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VP3.1.24 Paper Hamburg

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17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 29 June - 3 July 2009, Hamburg, Germany



André Talla*,1, Pierre Meukam1, George Elambo Nkeng2

Université de Yaoundé I, École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique
Laboraoire d’Énergétique, de l’Eau et de l’Environment
B.P. 16034 Yaoundé – Cameroun, e-mail :
Tel.: (+237) 99 99 09 44 (Mobile) – (+237) 22 30 45 71 (domicile)
École Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics
B.P. 510 Yaoundé – Cameroun

ABSTRACT: Since 1995, Cameroon has been witnessing energy crisis due to demographic and industrial growth. This is
portrayed in the electricity sector by several power cuts in towns. Electrification rate is estimated at 25% at the national
level, 46% in towns and less than 1% in the rural areas. The valorization of fossilized primary sources contributes to
environmental destruction through the abundant emission of greenhouse gases. Wood remains the main source of energy
in this country. Consequently, this contributes to deforestation. The current study addresses the issue of energy recovery
from palm nut fibres and shells produced by oil mills. Mixed with binders like starch, ash, clay or lime, this
biodegradable waste is conditioned in the form of briquettes. Their density, specific heat and lower calorific capacities
are estimated. A comparative study of the various binders used shows a ratio of lower calorific power on the cost of the
binder, which varies from 14,538 kJ.m-3/(CFA franc) for starch to 55,736 kJ.m-3/(CFA franc) for ash. An improved
cooking hearth is designed and produced to supply a clean and economic energy solution. Concerning environmental
impact, the substitution of charcoal with this combustible material enables us to save 784,100 tons of wood each year and
to reduce the emission of methane into the environment by limiting the degradation of this waste product emitted
carelessly into the open air.
Keywords: valorization of waste, energy, palm nut, fuel briquette, environment, fibres and shells.

1 INTRODUCTION Wood Energy) shows that although oil mills are major
producers of huge quantities of fuel wastes, they hardly
In Cameroon, biomass is available everywhere but is valorise the wastes. Less than 10 % of these wastes available
rather poorly valorized. Only carpenter workshops based in are used in cooking nuts [5]. All oil mills produce wastes
towns manage to get the most from their wastes by selling (stalks, fibres and shells) which some valorise partially. In
them to households who use them for cooking. However, in Cameroon, an average of 484,000 tons of oil is produced
many countries, heat, vapour and electricity are produced each year. Oil represents approximately 20 % of the mass of
from the combustion of waste because of the tariff bunches which contain on average about 12.5 % fibres [6]. It
incentives attached to the repurchase of cogenerated is therefore estimated in this country that 290,400 tons of
electricity [1] [2]. For example, Guadeloupe and Reunion fibres are produced on average yearly by oil mills.
Islands exploit extensively in cogeneration factories the Most of these biodegradable wastes are therefore
combustion of bagasse whose energy efficiency is abandoned without carelessly in open air. Under these
approximately 2.2 [3]. Similarly, the incineration conditions, they undergo the process of methanisation which
of one ton of household refuse in industrialized countries releases, inter alia, methane, one of the most harmful
enables to produce 300 to 500 kWh and many rubbish greenhouse gases in the air. In addition, the lack of
dumps use this energy to produce electricity and heat [3]. At knowledge on the energy properties does not permit to
the global level, it was estimated in 1998 that 155.109 kWh consider a rational valorisation of these wastes.
of electricity was generated from biomass and waste [4]. In Europe, the fuel briquettes derived from the
The valorization of primary fossilized sources compaction of sawmill wastes, wood and dead leaves, fruit
contributes towards environmental destruction through the cores, barks and roots of trees replace wood by presenting
abundant emission of greenhouse gases. Moreover, in rural some advantages to users such as zero dust, easy storage,
areas where more than 50 % of the Cameroonian easy conditioning and easy upkeep of fire [7].
populations live, less than 1 % of the inhabitants have access The main aim of this work is to attempt the first
to this form of energy and barely 46 % in towns. Wood is solutions to this problem. It will involve determining the
therefore presented as the main source of energy in this essential characteristics of oil mill wastes in particular the
country, its consequence being extensive deforestation. water content, the specific heat, the lower calorific capacity,
Agro-industrial fuel wastes are however capable of the density and rate of mineral matter, on the one hand, and
restoring greater energy than the amount necessary for conditioning them in the form of fuel briquettes for easier
industrial needs. In a boiler which recovers heat and transportation and use, on the other hand.
produces steam, hot water or electricity, agro-industrial fuel A prototype of improved furnace, intended for cooking
wastes are all the more interesting to burn given that their food, is proposed to provide a first clean and efficient energy
calorific power is relatively high. solution to the user.
A study carried out in Cameroon by Institut Technique
Européen du Bois Énergie (European Technical Institute for

17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 29 June - 3 July 2009, Hamburg, Germany

2 NOMENCLATURE after total combustion. The rate of mineral matter represents

the proportion of this unburnt part in relation to the dry fuel
ρ density (kg.m-3) mass. A good fuel has a low rate of mineral matter. The
η hearth output (-) rate of mineral matter χ is given by the relation:
θ temperature (°C) mce
χ mineral matter content of fuel briquette (% ) χ= ( X f + 100) (2)
µ water value (kg ) mf
c specific heat (J.°C-1.m-3 or J.°
Where χ is the mineral matter content of the fuel briquette
db dry base
(in %)
K total coefficient of thermal losses (Wm-2 °C-1)
mce is the mass of the mineral matter of the fuel
kgms kilogramme of dry matter
briquette (in kg)
m mass (kg )
PCI lower calorific power of fuel ( 3.3 Density
S heat exchange surface (m2) The density of a solid body is proportional to the
V volume (m3) density of water. This parameter constitutes a major property
X Water content of the sample (% kg.(kgdb)-1) of a solid fuel. Densification therefore increases the energy
value of fuel in a given volume. Let us consider a fuel
Indices briquette with water content Xf intended for combustion, by
0 initial moment neglecting the variation of the volume of this briquette in
a air or ambient relation to its volume if the dry base water content is zero,
c calorimeter and its accessories the density is determined by the relation:
ρf Xf 
f final state of fuel briquette
=  + 1 s (3)
wet state of fuel combustible ρe  100 ρ
  e
s anhydrous state of fuel combustible
t time t
ce mineral matter of fuel briquette mf 100 ρ f

(X f + 100 )
e0 initial state of water with ρf = and ρ s = (4)
ec hot water Vf
ef cold water
em average state of water where mf: mass of the fuel briquette (kg),
er remaining water Vf: volume of the fuel briquette (m 3),
s0 initial state of the solid ρf: density of the water content of the fuel
briquette Xf (kg.m-3),
ρs density of dry fuel briquette (kg.m-3),
3 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS ρe density of water (kg.m-3),

The characteristics of the fuel briquettes studied are 3.4 Specific heat dry fuel
given using experimental results coupled with mathematical Specific heat represents the amount of energy necessary
simulation models. to raise one kilogramme of matter by one degree Celsius.
The importance of this parameter resides in the evaluation of
3.1 Water Content heat exchanges in connection with the variation of
Water content X in dry base is one of the major temperature. Although specific heat does not contribute to
properties of a fuel, given that it determines the other the classification of fuels in a combustion process, it
parameters. It represents the quantity of water contained in a contributes towards energy balance in a process which
sample by its anhydrous mass unit. A zero water content fuel emphasizes the energy value contained in these fuels.
is desirable to provide the best energy properties. However, The measurement of the specific heat of the fuel
it is difficult, in practice, to have a solid fuel whose mass is residues studied is obtained through the calorimetric
equivalent to its dry mass. The dry base water content Xt at method. The heat balance carried out on the calorimeter
the time t is given by the relation: enables to show, in equilibrium between water and fuel, that

( )
mt specific heat cs can be evaluated by the relation:
Xt = X f +100 − 100 (1)
(  θ e − θ e0 
 me ce + ρ aVa ca ) θ s 0 − θ e 
mf cs =  
where Xf is the final water content of the fuel briquette (in
% kge.kgms-1) t 
mt and mf respectively represent the wet mass at +
∫ θ em − θ a dt  ) (5)
the time t and the final mass of the sample (in (θ s 0 − θe 0) 
kg). With ce: specific heat of water (J.°C-1 kg-1)
ca: specific heat of air (J.°C-1 m-3)
3.2 Rate of Mineral Matter
The water value µc of the colorimeter is deduced through
The mineral matter of a fuel briquette (ash after total
experiments by applying the relation obtained hereafter
combustion) is that part of the fuel which remains unburnt

17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 29 June - 3 July 2009, Hamburg, Germany

through the energy balance of the mixture of a certain - a ventilated drying oven whose temperature is
quantity of cold water and hot water: regulated to determine the anhydrous mass of the
θ 
ec − θ e
µc =  m − m - a precision balance of 0.001 g to measure fuel
 θe − θ  ec ef masses,
 ef  - a calorimetric bomb containing the test-tubes to be
Similarly, the total coefficient of the thermal losses on tested,
the walls of the calorimeter is obtained by experiments, - type K thermocouples connected to a computer
thanks to the heat balance, by applying the relation: through a data acquisition device (ALMEMO 2390-
5) intended to measure the temperatures in the
K = − mce p (7) calorimeter,
where p is the slope straight line: - a graduated burette intended to measure the volume
of water allowed in the calorimeter,
 θ e (t ) − θ a  K
ln  - a brazier used to test the combustion of the fuel
 θ −θ  = pt = − t (8)
briquettes produced,
 e0 a  mce
- a stop watch to control, if necessary, the duration of
a test,
3.5 Specific heat of wet fuel - a calliper rule used to measure the test-tube
The knowledge of the specific heat cs of dry fuel dimensions of fuel briquettes.
enables to deduce the specific heat of the fuel having known
water content. By neglecting the heat exchanges due to the
presence of air and water vapour in the fuel in front of the 4.2 Experimental Protocol
calorific exchanges of the liquid and solid phases, the
• Water Content
specific heat of the wet fuel ch of water content X is
The palm nut wastes are densified and dried in the open
estimated by the relation:
air until equilibium with the environment. The state of
100 c s + X ce equilibrium is recorded when the mass of the products stops
ch = (9)
100 + X decreasing. A sample of wet mass mf is then taken and
introduced into the ventilated drying oven where the
with X: Water content of the sample (kge.kgms -1)
temperature is maintained at 103 °C. After approximately 48
hours, the mass of the sample is stabilized at the value ms
3.6 Lower Calorific Capacity of Fuel Briquettes which corresponds to its anhydrous mass. The application of
The densification of palm nut fibres and shells studied the relation (1) then enables us to deduce the final water
is ensured by a manual press designed and produced for that content of the fuel.
purpose. This press enables easy operation and strong
compression. The shape and dimensions of the briquettes are • Rate of Mineral Matter
chosen to adapt to the hearths commonly used in households To determine the rate of mineral matter, we do dry
or the improved systems to be proposed. extract of a sample taken on a dried briquette until its final
The experimental estimation of lower calorific capacity water content. The anhydrous mass ms of this sample is
(PCI) of the fuel briquettes studied is based on a combustion subjected to complete combustion. The mass mc of the fuel
test on a brazier with water used as test body to be heated. residue is then measured using a precision balance and
The heat balance resulting from this test enables us to enables to deduce the rate of mineral matter by applying the
deduce this parameter using the expression: relation (2).

[me0 ce (θ eb − θ ie ) + Lv (me0 − mer )] (10) • Density
mcη To determine the density of fuel briquettes, their mass is
with η : hearth output measured thanks to a precision balance and their volume
Lv: latent heat of water vaporization ( calculated based on the geometrical dimensions measured
using a calliper rule. These measurements enable to deduce
the density of the briquettes by applying the relation (3).
The density of palm nut fibres is estimated by
4 MATERIALS USED AND EXPERIMENTAL densifying, without a binder, the mass of the sample taken
PROTOCOL then by evaluating the volume occupied by these residues.
The required density is equally deduced as before. This size,
4.1 Materials used in this particular case, depends on the densification pressure.
The testing device is made up of: As regards the density of the palm nut shells, a sample
- a manual metal press illustrated by figure 1 and made with a known mass is taken and introduced in a burette
up of a cylinder 9 cm in diameter and 10 cm high, of containing water. The measurement of the water volume
a screw 80 cm long, an arm 70 cm long and a nut of moved by this test-tube enables to deduce the density of the
2 cm. This press is designed and produced for the palm nut shells.
densification of the fibres and palm nut shells

17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 29 June - 3 July 2009, Hamburg, Germany

• Specific Heat Lime is a solid, white caustic substance when it is pure.

A sample of fuel briquettes of mass mh is heated It is obtained by calcinating limestone and other calcium
beforehand until its anhydrous mass ms, in a drying oven carbonate shapes. Pure lime, also called quicklime or caustic
whose temperature is fixed at 103 °C. It is then plunged in lime is made up of calcium oxide (CaO). Traditionally, lime
the calorimeter containing a volume of cold water of mass is intended for preparing cement and mortar, as well as for
me. The variation of water temperature in the calorimeter is neutralizing acid lands in agriculture [8]. Its use as binder
recorded every 10s until its maximum value θe reached in stems from the fact that it hardens quickly after drying.
equilibrium. Another traditional use is devoted to the dyeing of dresses. It
The heat balance between the initial time t0 when the is retailed at 500 francs CFA per kilogramme on average on
solid is introduced in the calorimeter and the final time tf the Cameroonian market.
when the water in the calorimeter reaches the maximum Clay, a plastic, impermeable and resistant rock when
temperature enables us to determine the specific heat of dry soaked with water, irreversibly hardens when cooked. The
fuel by applying the relation (5). irreversible hardening of clay during heating and its
Using the mixture of the mass of hot water the plasticity are properties which prompted us to use it as
temperature θec. and the mass of cold water mef at the binder. For tests carried out within the framework of our
temperature θef in the calorimeter one can determine, using work, the clay used is extracted from a marshy area in the
the heat balance and once the balance temperature θeq is suburbs of Yaounde.
reached, the water value of the calorimeter and its Ash on its part is a powdery solid residue from
accessories by the relation (6). combustion. It is an entirely mineral matter during complete
As concerns determining the total coefficient of thermal combustion. Wood ash or ash from a similar plant matter is
loss, a mass of water sample me at the temperature θe mainly made up of sodium carbonate and potassium
contained in the calorimeter heat undergoes thermal carbonate [8]. This mineral matter was tested as binder in a
exchanges with the external environment at the temperature feasibility study of waste valorisation including a mixture of
sawdust, shells of paddy rice and dry grass by brickwork in
θhas, because of the difference in the thermal potential
Niger [9]. The ash used in our tests is borrowed from the
between the two media. The variation in the water
boiler of an oil palm production industry in the suburbs of
temperature is due mainly to the thermal losses by
Yaounde using nut wastes as fuel.
conduction, radiation and convection. The heat balance on
the calorimeter and its contents in relation to the
environment enables to determine the total coefficient of
exchanges using the relation (7).

• Lower Calorific Value of Fuel Briquettes

Using a burette, 1 liter of water at the room temperature
is measured and poured in a pot. The brazier, a device used
to test combustion, is loaded with the fuel briquettes to be
tested. Combustion is started by means of 30 g of paraffin
oil. A stop watch and a digital thermocouple display panel
are used to record the variation of the water temperature in
the pot according to the time. At the end of the combustion,
the unevaporated mass of water in the pot is determined by
weighing and the quantity of water which has evaporated is
deduced. Through the energy balance and using the output
of the combustion device, the lower calorific value is
estimated by means of the expression (10).

• Choice of Binders
The binder is the substance which stabilizes palm nut
fibres and shells in the form of fuel briquettes. Accessibility
and the moderate cost of acquisition are the selection criteria
for the binders to be tested. Hence, we retained for that
purpose starch, lime, clay and ash.
Starch refers to a white and odourless compound which
is marketed for other purposes (clothes treatment), in the
granulated or powder form. It is a complex glucide of
formula (C6H10O5)X, abundant in the grains of cereals, bulbs
and cassava tubers in particular. The starch used in our
work is extracted from cassava tubers, accessible in several Figure 1: Diagram of the designed press and its main
localities across the country. Its retail price, on average, is components
900 CFA francs for a bottle of 1.5 l (600 g) on the
Cameroonian market.

17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 29 June - 3 July 2009, Hamburg, Germany

5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS shells, an average density of 744 kg.m-3 for fibres and 1277
kg.m-3 for shells. As one could have anticipated, the density
5.1 Densification of Fuel Briquettes of fibres for example is far greater than that of briquettes
Using binders described earlier and measured out in whose fibres are densified using binders (at rupture at the
various proportions, we produced fuel briquettes with palm withdrawal, of 220 kg.m-3 for starch at 469 kg.m-3 for lime
nut fibres and shells. Figure 2 shows a sample of approximately). An explanation would be the low porosity
manufactured briquettes. of fibres compressed without binders compared to fuel

5.3 Specific Heat, Water Content and Rate of Mineral

Specific heat, water content and the rate of mineral
matter are determined for each binder by borrowing a
sample of fuel briquettes produced and dried in the open air
until balance. We are also contemplating a water value of
Figure 2: Photographs of a sample of manufactured
the calorimetric bomb of 60 g and a total coefficient of
thermal transfer of 0.563 W.m-2.°C-1 obtained after several
Figure 3 shows that the density of fuel briquettes tests based on the experimental protocol established above
increases in a quasi linear manner with the binder [10].
concentration. It can be noted that, for the same binder For the particular case of determining the specific heat
concentration, the density is higher in the case of lime. In of the fuel, figure 4 illustrates, as an example, the variation
particular, considering a binder concentration of 200 g for in water temperature in the calorimeter after introducing the
300 g of fibres, the density of lime briquettes is sample being studied. One can note temperature rise of up to
approximately twice greater than the density of briquettes a maximum value reached in equilibrium between water and
produced using other binders. In addition, apart from clay the test-tube. The various results are recorded in Table I. In
briquettes where the rupture during the withdrawal was equilibrium with the ambient air, water content varies from
observed at a concentration of 100 g of the binder for 300 g 15.00 % kge.kgms-1 for briquettes conditioned with ash at
of fibres, the briquettes produced using other binders 31.12 % kge.kgms-1 for lime briquettes. The mineral matter
undergo rupture at a concentration of 50 g of the binder for content increases by 9.72 %, the lowest value for starch
300 g of fibres. It was also noted that in relation to the briquettes, at 64.14 % for ash briquettes. As concerns
diameter of the mould which is 9 cm, the diameter of specific anhydrous heat, the lowest value of 964.04°C-
briquettes vary between 9 and 11 cm. This is explained by for starch briquettes and 1113.50°C-1, the highest
the spongy character of fibres. Based on these results, one value for lime briquettes is observed. By comparing the
could, as the first classification following the density parameters evaluated for fibres and bricks containing palm
criterion and by order of importance, choose lime, starch, nut fibres, the tendency evolves as anticipated. For example,
clay and finally ash. one can note the smallest value of 9.72 % of the rate of
mineral matter in briquettes of fibres conditioned with starch
1000 For 300 g of nut fibres of palm against 9.24 % when the fibres are not conditioned.
The purpose for recovering energy from waste palm nuts
is to provide a fuel which can replace wood or charcoal.
Density of fuel briquette (kg.m-3 )

However, it does not suffice to determine previous major
characteristics to propose a suitable and economic way of
600 conditioning these wastes. To get there, it is necessary to
consider the lower calorific capacity and evaluate the cost of
conditioned briquettes.

0 100 200 300 400 500
Mass binder (g)

Figure 3: Example of density of fuel briquettes

manufactured according to the binder concentration in 300 g
of palm nut fibres

5.2 Density of Fibres and Shells

Using the procedure for determining the density of
fibres and shells described above, we obtained, on the basis
of four tests bearing a mass 300 g of fibres and 150 g of

17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 29 June - 3 July 2009, Hamburg, Germany

32 5.4 Lower Calorific Capacity and Cost of Fuel Briquettes

Test on fuel conditioned with clay The experimental estimation of the lower calorific
31 capacity of conditioned briquettes is done by means of a
device described earlier which comprises a brazier and its
T em p era tu re (°C )

accessories. The energy efficiency in the hearth of this
29 device is estimated at 30 % [9]. Figure 5 illustrates, as an
example, the variation in temperature of water heated using
fuel briquettes conditioned with lime during a combustion
27 test intended to determine the lower calorific capacity. This
approach is in conformity with the experimental protocol
26 and the application of the theoretical correlations developed
25 earlier. During the test, the atmospheric pressure is
maintained on the water surface. Figure 5 shows the rise in
3600 water temperature up to 100°C, corresponding to the boiling
Duration (s) point at the atmospheric pressure. This temperature is then
maintained constant for some time before it starts dropping;
Figure 4: Example of curve showing the variation in water which implies the end of the combustion.
temperature depending on the time for fuel briquettes As concerns the cost of the conditioned fuel briquettes,
conditioned with clay we took into account labour cost and the cost of the binder.
We suppose that the worker is paid as manufacturers of
Test of combustion of briquette conditioned with lime
earth bricks in Cameroon, i.e. 2 000 CFA francs on average
per day of 9 working hours. In addition, the manufacture of
a fuel briquette requires 15 minutes on average i.e. 56 CFA
francs. This cost could reduce considerably by developing a
Temperature (°C)

more effective densification technique. As for the cost of the
binder, it is mainly made up of transport charges and the
purchase cost itself. All the binders tested within the
framework of this work are accessible near the densification
unit (Ferme Suisse, palm oil industry used as sample for our
20 studies); ash is taken from one of the boilers of this oil mill.
Transportation cost under these conditions is minimal.
0 Retailed starch is bought at 1 077 CFA francs per
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 kilogramme and lime at 500 CFA francs for the same mass.
Duration (s)
Taking into account, for each type of binder, the
concentration likely to guarantee better stability of fuel
Figure 5: Example of variation according to the
briquettes, we record in Table II the characteristic
time of the temperature of the water heated with a fuel
properties resulting from the combustion test.
briquette conditioned with lime
Based on the ratio of the lower calorific capacity on the
cost of the fuel briquette, preference would be given to ash-
Table I: Some thermo physical parameters of fuel conditioned briquette. However, there could be inadequate
briquettes produced with palm nut fibres supply of such a binder in case of large scale manufacturing
of briquettes. Due to this potential disadvantage, we
Nature of the binder advocate the production of fuel briquettes conditioned with
Fibres Shells lime as binder with a concentration of 75 g for 300 g of palm
Ash Clay Lime Starch nut wastes.
Water content 15.00 17.23 31.12 20.16 20.05 15.40
In addition, we noted through the combustion tests that
(% kge.kgms -1) 300 g of briquettes with 75 g of lime could replace 80 g of
Rate of
mineral 61.14 58.65 49.30 9.72 9.24 38.31
coal sold on the Cameroonian market at 100 francs per kg.
matter (%) The average lower calorific capacity of this fuel is estimated
Density 426.25 447.23 569.90 455.30 743.42 1277.18
at 33,700 [10]. However, 300 g of briquettes with
(kg. m -3) 75 g of lime contain about 154 g of fibres. In other words 1
Anhydrous kg of densified palm nut fibres containing lime could replace
Density 370.65 381.5 0 434.64 379.02 619.32 1107.00
(kg. m -3) approximately 0.54 kg of charcoal.
Specific heat
1374.63 1455.26 1794.85 1497.90 1357.25 1493.64
(J. kg -1 °C -1)
Specific heat
anhydrous 979.42 980.05 1113.50 964.04 810.50 1067.70
(J. kg -1 °C -1)

17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 29 June - 3 July 2009, Hamburg, Germany

Table II: Costs of fuels and characteristic properties

during combustion
Ash Clay Lime Starch
(200 g) (200 g) (75 g) (200 g)
Estimated PCI
8 421 5 923 8 925 10 433
The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to the
( Energy, Water and Environment Laboratory of the National
Duration of
start of boiling
6 mn 50 s 6 mn 10 s 7 mn 6 mn 20 s Advanced School of Engineering of the University of
Duration Yaounde I and the National Advanced School of Public
23 mn 17 mn 20 16 mn 40 s 30 mn
of boiling Works of Yaounde for their invaluable collaboration.
Estimated PCI
3 121 199 2 259 666 3 879 210 3 954 357
Estimated cost
56 56 94 272 8 REFERENCES
(CFA franc)
55 736 40 351 41 268 14 538
(kJ.m-3/ CFA franc) [1] J.M. Charpin, B. Dessus et R. Pellat - Étude
économique prospective de la filière électrique
nucléaire. Rapport au premier Ministre de la
République Française, (2000).
[2] D. Mayer et F.P. Neirac - La production répartie
d’électricité : techniques et perspectives dans le
contexte européen. GEVIQ’2002, (2002), Marseille,
pp. 48-54.
[3] EDF et les énergies renouvelables. Document EDF,
[4] B. Manoha - WEC Commitee on The Performance of
The Generating Plant. Work Group Renewable
Energy, BEA Workshop London, (2001).
[5] Itebe - Dossier Cameroun, Bioénergie International,
Newsletter, (2007), France, on :
[6] S. L. Nengom - Amélioration du procédé de
production de l’huile de palme dans une huilerie
artisanale, Mémoire d’ingénierie, spécialité génie
industriel, ENSP, (2007), Yaoundé, p. 86.
Figure 6: Photograph of prototype of improved hearth [7] Itebe - Briquettes, Bioénergie International,
2007,France, On :
[8] Microsoft Encarta - Dossier liants naturels, Microsoft
In Cameroon, it is estimated that on average 290,400 Corporation, (2007).
tons of fibres are produced each year by oil mills. On the [9] Einstein - Foyers en image3, (2006), on : http://
basis of the equivalence established earlier, the densification
of 290,400 tons of fibres produced on average each year in 1995.pdf.
Cameroon would enable to substitute approximately [10] P. Meukam - Valorisation des briques de terre
156,820 tons of charcoal. The charcoal results from stabilisées en vue de l’isolation thermique de
carbonization which produces 1 kg for 5 kg of wood [11]. It bâtiments, thèse de doctorat, Université Yaoundé I,
results therefore that the valorisation of palm nut fibres (2004).
could save each year 784,100 tons of wood taken from the [11] B. Benabdallah, J. Carré, S. Khennas, L.F. Vergnet et
forests and savannas. In addition, the densification of palm P. Ossoukaii - Guide biomasse – énergie, Collection
nut wastes from oil mills on the production site would Etudes et filières, (1994).
contribute in reducing the quantity of unvalorised
biodegradable wastes dumped in the open air. Such a
solution would limit the atmospheric emission of
greenhouse gases, in this case methane, and ensure long-
lasting energy supply. Moreover, such a solution would
contribute significantly towards environmental protection by
limiting deforestation. The prototype of improved hearth
designed and constructed for a suitable and economic use of
fuel briquettes produced constitutes a concrete contribution
to the energy problem in connection with sustainable
development (e.g. Figure 6).


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