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1.1 Understanding-Conflict-and-Violence-Theoretical-and-Interdisciplinary-Approaches-Tim-Jacoby

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Understanding Conflict and


The causes of violence and conflict are often left untheorised, or they are
discussed as an existent problem assumed to be an inevitable part of human
interaction. This book seeks to examine, interpret and analyse a wide range
of approaches to the causes of violence and conflict. Adopting an accessible
approach, it presents readers with a clear understanding of these by high-
lighting their evolutionary roots and illustrating them with in-depth case
studies and examples.
Tim Jacoby addresses the fragmented nature of the literature on conflict
theory by drawing upon a wide range of disciplinary traditions. This text
seeks to reflect the fact that international relations, history, economics, de-
velopment, politics and sociology all share a longstanding interest in the
study of conflict and violence, and that common concerns make interdisci-
plinary approaches stimulating and productive. It is, therefore, intended for
students and scholars across these disciplines.

Tim Jacoby is Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Development Policy and
Management at the University of Manchester, UK.
Understanding Conflict
and Violence
Theoretical and interdisciplinary

Tim Jacoby
First published 2008
by Routledge
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by Routledge
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Jacoby, Tim, 1969–
Understanding conflict and violence: theoretical and interdisciplinary
approaches / Tim Jacoby.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-415-36911-8 (hardback: alk. paper) – ISBN 0-415-36910-
X (pbk.: alk. paper) 1. Social conflict. 2. Violence. 3. Conflict
(Psychology) 4. Interpersonal relations. I. Title.
HM1121.J33 2007

ISBN 0-203-02882-1 Master e-book ISBN

ISBN10: 0-415-36911-8 (hbk)

ISBN10: 0-415-36910-X (pbk)
ISBN10: 0-203-02882-1 (ebk)

ISBN13: 978-0-415-36911-4 (hbk)

ISBN13: 978-0-415-36910-7 (pbk)
ISBN13: 978-0-203-02882-7 (ebk)
To my parents

List of figures viii

List of tables ix
Acknowledgements x

1 Introduction 1

2 Dimensions 18

3 Structure 34

4 Functions 51

5 Innate 67

6 Learnt 85

7 Grievance 103

8 Mobilisation 124

9 Crises 144

10 Hegemony 160

11 Conclusion 179

References 192
Index 233

2.1 The structure of conflict 19

2.2 Conflict processes 23
3.1 An empirical table of structural violence 46
4.1 The British public’s satisfaction with the Conservative
government 1979–85 60
6.1 The set-up of Milgram’s experiment on obedience and
authority 88
7.1 Decremental deprivation 108
7.2 Progressive deprivation 111
7.3 The Egyptian revolution of 1952 111
7.4 An improving J-curve 113
7.5 Aspirational deprivation 114
7.6 Land distribution in Austria and Bolivia 118
10.1 Charles Doran’s power cycle structure 1500–1993 175
10.2 Randomly generated stationary data 176

2.1 Aspects of conflictive situations 21

2.2 Types of conflict process 28
2.3 Iran–Iraq war (individual level of analysis) 31
3.1 Indicators of violence 45
4.1 Contrasting models of society and conflict 52
4.2 Calculating the functionality of conflict 53
4.3 American presidential decision-making over the political use
of force 64
5.1 The strategic culture of the Iran–Iraq war 78
6.1 Gender binaries in the language of social enquiry 95
6.2 Gendered survey support for American policy 98
6.3 The relationship between gender and attitudes towards the
Arab–Israeli conflict 99
7.1 Unemployment levels (percentages) and real working class
wage indices in Central America 1970–84 109
7.2 Political stability/instability and indicators of satisfaction 117
7.3 Political instability and Gini indices of land distribution in
seven Latin American countries 117
7.4 Material possessions, desires and expectations in Uganda 121
8.1 A comparison of relative deprivation and resource
mobilisation theory 125
8.2 Annual government spending on education and health in
various African countries 133
8.3 Civil conflicts linked to resource wealth, 1994–2001 134
8.4 Resource geography and conflict type 135
9.1 The frequency of violence in international crises, 1918–94 148
9.2 The prisoners’ dilemma 152
10.1 Selected British and American wars and wholesale price
index fluctuations 163
10.2 World leadership and long cycles 166
10.3 Components of Modelski’s long cycle 167
10.4 The distribution of relative capabilities among major Powers
1895–1995 171

Much of the research for this book was undertaken in preparation for the
lecture programme of a postgraduate course entitled Conflict Analysis which
I teach at the Institute for Development Policy and Management at the Uni-
versity of Manchester in the UK. In devising this course, I owe much to
Keith Webb, who introduced me to many of the ideas included in this book
during my time at the University of Kent at Canterbury in 1997 and 1998. I
also received a lot of support from my colleague at Manchester, Sam Hickey,
who, especially during my first year, was particularly selfless with advice and
support. In running the Conflict Analysis course, I have learnt a great deal
from my students. On the basis of this, I have tried to revise and (hopefully)
improve my treatment of each of the following topics. If this has proven to
be the case, then I owe much to their enthusiasm and endeavour and for
that I am very grateful. I am also indebted to Roger MacGinty, Eric James
and Jonathan Goodhand for taking time to comment on a partial draft of
the manuscript and to Routledge’s anonymous reviewers for their correc-
tions, criticisms and a raft of helpful suggestions. In addition, I am indebted
to Harriet Brinton and Heidi Bagtazo, from Routledge, who have made the
writing of this book as easy and pleasurable as such an undertaking can be.
My biggest vote of thanks must, however, go to my family: to my mother,
my father (who has meticulously proofread my prose and ironed out some
of its errors) and my wife and our three children, all of whom have contrib-
uted immensely to this book and all of whom deserve a considerable share
of whatever merit it deserves.
1 Introduction

This book aims to bring some order to the vast and fragmentary literature
concerning the study of conflict and violence. It considers a diverse range of
perspectives, models and theories that share a common attempt to explain
why people engage in conflictive behaviour in general and violence in par-
ticular. In doing so, it presents nine broad headings under which an eclectic
body of material is covered. By focusing on theories rather than theorists and
on one overarching issue rather than a disparate array of topics, it hopes to
encourage readers to compare various factors and mechanisms, to appraise
common analytical themes and to develop a deeper understanding of the cur-
rent landscape of conflict studies. To this end, a wide assortment of academic
enquiries is presented, examined and illustrated with case studies, data and
examples drawn from various times and disciplines. Research ranging from
1950s functionalism to the latest explanations of civil war, on the one hand,
and from ethology to constructivism, on the other, informs the discussion
of each interlinked approach. Inevitably, the book is selective in the sources
it chooses and, deliberately, it claims neither to offer exhaustive analyses of
each topic it handles nor to cover every scholarly tradition. Rather, it intends
to bring a degree of lucidity and connectivity to a disjointed and frequently
abstruse corpus of literature drawn from the explosion of academic interest
in conflict studies since the Second World War. With this in mind, the chap-
ter to follow endeavours to locate the themes that will be addressed in the
rest of the book within a broader socio-historical context by taking in some
of the more significant changes that have marked both the practice and the
study of violence.

Conflict and violence

For much of history, human strength or muscle power has determined the
forms that conflict and violence have taken. The development of basic tools
around 200,000 years ago and rudimentary projectiles such as spears and
arrows about 160,000 years later may have augmented Pleistocene peoples’
capacity to injure one another, but it was not until the Neolithic period
– approximately 13,000 years ago – that clear evidence of weaponry be-
comes apparent (Barash and Webel 2002: 67–72). Between 5000 and 3000
bce, ecological differences across areas managed by riverine flooding and
rain-watered irrigation began to generate economic surpluses within the
Euphrates Basin, offering increased employment opportunities, urbanisation
and the growth of political centralisation. Trade between centres of alluvial
agriculture and the wider region centred on particular communication and
exportation lines for tools, weapons and other manufactured goods pre-
dominantly produced in the core and traded for labour and raw materials
(Jacobsen 1970). As the exchange of a growing agricultural and manufactur-
ing surplus increased, defence of these trade routes became more important,
especially for economically dominant urban groups. City-states constructed
fortified walls, created infantries equipped with bronze armour and weapons
and intensified the use of animal haulage. Broadly concurrently, elites, pos-
sibly elected by temple oligarchies for combatant functions in time of war,
emerged with institutionalised political power. Around 2310 bce, one such
leader, King Sargon, succeeded in gaining control over a large area of Meso-
potamia, founding what Michael Mann calls ‘the first empire of domination’
and establishing ‘one of the dominant social forms for three thousand years
in the Near East and Europe, and even longer in East Asia’ (1986: 131).
Changes in patterns of collective violence occurred under each subse-
quent era of imperial contraction and expansion. Iron was introduced, and
ships were used to extend the power of maritime states, such as Phoenicia
and Greece, and to organise small raiding parties on coastal settlements.
Horses were deployed – both to draw vehicles rapidly across the battlefield
and to carry archers – and production became increasingly committed to the
material demands of warfare, not least as part of Rome’s legionary economy
(Carter 2001: 10). These innovations extended localised conflicts far beyond
the boundary disputes of broadly contiguous groups that characterised early
history. Eventually, wars extended over great distances as the cavalry-based
formations of central Asian nomadic groups enlarged their range into the
Middle East and on to the Mediterranean, while improvements in maritime
technology facilitated the projection of military might across seas previously
not traversed. By the early sixteenth century, the use of cannonry brought
Asian horsemen to the gates of Vienna and the seafarer countries of western
and southern Europe to the untapped endowments of a ‘new world’ on the
other side of the planet.
The result was a new era of ‘industrial’ violence based on advances in
chemistry, first in China and then in Europe. Explosive powders allowed
commanders to replace mechanical devices reliant on muscle power to prime
and make effective – such as the catapult and crossbow – with instruments,
such as the musket and cannon, that could fire projectiles comparable dis-
tances without the need for large inputs of labour. The consequent prolifera-
tion of small arms during the fifteenth century reduced the effectiveness of
mobile cavalry tactics already under pressure from pike-phalanx formations
and the longbow (Rogers 1993). The inexpensive and easily produced bul-
let could penetrate costly suits of armour and, like the detachable bayo-
net which gradually replaced the longer pikes, kill valuable, highly trained
horses. Consequently, considerable impetus was given to refining firearms,
particularly with regard to rates of fire and accuracy. The former was greatly
improved by the replacement of the matchlock with breech-loading flint-
locks in around 1650, the spread of pistols and the adoption of percussion
cap magazine-fed munitions in the nineteenth century. Accuracy slowly in-
creased with improvements in barrel technology, culminating in the aban-
donment of smoothbore arms in favour of the rifles that are the primary
weapons of infantry today.
In response to these changes, new defensive battlefield strategies became
apparent from around 1540 onwards – such as the reintroduction of infan-
try lines now armed with muskets and protected by land-workings (Parker
1988). This had a number of important consequences, including prolonged
campaigns, increased labour intensities and comparatively complex training
programmes. High concentrations of standing troops also rendered armies
more vulnerable to disease and malnutrition. The unprecedented size of lo-
gistical deployments (close to a quarter of million men under arms combined
with a retinue of perhaps one million camp followers) during the Thirty
Years’ War (1618–48), for instance, provoked outbreaks of plague, typhus
and dysentery so severe that they may have contributed to a reduction in
Germany’s population by as much as one third (Outram 2001). By this time,
campaigns were so expensive to initiate, sustain and replenish that siege
warfare became largely the preserve of Europe’s wealthiest courts. Around
the same time, naval costs rose exponentially as developments in cannonry
obliged monarchs to refit and retrain their fleets. English state revenue, for
instance, increased from £126,500 per annum in 1505 to £2,066,900 in
1688 (it had only increased from £12,200 to £54,400 per annum between
1166 and 1452), much of which, Mann observes, was due to the costs of
warfare. ‘All these changes’, he concludes, ‘led to a greater role for capi-
tal-intensive supplies and, therefore, for centralised, orderly administration
and capital accounting which could concentrate the resources of a territory’
(1986: 454).
So, despite the fact that military mobility remained extremely limited dur-
ing this period (ground forces were still reliant on three days of plunder for
every nine days of marching), smaller states that could not finance large-scale
siege warfare tended to give way to bigger, more centralised administrations
better able to raise the necessary revenues. Internationally, this gave rise to
a warlike system of Great Powers rooted in Europe and underpinned by
the region’s growing economic strength (Levy et al. 2004: 17–19). France,
for instance, has, according to Jack Levy, participated in 47 per cent of the
2,600 battles he records between 1495 and 1975 (1983). Domestically, too,
the implications of warfare’s new format were considerable. Now that mon-
archs could batter down the fortresses of their recalcitrant gentry, greater
infrastructural reach into civil society was possible. This led to the gradual
institutionalisation of a civil-state reciprocity, in which the court became both
a mechanism for disbursing royal favours through a system of client–patron
relationships and a forum for the raising of direct taxes and deficit borrow-
ing. Such a widening of vested interests in the instigation and conduct of
warfare had the correlative effect of instilling organisational routines and
rendering policies, once embarked upon, more difficult to adjust and reverse
(Iklé 2005).
The dilution of dynastic power in Europe gathered pace during the eight-
eenth century when considerable increases in literacy placed the courtly cir-
cles of the ‘old regime’, as well as the leadership of the armed forces, under
increasing pressure from an ascendant bourgeoisie. As Marshall Foch said of
the Battle of Valmy’s conclusion in 1792, ‘the wars of kings were at an end;
the wars of peoples were beginning’ (quoted in Osgood 1967: 52). Indeed,
by 1804, only three of Napoleon’s 18 marshals were from the nobility, and
over half his officers had been recruited from the ranks of enlisted men – a
situation that the restored Bourbon monarchy later found impossible to re-
verse fully (Mann 1993: 426). Notions of collective morale and camaraderie
came to be emphasised as campaigns imposed comparable levels of privation
on officers and men – both now governed by the same codes and regulations.
Administrative innovations in the handling of maps, communications and
timetables, particularly by the Germans, enabled commanders to co-ordinate
soldiers’ lives much more thoroughly. The enlisting of mercenaries declined
(along with desertion rates) as professionalised armed forces became imbued
with concepts of national statehood. Welfare provisions for soldiers were
introduced, wages (now paid on time) kept abreast of civilian occupations,
long-service military personnel were used to train the expanding ranks of
short-term conscripts and reservists, and economic development became
increasingly tied to, and in some cases reliant upon, military production
(McNeill 1984).
As military sectors have grown, industrial production has generated
weapons of ever greater destructive power, and an international system
based on the perceived importance of power balances has emerged (Fuller
1992). During the modern era, the result has been an overall decrease in the
number of Great Powers (although there has been a rise since 1945) and a
fall in the total number of very large conflicts. Concurrently, however, there
has been an increase in the destructiveness of warfare (perhaps doubling
every 110 years or so). These changes reached an apogee in the two world
wars of the twentieth century in which a relatively small number of power-
ful countries committed cultural, scientific, industrial, military and political
resources on an unparalleled scale and comprehensiveness to a ‘total’ war ef-
fort that enveloped a large number of other states. Governments introduced
legislation giving themselves more executive authority, levied supplementary
taxes (many of which have lasted to this day) and created new ministries
to increase their supervisory and extractive powers. They also greatly en-
larged their share of the gross domestic product. During the First World
War, for instance, this rose to around 50 per cent in Germany, France and
Britain (where conscription put three-fifths of the eligible men into uniform)
(Winter 2005). By the Second World War, the Allies were, despite suffering
much greater casualties than the Axis Powers, generally able to outproduce
their enemies; Germany produced 19 per cent and Japan 7 per cent of the
world’s munitions, while the United States produced 47 per cent, the United
Kingdom and Canada 14 per cent and the Soviets 11 per cent (Goldsmith
1946). To achieve this, new workers (particularly housewives, students and
the retired) were recruited to simplified jobs previously the reserve of the
highly skilled. Germany compelled millions of prisoners of war and labour-
ers to staff its munitions factories, while the Allies rejected the complex
and highly engineered innovations of their enemies in favour of low-cost
mass production techniques based on standardised models and logistical ef-
ficiency. In addition, every major state imposed a system of rationing, price
controls and censorship as well as a sophisticated propaganda programme
designed to boost the war effort and stifle dissent (Overy 1995).
Unsurprisingly, such a massive effort produced unprecedented destruction
– confirming Winston Churchill’s prediction that Foch’s ‘wars of peoples
will be more terrible than those of kings’ (quoted in Gilbert 1994: 3). For 10
months during 1916, for instance, the battle of Verdun in northern France
occupied in excess of three million soldiers within an area not larger than 10
square kilometres and, despite no territorial gains, resulted in over 800,000
casualties, rendering the area agriculturally useless for decades (ARRC Jour-
nal Winter 2005). Similarly, the German encirclement of the Soviet’s south-
western front at Kiev in the summer of 1941 is estimated to have cost the Red
Army 700,544 casualties (including 616,304 killed, captured or missing),
resulting in the near total destruction of 43 divisions (Erickson 1999). In
the First World War, a total of over 35 million people were killed, wounded
or listed as missing (in the United Kingdom alone, 160,000 widows were
created, 300,000 children lost their fathers and over 2.5 million men died
or were injured), producing a worldwide sense of loss and anger that found
expression in extreme politics, nihilism and anti-modernism (Havighurst
1979). The Second World War was more destructive still with deaths alone
estimated to have exceeded 60 million, including 32 million civilians. This
reduced the population of countries such as Germany, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland and the Soviet Union by over 10 per cent. Elsewhere, it killed around
10 million Chinese people, 2.5 million Japanese and 500,000 Americans
(Ellis 1993). Such unequalled bloodshed was, in fact, only brought to an end
by the first (and so far only) wartime use of a nuclear device which, in two
deployments, killed almost 300,000, mostly non-combatant, residents of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki and confirmed the start of a new period of conflict
and violence dominated by the threat of weapons of mass destruction.
In fact, the potential of industrial science to produce a means of rendering
the assembled ranks of mass troop deployments instantly vulnerable (and
perhaps ultimately obsolete) was first realised (although rudimentary chemi-
cal weapons were probably used as far back as the Peloponnesian War of
the fifth century bce) during the First World War. The German chemical
conglomerate IG Farben, for instance, developed a byproduct of their dye
manufacturing system to create a chlorine gas which was used in April 1915
to open a 6-kilometre-wide breach in the Allied lines at Ypres and then to
kill more than 5,000 (mainly Canadian) reinforcements. Refinements fol-
lowed rapidly as the French replaced Germany’s open canister methods with
a non-explosive artillery shell containing the nearly odourless compound
phosgene and the British developed a large-bore mortar that could fire gas
cylinders up to 1,500 metres, thereby deploying higher concentrations of
gas. Later, these techniques were used to deliver mustard gas – a corrosive
agent first manufactured by the German company Bayer AG from thiodig-
lycol and hydrochloric acid. This was again first deployed near the city of
Ypres, before being taken up by the British in September 1918 initially as a
way of breaking the Hindenburg Line and then to attack Bolsheviks in 1919
and Iraqi rebels in 1920. In all, a total 50,965 tons of chemical agents were
deployed by both sides during the First World War, hospitalising over a mil-
lion troops and generating approximately 85,000 fatalities (Haber 1986).
Since then, around another 70 chemical compounds have been stockpiled
for use in warfare. The respiratory and blistering agents of the First World
War have been augmented with nerve action weapons such as sarin and vx,
asphyxiates such as the arsines and cyanides, cytotoxic proteins (ricin for
instance) and incapacitants (agent 15 and the like), as well as defoliants (not
acutely toxic, but associated with chronic health conditions – of which agent
orange is the best known). Incendiary chemicals such as napalm, phosphorus
and fuel–air explosives can also be considered weapons of mass destruction
if their impact is of sufficient scale.
Alongside these, many states have used biological phenomena – particu-
larly disease and infection – as a second type of mass destruction weapon.
These, too, have a long history. Corpses have been catapulted into cities or
dumped in water supplies during sieges, venomous snakes have been hurled
at adversaries and, on at least one occasion, British officers attempted to
infect the indigenous American population with blankets that had been ex-
posed to smallpox (Dixon 2005). Like chemical weapons, though, it was
not until the industrialised, total wars of the twentieth century that these
techniques were exploited on a significant scale. In the Sino-Japanese War
of 1937–45, for instance, imperial troops carried out extensive experiments
on prisoners of war using bubonic plague- and cholera-infected foodstuffs
and water, causing perhaps as many as 500,000 deaths. Germany, the United
States, the United Kingdom and Canada also initiated biological weapons
programmes focused on anthrax, brucellosis and botulism toxins during this
period. Other pathogens thought to have been developed for military use
since the Second World War include Ebola, rabbit fever, Q fever, Bolivian
haemorrhagic fever, California valley fever, glanders, Whitmore’s disease,
Shigella, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, typhus, parrot fever, yellow fever,
Japanese B encephalitis and Rift Valley fever (Eitzen and Takafuji 1997).
Associated with this type of ‘dirty’ warfare is the use of radioactive mate-
rial – the third type of mass destruction weapon. This can be employed
in two ways. The first is to spread contaminants using conventional explo-
sives with the result, intentional or otherwise, that those in the vicinity are
harmed. Despite the fact that the likelihood of directly killing large numbers
of people is remote, mass civilian casualties may result from panic and re-
location, thereby rendering, in theory at least, powerful states vulnerable
to such an attack. For this reason, debates concerning how much nuclear
material should be left as residual fall-out as well as the efficacy of produc-
ing incendiaries ‘salted’ with cobalt remain a part of contemporary military
strategising, as does the need to respond to the possibility that an irredentist
group might plant such a device (a bomb defused by Russian security forces
in Moscow in 1995, for instance, was reported to have contained a quantity
of caesium-137 taken from medical equipment (New Scientist 2 June 2004)).
Many states are also using radioactive material as a means of hardening pro-
jectiles. Although such weapons are not expressly intended to cause mass
destruction, a growing body of literature associates the aeration of uranium
isotopes with widespread health problems (
Second, weapons based on thermonuclear fusion have been stockpiled. By
the 1960s, both Superpowers had tested deliverable forms of such weapons
many hundreds of times more destructive than the fission bombs dropped on
Japan. With the development of ballistic missiles (based on wartime German
rocket designs) shortly afterwards, the strategic potential of a nuclear attack
– from silos, lorries or submarines – enlarged greatly and, in many ways,
came to define geopolitics during the postwar era (Rhodes 1995). Since
the end of the Cold War, however, the control the two blocs exerted over
their nuclear deterrence has, partially at least, broken down. Consequently,
the first generation of states to admit to developing nuclear weapons – the
United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Soviet Union and China
(Israel, despite an official policy of silence, should also be included here)
– has been joined by a number of others. India and Pakistan, for instance, are
both thought to have initiated uranium enrichment programmes during the
late 1960s or early 1970s (the former tested a ‘peaceful’ device in 1974) but,
under Western pressure, did not carry out overtly military testing until 1998.
The latter is believed, by some, to have supplied material and data to North
Korea, Libya and Iran (New York Times 12 February 2004).
Indeed, the spread of nuclear technology over the last 20 or so years
may be regarded as part of a broader proliferation of weapons since the end
of the Cold War. Although registered arms sales have not increased greatly
worldwide, most major suppliers enlarged their focus on the South during
the 1990s. The United States, the United Kingdom, France and Russia, for
instance, advanced the value of their (completed and registered) weapons
sales to the developing world from 61 to 66 per cent, 85 to 87 per cent, 69
to 88 per cent and 67 to 78 per cent, respectively, between 1993 and 2000
– part of an overall rise of 11,500 million dollars. Particularly affected was
the continent of Africa where the total worth of registered arms transfers
grew from 2,680 million dollars for the years 1993–96 to 8,896 million dol-
lars for the years 1997–2000 (Grimmett 2001). Given that these ‘legitimate’
sales represent only a fraction of the actual quantity of weapons transferred
over this period, it is perhaps no surprise that the United Nations estimates
the numbers of small arms ‘beyond the control of [African] states’ to have
now reached 30 million, fuelling a disproportionate share of the steady rise
in civil wars that has emerged since the Second World War (Qoma 2004: 1;
Travaglianti 2006). Indeed, the indiscriminate, lawless and plunderous na-
ture of such conflicts, frequently within environments marked by a feudalisa-
tion of political authority and an internationalisation of economic exchange,
have led some to conclude that contemporary warfare is moving towards a
period of ‘medievalisation’ (Ahorsu 2004).

Understanding conflict and violence

In each of the three periods outlined in the previous section – those of mus-
cle power, industrial production and mass destruction weaponry – sophisti-
cated treatises analysing the roots of conflict behaviour have been produced
and have, to varying degrees, influenced the way that violence, in all its
forms, is considered today. These have not only focused upon the causes of
conflict, but also included notions of peace. In one sense, an implied connec-
tion between peace and violent conflict is inevitable. After all, ‘to account
for knowledge, we must assume a reality that is wider than either subjects
or objects, because it comprehends both, and neither is except in relation to
its opposite’ (Jones 1915: 239–40). Consequently, we tend to ‘conceptualize
all events, processes, and entities . . . as having an opposite and excluding
(dual) meaning in relation to its opposite event, process, or entity’ (Kron-
lid 2003: 122; Warren 2000). Conceptually, then, peace, like all things, is
only comprehensible through a process of antonymic comparison. Similarly,
in phenomenological terms, war is, ‘in some sense, a necessary prelude to
peace’ – how else could the latter be experienced and identified (Tuzin 1996:
24)? Indeed, as Francisco Muñoz points out, in attempting to ‘establish how
violence and peace manifest and recur, . . . we know that both possibilities
are closely related, so much so that they nearly always arise through the
same social matrix’ (2005: 2).
Understandings of this matrix fall into three broad and overlapping cat-
egories. The first, strategic studies, is, as John Groom notes, ‘concerned with
the manipulation and application of threats either to preserve or to change
the status quo’. Assuming that ‘all actors seek to dominate and only some
can’, researchers in this field, Groom continues, aim ‘to ensure safe and or-
derly rules for this struggle’. The second, conflict research, proceeds from
the premise that violence and warfare are a consequence ‘not of intent per
se, but an unwelcome result of pursuing goals that are incompatible with
others’ (Groom 1988: 105, 108). By analysing the costs of attempting to at-
tain these objectives, the aim of the conflict researcher is thus to steer actors
towards a less deleterious course of action. The third, peace research, rejects
such an emphasis upon actors and their preferences in favour of a broader
concern with structures and values. Rather than companionably facilitating
incremental change, peace researchers therefore work towards ‘the presenta-
tion of proposals, even whole blueprints, . . . that bring about a new world’
(Galtung 1975: 256).
Most accounts of conflict and violence, however, share the basic premise
that, while ‘knowledge does not guarantee a political solution to public prob-
lems, without knowledge there can be little reasonable expectation for the
amelioration of perennial problems such as war’ and therefore tend to blend
various elements of the above approaches (Vasquez 2000a: ix). Perhaps the
earliest such example is Sun Tzu’s (circa 544–496 bce) The Art of War. This
reminds us that ‘war is of vital importance to the state. It is a matter of life and
death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which
can on no account be neglected’ (cited in, and translated by, Giles 1910: 1).
Like Chanakya’s (circa 350–283 bce) Arthasastra a century or two later, this
not only offers a complex account of battlefield strategy, but also studies
the social impact of war, concluding with a passage on how best to mitigate
its destructive effects and, ideally, avoid it altogether. In particular, Tzu’s
argument that, of the five ‘fundamental factors’ underpinning the course of
warfare (the weather, the terrain, leadership, doctrine and morality), those
under human control – the last three – must be combined and balanced to
produce effective command. Such a distinction between the rational assess-
ment of decisional outcomes and what Francis Kane later called ‘intuition’
or Morris Janowitz described as the ‘heroic’ demonstrates the long tradition
of attempting to calculate the effects of logical and emotional elements in
wartime decisions (Hables Gray 1997; Sion 2006). Of these, Clausewitz’s
unfinished work compiled following the Napoleonic Wars is arguably the
greatest. For him, war is:

composed of primordial violence, hatred, and enmity; which are to be

regarded as blind natural force; of the play of chance and probability
within which the creative spirit is free to roam; and of its element of
subordination, as an instrument of policy, which makes it subject to rea-
son alone.
(1993: 101)

Around the same time as Tzu was writing, but on the other side of the
world, the notion of rational human volition as a motive conceptually sepa-
rable from the influence of fortune or divine preordination underpinned the
work of many Athenian thinkers. Thucydides’ (circa 460–400 bce) account
of the 27-year Peloponnesian War between Sparta and Athens, for instance,
10 Introduction
is widely considered to be the first work in which the past is analysed in-
dependently from the supernatural intervention associated with the earlier
work of Herodotus (circa 484–425 bce) and others. Thucydides, like Plato
(427–347 bce), drew a clear distinction between the use of violence in the
pursuit of foreign policy objectives and the growing public disorder that was
increasingly characterising this period (Price 2001). For both Plato and his
student Aristotle (384–322 bce), such civil unrest had its roots in growing
levels of factionalism within Athenian society. The latter suggested that it
may be a result of three fundamental causes, all of which remain pertinent
today: the unequal nature of Athenian society, frustration with the weak-
ness and incompetence of Athens’ leaders and the desire for the wealth and
privilege that holding political office may entail (Kalimtzis 2000).
For many Roman writers seeking to explain the causes of similar social
problems, such dissent could best be dissipated through reform at the higher
echelons of political society. In rejecting what he describes as ‘the slave’s
ideal of a good master’, Cicero (106–43 bce), for instance, advocated a
concordia ordinum, a harmonious alliance between the senators and the
equites in which conflict would be resolved by selfless and honourable rule,
consensus and the extension of a fraternal omnium bonorum to all citizens
(Everitt 2001). Appian (circa 95–165) shared a similar concern to incor-
porate the views of the masses. His 24-volume historiography represented
the perspectives of the defeated as well as the victorious by organising its
narrative thematically around the histories of Rome’s conquered peoples.
In doing so, he succeeded, like his Greek predecessors, in demonstrating a
major discontinuity between the social impact of Rome’s internecine strife
and life during the expansionist phases of imperial development. This not
only had a profound impact on subsequent Roman historiographies (such as
Cassius Dio’s (circa 155–229) 80-book text), but has, in addition, influenced
contemporary historians and sociologists attempting to compile synchronic
accounts of the past based upon more ‘bottom-up’ discourses on war (Os-
good 2006).
Hellenistic and Roman social commentaries were also influential in Persia
under the Sassanid kings (226–650). There, a prevailing emphasis on the
moral over the natural (derived from the teachings of Zoroaster) gave rise to
a pronounced and eclectic interest in learning. Cities such as Gundeshapur
proved an attractive centre for some of the world’s foremost scholars, in-
cluding eminent Jewish thinkers, Neo-Platonists displaced from Athens by
Justinian in 529 and Nestorian Christians who brought Syriac translations
of classical Greek works (Durant 1980). The resultant dissemination of
philosophical and scientific research was extended by Muslim institutions
such as the Bayt ul-Hikma (or House of Wisdom) founded by the Abbasi
Caliph Abu Jafar al-Mamun ibn Harun (786–833) in 832. Through the work
of academics, such as Al-Shaybani (?–circa 804), Al-Tabari (circa 838–923)
and Al-Mawardi (circa 972–1058), codified limits (hoddod) to definitions of
self-defence and upon battlefield behaviour were elaborated. The sciences of
Introduction 11
tafsir (understanding the Qu’ran) and fiqh (jurisprudence) emerged along-
side research into the sunnah (the life and example of the prophet) and the
lives of the sahabah (companions of the prophet – especially the Khulafa ur
Rashidun or the ‘rightly guided’ leadership of the Caliphs Abubakr, Umar,
Uthman and Ali) to produce sophisticated moral treatises on the use of vio-
lence. A Muslim was, for instance, prohibited from attacking non-combat-
ants, destroying physical infrastructure and mistreating prisoners. Similarly,
war, it was said, could be legally declared only if it was waged in defence
of the faith, against a tyrant or to rescue others from repression (Hussain
2003: 51–8). These are comparable to the classical Jewish categorisation of
just warfare into obligatory (those undertaken at God’s behest), defensive
(including the use of pre-emption) and optional (those pursued for a good
reason) (Solomon 2005). Like all normative conventions, religious injunc-
tions have, of course, been widely flouted. Nonetheless, their enduring ef-
ficacy has been demonstrated repeatedly in a wide range of contexts – from
the refusal of Muslim Hutus to participate in the 1994 Rwanda genocide to
the careful targeting and penal policies of some mujahadeen guerrilla units in
Chechnya during the Russian war of the 1990s (The Seattle Times 9 August
2002; Yule 2000).
Similar ideas emerged within the Christian tradition. As the religion grew
and gained more power in Rome, it was realised that it might become neces-
sary to use violence to protect the innocent. Clement of Alexandria (circa
150–215), for instance, argued the need to defend the empire and to guard
the position of the emperor – just cause and rightful authority in other words
(Johnson 1987). These precepts were expanded and brought into contact
with the work of Cicero by Saint Ambrose (circa 339–97) who helped to
establish the idea that a just war could be undertaken to defend life as well as
religious orthodoxy (Johnson 1987). The five-million-word corpus of Saint
Augustine (354–430) – a convert from the Manichaean sect of Zoroastrian-
ism – extended the definition of just cause to include repelling aggression,
retaking something taken dishonestly and punishing wrongdoing, implying
that war should be proportional, a last resort and aimed at achieving peace.
During the medieval period, writers such as Gratian (circa 1140), Moses
Maimonides (circa 1135–1204), Huguccio (?–circa 1210) and Saint Thomas
Aquinas (1225–74) built on Augustine’s voluminous work to establish an
extensive revival of Roman thought (Swift 1973: 382).
The controversies of the later crusades and, particularly, the introduction
of firearms towards the end of this period augured a new era of battlefield
horrors which, accentuated by a rise in religious zealotry and polarisation
across Europe (illustrated in the brutal subjugation of the New World and,
later, the Thirty Years War), prompted a renewed interest in notions of
the just war from scholars more associated with secular humanism. Here,
Aquinas’ suggestion (drawn from Saint Ambrose) that, even between war-
ring parties, certain rights and covenants should be observed proved to be
profoundly influential. Francisco de Vitoria (1492–1546) and Hugo Grotius
12 Introduction
(1583–1645), for example, argued that sovereigns (ruling, as Francisco Sua-
rez (1548–1617) propounds, not by divine right, but by the consent of the
masses) should act in concert to prevent war’s excesses. This should, it was
suggested, be accompanied by limiting offensive war to just interventions de-
fined by natural law and reason rather than simply by religious difference – a
key premise of the modern Church’s discourse on warfare today. The Holy
See has, for instance, repeatedly condemned the use of religion as a justifica-
tion for violence and apologised for the persecution of heretics, apostates
and non-Catholics in the past. Through an unconditional condemnation
of nuclear weaponry (issued by Pope John XXIII in 1963) and a recurring
call for diplomacy in place of violence (most notably in Pope John Paul II’s
implacable opposition to Great Power policy in the Gulf), the Church has
significantly narrowed its definition of what constitutes a ‘just’ war (Duncan
Taken together with the earlier work upon which they build, these
propositions represent the philosophical underpinnings of much of what
the West currently defines as the legitimate use of force in the international
arena. They contain, in other words, the essence of jus ad bellum and jus
in bello (Walzer 2006). The former is normally construed as the idea that
sovereign states (not private armies) directed by a legitimate authority can,
once all other means of redress are exhausted, use proportionate violence
in response to aggression. This may be in self-defence or in the assistance of
another state (or, in some extreme cases (such as genocide), a group within
another state) aggressed against and must have the aim of returning to a
peaceful status quo. The latter is generally understood to consist of a set
of core principles guiding the conduct of warfare. Typically, these include a
responsibility to distinguish between soldiers and civilians, to deploy a level
of force commensurate with the tactical goal sought (thereby prohibiting
certain weapons) and to adhere to generally agreed rules regarding the treat-
ment of prisoners of war. As with other moral traditions, of course, Western
states have regularly flouted these conventions (and continue to do so), but
discussions of warfare remain closely connected to notions of justice (Frost
Indeed, as economic interdependence has grown during the industrial
era, the kind of pooled structure of sovereignty, which could replace the
signing of ad hoc peace treaties with a pacific federation of states, implied
by renaissance writers and articulated more fully by Immanuel Kant (1724–
1804) has gained popularity and come to underpin modern ideas of liberal
internationalism (Reichberg 2002). For writers such as Norman Angell, who
presciently pointed out the imminent folly of the First World War, the fact
that the wealth of states is no longer held by absolute monarchs relying on
the extraction of tribute renders redundant the idea that war can reduce
an opponent to an inferior position. Instead, he concludes, force should be
used only to increase international cooperation, in the same way as police
are needed because thieves refuse to observe the normative structures of
Introduction 13
domestic communities (1910). The human and material costs of the Great
War’s industrialised combat convinced many that Angell (who received a
Nobel Peace Prize in 1933) was correct, and his concept of collective security
was, partly at least, embodied in the League of Nations and, later, the United
Nations. His work also helped to establish the first chair in International Re-
lations at Aberystwyth to investigate the ‘causes of war, and the conditions of
peace’ in 1919, the British Institute of International Affairs in 1920 and New
York’s Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 (Groom 1992).
Not only did the First World War increase the attention given to the
causes of large-scale conflicts, it also provoked numerous efforts to moder-
ate the ways in which modern warfare was conducted through humanitarian
intervention. Although such activity during periods of combat has a long
history, the conflicts of the mid- and late Victorian age (of which the First
World War was the culmination) showed an increasingly internationalised
European middle class that the technical means of killing had far outstripped
any sense of restraint in their application (Lawrence 1997: 31). Through
the work of the Red Cross (founded in 1863) and others, conventions (es-
pecially that signed in Geneva in 1864) institutionalised battlefield access
for non-combatants to organise medical treatment, to monitor the conduct
of the conflict (including the use of certain types of weaponry) and to ar-
range prisoner exchanges. During the First World War, for instance, the Red
Cross was permitted access, on the basis of its demonstrable commitment to
impartiality, neutrality and independence, to over 500 penal camps where
it recorded the identity of more than two million captives. In the Second
World War, the Red Cross (along with Red Crescent societies) carried out
nearly 13,000 such visits and, despite failing to reach an agreement with
the German authorities over access to their camps, maintained a database
of around 45 million prisoners of war (Wylie 2002). Since then, the size
and scope of non-governmental and multilateral organisations involved in
humanitarian work have, along with charitable donations and high-impact
televisual reportage, enlarged considerably. The United Nations, for exam-
ple, has taken on an increasingly interventionist role in world politics – from
dispatching an observer mission to Palestine in 1948 to deploying an armed
contingent of 28,000 ‘peace enforcers’ to Somalia in 1993 (Jeong 2000).
Today, its Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has some 860
staff and a budget of around $110 million.
As the joint award of the 1901 Nobel Peace Prize to Henri Dunant (the
founder of the Red Cross) and Frédéric Passy (the anti-war campaigner and
co-founder of the Inter-Parliamentary Union) illustrated, such efforts fre-
quently coincided with broader endeavours to prevent violence altogether.
These, too, have a long history. The Pax Dei, or ‘peace of God’, for example,
prohibited (from the mid-eleventh century onwards) violence in or upon
consecrated people, places and occasions and was gradually extended to in-
clude women, children and other days. During the Middle Ages, the Dutch
humanist and theologian Erasmus (circa 1466–1536) set out a reasoned case
14 Introduction
against warfare of all kinds, while Christian groups such as the Waldensians,
the Mennonites and elements of the Religious Society of Friends (the Quak-
ers) have continued to renounce all forms of violence – as have organisations
from all other faith groups (Barash and Webel 2002). While some writers,
such as Søren Kierkegaard (1813–55) and Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910), rejected
organised resistance in favour of a pacifism based on individual reflection
and God consciousness, other individuals have mobilised religious senti-
ment to achieve a considerable political impact. Prominent here have been
Ghandi’s swadeshi movement, Martin Luther King’s Southern Christian
Leadership Conference and the Dalai Lama’s Tibetan government-in-exile.
Alongside such organisations, others have achieved high levels of popular
support through a non-ecclesiastical peace agenda. These include the In-
dustrial Workers of the World (created in Chicago in 1905), the Women’s
International League for Peace and Freedom (founded in Washington, DC,
in 1915), the War Resisters League (established in London in 1923) and the
World Peace Council (convened simultaneously in Paris and Prague in 1949).
Both secular and faith-based civil peace organisations – as well as the senti-
ments they represent – remain, as the examples of Desmond Tutu and Aung
San Suu Kyi testify, profoundly influential today.
Since warfare entered the age of mass destruction weapons in 1945, the
anti-nuclear movement has arguably been the largest and most vociferous
of these. Early dissent took the form of a 1955 statement, signed by 11
intellectuals led by Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein, which suggested
that ‘whatever agreements not to use H-bombs had been reached in time
of peace, they would no longer be considered binding in time of war, and
both sides would set to work to manufacture H-bombs as soon as war broke
out’. Two years later, this became part of the founding charter of the Pug-
wash Conferences on Science and World Affairs – an international forum of
scientists committed to disarmament. Having received a Nobel Peace Prize
in 1995 for ‘their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in
international politics’, it has now convened nearly 300 meetings involving
over 10,000 delegates. In the United Kingdom, the Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament (established in 1958) has maintained a membership of over
50,000 for most of the last 25 years and currently claims to be Europe’s big-
gest single-issue peace campaign (Hudson 2005). In global terms, the Nobel
Peace Prize-winning (1985) International Physicians for the Prevention of
Nuclear War (founded by American and Soviet cardiologists in 1980) rep-
resents one of the most internationalised movements with a membership of
more than 200,000 people from over 60 countries (Wittner 2003).
However, while these organisations and the broader peace movement
have been highly influential within the academic study of conflict and vio-
lence, policy making has remained dominated by the belief that reducing a
state’s level of war preparedness is not the most effective way to minimise
the possibility of large-scale conflict. The idea of deterrence, and the school
of realism that underpins it, is grounded in a clear distinction between a
Introduction 15
forceful geopolitical state and a passive domestic polity that can be traced
back to the work of Dante (circa 1265–1321), Machiavelli (1469–1527)
and Clausewitz (1780–1831). For strategic studies researchers such as Hans
Morgenthau (1948) and George Kennan (1982), the gravest danger of war
emerges not from an aggressive assertion of sovereignty, but from misper-
ception and imbalances in the distribution of power between states. As we
shall see in Chapter 9, a nuclear arsenal, along with alliances and conven-
tional weapons, is regarded as having the potential to reduce uncertainty
about a state’s position and to ensure conforming behaviour in others. A
hierarchy of states may emerge in which the hegemon maintains a stable
and ‘realistic’ distribution of destructive power and alliances – ensuring, as
Chapter 10 outlines, that large-scale conflicts are restricted to a (possibly
cyclical) pattern of contest over the leadership position. The Hobbesian
conservativism of seeing states and individuals as immutably conflictive (and
therefore favouring robust precautionary and remedial measures) derives its
motivational premise from a view of human beings as having an innate drive
to aggress and dominate (see Chapter 5), which can be understood in terms
of Darwinian biology, evolutionary psychology or settled socio-historical
cultural legacies.
Such a position differs greatly from the behaviourist view of conflict, dis-
cussed in Chapter 6, as socially constructed, gendered and changing (Císař
2003). As the foundation of modern peace movements, this tends to see
violent behaviour as primarily driven by environmental factors, and thus
possible to extirpate. To do so, it was suggested that realism’s emphasis on
the Cold War’s East–West balance of power as the basis of, and a threat
to, global peace had to be replaced by a concern to reveal the frequently
subliminal conflict between the global North and the South. As Chapter 3
explains, Marxist-influenced writing emerged in Europe and moved defini-
tions of conflict beyond a focus on overt, behavioural hostility towards an
understanding of violence as part of the normal, yet unjust, operation of
the international system (Callinicos 2003). This questioned the notion that
‘peace’ in a world of such injustice was an objective worth pursuing. It also
contained a broader definitional challenge: that relying on the narrow per-
ceptions of actors to define their own situations inevitably obscures broader
concerns and restricts the analyst to dealing with extant power relations
(Lopez 1989: 69). The tension between such subjectivism and the poten-
tial dangers of its objectivist alternatives is pertinent to the social sciences
in general and, along with associated debates over the different levels of
investigation available to conflict analysts, is thus this book’s initial point of
enquiry as the primary concern of Chapter 2.
The idea that conflicts can be understood and compared at various levels
of analysis – from the macro-economic forces of the global system to the lim-
ited awareness of the individual – questions another of realism’s fundamental
tenets: that the domestic polity is conceptually separable from international
geopolitics. As increasing numbers of states in the world system produced a
16 Introduction
considerable rise in the frequency of civil wars following the Second World
War (Singer and Small 1982), interest grew in the relationship between con-
current processes of modernisation and decolonisation, on the one hand,
and enlarging expectations, inequality and grievance formation, on the
other (Dos Santos 1970; Blum 2003). Building on the frustration–aggres-
sion model developed by social psychologists in the 1940s and prior studies
on human needs, the notion of relative deprivation, the focus of Chapter
7, emerged as a key means of explaining the civil unrest of the period. This
prompted a re-evaluation of earlier work dealing with the functionality of
conflictive behaviour, particularly political elites’ use of conflict – both do-
mestically as a means of identifying an ‘other’ through which an enhanced
sense of ‘self ’ may be constructed and internationally as a similarly specious
method of distraction. The causes of conflict, as Chapter 4 demonstrates,
may thus be found in rulers’ desires to maintain their domestic authority
(Miller 1999). Indeed, the mobilisation of individuals into social movements,
national groups or bands of insurgents (to be considered in Chapter 8) may
be regarded as a better way to explain the causes of collective violence than
motivational studies of unrealised expectations or perceived frustrations that
do not account for power differentials and individuals’ rational calculation
of costs, benefits and probabilities of success (Buechler 1999).
Interest in a section of this latter body of work – the so-called ‘greed’
thesis – has, to the detriment of other theories of group mobilisation, been
sharpened by the perceived ‘end of old-fashioned war between states’ in fa-
vour of ‘new wars’ (Kaldor 2001: 1). These are characterised as deliberately
focused upon civilians as a source of revenue (whose share of total fatalities
has increased from around half during the 1960s to over 90 per cent by the
early 1990s) and organised by avaricious conflict ‘entrepreneurs’ (Collier et
al. 2003). Recent studies have therefore tended to place responsibility for
such bloodshed largely upon the shoulders of local agents. This has, in many
cases, produced depictions of contemporary conflicts ‘as explicable simply
by reference to the narcissism of violence’, leading to absurd portrayals of
‘perpetually recidivist societies’ where ‘torture is exciting, rape is fun, and
looting is profitable’ and which can only be salvaged through the ‘imposi-
tion of imperial order’ (Gray 1999: 277; Shawcross 2000: 169–78; Cooper
2005: 464–5). The result is a partial abandonment of the intellectual pursuit
of ‘why’ conflicts start in favour of ‘how to’ organise a response.
This book is, in many ways, an attempt to return to ‘why’ questions as the
bedrock of conflict analysis. At the heart of preserving a wide-reaching and
independent discipline is the maintenance of a rich theoretical tradition and,
in particular, a broad understanding of the range of approaches to analysing
conflict instigation. What follows, then, is not intended to be a mere list of
possibly relevant topics. Instead, it is nine inter-related – and sometimes op-
positional – ways of theorising the causes of conflict and violence (italicised
below) which, together, constitute a comprehensive (though not exhaustive)
account of why different conflictive phenomena arise. Based on around 900
Introduction 17
academic sources drawn from more than half a century of research within
numerous academic traditions, this study proceeds by initially considering
the dimensions, and difficulties, of defining conflict at various levels of analy-
sis, before examining the notion of structure as a fundamental challenge
to the way in which conflict and violence is commonly understood. The
idea that the normal operation of the international system is intrinsically
violent leads to a more thorough treatment of who benefits from conflict
– its functions in other words. A key element in both the functional creation
of enhanced in-group coherence and the legitimisation of aggressive foreign
policies is the idea that there is an innate basis to ethnic or national solidarity
born of the immutably conflictive nature of the human condition.
Alternatively, understanding conflict and violence as essentially learnt
could reveal the ways in which individuals and groups are organised into
conflictive entities by elites. Neither of these approaches, however, explains
why the masses should wish to follow elites. Here, participation in organised
forms of conflictive behaviour may be determined by the presence of griev-
ances born of the unequal division of material wealth and social status or
by the mobilisation of individuals’ rational assessment of the prospective
benefits that conflict and violence might offer. Indeed, the distribution of
resources through the international system can also be understood to be the
fundamental cause of conflict and violence. Just as individuals perceiving
themselves to be threatened seek to improve security and lower their isola-
tion levels, so states respond to geopolitical pressures – particularly crises
– by acquiring weapons and forming alliances. These patterns of interaction
have produced hierarchical power blocs within and across which warfare
has been used to attain or defend hegemony, producing ever more severe
instances of violent conflict and raising the possibility that the next great
contest over global leadership may be the last.
2 Dimensions

Explaining why people engage in violent conflict has, as the previous chapter
outlined, absorbed academic thought for a great many years and has given
rise to a wide range of deliberations. Not least among these are the problems
of comparing conflicts at an abstract level, identifying conflicts’ component
parts, defining what a ‘conflict’ means and locating conflicts at various levels
of social interaction. This chapter proposes to introduce the reader to some
of the more significant elements of these discussions. It first presents some
ideas surrounding the problem of approaching conflict generally by looking
at the evolution of the literature concerning conflict dimensions. Here, there
continues to be considerable debate. Analysts disagree over how conflicts can
be identified, their origins, their consequences and even whether or not they
necessarily involve violence or aggression. Second, it will discuss issues sur-
rounding the definition of conflict. This is subject to a broader divide within
the social sciences; namely, between approaches that emphasise the impor-
tance of actors’ perceptions and those which argue that conflicts and other
observable social phenomena can be present and influential without the self-
awareness of those involved. Third, it will consider the ‘levels of analysis’
issue in conflict studies, first put forward by Kenneth Waltz in 1959 in his
book Man, the State and War. It will deal with the different analytical impli-
cations of examining conflicts from various viewpoints, from intra­personal
dissonance to interpersonal disputes, civil unrest, interstate war and global
conflagrations. As such, looking at these three topics – generalising about
conflict, definitional debates and the unit of analysis – will help to introduce
concerns that run right through the rest of the book.

Generalising about conflict

A truly general model necessitates the development of analytical categories
into which all examples of conflicts, regardless of whether or not they evoke
violent behaviour, can be placed. A common attempt to do this, outlined in
this section, is the triangular typology developed by Christopher Mitchell
(1981a) from the work of one of the pioneers of conflict studies, Johan
Dimensions 19
Galtung, who first presented it to the Peace Research Institute in Oslo during
January 1968. This breaks conflicts down into situation, behaviour and atti-
tudes, with each heavily influencing the others (Figure 2.1). Under Mitchell’s
definition, a conflictive situation is considered to be ‘any situation in which
two or more social entities or “parties” (however defined or structured) per-
ceive that they possess mutually incompatible goals’ (1981a: 17). From the
subjectivist perspective (to be discussed further shortly), this remains a com-
mon definition. For instance, Louis Kriesberg defines a conflict as occurring
‘when two or more persons or groups manifest the belief that they have
incompatible objectives’ (1998: 2).
Fundamental to this type of approach is the inclusion of non-violent forms
of conflict. Both the above definitions could apply to parent–child relation-
ships, competitive sport, contact between ethnic groups or a breakdown in
diplomatic affairs between two states. In all these instances, a crucial com-
ponent is incompatibility. This means that individuals or groups, commonly
called ‘actors’ or ‘parties’, think that the realisation of one or more of their
goals is being, or will be, thwarted by another party. These may be positive
in that they refer to a desired outcome or negative if they relate to the avoid-
ance of an unwanted future. The value of these goals to the actors involved
determines the intensity of the conflict. The number of goals that each ac-
tor perceives to have been thwarted demarcates the scope of the conflict
(although, of course, the perception of these goals within the constituent
elements of each party may be very different). If others become involved in
the conflictive situation or the value of the goals in dispute increases, then
the conflict will escalate and its domain will be extended – an important
process in the development of international crises (to be discussed further
in Chapter 9).
Conflictive situations need not, however, be grounded upon actual issues
or events. While realistic conflicts are based on past occurrences that have
led to the perception of incompatible goals and conflicts of various intensi-
ties and scopes, unrealistic conflicts may emerge from misperceptions and
confusion, or may be pursued for the sake of conflict participation rather
than any particular goals. Evidence suggests that the majority of conflictive


Behaviour Attitudes

Figure 2.1 The structure of conflict. Source: Redrawn from Mitchell (1981a: 16).
20 Dimensions
situations contain both realistic and unrealistic elements. They also tend to
involve the expectation of zero-sum and variable-sum outcomes. The former
relates to circumstances in which the total benefit to all actors always adds
up to zero. In other words, no gain can accrue to one party without an equal
loss to another. It is typified by conflicts perceived to be based upon limited
resources, such as land in Palestine or diamonds in Sierra Leone. The lat-
ter involves conflicts over goods which are not, inherently, in short supply
– such as status, legitimacy, religious expression and dignity – and so do
not, theoretically at least, inevitably mean that one actor must lose in order
for another to gain. In this sense, perceptions of scarcity within conflictive
situations may be over material goods like oil, lootable objects and so on
or positional goods such as access to political representation and economic
There are also qualitative differences in the type of goal pursued which
determine the nature of a conflictive situation. Different interests may lead to
conflict, although parties basically concur about the value of some position,
role or resource and the various factors that may have led them to disagree.
Conflict here arises over issues of distribution within a broadly agreed frame-
work. Examples might be a husband and wife arguing without considering
divorce or academics discussing their profession while agreeing that higher
education provisions are worthwhile. Consequently, a compromise is usu-
ally possible. On the other hand, conflicts of value exist when parties differ
fundamentally about the nature of desirable end-states or social and political
structures. The conflictive relationship between the goals of the World Trade
Organization and the Anti-Globalization Movement is an example of this,
although, as Anthony de Reuck points out, ‘the distinction is rarely clear-cut’
(1984: 97). Within the latter, there is liable to be a conflict over what has
given rise to the set of circumstances from which a dispute or problem has
arisen – the question of attribution. Here, parties may hold each other or a
third party responsible. Protagonists are also likely to disagree over the best
means of dealing with the problem – often stemming from a different view
of its causes. The ways in which interests, value, attribution and means inter-
relate within a conflictive situation are illustrated in Table 2.1.
Conflictive attitudes are closely related to conflictive situations. Mitchell
defines them as ‘common patterns of expectation, emotional orientation
and perception that accompany involvement in a conflict situation’ (1981a:
28). Here, anger, resentment and suspicion are common, as are cognitive
processes such as stereotyping and selective approaches to new information.
These frequently become self-perpetuating in the sense that previous experi-
ences of a conflict will reinforce or exaggerate conflictive attitudes in the
future. As a source of conflict, attitudes, in the form of internal drives and
thoughts, may push individuals towards conflictive behaviour. In this sense,
there is a fundamental division (which will be looked at in more detail in
Chapters 5 and 6) between analyses that focus upon actors’ response to their
Dimensions 21
Table 2.1 Aspects of conflictive situations
Agreement on basic values
Conflict aspects and ends Agreement on causes
Value No No
Interest Yes Yes
Attribution Yes No
Means Yes Either
Source: Mitchell (1981a: 42).

environments and studies which emphasise inherent physiological, psycho-

logical or cultural states – between, in other words, writers who hold the
attitudinal point of Mitchell’s triangle over the situational point as the prime
causal location of conflictive behaviour. Indeed, such a division has major
consequences for the way in which conflicts are approached both theoreti-
cally and practically. If conflicts are considered to be driven by the cathartic
release of inherent drives, for instance, then there may not be clearly defined
interests and values amenable to analysis. It may thus be concluded that the
conflictive situation is largely unrealistic and, as discussed towards the end of
Chapter 1, the search for causality may ultimately be futile.
In keeping with the inter-related nature of Mitchell’s model, conflictive
attitudes are also acutely influenced by conflictive situations and behaviour.
As conflicts progress, changes in group identity are common, as we shall see
in Chapter 4. As individuals tend to seek security and prestige in identifying
with others, threats to the values of the group frequently become a threat
to the individual. In this way, group affiliation can help individuals to ra-
tionalise their behaviour and to dismiss contra-information. In the case of
violent conflict, a commonplace consequence of such attitudinal change is
the legitimisation of transference and displacement. The former occurs when
violence becomes directed at an object or actor resembling the perceived
source of goal incompatibility. This may be highly illogical and turn inwards
towards members of the group itself. Following the German football team’s
defeat of England during the European Championship of 1996, for instance,
German brands of automobile belonging to other England supporters were
deliberately damaged near locations where the game was being watched in
the UK. Displacement, on the other hand, is where violence is directed at
any convenient object/person regardless of their connection to the perceived
source of goal incompatibility (however tenuous). An instance of this is the
old circular adage of domestic violence where a delay in social security pay-
ment leads the claimant to beat his wife, who then slaps her children, who
then kick the dog, which then bites the postman, who then does not deliver
the husband’s social security cheque, and so on and so on. Here, conflic-
tive behaviour, driven by an initial source of goal incompatibility, is focused
on the handiest rather than the most culpable, thus ensuring the future oc-
22 Dimensions
currence of the same goal incompatibility and perpetuating the conflictive
Reciprocally connected to changes in conflictive attitudes is conflictive
behaviour. This is defined by Mitchell as ‘actions undertaken by one party
in any situation of conflict aimed at the opposing party with the intention
of making that party abandon or modify its goals’ (1981a: 29). It may also
originate in an intention to punish an opponent for a real or perceived pre-
vious action. The way that intention is measured, however, is highly prob-
lematic. This is because each of the three parties who may make such an
evaluation is extremely unlikely to do so in any unbiased way. The actor,
an observing third party and the target of a conflictive act all tend to have a
vested interest in the dynamics, or outcome, of the conflict itself. Intentions
observed by any of these three parties may, themselves, be realised by a com-
bination of three strategies. First, threatening or imposing an unacceptable
level of costs upon another actor will succeed if the intimidation is credible,
if something of value is imperilled and if there is no obvious way of ignoring,
or circumventing, the pressure. The overwhelming form that this strategy
takes is coercion – either verbal or physical. A second form of conflictive
behaviour involves offering or proposing alternative courses of action. This
typically entails the use of persuasion: pointing out, in other words, favour-
able outcomes to a certain course of action that the opponent may not have
considered or, alternatively, showing that agreement is to their advantage. A
third type of conflictive behaviour is the abandonment of some or all of the
actor’s own goals – often through the involvement of bilateral or third-party
brokered negotiations.
Thus, it may be seen that a general model of conflict frequently takes
the occurrence of goal incompatibility as the starting point from which a
conflict becomes manifest and each of three elements – situation, attitudes
and behaviour – begin to interact. Conflictive behaviour (particularly if very
violent) can, for instance, harden attitudes, increase in-group cohesion and
widen both the issues at stake and the number of actors involved, thereby
altering the conflictive situation. Equally, conflictive situations tend to alter
behaviour as frustrated goals lead to enlarged efforts at goal realisation or, as
new issues and actors increase, mistrust and suspicion. Conflictive attitudes
also affect behaviour as increased wariness strengthens defensive prepara-
tions and plans which, in turn, modify the situation by lengthening the dura-
tion of the confrontation. As such, resolving conflicts must involve all three
aspects. Actors achieving attitudinal integration will develop a consensus,
those attaining behavioural integration will conform and those accomplish-
ing situational integration will realise goal compatibility.

Defining conflicts
General models also tend to contain three elements apparent before the
manifestation of conflictive behaviour. In the case of Mitchell’s work, these
Dimensions 23
are, as Figure 2.2 illustrates, incipient, latent and suppressed conflict (1981a:
51). The first can broadly be regarded as a situation in which a conflict is not
recognised by one or both parties. The second emerges when goal incompat-
ibility is perceived, but not sufficiently motivating to give rise to observable
conflictive behaviour. In the third scenario, one or more parties are aware
of a conflictive situation, but the costs of pursuing their goals are too high
to produce conflictive behaviour. In Mitchell’s model, these three elements
are not, however, theorised. Broadly speaking, he and others who adopt a
subjectivist approach to identifying conflicts argue that actors must not only
believe that they are in a conflictive situation, they must also manifest this
belief in a way discernible to others. This position is subjectivist in the sense
that it relies on the actors, or subjects, involved in the conflict to define their
situation as conflictive.
An alternative approach to relying on the actors’ own perceptions is to
define what constitutes a conflictive situation itself – the object as opposed
to the subject. It is often argued that this offers a more inclusive way of
identifying conflicts as it takes into account the frequently imperceptible
formations which surround actors. In this sense, conflicts are ‘not seen as a
matter of subjective definition but as determined by the social structure. In
other words, conflict is incompatible interests built into the structure of the
system where conflict is located’ (Schmid 1968: 226). Such a ‘maximalist’
agenda includes ‘the effects of social and economic exploitation’ within a
definition of a conflictive situation – regardless of whether or not this is per-
ceived by those involved (Rogers and Ramsbotham 1999: 744). A slave may
not, for instance, be aware that she is in a conflictive relationship with her
mistress. This may be particularly well hidden if the mistress defines the role
of the slave and teaches her that being a slave is part of the normal or natural
way of the world. The slave is unlikely to question its legitimacy so long as
the mistress reinforces the structure of their relationship with kindness and

Existence of goal Recognition of goal Conflict behaviour aimed

incompatibility incompatibility at achieving goals

No contact or

Isolation or Incipient conflict Latent conflict Manifest conflict



Figure 2.2 Conflict processes. Source: Adapted from Mitchell (1981a: 51).
24 Dimensions
palliatives. The result may be that the slave feels devotion to her mistress and
may, if offered, reject the chance of freedom. Thus, the relationship between
the two is cooperative. Both actors conform to agreed rules, and there is
little or no conflict over values, interests, goods and so on. For a subjectivist,
this situation can only be identified as incipient, latent or suppressed and is
thus not, for the most part, the subject matter of the conflict analyst. It is, in
other words, ‘peace’.
Such a view has considerable implications. If, for instance, the slave per-
ceives that she is in a conflictive situation and acts by effecting some form
of conflictive behaviour, then, according to the subjectivist position, she has
changed her goals and manifested a conflict. By implication, then, it is her
behaviour that is the primary concern of the conflict analyst rather than
the role of the mistress or the nature of their relationship. As Anthony de
Reuck puts it, ‘the first party whose conflict behaviour becomes conscious
and deliberate is often labelled the aggressor, whether or not he is the ag-
grieved party’ (1984: 100–1). This is obviously problematic, as it suggests
an assumption that conflictive behaviour represents an unwelcome event per
se and that it is the role of the analyst to try to find ways of reducing the
intensity of this behaviour, rather than to attempt a reconstruction of the
conflictive relationship itself.
A further problem with the subjectivist position is that the differences
in power that exist between conflict actors are often ignored in favour of
the presumption of a shared commitment to ‘peace’. As, in order to analyse
different aspects of conflictive situations, attitudes and behaviour accurately
and ultimately suggest ways of reducing the intensity of that conflict, the
researcher must have comparable levels of access to the actors involved, sub-
jectivist models mostly advocate various notions of neutrality; an idea that
is supported by the adherence to the idea that the subjects themselves must
provide the contextual details of the conflict (Burton and Dukes 1990). By
and large, then, it is assumed that it is both possible and desirable for the
researcher to be positioned equidistantly from each of the conflict actors.
Of course, some conflicts, such as the Cold War confrontation between the
Warsaw Pact and the West, do involve approximate power parity, and thus
may, for researchers from non-aligned states, offer a viable, ‘neutral’ ground
roughly halfway between each. Mostly, though, conflicts are between parties
with asymmetrical capabilities.
So, in terms of power, to be equidistant from each actor, the researcher
must, as Herman Schmid has observed, actually be closer to the less power-
ful party in order to be in a mutually neutral space (1968). However, is such
a location likely when the powerful are both better equipped to commit
resources to the analysis process and more likely to welcome a return to
the pre-existent situation? To explain this, Keith Webb offers the example
of an industrial dispute in which a conflict analyst is only acceptable to the
management if she accepts the basic structure, and inherent inequalities, of
capitalist production and exchange. Bringing an end to the dispute can thus
Dimensions 25
only hope ‘to restore the status quo, leaving the relationship still asymmetri-
cal’ (Webb 1986: 432). So, given such power differentials, Schmid is perhaps
correct to assert that the subjectivists’ ‘claim of political neutrality is hardly
satisfied by leaving the evaluations to the decision-makers’ (1968: 220).
The concept of a collective dedication to peace is similarly tricky. Even
where parties possess broad power parity, as in the bipolar blocs of the Cold
War, it is uncommon that a shared commitment to a positive future is suf-
ficiently potent to provide a normative basis for a reduction in conflict inten-
sity. Subjectivist analyses of conflict therefore often resort to the ‘minimalist’
objective of war avoidance – in this case, the universally catastrophic effects
of a Superpower nuclear exchange (Rogers and Ramsbotham 1999: 744).
The fear of a mutually harmful outcome is thus presented as the primary
grounds for the work of the conflict analyst, for the tractability of the con-
flict itself and for the amenability of the conflict actors. For many, though,
the mere absence of overt, behavioural violence does not constitute a satis-
factory definition of peace. Adam Curle, for instance, suggests that accept-
ing such a negative notion of peace frequently becomes a means for more
powerful parties to obscure objective goal incompatibilities. He points to
the South African government’s policy of granting a number of ‘Bantustan’
settlements some degree of autonomy during apartheid. Although these had,
by 1994, been abolished and reabsorbed into the South African state, ‘the
illusion of a certain degree of independence for the non-whites blunt[ed]
perceptions of the deep conflict of interest between black and white South
Africans’ (Curle 1971: 9).
As a negative peace may not have any actual manifest conflict, a positive
peace is not merely an absence of conflictive behaviour, but involves coop-
erative relations leading to an end to the exploitation of the powerless by the
powerful. Curle puts it like this:

a peaceful relationship would, on a personal scale, mean friendship

and understanding sufficiently strong to overcome any differences that
might occur. On a larger scale, peaceful relationships would imply ac-
tive association, planned cooperation, an intelligent effort to forestall or
resolve potential conflict.
(1971: 15)

Such a future, does not, for Curle, necessarily imply an idealistic egalitarian-
ism or a vision of future socialism. Positive peace may contain goal incompat-
ibilities born of varying power capabilities and access to material resources.
The key difference lies in the management of the difference in power. For
Curle’s positive peace, the powerless are helped to develop their capabili-
ties by the powerful. An example might be a parent–child relationship or a
pluralist society in which latent, incipient and suppressed conflicts do not
Herman Schmid offers a different perspective. He argues that, first,
26 Dimensions
inequitable structures and institutions, which are broadly accepted by Curle
and others, are a fundamental part of any given conflictive situation. Second,
he suggests that the way in which these are understood is primarily drawn
from ‘the wealth of social science theory developed for the control and in-
tegration of the national system’ and is thus a component of conflictive at-
titudes (1968: 219). Consequently, conflict studies should not, he continues,
simply attempt to analyse conflicts, nor should they seek to make policy rec-
ommendations to governments who frequently represent the powerful side
of an asymmetrical conflict. The fact that the bulk of this type of research is
located in, and frequently directly financed by, the United States and north-
ern Europe – those with the greatest vested interest in maintaining the status
quo – adds considerable credence to Schmid’s position. The overall result,
he suggests, is that conflict analysts have a strong propensity to adopt ‘a
system perspective and a value orientation which is identical with those of
the existing international institutions and lies very close to those of the rich
and powerful nations’ (Schmid 1968: 221). Given that, throughout history,
positive social change has generally occurred through an increase in conflict
levels rather than a decline, should, Schmid asks, conflict analysts continue
to advocate reductions in conflict intensities?
In conclusion, it is clear that the objectivist critique of subjectivism is both
comprehensive and an ongoing feature of the discipline. It has not, however,
passed without rebuttal. As Mitchell notes, objectivism’s tendency to conflate
inequality with conflict contains the real danger that the peculiar importance
of conflict analysis is lost within broader discourses on the egregious effects
of injustice and imparity – a particular problem for notions of structural
violence discussed in Chapter 3 (1981b). Moreover, does differential status
and wealth inevitably imply an incompatibility of goals? The elites of the
developing world are, for instance, mostly poorer and less powerful than
the elites of the West, yet does this mean that there is a conflict between
them while both are prospering from the international terms of trade and
relations of production? Simply because actors operate within an unequal
environment, it does not self-evidently follow that they will wish to redress
the inequities of the negative peace in which they operate. To assume that
they are blind to the ‘objective’ truth of their position is, it has been claimed,
to give conflict research ‘the qualities of an intellectual black hole’ (Lawler
1995: 237). Moreover, such a positivist faith in a ‘reality’ obvious only to
the initiated contains the danger that conflict analysts will arrogantly export
their vision of equality, peace, etc. without regard for contextual specificity,
thereby escalating, or even fomenting, conflictive behaviour – Schmid’s ul-
timate conclusion. As adherents of the objectivist position are neither free
from value-driven judgement nor able to predict the outcome of any change
in social structures and institutions, they tend to become entrapped by their
own critique of subjectivism. In other words, they too attempt to base their
analysis on questionably universal notions of a positive future, in this case
the value of wholesale systemic change.
Dimensions 27
Levels of analysis
The following section presents an overview of some of the ways in which
these controversies and ideas have been structured by attempts to identify
the causes of conflict at various levels of analysis, first put forward by Waltz
in 1959. He suggested that the causes of conflict could be found within
three different, but interlinked, social strata – the individual, the state and
the international system. Since then, commentators have expanded these to
include various substate and supranational groupings which, depending on
the research question posed, can be employed as taxonomical devices to
categorise and compare instances of conflict. Sometimes, these may be dis-
crete and distinct. Assessing macro-changes in the frequency of warfare over
the last few centuries would, for example, clearly necessitate studies linked
to the level of the system, whereas the reasons for a government choosing
certain foreign policy options would tend to lead the analyst towards a con-
centration upon state-level concerns. It is, however, generally not necessary
to include all levels in an analysis and, most often, conflicts are examined as
an interaction of a number of different levels. Liberal theories of economic
competition, for instance, combine models of global exchange with both
state-based processes of expansion and recession and rational actor accounts
of individual behaviour (Hayek 1991).
Indeed, as Table 2.2 illustrates, conflicts frequently take different forms at
different levels as they proceed. In this case, it would appear that the actors’
values are, in Mitchell’s terms, going through a process of intensification
followed by de-intensification, thereby causing the conflictive situation to
escalate, de-escalate and, ultimately, to end in some reparatory interaction.
Categorising conflictive behaviour like this offers a fruitful way of consider-
ing inter-relations between various parties. Each row represents a particular
way in which actors respond to goal incompatibility. Costs and benefits are
conferred or withheld, through either action or threat. Each column shows
how this behaviour may be manifested at different social levels. The first
of these outlines a common pattern of interpersonal conflictive behaviour,
while the second and third columns use the example of industrial and inter-
national relations respectively.
At both the systemic and the state levels of analysis, a longstanding ten-
sion has existed between realist, liberal and socialist traditions. As an ap-
proach to foreign policy, the first tends to take states to be the key actors and
assumes that they attempt to behave rationally and to advance their security
and wealth in an environment which, in the absence of a legitimate source
of coercive power (a police force in other words), is perceived to be anarchic
and intrinsically threatening (Levy 1996). As wealth is born of trade, which
in turn relies on pacific markets, it is thus argued that the primary role of
governments operating at the international level should be to ensure their
country’s own defence through armaments (Sheehan 1996). To do this, as-
sessments of other states’ power should proceed on the basis of ‘worst-case
28 Dimensions
Table 2.2 Types of conflict process
Conflict level
Conflict behaviour Individual Collective International
Reduce benefits to Reduce contact Work to rule Delay aid deliveries
adversary with person
End interaction Send to Coventry Strike Stop aid, trade and
with adversary diplomacy
Begin imposing Insult person Prosecute union Confiscate local
costs on adversary leaders assets
Intensify cost Physically assault Hire violent strike- Deploy armed
imposition person breakers forces
Reduce cost End aggression End strikers’ sit-in Reduce conflict
imposition outside self- intensity
End cost imposition End all aggression Stop prosecution Armistice
Begin benefit- Find excuses Limited return to Resume diplomacy
conferring action for adversary’s work aid and trade
Intensify benefit- Praise adversary Improve pay and Increase trade and
conferring action conditions aid to new levels
Source: Adapted from Mitchell (1981a: 127).

scenario’ reasoning. Only then will a state be sufficiently prepared to ac-

complish goals that are incompatible with others’. Achieving these generally
involves the extensive use of threats, brinkmanship and coercion. Conflicts
may, therefore, result from a policy preference deliberately pursued, incom-
petence and failures of rational predictions or, as the notion of the ‘security
dilemma’ (discussed in Chapter 9) suggests, an accidental outcome of a ra-
tional strategy of loss avoidance (Cox 1996).
In this sense, conflicts emerge from the absence of generally agreed upon
and authoritative regulation. For Waltz, states seek order and stability by
attempting to institutionalise a durable balance of power in which equal
blocs of alliances maintain peace through a combination of satisfying the
security concerns of their members and intimidating potentially recalcitrant
non-members (1979). At the level of the international system, these are, as
Chapter 10 outlines, particularly stable if there is a clear hierarchical equilib-
rium within each bloc as well as between blocs. The Cold War is often cited
as approaching an example of this, although uncertainty over the alignment
of many peripheral countries produced numerous proxy conflicts outside the
more fundamental confrontation between the United States and the Soviet
Union. When the hierarchical equilibrium of the Warsaw Pact collapsed in
1989, this bipolarity was replaced by a period of considerable instability
with an accompanying rise in conflictive behaviour within former client
states, which peaked in 1992 (Wallensteen and Sollenberg 2000). If the East-
Dimensions 29
ern bloc had still been a credible balancing force in 1990, for instance, it is
unclear whether the Western bloc would have responded to Iraq’s invasion
of Kuwait with the same wholesale destruction of the Iraqi military, the same
merciless siege and the same prolonged occupation of the Gulf.
Particularly dangerous to this notion of a balanced international order
is, for Waltz, the emergence of a single hegemon or hegemonic bloc (1979).
He argues that this unipolar arrangement threatens all who are outside its
goal orientation, leading to a rise in insecurity, an increase in armament
purchasing and the creation of new and aggressive alliances. For some, the
growth of internationalised conflicts during the 1970s was an indication of
the United States’ intensifying hegemony (Harbom and Wallensteen 2005).
More recently, the French government’s cooperation with Germany during
the run-up to the 2003 Iraq war to ensure that the United Nations’ Security
Council did not pass a resolution legalising the forthcoming conflict can,
for instance, be seen as an attempt to prevent the further strengthening of
American leader­ship. Furthermore, if unipolarity is stabilised through the
establishment of norms that protect the position of the hegemon, it is fre-
quently argued that a large-scale conflict of great severity becomes more
likely. As we shall see in Chapter 10, this is because the ability of the he-
gemon to dominate the international order inevitably declines, prompting
either a speculative war from their nearest rival or a pre-emptive war from
the hegemon itself (Kugler and Lemke 2000). Both would, of course, have
catastrophic results. In all then, realist interpretations at the systemic level of
analysis tend to see conflict as a consequence of three inter-related features
of the system itself – the inherently uneven and chaotic nature of geopolitics,
the constantly shifting relative power of military force and the changing
objectives of states.
In contrast, liberal approaches to the international system point to the
failure of realism to predict repeated catastrophic conflicts and the inherent
danger that such an outlook might provoke these through misperception and
error. Instead, conflict analysis should focus on the considerable common-
alities between states struggling with the shared uncertainties of the geopo-
litical arena (Jeong 2000: 297–9). Order should, it is proposed, rest on the
twin pillars of democracy and economic cooperaion, which are themselves
grounded upon an optimistic view of the human character as non-violent
and resistant to imposed authority. As Boutros Boutros-Ghali describes the
former, ‘there is an obvious connection between democratic practices – such
as the rule of law and transparency in decision-making – and the achieve-
ment of true peace and security’ (1992: 5). Unlike realism, this proposes
an association between the character of domestic polities and the external
behaviour of the state. Just as individuals within states are, as Chapter 7
explains, less likely to rebel if their needs are meet, it is improbable that
states within the international system will behave belligerently if their lead-
ers are accountable for their actions (MacGinty 2006).
The liberal vision of the international level of analysis also reserves an
30 Dimensions
important place for free trade in the creation and maintenance of systemic
peace. This was evident in Woodrow Wilson’s call for ‘the removal, so far
as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of
trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace’ that followed
the First World War (cited in Kindleberger 1977: 402). Similarly, the 1941
Atlantic Charter, which formulated the basis for Anglo-American coopera-
tion during the Second World War, was grounded upon a need to restore to
all states ‘access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the
world which are needed for their economic prosperity’ (cited in Whelan and
Donnelly 2006: 4). After both wars, attempts were made to create complex
structures of economic interdependence between sovereign states that would
minimise the fluxes in relative power which underpin the realist paradigm
and, as it is irrational to bomb your own bank (as Swiss neutrality dem-
onstrates), create a disincentive for war. Although the security imperatives
of the Cold War frequently meant that the liquidity of foreign capital was
obstructed, markets were gradually deregulated and public sectors privatised
– especially following the United States’ shift towards monetarism during
the early 1980s. More recently, President Bush and the White House have
reiterated the fundamentals of the liberal peace by explaining that ‘across the
globe, free markets and trade have helped defeat poverty, and taught men
and women the habits of liberty’. They are the ‘real freedom, the freedom
for a person – or a nation – to make a living’ (cited in Jacoby 2005: 226).
In both their realist and their liberal forms, these systemic-level analyses
all tend to be restricted by very general assumptions about states’ foreign
policy objectives. All, for instance, are seen as rationally pursuing their ob-
jectives in a value-maximising way, yet, as we shall see in Chapter 9, such a
premise may not always offer an accurate assessment of how decisions are
made. For this reason, it is difficult for writers using this level of analysis to
account for major variations in governmental approaches, a problem that
has maintained interest in the state as a discrete level of analysis. A key
tenet here is the relationship between domestic forces within states and the
leadership of the state itself. For Lenin, this is clear. The state is no more
than a committee of the bourgeoisie driven towards conflictive behaviour by
the inherent contradictions of capitalism. These, he suggested in his 1916
pamphlet, Imperialism: The Highest Form of Capitalism, were to be found
in the ever greater concentration of capital in corporate hands. Over 50 per
cent of American production was, he suggests, controlled by 1.1 per cent of
the country’s businesses in 1904. Evidently, such economic might could not
be ignored by political decision-makers who, he continues, were guided into
the First World War by the exhaustion of domestic markets.
Although they remain influential, these types of Marxist understanding
of the state level of analysis have been heavily criticised as excessively deter-
ministic. Political domination cannot, it is argued, be reduced to economic
tendencies. To do so would be to ignore historical contingency, non-West-
ern patterns of leadership, the role of fundamentally non-economic lob-
Dimensions 31
bies (such as Zionism) and the ideological proclivities of decision-makers
(Willoughby 1995). An alternative perspective, perhaps most comprehen-
sively elucidated in Bob Altemeyer’s revival of Theodore Adorno’s notion of
the ‘authoritarian personality’ (1998), is to emphasise the internal processes
of individual actors and the way in which these are modified in relation to
their environment. Here, the view that an actor’s propensity to engage in
conflict is caused by ‘socially and culturally influenced socialisation and fam-
ily structure [is] completely discarded’ (Duckitt 2000: 91). Instead, actors’
tendency to behave in very different ways from each other in quite similar
situations is explained by their different values and personalities developed
individualistically. However, these can have a measurable impact only if they
are implemented with the cooperation, or despite the opposition, of others.
Conflicts thus emerge from the way in which personal attributes are me-
diated through the relationships that surround decision-makers. The focus
on how policy is formulated and decisions are reached at this individual
level of analysis is, therefore, often grounded on variables such as personal
rationality, worldview, prejudice and insularity. An example of how such an
approach might analyse the Iran–Iraq War is offered in Table 2.3 (Goldstein
1984; Post 1993).
When compared with the state and international levels of analysis, ap-
proaches based on individual preference can, as Jack Levy points out, facili-
tate ‘the construction of richer and more descriptively accurate theories of
international conflict’ (1996: 16). They are, for instance, less tied to notions

Table 2.3 Iran–Iraq war (individual level of analysis)

Iran Iraq
Khomeini came from a relatively well-off Hussein came from abject poverty
Khomeini came from an eminent family Hussein came from an inconsequential
descended from other famous imams and violently dysfunctional family
Khomeini’s ideology was religious and Hussein’s ideology was Ba’athism – a
revivalist secular blend of socialism and pan-Arab
Khomeini was a cleric Hussein was a party official
Khomeini came to power in a hugely Hussein came to power by organising
popular revolution the mass execution of the government
Khomeini was widely loved by Iranians Hussein was widely feared by Iraqis
Khomeini was a Shia supported by the Hussein was a Sunni and thus restrained
notion of the Mahdi (divinely inspired (in theory) by notions of shura (popular
leader) consent)
Khomeini was a highly educated scholar Hussein was not well educated
Khomeini was supported by the Soviets Hussein was supported by the West and
against the Shah the Soviets
32 Dimensions
of unitary action and more conscious of the misperceptions and professional
failings, and thus the unpredictability, of individual decision-makers. As we
shall see when looking at Allison’s account of the Cuban Missile Crisis in
Chapter 9, leaders may, for instance, either over- or underestimate oppo-
nents’ strength. The former error tends to exacerbate their sense of inse-
curity and provoke an increase in conflict planning. Underestimation, on
the other hand, may lower preparation, reduce deterrence and lead either
to conflictive behaviour based on the anticipation that the opponent will
back down or to the opponent initiating a pre-emptive action. Either error
can also produce a false expectation that a third party will intervene on the
actor’s own side, on the side of the opponent or in an attempt to lower
conflict intensities (Jervis 1988). Such complexity does, however, mean that,
in general, studies grounded upon the individual level of analysis are ‘less
elegant or parsimonious, more demanding in terms of the types of data that
are necessary to test them, and less powerful in terms of their generalizability
across different states in different situations at different times’ (Levy 1996:
16). These rigorous requirements are certainly not always met. Assessing
individuals’ internal mental processes is something of a challenge, to say the
least. Even if this is achieved convincingly, there is also a danger of overem-
phasising individual autonomy, ignoring the structural constraints that sur-
round decision-makers and squeezing characterisations into imprecise and
arbitrary typologies (Wayne 1993: 30).

In keeping with the rest of the book, this chapter has covered an eclectic
selection of literature dealing with a wide range of debates and problems
broadly connected to the difficulty of undertaking conflict research. In par-
ticular, it has looked at three aspects of conflict dimensions. The first relates
to the existence of fundamental insights that seem to be true of all conflicts
– an attempt, in other words, to identify essential patterns of similarity be-
tween ostensibly very different social phenomena. Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait,
the Khmer Rouge’s activism in Cambodia, the French Revolution and do-
mestic violence may appear to be utterly unlike, yet at their heart lies a basic
struggle for status recognition, for resources or, even more broadly, for the
realisation of an incompatible set of goals. To make sense of this, Mitchell’s
triangular model of situation, behaviour and attitudes is, this chapter has
suggested, an efficacious means of understanding both the various elements
that make up an analysis of a conflict and the ways in which these change
over time.
The second section above highlighted some of the implications of analys-
ing the components and dynamics of conflictive behaviour, attitudes and
situations. Here, a fundamental divide was noted and explained. On the
one side, the need to empower protagonists to respond to their own social
environment underpins a tendency to define a conflictive situation as exist-
Dimensions 33
ent only at the point of actor perception; when, in other words, conflictive
behaviour manifests itself. By and large, this approach focuses on the demon-
strable actions of subjects, thereby maintaining an interest in the ‘minimal’
objective of reducing conflict intensities and scope as the foremost priority
of the parties involved. Objectivism, by contrast, tends to concentrate on the
conflict as a definitional unit commonly independent of parties’ perceptions
and often identifiable only by a third party. Conflictive situations can, there-
fore, be latent, hidden from view or endemic to the ‘normal’ functioning of
society. Such ideas are frequently found in notions of ‘false consciousness’ as
well as other ‘universalisms’, such as inalienable human rights, and are thus
associated with a more ‘maximalist’ agenda for social change, revolution
and peace.
Third, this chapter also considered the levels of analysis debate. This was
initiated by Kenneth Waltz, who suggested that the causes of collective vio-
lence could be found in three interlinked strata: (1) individual belief systems,
instincts, personalities and psychological processes; (2) societal factors such
as government, economic exchange and national ideology; and (3) an inter-
national system structured by power differentials, alliances and trade. Other
writers have augmented these by disaggregating intrastate groups and by
emphasising the independent role of suprastate formations within the glo-
bal system. In some ways, concentrating on one particular level of analysis
reinforces disciplinary boundaries; states and systems constitute the basis of
international relations, while the individual level informs much of social psy-
chology’s contribution to conflict studies. Introducing them together does,
however, help to highlight their comparative strengths, and placing them
within the context of this chapter’s overall focus on generality and definition
also serves to mark out the parameters of conflict studies and to frame the
context of the rest of the book. In the next chapter, for instance, we will
look at the notion of the structure at various levels of analysis. Particularly
focused upon will be objectivist visions of how the causes of violence might
be understood and measured across the international system, inside states
and within families once the need to define them through subjective percep-
tion and direct, interpersonal agency is abandoned.
3 Structure

Building on the previous chapter’s focus on levels of analysis, notions of

peace and issues of defining conflict and violence, this chapter traces the
turn towards structural explanations of social phenomena, which attempt
to get beyond a reliance on individual agency during the 1960s. The emer-
gence of concerns over the structural, rather than the behavioural, character
of violent conflict coincided with, and was influenced by, a broader rise in
Marxist understandings of global political economy. Social dissent in Eu-
rope and the United States, the rigidity of the Cold War and the failure of
the South to convert growth into development informed a radicalisation of
the social sciences and a move away from traditional methods of conflict
and peace research. A growing awareness of the violent consequences of the
world’s inequities led many to question subjectivism’s tendency to endorse a
negative peace (discussed in the previous chapter), a concern still prevalent
today. This chapter looks initially at the challenge of objectivist definitions of
the conflictive situation. It locates this radical critique within the social and
academic debates of the day. It then goes on to outline the main contours of
Johan Galtung’s original characterisation of structural violence before deal-
ing with some of the critical attention it has received. In particular, it looks
at some of the conceptual difficulties Galtung faces in trying to present the
notion of structural violence as both a response to ascendant radicalism and
an attempt to reconcile its iconoclasm with the established order of peace
and conflict research. Finally, the chapter examines some of the ways in
which Galtung’s model has been adapted and applied. Cases employing his,
and other, notions of structural violence are drawn from the systemic, state
and substate levels of analysis.

Radical peace research

The notion of structural violence was first articulated by Johan Galtung in
1969. In many ways, it was a response to dissatisfaction with social sci-
ence in general and peace and conflict studies in particular – frustrations
that had been increasing throughout the 1960s. Previously dominant no-
Structure 35
tions of evolutionary social change came under increasing pressure. These
had tended to offer functionalist and linear accounts of industrialisation,
population growth, urbanisation, education and the increased role of the
nation-state in the bureaucratic management of everyday social interactions.
Writers such as Talcott Parsons (1951) and Walt Rostow (1953) had become
prominent during the late 1950s and early 1960s by offering accounts of the
societal factors that promote or inhibit the development of these features
in order to understand why some countries adopted them while others did
not. They noted a shift from being ‘traditional’ to being ‘modern’ (from be-
ing segmented, contained communities to more complex societies in which
there was greater interdependency and an increasingly complex division of
labour) with the overall aim of bringing newly decolonised nations under the
Western bloc’s influence. Encouraged by the Marshall Plan’s role in Europe’s
restitution, it was widely believed that

helping the free underdeveloped countries to create the conditions for

self-sustaining economic growth can, in the short run, materially reduce
the danger of conflict triggered by aggressive minor powers, and can, in
say 2 to 3 decades, result in an overwhelming preponderance of stable,
effective and democratic societies . . . giv[ing] the best promise of a fa-
vorable settlement of the Cold War.
(Millikan and Rostow cited in Ohlin 1966: 17)

By the late 1960s, however, the conflict between the West and the Warsaw
Pact, along with associated weapons transfers and highly destructive proxy
wars, combined to define developing countries’ domestic policy and nullify
much of the possible benefits of economic assistance. A growing awareness
that, despite considerable economic growth over the postwar period as a
whole, the divide between rich and developing countries was widening led
former Canadian Prime Minister, Lester Pearson, to conclude, in 1969, that
attempts to bring stability and prosperity to the developing world were ‘heavy
with disillusion and distrust’ (quoted in UNICEF 1986: 308; Singh 2002:
297). This combined with vociferous social forces in the West, such as the
radicalisation of black consciousness, the anti-Vietnam movement, student
protests and industrial unrest, to produce a sharp rise in civil dissent in what
Jürgen Habermas called ‘the first bourgeois revolt against the principles of a
bourgeois society’ (1971: 28).
The sense that Western capitalism was facing a crisis of legitimation also
influenced the social sciences (Bendix 1967). Within conflict studies, the
discipline’s apparently close relationship with Western interests came in for
particular attention. For much of the postwar period, analyses of conflict
had focused disproportionately on the study of Superpower politics and
the nuclear threat (Dunn 1978). Predominant was the view that interna-
tional tension could be best reduced through the establishment of a powerful
multilateral authority. For the most part, issues of domestic civil disorder,
36 Structure
revolutionary irredentism and protest movements were either ignored or re-
duced to a problem of counterinsurgency. The use of force by Western states
therefore remained undertheorised, leading to a commonplace assumption
of legitimacy, public authorisation and, as the 1960s progressed, a sense that
a normative emphasis upon the universal value of pacifism was becoming
increasingly irrelevant (Garver 1968).
Dependency theories, which first appeared within networks of South
American writers, led to a greater focus on the extent to which policies
pursued by rich countries actively prevent poorer countries from developing
(Valenzuela and Valenzuela 1978). In general, these owed much to Lenin’s
work on the economic causes of imperialism and Marx’s theory of colonial-
ism. They refuted modernisation theories’ emphasis on the internal charac-
teristics of developing countries in favour of a structural, internationalised
analysis in which global inequality, as the stimulus of much of the world’s
conflict, is perpetuated by the normal operation of the economic system and
its trading structures – thereby ensuring that developing countries remain
dependent on Western power (Smith 1979). The protection of European
agriculture, for instance, excludes competition from the South and ensures
that most added value is located in the West and its manufacturing sector
(cocoa is grown in Ghana, sold to the West at raw material prices, processed
and distributed to Western consumers at high prices, while locally produced
chocolate is denied access to Western markets by exorbitant tariffs) (Griffin
and Gurley 1985).
This is, it was suggested, backed up the West’s policy of aggressively
exporting its culture to stimulate sales of its consumer goods (which are
often manufactured in the developing world to undercut local competition
and institutionalise further exogenous control of developing markets). Fur-
thermore, dependency is enhanced by the international legal regime and
its capacity to facilitate penetration of developing economies through land
purchases, military bases, World Trade Organization rulings, United Nations
missions and so on. These are, it was argued, frequently supported by the
arming of internal dissenters, exerting diplomatic or economic pressure,
invading, bombing, forming hostile alliances with unfriendly neighbours or
demonising local cultures and leaders through Western media outlets. Final-
ly, dependencia theorists argued that the development industry itself serves
to maintain Western supremacy. As aid now props up many of the poorest
countries, this too can be used to exert enormous influence. Development
agencies can thus become states within states or, in the longer term, under-
mine developing economies by distorting the labour market and suppressing
the emergence of domestic skills (Dos Santos 1970).
Within the West of the late 1960s, the influence of the dependency school
was discernible in a growing tendency to question the ‘senseless reproduction
of [the] now superfluous virtues’ of liberal capitalism and an acknowledge-
ment of the ‘untruth of [its] prevailing legitimations’ (Habermas 1971: 25).
Mainstream sociological trends were, as Peter Lawler notes, ‘increasingly
Structure 37
cast as an uncritical, technological and scientistic [sic] rationalization of the
status quo’ (1995: 68). This was most strongly felt in Europe where the
postwar emphasis on positivism had not taken hold with the same potency
as in the United States. There, the purportedly ‘value-neutral standpoint of
an impartial observer [began to] give way to the subjectively open, value-
committed attitude of an interlocutor in a shared practice’ (Ingram 1987:
4). This permeated the lower echelons of the main conflict research centres
– the Peace Research Institute in Oslo (the forerunner of which was founded
in 1959), the Polemological Institute and the International Peace Research
Association (both established in Groningen in 1961 and 1963 respectively),
the Peace Research Society (International) (convened in Malmö in 1963) and
the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (formed in 1966).
Within these organisations, there emerged a pronounced sense of dis-
satisfaction with what Lars Dencik (one of the leading writers of the new
movement) called (in a paper written in 1969) ‘conventional or conservative
peace research’ (1982: 177). Strongly influenced by dependency theory, this
group of mainly young European academics and activists accused fellow aca-
demics of being ‘an unwitting tool of American policy’ and ‘in the service of
capitalist and neocolonial interests and purposes’ (Dencik 1982: 195). Fol-
lowing a Peace Research Society (International) conference in 1967 on the
war in Vietnam, at which papers were presented predominantly focused on
game theories and security studies (thereby bypassing a more fundamental
evaluation of American involvement in the conflict), they concluded that,
in general, conflict analysis ‘has a adopted a system perspective and a value
orientation which is identical with those of the existing international institu-
tions and lies very close to those of the rich and powerful nations’ (Schmid
1968: 221). At a subsequent meeting of the organisation in Copenhagen in
1969, discontent took the form of a strongly worded petition signed by a
large number of delegates. It proclaimed that ‘conferences like the one on
Vietnam will only serve to discredit peace research’, which should, instead,
seek to offer ‘active solidarity with the peoples struggling against imperial-
ism and super-power supremacy’ (cited in Dencik 1982: 194–5).
The impact of such vociferousness was considerable. In a remarkable
tirade first published in 1970, Kenneth Boulding, President of the Interna-
tional Peace Research Association, characterised the ‘radical school’ thus:

They tend to wear beards and have a fancy for what might be called
academic guerrilla theatre. They are not inhibited by the customs of
personal courtesy which tended to characterize the older generation and
they have moral feelings which are so strong that morals are regarded as
a substitute for manners . . . . They regard the older generation of peace
researchers as obsessed by the cold war and by the necessity for resolv-
ing conflicts, as they regard this conflict essentially as no longer crucial
and the thing that interests them is how to increase conflict which is
‘objective’ but of which people are not aware.
(1982: 82–3)
38 Structure
Unsurprisingly, perhaps, such a divergence proved irreconcilable and a split
appeared between a ‘narrow’ group of predominantly American-based re-
searchers and a ‘radical’, mostly European, network of theorists influenced
by ideas of dependency. The former continued to maintain a commitment
to behavioural scientism (the Peace Research Society (International) was re-
named the Peace Science Society (International) in 1973 and moved to Cor-
nell University) and to reject ‘political action or polemical discussion’ (Boul-
ding 1977: 76). For the latter, on the other hand ‘pacifism . . . [was] replaced
by Marxism, conflict resolution by class-struggle, peace by revolution and if
necessary bloody revolution’ (Goldmann quoted in Dencik 1982: 177).
Despite the animosity with which the two factions communicated their
point of view and the polarisation that resulted, the influence of the radical
newcomers could not be fully resisted. For instance, The Journal of Conflict
Resolution, which had emerged from Boulding’s Centre for Advanced Stud-
ies in the Behavioural Sciences, announced in 1973 that, along with deter-
rence and disarmament studies, ‘the journal must also attend to international
conflict over justice, equality, and human dignity’ (quoted in Rogers and
Ramsbotham 1999: 745). It also prompted a reconsideration of ‘violence’ as
a concealed and structural, rather than overt and relational, phenomenon.
The notion of ‘peace’ was also extended to be understood as a discrete con-
cept, a pursuant set of policies and an ideal. Adam Curle’s explication of
negative and positive peace, published in 1971 and discussed in the previous
chapter, was seen as an example of such a more nuanced understanding.
The overall result of the radical challenge was that conflict analysis began
to include

a view of social science as containing implicit justifications for particular

policies as well as explanations of social phenomena, an effort to ‘un-
mask’ the pretensions to scientific objectivity and political neutrality, and
finally the attempt to suggest an alternative approach to theory which
would . . . provide the foundations for a more defensible public policy.
(Nardin 1980: 468)

The contours of structural violence

In many ways, Johan Galtung’s response to the radical challenge was an
attempt to do just this – to provide the foundations for a more defensible
public policy by salvaging the pacifism which, as Chapter 1 highlighted, had
been so influential in conflict studies’ evolution. From an elite Norwegian
family and thus, perhaps, with a vested interest in a harmonious social or-
der, Galtung had, by the late 1960s, developed a formidable reputation as
a Ghandian philosopher, prolific writer and peace activist. Having spent six
months in jail (where he completed a book on Indian political ethics) for
resisting the Norwegian draft, he was appointed to the Sociology Faculty at
Columbia University in 1958. Two years later, he returned to help found the
Structure 39
Peace Research Institute in Oslo, establishing himself as its leading thinker
by means of a prodigious publication record and through the editorship of
its flagship periodical, Journal of Peace Research. Soon after, he took up a
UNESCO-funded position in Chile, where he came into contact with de-
pendencia ideas of political economy. So, as a senior European theorist with
both strong transatlantic and Southern links, as well as an implacable com-
mitment to reducing violent conflict, Galtung represented something of a
crossover between the narrow and radical schools.
His seminal paper, ‘Violence, Peace, and Peace Research’, published in the
Journal of Peace Research in 1969, needs to be read in this context (Lawler
1995: 77–80). In it and in a series of related papers over the following three
decades, Galtung seeks both to moderate the limited scientism of the narrow
school and to rebuff the notion that peace research is, in seeking to reduce
violence, inherently supportive of the powerful. It is not, he argues, the ef-
ficacy of non-violence that needs to be reconsidered (this is retained as a
self-evident good), but the way in which violence is understood. He rejects
the idea, implicit in the objectivist work of Schmid and Dencik, that violence
may need to be intensified in order to bring about a more peaceful outcome,
yet he accepts much of dependency theory’s global analysis. Furthermore,
he concedes that peace research must go beyond a subjectivist concern with
manifest conflicts and establish a broader understanding of violence than
the behavioural model favoured by the empiricism of the narrow school.
Rather than being limited to a particularly intense manifestation of goal
incompatibility, violence is also structural and more fruitfully conceived as
‘the cause of the difference between the potential and the actual’ (Galtung
1969: 168).
This difference (or the conflictive situation to Mitchell) may be defined
by third parties or the subjects themselves, but it should only be regarded as
indicative of violence if this gap is known to be avoidable. For example, a
premature death from tuberculosis 200 years ago cannot be regarded as vio-
lence as the potential to survive (the medicine) was not present but, should
this happen today, it must be regarded as resulting from the inequitable
distribution of the world’s resources. A conflictive situation might then be
more clearly understood as circumstances in which ‘damage that occurs to
individuals or groups due to differential access to social resources and which
is due to the normal operation of the social system’ (Webb 1986: 431). It is,
in other words, structural as well as agential. A ubiquitous manifestation of
violence is, therefore, the commonplace denial of rights and needs such as
economic well-being, dignity, equality, education and so on which, scarcely
reported or even acknowledged, emerges from everyday activities and from
the actions of people who are rarely, if ever, directly violent.
Structural violence is thus both conceptually and empirically separable
from behavioural violence in six ways (Galtung 1969). First, violence can be
psychological as well as physical. It may work on the body and the soul. The
latter may include indoctrination, threats and the unequal distribution of
40 Structure
transportation resources (thereby increasing individual isolation and loneli-
ness). In this sense, the violence of containing a person’s potential can be
done mentally and institutionally as well as affecting them bodily. Second,
violence may be contained within rewards and not simply punishments. Im-
moderate expenditure, for instance, is readily rewarded under capitalism
– ‘buy three, get one free’ reduces the per-unit cost for those with capital and
militates against those without the disposable resources to consume exces-
sively. Here, it is important to note that conflictive behaviour in general,
and violence in particular, can be seen in the narrowing of the range of
options that individuals have available to pursue their objectives and fulfil
their potential. Third, violence exists even though someone is not hurt. Con-
flictive behaviour such as the issuing of credible threats to others’ interests
and values, the destruction of property and forced displacement can dis-
suade people from acting volitionally, obstruct a realisation of potential and
therefore do violence.
Fourth, violence is present even when there is no subject-to-object rela-
tionship – no overt and distinguishable goal incompatibility in other words.
There is, for instance, a growing acknowledgement that institutional rac-
ism within many large organisations limits the potential of individuals from
minority backgrounds. Its anonymous and impersonal character makes it
difficult for people to perceive, and the subject-to-object emphasis of most
languages inhibits its articulation. Fifth, violence emerges from non-violent
intentions and is therefore included in conflictive attitudes despite the ab-
sence of a self-proclaimed intention to harm. Criminal law derived from
Greco-Roman tradition is based largely on purpose rather than consequence
(causing death by careless driving is, for instance, not subject to such severe
penalties as less consequential actions carried out with criminal intent). So
the West’s taste for cheap agricultural products from the developing world
is not generally regarded as violence as there is no intent to harm at the
point of purchase although the international trading structures that govern
North–South exchange clearly help to maintain rural poverty, thereby limit-
ing individual potential (most obviously life expectancy – to be discussed in
more detail shortly). Sixth, violence is latent as well as manifest. Increases
in the latent potential for violence, such as highly tense situations without
the presence of behavioural violence, can still inhibit potential and reduce
individuals’ capacity to pursue their objectives. As Chapter 2 explained, this
is acknowledged by many subjectivist definitions of conflictive situations, but
is not categorised as an instance of violence and is thus neither theorised nor
Essentially then, Galtung’s construction of structural violence offers a way
of understanding conflict causality both freed from the constraints of behav-
ioural evidence and as a possible instigator of overt goal incompatibility. In
other words, structural violence is, simultaneously, a cause of instrumental
violence and a conflictive result of less perceptible global processes – identi-
fied by Galtung as ‘exploitation’. This owes much to the dependency school
Structure 41
and has four facets (Galtung 1990: 294). The first, penetration, involves the
implantation of agents of the powerful within the collective underdog, which
creates a harmony of interests between the global centre and the comprador
bridgehead within the periphery (Galtung 1971). The second, segmentation,
acts to obscure the true nature of the relationship between strong and weak,
while the third and fourth facets, marginalisation and fragmentation, exclude
the peripheral agents from the centre and from each other. Together, these
serve to create greater levels of disharmony within the periphery than within
the centre, while simultaneously preventing the interests of the exploited
within the periphery from coinciding with the exploited within the centre.
For Galtung, these features of structural violence are accompanied by cul-
tural violence, which makes structures of exploitation ‘look, even feel, right
– or at least not wrong’ and, as such, prevents its subjects from developing
an awareness of the conflictive situation in which they are embedded and
from accurately perceiving their interests (1990: 291). He gives six exam-
ples of violent ‘cultural domains’. First, organised transcendental religion,
he suggests, tends to establish exclusionary categories of ‘chosen’ and ‘lost’,
thereby legitimising the exploitation of the latter through the perpetuation
of a kind of ordained inevitability. Second, secular ideologies construct
comparable dichotomies of the collective ‘self ’ and ‘other’. A failure to ac-
cept the group’s articles of faith, such as the inconvertible value of national
allegiance, capitalism, racial identity, technological advance, development,
achievement and other apodictic features of modernity, can lead to a curtail-
ment of individual potential. Third, Galtung points to the exclusionary use
of verbal and written communication by identifying the tendency of those
languages with Latin origins ‘to make women invisible by using the same
word for the male gender as for the entire human species’, thereby helping
to conceal the gendered character of structural violence (1990: 299).
Fourth, Galtung argues that ‘art’, within which he appears to subsume
historiography, can be a significant vehicle of cultural violence. Medieval Eu-
ropean constructions of the oriental ‘other’ are, for instance, deeply rooted
in Western representations of its borderlands. As we shall see in Chapter 5,
this finds expression at all levels of society – British pub names (The Turk’s
Head), French cuisine (the croissant), Italian literature (Dante), Serbian po-
etry (the martyrdom of Prince Lazar), European Union (EU) accession (a
myth of a European ‘culture’), the despotism of the Asian mode of produc-
tion and many others – and combines to inform a vision of the East as las-
civious, tyrannical and stagnant. Violence, as the containment of potential,
is thus exerted upon individuals both within the global periphery and, via
diasporic communities, within the periphery of the centre. Galtung’s fifth
and six aspects of cultural violence concern ‘empirical’ and ‘formal’ science
respectively. The former is, he suggests, exemplified by the current omnipo-
tence of neoclassical economics (Galtung 1980). The conventional wisdom
of comparative advantage, which has emerged over the last 25 years, has,
for Galtung, both helped to create an order based on inherently unequal
42 Structure
production factors – thereby reinforcing centre–periphery divisions – and
served to obscure alternative options for structuring the international terms
of trade. Such dichotomies are, Galtung argues, reinforced by the bivalent
logic of formal science, which tends to ‘discipline us into a particular mode
of thought highly compatible with black–white thinking and polarization in
personal, social and world spaces’ (1990: 301).
Clearly, then, in rejecting both positivist empiricism and the economis-
tic historicism of Marxism, Galtung seeks to locate his model of violence
somewhere between the scientism of the narrow school and the dialectic
materialism of the radicals. As a result, it has attracted a body of critical
comment from both. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, a prominent theme within the
former critique has been the charge that Galtung’s elucidation of structural
violence lacks precision. For Kenneth Boulding, this fatally undermines his
premise ‘that some people are rich and some people are poor because of the
structures of property and power’ (1977: 81). Such an alleged relationship
is, he continues, likely to be highly complex, and it must, therefore, be speci-
fied in detail rather than simply asserted. This failure to establish, let alone
explain, the points at which the centre touches the periphery means that the
locus of exploitation is left undertheorised, raising, but not accounting for, a
number of important anomalies. If, for instance, structural violence is, at the
level of society, gendered, why is it that female life expectancy is frequently
significantly higher than that of men? Moreover, how, at the international
level of analysis, can indicators of structural violence be explained inside
states that have little contact with the global centre (such as Bhutan, Burma
and North Korea)?
Evidently, quantifying violence depends greatly on the comparative units
selected, underlining further the need for an explicit specification of the
structure’s relational features (Webb 1986: 432). This is important not only
in order to comprehend its hierarchical form, but also to imagine how a
remedied world order might balance the imposition of greater equality with
the protection of individual liberty. Without an account of such change, the
presence of structural violence appears to be static. It is used to specify an
intolerable present and a desirable future, but offers no explanatory account
of how the space between these two fixed poles might be traversed – how, in
other words, the disingenuous effects of cultural violence might be reduced
to reveal the exploitative nature of the modern world and how such exploi-
tation might be ameliorated. This is, for Godfried van Benthem van den
Bergh, particularly debilitating as, despite the obvious historical antecedents
of the centre–periphery duality, it precludes an understanding of violence as
a structured process (1972: 78).
Similar concerns have been voiced by writers influenced by Marx. Chris
Brown, for instance, notes that Galtung’s ‘notion of structure allows him to
determine that change . . . has occurred, but it cannot account for the change
itself ’. This, he continues, stands in contrast to most Marxist approaches
which are ‘based on both a sense of structure and a sense of history’ (1981:
Structure 43
226). Indeed, in presenting a less mutable version of the generalist world
systems perspectives of Emmanuel Arrighi (1972) and Immanuel Wallerstein
(1974a), Galtung seeks to distance his work from orthodox Marxist ap-
proaches. For example, he abandons their commitment to concrete histori-
cal dynamics ‘motivated by the need for expanding markets’ in favour of a
holistic, yet rudderless, abstract structuralism (Galtung 1971: 81). So, rather
than a necessary and teleological step away from feudal idiocy and towards a
socialist future brought about by collective agency, the structural violence of
global capitalism is, for Galtung, a self-recreating and mostly imperceptible
evil. The international system is thus

structural in the sense that no specific actors are indicated, and in the
sense that for the concrete actors that happen to be performing roles in
that structure no specific motivation is necessary. [Once the structure]
. . . has started operating it is not necessary for those who are acting
within it to will all the consequences.
(Galtung 1980: 183)

This ‘seems to suggest an initial creation of structure after which the rela-
tionship between structure and action is one-way only’ (Brown 1981: 223).
Such a rejection of agential utility serves to distance Galtung’s model of struc-
tural violence from the Marxist emphasis on revolutionary action stressed by
more radical conflict analysts. In particular, it avoids the difficult proposition
that behavioural violence might be a way of bringing about a reduction in
structural violence. Indeed, given that, in one calculation, structural violence
kills over 1,000 times more people than behavioural violence each year, there
is, perhaps, some credibility to the argument that ‘revolutionary violence
against structural violence aimed at reducing the sum-total of violence in
the world should also be fairly evaluated in relation to reactionary violence
which is aimed at maintaining or increasing structural violence’ (Eckhardt
and Young 1974: 93). For Galtung, though, ‘the elimination of the members
of an oppressive elite would not necessarily end structural violence if new
forms of it were latent within the ideological perspective of the new holders
of power’ (Lawler 1995: 82). Beyond a normative commitment to pacifism
and its moral posture of refusal, then, Galtung offers no positive philosophy
of agential action. This leaves the peace analyst to define a priori the differ-
ence between the potential and the actual and the means to reconcile the
two – a sense of vagueness potentially efficacious to both liberal notions of
redistribution and Marxist accounts of structural transformation.
Indeed, the elasticity of Galtung’s terminology and taxonomy has proved
an advantage as well as a limitation, doubtless contributing to the wide
number of applications that his work has attracted. Unsurprisingly, given
Galtung’s concern with global exploitation, a number of subsequent stud-
ies have focused on the level of the international system and its structural
violence between the developed and the developing world (Farmer 2003;
44 Structure
McGregor 2003). Accompanying these has been a more recent body of
work looking at structural violence at the level of states (Jacobs and O’Brien
1998; Mazurana and McKay 2001; Preti 2002), as well as numerous stud-
ies concerned with substate issues such as individual rights and the protec-
tion of children (Farmer 1996; Kent 1999; Kostelny and Garbarino 2001).
Within each analytical framework, gender, ethnic and class axes are common
structural determinants of violence. The following section will outline some
examples of the ways in which various conceptions of structural violence
have informed case studies at different levels of analysis.

The axes of structural violence

The starting point for many analyses of structural violence at the level of the
international system is a focus on its less immediately perceptible features.
There has been a growing acknowledgement that the suffering of those who
are remote, in terms of both geography and culture, is frequently overlooked
in favour of more proximate concerns (Chopp 1986). Perhaps influenced by
Galtung’s residual scientism, there has been a particular concern to quantify
this suffering and to compare it with the destructive effects of behavioural
violence. Most commonly, calculations of mortality, as an indicator of struc-
tural violence, have made up the focus of such studies. This is hardly surpris-
ing given

(1) the intrinsic importance we attach – and have reason to attach – to

living, (2) the fact that many other capabilities that we value are contin-
gent on our being alive, and (3) the further fact that data on age-specific
mortality can, to some extent, serve as a proxy for associated failures
and achievements to which we may attach importance.
(Sen 1998: 5)

Soon after the split in the peace research community, Galtung, in keep-
ing with his commitment to empiricism, sought to enumerate structural
violence in an arithmetical essay (co-authored with Tord Høivik) published
in 1971. Later, Høivik (1977) and other writers, such as William Eckhardt
and Christopher Young (1974), attempted to operationalise more complex
quantifications of those whose lives have been shortened by inadequate ac-
cess to a range of otherwise available resources. Working on the assumption
that there is no innate deficiency within the physiology of the poor and thus
no reason why they cannot achieve the same lifespan as the world’s wealthi-
est societies, analysts compared the violence of structures with the violence
of behaviour – an idea illustrated in Table 3.1. In what is arguably the best
articulated study of its kind, Gernot Köhler and Norman Alcock used two
methods to ‘present some estimates of the fatal consequences of structural
violence in global society’ (1976: 343). First, in the Swedish model, they
took the country with the highest life expectancy as a benchmark for the age
Structure 45
Table 3.1 Indicators of violence
Violent input Violent output
Direct violence Deployment of armed People killed by war
men, shelling, bombing,
Structural violence Malnutrition, lack of People killed by a lack of
shelter, health care, etc. necessities
Source: Adapted from Köhler and Alcock (1976: 343).

(or potential) that people could achieve. This was fixed at Sweden’s 1965
average of 74.7 years (Es). They then took the country with the lowest life
expectancy (again using data from 1965). This was Guinea’s average of 27
years. To calculate Guinea’s level of structural violence, they divided the
country’s overall population (3.5 million) by 27 to give the number of Gui-
neans who actually died in 1965 (129,630) and by 74.7 to give the number
of Guineans who would have died in 1965 had they enjoyed the same life
expectancy as Swedes (46,854) – the difference is the number of people who
died as a result of structural violence in 1965 (129,630 – 46,854 = 82,766).
Second, in the egalitarian model, Köhler and Alcock estimated the effects
of a complete and equal redistribution of the world’s resources. To do this,
they plotted every country’s gross national product (GNP) on a scatter-gram
(Figure 3.1), before adding each of these together to give 1965’s gross glo-
bal product (the entire world’s economic product) which, once divided by
the population of the planet, could be used to calculate a per capita figure
of $651 (g*), equating to a life expectancy of 68.3 years (c*). Using this
figure, the number of deaths due to structural violence in Guinea came out
at 78,385. As it produces slightly lower results, the egalitarian model was
then run throughout the world giving a total of those killed due to structural
violence for 1965 of 14 million – the figure for the Swedish model was 18
million – amounting to a shortfall of over 300 million life–years. Of this,
480,000 lives (or 3.42 per cent) were lost in the global North compared
with over 96 per cent in developing countries. Both figures far outweighed
the numbers of people killed as a result of warfare for 1965 – 2,207 in the
North and 113,000 in the South.
An important aspect of the Köhler and Alcock egalitarian model is the
position of its predicted life expectancy – 68.3 – in relation to existing mor-
tality ranges. While it is more than 40 years higher than in Guinea, it is less
than six years lower than in Sweden. This leads the authors to conclude that
‘under conditions of complete global equality, the rich countries would lose
only minor amounts of life expectancy, whereas the poor would gain tremen-
dously’ (1976: 355). So, for global equality to come about, life expectancy in
the North would have to drop only by just over five years. Furthermore, Fig-
ure 3.1 reveals that, for the North, economic growth is associated with only
a limited increase in life expectancy, whereas for countries in the $40–600
46 Structure
‘South’ ‘North’
population= population=
80 2+ billion 1+ billion
Japan Sweden
Es France
c* 70
Brazil Jamaica
Life expectancy (E) (years)

China Syria



0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Gross National Product per capita (G/P) (in 1965 U.S. dollars)

Figure 3.1 An empirical table of structural violence. Source: Redrawn from Köhler
and Alcock (1976: 353).

per capita range, an increase of 7.68 per cent in GNP correlates to a rise in
life expectancy of one year. ‘In other words, wealth cannot only buy a higher
standard of living, it also buys life itself ’ (Köhler and Alcock 1976: 355).
Although similar types of approach based on the value of economic
growth were often hailed as potential ways of measuring social develop-
ment empirically (Galtung et al. 1975), more differentiated methods began
to emerge during the 1980s and 1990s (summarised in Alkire 2002). As it
became increasing clear that rises in GNP were not being converted into
quantifiable forms of social development, per capita measures of economic
wealth came to be regarded as especially crude. By 1992, for instance, life
expectancy in Sri Lanka had reached 72 years on the basis of a per capita
income of only $540 per annum, while Gabon’s yearly per capita income of
$4,450 was producing an average life expectancy of only 54 years (Sen 1998:
10). It therefore became common for studies to emphasis intrastate factors in
examining development in general and conflict variables in particular. This
was, not least, due to the growing cost of warfare to civilian populations and
its accompanying media attention. Since the Second World War, for instance,
over 170 million people have been killed by their own governments and, of
these, non-combatants have, as Chapter 1 outlined, absorbed ever increasing
proportions (Sivard 1993: 20; Rummel 1994).
Consequently, academic interest began to focus on axes of structural
violence within states. It was argued that certain groups could be structur-
ally repressed, yet individuals from those groups could still be immensely
powerful. An example of this might be the gendered nature of structural
Structure 47
violence in Pakistan where poor health care and other social factors have
combined to reduce the country’s overall female population by almost 1 per
cent (1993 data) at a time when Benazir Bhutto was beginning her second
term as prime minister. Similarly, the Afro-American community, who have
a mortality rate almost double that of the white majority, is often regarded
as being subject to extensive structural violence despite recently supplying
two of the state’s most powerful leaders, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell
(Sen 1998: 10–17). These prominent exceptions combine with the banality
of social exclusion to make such structures hard to recognise (although they
are rarely hidden – rather, they are ‘right before our eyes and therefore
simply taken for granted’ (Scheper-Hughes 1996: 889)). Such habituation
is grounded upon the capacities of ideologies, languages, arts and sciences
– the aspects of what Galtung identified as ‘cultural violence’ – to make
exploitation look and feel right (1990: 291). For instance, the structural vio-
lence of being forced to swear allegiance to the monarch in order to take up
a seat in the British parliament or to apply for UK citizenship is sufficiently
obscured by ritual and tradition to appear superficially innocuous, yet it has,
for many years, served both to exclude Irish republican parliamentarians and
to present a considerable obstacle to religiously observant Muslims.
The ordinariness of structural violence is well illustrated by Peter Uvin’s
study of Rwanda (1998: 103–60). Reviewing a series of World Bank reports
during the run-up to the 1994 genocide, he finds that, by relying on of-
ficial data and the stated aims of legislation rather than academic research
and actual policy implementations, they were able to reach the mistaken
conclusion that ‘land is less unequally divided than elsewhere, . . . house-
hold expenditure is relatively evenly distributed in Rwanda, and . . . govern-
ment expenditure and tax policies are income neutral’ (cited in Uvin 1998:
110–11). In reality, ‘the privileged of the regime’ had been able to garner aid
rents of enormous proportions leading to ‘the constitution of large pastoral
domains’ under their clients’ control and landlessness as high as 75 per cent
in some regions (International Fund for Agricultural Development 1992:
8; Pierre Erny cited in Uvin 1998: 114). The patrimonial nature of urban
politics produced comparable disparities in income levels with the wealthiest
decile in Rwanda increasing their share of the country’s income from 22 per
cent in 1982 to 52 per cent in 1994 (Jeff Maton cited in Uvin 1998: 115).
Despite the fact that the great majority of those benefiting in this way
were Hutus and that much of the resources that the Hutu political elite (a
third of whom were drawn from the President’s own province of Gisenyi)
were distributing came from international aid donors, spending patterns
continued to favour ‘the smallest groups in society, that is, the richest 1 per
cent or so, composed of technical assistants and their “homologues”, plus
merchants and high-level government officials’ (Uvin 1998: 143). In many
ways, this is closely in keeping with Galtung’s notion of ‘exploitation’ as the
causal mechanism behind his propositions of structural violence. According
to Uvin’s analysis, much of the international development effort in Rwanda
48 Structure
worked with domestic political elites to institutionalise Western ‘penetra-
tion’ (defined by Galtung as ‘implanting the top dog inside the underdog’),
‘segmentation’ (‘giving the underdog only a very partial view of what goes
on’), ‘marginalisation’ (‘keeping the underdogs on the outside’) and ‘frag-
mentation’ (‘keeping the underdogs away from each other’ (1990: 294)).
So, while donors were insulated by a moralising afflatus of philanthropy in
which power relations were comprehensively ignored and their response to
‘ordinary’ communal violence in Rwanda was simply an apolitical ‘mirror
image of need’ (Duffield 1999: 32), the actual effect of development policy
was a growth in domestic exploitation and structural violence.
Here, then, structural violence may be a facilitative or a linear causa-
tive element in behavioural violence. Studies that focus on the latter tend
to consider behavioural violence to be a response to the inequalities and
exploitation that underpin structural violence. As we shall see in Chapter 7,
these frequently build on theories of human needs (particularly in terms of
the frustration of material wants, civil rights and the deprivation of higher
social requirements) to suggest that structural violence contains the intrinsic
capacity to provoke behavioural violence from the deprived group (Khan
1978: 836). In terms of the former, the potential of structural violence to
lead on to direct bloodshed is, in contrast, contained within its capacity to
create an atmosphere of ordinariness through which elites can both mobilise
their clients and prosper politically – a capability related to both diversionary
theories of rule (dealt with in Chapter 4) and the construction of social iden-
tity (the topic of Chapter 6). Uvin argues that the subjugation of non-Hutus,
for example, lowered social barriers to greater tyranny, thereby preparing
the ground for behavioural violence on a grand scale. He concludes that

as the norms of society lose legitimacy, as people’s knowledge base is

reduce to slogans, as progress becomes a meaningless concept, as com-
munities are riveted by conflict and jealousy [and] as people’s sense of
self-respect is reduced, . . . people become increasingly unhampered by
constraints on the use of violence to deal with problems.
(1998: 138)

Structural violence need not be so consciously organised though. It does

not need to have a clear relationship with behavioural violence (as either
an action or a reaction), nor is it restricted to relationships with, or be-
tween, those in the developing world. Structural violence against children,
for instance, is rarely organised at the level of states, it cannot be easily
associated with levels of physical abuse, and it is not a phenomenon limited
to the South. As Peter Gottschalk and Timothy Smeeding point out, struc-
tural inequalities between American families are among the most acute in
the industrial world (2000). Milton Schwebel and Daniel Christie identify
three ways in which this affects American children (2001: 122–5). First, in
psychosocial terms, material poverty increases the likelihood of maternal
Structure 49
complications, but reduces the probability that expectant mothers will re-
ceive medical attention. It also heightens the incidence of low birthweight,
prematurity, learning difficulties and physical disability (Crooks 1995).
Second, the structural violence inherent in the capitalist cycle of boom
and recession similarly affects children’s well-being. A rise in unemploy-
ment of 1 per cent, for example, has been found to increase homicides by
5.7 per cent and suicides by 4.1 per cent – many of which involve par-
ents – while a rapid enlargement of over 200 per cent in the number of
temporary workers employed in the American economy during the early
1990s has ‘exacerbate[d] feelings of insecurity, undermine[d] self-esteem,
and increase[d] stress in spousal and parental relationships’ (Schwebel 1997:
339–40; Brenner cited in Schwebel and Christie 2001: 122). Indeed, a wide
range of research carried out over the last three decades has demonstrated ex-
tensive links between poverty and weak levels of attachment between infants
and their carers (Ainsworth et al. 1978; Bee 1997). This is demonstrated in
a lack of contingent responses, such as warmth, guidance and authoritative
instruction, and has been found to be particularly common among parents
and carers who experience inadequate housing, health care, education and
day-care facilities and are, therefore, repeatedly and unpredictably anxious.
Resultant outcomes in children include aggression, a lack of self-reliance
and low levels of self-esteem (McLoyd and Wilson 1991). Third, high levels
of structural violence are correlated with weak school performance. Poor
children are more likely not to attend school, to attain inferior marks and
fail courses, to be assigned special education measures, to experience emo-
tional and behavioural difficulties in school, to lose academic ground during
holidays and not to graduate (Kellaghan 1994).

The notion of structural violence emerged during the late 1960s largely as a
response to a perceived failure of academia to take up a position critical of
contemporary Great Power policy – a situation perhaps similar, as Chapter
1 suggested, to that of today. It sought to expand definitions of conflict be-
yond apolitical and scientistic studies which tended to avoid moral concerns
and thus, in the view of some, served to endorse the subjectivist preferences
of the powerful. Violence may thus be psychological as well as physical, it
may be contained within rewards and not simply punishments, and it may
be present even though someone is not hurt and there is no subject-to-object
relationship. It may also emerge from non-violent intentions, be latent as
well as manifest and include many of the results of the international system’s
normal operation. Exerted at the level of the structure and not simply the
individual behaviour of aggression and warfare, violence may be regarded as
present whenever damage is done to a person’s potential.
Structural violence thus represents one of the key conceptual advances in the
study of conflict. It has influenced, and continues to influence, a considerable
50 Structure
amount of important analysis with a wide range of concerns and approaches.
Its opposition to the staid empiricism and uncritical pacifism so often found
within the canonical establishment of peace studies remains a pertinent and
powerful challenge today. Yet, in many ways, it has succeeded in straddling
both methodological and ideological divides. Its elasticity clearly appeals to
proponents of reasonably conservative policies of redistribution as well as to
those who espouse more radical transformative agenda. This is evident in its
antecedents, in its theoretical focus, in the critical responses it has attracted
and absorbed and in the various applications it has provoked or informed.
These include studies at the global, national and individual levels of analysis.
The first reveals mortality differentials resulting from low life expectancies in
developing countries and quantifies what might be required to redress such a
massive loss of human potential, the second casts light on the way in which
the ground might be prepared for behavioural violence (including incidents
of an unprecedented scale), and the third helps to increase our understand-
ing of the impact of socio-economic stratification on the lives of children.
Structural violence is thus an arithmetic tool, a conceptual framework and a
concrete social phenomenon. It offers a way of quantifying exploitation and
inequality at various analytical levels. Conceptually, it can be understood as
a result of latent conflict and, in its capacity both to facilitate and to provoke
conflict, as a cause of behavioural violence. As an issue for modern society,
it has helped to maintain attention on discriminatory axes of class, gender,
race, age and culture.
4 Functions

In the preceding chapter, we looked at the structural aspects of conflict and

violence at various levels of analysis. Although explicit in this is a distinction
between those who prosper from the normal operation of the world’s social
structures and those who do not, the emphasis of the objectivist challenge
to conflict analysis (and therefore the last chapter) was predominantly upon
violence’s capacity to limit human potential – the losers in other words.
We did not explore how conflicts, including violence, may be beneficial or
functional. To do this, the following chapter considers, first, the different
ways in which the social impact of conflictive behaviour, both violent and
non-violent, has been evaluated. Here, it is important to note that analyses
have moved away from both the traditional idea that conflict is, in itself, a
negative feature of human interaction and the belief that it can be classified
as either functional or dysfunctional. The second is the peculiarly integrative
functions of social conflict. These are considered as a means of cohering
groups and demarcating their boundaries from others. Approaches empha-
sising conflict’s integrative function can be applied to substate groups, to
state behaviour in relation to their domestic environment and to interna-
tional alliance structures. The third focus of this chapter is the body of litera-
ture concentrating on what are known as ‘diversionary’ theories of conflict
instigation. Such models are grounded on the assumption that the manage-
ment of conflicts within countries influences the conflictive behaviour of
states in the international arena. In each of these sections, emphasis will be
placed both on tracing the different forms that these approaches have taken
over the years and on highlighting some of their more significant issues and

Evaluating conflict
During the 1950s, writers began to question the generally held view that
conflict (in both its violent and non-violent forms) was a universally de-
structive feature of human life and one to be avoided or minimised. Writers
such as Rolf Dahrendorf offered a challenge to the predominant view of
52 Functions
society as structured by a tendency towards equilibrium which, as Table 4.1
illustrates, tended to see conflict as an aberration or temporary pathology
(1959: 159–61). Indeed, ‘the equilibrium model, by stressing integration
and consensus, leads directly to the position that conflict, which is a threat to
stability, must be curtailed in order for the integration of the social structure
to be maintained’ (Stohl 1976: 7–8). As it is the state that is responsible for
the maintenance of order in society, such a position is inherently conserva-
tive. Dahrendorf ’s alternative model, in contrast, tends to view equilibrium
or passivity as abnormal and born of repression. Here, conflict is regarded as
a vital part of societal change.
So, with this in mind, the primary question becomes how to measure the
effect of conflict on society rather than simply how to reduce its impact.
Writers started to classify conflicts as ‘functional’ if their benefits outweighed
their costs and ‘dysfunctional’ if their costs outweighed their benefits. Typi-
cally, four groups have been identified (Mitchell 1980: 71–2). The first are
those who gain from the existing distribution of values and resources. These
may, for instance, be large landowners in South America who have an in-
terest in preventing certain types of conflict. Their interest is in the status
quo. In order to protect this, they may engage in a variety of conflictive be-
haviour including coercion, threats and compromise. The second are those
who lose from the existing distribution of values and resources. To continue
the previous example, agricultural workers in South America who wish to
amend their position may also engage in conflictive behaviour in order to
effect this change. A third group consists of those who do, or will, derive
benefits from a conflictive situation. This may include a range of actors, from
glaziers in Northern Ireland prospering from bomb damage to organised
crime syndicates in south-east Turkey who use Kurdish activism to traffic
narcotics. A fourth group are those who are directly, or indirectly, harmed
by a conflictive situation. This might be the deceased and bereaved or (often
utterly unrelated) actors such as employees in the Turkish tourist industry
whose livelihoods were damaged by the conflicts in Iraq.
Using these categories to evaluate conflictive behaviour is, however, prob-
lematic. The fact that they are not mutually exclusive – actors are likely to

Table 4.1 Contrasting models of society and conflict

Equilibrium model Conflict model
Societal elements seen as relatively Society seen as subject to constant
persistent and constant change and flux
Society tends to be well integrated Society is an attempt to manage
Societal elements contribute to the Societal elements tend to disaggregate
functioning of the system and pursue their own objectives
Functioning social systems aim to reach a Society is based on the coercion of some
consensus over the values of its members of its members by others
Functions 53
fall into different groups at different locations and at different points dur-
ing conflictive processes – makes it difficult to categorise conflicts as clearly
functional or dysfunctional. Much depends on when the assessment is made,
whom the assessment is made of and who makes the assessment. One per-
son’s cost is another’s benefit. Moreover, as conflicts are likely to change
rapidly, the same process of interaction may be functional and dysfunctional
at different points. They may, for instance, often involve ‘deferred’ cost.
The use of depleted and non-depleted uranium ordnance in the Balkans,
Afghanistan and Iraq has produced a number of, as yet not fully understood,
health implications for both combatants and civilians (Durakovic 2003).
Conflicts may also involve deferred benefits. The costs of the Allied opera-
tion to destroy Hitler’s heavy water factory in Telemark in 1942 were, for
example, accepted on the grounds that considerable benefits would accrue in
the future from Nazi Germany not acquiring a nuclear capability. Much de-
pends, therefore, on the social and temporal subjectivity of the agent making
functionality assessments. Perhaps a more useful way to approach the issue
is to return to the levels of analysis discussed in Chapter 2. In this way, the
impact of conflict may relate to individuals, groups involved in the conflict
and for the society or system as a whole. As such, any qualitative evaluation
would tend to combine both functional and dysfunctional dimensions. Table
4.2 illustrates how this might appear.
At the individual level of analysis, it is clear that numerous benefits ac-
crue from participating in conflictive behaviour. These may take three forms
(Mitchell 1980: 65–6). First, material rewards may include personal en-
richment through looting, extortion and conflict-related trade. The former
Liberian leader Charles Taylor, for example, is said to have made millions
of dollars from the conflict there and in Sierra Leone. It may also involve
financial incentives for organisational employees, particularly those whose
accomplishments are assessed by the amount of money they are able to
spend rather than how much they can produce. As the Corporate Engage-
ment Project notes of community participation initiatives in conflict-affected
contexts, ‘when salary levels are linked to the level of financial responsi-
bility[,] staff members . . . stand to benefit from perpetuating problems, in
order to increase their budgets’ (2003: 3–4). Second, political rewards may
emerge for leaders in the form of greater in-group support, a reduction in

Table 4.2 Calculating the functionality of conflict

Benefits from: Costs of:
Engagement Outcome Engagement Outcome
To individuals
To groups
To society

Source: Adapted from Mitchell (1980: 71).

54 Functions
constituent dissent or, as in the case of colonial troops’ involvement in the
Second World War, a greater awareness of goal incompatibility – in this in-
stance, growing support for decolonisation. This will be discussed in more
detail in the final section of this chapter. Third, psychological benefits may
be accumulated by individuals engaged in conflictive behaviour. As well as
the ‘dysfunctional’ attitudinal responses outlined by Mitchell and considered
in Chapter 2, individuals’ self-esteem and empathy with others may be raised
by the feeling that something is being done about a perceived goal incom-
patibility. So, while resentment and suspicion are common, as are cognitive
processes such as stereotyping and selective attitudes to information, these
are frequently accompanied and mitigated by a sense of cathartic release and
perceptions of enhanced status – feelings recorded by Birrell in his study of
Republican activists in deprived urban areas of Northern Ireland (1972).
Conflictive behaviour may also contain benefits for society. Obviously, as
an aggregation of individuals, societies profit from many of the rewards dis-
cussed above. In addition, however, there is the notion that conflict, if prop-
erly managed, ‘prevents stagnation, it stimulates interest and curiosity [and]
it is the medium through which problems are aired and solutions are arrived
at’ (Deutsch 1969: 19). So, in this light, societies that permit controlled
levels of conflict are, in contrast to the closed polities of authoritarian states,
often regarded as more durable and functional. Conflicts over matters that
do not call into question the basis of society itself – in other words, conflicts
over interest rather than value – help to stabilise societies and produce a type
of equilibrium born not of passivity but of active dissent. As Coser puts it,

by permitting immediate and direct expression of rival claims, such

social systems are able to readjust their structures by eliminating the
sources of dissatisfaction. The multiple conflicts which they experience
serve to eliminate the causes for dissociation and to re-establish unity.
(1956: 154)

Subscribing to this view, Mitchell puts forward four ways in which inter-
est conflicts may benefit society as a whole (1980: 64–5). The first is that
they establish numerous patterns of crosscutting antagonisms and coalitions.
These tend to prevent the emergence of fewer, more acute divisions ground-
ed upon overlapping value-based differences. The second is that the pres-
ence of interest conflicts helps to offer members of society a ‘safety valve’
through which grievances can be legitimately channelled without disrupting
the normal operating patterns of the system itself. Third, conflicts can es-
tablish or promote mechanisms for managing grievances and disquiet. This
may be either through the creation of new institutions and measures, such
as the appointment of a commission of inquiry, or by emphasising existent
norms such as campaigns to improve road safety, food standards or public
accountability. Fourth, conflicts may create relationships, or improve aware-
ness, between previously disassociated groups. Although this may involve
Functions 55
some initial costs, benefits in the form of enhanced interaction may outlast
the conflict by many years. For instance, periodical race riots in British cities
have helped to highlight the institutionalised prejudices that exist within
sections of the United Kingdom’s police force and have arguably led to an
improved relationship between minority groups and the constabulary’s sen-
ior management.
Conflicts of value may also be regarded as containing functional facets
if a quantifiably ‘better’ future can be expected to ensue. Such ideas can be
broadly separated into three categories. First, from a liberal international-
ist perspective, many people would argue that the devastating conflict with
fascism in the 1930s and 1940s was necessary and, therefore, broadly func-
tional as it led to an international system in which fascism is no longer a
major part. In addition, it could be said to conform with Mitchell’s first and
third points above, in the sense that the new world order that emerged from
the Second World War replaced the polarisation of the interwar period with
numerous crosscutting relations and helped to establish multilateral regimes
such as the United Nations, the EU and normative conventions concerning
human rights, refugee protection and so on.
Second, conflicts of values can be seen to underpin dialectical visions of
society and the ways in which different systems and structures have emerged
over time. Both Hegel and Marx regarded conflict as a functional way for
societies to attain greater sophistication and development through trial and
error. Each saw conflict between different theses, or classes, as important in
perceiving the ‘real’ nature of modernity and in moving towards a superior
synthesis in which existent inequities and stratifications are absent. Third,
writers from a socio-biological perspective have suggested that conflict is
an effective means of reducing demographic pressures. This is derived from
the economist Thomas Malthus (1766–1834), who argued that exponential
increases in human populations born of the improvements in public health
provided for in the industrial society could be offset (though not entirely
thwarted) by the ‘positive checks’ of pestilence, famine and warfare. Here,
collective violent conflict has replaced the predation threat of large carni-
vores. Although all human beings belong to a single species, non-biological
differentiations such as religions, languages, cultures, national identities and
so on are, as Chapter 5 will show, held to constitute ‘quasi-species’. In killing
each others’ members in war, these are deemed to self-limit human impact
on the ecosystem (Hutchinson 1965).
Indeed, it is perhaps at this level of the substate group that most attention
has been focused upon the functions of conflict. Five basic ideas predominate
– all of which may be considered alongside Mitchell’s triangular model of
mutually interactive conflictive attitudes, behaviour and situations looked at
in Chapter 2. First, participating in conflictive behaviour may, as Raymond
Mack has noted, help to coalesce groups by making individuals aware of
their shared goals and mutual interests (1965: 335). Afro-Americans’ resist-
ance to racism has, for instance, helped to extend notions of black identity
56 Functions
across the United States. Second, engaging in conflictive behaviour can in-
crease the critical focus on views that are held within the group, thereby
bringing problems to the surface. In this way, group structures can become
more egalitarian through a shared commitment to a cause. Examples of this
include the enhanced capacity of female insurgents in Guatemala and Turkey
to challenge traditional patriarchal hierarchies and the enfranchisement of
British women following the boost that the First World War gave to the
suffrage movement. Third, conflicts may increase motivation levels within
groups, which may then stimulate industry, solve technological problems
and lead to innovative thinking. The Second World War was, for example, a
period of both scientific advance and very high per capita outputs. Fourth,
the experience of conflict may oblige parties to establish contact with oppos-
ing groups, to modify previously unobtainable goals or to assess and gain a
greater understanding of their, and others’, goals – thereby ending a stalled
relationship (Mitchell 1980: 62–3).

The integrative function of conflict

The fifth type of substate focus is the idea that conflicts may also assist in
demarcating boundaries between groups and solidifying in-group cohesion
(Coser 1956: 38). The origins of such an emphasis on the ‘integrative’ func-
tions of conflictive behaviour lie in Darwin’s social premise that there is an
innate human proclivity to direct sympathy ‘solely towards members of the
same community, and therefore towards known, and more or less loved,
members but not to all the members of the same species’ (1871: 163). In oth-
er words, humankind has, as a general pattern of social interaction, sought
to establish ‘in’ or ‘we’ groups in opposition to ‘out’ or ‘other’ groups. Build-
ing on the work of Darwin, writers such as William Sumner have argued that
‘the relation of comradeship and peace in the we-group and that of hostility
and war towards other-groups are correlative to each other. The exigencies
of war with outsiders are what make peace inside’ (1906: 12). Such a view
remains current today. The idea that conflict-induced cohesion evolved as a
means of protecting vulnerable females and young from external threats is,
as Chapter 5 will outline in more detail, still frequently offered as an expla-
nation for ethnocentrism and nationalism (Somit and Peterson 1997).
Indeed, a number of anthropological investigations would seem to
provide some support for these views. Studies of feuding groups in rural
Morocco and Brazil, for instance, found that each enjoyed much greater
solidarity when involved in periods of violent conflict (Lewis 1961). Indeed,
the correlation was so strong in the latter case that some writers went on to
allege that the need to maintain internal order led groups to seek conflict
with others – a claim that will be discussed further in the following section
(Murphy 1957: 1032). Subsequent research by Keith Otterbein modified
these findings by looking at a wide range of small communities involved
in collective conflict (1994). His conclusions included the caveat that the
Functions 57
integrative effects of conflict participation were a feature only of groups that
possessed pre-existent structures of centralised power. These effects could
not, in other words, transform an aggregation of individuals into a cohesive
group, nor could they meld groups into larger collectives if they lacked prior
experience of operating together. As such, individual reactions, including
panic, resignation and initiating violent attacks upon other group members,
are predicted to be more common among people grouped together by an
acute, collectively experienced threat (Foreman 1963). In some instances,
however, the imminent presence of danger has exerted a demonstrably co-
hering effect upon previously unconnected, even antagonistic, individuals.
White seamen from areas of the southern United States where racial tensions
were prevalent who served with Afro-American colleagues during the Sec-
ond World War were, for example, found to demonstrate decreasing levels
of racial prejudice the longer they spent at sea (Brophy 1945).
In order for integration to result from the shared experience of risk,
Arthur Stein suggests that three conditions need to be met:

First, the threat and danger come from outside and the causes can clearly
be seen and specified. Second, the immediate needs are clearly recog-
nizable, and direct action can be undertaken with discernible results.
Third, all are affected indiscriminately and thus the danger and suffer-
ing become public phenomena equally shared. The resultant solidarity
eliminates even social distinctions.
(1976: 151)

For Stein, the elimination of social distinctions does not imply the presence
of the kind of societal equilibrium discussed at the start of this chapter. If we
take Ernst Haas’ definition of cohesion as ‘the likelihood of internal peace-
ful change in a setting of groups with mutually antagonistic claims’, then a
group subject to the integrative effects of conflict engagement would remain
fundamentally conflictive (1961: 367). In assessing this situation, it is useful
to distinguish between attitudes and behaviour by returning to Mitchell’s
triangular schema presented in Chapter 2. His model suggests that a con-
flictive situation can lead to a change in attitude whereby individuals, first,
seek security and prestige in identifying with groups and, second, tend to
experience personal challenges as a threat to the values of the group as a
whole. This cohering effect is thus likely to impact upon conflictive behav-
iour within the group. Of the three types of conflictive behaviour that he
identifies – coercion, persuasion and compromise – group members are thus
more likely to select a combination of the last two during periods of exter-
nal conflict. Bearing in mind Schmid’s point, elaborated in Chapter 3, that
persuasion and compromise tend to be strategies preferred by those seeking
a return to a favourable status quo, such an effect clearly has a number of
potential benefits for leaders wishing to institutionalise a pacific domestic
environment. Indeed, in order to ensure in-group integration, leaders may
58 Functions
‘actually search for enemies with the deliberate purpose, or the unwitting
result, of maintaining unity and internal cohesion’ (Coser 1956: 104). As
James Madison told Thomas Jefferson in 1798, it is, perhaps, ‘a universal
truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions against
danger, real or pretended, from abroad’ (quoted in Smith 1995: 1048).
For the philosopher Leo Strauss (1899–1973), whose students included
the architects of the recent invasion of Iraq, Paul Wolfowitz and Abram Shul-
sky (The New Yorker 5 May 2003), liberalism required politicians to iterate
‘noble lies’ in order to give people moral certainty in a system which, in el-
evating individual liberty to the zenith of human achievement, contained an
intrinsic tendency towards relativism. In a reworking of Nietzsche’s ‘deadly
truths’, he argued that leaders – those able to comprehend the deeper mean-
ing in philosophers’ deliberately esoteric erudition – had a responsibility
to inculcate group identities in their followers in order to prevent a liberal
society from descending into Huxleyan vacuousness and chaos. In fact, he
went further and questioned the distinction between values and facts that
underpins post-Enlightenment rationalism, thereby implying that all claims
of objective truth are self-delusional and dangerous (1965). Such a vision
of political leadership has proved to be highly influential not only for con-
structivists and post-modernists who, as Chapter 6 notes, have elaborated
accounts of how the manufacture of conflictive environments takes place,
but also for a generation of American neo-conservatives, such as William
Kristol (the former chief of staff to Secretary of Education William Bennett
and Vice President Dan Quayle), and the present Deputy National Security
Advisor, Elliot Abrams, both of whom studied under Strauss’s protégé, Har-
vey Mansfield, at Harvard.
The influence of Strauss can be seen in Mary Kaldor’s study of what she
calls the ‘imaginary’ Cold War (1990). Here, the leaders of the two blocs
of ‘Stalinism’ and ‘Atlanticism’ used their huge conventional and nuclear
arsenals to control domestic political life and marshal economic resources
in ways that would not have been tolerated without a war mentality. It was
born, she argues, of the need for a new unifying principle of action following
the Second World War. The Soviet threat helped Western leaders to discredit
isolationism as well as to repress domestic leftism. The maintenance, design
and deployment of both sides’ weaponry also stimulated economic growth
and secured party loyalties. Kaldor’s claims have, more recently, received
support from the partly autobiographical accounts of President Carter’s
National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski (1997), and former United
States Ambassador to the Soviet Union, George Kennan (1996).
An associated body of work puts forward the idea that external conflict
increases the internal coherence of alliance structures – one of the key focus-
es of Chapter 9. George Liska, for instance, notes that ‘reciprocal pressures
between roughly equal alliance systems tend to consolidate both’ (1962: 26).
Terry Hopmann builds on this work by hypothesising that ‘the greater the
East–West tension, the greater the degree of cohesion within the Communist
Functions 59
system’. He concludes that, during the premiership of Joseph Stalin, the
eight core countries of the Soviet-led bloc (China, Albania, East Germany,
Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia) were relatively
well integrated behind a structure of Politburo control based upon percep-
tions of an acute American threat. Following Stalin’s death in 1953 and the
Geneva Conference in 1955, however, a greater degree of diversity within
the alliance’s view of the United States emerged. He suggests that a possible
way to view Moscow’s decision to intervene in Hungary and Poland in 1956
is as a means of solidifying intra-alliance unity through the heightening of
East–West tensions. Indeed, strains placed on the Sino-Soviet relationship
following the latter’s signature of the 1963 Test-Ban Treaty did appear to
be considerably alleviated by the United States’ decision to begin bombing
North Vietnam in February 1965 (1967: 216).

Diversionary theories of conflict

Debates over the political impact of in-group/out-group divisions have co­
alesced into a body of literature generally referred to as ‘scapegoat’ or ‘diver-
sionary’ theories of international conflict. Broadly, these concern ‘the idea
that political elites often embark on adventurous foreign policies or even
resort to war in order to distract popular attention away from internal social
and economic problems and consolidate their own domestic political sup-
port’ (Levy 1993: 259). Such an understanding of the expediencies of rule is
far from new. William Shakespeare’s Henry IV, for example, said to his son,
the future King, ‘be it thy course to busy giddy minds with foreign quarrels;
that action, hence borne out, may waste the memory of the former days’
(Henry IV, Part 2, act IV, scene v). More recently, interest in diversionary
tactics has emerged as part of a challenge to the state-centric approach of the
realist paradigm embodied in Waltz’s view that ‘the necessities of policy arise
from the unregulated competition of states [and that] calculation based on
these necessities can discover the policies that will best serve a state’s inter-
est’ (1979: 117).
For instance, the dual rise of Marxist emphases on substate class competi-
tion and liberal visions of civil-internationalist connections, highlighted in
Chapter 2, has led to a growth in theories aimed at combining domestic
political factors with state behaviour. Both approaches are, for instance,
commonplace among analyses of the German entry into the First World War.
These generally seek to explain Reichstag policy in terms of ‘dissipating so-
cial tensions at home by campaigns abroad’ (Fischer in Wehler 1985: 196).
More recently, a commonly cited example of the diversionary war is British
policy preceding the Falklands/Malvinas crisis of March 1982. Studies of
this concentrate, for the most part, on Prime Minister Thatcher’s failure to
respond to the growing threat from Buenos Aires. Having spent 14 years
negotiating with the United Kingdom over the future of the islands, the Ar-
gentines had been encouraged by the British decision to withdraw the HMS
60 Functions
Endurance from the region in June 1981, but, by early 1982, they had be-
come frustrated by continued British trammelling. On 2 March 1982, their
delegation withdrew from further talks and announced that they reserved
the ‘right to seek other means’ of settling the dispute. The following day,
Buenos Aires announced that they were considering unspecified unilateral
action. Three weeks later, Argentine warships arrived off the islands. By 28
March, a substantial support fleet had left port and, on 2 April, a full-scale
land invasion took place (Norpoth 1987a: 6–7). Having broken the Argen-
tine diplomatic code, the British government was, throughout this period,
inundated with intelligence reports predicting such a result, yet no cabinet
meeting was convened to discuss the crisis until 28 March – four days before
the invasion. Although a substantial British fleet was subsequently dispatched
(retaking the islands on 14 June), numerous questions remained over the
government’s failure to react earlier. Of course this could be seen as simply
bureaucratic inertia and incompetence, but it might be argued that the crisis
was deliberately allowed to escalate in order, first, to divert domestic atten-
tion away from the parlous condition of the British economy and, second,
to seek a boost in popularity that posturing, or outright war, with Argentina
might be expected to provide.
Either way, two things appear certain. The first is that British signals,
intentionally or otherwise, indicated to the Argentine government ‘that the
annexation of the islands would be cheap and easy’ (Gelpi 1997: 278). The
second is that the war did, as Figure 4.1 illustrates, coincide with a sharp
increase in government popularity, despite unemployment moving from
under half a million in 1979 to almost three million by the beginning of
1982 (Norpoth 1987b: 953). Alternative causes of such a sharp rise are hard
to sustain. More general international issues do not appear to have played
a part, with President Reagan and Chancellor Schmidt’s popularity declin-



Satisfaction (%)




1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985

Figure 4.1 The British public’s satisfaction with the Conservative government 1979–
85. Source: Redrawn from Norpoth (1987b: 953).
Functions 61
ing from 47 to 44 per cent and from 39 to 38 per cent, respectively, and
President Mitterrand enjoying a modest rise of one point from 58 to 59 per
cent during this period. In the United Kingdom, on the other hand, 61 per
cent of those questioned named the Falklands crisis as ‘the most important
problem facing Britain today’ with only 25 per cent citing unemployment
(The Economist 8 May 1982). By 26 June, over 250 British troops were
dead and more than one billion pounds had been spent, yet the same survey
found that 76 per cent of the British public remained in agreement with
government policy over the issue. While this does not, of course, prove that
involvement in the war caused the rise in positive public opinion, nor that
the British government undertook this conflict in order to gain popularity or
to divert attention from the miserable economic climate, numerous writers
have concluded that the conflict helped to secure a Conservative victory in
the 1983 elections and that, in the eyes of many, Mrs Thatcher ‘emerged as
a remarkable war leader’ (Hastings and Jenkins 1984: 355–6). As such, the
result of the Falklands/Malvinas crisis offers some support for the general
comment that ‘a fully specified theory of the causes of international conflict
will require an understanding of the role domestic politics plays in foreign
policy decisions’ (Morgan and Bickers 1992: 26).
Constructing such a general theory has, however, proved extremely dif-
ficult. Successive quantitative studies have failed to establish a systematic link
between internal political problems and the external use of force. An analysis
of nine indicators of domestic strife and of 13 indicators of external conflict
undertaken by Rudolph Rummel during the early 1960s, for instance, con-
cluded that ‘foreign conflict behaviour is generally and completely unrelated
to domestic conflict behaviour’ (1963: 24). Similar results were arrived at
using various methodologies over the next ten years or so (Tanter 1966;
Wilkenfeld 1972). More recently, though, these studies have been brought
into question. Clifton Morgan and Christopher Anderson, for instance, note
that, in many cases, their findings were based on an inability to establish a
clear linear relationship. As the previous section outlines, however, group
cohesion cannot be simplistically related to participation in external conflict,
and thus the search for such a strong association is, almost inevitably, futile.
If, for instance, the integrative effects of conflict are believed to vary across
different groups and group constituents, one might expect leaders not to en-
gage in external uses of force if internal cohesion is very weak. Furthermore,
if it is assumed that already well-integrated groups would not be significantly
affected by conflict participation then, again, leaders would not be expected
to deploy such a strategy. The external use of force may therefore be more
likely to occur when internal dissent is moderate, producing a curvilinear,
inverted ‘U’ relationship rather than a linear correlation (1999: 801).
Consequently, many writers have argued that leaders’ propensity to choose
to distract dissatisfied groups by using force externally on another party, as
opposed to using the more obvious methods of compromise or repression,
is heavily reliant on the type of regime in which they operate (Bueno de
62 Functions
Mesquita and Siverson 1995). The greater autonomy of authoritarian lead-
ers, plus the absence of significant reform pressures may, for instance, make
diversionary conflict easier to instigate. Equally, the institutional restraints on
democratically elected leaders may mean that the state elite is more likely to
acquiesce to the demands of dissenters. Alternatively, it is frequently argued
that both types of leadership structure rely on support coalitions, a stable
economy and a pacific workforce for survival and thus have a comparable
incentive for diversionary conflict (Downs and Rocke 1995). In contrast,
other writers, such as Christopher Gelpi, suggest that the relative ease with
which authoritarian leaders can repress internal dissent, coupled with the
less extensive need for a ‘rally-around-the-flag’ effect, means that democrati-
cally elected leaders will be more likely to use diversionary tactics (1997:
260–1). This is especially so after internal dissent has become sufficiently
acute for democratic leaders to regard the granting of concessions as a pos-
sible incentive for others.
It has also been noted that the decision to embark on a diversionary con-
flict rests, first, on the degree to which leaders can be certain that such a
course of action will lead to the clear identification of an internal enemy
among the public. As some dissenting factions within states may regard an
external foe as an ally in their struggle, this policy will only be effective ‘if
domestic actors view the foreigners as worse than their domestic antagonists’
(Morgan and Anderson 1999: 803). Second, leaders must believe that the
identification of an internal enemy will solidify their own position in relation
to their constituents. As the allegiance of the entire polity is neither pos-
sible nor necessary, however, this rests on the perceived relative importance
of the leadership’s allies. A leader with a large parliamentary majority may
not, for instance, be overly anxious at the dismay of opposition parties, but
would probably view Cabinet fractures over their choice of external enemy
with more concern. Thus, a diversionary strategy becomes especially likely
if the leadership support base is perceived to be under threat. Third, leaders
will not embark upon any hostile act simply because it offers the potential
to divert. The expected utility of an external conflict is a vital considera-
tion. It must, for instance, be eminently winnable without the danger of a
potentially costly or prolonged engagement. Conversely, though, it must be
sufficiently high profile to have an impact on the target dissenters within the
leadership’s support base.
The diverse nature of leaders’ internal constituencies brings us to another
problem with much of the statistical literature – its failure to acknowledge
that approval for war leaders tends to be short lived (Cotton 1986). The
state’s extraction of soldiers and taxes is frequently resisted by elites and
unpopular with the masses. Furthermore, a focus on external conflict may
reduce a government’s capacity to repress its opponents, leading to greater
internal conflict and instability – particularly when coupled with the de­
mobilisation of large numbers of combatants commonly troubled by feelings
of social dislocation. In many cases, these factors have led to the downfall
Functions 63
of governments. It is not without reason that warfare is often called the
midwife of revolution. The disastrous involvement of American forces in
Vietnam, for instance, is reckoned to have cost President Johnson over 20
percentage points (Mueller 1973: 196). Indeed, in the case of the Falklands
War, it is quite clear that

had the Thatcher government disappointed its public by either losing

the war or being unable to bring it to a swift conclusion, public reaction
might have been quite different from what was found. . . . [Indeed] even
with a rather quick victory, the Falklands gain in government popularity
did not prove permanent.
(Norpoth 1987a: 12)

Perhaps, then, ‘we should expect diversionary uses of force to consist of

actions short of war’ (as the British leadership conceivably intended) rather
than the occurrence of large-scale collective violence measured by Rummel
and others (Richards et al. 1993: 508–9). After all, it may be that brinkman-
ship with accompanying scapegoating (i.e. the process of mobilisation) is
equally effective as, or more effective than, the outcome of the conflict itself.
Ned Lebow, for instance, found that, in the case of 13 ‘brinkmanship crises’,
only five could be explained using realist models of deterrence (in other
words, the adversaries’ perceived defence capacity, their credibility and their
ability to communicate their threat to others) (1981). Rather, the other eight
crises were, he concludes, both initiated and deliberately escalated by politi-
cal leaders in order to buttress their domestic support.
Perhaps the best known example of a study of this type is Charles Ostrom
and Brian Job’s analysis of United States foreign policy between 1946 and
1978 (1986). They use Barry Blechman and Stephen Kaplan’s dataset of
American involvement in overseas conflict as well as their definition of the
‘political use of major force’ as physical actions

taken by one or more components of the uniformed armed military

services as part of a deliberate attempt by the national authorities to
influence, or be prepared to influence, specific behaviour or individuals
in another nation without engaging in a continuing contest of violence.
(1978: 12)

They then proceed on the basis of seven presidential decision premises de-
rived from the domestic political environment. These are outlined in column
one of Table 4.3. Column two sets out Ostrom and Job’s prediction of each
premise’s impact on the executive’s decision-making processes. Correlating
these to the 226 occasions on which the United States has deployed the
‘political use of major force’ overseas, Ostrom and Job find support for the
first premise, concluding that public perceptions of international tension are
‘negatively related to the probability of a political use of force’ (1986: 557).
64 Functions
Table 4.3 American presidential decision-making over the political use of force
Expected impact on presidential decision-making
Decision premise processes
Public attitudes to Public concern over international tension will lower the
international tension president’s propensity to use force
Public attitudes to the Public perceptions that the United States is becoming
strategic balance disadvantaged by changes in the strategic balance will act
as an incentive for the president to use force
Public aversion to The president is unlikely to use force following American
warfare involvement in warfare
The condition of the Deteriorations in the domestic economy will encourage
domestic economy the president to use force as a diversionary measure
The perceived level of The president will be more likely to use force if he
public support perceives himself to have a buffer of support
Past political success A decline in presidential success will make him more risk
acceptant and thus more likely to use force
The current position in The propensity to use force during important periods in
the electoral calendar the electoral calendar

In terms of the second premise, no relationship was found between the stra-
tegic balance and political uses of force. Both the third and fourth premises
did, however, find support, leading Ostrom and Job to note that war weari-
ness and periods of economic prosperity acted as inhibitors on presidents’
use of major political force between 1946 and 1978 – matters that we shall
return to in Chapter 9.
Most significant in their statistical analysis were the fifth and sixth premis-
es. While declines in presidential backing almost always occur during an
incumbent’s time in office, the use of force was found to transpire most com-
monly when popularity levels were waning, yet a buffer of support remained.
Taken together, however, ‘the more negative the president’s overall record
in office (as represented by declining popular support), the more likely he is
to act in the absence of a popularity buffer’ (Ostrom and Job 1986: 557–8).
The final premise was supported, in that the overseas use of major political
force was more likely to occur in the final quarter before an election than
in any other quarter of the electoral year. These findings are important as
they offer a direct challenge to the realist understanding of state behaviour
as primarily grounded on the pressure of international relations as determi-
nants of domestic politics. As Patrick James and John Oneal point out, if ‘the
desire to divert attention from a troubled economy is a greater influence on
the decision to use force than the level of international tension, assumptions
regarding the national interest are clearly undermined’ (1991: 308).
Question marks do, however, remain over the transferability of these
results. Bruce Russett has, for instance, noted that, as the success of diver-
sionary measures relies on a rapid victory, more powerful states are more
likely to engage in such actions than those with weaker military capabilities
Functions 65
(1989). Extrapolating from Ostrom and Job’s state-level study to the level
of the international system without controlling for this would introduce a
serious bias into the analysis (Levy 1993: 277). Moreover, their finding that
a buffer of support during periods of declining popularity encourages the
presidential use of force has been countered by realists. Hans Morgenthau
and Kenneth Thompson have argued that this is not a domestic variable at
all (1985: 158). They suggest that national support is primarily an indica-
tion of leaders’ capacity to act internationally. Here, then, internal support
is construed as a means of strengthening national security and the ‘search
for policies which will maintain the leader in power against domestic op-
position’ (Bueno de Mesquita and Siverson 1995: 853). Such a concession
does, however, confirm the broadly non-realist notion that ‘decisions regard-
ing international conflict are, as with any policy decisions, affected by the
pushing and pulling of competing domestic interests’ (Morgan and Bickers
1992: 26).

This chapter looked first at issues related to the evaluation of conflict. In the
first section, it traced the various means through which these have been ap-
proached over the years and how different methods have informed the way
that the impact of conflictive behaviour on group formation, structure and
dynamics has been assessed. It contrasted these approaches with the equi-
librium model and with simplistic categorisations of conflictive behaviour
as either functional or dysfunctional, suggesting that, instead, engaging in
conflict may involve both types of outcome depending on who is analysed,
when and by whom. Apart from the obvious costs of conflictive behaviour,
various material, political and psychological benefits have been identified.
These may be at the level of the system (in terms of driving forward change
and reducing population pressures), the state (through the consolidation of
alliance structures), the group (as a means of cohering hitherto disparately
organised elements) and, in providing both an emotional catharsis and a way
of responding rationally to duress, the individual.
In the second section, one of these functions – the idea that conflict par-
ticipation can cohere or integrate social groups and systems – was taken for-
ward and explored in more detail. Evidence from evolutionary science was
discussed in the light of an assortment of well-known anthropological studies
with the aim of developing a nuanced comprehension of this proposition. It
was argued that existent structures, previous experiences and socio-historical
trajectories are important in understanding the changes in behaviour that
commonly result from, or coincide with, the impact of conflict engagement
upon groups, alliances and systems. Here, the presence of structural violence
can, as Uvin’s study of Rwanda examined in Chapter 3 illustrates, provide a
facilitative environment for social differentiation to occur. Galtung’s model
of cultural violence is particularly apposite here, as a means of revealing the
66 Functions
banality of scapegoating ‘others’ so that groups may feel more ‘self ’. As we
saw in Chapter 3, the intensification of group delimitations can rely on the
exclusionary organisation of religious, gender, class, racial or political identi-
ties and can be underpinned by the, frequently subliminal, use of discrimina-
tory communication media. Here, the capitalist mode of production and its
emphasis on value maximisation, competitiveness and the ‘naturalness’ of
unequal production factors may help to normalise the ‘noble lies’ identified
by Strauss (1965). A similar function might be ascribed to the production of
knowledge through science and its power to confer legitimacy upon those
elites for whom conflict and violence is efficacious.
The third section focused on the idea that conflictive behaviour stems
from political elites’ need to divert attention from the domestic arena by
pursuing aggressive foreign policy objectives. At its broadest, this body of
work merely seeks to establish a connection between domestic and interna-
tional state actions as a challenge to realist notions of international primacy.
In some formulations, however, direct causal linkages are deemed to exist
between government unpopularity or internal dissent and the deliberate pur-
suit of crises or even warfare abroad. A widely cited example of this is the
British administration’s handling of the Falklands/Malvinas crisis in 1982
and its failure to prevent the dispute from escalating to war. Much clearly
depends on the type of regime in which leaders operate. In many cases,
brinkmanship might serve a similar purpose to military engagement and may
thus be preferred. Yet, the notion that elites are prepared to provoke con-
flicts in an attempt to obfuscate and cause their citizens to rally around the
flag remains an intuitively appealing and important area of research.
5 Innate

A key element in both the creation of enhanced in-group coherence and the
legitimisation of aggressive foreign policies considered in the previous chap-
ter is the idea that there is a scientific basis to ethnic or national solidarity
born of the immutably conflictive nature of the human condition. This chap-
ter argues that, within the current landscape of conflict analysis, there are
two basic facets that build on these premises – constituting the two sections
to follow. The first is a focus on the biology of the human body, its evolution-
ary origins as well as its neurological, psychological and hormonal functions.
With its origins in nineteenth-century scientism and the development of the
experimental method, this corpus of work is often associated with studies of
animal behaviour, physiology and psychiatry and tends to focus on human
phenomena as a branch of sensate life. The second set of ideas promulgat-
ing the immutable nature of the human propensity for violent conflict is
grounded upon the premise that deeply rooted aspects of human experience
– namely culture, history and religion – are relatively constant determinants
of human behaviour. It has been particularly deployed to cast light on very
long-term conflicts of apparent intractability in which language, ethnicity
and human rights play a part. In many ways, these two approaches represent
not so much theory as such, but rather a disparate, at times quite specula-
tive (albeit extremely popular and widely read), spectrum of opinion. The
unifying, or at least common, features which these views share are, first, an
assumption that violent conflict is an inevitable part of human interaction,
second, that it can only be imperfectly prevented rather than avoided alto-
gether and, third, that the root causes of conflictive behaviour are in natus,
or present at birth, and are thus to be found in unchanging, or very slowly
changing, features of human development or physiology. Conflict is, in other
words, inherent; ‘the potentiality for it always exists and actuality can only
be obstructed’ (Eckstein 1980: 139).
68 Innate
The attribution of social ills to the fixed nature of humanity is far from new.
Basing their work on the writing of Saint Augustine and others, Christian
theologians have long promulgated the idea that humanity has inherited the
original sins of Adam and Eve, the only two people born free of sin. People
are thus not sinners because they sin, but rather people sin because they are
sinners – or as John Calvin put it in the sixteenth century, humanity’s ‘whole
nature is, as it were, a seed of sin’ (1949: 8). In many ways, this view of hu-
man behaviour as immutably prone to, among other dysfunctions, violent
conflict captures the essence of this chapter’s topic. While the various ideas
and approaches discussed below mostly have their origins in the less exegetic
concerns of the nineteenth century, they share Christianity’s tenet that, at
their most fundamental, the causes of violence are to be found within human
beings and not within the social dynamics of human interaction. Moreover,
in policy terms, efforts to end the human propensity for violence are, for
both old and new accounts, largely futile. So, although evolutionary change,
ethological instincts, psychological drives and fixed socio-cultural impera-
tives have replaced divine ordinance and creationism as the primary determi-
nants of individual action, the best that can be hoped for is that dysfunction-
ally conflictive behaviour may be temporarily arrested by ritual, cathartic
release, religious or secular education, imminent or deferred punishment
and therapeutic procedure.
A salient element of this literature is socio-biology, defined as ‘the system-
atic study of the biological basis of all social behaviors’ (Crawford 1987: 3),
and its pioneer, Charles Darwin (1809–82). Its master-concept is the idea
that organic adaptations, including patterns of behaviour, have their origins
in an evolutionary course of change. This has two fundamental tenets: that
variation exists at the outset of a process of achieving a better fit between
organism and environment and that this character is transmitted between
parent and offspring. As Patrick Bateson explains:

The short-term steps in the process involve some individuals surviving

or breeding more easily than others. If the ones that survive or breed
more easily carry a particular version of the character, that version will
be more strongly represented in the future generations. If the charac-
ter enabled them to survive or breed more readily, then the long-term
consequence is that the character will bear a close and seemingly well-
designed relationship to the conditions in which it worked.
(1989: 36)

Aggressive behaviour is one such character. In environments where the

supply of food and mates is in short supply, aggressive animals are more
likely to live longer and produce (and protect) greater numbers of offspring.
As a result, aggression, along with other strategies such as cooperation,
Innate 69
migration and so on, evolved in a process of natural selection as a means of
pursuing these imperative goals. Although Darwin was careful not to include
humanity explicitly within his On the Origin of Species by Means of Natu-
ral Selection (1859), the fact that, ‘in the mid-nineteenth century, science,
theology, philosophy, and social theory had not yet been severed from one
another to form autonomous disciplines’, meant that his biological theory
quickly became ‘a source of both scientific insight and scientized social
philosophy’ (Kaye 1997: 15–16). Indeed, in preparing The Descent of Man
and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871), Darwin borrowed extensively from
non-biological sources, including Thomas Malthus’ Essay on the Principle
of Population (1798) and William Paley’s Natural Theology (1802) (Jones
1980). This cross-fertilisation of ideas persisted with writers such as Herbert
Spencer (1820–1903) and William Graham Sumner (1840–1910) extending
and popularising various, and often distorted, renditions of Darwin’s pos-
tulates in Europe and the United States (Moore 1979). The result was, and
remains, the belief that conflict and violence are fixed, rather than learned,
patterns of behaviour caused by innate motor actions that can be controlled
socially or pharmaceutically, but cannot be completely prevented other than
by a change in the genetic process that created them.
An important concern of the period was thus to understand the social
implications of evolution’s genetic motor. In particular, it was hoped that
society could be made less subject to violent conflict by controlling repro-
duction – manipulating natural selection to produce characteristics that,
in Darwinian terms, better suit individuals to their social environment. In
1883, Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton, formulised this as eugenics which,
in a speech to the Sociology Society at the University of London in 1904,
he defined as ‘the science which deals with all influences that improve the
inborn qualities of a race’. While in Great Britain, eugenics organisations
were primarily concerned with preventing the ‘unfit’ from having children
by withdrawing welfare provisions (which were regarded as a distortion of
natural selection principles), equivalents within the United States took up
Galton’s focus on ethnicity as a way of responding to domestic racial con-
flict. In 1906, for instance, the Committee on Eugenics was established with
the expressed aim of stemming ‘the tide of threatened racial degeneracy’ and
protecting America against ‘indiscriminate immigration, criminal degener-
ates, and race suicide’ (cited in Mehler 1978: 3). Supported by luminar-
ies such as John Maynard Keynes and Julian Huxley (the first director of
UNESCO), a large body of literature appeared tackling issues such as the
distribution of intelligence within society (the infamous Bell Curve Theory),
criminality and selective sterilisation programmes (imposed in 27 American
states as well as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany by
1935). By 1923, research had ‘advanced’ sufficiently for Fairfield Osborn
(President of the American Museum of Natural History from 1908 to 1933)
to claim that ‘we have learned once and for all that the Negro is not like us’
(quoted in Gould 1981: 231).
70 Innate
Widespread revulsion at the German use of such ideas following the Sec-
ond World War did, however, acutely damage the reputation of eugenics
in particular and socio-biology in general (Allen et al. 1976). The image of
the dispassionate scientist was severely shaken – not least by the publication
of an influential book establishing a clear correlation between the political
preferences of the researcher and their stated position with regard to the
nature–nurture debate (the left being more associated with the latter) (Pas-
tore 1949). As Howard Kaye puts it, the dominant thinking of the day held
that ‘biological needs and processes paled into insignificance before human
reason, inventiveness, and the pursuit of meaning as determinants of how
we live’ (1997: 1). Collective culture and international cooperation were,
as a generalised vision of humanity, generally preferred to the selfish indi-
vidualism implied by Darwinian theory. By the 1960s, however, the failure
of social sciences’ turn towards culture – evidenced in the abandonment
of functionalist and modernisation theories – led to a renewed interest in
socio-biology, now invigorated by the gradual elucidation of DNA as the
psychochemical theory of heredity Darwin lacked (Fleming 1969). In many
ways, the 1960s and 1970s were the heyday of socio-biology, to which cur-
rent writing continues to owe much. By the 1980s, a concerted attack from
social scientists had again caused it to retreat from much of its societal com-
mentary (to be discussed in the next chapter). In 1997, for instance, Albert
Somit and Steven Peterson felt compelled to entitle the first chapter of their
book, Darwinism, Dominance, and Democracy, ‘Prologue to a Predictably
Unpopular Thesis’. In the mid-1960s, though, socio-biologists, while care-
fully distancing themselves from the overt racial overtones of the interwar
period, were able to advocate large-scale social engineering programmes
with an impunity not seen since the 1930s – Francis Crick, for instance, sug-
gested reversible sterilisation and the licensing of ‘people with the qualities
we like’ to bear children (quoted in Wolstenholme 1963: 295).
A potential quality to breed out of the citizenry at large was aggression.
Studies by Guhl et al. (1960) and Scott and Fuller (1965) had shown that
the aggressive behaviour, which, they argued, natural selection had endowed
upon chickens and dogs, could be significantly diminished by interbreeding
aggressive and more placid varieties together. To explain this, it has been
proposed that ‘all animals which show aggressive behaviour carry a number
of genes which modify its level of expression [and it] . . . would be very
surprising if human beings were different’ (Manning 1989: 51). A genetic
element that attracted particular attention was the Y chromosome. Carried
only through paternal lines in mammals, its genetic patterning has been as-
sociated, in some studies, with differences in human behaviour (Maxson et
al. 1979). In instances where males have received two Y chromosomes (XYY
rather than the usual XY structure) – a condition affecting one in every
1,000 men – high levels of aggression have been observed. For instance, in
a 1965 survey of 197 men detained for violent crime in a maximum secu-
rity psychiatric unit, eight (30 times the background average) were found to
Innate 71
possess two Y chromosomes – strongly suggesting that their propensity for
aggression was genetically linked (Jacobs et al. 1965).
Vice versa, the study of behaviour has also been used to make asser-
tions regarding the likely influence of genetic patterning on aggression and
conflict. Ethology, defined by Barnett as the ‘biology of behaviour’ (cited
in Nelson 1974: 292), emerged during the 1960s with an interest in ‘the
comparative study and analysis of instinctive or stereotyped movements of
animals’ (Thorpe 1974: 147). While, today, many ethologists adhere to the
classic Darwinist position that, as animal evolution is independent, cross-
species generalisation is impossible, others argue that the common ances-
try of many species (such as the alleged connection between human beings
and higher primates) and the commonality of behaviour patterns between
unrelated forms suggest generically comparable selection pressures. Their
overall aim is therefore to develop ‘a scientifically defensible conception of
man’s nature’ by looking at what they call ‘fixed action patterns’, which are
‘largely unlearned and take place without demonstrable stimulation’ (Will-
hoite 1971: 619; Berkowitz 1990: 25).
Numerous studies have helped to establish the importance of instinctive
behaviour for lower order animals. Removing rhesus monkeys and weaver­
birds from their parents at birth and rearing them in absolute isolation, for
instance, proved that their demonstrable requirement for contact comfort
and their ability to construct complex nests, respectively, must have been
acquired innately (Harlow and Harlow 1986; Ferrell 1996: 39). The Nobel
laureate, Konrad Lorenz, argues that human beings share comparably inher-
ent proclivities. ‘The instinct to aggress’, he writes, ‘is not a reactive one,
but is a spontaneous activity within ourselves’ (cited in Zillmann 1979: 47).
In his book, On Aggression, he suggests that ‘it is the spontaneity of the
[aggressive] instinct which makes it so dangerous’ and calls on society to
provide ways in which this can be channelled away from violence (Lorenz
1966: 50). However, while humanity’s primate ancestry continues to pro-
duce innately violent men, human society has, he proposes, lost the capacity
to mitigate its consequences. Unlike other predators, we have neither the
ritualised surrender nor the tournament-style organisation of the animal
kingdom’s intraspecific violence – no longer can we turn on our backs like
dogs and expect mercy. Despite this, our highly evolved intelligence systems
have given rise to complex weapons of mass lethality, thereby creating a fatal
disjuncture between ‘nature and efficacy [which] in a nuclear age are held to
be potentially catastrophic’ (Webb 1992: 70).
Beneath this veneer of precocity, however, Lorenz identifies an ‘action-
specific energy’ originating in humanity’s evolutionary hinterland. For
some writers, such base instincts are to be found in the reptilian essence of
the brain which, over millions of years, has been obscured by mammalian
and human layers in a process ‘somewhat like a house to which wings and
superstructure are added’ (MacLean 1967: 382). The spontaneity of hu-
man aggression and violence can thus be explained by the imperfectness of
72 Innate
this evolutionary process. ‘To the extent that primitive and limbic systems
“dominate” overt behaviour, people may not be totally aware and in control
of their reasons for behaving as they do, notably in times of stress that attend
conflict’ (Davies 1980: 33). Whether or not a violent response is discharged
may be influenced by cultural and learned factors – to be discussed further
below – which can constitute a ‘specific inhibitory block’ or, contrarily, a ‘re-
leasing mechanism’ (Brown 1965: 29; Eibl-Eibesfeldt and Wickler 1968).
Important here is the nature of the ‘external releasers’ or ‘sign stimuli’
within the environment (Nelson 1974: 293). Because behaving aggressively
carries inherent risks, the aggressiveness of the response is likely to vary with
the nature of the extraneous cue. For instance, while human beings may,
in keeping with higher primates, engage in territorial behaviour (as a fixed
action pattern) in response to a wide range of stimuli, greater aggressiveness
is probable when there exists an acute threat to individual fitness – most
obviously the maintenance of an adequate supply of material resources and
potential mates. Studies of primate competition have, therefore, concluded
that, as Freedman et al. point out, a ‘high population density always leads
to an increase in aggressiveness and that this also occurs in humans’ (1972:
530). This tendency has frequently been found to be both more common
and more intense among mammals that have already mated. Squirrels, for
example, appear to be more likely to fight, rather than flee, when they have
offspring and a nearby home (Barash 1980: 173). Such a tendency, dubbed
‘the territorial imperative’ by Robert Ardrey, is held to be a characteristic
of human society (1966). David Barash, for instance, claims that it demon-
strates that ‘we fight most strongly for “what we believe in”, and what we
believe in is most likely to be closely related to our home and our family . . .
[as a] reproductively relevant resource’ (1980: 173–4).
Seeing the functionality of aggression in this way helps to resolve the
longstanding problem of altruism for ethologists. As one of the pre-eminent
socio-biologists of the twentieth century asks, ‘how can altruism, which by
definition reduces personal fitness, possibly evolve by natural selection’ (Wil-
son 1975: 3)? Among insects such as ants and termites, Darwin noted the
difficulty of explaining the behaviour of worker, neuter and soldier castes
that seem to sacrifice their labour and lives in the service of the queen and
the group as a whole. Acknowledging that such behaviour must have evolved
through natural selection, he described the problem as ‘a special difficulty,
which at first appeared to me insuperable and actually fatal to the whole
theory’ (cited in Krebs 1987: 83). Subsequent studies have offered three
types of potential answer. The first is that apparent acts of altruism might be
aimed, in fact, at enhancing individual fitness. When faced with an imminent
threat, many species of bird, for instance, will suspend their supposedly in-
nate tendency to respond with either aggression or desertion and emit an
alarm call that appears to warn others members of the flock at the expense
of making the individual more conspicuous to the advancing danger. Studies
by Hamilton (1964) and Charnov and Krebs (1974) have, however, claimed
Innate 73
that the alarm call evolved in order to cause other members of the flock
to take flight, thereby presenting a more difficult target to the threat and
transferring attention away from the individual caller. More complex forms
of ‘reciprocal altruism’ have also been noted among primates. As the devel-
opment of social trust can promote individual fitness by storing goodwill
and indebtedness within the group, baboon troops appear to have evolved
sophisticated tit-for-tat arrangements that cohere the overall unit and dis-
courage free-riding (Trivers 1971).
A second possible reason for the evolution of altruism is kin recognition.
Animals may recognise their relatives through chemical phenotypes (believed
to be important in ant colonies), associative imprinting (the recollection of
littermates and so on), behavioural cues (such as greetings and ritual) and
spatial awareness (associating progenies with nests and the like). Penguins,
for instance, have been found to resist the tendency to respond more aggres-
sively to territorial incursions near to their mate if members of their own kin
group are involved. When relatedness is low within or between competing
groups, then both conflicts and an overt lack of altruism are more apparent
(Barash 1980: 174). Third, apparently altruistic behaviour may serve the
evolutionary purposes of the group as a whole – the protection of which is
vital for the selection of mates, the continuation of the gene pool and thus
inclusive fitness maximisation. Wynne-Edwards noted in 1962 that many
species reduce, or even abandon, reproduction when population densities
begin to pressurise the availability of resources – a ‘natural’ adjustment re-
lated to Malthusian notions of ‘balance’. However, in order to prevent a
situation in which the altruistic simply die out, considerable cultural ad-
aptation, or ‘epigenesis’, is required. This is defined by Albert Somit as ‘a
biologically transmitted tendency, evolved over the history of a species to
learn, recognize, or behave in one fashion rather than another when faced
with appropriate environmental stimuli’ (1990: 562). It is particularly obvi-
ous in the human propensity for cooperation and reciprocity which, born
of ‘extreme selective pressures’ upon our ancestors (for whom ‘organized
food gathering and hunts [we]re successful only if each member of the group
knows his task and joins in with the activity of his fellows’), have ‘become
embedded to some degree in our genetic make-up’ (Leaky and Lewin 1977:
A fundamental epigenetic limitation upon human altruism is said to be fa-
miliarity (Ardrey 1970: 15). Necessary to underpin most social systems and
likely to have originated in the small, extended family structures of ancestral
humankind, it demarcates in-groups from out-groups. According to some,
‘this xenophobic principle has been documented in virtually every group of
animals displaying higher forms of social organization’ (Wilson 1975: 249)
and is thus likely to have a genetic basis which, as interaction becomes more
heterogeneous, is being slowly eliminated (Rushton et al. 1985; Silverman
1987). Presently, familiarity outside kinship is thought to involve five ‘rec-
ognition markers’: physical appearance, descent, language, homeland and
74 Innate
religion (Shaw and Wong 1989: 110). As these are held to act as inhibitors to
aggression, it is predicted that diverse societies – particularly those in which
overcrowding exacerbates territorialism – will be high on conflict and low
on reciprocity. David Barash, for instance, proposes that ‘a high immigration
rate means, in general, a lower relatedness between individuals, which in
turn means less altruism and more competitiveness’ (1980: 174). Moreover,
affiliation to in-groups can form a basis for tribal and national identities,
providing considerable mobilising potential for inclusive fitness maximisa-
tion. This has important implications for both the ways in which social mo-
bilisation occurs during conflicts (to be discussed further in Chapter 8) and
the processes of ‘otherisation’ outlined in Chapter 4. It has also been used
to explain the ethnic nature of politics in sub-Saharan Africa, the efficacy of
organised religion and the urge for national self-determination.
To prevent such groupings from become cleavages upon which violent
conflict may be grounded, Shaw and Wong conclude that cultural structures
and ‘incentives must be introduced to foster and protect inclusive fitness pri-
orities’ (1989: 110). Indeed, as David Barash notes, because human beings
have a ‘unique dichotomous nature as both biological and cultural creatures’
(1977: 318), ‘social evolution . . . [can] counter individual selfish tendencies
which biological evolution has continued to select as a result of . . . genetic
competition’ (Campbell 1975: 1115). In most socio-biological accounts of
human behaviour, however, this countering action takes many generations
to take effect and, even then, there is, in Wilson’s words, a limit ‘beyond
which biological evolution will begin to pull cultural evolution back to itself ’
(1978: 80). In 1981, in a book co-authored with Charles Lumsden, Wilson
developed this notion of an intrinsic tension between biological and cultural
processes into what has been termed ‘the leash principle’. Here, the human
‘dog’ is restrained by the genetic ‘master’ through a cultural leash. The task
for socio-biologists was now to determine the length of this leash – or the ex-
tent to which ‘culturgens’ can modify genetically predetermined behavioural
tendencies. Such elasticity has allowed Wilson and others to respond to the
severe criticisms that his and other socio-biological work began to attract
during the 1980s and 1990s (looked at in Chapter 6) with less deterministic
models of human behaviour (White 1999). In his more recent writing, for
instance, Wilson claims that

culture is created by the communal mind, and each mind in turn is the
product of the genetically structured human brain. Genes and culture
are therefore inseverably [sic] linked . . . . The mind grows from birth
to death by absorbing parts of the existing culture available to it, with
selection guided through epigenetic rules inherited by the individual
brain . . . . The quicker the pace of cultural evolution, the looser the
connection between genes and culture, although the connection is never
completely broken.
(1998: 127–8)
Innate 75
Culture, historiography and ancient hatreds
Socio-biology’s turn towards culture is born, in part, of the perennial prob-
lem of variation. It has long been noted that conflict ‘does not invariably or
universally lead to the same behaviour’ and that some societies display both
higher frequencies and greater intensities of violence (Boring et al. 1939:
163). Indeed, as a subset of human action, conflict is relatively infrequent.
While each of us may have disputes with other individuals quite regularly,
aggressive behaviour is, for most people in most cultures, quite unusual and
violence is rarer still. This is even true of the vast majority of XYY men (well
over 90 per cent) who never acquire a conviction for violent crime and who
respond well to interactive therapy (Manning 1989: 54–5). Indeed, as Keith
Webb observes, modern people probably spend more time watching televi-
sion than behaving aggressively, yet nobody is arguing that this is born of an
innate propensity (1992). Moreover, at the state level, the majority of coun-
tries have experienced a declining rate of warfare over the last few centuries,
despite considerable rises in human population (Levy and Morgan 1984). In
fact, across the global system as a whole, the incidence of large-scale wars
may be cyclical rather than deterministically constant – a proposition ex-
plored in Chapter 10 (Väyrynen 1987). In all, this suggests that ‘whatever
the bases of human aggression, it is within the capacity of humans to do
away with it’, or at least prevent its expression (Goldstein 1989: 15).
For psychologists and social scientists supportive of the innateness para-
digm, the societal provision of individual cathartic releases may be one such
way to prevent the expression of inner aggressive drivers. Here, psychoanaly-
sis and the work of Sigmund Freud are important. He argued that individuals
are born with an inherently self-destructive tendency, Thanatos, which works
‘to reduce life to its primal state of inert matter’ – the evolutionary origins of
humanity, in other words (quoted in Strachey 1964: 75). Buried deep within
the unconscious id (over which biological and cultural evolution has laid a
thin veneer), the influence of Thanatos is, it is argued, reduced by displacing
its destructive qualities on to other individuals, thereby causing conflict (Kull
1990). Society must, Freud argued, institutionalise cultural practices that can
offer a functional outlet for pent-up emotion. This remains an important
idea today and underpins much of the justification for competitive, including
violent, sports as providers of a ‘satisfactory outlet for the instinctive aggres-
sive drive’ (Menninger cited in Berkowitz 1990: 30).
Other writers argue that the cathartic control of inner aggression can be
bolstered by developing complex social structures of dominance, defined as
the ‘probability that the dominant animal will have preferential access to
some good to which both animals aspire’ (Somit and Peterson 1997: 52).
While also providing an enhanced means of reproductive success (for those
who are on top), these structures serve ‘to contain male aggressiveness and
subordinate it to the needs of the group’ (Corning 1971: 342). They do so
by increasing the predictability of social relations and by obviating the need
76 Innate
for continual disputes over resource access (Jolly 1985). As ‘stark coercion,
unsupported by other devices, is usually unsuccessful over time’, it is con-
cluded that dominance has evolved in order to ensure that male aggression is
contained by norms of obedience and authority (Wilkinson 1969: 8). While
modified by regime variation in a constant struggle between the strong and
the weak, such an iron law of oligarchy is considered to be universal, ineluc-
table and, insofar as it ensures passivity, socially functional (Frank 1985).
The failure of some societies to institutionalise cultural patterns that con-
trol, or provide functional outlets for, male aggression is often seen as a
fundamental explanation of substate level violence. Group formations are,
for observers adopting this approach to conflict analysis, ‘controlled prima-
rily by the values, norms, or duties imposed by the sociocultural structure
. . . distantly related to the basic propensities of individuals on which natu-
ral selection operated’ (Hinde 1993: 49). As Umberto Melotti notes of the
work of the evolutionary biologists, Richard Alexander and Gerald Borgia

culture is the great unbalancer that reinforces human tendencies to live

and compete in groups and to engage in an unusual (and unusually fero-
cious) group-against-group competition. Murder and war are likely to
keep recurring only when their perpetrators are likely to gain, or at least
believe that they will gain. Therefore, these phenomena are essentially
human practices because culture alone leads frequently to imbalances
that make such all-out aggression apparently profitable.
(1987: 101–2)

So, as conflict causality is seen as innately embedded in the cultures of

the protagonists, it is often treated in isolation from political or economic
concerns (Harrison 2000: 296–9). The maxim that ‘neither a democratic
nor a capitalist economy is conceivable apart from certain cultural and moral
habits’ leads to the view that, in some ‘cultures, people do not strive for
progress or development’ regardless of changes in their socio-economic
position (Novak 2001: 169). The developing world is seen as especially
guilty of not institutionalising functional systems of cathartic release and
domination. Of the 29 countries identified by Albert Somit and Steven Pe-
terson as having successfully channelled their citizenry’s genetic propensity
for conflict and violence into functional forms of dominance and catharsis
(liberal democracies in other words), only four are from the South and just
Botswana is from Africa (1997: 42). Faced with the ‘powerful, immovable
culture’ upon which his continent’s perpetual recidivism is said to be based,
Daniel Etounga-Manguelle, a former World Bank adviser from Cameroon,
asks ‘what can we do to change Africa’s destiny’ (quoted in Huntington
1996: 75; see also Etounga-Manguelle 2000)?
An important representative of this view is the American travel writer
turned social scientist, Robert Kaplan. His article entitled ‘The Coming An-
Innate 77
archy’ published in Atlantic Monthly in 1994 so impressed the White House
that it was, according to Richard Holbrooke, faxed to every American em-
bassy in the world (1999). In it, Kaplan claims that West Africa, defined in
terms of ‘disease, overpopulation, unprovoked crime, scarcity of resources,
refugee migrations, the increasing erosion of nation-states and international
borders, and the empowerment of private armies, security firms, and inter-
national drug cartels’, represents a general vision of the future (1994: 46).
Later, in a book extending this thesis, Kaplan explains how such a situation
has come to pass: ‘in places where the Western Enlightenment has not pen-
etrated and where there has always been mass poverty, people find liberation
in violence’ (2000: 45). Such a pessimistic characterisation of non-Western
culture, coupled with a reading of his earlier (and similarly deterministic)
account of Balkan historiography, has proven especially influential in the
analysis of civil wars (1993). It was, for example, seemingly instrumental in
persuading the Clinton administration that the Yugoslav conflagration of the
1990s was an unavoidable consequence of ‘ancient hatreds’ and therefore
best ignored (Tuastad 2003: 598).
Indeed, straddling Muslim, Slavic-Orthodox and Western civilisational
fault lines, it was all but inevitable that a shift in geopolitical power of the
scale of the Soviet Union’s implosion would release, within the substate
groups of the Balkans, ‘a scramble for turf between . . . the inheritors of
Rome, Byzantium and Islam’ motivated by ‘ancient political feuds as antago-
nistic and passionate as ever’ (Gati 1992: 65; Ajami 1993: 7). Accordingly,
these disputes were seen as a result not of contemporary political inculca-
tion, but of the ‘defrosting’ of innate animosities which the Moscow-backed
federation had ‘officially suppressed but never fully extinguished’ (Snow
1996: 38; Wimmer 2004: 3). Once awoken from this ‘communist-inspired
sleep’, large-scale violence was ‘inevitably resurgent given the almost genetic
propensity to violence of the Balkan peoples’ (Kaplan cited in Mueller 2000:
44; Finney 2002: 2). With such reasoning, it is only possible to conclude that
‘the people of central and eastern Europe will go on living in countries . . .
inspired by xenophobic nationalism and intolerance’ (Hobsbawm 1997: 6).
At another level of analysis, the state, the influences of innate cultural
features have interested analysts of geopolitics. The notion of a ‘strategic
culture’, for instance, emerged during the 1970s as a challenge to realism’s
primary focus on international influences in the decision-making process of
state elites – a topic considered at length in Chapter 9 (Rosen 1995: 8–14).
Defined as ‘a nation’s traditions, values, attitudes, patterns of behaviour,
habits, symbols, achievements and particular ways of adapting to the en-
vironment . . . with respect to the threat or use of force’, it produces ‘a
historically imposed inertia on choice [which] makes strategy less responsive
to specific contingencies’ (Booth 1990: 121; Johnston 1995: 34). While the
degree to which these features influence conflictive behaviour varies con-
siderably from writer to writer, some have constructed highly deterministic
accounts of state strategy in which rational reactivity and organisational
78 Innate
mutability are severely limited by the innately acquired cultural baggage of
political elites. Colin Gray, for instance, portrays a homogeneous American
leadership for whom a deeply ingrained respect for humanity made a nuclear
exchange during the Cold War unthinkable (1981). Comparable studies of
Soviet strategy concluded that innate societal structures, ethnic characteris-
tics, Bolshevism and historical experience produced an executive marked by
an absence of restraint and a propensity for grand offensive strategies includ-
ing a nuclear assault (Pipes 1977; Jones 1990). A fixed account of culture
is, in both cases, seen as the most efficacious way ‘to explain the persistence
of distinctive approaches in the face of disconfirming evidence as well as
distinctive patterns of learning that are coloured by pre-existing institutions
and ideas’ (Snyder 1990: 7).
Using such an approach can, it is claimed, cast light on very long-term
intractable conflicts in which geopolitical power, language, civilisational his-
tory, religion, ethnicity, colonialism and minority rights play a part. These
features have, as Table 5.1 illustrates, been identified as part of the dynamics
of the Iran–Iraq rivalry, which escalated to war in the 1980s. These com-
parators, which can be compared with Table 2.3 in Chapter 2, reveal the
enduring efficacy of ancient legacies. The antediluvian rivalry of two of the
world’s oldest Powers rests upon primordial enmities over historiography
(the violence of the Shia schism, the Abbasid takeover of the Umayyad dy-
nasty, the contest between the Safawid and Ottoman empires and differing

Table 5.1 The strategic culture of the Iran–Iraq war

Iran Iraq
Persia long competed for influence in the Babylonia long competed for influence
Middle East in the Middle East
Farsi and its sister language, Urdu, were/ The Qur’an was revealed in Arabic,
are the languages of education in much the language of Iraq, and to an Arab
of central Asia and the subcontinent prophet. It is obligatory for Muslims to
learn Arabic
Iran became one of the great Shia Iraq became one of the great Sunni
civilisations civilisations
Marked by resentment over the deaths Resentful over Shia attitudes to some
of Imam Ali and Imam Hussein at the early Muslim leaders such as Umar al-
hands of Arabs in Iraq in the seventh Khattab and Aisha as-Siddiqi
Disdainful of perceived Arab tendency Disdainful of perceived Iranian
towards excessive legalism in Islam tendency towards excessive mysticism
in Islam
Competed with Ottoman control of Iraq Important part of Ottoman resistance to
for 400 years the Persian Empire
Proud of never having been colonised by Suffered the humiliation of colonialism
the West after the First World War
Unhappy about the treatment of Shias in Unhappy about the treatment of Iranian
Iraq for a long time Arabs for a long time
Innate 79
experiences of Western imperialism), culture (the different interpretations of
Islamic exegeses), language (the Arab claim of linguistic and religious ‘purity’
versus the ‘refinement’ of urban Farsi), land (the administration of Iranian
‘Arabistan’ and Iraqi ‘Khuzistan’) and race (the Semites of Iraq opposed to
the Indo-Europeans of Persia) (Grummon 1982; Ismael 1982; Ali 1984).
At the systemic level, the foremost account of the cultural innateness of
such atavism is, perhaps, Samuel Huntington’s ‘clash of civilisations’ thesis.
First formulated in 1993, it argued that, in the new world order of the post-
Cold War era,

the great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of con-
flict will be cultural. . . . [T]he principal conflicts of global politics will
occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. . . . These
include Western, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox,
Latin American and possibly African civilizations.
(Huntington 1993: 22, 25)

In a subsequent book of the same name, he defines culture both by ‘com-

mon objective elements, such as language, history, religion, customs, institu-
tions, and by the subjective self-identification of people’, of which religion
is the most important (1996: 43). Of these, David Welch presciently notes,
‘Huntington dwelt at length on his (and, arguably, the American people’s)
favorite future foe: Islam’ – a predisposition which has, unsurprisingly,
enjoyed something of a revival since the attacks on the Pentagon and the
World Trade Center in 2001 (1997: 198). In Ervand Abrahamian’s words,
‘the mainstream media in the USA automatically, implicitly and unanimously
adopted Huntington’s paradigm to explain September 11’, thereby sending
his book to the top of the bestseller list (Abrahamian 2005: 529). Even now,
in 2007, it remains in Amazon’s top 4,000 (out of more than 2 million titles).
The result has been a mainstreaming of previously more marginal discourses
in which Muslim culture is seen as immutably incompatible with the West
and innately prone to irrational outbursts of anger and envy (a proposi-
tion apparently confirmed by the suicidal nature of the 2001 mission). For
instance, Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri are said to represent a
‘nihilistic subculture’ leading an ‘assault on civilisation’ with the ultimate
aim of ‘seek[ing] martyrdom’ in a cathartic venting of ‘Muslim rage’, which
the inherently repressive nature of their faith prevents them from expressing
functionally (Kelly 2001: 2; New York Review of Books 17 January 2002).
In this sense, ‘the new barbarian threat, like that of old, grows out of civi-
lisational backwardness’, concludes Brink Lindsey from the Cato Institute
(National Review Online 27 November 2002).
Is there any empirical support for such claims, though? Considerable
amounts of evidence contradicting Huntington’s assertion (citing Akbar (see
2002 for his thesis)) that, ‘on both sides, the interaction between Islam and
the West is seen as a clash of civilizations’ (1993: 23) have been provided
80 Innate
by Midlarsky (1998) and by Norris and Inglehart (2002). Although, in Mid-
larsky’s study, a majority of adherents to Islam within the states he looks
at is found to influence the type of incumbent regime, religious criteria are
less significant than factors such as economic development. This leads him
to conclude that ‘there are certain compatibilities between democracy and
Islam that deny the mutual exclusivity hypothesis’ favoured by Huntington
and others, thereby making civilisational conflict ‘not likely in the foresee-
able future’ (Midlarsky 1998: 505). The latter study utilises the World Values
Survey to compare the beliefs of individuals from 75 Muslim and non-Mus-
lim countries. The result ‘suggests striking similarities in the political values
held in these societies’, prompting the authors to ‘urge strong caution in
generalizing from the type of regime to the state of public opinion’ (Norris
and Inglehart 2002: 1, 16). Indeed, quantitative data suggest that the vast
majority of large-scale wars have been fought over specific issues such as re-
sources, boundaries, international law and so on, rather than supranational
ideological concerns (Holsti 1991).
The Huntington thesis has thus been widely criticised for failing to ex-
plain why some states fight each other, but others do not. ‘Civilisational
clashes’ have, for instance, been identified throughout history: between As-
syria and Sumer, Rome and Persia, Spain and the Maghreb, the Ottoman
and Habsburg Empires, and France and Germany. Yet, despite bloody pasts,
these relationships currently suffer from relatively modest levels of conflict.
Indeed, according to Melvin Small and J. David Singer, there were almost
twice as many intracivilisational as intercivilisational wars (resulting in over
three times the loss of life) between 1816 and 1980 (1982). This calls into
question the very notion of homogeneous civilisational blocs. Here, Hunt-
ington’s monolithic characterisation of Islam has been particularly pilloried
– especially given the fact that he cited Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait
as an example of a cultural challenge to the West despite the Iraqi regime’s
overt secularism and the instrumental role Saudi Arabia (presumably a key
element in Huntington’s vision of the obscurant Muslim ‘other’) played in
supporting the Western response. His assertions that Islam is uniquely bel-
ligerent and moving towards ever greater radicalism are also of doubtful
validity. While evidence from India, the United States, Sri Lanka, Israel and
Central America suggests that each of the world’s religions is home to ex-
tremist groups, the overall picture is one of growing worldwide secularism
(Mottahedeh 1995).
Indeed, it would appear that many of the features that Huntington as-
cribes to civilisational difference – communitarianism versus individualism,
kinship status versus meritocracy, gender roles and so on – actually have
more relevance to substate groups than to international relations. Even here,
though, violence within groups is more common than violence between them
– within families, within villages, within ethnic groups, within states and so
on (Gurr 1994). In Bosnia, for instance, Cynthia Enloe has found that, in
Innate 81
1991, 34 per cent of all Sarajevo’s marriages were multiethnic (2000: 142),
while 85 per cent of Serbian reservists refused to be called up for military
action (Denitch 1994: 63). Rather than an explosion of innately pent-up
rage, then, it may be that Yugoslavia was ‘deliberately and systemically killed
off by men who had nothing to gain and everything to lose from a peaceful
transition’ following the fall of the Soviet regime (Silber and Little 1995:
xxiii). Rudolf Rizman, for instance, argues that the collapse of communism’s
ideologically constructed and repressively maintained internal class enemy
produced a political vacuum in which the radical right’s search for moral
safety filled the resultant ‘psychological gap by introducing new lists of en-
emies toward whom the people should address their hatred’ (1999: 149).
Each of Yugoslavia’s national communities was encouraged ‘to imagine itself
as an “endangered species” that urgently needed its own state in order to
protect itself from other “species” ’ (Pesic 1996: 11; Judah 1997). This con-
structed and instrumental explanation of the Balkan conflagration is, for
many, more convincing than Kaplan’s deterministic account of ‘a region of
pure memory’, in which it was ‘only a matter of time’ before grievances
flared up (Kaplan 1991: 104; New York Review of Books 18 April 1993).
Indeed, this latter position, like its socio-biological cousin, tends to re-
inforce the idea of difference, leaving little room for progressive change
and potentially promoting the forces of reaction. As Patrick Finney notes
of eastern Europe, the ‘tragic irony is that this representation of the causes
of violence in the Balkans exactly reproduced the logic of the most extreme
nationalist demagogues in the region who for their own purposes wished
to declare ethnic co-existence an impossibility’ (2002: 3). As such, it is, in
the eyes of many, ‘irresponsible and factually irrelevant to write off ethnic
conflict as inevitable and unmanageable’ (Ross 2000: 152). Moreover, in
accepting that the search for successful multiethnic societies is futile, Ka-
plan’s position also serves to legitimise inaction. After all, if conflicts ‘are
understood as no more than settled history or human nature rearing its ugly
head, then there is nothing that can be done in the present to resolve the
tension except repress or ignore such struggles’ (Campbell 1998: 84). In-
deed, if violence and conflict are eternal and immutable, the best that can
be hoped for in policy terms is, like the greed thesis discussed in Chapter
8, a programme of defensive securitisation. It is unsurprising, then, that a
perennial preoccupation of innate models of conflict is a call for an om-
nipotent leviathan to mitigate humanity’s ‘perpetual and restless desire for
power’ (Hobbes quoted in Hogenraad 2005: 151). This was, for instance,
voiced in the seventeenth century and, during the 1990s, in the form of a call
for Washington to impose ‘a national policy of democratic indoctrination’
aimed at alleviating a litany of American ills born of individuals’ innate pro-
pensities (Somit and Peterson 1997: 111). Paul Shaw and Yuwa Wong reach
the similar conclusion that, at the international level, a ‘world government
[or] some management force’ imposed by ‘a conquest state’ will be necessary
82 Innate
to save humanity from its innately self-destructive inclination and impose
a ‘truly monumental’ re-education programme ‘at least over the next few
generations’ (1989: 208–9).
This self-contradictory tendency of fundamentally static accounts of the
human condition to include calls for extensive social change has become
a way of offsetting their more deterministic features. Nature and nurture
debates are thus held to be made commensurate by the inclusion of cultural
adaptation (Lloyd and Feldman 2002). Variation in human behaviour in gen-
eral, and violent conflict in particular, is therefore explicable by a complex
interaction between the socially acquired and the natural – a position which
has the happy corollary of absorbing all forms of social learning and thus
resisting falsification (Miller 1986). As we shall see in the next chapter, how-
ever, this is not a coherent conflation of the two positions. That the social
environment plays a part in determining human behaviour is undeniably
obvious. The acknowledgement of this fact does not, therefore, move the
writer on from the characterisation of violent conflict as an innate dispo-
sition. Simply accepting that internal processes are subject to extraneous
modifications during expression cannot approach its tabula rasa antithesis
– the idea that all human behaviour is socially acquired.
Consequently, the conflation of cultural adaptation and biological evolu-
tion has not succeeded in obviating the detractions of those who do not
regard violent conflict to be a part of ‘human nature’. For many writers,
such a premise is based on a confused representation of our organic environ-
ment in which nature is associated with an incongruous blend of pristine
simplicity and uniform regularity. In fact, Keith Webb suggests, the notion
of ‘the natural’ is actually a normative supposition masquerading as, and
obfuscated by, a discourse of empirics and ‘hard’ science (1992: 79–83).
Are infectious diseases, insect plagues, droughts and violence to be regarded
as natural, he enquires, while homosexuality, immunisation, peace, clothes,
ungrateful children and selflessness are seen as (despite the frequency with
which they are observed) unnatural? Choosing organisms from the natural
world to study because they demonstrate some of the behaviour and func-
tions of human life is, for Webb, no more likely to be illuminating than, in
an analysis of transportation, to use a wheelbarrow to study an aeroplane.
‘Hence’, Webb concludes,

it is an error to suggest that man is ‘only’ or ‘merely’ a more complex

kind of animal, first, because there is a qualitative difference between the
most advanced primates and man, and secondly, because in the speci-
fication of characteristics, those that are shared would not adequately
characterise man. . . . [T]hose things that essentially characterize the hu-
man species – moral behaviour, inventiveness, symbolism etc. – are so
far divorced from anything observed in the animal world that any such
comparison is foolish.
(1992: 81)
Innate 83
There is certainly a considerable amount of evidence to support such a
conclusion. As long ago as the mid-1970s, many ethnographers and anthro-
pologists were compiling extensive studies undermining many of ethology’s
and socio-biology’s fundamental tenets (Peter and Petryszak 1980: 45–8).
Marshall Sahlins, for instance, rejected Wilson’s account of human kin selec-
tion based on biological fitness in favour of ‘the entirely different calculus
. . . [of] an egotistically conceived natural selection’ (1977: 57). Similarly,
the oft-reported tendency of animals (and therefore humans) to fight with
greater intensity in proximity to their home territory has been brought into
question by the work of Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, whose explanation rests
on perhaps more plausible matters of logistics, the maintenance of technol-
ogy, morale, national interests and the unfamiliarity of terrain (1981). In-
deed, humans can, uniquely, overcome the fight-or-flight mechanism and, in
conscientious objection for example, choose a pacific response that is neither
surrender nor aggression. Similarly, evidence abounds that other apparently
evolutionary imperatives can also be surmounted. Sustenance requirements
can be modified by dieting, fasting or, in hunger striking, conquered alto-
gether. Sexual behaviour has become detached from procreative functions
and can also be reduced or eliminated through solitude or celibacy. In fact,
all socio-biology can tell us with any certainty is that people are likely to eat
and to copulate. This rather acute limitation has convinced many that, even
if some social attributes are acquired through evolution, they are so heav-
ily overlaid with culture as to be no longer genetically driven. Aggressive
behaviour, violence and organised conflict may be, in other words, ‘learned
from others, primarily through socialization and enculturation, involving
both teaching and learning by observation’ – the underlying premise of the
next chapter (Segall 1989: 173).

This chapter has considered the idea that conflict is in natus, or present at
birth. A bedrock of the West’s analysis of the ‘ethnic’ conflicts of the South
and frequently implied in many other studies of contemporary conflict, this
basic premise has its roots in Christian theology and the notion of trans-
ferable sin. Two bodies of work have been focused upon here. Although
derived from a wide range of different disciplines and traditions, both draw
on the acute impact that violent conflict has on the human psyche and the
intense pessimism it can engender. Their basic postulate, that the innateness
of the human propensity for conflict makes violence an inevitable aspect of
social interaction, is sustained by socio-biology’s scientific aura, which has
remained an important part of the social sciences for much of the last 100
years. After all, refutation is, as Gerhard Lenski observes, difficult given the
widely held belief that many social studies from outside the tradition of ex-
perimental science lack ‘substantive conceptual links to established theories
in other scientific disciplines [and are not] . . . falsifiable in the same unam-
biguous manner as theories in the natural sciences’ (1988: 163).
84 Innate
The first section above looked at the biology of the human body, its evolu-
tionary origins as well as its neurological, psychological and hormonal func-
tions. The emergence of the discipline of socio-biology, as the inheritor of
Christianity’s understanding of the human tendency to violence, was traced
alongside an account of its early and contemporary applications to the social
sciences. Darwin’s work, along with eugenics, genetics and ethology, was
considered with a particular focus on the causes of conflict within human
society. Especially important here are notions of dominance, altruism and
kin recognition. These have been subject to concerted challenges seeking
to rebut some of their more illiberal findings and to question the authority
of natural scientists to carry social research, given the fact that they have
spent several hundred years unsuccessfully endeavouring to elucidate the
general laws they so frequently claim guide human society (Jacoby 2004a).
Although frequently dismissed as an unscholarly attack orchestrated by ‘the
poets and artists among us’, they have, nevertheless, obliged socio-biolo-
gists to incorporate more aspects of cultural adaptation (Blalock 1984: 25).
Ideas such as the leash principle and the inclusive fitness of dominance and
cathartic release have consequently been used to elaborate models of conflict
and violence that emphasise adaptive influences.
The second body of work examined in this chapter relates to the way in
which culture and historiography are understood as causes of violent con-
flict. Although this literature frequently owes its foundational assumptions
to the ‘hard’ sciences of Darwin and his successors, it is, especially in its
populist forms (from journalists and politicians), more commonly applied to
the seemingly intractable dynamics of the ‘new wars’ introduced in Chapter
1. As the sustained popularity of Huntington’s clash of civilisations thesis
demonstrates (particularly since the attacks on Washington and New York
of 2001), however, the idea of immutable cultural forces driving individuals
to commit organised acts of violence does not only serve to explain substate
conflicts. History also weighs heavily upon the level of the system which,
in this characterisation, is marked by a millennial struggle between an in-
herently reasonable West and the immutable barbarism of the (frequently
Muslim) ‘other’. Here, the function of culture is quite different from the
models looked at in the next chapter. Rather than formed by the settling of
generations of broadly unchanging social practices, these regard culture as
requiring constant substantiation and legitimisation in order to exert an in-
fluence on human behaviour. As individual action is not linked to hereditary
endowments, conflict and violence are, as we shall see, regarded primarily as
heuristic responses to contingent changes in the social environment.
6 Learnt

As we saw in the previous chapter, it has long been agreed that most forms
of aggressive behaviour are influenced by learning. As early as the 1950s, the
zoologist John Paul Scott was able to conclude that, among dogs, ‘the mo-
tivation for fighting is strongly increased by its success, and that the longer
success continues, the stronger the motivation’ (1958: 194). Today,

no one seems to deny that learning is critically involved in the acquisi-

tion and maintenance of hostile and aggressive modes of behavior. There
is considerable disagreement and controversy, however, with regard to
the adequacy of explanatory attempts that rest solely or primarily on the
basic learning paradigms.
(van der Dennen 2005: 1)

It is these latter attempts that will make up the focus of this chapter. In many
ways, they are summed up in the Seville Statement on Violence of 1986.
Signed by 20 scientists from 12 countries and from a wide range of disci-
plines, it put forward five basic postulates:

1 that we have not ‘inherited a tendency to make war from our animal
2 that ‘war or any other violent behavior is not genetically programmed
into our human nature’;
3 that it is ‘incorrect to say that in the course of human evolution there
has been a selection for aggressive behavior more than for other kinds
of behavior’;
4 that it is ‘incorrect to say that humans have a “violent brain” ’; and
5 that war is not ‘caused by “instinct” or any single motivation’.
(UNESCO 1986).

Although the Seville Statement offers an account of what the causes of

violent conflict are not, it omits to include any alternative suggestions. This
chapter seeks to redress this by looking at ways of viewing conflict causal-
86 Learnt
ity that do not regard innate influences as of primary importance. Instead,
environmental cues and stimuli are seen as the fundamental causal element
in human behaviour generally and in violent conflict particularly. Although
many socio-biologists and cultural determinists accept that learning from
experience is crucial to a full understanding of social interaction, much of
the work discussed below explicitly rejects an active role for intrinsic factors,
leading to numerous important, and frequently tangential, points of depar-
ture between the two schools. This chapter explores, first, work derived
from the behaviourist school of social psychology. In particular, it focuses
on studies of peer pressure, authority and modelling as examples of the way
in which the violent behaviour of individuals may be conditioned through
reinforcement and deterrence. These studies have been especially important
to constructivism, the focus of the second section. Here, the concern is to
understand the ways in which conditioning occurs collectively – in other
words, the means through which group identities are created, consolidated
and used as a basis for violent conflict. These considerations have proved to
be of particular interest to analysts of conflict and gender, the focus of the
third section. Drawn from a wide range of disciplines, this writing empha-
sises both sexual differences and compatibilities in the study of violence at
various levels of analysis. While these three broad areas of study represent
a disparate and heterogeneous body of work, their common distinguishing
thread is a focus on socially learnt or environmentally acquired behavioural

Social learning
Theories of social learning generally work from the premise that behaviour
in general and aggression in particular are acquired from the environment
through conditioning rather than driven by innate features of human physi-
ology or psychology. Such an idea is far from new. Edward Thorndike pre-
empted the work of more famous behaviourists (such as Burrhus Skinner’s
analysis of external stimuli (1938)) with his studies of trial and error asso-
ciation published in 1898. According to this, and a growing body of more
recent literature, behaviour can be conditioned in two ways. First, condi-
tioning may occur directly through rewards and punishments experienced
as part of an internalised process of heuristic experimentation. For instance,
studies have found that children who respond aggressively to school bul-
lying are more likely to increase their aggressiveness if they perceive the
response to be successful – if, in other words, the bullying ceases (Fox and
Boulton 2003). This may be taken as an indication of the reinforcing effects
of either the reduction of annoyance or the attainment of a reward. Either
way, aggression is reinforced not by satisfiers inherent to the aggressive act
itself, but by its capacity to meet an individual’s immediate needs which,
in most cases, are not biologically essential (Tapper and Boulton 2005). As
such, aggression is, according to many writers, deployed selectively in order
Learnt 87
to obtain a reward such as wealth, prestige or status, the value of which is,
itself, reinforced by social learning mechanisms. This can be offset by nega-
tive punishment in the form of the withdrawal of a reinforcing influence or
positive punishments such as the imposition of noxious sanctions. In Thorn-
dike’s early experiments, positive punishments were regarded as a symmetri-
cal influence upon response – carrots persuade, sticks dissuade (1932). More
recently, however, it has been widely accepted that the effectiveness of both
forms of punishment depends largely on the identity of the punisher and on
the punisher’s assessment of desert. If the former lacks authority and legiti-
macy or the latter is found to be arbitrary and unwarranted, aggression is
unlikely to be inhibited and may, in fact, be exacerbated or even instigated
(Pisano and Taylor 1971).
The importance of legitimacy and authority in modifying behaviour has
been famously demonstrated by the experiments of Solomon Asch and his
student Stanley Milgram. The former presented a number of individuals (of
whom all but one – the subject – had been prebriefed) with a flipchart upon
which were drawn two lines of various lengths and two of identical lengths.
He then asked each individual to tell the group which the identical lines
were, leaving the uninformed subject until last. In keeping with Asch’s earlier
instructions, each individual initially identified the two identical lines cor-
rectly with the subject following suit. After some time, however, the group,
again as instructed, all began to identify two obviously different-sized lines
as identical, thereby pressuring the subject and causing them to doubt their
own judgement. During 12 trials, 76 per cent of subjects went along with the
groups’ incorrect selections. When the experiment was repeated, first, using
a secret ballot and, second, with another individual going against the group,
the subject always identified the correct answer. Thus Asch concluded that
individuals do not simply follow crowds blindly; rather, they assess the level
of disapproval they are likely to face from challenging established, legitimate
and authoritative norms (1951). If this can be mollified by political elites,
then, as Chapter 4 revealed, the construction of internal foes and the pursuit
of overseas distractions can be successfully deployed to buttress their leader-
ship positions.
Stanley Milgram was interested in the extent to which this kind of social
pressure could instigate violence (1963). He was inspired by the trial of
Adolf Eichmann, who, having been responsible for the transportation and
extermination of German Jews during much of the Second World War, had
been captured by Israeli agents in Argentina in 1960 and returned to Jerusa-
lem for prosecution. The world’s media were in attendance and struggled to
explain why he had done such terrible things: was he a deranged monster,
as much of the press suggested, or, as Eichmann himself claimed, was he an
ordinary person simply following orders for which he was not responsible
(Wistrich 1997)? In order to examine the credibility of Eichmann’s defence,
Milgram placed a newspaper advertisement offering US$4.50 for one hour’s
participation in what was called a psychology experiment investigating
88 Learnt
memory and learning. Respondents (identified as ‘S’ in Figure 6.1) were in-
troduced to a stern-looking experimenter in a white coat (‘E’) and a friendly
co-subject (‘A’), both of whom had been selected and briefed by Milgram.
Fabricated lots were drawn to ensure that the subject ‘S’ took on the role
of ‘teacher’ and the co-subject ‘A’ (who was taken to an adjoining room,
strapped to a chair and attached to a fake electrode) was to be the ‘learner’.
The former was taken to a desk containing a generator, instructed to read a
list of word pairs and then told to ask the ‘learner’ to read them back. If the
‘learner’ responded correctly, the ‘teacher’ should move on to the next word
but, in the case of an incorrect response, the ‘teacher’ was directed to deliver
an electric shock to the ‘learner’ using the equipment provided. This had 30
labelled switches in 15-volt increments up to 450 volts. Each switch also had
a rating, ranging from ‘slight shock’ to ‘danger: severe shock’ (Blass 2004).
The ‘teacher’ was told to increase the shock each time the ‘learner’ missed
a word in the list (the equipment was, of course, harmless and the ‘learner’
was an actor feigning electrocution). Once the ‘teacher’ had been assured
that the experimenter assumed full authority for the consequences of the ex-
periment, 65 per cent delivered the maximum 450 volts, and none stopped
before reaching 300 volts – demonstrating that, even in liberal democracies,

Figure 6.1 The set-up of Milgram’s experiment on obedience and authority. Source:
Redrawn from
Learnt 89
people are willing to obey authority figures and commit acts of violence that
they would normally find morally repugnant (Harrington 2004: 56; Post
A second type of conditioning may occur vicariously through the obser-
vation of models, which, if successful, have ‘the effect of a positive rein-
forcement on the viewer’ and, if unsuccessful, have a deterring outcome
(Björkqvist 1997a: 32). Current writing in this area of social psychology
owes much to the work of Albert Bandura. In his formulation, knowledge
about the likely result of aggressive behaviour is acquired by witnessing its
consequences upon others. This was demonstrated in a series of experiments
using Bobo dolls (Bandura et al. 1961). These were large toys that were
filmed being beaten and abused by adults. This was then shown to three
groups of children accompanied by three different endings. The first film
showed the adult being rewarded for his aggressive behaviour, the second
showed the adult being punished and the third showed no consequences.
The children who watched the video in which the person was rewarded for
his actions were found to be more likely to duplicate the behaviour than
those children who witnessed the adult either being punished or receiving
neither punishment nor reward. From this, four conclusions were drawn
regarding the power of such modelling: that it teaches new behaviour, that it
influences the frequency of previously learned behaviour, that it may encour-
age previously forbidden behaviour and that it increases the frequency of
similar behaviour (Bandura 1973).
Extrapolating these findings to the level of society, Bandura hypothesises
that ‘there are three major sources of aggressive behaviour [or models], which
are drawn upon to varying degrees’ (1976: 124). First, the correlation of
anti-social behaviour in children with homes in which aggression, in words
as well as deeds, is predominant suggests that familial influences are highly
significant. Parents who attempt to influence their children using coercive
methods are presenting a positively reinforcing model of aggression which
conditions directly, if experienced by the child personally, or vicariously, if
the child observes siblings adjusting their behaviour in response to parental
aggression (McCord et al. 1959). Second, variations in the expression of ag-
gression indicate that, where it is highly valued (often through competition,
sport and historiography), violent subcultural influences may vicariously
reinforce individual behaviour. Here, cultural features are not expressions
of innate tendencies fixed by the weight of history, but influential only if per-
petually reinforced by successful modelling (Wolfgang and Ferracuti 1967).
Differences in violence levels between cultures are not then a consequence of
the failure to institutionalise catharsis or dominance, but a result of continu-
ally constructed, socially contingent and constantly changing conditioning.
A third factor, symbolic modelling, involves the legitimisation of aggression
through the indirect example of leaders, celebrities, fictitious heroes/hero-
ines, sports stars and so on – influences frequently intensified by favourable
media portrayal. In this way, both children and adults have virtually limitless
90 Learnt
ways of receiving televisual and pictorial models of aggression, inputs that
have been shown to have a demonstrable effect on both the quantity and the
quality of interpersonal aggressiveness (Felson 1996).
Recent studies have extended Bandura’s findings to establish more nu-
anced accounts of familial conflict. Kaj Björkqvist, for instance, finds that
children are more influenced by their mothers’ behaviour outside the home
and their fathers’ approach when they are angry at home. Moreover, while
mothers generally exert greater reinforcing authority, sons tend to imitate the
aggressive behaviour of their fathers more than daughters, who, outside the
home at least, demonstrate a stronger maternal influence (1997b: 79–80).
Analyses of a wide range of deviant behaviour, from terrorism to drug use,
have also made use of Bandura’s research (Ruby 2002; Lee et al. 2004).
The criminologist Ronald Akers, for instance, finds that the ‘probability that
persons will engage in criminal and deviant behavior is increased and the
probability of them conforming to the norm is decreased when they dif-
ferentially associate with others who commit criminal behavior or espouse
definitions favorable to it’ (1998: 50). This may be the direct influence of
rewards and sanctions or, as in the case of televisual portrayals of criminal
aggression, desensitisation through vicarious observation (Eron et al. 1994).
In direct contrast to the immutable characterisation of aggression of the last
chapter, such an understanding of behaviour offers numerous methods of
treatment (Cunningham et al. 1998). Rebecca Dobash and her team have,
for instance, used social learning approaches to treat violent offenders by
reinforcing alternative response models through education, self-assessment
and peer pressure (1996).
These studies, along with those of Asch and Milgram, have also been of
interest to military institutions. They, too, have sought to modify individu-
als’ aggressive response through reinforcement and modelling. Rather than
reducing aggression, though, they have used behaviourist experiments to
overcome the perennial problem of non-firing. Of the 26,000 muskets col-
lected from the field following the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, for instance,
over 24,000 were still loaded, 12,000 were loaded more than once and more
than 6,000 were loaded between three and ten times (Lord 1976). This
was particularly puzzling given the labour and time involved in preparing
muzzle-loaded weapons for use. As Dave Grossman explains, ‘the obvious
conclusion is that most soldiers were not trying to kill the enemy. Most of
them appear to have not even wanted to fire in the enemy’s general direc-
tion’ (1996: 22). A similar phenomenon was observed by Brigadier-General
Marshall during the Second World War. He claimed that, of his study group
of American combat soldiers, at least 75 per cent did not fire their weapons
at all during battle (1947). It would appear that ‘when soldiers discover their
vulnerability then the fear of being killed, rather than killing, becomes the
more oppressive problem’ (Newsome 2003: 33).
Military institutions’ response to this issue has been complex and var-
ies considerably from country to country. Three general approaches can,
Learnt 91
however, be linked to theories of social learning. The first is group identity.
As Asch demonstrated, individuals will conform to the views of a proximate
group by assessing the level of disapproval they will incur by deviating. To
increase such pressure and thus soldier participation on the battlefield, the
United States army introduced small, cohesive fire-teams following the Sec-
ond World War (George 1971: 297; Kennett 1997: 137). This could not,
however, deal with the type of problem experienced at Gettysburg where
the closeness of firing formations meant that ‘if a man truly was not able
or willing to fire, the only way he could disguise his lack of participation
was to load his weapon . . . bring it to his shoulder, and then not actually
fire’ (Grossman 1996: 23). To tackle this problem, the United States army,
in keeping with the findings of Milgram, adopted a second approach – the
devolution of authority to these small companies of buddies. Non-commis-
sioned officers, such as corporals, were trained to develop high levels of
legitimacy with which to elicit commitment from their troops (Shalit 1988).
Assuming the role of Milgram’s ‘experimenter’, they both take responsibility
for the actions of their soldiers and issue fire commands which, given their
proximity and authority, are difficult to ignore – particularly given the exten-
sive vicarious reinforcement of associating status with rank hierarchies. Both
these factors – the intensification of group identity and the decentralisation
of authority – have considerable implications for the mobilisation of social
groups (looked at in Chapter 8) that are too large to be directly influenced
by charismatic or zealous leaders.
Third, the conditioning of enlisted men before arrival at the combat arena
has been revolutionised. The direct reinforcement of the need to engage the
enemy on the battlefield has been stepped up through the increased use of
medal citations (Kellett 1990: 220–1). Subcultural and symbolic modelling
have also been developed in what Grossman calls the ‘boot-camp deification
of killing’ (1996: 252). This has mixed the dehumanisation of the enemy
through the constant use of derogatory language (thereby reinforcing a divi-
sion between the collective self and the other) with highly repetitious and
blood-thirsty chanting. Soldiers are thus ‘being indoctrinated in the most
explicit fashion (as previous generations were not) with the notion that their
purpose is not just to be brave or fight well; it is to kill people’ (Dyer 1985:
123). This type of conditioning has, in some cases (such as the preparation
of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam cadres in Sri Lanka), been accompanied
by the use of televisual media through which highly graphic portrayals of
battlefield violence are repeatedly shown to new or potential recruits with
the joint intention of instilling feelings of anger and of desensitising.
Most armed forces have also replaced static target training with ‘quick-
shoot’ ranges employing pop-up models of enemy soldiers. This has had two
outcomes. First, it offers immediate gratification in that an accurate round
produces an instant and very obvious indication of success (a reward posi-
tively reinforced by considerable regimental kudos and negatively reinforced
by mild punishments). Second, ‘in addition to traditional marksmanship,
92 Learnt
what is being taught in this environment is the ability to shoot reflexively and
instantly. . . . The man shape popping up . . . [makes] the conditioned stimuli
more realistic and the conditioned response more assured’ (Grossman 1996:
254). The effect on the United States military was that, by Vietnam, firing
rates had increased to between 90 and 95 per cent – thereby confirming
Bandura’s fundamental hypothesis that ‘people are not born with preformed
repertoires of aggressive behavior. They must learn them . . . either through
observation of aggressive models or on the basis of direct experience’ (Ban-
dura 1976: 122; Holmes 1985).

Constructed identities
Such studies have had a profound effect on the way in which collective
identity and its value in the eyes of political leaders are studied. Bandura’s
observation that societies which ‘provide extensive training in aggression
and make it an index of manliness or personal worth’ spend more ‘time
threatening, fighting, maiming and killing each other’ than ‘cultures where
interpersonal aggression is discouraged and devalued’ underpins the idea
that the efficaciousness of violence is constructed (or learnt) rather than in-
nate (1976: 128). Constructivism, as an approach to the analysis of collec-
tive identity (national, religious, ethnic, gender and so on), therefore rests on
the assumption that both the categorisation of, and the boundaries between,
social groups are fluid and subject to constant manipulation. As Jennifer
Sterling-Folker notes, ‘this means that there is no “middle ground” between
the biological and the social in most constructivist narratives. Human in-
teraction is instead treated as if it springs forth from some unknown source
that has no implications for species-wide behaviour’ (2002: 92). So, rather
than offering a static account of fixed antagonisms, constructivism seeks to
explicate ‘a specific process by which identities are produced and reproduced
in action and speech’ (Fearon and Laitin 2000: 850). In keeping with their
behaviourist roots, collective identities are therefore expected to be stronger
‘the greater the tangible rewards, perceived tangible rewards or expected
tangible rewards associated with the ingroup and the loyalty to it’ (Rosen-
blatt 1964: 132). ‘Rather than reflecting deep, historic passion and hatreds’,
civil wars between self-identified groups are, accordingly, more usefully con-
sidered to be a ‘result of a situation in which common, opportunistic, sadis-
tic, and often distinctly nonideological [sic] marauders [a]re recruited and
permitted free reign by political authorities’ (Mueller 2000: 43).
Such leaders might ‘construct’ and demarcate a collective identity for a
wide range of strategic reasons, some of which (including diversionary mo-
tives) have been discussed in Chapter 4. The concern for constructivists,
however, is more ‘how’ this is achieved than ‘why’. The latter is mostly
assumed to follow the basic tenets of rationality – self-preservation, material
profit, status acquisition and so on (Tambiah 1996). Assuming that rigorously
Learnt 93
exclusionary collective identities do not serve popular interests, the chal-
lenge is, therefore, to understand the ways in which leaders convince people
of abstractions such as nationalism, racial purity, gender roles and such like
and then persuade them to act upon these beliefs. One of the simpler ways
in which elites might achieve this is, as Milgram demonstrated, to create
a sense of moral resignation by using their authority over their immediate
followers to provoke cycles of violent action and reaction (Kalyvas 1999).
In cases in which their constituents stand to prosper from a collapse in civil
order or from a redistribution of wealth, such a tactic can reduce internal
dissent within, and external pressure upon, the in-group by appearing to
consolidate the idea that support for the existing leadership structure is the
only viable way to preserve its collective identity (Kapferer 1988: 102).
In Rwanda, for instance, Gérard Prunier argues that Hutu extremism was
based, in part at least, on the need to demonstrate both to the peasantry and
to international donors that their policies (and not those of moderate Hutus
who had negotiated a ceasefire with the Tutsi-influenced Rwandan Patriotic
Front two years earlier) were the only feasible means to protect the majority
of Rwandans (approximately 80 per cent of whom were Hutu) and thus to
bring stability to the country as a whole (1995: 141–3). To reinforce this
idea, the President’s wife, Agathe Habyarimana, and her three brothers es-
tablished small death-squads which, by selectively killing Tutsis, succeeded in
ending the ceasefire, fomenting an environment of acute fear and gathering
support for the Hutu Interahamwe militia (Gourevitch 1998). The result-
ant sense of collective peril among Hutus reduced perceptions of individual
responsibility for the escalating violence and enhanced the authority of the
extremists (despite the fact that over 90 per cent of Hutu men did not ac-
tively take part in the genocide) (Des Forges 1999).
It has frequently been observed that a key element in the construction of
such conflictive social identities in general, and in Rwanda in particular, is
the control of the mass media (Hobsbawm 1990: 141–2). Although graphic
televisual portrayals of violence have long been shown to be among the
most powerful vehicles for vicarious behavioural reinforcement, literary and
verbal communication of violently exclusionary ideas, commended by de-
centralised, non-state authorities, can also exert a subcultural and symbolic
modelling effect on opinion and thus potentially on behaviour (Lagerspetz
1989; Brass 1997). Studies of the United States, for instance, have, as per
Milgram, shown that the public is swayed most powerfully by the testimony
of authoritative and legitimate experts (Page and Shapiro 1992: 339–54).
This can both negatively reinforce out-groups (thereby demobilising opposi-
tion to the elite’s version of reality) and positively reinforce the character
and boundaries of in-group self-perception. Such a process may occur either
as part of a restrictive environment in which ‘official control of information
makes public opinion highly manipulable’ or ‘during incipient democratiza-
tion, when . . . the state and other elites are forced to engage in public debate
94 Learnt
in order to compete for mass allies in the struggle for power’ (van Evera
1994: 26–33; Gagnon 1995; Human Rights Watch 1995: xiv; Snyder and
Ballentine 1996: 6).
In Rwanda, both scenarios were apparent during the build-up to the
genocide. The abandonment of the state’s media monopoly in 1990 had
produced ‘an explosion in the number of newspapers and journals’ which,
in presenting polarised interpretations of the unfolding conflict, radicalised
and pressurised the incumbent government and helped to manipulate public
opinion (Africa Rights 1994: 150). The extremist Hutu journal Kangura,
for example, ‘warned Habyarimana not to flinch from the destruction of
the Tutsi’ (Snyder and Ballentine 1996: 33). With only around 60 per cent
literacy, though, a more important vehicle of persuasion was the radio,
over which Hutu extremists obtained a virtual monopoly. For example, the
Radio-Télévision Libre des Mille Collines, established by Agathe Habyar-
imana, became an instructive voice of elite Hutu radicals through which the
boundaries between Rwanda’s ethnic groups were redrawn. From Kigali and
then from within the French army-controlled zone, it helped to mobilise
the genocide through a combination of authority, threatened punishments
and promised rewards – leading Holly Burkhalter, the director of Human
Rights Watch in Washington, DC, to conclude that ‘the one action that, in
retrospect, might have done the most to save Rwandan lives’ would have
been the censure of its broadcasts (1995: 53).
At a more diffuse and general level, access to mass media outlets can
also help to establish what James Fearon and David Laitin call ‘social con-
struction by discourse’. This, they continue, relies on ‘symbolic or cultural
systems that have their own logic or agency . . . . [I]ndividuals are pawns or
products of discourses that exist independently of the actions of any particu-
lar individual’ (2000: 851). These ideological frameworks provide meaning
to actions and can thus assist in explaining how individuals come to imagine
themselves to be part of an exclusive collective group – or, put another way,
how ‘the multiple identities of individuals come to be expressed in terms
of one dominant identity’ (Jabri 1996: 120). Here, models of social learn-
ing blend with accounts of globalisation and post-modernity to produce
analyses of conflict less based on truth, or causality, and more concerned
with the rise of fragmented supra- and substate identities and the content
of the competing narratives that they develop (Bilig 1995: 131). These, it
is suggested, tend to be ignored by commentators whose focus on ‘mod-
ern’ conflict attributes – professional military structures, scientific strategy,
field tactics, technology and clear war aims – causes them to overlook the
post-modern character of contemporary warfare (its diverse armed groups,
ethnicised politics, ritualised violence and transnationality) and to regard it
as an abnormality or social pathology evident simply in manifest adversity
(Duffield 1998a; Kaldor 1999).
In reality, many argue, today’s conflicts are a direct result of the routine ac-
tions, cultural references and linguistic content of all collective identity (Gid-
Learnt 95
dens 1984: 60). Often banal, subliminal and self-affirming, these combine
to construct what Vivienne Jabri calls discourses of ‘exclusion’ and ‘origins’
(1996: 128–41). The former relates to the dichotomous representation of
out-groups, and the latter refers to the homogenised traditions of forebears.
Each is held to be imaginary (and thus impervious to rational analysis) and
both are thought of as constituent parts in the legitimisation of conflictive
relations. In attitudinal terms, the conflict engendered by these is therefore
what Mitchell (considered in Chapter 2) might describe as ‘unrealistic’ as,
like the cathartic release of inner aggression, it is not caused by the demon-
strable pursuit of incompatible goals. Rather, the dynamics of the conflictive
discourse are represented in symbols, ritual, art, emblems, remembrance and
sovereignty as well as notions of societal interest and social difference (Onuf
1989). These are then disseminated by ‘the casting of thought in language
[which] makes the private and the individual public and collective by accom-
modating individual experience and subjectivity’ (Norton 1988: 46).

The gendered nature of this language has proved of particular interest to
feminist writers on violence and conflict. As Table 6.1 illustrates, commen-
tators from what Ted Hopf calls a ‘critical constructivist’ background have
identified binary gender oppositions within theories of conflict themselves
(1998: 181–6). These, it is argued, undermine the claim to truth inherent
in more positivist studies of conflict and identity and provide a challenge to
the implied gender essentialism of socio-biological research examined in the
previous chapter – both of which may be said to disguise their masculinised
character behind an afflatus of normality and ‘scientific’ authority (Peterson
and Runyan 1993: 22–5; Jacoby 2004b). In emphasising the intersubjectiv-
ity of meaning, the reflexivity of the self and the concealment of patriarchal
discourses, ‘feminism and constructivism [thus] share an ontology of becom-
ing’ that resists the ‘natural’ in favour of the socially acquired (Hoffman
1987; Locher and Prügl 2001a: 111). In this sense, constructivism’s account
of social identity has helped to establish mechanisms of individual agency
within a ‘naturalised’ social structure, while feminism has informed analyses
of the construction process by more fully incorporating gendered forms of

Table 6.1 Gender binaries in the language of social enquiry

Masculine/subject Feminine/object
Knower/self/autonomy/agency Known/other/dependence/passivity
Objective/rational/fact/logical/hard Subjective/emotional/value/illogical/soft
Order/certainty/predictability Anarchy/uncertainty/unpredictability
Mind/abstract Body/concrete
Culture/civilised/production/public Nature/primitive/reproduction/private
Source: Adapted from Goldstein (2001: 49).
96 Learnt
social power (Locher and Prügl 2001b). In practical terms, both are gener-
ally concerned with the social structures that ensure that women do two-
thirds of the world’s labour (mostly in the home) for around one-tenth of the
world’s wages and one-hundredth of the world’s property (Tickner 1992:
75; Ehrenreich 1997: 125).
Some feminists argue that the reasons for such acute inequality and the ap-
parently more aggressive character of male identity can be found in gendered
patterns of childhood conditioning. Across a wide range of cultures, parents
give girls baby dolls and boys toy weapons to use as the basis for their play
and, therefore, their formative learning. It is argued that the kind of behav-
iour that this encourages tends to divide children according to their genders
with boys constructing social relationships around autonomous individuals
interacting according to agreed rules and group responsibilities. Maccoby
suggests that the types of material (guns, swords, monsters, dinosaurs and
so on) and themes (peril, struggle, assertion and the like) that emerge from
boys’ play prefigure the male proclivity for war (1998: 167). It is suggested
that, in some cultures, prowess in these areas, established through competi-
tion followed by status or ridicule, reinforces and stabilises dominance and
submission structures within groups of boys. In contrast, dominance hier-
archies in groups of girls have been found to be less pronounced, not so
grounded upon success in competitive fields and subject to daily fluctuation
(Hartup 1983). Girls, it is said, tend to use play in order to establish more
stable friendships based around issues of connection, individual rights and
caring (Gilligan 1993). In adulthood, then, women are more likely to be
apprehensive about competitive threats to their web of empathetic social
interactions, whereas men may be more prone to fearing a loss of autonomy
within an imagined hierarchical order (Tannen 1990: 24–5).
The disconnected, and therefore violence-prone, character of male
identity is, for some feminists, a consequence of men’s lack of engagement
in child-rearing, which might be considered to be the embodiment of the
peaceful resolution of incompatible goals (Ruddick 1989). Women’s primary
role in giving life to very young infants is, the argument goes, so profound
as to make violence almost inconceivable; whereas men’s realisation of their
biological marginality gives them a sense of purposelessness, low self-esteem
and a craving for authority that is expressed through violence and an insist-
ence upon female obedience (Runyan 1994: 201; Byrne 1996: 33). After
all, as Mussolini explained, ‘war is for men what maternity is for women’
(quoted in Schoenewolf 1989: 86). Resultant forms of hierarchical organisa-
tion may therefore ‘be more uniquely male than female’ and may serve to
naturalise the gendered nature of violent conflict (Abernethy 1978: 7; van
Creveld 2000a: 844). They might also be regarded as an important means
of incorporating women, as producers of ‘new lives for the nation to replace
its lost members’, into national efforts in times of war (Peterson and Runyan
1993: 82).
To resist this, feminists argue that, while it may be axiomatic that ‘men are
distinguished from women by their commitment to do violence rather than
Learnt 97
to be victimised by it’, there is no inevitability to male domination (Dworkin
1981: 51). Peace is possible but, for many writers, it must (as the work of
Galtung discussed in Chapter 3 holds) remove or transform the structurally
violent relations of female subordination – particularly the male project of
fighting wars in defence of the patriarchy and its foremost organisational
form, the nation-state (Carroll and Welling-Hall 1993: 16). Constructing the
idea of the nation that must be defended is, it is argued, a device designed
to perpetuate male supremacy by moving women’s identity away from the
world’s primary cleavage – gender – and towards a socialised male fear of the
dominance of another nation. By disproportionately emphasising the views
of those women who do support war and by portraying male identity in
terms of the protection of women, political elites can motivate men towards
the war effort (Lake and Damousi 1995). This pressure may, in ways related
to the manipulation of public opinion highlighted in Chapter 4, take the
form of depicting a unified home front by ‘otherising’ women who do not
comply with their roles as mothers and sweethearts. It may also misrepresent
the masculine nature of the war itself by dispatching female impresarios and
nurses to the field and then disproportionately focusing upon their involve-
ment (Leonard 1994). For feminists, such cynical obfuscation has long been
resisted. As Virginia Woolf puts it,

obviously there is for you some glory, some necessity, some satisfaction
in fighting which we have never felt or enjoyed . . . As a woman I have
no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman my country is
the whole world.
(1938: 9, 166)

There is evidence to support the idea that women are socialised towards
greater passivity then men. For instance, although local variations are con-
siderable, only around 3 per cent of the 23 million or so uniformed soldiers
worldwide are women – of these, combat troops are 99.9 per cent male. In a
large scale study of values and policy preferences, Benjamin Page and Robert
Shapiro were able to conclude that in ‘practically all realms of foreign and
domestic policy, women are less belligerent than men’ (1992: 295). Indeed,
a survey of 285 American polls showed a regular male preference for a ‘more
violent or forceful option’ (Smith 1984: 384–95). As Table 6.2 illustrates,
this has been, in many cases, at a surprisingly consistent level, suggesting that
states in which the participation of women is high are less likely to take part
in wars than those where women are less prominent. Having reviewed over
2,000 military incidents between 1960 and 1992, Mary Caprioli supports
such a view. She concludes that ‘higher levels of gender equality correlate
with lower levels of military action to settle international disputes’ (2000:
Indeed, the prominent role that women’s organisations have played in
peace and civil rights movements and anti-nuclear campaigns, along with
eco-feminism’s attempts to institutionalise less structurally violent ways of
98 Learnt
Table 6.2 Gendered survey support for American policy
Percentage in agreement
Year Issue Men Women
1939 Take strong measures against Japan 56 42
1960 Adopt a tougher policy towards the Soviet 60 46
1968 Step up effort in Vietnam 50 32
1975 Wars are necessary to settle differences 55 38
between countries
1991 Use force to remove Iraqi troops from Kuwait 63 41
Source: Adapted from Goldstein (2001: 49); Nincic and Nincic (2002: 559).

transforming and utilising nature, would seem to substantiate the idea that
‘in most societies boys are encouraged more than girls to behave aggres-
sively’ (Segall 1989: 179). The apparent ubiquity of such gender differences
has led some to conclude that, once social development has ‘modernised’
gender relations, a more pacific, and consequently less resilient, environ-
ment will emerge (Fukuyama 1998: 27, 36). As Martin van Creveld puts it,
‘if only because research shows that going into combat is the last thing that
military women want [one study found that 52 per cent of female soldiers
would probably or definitely leave the service if forced into combat positions
(O’Beirne 1998)], the more of them there are around the less capable those
military are of acting as effective combat units’ (2000b: 442).
For many feminists, however, seeing the socialisation of women in pacific
terms unwarrantably universalises the experience of the Western middle
classes and serves to essentialise gender roles in ways similar to the biological
determinism of innate theorists. They point to research demonstrating that
a significant proportion of domestic violence is initiated by women against
men, against their own children or, in the case of same-sex relationships,
against other women (James 1996). In J. Ann Tickner’s view, then, ‘the as-
sociation of women with peace renders both women and peace as idealistic,
utopian, and unrealistic: it is profoundly disempowering for both’ (2002:
338). So, rather than seeking to reinforce male–female dualisms which, they
suggest, replicate the rigid and restrictive nature of the patriarchy, many
feminists see individual rights, freedom of choice and institutional access as
key to the advancement of women’s status. Their exclusion from warfare is
thus emblematic of a broader tendency to discount both the potential and
the actual contribution of women – a feature (of developed and developing
polities) more likely to provoke cynicism and withdrawal than peace activ-
ism (Tobias 1990: 181–2).
Where women have been permitted to participate in violent conflict, their
performance has been, it is argued, limited primarily by the discriminatory
and inhibiting effects of masculine identity. This was demonstrated on the
Learnt 99
home front during the World Wars when women in the United States con-
tributed actively to military production despite being restricted to a ‘menial
type of corps of low-grade personnel’ (Treadwell 1954: 12). In combat units,
it has often been argued that women perform better in guerrilla armies,
where a comparatively decentralised format and an ostensive commitment
to ‘fundamental alterations in the socio-political order’ produce a working
environment less conditioned by male identity than states’ imperative ‘of op-
timising military effectiveness’ (Enloe 1988: 161, 164). Although their duties
have often replicated the divisions of domestic labour, some revolutionary
movements have also made extensive use of female troops on the front line
(O’Gorman 1999: 92–6). The armed wing of the Nicaraguan Sandinistas,
for instance, was made up of 30 per cent women (Jones 1997: 103).
Women also demonstrate considerable support for wars in which their
participation is limited. Survey data on the Arab–Israeli conflict, illustrated
in Table 6.3, shows, for instance, no significant gender differences across the
Middle East. In the United States, too, differences in support for the hypo-
thetical use of force have been found to be slight. They are, Pamela John-
ston Conover and Virginia Shapiro conclude, ‘certainly not large enough to
warrant making the kinds of sweeping statements differentiating men and
women that have long been part of stereotype’ (1993: 1095). Indeed, this is
indicated by the vociferous campaigns that women have led to gain access
to the armed forces. In a challenge to the constitutional legality of all-male
military registration, the American National Organization of Women, for
example, argued that ‘the military is so central to the entire social order that
it is only when women gain access to its core that they can hope to fulfil their
hopes and aspirations’ (cited in Elshtain 1985: 43; see also Elshtain 2000:
The grounds for resisting such access primarily rest on the biological
theses put forward in the previous chapter. It is claimed that the innately
‘superior ability of men to add muscle to their bodies’ makes them better
soldiers regardless of the social conditioning an individual has received

Table 6.3 The relationship between gender and attitudes towards the Arab–Israeli
conflict (all figures in percentages; date of survey in parenthesis)

Palestine Kuwait Jordan Lebanon Israel

State (1996) (1988) (1994) (1994) (1991)
Attitude F M F M F M F M F M
Highly 35 34 24 25 33 34 36 36 35 32
Somewhat 36 37 33 29 15 26 19 28 37 35
Not 29 29 43 46 52 40 45 36 28 33
Source: Tessler et al. (1999: 527).
100 Learnt
(Zorpette 1999: 48). Various surveys have, for example, shown that, when
compared with men, women are, on average, 12 centimetres shorter and
14.3 kilograms lighter, as well as possessing 28 per cent less aerobic capacity
and a morphology less adapted to violence (Morris 1977: 239–40; Mitchell
1998: 141–2). While some feminists accept this as evidence of the innate
social and moral superiority of women (a few have even suggested that the
men should therefore be treated surgically or pharmaceutically to reduce
their inherently violent capabilities), others have pointed to the influence of
social learning both on the way women eat and exercise and on how strength
is measured (Okin 1990). It is suggested that the dichotomised imposition
of body shape norms upon both sexes in most cultures, combined with the
gendered access to nutrition in many poor societies, produces small women
and large men (Floud et al. 1990: 226). This can, however, be overcome
through the ascription of societal value (rural African women appear to have
a much greater capacity for manual work than Western urban men) and the
utilisation of women’s generally higher levels of fat reserves which, as Joshua
Goldstein notes of the 1997 New York marathon, means that ‘the great ma-
jority of men finish well behind the fastest women, and the great majority of
women finish well ahead of the slowest men’ (2001: 163).
However, apart from specific tasks where lighter body weight, smaller
frame and technological aptitude rather than force is at a premium (such as
tolerance of the cramped cockpits and gravitational pressures of fighter air-
craft), the great majority of violent tasks are carried out by men (Richman-
Loo and Weber 1996: 151). To explain this purely in terms of socially ac-
quired inputs is, even for many constructivists, perverse and unnecessarily
pedantic. For some, demonstrating the important influence of modelling
and reinforcement on the formation of individual and collective identity
re­affirms the basic truth that social acts and human behaviour ‘occur at the
nexus of biology, psychology, and sociology’ (Ferguson and Mansbach 1996:
35). Constructivists such as Alexander Wendt and Rodney Hall, for instance,
talk (respectively) about ‘intrinsic, self-organising qualities’ such as the
‘fundamental, even primordial, motive (or “interest”) of self-preservation’
(Wendt 1994: 385; Hall 1999: 38). At the international level of analysis,
this echo of the leash principle discussed in the previous chapter is, in many
ways, a concession to the enduring salience of realism and its emphasis on
the perennial character of group competition and the inevitability of col-
lective conflict (Bloom 1990: 29–39). As such, actors are seen as driven by
a mutual fearfulness and a belief that a state’s position in the geopolitical
order is determined by a universal and fixed blend of zero-sum competition
over diminishing resources and individual fitness (in the form of weaponry,
security, economic strength and so on) (Thayer 2000).
At the substate analytical level, too, innate theorists remain unconvinced
by the idea that behaviour based on social identity is purely learnt. Reversing
a criticism also levelled at socio-biology, they argue that such ideas tend to
imply some sort of idyllic ‘natural’ state of being for humanity which, even
Learnt 101
in less complex acephalous societies, is obviated by subliminal structures
of domination and submission. The fact, they suggest, that attempts to re-
move violent conflict from our environment through social means since the
time of Plato have culminated in a century of unparalleled bloodiness tells
us that the liberal optimism of the social learning school is misplaced and
even dangerous. Moreover, as the emergence of hierarchies and dominance
appears to occur in very young children (before the socialisation process
could have had a chance to work), it is argued that, contrary to Milgram’s
premise that people only have the ‘potential for obedience’ (1974: 125),
people are born with ‘a readiness to comply with a submissive role’, which
is then influenced, and not determined, by environmental conditioning (van
der Molen 1990: 63). It is concluded, therefore, that the ease with which hu-
mans can be indoctrinated is better explained by selection pressures than the
false dichotomy of juxtaposing nature and nurture. Such compliance does,
after all, allow individuals ‘to enjoy the benefits of [group] membership with
a minimum of energy expenditure and risk’ (Wilson 1978: 187). Indeed,
this innate suggestibility explains, for Somit and Peterson, the cross-cultural
nature of ‘sanctioned massacres’ in Vietnam, Poland, Armenia, Rwanda and
elsewhere (1997: 69–70). It also recasts military training as more effectively
centred upon directing intrinsic combat motivations (such as the proclivity
to obey) than attempting to produce conditioned responses based on reward,
sanction and peer pressure (Newsome 2003: 38–41).

This chapter has reviewed a number of ways of approaching the causes of
conflict and violence from the perspective of human learning. Although
none is, in any sense, uniform and, together, they are far from representing
a coherent position, all share an appreciation of conflict causality as fun-
damentally derived from the social environment. The tendency to behave
aggressively is acquired from individuals’ socialisation experience and de-
ployed selectively as part of a range of possible responses to given stimuli.
Early expressions of this basic premise can be found in the work of behav-
iourists such as Thorndike, Skinner and Asch, whose conclusions regarding
the functions of rewards and punishments – both material and non-material
– paved the way for later experiments aimed at understanding the role of
groups, obedience and authority figures. These established that behaviour
could be significantly affected by both direct and observational influences.
So, given the demonstrably compliant character of social interaction, such
a combination of experiential and vicarious pressures and inducements can
be seen as the primary or sole determinants of a considerable proportion
of interpersonal violence. Conflict may thus result directly from authority
and instruction as part of a direct relationship, as famously demonstrated by
Stanley Milgram, or vicariously from the symbolic and subliminal power of
society and culture.
102 Learnt
At the level of the individual, this helps to extend and elaborate Mitchell’s
conflict triangular introduced in Chapter 2. The common patterns of ex-
pectation, emotional orientation and perception that, he argues, accompany
involvement in a conflict situation can, perhaps, be more clearly understood
as not simply subjectively experienced states of mind, but collectively devel-
oped imprints of the broader social environment that surrounds conflictive
situations. In this sense, conflictive attitudes such as anger, resentment and
suspicion are not simply associated with other cognitive processes such as
stereotyping and selective approaches to new information, but products of
the formation of social constructs, which is, itself, guided by the expedien-
cies of the conflict dynamics. So Mitchell’s observation that the develop-
ment of conflictive attitudes frequently proceeds in a self-perpetuating and
exclusionary manner may be true but, without an account of how previous
experiences are used to reinforce or exaggerate individual outlooks, his
model lacks explanatory power – a criticism also pertinent to the appar-
ently cohering and distracting properties of conflictive situations presented
in Chapter 4.
At the collective level, similar forces may shape the construction, content
and delimitations of identity groups. Unlike innate models, these require
perpetual reinforcement to remain influential and are thus liable to change
markedly and rapidly. Such ideas have had a major influence on the way in
which soldiers are recruited and trained – both in a formal sense and in the
mobilisation of combat irregulars during the build-up to civil wars. Indeed,
the notion that the roles and identities that underpin wars are constructed
and ascribed rather than inflexible and fixed has been used to argue that
the patriarchal structures that underpin women’s vision of, and participa-
tion in, conflicts are not biologically based, but grounded upon the differing
socialisation experiences of boys and girls. This can, when either polarised
by elite manipulation or organised by seemingly benign social institutions,
result in both behavioural and structural violence. As such, the way in which
we learn to accept conflict and violence is difficult to separate from a general
acceptance of inequality and injustice. Clearly, the process of redrawing the
boundaries between ethnic groups in Rwanda, for example, cannot be fully
distinguished from the rise of Hutu political and socio-economic power. The
fact that such ascendancy relied, in Galtung’s terms, upon Western penetra-
tion, segmentation, marginalisation and fragmentation necessitated an ac-
companying ideological effort to ensure that the powerless remain partially
informed, passive and disunited (1990: 294). The learning methods that
under­pin the formation of identity are therefore closely connected to the
notion of structural violence as a facilitative element in behavioural violence.
Their capacity to create an atmosphere of ordinariness can lower social bar-
riers to individual acts of violence (as Grossman points out), to collective
tyranny on a grand scale or, in keeping with Leo Strauss’ account of lib-
eralism’s mass malleability, a strata of political elites devoid of value–fact
7 Grievance

In the previous chapter, various ways in which political elites organise con-
flict and violence were considered. In Chapter 4, some of the reasons why
leaders might wish to do this were discussed, along with a range of ben-
efits that might accrue from such endeavours. As these mostly emerge once
the decision to become involved has been made, more analysis is needed to
under­stand what motivates participants in the first place. Here, research goes
back many years. Writing over 2,000 years ago, Aristotle, for instance, noted
that much social conflict was a result of grievances caused by the combined
effects of the fundamentally unequal nature of Athenian society and of the
perceived weakness and incompetence of the city’s leaders in responding to
this inequality. Comprehending the impact of grievances on human behav-
iour in general, and on the causes of conflict in particular, has made up a key
element of the social sciences ever since. This chapter looks initially at the
range of work, mostly emerging after the Second World War, which focuses
both on understanding the ways in which grievances are formed and on
the analysis of causal linkages between grievance formation and conflictive
behaviour. Of key significance here is the notion of relative deprivation and
its proposed relationship with frustration, action and rebellion – at the level
of both the individual and the group. The way in which these factors change
over time is also a fundamental concern. As the second section highlights,
it has often been noted that societies going through processes of ‘moderni-
sation’ or ‘development’ may be subject to greater disparities between the
satisfaction of human needs and the general desire of the citizenry to acquire
the perceived benefits of modernity. This can be seen as an important cause
of grievance formation, collective frustration and conflict.

Relative deprivation and revolution

For many writers, the development of relative deprivation as a research pro-
gramme represents one of ‘the most important advances of social science
theory during the twentieth century’ (Tyler and Lind 2002: 44). Despite
being ‘extensively used in social psychology, sociology, and other social
104 Grievance
sciences for more than half a century’, it remains ‘a hot topic of research,
being used primarily to understand the processes of social identity and the
responses to disadvantage by both disadvantaged minorities and privileged
minorities’ (Walker and Smith 2002a: 1; 2002b: i). It was first put forward
by Samuel Stouffer and his team in an investigation of differential pay and
conditions in the American armed forces (1949). This, and a subsequent
study by Robert Merton and Alice Kitt (1950), concluded that the perceived
denial of wants, expectations and rights is likely to lead to a sense of depri-
vation, disappointment and injustice respectively. As Robin Williams notes,
the basic postulate of these studies (which remains broadly intact today) was
‘deceptively simple: persons may feel that they are deprived of some desired
state or thing, in comparison with some standard, or with the real or im-
agined condition of other people’ (1975: 355). In this sense, the ideas that
underpin relative deprivation theory, as deployed to explain various forms
and structures of social conflict, are very old – being both fundamental to
Marx’s notion of immiseration as the motor of collective action and central
to de Tocqueville’s account of rising expectations as an important factor
in the causes of the French Revolution (Gurney and Tierney 1982: 33). In
other words, individuals’ lack of personal fulfilment, both material and non-
material, and the growing realisation of others’ wants, as perceived within
their reference group (or a combination of the two), can be a motivational
factor in various forms of conflictive behaviour.
A commonly cited means through which the formation of grievances is
translated into individual and collective action is the frustration–aggression
mechanism. The most important formulation of this relationship was pub-
lished in 1939 by John Dollard and colleagues from the Institute of Hu-
man Relations at Yale University. They suggested that, when goal-directed
behaviour is obstructed, frustration results. In their work, this always leads
to aggression, although its expression may be modified by heuristic learning,
transference, social institutions and catharsis (Miller et al. 1941). Much also
depends on ‘(1) the strength of instigation to the frustrated response, (2)
the degree of interference with the frustrated response, and (3) the number
of frustrated response-sequences’ (Dollard et al. 1939: 28). The result may
therefore be fixation, regression and resignation, as well as aggression (Maier
1949). In instances where observable aggression does result, however, it is
regarded as having been promoted by an external cue, stimulus or instigator,
which then replaces the original goal-directed drive and becomes an end in
itself (Maier 1942: 587). Aggression directed at the perceived cause of this
cue is therefore a way of reducing frustration, which, if successful, reinforces
the tendency to use aggression in the future (as part of a process of direct
modelling) (Feshbach 1964). A similar sequence may occur in response to
a perceived threat. This can act as an anticipated frustration if the hazard
cannot be easily avoided or if it impinges upon the attempted attainment
of particularly valuable goals (Berkowitz 1962: 45). If, in other words, the
threat imminently imperils a basic human need.
Grievance 105
Identifying these needs has produced, over the years, a wide array of
characterisations and taxonomies. Abraham Maslow, for instance, ordered
human needs into a four-point hierarchy in which lower-order needs will
not emerge until those of a more fundamental nature are met (1943). At
the top – and therefore most likely to provoke the most acute motivational
responses – are the physical imperatives of sustenance, shelter, procreation
and bodily comfort. Secondarily, yet still predicted to exert a very significant
influence over individual and group behaviour, are needs of safety and order.
Once these are met, a third category of needs can emerge – those of love and
belonging – followed by a fourth layer involving needs of self-actualisation
driven by the inherent satisfaction that people derive from using their minds
and their labour. No stratum within Maslow’s hierarchy is, of course, fully
discrete, and none can be completely distinguished from one another. The
lower-order needs of self-actualisation, for instance, are said to be vital to
the realisation of higher order needs such as physical sustenance and human
Survey data, however, commonly confirm the hierarchical ordering of
peoples’ needs, suggesting a varied relationship with frustration intensities
and, by extension, aggressive or conflictive behaviour. Hadley Cantril’s rank
ordering of respondents’ concerns from 12 countries surveyed between
1957 and 1963, for example, finds that material stability, house ownership
and health were the most commonly reported personal needs, followed by
fears of war and disorder and then, subsequently, desires to see more repre-
sentative and just government as well as aspirations of greater communality,
interpersonal reciprocity and the fuller pursuit of personal interests (1965).
Indeed, since Maslow’s initial formulation, theories of human needs have ap-
peared in a great number of guises, each with its own schematic structure and
each with a different implied or explicit relationship with human behaviour.
Some writers, particularly those from a Marxist tradition, have suggested
that economic needs, once frustrated, are the most important element in
understanding conflict and violence (Ridker 1962). Others, such as Hannah
Arendt, have suggested that the frustration of political needs (participation,
self-determination, freedom of expression and so on) is the primary cause of
collective conflict (1963).
Multicausal models that incorporate both these traditions are, however,
more common. Ted Gurr, for instance, drew heavily on various human needs
theories to develop the founding proposition of his highly influential re-
search in the late 1960s: that relative deprivation ‘with reference to any
class of commonly held welfare, power, or interpersonal value can lead to
collective violence’ (1974: 68–9). For Gurr, these values, which are broadly
synonymous with Maslow’s needs, may represent a measure of capability
– in terms of what people ‘have actually been able to attain or have been
provided by their environment’ (their value position in other words) – or an
assessment of potential: what people ‘believe their skills, their fellows, and
their rulers will, in the course of time, permit them to keep or attain’ (1974:
106 Grievance
27). Put another way, an awareness of deprivation may be derived from an
externalised view of what one thinks one ought to have relative to what one
feels others, within a referential framework, have/are getting. Alternatively,
a sense of deprivation may arise from an internalised comparison of one’s
promise relative to one’s own apparent capabilities. This is an important
distinction for, as Robin Williams writes,

a primary response to a gap between personal aspiration and attainment

is ‘frustration’ or ‘disappointment’, whereas the response to a gap be-
tween what one receives and what is received by reference individuals or
groups is more likely to involve envy, resentment, and a sense of being
unjustly treated.
(1975: 357)

As David Aberle points out, these perceptions may be experienced person-

ally without reference to collective groupings or by individuals who identify
themselves, and their sense of deprivation, with a broader sense of identity
(1962: 210). This is important in terms of both the research questions that
are asked and the behavioural outcome that may result. Gary Runciman
highlighted such a distinction by questioning respondents on how well they
believed they were doing, first, in relation to family members and peers and,
second, in relation to groups of which they did not perceive themselves to
be a part. His objective was to establish whether the subject felt ‘dissatisfied
with his position as a member of what he saw as his group . . . [or felt] dis-
satisfied with what he saw as his group relative to other groups in the larger
system’ (1966: 31). The first he called egoistic deprivation. Findings here
have suggested that, if deprivation is experienced at an individual level, then
people tend to react in individualistic ways. This may lead to a reinvigorated
pursuit of personal goals, but the fact that the cognitive condition that griev-
ances induce ‘is a psychologically upsetting state that generates attempts to
reduce the dissonance’ may mean that individuals, devoid of a clear and
viable means of value attainment, are more likely to lower their expectations
and manifest withdrawal and apathy (Morrison 1971: 682).
It is, for example, the view of many writers that the isolation, humilia-
tion and under-representation of (as well as active discrimination against)
Arab Israelis through Tel Aviv’s inequitable residential, infrastructural, land
use and employment practices have led to an acute sense of individual rela-
tive deprivation (Bernstein 1984; Rouhana 1997). In the absence of viable
alternative strategies of resistance, though, the egoistic deprivation experi-
enced by Arab Israelis ‘strengthens their sense of helplessness (or fatalism)
. . . reduces their ability to influence their life course or the social context
that defines their options . . . [and] decrease[s] the[ir] instrumental sense of
control’ (Moore and Aweiss 2003: 194).
Alternatively, ‘a collective consciousness may develop among individu-
als who share the same resentment (e.g. a group of economically deprived
Grievance 107
individuals), or it may develop among people with different resentments if
they define themselves as having the same oppressor’ (Sayles 1984: 452).
This is ‘fraternal deprivation’ (the second of Runciman’s models), which,
many suggest, ‘uniquely generates agitation for or against structural change’
(Dion 1986; Taylor 2002: 15). In a study of American political opinion, for
example, Reeve Vanneman and Thomas Pettigrew found lower levels of sup-
port for non-white mayoral candidates from white people who believed that
African American groups were prospering to the detriment of white Ameri-
cans than from those who saw their socio-economic situation as related to
the position of other white people (1972).
Indeed, the formation of this type of collective or participatory response
may be especially likely if group leaders are able to issue effective pleas for
action. As Will Moore and Keith Jaggers note, appeals can instigate a

process by which an individual develops a fraternal identification . . .

with a larger group via their category. [In this way,] . . . the core group is
able to construct a psychological bond among individual potential group
members, and a bond between them and the group itself.
(1990: 23)

Such appeals may, they continue (building on Gurr 1974: 229–31), take five
forms: (1) the establishment of a categorical identity, (2) the mustering of an
individual’s sense of relative deprivation, (3) the association of the existing
order with the source of discontent, (4) the normative defence of collective
action and (5) the utility of collective action. Although, in many cases, these
may be conceptually detached from the grievance–motive–action sequence
that underpins the approaches discussed here (and will therefore be returned
to in the next chapter), they remain an important element in understanding
how social movements maintain ‘an ongoing sense of legitimacy and efficacy
among movement cadres and members’ (McAdam et al. 1988: 722). This is
necessary not only to pursue group objectives (or values), but also to ensure
that deprivation continues to be associated with the level of the group and
not at the more dissonant level of the individual, which, as we have seen,
tends to provoke feelings of futility and self-doubt, leading to the percep-
tion that a grievance may be a result of unrealistic expectations, personal
shortcomings or the failure of the group to achieve a change in circumstance
(Turner 1969).
Much, of course, depends on the dynamic circumstances in which griev-
ances are formed. As we saw in Chapter 2, conflictive situations may change
rapidly. This is true not only of actual conditions, but also of individuals
and groups whose expectations can also grow sharply, thereby intensifying
perceptions of both egoistic and fraternal deprivation. After all, ‘the more
intensely people are motivated toward a goal, or committed to an attained
level of values, the more sharply is interference resented and the greater
is the consequent instigation to aggression’ (Gurr 1968: 257–8). Assuming
108 Grievance
that there is a notional equilibrium point at which a society is able to meet
its needs and therefore conflate, or at least narrow, any discrepancy between
its citizenry’s expectations and its capabilities (or vice versa), it is possible
to imagine a norm from which various scenarios of change – or growing
disequilibrium – can be distinguished. Gurr, after the work of Morrison and
Steeves (1967), points to three (1974: 46–58). The first, ‘decremental’ dep-
rivation, is illustrated in Figure 7.1. Here, expectations have not significantly
changed during a period in which people perceive themselves to be decreas-
ingly able to meet their needs. Such a sense of declining capabilities might be
caused by sudden shocks such as an economic recession, a collapse in civil
order, a natural disaster or a foreign invasion. It might also be the result of
incremental changes in the norms or beliefs of society leading to a lessening
of reciprocity and social capital or a gradual erosion of civil liberties by a
political elite. In either instance, people subject to decremental deprivation
develop grievances and become frustrated (and therefore prone to conflic-
tive behaviour) by the loss of what they once had.
John Booth’s study of Central America offers a comprehensive account
of decremental deprivation during the 1970s and early 1980s (1991). As
Table 7.1 illustrates, the entire region (except for Costa Rica) suffered both
a significant decline in real wages and a marked increase in unemployment
levels. In many areas, the concentration of land ownership intensified as
high cotton prices and an enlargement of beef production forced small-scale
farmers off their land and into saturated urban labour markets (Brockett
1988: 72–4). In Guatemala, for instance, the availability of arable land fell
from 1.7 to 0.8 hectares per capita between 1950 and 1980 (Hough et al.
1982). Costa Rica, in contrast, developed a comparatively successful land re-
form programme and, like Honduras, maintained higher welfare and lower
military expenditure levels than its neighbours. These factors combined to
reduce the impact of the 1970s energy crisis and to lessen rural labour vola-
tility. The result was that, in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala, vibrant

Collective value position

Value expectations

Value capabilities


Figure 7.1 Decremental deprivation. Source: Redrawn from Gurr (1974: 47).
Table 7.1 Unemployment levels (percentages) and real working class wage indices in Central America 1970–84 (1972 = 100)
Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua
Year Unemp. Wages Unemp. Wages Unemp. Wages Unemp. Wages Unemp. Wages
1970 3.5 93 16.0 98 4.8 102 8.8 – 3.7 106
1980 5.9 125 24.0 87 5.5 79 8.8 101 17.8 56
1984 6.6 107 30.0 61 9.1 79 10.7 93 16.3 40
Source: Booth (1991: 42–3).
110 Grievance
and eclectic protest movements emerged from social groups most affected
by the economic downturn. White-collar workers, proletarianised by a sharp
drop in living standards, appeared alongside peasant groups and Church-led
organisations already opposing incumbent regimes and their cabal of clients.
While an increase in social activism was also noted in Costa Rica and Hon-
duras during this period, political fragmentation was mostly avoided and
instances of irredentist violence and state brutality remained significantly
fewer than in the rest of region. Booth concludes thus:

The evidence strongly suggests that Central America’s rapid growth of

export agriculture after 1950 and industrialization after 1960 markedly
reduced the relative and absolute living standards of many members
of the working class, who then mobilized to demand redress of their
grievances. Where the state responded accommodatingly and with lim-
ited repression (in Costa Rica and Honduras), opposition mobilization
stagnated or subsided. Where the state did not ameliorate growing in-
equality and employed heavy repression (in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and
Guatemala), opposition mobilization and unity increased and led to a
broad, rebellious challenge to regime sovereignty.
(1991: 60)

Absent from Booth’s analysis, however, is an account of the impact of

Central American impoverishment and resistance on collective expectation
levels. As we have already seen in Figure 7.1, Gurr’s model of decremental
deprivation rests on the assumption that value expectations remain broadly
stable. Yet, it may be possible that expectations deteriorate in parallel with
capabilities, thus rendering the ‘want-gap’ constant and making rebellion
unlikely. Although this possibility may legitimately be excluded from an ac-
count of grievance-led action on the grounds that there is no conflictive
phenomenon to explain, it is important to acknowledge that, theoretically at
least, it is feasible to envisage a situation in which increases in value expecta-
tions (through the expansion of higher education opportunities or appren-
ticeship schemes for instance) coincide with a period of capability decline
resulting from an economic recession or some other imminent event. Such a
possibility is dealt with by another of Gurr’s grievance models – ‘progressive’
This is adapted from James Chowning Davies’ J-curve (depicted in Figure
7.2), which predicts that revolutions, or large-scale collective violence, ‘are
most likely to occur when a prolonged period of objective economic and
social development is followed by a short period of sharp reversal’ (Davies
1962: 6). In many ways, this is a combination of the classic positions of
Marx (who saw revolution as the result of the growing exploitation and
desperation of the workers) and de Tocqueville, who concluded that ‘the
regime which is destroyed by a revolution is almost always an improvement
on its immediate predecessor. . . . Evils which are patiently endured when
Grievance 111


Value expectations

Collective value position

Value capabilities

Figure 7.2 Progressive deprivation. Source: Redrawn from Gurr (1974: 53).
they seem inevitable become intolerable when once the idea of escape from
them is suggested’ (1856: 214). Davies suggests that, during times of per-
ceptible improvement, expectations increase alongside capabilities, thereby
maintaining a tolerable gap between individuals’ wants and their ability to
achieve satisfaction. When an acute downturn occurs, however, there is, he
continues, an inevitable lag between material change and the collective re-
adjustment of expectation, producing a widening, and therefore increasingly
intolerable, gap between wants and satisfaction. Indeed, conflict participa-
tion, for Davies, ‘requires the continued, even habitual but dynamic expecta-
tion of greater opportunity to satisfy basic needs perpetuation’ (1962: 8).
The continued growth of expectation through the period of decline is, in
other words, necessary for frustration and a fraternal sense of deprivation
to occur.

War with Israel

Korean war
Need satisfaction

Farouk takes throne and
British troops withdraw Postwar unrest
to Suez, 1936

independence, War prosperity

1920 1930 1940 1950

Figure 7.3 The Egyptian revolution of 1952. Source: Redrawn from Davies (1962:
112 Grievance
There have been numerous applications of the J-curve. Davies himself
points to the Egyptian revolution of 1952 as illustrative of the motivational
effects of progressive deprivation (his model is presented in Figure 7.3). He
argues that a growing sense of collective expectation began in Egypt fol-
lowing the British decision to confer a degree of independence on Cairo
in 1922. This fillip to local political aspirations coincided with a period of
urbanisation and industrialisation which, he suggests, led to a compara-
tive improvement in the material standing of many peasant migrants and
to the emergence of an urban entrepreneurial class. Downturns during the
1930s were damaging, but they were, he continues, largely blamed upon
the British, who maintained a substantial garrison of troops and consider-
able administrative influence. A sizeable influx of foreign soldiers during the
Second World War, coupled with a worldwide increase in agricultural prices,
maintained this relative growth in collective capability and expectation. The
end of the war, however, saw a sharp downturn in the economy, leading
rapidly to mass redundancies, a series of industrial disputes and a rise in
political radicalism. Defeat in the 1948 war with Israel directed disquiet at
King Farouk himself, which, Davies contends, became irresistible following
a collapse in cotton prices (previously buoyed by the Korean War) in March
1952, prompting a coup 4 months later. In other words, it was, Davies con-
cludes, the combination of nearly 25 years of steady improvement followed
by 7 years of decline that led to the Egyptian revolution and the sweeping
away of Farouk’s regime.
Davies has also sought to apply his model to the race riots that affected a
number of American cities during the 1960s. Using aggregate data on family
income and education (as respective proxies for capability and expectation),
he shows that the difference between Afro-American want–get gap levels
and that of the population as a whole remained broadly stable amid an over-
all improving trend during the 1940s, before growing sharply in the 1950s.
This leads him to conclude that the spate of civil disturbances that affected
cites such as Los Angeles, Newark, Detroit and elsewhere during the 1960s
‘appears to have been preceded by the same J-curve of expectations that are
first gratified and then frustrated’ (1970: 717). It is, however, problematic
to use evidence regarding collective conditions to comment on individual
grievance, frustration levels and motives. When individual data, drawn from
heads-of-households surveys, are used to evaluate deprivation levels among
Afro-Americans during the 1950s and 1960s, a much less coherent picture
is apparent. Instead of a J-curve configuration, ‘frustration varies without
consistent pattern’ (Miller et al. 1977: 968).
Indeed, what emerges is a long-term situation of acute instability in ex-
pected need satisfaction, with black communities from the northern states
of America suffering the greatest fluctuations. Such uncertainty may become
an important source of frustration in itself. A society ‘in a state of social
disarray, where things appear in flux, changing rapidly in all directions at
the same time, where the past performance of the social system appears
Grievance 113
quite inconsistent, where social policies of many sorts seems haphazard’, is,
according to Ivo Feierabend and colleagues, ‘a very explosive state of social
affairs’ (1973: 407–8). In political terms, for instance, they find that oscilla-
tions in regime coerciveness, as measured by the number of policy reversals
per year, are positively correlated with guerrilla activity, revolts, large-scale
arrests, riots and assassinations. Of the 20 most fluctuating countries be-
tween 1945 and 1966, 13, they conclude, were rated in the top two most
unstable categories and none appeared in the top two most stable categories
(Feierabend et al. 1970).

Development and inequality

Anther pattern of grievance formation, which may have a demonstrable ef-
fect on political stability, arises when improvements in expectation levels are
not matched by comparable changes in capability levels. This can be mod-
elled in two ways. The first, illustrated in Figure 7.4, occurs when a social
stratum suffers a low standard of living for a long period of time – concur-
rently demonstrating a low level of expectations – and then experiences a
rapid improvement in conditions leading to a great increase in expectations.
These almost inevitably prove to be unrealistic and quickly give way to dis-
appointment, grievance and frustration. Ivo Feierabend and colleagues il-
lustrate such a state of affairs with the example of the Hungarian revolution
of 1956, which, being preceded by an extensive ‘thawing of totalitarianism’,
‘exaggerated hopes’ to the extent that ‘what seemed like spectacular change
to the observer was too little and too late to meet the expectations of the
insurrectionists’ (1973: 407).
A similar scenario is outlined by Gurr in the third of his models of dep-
rivation. As Figure 7.5 shows, ‘aspirational’ deprivation describes a broadly


Social expectations

Social achievement


Figure 7.4 An improving J-curve. Source: Adapted from Feierabend et al. (1973:
114 Grievance


Collective value position

Value expectations

Value capabilities


Figure 7.5 Aspirational deprivation. Source: Redrawn from Gurr (1974: 51).

analogous situation in which individuals or groups, while not anticipating or

experiencing a significant loss of what they have, ‘are angered because they
feel they have no means for attaining new or intensified expectations’ (Gurr
1974: 50). The result, as before, is an intolerable gap between expectations
and capabilities. Commonly, such a process is associated with the impact
of modernisation and its capacity either to introduce or to emphasise new
ideas and material resources to people previously accustomed to different
(and often less desirable) conditions. This can be an important motivator of
collective action. As Norman Cohn notes of the consequences of industriali-
sation in medieval Europe: when ‘social and economic horizons expanded,
hardship and poverty and dependence ceased to appear the ineluctable fate
of common folk’ (1961: 27–8). Similarly, it is clear from Stephen Kent’s
study of the English Civil War that many parliamentary soldiers believed
that they were fighting for the freedom of religious conscience and the vol-
untary support of the clergy. Cromwell’s announcement that compulsory
tithes would be abolished if victory were secured at the Battle of Dunbar in
1650 led to a marked rise in expectations. The subsequent failure of parlia-
ment to end tithes following the Royalist defeat produced an extensive sense
of aspirational deprivation among the Roundhead soldiery, a section of the
political elite, Cromwellian farmers and radical protestant clergy. Further-
more, as Kent concludes, ‘this deprivation only intensified hostility between
the predominantly rural tithe-payers and sympathetic sectarians on the one
side and ecclesiastical and civil authorities, impropriators and other wealthy
land-owners on the other’ (1982: 532).
Such patterns have considerable relevance today. Developing countries
experiencing rapid change and the passing of traditional society often under­
go what David Learner called a revolution of rising expectation (1958). As
the Feierabends put it,
Grievance 115
the arousal of an under-developed society to awareness of complex
modern patterns of behavior and organization brings with it a desire
to emulate and achieve the same high level of satisfaction. But there is
an inevitable lag between aspiration and achievement which varies in
length with the specific condition of the country.
(1966: 257)

This may happen in a number of overlapping ways. First, it is often the case
that such a change is prompted by the demonstration effect of modernisa-
tion processes’ differentiated influence. Some groups, in other words, ben-
efit disproportionately from change, leading to increases in inequality, envy
and resentment, grievances and on to conflict and violence (Nafziger and
Auvinen 2002: 156). Second, developmental processes inevitably involve
greater media linkages between the North and South and within developing
countries themselves. This makes previously unconnected people aware of
each other’s lives – particularly the apparently inspirational lifestyles of local
and Western elites.
Third, population increases and land shortages, which frequently result
from the modernisation of the agrarian sector, expose rural migrants ar-
riving in cities within developing countries to the Western lifestyles of the
urban wealthy and the expatriate community (Gurr 1973: 366). Fourth, po-
litical leaders may blame foreign powers and comprador classes (such as the
Gujarati community in Uganda during the 1970s) for domestic problems,
thereby highlighting differences in standards of living previously unnoticed
or disregarded. Fifth, the low administrative, economic and social capaci-
ties of many developing countries may prevent the state from responding
to development-led changes, with the consequence that capabilities fall be-
hind expectations (Holsti 2000). Finally, leaders may utilise the benefits of
development to increase their own prosperity or the material position of
their clients. This, in turn, can give rise to a social stratum of inordinate
wealth which then becomes a source of grievance and unmatched expecta-
tions (Keen 2000a: 292–4). As these changes are likely to occur in societies
undergoing rapid social change, frustrations may have a curvilinear relation-
ship with development. Countries at either end of the supposed tradition-
to-modernity continuum are, in other words, likely to be more stable than
those in transition. As the Feierabends explain,

it is at this middle stage that awareness of modernity and exposure to

modern patterns should be complete, that is, at a theoretical ceiling,
whereas achievement levels would still be lagging far behind. Prior to
this theoretical middle stage, exposure and achievement would both be
lower. After the middle stage, exposure can no longer increase, since
it already amounts to complete awareness, but achievement will con-
tinue to progress, thus carrying the nation eventually into the stage of
(1972: 144)
116 Grievance
To test this proposition cross-nationally, the Feierabends measured gross
national product (GNP) and calorific intake per capita and the number of
doctors, telephones, newspapers and radios per 1,000 people as indicators
of satisfaction. This was then divided by each country’s coded urbanisation
and literacy scores (as indicators of a society’s exposure to modernity and
thus level of want formation) to give an enumerated estimate of a country’s
want–get gap for the years 1948–55. Assuming that there would be a lag
between the emergence of grievances and calculable frustration, the Feier-
abends then collected data on political stability levels for the years 1955–61
– measured by quantifying violence levels, regime support and changes of
office. As Table 7.2 demonstrates, the results do not show support for a
curvilinear relationship between development and instability. Low literacy
and urbanisation rates (as the basis of a traditional society) are, in other
words, not associated with stability, leading to the Feierabends’ hypothesis
that the entire 84-state sample may have already been exposed to modernity
in other ways. What is certain, they continue, is that, once a country meets
an eight-point criterion ((1) 90 per cent literacy, (2) 65 radios per 1,000
people, (3) a newspaper readership of 120 per 1,000 people, (4) telephone
ownership of 2 per cent of the population, (5) a calorific intake of 2,525 per
person per day, (6) 1,900 people per doctor, (7) a per capita GNP of $300
and (8) 45 per cent of the population living in urban centres), ‘there is an
extremely high probability that the country will achieve relative political
stability’ (Feierabend and Feierabend 1972: 145–6).
In countries exposed to modernity, yet still mainly agrarian, the failure
to redistribute land is frequently seen as a key cause of political instability.
This tends to reinforce post-colonial polities in which wealth is concentrated
within the hands of small, urban elites whose access to political authority
makes entrance to the public sector the only viable source of individual ma-
terial and status advancement. In particular, the resilience of highly unequal
patterns of rural property ownership throughout the period of decoloni-
sation is regarded as an important source of civil unrest in Latin America
(Kling 1956). Figure 7.6, which Bruce Russett constructs by ranking each
farm according to its size and then plotting the percentage of Austrian and
Bolivian land that each decile of farmers actually owns, certainly suggests
that the concentration of land in the region may be far from equitable. The
top 10 per cent of farmers in Austria own 65 per cent of the land, whereas in
Bolivia the top 10 per cent own nearly 95 per cent of the land. Indeed, once
a Gini index is calculated by measuring the area between a country’s curve
and the line of equality (which represents a situation in which each decile
of farmers owns an equal share of the land), a picture of acute inequality is
apparent across Latin America. As Table 7.3 illustrates, this would appear to
correlate quite closely with political instability – measured by the number of
people, per million, killed by civil violence between 1955 and 1962 (Russett
Getting beyond a correlative relationship towards a specification of the
Table 7.2 Political stability/instability and indicators of satisfaction
Radios Newspapers Telephones Calories (per Doctors GNP Urbanisation
Literacy (%) (per 1,000) (per 1,000) (%) capita per day) (people per) ($ per capita) (%)
< 90 > 90 < 65 > 65 < 120 > 120 < 2 > 2 < 2,525 > 2,525 < 1,900 > 1,900 < 300 > 300 < 45 > 45
Unstable 48 5 45 6 48 5 35 6 39 10 40 13 36 8 38 6
Stable 10 19 9 20 6 10 7 18 8 20 6 19 9 18 11 15
Source: Adapted from Feierabend and Feierabend (1972: 147).

Table 7.3 Political instability and Gini indices of land distribution in seven Latin American countries
Country Cuba Bolivia Colombia Argentina Venezuela Honduras Guatemala
Gini index 79.2 93.6 84.9 86.3 90.9 75.7 86.0
Political instability 2,900 663 316 217 111 111 57
Source: Adapted from Russett (1964: 451).
118 Grievance




0% 100%
Figure 7.6 Land distribution in Austria and Bolivia. Source: Adapted from Russett
(1964: 446).

precise link between inequality and conflict is, however, very problematic.
As Jonathan Goodhand has recently noted, ‘while there is some agreement
in the literature that conflict causes poverty . . . the argument that there is
a causal relationship in the reverse direction is more contentious’ (2003:
633–5). Findings generally disagree with one another, and single studies
frequently produce contradictory results. Ranveig Gissinger and Nils Pet-
ter Gleditsch, for instance, begin their study of the relationship between
globalisation and conflict with the comment that ‘a high level of trade does
generate more domestic peace; at the same time, direct foreign investment
also creates conditions conducive to political instability’ (1999: 327). Much
may depend on the nature of the material basis for such change and the kind
of inequality that is produced. The extraction and transformation of natural
resource endowments, an important concern of the next chapter, may, for
instance, lead to new grievances over issues of wealth distribution or, as in
the case of Angola, to an intensification of long-held political grievances
(Cramer 2003: 406). In such circumstances, heavily skewed patterns of land
ownership may, in situations where ‘the peasant lives in poverty and suffer-
ing’, make conflict ‘likely, if not inevitable’ (Huntington 1968: 375). This,
like ethnic or other communal linkages, may be considered a horizontal in-
equality, while disparities of income (also found to be an important causal
element in conflictive behaviour (Alesina and Perotti 1996)) can be regarded
as a vertical index of inequality (Murshed and Gates 2003).
In contrast, some writers have suggested that acute inequality does not
lead to conflict at all. Indeed, Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler, pointing to a
statistically significant inverse relationship between the two variables, argue
that ‘greater inequality significantly reduces the risk and duration of war’
(quoted in Cramer 2003: 399). This, they explain, is because acute inequal-
ity implies the existence of a politically entrenched elite that is likely to
back, both materially and ideologically, the repression of any challenge to
Grievance 119
the status quo – from which the elite continues to prosper. Moreover, in
keeping with the premises of what Mark Irving Lichbach calls ‘the rational
actor scientific research program’ (also discussed in more detail in the next
chapter), potential protagonists are dissuaded from initiating conflicts aimed
at redistribution by observable increases in governmental/elite strength born
of inequality (1989: 459). As Collier concludes, ‘conflict is not caused by
divisions, rather it actually needs to create them’ (2000a: 13). These, as
Alejandro Portes notes of Santiago de Chile, may result from ‘the post-
factum self-legitimation of successful revolutionary movements’ (1971: 26).
Consequently, claims regarding preparticipatory grievances cannot be taken
as evidence of individuals’ actual motivations. This tends to undermine the
idea (central to the relative deprivation model generally and studies by Maro
Ellina and Will Moore (1990) and Douglas Hibbs (1973) in particular) that
political repression, as a grievance-inducing input, should be positively cor-
related with conflictive behaviour.
The result is, in many cases, an arbitrary tendency to classify people as
deprived and to see a wide range of post-frustration responses as aggressive.
In other words, comparatively affluent researchers may make social judge-
ments based on their own feelings of affinity and sympathy when record-
ing the sentiments and observing the behaviour of the poor (Bandura and
Walters 1963). Indeed, Richard Walters and Murray Brown (1963) found
that observers could be trained to adjust their evaluations of post-frustration
responses and that many used different criteria, based on past experiences,
to judge what amounted to ‘aggression’. Such objectivism can, as we saw in
defining conflictive situations and in the measurement of structural violence
(looked at in Chapters 2 and 3 respectively), become based upon overly
broad social judgements. These may then be deployed to label any indi-
vidual or group that, perhaps deliberately and contentedly, does not possess
‘sufficient’ material goods as inclined to behave aggressively and therefore
a potential threat to the established order. As Leonard Berkowitz puts it,
‘people have learned to categorise an individual’s rigorous behaviors . . .
as aggressive even when the frustrated person does not intend to commit
injury’ (1965: 306).
In fact, it would seem that, in empirical terms, the ‘vast majority of the dis-
advantaged do not engage in disruptive public protest’ (Bandura 1973: 169).
Throughout the urban upheavals in the United States during the 1960s, for
instance, it is estimated that only 15–20 per cent of residents from socially
deprived areas actively participated in the disturbances (Bowen et al. 1968).
The possible reasons why the poor (and, therefore, presumably aggrieved)
do not engage in conflictive behaviour are, however, largely ignored. As
Rod Aya notes of the work of the Feierabends, relative deprivation theorists
generally do not ‘specify the conditions under which expectations may be
frustrated without producing rebellion. [Instead] . . . they simply presume
a direct connection between frustration and revolt, and thus beg the ques-
tion they profess to have answered’ (1979: 57). Given that a number of
120 Grievance
studies have indicated that passivity is highest among the most deprived,
this criticism is particularly damaging. Edward Mitchell’s study of South
Vietnam, for instance, found that governmental control was highest (and the
recruitment powers of the Viet Cong were weakest) not in areas of compara-
tive prosperity, but in provinces where ‘few peasants farm their own land,
the distribution of landholdings is unequal, no land redistribution has taken
place, large French landholdings existed in the past, population density is
high, and the terrain is such that accessibility is poor’ (1968: 438).
Another key problem in associating frustration with conflict is the great
difficulty in measuring an individual’s (let alone a group’s) needs. How can
an accurate study of the social requirements for love and respect be ad-
equately operationalised? Even physiological needs are difficult to ascertain,
and there is little consensus among theorists on the comparative standards
used to analyse dissatisfaction. The notion of a need hierarchy of sustenance,
sexual gratification, self-actualisation and so on (which is fundamental to
many relative deprivation theorists) is especially problematic. As Peter Lup-
sha points out, such an ordering is likely to be ‘subject to change without
notice as one’s needs are satiated and others rise to the fore’, thereby making
longitudinal studies difficult to assess, compare and corroborate accurately
(1971: 93). Measuring and relating satisfaction levels are similarly challeng-
ing. What one subject might find highly satisfactory, another might consider
intensely frustrating. Yet writers such as Davies illustrate expected need satis-
faction as a straight-line function into which various revolutions are made to
fit. To do this, he and others are obliged to work backwards from the event
using post hoc and inferential methods, thereby undermining the prognostic
potential of their models.
An example of this kind of problem is the failure of the Feierabends’
basic assertion – that ‘once traditional societies are exposed to the modern
way of life, without exception, they desire benefits associated with moder-
nity’ (1972: 144) – to predict instability levels in the South. It is generally
acknowledged, for instance, that the last 30 years have seen a significant
increase in both adult literacy rates and the combined primary and second-
ary school enrolment ratio across much of the developing world. This, ac-
cording to the Feierabends’ reasoning, has enlarged the numbers of people
in contact with non-traditional concepts, thereby exacerbating a ‘process
during which former patterns of behaviour, outdated technologies, estab-
lished roles, status and norms must all give way to new, unfamiliar patterns’
and widening ‘the inevitable lag between aspiration and achievement’ (Feier­
abend and Feierabend 1972: 144). The expected rise in ‘disruption, chaos
and personal discontent’, however, does not seem to have materialised (Feier­
abend and Feierabend 1972: 149). Transitional countries are not, despite the
apocalyptic visions of Robert Kaplan and others discussed in Chapter 5, now
demonstrably more unstable than they were in 1970. Although there has
been an increase in civilian casualties that has disproportionately affected
the developing world, this is not a result of recent trends, but because poor
Grievance 121
and transitional countries have been home to the bulk of civil wars for most
of the post-Second World War era. Indeed, rather than a function of mod-
ernisation or development, these conflicts may be mainly a consequence of
Great Power policy, the spread of small arms, the enduring despotism of tiny
privileged elites often based on traditional societal structures or, as Stathis
Kalyvas contends, microfoundational logic (2006).
At the heart of this problem is, for critics of the relative deprivation re-
search programme, a basic confusion between a society’s tendency to de-
velop along modern lines and individuals’ concerns about their own life that
‘often occur within a still viable traditional context in which provision of a
minimum of economic, social and psychological security dampens whatever
frustrations unfulfilled demands generate’ (Oberschall 1969: 9). Indeed, in
Nigeria and Uganda, it was found that a high degree of exposure to urban life
and the media, which supposedly ‘prepare men’s minds for new desires more
rapidly than those new desires be satisfied’ (de Sola Pool 1966: 106), made
‘no marked difference in satisfaction level’ (Oberschall 1969: 12). Previous
positive correlations between these two variables tended to overlook a basic
difference between desires (such as owning a tractor) that are not seen as
likely to materialise and expectations (such as earning enough to feed one’s
family) which can be regarded as an imperative right. As Table 7.4 illustrates,
more subjects did not want, for instance, a car or truck than wanted one and
expected to get one. Consequently, Anthony Oberschall concludes that the
lack of ownership of a car or truck could not be regarded as an example of
relative deprivation. This, he explains, is because people living in developing
or transitional countries are unlikely to orientate their expectations towards
members of a comprador or overseas elite with whom they have little or
no social interaction. Instead, it is more likely that the assets of their own
immediate contacts will make up the primary reference against which their
own position is judged (1969).
Indeed, Derek Birrell reached a similar conclusion in his study of dep-
rivation levels in Northern Ireland (1972). Despite long being the poorest

Table 7.4 Material possessions, desires and expectations in Uganda (percentages)

Does not own Does not own it, Does not own
it, wants it and wants it and does it and does not
Item Owners expects to get it not expect to get it want it
Blankets 92 3 3 1
Land 85 3 8 1
Bicycle 63 10 16 4
Tin roof 52 16 26 3
Radio 46 18 28 15
Electricity 5 13 50 28
Car/truck 4 9 58 24
Source: Adapted from Oberschall (1969: 15).
122 Grievance
region in the UK – a fact extensively disseminated by political leaders – there
was, he suggested, little evidence that deprived groups compared their situa-
tion with people on the mainland. Nor, he continued, did they relate them-
selves to people in the Republic of Ireland; only 13 per cent of Catholics
(the province’s most deprived group) expected their position to improve
through a united Ireland. Instead, he argued that people were more likely
to assess their own positions in relation to their neighbours, and it is this
that focused attention on the wealth disparities, differential levels of politi-
cal representation and divergent traditions and symbols of the Catholic and
Protestant communities, thereby intensifying the dynamics of the Northern
Irish conflict.

This chapter has looked at some of the key debates regarding the formation
and marshalling of grievances as a causal element in individual and collective
conflict. First, it considered the notion of relative deprivation as a develop-
ment of human needs theory and the frustration–aggression mechanism to
which it owes much of its conceptual heritage. At its simplest, this is the
idea that people participate in conflicts because they are unable to satisfy
needs such as sustenance, security, affection and self-actualisation. There is,
in other words, a direct connection – initially conceived of in terms of frus-
tration always leading to aggression – between the inequitable distribution
of resources (both material and non-material) and the causes of conflict and
violence. Although this chapter has attempted to retain some of this explica-
bility within a particularly abstruse and fragmentary section of the literature,
it is important to note that the proposed relationship between perceived
needs, a frustrating instigator, a sense of grievance and conflictive behaviour
is, in fact, very complex.
There is, for instance, little agreement on whether or not perceived griev-
ances are derived from frustrated needs that are innate or socially acquired,
universal or culturally specific, rigid or fluid. Nonetheless, most writers are
agreed that those whose needs are not met may develop grievances in two
ways. The first – egoistic deprivation – is internally experienced and thus
tends to lead to individual responses such as a lowering of expectation, with-
drawal or, conversely, a reinvigorated pursuit of personal goals. The second
– fraternal deprivation – is experienced collectively and is therefore likely
to produce participatory responses including social movements, political
parties, trade unions and the like. In a sociological process related to the
integrative effects of conflict participation looked at in Chapter 4, much
depends on how deprivation is experienced and the web of group affiliations
with which an individual identifies.
Also relevant are the ways in which need satisfaction and individual or
collective expectations are changing over time – the primary concern of this
chapter’s second section. The ability of people to meet their needs may de-
Grievance 123
cline in relation to static expectations amid economic recessions. Equally,
people’s expectations may grow in a way that outstrips need satisfaction
during times of growth. The latter pattern is particularly relevant to periods
of political liberalisation, economic modernisation and social development,
all of which can increase expectations while also creating or exacerbating
collective differences – and therefore fraternal deprivation – within socie-
ties. As we saw in the case of Rwanda (discussed in Chapters 3 and 6), such
changes may lead to ‘transition’ periods in which inequality levels, collective
frustration, structural violence and the redrawing of social divides all inten-
sify, leading to a rise in instability, conflict and violence.
Specifying the causal dynamics of such relationships is, however, ex-
tremely difficult. As most countries might be said to be amid a period of
modernisation or development, instances of social instability do not reveal
any particular determinative influence. Indeed, problems in measuring hu-
man needs, deprivation and frustration (at the level of the individual, the
group and the state), coupled with the more fundamental problems of ob-
jectivism, have produced a contradictory body of inconclusive findings that
are difficult to link together longitudinally. Such problems have led some
analysts to question the value of basing analyses of conflict and violence on
the premises of need and frustration at all. Walter Korpi, for instance, states
that an overemphasis on grievance as a motivational cause of conflict and
violence ‘overlooks the actual possibilities for achieving the desired change’
and ignores the fact that achieving such an objective is ‘determined primarily
by the difference in power resources between the parties concerned’ (1974:
1569). This focus on the dynamics of collective mobilisation, along with an
associated emphasis on the expected utility of conflict participation, repre-
sents something of an elemental challenge to grievance-based approaches
and is thus the topic of the next chapter.
8 Mobilisation

Our starting point in the previous chapter was Aristotle’s assessment of

the causes of Athenian conflict and violence. For Aristotle, these were not,
however, simply the result of the unequal nature of Athenian society and
frustration at the municipal administration’s weakness and incompetence.
They were also driven by the desire for the wealth and privilege that hold-
ing political office entails. This chapter looks at the influence that this de-
sire has on the individual and the ways in which it is organised collectively.
The first section considers the initial challenge to the grievance paradigm
that first emerged during the 1960s. This emphasises the importance of ra-
tional calculations of likely success, the opportunities for mobilisation and
the resources at the disposal of group participants. A particular focus here
is the difficulty of overcoming the problem of free-riding, or the assurance
that individuals will receive collective benefits whether or not they become
involved in organised conflict. The second section looks at one of the key
ways in which this is surmounted – by the control and distribution of selec-
tive benefits to group members. This suggests that individuals will take part
in collective conflict in order to receive these rewards rather than to achieve
social and political objectives (the premise of the previous chapter). Here,
the presence of lootable natural resources within states unable to manage
their extraction and distribution effectively is seen as an important incentive
for conflict participation.

Individuals, groups and rationality

During the 1960s and the heyday of grievance-based explanations of con-
flict and violence, writers began offering dissenting theses challenging what
they perceived to be the dominant precepts of the day: ‘that movement par-
ticipation was relatively rare, discontents were transitory, movement and
institutionalized actions were sharply distinct, and movement actors were
arational if not outright irrational’ (Jenkins 1983: 528). More plausible, it is
suggested, is the view that the decision to participate in social movements,
Mobilisation 125
protest groups and rebellions is ‘not as a consequence of predisposing psy-
chological traits or states, but as the result of rational decision processes
whereby people weigh the costs and benefits of participation’ (Klandermans
1984: 583). By the early 1970s, this concern had produced a heterogeneous
body of work known as resource mobilisation theory (Etzioni 1968; Leites
and Wolf 1970; Wilson 1973; McCarthy and Zald 1973).
According to David Snyder, this had five basic premises, which, as Table
8.1 illustrates, have given rise to approaches to conflict analysis quite differ-
ent from the work of grievance theorists looked at in the previous chapter
(1978: 504–6). First, variations in grievance are either unrelated (Jenkins
and Perrow 1977), or only very weakly related (McCarthy and Zald 1977:
1214–15), to collective political action in general and violent conflict in
particular. Second, the organisation of conflict is of utmost importance in
explaining how people come to participate in collective action. This is also a
feature of other approaches, but, for writers such as Snyder and Tilly (1972),
the key element is the manipulation of participants by elites and not merely
the command of discontent. Third, group membership levels, along with
‘tangible’ resources (weapons, money, communication links and so on), act
as constraints upon, or facilitators of, conflictive behaviour (Gamson 1975;
Freeman 1979: 172–5).

Table 8.1 A comparison of relative deprivation and resource mobilisation theory

Relative deprivation theory Resource mobilisation theory
The fundamental disposition of The fundamental disposition of
individuals (or groups) is towards the individuals (or groups) is to maximise
avoidance of violent conflict power and resources
Inclinations towards pacific politics may Pursuing this objective may involve the
be blocked by aberrant events/conditions use of violence
Primary problem is to explain why Primary problem is to explain why
collective violence occurs as often as it collective violence does not occur more
does often
Assessment of environment is other- Assessment of environment is self-
regarding in terms of both motivation regarding in terms of both motivation
and expectation and expectation
Engagement in collective violence is Engagement in collective violence is
likely to be affective rather than coolly likely to be a result of rational, tactical
calculated considerations
Factors such as power balances and Factors such as power balances and
available resources are therefore available resources are therefore
expected to play a minimal role expected to play a major role
Conflict may be heavily influenced Cultural factors are not significant, but
by culture and learning as these learning may play a role in influencing
fundamentally affect the way grievances cost–benefit calculations
are perceived and communicated
Source: Adapted from Eckstein (1980: 142–3).
126 Mobilisation
Fourth, individuals and groups attempt to bring these resources to bear
in order to achieve their objectives in a rational manner. The basic postulate
here is that violent conflict

is a purposeful form of contention for political power and, therefore,

no matter how frustrated people are by conditions of relative depriva-
tion, they will not contend collectively for political power unless the
likelihood of success of rebellion is high and the expected benefits of
rebellion exceed the expected costs.
(Muller and Weede 1994: 41)

The individual is thus treated as a unitary actor proceeding on a single set

of assumptions and preferences (grounded upon the ability to rank potential
outcomes with a scale of value) in pursuit of well-defined goals. It is assumed
that behaviour is based on the self-interested pursuit of clearly identifiable
aims and that individuals have the time, rational capacity and emotional
detachment to choose the best course of action, no matter how complex the
choice (Finkel et al. 1989). Course a is preferred to b (and to c, if b is pre-
ferred to c as well) if it can be observed to have been chosen; no other men-
tal processes are considered. People thus seek to pursue their own interests
through a calculated assessment of the costs and benefits of any given course
of action. Revolutions are supported because people expect the results to
include a material improvement for themselves (not for the good of the col-
lective) and that these will outweigh any expected costs. ‘Participants will’,
in other words, ‘spend an extra unit of their time on dissident activities only
if the private reward from dissident activities is greater than the private re-
ward from [other] economic activities’ (Lichbach 1989: 460). Fifth, conflicts
emerge because collective violence is an effective way to compete for scarce
resources with other groups (including the state). Obtaining, or opponents
losing, control over these resources is, it is suggested, therefore important as
both a motive and an object of conflictive behaviour (Tilly 1975a).
In this sense, then, ‘mobilization refers to the process through which
individual group members’ resources are surrendered, assembled, and com-
mitted for obtaining common goals’, for defending group interests and for
challenging existing structures of domination (Oberschall 1978: 306; 1973).
Here, contenders are, as Charles Tilly notes, of two kinds (1978). Some are
located within the polity and therefore enjoy routine, low-cost admission
to the levers of power, whereas others are involved in attempting to gain
access to the political centre and a share of its resources. Supported by, or
consisting of, existing elites, the former group of contenders endeavours to
exclude challengers and to maintain its preferential position. For a challenge
to overcome these entrenched interests and succeed, there must be support
for contenders’ claims from within a significant section of the polity’s popu-
lation and there must be an inability or unwillingness to suppress both the
Mobilisation 127
challenger and any generalised support for its claims – a factor particularly
important if ‘coalitions between members of the polity and the contenders
making the alternative claims’ have emerged (1973: 441). When a challenge
is successful, the newly inducted group adapts the system to recognise its
position and to lower the costs of access for its constituency. The civil rights
movement in the United States, for instance, was able, once it had secured
a place within the polity, to wind down its direct action programme and
transfer the costs of desegregating the public sphere to the Justice Depart-
ment and other public sector organisations.
In this sense, then, varying levels of deprivation are not seen as an im-
portant element in the organisation and success of collective conflict. For
instance, in their study of Europe during the nineteenth and early twentieth
century, the Tillys find no positive association between rises in misery and
poverty – frequently observed during periods of rapid urbanisation – and
collective violence. They conclude that, while industrialisation and govern-
ment centralisation certainly provoked conflicts (some of which were quite
extensive), this was because the state was making claims upon resources that
were previously the reserve of groups with sufficient internal solidarity to
mobilise resistance. Price rises, conscription and tax increases all produced
conflicts, but these occupied the most organised and purposeful and not
the most deprived and dispossessed (Tilly et al. 1975). As a whole, though,
modernisation, contrary to the work of the Feierabends and others discussed
in the previous chapter, is said to depress ‘the level of social conflict, because
it weakens many groups’ means of mobilization for collective action faster
than it creates other groups with a high mobilizing capacity’ (Oberschall
1978: 302).
Of crucial importance in the prevalence of collective conflict, then, is the
nature of the polity in which it occurs. This is, as Edward Muller and Erich
Weede note, because regime structures provide ‘a set of constraints and op-
portunities that influence the benefits, costs, and likelihood of success of all
kinds of collective political action’ (1994: 43). Such an influence can work
in three ways. First, as ‘mobilization depends upon the coercive, normative,
remunerative and informational resources that an incipient movement can
extract from its setting and can employ in its protest’, variables such as the
availability of data, the accessibility of media outlets and the efficiency and
extent of communication infrastructures can all have an important impact
on collective conflict (Kitschelt 1986: 61). Second, the institutional relation-
ship between civil groups and political elites may, through the formulation
and implementation of rules and conventions, shape collective demands. As
agents of social control are rendered, according to rational choice assump-
tions, as ‘an exogenous variable captured by the cost function’, mobilisation
is likely to be encouraged by conciliatory responses and impeded by reactions
that are more forceful (Oberschall 1994: 97). Third, mobilisation may be af-
fected by the presence or absence of other mobilising groups. The perceived
128 Mobilisation
success of one group may exert a demonstrable influence over others, while
the concurrent appearance of many such groups can help to determine the
type of response preferred by the polity (Tarrow 1998).
Variations in such political opportunity structures give rise to open or
closed polities (Eisinger 1973). In his study of anti-nuclear protest move-
ments in Europe and the United States, Herbert Kitschelt concludes that
liberal democracies with very open polities and effective administrations are
more likely to contain non-violent and innovative forms of social mobilisa-
tion, whereas less assimilatory types of social mobilisation are probable in
closed and ineffective systems (1986: 63–4). When extrapolated to non-
democratic polities, this finding is broadly in keeping with the hypothesis
that ‘the incidence of collective violence should be relatively high under con-
ditions of intermediate regime repressiveness and relatively low when the
regime is either very repressive or very open’ (Muller 1985: 48). Rational
actors should prefer non-violent participation in open polities because it is
less costly, easy to organise, more predictable and likely to lead to benefits.
Equally, in highly repressive systems, rational actors should abstain from
political engagement as, although the potential benefits may be great, the
expected costs are extremely high, the likelihood of success is very low and
the difficulties of mobilisation are acute. However, in polities where prevail-
ing political opportunities either permit some groups to mobilise or tolerate
a low level of general mobilisation (but then prevent these from effecting
changes), rational actors may be likely to adjudge the benefits of violent
rebellion as outweighing the benefits of non-violent participation. They may
also decide that the costs of rebellion are not inordinately high and that
there is sufficient social space and available resources to mobilise a successful
collective challenge (Muller and Weede 1990). This inverted ‘U’, or curvi-
linear, relationship between regime repressiveness/polity openness and levels
of collective violence contrasts with the positive linearity of many grievance
theories (for instance, Hibbs’ premise that a lack of political participation
acts as a frustrating instigator (1973)) and the negative linearity of work
based only on the deterrent value of repression (Coleman 1990: Ch. 18).
For many writers, however, such a characterisation of participative, ra-
tional and measured collective responses to changing political environments
does not fit with the way in which individuals actually make decisions – not
least, because only around one in five rebellions has been successful (Gurr
and Goldstone 1991). Part of the problem at the level of the individual (we
shall look at the difficulties of reaching collective decisions in Chapter 9)
is the issue of free-riding. Why should a rational individual join any col-
lective action when most conflicts are fought over public goods (such as
greater political representation, lower taxes and so on) that everyone will
enjoy? Furthermore, it is extremely unlikely that any one person’s decision
to join a rebellion will have any effect on the outcome. As Mark Lichbach
puts it, ‘on the cost side (1) rebels face many social causes with which to
become involved; (2) rebels have many personal demands on their time that
Mobilisation 129
have priority . . . [and] (3) participation is often quite costly and dangerous’
(1994a: 386–7). In all, the ‘rebel’s dilemma’ presents prospective dissidents,
like all group members, with strong incentives to free-ride even though they,
like their peers, stand to benefit from the outcome of mobilisation (Tullock
As such incentives can be obstructed or promoted by structures internal
to the group itself, regardless of its position relative to the power structures
of the existing polity, the nature of the relationship between individuals and
collectives is important – particularly the benefits that the former cannot
obtain for themselves and that may accrue from participating in the latter.
Jack Goldstone summarises these thus:

the unattached individual making choices in the free marketplace is un-

likely to obtain much more than his or her preferred balance between
consumer durables and disposables . . . . For locating and obtaining an
enormous variety of crucial economic and affective goods and services
– information, support for collective causes, status and career opportuni-
ties – individuals depend on their involvement with identifiable groups.
(1994: 144)

In return for these benefits, individuals therefore come to value the preser-
vation of their group. They may overlook the opportunity to free-ride and,
for reasons of time, money and the need to pressure others to conform, they
may decide to commit their resources to the interests and objectives of the
group (Hechter 1987).
For Lichbach, this can happen in four, overlapping ways (1994b: 11–19).
The first he calls ‘uncoordinated market exchange relations’. These may act
to increase the benefits accruing to individual participation. If, for instance,
a group contains a high proportion of zealots (individuals for whom the
benefits of their contributions exceed the costs), then it is likely to mobilise
more easily – particularly if the object of mobilisation is made more valuable
through scarcity or policy (Olson 1971: 49). Similarly, a group’s capacity to
reduce or repay an individual’s participatory costs, such as start-up expenses
or forgone income (to be discussed in greater detail in the next section), may
permit it to mobilise with less difficulty (Rogowski 1985). Obviously, this
will be more likely to occur if the group can increase its resources, suggesting
that mobilisation becomes more probable when organised by prosperous
sections of society or when supported by larger concerns such as national
organisations, wealthy diasporas, sympathetic patrons or overseas states
(Azam 2001).
Additionally, an individual’s decision to participate may be influenced by
the perceived efficiency of the group’s manifesto, resources or plans; if, in
other words, more benefits can be obtained for a fixed cost (in terms of
time, money and so on) through advances in technology and refinements in
tactics (Muller and Opp 1986). These factors relate closely to the tendency,
130 Mobilisation
examined in Chapter 4, of conflict to exert a cohering effect upon members
of participant groups. The use of incomplete or deliberately manipulated
information, for instance, can be crucial in portraying groups’ objectives
favourably and improving their perceived likelihood of success, thereby so-
lidifying internal support and bolstering external recruitment. Misapprehen-
sions regarding the potential costs of becoming involved might inspire zeal-
otry and increase risk-taking, while a misleading impression of the group’s
internal structure can convince individuals that their participation could
make a material difference to the outcome of mobilisation (Moe 1980). Re-
stricting information or other material resources can also prevent individu-
als from selecting alternative options and increase general perceptions of
competition and polarisation (Gates 2002).
A second, inter-related solution to the free-riding dilemma is to be found
in groups that enjoy high levels of solidarity, strong institutions and a wide-
spread sense of common purpose (Taylor 1988). Here, the dissemination of
knowledge is important in the construction of a collective ideology, which
can promote conformity and the experience of self-actualisation, enhance
an individual’s capacity to endure hardship and add ethical dimensions to
the goals of mobilisation (Defronzo 1991: 314). Indeed, groups that con-
tain shared expectations based upon qualitatively similar ideas tend to make
comparable assessments of utility, especially if their members are subject to
appeals and pleas for action of the type discussed in Chapter 7. Addition-
ally, a broadening awareness of this mutuality through the evident engage-
ment of others can produce sequential forms of mobilisation known as
bandwagon, threshold or critical-mass examples (Oberschall 1979). Third,
free-riding may be overcome through the establishment of authoritative
rules within the mobilising group. These are, as Chapter 5 highlighted,
particularly important if groups are drawn from overcrowded and socially
diverse environments where personal autonomy is expected to be high and
reciprocity low. At a political level, such an oversight can help to ensure the
contingent cooperation of individuals who fear that their involvement will
not be matched by others, while, at an economic level, the enforcement of
exchange conventions can assist in solidifying a group’s resource base and
further consolidate mobilisation (Ostrom 1990).
Fourth, ‘a little power, authority, and, yes, dictatorship, can go a long
way toward solving the Rebel’s Dilemma’ (Lichbach 1994b: 17). In addi-
tion to the institutionalisation of doctrinaire regulations, personality cults
around charismatic and authoritarian leaders can facilitate mobilisation by
consolidating interpersonal bonds of expected reciprocity and thus helping
to alter an individual’s assessment of the potential costs of trusting others
(Hardin 1995). This may be strengthened by making the group more exclu-
sive through the formation of a centralised, compact revolutionary bureau,
the greater involvement of zealots or the establishment of a decentralised
network of small, highly coherent cells (Weede and Muller 1998: 45–9).
Top-down coercion, in the form of punishing desertion and sloth and enforc-
Mobilisation 131
ing stringent barriers between the group and the broader context in which it
operates, can, along with the types of direct and vicarious conditioning con-
sidered in Chapter 6, increase individuals’ sense of identity and lead them
to believe that successful mobilisation is dependent on their participation
(Moore 1995: 440–2). In Mozambique, for instance, young men recruited
to the Resistência Nacional Moçambicana (the Mozambican National Resist-
ance – RENAMO) were reported to have been forced to attack their home
village, thereby permanently severing their societal links and rendering them
more reliant on the group (Cohn and Goodwin-Gill 1994: 23).
Although these four sets of measures may be successful in offsetting the
effects of free-riding, they do not fully overcome a fundamental difference in
preference between the mobilising elite and the mobilised masses. As Patrick
Regan and Daniel Norton observe, ‘leaders seek authority and control . . .
they view success in terms of a new distribution of political power, whether
that is through a power-sharing arrangement or outright and total control
over the bureaucracy’. Those enlisted, they continue, ‘are motivated by
personal gains in the form of a minimally accepted improvement in their
personal standard of living’, suggesting that the distribution of ‘protection
and resources in the provision of selective benefits’ is extremely important
for sustained mobilisation to occur (2005: 323). This is very significant be-
cause, as we shall see in the next section, ‘an observable increase in the
self-financing nature of combatant activities’ since the end of the Cold War
has led to further inroads in the predominantly grievance-based idea that
warfare represents a frustrating breakdown in the supply of economic or
political public goods and is thus an instigator of restorative action (Bal-
lentine and Sherman 2003: 1). Rather, the imperative of ensuring an unbro-
ken supply of remuneration is seen as the primary means of ensuring group
integration, thereby transforming a war-affected economy into ‘an alternate
system of profit, power and protection’ (Berdal and Keen 1997: 797). As
Michael Pugh and colleagues conclude, ‘the conditions of war present new
commercial opportunities for the exploitation of assets, investment, services,
marketing, and welfare. Indeed, . . . armed factions are remarkably adept
at economic diversification and at seeking optimum gains in the changing
contexts of their struggle’ (2004: 19).

Greed and natural resources

Three factors are said to promote the emergence of war economies. The
first is the gradual reduction in Great Power competition within the devel-
oping world since the 1980s. As we saw in Chapter 5’s account of ‘the new
barbarism’, it has often been noted that a decline in Superpower patronage
led to a reduction in the expected costs of challenging previously supported
regimes, lifting ‘the lid on long-standing tribal, ethnic, and national rivalries’
(Keen 2000b: 20–1). Hitherto, the ‘confrontation between the two systems’
had allowed developing countries ‘to play one side off against the other to
132 Mobilisation
obtain aid’, leading to favourable lending terms and limited conditionality
(Singh 2002: 298). The West’s geopolitical imperative of excluding Sino-
Soviet influence, for instance, ensured that both the International Monetary
Fund’s Articles of Agreement and the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade permitted developing economies to erect barriers to capital move-
ment, to adjust importation tariffs, to control their balance of payments and
to establish a degree of policy autonomy. This, for many economists, helps to
explain why average annual growth within developing countries rose from
0.5 per cent for the period 1900–50 to 5.5 per cent from 1950 to 1980 (Pa-
tel 1992). These greater resources were then available to be used to repress
or incorporate domestic dissent, thereby strengthening the state, increasing
the costs of challenging the status quo and reducing the benefits of confron-
tational mobilisation.
As patronage declined, Southern regimes also became more susceptible to
Western capital penetration. The imposition of extensive conditionalities on
development assistance led to severe cuts in public expenditure, while private
financial flows to the South grew from US$36 billion in 1988 to US$251.1
billion in 1997 (Thérien and Lloyd 2000: 27). Consequently, domestic elites
turned to foreign firms and commercial lenders for support. As internal dis-
sent grew, they also tended to institute polices aimed at debilitating potential
challengers. As William Reno observes, ‘removing public goods, like security
or economic security, that are otherwise enjoyed by all, irrespective of their
political or economic situation, is done to encourage the individual to seek
the ruler’s personal favor’ and to offset the appeal of ‘strongmen who have
appropriated prerogatives of official office for their own benefit’ (2000a: 47;
2000b: 439). As Table 8.2 shows, this has led to an acute weakening of the
public sector. Such a decline in state capacity has, as Chapter 1 highlighted,
been compounded by a proliferation of weapons made abundant and afford-
able by now cash-strapped former patrons seeking to reduce the running
costs of their own domestic arsenals (Gamba and Cornwell 2000: 163–4).
Indeed, the availability of such resources has been greatly enhanced by a
second change in the geopolitical context, globalisation. This has diminished
the regulatory mandate of the state by increasing the power of supranational
multilateral financial institutions and substate civil society organisations,
both of which, in many cases, now have the authority to override national
economic planning (Held et al. 1997). The result, Mark Duffield suggests,
is a power vacuum in which ‘political actors have been able to control lo-
cal economies and realize their worth through the ability to forge new and
flexible relations with liberalized global markets’ (2000: 72). When this
coincides with a proliferation of inexpensive weaponry, the potential costs
of collective violence decrease, its benefits increase and the likelihood of
elites securing political and further economic objectives grows. Mobilisation
may thus take the form of internationalised criminal networks, supported as
much for their ability to provide a pacific trading and social environment as
Mobilisation 133
Table 8.2 Annual government spending on education and health in various African
countries (US$ per capita/percentage of GDP)
1980 1987 1994
Education 32.3/12.4 34.3/12.0 21.5/9.1
Health 17.8/6.8 14.2/5.0 8.1/3.4

Education 18.4/19.6 22.2/19.8 18.0/13.8
Health 12.2/13.0 10.3/9.2 9.8/7.5

Education 15.8/10.2 8.6/5.8 5.5/4.0
Health 7.2/4.6 4.3/2.9 1.2/0.9

DR Congo
Education 5.6/2.9 1.1/2.0 0.0/0.0
Health 3.9/1.8 0.7/1.2 0.0/0.0

Education 56.5/18.7 39.5/9.8 19.2/4.9
Health 21.2/7.0 14.2/3.5 12.0/3.1
Source: Reno (2000b: 441).

for the selective benefits that they bestow. It may also result from collective
attempts to control the supply of commodities across borders and frequently
on to Western markets (Cater 2003: 32–3). In each case, the dynamics of
mobilisation are ‘deeply interconnected with both regulated and unregu-
lated global trade and financial flows’ (Pugh et al. 2004: 19).
Here, the presence of natural resources – a third factor in the emergence
of war-affected economies – is held to increase the destructiveness of con-
flicts once they have begun (de Soysa 2000). The availability of primary com-
modities may, it is suggested, ‘encourage [the] raiding of civilians to meet the
needs of the fighters’, giving rise to ‘competition and conflict over access to
and distribution of the economic proceeds of resource exploitation’ (Keen
1997: 72; Sherman 2003: 225). As Table 8.3 illustrates, these commonly in-
clude oil, natural gas, timber, gemstones, narcotics and timber. For instance,
the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (The National Un-
ion for the Total Independence of Angola – UNITA) has controlled over 70
per cent of the country’s diamond exports during much of the country’s civil
war (Berdal and Malone 2000: 5). Similarly, the National Patriotic Front
leader, Charles Taylor, is said to have made hundreds of millions of dollars
a year (between 1992 and 1996) from his organisation’s administration of
134 Mobilisation
Table 8.3 Civil conflicts linked to resource wealth, 1994–2001
Duration Resources
Afghanistan 1978–2001 Gems, opium
Angola 1975– Oil, diamonds
Burma 1949– Timber, gems, opium
Cambodia 1978–97 Timber, gems
Colombia 1984– Oil, opium, coca
Congo 1997– Oil
DR Congo 1996– Copper, cobalt, diamonds, gold, coltan,
Aceh 1975– Natural gas
West Papua 1969– Copper, gold
Liberia 1989–96 Iron, diamonds, gold, timber, coffee, palm
oil, cocoa, rubber, marijuana
Papua New Guinea 1988– Copper, gold
Peru 1980–95 Coca
Sierra Leone 1991–2000 Diamonds
Sudan 1983– Oil
Source: Ross (2003: 49).

rubber, gold and timber extraction in ‘Taylorland’ – a territory (carved out

of Liberia and eastern Sierra Leone) replete with its own currency, telecom-
munications network, airfield, port and banking system (Reno 2000c).
The availability of these resources has important implications for the
manner in which conflicts are undertaken. While the presence of lootable
resources (such as alluvial diamonds, timber, agricultural products and so
on) can lessen free-riding by making mobilisation privately profitable, it
may additionally obstruct the ultimate achievement of political objectives
by turning local commanders into autonomous despots unmindful of the
broader aims of the group (Herbst 2000a: 276–81). Such a constraint on
the elite’s chain of command also makes mobilisation difficult to bring to an
end. As David Keen notes, ‘winning may not be desirable: the point of war
may be precisely the legitimacy it confers on actions that in peacetime would
be punishable as crimes’ (1998: 20). From an elite’s point of view, this is
efficacious as long as its objectives are limited to material acquisition and not
political hegemony. However, if the natural resource is difficult to loot (such
as oil, deep-mined gemstones and minerals) or if transportation links are
easy to obstruct, then merely seeking to control and redistribute the wealth
of one part of a country is not sufficient to ensure group loyalty. In such cases
(of which Angola, Aceh, West Papua, Papua New Guinea and Sudan are cited
as examples), wider political ambitions (separatism, ethno-nationalism and
so on) may be more common (Ross 2004).
Much depends on the propinquity of the resources in question. As Peter
Mobilisation 135
Le Billon notes, if the resource is near to the government’s seat of power
(‘proximate’ – as in the case of Angola’s oil deposits, which are predomi-
nantly offshore and thus acquirable only through the deployment of naval
power) and concentrated in one area (‘point’ resources), then, as Table 8.4
illustrates, it is likely to be necessary for a mobilising group to initiate wide-
ranging political ambitions, such as the organisation of a coup d’état or other
forms of enforced state control. In contrast, if the resource is ‘diffused’ and
‘distant’ from governmental power, its market value is comparatively easy
to realise, producing a plethora of competing mobilised groups. This often
diminishes if widely dispersed resources are nearer to urban centres, leading
to lower intensity forms of irredentism (such as rioting and localised rebel-
lions). If, however, distant resources are concentrated in one region, the
result may be a more coherent and politicised form of mobilisation pursuing
separatist or secessionist objectives (2001: 569–75).
This is especially likely if the region in question does not receive what it
perceives to be an equitable share of resource revenues or, conversely, if it
allocates disproportionate levels of public investment. Both scenarios can
intensify competition for extraction rights and contracts between local elites,
leading to the emergence of provincial ‘mini-states’ seeking to expand in to
weaker regions (Smith 2004). These may be acutely divisive if supported by
external Powers – particularly richer countries pursuing globally important
resource endowments (as Winston Churchill observed, ‘God put the West’s
oil under Middle Eastern feet’). The mobilisation of separatist sentiment in
the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for instance, was partly a result of

Table 8.4 Resource geography and conflict type

Point Diffuse
Proximate State control/coup d’état Rebellion/rioting
Algeria (gas) El Salvador (coffee)
Angola (oil) Guatemala (cropland)
Chad (oil) Palestine (water)
Liberia (iron, rubber) Mexico (cropland)
Nicaragua (coffee)
Rwanda (coffee)
Sierra Leone (rutile)

Distant Succession Warlordism

Caucasus (oil) Afghanistan (opium)
DR Congo (copper, cobalt, gold) Angola (diamonds)
Indonesia (oil, copper, gold) Burma (opium, timber)
Biafra (oil) Cambodia (gems, timber)
Papua New Guinea (copper) DR Congo (diamonds, gold)
Sudan (oil) Liberia (timber, diamonds)
Peru (coca)
Philippines (marijuana, timber)
Sierra Leone (diamonds)
Source: Adapted from Le Billon (2001: 573).
136 Mobilisation
neighbouring states seeking raw materials and involved the tacit support,
if not active involvement, of French and Belgian corporate capital (Strizek
Such predation is said to be particularly hard to resist if internal trade
networks have been diminished or weakened by the effects of an economy
based on natural resource rents. Increases in currency values driven by re-
source booms tend to make exports less competitive, thereby depressing
manufacturing sectors and constricting domestic commerce (a phenomenon
known as Dutch disease after the adverse impact of natural gas income on
the Netherlands’ economy in the 1960s) (Lam and Wantchekon 2004). On
the longheld liberal assumption that trade establishes reciprocal relationships
that are mutually advantageous and, as Chapter 1 highlighted, intrinsically
‘peaceful’, it is possible that states benefiting from one another’s exports
are less likely to go to war than those without extensive commercial links
(Russett 2002). It may also be true that a collapse in internal trade born of
adverse exchange rates can also make civil conflict more likely by diminish-
ing the income that individuals would forgo in order to join a mobilising
group and by lowering reciprocal links with other proximate groups.
Moreover, as the income derived from rents originates exogenously and
therefore does not require the support of a productive class, the limited
number of individuals involved in the allocation of revenue tends, it is sug-
gested, to give rise to oligarchic administrations with few incentives to seek
civil support beyond those necessary to nourish patronage networks and
offset domestic political pressures (Moore 2004). As taxation is compara-
tively inconsequential within rentier economies, there are few instruments
to restrain the autonomy of the state and little incentive to monitor public
sector decision-making (Fearon and Laitin 2003). Moreover, because replac-
ing such a small elite is comparatively straightforward (as well as highly
lucrative), resource-reliant regimes are held to be frequently volatile and
insecure and thus inclined to rely on repression and surveillance, typically
funded through the rents themselves (Mahdavy 1970). As such, the presence
of natural resources may be a ‘permissive’ cause of conflict made possible by
acquisition, but driven by other goals. Alternatively, if the conflict is inspired
simply by the prospect of acquiring a selective benefit, the resource in ques-
tion may constitute a ‘root’ cause (Humphreys 2005: 512).
For a number of economists, however, such a distinction is largely irrel-
evant. They argue that, because human goals are infinite, their relationship
with the finite resources available to fulfil these goals is likely to be more or
less constant in all societies. As the way that this is perceived is unobserv-
able, expected utility and not motive must be used to explain conflict and
violence. Insofar as individual self-interest can be evaluated, selective ben-
efits can be assumed to be the underlying purpose of conflictive behaviour.
These, it is suggested, will be expressed only in the form of group mobilisa-
tion if conditions are perceived to be conducive – as assessed by rational
cost–benefit analyses (Grossman 1991). Variables such as natural resource
Mobilisation 137
endowments and regime type are therefore simply seen as facilitators or
inhibitors of individual and collective avarice, which groups attempt to con-
ceal behind loud, yet spurious, orations on injustice, inequality and a range
of other grievances. As Paul Collier, the former director of the World Bank’s
Development Research Group and foremost proponent of this ‘greed’ thesis,
puts it, ‘rebellion is large-scale predation of productive economic activities’
accompanied by a wide variety of obfuscatory discourses that provide ‘no in-
formational content to the researcher as to the true motivation for rebellion’
(2000a: 3; 2000b: 92; 2001a: 146). According to some, then, the presence
of grievance discourses may be positively correlated with conflict, but they
cannot be used as an explanatory variable. In fact, income inequality and
land distribution are, it is claimed, five times less likely to cause conflicts
than ‘greed’ proxies such as the availability of lootable primary commodities
(Collier and Hoeffler 1998).
To demonstrate this, Collier and Anke Hoeffler used an updated version
of J. David Singer and Melvin Small’s dataset (1994) covering 161 countries
and 78 civil wars. To quantify opportunity, they developed seven indicators
measured at 5-year intervals to establish ‘episodes’ which can then be catego-
rised as ‘conflict’ or ‘conflict-free’ (Collier and Hoeffler 2001). The first was
the ratio of primary commodity exports to a country’s overall gross domestic
product (GDP). Reiterating the earlier findings of Muller and Weede (1990),
they predicted that this would be an inverted ‘U’ relationship, as low levels
of resource availability would offer little expected utility, and governments
controlling very high levels of resource abundance (such as the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia) may be so well financed as to make rebellion too costly to
be feasible. The second indicator was the presence of transferable diasporic
resources, measured as the proportion of a country’s population living in
the United States. Remittances from these expatriate groups have long been
noted as an important element in a variety of civil conflicts – particularly the
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka (Venugopal 2003).
A third predictor of enhanced opportunity structures was the availability
of finances from foreign governments. This may be regional states seeking
to destabilise potential challengers (as in the Great Lakes region of Central
Africa) or global Powers supporting ideological allies (the involvement of the
United States in the Middle East and Central America for instance). Fourth,
opportunities for mobilisation were found to increase considerably when
the income individuals must forgo in order to participate is atypically low
– of which periods of economic recessions or lulls in agricultural production
are examples. To measure this, Collier and Hoeffler augmented rudimen-
tary income per capita data with male secondary school enrolment and the
growth rate of the previous 5 years in order to calculate prospective income
A fifth indicator was the presence of unusually cheap, conflict-specific in-
puts such as the availability of weapons, military communication equipment,
personnel, skills, armoured vehicles and so on. If the timespan since the
138 Mobilisation
last conflict was great, Collier and Hoeffler proposed that these would have
become scarcer and thus more expensive to acquire. Sixth, an obstructive
topography (mountains, large areas of dense flora, wetlands, desert and the
like), as well as a widely dispersed pattern of population settlement, may im-
pede policing, increase local autonomy, diminish the state’s capacity to gov-
ern and therefore improve the opportunities to rebel (Herbst 2000b). Finally,
Collier and Hoeffler pointed to social cohesion within mobilising groups as
a key opportunity booster. Here, there was some evidence to suggest that an
ethnically or religiously diverse recruitment base may create problems for
elites attempting to impose a coherent chain of command (Collier 2001b).
To calculate the possible impact of this, fractionalisation indices were used to
determine the probability that two individuals selected at random from any
given location would share the same religious and ethnic background.
In order to evaluate the predictive quality of these seven criteria, Col-
lier and Hoeffler compared them with four factors indicative of what they
called ‘objective grievances’ (those that can be quantified independently of
an individual’s subjective experience). The first was social polarisation – the
idea, drawn from the socio-biological premises of Chapter 5, that ethnically
diverse societies that become divided along political grounds are more prone
to the expression of grievances (Bardhan 1997: 1390–2). This was measured
by combining the fractionalisation indices used above with calculations of
income to develop a scalar assessment of intragroup homogeneity, inter-
group heterogeneity and the distribution of significantly sized groups within
a given state (Esteban and Ray 1994). Second, Collier and Hoeffler used a
ten-point scale of political rights (drawn from the work of Jaggers and Gurr
1995) to measure repression as a grievance-inducing pressure and, after the
findings of Håvard Hegre et al. (2001), predicted a curvilinear relationship
with the occurrence of conflict. Their third measure of objective grievance
was ‘ethnic dominance’. Here, conflicts are predicted to be more common
when one ethnic group has a narrow numerical advantage over other groups,
which it uses to govern the political sphere. Fourth, using the data of Klaus
Deininger and Lyn Squire (1998), Collier and Hoeffler recorded the Gini
coefficients of income quintiles and land ownership to examine the pos-
sibility that the ‘poor may rebel to induce redistribution, and rich regions
may mount secessionist rebellions to preempt redistribution’ – a notion con-
nected, at the state or systemic levels of analysis, to the ‘preventative’ wars
considered in Chapter 10 (2001: 7).
Having applied these factors to data on civil wars from 1960 to 1999,
they conclude that the availability of finance, especially that drawn from
natural resources, is particularly likely to be correlated with the outbreak
of civil war within any given 5-year period. In fact, they calculate that, for
countries in which 32 per cent of GDP is obtained from natural resource-
derived exportation, the risk of civil war is about 22 per cent, while for a
country with 0 per cent of such exports it is 1 per cent. Overseas remittances,
low male secondary school enrolment and stagnant growth rates – leading
Mobilisation 139
to low forgone income – are also found to be statistically associated with the
onset of rebellious mobilisation. Dispersed settlement patterns also appear
to contribute to the likelihood of civil war – a factor long associated with
the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where much of the
population lives near the border – while mountainous terrain was a more
weakly associated variable (Herbst 2000b). Of the deprivation variables,
only ethnic dominance was found to be significant and this was offset by
the placatory effects of social fractionalisation. Consequently, Collier and
Hoeffler are led to comment that ‘a model that focuses on opportunities for
rebellion performs well, whereas objective indicators of grievance add little
explanatory power’ (2001: 16).
Collier’s core conclusion, that rebellion is ‘a quasi-criminal activity . . .
in which the rebel objective is to loot natural resource rents on a continu-
ing basis’ (2000c: 839–41), has, however, been widely challenged by those
concerned at what is perceived to be an expansion in the domain of clas-
sical liberal economics since the end of the Cold War (Fine 2001). It has
been claimed that such studies tend to produce ‘probabilistic statements of
conflict risk rather than factual descriptions of actual conflict dynamics’ (Bal-
lentine and Sherman 2003: 5). Aggregated economic data may be able to
‘indicate whether mobilisation levels tend to increase in prosperous times,
but not whether that occurs because individual members of those groups
have more resources upon which collective claims can be made’ (Snyder
1978: 516–21). Analysts are thus unable to specify precisely under what
conditions rebellious groups may form, so ‘inevitably end up presenting a
static, culturally blind and profoundly ahistorical picture of civil wars’ (Ber-
dal 2005: 690).
To overcome such constraints, it is, for many writers, necessary to give
an account of ‘the relations of force rather than just choices of violence’
– where, in other words, ‘the “players” come from, other than as the product
of relevant economistic calculations’ (Cramer 2002: 1858, 1847). It is, for
instance, vital to disaggregate the parties to a conflict in order to understand
both the political context in which they operate and the sociological condi-
tions of collective action. In particular, it is important to acknowledge that
only a proportion of civil violence results from insurgency and much is a
consequence of the policies and actions of the governing administration. As
Kalevi Holsti points out, these elites may, like insurgents, also ‘use their posi-
tions and access to resources to plunder the national economy through graft,
corruption and extortion’ (2000: 251). States, for instance, might utilise
resource rents to finance repression, thereby weakening rebel resolve – yet,
contrary to the greed model, increasing the ratio of primary commodities to
overall GDP (de Soysa 2002: 398–9).
Indeed, it is surely too simplistic to regard mineral extraction as intrinsi-
cally damaging to an economy. Australian development was, for instance,
heavily reliant on zinc and lead exports and its mines were, in 1913, produc-
ing 22 per cent of the world’s share of both. The United States’ economy
140 Mobilisation
was also dependent on its natural resource endowment during its most pro-
ductive period. Between 1890 and 1914, for instance, it became the largest
mineral economy in the world. By 1913, it was producing 56 per cent of
the world’s copper, 43 per cent of the world’s phosphate and 39 per cent of
the world’s coal (David and Wright 1997). Moreover, if natural resources
are considered in terms of per capita value (rather than simply in terms of
export reliance), mineral-rich countries are not among the least developed
or most undemocratic. Of the top 12, eight are listed as ‘free’ by Freedom
House and only Papua New Guinea and Jamaica are outside the top 60 on
the UNDP’s 2003 Human Development Index. Indeed, number one on this
index was Norway, the world’s second largest per capita exporter of oil after
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Wright and Czelusta 2004).
Decentralised non-belligerent groups may also use the proceeds of natu-
ral, as well as diasporic, resources to increase the income that individuals
would have to forgo in order to mobilise (Menkhaus 2004). The tendency
of remittance receipts and timber sales to ‘aid rather than hinder conflict re-
duction’ in Burma has, for instance, been well documented (Sherman 2003:
225). Indeed, for many apparently resource-based conflicts, it would appear
that the avaricious motives of political elites have been overstated. Leaders
do not generally withdraw from the extraordinarily dangerous business of
insurrection once a personal fortune is garnered, but continue to pursue os-
tensibly political objectives. In fact, many of the better known and ultimately
successful rebel mobilisations (such as the Mau-Mau uprising in Kenya, the
struggle for Zimbabwean independence, Algerian resistance to French colo-
nialism and Namibian opposition to the Republic of South Africa) have oc-
curred despite the prospect of confronting overwhelmingly more powerful
opponents (Herbst 2000a: 276–7). To downplay the ideological and politi-
cal components here may not only lead to impoverished explanatory and
analytical frameworks, but also contains the danger of arbitrarily dismissing
the possibility of legitimate protest and resistance, thereby ultimately pro-
pounding a conservative endorsement of existent power relations. As Jeffrey
Herbst enquires, is it really plausible that Nelson Mandela spent nearly three
decades in prison just ‘to steal from the gold and diamond mines, and that
his criticisms of apartheid were not related to his own personal and political
struggle’ (2000a: 282)?
In overlooking the actual complexity of conflict causality and perpetu-
ation in the developing world, the international order can, it is claimed,
justify simplistic interventions that do not engage with the more abstruse
difficulties of ethnicity, the role of Western consumers in determining
productive relationships, political ideologies, coercion (as a constraint on
individuals’ choice between action and withdrawal) and colonial legacies
(Guáqueta 2003). Peace, in other words, is, as we discussed in Chapter 1,
believed to be achievable ‘through technical measures that in the short- to
medium-term will reduce both the accessibility and profitability of lucrative
economic resources to combat groups’ (Ballentine and Nitzschke 2003: 14).
Mobilisation 141
The potential hazards of such a view were summarised in a speech given by
Ibrahim Kamara, the Sierra Leonean ambassador to the United Nations:

We have always maintained that the conflict in Sierra Leone is not about
ideology, tribal or regional differences. It has nothing to do with the
so-called problem of marginalized youths or, as some political com-
mentators have characterized it, an uprising by rural poor against the
urban elite. The root cause of the conflict is diamonds, diamonds and
(New York Times 6 July 2000)

It may be that such distinctions between greed and grievance, as well as

those concerning theories of resource mobilisation and relative deprivation,
have been exaggerated. There is, for instance, a clear conceptual connection
between expected utility and the ways in which existing power relations are
perceived. In other words, it is rational for actors who believe themselves to
be relatively deprived to consider their own societal position when calculat-
ing the potential costs and benefits of joining social groups and participating
in insurgent mobilisation (Korpi 1974: 1572–4). Conflict entrepreneurs can
therefore be regarded as those best able to balance these considerations, as
part of what psychologists call value–expectancy theory (Jackson and John-
son 1974; Atkinson 1982). Here, ‘behaviour is a function of the strength of
one’s intentions and the possibility of carrying out those intentions, while in-
tentions are a function of the attraction of the perceived consequences of the
behaviour in question’ (Klandermans 1989: 119). This has been described
by Maurice Pinard and Richard Hamilton as internal motive (push factors
such as aspirations, deprivation and so on) and external motive (pull factors
such as expected utility, selective benefits and so on) which, when combined,
are associated with collective participation rates of 92 per cent (1986). The
presence of natural resources and low forgone income may therefore be as
likely to engender grievances as greed.

This chapter has traced the emergence of a fundamental challenge to the
grievance model of explaining the causes of conflict. Rather than viewing col-
lective violence and social movements as emotional, cathartic and affective,
they are seen as rational, considered and self-regarding. Proceeding from a
Hobbesian premise of the avaricious nature of humankind, conflicts may be
seen as loosely organised predation with the availability of lootable resourc-
es a key consideration in individuals’ cost–benefit analysis of the prospects of
participation. Owing much to visions of human behaviour drawn from the
study of economics, these accounts stress the importance of resources – both
as a requisite element in the instigation, and as an objective, of mobilisation.
The key determining factor in the causes of conflict behaviour, then, is not
142 Mobilisation
the provision of public goods, the meeting of human needs or the manage-
ment of expectation, but the quality of the regime in which mobilisation
occurs. A highly repressive political system will, it is thought, act as a deter-
rent by imposing high costs upon, and offering little likelihood of success to,
prospective protagonists. Similarly, a very open polity may offer dissenters
alternative and lower risk/cost strategies through which to pursue change. It
is, therefore, regimes that are sufficiently exclusionary to provoke reaction,
yet insufficiently oppressive to deter action, that are predicted to suffer the
highest levels of irredentism.
Much, of course, also depends on the way in which mobilising groups
are internally organised. Elites may seek political objectives and positions of
power, whereas foot soldiers are seen as more likely to be concerned with
short-term material gain and remuneration. Here, then, greed and grievance
may not be fully separable. As we saw in Chapter 7, the capacity of leaders
to establish a categorical identity and to associate the existing order with
discontent as a normative defence of collective action might be as much a
means of mustering an individual’s sense of relative deprivation as persuad-
ing her or him of the utility of collective action. It could be, then, more
prudent to follow Jonathan Goodhand’s advice to ‘account for greed, but
don’t ignore grievance’ and thereby to adopt a more nuanced account of the
causes of conflict and violence (2001: 39). As Will Moore and Keith Jaggers

before participation in armed rebellion is a viable alternative for a given

individual, he or she must (1) have some grievance he or she wishes to
rectify, (2) feel a sense of corporate identity with other members of a
rebel group, (3) identify and hold the state responsible for rectifying his
or her grievances, (4) believe that taking up arms is both an acceptable
and effective method for addressing those grievances, and (5) join with
others in a group which is able to channel collective resources into an
armed revolutionary movement.
(1990: 27–8)

It is not, however, simply the apparently arbitrary distinction between

greed and grievance that has attracted criticism. The general characterisa-
tion of social mobilisation as fundamentally grounded upon materialism,
avarice and pragmatism has also been extensively challenged. It would seem,
for instance, that many of the ways in which individuals are encouraged to
overlook the obvious advantages of non-participation (beyond a simple, and
often not very credible, promise of financial remuneration) impinge directly
on the rational calculations that the model frequently assumes. The presence
of zealots manipulating information and coercing group members may be a
plausible way to reduce free-riding and a commonplace feature of irredentist
movements and other social collectivities, but their origins, ideas and influ-
Mobilisation 143
ence are not easy to explain through the narrow parameters of instrumental
rationality and economic gain. Consequently, a number of writers have ar-
gued that, in order to understand the way in which decisions are reached
(especially during periods of comparative duress), a more sophisticated ac-
count of expected utility and collective pressure is needed. This will make a
key component of the following chapter.
9 Crises

In the previous two chapters, we have looked at the somewhat oppositional,

although perhaps not entirely incommensurate, debate between analyses of
collective action which, on the one hand, tend to emphasise affectivity, mo-
tive, grievances and the desire for peace and those that stress rationality,
power, issues of collective mobilisation and acquisitiveness on the other. In
many ways, a similar debate is apparent at the level of the state. As Chapter
1 put forward, a divide exists between liberal and realist understandings of
the international arena – particularly in the areas of security and decision-
making (the two main topics of this chapter). In terms of conflict and vio-
lence, this debate is arguably most significant when considering the ways in
which states respond to a crisis, defined as a ‘change in type and/or an in-
crease in intensity of . . . hostile verbal or physical interactions between two
or more states, with a heightened probability of military hostilities’ (Brecher
et al. 2000: 39, emphases removed from original). The elements that make
up these disruptive interactions are complex, varied and much debated. Lit-
tle consensus exists over precisely what causes crises to escalate into war.
Nonetheless, it is clear that two topics have received the greatest attention
over the modern era of international studies: the acquisition of armaments
and the signing of alliances. As such, these will make up the focus of the first
section of this chapter. In order to discover how this ‘funnel of causation’ ac-
tually moves from negative reciprocity to outright warfare (Wayman 2000:
225), however, it is necessary to understand processes of individual agency
and collective decision-making processes – the focus of the second section
of this chapter.

Arms, alliances and escalation

Crises are normally triggered by a combination of four forms of interac-
tion experienced by the actors themselves or their allies: verbal acts (threats,
accusations, demands and so on), economic sanctions (the withholding of
trade or aid), political measures (such as the covert support of sedition) and
military coercion (border clashes, training manoeuvres, assassination and
Crises 145
the like). The capacity of these to threaten basic values, to impose severe
time constraints and to portend the imminent use of (further) force means
that the responses of state leaders are difficult to predict with any degree of
certainty (Snyder and Diesing 1977). While it is clear that such a complex
environment is subject to a wide range of features, six inter-related consid-
erations appear to influence whether or not a crisis escalates into a war.
The first is the capability of the actors involved – a feature not simply
reducible to military prowess. Political elites from countries with highly pro-
ductive economies, large currency reserves, balance of payments surpluses
and the like may (especially if supported by allies and endowed with internal
stability, low food prices and a broad revenue base) be more inclined to react
robustly to perceived threats than those in weaker states (Rummel 1968).
Leaders of large states may also believe themselves to have well-developed
capacities to deal with crises, yet find themselves involved in more disputes
than their counterparts in smaller states. This may be because of a state’s rel-
ative imperviousness to successful land invasion (such as Russia and China),
combined with the high numbers of borders that it shares with other states
(East 1973). Indeed, numerous studies have suggested that proximity may
enlarge threat perceptions (Starr and Most 1978: 444), reduce the costs and
increase the probability of success of warfare (Boulding 1962). Of around
2,000 interstate disputes between 1816 and 1992, for example, more than
half were between adversaries with contiguous borders and, of 79 wars over
the same period, 53 occurred between states that share at least one boundary
(Hensel 2000: 64), indicating ‘a significant and strong relationship between
the presence of a territorial dispute between states and the likelihood of
militarized conflict and war’ (Huth 2000: 85).
A second pertinent factor in crisis escalation is the age of the state or states
in question. Recently decolonised countries such as Namibia and Guinea-
Bissau may respond differently from those decolonised in the first (Palestine,
Iraq, India) and second (most of Africa) waves of imperial withdrawal and
these might behave in ways unlike states that gained their independence and
joined the international order earlier (East and Herman 1974). Also im-
portant here is the duration of the regime within which the decision-maker
operates. Recent constitutional changes, coups, popular revolutions and ter-
ritorial secessions may all, in materially altering both the stability and the
character of the administration, have an impact on a political elite’s response
to a crisis. A competitively elected government in a long-established liberal
democracy, for instance, reaches collective choices in very different ways
from autocracies that have recently assumed power (Levy 1988).
Third, much depends on the type of threat posed. The construal that an
actor is facing high levels of damage or even complete destruction over a
wide range of interests (political, military, cultural and economic) is likely to
produce decisional outcomes dissimilar to those based on less severe threat
perceptions (Sample 2000: 179–81). In assessing these, states are, like the
individuals considered in the previous chapter, bounded by environmental
146 Crises
‘characteristics which provide a context as well as a set of opportunities
and constraints’ (Brecher and Wilkenfeld 1982: 410). Most obviously, the
distribution of power within the international system will have a major bear-
ing on the way in which response strategies are developed. The Cold War,
for instance, was marked by a stable concentration of force in two countries,
which were, along with a small number of other major Powers, able to veto
a great variety of decisions made by nearly all lesser states (Baldwin 1979).
Fourth, the severity, duration and outcome of previous disputes all con-
stitute significant elements in leaders’ assessment of their operating envi-
ronment and play an important part in the dynamics of future interactions
(Geller 2000). An actor’s prior defeats, victories, compromises and stale-
mates, or those experienced by allies, are an especially significant influence
on decision-making processes during crises. These and resultant agreements
(tacit or formal, official or covert, imposed or consensual) can have a marked
effect on tension levels and expected outcomes. Actors may, for instance,
demonstrate greatly different levels of satisfaction with the new order (as
in the case of the United Kingdom and Egypt following the 1951 Suez set-
tlement) or, conversely, they be mutually pleased with post-crisis revisions
(such as Italy and Yugoslavia after the 1953 Trieste dispute) (Vasquez 1993:
283). Decisive here is the manner in which actors behaved during the pre-
ceding crisis. This may range from the early and extensive use of violence to
immediate compliance or submission to arbitration.
Indeed, the intervention of a third party is a fifth important consideration.
Those seeking to defuse a crisis may engage in preventative diplomacy (po-
litical activity aimed at reducing the likelihood of escalation), peace-making
(political, diplomatic and sometimes military interventions directed at bring-
ing parties to agreement), peace-keeping (the provision of intercessional
military forces to monitor compliance with agreements and foster mutual
confidence) or peace-building (the promotion of institutional and socio-
economic measures to address the underlying causes of the crisis) (Sanderson
2002). Of course, other states or multilateral organisations may intervene
in support of one or more of the protagonists, leading decision-makers to
expect a swifter abatement of tensions or a more protracted dispute, de-
pending on the perceived balance of forces and the envisaged nature of the
Sixth, the configuration of the international power hierarchy (in terms of
alliance structure, relative power, membership and stability – or what Zeev
Maoz calls ‘the focal state’s politically relevant international environment’
(2000: 114)) appears to be a particularly important consideration in leaders’
thinking during crises. This is because, when changes in the international sys-
tem ‘are perceived as posing a long-term threat’, decision-makers commonly
respond ‘by attempting to increase their military power through alliances
and/or a military build-up’ (Vasquez 1987a: 117). The former, defined as ‘a
formal agreement between or among states stipulating a manner of consulta-
tion or joint action in a number of prespecified contingencies’, may take a
Crises 147
wide variety of forms (Maoz 1990: 193). Defence pacts consist of docu-
ments or arrangements that oblige states to intercede on behalf of an ally
attacked by another party. Non-aggression treaties are mutual commitments
intended to prevent allies from attacking one another, while ententes and
friendship agreements promote reciprocity, cooperation and consultation
(Walt 1987). As such understandings inevitably involve a loss of autonomy,
there is a trade-off between states’ capacity to take decisions independently
and their ability to respond effectively to perceived threats.
This tension can be analysed at three levels. First, studies of state be-
haviour show that, just as individuals are said to make calculations of ex-
pected utility before participating in social groups, countries that perceive
themselves to possess a comparative military advantage are predicted to feel
less insecure and therefore to seek fewer alliances. Similarly, if potential sig-
natories are few and already aligned or if the overall milieu is conflictive
and thus a treacherous setting in which to give assurances, leaders may also
decide not to pursue overseas agreements. However, when viewed from a
second level of analysis, the dyad (or ‘relational factors for pairs of states
that engage in conflict’), these features can make the formation of alliances
more probable (Geller and Singer 1998: 22). An unaligned state with strong
military capabilities within a volatile and mostly already allied international
system may be regarded as a particularly good prospective candidate for an
affiliation. Third, if international interaction is considered from the systemic
level, then the pursuit of alliances can be construed as an attempt to establish
a balance of power (such as Cold War bipolarity) or a multilateral normative
regime (such as the United Nations). Both these structures can, in preventing
predation upon potentially allied minor states and ensuring the perpetuation
of major Powers’ dominant positions, dissuade those with perceptible mili-
tary advantages from initiating potentially costly and destabilising conflicts
(Kegley 1991).
Military build-ups can also be analysed at each of these levels. The pur-
chasing of arms, for instance, can occur unilaterally. States may embark on
extensive armament programmes without having been stimulated by an
identifiable external hazard. Most commonly here, political elites perceive
themselves to be at risk from internal dissent (Altfeld 1983). In seeking to
intensify levels of domestic repression, however, states may alter the inter-
national balance of power, thereby prompting others to arm themselves.
Typically, this leads to dyadic military build-ups in which hostility and fear
– frequently exaggerated by leaders in order to legitimise inward expropria-
tion – are the main drivers of state behaviour (Singer 1958). At the level of
the international system, existent alliance configurations and the distribution
of capabilities may be structured so as to encourage states to initiate arms
purchasing programmes or, conversely, to desist from engaging in military
competition (Waltz 1967). While the struggle of multilateralism to mitigate
the geopolitical arena’s intrinsic anarchism, the varying intensity of Cold
War polarity and the transfer of weapons of mass destruction between allies
148 Crises
may have been among the postwar era’s most salient factors, their influence
was taken as both a reason for disengagement and an incentive to escalate
tension. In the case of the latter, for instance, it is not clear whether ‘the
advent of nuclear weapons fundamentally alter[ed] the nature of interstate
relations, as some argue, making war between major states rationally incred-
ible’ (Sample 2000: 166) or the mutual desire to avoid nuclear war led ‘each
side to perceive the other as having a greater tolerance for bullying’ and
brinkmanship (Leng 2000: 238).
At the heart of this question is the notion of deterrence; in other words,
the idea that states respond to crises by building their military capabilities
and signing alliances in order to prevent ‘other nations from using military
force by making it too risky for them to do so’ (Morgenthau 1960: 30). As-
suming that opponents will not pursue their objectives if the expected costs
of achieving these are calculated to outweigh the expected benefits, such
measures are, in the absence of a legitimate international arbitrator, seen as
the only rational way to protect one’s interests. Moreover, acquiring weap-
ons and aligning oneself with powerful friends also has the added benefit of
being already prepared for war if the opponent turns out to be irrational,
misinformed or stronger than one’s own assessment (Jervis 1978). Alliances,
for instance, can reduce uncertainty by clarifying the position of previously
unaligned states. In aggregating capabilities, they can prevent or restrain uni-
lateral actions by powerful states and obstruct destabilising shifts in power,
such as the collapse of previously influential states. Similarly, advanced and
extensive arsenals may prevent opponents from obtaining strategic objec-
tives and portend heavy punishments for those who challenge the existing
order (Snyder 1961). Crises are therefore thought to be unlikely to escalate
into wars so long as the combined force of allies favouring the status quo
outweighs that of the revisionist state or states (Wallace 1982: 39–40). Such
a preponderance of strength ensures, as Table 9.1 illustrates, that the great
majority of disputes are resolved ‘far short of war or the threat of war’ (Huth
and Russett 1988: 29). As the ancient aphorism goes, if you want peace, then
prepare for war.
However, it may be that, through this reasoning, ‘states are driven to
acquire more and more power in order to escape the impact of the power
of others. This, in turn, renders the others more insecure and compels them
to prepare for the worst’ (John Herz cited in Skillen 1982: 86). In a spiral

Table 9.1 The frequency of violence in international crises, 1918–94

No violence 105 25%
Minor clashes 114 28%
Serious clashes 102 25%
Full-scale war 91 22%

Total 412 100%

Source: Wilkenfeld and Brecher (2000: 283).
Crises 149
of negative reciprocity, a dilemma emerges in which the rational pursuit of
security leads to an irrational outcome – greater insecurity, both perceived
and real. This could be simply a consequence of growing international ten-
sion, or it may result from the emergence of hard-line leaders prospering
from the new, militarised environment. Such an atmosphere often leads to
collective paranoia and the view that warfare is an inevitable result of exist-
ing crisis dynamics. ‘States that prepare for war’ are, in other words, likely
to get not peace, but ‘exactly that for which they prepare’ (Bremer 1992:
318). Rather than deterring aggression, alliances may, for instance, ‘desta-
bilize international peace because they increase the level of international
confrontation, spread hostility, and reinforce systemic polarization’ (Attinà
2004: 3). Similarly, during periods of military build-up, a growing sense of
general concern can prompt minor disputes to intensify rapidly. The risk
of this happening as a result of misperception, inadequate and inaccurate
information or ideological proclivity is said to be particularly high. The ag-
gressive acquisition of armaments thus makes it more likely that, during a
dispute, at least one party will not assess another party’s comparative resolve
and military capability correctly and that the boundary between coercive
bargaining and mobilisation will become blurred, making escalation into war
more likely (Blainey 1973: 122).
This may occur ‘vertically’ in terms of the rate, magnitude and intensity
of the escalation process. Rate refers to ‘the rapidity with which coercive
behavior increases over the course of the crisis . . . [and] provides the best
predictor of events running out of control’ (Leng 2000: 240). Magnitude
offers a way of assessing how close hostility levels are to outright war, while
intensity represents the magnitude of a crisis over time. Escalation may also
occur ‘horizontally’ in the sense that it increases the scope for others to
participate in a dispute, thereby expanding its geographical and social sphere
(Schelling 1960: 5). Both forms of escalation, which may be compared with
Mitchell’s methods of adding dynamic elements to his triangular model of
behaviour, attitude and situation examined in Chapter 2, are thought to
occur under at least four conditions (Vasquez 2000b: 378). First, the inten-
sification of a crisis becomes more probable if vital issues are threatened,
particularly ‘if a group is reduced to a point where it starts to fear for its
future existence’ (Gochman and Leng 1983; Kriesberg 1998: 159).
A second factor is a history of previous crises between the protagonists
– especially if the leadership remains unchanged (Leng 1983). As Willem
Jaspers observes, ‘new (less motivated) actors might be inclined to respond
to positive or negative inducements aimed at de-escalation because their at-
titudes are not yet hardened by the conflict’ (2005: 21). Third, and related
to this, is the presence of inflexible and hard-line elites within the leadership
of at least one side (Vasquez 1987b). Fourth, escalation becomes much more
likely if a hostile spiral of negative reciprocity occurs – a feature of various
levels of analysis, as Table 2.2 illustrates. Such conflictive processes can move
from mutual name-calling, to diplomatic withdrawal, to embassy closures,
150 Crises
to economic sanctions, to military mobilisation and so on and, although
violence is not an inevitable conclusion, it is commonly suggested that, once
under way, ‘the process of escalation requires more effort to be stopped or
reversed, than it does to be started’ (Holsti et al. 1968; Smoke 1977: 19).
The relationship between escalated crises (in the form of alliance polari-
sation and arms races) and warfare is subject to great controversy. Empiri-
cal evidence is, at best, inconclusive. As Randolph Siverson and Paul Diehl
remark of military build-ups, ‘if there is any consensus among arms race
studies, it is that some arms races lead to war and some do not’ (1989: 214).
Similarly, ‘while previous studies share the theme that there is a relationship
between alliances and wars, these same studies reveal little agreement over
the form of the relationship’ (Ostrom and Hoole 1978: 215). Consequently,
‘no clear support has emerged for the argument that alliances improve the
prospects for peace through effective deterrence nor that they kindle the
flames of war’ (Leeds 2003: 427). On the one hand, Jack Levy has found
that 81 per cent of alliances during the twentieth century were followed by
war involving at least one of the signatories within 5 years (1981: 597–8).
Similarly, Randolph Siverson and Joel King have demonstrated that, of 188
participants in wars between 1815 and 1965, 112 (of which 76 had signed
prewar commitments) fought as part of a coalition and only 76 (of which
52 had no prewar alliances) did not, suggesting that crisis escalation will
tend to be horizontally less extensive in systems with fewer alliances (1979:
45). On the other hand, using data similar to those employed by Siverson
and King, Michael Wallace finds that a curvilinear relationship exists be-
tween the severity of polarisation and nation-months of war. He concludes
that bipolar systems and systems with no alliance blocs are most prone to
high-magnitude wars, with moderately polarised systems enjoying the lowest
incidence of severe war (1973).
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita takes a rather different line by arguing that it
is changes in the ‘tightness’, or internal coherence, of existing alliance blocs
that are the most significant indicator of war proneness. Building on the
reasoning of Morton Kaplan (1957), he tests the proposition that

when all the members of a bloc are substantially committed to each

other, it is difficult for any one member to venture on an independent
foreign policy course that involves commitments to nations outside the
bloc. . . . Hence, the more tightknit the system’s blocs are, the less likely
that hostile sentiments between blocs will be mitigated by friendly inter-
action between individual members of different blocs. Consequently, . . .
the higher the probability of war.
(1978: 248)

Rejecting the countervailing hypothesis that such tightness may decrease sys-
temic uncertainty and therefore make it less likely that war can emerge from
Crises 151
crisis escalation, Bueno de Mesquita concludes that 84 per cent of wars in
the twentieth century began following periods of rising intrabloc coherence.
In direct contradiction of such findings, however, are studies that emphasise
the very low reliability rates of alliances (Sabrosky 1980). In fact, the inci-
dence of honouring state commitments during times of war may be as low as
25 per cent (Leeds et al. 2000: 686). Whatever the truth, the relationships
that these present are, of course, correlative rather than causal and so other
factors cannot be excluded as possible determinative influences. It may be,
then, that, as other accounts have proposed, ‘alliances neither limit nor ex-
pand conflicts any more than prevent them’ (Liska 1962: 138).
Similar problems afflict the study of warfare’s relationship with arms
races. Michael Wallace finds that, of 28 crises involving arms races between
1816 and 1965, 23 escalated to war, whereas, of the 71 crises that occurred
unaccompanied by arms races over the same period, only three resulted in
war (1979). He goes on to argue that arms races are significant predictors of
wars regardless of which of the parties acquires the greater or more effec-
tive weapons (whether or not, in other words, a major Power or revisionist
states emerge as superiorly equipped), thereby rejecting the peace-through-
strength maxim of deterrence theory (1982). Almost immediately, however,
these figures were challenged. Paul Diehl, one of the researchers who com-
piled the dataset that Wallace used, ‘discovered that only one-fourth of the
disputes preceded by military build-ups resulted in war, while ten of the
thirteen wars [under analysis] occurred in the absence of joint arms increases
by the dispute participants’ (1983: 210).
Much relies on how the variables are assessed and coded. In order to
avoid the problem of having to aggregate military capabilities, it is, for in-
stance, common to find large and complex wars analysed as a series of dyadic
disputes. The First World War may thus be considered to be either seven or
eight integrated, or 26 separate, wars depending on how the writer deals
with alliance structures (Weede 1980). The time lag between variables is also
highly significant. By changing Diehl’s approach from a three-year to a five-
year gap between increasing arms expenditure and war (and by controlling
for the presence of nuclear weapons as a variable with exceptionally deter-
ring properties), Susan Sample found that 47 per cent of the disputes that
had been thought not to escalate to war did in fact do so (1997). As Henk
Houweling and Jan Siccama note, however, these types of study do not dis-
tinguish between arms races as reflections of broader tensions, as catalytic
agents of strain in the international system and as primary causes of warfare
(1981). Without an account of the mechanism of change, it is very difficult to
eliminate the possibility that states perceive war to be imminent and prepare
accordingly, thereby rendering arms races merely an effect of other causal
factors (Diehl and Kingston 1987). Similarly, mutual military build-ups are
commonly assumed to be arms races even if it cannot be demonstrated that
such expenditure was directed at an opposing party or parties. As Paul Diehl
152 Crises
and Mark Crescenzi point out, both phenomena could be ‘manifestations of
the enduring rivalries [between states] and thus not directly related to each
other’ (1998: 113).
To understand governmental strategy in this regard, it is necessary to
have a clear comprehension of the intrastate dynamics that underpin arms
races. Yet much of the literature overlooks such factors; as, for example, in
Richardson’s highly influential technical model (1960a; McGinnis 1991).
Policy is, after all, ‘subject to multiple decision-making processes, each one
revolving around a group of relevant individuals, and then must undergo
some means of aggregation to arrive at a collective outcome’ (Bolks and
Stoll 2000: 582–3). Accumulating human inputs in this way may be subject
to a variety of factors that normally govern the treatment of crisis responses.
These influences, which Robert Jervis defines as ‘pressures that the actor
would not admit as legitimate if he were conscious of them’, will be looked
at in more detail in the next section (1969: 240).

Decision-making and the Cuban missile crisis

Foreign policy in general and decision-making during crises in particular have
frequently been presented as ‘an intelligent rational continuum’ in which
leaders identify and disseminate obtainable goals, the attainment of which is
only constrained by the resistance envisaged (Morrow 1985). The accuracy
of this representation, however, has long been open to question, as we saw in
the case of social mobilisation in Chapter 8. After all, even if individuals can
be shown to be acting in rational, value-maximising ways, there can be no
assurance that dyadically rational outcomes will emerge. Indeed, Table 9.2
shows that, in order to achieve collective optimality, the individual may have
to act irrationally. Moreover, as there is no independent means of measuring

Table 9.2 The prisoners’ dilemma

Prisoner B
Prisoner A Denies charges Confesses to charges
Denies charges Both get 6 months A gets 10 years, B goes free
Confesses to charges B gets 10 years, A goes free Both get 2 years

1 Each prisoner is interviewed separately and given the various outcomes

outlined above.
2 If your partner confesses, you are better off confessing (2 rather than 10 years’
3 If your partner does not confess, you are much better off confessing (freedom
rather than 10 years).
4 Therefore, you should confess.
5 If both prisoners act rationally, both will confess and get 2 years’ imprisonment.
6 If both prisoners act irrationally and deny the charges, both will get 6 months.
7 This is the optimum outcome as the total time spent in prison for both parties
is 1 year – the lowest combined sentence.
Crises 153
the value of the various options under consideration outside the mind of the
decision-maker, to claim that a choice was made because it was preferred is a
tautology that tells us little about how the decision was reached and even less
about how it might be (mis)applied (Green and Shapiro 1994: 6).
As Gregory Herek and colleagues point out, ‘an objectively rational ap-
proach to decision-making is never fully possible because such an approach
requires complete knowledge and anticipation of the consequences that will
follow from every conceivable choice’ (1987: 203–4). Instead of seeking to
maximise their values within a set of given constraints, decision-makers may
respond to the immense complexity of rapidly changing and apparently in-
coherent environments by deploying a series of compromises in order to re-
duce individual duress and to impose a manageable degree of simplicity and
order on the crisis (Janis and Mann 1977). In contrast to realist assumptions
of rational dispassion, this is seen as likely to be informed by such factors
as personality, ideology, emotion and prejudice either as a direct pressure
on information-gathering and -processing procedures or as a form of ego
defence aimed at dealing with the conflicting values brought on by the crisis
(Holsti and George 1975). Irving Janis identifies seven scenarios in this re-
gard (1989). First, potentially viable policy alternatives may be overlooked,
deliberately ignored or unjustifiably dismissed. Second, the objectives of ac-
tion are not retained while various decisional options are considered, leading
to a disjuncture between preferred method and preferred outcome. Third,
decision-makers fail to comprehend the range of possible consequences of
their judgements. They may become over-sanguine by neglecting to predict
costs or excessively conservative by not envisaging benefits.
Fourth, the information-gathering process may be perfunctory and de-
ficient, resulting in an inadequate consideration of the various courses of
action available. Fifth, the processing of data may be subject to selective bi-
ases. Chaim Kaufmann identifies two ways in which this might occur during
crises (1994: 562–3). Information tends to be rejected if it does not conform
to options already preferred, especially if an individual decision-maker has
already invested significant amounts of time, resources and status in support
of a particular direction. Information may also be accredited unwarranted
evidentiary value on the basis of its immediate salience. First-hand experi-
ences, vivid testimony, emotionally arousing material and sensorially excit-
ing media may all produce an effect on decision-makers disproportionate
to their actual evidential worth (Anderson 1983). Sixth, decision-makers
during crises are inclined not to reconsider previously rejected alternatives
in the light of new information. Instead, potentially contradictory data are
rejected gratuitously on the grounds that earlier policies ‘would have pro-
duced good results if accidents had not happened or enemies had not acted
malevolently’ (Starbuck 1985: 346). A re-evaluation is likely to occur only
when it becomes less laborious than tolerating the dissonance generated by
the awareness of obvious inconsistencies (Jervis 1976: 181–7). Finally, deci-
sion-making processes may fail to consider the various contingencies that
emerge when instructions are implemented and monitored.
154 Crises
Large organisations are regarded as particularly prone to these types of
influence. For John Steinbruner, collective decisions reached and executed
within highly differentiated bureaucracies are not simply based on the rea-
sons that support a particular course of action, but also on the individual
and structural routines, priorities and inefficiencies of the actors involved.
These are exacerbated by the inherent vagueness of implementation in three
ways – what he calls the ‘cognitive dimensions of political and organisational
phenomena’ (1974: 124). First, ‘grooved thinking’ is, he argues, a common
feature of long-established organisations in which bureaucrats deal with a
narrow range of recurring problems and increasingly produce automatic
and stereotypical responses. Abstruse decision-making issues are therefore
fragmented, and no single individual acts with an awareness of the wider pic-
ture. ‘Uncommitted thinking’, on the other hand, occurs at the very top of
the organisational hierarchy and results from the difficulties in dealing with
this wider picture. In extremely complex environments, leaders, faced with
highly unrealistic workloads, may constantly vacillate between alternatives.
Finally, a decision-maker is also subject to ‘theoretical thinking’, through
which he ‘buffer[s] himself from the impact of uncertainty’ by organising
his beliefs around a single value and imposing a comprehensive pattern of
meaning on immediate events (Steinbruner 1974: 132). Organisational man-
agement will, it is suggested, tend to incorporate and normalise this value
throughout its structure.
As an organisation’s entire output cannot possibly be fully understood
by a single individual, his or her responsibilities must be broken up into
manageable divisions and then co-ordinated under standard operating pro-
cedures. These are generally not based upon the kinds of value-maximising
objectives envisaged by rational choice models, but rather by the mainte-
nance of acceptable-level goals through a process of, what Herb Simon calls,
‘satisficing’ (1958; Cyert and March 1992: 120). Moreover, because a sec-
ondary function of the imposition of standard operating procedures is to
‘provide a means for indoctrinating new members into the habitual patterns
of organisational behavior’, it would seem probable that policy outcomes are
likely to resemble previous policy outcomes (Simon 1960: 10). As the impli-
cations of every possible decision cannot be fully understood, policy tends
to copy what is perceived to have been successful – or at least not disastrous
– in the past. So, instead of a pattern of outcome change that shows sharp
new directions, which might be expected on the basis of rational choice
assumptions, organisational inertia ensures that adjustments are liable to be
marginal (Lustick 1980). This is what David Braybrooke and Charles Lind-
blom call ‘disjointed incrementalism’. Basing their work on Karl Popper’s
concept of ‘piecemeal social engineering’, they suggest that policy tends to
avoid provoking ‘social cleavages along ideological lines . . . [by develop-
ing a] continuing series of remedial moves on which some agreement can
be developed’. They continue by citing America’s decision to move from
a peacetime to a wartime economy (announced in 1940 as an ‘unlimited
Crises 155
national emergency’) as actually a series of small-scale measures ‘through
which industry was led into war production step by step, somewhat against
its desires, if not against its will’ (1963: 82; 1973: 213–14).
Arguably, the most important (or, to Colin Gray, ‘near-sacred’) analysis of
decision-making during militarised international disputes is Graham Allison’s
1969 study of the Cuban missile crisis – incontrovertibly the most threatening
confrontation of modern times (Gray 1976: 28). In this, and in a subsequent
and extended work published in 1971 and then revised with Philip Zelikow
and reissued in 1999, Allison ‘made analysts of policy more self-conscious
about . . . the behavior of organizations, and the tugs and rivalries within
bureaucracies’ (Holsti 1972: 137; Bernstein 2000: 134–5). Building on the
earlier work of Richard Snyder (1958), Richard Neustadt (1960), Samuel
Huntington (1961) and Roger Hilsman (1967), he established two models
– ‘organisational process’ and ‘bureaucratic politics’ – which, he suggested,
offer a more plausible explanation of how decisions emerge during crises
than accounts of rational ‘actions structured in accordance with human goals
and purposes’ (Cornford 1974: 233; Steiner 1977: 394). He then applies
these to the deliberations of the National Security Council’s Executive Com-
mittee (ExCom). Convened on 16 October 1962 in response to reports that
the Soviet Union was constructing six medium-range (1,100 mile reach) and
three intermediate-range (2,200 mile reach) ballistic missile sites in Cuba in
readiness for the arrival of around 40 nuclear weapons, the Committee was
asked ‘to make a prompt and intense survey of the dangers and all possible
courses of action’ (Horelick 1964: 366; Sorensen 1965: 675). Six possible
(and non-exclusive) alternatives were put forward (probably alongside the
existing objective of killing Castro): (1) do nothing, (2) exert diplomatic
pressure, (3) make a secret approach to the Cuban leader Fidel Castro, (4)
invade Cuba, (5) bomb Cuba and (6) blockade Cuba (Brune 1996: 43).
To understand how these options were evaluated, Allison first looked at
the role of organisational customs and practices. Presuming that military
planners are inclined to favour ‘formulaic solutions that reduce problems
to manageable terms, clarify responsibilities and calculations of capabilities
vis-à-vis objectives, and maximise certainty and efficiency’, he advanced four
propositions: ‘(1) existing organizational routines limit the range of avail-
able options in a given situation; (2) organizational routines resist change;
(3) existing organizational routines determine the course of implementation;
and (4) organizational routines systematically induce instrumental irration-
alities in state behavior’ (Betts 1977: 157; Welch 1992: 120). These can, Al-
lison suggests, lead to rigidity and an inability to revise pre-existing plans in
the light of changing contemporary circumstances. As pre-crisis strategising
tends to assume a conservative bias based on inferences drawn from worst-
case scenarios, such inflexibility may serve to escalate disputes and thus act
as an indirect cause of conflict. As Jack Levy notes, ‘there is often a failure
to recognise the independent role of other variables in contributing to the
rigid implementation of an existing plan, which results in the exaggeration
156 Crises
of the causal importance of the inherent rigidity of the plans themselves’
(1986: 218).
Moreover, in restricting both the conceptual and the practical options
available to political executives, as well as the opportunities for critical re-
flection, organisational path dependency may increase the efficacy of military
mobilisation and the attractiveness of its commitment to value maximisation
– a sequence of action that frequently commences automatically once high
levels of alert are reached (George 1984: 227). The overall result is not only
an over-reliance on the armed forces for the execution of decisions, but also
irrational policy outcomes born of organisational habit. Standard operat-
ing procedures, or what Desmond Ball calls ‘unavoidable technical reasons’,
meant, for instance, that the Soviet authorities did not (or were not able
to) change the design of the missile silos on Cuba from those already con-
structed (and known to the United States – a fact of which the Politburo must
have been fully aware) inside their own borders (1974: 77–8). As Allison
observes, ‘it was the established Soviet four-slash “signature” of excavations
. . . that alerted American intelligence analysts to the Soviet deployment’ in
the first place (1971: 107).
The second of Allison’s approaches – bureaucratic politics – has often
been conflated with the organisational process model as a general constraint
on rational decision-making during crisis (Wagner 1974: 488). Although, in
one formulation, the latter is construed as simply an institutional limitation
upon the operation of bureaucracies (Allison and Halperin 1972: 43), it
proposes, in fact, quite different limitations to value maximisation (Allison
1987: 525). Analysing Allison’s thesis in the light of precursory work, Rob-
ert Art identifies five propositions in this regard (1973: 468–9). First, in
place of a centralised governing power, states actually consist of a series of
authority centres, or fiefdoms, between which there is little interconnectiv-
ity. Second, from each of these ‘quasi-sovereign powers’ come individuals
with different views on any given decisional issue (Schilling 1962: 22). Such
opinions are drawn, at least in part, from a combination of the responsibili-
ties over which these individuals feel accountable and their standing within
the organisational sub-unit or the bureaucratic whole. Where you stand is,
in other words, dependent on where you sit (Miles cited in Neustadt and
May 1986: 157).
Third, policy subject to bureaucratic politics emerges from ‘bargaining
along regularized circuits among players positioned hierarchically within
the government’ (Allison 1971: 144). This is particularly likely to occur in
instances in which individuals share beliefs about the causation of a crisis,
but differ over which goals to pursue – especially when more collegial at-
tempts to reconcile collective differences fail (Thompson and Tuden 1987).
Fourth, as individuals lower down the bureaucratic ladder have the capacity
to damage their superiors (first by achieving an informational advantage and,
second, by obtaining external support from other bureaucratic sub-units
as well as the media and the legislature), senior members of the executive
Crises 157
(including the president) are obliged to consider a wide range of disparate
views (Bendor and Hammond 1992: 315–16). Fifth, the outcome of such
bargaining processes is that decisions do not so much reflect the rational
pursuit of clearly identified objectives as the conditions under which they are
taken. As Roger Hilsman puts it, the relative power of ‘participating groups
is as relevant to the final decisions as the cogency and wisdom of the argu-
ments used in support of the policy adopted. Who advocates a particular
policy may be as important as what he advocates’ (1959: 365).
Allison then uses these two approaches – organisational processes and
bureaucratic politics – to analyse ExCom’s six choices (listed above). He
concludes that the possibility of making a secret approach to Castro was
dismissed on the grounds that he was unlikely to possess full control over the
use of the missiles. An invasion of Cuba was also rejected as an initial step
as it could always be included with any of the other alternatives at a later
time. Early on in ExCom’s deliberations, the other two non-military options
were similarly discarded. Allison argues that this was largely driven by the
configuration of bureaucratic interests that surrounded the president. These
prompted a close association between Kennedy’s position as chief executive
and the types of outcomes that he favoured (regardless of their intrinsic
merit), thereby narrowing the Committee’s debate and, in part, determining
its conclusions. Stephen Krasner summarises Allison’s characterisation of the
president’s standpoint thus:

failure to act decisively would undermine the confidence of members

of his Administration, convince the permanent government that his
Administration lacked leadership, hurt the Democrats in the forthcom-
ing election, destroy his reputation among members of Congress, cause
American allies and enemies to question American courage, invite a
second Bay of Pigs [a failed invasion of 1,300 American-backed counter-
revolutionaries in April 1961 personally authorised by Kennedy], and
feed his [Kennedy’s] own doubts about himself.
(1972: 171)

ExCom’s ultimate decision to opt for a naval blockade and not air strikes
was, in Allison’s view, also a function of intrabureaucratic wrangles. It was,
he suggests, based on U-2 intelligence flights carried out after a number of
delays caused by the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Air
Force being unable to reach agreement over whose responsibility the flights
were. Had they been undertaken earlier, it is possible that ExCom might
have favoured a less coercive option. Had the flights taken place later, then
the missiles might have been in place, making a naval blockade valueless.
Moreover, it is possible, Allison contends, that some of ExCom’s early vacil-
lations were a result of the Air Force having no contingency plan for such a
scenario. As they did have an organisational process – a standard operating
procedure in other words – for carpet-bombing Cuba in readiness for a land
158 Crises
invasion, Air Command repeatedly referred to the need for some 500 sorties
when only nine known missile sites existed, leading to considerable confu-
sion among the members of ExCom. Indeed, a key reason for dismissing the
air option was that the missiles were reported, again on the basis of standard
classificatory procedures, to be mobile – a fact that turned out, shortly after
the decision to impose a naval blockade had been reached, to be untrue. In
accordance with Allison’s predictions, the case for an air strike was not reo-
pened. Furthermore, once the blockade was in place, ExCom had great diffi-
culty in imposing its decisions upon the organisational echelons below it. For
instance, Kennedy, hoping to give the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev more
time to reach a decision, ordered the Navy to draw in its ships away from
the approaching Soviet vessels to 500 miles off Cuban waters. However, as
Krasner notes, ‘the Navy being both anxious to guard its prerogatives and
confronted with the difficulty of moving large numbers of ships’ failed to
implement the directive promptly (1972: 177–8; Smith 1980).

This chapter has outlined some of the key debates regarding conflict causal-
ity within international relations. It has focused on the dynamics of crises,
the way they emerge and their effects on state behaviour. Here, the literature
is highly fragmented with most writers preferring to undertake empirical
tests of particular variables without seeking to amass a coherent body of
theory. For this reason, presenting a varied account of conflict causality is a
challenge. However, two aspects have been considered in more detail as pos-
sible causal elements in the onset of interstate war – alliance structures and
military build-ups. Both have been analysed in terms of a range of domestic
and international pressures under which political elites take on treaty obliga-
tions and initiate armament expenditure programmes.
This chapter then looked at the dynamics of crisis escalation as an ex-
planation of how alliances and military spending may lead to polarisation
and arms races. Here, competing visions of national interest are important.
These include the notion of deterrence as a means of preventing war in an
ostensibly hostile geopolitical environment. Leaders may thus respond to
a perceived rise in national insecurity or international tension by pursuing
various forms of agreement with other states or by acquiring new weaponry
and/or updating their existing arsenal. Although these arrangements may be
ostensibly aimed at deterring others – thereby making escalation less likely
– they may threaten other states, which then respond with similar measures,
leading to a spiral of negative reciprocity, bloc polarisation and arms races.
This ‘security dilemma’ is rooted in the rational decision to forge treaty
commitments and to acquire weaponry in order to feel more secure, yet re-
sults in the irrational outcome of accentuated threat perceptions and greater
relational tensions.
The exact role of deterrence and the security dilemma in intensifying
Crises 159
or defusing crises is open to considerable debate, as is the precise relation-
ship between weapons, alliances and the causes of war. Such differing views
have rendered a clear understanding of conflict causality difficult to obtain,
particularly as the historical record appears to support various positions,
depending on how the empirical data are treated. Much clearly relies on
the bellicosity of state leaders – a factor which, in turn, depends on the way
in which decisions are made by governing elites. Traditionally, analyses of
this process tended to see the higher echelons of national administrations
as unitary actors seeking to maximise a clearly understood set of values.
However, as Graham Allison’s well-known study of the Cuban missile crisis
demonstrates, such a rationalist approach may not represent the actual dy-
namics of decision-making very accurately. As many have noted, the essential
weakness here is that, without an explicit account of decisional mechanisms
within states, associations between disputes and war will inevitably remain
correlative rather then causal. Indeed, organisational inertia and the dispa-
rate character of bureaucratic politics may combine to restrict elites’ capacity
to pursue their goals, thereby producing disjointed increments rather than
categorical and imminently applicable judgements.
For this reason, the second section of this chapter has focused on analyses
of crises that are not limited to rationalist understandings of the state as
value-maximising unitary entities. Decision-making processes that place po-
litical elites within broader organisational and bureaucratic structures were
considered. The Cuban missile crisis was discussed as a pre-eminent example
of how such an approach could cast new light on the connection between
individual rationality, group dynamics, implemented outcomes and many of
the issues looked at earlier in the chapter. It involved large states with consid-
erable military and economic reserves, a history of conflictive relations (most
recently in the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion and more generally in south-east
Asia) and extensive borders potentially contiguous with members of the op-
posing bloc. Both Cuba and the United States perceived the crisis to involve
a wide range of vital interests, concerning the homeland security of both
themselves and their allies. Although there was not a significant horizontal
escalation of the crisis, vertical escalation involved a high degree of magni-
tude and, with the deployment and testing of American ballistic missiles in
Italy and Turkey continuing throughout the autumn of 1962, considerable
intensity. Seeing these events in acute and precipitous terms is, however, not
the only way to understand their broader implications. The contest between
the Soviet Union and the United States against a backdrop of periodic con-
frontation and numerous proxy conflicts may be seen, instead, as part of a
long-term crisis intrinsic to global leadership. Put another way, crises could,
as Chapter 10 will explain, be regarded as key markers in an age-old struggle
between an incumbent hegemon and its nearest rival, with each prepared to
deploy sufficient armaments to provoke a global war aimed at preventing or
facilitating a change of world leader.
10 Hegemony

In the previous chapter, we looked at various components of crises and their

relationship with conflict and violence. For the most part, conflictive situ-
ations were assessed within timeframes not longer than a decade or so. An
alternative way to regard the escalation of disputes, as well as arms races and
alliance behaviour, is to focus on the level of the global system. Here, un-
derstandings of conflict and violence – especially very substantial bloodshed
– have tended to be based around the contest for world leadership. As such,
this chapter looks at the pursuit and maintenance of hegemony as a causal
element in the initiation of conflicts in general and large-scale systemic wars
in particular. It considers first the widely held view that configurations of
hegemonic domination are subject to cyclical patterns of ascendancy and
decline. In this regard, a number of economists writing in the nineteenth and
early twentieth century have been influential in identifying the fluctuating
pattern of capitalist development. By the 1960s, interest in how these vari-
ations relate to the occurrence of major wars between the foremost capital-
ist economies had coalesced into a large body of literature predominantly
focused on cyclical shifts in power apparent from the late fifteenth century
onwards. Second, this chapter examines the possible mechanisms through
which such shifts may lead to conflict. Here, the effects of power parity
and dissatisfaction are important – as both linear and cyclical patterns of
international relations. Once the strength of a challenger, unhappy with the
status quo, reaches a point of equivalence with either a global or a regional
hegemon, war may result. Alternatively, the dominant Power could be ex-
pected to recognise the potential threat posed by its developing adversary
and launch a war aimed at arresting that advance and preventing, or at least
delaying, its own decline.

Long cycles and global war

There are many ways to understand the term ‘hegemony’. It has been used to
describe the means through which the global core extracts resources from the
periphery (Wallerstein 1984), the ability of a single strong state to preserve
Hegemony 161
international stability and order (Keohane 1984) and the role of knowledge
and ideas in establishing and maintaining social structures of domination
(Cox 1987). It may be considered a benign force that secures ‘the emergence
of open international economic systems’ or a system of expropriation struc-
tured to benefit the powerful (McKeown 1983: 73). More generally, it is
‘the ability of one country to shape the rules and arrangements for political
and economic relations among nations’ (Goldstein and Rapkin 1991: 936).
For our purposes, a hegemonic power is ‘a core state that commands an un-
rivaled position of economic and military superiority among the core states
and is thus able largely to shape the operation of the international system’
(Goldstein 1988: 5).
Since the emergence of the world system following a period of extended
European expansion during the fifteenth century (Buzan 1993: 331), such
states have prevailed in three ways (Wallerstein 1974b: 404–6). First, by
mythologising, indoctrinating/educating and decentralising some actual au-
thority, a hegemon may convince other Powers that the perpetuation of the
world system under its suzerainty is in their collective and mutual interests.
Second, as Joshua Goldstein notes, the hegemon ensures that the ‘system is
characterized economically by the unequal geographical division of labor
between the core (secondary producers of manufactured goods) and the
periphery (primary producers of raw materials)’. Third, it can concentrate
sufficient military force to maintain its supremacy coercively. So, as Gold-
stein continues, the system becomes ‘characterized by the systematic use
of violence both to maintain and to change the power relationships in the
system’ (1988: 2).
Such a use of violence in pursuit or defence of hegemony is the focus of
this chapter. While these efforts have tended to have been exerted at a global
level (to establish global leadership rather than throughout the globe) and
have therefore involved very large wars, they are, however, comparatively
rare. Of 114 international conflicts involving Great Powers between 1495
and 1945, only five conglomerated wars are generally regarded to be of a
sufficient scale to warrant such a definition (Levy 1983). These have lasted
an average of 25 years each, have been estimated to have accounted for
almost 80 per cent of all battle deaths of the period and, during the conclud-
ing stage of the most recent example (1939–45), may have absorbed as much
as one-third of the world’s entire economic product (Rasler and Thompson
In studying the relationship between global warfare and hegemony, it is
common to ‘consider some version of a “hegemonic cycle”, a process of
competition, challenge, hegemonic war, the emergence of hegemony, and
its erosion in the face of other countries’ long-term recovery and growth’
(Goldstein and Rapkin 1991: 936). Indeed, it is probable that ‘ever since
Polybius, scholars have dreamed of discovering a regular cyclical pattern in
the interactions of politics, both domestic and international’ and especially
at the level of global domination (Rosecrance 1987: 283). After all, highly
162 Hegemony
regularised forms of periodicity within the natural world have always im-
posed structured timeframes upon human endeavours as varied as farming,
oceanic navigation and energy generation. The intimate correlation between
these and economic production has long been noted and has clearly had an
impact on factors such as pricing, waged labour and supply. In the case of
modern capitalism, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Peter Grimes, building on
the work of Ernest Mandel (1975), describe this tendency thus:

a new set of products is introduced that sells well, the market expands,
and related employment swells, allowing for expansion of worker/
‘consumer’ spending. The market eventually becomes saturated, sales
drop, income contracts, and workers are laid off. . . . But eventually, the
excess inventory is sold out, production resumes, and renewed growth
is possible.
(1995: 404)

According to the French physician Clement Juglar, this process may oc-
cur approximately every 7–11 years at the point when most production
machinery is coming to end of its working life and firms are synchroni-
cally beginning to order replacements (1966). Examples of Juglar recessions
include the American economic downturns of the mid-1970s, early 1980s
and early 1990s. Simon Kuznets also traced cyclical patterns in a number
of diverse economies in Japan, Belgium and Argentina (1971). These are
between 20 and 25 years in length and have been explained in a number of
ways, including migration and generational fluctuations in housing demand.
Perhaps the most influential of the cycle economists, however, was Nikolai
Kondratieff. He noted oscillations in price indices over a period of 40 and
60 years between 1795 and 1925 that he believed may rest on the periodic
need to incorporate new technology through large-scale capital investment
(1984). This tends to take place, he maintains, initially in key industrial sec-
tors ((1) cotton, textiles and iron (1780–1817), (2) railways, steam and steel
(1840–75), (3) electricity, industrial chemistry and the internal combustion
engine (1890–1920)) before becoming diffused throughout the economy
(Rostow 1975). Once this occurs, overall investment slowly moves away
from production and towards speculation, thereby inhibiting demand and
gradually depressing the economy as a whole (progressively compressing,
in other words, the peaks and troughs of intracyclical Juglar and Kuznets
patterns) (Berry 1991). According to Joseph Schumpeter, who revised Kon-
dratieff ’s work to place a greater emphasis on innovation rather than invest-
ment, the effects of this type of cycle can be seen in the recessions of 1825,
1873 and 1930 (1934).
The relationship between these cycles and conflict is complex and has
long been subject to extensive debate. Writers such as Johan Åkerman have
suggested that, as Kondratieff booms appear to culminate in periods of mili-
tary confrontation, it is the frequency of warfare that explains the apparent
Hegemony 163
periodicity of economic change (cited in Eklund 1980). This is because wars
tend to increase short-term spending and demand while shifting production
away from non-military goods, thereby forcing prices up rapidly and prompt-
ing a Kondratieff upswing. Once demand lessens following the conclusion
of the war, limitations to production (commonly exacerbated by shortages
of labour, foreign exchange, equipment and so on), push prices down, de-
press the economy and generate a Kondratieff downswing (Bernstein 1940:
524–7). Indeed, as Table 10.1 shows, ‘there can be little doubt that wars
and their associated economic disruptions do lead to price level increases’,
at least during those in which the United States and Great Britain have been
involved (Thompson and Zuk 1982: 633).
Kondratieff himself, however, held the view that cyclical economic pat-
terns may cause wars. He suggested that, because periods of extended com-
mercial enlargement tend to destabilise political systems by accentuating the
international competition for raw materials and markets and by intensifying
domestic struggles over wealth distribution, ‘the most disastrous and ex-
tensive wars and revolutions occur’ during the upswing section of the cycle
(1935: 111). Quincy Wright, working during the Second World War, broad-
ly agrees. He argues that economic cycles, synchronous with Kondratieff ’s
findings, may, in part, be a cause of warfare concentrations ‘in approximately
fifty-year oscillations’ with especially intense periods of conflict occurring
alternately (1965: 227).
This prompted Ludwig Dehio to construct a centenary cycle of global
conflagration (1962). France, he argues, initiated the first challenge for
supremacy in 1494 by attacking the Venetians and beginning a prolonged
struggle over Italy. This benefited Spain under Charles V (who inherited the

Table 10.1 Selected British and American wars and wholesale price index
fluctuations (1913 = 100)
War War peak Preceding 5-year mean
Great Britain
Seven Years 93 78
American Independence 110 96
Napoleonic 201 157
Crimean 118 92
First World War 228 94

United States
Mexican 88 80
Civil War 189 97
Spanish 69 70
First World War 188 102
Second World War 152 115
Source: Adapted from Thompson and Zuk (1982: 633).
164 Hegemony
Habsburg throne in 1515), which, led by Charles’ son Philip II, succeeded
in obstructing France’s ascendancy by defeating Portugal in 1580 and as-
suming control of Venice’s trade routes (de Oliveira Marques 1972). Spain’s
hegemony was, however, immediately qualified by England’s destruction of
her navy in 1588, leading to a long period of gradual decline and ending
in a conclusive land battle at Rocroi in 1643. Her place was slowly taken
by a resurgent France following Louis XIV’s coronation in 1661. Again,
England led the rest of Europe’s resistance and, by combining forces with
the Netherlands, eventually halted French ascendancy in 1692, before suc-
cessfully preventing her from returning to power by winning the War of the
Spanish Succession in 1713. This ushered in another century of stalemate
before France again rose to hegemony in 1792. Abruptly deposed in 1805 at
Trafalgar by Britain and then crushed in Moscow in 1812, France’s authority
was replaced by a century of Anglo-Russian competition, which ultimately
permitted the expansion of German power – a process curtailed in 1918
(again by Britain operating in concert with a number of other Powers). In di-
vergence from the previous pattern, however, the victorious coalition failed
to take control of the international system and could not prevent a second
German challenge from leading to another, even more destructive period of
concentrated war (North and Thomas 1973).
Dehio’s ‘four-crested wave of regional power concentration and domina-
tion, with its delineation of peaks and troughs and waves of varying shapes’
has been highly influential (Thompson 1992: 135). Arnold Toynbee, for
instance, also structures his account of the last 500 years around the drive
to achieve hegemony. His 115-year cycle of ‘general war’ (1494–1525,
1568–1609, 1672–1713, 1792–1815 and 1914–18) corresponds broadly
with Dehio’s ‘drives for world domination’ (Toynbee 1954). Like Dehio,
he regards each cycle as initiated by an ambitious continental Power (the
Spanish Habsburgs, the French twice and Germany). For Toynbee, however,
this is not driven by relative expansions in military strength. Instead, hege-
monic patterns of conflict and violence are a reflection of more fundamental
cultural and political changes: notably, the generational transference of war
fatigue as a constraint upon martial bellicosity – elements also important to
Pitirim Sorokin’s historiographic work (1957) and Lewis Richardson’s study
of international crises (1960b). ‘The survivors of a generation that has been
of military age during a bout of war will’, Toynbee writes, ‘be shy, for the rest
of their lives, of bringing a repetition of this tragic experience either upon
themselves or upon their children’. Therefore, he continues,

the psychological resistance of any move towards the breaking of peace

. . . is likely to be prohibitively strong until a new generation . . . has had
time to grow up and come into power. On the same showing, a bout of
war, once precipitated, is likely to persist until the peace-bred genera-
tion that has light-heartedly run into war has been replaced, in its turn,
by a war-torn generation.
(cited in Goldstein 1988: 117)
Hegemony 165
Building on this early work and in arguably the most developed account
of hegemonic long cycles, George Modelski (often writing with William
Thompson) puts forward an account of shifts in world leadership based on
the primacy of naval power. As Table 10.2 illustrates, the importance of
transoceanic navigation began long before the Portuguese explorer, Vasco da
Gama, rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1498. Once he did so, however,
the Lisbon–Goa shipping lines quickly began to replace the ancient roadways
of central Asia with the maritime trade of modernity. ‘In the series of swift
naval campaigns that followed, a string of bases was established and rival
fleets were wiped off the oceans’ (Modelski 1978: 218). Venice, pressured by
France, was unable to come to the aid of the Egyptian and Indian fleets upon
which she had hitherto based her economic strength, thereby precipitating
the transformation of a previously dispersed global system that lacked ‘self-
maintenance and defence against interlopers’ into a new order marked by
‘severe conflict of global dimensions’ (Modelski 1978: 219). At this time, the
key quantitative measure of global power was the number of ocean-going
vessels a state could muster. Almost immediately, though, Portugal found
it difficult to finance a navy sufficient to maintain its commercial interests
and, as early as 1508, it was obliged to relinquish its pepper monopoly to an
Italian–Dutch conglomeration of traders (Diffie and Winius 1977: 414).
The failure of Spain to consolidate its usurpation of Portuguese assets
at the end of the sixteenth century permitted the Netherlands to rebel and
to obtain a favourable peace settlement with support from the French and
British in 1609. Assisted by interest rates below 3 per cent for much of the
seventeenth century, the Dutch were then able to gain control of over three-
quarters of Europe’s entire merchant fleet by 1660 – through which it took
over much of Spain’s Latin American possessions and explored new territory
in southern Africa, south-east Asia and the American eastern seaboard (Tilly
1975b). Weakened by rising pressures from France, the Netherlands gave
way to ascendant British trade – now supported by armoured galleons – dur-
ing the early part of the eighteenth century. By deploying its new industrial
might (especially in Asia) without attempting to supplant the colonial Powers
of previous cycles, Britain secured her position throughout the rest of the
century despite suffering setbacks in the Americas. This, combined with her
enduring naval superiority, ensured that she retained the hegemonic incum-
bency following the global wars of the early nineteenth century. Increasingly,
though, she was losing her economic pre-eminence and, although the Royal
Navy remained the world’s most powerful fleet right up until the turn of
the next century, the industrial challenge of the United States and Germany
became ever more pronounced. During the subsequent, and most recent,
period of global warfare, it became clear that both the American economy
and its newly acquired network of naval ports (from which an unrivalled
fleet of aircraft carriers patrolled) had achieved global supremacy, a position
underlined by an enduring nuclear submarine superiority (Modelski 1981).
In Modelski’s model, then, each cycle is started by a period of global
war driven by naval and economic competition. As it identifies the next
Table 10.2 World leadership and long cycles
Approximate Primary Successor to world
timing or long World power or Lead commodities Primary opposition to power or lead
cycle lead economy or sectors challenger challenger Global war period economy
Tenth–eleventh N. Sung, China Printing, rice, iron
Eleventh–twelfth S. Sung, China Maritime trade
Thirteenth century Genoa Black Sea trade
Fourteenth– Venice Pepper Portugal France 1494–1516
fifteenth centuries
1517–1608 Portugal Gold, spices Spain Netherlands 1585–1608 Netherlands
1609–1713 Netherlands Baltic and Asian France Netherlands, 1689–1713 Britain
trade Britain
1714–1815 Britain Caribbean and France Britain 1793–1815 Britain
American trade
1816–1945 Britain Textiles, iron Germany Britain, United 1914–45 United States
1946–present United States Steel, chemicals, Germany
electronics, oil
Source: Adapted from Rasler and Thompson (1983); Modelski and Thompson (1996, 1988).
Hegemony 167
hegemon, it may also be considered a period of ‘macrodecision’. As Table
10.3 illustrates, this is followed by three subsequent periods initially en-
titled ‘world power’, ‘delegitimation’ and ‘deconcentration’ to underline
the gradual decline in hegemonic authority (1987). Later, however, he re-
named these phases ‘execution’, ‘agenda-setting’ and ‘coalition-building’ to
emphasise the enduring nature of hegemonic influence within each of the
cycle’s components (2000). Following a period of global warfare and mac-
rodecision, the hegemon seeks to implement a new order more conducive to
its interests and then continues by exerting a regulatory influence over the
international system. ‘Just as the macrodecision phase denotes great substan-
tive changes in the system, the execution phase represents the focusing of
the dominant policies’ (Colaresi 2001: 574). The new hegemon leads the
world economy, takes a prominent role in security issues and introduces
new innovations: Portugal pioneered modern navigational techniques, the
Netherlands broke the omnipotence of the Catholic Church by championing
Calvinist religious reforms, Britain disseminated a wide range of industrial
advances and the United States is presently leading the way in technology
and weaponry. Within this period of leadership/execution, however, there
appears to be resistance and dissatisfaction with the new hegemon’s policies
and preferences.
During the next phase – delegitimation and agenda-setting – dissent gathers
greater momentum, producing fresh problems, giving rise to new challenges
and obliging the hegemon to seek the support of lesser Powers. As Modelski
and Thompson put it, ‘old contenders are emboldened, and new contenders
begin to emerge. Global problem management becomes increasingly difficult
. . . because there is a tendency for post-global-war orders to be temporary’
(1989: 27). Eventually, these forces can be obstructed no longer and, during
a period of deconcentration and coalition-building, the hegemon’s authority
is openly challenged by emergent coalitions of confrontational, revisionist
states. A period of macrodecision results, which has, up to now, taken the
form of a global war – as a succession struggle ‘over which economy will
replace the incumbent as the global system’s military-political centre’ – but
could conceivably occur in other less violent forms (Modelski 1999: 18).

Table 10.3 Components of Modelski’s long cycle

Macrodecision/ 1494– 1585– 1689– 1793– 1914–45 2030–50
global war 1516 1609 1713 1815
Execution/world 1516–40 1609–40 1713–40 1815–50 1945–73 2050–
Agenda-setting/ 1540–60 1640–60 1740–63 1850–73 1973–
delegitimation 2000
Coalition-building/ 1560–85 1660–89 1763–93 1873– 2000–30
deconcentration 1914
Source: Adapted from Modelski (1987).
168 Hegemony
Clearly, this is a salient issue today. At present, we are living in a time
of hegemonic decline. The United States established its authority during
the first half of the twentieth century through a combination of economic
output, naval advance and then the use and, in Cuba, the threatened use of
its nuclear arsenal. Following humiliation in Vietnam, however, American
administrations have increasingly been obliged to seek the support of lesser
Powers in pursuing their foreign policy objectives. According to Modelski’s
timeframe, we might now expect this debilitation to prompt the formation
of revisionist alliances, leading to a stage of macrodecision in approximately
25 years time. He has, however, baulked at such determinism, suggesting
that American deconcentration is far from imminent – that, in other words,
the period since 1973 ‘cannot be defined as that of a loss of position as lead-
ing economy’ (1981: 80).
In viewing the current cycle as potentially different from its predecessors,
three considerations may be pertinent. First, recent technological advances
in communications and transportation may mean that it is now impossi-
ble for one country to dominate its rivals in the way that hegemons have
done in the past. Second, it might be that the proliferation of weapons of
mass destruction has rendered global warfare unwinnable. Although the
time elapsed since the last global war (60 years) is not currently sufficient
to support the view that the maintenance of an active nuclear deterrent can
prevent large-scale wars (as Samuel Huntington claims (1986: 9)), it may be
that launching a global military challenge to the hegemon can no longer act
as a macrodecision. Third, the last great European conflagration may have
been so severe as to leave the region no longer the determinative force in
world politics that it hitherto had been, thereby making the global system
less susceptible to the continent’s competitive intradynamics. However, as
this scenario does not preclude the possibility that other ascendant and/or
unstable regions may pursue policies similar to those of the Habsburgs, the
French, the British and the rest, ‘we will need to see less continuity and more
transformation in the next quarter-century than we have seen in the past
quarter-century’, if another period of global warfare is to be avoided (Rasler
and Thompson 2000: 329).

Parity, transition and preventive war

Developed broadly concurrently with Modelski’s model, Abramo Organ-
ski’s power transition theory has been a comparable influence over the study
of the relationship between the pursuit of hegemony and the occurrence
of severe wars. Although not explicitly episodic, Organski’s starting point
– that ‘shifts in the international distribution of power . . . create the condi-
tions likely to lead to at least the most important wars’ – shares a number
of assumptions with long-cycle theorists (Organski and Kugler 1980: 4). For
instance, the international system is seen as hierarchically – or rather py-
Hegemony 169
ramidally – structured with the hegemon at the top, major Powers below it,
lesser Powers below them and colonies (those states without sovereignty) at
the bottom. Each state is presumed to recognise its position within the world
order and adjust both its foreign and domestic policy accordingly (Organski
1958). Indeed, it is the latter that, in contrast to realist orthodoxy, largely
determines a state’s position within the international hierarchy. As Jacek Ku-
gler and Organski put it, changes in the world’s structures of power are,

in all significant respects, the result of the domestic developmental pro­

cess. Thus, the significant data for the discussion of power relations [a]re
the shifts from primary to secondary to tertiary production, variations in
movement of fertility and mortality from high to low rates, the increase
in the ability of the political system to mobilize resources, and difference
in the social mobility of populations.
(1989: 177)

Fundamentally, then, the intrastate and geopolitical arenas are intimately

entwined. The rules and regulations governing international interaction – or
what Organski calls ‘the status quo’ – reflect the distribution of power (or
states’ ‘relative capabilities’) within the system. Unsurprisingly, those near
to the hegemon at the top of the pyramid tend to exhibit a stronger com-
mitment to the status quo than weaker states. To perpetuate their predomi-
nance, major Powers establish ‘self-serving patterns of interaction. Thus, a
wealthy free-market dominant power will likely create a liberal economic
order, [and] a democratic dominant power will likely create democratically
operating international political institutions’ (Kugler and Lemke 2000: 131).
States near the bottom of the pyramid may be disadvantaged by, and dissatis-
fied with, the preferences of the powerful, leading to endemic tensions.
As policies, including the decision to embark on a conflict, are assumed to
be chosen when they are perceived as potentially bringing greater domestic
rewards and involving fewer domestic costs than inaction, these tensions
are predicted to manifest themselves as war only when the relative capabili-
ties of dissatisfied states begin to match those seeking to endorse the status
quo. This is quite different from the two predominant (and static) notions
of equilibrium drawn from realism; on the one hand, that a 50–50 balance
of power acts to prevent war by maintaining uncertainty over its outcome
and, on the other hand, that a preponderance of power acts as a disincentive
to competitors and lessens the risk of misperception (Gulick 1955; Gilpin
1981). Instead, ‘major wars are often a result of a transition in power be-
tween the dominant nation in a system and a rising challenger’ (de Soysa et
al. 1997: 511).
Relative changes in the national capabilities of both acquiescent and dis-
satisfied states have generally been assessed under three categories. The first
considers national endowment as the set of building blocks that a country
170 Hegemony
might require if it is to develop its hegemonic potential. These have usually
been measured by variables such as population size, territorial mass, eco-
nomic strength and the presence of natural resources. The second, national
performance, is the way in which a state seeks to convert its endowment into
effective forms of usable power. This looks at the levels of external pressures
confronting a given country as well as ‘how aware and responsive a par-
ticular state-society complex is to the new resources that must be produced
if it is to develop the capability to both dominate the cycles of innovation
and transform that dominance into effective hegemonic potential’ (Tellis et
al. 2000: 46–7). It thus takes in variables such as a state’s infrastructural
and ideational capacity to select and implement the most efficient technical,
social and production policies. Together, these two categories are often re-
ferred to as a state’s ‘relative political capacity’ (Kugler and Domke 1987).
A third means of evaluating international actors’ capabilities is to quantify
the strength of their military. This is often undertaken by aggregating indica-
tors such as military expenditure, the gross size of the armed forces, the
destructive force of a country’s arsenal or an inventory of war-fighting com-
petencies. In the Correlates of War Project, for instance, J. David Singer and
Melvin Small calculate military personnel and spending, industrial potential
(the production rates of iron and steel and overall energy consumption) as
well as total and urban populations (cities with over 20,000 inhabitants)
(1994). In Table 10.4, these figures have been converted into percentages
of the overall major Power total for the period, added together and divided
by the number of indicators assessed to give an individual average capability
for each state.
The shifts in domestic power represented in this table may lead to war in
several ways. First, they may produce an ‘appetite in the gaining state and
apprehension in the declining state’, thereby increasing tensions between
the two (Wayman 1996: 147). A wide variety of measurements of this ap-
petite has been suggested. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita argues that falls in the
purchasing power of a nation’s currency are a key gauge of domestic levels
of dissatisfaction with the international order (1990). Other indicators, dis-
cussed in greater depth in the previous chapter, include military expenditure
and aggressive alliance-building (Kim 1996; Werner and Kugler 1996). Con-
versely, a number of studies have concluded that satisfaction with the status
quo can prevent the occurrence of violent conflict even within highly acute
confrontations (Ray 1995). This is particularly apparent if there is a history
of amity – perhaps in the form of friendly diplomatic relations, comparable
political institutions or established trading links – between the protagonists
(Lemke and Reed 1996). Second, shifts in relative power may change the
way in which imminent war is perceived. ‘The rising state may overestimate
its growth, while the declining state may underestimate its decline in power.
This can create a situation where both sides believe they can win a war’
(Hensel and McLaughlin 1997: 5). Indeed, a power transition between dis-
putatious rivals may increase the likelihood of war by as much as 21 per cent
Table 10.4 The distribution of relative capabilities among major Powers 1895–1995 (percentages)
United United Union/ Austria–
States Kingdom France Russia Germany Japan Italy Hungary China
1895 23.53 20.23 9.88 15.38 14.46 4.90 4.57 7.05
1905 24.58 14.15 8.17 22.60 14.93 6.41 3.62 5.54
1914 24.16 15.87 9.55 15.43 18.70 4.96 3.61 8.54
1925 33.63 13.99 10.04 17.82 11.23 7.41 5.89
1935 25.65 10.09 7.60 26.01 14.05 7.83 8.76
1939 24.22 12.74 5.73 20.55 23.98 9.33 4.45
1946 60.74 12.02 1.81 23.61 1.83
1955 38.60 8.20 4.90 27.08 20.42
1965 34.25 6.67 4.97 28.69 25.42
1975 28.62 5.35 4.43 33.50 28.10
1985 26.13 4.10 3.89 35.57 30.32
1995 35.25 5.65 5.87 12.56 40.67
Source: Adapted from Danilovic (2002: 89).
172 Hegemony
(Huth and Russet 1993). If, however, the rising state is at the initiation point
of its ascent, is too small ever to pose a significant threat to the authority of
the hegemon or is ‘so large that its dominance, once it becomes industrial, is
virtually guaranteed’, then war is unlikely to result (Organski 1958: 334).
Third, declines in the relative power of hegemonic states may enlarge the
strategic objectives that challengers believe to be attainable from initiating
a conflict, thereby increasing the range and value of the benefits expected
to accrue as a result. This becomes especially probable if the advance of the
contender is rapid. In such a scenario, its leaders may become overambitious
(in terms of their projected place in the international order) and frustrated
with the slow pace of change. The hegemon’s administration may, on the
other hand, underestimate its opponent’s current and potential growth,
leading to an excessively robust response (van Evera 1999). In obviating the
possibility of an incremental diffusion of tension and a peaceful transition
of power (especially in the case of very large challengers), such a reaction
helps to explain why many hegemonic struggles are accompanied by severe,
systemic warfare. In sum, the interaction between

two key explanatory variables, relative power and the degree of satisfac-
tion with the international order (or status quo) . . . [is] the primary
determinant of war and peace. States that have insufficient capabilities,
no matter how dissatisfied with the status quo, will be fundamentally
unable to challenge the dominant power. States that are powerful but
satisfied will have little motivation to challenge the dominant state for
its preeminent position and the accompanying ability to shape the inter-
national order. Only the powerful and dissatisfied pose a threat.
(DiCicco and Levy 1999: 682)

Indeed, statistical data tend to endorse the relevance of these factors.

Stuart Bremer’s study of war proneness among nations of varying relative
capability, for example, finds that the second-place state has tended to be
the most frequent initiator of conflict (1980). This is predicted to occur at
or around the point of power parity – because it is then that a reasonable
chance of success can be comfortably inferred. Consequently, the greater the
power of the hegemon, the more stable the international system is likely to
be (Volgy and Imwalle 1995). To return to Table 10.4’s illustration of the
macrodecision that ended Britain’s world leadership, Germany would be
expected to challenge both her and Russia/the Soviet Union firstly between
1910 and 1913 and then again around the mid-1930s. She could also have
been expected to resist the United States’ rise to hegemony from the early
1940s onwards. More generally, when all conflicts in which major powers
have participated on opposing sides are considered, it is clear that a broader
correlation between shifts in power and the occurrence of warfare exists. In
a study of 119 dyadic relationships, Henk Houweling and Jan Siccama find
Hegemony 173
that, out of the 26 that ended in war, 12 (or 46 per cent) had been subject to
an ‘overtaking’ – defined as ‘the passing of one major power by the other na-
tion one or more times during a test period’ (one of eight 20-year blocks be-
tween 1816 and 1975). This leads them to conclude that ‘differential growth
rates and specifically power transitions among great powers are indeed a
potent predictor of consecutive outbreak [sic] of war’ (1988: 99–101).
This may be true regionally as well as globally. Localised hierarchies and
transitions of power can, it has been suggested, operate in ways comparable
to worldwide patterns of international relations. Regional hegemons atop
their own hierarchic structures (and conceivably contented with the over-
all international order) establish and maintain delimited areas of authority
– what Douglas Lemke calls ‘relevant neighbourhoods’ – which are subject
to pressures from rising challengers and constant encroachments from the
global leader (2002). Satisfaction with the status quo, Lemke goes on to
hypothesise, may be more influenced by local issues such as transportation
routes, border disputes and cultural differences than broader geopolitical
concerns (1996). Empirically, there appears to be some support for such
a contention, despite the obvious difficulties in excluding the influence of
global Powers and the generally low number of wars that have occurred
without their input. In South America, for instance, Lemke and Suzanne
Werner find that, of the 119 contending dyads that did not end in war, 110
attained neither power parity nor a joint commitment to change the status
quo (1996: 256).
Is, however, the attainment of power parity a necessary prerequisite for
the commencement of a challenge – regional or global? Are Douglas Lemke
and Jacek Kugler correct to conclude that ‘the closer to parity a dyad is, the
greater the threat of war’ (1996: 12)? Is it not more credible to assume that
the dominant Power would initiate ‘preventive action to block the rising
challenger while the latter is still too weak to mount a serious threat’ (Levy
1987: 84)? Indeed, such a motive has frequently been cited as an expla-
nation for the causes of European conflicts during the second half of the
nineteenth century. As A. J. P. Taylor writes, the war of ‘1866, like the war
of 1859 before it and the wars of 1870 and 1914 after it, was launched by
the conservative Power, the Power standing on the defensive, which, baited
beyond endurance, broke out on its tormentors’ (1954: 166).
Undertaking this kind of pre-emptive action may be driven by a percep-
tion that a state’s power is declining relative to an ascending adversary: it
remains, in other words, a policy option for governments presiding over
endogenous growth if development is slower than that of an opponent’s. To
fight now is thus seen to be preferable to fighting later under less favourable
circumstances. As Jack Levy points out, ‘if the expected values of inaction
and preventive war are at all comparable, leaders may be tempted to fight a
preventive war in the hope of avoiding the losses that are the inevitable by-
product of continued decline’ (2000: 204). Moreover, as victory declines in
174 Hegemony
likelihood monotonically as the challenger’s power increases, it is rational for
dominant states to mobilise quickly, particularly if the challenger’s growth is
rapid (Tammen et al. 2000). Such a strategy might also offer tactical advan-
tages, for no government, regardless of its feelings towards a forthcoming
and inevitable war, ‘would be so foolish as to leave to the enemy the choice
of time and occasion and to wait for the moment which is most convenient
for the enemy’ (Otto von Bismarck quoted in Fischer 1975: 461).
Although Organski did originally acknowledge the possibility of such a
war (‘to destroy a competitor before it became strong enough to upset the
existing international order’ (1958: 371)), most power transition models
rest on the assumption that, because defeating a challenger brings no new
benefits (beyond a simple perpetuation of the status quo), the dominant
state ‘has little incentive’ to proceed (Kugler and Organski 1989: 187). This
leaves the precise point at which war can be expected from shifts in relative
power under-theorised. Such a lack of clarity is a substantial deficiency given
the wide range of statistical evidence available on the matter. Woosang Kim
and James Morrow, for instance, use a modified means of calculating relative
capabilities and dissatisfaction to review Houweling and Siccama’s findings
over the same 160-year period. While they see some support for the causal
importance of the rising state’s dissatisfaction levels, its growth rate and the
point at which it reaches parity with the dominant Power were both found
to be insignificant predictors of war initiation. ‘Power transitions’, they sur-
mise, ‘therefore cannot be the cause of major wars. . . . The anticipation of
the long war that would result [from approaching or achieved power parity]
should suffice to deter that war’ (1992: 918). The fact that such wars do
occur is, they continue, better explained as an unexpected outcome resulting
from the pursuit of more limited international objectives. Such an inference
receives some support from Daniel Geller, who, having looked at a similar
set of contending dyads, concludes that ‘war and dispute initiators are as
likely to be inferior to their opponents as they are to be superior in the static
balance of relative capabilities’ (1996: 138).
Charles Doran also finds that parity points are not the most reliable cor-
relates of impending war. For him, the weakness in the power transition
model is a lack of explicit cyclicity. ‘The notion that the differential growth
of state power is causally related to systemic structure and stability requires’,
he writes, ‘a theoretical formulation of the full dynamic, as attempted in
power cycle theory, to attain analytical maturity’. Major war, he continues,
‘is an outgrowth of certain traumatic changes in a nation’s relative power
and associated role and security perceptions’ (1989a: 84). In keeping with
the power transition school, however, his measurement of a state’s proclivity
for war rests upon calculations of relative capability and foreign policy inter-
ests. Using a dataset of warfare similar to that of Modelski, he plots the cycli-
cal rise and decline of major Powers since around 1500 (illustrated in Figure
10.1). He identifies four moments at which their governments ‘are most
vulnerable to overreaction, misperception, or aggravated use of force which
Hegemony 175
may generate massive war’ (Doran and Parsons 1980: 949). These are each
cycle’s peak, its trough and the two inflection points at which the established
trajectory of the state diverges from a predictable course. During the first
two periods, both the dominant actor and the challenger suddenly realise
that the former’s level of relative capability has fundamentally changed from
growth to recession or vice versa. Similarly, at each of the inflection points,
it becomes clear to political elites that a seemingly eternal rate of ascendance
or decline is, in reality, subject to abrupt changes, thereby undermining their
medium- to long-term plans.
The tendency of forecasters to base their outlook on perpetual linearity
prevents them from perceiving both the presence, and imminent arrival, of
critical moments in a country’s power trajectory, rendering their analyses
‘incontrovertibly wrong at the very points where being wrong is most threat-
ening to [their state’s] continued role and security position’ (Doran 1989a:
104). As such, the more far-sighted the policy planning, the greater the dis-
parity between the projected and real futures is likely to be. This reveals
the state’s future security projections as dangerously misguided, leading to
anxiety, belligerence and overreaction. Major war, therefore, ‘grows out of
a government’s unsuccessful struggle to adjust to a sudden, massive change
in its projected future ability to exercise leadership and implement statecraft
within the international system’ (Doran 1989b: 374). It occurs not at the
point of dyad parity, but when confrontations overlap with the incidence
of critical changes in the power trajectory of one or both the disputatious
states. Using this method, then, war between Germany and both the Soviet
Union and the United Kingdom could be expected rather later than the point
of power parity (see Figure 10.1). Indeed, in his study of 11 warring dyads
covering the five major wars from the Crimea to Korea, Doran finds that at
least 90 per cent involved a ‘critical point’ state (1989b: 384).
Questions arise, nevertheless, as to whether a cyclical pattern of behav-
iour can be linked satisfactorily to the occurrence of major wars given the
inevitable rise and fall of inventories of economic strength and political
will. To distinguish between an inter-relationship and a discernible cycle,

Ottoman Empire
United States

Habsburg Empire Japan

Britain Russia/Soviet Union Prussia/Germany China

1500 1575 1650 1725 1800 1875 1950 1993

Figure 10.1 Charles Doran’s power cycle structure 1500–1993. Source: Redrawn
from Doran (2003: 24).
176 Hegemony
a considerable amount of data is clearly required but, with only four cycles
said to be completed, a small number of warring dyads to analyse and the
great rarity of hegemonic transitions, the veracity of statistical claims is likely
to be open to interrogation. Simply identifying what appears to be a semi-
regularised pattern of ups and downs cannot be evidence of a cycle per se.
This is because any dataset will tend to show a wandering pattern around
its mean. As Figure 10.2 illustrates, even randomly generated static data can
take the form of a cycle and thus could be used ‘to generate what looks like a
plausible base dating scheme. [Merely] . . . the appearance of a “long wave”
of “varying period” tells us nothing. [It] . . . may simply be an artefact of a
mathematical property of stationary series’ (Beck 1991: 460).
This may help to explain the vagueness of the relationship between big
wars and ostensibly periodic shifts in hegemony. As Richard Rosecrance notes
of Modelski’s work, Portugal presided over almost constant war between the
Habsburg and Valois kings and the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48) happened
near the start of the Netherlands’ supremacy (1987). The need to achieve
a fit between demonstrable historiography and explicit periodicity means
that much of the literature concerning hegemony and war tends to be quite
Eurocentric. For instance, Ottoman land forces as well as the Ming dynasty
(which, between 1368 and 1644, developed a vast navy of four-masted ships
displacing 1,500 tons, an economy producing over 100,000 tons of iron per
year and a standing army said to be in excess of 3 million troops) are largely
ignored (Temple 2002: 3).
Despite these obvious problems, however, understanding historical pat-
terns of hegemonic transfer and global warfare still has considerable value,
as well as real implications for the contemporary world. Indeed, if the lack of
precise periodicity and a truly global focus within these studies permits us to
reject Organski and Kugler’s insistence that the underlying shifts in geopoliti-
cal power configurations are ‘not manipulable in response to foreign-policy




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Figure 10.2 Randomly generated stationary data. Source: Redrawn from Beck (1991:
Hegemony 177
needs’ (1980: 63), then it may be possible to prevent – or at least – delay
the next phase of world war. After all, it may be that the ‘great wars of the
system were not a consequence of its normal operation’ and thus the current
international order is not ‘a system which will inevitably generate hegemonic
wars’ (Holsti 1985: 682, 684).
Kugler and Lemke point to four such preventative measures. First, as China
will soon be in a position to challenge the United States’ hegemony, efforts
must be made to ensure that she is satisfied with, and therefore a supporter
of, the status quo. Second, because the historical record suggests that wars
are fought between hegemonic contenders despite the costs being extremely
high, efforts to restrain the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
should be redoubled. Third, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation should
be enlarged to include eastern European states in the short term and then
eventually Russia and China. This would expand the number of satisfied
states within the international system and produce a bloc too powerful to
be challenged by a rising contender. Fourth, in order to prevent regional
hierarchies from leading to major wars, greater multilateralism should be
promoted as a means of generating consensual support over the status quo
and predicting possible flashpoints in the future (2000: 158–9).

This chapter has presented a consideration of the big picture – the centennial
rise and fall of hegemonic Powers since the emergence of the modern world
system in the fifteenth century. It has looked at the relationship between
hegemony and the incidence of conflicts in general and large-scale warfare
in particular. It has reviewed the ways in which changes in economic and
military power have influenced the course of international relations over the
last five centuries. Here, conflicts are caused either by incumbent hegemons
protecting their standing in a preventative war against an ascendant Power
or by rising challengers initiating a confrontation in order to achieve the
status of world leader. As the benefits of such a position are vast, each is
predicted to be prepared to suffer considerable losses. Resultant conflicts
are therefore typically pursued on a colossal scale; a fact that renders them
comparatively uncommon. Indeed, in plotting the incidence of these rare
conflagrations, analysts, drawing on economists’ work on the periodisation
of boom and recession, frequently propose that a pattern of cyclical perio-
dicity is apparent. Here, fluctuating levels of naval capability are often seen
as especially important in determining the succession of hegemonic powers
and the accompanying occurrence of severe periods of conflict.
Associated with the study of these shifts in coercive strength are expla-
nations of warfare based on power transitions – broadly the focus of this
chapter’s second section. These generally concentrate on linear patterns of
capability assessed by variables such as military strength, differential econom-
ic growth rates and satisfaction with the regional or global status quo. Many
178 Hegemony
predict that war is most likely to begin when the relative might of two or
more disputatious Powers is approximately equal. It is at the point of power
parity that a rising challenger might expect to secure victory. An alternative
way of analysing a similar process is to assume that the dominant Power
or Powers will act to arrest the challenger’s ascendancy before it becomes
an imminent threat. These approaches and long-cycle theories both tend
to focus on the determinative properties of states’ internal characteristics.
As such, they offer something of a challenge to the assumptions of classical
realism, which hold that global conflict tends to be a consequence of three
inter-related features of the system itself – the inherently uneven and chaotic
nature of geopolitics, the changing objectives of national interest and states’
constantly shifting relative power to project their military force abroad.
Nonetheless, there is little agreement among writers in this field over both
the precise timings of shifts in the international balance of power and the
identity of the variables that drive such fluctuations in state capabilities. This
widespread divergence of opinion is due, in part, to questions over the very
existence of cyclical periodicity. It has been noted, for instance, that attempt-
ing to draw inferences from the historical record is inevitably epistemologi-
cally weak – the fact that something can be demonstrated to have happened
regularly in the past is not, by itself, an assurance that it will continue to
happen in the future. Such reservations notwithstanding, however, the issues
at stake in the investigation of the causes of global warfare are of such mag-
nitude as to ensure that these approaches remain an important area in the
study of international politics in general and conflict in particular. Indeed, it
is particularly pertinent today when globalised changes to the world order
now mean that ‘few, if any, issue areas . . . remain effectively closed off from
system dynamics’ (Marshall 1999: 7).
Most writers are, for instance, agreed that the weight of the past does not
make another world war inevitable at a given point in the future. Globalisa-
tion, the unprecedented scale of the last great conflict and the uniquely deter-
rent properties of nuclear weapons may all combine to make the hegemony
of the United States different from earlier periods of leadership. To prevent
a new hegemon from emerging amid the customary bloodshed, it may, for
instance, be necessary to make certain that the next great challenger remains
content with the status quo, that mass destruction armaments do not fall into
the hands of the dissatisfied and that more egalitarian forms of multilateral-
ism are promoted. After all, to fail in these regards and to permit the world
to pass through another calamitous period of hegemonic change could have
uniquely fateful consequences. As George Modelski and Patrick Morgan put
it, should a systemic war ‘occur again amidst a plethora of nuclear weapons
it will mean destruction on a scale endangering the existence of civilisation
and the human species’ (1985: 394).
11 Conclusion

This chapter will present a review of the overarching themes of the book.
Extending the work of Paul Rogers and Oliver Ramsbotham (1999), it fo-
cuses on seven overlapping centres of debate. These concern, first, the trans-
formation of conflictive situations. Here, important problems relate to the
definition of conflict and the role of the researcher. Second, an attempt to
connect analyses of conflict and violence with broader debates across dis-
ciplinary boundaries generates a number of issues of coherence within the
literature. These relate to matters of both principle and empirical measure-
ments. Third, the implied or explicit association between studies of conflict
and the achievement of peace raises important questions regarding the na-
ture of change and the utility of violence. Fourth, the use of multi-levels of
analysis presents debates over the applicability of theoretical models and the
relationship between the domestic and international social spheres. Fifth, an
aspiration to incorporate approaches from various cultural traditions into
the analysis of conflict and violence has valuable implications for both re-
search and policy. Sixth, a tension between empirical and normative elements
of research provokes notable debates over the relationship between values
and analysis, particularly in the areas of methodology and epistemology. Fi-
nally, the issue of the practical or policy implications of research prompts
a number of significant ethical considerations, not least in what precisely
theory should seek to cover, how academics should relate to decision-makers
and the degree to which researchers become complicit in policy outcomes.
Each of these areas will be looked at in turn with the aim of reflecting on the
main findings of the book.

Transformation, levels of interdisciplinarity and peace

The first area of debate relevant to the focus of this book concerns attempts
by many conflict analysts and peace researchers ‘to address the root causes
of direct violence and to explore ways of overcoming structural inequalities
and of promoting equitable and cooperative relations between and within
human collectivities’ (Rogers and Ramsbotham 1999: 741). Superficially,
180 Conclusion
such a sentiment appears to be an uncomplicated assertion of a normative
position to which most would ascribe. Many aid agencies, for instance, have
abandoned the premises of neutrality, impartiality and independence dis-
cussed in Chapter 1 and altered their programmes to not only address ‘im-
mediate needs but also tackle the causes of vulnerability and insecurity, even
though these are likely to be political in character’ (Vaux 2006: 242). Few,
however, get beyond these types of vague allusion to the difficulties that such
aims portend. Andy Storey, for instance, concludes that assistance to conflict-
affected countries ought not to fall into the hands of an ‘abusive authority’
(1997: 392), while others suggest that the reconstruction of defective states
‘should be seized on as a tool to promote peace and justice’ (Fox 2001: 277).
Such consequentialist reasoning is clearly an important departure from the
previously pre-eminent need to remain detached from local politics. More­
over, because it attempts neither to define what form an ‘abusive authority’
might take nor to distinguish peace from pacification, it is not, by itself, an
autonomous political position. So, without an indication of how the three
objectives highlighted by Rogers and Ramsbotham – an effort to prevent
violence, to work towards a more egalitarian world and to promote greater
levels of social or cultural reciprocity and understanding – are to be pursued,
the problem of definition, as outlined in Chapters 2 and 3, is left unresolved,
leading to a number of key problems.
The first emerges from adopting a subjectivist approach to identifying the
causes of conflict, measuring inequality and specifying the meaning of coop-
erative relations. By relying on participatory approaches, the self-expressed
perceptions of subjects may be used to define the conflictive situation. Be-
cause, as Chapter 3 highlighted, these will probably be influenced by, and
therefore tend to replicate, existing power relations (particularly, as discussed
in Chapter 6, along the lines of gender, race and class), a third party’s analy-
sis using this method will tend to produce conservative rather than progres-
sive outcomes. This leads on to a second problem: because subjects are likely
to specify their immediate needs rather than an account of potential root
causes, third-party action may be conservative and ‘minimalist’ (Goodhand
and Atkinson 2001). The consequence of this is that those intervening in
conflictive situations may abdicate moral responsibility not only for what is
going on around them, but also for the consequences of their own actions.
An oft-cited example of the former was the refusal of the Red Cross to
allow its operatives to be called as witnesses to the International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in 1999 despite its unparalleled access to
instances of human rights abuse – a decision derided as ‘cautious, lawyerly’
and suggestive of a ‘complicity with war crimes’ (Ignatieff 1999: 204; 1998:
124; Berman 2005). A similarly controversial example of the latter is said
to have occurred in the Goma refugee camps of the Democratic Republic of
the Congo where relief agencies, responding to the ‘minimal’ and immediate
needs of the displaced, were alleged to have been unwittingly aiding Hutu
war criminals (Cooley and Ron 2002).
Conclusion 181
By objectifying aid recipients’ interests in this way, a third problem
emerges – that ignoring subjects’ perceptions undermines the third party’s
claim of objectivity or greater perspicaciousness. While such a position has
the potential to overcome existing power relations by revealing the contin-
gent and immanently constructed nature of the conflictive situation, it does
not explain how the observer’s judgement is protected from the mispercep-
tions ascribed to the subject’s social environment. Associated with this is
a fourth problem – namely that, by objectifying the conflictive situation,
power is relocated from the protagonists to those seeking to effect an inter-
vention. The ‘maximalist’ agenda of many non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) today has thus proved an attractive vehicle for the promotion of
Great Power interests. Major bilateral donors have, for instance, increasingly
pressured the growing NGO sector to bear more of the material and ethical
responsibility for international action. To do this, aid levels have risen from
$2.1 billion in 1990 to $5.9 billion in 2000, of which the United States has
contributed between 20 and 30 per cent of the annual allocation. Simultane-
ously, there has been a sharp decline in the funds allocated to multilateral
agencies in favour of explicitly earmarked bilateral aid (Randel and German
2002). In 1988, for instance, the United Nations received 45 per cent of
the global humanitarian budget, compared with below 25 per cent today.
This has had ‘a significant impact on the discretion available to humanitarian
organisations’ with the consequence that ‘state interests, rather than the hu-
manitarian principle of relief based on need, drives [sic] funding decisions’
(Barnett 2005: 11).
The second area of debate relates to ‘the realization that an inter-
disciplinary response [is needed] . . . to supplement an international rela-
tions approach with insights from the other political and social sciences,
as well as from social psychology, anthropology and other disciplines’
(Rogers and Ramsbotham 1999: 741). At one level, this aspiration to ‘an
intersubjective, conversed and cooperative approach’ is (as the preceding
chapters have sought to demonstrate) a considerable strength (Muñoz 2005:
9). Understandings of conflict, violence and, by extension, peace have long
been informed by a wide range of disciplinary traditions. As indicated by
the progression of the book chapters above, these stretch from theories of
definition, structural violence, relative deprivation, diversions and functions,
crises, social learning and constructivism drawn from politics, sociology, psy-
chology and international relations to economic, theological, socio-biologi-
cal and historiographic commentaries on greed, inherency and hegemony.
Indeed, few topics have been discussed in publications as diverse as the West-
ern Criminology Review, the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family
Therapy and Poultry Science.
While such enrichment has militated against the emergence of a spuri-
ous ‘magic formula, which, mechanically applied, will produce the desired
result and thus substitute for the uncertainties and risks of political action’
(Morgenthau 1946: 95), it has, in failing to convert multidisciplinarity into
182 Conclusion
cross-disciplinarity, also produced a splintered and inchoate field of study.
In attempting to gain an understanding of warfare at the abstract level, for
instance, a ‘theoretical deficit’ (Cusak 1995: 191) has been identified in

there is no consensus as to what the causes of war are, what methodolo-

gies are most useful for discovering and validating those causes, what
general theories of world politics and human behavior a theory of war
might be subsumed within, what criteria are appropriate for evaluating
competing theories, or even whether it is possible to generalize about
anything as complex and contextually dependent as war.
(Levy 1998: 140)

The result is that the study of ‘armed conflict and war remains fragmented
between disciplinary boundaries, which produce conflicting and often mutu-
ally exclusive theories’ (Porto 2002: 1).
Similarly, at the empirical level, a proliferation of datasets proceeding
from varying definitional bases, using competing indicators and adhering
to contrasting coding conventions has generated considerable confusion
over even rudimentary measurements such as conflict frequencies, battle-
field intensities and mortality rates. The study of international warfare is,
for instance, a field largely made up of discrete topics. As Dina Zinnes has
commented, everybody ‘loves their variable; nobody [i]s willing to stand up
and say, “I give up my variable” ’ (quoted in Brecher et al. 2000: 37). At the
level of civil war, similar problems exist. In reviewing the current literature,
Nicholas Sambanis points to nine major categories of concern: ‘poverty
and slow economic growth’, ‘ethnic diversity and polarization’, ‘natural
resources’, ‘ethnic diversity’, ‘geographical dispersion, rough terrain, and
security dilemmas’, ‘democracy: level and change’, ‘ethnic vs. revolution-
ary wars’, ‘external intervention in civil wars’ and ‘post-war peacebuilding
and war recurrence’ (2002). The presence of such an ‘enormous diversity of
theoretical, methodological, and epistemological perspectives’ on the study
of conflict, violence and peace acutely ‘complicates the task of providing a
concise assessment of the field’ (Levy 1998: 140). This is a major problem
for, as Muñoz notes, ‘one of the greatest obstacles’ in converting these per-
spectives into a ‘commonly recognised theoretical field [is the absence of a]
. . . system of organising and articulating the information at our disposal on
the subject’ (2005: 2). Clearly,

order [must] be imposed on this explanatory chaos. We need theoretical

templates to test against the burgeoning descriptive material lest it re-
main raw data. We need syntheses of findings, to show where approaches
may agree, and to clarify where they do not.
(Ferguson 1990: 27)
Conclusion 183
A primary purpose of this book, as Chapter 1 set out, has therefore been
to try to respond to this inconsonance while retaining some of the field’s
immense richness. As such, it has attempted to escape what João Gomes
Porto calls ‘the tyranny of the single-cause’ by presenting a wide-ranging re-
view of the key theories involved in the explanation of the causes of conflict
and violence (2002). In ordering these into loose categories, the book’s aim
has been, first, to address the fragmentary nature of writing on this topic
and, second, to offer the reader a means of comparing various factors and
mechanisms. Each chapter has thus identified and approached an important
sample of research that shares a rudimentary basis of similar assumptions. By
looking at common analytical themes in this way, this book has, it is hoped,
not only highlighted significant areas of congruousness, but also solidified
a somewhat nebulous literature, thereby allowing the reader to develop a
clearer understanding of the current landscape of conflict studies.
The third of Rogers and Ramsbotham’s categories overlaps closely with
the first: it is ‘a search for peaceful ways to settle disputes and for non-vio-
lent transformations of potentially or actually violent situations . . . [with-
out] endorsing the status quo’ (1999: 741). Although, like the first area of
debate, this appears to represent a general good, the coverage of this book
does, again like the earlier element, reveal a number of important questions
surrounding how such an aspiration may be realised. The first is the problem
of development. Working from the assumption that violence is a response to
deprivation and pointing to the high correlation between low growth rates
and the incidence of civil war, the provision of socio-economic support to
poor countries is frequently presented as just such a means of non-violently
transforming situations with high levels of latent or suppressed conflict (Col-
lier 2007). As we saw in Chapters 7 and 8, however, the process of develop-
ment may, itself, be a cause of violence or may offer enhanced outlets for
pre-existing tensions. This can happen in a number of ways – the efficacy of
ethnic affiliation may be intensified by urbanisation, greater labour flexibility
or democratisation, grievances may be created or exacerbated by growing
social stratification and social groups may be mobilised more easily by a
drop in forgone income, the availability of rewards (such as natural resource
rents) and a rise in transborder interaction (Congleton 1995). Indeed, the
suggestion here is that, even if development occurs in a broadly beneficial
way, the reduction of inequality and the creation of affluence can provide a
more facilitative political environment for violent conflict than a process of
impoverishment (Newman 1991).
A second issue raised by this book (particularly in Chapters 5 and 8) per-
tinent to the transformation of conflictive situations is the possibility that
violence is not an aberration that requires remedial redress, but ‘a normal
response to commonplace conditions’ born of the fact that ‘the fundamental
disposition of individuals ([or] groups) in politics is to maximize influence,
or power, over decisions’ (Eckstein 1980: 143). Moreover, if this tendency
is ultimately derived from our evolutionary heritage, from determinative
184 Conclusion
cultural–historical legacies or from self-centred assessments of cost and ben-
efit, then violence requires little, if any, explanation. It may be that effecting
change through social measures can do little to alter the human condition, to
reform ancient cultural patterns or to lessen avarice, and that any potential
future is likely to include some degree of inequality, frustration and cultural
variation. If this is true, then attempting to develop the type of transforma-
tive measures implied by the topics looked at in Chapters 3, 6 and 7 is
broadly futile. Instead, peace may emerge from the successful repression
of ‘human nature’. A programme of defensive securitisation, including the
judicious use of coercion on a utilitarian basis, may be a more reliable way to
settle disputes and to reduce the incidence of, or potential for, violence. Us-
ing this reasoning, it is, in order to protect the comparatively pacific polities
of the West, necessary to see the ‘Caribbean Rim, virtually all of Africa, the
Balkans, the Caucasus, central Asia, the Middle East and Southwest Asia, and
much of Southeast Asia’ as a ‘strategic threat environment’ against which we
must, concludes Thomas Barnett (formerly at the United States’ Department
of Defense), ‘firewall the Core [the West]’ (Barnett 2003: 174–5; 2004).
The fourth area of debate relates to the potential merit of a multi-level
analysis ‘to overcome the institutionalized dichotomy between studies of “in-
ternal” and “external” dimensions, [which are now] seen to be inadequate
for the analysis of prevailing patterns of conflict’ (Rogers and Ramsbotham
1999: 741). Throughout this book, there has been an acknowledgement
that, although some topics and research questions (such as those dealt with
in Chapters 9 and 10) lend themselves to a particular level of analysis, most
models of conflict and violence can be applied to a wide range of actors. In-
dividuals may be affected by structural violence, rewarded by conflict, learn
to be aggressive and motivated by egoistic deprivation, avarice or the chance
to free-ride. Groups may suffer from ethnocentric structural violence, be
cohered by the occurrence of conflict, be conditioned to act aggressively
and be mobilised by fraternal deprivation or the availability of resources.
States and dyads may be similarly influenced by the distribution of resources,
the decisions of their leaders and the presence of grievances, while, at the
systemic level, structural violence and gradual shifts in the global balance of
power may play a subliminal and non-agential role.
In a number of ways, adopting such an approach to analysing conflict
and violence has the potential to ameliorate some of the problems of inter­
disciplinary diversity referred to earlier. Dennis Sandole, for instance, uses
‘a multi-level map and pre-theory of variables operative at the trans-societal,
societal and decision-making levels that may be relevant to the initiation and
escalation of violent conflict and war’ as a response to what he considers the
‘fragmented, bivariate nature of quantitative studies of war’ (1999: 178).
Conceptually, too, it is important, if a fuller understanding of conflict and
violence is to be achieved, to transcend what Edward Azar identified as the
tendency for sociologists, anthropologists and psychologists to restrict their
Conclusion 185
interests to ‘civil wars, insurgencies, revolts, coups, protests, riots, [and] re-
bellion’ while leaving experts on international relations to work on ‘interstate
wars, crises, invasions, border conflicts, [and] blockades’ (1990: 6). In this
way, a major advantage of deploying a multi-level analysis is ‘the theoretical
purchase it provides to attempts to integrate the effects of internal politics
and environmental pressures on foreign policies’ (Ray 2001: 384).
This is important as it has the potential to break down the ‘internal/ex-
ternal conceptual straitjacket’ of realism’s response to domestic unrest and
civil wars (Rogers and Ramsbotham 1999: 752). As Steven David observes,
assuming that internal conflict stems from domestic anarchy comparable
to that which realists ascribe to the international arena, concentrating on
the level of the state tends to limit analyses to a focus upon the imposition
of order (1997). If this does not prove possible, then the same logic of ir-
redeemable differences leads writers to advocate the break up of the state
into ethnically homogeneous independent countries that can then form the
basis of a balance of power, again akin to the international system (Lind
1994). Studies of domestic conflict have thus arguably been constrained by
a ‘Hobbesian/Machiavellian preoccupation with raison d’état, the survival
of the regime, and the equivocation of the extant regime with the legitimate
state’ (Marshall 1999: 127). Whatever forms civil wars take, then, realism
is, for writers such as Andrew Mack, ‘largely irrelevant to their explanation’
and even less helpful in proposing the resolution of their underlying causes
(2002: 516).

Culture, norms and practice

A fifth area of debate relates to ‘the adoption of a global and multi-cultural
approach, which would locate sources of violence globally and regionally
as well as locally, and draw on conceptions of peace and non-violent so-
cial transformation from all cultures’ (Rogers and Ramsbotham 1999: 741).
Indeed, as this book highlights, the study of conflict and violence has a di-
verse international history. At the level of the individual, Johan Galtung’s
work has, for instance, been significantly influenced by Indian traditions of
non-violence and the dependencia theorists of South America. Similarly, an-
thropologists, and some others, have long attempted to include situational
analyses from conflict participants as a means of overcoming the tenden-
cy of third parties to impose an artificial division between a passive target
and an active perpetrator (Nordstrom 1997). As Stathis Kalyvas notes, the
‘flawed perception that victimhood and guilt are mutually exclusive catego-
ries . . . [overlooks] those who partake in the process of violence in a variety
of ways without, however, being directly involved in its outcome’ (2006:
21). Women, for instance, may be frequent subjects of violence and conflict,
while also being soldiers, denouncers and bureaucratic officers (Joshi 2002).
It is, however, difficult to say for sure as gender is frequently overlooked as
186 Conclusion
an analytical category in a discipline which is, as the reference section of this
book demonstrates, overwhelmingly staffed by men (Taylor and Beinstein
Miller 1994).
Indeed, perhaps most marginal of all to state-level discourses on conflict
and violence are women (and, to a lesser degree, men) from rural areas.
The fact that academia is located mainly in urban centres has produced a
‘systematic slippage between political ideas as understood in the city and
as practised in the village’ (Scott 1977: 4). The lives, motives and strug-
gles of peasants, illiterates and rural itinerants have frequently been ignored,
dismissed or obscured by more accessible, vocal and articulate groups – a
primary consequence of which is the clouding of data and, given the great
number of statistical studies later found to be inaccurate, the undermining
of the types of quantitative work examined in Chapter 8 (Wood 2003). An
urban bias also tends to lead not only to pejorative views of agrarian primi-
tivism, but also, in some cases, to a romanticising discourse on the ‘noble
savage’ fighting to defend a ‘natural’ way of life against the encroachment
of modernity (Starn 1998). Both are forms of reification which, influenced
by the standpoint of the researcher, frequently present an ‘epistemic bias . . .
in favour of the assumption that all (or most) participants in conflicts are
motivated by ideological concerns’ (Kalyvas 2006: 44). While such partiality
may be a particular problem for grievance theorists (looked at in Chapter 7),
an over-emphasis on ideology can additionally cause the researcher to objec-
tify cultural categories in ways unjustifiably exogenous to the conflict itself.
Homogenised and immutable identities may, in other words, be ascribed to
protagonists and then used to infer motivations, even though these could
equally be a contingent and dynamic product of the conflict and not the
types of ‘ancient hatreds’ discussed in Chapter 5 (Bayly 2000).
Comparable problems of representation exist at the global level. For most
of the postwar era, stereotypes of the ‘other’ Superpower have persisted as
conflict analysts have expended ‘little effort to get inside the culture of the
cold war’, resulting in limited contact between Western and Eastern social
science (Pitt 1989: xiv). Ignorance frequently produces fear and, as it is the
job of military elites to prevent opponents from gaining an upper hand, a
mutual need to exaggerate the nature of the threat – leading to the kinds
of diversionary politics talked about in Chapter 4 (Brasset 1989: 44). Such
tensions have also dampened efforts to understand the causes of conflict
and violence outside the two blocs, thereby acutely limiting the impact of
insights from the global South and its academic traditions. As Holsti puts
it, ‘both Western and communist analysts ignored local dynamics and local
problems. Wars in the peripheries, they believed, were inevitably caused by
the machinations of the adversary’. Indeed, the fact that, after 1989, ‘Ameri-
can and European analysts suddenly discovered “ethnic wars,” and argued
that a new . . . periphery of violence and chaos were appearing’ in areas
previously secured by Superpower beneficence suggests, Holsti continues,
a continued exclusion of ‘spokespersons from the peripheries’ amid a per-
Conclusion 187
petuation of ‘Western conceits and post-imperial perspectives’ (1999: 286,
291–2). Such continuities mean that ‘our modern, sophisticated theories and
understandings do not fit Third World facts very well, often rendering analy-
sis and policy prescriptions ineffective, counter-productive, or exacerbative
[sic]’ (Marshall 1999: 1).
Part of the reason for this can be found at the policy level. Despite a
small army of personnel employed in developing countries by aid agencies,
there is, in many cases, little effort to heed cultural and religious sensitivi-
ties (Minear and Weiss 1993). This is reinforced by the menial nature of
local staff appointments, differentiated pay and conditions between those
recruited in-country and overseas and the generalist and temporary nature
of most expatriate appointments (Barakat et al. 2003). A study carried out
among the 240 international NGOs in Bosnia, for instance, found that ‘virtu-
ally all donor grant mechanisms had a time frame of one year or less . . . [and
s]ome were for six months or even three’ (Smillie and Todorovic 2001: 31).
The utility of gaining a specialised understanding of local conditions is thus
rejected. Instead, ‘the only useful form of knowledge is that which trans-
lates easily into a series of technical solutions’ to the problems encountered
by organisations when implementing their own projects and programmes
(Duffield 1999: 32). By characterising violent conflicts as grounded upon ‘ir-
rational acts stemming from a development malaise’, aid agencies working in
conflict-affected contexts commonly treat their programmes as ‘closed sys-
tems’ isolated from the social setting in which they function (Fowler 1995;
Uphoff 1995; Duffield 1999: 33). Consequently, most ‘have surprisingly
little to say, by way of concrete analysis, about the nature of the alternative
political structures that are emerging in protracted crises’ (Duffield 1998b:
A sixth area of debate relates to the fact that much of what we have
looked at in this book may be thought of as ‘both an analytic and a norma-
tive enterprise’. Many writers have attempted to ground their work in ‘quan-
titative research and comparative empirical study, but, in anti-positivistic
vein’, Rogers and Ramsbotham contend, most are also motivated ‘by ethical
concerns and commitments’ (1999: 741–2). This tension between values and
empirics has given rise to a number of important contradictions. The first
concerns the functionality of violence. Whereas researchers may propound
a wish to see alternative responses to conflict, violence can be demonstrated
empirically to offer important benefits to both participants and bystanders.
Chapters 2 and 4 showed that this may involve individuals from every stra-
tum of society, as well as groups and larger social groupings. Moreover,
as peace may be seen as resulting from security and/or from equality, any
attempt to understand the causes of violence cannot arbitrarily dismiss the
pursuit of peace as a cause of violence. A second problem concerns the unit
of analysis. Because, as Chapter 3 highlighted, greater violence is exerted
non-behaviourally than directly, the researcher is perhaps obliged to focus
upon structural inequalities rather than warfare and the like. Indeed, even
188 Conclusion
if the rather nebulous character of structural influences renders direct mani-
festations of violence a more rewarding focus for research, the primacy of
collective conflicts remains difficult to justify in empirical terms given that
women being assaulted by their partners is believed to be the most common
form of violence worldwide (Pettman 1998: 155).
A third consideration is the relationship between analysis and values. At
one level, this is a tension between the need to develop accurate, numeric
treatments of conflict variables and to elucidate critical insights into their de-
terminant contexts, diachronic variance and cultural specificity. Acclaiming
the professional value of working in a ‘hard’ science freed from the vagaries
of theoretical evaluation, the former position holds that it is vital that theory
and data remain separate in order to demonstrate general applicability. It
is also an important way to avoid what Stathis Kalyvas calls ‘partisan bias’
(2006: 35). This is the tendency to consent to a particular version of events,
thereby excluding other counterfactual or potentially important accounts,
impairing the process of research and rendering a dual commitment to ana-
lytical rigour and normative argumentation untenable. Typically, it may entail
the uncritical acceptance of victims’ testimonies, the exaggeration of actors’
comparative brutality and the attribution of credence to the persuasive over
the inarticulate. Instead, studies of conflict should, Gerald Steinberg insists,
be solely grounded upon ‘careful and value-free academic discourse’. To see
moral judgements as preconditions to research rather than outcomes is, he
continues, at the root of the discipline’s failure ‘to provide empirically use-
ful analysis and prescriptions for resolving to managing protracted ethno-
national conflicts’ (2004: 14, 15).
An alternative way to see the interaction between analysis and value is as
determined by ‘a kind of “as if ” positivism: . . . that facts are only interpret-
able, and can only be grouped into sociologically-significant categories, in
terms of meaning systems’ (Mann 1994: 42). In this sense, an empirical
measurement of conflict and violence does not, in itself, suggest a particular
course of action. The facts cannot simply speak for themselves. In order
to form the basis for an analysis, they require explicit connections to con-
cepts by a researcher unavoidably driven not only by the quality of the data,
but also by his/her own values. As unobservables, such as gender, class and
markets, cannot be fully excluded as either causal elements or sources of
bias, theory may be more usefully generated through a process of reciprocal
evaluation with data (Somers 1999). Rather than being derived from some
overarching paradigm, causality perhaps more plausibly emerges not from
discrete individual motives (of the type looked at in Chapter 8), but through
the relational pathways of contingent and variable ‘situational mechanisms’
(Stinchcombe 1995). In this way, empirical material’s ‘very form is dictated
by theoretical concepts operationalised as variables using linguistic catego-
ries which may themselves impose specific cultural understandings’ (Hart
1994: 22).
If, however, these cultural understandings are, themselves, determined by
Conclusion 189
socially constructed power relations – or what Max Horkheimer calls ‘the
false consciousness of the bourgeois savant’ – then the production of knowl-
edge is likely to endorse these same power relations (1972: 197). Rather
than pursuing ‘inquiry according to the dictates of the unfettered theoretical
imagination’, the theorist must ‘respond to the practical concerns of those
whose support or mere tolerance makes it possible in the first place’ (Nardin
1980: 477). For some post-modernist writing, this also means that the notion
of a value–fact separation, which undermines empirical research’s claim to
truth, must be similarly contingent. It is implied, in other words, that analy-
ses of conflict and violence are contextually defined narratives (rather than
depictions of events and processes) which reveal as much about the power
of language and intertextual relations as traditions of scholastic endeavour.
In order to sustain the claim that such a position represents an illuminat-
ing alternative to bland positivism and to prevent it from undermining its
own claim to knowledge, however, critical thought must also, in the view of
Horkheimer and others in the Frankfurt School, include a commitment to
action or ‘praxis’ (Alker 1988; Østerud 1996; Smith 1997).
This brings us to Rogers and Ramsbotham’s final area of debate: that a
‘close relationship between theory and practice’ has meant that many analysts
working on conflict and violence ‘have been more concerned with the policy
implications of their research than with its reception among fellow academ-
ics’ (1999: 742). This aims to overcome what, as early as the mid-1970s,
John Vasquez recognised as a ‘two cultures’ problem in conveying academ-
ics’ understanding of the cause of war/conditions of peace to political elites
(1976). Since then, there has been, for many writers, little evidence that, de-
spite becoming a substantial industry, research into conflict and violence has
had much impact on the policy community (Lopez 1985; Mack 2002: 516).
An important reason for this may be that there is a tendency among writers
to produce research purporting to be a conscientious response to a social
problem that is nevertheless so esoteric as to be comprehensible only to
those initiated into the intricacies of the subject matter. If such a disposition
should become a reason for academia to decline engagement with a broader
audience on an issue such as violent conflict, it may be considered inexcus-
able. As Anna Simons notes, ‘from the perspective of those who might die,
our unwillingness to reason with those who control the means of destruction
might seem unconscionable’ (1999: 75).
If, as Andrew Mack suggests, ‘the scholarly and policy communities com-
municate badly’, though, it is hoped that this book cannot easily be placed
as an example of ‘the former rarely seeking to make their work more ac-
cessible to the latter’ (2002: 515). Rather, it has aimed to challenge the
current inclination of ‘policy communities’ to discard explanation in favour
of descriptive accounts that tend to see conflict and violence in apolitical
and atheoretical terms. It has sought to get beyond the characterisation of
contemporary warfare as marked by ill-defined and variable battlefield ob-
jectives that have ‘little to no ennobling purpose or outcome’ (Shaw 2000:
190 Conclusion
172). Within these studies of so-called ‘new wars’, political functions are
not acknowledged and recruitment is said to be driven by spurious ethnic
or religious affiliations (through which ‘elites reproduce their power’) that
mask the actual intention of participation, which is asset seizure, the looting
and control of markets and trade routes and the extraction of protection
money from local people and aid agencies (Snow 1996: 57). Attempting to
explain the causes of such phenomena is largely avoided, or simply ascribed
to the mere utility of violence in the expression of avarice. Such motives are
assumed to be endemic to all societies, so explanation rests solely on the
idea that the state in which the civil unrest has occurred is a ‘failure’, ‘weak’,
‘collapsed’ and so on, thus permitting the emergence of circular patterns of
low tax revenue, poor infrastructure and high public disorder – ultimately
producing ‘violent war economies’ (Jung 2003: 2; Chojnacki 2006: 31).
Such ideas have had a profound impact on policy making. In 1999, for
instance, the World Bank committed a special edition of its journal Develop-
ment Outreach – which it describes as ‘a flagship magazine in the field of
global knowledge for development which reflects the learning programs of
the World Bank’ – to the ‘new wars’. Despite this, though, the ‘success’ of the
new wars thesis arguably does not represent the establishment of a mutually
interactive connection between the work of academics and policy makers.
Rather, such a reaffirmation of realism’s vision of an amoral and self-seeking
world in which the systematic and strategic use of murder, rape, mass expul-
sion, land-mining and demolition are an inevitable result of a decrease in
Superpower authority exhibits, to many, the summation of conflict analysts’
failure to effect significant changes in the orientation of policy formation
processes. Instead of generating nuanced and sophisticated responses to the
rise in civil wars, it would seem that academics’ contribution to political
elites’ ‘understanding of the new wars emphasises the reappearance of an-
cient tribal hatreds and other forms of biocultural determinism’ (Duffield
2001: 18). Edward Newman, for instance, concludes his review of the new
war thesis by suggesting that, ‘while it was once politically difficult to even
raise the idea of trusteeships for regions that defy sovereign responsibility,
today the idea may be unavoidable. Research on violent conflict should be
approached within this normative context’ (2004: 187). As Alex Callinicos
points out, these are attractive to the West because they represent conflict in
a way that does not implicate outside forces and thus tend to offer support
to those advocating interventional action and the imposition of a political
transformation project (Callinicos 2004).
It would appear, then, that influence is, in fact, from the ‘policy com-
munity’ to academics, whose production of knowledge may be incorporated
into what Robert Cooper (a senior aide to Tony Blair and recently Director-
General for External Affairs at the European Union) describes as ‘a new
kind of imperialism’ needed today to deal ‘with more old-fashioned kinds
of states’. This includes, he continues, ‘revert[ing] to rougher methods of
an earlier age – force, pre-emptive attack, deception, whatever is necessary
Conclusion 191
to deal with those who still live in the 19th century’ (2002: 16–18). In this
way, ‘academic opinion is brought in according to its utility in furthering
established policy aims. A “good” academic is a technocrat, who does practi-
cal, problem-serving work, not the “value orientated” scholar who questions
basic policy premises’ (Ferguson 1989: 155, partly quoting Chomsky 1982:
89). Practical research thus frequently concentrates on the mechanisms of
organising an intervention into a conflict-affected state, while neither ad-
dressing the normative underpinnings of such an enterprise nor seeking to
investigate the causes of the conflict beyond a single-factor precept of acquisi-
tiveness (Cilliers 2000; Kothari 2005). The result, Roland Paris notes, is that
much of the current range of academic literature ‘is too limited in the scope
of its inquiry and devotes too much attention to “policy relevance,” or the
goal of offering advice and recommendations to decisionmakers’ (2000: 27).
Surely, if there is to be an active interface between researchers attempting
to explain the causes of conflict and violence, it is, Heikki Patomäki notes,
‘without prejudice, to help understand war and peace in a more realistic and
able manner’. The policy relevance of conflict analyses for those purporting
to pursue peace must, in other words, be prefigured by academic autonomy.
Indeed, as Patomäki (after Galtung) continues, once scholarly endeavour
becomes ‘a faithful tool supporting the basic ideology of some international
organization, foreign ministry or peace organization . . . it has ceased to be
science and research’ (2001: 730).

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Abbasid Empire 78 Anderson, C. 61, 62, 153

Aberle, D. 106 Angell, N. 12, 13
Aberystwyth (International Relations Angola 118, 133, 134, 135, 197, 204
at) 13 Anti-Globalization Movement 20
Abrahamian, E. 79 apartheid 25, 140
Abrams, E. 58 Appian 10
Aceh 134 Aquinas, Saint Thomas 11
Adorno, T. 31 Arab–Israeli conflict 9, 99
Afghanistan 53, 134, 135, 205 Ardrey, R. 72
Africa 8, 9, 74, 79, 94, 100,133, 137, Arendt, H. 105
145, 184, 192, 193, 197, 202, 207, Argentina 59, 60, 87, 127, 162
209, 221, 222; central 227; southern Aristotle 10, 103, 124, 210
25, 140; sub-Saharan 74, 192; Armenia 101
western 77 arms 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 121, 142,
African Americans 47, 55, 57, 107, 112 144, 147, 195, 204, 205, 208, 221,
aid 28, 36, 47, 132, 140, 144, 165, 222, 226
180, 181, 187, 190, 201, 205, 219, arms races 150–2, 158, 160, 193, 200,
225, 229 215, 223, 225, 230, 231
agriculture 2, 5, 36, 40, 52, 110, 112, Arrighi, E. 43
134, 137, 209 Art, R. 156, 193
Ǻkerman, J. 162 Asch, S. 87, 90, 91, 101
Akers, R. 90 Asia 166, 218; central 78, 165, 184;
Albania 59 eastern 2; mode of production 41;
Alcock., N. 44–6 southern 227; south-eastern 159,
Alexander, R. 76 165, 184; south-western 184
Algeria 135, 140, 210 aspirational deprivation 113, 114
alliances 10, 15, 17, 28, 29, 33, 36, Assyria 80
51, 58, 59, 65, 144, 146–51, Atlantic Charter 30
158–60,168, 170, 211, 213, 214, Augustine, Saint 11, 68, 227
216, 220, 223, 225, 230 Australia 139, 181, 209, 210, 213
Allison, G. 32, 155–9, 192, 194, 208, Austria 116, 118, 171
212, 225, 227 authority 95, 96, 101, 108, 116, 130–2,
Altemeyer, B. 31, 193 156, 161, 164, 167, 168, 172, 180,
Ambrose, Saint 11 190, 203, 207, 212, 213, 216
American National Organization of Axis Powers 5
Women 99 Aya, R. 119
America see United States Azar, E. 185, 193
American War of Independence 163
234 Index
Balkans 53, 77, 81, 184, 211 Cambodia 32, 134, 135
Ball, D. 156 Cameroon 76, 133
Bandura, A. 89, 90, 92 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 14
Barash, D. 72, 74 Canada 5, 6, 75, 76
Barnett, T. 184 Cantril, H. 105
Bateson, P. 68 Cape of Good Hope 165
Bay of Pigs 158, 159 capitalism 30, 35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 162,
Bayer AG 6 196, 201, 215
Belgium 162 Caprioli, M. 97
Bell Curve Theory 69 Caribbean 166, 184, 227
van Benthem, G. 42 Carter, J. 58
Berkowitz, L. 119 Castro, F. 155
Bhutan 42 Catholicism 12, 122, 167, 210
Bhutto, B. 47 Cato Institute 79
Biafra 135 Caucasus 135, 184
bias 22, 65, 153, 155, 186, 188 Central America 80, 108–10, 137, 195,
bipolarity 29, 147 196
Birrell, D. 54, 121 Centre for Advanced Studies in the
Björkqvist, K. 90 Behavioural Sciences 38
Blair, T. 190 Chad 135
Blechman, B. 63 Chanakya 9
Bolivia 6, 116 – 18 Charles V (of Spain) 163, 164
Bolshevism 78 Charnov, E. 72, 197
Booth, J. 108–10 Chase-Dunn, C. 162
Borgia, G. 76 Chatham House 13
Bosnia 80, 187, 197, 225 Chechnya 9
Botswana 76 Chicago 14
Boulding, K. 37, 38, 42 Chile 39
Boutros-Ghali, B. 29 de Chile, S. 119
Braybrooke, D. 154 China 2, 5, 7, 46, 57, 145, 166, 171,
Brazil 56 175, 177, 186, 228
Bremer, S. 172 Christie, D. 48
brinkmanship 28, 63, 66, 148 chromosome structures 70–1, 75
British see United Kingdom Churchill, W. 5, 135
British Institute of International Affairs CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 157
see Chatham House Cicero, M. 10, 11
Brown, C. 42 civil disorder 35
Brown, M. 119 civil war 1, 8, 16, 77, 92, 102, 114,
Brzezinski, Z. 58 121, 133, 137–9, 163, 182, 183,
Bueno de Mesquita, B. 83, 150, 151, 185, 190, 192, 194, 198, 201, 202,
170 204, 207, 210, 211, 213–15, 220–3,
Buenos Aires 59, 60 225, 226, 229, 232
Bulgaria 59 class 13, 38, 44, 50, 59, 66, 81, 98,
bureaucratic politics 155–7, 159, 193, 105, 109, 110, 112, 115, 136, 180,
225, 231 188, 199, 206, 221
Burkhalter, H. 94 von Clausewitz, C. 9, 15
Burma 42, 134, 135, 140, 224 Clement of Alexandria 11
Bush, G.W. 30 client–patron relationships 4
Byzantium 77 Clinton, W. 77
Cohn, N. 114, 197
Callinicos, A. 190 Cold War 7, 15, 24, 25, 28, 30, 34, 35,
calorific intake 116 37, 58, 78, 79, 131, 139, 146, 147,
Calvin, J. 68, 167, 197 186, 195, 197, 211, 223, 227
Calvinist 167 Colombia 117, 134, 206
Index 235
collective violence 2, 16, 33, 63, 105, 211, 217, 226, 228
110, 125–8, 132, 141, 193, 196, David, S. 185
201, 226–8, 230 Davies, J. C. 110–12, 120
Collier, P. 16, 118, 119, 137 decision-making processes 63, 64, 145,
coltan 134 146, 152, 159
Columbia University 38 decolonisation 16, 54, 116
Committee on Eugenics 69 decremental deprivation 108, 110
communitarianism 80 defence 2, 10–12, 28, 63, 107, 142,
conflict 1, 16, 17, 21, 23–7, 29, 30, 147, 161, 165, 223
32, 33, 40, 51–7, 65–8, 77, 103–5, Dehio, L. 163, 164, 228
108, 118, 119, 122, 125, 126, 136; Deininger, K. 138
analysis 16, 26, 29, 37, 38, 51, 67, democracy 29, 35, 62, 70, 76, 80, 81,
76, 125, 209, 221; incipient 23, 24, 88, 93, 128, 145, 169, 180, 182,
26, 93, 127; latent 23, 24, 26, 33, 183, 198, 204, 207, 209, 212, 213,
40, 43, 49, 50, 183; manifest 23, 216, 219, 221, 223, 226
25, 39, 40, 49; resolution 38, 195, Democratic Republic of Congo 133,
196–8, 200, 202, 204, 207–9, 213– 134, 135, 139, 180
18, 221, 222, 225–31; suppressed Dencik, L. 37, 39
23; studies 1, 18, 26, 33–5, 38, 138, Denmark 69
194, 210, 214 dependency (dependencia) 36–9, 41,
Congo 134 156, 185, 225, 229
Conover, P. J. 99 deterrence 7, 14, 32, 38, 63, 86, 148,
constructivism 1, 86, 92, 95, 181, 197, 150, 151, 158, 199, 208, 226
208, 214 Detroit 112
Cooper, R. 190 developing world 7, 26, 35, 36, 40, 44,
copper 134, 135, 140 76, 120, 121, 131, 140, 225
Corporate Engagement Project 53, 198 development 1, 4, 10, 34–6, 41, 46–8,
Correlates of War Project 170, 225 67, 76, 80, 98, 103, 110, 113, 115,
Coser, L. 54 116, 121, 123, 132, 137, 138, 140,
Costa Rica 108–10 160, 173, 183, 184, 187, 190, 192,
cotton 108, 112, 162 194, 197, 199, 201, 204–6, 209,
Council on Foreign Relations 13 211–13, 215–22, 225, 226, 228–30,
Crescenzi, M. 152 232
van Creveld, M. 96, 98, 202 diamonds 20, 133, 134, 135, 140, 141,
Crick, F. 70 197, 223
Crimean War 163, 175 diasporas 41, 129, 137, 140
criminal law 40 Diehl, P. 150, 151
Cromwell, O. 114 Dio, C. 10
Cuba 117 disease 3, 6, 77, 82, 136, 210, 211,
Cuban Missile Crisis 32, 152–8, 159, 213, 215, 223
192, 193, 195, 208, 225 Dobash, R. 90
culture 36, 41, 44, 50, 55, 67, 70, 74, Dollard, J. 104
75–9, 83, 84, 89, 92, 95, 96, 100, Doran, C. 174, 175
102, 125, 186, 189, 195, 200, 202, Duffield, M. 132
206, 209, 210, 214, 219, 222, 226, Dunant, H. 13
230; strategic culture 78, 210, 226; Dunbar, Battle of 114
subculture 79, 232
Curle, A. 25, 26, 38 Eckhardt, W. 44
Czechoslovakia 59 education 20, 35, 49, 68, 78, 82, 90,
110, 112, 133, 211, 215, 227, 229
Dahrendorf, R. 51, 52, 199 Egypt viii, 111, 112, 146, 165
Dante 15, 41 Eichmann, A. 87
Dalai Lama 14 Einstein, A. 14
Darwin, C. 15, 56, 68, 69–72, 84, 210, El Salvador 108–10, 135, 232
236 Index
Ellina, M. 119 92, 93, 95–100, 141, 180, 185, 188,
Endurance, HMS 59–60 197, 198, 205, 212, 213, 219, 220,
Enloe, C. 80 222, 223, 225, 227, 228
equilibrium model 52, 53, 65, 206 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Erasmus, D. 13 (GATT) 132
ethnicity 17, 19, 44, 67, 69, 74, 78, Geneva 13
80, 81, 83, 92, 94, 102, 118, 131, Geneva Conference 59
138–40, 182, 183, 185, 186, 190, geography 44, 135, 207, 213
194, 198, 202, 203, 209, 210, 218, Germany 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 29, 53, 58,
219, 222, 223, 232 59, 69, 70, 80, 87, 164, 165, 166,
ethology 1, 71, 83, 84, 201, 231 171, 172, 175, 196, 202, 233, 232
Etounga-Manguelle, D. 76 Gettysburg 90, 91
Europe 2, 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 26, 34, Ghana 36
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 69, 77, 81, Ghandi, M. 14, 38
114, 127, 128, 161, 164, 165, 168, Gissinger, R. 118
173, 177, 186, 199, 206, 215, 222, Gleditsch, N.P. 118
228; EU (European Union) 41, 55, global North 15, 40, 45
190 global South 7, 15, 34, 39, 40, 45, 48,
76, 83, 115, 120, 132, 186
Falklands/Malvinas crisis 39, 59, 61, global system 15, 33, 65, 165, 168
63, 66 globalisation 94, 118, 132, 178, 207
Farouk (King of Egypt) 112 gold 134, 135, 140, 166
Fearon, J. 94 Goldstone, J. 129
Feierabend, I. and R. 113, 114, 118–17, Goldstein, J. S. 95, 98, 100, 161
119, 120, 127 Goma refugee camps 180
feminism 95, 98, 201, 214, 223 Goodhand, J. 118, 142
feudalism 8, 43 Gottschalk, P. 48
Finney, P. 81 Gratian 11
First World War 5, 6, 12, 13, 30, 56, Gray, C. 78, 155
59, 78, 99, 151, 163, 204, 206, 232 Great Powers 3, 4, 161, 173, 213
Foch, F. 4, 5 Greek Empire 9–10, 40, 103, 124
fragmentation 4, 48, 102, 110 Greece 2, 46
France 3, 5, 7, 46, 80, 163, 164, 165, greed 16, 81, 131, 137, 139, 141, 178,
166, 171, 175 226 181, 193, 194, 197, 198, 201, 204,
Frankfurt School 189 205, 211, 221, 222, 224, 226
Freedom House 140 grievance vii, 16, 17, 54, 81, 103–8,
French Revolution 32, 104, 228 110–13, 115, 116, 118, 119, 122,
Freud, S. 75, 227 123–5, 128, 131, 137–9,141, 142,
frustration–aggression model 16, 103, 144, 183, 184, 186, 193, 194, 197,
104, 105, 106, 111, 112, 113, 116, 198, 201, 204, 205, 211, 221, 222,
119, 120, 121, 122–3, 200, 202, 223, 224, 226
215, 217, 221 Grimes, P. 162
Fuller, J. 70 Groningen 37
Groom, J. 8
Gabon 46 gross domestic product (GDP) 133,
Galton, F. 69 137, 138, 139
Galtung, J. 19, 34, 38–44, 46–8, 65, 97, gross national product (GNP) 45, 46,
102, 185, 191, 194, 195, 213 116, 117
da Gama. V. 165 Grossman, D. 90–2, 102
gas 6, 133, 134, 135, 136 Grotius, H. 11
Geller, D. 174 Guatemala 56, 108–10, 117, 135, 208,
Gelpi, C. 62 221
gender 15, 41, 42, 44, 46, 50, 66, 80, guerrilla warfare 11, 38, 99, 113
Guhl, A. 70
Index 237
Guinea 45, 134, 135, 140, 232 India 7, 38, 46, 80, 145, 165, 185
Guinea-Bissau 145 individualism 70, 80, 199
Gujarati 115 Indonesia 135
Gundeshapur 10 Inglehart, R. 80, 219
Gurr, T. 105, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114, International Monetary Fund (IMF) 132
128, 138 International Peace Research
Association 37
Haas, E. 57 International Physicians for the
Habermas, J. 35, 209 Prevention of Nuclear War 14
Habsburg 80, 164, 167, 176 international system 4, 15, 17, 27–30,
Habyarimana, A. 93, 94 33, 43, 44, 49, 55, 65, 146, 147,
Hall, R. 100 152, 161, 164, 167, 169, 172, 175,
Hamilton, R. 141 177, 185, 196, 206
Hamilton, W. 72 Inter-Parliamentary Union 13
health 6, 7, 45, 47, 49, 53, 55, 105, Iran 7, 31, 78, 79, 209, 215
133, 199, 201, 202, 203, 215 Iran–Iraq war 31, 78, 192, 205
Hegel, G. 55 Iraq 6, 29, 31, 52, 53, 58, 78–80, 98,
hegemonic cycle 161 145, 205, 209
Hegre, H. 138, 198, 207 iron 2, 134, 135, 162, 166, 170, 176
Herbst, J. 140 Islam/Muslims 10, 11, 31, 47, 77–80,
Herek, G. 153 84, 192, 205, 208, 218, 219
Herodotus 10 Israel 7, 80, 87, 99, 106, 112, 195
Hibbs, D. 119, 128 Italy 146, 159, 163, 171
Hilsman, R. 155, 157, 193
Hindenburg Line 6 Jabri, V. 94, 95, 209, 220
Hiroshima 5 Jagger, K. 107, 138, 142, 209, 218
Hitler, A. 53 James, P. 64
Hobbes, T. 15, 141, 185 Janis, I. 153, 207, 209
Hoeffler, A. 118, 137–9 Janowitz, M. 9
Høivik, T. 44 Japan 5, 7, 79, 98, 162, 171
Holbrooke, R. 77 Jaspers, W. 149, 209
Holsti, K. 139, 186 J-curve vii, 110–13, 199, 216
Honduras 108–10, 117 Jefferson, T. 58, 225
Hopf, T. 95 Jerusalem 87
Hopmann, T. 58 Jervis, R. 32, 148, 152, 153, 207, 209,
Horkheimer, M. 189 223
Houweling, H. 151, 172, 174 Judaism 10, 11, 87, 223, 226
Huguccio (of Pisa) 11 Job, B. 63, 64, 65
Human Development Index (HDI) 140 John XXIII, Pope 12
human rights 33, 55, 67, 181, 202, 231 John Paul II, Pope 12
Human Rights Watch 94 Johnson, L.B. 63
Hungary 59, 113, 171 Jordan 99
Huntington, S. 79–80, 84, 155, 168, Juglar, C. 162
192 just war 10, 12, 201, 202, 222, 230
Hussein, S. 31, 80, 221 Justinian 10
Hutu 11, 47, 49, 93, 94, 102, 181
Huxley, J. 69 Kaldor, M. 58
Kalyvas, S. 93, 121, 185, 188
ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal Kamara, I. 141
for the Former Yugoslavia) 180 Kane, F. 9
IG Farben 6 Kant, I. 12
income 46–7, 112, 118, 129, 136–9, Kaplan, M. 150
140, 141, 162, 183, 192, 205, 218 Kaplan, R. 76–7, 81, 120
238 Index
Kaplan, S. 63 Liberia 53, 134, 135, 205, 222
Kaufmann, C. 153 Libya 7
Kaye, H. 70 Lichbach, M. 119, 129
Keen, D. 134 Lindblom, C. 154
Kennan, G. 15, 58 Lindsey, B. 79
Kennedy, J.F. 157, 158, 207, 226 Liska, G. 58
Kent, S. 114 Lithuania 5
Kenya 133, 140 Lorenz, K. 71
Keynes, J.M. 69 Los Angeles 112
Khmer Rouge 32 Louis XIV (of France) 164
Khomeini, R. 31 Lumsden, C. 74
Khrushchev, N. 158 Lupsha, P. 120
Kierkegaard, S. 14
Kiev 5 Maccoby, E. 96
Kim, W. 174 Machiavelli, N. 15, 185
King, J. 150 Mack, A. 185, 189
King, M.L. 14 Mack, R. 55
Kitschelt, H. 128 Madison, J. 58, 225
Kitt, A. 104 Maimonides, M. 11
Köhler, G. 44–6, 60 Malmö 37
Kondratieff, N. 162–3, 223, 228 Malthus, T. 55, 69, 73
Korean War 111, 112, 175 Mandela, N. 140
Korpi, W. 123 Mann, M. 2, 3, 209
Krasner, S. 157 Mansfield, H. 58
Krebs, D. 72 Maoz, Z. 146
Kriesberg, L. 19 Marshall Plan 35
Kristol, W. 58 Marshall, G. 90
Kugler, J. 169, 176, 177 Marx, K. 15, 30, 31, 34, 36, 42, 55, 59,
Kurds 52 104, 105, 110, 196
Kuwait 29, 32, 80, 98, 99 Marxism see Marx
Kuznets, S. 162, 223 Maslow, A. 105
Mau-Mau uprising 140
labour 2, 3, 5, 35, 36, 72, 90, 96, 99, maximalism 23, 33, 181
105, 108, 162, 163, 183 media 37, 46, 66, 79, 87, 89, 91, 93,
bin Laden, O. 79 94, 115, 121, 127, 153, 156, 912,
Latin America ix, 79, 116, 117, 165, 202, 212; radios 94, 116, 117, 121;
195, 212, 229 newspapers 94, 116, 117; telephones
Latvia 5 75, 94
Lawler, P. 36 al-Mawardi, A. 10
Lazar, Prince H. 41 Mediterranean 2
Le Billon, P. 135 Melotti, U. 76
League of Nations 13 Mennonites 14
Learner, D. 114 Merton, R. 104
Lebanon 99 Mexico 135
Lebow, N. 63 Middle Ages 13, 197
Lemke, D. 173, 177 Middle East 2, 78, 99, 135, 137, 184,
Lenin, V.I. 30, 36 215, 228, 229
Lenski, G. 83 Midlarsky, M. 80, 200, 212, 214, 216,
levels of analysis 15, 17, 18, 27–32, 34, 217, 221, 225, 230, 231
44, 50, 51, 53, 86, 138, 149, 179, Milgram, S. 87–8, 90, 91, 93, 101, 195
214, 222 military 2–4, 6, 7, 29, 36, 64, 66, 80,
Levy, J. 3, 31, 150, 155, 173, 182 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 99, 101, 108,
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam 138, 144–51, 155–9, 161–4, 168,
(LTTE) 91, 137 170, 177, 178, 186, 195–7, 199,
Index 239
200, 204, 213, 217, 220, 221–3, (NATO) 177
228, 229, 231 North Korea 7, 42
Ming dynasty 176 Northern Ireland 47, 52, 54, 122, 195
Mitchell, C. 18–24, 26, 27, 28, 32, 39, Norton, D. 131
54–6, 57, 95, 102, 149 Norway 38, 69, 140
Mitchell, E. 120 nuclear weapons 5, 7, 12, 14, 15, 25,
Mitterrand, F. 60 35, 53, 58, 71, 78, 97, 128, 148,
Modelski, G. 165–68, 174, 176, 178 151, 155, 165, 168, 178, 211, 212,
modernisation 16, 36, 70, 103, 114, 221, 223, 232
115, 121, 123, 127
Moore, W. 107, 119 obedience 76, 88, 96, 101, 108, 216
Morgan, C. 61 Oberschall, A. 121
Morgan, P. 178 objectivism 15, 26, 33, 34, 39, 51, 119,
Morgenthau, H. 15, 65 123, 181
Morocco 56, 214 oil 20, 133, 134, 135, 140, 166, 197,
Morrison, D. 108 223, 228
Morrow, J. 174 Oneal, J. 64
Moscow 7, 59, 77, 164 Organski, A. 168, 169, 174, 176
Mozambique 131 Osborn, F. 69
mujahadeen 11 Oslo 19, 37, 39
Muller, E. 127, 137 Ostrom, C. 63–4
multilateralism 147, 177, 178 Otterbein, K. 56
Muñoz, F. 8, 182 Ottoman empire 78, 80, 176
Mussolini, B. 96
pacifism 14, 36, 38, 43, 50
Nagasaki 5 Page, B. 97
Namibia 140, 145 Pakistan 7, 47
Napoleonic Wars 4 Palestine 13, 20, 99, 135, 145
narcotics 52, 133, 134, 135, 233 Paley, W. 69
National Patriotic Front 133 Papua New Guinea 134, 135, 140
National Security Council: Executive Paris 14
Committee (ExCom) 155, 157, 158 Paris, R. 191
natural resources 124, 131, 136, 138, Parsons, T. 35
140, 141, 170, 182, 207, 208, 213, Passy, F. 13
222, 229; different types see 134–5 Patomäki, H. 191
naval power 3, 60, 135, 157, 158, 164, Pax Dei 13
165, 168, 176, 177 peace 8, 11, 29–30, 33, 56, 57, 82, 98,
Neo-Platonists 10 118, 136, 140, 144, 148, 151, 164,
Netherlands 136, 164, 165, 166, 167, 172, 179–81, 185, 187, 189, 191,
176, 225 194, 198, 199, 202, 207, 211, 214,
Neustadt, R. 155 216, 218, 228, 230; democratic
Newark 112 29–30, 62, 207, 213, 216, 221, 222;
Newman, E. 190 education 227, 229; movements;
New York 13, 84, 100 14–15, 97–8, 208; negative 25, 26,
Nicaragua 99, 108–10, 135 34; positive 25, 38; processes 215,
Nietzsche, F. 58 221; studies/research 9, 19, 24–5,
Nigeria 121, 209 34, 37–9, 43, 44, 50, 196, 200, 201,
Nobel Peace Prize 13, 14 203–4, 205, 210, 213, 215, 220,
non-combatants 11, 13, 46 222, 224; treaties 12, 28, 165
non-governmental organisations Peace Research Institute 19, 37, 39
(NGOs) 181, 187, 198, 203, 229 Peace Research Society/Peace Science
non-violence 39, 185 Society 37, 38
Norris, P. 80 peace-building 146, 182
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
240 Index
peace-keeping 146, 196, 224, 225 125, 126, 141, 142, 181, 192, 195,
peace-making 146, 196, 217, 220, 223, 200, 206, 211, 212, 216–18, 223,
226 228–31
Pearson, L. 35 relativism 58
Peloponnesian War 6, 9 Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Persia 10, 78, 79, 80 14, 211
Peru 134, 135, 227 remittances 137, 138, 140
Peterson, S. 70, 76, 101 RENAMO (Resistência Nacional
Pettigrew, T. 107 Moçambicana) 131
Philip II (of Spain) 164 Reno, W. 132, 133
Philippines 135 Republic of Ireland 122
Pinard, M. 141 de Reuck, A. 20, 24
Plato 10, 101 revolution 110–14, 119, 120, 126, 126,
Poland 5, 59, 101 130, 142, 145, 157, 163, 182, 193,
Polemological Institute 37 197, 199, 200–3, 205, 206, 214,
Politburo 59, 156 220, 222, 226–9, 231
Polybius 161 Rice, C. 47
Portes, A. 119 Richardson, L. 152, 164, 215, 227
Porto, J.G. 183 Rizman, R. 81
Portugal 164, 165, 166, 167, 176, 200, Rocroi, Battle of 164
219 Rogers, P. 3179, 180, 187, 189, 222
positivism 37, 188, 189 Roman Empire 2, 10, 11, 40, 77, 80,
Powell, C. 47 202, 220
Prague 14 Romania 59
preventative diplomacy 146 Rosecrance, R. 176
prisoners’ dilemma 152 Rostow, W. 35
prisoners of war 5, 6, 11, 12, 13 Rummel, R. 61, 63
progressive deprivation 110, 111 Runciman, W. G. 106, 107
proliferation 2, 7, 132, 168, 177, 182, Russell, B. 14
221 Russett, B. 64
propaganda 5 Rwanda 11, 47–8, 65, 93, 94, 101, 102,
Prunier, G. 93 123, 135, 192, 200, 205, 221, 229
Prussia 175
Pugh, M. 131 Safawid Empire 78
Pugwash Conferences on Science and San Suu Kyi, A. 14
World Affairs 14 Sahlins, M. 83
Sambanis, N. 182
Quayle, D. 58 Sample, S. 151
Sandinistas 99
Ramsbotham, O. 179, 180, 183, 187 Sandole, D. 184
rationality 9, 16, 17, 21, 27, 28, 30, 31, Sassanid Empire 10
58, 65, 77, 79, 92, 95, 119, 124–31, Santiago 14
136, 141, 143, 148, 152–3, 154, Saudi Arabia 80, 137, 140
155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 174, 187, Schmid, H. 24, 25, 26, 39, 57
197, 199, 203, 214, 205, 206, 211, Schmidt, H. 60
214, 215, 218, 219, 220, 222, 228, Schumpeter, J. 162, 223
231 Schwebel, M. 48
Reagan, R. 60 Scott, J.P. 70, 85
rebel’s dilemma 129, 130 Second World War 1, 5, 6, 8, 16, 30,
Red Crescent see Red Cross 46, 51, 57, 58, 70, 83, 87, 90, 91,
Red Cross 13, 180, 185, 209, 226, 232 99, 103, 112, 163, 195, 201, 211,
Regan, P. 131 229
relative deprivation 16, 103–7, 119–22, security 17, 21, 27, 29, 30, 37, 57,
100, 122, 132, 144, 149, 167, 175,
Index 241
179, 187; collective 13; human 105; Strauss, L. 58, 66, 102
national 65; psychological 121 structural violence 26, 34–50, 65, 97,
security dilemma 28, 158, 182, 209 102, 119, 123, 181, 184, 202, 207,
segmentation 41, 48, 102 211, 212, 215, 224, 231
Serbia 41, 81, 203, 210, 220 Suarez, F. 12
Seven Years War 163 subjectivism 15, 19, 23–26, 34, 39, 40,
Seville Statement 85, 229 49, 180
Shakespeare, W. 59 Sudan 134, 135
Shapiro, R. 97 Sumer 80
Shapiro, V. 99 Sumner, W.G. 56, 69, 227
Shaw, P. 74, 81 Sun Tzu 9, 204
al-Shaybani, M. 10 Sweden 44–6, 69, 175
Shulsky, A. 58 Switzerland 30, 69
Siccama, J. 151, 172, 174 symbolic modelling 89, 91, 93
Sierra Leone 20, 53, 134, 135, 141, 222
Simon, H. 154 al-Tabari, M. 10
Simons, A. 189 Taylor, A. J. P. 173
Singer, J. D. 80, 137, 170 Taylor, C. 53, 133–4
Sino-Japanese War 6 Tel Aviv 106
Siverson, R. 150 Telemark 53
Skinner, B. F. 86, 101 Test-Ban Treaty 59
Small, M. 80, 137, 170 Thanatos 75
Smeeding, T. 48 Thatcher, M. 59, 61, 63
Snyder, D. 125 Thirty Years’ War 3, 11, 176, 220
Snyder, R. 155, 227 Thompson, K. 65
social exclusion 47 Thorndike, E. 86, 87, 101
social learning 86, 82, 87, 90, 91, 94, Thucydides 9, 10, 221
100, 101, 182, 192, 194, 195, 213 Tickner, J. A. 228
socio-biology 55, 68–75, 81, 83–4, 86, Tilly, C. 125, 126, 127
95, 100, 138, 181, 192, 194, 199, timber 133, 134, 135, 140
211, 212, 217, 220, 225, 231 de Tocqueville, A. 104, 110
solidarity 17, 37, 56, 57, 67, 127, 130, Tolstoy, L. 14
206 torture 16
Somalia 13, 216 total war 4, 6
Somit, A. 70, 73, 76, 101 Toynbee, A. 164
Sorokin, P. 164 Trafalgar 164
South Africa (Republic of) 25, 140 Trieste 146
South America 36, 52, 173, 185 Turkey 52, 56, 159
Soviet Union/Russia 5, 7, 11, 14, 29, Tutsi 93, 94
31, 58, 77, 98, 145, 155, 159, 171, Tutu, D. 14
172, 175, 177, 203 221
Sparta 9 Uganda 115, 121
Spencer, H. 69 Umayyad Empire 78
Squire, L. 138 UNITA (União Nacional para a
Sri Lanka 46, 80, 91, 137, 205, 210, Independência Total de Angola) 133
210, 230 United Kingdom/Great Britain 5, 6, 7,
Stalin, J. 58, 59, 202 13, 14, 21, 41, 47, 55, 56, 59, 60,
Steeves, A. 108 61, 63, 66, 69, 111, 112, 122, 146,
Stein, A. 57 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 171, 172,
Steinbruner, J. 154 175, 200, 203, 207, 218, 219
Sterling-Folker, J. 92 United Nations (UN) 8, 13, 29, 36, 55,
Stockholm 37 141, 147, 181, 196, 197; UNDP
Storey, A. 180 140; UNESCO 39, 69, 85, 229
Stouffer, S. 104
242 Index
United States/America 5, 6, 7, 14, wealth 3, 10, 12, 17, 26–8, 44, 46, 47,
26, 29, 30, 34, 37, 46, 47, 48, 49, 87, 93, 114–18, 122, 124, 129, 134,
55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 69, 77, 163, 169, 223, 225
78, 79, 80, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98, Webb, K. 24, 75, 82
104, 107, 112, 119, 127, 128, 137, Weede, E. 127, 137
139, 154, 156, 157, 159, 162, 163, Welch, D. 79
165, 166, 168, 171, 172, 177, 178, Wendt, A. 100
181, 186, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, West Papua 134
198, 199, 200, 201, 205, 210, 211, White House 30, 77
216, 218, 220, 227, 229, 230; Air Williams, R. 104, 106
Force 157, 158, 168; Department Wilson, E. 74, 83
of Defense 184; Justice Department Wilson, W. 30
127; Mexican war 163; Spanish war Wolfowitz, P. 58
163 Women’s International League for Peace
University of London 69 and Freedom 14
Uvin, P. 47, 48, 65 Wong, Y. 74, 81
Woolf, V. 97
Valmy, Battle of 4, 5 World Bank 47, 76, 137, 190
Valois 176 World Peace Council 14
Vanneman, R. 107 World Trade Center 79
Vasquez, J. 189 World Trade Organization (WTO) 20,
Venetians 163 36
Verdun 5 World Values Survey 80
Vienna 2 Wright, Q. 163
Viet Cong 120 Wynne-Edwards, W. 73
Vietnam War 35, 37, 59, 63, 92, 98,
101, 120, 168, 217 Yale University 104
de Vitoria, F. 11 Young, C. 44
Ypres 6
Waldensians 14 Yugoslavia 81, 146, 180, 200, 224
Wallace, M. 150, 151, 193
Wallerstein, I. 43 Zambia 133
Walters, R. 119 al-Zawahiri, A. 79
Waltz, K. 18, 27, 28, 29, 33, 59 Zelikow, P. 155
War of the Spanish Succession 164 zero-sum 20, 100
warlordism 136 Zinnes, D. 182
Warsaw Pact 24, 29, 35 Zionism 31
Washington, DC 14, 81, 84, 94 Zoroaster 10

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