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• There are various applications of high d.c. voltages in industries, research
medical sciences etc.
• HVDC transmission over both overhead lines and underground cables is
becoming more and more popular.
• HVDC is used for testing HVAC cables of long lengths as these have very large
capacitance and would require very large values of currents if tested on HVAC
• Even though D.C. tests on A.C.cables is convenient and economical, these suffer
from the fact that the stress distribution within the insulating material is different
from the normal operating condition.
• In industry it is being used for electrostatic precipitation of ashing in thermal
power plants, electrostatic painting, cement industry,communication systems etc.
HVDC is also being used extensively in physics for particle acceleration and in
medical equipments (X-Rays).
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• According to IEEE standards 4-1978, the value of a direct test voltage is defined
by its arithematic mean value Vd and is expressed mathematically as

• Test voltages generated using rectifiers are never constant in magnitude. These
deviate from the mean value periodically and this deviation is known as ripple.
The magnitude of the ripple voltage denoted by δV is defined as half the
difference between the maximum and minimum values of voltage i.e.,

• and ripple factor is defined as the ratio of ripple magnitude to the mean value Vd
i.e., δV/Vd.
• The test voltages should not have ripple factor more than 5% or as specified in a
specific standard for a particular equipment as the requirement on voltage shape
may differ for different applications.
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• If the capacitor is not connected, pulsating d.c. voltage is obtained at the output
terminals whereas with the capacitance C, the pulsation at the output terminal are
• Assuming the ideal transformer and small internal resistance of the diode during
conduction the capacitor C is charged to the maximum voltage Vmax during
conduction of the diode D.
• Assuming that there is no load connected, the d.c. voltage across capacitance
remains constant at Vmax whereas the supply voltage oscillates between ±Vmax
and during negative half cycle the potential of point A becomes – Vmax and hence
the diode must be rated for 2Vmax.
• This would also be the case if the transformer is grounded at A instead of B as
shown in Fig.

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(a) Single Phase rectifier (b) Output voltage without C (c) Output voltage with C
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• Assuming the charge supplied by the transformer to the load during the
conduction period t,which is very small to be negligible, the charge supplied by
the transformer to the capacitor during conduction equals the charge supplied by
the capacitor to the load.
• Note that ic>> iL. During one period T = 1/f of the a.c voltage, a charge Q is
transferred to the load RL and is given as

where I is the mean value of the d.c output iL(t) and VRL(t) the d.c. voltage which
includes a ripple
• This charge is supplied by the capacitor over the period T when the voltage
changes from Vmax to Vmin over approximately period T neglecting the
conduction period of the diode.

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• Suppose at any time the voltage of the capacitor is V and it decreases by an
amount of dV over the time dt then charge delivered by the capacitor during this
time is dQ = CdV
• Therefore, if voltage changes from Vmax to Vmin, the charge delivered by the

Or the magnitude of charge delivered by the capacitor Q = C (Vmax– Vmin)

• The product fC is, therefore, an important design factor for the rectifiers. The
higher the frequency of supply and larger the value of filtering capacitor the
smaller will be the ripple in the d.c. output.
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• The single phase half-wave rectifier circuits have the following disadvantages:
i. The size of the circuits is very large if high and pure d.c. output voltages are
ii. The h.t. transformer may get saturated if the amplitude of direct current is
comparable with the nominal alternating current of the transformer.
 It is to be noted that all the circuits considered here are able to supply relatively
low currents and therefore are not suitable for high current applications such as
HVDC transmission.

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• Suppose B is more positive with respect to A and the diode D1 conducts thus
charging the capacitor C1 to Vmax with polarity as shown in Fig
• During the next half cycle terminal A of the capacitor C1 rises to Vmax and hence
terminal M attains a potential of 2 Vmax.
• Thus, the capacitor C2 is charged to 2 Vmax through D2.
• Normally the voltage across the load will be less than 2 Vmax depending upon
the time constant of the circuit C2RL.

Greinacher voltage doubler circuit

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• No Load Operation: The portion ABM′MA is
exactly identical to Greinarcher voltage doubler
circuit and the voltage across C1’ becomes 2Vmax
when M attains a voltage 2Vmax.
• During the next half cycle when B becomes
positive with respect to A, potential of M falls
and, therefore, potential of N also falls
becoming less than potential at M′ hence C2 is
charged through D2.
• Next half cycle A becomes more positive and potential
of M and N rise thus charging C′2 through D′2. Finally
all the capacitors C′1, C′2, C′3, C1, C2, and C3 are
charged. The voltage across the column of capacitors
consisting of C1, C2, C3, keeps on oscillating as the
supply voltage alternates. This column, therefore, is
known as oscillating column. Downloaded from
• The voltage across the capacitances C′1,C′2, C′3,
remains constant and is known as smoothening
• The voltages at M′, N′, and O′ are 2 Vmax ,4 Vmax
and 6 Vmax. Therefore, voltage across all the
capacitors is 2 Vmax except for C1where it is Vmax
• The total output voltage is 2nVmax where n is the
number of stages.
• Thus, the use of multistages arranged in the
manner shown enables very high voltage to be
• The equal stress of the elements (both capacitors
and diodes) used is very helpful and promotes a
modular design of such generators.
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• As the storage capacitors of these half wave rectifiers are series connected even
the h.v. winding of T1 can not be grounded.
• This means that the main insulation between the primary and the secondary
winding of T1 has to be insulated for a d.c. voltage of magnitude Vmax, the peak
voltage of T1. The same is required for T2 also but this time the high voltage
winding is at a voltage of 3Vmax.
• It would be difficult to provide the whole main insulation within this
transformer, an isolating transformer T supplies T2. The cascading of every
stage would thus require an additional isolating transformer which makes this
circuit less economical for more than two stages.

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• In electromagnetic generators, current carrying conductors are moved against
the electromagnetic forces acting upon them. In contrast to the generator,
electrostatic generators convert mechanical energy into electric energy directly.
The electric charges are moved against the force of electric fields, thereby
higher potential energy is gained at the cost of mechanical energy.
 An insulated belt is moving with uniform
velocity ν in an electric field of strength E (x).
Suppose the width of the belt is b and the
charge density σ consider a length dx of the
belt, the charge dq = σ bdx.
 The force experienced by this charge (or the
force experienced by the belt).

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• Normally the electric field is uniform
∴ F = σbV
The power required to move the belt
= Force × Velocity
= Fv = σbVν

Assuming no losses, the power output is also equal to VI.

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• An insulating belt is run over pulleys.
The belt, the width of which may vary
from a few cms to metres is driven at a
speed of about 15 to 30 m/sec, by means
of a motor connected to the lower pulley.
The belt near the lower pully is charged
electrostatically by an excitation
arrangement. The lower charge spray
unit consists of a number of needles
connected to the controllable d.c. source
(10 kV–100 kV) so that the discharge
between the points and the belt is

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• The charge is conveyed to the upper end where it is
collected from the belt by discharging points
connected to the inside of an insulated metal
electrode through which the belt passes. The entire
equipment is enclosed in an earthed metal tank
filled with insulating gases of good dielectric
strength viz. SF6 etc. So that the potential of the
electrode could be raised to relatively higher
voltage without corona discharges or for a certain
voltage a smaller size of the equipment will result.
Also, the shape of the h.t., electrode should be such
that the surface gradient of electric field is made
uniform to reduce again corona discharges, even
though it is desirable to avoid corona entirely

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• An isolated sphere is the most favourable electrode shape and will maintain a
uniform field E with a voltage of Er where r is the radius of the sphere.
• As the h.t. electrode collects charges its potential rises. The potential at any
instant is given as V = q/C where q is the charge collected at that instant.
• It appears as though if the charge were collected for a long time any amount of
voltage could be generated.
• However, as the potential of electrode rises, the field set up by the electrode
increases and that may ionise the surrounding medium and, therefore, this would
be the limiting value of the voltage. In practice, equilibrium is established at a
terminal voltage which is such that the charging current

equals the discharge current which will include the load current and the leakage
and corona loss currents.
• The moving belt system also distorts the electric field and, therefore, it is
placed within properly shaped field grading rings. The grading is provided by
resistors and additional corona discharge elements.
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• The collector needle system is placed near the point where the belt enters the h.t.
terminal. A second point system excited by a self-inducing arrangement enables
the down going belt to be charged to the polarity opposite to that of the terminal
and thus the rate of charging of the latter, for a givens speed, is doubled.
• The self inducing arrangement requires insulating the upper pulley and
maintaining it at a potential higher than that of the h.t. terminal by connecting
the pulley to the collector needle system.
• The arrangement also consists of a row of points (shown as upper spray points in
Fig)connected to the inside of the h.t. terminal and directed towards the pulley
above its points of entry into the terminal. As the pulley is at a higher potential
(positive), the negative charges due to corona discharge at the upper spray points
are collected by the belt.
• This neutralises any remaining positive charge on the belt and leaves an excess
of negative charges on the down going belt to be neutralised by the lower spray
points. Since these negative charges leave the h.t. terminal, the potential of the
h.t. terminal is raised by the corresponding amount.
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The advantages of the generator are:
• Very high voltages can be easily generated
• Ripple free output
• Precision and flexibility of control
The disadvantages are:
• Low current output
• Limitations on belt velocity due to its tendency for vibration. The vibrations may
make it difficult to have an accurate grading of electric fields
These generators are used in nuclear physics laboratories for particle acceleration
and other processes in research work.

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• Most of the present day transmission and distribution networks are operating on
a.c. voltages and hence most of the testing equipments relate to high a.c.
• Even though most of the equipments on the system are 3-phase systems, a single
phase transformer operating at power frequency is the most common from of
HVAC testing equipment.
• Test transformers normally used for the purpose have low power rating but high
voltage ratings.These transformers are mainly used for short time tests on high
voltage equipments.
• The currents required for these tests on various equipments are given below:
 Insulators, C.B., bushings, Instrument transformers = 0.1– 0.5 A
 Power transformers, h.v. capacitors. = 0.5–1 A
 Cables = 1 A and above

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• The design of a test transformer is similar to a potential transformer used for the
measurement of voltage and power in transmission lines.
• The flux density chosen is low so that it does not draw large magnetising current
which would otherwise saturate the core and produce higher harmonics.
• For voltages higher than 400 KV, it is desired to cascade two or more
transformers depending upon the voltage requirements. With this, the weight of
the whole unit is subdivided into single units and, therefore,transport and
erection becomes easier. Also, with this, the transformer cost for a given voltage
may be reduced, since cascaded units need not individually possess the
expensive and heavy insulation required in single stage transformers for high
voltages exceeding 345 kV.
• It is found that the cost of insulation for such voltages for a single unit becomes
proportional to square of operating voltage.
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The main disadvantage of cascading the transformers is that
the lower stages of the primaries of the transformers are
loaded more as compared with the upper stages.
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Reactive Power Compensation
• Test transformers are used for testing the insulation of various electrical
equipments. This means the load connected to these transformers is highly
capacitive. Therefore, if rated voltage is available at the output terminals of the
test transformer and a test piece (capacitive load) is connected across its
terminals, the voltage across the load becomes higher than the rated voltage as
the load draws leading current.
• Thus, it is necessary to regulate the input voltage to the test transformer so that
the voltage across the load, which is variable, depending on the test
specimen,remains the rated voltage.
• Another possibility is that a variable inductor should be connected across the
supply so that the reactive power supplied by the load is absorbed by the
inductor and thus the voltage across the test transformer is maintained within

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The design of the compensating reactor depends upon
(i) The capacitance and operating voltage of test specimen.
(ii) The power rating of the available regulator.
(iii) The possibility of different connections of the winding of test transformer.
(iv) The power rating of the test transformer.
• In order that the test laboratory meets all the different requirements, every
particular case must be investigated and a suitable reactor must be designed for
reactive power compensation. In multistage transformers with large power
output, it is desirable to provide reactive power compensation at every stage, so
that the voltage stability of the test transformer is greatly improved.
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• L1 represents the inductance of the voltage regulator
and the transformer primary, L the exciting
inductance of the transformer, L2 the inductance of
the transformer secondary and C the capacitance of Equivalent circuit of a single
stage loaded transformer
the load.
• Normally inductance L is very large as compared to
L1 and L2 and hence its shunting effect can be
• Usually the load capacitance is variable and it is
possible that for certain loading, resonance may
occur in the circuit suddenly and the current will then
only be limited by the resistance of the circuit and the
voltage across the test specimen may go up as high as
20 to 40 times the desired value.
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• The development of series resonance circuit for
testing purpose has been very widely welcome by the
cable industry as they faced resonance problem with
test transformer while testing short lengths of cables.
• If N is the transformation ratio and L is the
inductance on the low voltage side of the
2 Single transformer/reactor
transformer, then it is reflected with N L value on series resonance circuit
the secondary side (load side) of the transformer.
• For certain setting of the reactor, the inductive reactance may equal the
capacitive reactance of the circuit,hence resonance will take place. Thus, the
reactive power requirement of the supply becomes zero and it has to supply
only the losses of the circuit. However, the transformer has to carry the full
load current on the high voltage side. This is a disadvantage of the method.
The inductor are designed for high quality factors Q = ωL / R. The feed
transformer, therefore, injects the losses of the circuit only.
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Here R is usually of low value. After the
resonance condition is achieved, the output
voltage can be increased by increasing
the input voltage. The feed transformers are
rated for nominal current ratings of the reactor.
Under resonance, the output voltage will be
(a) Series resonance circuit with variable
h.t. reactors (b) Equivalent circuit of (a)

where Q is the quality factor of the inductor which usually varies between 40 and
80. This means that with Q = 40, the output voltage is 40 times the supply
voltage. Downloaded from
The following are the advantages of series resonance circuit.
i. The power requirements in KW of the feed circuit are (kVA)/Q where kVA is
the reactive power requirements of the load and Q is the quality factor of
variable reactor usually greater than 40. Hence, the requirement is very small.
ii. The series resonance circuit suppresses harmonics and interference to a large
extent. The near sinusoidal wave helps accurate partial discharge measurements
and is also desirable for measuring loss angle and capacitance of insulating
materials using Schering Bridge.
iii. In case of a flashover or breakdown of a test specimen during testing on high
voltage side,the resonant circuit is detuned and the test voltage collapses
immediately. The short circuit current is limited by the reactance of the variable
reactor. It has proved to be of great value as the weak part of the isolation of the
specimen does not get destroyed. In fact, since the arc flash over has very small
energy, it is easier to observe where exactly the flashover is occurring by
delaying the tripping of supply and allowing the recurrence of flashover.
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The following are the advantages of series resonance circuit.
(iv) No separate compensating reactors (just as we have in case of test transformers)
are required.This results in a lower overall weight.
(v) When testing SF6 switchgear, multiple breakdowns do not result in high
transients. Hence, no special protection against transients is required.
(vi) Series or parallel connections of several units is not at all a problem. Any
number of units can be connected in series without bothering for the
impedance problem which is very severely associated with a cascaded test
transformer. In case the test specimen requires large current for testing, units
may be connected in parallel without any problem.

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Parallel resonance system

• The variable reactor is incorporated into the high voltage transformer by

introducing a variable air gap in the core of the transformer.
• With this connection, variation in load capacitance and losses cause variation
in input current only.
• The output voltage remains practically constant. Within the units of single
stage design, the parallel resonant method offers optimum testing performance.
• In an attempt to take advantage of both the methods of connections, i.e., series
and parallel resonant systems a third system employing series parallel
connections was tried
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• The specific weight of a cascaded test transformer varies between 10 and 20
kg/kVA whereas for a series resonant circuit with variable high voltage reactors
it lies between 3 and 6 kg/kVA.
• It is to be noted that whereas the series resonant systems are quite popular for
testing cables and highly loss free capacitive loads, cascaded transformers are
more common in high voltage laboratories for testing equipment in MV range
and also for relatively high loads
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Generation of Impulse Voltages and Currents
• An impulse voltage is a unidirectional voltage
which, without appreciable oscillations, rises
rapidly to a maximum value and falls more or less
rapidly to zero.
• If an impulse voltage develops without causing
flash over or puncture, it is called a full impulse
• if flash over or puncture occur, thus causing a
sudden collapse of the impulse voltage, it is
called a chopped impulse voltage.
• A full impulse voltage is characterised by its peak
value and its two time intervals, the wave front
and wave tail time intervals defined below:
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Generation of Impulse Voltages and Currents
• The wave front time of an impulse wave is the time taken by the wave to reach
to its maximum value starting from zero value.
• Usually it is difficult to identify the start and peak points of the wave and,
therefore, the wave front time is specified as 1.25 times (t2 – t1), where t2 is the
time for the wave to reach to its 90% of the peak value and t1 is the time to
reach 10% of the peak value. Since (t2 – t1) represents about 80% of the wave
front time, it is multiplied by 1.25 to give total wave front time.
• The point where the line CB intersects the time axis is referred to be the
nominal starting point of the wave
• The nominal wave tail time is measured between the nominal starting point t0
and the point on the wave tail where the voltage is 50% of the peak value i.e.
wave fail time is expressed as (t3 – t0).

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Chopped Wave
• If an impulse voltage is applied to a piece of insulation and
if a flash over or puncture occurs causing sudden collapse
of the impulse voltage, it is called a chopped impulse
• If chopping takes place on the front part of the wave, it is
known as front chopped wave.
• If chopping takes place on the front, it is specified by the
peak value corresponding to the chopped value and its
nominal steepness is the rate of rise of voltage measured
between the points where the voltage is 10% and 90%
respectively of the voltage at the instant of chopping.
• However, a wave chopped on the tail is specified on the
lines of full wave

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Impulse Flash Over Voltage
• Whenever an impulse voltage is applied to an insulating medium of certain
thickness, flash over may or may not take place. If out of a total of say ten
applications of impulse voltage about 5 of them flash over then the probability of
flash over with that peak voltage of the impulse voltage is 50%. Therefore, a 50
per cent impulse flash over voltage is the peak value of that impulse flash over
voltage which causes flash over of the object under test for about half the
number of applications of impulses.
• However, it is to be noted that the flash over occurs at an instant subsequent to
the attainment of the peak value. The flash over also depends upon the polarity,
duration of wave front and wave tails of the applied impulse voltages.
• If the flash over occurs more than 50% of the number of applications, it is
defined as impulse flash over voltage in excess of 50%.
• The impulse flash over voltage for flash over on the wave front is the value of
the impulse voltage at the instant of flash over on the wave front.
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Impulse Puncture Voltage
• The impulse puncture voltage is the peak value of the impulse voltage which
causes puncture of the material when puncture occurs on the wave tail and is the
value of the voltage at the instant of puncture when puncture occurs on the wave
Impulse Ratio for Flash Over
• The impulse ratio for flash over is the ratio of impulse flash over voltage to the
peak value of power frequency flash over voltage.
• The impulse ratio is not a constant for any particular object, but depends upon
the shape and polarity of the impulse voltage, the characteristics of which should
be specified when impulse ratios are quoted.
Impulse Ratio for Puncture
• The impulse ratio for puncture is the ratio of the impulse puncture voltage to the
peak value of the power frequency puncture voltage.

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• C1 is the capacitance of the generator charged from a d.c. source to a suitable
voltage which causes discharge through the sphere gap. The capacitance C1
may consist of a single capacitance, in which case the generator is known as a
single stage generator or alternatively if C1 is the total capacitance of a group
of capacitors charged in parallel and then discharged in series, it is then
known as a multistage voltage.
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• L1 is the inductance of the generator and the leads connecting the generator to
the discharge circuit and is usually kept as small as possible. The resistance R1
consists of the inherent series resistance of the capacitances and leads and
often includes additional lumped resistance inserted within the generator
• for damping purposes and for output waveform control.
• L3, R3 are the external elements which may be connected at the generator
terminal for waveform control. R2 and R4 control the duration of the wave.
However, R4 also serves as a potential divider when a CRO is used for
measurement purposes.
• C2 and C4 represent the capacitances to earth of the high voltage components
and leads. C4 also includes the capacitance of the test object and of any other
load capacitance required for producing the required wave shape.
• L4 represents the inductance of the test object and may also affect the wave
shape appreciably.
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• Usually for practical reasons, one terminal of the impulse generator is solidly
grounded. The polarity of the output voltage can be changed by changing the
polarity of the d.c. charging voltage.
• The two circuits are widely used and differ only
in the position of the wave tail control
• When R2 is on the load side of R1 (Fig. a) the
two resistances form a potential divider which
reduces the output voltage but when R2 is on the
generator side of R1 (Fig. b) this particular loss
of out put voltage is absent.

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• The impulse capacitor C1 is charged through
a charging resistance (not shown) to a d.c.
voltage V0 and then discharged by flashing
over the switching gap with a pulse of
suitable value.
• The desired impulse voltage appears across
the load capacitance C2. The value of the
circuit elements determines the shape of the
output impulse voltage.

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In order to obtain higher and higher impulse voltage, a single stage circuit is
inconvenient for the following reasons:
(i) The physical size of the circuit elements becomes very large.
(ii) High d.c. charging voltage is required.
(iii) Suppression of corona discharges from the structure and leads during the
charging period is difficult.
(iv) Switching of vary high voltages with spark gaps is difficult.
In 1923 E. Marx suggested a multiplier circuit which is commonly used to obtain
impulse voltages with as high a peak value as possible for a given d.c. charging

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• Depending upon the charging voltage available and the output voltage required a
number of identical impulse capacitors are charged in parallel and then
discharged in series, thus obtaining a multiplied total charging voltage
corresponding to the number of stages.
• The impulse capacitors C1 are charged to the charging voltage V0 through the
high charging resistors Rc in parallel. When all the gaps G break down, the C1′
capacitances are connected in series so that C2 is charged through the series
connection of all the wave front resistances R1′ and finally all C1′ and C2 will
discharge through the resistors R2′and R1′. Usually Rc >> R2 >> R1.

A 3-stage Marx impulse generator in circuit ‘b’ connections

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• Goodlet has suggested another circuit shown in Fig., for generation of impulse
voltage where the load is earthed during the charging period, without the
necessity for an isolating gap. The impulse output voltage has the same polarity
as the charging voltage is case of Marx circuit, it is reversed in case of Goodlet
circuit. Also, on discharge, both sides of the first spark gap are raised to the
charging voltage in the Marx circuit but in case of Goodlet circuit they attain
earth potential.

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• Impulse generators are normally operated in conjunction with cathode ray oscillographs for
measurement and for studying the effect of impulse waves on the performance of the
insulations of the equipments.
• Since the impulse waves are of shorter duration, it is necessary that the operation of the
generator and the oscillograph should be synchronised accurately and if the wave front of the
wave is to be recorded accurately, the time sweep circuit of the oscillograph should be
initiated at a time slightly before the impulse wave reaches the deflecting plates.
• If the impulse generator itself initiates the sweep circuit of the oscillograph, it is then
necessary to connect a delay cable between the generator or the potential divider and the
deflecting plates of then oscilloscope so that the impulse wave reaches the plates at a
controlled time after the sweep has been tripped. However, the use of delay cable leads to
inaccuracies in measurement. For this reason, some tripping circuits have been developed
where the sweep circuit is operated first and then after a time of about 0.1 to 0.5 μ sec. the
generator is triggered.

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• One of the methods involves the use of a three-
sphere gap in the first stage of the generator as
shown in Fig.
• The spacing between the spheres is so adjusted
that the two series gaps are able to withstand the
charging voltage of the impulse generator.
• A high resistance is connected between the outer
spheres and its centre point is connected to the
control sphere so that the voltage between the
outer spheres is equally divided between the two
• If the generator is now charged to a voltage
slightly less than the breakdown voltage of the
gaps, the breakdown can be achieved at any
instant by applying an impulse of either polarity
and of a peak voltage not less than one fifth of the
charging voltage to the control sphere.
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• The switch S is closed which initiates the sweep circuit of the oscillograph.
• The same impulse is applied to the grid of the thyratron tube.
• The inherent time delay of the thyratron ensures that the sweep circuit begins to
operate before the start of the high voltage impulse.

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• The impulse current wave is specified on the similar lines as an impulse voltage
• High current impulse generators usually
consist of a large number of capacitors
connected in parallel to the common discharge

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Approximates to that of a
capacitance C charged to a
voltage V0 which can be
considered to discharge
through an
inductance L and a
resistance R. In practice
both L and R are the
effective inductance and
resistance of the leads,
capacitors and the test

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• In a typical design several capacitor units connected in parallel are placed around
the test object in horse-shoe shape with the minimum diameter. The conductors
between the capacitors and the test objects are to be as short as possible and are
placed in narrow parallel lines.
• As an alternative, co-axial cables can also be used as these have inherently very
low inductance.
• Normally on long high voltage transmission lines square wave impulse current
are propagated during discharge of these lines. These waves can be generated by
simulating artificial lines with the help of capacitor connected in series with
• The number of elements is inversely proportional to the ripple tolerated on the
square wave.

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