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39 Leukemia

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Leukemia (Acute and Chronic)

Objectives :
*436 Objectives “437 objectives were not provided”

● Definition
● Historic Perspective
● Etiology and Risk Factors
● Incidence
● Classification
● Comparison of Acute and Chronic

Worked on this lecture:

Team leader: AlHanouf AlJaloud

Revised By: Yazeed Aldossare

Resources :
Doctors Slides + Notes: Dr. Ghada ElGohary
Books: Step up, Kumar
Videos: MedEd

Important Notes Golden Notes Extra Book

Leukemia :
● A group of malignant disorders affecting the blood and blood-forming tissues of
○ Bone marrow
○ Lymph system
○ Spleen
● Neoplastic proliferation of abnormal WBCs. As these abnormal WBCs accumulate, they interfere with the
production of normal WBCs, as well as the production of erythrocytes and platelets, resulting in anemia
and thrombocytopenia.

● Occurs in all age groups

● Results in an accumulation of dysfunctional cells because of a loss of regulation in cell
division. In normal physiology we have controlled cell division “mitosis” and programmed cell death “apoptosis”,
if these are affected it will lead to excessive cell growth and division which will lead to cancer. Cancer in hematology is
in the stem cells synthesis in the bone marrow = leukemia.

● Fatal if untreated
○ Progressive

Mutation here Mutation here

leads to Myeloid leads to
leukemia Lymphoid

● No single causative agent

● Most from a combination of factors
○ Genetic and environmental influences Leukemia is not an inherited disease but a +ve
family Hx indicates there is a genetic factor.
● Associated with the development of leukemia
○ Chemical agents
○ Chemotherapeutic agents Hx of chemotherapy or radiation
○ Radiation
○ Viruses
○ Immunologic deficiencies
○ Down’s syndrome

Classification of leukemias:
● Two major types acute and chronic, and (4 subtypes) of leukemias
○ Acute leukemias
■ Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
■ Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) (also "myeloid" or
○ Chronic leukemias
■ Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
■ Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
(Within these main categories, there are typically several subcategories)

Acute versus chronic:

Acute Chronic

Clonal proliferation of immature mature forms of WBC; onset is

Cell hematopoietic cells more gradual
maturity (the formation of blood or blood
cells )

More aggressive Less aggressive

Poorly differentiated blast immature Well differentiated cell
Nature of population population
onset Rapidly fatal outcome, if Associated with longer survival,
untreated even if left untreated
Two-hit model of leukemogenesis:

A) Loss of function of transcription B) Gain of function mutations of

factors needed for differentiation: tyrosine kinases:

■ eg. AML1-ETO, CBFb-SMMH, ■ eg. FLT3, c-KIT mutations

PML-RARα genetic translocation t(15;17) N- and K-RAS mutations
which leads to> acute promyelocytic leukemia BCR-ABL (9,22)
M3 associated with DIC (Bleeding disorder)

Differentiation block Enhanced proliferation

Acute Leukemia

Best prognosis is when diagnosed by stage 3 or prior

Mutation here
leads to

Normal human blood Blood with leukemia Abnormal

Normal shape and count proliferation

● Platelet (Immature platelets “Megakaryocytes” in leukemia)

● Red Cell
● White Cell
● Blasts
Clinical Manifestations of leukemia:
Relate to problems caused by:

Bone marrow failure Leukemic cells infiltrate patient’s organs:

● Overcrowding by abnormal cells ● Splenomegaly
● Inadequate production of normal ● Hepatomegaly
marrow elements ● Lymphadenopathy
● Anemia, thrombocytopenia, ↓ number ● Bone pain, meningeal irritation, oral
and function of WBCs Leading to ↑ incidence lesions (chloromas) Mostly with acute
of infection.

In generale leukemia share the same symptoms the difference is the the severity and onset. Acute leukemia
symptoms develop within days, whereas Chronic take many years and are usually asymptomatic at the time of the
diagnosis, and the findings might be incidental. Patient with chronic leukemia might have constitutional symptoms
“especially in CML” weight loss, fatigue.. Etc, and some signs of anemia, ↑infection ...etc but not severe enough to
require ER visit.

Myelogenous Leukemia:
Leukemia characterized by proliferation of myeloid tissue (as of the bone marrow and
spleen) and an abnormal increase in the number of granulocytes, myelocytes, and
myeloblasts in the circulating blood.

● Myeloid tissue:
Is a biologic tissue with the ability to perform hematopoiesis. It is mainly found as
the red bone marrow in bones, and is often synonymous with this. However,
myeloid can also be present in the liver and spleen .
● Myelocyte:
Is a young cell of the granulocytic series, occurring normally in bone marrow,
but not in circulating blood (except when caused by certain diseases).
● Granulocytes:
Are a category of white blood cells characterized by the presence of granules in
their cytoplasm.They are also called polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN or
PML) because of the varying shapes of the nucleus, which is usually lobed into
three segments.
● Myeloblast:
Is a unipotent stem cell, which will differentiate into one of the actors of the
granular series.
Acute Leukemias

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)

● Leukemia characterized by proliferation of myeloid tissue (as of the bone marrow and spleen)
and an abnormal increase in the number of granulocytes, myelocytes, and myeloblasts in the
circulating blood
● One fourth of all leukemias
○ 85% of the acute leukemias in adults M > F Exposure to Benzene, Radiation play a major role.
● Abrupt, dramatic onset
○ Serious infections, abnormal bleeding
● Uncontrolled proliferation of myeloblasts
○ Hyperplasia of bone marrow and spleen
● Curable in minority of adults
● Important AML variant is Acute promyelocytic leukemia (M3):
○ characterized by t(15;17) PML-RARα “ProMyelocytic Leukemia-Retinoic Acid Receptor α”
○ Associated with DIC
○ Presence of Auer rods
○ treated with All-Trans retinoic acid “Vit A” with concurrent chemotherapy

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)

● Most common type of leukemia in children M > F
● 15% of acute leukemia in adults
● Immature lymphocytes proliferate in the bone marrow
● Signs and symptoms may appear abruptly
○ Fever, bleeding
● Insidious with progressive:
○ Weakness, fatigue signs of anemia
● Central nervous system manifestations. Must give CNS prophylaxis! “Prophylactic intrathecal
drugs such as methotrexate”
● Curable in 70% of children, and only in minority of adults

Clinical presentation: Of acute anemia both ALL & AML

Will present with sign or symptoms related to:
● Pancytopenia:
○ ↓ WBC → Infection. E.g Pneumonia, UTI
○ ↓ Hb → Anemia. Dyspnea, Pallor, fatigue
○ ↓ Platelets (thrombocytopenia)→ Bleeding. Epistaxis, easily bruised, petechiae
● Organ infiltration:
○ Lymphadenopathy, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly.
● CNS: almost always in acute lymphocytic anemia
○ 5-10% of patient with ALL
○ Squint, Blurred vision, Headache.
Chronic Leukemias
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
● Excessive development of mature neoplastic granulocytes in the bone marrow:
→ Move into the peripheral blood in massive numbers
→ Ultimately infiltrate the liver and spleen
● Philadelphia chromosome
○ Genetic marker. The chromosome abnormality that causes chronic myeloid
leukemia (CML) (9 & 22) “BCR-ABL”
○ It has tyrosine kinase activity and enhanced phosphorylation that result in altered cell growth
○ That's why we treat it with oral tyrosine kinase inhibitors “Imatinib first line treatment in
chronic phase”

● Chronic, stable phase for many years followed by acute, aggressive (blastic Immature)
phase (Blast crisis) end stage of the disease.
● Massive splenomegaly is characteristic.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

● disease of the old age >65
● Production and accumulation of functionally inactive but long-lived,
mature-appearing lymphocytes
● B cell involvement
● Lymph node enlargement is noticeable throughout the body
○ ↑ incidence of infection
● Complications from early-stage CLL is rare
○ May develop as the disease advances
○ Pain, paralysis from enlarged lymph nodes causing pressure.

Hairy Cell Leukemia :

● Subtype of CLL
● 2% of all adult leukemias
● Usually in males > 40 years old
● Chronic disease of lymphoproliferation
● B lymphocytes cells that have a “hairy” appearance and infiltrate the bone
marrow and liver Can be Dx by blood morphology
● Symptoms from
○ Splenomegaly, Pancytopenia, Infection, Vasculitis production of autoantibodies that
attack normal blood vessels → Autoimmune thrombocytopenia, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

● Treatment
○ Alpha-interferon, Pentostatin, Cladribine
Unclassified Leukemias:
Most aggressive and has worst prognosis

● Subtype cannot be identified

● Malignant leukemic cells may have
○ Lymphoid, myeloid, or mixed characteristics.
● Frequently these patients do not respond well to treatment
○ Poor prognosis.

Differential Diagnosis:
1. Aplastic anemia
● Autoimmune disease which cause complete deficiency of all types of blood cells

2. Myelodysplastic syndromes

3. Multiple myeloma
● Malignancy in the plasma cells, leads to pancytopenia

4. Lymphomas
● Malignancy in the lymph nodes

5. Severe megaloblastic anemia

● Vitamin B12 deficiency *Extra “Pernicious anemia: diminished intrinsic factors → ↓B12 absorption
→ megaloblastic anemia”

6. Leukemoid reaction Neutrophilia; mostly in septicemia

● How to to know benign leukemoid reaction from leukemia? *Extra from book
i. No splenomegaly
ii. History of precipitating event e.g., infection
iii. ↑Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
Diagnostic Studies Earlier Dx = Better prognosis
● To diagnose and classify To know if Lymphoid or Myeloid
○ Peripheral blood evaluation
● WBC count:
○ Acute: might be normal, decrease or elevated.
○ Chronic: mostly elevated
● ↓Hg “Anemia”
● ↓platelets “Thrombocytopenia”
■ Blood smear
● If acute it must show Blasts “ You may see blast in chronic leukemia but it should not exceeds 5%”
● CLL: Smudge cells -- fragile leukemic cells that ruptures when placed on glass slide.

○ Bone marrow evaluation by biopsy Required for Dx

■ ALL:
● >20% Blasts of lymphoid lineage
● +ve cALLa, +ve Tdt
■ AML:
● >20% Blasts of myeloid lineage
● Auer rods if APL
● +ve myeloperoxidase
○ Flow cytometry
■ Shows the receptors in each cell to know the clonality and determine whether Myeloid or

● To identify cell subtype and stage

○ Morphologic, histochemical, immunologic, and “cytogenetic method To know the

Collaborative Care Treatment

● Goal is to attain remission (when there is no longer evidence of cancer cells in the

○ What is remission?
- The main aim of treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is to give a
remission. This means that the abnormal, immature white cells or blasts can no
longer be detected in the blood or bone marrow, and normal bone marrow has
developed again.
- For many people with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia the remission lasts
indefinitely and the person is said to be cured.

● Treatment of leukemia “especially acute” starts by treating emergencies first:

○ Antibiotic: as necessary for infection.
○ Blood transfusion: as necessary for anemia
○ Platelet transfusion: as necessary for bleeding
● Chemotherapeutic treatment:

A) Induction therapy
● Attempt to induce or bring remission B) Intensification therapy
● Seeks to destroy leukemic cells in the ● High-dose therapy
tissues, peripheral blood, bone marrow ● May be given after induction
● Patient may become critically ill therapy
● Provide psychological support as well ● Same drugs at higher doses
and/or other drugs
C) Consolidation therapy
● Started after remission is achieved you
must give consolidation therapy after induction Tx
D) Maintenance therapy
to avoid recurrence
● Lower doses of the same drug
● Purpose is to eliminate remaining
Leukemic cells that may not be evident

● Chemotherapy Regimens

○ Combination chemotherapy
■ Mainstay treatment
■ 3 purposes
● ↓ drug resistance
● ↓ drug toxicity to the patient by using multiple drugs with
varying toxicities
● Interrupt cell growth at multiple points in the cell cycle

● Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation

○ Goal: Totally eliminate leukemic cells from the body using combinations of
chemotherapy with or without total body irradiation
○ Eradicates patient’s hematopoietic stem cells, replaced with those of an
HLA-matched (Human Leukocyte Antigen)
■ Sibling (is a brother or a sister; that is, any person who shares at least
one of the same parents )
■ Volunteer
■ Identical twin
■ Patient’s own stem cells removed before
■ Parent’s
- 17 years lady presented to the ER with CBC: WBCs 50,000 HGB 10 PLT 15000
- Abnormal circulating blasts 30% More Hx must be taken first!.
● Hx:
○ Patient presented with 10 Days of fever, diffuse erythematous skin rash, difficulty
breathing, inability to do hard effort, blurred vision.
● PE:
○ Hepatosplenomegaly, axillary lymphadenopathy.

From the abrupt presentation, short onset and the presence of blasts you know it is acute leukemia.
You can’t tell whether lymphoid or myeloid unless you do a bone marrow biopsy.

● How to proceed with Diagnosis and Management?

○ Bone marrow biopsy and flow cytometry
■ for diagnosis and to determine whether lymphoid or myeloid
○ Cytogenetic test
■ To know the prognosis
● According to the results you will manage

● Diagnosis and Risk stratification:

1) Peripheral blood morphology

● Abnormal blasts
2) Peripheral blood flow cytometry to show clonality
● 30 % blasts with CD33 Myeloid specific receptor, CD34 +ve
3) BMBx for
● Morphology (myeloblasts)
● Cytogenetics for prognosis t(8:21) Acute myeloid leukemia translocation
● Flow cytometry (50% blasts express M antigens)
● Molecular (FLT3 –ITD +ve)
The results shows it is Acute Myeloid Leukemia

● Treatment:
○ Goals:
1) Remission induction (chemo for 28 days)
2) Response assessment ( Day 28)
3) Consolidation (chemo / SCT stem cell transplant)
4) Maintenance. But if the patient is high risk consider stem cell transplant
● Neoplastic proliferation of abnormal WBCs that interfere with the production of normal
WBCs, as well as the production of erythrocytes and platelets, resulting in ↑infection
anemia and thrombocytopenia.

Acute Chronic

Blasts cells Mature cells

Type of
Lymphoid Myeloid Lymphoid Myeloid

Age Children Adults Old age >65 Adults

Onset Abrupt symptoms within days Asymptomatic for years

Symptoms Anemia, thrombocytopenia, ↓ number and function of WBCs Leading to ↑ incidence of

include: infection. Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Bone pain

Presence of
Acute Smudge cell in Chronic phase for
promyelocytic BMB. many years
Most common type anemia M3 is an Hairy cell followed by acute
in children leukemia a variant of phase called blast
important variant CLL
CNS manifestation. of AML crisis
Characterized by B
General Must prophylax the characterized by: lymphocytes that
chromosom as a
CNS with PML-RARα, DIC, have a hairy cell
genetic marker,
intrathecal Auer rods. appearance,
t(9;22), BCR-ABL
methotrexate. Treated with symptoms induced
Treated with oral
All-trans retinoic vasculitis. Results in
Autoimmune hemolytic
tyrosine kinase
acid. anemia, treatedwith inhibitor Imatinib.

● Peripheral blood evaluation (Count + Smear)

● Bone marrow biopsy
● Flow cytometry To differentiate between Myeloid and lymphoid
● Cytogenetic To know the prognosis

1. Emergencies treatment (Antibiotic, blood transfusion, platelets ..etc)

2. Chemotherapy
3. Consolidation therapy
4. Maintenance or SCT
1. A 34-year-old man is evaluated for a 3-month history of fatigue, early satiety, and a 10-kg
weight loss.
On physical examination:
No lymphadenopathy is noted. The spleen is palpable 10 cm below the costal margin.
Laboratory studies:
○ Hemoglobin level of 8.4 g/dL
○ leukocyte count of 314,000/µL
○ platelet count of 622,000/µL.
A peripheral blood smear is show myelocytes. Which of the following is the most likely
genetic mutation to explain this patient's findings?

C) JAK2 V617F

Correct Answer: A
Patients with suspected chronic myeloid leukemia should be tested for an underlying
BCR-ABL mutation. He has the classic presentation for CML with the insidious onset of
fatigue; early satiety and progressive weight loss associated with splenomegaly.

2. A 43-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital for fatigue of 4 weeks' duration, easy
bruising and bleeding gums of 1 week's duration, and a 1- day fever.
On physical examination:
the patient appears. multiple ecchymoses and petechiae. Hepatomegaly is also
noted. .
Laboratory studies:
○ Leukocyte count 32,000/µL
○ Platelet count 25,000/µL
○ Prothrombin time 24 s
A peripheral blood smear shows 80% immature blasts with prominent Auer rods. Which of
the following is the most appropriate initial management?
A) t (9;22) testing
B) Chemotherapy
C) All-trans retinoic acid
D) t (15;17) testing

Correct Answer: C
Treat Acute promyelocytic leukemia. ATRA should be initiated without waiting for
confirmation as long as the presentation strongly suggest APL. that’s why the answer is not D
3. A 56 year old man presents to hospital with abdominal discomfort and is found to have
splenomegaly and an abnormal full blood count. In CML, which of the following
statements is correct?
A. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation remains the first -choice therapy in chronic phase
B. At presentation a majority of white cells are blast cells
C. t(15;17) translocation
D. The Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome t(9;22) is present.

Correct Answer: D

4. A 5-year-old girl presents with her parents who have become concerned about the small
petechiae and ecchymoses on her skin. An abdominal examination reveals
hepatosplenomegaly. You suspect an acute leukaemia. The most appropriate initial
investigation for diagnosis is:
A. A Chromosomal analysis of bone marrow cells.
B. Cytochemical analysis of bone marrow cells
C. Direct microscopy of bone marrow cells
D. Electron microscopy
E. Flow cytometry.

Correct Answer: C
In order to diagnose an acute leukaemia, defined as ≥20% blasts in bone marrow, an
examination of a bone marrow aspirate under microscopy (C) is necessary. Flow cytometry
(E) is useful in distinguishing AML from ALL. Electron microscopy (D) has a reduced role
with advanced immunotyping techniques available. (A) and (B) are useful investigations
and prognosis once a leukaemia is confirmed.

5. A 65-year-old man presents to you reporting he has become increasingly worried about his
lack of energy in the last 2 weeks. He mentions he has been increasingly tired, sleeping
for long periods and has suffered from fevers unresponsive to paracetamol. He
became increasingly worried when he noticed bleeding originating from his gums. His
blood film shows auer rods. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
B. Chronic Myeloid leukaemia
C. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
D. Acute myeloid leukaemia
E. Chronic lymphoblastic leukaemia

Correct Answer: D
Presentation is acute, Auer rods presents in Acute promyelocytic leukemia which is a
subtype of Acute myeloid leukemia.
6. A 29-year-old woman complains of tiredness, especially during activity. On examination
the patient appears pale. Auer rods can be seen on peripheral blood smear. The patient is
referred for a bone marrow biopsy and the extracted cells are sent for cytogenetic analysis.
The most likely results are:
A. t(8:21)
B. t(15;17)
C. t(9:22)
D. Philadelphia chromosome

Correct Answer: B
This patient is suffering from an acute promyelocytic leukaemia, a subtype (M3) of AML.
It is due to t(15;17) translocation. The t(8;21) abnormality part of the acute myelogenous
leukaemia disorders (M2 variant). The t(9;22) (C) translocation occurs in CML associated
with the Philadelphia chromosome with BCR-ABL marker.

7. A 70-year-old woman complains of tiredness, fatigue and weight loss. Blood tests reveal
an elevated WBC and on examination splenomegaly is palpated. Cytogenetics are
positive for the Philadelphia chromosome and the patient is diagnosed with chronic
myeloid leukaemia. The most appropriate treatment is:
A. Chemotherapy
B. Imatinib
C. Stem cell transplant
D. Venesection

Correct Answer: B
Chronic myeloid leukaemia occurs due to the reciprocal translocation of the Philadelphia
chromosome t(9;22) BCR-ABL, which has uncontrolled tyrosine kinase activity.
Treatment begins with imatinib a tyrosine kinase inhibitor which blocks the activity of

8. A 56 years old man presented to the clinic with abdominal pain. Abdominal examination
revealed splenomegaly. CBC is showing marked leukocytosis of 145.000 cells/ul,
Hemoglobin 11 /dl, Platelets 400.000 /ul. Peripheral blood molecular testing for BCR/ABL
is positive. Which ONE of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A) Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

B) Acute Myeloid Leukemia
C) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
D) Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Correct Answer: D

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