing the process so you can do it on your own.
Go faster at subnetting: For those who work with subnetting math every week, or who are studying for certification exams, you must
also practice to become fast at these processes. The course discusses speed goals, how to practice for speed, and how to set
reasonable speed expectations.
Whether you just want to finally understand subnetting, want to finally be able to do the math, or need to be ready to breeze through
the Cisco CCNA exam, this course can help you master IPv4 subnetting. Be better at understanding the ideas, have better
conversations at work, be more effective at troubleshooting, reduce the time pressure on Cisco exams---all these can be achieved
with this course.
I. Evaluating Learning EVALUATE Performance Task:
Answer activities provided in the topic after every Actual termination and set up network topology
Answer short quiz found in the PowerPoint
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who 85% of the students successfully execute the process of cable termination.
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by & verified: Noted:


Teacher I Head Teacher III School Head, OIC
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