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3D Printing in Bone Surgery

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3D Printing in

Bone Surgery
Carmine Zoccali
Pietro Ruggieri
Francesco Benazzo

3D Printing in Bone Surgery
Carmine Zoccali
Pietro Ruggieri • Francesco Benazzo

3D Printing in Bone
Carmine Zoccali Pietro Ruggieri
Department of Anatomical, Histological Department of Orthopedics and
Forensic Medicine and Orthopaedic Orthopedic Oncology
Science University of Padova
Sapienza University of Rome Padova, Italy
Rome, Italy

Francesco Benazzo
Sezione di Chirurgia Protesica ad
Indirizzo Robotico - Unità di
Traumatologia dello Sport
U.O. Ortopedia e Traumatologia
Fondazione Poliambulanza
Brescia, Italy

ISBN 978-3-030-91899-6    ISBN 978-3-030-91900-9 (eBook)

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

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Progress in 3D technology (imaging, printing, and modeling) is changing our

approach to surgery.
Three-dimensional CT scan and MRI increased consistently our knowl-
edge about anatomy, both normal and pathological. But they actually give us
a 3D simulation on a computer screen (with ultimate expression as virtual
reality) and it may be sometimes hard to incorporate all the information avail-
able in real surgery.
Computer-assisted and robot-assisted systems of surgery are two of the
philosophies that, at the present day, are trying to fill this gap. But they need
a significant investment in terms of resources, training, and time to become
effective in daily practice.
A completely different approach is to create a three-dimensional life-sized
model of a normal or abnormal anatomical structure.
This model can offer us a multisensory interaction to a pathological condi-
tion or to plain anatomy, based both on binocular vision and touch, with a
consistent improvement in spatial conceptualization: this term stands for
complex subject of planning and the related practical activities (to define sur-
gical strategy, create surgical guides, project and make custom implants, pro-
vide tangible references during surgical procedures).
Besides the surgical applications, almost unlimited possibilities may arise
from the use of individual anatomy models: for educational purpose in teach-
ing programs, for patient information in consent collection to mention just
two of them.
In Orthopedic Surgery, a three-dimensional model seems to significantly
improve the understanding of complex anatomic situation as often encoun-
tered in complex primary joint reconstruction (post-traumatic arthritis, con-
genital or acquired joint or segmental dysplasia, tarsal and carpal avascular
necrosis, adaptive changing in near bone or joint structures) or where a severe
bone loss has to be managed as in Revision Joint Surgery or in primitive and
secondary bone and soft tissue neoplastic lesions.
This “touch and see” process to comprehend anatomy is not limited to
bone and may include vascular structures and soft tissues.
Moreover, these models allow creating custom implants that match indi-
vidual anatomy and restore biomechanics, giving a simpler and time-saving
procedure during reconstructive steps.
It becomes evident especially when a 3D model of the custom implant is
available to the surgeon in the preoperative phase, giving the opportunity to

vi Foreword

become familiar with its reciprocal relationship with anatomic resin model
and where, besides the main prosthetic device manufacturing, additional
details have been accurately planned and simulated (i.e., type, length, and
screws positioning; choice of modularity, if available).
“Additive” techniques and advancement in trabecular metal technologies
dramatically improve primary stability and osteointegration of these implants,
together with the potential perfect match to patient anatomy.
In Trauma Surgery, a three-dimensional depiction of segmental or joint
injuries gives the opportunity to surgeons to outline key point in anatomical
reduction, hardware type and placement, even to predict screws length and
their optimal positioning (because the model is life-sized).
Finally, in all body areas bone loss after both traumatic and neoplastic
pathologies (i.e., in oro-maxillary surgery, craniofacial surgery, both for skull
and spine loss, in some aspects of thoracic surgery) can be successfully
addressed with custom prosthetic implants, and resin models are frequently
used to improve preoperative plan and surgeon skills to reduce operative
Undoubtedly technological improvements significantly reduced time and
costs of manufacturing, both for plastic models and final implants, contribut-
ing to push forward practical applications: the possibility to share real-time
imaging files with manufacturers and the option to remotely control 3D print-
ers for resin modeling open the way to a daily use of this technology for clini-
cal and educational purpose.
It is my opinion that this volume will represent an excellent guideline in
the comprehension of the possible applications of this technology, supporting
those willing to approach the use of this not only for planning purpose but
also for reconstructive issues taking advantages of their choice of the experi-
ences reported by different authors of the volume.

Francesco Falez
Department of Orthopaedics, ASL Roma 1
Rome, Italy
Ospedale San Filippo Neri
Rome, Italy
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy

In the last decades, there has been an important increase in the global survival
of patients affected by musculoskeletal tumors. This improvement has given
way to the research of new reconstructive techniques to assure better function
and higher quality of life for the patient.
The idea to produce “spare parts” specifically for the patient originates
with surgery; actually, the first prostheses, although rudimentary, were pro-
duced based on the patient’s specific anatomic characteristics.
Later, the development of modular prostheses made the first custom-made
prostheses obsolete, also because they were characterized by high costs and a
long production time.
The development of additive manufacturing and its application to medi-
cine, specifically to bone reconstruction, has made custom-made prosthesis
affordable for everyone.
We are currently witnessing a fundamental change also in materials: the
present is titanium, the immediate future is composite materials whereas the
future is biological materials and the production of “original spare parts.”
Research goes on, society evolves, and one who hesitates is lost.
This book aims at taking stock of the situation regarding additive manu-
facturing applied to bone reconstruction in the different segments and at giv-
ing new inspiration for the future.
The authors evaluated the application of custom-made reconstruction, pro-
posed their experience, and underlined related problems and possible solu-
tions for all segments.

Rome, Italy Carmine Zoccali

Padova, Italy Pietro Ruggieri
Brescia, Italy Francesco Benazzo


1 Indications: Didactical Use of 3D Printing, Surgical

Didactical Use, Surgical Planning, Patient Information,
Custom-Made Prosthesis, Spacer and Template, External
Prosthesis, Cast��������������������������������������������������������������������������������   1
Michele Boffano, Alessandro Aprato, and Raimondo Piana
2 The Rationale of 3D Printing in Oncological Orthopaedics�������� 13
Rodolfo Capanna and Lorenzo Andreani
3 The 3D Printing Production Procedure ���������������������������������������� 25
Maurizio Scorianz, Lorenzo Guariento,
and Domenico Andrea Campanacci
4 The Engineer’s Point of View���������������������������������������������������������� 39
Simone Di Bella and Rosalia Mineo
5 3D Pelvis/Hip Prosthesis������������������������������������������������������������������ 53
Andrea Angelini and Pietro Ruggieri
6 Custom Reconstruction Around the Knee ������������������������������������ 65
Davide Maria Donati, Tommaso Frisoni,
and Benedetta Spazzoli
7 When the Bone Is Not Enough: The Role of Custom-Made
Implants in Cup Revision Surgery ������������������������������������������������ 75
Loris Perticarini, Stefano Marco Paolo Rossi,
Ron Ben Elyahu, and Francesco Benazzo
8 3D Scapula/Shoulder Prosthesis ���������������������������������������������������� 83
Alessandro Luzzati, Carmine Zoccali, and Giovanni Beltrami
9 3D Vertebral Prosthesis ������������������������������������������������������������������ 97
Marco Girolami, Maria Sartori, Stefano Bandiera,
Giovanni Barbanti-Brodano, Gisberto Evangelisti,
Riccardo Ghermandi, Valerio Pipola, Giuseppe Tedesco,
Silvia Terzi, Emanuela Asunis, Luigi Falzetti,
Giovanni Tosini, Eleonora Pesce, Federica Trentin,
Cristiana Griffoni, Donato Monopoli, Milena
Fini, and Alessandro Gasbarrini

x Contents

10 3D Skull Prosthesis�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 105

Riccardo Boccaletti and Domenico Policicchio
11 3D Facial Prosthesis ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 121
Stefano Fusetti and Federico Apolloni
12 3D Carpal (Hand) Prosthesis���������������������������������������������������������� 131
Alessia Pagnotta and Iakov Molayem
13 3D Tarsal (Foot) Prosthesis ������������������������������������������������������������ 137
Francesco Malerba, Giovanni Romeo, and Nicolò Martinelli
14 The Composite Custom-Made Prosthesis�������������������������������������� 151
Carmine Zoccali, Nicola Salducca, Fabio Erba,
and Giovanni Zoccali
15 3D-Printed Custom-Made Instruments ���������������������������������������� 159
Jacopo Baldi, Alessandro Grò, Umberto Orsini,
and Leonardo Favale
16 Future Developments of 3D Printing in Bone Surgery���������������� 165
Roberto Biagini, Alessandra Scotto di Uccio,
Dario Attala, and Barbara Rossi
Indications: Didactical Use of 3D
Printing, Surgical Didactical Use,
Surgical Planning, Patient
Information, Custom-Made
Prosthesis, Spacer and Template,
External Prosthesis, Cast

Michele Boffano, Alessandro Aprato,

and Raimondo Piana

Introduced in the last decade, the use of 3D muscles and other soft tissues. The combination of
printing in the field of orthopedics is relatively CT and MRI can better visualize the pelvic organs
new. It helps in understanding anatomy, teach- and the shape and margins of a neoplasm [1–4].
ing, research, surgical planning, and manufac- An intraoperative alternative to computer nav-
turing customized implants. This innovative igation is Patient-Specific Instrument (PSI).
technology is growing fast in the orthopedic Following the previous use for total knee and hip
markets [1, 2]. arthroplasty, for pedicle screw insertion and for
corrective osteotomy, PSI has recently also been
adapted to bone tumor surgery. The PSI is a cus-
1.1 3D Model Development tomized tool, designed to have bone-specific con-
tact surfaces aiming to guide a saw or a drill into
Rapid Prototyping (RP), whether CT or MRI the desired resection planes or positions. These
based, allows to create quickly and precisely 3D cutting guides are designed on the basis of patient
devices that help orthopedic surgeons to study the 3D reconstructed images and Computer-Aided
shape of the fracture, the bone or joint involved, or Design (CAD) softwares, allowing surgeons to
the neoplasms and tailor surgical solutions. A CT plan surgeries based on the patient’s unique anat-
scan with slice thickness of 1 mm is requested to omy. The blocks of the PSI consist of three com-
create an accurate bone model. Angio-CT or ponents: (1) a surface of contact, that conforms to
angio-MRI sequences are requested to add vessels the footprints contour predetermined by the sur-
to the model. MRI also adds information to study geons, so that the blocks could be positioned con-
sistently near the site of the planned resections
M. Boffano (*) · R. Piana without translation; (2) three-planar cutting slot
Oncologic Orthopaedic Surgery Department, CTO in the blocks, based on the unique orientation of
Hospital, AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di the resection planes defined during virtual simu-
Torino, Torino, Italy
lation in the software; (3) cylindrical guides for
the insertion of Kirschner wires to fix the PSI to
A. Aprato
pelvic bone after correctly positioning the PSI
Orthopaedic and Traumatology 1 Department, CTO
Hospital, AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di (Fig. 1.1). In addition, PSI provides calibration
Torino, Torino, Italy marks to control over the cutting depth to prevent

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 1

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
2 M. Boffano et al.

9]. However, Gouin et al. [6] showed that PSI

requires only a limited extra bone exposure (less
than 10 mm).

1.2  idactical Use and Patient


The complexity of orthopedic surgical techniques

is increasing. Often it is difficult to correctly
explain the surgery to the patients. Sometimes
the surgeon should plan in advance if to realize
patient-specific instrumentation (PSI), which is
the proper implant or the relationships with major
vessels or intrapelvic organs. A case study can be
prepared using CT and/or MRI to develop a 3D
model either on an interactive pdf file or even
printed [1].
Fig. 1.1 PSI model for chondrosarcoma pelvic resection On the other hand, Computer Navigation is a
with adequate margins
passive system of image-guided techniques that
provides a real-time, interactive, 3D digital map
a soft tissue tear by the saw. These marks of a patient’s anatomy. A process called “registra-
­represent the distance along the associated direc- tion” allows to associate the patient’s imaging
tion line measured between the outer edge of the information and anatomical landmarks using an
PSI and the deepest bone structure to be cut. intraoperative navigated device. This procedure
Following surgeons’ indications about the surgi- increases spatial accuracy during dissection, sur-
cal approach or exposure, the nearby soft tissues, gical resection and instrumentation through a
the defined position and the direction for the continuous control of images by the surgeon on a
placement of PSI, the engineers combine the dif- video monitor.
ferent components of PSI and create a unique The first interesting results in orthopedic
contact interface between the PSI and the host oncology were obtained by Cartiaux and al., with
bone [1, 5–7]. simulation on plastic pelvic models [11]. They
Orthopedic surgeons could also practice and affirmed that the probability for an experienced
familiarize with the proper placement of the PSI surgeon to obtain a 10-mm surgical resection
on bone models, fabricated on a 3D printing margin with a 5-mm tolerance above or below
machine, before approving the final design. The was only 52% (95% CI 37–67). Also, the degree
final product is made of a thermoplastic material, of host–graft contact for reconstruction was
with high chemical resistance and high tensile found to be poor. This group went on to demon-
strength, stable to temperatures up to 130 °C and strate in another experimental study that cutting
thus sterilizable for the use in the operating the- accuracy was significantly improved with com-
ater [1, 7, 8]. puter navigation guidance [11]. In a simulated
Intraoperatively, surgeons can generally use a sawbone model, the error of navigated cutting
standard surgical approach and soft tissue dissec- was only 2.8 mm, whereas that of the non-­
tion. A possible limit to the technique might be navigated group was 5.2 mm [1, 8, 10, 11].
the need for an adequate exposure of the bone While Computer Navigation is an operative
surface to optimally fit to it without interfering instrument to deal orthopedic surgery with high
with soft tissues (ligaments, muscles insertions, precision, 3D modeling and 3D printing are
etc.) or noble structures (nerves and vessels) [8, excellent instruments to plan surgery in advance
1 Indications: Didactical Use of 3D Printing, Surgical Didactical Use, Surgical Planning, Patient… 3

and prevent theoretical complications. 3D

­modeling and printing are also an important sup-
plementary learning and teaching resource in
undergraduate anatomy education and postgradu-
ate surgical training. Unexperienced surgeons
can simulate the surgical procedure without fear
and with lower costs than a cadaver lab. The
experienced surgeon can show and simulate the
surgery to his/her fellows to explain the main
steps and obtain a better collaboration in operat-
ing room [12].
An interactive pdf file containing a 3D model
is a simple way to explain surgery to the patient
and his/her relatives showing the starting point,
the expected results, and the difficulties of the
surgery. Furthermore, it is a demonstration of the
accurate case study performed and the attention
dedicated to the patient’s medical problem.

Fig. 1.2 3D model of pelvic chondrosarcoma in close

1.3 Surgical Planning proximity to iliac and femoral vessels, rectum, bladder,
and prostate
Custom pelvic prostheses are used to recon-
struct the bone defect following complex pelvic after an intralesional resection [5]. To date, three
bone tumor resection. CAOS allows the engi- modalities are possible to perform free margin
neers to design and tailor-made an implant that resections and the closest to preoperative plan-
matches exactly to the anticipated bone loss ning: free-hand resections, 3D computer naviga-
after tumor resection. However, the degree of tion and patient-specific Instrument (PSI).
fitting of the custom implant greatly depends on Free-hand resections are certainly the least accu-
the ability of the surgeons to reproduce intraop- rate, despite the surgeon can train on plastic
eratively the resection as planned. Pelvic tumor three-dimensional models printed on patient
surgery is challenging because of the complex image data. In recent years, intraoperative 3D
bony anatomy and the close proximity to pelvic navigation and PSI guides have been described
organs and neurovascular structures. Accurate with good results. Comparing free-hand cutting
resections with wide margins are the most of pelvic bone tumors with PSI cutting, a signifi-
important prognostic factor in managing pelvic cant difference was demonstrated [1, 13]. In fact,
bone tumors [1, 5]. free-hand cutting is not accurate enough to ensure
Thanks to the use of different colors in the 3D wide margins: the errors on the desired safe mar-
model, oncology surgeons can obtain a better gin averaged 5.3 mm, with a standard deviation
mental picture of the tumor location and accu- ranging from 2.7 to 5.3 mm among the experi-
rately define the surgical resection planes with enced surgeons, and two resections out of 12
specific orientation on the virtual patient image were intralesional. Instead, PSI enables the sur-
(Fig. 1.2). Preoperative planning also consists in geon to intraoperatively replicate the planned
selecting the best surgical approach and defining resections with a very good cutting accuracy.
the location of the noble structures to detect and Wong et al. [7] reported a millimetric accuracy
protect during surgery. during a PSI-assisted bone tumor resection of the
A local recurrence rate of up to 70% is femur. Khan et al. [8] also investigated bone-­
observed after a marginal resection, and 92% cutting accuracy and reported a 2-mm location
4 M. Boffano et al.

accuracy during a PSI-assisted multiplanar resec- arthroplasty. Virtual joints model can be applied
tion on a cadaveric femur. The observed level of in Femoro-Acetabular Impingement (FAI),
accuracy suggests that a 5-mm safe margin Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH), pel-
should be sufficient to obtain clear surgical mar- vic or femoral osteotomies, complex arthroplas-
gins when using PSI. This decrease in the level of ties [4, 14]. A virtual 3D model gives to the
desired safe margins allows to perform resections surgeon many information about bone deformi-
closer to the tumor boundary, offering the possi- ties and joint biomechanics but sometimes a real
bility to preserve for example the sacroiliac or the model is mandatory. Furthermore, 3D technolo-
hip joint, a specific portion of a supporting bone, gies may also helpful in trauma settings: they
muscle insertions, or nerve roots. Similarly, a help in planning the fracture reduction tech-
recent cadaveric study compares navigation-­ niques, in the choice of type and allocation of
assisted and PSI techniques in simulated pelvic devices and also in customizing plates before
bone resections [9]. The mean average deviation surgery.
error from the planned resection was not different The Rapid Prototyping (RP) can be the
for the navigation and the PSI groups: in both answer: it is defined as a set of techniques to
techniques it was less than 2 mm. The mean time achieve physical models useful for features veri-
required for the bone resection in the navigation fication of a model. The target is to create a pro-
group, instead, was significantly greater than that totype of the bone component to be corrected
in the PSI group. In fact, Cartiaux [10] showed a which faithfully reproduces the size and shape
similar trend. In this study, the time required for a and which is possible to handle. RP is a proce-
pelvic resection was 49 min for navigation assis- dure composed by three fundamentals steps: the
tance versus 6.9 min with PSI assistance. The creation of a “Standard Triangulation Language
increased operative time in the navigation group to Layer” file (STL), the STL file verification and
can be due to the time required for the placement preparation before the actual construction of the
of patient’s tracker, system calibration and image-­ prototype, and the construction of the prototype
to-­patient registration prior to the navigated bone layer by layer. The deposition of material can
resections. In addition, surgeons have to manu- occur by different ways; one of these is the
ally control the direction of the sawblade for the “Fused Deposition Modeling” (FDM) [4, 14]. As
resection under visual guidance on the navigation described by Ratnadurai et al. [15] FDM is a
display, as the existing navigation system does rapid method to obtain a real model that can be
not support a navigated saw. The greatest risk of sterilized by gamma radiation and can be handled
PSI is the wrong positioning of its components by the surgeon in the operating room.
on the bone surface that leads to a complete lack
of precision during the bone-cuts. Further studies
are needed to investigate how much bone contact 1.4 Custom-Made Prosthesis
surface is necessary for an accurate placement of
the PSI. According to the actual results, the PSI Tailored solutions are not a novelty in orthopedic
can be performed safely and provides a good cut- surgery, although not involving 3D. During pio-
ting accuracy. The intraoperative use of the PSI neer years, THA have been built following sili-
appeared to be quick and easy-to-handle and to cone molds with disastrous results [1, 16].
require minimal operative setup. The next step is Nevertheless, custom-made implants have been
designing the reconstructive planning after tumor extensively used in hip, knee, or humerus show-
resection. Based on precise 3D resection plan- ing good outcomes. Oncologic surgery soon
ning and preoperative CT images, a prosthetic or made the most with 3D printing, starting with
an allograft reconstruction are possible. maxillofacial surgery and neurosurgery, but
Thanks to the advances in technology that involving just later most of the other surgical spe-
allow 3D preoperative plan and models, it is pos- cialties [17–20]. Orthopedic oncology has an
sible to ensure a better execution of surgical pro- ­historical background of custom-made implants;
cedures in trauma, hip preserving surgery, and in fact, the first custom-made implant for limb
1 Indications: Didactical Use of 3D Printing, Surgical Didactical Use, Surgical Planning, Patient… 5

salvage procedure had been implanted in Wien in 2. Surgical time. Preoperative planning, with
1975 [21]. From the early 1990s, the use of predetermined screw length, permits an easy-­
custom-­made prostheses began to be commonly to-­fix implant. Custom-made cutting guides
accepted [22]. Orthopedic oncology received or navigation add further advantages. The
many benefits from 3D technologies, especially combination of these two techniques poten-
in pelvic surgery where the increasing use of 3D tially shortens surgical timings, preventing
printing gave the possibility to build custom-­ infections and improving general clinical con-
made implants in an easier and (theoretically) ditions in high complexity patients. A shorter
less expensive way. In literature, several case surgical time means frequently lower blood
reports and small series are reported [23]. loss and a better recovery for the patient. In
Clavicular, scapular, vertebral, knee, and pelvic addition, a shorter surgical time reduces the
implants have been described [24]. Virtually any cost of surgery.
kind of anatomical site could be reconstructed 3. Reconstruction quality. 3D printing technique
with 3D custom implants for bone or soft tissue permits highly congruent implants that
tumors, but pelvic is the elective one. Custom-­ improve significantly bone–metal interface,
made implants in orthopedic oncology are nowa- creating a wider surface to promote integra-
days a reality in surgical reconstruction of tion. Recent studies described the functional
massive periacetabular defects. As previously improvement and the lower revision rate in
described, pelvis has a complex 3D anatomy and comparison to older techniques for 3D custom
very important close neurovascular structures. implants. Moreover, finite element analysis
Moreover, being the fulcrum of high forces, have been used to evaluate the different
implants with the highest probability of ingrowth behavior of implants, in order to identify more
are the most suitable for long term survival. 3D stressed zones and to use the more technically
printing permits easily to add pins, to fit short efficient design [23, 26].
stems in case of poor bone quality, to guide screw
holes, till to foresee screws length. All these fea- A biomechanically efficient design of
tures allow, in selected cases, to merge ideal qual- 3D-printed components can obviate to those situ-
ities of bespoke shape with high-tech surfaces, in ations where muscular forces are modified due to
order to minimize the limb loss of function. extensive resections. A shorter surgical time,
Nevertheless, custom-made implants are a small wider margins with lower recurrence rate, lower
part of global reconstructions. Still highly expen- revision rate, and a faster recovery can improve
sive, they need to be implanted in super-­ the Quality of Life (QoL) of the patient and
specialized centers, with a solid environment of determine less expensive global costs counter-
clinicians, surgeons, engineers, and manufactur- pointed to an expensive implant [1, 3].
ers. Postoperative care as well needs to be tai- On the other side, there are many problems
lored on the patient. When a custom-made that may affect significantly the use of 3D
component is planned and implanted in an onco- implants and they are mainly related to orthope-
logic patient, it is the result of a strong coopera- dic oncology.
tion and a solid workflow [1, 4, 25].
Choosing a custom-made implant presents 1. Learning curve. Resection of pelvic tumors is
several benefits that may lead to relevant advan- highly demanding from a surgical point of
tages for the surgeon and subsequently for the view. Few centers treat a sufficient number of
patient. cases to train skilled young surgeons. The
importance to be precise and safe is even more
1. Surgical margins. The choice of a custom-­ requested in pelvic surgery. Moreover,
made implant in orthopedic oncology permits computer-­ assisted resections need further
to clarify preoperatively surgical resections, skills that are partially independent from spe-
magnifying the chance to obtain adequate sur- cific oncologic surgical abilities [1, 4, 27].
gical margins. Nevertheless, this problem affects globally
6 M. Boffano et al.

pelvic oncologic surgery and not specifically expansion during these years, is still expen-
3D-assisted surgery. sive. The entire organization, from Computer
2. Intraoperative resection changes. This is the Assisted Drafting (CAD) till physical manu-
main topic to explore when using a custom facturing of the definitive implant, involves
implant. In fact custom implants works prop- many people. Sometimes cutting guides are
erly to fill a predefined bone loss. Some prob- printed with selective laser sintering (SLS) or
lems may emerge if a wider resection is FDM, while electron beam melting (EBM)
needed. If preoperative Imaging is done as printers are used for the implant. Additional
closer as possible to the interventions, very intraoperative navigation increases the costs.
few intraoperative changes are expected. In Nevertheless, no cost-effectiveness [29] stud-
most of the cases intraoperative changes are ies are available to support one option against
probably due to a lack of accuracy in the pre- the others.
operative planning more than an effective
problem with 3D-printed implants. In some Like many other innovations, 3D printing
cases, the implant could be adapted without implants seems to be very promising and they
compromising the final result. In extreme could make a radical difference in complex
cases, it would be better to convert the recon- reconstructive cases. 3D-printed implants and
structive procedure to “traditional” solutions global planning could substantially help the sur-
(hip transposition, allograft, reconstruction geon. Like many others, these technologies have
cages). A two-steps procedure (resection first, some limitations too.
production and reconstruction with custom-­
made implant in a second surgery) has 1. Presence of previous metal implants: metal
recently been described in some centers [1, implants lead to artifacts. Either if diamag-
27, 28]. netic steel, titanium or CrCoMo, all metal
3. Routine use. It is important to keep in mind implants are quite incompatible with
that the use of custom 3D-printed implants it 3D-­printing implants. Advanced MRI and CT
is not an every-day solution. One problem is scanners, even if with metal signaling sup-
the effective time needed to properly plan pression, do not have the sufficient detecting
resection, design, print, and sterilize the power to avoid completely the scattering phe-
implant. In rapidly growing, poor responding nomenon [6]. Nevertheless, 3D-printed speci-
masses, like in some cases of malignant soft mens could be used to preoperatively evaluate
tissue tumors involving the bone, a custom-­ and to explain to the patient some difficult
made implant could not be the best option. In situations, such as complications after a previ-
fact, during the whole design and manufactur- ous surgery (heterotopic ossifications, failed
ing time, tumor may grow putting at risk not synthesis, etc.) [1, 30]. New radiotransparent
only the effectiveness of the implant but the implant (PEEK, composite carbon fibers-­
feasibility of limb salvage as well. In some PEEK) are recently available. Their potential
other cases (i.e., fractured metastatic patients) interference with navigation systems or 3D
the patient may not have a real QoL improve- planning softwares has yet to be studied [31,
ment from a custom implant. Life expectancy, 32].
pain control, and residual function have to be 2. Technical feasibility: to allow good quality of
carefully evaluated to choose the best treat- all procedures, good quality images are man-
ment option. Case centralization in highly datory. If neither narrow slice CT scan nor
specialized center is the best way to control MRI could be performed due to technical
and use in the proper way all the existing tech- problems, no 3D reconstruction/planning
niques [1, 3, 26]. could be hypothesized [1, 4].
4. Costs. A 3D implant requires a huge organiza- 3. Potential metal allergies: to our knowledge,
tion. 3D printing, although its enormous there are no reported cases of allergic reac-
1 Indications: Didactical Use of 3D Printing, Surgical Didactical Use, Surgical Planning, Patient… 7

tions to custom-made metal implants in litera- arthroplasty may be safely performed using short
ture. These implants, being usually printed in femoral stems, for example, coxavara and high
titanium alloys, have very low allergenic dysplastic femoral neck antetorsion are known
potential; titanium is commonly used in metal contraindications [39, 40].
allergic patients. Nevertheless, in highly reac- Several surgical techniques have been also
tive patients with documented allergy (i.e., proposed to improve implant positioning and sta-
patch tests), the use of a metal-printed implant bility in complex arthroplasty. Classic shelf aug-
has to be carefully assessed [1, 30]. mentation, cotyloplasty, medial protrusion
technique, and a controlled fracture of the medial
Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) is well defined wall are the most known. Osteotomy of the iliac
in most cases and described principles should be ala with distal sliding of the detached fragment,
followed to obtain the expected functional results proximal positioning of the acetabular compo-
and for long term implant survival [25, 33]. To nent, proximal femoral shortening osteotomy,
restore a correct hip biomechanics sometimes sub-trochanteric shortening and/or derotation
also a primary THA may be complex: anatomical osteotomy have also been widely used [25, 33,
deformities may represent an issue for the sur- 41, 42]. All of them are still considered as reli-
geon. Coxavara, leg length discrepancy, acetabu- able in specific group of patient but 3D technol-
lar dysplasia, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, ogy may decrease their popularity.
epiphysiolysis, heterotopic ossifications, avascu-
lar necrosis of femoral head, trauma in acetabular • Cup Customizing
traumatic fractures are the most common ones.
Bone dystrophies (Paget’s disease, osteoporosis, In severe acetabular deformities, cup place-
osteopetrosis, irradiated bone) may also compli- ment may be technically difficult. Standard ana-
cate the surgical steps. 3D customized implants tomic landmarks may not be identified therefore
may be useful in those severe deformities [25]. choosing cup size, inclination, anteversion, and
In the last decade, introduction of modularity coverage may be complex. Several techniques
has been as an alternative to monoblock femoral have been proposed to solve this issue [42–46].
stems. Large use of modular implants has been These techniques use standard acetabular cup or,
made in primary complex arthroplasty. As widely in more complex cases, of revision cups.
proved in literature and by experience, it shows Indication for custom-made cup in primary THA
remarkable advantages. The claimed advantage is rare but it should be considered in extreme
of this type of prosthesis is the possibility of cases: major alterations of acetabular anatomy,
choosing intraoperatively neck version and neck very small or very large dimensions of the ace-
length independently of the stem size. With mod- tabular cavity.
ular neck, restoration of hip biomechanics includ-
ing femoral offset and soft tissue tensioning and • Femoral Customizing
abductor muscle imbalances, is easier, mostly in
complex hip replacement [34–36]. However, an Literature reports several studies about
increasing number of recently published reports custom-­ made femoral implants for femoral
and studies describe failures of modular femoral deformities. Each patient with major deformity
neck prostheses. The addition of an interface is of proximal femur is a unique case. The complex
associated with complications such as corrosion femoral anatomy in combination with soft tissue
or stem-neck disassociation [37, 38]. Another and leg length discrepancy precludes the implan-
option for complex hip arthroplasty is the implant tation of classical stem in several situations. Use
of short stem. Short stems may be used in selected of modular stem or cone type stems can solve
morphological anomalies of proximal femur in most of the cases. When excessive rotational
younger patient with a good bone quality. deformity, coxavara and cortical thinning are
Unfortunately, only a little rate of complex present and no anatomical fitting could be
8 M. Boffano et al.

achieved with standard stems, a custom femoral tive planning. In those complex cases, custom-­
implant should be considered. A custom design made implants may increase life expectancy of
may improve strain distribution and help to stem and reduce revision rate. Literature showed
reconstruct hip biomechanics. Abnormal helitor- high rates of stem survival prosthesis (from 93%
sion of proximal femur is treated creating an to 100% in a range from 6 to 14 years follow up).
asymmetrical proximal part of the stem and neck All studies demonstrated a significant improve-
geometry may be corrected in a triplanar way. ment in postoperative clinical score compared to
The main purpose is to follow canal morphology preoperative situation. No studies reported major
by varying the implant surface in contact with the complications after custom-made femoral stem
bone. This approach is named “fill and fit.” It implantation. Considering the available huge
consists in the physiological distribution of stress variability of solution (i.e., modularity, short-­
to the femoral shaft. Stems are normally designed neck stems) an expert surgeon does not need
with circular cross section and stem tip has hemi- custom-made prostheses for the standard first
spheric shape in order to facilitate the implanta- total hip arthroplasty. On the other hand, in severe
tion to the femoral canal and avoiding localized deformities, custom-made femoral stems are a
stress shields. All reported custom-made femoral valid choice. According to our point of view,
stems are made of titanium alloy. Bone integra- custom-­ made stems should be used when an
tion is helped by surface settings: specific rough- accurate preoperative planning shows the impos-
ness and hydroxyapatite coatings. In the majority sibility to get a correct anatomic reconstruction
of custom-made femoral stem, the hydroxyapa- and a good fitting. In those cases, the custom
tite coating is applied to the proximal part of the implant form is chosen in order to get an excel-
implant although, some authors used a fully lent stability, to achieve a better distribution of
hydroxyapatite coated stem [47–50]. loads and a better reconstruction of hip biome-
Furthermore, custom stems present all the advan- chanics [25].
tages of monoblock design: no stress concentra- Revision hip arthroplasty, especially in case of
tions at the neck and stem junction and a low rate multiple revisions, is one of the most complex
of aseptic loosening. The main disadvantages of topic in orthopedic surgery. The custom
custom-made femoral stems are the long produc- 3D-printed acetabular implant is indicated in
tion time and the high cost. Production times can complex cases with a multiple revision history
take up to 3 months. The work flow includes the associated with poor bone stock (Fig. 1.3a, b). It
selection of images from CT scans and the pro- can be a viable option either in Paprosky III A/B
duction of a prototype that has to be sent to the cases or in pelvic discontinuity [4, 51–54], and
surgeon, who can approve or modify it. This pro- according to reported data in various arthroplasty
cess can be repeated several times before achiev- registers, with ageing populations and trends for
ing a perfect stem. Costs increase two or three total hip replacements in younger patients it is
times if compared to the production of a standard likely that the demand for these implants will
stem. In cases of severe dysplasia, custom-made increase [55–57].
stems may simplify surgical procedure, avoiding The goal of this kind of implants is to allow a
in several cases trochanteric osteotomy, which restoration of the acetabular anatomy, filling the
may increase complication rates. The femoral cut periacetabular bone defects and restoring hip
height and direction is either preoperatively biomechanics, with a stable fixation of the
decided by CAD measurements, or obtained by implant to the host bone implant stability is
creating custom-made cutting guides. Preparation ensured by screws introduced through prepared
of femoral canal is done with one or two custom-­ holes in three flanges spreading from the compo-
made broaches, usually 1 mm smaller than defin- nent and laying on ilium, ischium, and pubis.
itive stem. Broaches have the same shape as the Presence of these flanges, in the beginnings,
custom stem. Femoral anteversion, varus/valgus gave the name to this kind of solutions, known as
correction, lateral offset are defined in preopera- triflanged cup. The implant can be tailored with
1 Indications: Didactical Use of 3D Printing, Surgical Didactical Use, Surgical Planning, Patient… 9

a b

c d

Fig. 1.3 (a, b) Preoperative anteroposterior and lateral anteroposterior and lateral views of the sixth revision with
views of acetabular loosening in a 65 years old male who a custom-made cup and a long revision stem
underwent the fourth hip revision. (c, d) Postoperative
10 M. Boffano et al.

different zones depending on specific mechani- gery, with the goals of promoting axial stability
cal and biological problem to address. Porous and preserving proximal bone stock. Custom-­
surfaces are used to promote bone on-growth made femoral stems have been developed usually
while smooth surfaces can diminish potential for younger patients with the objective to attain
irritation of soft tissues. Depending on the CT contact all around medial and lateral stem in the
scan data, locking screw trajectory and length metaphysis and diaphysis of the femur. These
can be planned to maximize fixation, to obtain solutions are built custom-fitted to patient’s anat-
the most efficient purchase in host bone and to omy, obtained from CT reconstruction of the
minimize vascular risk. Previous implants femur, to allow a broad stress distribution and
removal has to be performed being careful not to best possible fit between bone and stem surface.
further compromise the residual bone. Then However nowadays, long-stemmed standard
periacetabular bone has to be prepared to receive implants or modular distal stems are more cost-­
the customized implant as planned. The aim is to effective than custom devices in revision surgery.
achieve a good amount of contact surface For this reason, their use is not frequently seen
between component and vital bone, without [4, 52, 56].
removing too much tissue. The precision-fit of
the implant to the remaining patient’s bone stock
minimizes the need for more bone resection to fit 1.5 Conclusions
a standard acetabular revision component [4,
57]. At this point 3D-printed trial models of the 3D printing is an innovative and expanding field
involved hemipelvis and of the customized in orthopedic surgery. Preoperative study, surgi-
implant, suitably sterilized so that can be han- cal planning for didactical use, specific instru-
dled by members of the surgical team, provide ments for resection, and custom-made implants
visual and tactile reproduction of the deficient are nowadays viable options to treat more com-
pelvic bony anatomy and of the mutual relation- plex cases.
ship with the component. This, besides the men-
tioned help in the preoperative planning, enables
and improves understanding of the anatomy dur- References
ing surgery, facilitating intraoperative decisions.
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The Rationale of 3D Printing
in Oncological Orthopaedics
Rodolfo Capanna and Lorenzo Andreani

2.1 Introduction if we are able to implant 3D prostheses today, it is

thanks to Charles W. Hull, a well-known engi-
Orthopaedic oncological surgery, unlike tradi- neer who invented 3D printing in the late 1980s.
tional orthopaedic surgery, is by definition inva- He was the inventor of the so-called stereolithog-
sive and often requires wide resections of bone, raphy, an adding manufacturing process that pro-
soft tissue or both. For a long time, the classical duces objects by hitting photosensitive liquid
treatments for patients with large malignant resin with ultraviolet light; the resin photochemi-
tumours of the limbs was demolitive surgery. In cally polymerize adding layers that make up the
the last decades, because of the availability of body of a solid object. Following evolutions of
more accurate modalities for imaging, the use of the technique enabled its expansion to a multi-
neoadjuvant chemotherapy, improved resection tude of sectors. In the medical field stereolitho-
techniques and prosthetic devices, the majority of graphic models are actually used to aid diagnosis,
cases have been treated with the so-called limb-­ preoperative planning and reconstruction devices.
salvage surgery. The diffusion of reconstructive The modern printers are based on the traditional
procedures led to a reduction of functional and additive manufacturing technique by adding the
psychological disability for the oncological use of specific software for computer aided
patient [1–4]. Methods for skeletal reconstruc- design or computer aided manufacturing (CAD/
tion include massive osteoarticular allograft, CAM).
endoprosthetic reconstruction and prosthetic– These software are able to acquire patients’
allograft composites. Inter alia, the advent of data from CT, MRI or other scan and to translate
metallic prostheses allowed a functional recovery them into a format suitable for stereolithography,
nearly 80% of the normal function and, in the through a process called segmentation. Accurate
follow-up, only 16% of the patients goes towards 3D models of a specific anatomic region can be
definitive failure and/or secondary amputation produced using this technique. The modern 3D
[4]. The reconstruction is of primary importance printers that are so-called powder based have a
and is actually the most challenging act for the further evolution: instead of the liquid resin, a
orthopaedic surgeon. powder bed interacts with the moving head of the
Technological development significantly con- printer that releases a laser beam or a binding
tributed to surgical advance in the last years and material; the parts touched by the laser or the
glue fuse together creating the desired model.
The use of specific metallic powders allows the
R. Capanna · L. Andreani (*)
University of Pisa, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy creation of customized products in stainless steel,

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 13

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
14 R. Capanna and L. Andreani

titanium, ceramic, high performance plastic [5, same models can be used as part of medical stu-
6]. To remove debris and powder excess a post-­ dents training but also for an educational purpose
processing stage is necessary, in order to obtain towards the patient in order to explain the effects
biocompatible and sterile products ready to be of the disease and its surgical treatment obtaining
implanted in human body. According to the type an informed consent as clear as possible [9–11].
of fusion technique, material and porosity, the
post-processing can be complex, leading to
increased time of fabrication and costs. 2.1.2 Guiding JIGS
Particularly, the removal of unfused powder from
porous implant micro-channels and holes is an (b) 3D print is also commonly used to produce
arduous issue. Usually it requires a blasting phase surgical cutting guides for bone resection.
or abrasive jet machining with rotate and vibrate These are devices that, positioned intraopera-
system, followed by washing steps with distilled tively to given landmarks, guide the surgeon
water and other solutions such as ethanol or ace- throughout the osteotomy. Despite their cost,
ton [7]. Moreover, some implants surface is they offer more precise resection, with minimal
coated with hydroxyapatite or other material to sacrifice of noble structures and healthy tissue.
improve osteointegration and fit. Patients treated with intraoperative use of surgi-
The success of 3D printing application in cal guides seem to report better functional out-
orthopaedic oncological surgery relies exactly in comes with higher MSTS (Musculoskeletal
the customization of the products. Soft tissue and Tumour Society Score); moreover, patients with
bone malignant tumours are rare and often joint involvement, seem to develop less mechani-
develop in unusual patterns, requiring often per- cal complications during follow up [12, 13].
sonalized treatments. Moreover because of the Surgical cutting guides can help preparing the
histologic variability and the local aggressive- osteoarticular allograft too: a precise and person-
ness, a case-specific approach is mandatory. alized osteotomy on the donor bone improves
In orthopaedic oncological surgery, 3D print- allograft fit with patient’s bone, with a far better
ing technique finds application in the following result compared to freehand saw (Fig. 2.1).
major fields: Beyond the benefits regarding the application
of 3D-printed cutting guides, there are a few dis-
(a) Preoperative planning and training advantages to keep in mind. The costs, the surgi-
(3D-models); cal times often related to the confidence of the
(b) Intraoperative support for precise bone cut- surgeon, the need of a wide surgical exposure to
ting (guiding jigs); point out the anatomical landmarks are all aspects
(c) Method for reconstruction (3D prostheses or that should be taken into consideration [11, 13].
scaffold). Sometimes, the presence of soft tissues on the
bone surface does not allow a perfect match of
the cutting guide on the bone surface preventing
2.1.1 3D Models its correct use. Furthermore, in order to have a
good stability and to recognize the right position-
(a) The creation of models, reproducing the ing, the cutting guide must have a large support
lesion within its anatomical region, for preopera- area and it requires a large stripping of the mus-
tive training enables the surgeon to improve his/ cles in the areas of osteotomies. Moreover, there
her technique and self-confidence becoming are some dangerous areas for the application of
more expert; this eventually leads to a reduction cutting guides as sacroiliac joint, sciatic notch,
of surgical times, intraoperative bleeding, X-rays anterior groin region, where there is the passage
exposure, risk of nerve or vascular damage and of neuro-vascular bundle or the major branches
also a better aesthetic result [8]. Moreover, the (i.e. gluteal and hypogastric arteries).
2 The Rationale of 3D Printing in Oncological Orthopaedics 15

a b

c d

Fig. 2.1 Grade I chondrosarcoma of the lateral femoral guide was used both for tumour resection and to obtain the
condyle with indication to condyle surgical resection and allograft from the donor, achieving a high congruency of
reconstruction. A surgical cutting guide was produced the surfaces (c, d). The excellent functional scores at fol-
through the acquisition of preoperative CT, MRI and PET low-­up (MSTS and KSS) confirmed the success
scan. 3D-CAD model and the cutting guide (a, b). The

Finally, the cut must be done throw a slotted 2.1.3 3D Prostheses
guide not throw a sliding surface. Moreover, the
guide should be thick enough to avoid oblique cut (c) In orthopaedic oncological surgery massive
caused by bending of the saw or should have a demolition is mandatory to achieve f­ ree-of-­disease
thick surface for sliding cut of the saw. These margins and therefore decrease the rate of local
solutions require a bulky toll. recurrence of malignant tumours. The restoration
16 R. Capanna and L. Andreani

of the resulting defects can be addressed with Bone transplants from a donor (allografts) or
various approaches and materials depending on recycled autografts represented, and still repre-
several factors including the site and width of the sent, a valid and effective reconstructive tech-
resection, local tissue irradiation, previous site of nique leading to good functional results (70%
biopsy or intervention, diagnosis and grade of average MSTS). Moreover, availability of such
tumour, patient age, comorbidities and life expec- allografts is limited. In alternative, recycling and
tation [14–16]. reimplantation of the resected bone after devital-
izing procedures (irradiation, autoclaving, alco- Evolution of Reconstruction hol or liquid nitrogen bath) could be done. These
Concept and Technology methods have many advantages such as: perfect
Among resections, those performed in the pelvic matching of the cut surfaces and no immune
region are the most challenging to face to for its reaction. But they also have many disadvantages:
three-dimensional anatomy and the closeness to not applicable for osteolytic lesions, no evalua-
vulnerable structures. A few decades ago most tion of surgical specimen and induced necrosis
pelvic tumours were treated with hindquarter by preoperative neoadjuvant treatment, decreased
amputation. Later on simple biological recon- strength of the grafts, particularly for irradiated
struction were introduced periacetabular resec- and autoclaved grafts, lower after alcohol or
tions involving ileo and ischio-pubic branches cryo-treatment).
(II + III Type of Duhann-Enneking Classification) Fresh frozen, sterile allografts, taken from
were reconstructed by ileo-femoral coaptation or bone bank and chosen by a computer according
ileo-femoral arthrodesis [2]. The construct was with site and size are commonly used today.
simple and resulted in a stable and painless limb, Grafts must be treated with rifampicin before
but the usual evolution was in a stiff pseudoar- application to prevent infections [17].
throsis or in arthrodesis. Patients experienced In periacetabular pelvic resection with
restricted motion and limb shortening (around involvement of ilium (type I + II), the graft can be
4–5 cm). On the other hand, a primary arthrode- fixed with cannulated screws both to the sacrum
sis was successful in less than a half of patients and pelvic ramus. In periacetabular reconstruc-
due to limited contact, thin area for screw fixa- tion after type II + III resection (periacetabular
tion, impaired blood supply and biomechanical with pelvic ramus) the graft can be fixed with two
disadvantage for the long lever arm. Moreover, plates to the ilium, while fixation to the anterior
even if ileo-femoral fusion was achieved with pelvic arch is optional and not mandatory.
excellent stability, patient satisfaction was low The main advantages of graft are the possibil-
for the lack of motion, spine pain and difficulty to ity to replace up to the entire hemipelvis and to be
reach the sitting position. moulded in the operative field to better fit to bone
In periacetabular resection involving the ileum gap, compensating any intraoperative unexpected
(I + II type of pelvic resection), ischiofemoral variations of the resection margins. While their
arthrodesis was performed with screws or wiring. versatility is evident, still it’s hard to obtain per-
The first procedure was particularly successful in fect interface contact to the native bone consider-
children due to frequent ischiofemoral union rate, ing both three-dimensional aspect of pelvis and
hip motion hinging in pubic symphysis associ- freehand osteotomy.
ated with limited shortening and acceptable func- Both allografts and autografts expose to a cer-
tion. The wiring, instead, particularly in adult tain risk of major post-operative complications
patients, usually failed ending in a flail hip, short- like deep infections, non-unions or fractures, hip
ening and instability, with poor functional results. dislocations and nervous palsy (sciatic or femoral
All these difficulties associate to unsatisfac- nerve) [18–20]. High is the revision rate of these
tory functional outcomes led orthopaedic sur- implants [21].
geons to search alternative limb sparing Infection is a major complication (~ 20%). It
techniques. is a predictable event, considering closeness to
2 The Rationale of 3D Printing in Oncological Orthopaedics 17

viscera (rectum, bladder, urethra), long operative can be dangerous to the sciatic nerve and iliac
times and the low immune defences of oncologi- vessels.
cal patients [19, 22–26]. The allograft may also be reinforced:
In order to decrease the infective risk an anti-
biotic bath is suggested before implantation. 1. Pressurizing liquid cement in the space
Infection often requires allograft removal and between the two cortex through a hole in the
two stage revision with the implantation of a acetabulum and using a flanged cage for
moulded cemented antibiotic loaded spacer. support;
The high risk of non-union in sacral or iliac 2. Implanting an ‘ice cream’ shaped (i.e. Mc
interface should be considered especially when Minn cup) prostheses fully immersed in the
an irradiated or autoclaved graft is implanted allograft or with the distal conus extremity
(around 50% of cases) [27]. The rate of non-­ press fitted in the host bone as a primary
union for cryopreserved allograft is rare. More implant. More appropriately we name these
frequent is non-union in particularly of the ante- implants composite allo-prostheses.
rior arch bones but it is clinically irrelevant. Non-­
union risk factors can be local (especially due to The use of a cemented cup within the allograft
narrow bone anchorage and to mismatch between to restore hip joint reduces the risk of implant
native bone and graft interface) or systemic loosening and dislocation compared to bipolar
(including poor vascularization, diabetes, infec- cup [3].
tions or chronic use of corticosteroids) [19, 28]. To prevent instability, artificial ligaments or
The risk of non-union is very low when the proxi- mesh wrapped around the prosthetic neck are
mal osteotomy is transverse, oblique or V-shaped recommended [24]. Also dual mobility, snap fit
through the iliac bone and solid osteosynthesis or retentive cup are commonly used to increase
with one or two plates is performed. A posterior stability.
plate following the ideal projection of sacroiliac Beyond the good outcomes, grafts are affected
joint and crossing the osteotomy is recom- by some limitations: they are hard to find, to pro-
mended. In this way, the screws have a solid grip cess and to preserve. However, the graft era con-
in the thick bone of the sacroiliac area. However, tributed with no doubt in better understanding the
in total hemipelvis resection when the proximal reconstruction pitfalls bringing unique anatomi-
osteotomy is vertically drawn through the sacro- cal and mechanical knowledge in terms of resec-
iliac joint or the sacral wing, important shear tion lines and stabilization.
stress are present at the interface with increased An alternative to biological reconstructions is
risk of pseudoarthrosis or screw fatigue failures. represented by pelvic endoprosthesis. These
When cannulated screws are inserted through the devices were born during the boom of arthro-
allograft into the sacrum, these should have an plasty and their design provided only the geom-
oblique direction (postero-anterior) and reach the etry recovery of bone resected omitting load
anterior part of S1 and S2 body (thicker bone) forces distribution and implant stability; for this
avoiding the posterior structure (sacral canal). feature some authors called it as ‘geometric pel-
The free hand screw insertion is technically vic endoprostheses’ [29]. The first was implanted
demanding particularly when it is not supported in 1970 by Scales and Rodney and, despite the
by navigation systems. The simple intraoperative implant was removed for infection a few years
2D X-ray control is often troublesome and later, they open the way for the development of
misleading. new implant designs and manufactures.
Fracture or bone graft resorption was observed Gradinger, some years later, applied the custom-­
in a small number of cases (less than 10%) [21]. made concept on pelvic endoprosthesis after
As fracture prevention, a double plate for each tumour removal, but the patients’ outcomes were
column or a long plate across sacroiliac joint, unsatisfactory due both to the low accuracy of
innominated line and pubis may be used but it planning and to the long surgeon learning curve
18 R. Capanna and L. Andreani

especially for the periacetabular reconstruction insert in 3D design (primary stability). Type of
[21, 30, 31]. After that, at the end of the last cen- fixation in pelvic reconstruction is based on the
tury, there was a phase of transition in which the osteotomy level: if it is proximal to iliac neck—at
implantation of saddle prostheses became popu- the pole of a sciatic notch—implant stability is
lar in pelvic resection with iliac residual bone achieved with surface contact plus two antirota-
[32, 33]. Their spread led to biomechanical tional stems. In case the osteotomy is at the iliac
refinements and to the definition of ‘modularity’ neck, which is a thick structure, a simple ice
concept, inherited from second and third cream shape modular prosthesis may be suffi-
­generation saddle prostheses (Mark II and PAR). cient, as reported by De Paolis [35]. If the oste-
The evolution of technique led then to the birth of otomy crosses the sacroiliac joint, plates and plug
the so-called Structural pelvic endoprostheses must be used.
distinguished from the previous ones since based In order to choose the anchorage areas, bone
on pelvic distributions of loads. In this category, thickness and closeness to susceptible structures
we find the iliac stem endoprostheses, from the should be considered. In pelvis the thicker bone
first Pedestal cup developed by Zimmer to the areas for better implant anchorage are the sacro-
more recent LUMiC® (Implantcast, 2003). This iliac area (Fig. 2.2), the innominate line and
modular device, requiring iliac neck integrity, above all the iliac neck. It seems not crucial a
presents an ‘ice cream’ shape and it is composed contact and/or fixation with the ileum and/or
by an acetabular cup and a cemented or not iliac ischio-pubic ramus, if the proximal contact and
stem. Low dislocation rates and good functional stability are optimal. All above are lessons
outcomes still make these prostheses a valid learned from previous allograft replacement
alternative in II or II + III type pelvic reconstruc- experience.
tion [34, 35]. Still unresolved is the matter of the anchorage
The others type of ‘Structural pelvic endo- after hemipelvis resection. In this setting the lim-
prostheses’ are the modular pelvic endoprosthe- ited bone interface contact area and the important
ses. Their small size allowed soft tissues coverage sliding forces determining vertical shift affect
and this could reduce infective complications. implant instability. Moreover, the sacral bone is
However clinically outcomes were unsatisfactory spongy and porotic and there are close dangerous
especially for their structural stiffness [36]. areas for screw fixation. Alternatively, an ‘L
In this scenario 3D printing technology and shaped mounting bracket’ stabilized to sacrum
bioengineering led the way to a new option for by screws in orthogonal planes and a rotational
reconstruction after bone massive resection: the joint centre proximally and medially shifted (to
custom-made prostheses 3D printed. Nowadays decrease lever arm and bending forces) (Fig. 2.2).
custom-made implants represent an emerging In these cases, anchoring extension to the lumbar
alternative to biological reconstruction [37–39]. spine may be considered.
Preoperative high definition CT scan images Trial components can be printed previously to
are processed using CAD software in order to evaluate how the definitive titanium implant
design a titanium implant that assumes the exact would fit. Only after surgeon approval, the 3D
shape and geometry of the patient’s bone, creat- model can become definitive. Since these
ing a perfect copy of the anatomical part that will implants cannot be modified after print, it’s nec-
be sacrificed. In oncological setting, MRI and essary to obtain a bone defect with shape and size
PET can be performed in order to improve under- completely respectful to the preoperative plan-
standing of neoplasm extension in the soft tissues ning, in order to achieve an optimal match. The
and metabolic activity. The preoperative planning precision of resection is crucial also to obtain
includes bioengineers’ biomechanical studies, free-disease margins and 3D-printed cutting
that are crucial in order to obtain a resistant and guides should be used to increase accuracy.
stable implant. Peg, flag and support plates are Surgeon training on trial models can be obtained
2 The Rationale of 3D Printing in Oncological Orthopaedics 19

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 2.2 (a, b, c) Preoperative X-rays, MR and CT in of implant prosthesis. (e) Intraoperative view (f) 1 year
patient affected by pelvis chondrosarcoma involving left X-ray follow-up full weight bearing
periacetabular region and iliac bone. (d) 3D–CAD model

before surgery to memorize guide plate position- guides positioning requires extended soft tissue
ing and orientation in their correct placement release and is close to sciatic notch or sacroiliac
reducing intraoperative doubts and surgical time. area [40, 41].
Intraoperative computed navigation is another The perfect fit between custom-made implants
tool that could aid precision, especially if the and recipient site guarantees restoration of bone
20 R. Capanna and L. Andreani

continuity in conformity with patient’s anatomy. ses, performing immediately the resection with
The absolute respect of the original shape of the positioning of an antibiotic loaded spacer, to keep
bone would translate in better postoperative func- in place until the 3D components are ready.
tional results compared to patients treated with Splitting the surgical treatment in two different
standard prosthesis or biological bone grafts. operations can bring some benefits, beyond the
If all these requirements are achieved, the sur- immediate removal of the mass. The patient
gical time of reconstruction is minimal with high undergoes two procedures with shorter times
impact in infection control. compared to a unique procedure, meaning less
However, no errors are admitted in custom-­ blood loss and eventually a reduced infection risk
made prostheses: wrong cutting planes or mis- [45]; moreover, a second surgical step gives the
matching in contact surface are impossible to surgeon the opportunity to make a new staging
correct intraoperatively. Things are slightly dif- and have a second look on margins if necessary
ferent for allografts: their overall adaptability is during the reconstruction procedure. However,
better since they can be moulded intraoperatively the choice between one or two steps procedure
in order to change their size and shape, if must be taken after specific considerations for
necessary. every single case.
Definitive custom-made prosthesis can also be Even in major revision surgery of intrapelvic
tailored in terms of porosity, density and elastic- loosed prosthesis, with pseudotumour and pelvic
ity, with the aim to retrace not only the form, but discontinuity, a two steps procedures may be use-
also the biomechanical characteristics of the ful for several reasons: (1) check no skin necrosis
native bone tissue and joint, improving osteointe- of surgical approach, (2) reduced impact in older
gration (secondary stability) [42–44]. A stable patients, (3) reduced blood loss, (4) opportunity
fixation (primary stability) improve osteointegra- to do sample culture and exclude infection, (5)
tion (secondary stability) at bone interface. Soft better evaluation of bone loss in CT examination
tissue adhesion at the porous surface of the pros- (no metallic artefacts) and (6) more accurate
theses may also improve stability. Moreover, planning of the implant and cutting jigs.
porous architecture reduces weight implant and Up to now reconstruction with grafts and
allows inside loading of antibiotic or antiseptic custom-­made implants seems to have compara-
solutions, reducing the infection risk. The pros- ble rates of infections and mechanical complica-
thesis surface features smooth areas in order to tions such as loosening and dislocation. What
reduce scar or neurovascular issue: these areas makes a significant difference between the two
are located at ileopubis ramus, sacroiliac joint techniques is the functional outcome: the precise
and at sciatic notch, where vessels and nerve typ- fit of the custom-made implants reproduces
ically cross. native anatomy with all the features above men-
The production of such complex implants tioned and this clearly influences ROM and
however, in not easy. Preoperative planning, patients’ satisfaction. The clinical evaluation
engineering studies, trials print and implant com- with the MSTS score reports higher rates for
ponents production require long times that should patients treated with custom-made implants
be taken into consideration. When facing a [46–49].
chemo- or radiotherapy sensitive primary tumour,
the temporal window necessary for the custom-­
made implant creation becomes a favourable 2.2 Intercalary 3D Prosthesis
time to perform neoadjuvant treatments.
However, other malignant tumours can be locally Custom-made prosthesis’s popularity is also aris-
aggressive and sometimes chemo or radiotherapy ing in another challenging field of orthopaedic
nonresponsive, so an early surgical treatment is oncology: intercalary reconstruction of long
mandatory. In these cases, the surgeon can pro- bone. Several techniques are described in litera-
crastinate the implant of a custom-made prosthe- ture, from vascularized allografts, devitalized
2 The Rationale of 3D Printing in Oncological Orthopaedics 21

allografts and autografts to standard or modular porous, to allow cell spreading and effective
prosthesis. Even though good functional results transport of nutrients, oxygen, waste, as well as
have been described after the use of both biologi- growth factors, favouring continuous ingrowth of
cal and prosthetic reconstructions, either one of bone tissue. Scaffolds can be seeded with stami-
them expose patients to a certain risk of nal cells or loaded with bioactive substances able
­complications. Biological approaches are associ- to mimic the natural ECM and conduct the local
ated with good long term results but are also bur- cells to differentiate and colonize the structure.
dened with a relatively high risk of short term In this logic, 3D printing technology, along-
complications [50]. On the contrary, non-­ side with the latest advances in tissue engineer-
biological implants can provide good short and ing, can provide an alternative approach to
mid-term results and satisfying functional out- prosthetic or graft reconstructions, with the aim
comes, but their long-term complication rate is not only to replace, but also to regenerate the
relatively high [51]. In reason of this, the popu- damaged tissue.
larity of this solution is gradually declining.
3D-printed custom-­ made intercalary implants
have the potential to represent a compromise 2.4 Conclusion
between the two, promising to converge the early
functional results of the standard prosthetic 1. 3D printing and bioengineering are showing
implants with the advantages of the osteointegra- an outstanding potential and custom-made
tion with the left native bone. As previously prosthesis can be considered as some of the
described, osteotomy should be performed using most promising reconstructive devices intro-
3D-printed osteotomy guide plates in order to duced on the market during the last years.
ensure the respect of the preoperative plan and Respect to custom-made casted conventional
the adequate fit of the custom-made implant mega-prosthesis, 3D-printed ones show the
within the bone loss. Nevertheless, the safety of following major advantages:
margins and the anatomy of compartments should (a) Trial components.
be always kept in mind, and the respect of preop- (b) Perfect morphological replica of the
erative planning must not take over on the dic- resected bone.
tates of orthopaedic oncological surgery. Once (c) Availability of cutting jigs for accurate
the osteotomies are performed, respectful of mar- surface fitting.
gins and preoperative planning, the implant is (d) Intraoperative guides for controlled
then inserted on site and fixed with screws to the screws insertion.
remnant native bone [52]. (e) Location of size, length and direction of
There is still paucity of studies regarding this screws, pins, plate (primary stability).
topic, but the first results described in literature (f) Three-dimensional porous surface allow-
are encouraging in terms of good functional ing bone ingrowth at the osteosynthesis
scores and low complication rates at least in the and soft tissue attachment (secondary sta-
short time period [53, 54]. bility and muscle fixation).
This is more than a ‘simple’ 3D prosthesis,
in fact we have to rely on a 3D philosophy
2.3 3D Scaffolds reconstruction technique.
2. One of the most important limitations to the
In addition to implants, 3D printer technology spread of this technology is represented by the
can be used to produce the so-called scaffolds, cost of every single prosthesis. Nowadays the
biocompatible structures of natural or synthetic price of custom-made implants can be very
origin, which can mimic the extracellular matrix high if compared to off-the-shelf prosthesis,
to improve cells attachment and proliferation. In but not respect to grafts. Paradoxically, this
order to provide their function, scaffolds must be trouble could be circumvented with a higher
22 R. Capanna and L. Andreani

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and its application in pelvic tumor resection and
The 3D Printing Production
Maurizio Scorianz, Lorenzo Guariento,
and Domenico Andrea Campanacci

3.1 Introduction Chuck Hull independently developed a 3D printer

and patented the process, coining the term
Additive manufacturing technology (AM), or 3D Stereolithography [3].
printing, was developed in the 1980s of the last At first, AM was used to produce prototypes,
century [1]. Before then, only the subtractive then, in the last decades, it became more and
manufacturing was available. more popular as the number of different technol-
Subtractive manufacturing involves the ogies and materials became available. The low
removal of material from a solid block. This pro- cost of some 3D printers and materials allowed
cess was at first performed manually and subse- their sale by retail stores and their diffusion to
quently it was automated by machines. In the non-professional users.
beginning, those machines were controlled by AM is a viable process to manufacture single
mechanical methods, like cams; then, numerical parts or small series and this is ideal for prototyp-
controlled machines used punched cards contain- ing. Moreover, there are no limitations concern-
ing the manufacturing data. ing the geometry and it allows to manufacture
In the late 1950s, Computer Numerical Control complex internal structures. This technology
machines (CNC) were introduced, making data allows for a high design flexibility and customiz-
management more flexible since punched cards ability: the same 3D printer can produce very dif-
were no longer necessary [2]. But it wasn’t until ferent parts, changing the design geometry and
the 1960s, when computers became more afford- choosing different building materials (Fig. 3.2).
able, that this technique increased popularity. Limitations and advantages of subtractive
In 1981, Hideo Kodama developed the first 3D manufacturing and additive manufacturing are
printer, which was used to build a model house summarized in (Table 3.1).
and a relief map (Fig. 3.1) [1]. Later, in 1986,

M. Scorianz (*) · D. A. Campanacci 3.2  rom Diagnostic Imaging

Orthopaedic Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery to the Anatomical Model
Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi,
Department of Health Sciences, University of
Florence, Florence, Italy It is not possible to obtain a good quality
e-mail:; 3D-printed object from poor quality medical imaging. Therefore, the first step is to obtain
L. Guariento good quality radiological images with high spa-
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of tial resolution and contrast, which are the key
Florence, Florence, Italy
factors directly impacting 3D model accuracy.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 25

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
26 M. Scorianz et al.

Table 3.1 Main advantages and limitations of subtrac-

tive and additive manufacturing
Subtractive Additive
manufacturing manufacturing
PROS High accuracy No need for specific
High surface finishing Relatively low
machine cost
Low cost for a big No manufacturing
volume production constraints
High productivity Low changeover cost
levels and minimal setup
CONS High machine and Relative low
tooling cost accuracy and surface
Low production High cost for large
flexibility production volume
Fig. 3.1 3D-printed house model fabricated by Hideo Production of waste Manual finishing is
Kodama (Reproduced from Automatic method for fabri- material often necessary
cating a three-dimensional plastic model with photo-­ Limitations regarding
hardening polymer, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. manufacturable
52, No. 11, pp. 1770–73, November 1981, with the per- geometries
mission of AIP Publishing)

ability to discern different densities of two adja-

cent regions.
CT scans are usually sufficient for some pro-
cedures, like designing customized osteotomy
guides to correct axial deformities [4], while oth-
ers need both the data from CT and MRI, for
example to highlight a bone tumor [5]: in such
cases, the bone tissue is acquired by CT, while
soft tissues are usually more efficiently visual-
ized on MRI. The acquisition of the appropriate
MRI sequences and, in some cases, the use of a
contrast medium is necessary to perform the sub-
sequent steps of the 3D printing process.
Image registration is a critical step to correctly
overlay the sequences with one another. Image
registration is typically performed with manual
or semiautomatic algorithms that involve the
Fig. 3.2 A 3D-printed adapter designed by Solid Energy manual selection of corresponding landmarks
and manufactured by Ferrari. During the COVID-19 pan- respectively on CT and MRI scans. This process
demic, Ferrari used the 3D printers at its Maranello plant
to produce respirator valves and fittings for protective requires at least three couples of non-aligned
masks (Courtesy of Solid Energy S.r.l. and Ferrari S.p.A) points; a higher number of points increase the
accuracy (Fig. 3.4).
Spatial resolution depends on the minimum dis- Image fusion allows to enhance the informa-
tance between two details of an image that can be tion provided by each imaging technique.
resolved, and thus affects the minimum size of Image fusion is carried out by specialized
the object that can be detected (Fig. 3.3). Image software which combines multiple diagnostic
contrast, for a grayscale image, is the difference images within a single data set to improve the
of luminosity between pixels, which affects the information content and clinical applicability [6].
3 The 3D Printing Production Procedure 27

a b

Fig. 3.3 An example of a low resolution (a) and a high-resolution CT image of the pelvis (b)

Fig. 3.4 An example of alignment in 2D. At least three corresponding points are necessary to perform the alignment
without ambiguities. The same principle is valid in 3D

The next step involves the segmentation of the sub-volumes composed by voxels with uniform
images. Diagnostic images segmentation is an characteristics; then each region is labeled to
essential process that allows to outline the geo- classify every anatomical area into bone, vessels,
metric features of the structures of interest and it or pathological areas like tumors or other lesions.
is the first step for the production of a 3D ana- A 3D anatomical model should provide clini-
tomical model. Image segmentation separates a cians with useful and readily usable information;
2D or 3D image into unconnected regions (seg- therefore, it is a good practice to perform the seg-
ments) which are homogenous for specific signal mentation only on the anatomical regions of inter-
characteristics, typically geometric and intensity-­ est to reduce the computational cost and preparation
based features of pixels [7]. More specifically, time. While designing models for 3D printing, the
3D image segmentation splits the volume into operator should find the best compromise between
28 M. Scorianz et al.

the model’s complexity and its effectiveness in sup- techniques obtained promising results in those
porting surgeons’ decisions. In most cases, a 3D complex tasks [9]. Deep learning uses artificial
anatomical reconstruction with a small number of neural networks consisting of parallel computing
elements might be more useful than a very com- systems inspired by biological neural networks.
plex model, which guarantees an accurate anatomi- Those networks learn by analyzing example
cal reproduction but, on the other hand, it might images that have been manually segmented by
result less useful in assessing the anatomical rela- humans, then using the data acquired to perform
tionship between the structures of interest. automatic segmentation of new images.
To date, there is no standard segmentation After the segmentation, the following phase is
method capable of producing satisfactory results the meshing process. A 3D polygonal mesh is
for all imaging applications. created, which encloses the volume correspond-
Manual image segmentation is a challenging ing to the segmented anatomical region. A polyg-
time-consuming task, requiring a long learning onal mesh is defined by an ordered collection of
curve and presenting interdiscipline and interob- vertices, edges, and faces. The most popular for-
server variations [8]. Several automatic segmenta- mat to represent a mesh is the STL format.
tion tools were developed to reduce the human The STL file is a proprietary format that was
input. The quality of the automatic segmentation developed by 3D System in 1988 [10] to be used
depends on the quality of the original image and with stereolithography. STL, being openly docu-
the algorithm selected by the user; the parameters mented, was later adopted by almost all other 3D
of the algorithm could be fine-tuned by the user printing technologies. There is no agreement on
and the results can be further manually refined. the original meaning of the file extension STL;
Threshold is one of the most commonly used auto- the most commonly accepted are STereo
matic segmentation tool of orthopedics CT images; Lithography, Standard Tessellation Language,
this method analyzes the different density of tis- and Standard Triangle Language.
sues, obtaining the automatic segmentation of An STL file is composed of a series of con-
bone segments. Other traditional methods of auto- nected ordered triangles and each triangle is
matic segmentation struggle to work on more defined by the facet normal and three vertices
complex tissues, like tumors, where most of the (Fig. 3.5). The process of covering a surface with
segmentation must be done by the operator. In the polygons (triangles in the STL format) is called
last decade, deep learning automatic segmentation tessellation.

a b

Fig. 3.5 A 3D triangular mesh of a tibia (a). The surface is represented with connected triangles. By decreasing the
triangle size, the approximation error decreases (b)
3 The 3D Printing Production Procedure 29

The approximation of a smooth surface with a

triangular mesh inevitably introduces the facet-
ting error, which is depicted in (Fig. 3.6). Such
error is defined as the average distance between
the original surface and the result of the facetting
operation; it can be reduced by increasing the
facets number, especially in curved regions,
though the file size is increased too, as well as the
computational cost. According to the specific
case, the facets number should represent the best
compromise between facetting error and compu-
tational cost. The STL file is compatible with
most CAD software and 3D printers, though
some corrections are often required before 3D
printing. The most common operations per- Fig. 3.7 Illustration of the slicing process. The 3D mesh
is intersected with a series of parallel planes, and the sec-
formed on an STL file are hole fixing, facet nor-
tions are extracted. The path of each section is passed to
mal correction and intersecting faces correction, the 3D printer which reproduces the model layer by layer
procedures intended to create a “watertight”
mesh free of errors.
AMF (Additive Manufacturing File Format) is AM formats, both able to integrate details about tex-
the official open standard for AM [11]. Despite ture and material properties in a very compact file.
this file contains information about texture and A 3D model should be designed with its pur-
material, it is only compatible with professional pose and the manufacturing technology in mind.
high-end 3D printers and consequently it is If the model contains details smaller than the 3D
unsupported by most manufacturers and CAD printer resolution, it might be convenient to
software. smooth the 3D mesh. At the same time, when
3MF (3D Manufacturing Format) and VRLM multiple objects need to be printed during the
(Virtual Reality Modeling Language) are popular same process, specific supports are used to main-
tain the parts in the correct relative position. Once
prepared, the mesh is processed by the 3D printer
software for manufacturing. Most 3D printer
software performs an operation called slicing
(Fig. 3.7), in which the software intersects the
mesh with a series of parallel planes; each inter-
section represents the path for the 3D printer
head on each layer.
Using the 3D anatomical model as a reference
and Computer-aided design (CAD) software, it is
possible to design an orthopedic implant or a sur-
gical cutting guide.

Fig. 3.6 Facetting error in 2D. When a continuous curve, 3.3  D Printing Technology Used
like the circle in blue, is approximated with a polygon, a in Orthopedics
representation error is made, which is called facetting
error. By increasing the number of sides of the polygon, The ISO/ASTM 52900 international standard
the error decreases. The same concept is valid in 3D,
where a smooth surface is represented by a collection of [12] developed in 2015 clears definitions for
polygons (triangles for the .STL format) terms and nomenclature associated with additive
30 M. Scorianz et al.

manufacturing technology, making possible to

classify the different types of 3D printers.
3D printers employed in orthopedics have dif-
ferent advantages and limitations determining
their application in surgery, patient education or
surgical simulation. The most commonly used
3D printers in orthopedics take advantages of the
following technologies: Stereolithography
(SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Electron
Beam Melting (EBM), Selective Laser Melting
Fig. 3.8 SLS printed cutting guide (Courtesy and ©
(SLM), Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). Adler Ortho S.p.A)

3.3.1 Stereolithography and the printer deposits a new layer of powder.

The process continues until completion of the
SLA (Stereolithography Apparatus) models are piece (Fig. 3.9). One of the main advantages pro-
built from a photosensitive resin which is selec- vided by SLS, compared to other technologies, is
tively cured by a UV light beam. The process is that the unsintered powder acts as a support mate-
repeated for each layer, and once the part is fin- rial for the part, which makes the post-processing
ished, it is placed into an UV oven until complete very straightforward and reduces the waste mate-
polymerization of the resin. SLA printers can rial. SLS machines are quite large and expansive,
cover a wide range of applications due to the but the large printing volume allows to efficiently
broad spectrum of available resins with different build many different parts in the same process,
mechanical properties. In the medical field, SLA which decreases the cost for a single component.
is mainly used in orthodontics and for dental sur-
gical guides, but it is also widely employed to
manufacture high-precision anatomical models. 3.3.3 Electron Beam Melting
SLA printers build parts with very high dimen-
sional accuracy (small slice thickness) and excel- Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is one of the most
lent surface finish. The main drawback of this commonly employed powder bed printing tech-
technology is the high cost of the resin, and thus niques to manufacture custom implants and sur-
of the printed part. gical cutting guides (Fig. 3.10).
The working principle of Electron Beam
Melting (EBM) is similar to SLS, with the dif-
3.3.2 Selective Laser Sintering ference that the building material is a metal
powder, usually titanium and cobalt-chromium
SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) is one of the alloys powder. An electron beam selectively
most popular AM technologies because it pro- fuses the powder, then a new layer of powder is
vides parts with fine details and excellent surface deposed and the process continues layer by
finish at a relatively low cost (Fig. 3.8). The com- layer. The temperature inside the build chamber
ponent is built from a thin layer of polymeric is close to the melting point of the powder to
powder, which is selectively fused by a high-­ reduce the laser energy necessary to melt the
power laser. The building chamber is sealed and material. EBM, thanks to the support provided
maintained at a temperature close to the melting by the non-fused powder, can manufacture
point of the powder, in order to minimize the complex internal structures with tunable poros-
laser power necessary to fuse the material. Once ity to promote bone ingrowth and reduce the
the laser has sintered the first section of the global stiffness, to match the bone mechanical
model, the elevator moves in the build direction properties and reduce stress shielding effect. In
3 The 3D Printing Production Procedure 31

Fig. 3.9 Scheme of a Laser

Deflection mirror
SLS printer. A thin layer
of powder is deposited
on the build platform
and sintered thanks to
the high-power laser, Roller and scraper
which melts the Printed object
particles. The build
platform is lowered and
a new layer of fresh
powder is provided by
the feeder chamber and
leveled by a scraper, Build platform Powder
then the process
continues until

Build chamber Feeder chamber

a b

c d

Fig. 3.10 (a) EBM Printer (Courtesy and © of Dr. Prang © Implantcast GmbH). (d) The 3D printed component
and Waldemar Link GmbH & Co.). (b) EBM printing pro- after the residual powder removal. Several pieces are
cess (Courtesy and © Implantcast GmbH). (c) Building manufactured from a single build tank, thus reducing time
block before the residual powder removal (Courtesy and and material (Courtesy and © Implantcast GmbH)
32 M. Scorianz et al.

some cases, EBM models require the creation are provided with just one extruder and have low
of specific supports to avoid shrinkage and ther- surface finish (Fig. 3.12), professional 3D print-
mal deformation during cooldown, especially ers have one or more extruders for the building
for small and thin parts. material, and one for the support material: this
allows to use different materials for the part and
the supports. High-end FDM printers use solv-
3.3.4 Selective Laser Melting able support material, typically in hot water or
solvent, which makes the cleaning operation very
Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is another powder straightforward and allows to manufacture, with
bed technology. The process involved is the same as a good surface finish, complex parts with
EBM but, instead of an electron beam, the energy overhangs.
source used to melt the metal powder is a laser. FDM technology is compatible with a wide
range of materials: the most common are PLA
(PolyLactic Acid), a low-cost biodegradable
3.3.5 Fused Deposition Modeling material made of renewable resources, and
ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), a hard
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is one of the and durable polymer. For medical applica-
most popular and low-cost AM technology. The tions, the main materials compatible with
affordable price of both equipment and materials FDM are ULTEM, ABS-M30i, PEEK and
made FDM very popular also to a non-specialist PC-ISO.
The building material is provided in spools
and the filament is forced through a heated noz-
zle, placed in the printing head, which selectively
deposits the fused filament creating the section
profile. Then, the process continues layer by
layer (Fig. 3.11). While low-end FDM machines


Feed Mechanism

Printing head

Supports Printed object

Print bed

Fig. 3.11 Scheme of an FDM printer. The filament is fed

to the printing head and forced through the heated nozzle. Fig. 3.12 Proximal tibia built in PLA with a low-end
Layer by layer the print bed is lowered and the fused fila- FDM printer. Note the poor surface finish quality of this
ment is selectively deposed, creating the model low-cost model
3 The 3D Printing Production Procedure 33

3.4  aterials Used to Print

M and SLS technology enables to design very com-
Surgical Devices plex geometries with good dimensional accuracy.
and Implants It is widely employed to create patient-specific
surgical guides and non-structural implants like
The variety of available materials for AM is con- cranial plates.
tinuously growing, ranging from polymers to res- Metal alloys, namely Ti64Al and Cobalt-­
ins and metals. Additive manufacturing materials Chromium, due to the high cost and weight, are
for Medical Devices must satisfy specific require- mainly used to manufacture load-bearing
ments as biocompatibility and sterilizability. As implants, custom fixations and long-lasting
stated by Williams, [13] “biocompatibility is implantable devices. EBM and SLM allow to
intended as the ability of a material to perform manufacture metal implants with very complex
with an appropriate host response in a specific internal geometries with no need of supports.
application.” These technologies are providing clinicians and
In Table 3.2 are presented the most popular engineers with high-performance, customized
AM biocompatible materials and the relative AM implants (Fig. 3.13).
Polymeric AM materials are employed for a
variety of medical applications. The most com- 3.5 Finishing and Cleaning
mon are anatomical models for training, custom of the 3D Printed Piece
surgical guides, customized orthosis, cartilage
and bone replacement. PEEK is gaining more Most 3D printed parts need a manual post-­
and more interest in orthopedics to manufacture processing before use. The most common opera-
custom implants because of its mechanical prop- tion is to remove the supports and polish the part.
erties very close to that of the bone [14]. Sintered models require the most demanding
Polyamide (PA 2200), a polymer of nylon operations. First, the unsintered powder must be
family, is one of the most versatile AM materials removed; typically, 3D printers that rely on sin-

Table 3.2 AM biocompatible materials and relative AM technology

Biocompatible Photopolymer PC-ISO, ABS-M30i, PA Titanium alloy, Titanium alloy,
material resin PEEK, ULTEM 1010 2200 cobalt-chromium cobalt-chromium
alloy alloy

Fig. 3.13 3D printed

implant. Note the
different smooth and
porous surfaces
(Courtesy and © of Dr.
Prang and Waldemar
Link GmbH & Co.)
34 M. Scorianz et al.

3.6 Sterilization Methods

Available for 3D Printing

Sterilization is a process that involves the use of

heat, radiations or chemicals to destroy all micro-
organisms, as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, to pre-
vent infections and disease transmission. Sterility
is typically defined with the Sterility Assurance
Level (SAL), which is the probability that a sin-
gle unit, that has been subjected to sterilization,
nevertheless remains nonsterile. For medical
devices and injections, FDA requires a SAL of at
Fig. 3.14 Demonstration of production residues removal least 10−6. Sterilization methods can be classified
during the first cycle of cleaning process with ultrasonic as follows [18]:
waves of a porous material (Courtesy and © Implantcast
–– high temperature/pressure sterilization,
–– chemical sterilization,
tering or fusion of powder are provided with a –– radiation sterilization.
dedicated module for powder removal and recy-
cling. Such operation can be performed with a The most commonly used techniques to ster-
pressurized air jet or by specially designed ultra- ilize medical devices and equipment are steam
sonic cleaners. These machines use the energy of under pressure (autoclave), ethylene oxide gas,
ultrasonic waves to remove the particles in the hydrogen peroxide gas plasma, gamma radiation
3D printed structure (Fig. 3.14). (Table 3.3). A summary of the available steriliza-
In case of implantable parts, special care tion methods for each of the biomaterials
must be taken during cleaning operations, espe- described in this chapter is presented in
cially for metal implantable devices. During the (Table 3.4).
manufacturing process, some partially melted
particles are bonded to the model [15], with
deleterious effects to the mechanical properties
3.6.1 Steam Autoclave
and fatigue resistance [16]. Moreover, those
Steam autoclave is the most widely used and
particles may be released into the biological
most dependable sterilization method for medical
system, increasing the risk of infections. Heat
products [19]. The part is directly exposed to
treatment, followed by sandblasting, improves
pressurized steam at a precise temperature, pres-
both the surface finish and the mechanical
sure level and for a specified period of time to
properties, reducing stress concentrations and
ensure the sterilization effectiveness. Steam ster-
removing most of the residual unmelted powder
ilization is nontoxic and cost-effective. The
microbicidal action is ensured at specific tem-
Care must be taken in the design of the porous
peratures, namely 121 °C and 132 °C, with a
structure of an implant to consider not only the
minimal exposure time respectively of 30 min, in
osseointegration, but also the cleaning process to
a gravity displacement sterilizer, and 4 min, in a
create a porous structure easy to clean.
pre-vacuum sterilizer [20]. The main drawback
Metal 3D printed parts are suitable for CNC
of steam sterilization is its incompatibility with
machining for polishing, milling, and any other
heat-sensitive materials.
required mechanical processing.
3 The 3D Printing Production Procedure 35

Table 3.3 Advantages and disadvantages of the different sterilization processes

Advantages Disadvantages
Steam autoclaves – Short processing time – High operating temperature (121 °C or
– Process simplicity 132 °C)
– Efficacy – Possible corrosion
– Nontoxicity
Ethylene oxide gas – Low operating temperature – Long processing time (10–24 h)
– High microbicidal activity – Toxic, flammable and carcinogenic gas
– Penetrates porous materials
Hydrogen peroxide – Low operating temperature – Very expensive
gas plasma – Medium processing time – Damages to nylon based materials
Gamma radiation – Low operating temperature – The use of a radioisotope requires shielding
– No toxic agents are involved for the safety of the operators while both in
– High penetration, also through use and in storage
packaging – Long processing time
– Radioactive waste

Table 3.4 Sterilization methods for 3D printable biomaterials

Steam autoclaves Ethylene oxide gas Hydrogen peroxide gas plasma Gamma radiation
PA 2200 ✓ ✓ Not available ✓
PC-ISO ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ABS-M30i ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PEEK ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ULTEM 1010 ✓ Not available Not available ✓
Metals ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

3.6.2 Ehylene Oxide Gas The main disadvantages associated with ETO
are the high cost, long processing time, and its
Ethylene Oxide Gas (ETO) is a colorless gas with toxicity.
microbicidal power. It is an alkylating agent that
disrupts the DNA of microorganisms, preventing
them from reproducing, and is compatible with 3.6.3  ydrogen Peroxide Gas
most materials. ETO effectiveness depends on the Plasma
following parameters: gas concentration (450 to
1200 mg/L), temperature (37 to 60 °C), relative An alternative for low-temperature sterilization is
humidity (40 to 80%) and exposure time (1 to 6 h). Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Plasma.
ETO gas sterilization is a low-­temperature method The sterilization chamber is evacuated, then a
because it operates below 60 °C, making it suitable hydrogen peroxide solution is injected and ion-
for heat- or moisture-sensitive medical equipment ized by an electrical field created by radio fre-
without deleterious effects [21]. This characteris- quencies, which generates a highly reactive
tic makes ETO widely used in the industry to ster- plasma. Microbicidal free radicals are generated
ilize heat-sensitive components, such as cutting in the plasma, which interacts with cell compo-
masks and trial implants SLS printed. nents disrupting the metabolism of microbes. The
Sterilized parts must be well aerated after ster- cycle duration is 55 min at a maximum tempera-
ilization and this process is expansive and ture of 55 °C [22].
requires dedicated equipment.
36 M. Scorianz et al.

3.6.4 Gamma Radiation 2. Bright JR. Automation and management. Boston:

Division of Research, Graduate School of Business
Administration Harvard University; 1958.
Gamma radiation is a low-temperature steriliza- 3. Hull C. Apparatus for production of three-dimensional
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The Engineer’s Point of View
Simone Di Bella and Rosalia Mineo

4.1 Introduction out 3D virtual or printed models. During the

designing, patient-specific implants and anything
In the last decade, industrial technological devel- is needful for its implantation, such as guide tem-
opment has made great progress in the additive plates or surgical instruments, are developed. The
manufacturing production both in the fields of final step is the production of the device set.
industrial manufacturing and in the medical-­
surgical device industry ones.
Initially created for making of prototypes and 4.2 3D Technologies and Medical
models for demonstration use (“Rapid Application
Prototyping”), 3D Additive technologies have
begun a rapid rise in the sectors of production of Additive manufacturing technologies are increas-
finished components, becoming rapidly a refer- ingly used in the medical field to improve the
ence product for the medical sector. clinical conditions of patients.
In this chapter will be analyzed in detail, all A 3D printing machine allows obtaining 3D
phases of the production process of a customized physical parts by adding successive layers of
medical device obtained with 3D technology in material to recreate the virtual cross section. The
the application of bone surgery and will be 3D printing technologies used in medicine can be
explored the technical and engineering aspects classified according to the technique of manufac-
related. The first important step is the images turing and includes stereolithography apparatus
acquisition, nowadays it’s possible to have diag- (SLA), fused deposition modeling (FDM), selec-
nostic exams with high resolution, important fea- tive laser sintering (SLS) and electron beam
ture for obtaining a device with a good fit with melting (EBM).
the host bone. The second step is the planning The technology of 3D printing has the poten-
and design. During the planning, it’s possible to tial to solve many design challenges. This tech-
anticipate the surgical challenge and to have the nique has been applied successfully to a variety
best understanding of the clinical case, through- of surgical problems, and has shown promising
results in improving outcomes, decreasing mor-
bidity, and shortening surgical time [1].
S. Di Bella (*) · R. Mineo Medical additive manufacturing is not only
MT Ortho Srl, Aci Sant’Antonio (CT), Italy
about devices that have direct application in
University of Catania, DICAR, Catania (CT), Italy the body, there are a lot of useful indirect
e-mail:; rosalia.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 39

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
40 S. Di Bella and R. Mineo

The direct applications regard implantable three-dimensional anatomy, play a key role in
devices both custom-made and [2–4] off-the-­ planning the surgery and in the result of the surgi-
shelf ones, above all in orthopedics, neurosur- cal intervention.
gery, maxillo and dental field, but also orthoses The combination of the potential offered by
throughout the production of personalized busts, imaging technologies and the freedom of produc-
orthotics and exoskeletons. A charitable example tion of additive manufacturing, allows to over-
is the use of 3D technologies in the production of come these limits obtaining custom-made devices
transradial prosthesis, that allows children, who that improve diagnosis, planning, surgery, and
have lost limbs because of sociopolitical con- clinical outcomes.
flicts, to have an artificial limb thanks to a reduc- A custom-made implant is a medical device
tion of costs related [5]. specifically conceived, designed, and produced
About the indirect application, 3D printing for a single patient, so it matches his unique anat-
techniques can generate models that give a better omy and it’s based on the patient’s own medical
understanding of the complex anatomy and images. They are used when patient’s bony
pathology of the patients and aid in education and geometry falls outside the range of standard
surgical training, but also can produce patient-­ implants with respect to implant size or disease-­
specific instruments and surgical cutting guides. specific requirements or when the custom-made
The latest and most innovative application solution could obtain a better clinical outcome.
concerns the bioprinting technologies (BT). In tis- The whole process of ideation and develop-
sue engineering and regenerative medicine, BT ment of a custom-made device can be divided
provides an automated and advanced platform to into three phases (Fig. 4.1):
fabricate various biomaterials through precise
deposition of cells and polymers in a premedi- 1. image acquisition,
tated fashion. The common applications are the 2. planning/design,
bioprinting of cell-laden constructs, bone and car- 3. 3D printing.
tilage cells and tissues constructs, skin cells and
tissues, blood vessels, and neuronal tissues [6]. Each of these phases, is directly controlled by
This technology is widely used also for a surgeon or an engineer or by the cooperation of
screening of drugs and cancer research [7]. It them.
offers several advantages such as precise and Essential to the successful process is the inter-­
controlled deposition of cells, hormones, drugs, professional cooperation and communication
and growth factors. Further, it provides a base for between the orthopedic surgeon and the engineer
development of tissues constructs, organs and as they have technological and educational dif-
organoids, and organ-on-a-chip, mimicking natu- ferences. For example, the engineer may not be
ral ones [8]. familiar with anatomy, epidemiology, surgical
approach, and resection/reconstruction proce-
dures. In contrast, the orthopedic surgeon may
4.3 Production Flow not know the numerous steps of the fabrication
of a Custom-Made Medical process of a 3D-printed physical model.

In traditional orthopedic procedures, surgeons 4.3.1 Image Acquisition

have to combine all preoperative two-­dimensional
(2D) images and formulate a 3D surgical plan. Medical images are the key link between 3D
These processes are particularly difficult when printing technology and patient-specific orthope-
surgeons meet very complex anatomy or severe dic implant [9].
deformity as in bone tumor surgery. So, the expe- Accurate medical imaging data must be
rience of the surgeon and his ability to image the obtained to represent better the real condition of
4 The Engineer’s Point of View 41

Image Acquisition
anatomy, such as that of articular cartilage in
joint disease and intramedullary or extraosseous
extension in orthopedic tumors.
Medical images Surgeons
All the acquired medical images are saved in a
(CT – MR)
standard data format to store exchange and trans-
mit images (DICOM “digital imaging and com-
munications in medicine”).
Planning & Design Before the image acquisition, the engineer
provides to the hospital structure, often repre-
Patient specific sented directly by the surgeon or the head of radi-
modelling ology, the parameters for obtaining images as
precise as possible and suitable for the type of
application to be made.
Surgical planning To create a 3D model using DICOM images as
starting data, it needs to use special software that
convert these files into a format suitable for three-­
Patient specific dimensional design such as stereolithography
(STL StereoLithography). For this purpose the
Mimics software (Materialize, Belgium) is often
used; it allows, thanks to specific segmetation
Device proposal
operations (to group areas in the images whose
pixels have a gray value included in a certain
range that identifies that of region of interest), to
obtain surfaces and contours of the desired por-
3D Printing tions (Fig. 4.2).

Patient specific
device set
Engineers 4.3.2 Planning & Design

In traditional preoperative planning, orthopedic

Fig. 4.1 This image summarizes the clinical workflow of
surgeon utilized 2D plain X-ray and CT scan
patient-specific orthopedics from image acquisition to images to assess the bony anatomy and pathology
3D-printed models and implants of the patient and defines, basing on them the best
strategy to be follow during the surgery.
the patient. The modern multirow detector com- In 3D printing bone surgery, the surgical plan-
puter tomography (MDCT) and magnetic reso- ning phase is a process carried out by the surgeon
nance imaging (MRI) provide fast and accurate and by the team of engineers of the device manu-
3D image with high resolution. facturer. The surgeon give his indications as the
The resolution of the 3D model obtained by type of prosthesis, the surgical access, the fixing
the medical images depending on some parame- strategy, and the engineer analyzes the problem
ter of the detector used for the analysis. The opti- from a technical point of view, looking for the
mal condition is to produce thin-section axial best engineering solution, studying the loads and
image with slice thickness of less than 1 mm and forces that the prosthesis will be support.
isotropic voxel. All communications between these two fig-
CT scan images are ideal when bones are the ures usually take place through telematic chan-
region of interest due to its high contrast, instead nels, with sharing of images and technical
MRI is superior to CT in delineating soft tissue drawings.
42 S. Di Bella and R. Mineo

a b

c d

Fig. 4.2 CT scan images imported into a CAD engineering program to obtain 3D CAD model. (a) Coronal view, (b)
Axial view, (c) Sagittal view, and (d) Tridimensional view A  natomic Models for Surgical Patient-specific 3D-printed models can be

Planning also used for education and preoperative dis-
Patient-specific, physical bone models can be cussions about surgical strategies and options
recreated from patients’ CT image data by 3D among care providers across different disci-
printing. plines. It may increase the patient satisfaction
The models not only allow surgeons to have as patients and their families can easily under-
tactile and visual understanding of the patient-­ stand their medical conditions with real physi-
specific anatomy and pathology, but also antici- cal model.
pate the operative challenges they will aid in the
planning of orthopedic procedures. These models Blood Vessels Visualization
can also be sterilized so that the surgeon can Three-dimensional printed models can provide
manipulate the model on the operative field while effective preoperative planning, the geometry of
performing the procedure [10]. nearby vessel could be obtained to determine
These models can also be used to perform most accurate osteotomy and most appropriate
simulated operations directly on the plastic com- prosthesis, resulting in decreased operative time
ponent and verify that all imagined steps are truly and decreased blood loss [12].
applicable. If the surgery requires the implanta- By working on the same CT images it is
tion of adaptable metal components, such as possible to “isolate” the gray values corre-
plates, these models can be used as real molds sponding to the blood vessels, so obtaining
where is possible to recreate the correct matching their three-­dimensional models. This could be
geometry. Maxillofacial prostheses are often useful to the surgeon to evaluate the best access
used in this field, where is often necessary to cre- strategy both through digital visualization and
ate plates or mesh that can be modified directly in through 3D scale reproduction of the model
the operating room [11]. (Fig. 4.3).
4 The Engineer’s Point of View 43

Fig. 4.3 Blood Vessels 3D Visualization Anatomical Cutting Guides cutting guides that ensure univocal positioning
In the oncology and sometimes in complex ortho- on the bone [13] (Fig. 4.5).
pedics revision cases the first planning phase is A series of Boolean operation on the CAD
the definition of the surfaces that delimit the bone model are conducted to create the contact inter-
parts to be removed. The three-dimensional cut- face between the bone and guides and no soft tis-
ting planes are therefore defined to remove the sue, as muscle insertion or cartilages tissue, are
pathological parts with an appropriate safety evaluated during the design process. For this rea-
margin (Fig. 4.4). son, it’s important to perform an accurate skele-
This operation could be performed using dedi- tonization of the matching surfaces bone before
cated software that allows the fusion of CT and performing the osteotomies.
MR images so that both bone and soft tissues can Often, for complex cases, multiple versions
be visualized together. However, these technolo- can be designed to perform the same osteoto-
gies are not easily available, therefore the sur- mies. So, the surgeon during the surgery, have the
geon have to perform a manual check between opportunity to choose the better of these, accord-
the images provided by CT and MR ones to ing to the surgical access or difficulty in placing.
define the regions to be removed. At the end of Anatomical cutting guides are made with AM
this phase, an osteotomy simulation can be per- technology using plastic materials such as ABS,
formed. To reproduce the virtual cut during the PA or metal materials. Due their intended use,
surgery, the engineer designs specific anatomical materials must be certified to be short-term
44 S. Di Bella and R. Mineo

Fig. 4.4 Planning of cutting plane for osteotomy

Fig. 4.5 Planning or anatomical resection guides

4 The Engineer’s Point of View 45

implantable medical devices and must be grating capability is required. When articular
sterilizable. condition has to be maintained, Cobalt–Chrome
alloy is the best choose thanks to its lower fric- Design of Patient-Specific tion coefficient compared to other metallic
Implant and Instruments materials. Polymeric materials, on the other
The goal of designing customized device is to hand, are used in surgical support instruments
restore the functionality and anatomy of the path- such as cutting guides or implant positioning
ological skeletal site treated and to ensure its sta- template.
bility and durability. 2. Geometry:
The intended use of the device carries with it a In the case of filling and replacement
lot of important information during the design implants, this aspect results into the choose to
phase. The engineer’s task is to translate the doc- restore or not the exact geometry of the
tor’s indications and turn them into a feasible removed bone tissue. For large osteotomies, a
technical project. perfectly anatomical prosthesis could lead to a
The different aspects that must be considered heavy, bulky, and hard to implant device.
for the correct design of a custom-made prosthe- Also, anatomical geometry reconstruction
sis are the following: could be result in an incorrect suturing of the
soft tissues over the device with the risk of
1. Materials: infection and rejection of the implant.
In bone surgery different kind of printed The solutions adoptable are for example the
materials can be used, both metallic and poly- elimination of nonfunctional parts, the creation
meric ones. Among metallic materials, ­Titanium of hollow structures and the realization of a
alloys offer the best compromise between bio- geometry with an offset in minus compared to
logical properties (biocompatibility and osseo- the anatomical shape (Fig. 4.6). Another aspect
integration) and mechanical ones (elasticity to consider is the interaction with an off-the-
close to the bones) [14]. Titanium is widely shelf prosthesis, in this case it is essential to
used in bone filling or replacement prostheses have the related technical drawings and/or
and in arthrodesis cases where a high osseointe- operating techniques. In this phase, specific

Fig. 4.6 In minus offset surfaces (left), hollowed and not anatomical part with structures for tendons and ligaments
fixing (right)
46 S. Di Bella and R. Mineo

Fig. 4.7 Intramedullary triangle trabecular post (left), different kind of fixing system (right): (A) intramedullary post,
(B) sandwich structures with symmetrical plates blocked with screws and nuts, (C) plates with bone screws

structures for fixing tendons, ligaments, or soft wich structures with symmetrical plates
structures could also be designed. blocked with screws and nuts (Fig. 4.7).
3. Surgical approach: Secondary stability is ensured by osteoin-
Knowing the surgical access is important tegrating surfaces at the bone/implant inter-
to ensure the implantability of the device. face with structures that stimulate
From the design point of view, it involves osseointegration of the implant, such as tra-
important assessments in terms of positioning becular structures (Fig. 4.11).
of plates, orientation of screws and encum- 5. Loading condition:
brance surfaces (to evaluate the impingement The design of a device must be included
with soft tissues or other bone structures). The evaluations in terms of resistance to the physi-
type of surgical access also influences the ological loads that the device will be subjected
design of the anatomical cutting templates or in vivo, once implanted. First of all, it’s neces-
specific surgical instruments. sary to know the biomechanics of the skeletal
4. Fixing system: site to image the correct loading condition.
In the design of an orthopedic prosthesis, it The goal of this study is to reduce stress-
is necessary to ensure the stability of the shielding effect, to ensure homogeneous dis-
device both in the early stages following sur- tribution of loads at the interface, to limit the
gery (primary stability) and over time (sec- risk of subsidence and to avoid risk of break-
ondary stability). ing due to fatigue.
Primary stability can be obtained through Preliminary evaluation in terms of distribu-
different types of fixing system, such as tion of stresses and deformations can be
screws and plates, intramedullary post, sand- obtained through finite element analysis [15,
4 The Engineer’s Point of View 47

Fig. 4.8 Preliminary FEM (Finite element analysis) evaluation for a custom hip implant

16]. These analyzes allow to predict, by set- Moreover, the using of CT-based navigation
ting constraints and loads conditions, which allows accurate execution of the intended bone
will be the most stressed areas and if the ten- resection, above all in tumor resection due to the
sions and deformations, reached in the worst distorted surgical anatomy. Studies have shown
cases, fall within the material safety coeffi- an accuracy between the achieved bone resection
cients (Fig. 4.8). and the planned ones less than 2 mm [18].
Image-guided computer navigation allows
Collected all necessary information, the engi- reproducing surgical planning with less error also
neer proceeds to design the device using special in the reconstruction phase [19]. Custom-made
three-dimensional software. Although the design prosthesis CAD could be seen in the navigation
phase is a specific task of the engineer, the process system (through image fusion of the virtual CT
involves a continuous exchange of feedback data sets with the custom prosthesis), to suggest
between the engineer and the surgeon. The defini- to the surgeon the orientation and position of the
tive approval of the project is the responsibility of implant as planned and thus obtaining a precise
the prescriber surgeon, and once obtained the man- fitting of the custom prosthesis to the residual
ufacture of the device’s set can start. bone segment after resection [20] (Fig. 4.10).

4.4 Intraoperative Execution 4.5 Advantages of 3D-Printed

Custom Implants
3D bone model can allow a better understanding
of many complex aspect in the preoperative, The additive manufacturing production of
intraoperative (Fig. 4.9) e post-operative phases. prostheses allows to obtain any complex shape
In the operative field the models can provide to without geometric limits; this is impossible
surgeon both visual and tactile useful informa- using traditional subtractive manufacturing
tions [17]. techniques.
48 S. Di Bella and R. Mineo

One of the most important advantages of the

AM prostheses is the possibility to realize com-
plex free-form surface such as scaffold lattice
(trabecular structures) in a continuity with the
massive part (Fig. 4.11).
A lot of studies demonstrated the osteointe-
gration capability of this kind of surface. Adult
stem cells derived from human adipose tissue
(hASCs) cultured on a scaffold on trabecular tita-
nium have been able to join the network, prolifer-
ate and differentiate into an osteoblast-like
phenotype, resulting in the production of miner-
alized extracellular matrix [21].
Moreover, focusing on mechanical features of
these structures, the pore size can be modified
[22] to obtain an elastic module comparable to
that of the patient’s bone.
Regarding the advantages of using a patient-­
specific prosthesis, the accuracy of the surgery
is considerably improved respect to the tradi-
tional orthopedic procedures. A custom-made
implant allows to have a precise implant shape
matching the bone site and accurate guides and
templates that ensure the optimal implantation
of the device [23].
Another aspect is the important reduction of
the surgical time, due to the possibility of the 3D
Fig. 4.9 3D plastic model help the surgeon during the preoperative planning (through the direct visual-
positioning phase ization of the malformation and better anticipa-

Fig. 4.10 Custom-made prosthesis CAD could be seen in the navigation system (in red on the left side), to allow the
best positioning of the implant
4 The Engineer’s Point of View 49

a b

Fig. 4.11 Scansion electron microscopy of empty cage (a) and of cage seeded with hASCs and cultured in growth
medium (b) and osteogenic medium

tion of anatomic difficulties) and no correction or addition to that, there’s a difficult of placement of
manipulation of the implant are needed [23]. the implants [24] due to the minimal surgical
approach, the complex site anatomy and the pres-
ence of the soft tissues, especially in the cases of
4.6 Limitations and Potential orthopedic revision where the guided osteotomy
Future Development is not required and the implant have to match the
existing bone tissue.
Although the high performance and the satisfac- Other disadvantages are related to imaging
tory clinical outcomes of 3D-printed custom-­ phase. Some artifacts were found to have likely
made implants, there are some limitations related affected the acquisition parameters and resolu-
to their use, that are useful to evaluate in order to tion of the image, leading to final errors in vol-
rational choose of this, for a specific patient. ume. Another aspect is the difficult to building a
The concerns include the costs of implants 3D model of soft tissue than bony structures one,
due to the high technological contents of the 3D because of the resolution of the current imaging
printing processes that includes Cad software, 3D acquisition technology.
printing machine, Project engineer, etc. Above all in the oncology, a potential future
Moreover, 3D software (for planning and development could be in the new MRI Scanner
design) requires specific skills that most surgeons feature sequences that may allow both bone and
don’t have, despite the huge responsibility played soft tissue to be reconstructed from a single
by themselves at the critical stage of preoperative image set without any registration. This would be
planning. It’s important in this highly specialized beneficial in reduce patient radiation exposure.
field that the surgeons have a 3D visual tendency Potential future benefits could result from the
and accept the support of external technicians choice of hybrid devices. Combining different
without fearing loss over their leadership. kind of materials such as metallic parts and bone
The time required to plan and produce the 3D graft [25] could be obtained a device that ensures
object could be also a limitation when there’s the optimal mechanical stability and biological
need to meet a surgical deadline so this aspect performance.
could be unsuitable for use in emergency cases. Finally, to increase the use of 3D printing
Unlike to the off-the-shelf implants, that are technology in bone surgery, an online integrated
available in differ size and shape intraoperatively, platform could be developed to allow for easy
the patient-specific implants don’t allow the same cooperation among radiologists, orthopedic sur-
flexibility due to their specific intended use. In geons, engineers, and implant companies. All the
50 S. Di Bella and R. Mineo

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implant within a large acetabular defect at revision
3D Pelvis/Hip Prosthesis
Andrea Angelini and Pietro Ruggieri

5.1 Introduction applied for pelvic oncologic resection and recon-

struction [3, 8–11]. The surgical goal in limb sal-
Surgery around the bony pelvis and in the acetab- vage surgery is to resect bone tumors with
ular area is challenging given the complexity of adequate margins while sparing the host bone for
pelvic anatomy, deep exposures and to presence functional reconstruction [12–14]. With the 3D
of critical neurovascular and visceral structures. printing technology is possible to improve preci-
With the increasing use of arthroplasty, the sion surgery and to realize a custom implant on
increased life expectancy and functional perfor- patient’s anatomy [15–21]. Recently, there has
mance required by patients with hip osteoarthri- been increasing interest in applying 3D-printing
tis, the incidence of revision surgery is becoming techniques for pelvic reconstruction [3–11, 22,
a current problem [1, 2]. The most frequent com- 23] with satisfactory results in term of functional
plications requiring acetabular revision include and oncologic outcomes. Principles, concepts,
aseptic loosening, wear and periprosthetic oste- and applications of 3D-printed technology in pel-
olysis, pseudo-tumors, instability, and infection. vic reconstruction will be analyzed in the follow-
Excluding the infective setting, the collective ing paragraphs. Major limitations and advantages
aspect is represented by the acetabular bone loss are summarized in Table 5.1.
compromising implant fixation and stability. Due
to the wide range of osteolysis and bone defect,
pelvic reconstruction is challenging and different 5.2  ow to Create a Medical
strategies have been used including both non-­ 3D-Printed Implant for Pelvic
biologic and biologic fixation. In recent years, Reconstructions
with the improvement of 3D printing technology,
new approaches have been introduced to manage 5.2.1 Step 1: Ideation
complex reconstructions. Custom-made metal
3D-printed patient-specific implants and surgical The first step in the process of a creating a
tools have been studied for revision hip arthro- 3D-printed implant is strictly correlated with the
plasties with favorable results [3–7] and then surgical indications based on patient’s anatomy,
amount of osteolysis or planned resection and
A. Angelini · P. Ruggieri (*) quality of residual bone. In musculoskeletal
Department of Orthopedics and Orthopedic oncology, the indications for pelvic reconstruc-
Oncology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy tion are mainly based on tumor site and type of
e-mail:; pelvic resection. Surgical areas have been classi-

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 53

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
54 A. Angelini and P. Ruggieri

Table 5.1 Limitations and advantages of 3D printing model of patient’s anatomy to plan the revision
technology in reconstruction for pelvic defect surgery in complex cases where the anatomy is
Major limitations Advantages too complex to be understood from conventional
Mechanical safety of 3D-printed models are useful imaging studies [19, 25, 26]. Once the decision to
3D-printed implant at to better understand the
realize a custom 3D-printed prosthesis as better
long term is obviously surgical procedure
not guaranteed reconstructive solution has been made, it is
Pelvic prostheses are Accurate resection and important to move through the subsequent steps
usually large and there is reconstruction with in the process [27, 28]: image acquisition, multi-
a maximum printable patient-specific disciplinary work on virtual model and printing
size limited by metal 3D instrumentation
printer of prostheses and surgical tools (Fig. 5.1).
Studies on cost-­ The possibility to produce
effectiveness are anatomic implants with a
required wide freedom in terms of 5.2.2 Step 2: Image Acquisition
shapes and structure
Sterilization of implants The bony ingrowth in the
with large trabecular porous structure of the The next step is the conversion of the imaging
thickness prosthesis may reduce data (Digital Imaging and Communications in
mechanical failures at Medicine–DICOM) into a digital 3D model. The
long-term follow-up
CT DICOM images are preferred for implant
Composite materialsa Potential developments in
3D-printed technology to design because CT has good sensitivity for iden-
decrease infective tifying bone stock, if performed with 1 mm cut
complications every 1 mm step to have a voxel size of 1 mm
A single titanium alloy is generally used for implant fab- square that define the level of accuracy of the
rication, combined with conventional orthopedic surgical plan [20, 29]. In revision surgery we strongly
instruments for arthroplasty
suggest a two stages procedure: first the removal
of the prosthetic components, then the acquisi-
fied by Enneking and Dunham [24] in four zones: tion of the images without artifacts and finally to
type I involves resection of the ilium; type II program the reconstruction with the customized
involves resection of the acetabulum; and type III implant. The alternative is the use of an artifact
involves resection of the ischium and pubic rami; subtraction algorithm on CT scans (Fig. 5.2). In
type IV refers to a lesion involving a portion of pelvic bone tumors there is a need of an accurate
the sacrum. Multiple combinations of these types analysis of tumor extension and image acquisi-
were used depending on the tumor location and tion is followed by the “segmentation” process.
extent of bony invasion. Angelini et al. recently Segmentation is the delineation of tumor volume
reported an algorithm to guide the reconstructive and anatomic structures on the CT (or combined
strategies primarily based on the abovementioned with MRI) scan by defining their contours. The
classification of surgical resection [3]. In our fusion of CT and MRI scans superimposes the
experience, a 3D-printed custom-made ­prosthesis images of one modality over the other thus com-
should be used in pelvic resections involving the bining the accuracy in depicting soft tissue and
entire iliac bone or part of the sacrum, and when bone medullary involvement seen mainly on MRI
the residual part of the ilium is not adequate to scans with the higher resolution CT data set [20].
accommodate a modular stemmed acetabular Segmentation can be performed automatically on
cup. In surgical revision of acetabular complex a dedicated software platform, with the possibil-
bone defects, the indication is directly related ity of manual changes (slice-by-slice), in an
with the extent of osteolysis, absence of struc- acceptable time-frame of 20–30 min. These
tural bone support and discontinuity of pelvic images are then sent to the company for the sub-
ring. With the advent of 3D printing technology, sequent analysis on a computerized 3D virtual
surgeons have the possibility to create a 3D model.
5 3D Pelvis/Hip Prosthesis 55

a c

d e f g

Fig. 5.1 Pseudotumor and dislocation of hip arthroplasty work on transparent virtual 3D-model with two different
in 63 years old woman. (a) Pelvic plain radiograph dem- strategies for primary fixation to host bone of custom
onstrating the implant loosening with large periacetabular prosthesis: a press-fit stem (white arrow) with short corti-
osteolysis. (b) Axial and (c) Coronal pelvic CT scan cal screws (black arrows) in the “design 1” or two parallel
showing involvement of the left acetabular region by the screws in the load direction (asterisk) and small posterior
large pseudotumor. (d) Implant removal during the surgi- flange to avoid rotation around longitudinal axis (white
cal excision of the pseudotumor. (e) Plain radiograph in star) in the “design 2” (Implant designed with Promade,
the two-stage procedure. (f) Segmentation process with Lima Corporate Medical Systems, Villanova San Daniele
the delineation of residual bone on the CT (g) 3D CT scan del Friuli, Italy)
reconstruction shows the bone defect. (h) Multidisciplinary
56 A. Angelini and P. Ruggieri

Fig. 5.2 Coronal, axial, and 3D pelvic CT with artifact subtraction algorithm in the preoperative planning of revision

5.2.3  tep 3: Multidisciplinary Work

S it is important to take into consideration the
on 3D Virtual Model worst-case scenario, foreseeing a possible growth
of the tumor during the required time of prosthe-
A virtual 3D model allows to plan the surgical sis’ production and surgical schedule.
procedure and the type of prosthetic implant Using the virtual model, it is possible to create
through a close multidisciplinary collaboration any complex shape with solid and porous sec-
involving surgeons and engineers, with greater tions to be combined to provide optimal strength
accuracy than simple CT reconstructions [30]. and performance [15, 16, 38]. There are two main
The surgeon contributes by transferring to the aspects to be considering in implant design: (1)
engineers the anatomical landmarks that can be porous surfaces to improve implant integration
reached in the surgical approach, the resection with bone for the long-term mechanical strength
planes and, in the case of tumor lesions, the needs and (2) specific textured surfaces for a strict
related to achieving the oncological outcomes of adherence of the soft tissues as well as smooth
tumor removal with adequate margins [31–36]. areas in close proximity to the vascular structures
In our experience there is a difference in [3, 10, 22, 39]. Based on these principles of
approaching a reconstruction for oncologic dis- matching the geometry, required functional
ease compared to revision surgery. Angelini et al. objectives and mechanical properties, the pro-
reported a preliminary analysis on the use of duction process of a customized prosthesis is
3D-printed technology in 13 cases including well established.
revisions of total hip arthroplasty (3 patients) and
oncologic surgeries (10 patients) [3]. In a
­multicentric series on 41 cases including 29 pel- 5.2.4 Step 4: Printing
vic reconstructions, the Authors underlined a dif-
ferentiated approach between the 7 non-oncologic With the use of 3D-printed technology, it is pos-
patients and the 24 patients mainly treated for sible to print numerous different materials includ-
their malignant bone tumors [10]. While the anat- ing plastics, polymers, glass, ceramic, metals,
omy of bone loss will not change over time and biological materials [19, 40]. The virtual 3D
between image acquisition and the surgical pro- models can be printed with sterilizable polymer-
cedure in non-oncological settings, this aspect ics materials fulfilling biocompatibility standards
must be considered in cancer surgery [3, 37]. In in a 1:1 scale and can be used to improve the sur-
planning the resection planes for tumor removal, geon’s understanding of the surgical procedure
5 3D Pelvis/Hip Prosthesis 57

Fig. 5.3 Bone model and acetabular implant printed in a biocompatible sterilizable material (1:1 scale)

and to test the specific tools (Fig. 5.3). Bone [41–43]. These tools realized in biocompatible
models can be printed from transparent material materials can be sterilized for surgery without
in order to visualize the extent of tumor within being deformed or breaking. Historically, stan-
the bone or can contain detachable parts. For dard cutting jigs have been widely used in pri-
implant fabrication, 3D printing can be realized mary and revision arthroplasty to help the surgeon
in titanium metal with increasingly popularity in the realization of surgical plan based on preop-
and low reduction of cost and time. Metal erative imaging. The custom-made 3D-printed
implants are made with an industrial process prostheses need the absolute precision in per-
using laser metal sintering technologies (DMLS) forming the multi-planar osteotomies [19, 43, 44]
or a powder-based layer-by-layer electron beam and, on the other hand, the accuracy of surgical
melting (EBM). margin in musculoskeletal oncology represents
one of the main prognostic factors on the risk of
local recurrence and overall survival [31–36].
5.3 Patient-Specific Tools Custom planned cutting jigs are guides for
and Guides oscillating saws and osteotomes for ensuring a
correct osteotomy line. Obviously, the cutting
With the customization of reconstructive implant, jigs reduce the errors derived from the freehand
it is possible to realize patient-specific instru- use of oscillating saw-blades and un-correct
mentation (PSI) to increase the precision of pros- directions, but there are aspects to consider in
thetic placement. The types of 3D-printed tools their production. First of all, they should be
used in revision surgery and orthopedic oncology planned ahead for a specific oscillating saw
include mainly cutting jigs and drilling guides, blade, because of the potential risk of underesti-
and should be considered a less-expensive and mating the surgical margin. In fact, due to the
time-saving alternative to computer navigation vibrations and tendency to bend, a 1 mm thick
58 A. Angelini and P. Ruggieri

saw blade will make a 2 mm cut in bone. struction that achieves initial stability through a
Furthermore, the jigs should be easily aligned mechanical implant, especially between the ace-
with the host bone using specific and easily tabular component and the residual host bone.
accessible landmarks and then fixed with at least Cementless fixation has become the preferred
3 pins (or K-wires) on different trajectories to method for acetabular revision considering the
avoid guide displacement during bone cut. low complication rate reported compared to
Finally, we suggest to improve the intraoperative cemented implants [1, 48, 49]. In this scenario,
versatility of the tool, with detachable parts to customized 3D-printed implants are indicated
show the position of cutting PSI or the correct and have been successfully used for revision total
placing of definitive implant. Drill guides PSI are hip arthroplasty when standard implant size does
specific tools designed to guide drill holes for not adequately fit the extensive bone loss, in mul-
improving correct alignment of screws and stems tiple revision surgeries with poor bone stock
planned on the virtual model. These can be (Paprosky 3 defects) and pelvic discontinuity [4,
mounted on the cutting jigs and/or on the defini- 10, 19, 50]. Despite the difficulty in comparing
tive implant for bone fixation, maximizing the results in patients with custom implants, recent
primary stability. reports have shown a low likelihood of mechani-
In the authors’ experience, 3D-printed PSIs cal failures [17, 50]. Liang [22] reported a series
are realized after a detailed preoperative planning of 35 patients treated with custom 3D-printed
together with engineers and routinely used in prosthesis with low complication rate at
real-life surgery. A wide surgical exposure is 6–30 months follow-up. Angelini et al. reported a
mandatory for the correct guide placement, soft higher incidence of complications in non-­
tissue cleaning from bone landmarks and acces- oncologic settings compared with patients pri-
sibility of surgical instrumentation without com- marily treated for oncologic disease, even if the
promising neurovascular structures. need of implant removal was rarely required [3,
10]. This can be justified by the fact that adapting
a custom implant to an iliac osteotomy line is
5.4 3D-Printed Prostheses easier and has greater primary stability than seek-
in Pelvic Reconstructions: ing contact with an inhomogeneous acetabular
Revision Surgery residual bone.

Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is one of the most

successful orthopedic procedures performed 5.5 3D-Printed Prostheses
today indicated for end-stage osteoarthritis of the in Pelvic Reconstructions:
hip. Its increasing use is inevitably associated to Tumors
revision procedures, that in half of the cases
involve the acetabular cup [45, 46]. In these The goal of surgery in the treatment of pelvic
cases, the amount and quality of acetabular bone bone tumors is the complete removal of tumor
stock plays an important role in the success of mass with a surrounding margin of healthy tis-
revision and in the surgical strategy (Fig. 5.4). sue. In the past decades various methods have
The commonly used systems to evaluate the been used to restore large bone defects in limb
degree of acetabular bone defect are the AAOS salvage surgery, including megaprostheses or
(American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) structural allografts [12, 51–56]. In recent years,
classification of bone defects and Paprosky clas- with the advent of 3D printing technology, it is
sification [46, 47]. These classification systems possible to reconstruct bone defects using custom
are useful as a guide to choose between the dif- implants [3, 10, 22, 39, 57]. A 3D-printed tita-
ferent biologic and non-biologic options, even if nium implant is preferred due to the possibility to
it is not clear for complex and large types of bone create a biocompatible porous structure of the
defects. Non-biologic fixation refers to a recon- exact size to fill the bone defect [3, 58–60]. One
5 3D Pelvis/Hip Prosthesis 59

a b

c e f

Fig. 5.4 Aseptic loosening after multiple revision surger- tion process with planning of the custom implant. (c)
ies for loosening and periprosthetic fracture in a 66-year-­ Custom-made 3D-printed prosthesis. (d) Intraoperative
old woman. (a) Pelvic plain radiograph shows the iliac photograph showing the definitive implant. (e)
migration of the acetabular cup and the extensive bone Anteroposterior and (f) Axial plain radiographs show the
loss. (b) Creation of a digital 3D-model after segmenta- good implant stability at 2 years follow-up

of the main differences with the non-oncologic The planned bone cuts should always account for
settings is the accuracy in the reconstruction of a worst-case scenario, outside are where cancer
the defect after resection of the bone tumor [3, cells may still be viable despite chemotherapy
61], as well as the correct definition of cutting (Fig. 5.5). In our recently reported experience, 29
plans [10]. Tumors which arise and grow in bone out of 41 patients were treated with pelvic recon-
cannot always be fully viewed and palpated in struction with custom-designed 3D-printed pros-
surgery, making complete resection challenging. theses in different oncologic and non-oncologic
Furthermore, the surgeon must consider a possi- settings [10]. It took approximately 3–4 weeks
ble tumor growth between the surgical planning for the design and manufacture of each
and the moment in which it will be possible to ­personalized 3D-printed prosthesis. In all patients
perform the surgery, which will be correlated with bone tumors (mainly chondrosarcomas,
with the time of the availability of the implant. osteosarcomas, and Ewing’s sarcomas) the
60 A. Angelini and P. Ruggieri

a b

c d e

Fig. 5.5 Osteosarcoma of the iliac wing in a 26-years-old (d) Anteroposterior and (e) Oblique views of the digital
woman. (a) Axial, (b) Coronal, and (c) Sagittal CT scans 3D-model show the definitive planning of a 3D-printed
show a tumor the left hemipelvis from the supracetabular custom prosthesis with spinopelvic fixation
area to the sacrum. Note the extensive extraosseous mass.

planned margins have been successfully obtained lous screws, cortical screws, press-fit porous
with the use of cutting jigs, with no significant stems and small hooks for stabilization, often
difference in terms of tumor growth [10]. used in combination [3, 10, 11, 15]. We strongly
Other relevant aspects are the need of a stable suggest the use of porous surfaces in implant/
fixation with host bone and optimal soft tissue bone interface for long-term bony ingrowth,
reattachment to reduce the complication rate. In combined tools for primary fixation and counter
fact, the length of hospitalization, wound related screws as safety locking to avoid screws mobili-
complications and repeated surgery are adverse zation. When resection involves the proximal
prognostic factors in oncologic patients, espe- part of the ilium, sacroiliac joint or the sacrum,
cially in chemo-sensitive histotypes [62–64]. we improve stability with a posterior pedicle
Different strategies for primary fixation to host screw-rod fixation connected to tulip-head screws
bone have been reported, including long cancel- directly designed on the custom prosthesis
5 3D Pelvis/Hip Prosthesis 61

a c e

b d f

Fig. 5.6 Osteosarcoma of the iliac wing in a 26 years old the relations with anatomical structures; (d) the posterior
woman (same patient). Intraoperative photographs show- extension to the sacrum, with fixed tulip cups. (e)
ing (a) the spinal instrumentation with custom 3D-printed Anteroposterior and (f) lateral radiographs show the
rod; (b) the implant fixation to the residual iliac bone; (c) definitive implant

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nary reports it is possible to observe a wide spec- functional results. Mid-term results indicate that
trum of prostheses, that reflect the concepts and 3D-printing is a very advantageous technology
experiences of individual surgeons [3, 10, 11, 22, and will become increasingly accessible in the
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Custom Reconstruction Around
the Knee
Davide Maria Donati, Tommaso Frisoni,
and Benedetta Spazzoli

6.1 Introduction condylar massive allograft can be performed [3].

The first technique has the advantages of thermal
Post-traumatic osteochondral defects in the knee effects on remaining tumour cells, early detection
are common in young patients (Osteochondritis of local recurrences and immediate full weight
Dissecans, OD); they have good chance to repair bearing after surgery. Concernings about the
due to the reactivity of the subchondral bone and application of PMMA close to articular surface
synovial membrane cells. If the healing process are related to an increased risk of damage of the
is not adequate, fresh osteochondral allografts are subchondral bone [4, 5], due to thermal effect
a suitable option for reconstruction in wide and the different mechanical properties (Figs. 6.4
defects [1]. and 6.5). Previous study have demonstrated that
In young patients, articular damage or defects subchondral bone is crucial in order to avoid
can also be related to chemo-induced osteonecro- postoperative mechanical failure, including
sis (Figs. 6.1–6.3) or bone tumours treatment as deformity, fracture and degeneration of the artic-
well as giant cell tumour of bone or chondroblas- ular surface [6], which may lead to a chronic
toma that usually involves epiphyseal region of pain, functional limitation up to early osteoarthri-
long bones around the knee mainly between age tis requiring joint arthroplasty either with stan-
of 20 and 40 years [2, 26]. dard or modular prostheses according to bone
Extensive intralesional curettage and applica- defect, but they are associated with high rates of
tion of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is the complication such as infection and loosening.
gold standard procedure, whilst for stage III Osteoarthritis progression depends from the
lesions, a resection and reconstruction with uni-­ thickness and quality of the hyaline cartilage as
well as from the mineral content of the cartilage
deep layer (transition from columnar and calci-
D. M. Donati (*) · T. Frisoni
Orthopedic Oncology Department, IRCCS Istituto fied layer). There are MRI evidences in animal
Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy and human, showing how modifications in the
Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences Department— subchondral bone are present in a very early stage
DIBINEM, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy of osteoarthritis. Recent reports underline the
e-mail:; importance of a normal subchondral bone width and permeability in maintaining the optimal car-
B. Spazzoli tilage nutrition [7]. Moreover, histological stud-
Orthopedic Oncology Department, IRCCS Istituto ies on cartilage repair specimens showed strict
Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy
e-mail: correlation between the quality of regenerated

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 65

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
66 D. M. Donati et al.

Figs. 6.1–6.3 Plan X-ray, MRI T1 sequence and coronal CT scan of a chemo-induced osteonecrosis of femoral con-
dyle in a 15-years-old female

Figs. 6.4 and 6.5 Plan X-ray of a proximal tibia chondroblastoma before and after curettage and cementation

cartilage and subchondral bone. Hence, the opti- [9]. Moreover, rapid prototyping can be used to
mal joint status will depend on good quality of develop specific instruments for each single step,
the cartilage as well as the subchondral bone. minimizing the approach and bone loss, reducing
With rapid prototyping technique, an the time of surgery and improving the
individual-­based solution can be performed on reconstruction.
the patient anatomy and his clinical needs. The aim of our research is to develop a new
Different products can be obtained starting customized implant for knee repair to treat wide
from custom-made prostheses and specific defects that alternatively may require commer-
instruments. cial implants such as UKA, TKA, modular pros-
3D printing allows to design an architecture theses or massive allograft transplantation.
with similar mechanical characteristic of bone The idea is an hybrid prosthesis composed by
[8], able to induce osteointegration and decrease a metallic frame with poly-caprolactone (PCL), a
the stress-shielding phenomenon due to the biodegradable material on the joint surface that
porosity and the elasticity of trabecular titanium be considered as a scaffold with similar mechani-
6 Custom Reconstruction Around the Knee 67

cal characteristic of the implant itself in the short holes for 2 mm Kirschner wires (K-wires) to pin
term, but potentially able to be substituted from the instrument onto the bone.
the regenerative activity of the patient during The instrument is shaped either with a surface
time configuring a sort of biological prosthesis. to obtain the osteotomies using an oscillating saw
This procedure allows to preserve the most blade and a template to prepare a footprint where
bone stock possible, respecting the stability given a more accurate fit can be found for the guide
by soft tissue (ligaments) and maintaining the itself and the implant can be fixed (Fig. 6.9).
articular surface on the opposite.

6.1.3 Tools
6.1.1 Image Processing
As well as guides, additional customized tools
A 3D virtual model of the bone is created based can be developed. Commercial products are often
on CT scan (1 mm slice thickness ore below) of not adequate to be used with custom products, so
the whole segment (Figs. 6.6–6.8) using a seg- these instruments must be designed according to
mentation software that allows to export data into the PSIs and implant as well. Furthermore they
a computer-aided design (CAD) software can be provided not only to be specific for the
(Invesalius 3.1.1). guide but also to achieve a surgical need as pro-
Defect identification has to be performed; gressive and controlled drilling or bone impac-
more often fusion with MRI scan is required to tion (Figs. 6.10 and 6.11) in order to improve
better understand the bone quality and osteotomy surgical accuracy and prepare a biological
level. background.

6.1.2 PSIs (Guides) 6.1.4 Implants

PSIs are then designed on the 3D virtual model Implants are designed to replace a bone/cartilage
based on CT according to surgical approach, defect; the anatomy is retrieved from contralat-
desired resection margins and reconstruction eral knee then mirrored in the affected side in
requirements (fixation, soft tissue sparing or order to restore the native geometry and achieve
detachment/reinsertion). a correct mechanical axis (Fig. 6.12).
PSI must have specific contact surfaces to fit Metal back have a porous titanium architec-
into unique position on the host bone and contain ture and are provided of fixation elements as

Figs. 6.6–6.8 Plan X-ray, coronal CT scan and 3D model of a large defect of medial tibial condyle after treatment for
GCT in a 30-years-old male
68 D. M. Donati et al.

spikes (Fig. 6.13), pre-calibrated screw insertion anatomical model is also provided for preopera-
holes and/or external small plates to increase sta- tive simulation and educational purpose; then,
bility to the host bone avoiding rotation. once sterilized, is used intraoperatively to assist
For wide defects in which cortical bone must the surgeon.
be replaced, trabecular titanium was polished and
increased in width.
At the edge corresponding to articular surface, 6.1.5 Surgery
a poly-caprolactone (PCL) layer is moulded. It is
a synthetic biodegradable polymeric material, The patient is placed on supine position. Surgical
soluble and easy to treat. approach follows the preoperative plan already
The use of PCL requires a gamma ray steril- established, according to previous incisions if
ization in order to prevent deformation; standard present or standard approach for UKA (parapa-
sterilization process with steam or ethylene oxide tellar approach).
is used for PSIs and the other tools which are in Once the bone and the articular surface are
titanium or stainless steel alloy. A non-sterile 3D exposed, guides are placed as previously planned.
Special attention was addressed to maintain as far
as possible insertion of ligament and capsule in
order to preserve the stability; when ligament
detachment was necessary, a suture of these
structure was planned on the prosthesis.
A brief instruction protocol is provided by the
company in which all steps are explained (Fig. 6.14).

6.2 Material and Methods

From June 2015 to April 2020 6 patients under-

went reconstruction around the knee with PSI
Fig. 6.9 3D model of a PSI. Red arrows indicate K-wires guides and custom-made prosthesis at Rizzoli
hole and the fixation tool guide Orthopaedic Institute (Bologna, Italy). An

Figs. 6.10 and

6.11 Custom drill and
impactor developed
according to PSI
6 Custom Reconstruction Around the Knee 69

Fig. 6.12 Mechanical axis study. Fusion of affected knee

3D model (green) and contralateral mirrored knee (grey)

Fig. 6.13 Trabecular titanium spikes are showed

informed patient-specific consent was prelimi-

nary obtained.
Five patients had a follow-up longer than
1 year and were included in the present study.
Mean follow-up was 23,6.4 months (range,
12–42). Mean age was 32 years (range, 24–46).
There were 3 females and 2 males. Two of them
were previously treated for oncologic condition
(one for a GCT of proximal tibial, one for a
chondroblastoma of proximal tibia, and one for
steroid induced osteonecrosis of the femoral
condyle do to previous lymphoma treatment).
The other two patients were affected by early
osteoarthritis after a tibial plateau fracture and
juvenile osteochondritis of lateral femoral con- Fig. 6.14 Extraction of a “step-by-step procedure
dyle respectively. instruction”
70 D. M. Donati et al.

A postoperative X-ray and CT scan of the available according to the defect extension/size.
knee was obtained to verify the correct position- Three dimensional scaffold, bone allograft and
ing. Then patients were followed up every prosthetic replacement are the treatment of choice.
3 months with plain radiographs and a dual Three dimensional scaffolds are promising but
energy CT scan was indicated every 6 months to data are controversial with low level of evidence
control prosthetic stability and osteointegration. related to long term outcomes and lack of ran-
Functional activity was evaluated using the Knee domize trials [10].
Society Score (KSS). Although advantages in prosthetic reconstruc-
tion and massive allograft (such as surgical tech-
nique, commercial products availability, early
6.3 Results weight bearing and biological reconstruction
with restoration of bone stock respectively) are
Mean surgical time was 73 min (range, 51–100 min). clear, many complications may occur as well as
In all cases but one, guides and prostheses infection, loosening, periprosthetic, and allograft
were successfully positioned on the planned area. fracture [3, 11, 12].
The only exception was a patient in which the 3D printing technology seems to have poten-
defect was in the posterior part of the femoral tial benefits. Additive manufacturing (rapid pro-
condyle and difficult to be reached. Thus the final totyping of Ti-6Al-4V trough an EBM process)
implant had 2° of rotation but without any impact allows to develop customized products to restore
on articular motion or stability. We didn’t observe anatomically a specific defect with architecture
any reaction to PCL. and mechanical characteristic similar to the bone
All patients were allowed to full weight bear- [13–17], thus more “bone friendly” (osteointe-
ing at 30 days from surgery. gration) and potentially helpful to decrease the
One patient suffered for an acute infection by above mentioned complications [18, 19].
Propionebacterium Acnes and a surgical wash Furthermore patient-specific instruments
out associated with IV antibiotic administration (PSIs) can be developed in the same production
was needed to achieve a complete resolution. flow. These tools such as guides, impactor or drill
Two patients underwent revision of the are crucial to minimize the approach with bone
implant; in one case for synovitis due to uncon- stock preservation, reducing time of surgery and
trolled rheumatoid arthritis (after 28 months), in improving the reconstruction with better func-
one for prosthetic loosening after 42 months tional outcome [20–22].
more likely due to poor bone quality in a patient The use of poly-caprolactone (PCL), which is
with a severe steroid induced osteonecrosis. a synthetic biodegradable polymeric material,
In the first case the prosthesis was completely works as a scaffold in the articular environment.
removed and a CCK was implanted; the bone In literature in vitro and preclinical studies have
defect was filled with an augmentation (tantalum already demonstrated how PCL is a suitable
cone) (Fig. 6.15). In the second case part of the material added to titanium implants in bone
prosthesis was left behind as wedge for a poste- defect treatment [23–25].
rior stabilized TKA. This kind of reconstruction preserves the
In 3 of the 5 patients considered with the opposite articular surface and restores as far as
reconstruction in site at final follow up, KSS possible the anatomy and biomechanic of the
score was higher than 90. knee. We reported no evidence of reaction to this
polymer in the articular space.
Our goal is a hybrid prosthesis (“bioprosthe-
6.4 Discussion sis”) composed by a metallic frame with biode-
gradable material on the joint surface that be
Wide osteochondral defects around the knee are considered as a scaffold potentially able to be
often related to traumatic event or treatment for substituted from the regenerative activity of the
bone tumour. Several reconstruction options are patient during time.
6 Custom Reconstruction Around the Knee 71

a b c

d e

Fig. 6.15 (a, b, c) Postoperative X-ray and CT scan (axial and coronal view). (d, e) X-ray after knee revision surgery

Failures we reported are more likely related to with a longer follow up time and a wider cohort
patient selection; we addressed patients to this of patients is needed to understand the real poten-
reconstruction with the aim to avoid more inva- tial of this reconstruction.
sive surgery such us a TKA, modular or compos-
ite prosthesis in young patients. However in those
who suffered a failure, our implant was not a con- 6.5 Conclusions
traindication to a rescue surgery with a standard
reconstruction. 3D printing has a potential role in wide osteo-
Patient selection bias, small number of patients chondral defect treatment around the knee. It
and a short follow up time are the actual limita- allows to restore anatomically a bone/cartilage
tions of our study. A more comprehensive study loss with similar biomechanical features. Our
72 D. M. Donati et al.

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When the Bone Is Not Enough:
The Role of Custom-Made Implants
in Cup Revision Surgery

Loris Perticarini , Stefano Marco Paolo Rossi,

Ron Ben Elyahu, and Francesco Benazzo

7.1  cetabular Bone Defects

A Moreover, they found that aseptic loosening was
Classifications and Possible the first cause of implant failure, and that the
Solution indications for both primary and re-revision sur-
gery was acetabular loosening in 20% and 24%
Failure of total hip arthroplasty is often associ- of cases respectively [3].
ated with significant acetabular bone stock loss. In case of multiple revisions or severe acetab-
Norwegian Arthroplasty Register reported that ular bone defect, pelvic discontinuity or bone
the failure rate of revision hip arthroplasty is loss extended beyond the acetabulum, custom-­
25.6% vs. 11.4% for prinnnmary THA at made implants can be used to reduce the risk of
10 years follow-up, especially for acetabular further re-revision.
component revision [1]. Ong et al. showed that
patients with revision arthroplasty were five to
six times more likely to undergo re-revision 7.1.1  evere Acetabular Bone
compared with patients with primary arthro- Defect
plasty studying the 5% Medicare claims data set
(1997–2006) [2]. Yu et al. presented a report on Several classification systems have been devel-
288 revision THA where outcomes in patients oped to define bone defects of the acetabulum.
who undergo multiple revisions are significantly Classification systems were proposed to permit
inferior to the primary surgery, as evidenced by the surgeon to plan reconstruction in the preop-
our 1 year 54% re-revision survival [3]. erative phase of revision surgery. There is no con-
sensus as to which system of classification to use,
and the utilization is geographically dependent.
L. Perticarini (*) · S. M. P. Rossi The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Sezione di Chirurgia Protesica ad Indirizzo (AAOS) recommends the classification of
Robotico—Unità di Traumatologia dello Sport,
U.O. Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Fondazione D’Antonio [4], based on the presence of segmen-
Poliambulanza, Brescia, Italy tal, cavitary, or combined defects, whereas
R. B. Elyahu · F. Benazzo European surgeons tend to adopt the system
Sezione di Chirurgia Protesica ad Indirizzo developed by Paprosky [5], that is comprehensive
Robotico—Unità di Traumatologia dello Sport, and provides treatment recommendations based
U.O. Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Fondazione on the location and degree of bone loss. The
Poliambulanza, Brescia, Italy
Paprosky classification is based on four variables:
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia, Italy location or migration of the hip center of rotation

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 75

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
76 L. Perticarini et al.

Femoral head
Type Center migration Ischial osteolysis Kohler line Teardrop

I None None Intact Intact

IIA Mild (<3cm) None Intact Intact

IIB Moderate (<3cm) Mild Intact Intact

IIC Mild (<3cm) Mild Disrupted Moderate lysis

IIIA Severe (>3cm) Moderate Intact Moderate lysis

IIIB Severe (>3cm) Severe Disrupted Severe lysis

Fig. 7.1 Paprosky classification of acetabular bone defects

about the superior obturator line, degree of tear- vic discontinuity. Moreover, the variability of
drop destruction, amount of ischial osteolysis, shape of the pelvis and the variety, size, and
and integrity of the Kohler line (Fig. 7.1). shape of acetabular defects make treatment with
In our Country, AIR (Associazione Italiana conventional off-the-shelf implants difficult.
Riprotesizzazione), has adopted its own classifi- These complex situations have traditionally been
cation of the acetabular defects: I in case of ace- treated with ilioischial cages (cup-cage).
tabulum enlarge, no cavitary or segmental Although ilioischial cages provide excellent ini-
defects; II represented by acetabulum enlarge, tial stability, their middle- to long-term failure
one wall segmental defects, III in presence of rates are high as a result of a lack of biologic fixa-
acetabulum enlarge, two or more walls segmental tion [7]. Therefore, when the standard revision
defects, and IV in case of massive circumferen- implants are not enough, a custom-made acetabu-
tial defect. lar component has been proposed to achieve
Restoring normal anatomy and achieving sta- these goals.
ble fixation of the acetabular component, which Additive manufacturing such as electron beam
is the goal of this challenging revision surgery, melting (EBM), and laser sintering (SLM or
can be particularly challenging when the surgeon SLS) of powered of metal such as titanium, have
must deal with severe acetabular defects and/or opened nowadays new possibilities of custom-
pelvic discontinuity, as defined by preoperative ized engineering of constructs aimed to help the
classification of the case. Stable fixation may be surgeons in anatomical reconstruction of bone
achieved by using cementless acetabular compo- defects in whatever portion of the body, including
nents with screws if the contact of the component pelvis.
with the host bone is more than 50% [6].
Cups made of highly porous metals, whose
features are high elasticity modulus with 7.1.2 Pelvic Discontinuity
improved biomechanical properties, and proac-
tivity toward bone with high chance of bone Pelvic discontinuity (AAOS Type IV, Paprosky
ingrowth and osteointegration that offer improved IIIB, AIR IV) is defined as a defect across the
bone ingrowth and biomechanical properties, anterior and posterior columns, at different lev-
have also shown encouraging results for acetabu- els, but with a total separation of the superior
lar revision. However, it may be difficult or from the inferior acetabulum. Current options
impossible to achieve stability, even with these for management of osteolytic pelvic discontinu-
highly technologically produced materials, if the ity include bulk acetabular allograft with plating,
acetabular defect is large, bone quality is poor, standard cage reconstruction with ischial and
there is limited host bone contact, or there is pel- iliac screw fixation, a cup-cage construct with a
7 When the Bone Is Not Enough: The Role of Custom-Made Implants in Cup Revision Surgery 77

porous metal acetabular component covered by a the reconstruction. The pelvis can be divided into
cage fixed proximally and distally, and different three periprosthetic zones: α (alpha) zone (ace-
techniques using porous metal augmentations tabulum, medial wall, ilium bone valid) that we
and a porous metal acetabular component [8]. could divide in α1, (1 wall persisting, with insuf-
While the methods differ, healing of the discon- ficiency of 2 walls), and in α2 (where we have the
tinuity and a stable acetabular construct remains pelvic discontinuity); β (beta) zone (anterior col-
the challenging targets and the treatment goals. umn extension), that we had divided in β1 if the
A triflange cup is a custom-designed, titanium, iliac bone is persisting for more than 50% or β2 if
porous-, and/or hydroxyapatite-coated acetabu- less than 50%; γ (gamma) zone (posterior col-
lar component with ilial, ischial, and pubic umn extension) divided in γ1 (only the ischial
flanges. These flanges allow for intimate, stable spine is remaining) u and γ2 (the ischial tuberos-
contact between the implant and the host bone, ity is unsupportive) (Fig. 7.2a, b).
for initial stability while maintaining or return- The basic principle of this newly proposed
ing the hip center of rotation to its anatomic classification is to consider the residual, remain-
location. In contrast to off-the-shelf malleable ing bone able to support the new engineered cup
reconstructive cages, which have the potential or any off-the-shelf design, in order to plan the
for fatigue failure particularly when used in reconstruction, and not the missing bone.
these cases of discontinuity, the triflange compo- However, at the moment we cannot properly
nents offer rigid fixation to promote healing of assess the quality of the remaining, supportive
the discontinuity and biologic fixation of the bone, which is the other fundamental element in
implant itself [8]. the reconstructive planning. Assessment of bone
quality can be merely based so far upon the expe-
rience of judgment of the surgeons of the imag-
7.1.3  one Defect Extended Beyond
B ing materials including radiography, CT scan,
the Acetabulum MRI, or DEXA.

In many cases, the bone defect extends from the

acetabular area far proximally and distally, reach- 7.2 PreOperative Evaluation
ing the ileum and the ischium, and configuring an
aggressive, neoplastic like scenario. In these All patients must be assessed clinically and with
cases, the use of custom-made implants is radiographic images before surgery. This typi-
strongly recommended. For this reason, we sup- cally included standard hip, AP pelvis, as well as
port the necessity of adopting a bone defect clas- CT scans which are mandatory to create bone
sification with extension over the periacetabular custom models.
region. The CT scan protocol consisted of images that
Enneking et al. in 1978 [9] divided the pelvis start from the top of iliac crest up to mid-femur,
into 4 zones (zone 1, represented of iliac bone, or at least 3 cm below the existing femoral
zone 2 represented by the periacetabular region, implant. The optimal data involves images with a
zone 3 composed by pubis or ischium and zone 4 thickness of 1.0 mm and spacing of 0.8 mm
which corresponds to hemisacrum) to help the (maximum acceptable are 2.0 mm of thickness
oncology surgeons. and 2.0 mm of spacing), with metal subtraction
In our opinion, these zones are important also software with the uncompressed data recorded to
in acetabular revision surgery and we propose a send to the implant manufacturer. The CT scan
new periprosthetic pelvic classification to help slide data are used to create a computerized,
the surgeons to identify and quantify the remain- three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the
ing bone, and not the missing bone, and to plan patient’s hemipelvis.
78 L. Perticarini et al.

a b
β2 β2 β2 β2

β1 β1 β1 β1
α γ1 α γ1 α α γ1
γ2 γ2 γ2 γ2

Fig. 7.2 New classification of pelvic bone defects; pelvis coronal view (a) and representation of hemipelvis in four
different views (b)

7.3 Design and Construction screws, normally three to seven 6.5-mm acetabu-
of the Model lar screws, is planned; sometimes larger screws,
specifically designed, can also be used.
Unlike what happens in tumors, where the area to Dedicated visual 3D tools and instrumenta-
be resected must be considered and extramar- tions to improve implants’ congruency are
ginal osteotomies can be properly planned used.
accordingly to accommodate the implant, in case The implants are developed by subtractive or
of revision due to cup loosening, it is necessary to by additive manufacturing technology based on a
preserve all the bone available. The remaining precise analysis of patients’ preoperative CT
pelvic landmarks, as defined by our classifica- scans. Primary stability is enhanced and tailored
tion, (obturator foramen, iliac wing, pubic ramus on the patient’s anatomy employing cup designs
when they are available) are used to determine fitting the remaining anatomy, exploiting the high
the hip center, the geometry of the new cup, and friction performances of the porous material
his orientation. The less possible amount of bone matrix, in some cases with a porous-plasma spray
(particularly if the quality is not considered good) or a hydroxyapatite coating to facilitate bone
must be removed from the 3D model, as well ingrowth.
cement, screws, and/or other useless components
from the previous surgery, to accommodate the
custom cup design. 7.4 Surgery
The engineers collaborate with the surgeon to
define the reference design of the cup (iliac spin- The posterior hip approach is useful for correct
dle, cup-cage, triflange, a mixing of them), the exposure and visualization of the pelvis. Other
head center, and cup orientation. The cup orienta- approaches can be used upon surgeon’s prefer-
tion is established by setting the abduction and ence and skill, keeping in mind that the posterior
anteversion angles of the cup, and it is based on portion of the pelvis must be clearly exposed. It is
patient-specific considerations, including leg possible to identify and trace the sciatic nerve
length discrepancy, planned retention or revision from the greater sciatic notch to the ischium.
of the femoral component, length of contralateral After dislocation of the hip, the femoral stem
leg, and cup size. The abduction angle generally could be removed or from the top of the femur or
is targeted at 40° to 45° and is established using using the transfemoral approach. In cases where
the plane of the obturator foramen as a reference. the femoral component is retained, the gluteus
The anteversion angle is recognized using the minimum and gluteus medius are elevated from
plane of the iliac wing and the obturator foramen the iliac bone and space created between the
as references. muscle and the ilium, and the taper of the stem
Subsequently, the engineers design the screw could be placed into this space. The previous cup
holes and paths targeting the structural, support- must be removed, without sacrificing further
ing bone remained. The highest number of bone.
7 When the Bone Is Not Enough: The Role of Custom-Made Implants in Cup Revision Surgery 79

Fig. 7.4 A cup 3D trial models used to check the correct

Fig. 7.3 A sterilized 3D pelvic model used like reference bone–implant contact and the position of the screw

If it is necessary for the visualization of the

ilium, the gluteus medius, and minimus must be
elevated off the wing of the ilium, to protect the
superior gluteal artery and nerve. Ischium can be
correctly exposed all the way down to the lateral
insertions of hamstring tendons with partial
release, taking care to protect the sciatic nerve.
A sterilized 3D pelvic model, and a cup model
could be used as guiding reference intraopera-
tively (Fig. 7.3). Acetabular pseudomembranes
Fig. 7.5 Definitive custom cup implant: good fit and pri-
must be removed and a necrotic bone reamed mary stability was obtained
according to the 3D model and the preoperative
planning. If it is possible allograft must be used
only in small quantities, to fill some remaining be planned and discussed with the engineers dur-
imperfections of contact with the construct, to ing the planning because not all insertion points
achieve the best possible contact between the can be intraoperatively reached.
new cup and the supporting bone. The 3D trial The modularity of liners varies between com-
models of the cup are available, and it is useful to panies and it is therefore important to know the
check the bone-implant contact area and the cor- available options preoperatively. Lateralized,
rect position of the screw’s holes and paths elevated, and constrained options are typically
(Fig. 7.4). Cleaning of the bony bed for the new available to aid in achieving appropriate hip
implant from remaining cement, screws, metal, is length, soft-tissue tensioning, and stability [10].
mandatory to achieve the same clean surface as
planned by the CT reconstruction.
In the case of triflange model, the insertion of 7.5 PostOperative Rehabilitation
the cup usually is initiated with the position of Program
the iliac flange, eased by translating the hip prox-
imally with some flexion to relax the abductors. The postoperative rehabilitation includes immediate
The ischial and pubic flanges are rotated into mobilization with protected weight-bearing using
position while extending the hip. After the cor- crutches for the first 30 to 60 days. Due to the
rect positioning of the custom cup, it has to be absence or to the small quantity of bone grafting the
fixed with screws that have a diameter, direction, weight-bearing is not contraindicated. If in doubt of
and length already defined (Fig. 7.5). The screws the initial stability of the hip, and dislocation is con-
(insertion points, paths, screwing direction) must sidered possible, due to the number and severity of
80 L. Perticarini et al.

previous and actual surgeries, an orthesis can be survival rates of 82.7% (3 years) and 77% (5 years).
adopted for 4 to 6 weeks to limit motion. Christie et al. [13] reported no triflange cup removed
All kind of exercises, aiming to strengthen the and Harris hip scores improved from a preoperative
muscles, (isometric initially, and assisted iso- mean of 33.3 points to a postoperative mean of 82.1
tonic) and to restore an acceptable range of points in a series of 67 hips in 65 patients with an
motion can be adopted, including pool rehab with average follow-up of 53 months (range,
deep-water bicycling (once the surgical wound 24–107 months). A series of 23 patients (24 hips)
has healed), if the compliance of the patient with Paprosky type IIIB defects treated with custom
allows it. Availability in the literature of proven triflange acetabular components (CTAC) and mean
rehabilitation protocols for hip custom-made follow-up of 57 months (minimum 2 years) reported
implants, is very poor. no loosening or mechanical failure, with HHS
improving from 42 (±16) to 65 (±18) [14].
According to the biomechanical parameter restora-
7.6 PostOperative Evaluation tion compared to the preoperative planning, Weber
et al. found deviations of the custom-made implant
Radiological evaluation including AP pelvis compared to the 3D-CT planning within 10° regard-
x-rays and axial view of the affected hip should ing inclination and anteversion and within 5 mm
be done postoperatively at 6 weeks, 6 months, regarding center of rotation (COR) restoration in
and 1 year, and, thereafter, at 1-year intervals. the majority of patients [15].
Postoperative CT scan may be requested to eval- Recently, literature on the failures of the
uate the congruence between the bone and the custom-­ made implants became available. The
implant and the direction of the screws. Clinical most common causes of revision are dislocation,
evaluation could be performed by Harris Hip aseptic loosening, infection, and mechanical fail-
Score (HHS) which is still the most adopted eval- ure. De Martino et al. [16] reported 11% of dislo-
uation tool. Other scores useful for evaluation cation, 6% of deep infection, and 1.7% of aseptic
are: Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome loosening in a review enrolling 579 cases. In a
Score (HOOS), Oxford Hip Score (OHS), modi- single series of 95 complex acetabular recon-
fied Merle d’Aubigne and Postel scale, Western struction with custom triflange cup, Berend et al.
Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis [17] described that the implant was removed in
Index (WOMAC), Short Form-36 (SF-36), and seven hips (7.37%), and a further triflange
Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). No specifically implant was used in four and an excision arthro-
designed scores for these peculiar and disabling plasty was performed in three after the failure of
situations have been produced so far. reimplantation due to infection. If mechanical
failure occurs, it is possible to provide a new cus-
tom system or an explantation. Wind et al. [18]
7.7 Clinical Experience reported in a series of 19 hips, that reoperations
and Failures included 1 explantation for aseptic failure, 1
explantation for septic failure, 1 revision to con-
In a recent review, Chiarlone et al. describe acetabu- strained liner, 1 exchange of constrained liner
lar aseptic loosening (AL) like the main indication due to locking ring failure, and 2 irrigations and
for revision total hip arthroplasty with a custom debridement of postoperative wound infections.
implant, followed by implant failure, osteolysis, Fröschen et al. [12] showed that 51 of the 68
PJI, multiple dislocations, instability, metallosis, cases treated (75%), reimplantation of a custom-­
dysplasia, Girdlestone, tumor and acetabular frac- made prosthetic hip component was considered
tures [11]. Good results were shown by Fröschen clinically successful; there were 17 cases in
et al. [12] at an average follow-­up of 43 months in a which treatment failure occurred with a need for
series of 68 custom cups. Implant survival at last explantation of the custom-made implant. In
follow-up was 75% and Kaplan–Meier survival these 17 cases, 15 patients needed explantation of
analysis, with explantation as the endpoint, revealed the custom-made implant because of a PJI, and 2
7 When the Bone Is Not Enough: The Role of Custom-Made Implants in Cup Revision Surgery 81

patients needed explantation because of aseptic A small number of data are available in litera-
loosening of the implant [12]. ture on the possibility to revise custom implants.
Citak et al. [19] described that only 1 of 9 In our opinion it is very important to prevent the
patients (11.1%) required revision surgery due possibility of custom implant failure using porous
to implant-associated failure after 13 months. materials, good manufacturing system/technol-
Moreover, in terms of non-implant-associated ogy, modularity, an adequate level of constraint
revision rates, 5 patients (55.6%) required revi- associated to abductor repair/reconstruction if
sion surgery due to hip dislocation (n = 3) and needed, and maniacal planning (to identify cup
postoperative hematoma (n = 2). The authors position, screws direction, good bone available if
affirm that they used in 2 cases a larger head, it is possible); the surgeons must be skilled and
while in 1 case a neck adapter with a larger head the surgery must not last long to reduce the risk
to treat the instability [19]. Barlow et al. [20] of infection.
reported that custom triflange acetabular com- The acetabular custom-made implants repre-
ponents (CTAC) tend to lateralize the hip center sent a reliable solution in cases of unsuccessful
by approximately 1 cm, and there is a trend multiple revisions in particular cases of bone loss
toward nearly 2 cm of lateralization in the small classified as Paprosky Type IIIA-B, type III–IV
subset of failed CTAC observed. They con- according to American Academy of Orthopaedic
cluded that future efforts should focus on medi- Surgeons system, AIR IV, or a bone defect α2 and
alizing the hip center in CTAC to improve beyond considering our new classification, where
ingrowth and survivorship. the feature of the defect cannot be handled with
Mechanical failure of custom system is also standard implants. This strategy allows fitting the
possible, and it could occur due to screws break- implant to the residual host bone, bypassing the
age, flange breakage, cement detachment, or cup bony deficiency, and restoring hip biomechanics
breakage. (Fig. 7.6).

Fig. 7.6 Preoperative and 18 months follow-up X-rays of custom implant: biomechanical parameters are restored
82 L. Perticarini et al.

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and Mauro Andrenacci for the pictures on the proposed Kontrasepsi Implant Di Puskesmas Ome Kota Tidore
pelvic bone defects classification. Kepul. 2020;84(3):446–519.
12. Fröschen FS, Randau TM, Hischebeth GTR, Gravius
N, Gravius S, Walter SG. Mid-term results after
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10. Goodman GP, Engh CA. The custom triflange cup build 20. Barlow BT, Oi KK, Lee YY, Carli AV, Choi DS,
it and they will come. Bone Jt J. 2016;98B(1):68–72. Bostrom MP. Outcomes of custom flange acetabular
11. Chiarlone F, Zanirato A, Cavagnaro L, Alessio-­ components in revision total hip arthroplasty and pre-
Mazzola M, Felli L, Burastero G, et al. Acetabular dictors of failure. J Arthroplasty. 2016;31(5):1057–
custom-made implants for severe acetabular bone 64.
defect in revision total hip arthroplasty: a system-
3D Scapula/Shoulder Prosthesis
Alessandro Luzzati, Carmine Zoccali,
and Giovanni Beltrami

8.1 Introduction reconstruction in which homografts, harvested in

adults, present important size mismatches.
Reconstruction after wide resection of skeletal 3D-Printed Titanium Custom-Made
tumors around the shoulder girdle is currently Prostheses (3DPTCMP) appear to be a theoreti-
very important in order to try to assure the cally definitive, reliable, and effective solution, in
patients a better quality of life, since they can be terms of anatomical reconstruction and mechani-
long survivors more frequently than in the past. cal resistance. We present an overall consider-
While modular prostheses assure good limb ation regarding shoulder girdle reconstruction,
reconstruction in the majority of cases, no effec- with particular regards to the titanium custom
tive reconstruction systems are available for com- 3D-printed solution.
plex segments as the pelvis and the scapula, so
the use of composite homograft prostheses is Anatomical Considerations The shoulder gir-
often considered the reference treatment. dle presents specific characteristics; in a restricted
Nevertheless, massive homografts present area the joint, composed by the humeral head, the
several problems related to long-term mechanical glenoid cavity and the capsula, is closely in con-
outcomes, which often result in failures [1, 2]; tact with the shoulder muscles, the brachial
moreover, a consistent problem regards pediatric plexus and the axillary-humeral vessels.
The extrarotator muscles originate from the
scapula and pass over the capsular joint, so the
A. Luzzati (*) related tendons surround the humeral head, and
Oncological and Reconstructive Orthopaedic insert themselves on the related apophysis.
Department, IRCCS—Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, These structures establish a barrier for the
Milan, Italy
tumor, which may grow easier inside the joint,
C. Zoccali under the muscles, than outside them
Department of Anatomical, Histological, Forensic
Medicine and Orthopaedic Science, Sapienza (Fig. 8.1).
University of Rome, Rome, Italy Wittig et al., in 2001, codified the structures,
Oncological Orthopedics, IFO - Regina Elena introducing the concept of functional compart-
National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy ments according to the Enneking principles for
G. Beltrami tumor surgery [3].
Pediatric Oncological Orthopedic Department, In detail, the subscapularis muscle divides the
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Meyer, shoulder girdle from the brachial plexus; when
Florence, Italy
the tumor, onset from the humeral head, destroys

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 83

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
84 A. Luzzati et al.

Table 8.1 Shoulder girdle resection classification

Malware et al. Enneking et al. Shehadeh et al.
classification classification classification
Type I: S1: Scapular Humeral
Intra-articular blade and resections
proximal spine Type I: Intra-­
humerus S2: Glenoid, articular proximal
resection coracoid humerus resection
Type II: Partial process and Type II: Extra-­
scapular acromion articular proximal
resection S3: Humeral humerus resection
Type III: epiphysis (?) Type III:
Intra-articular S4: Humeral Intra-articular total
total metaphysis (?) humerus resection;
scapulectomy S5: Humeral Type IV:
Type IV: diaphysis (?) Extra-articular
Extra-articular total humerus
total resection
scapulectomy Scapular
Fig. 8.1 Axial-MRI underlining the barrier action of the
and humeral head resections
subscapularis muscle (red) for tumors arising in the scap-
resection Type I: Partial
ula (orange) versus the neurovascular bundle
Type V: scapular resection,
Extra-articular with preservation
humerus and of the glenoid and
the cortical bone, it then grows posterior to the
glenoid resection the glenohumeral
muscle toward the anterior surface of the scapula, Type VI: joint
often sparing the neurovascular structures [4]. Extra-articular Type II: Intra-­
Considering these concepts, several authors humeral and total articular resection
scapular of the scapula
suggest extra-articular resections for primary
resection Type III:
tumors, usually possible because the neurovascu- Extra-articular
lar bundle is not involved. Moreover, a wide resection of the
resection of a primary tumor located in the scapula
humeral head includes the joint and the extrarota-
tor cuff, with a resulting instability that has to be
taken into account for reconstruction. based on the tumor site and the anatomic com-
partments (Table 8.1). Each type was then divided
The Primary Tumors in the Scapula Even if into two categories: A if the abduction system
the shoulder girdle is considered the third most was spared or B if it was partially or completely
common site for bone tumors, primary tumors are resected.
quite rare in the scapula, while metastatic lesions A couple of years later, Enneking and col-
are more common [5, 6]. In childhood, the most leagues, including Dunham and Malware, pro-
frequent primary tumor in the scapula is Ewing’s posed a new classification of shoulder
Sarcoma. After adolescence, Chondrosarcoma resections in which they identified five zones.
becomes the most frequent primary tumor because This classification was successively adopted
there is a high incidence of malignant transforma- by the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society [9]
tion of scapular exostoses [7, 8]. (Table 8.1).
In the past, considering the shoulder’s com- Recently, Shehadeh et al. have tried to give
plex anatomy and biomechanics, wide excision surgical indications based on the site of the dis-
without reconstruction was considered the best ease, distinguishing tumors located in the
treatment. humerus and tumors located in the scapula
Malware et al. were one of first to describe a (Table 8.1) [10].
classification of shoulder girdle resections in Humeral resections were differentiated in four
1991 [5]. They identified six types of resections, types and A and B were specified for each one,
8 3D Scapula/Shoulder Prosthesis 85

based on the partial or complete resection of the score of 80% at median follow-up of
deltoid excision, respectively; scapular resections 26 months. Although this could seem com-
were differentiated in three types. forting, it is likely that the functional results
They suggested modular prosthetic recon- decrease with a longer follow-up [12]; more-
struction for all humeral resections, with capsula over, they verified a better function when the
reconstruction with a Goretex aortic graft posi- glenoid cavity is preserved.
tioned between the glenoid and the prosthesis for The use of a composite homograft pros-
Type I and Type III resections, while the Dacron thesis is associated to several problems
prosthesis is positioned between the acromion related to the homograft; first of all, the
and the coracoid process for Type II and Type IV availability: muscular-skeletal tissue banks
resections. are not widespread and it is not easy to find a
They suggested no reconstruction for scapular homograft with compatible size and shape;
resections in pediatric patients and custom-made moreover, the osteointegration is limited to
prostheses for adults, moreover for aesthetics the area in contact with the patient’s bone
because should function is only slightly increased. and a process of resorption is common at
Actually, all classifications are similar and long-term follow-up.
suggest similar treatment. 3. Custom-made Prosthesis: CMP represented a
When the tumor is located in the humerus, valid alternative in reconstruction after limb-­
reconstruction in adults can be performed with sparing surgery. In 2007, Pritsch et al. pub-
available modular prostheses which can be stan- lished a comparison between humerus
dard or inverse, based on circumflex nerve spar- suspension and endoprosthesis reconstruc-
ing [11]. tion, they concluded that endoprostheses have
When the tumor is located in the scapula, better function and aesthetics for when rhom-
there are three available options: boids, latissimus dorsi, deltoid and trapezius
muscles are spared [13].
1. Humerus suspension: more indicated in
elderly patients or in case of a high risk of Custom-Made Prosthesis CMP has two main
infections; it was mostly used in the past objectives in the shoulder:
decades. When muscles and soft tissues are
partially spared, a sufficient function is pres- 1. restoring connection between the spino-­
ent even in case the lateral third of the scap- appendicular muscles or the remaining scap-
ula is resected and not reconstructed ula and the humerus;
(Fig. 8.2a, b) [6]. 2. restoring/maintaining function.
2. Homograft reconstruction: although still con-
sidered the reference treatment, the use of Moreover, in pediatric patients, it plays an
homograft reconstruction is today less fre- important role in restoring/maintaining anatomy
quent than in the past; where conventional prostheses are ineffective
We can distinguish reconstruction using (oversize, diaphyseal stem, high mechanical
homograft alone and reconstruction using request).
homograft combined to a prosthesis Restoring Connection: the type of connection
(Composite Homograft Prosthesis). between the scapular prosthesis and the humerus
The first solution can be a valid alternative is quite debated in literature and no consensus is
for little bone loss or in low-demanding present.
patients because of the low osteointegration In the first reported cases, the proximal
rate and related homograft resorption; Zhang humerus was not replaced, to reduce the invasive-
et al., in 2009, published their experience in ness of the technique and to perform a “standard”
reconstruction after resection of scapular reconstruction [14]. The problem was repre-
tumors using homografts; they report a MSTS sented by possible progressive erosion of the
86 A. Luzzati et al.

a b

Fig. 8.2 (a) Abduction and anterior elevation after resec- even though reconstruction was not performed, function
tion of the lateral aspect of the scapula: control at 6 months can be considered sufficient
from surgery; (b) X-ray showing the glenoid resection;

humeral head, due to mismatch and/or joint insta- They conclude, at 37 months of average fol-
bility after muscle resection, as well as for the low-­up, to have obtained a good pain control and
different wear of cartilage and titanium prosthetic a stable shoulder, but a limited function.
surface. This can lead to persistent pain and limi- Nevertheless, in case of reconstruction with a
tation of the range of motion [15]. constrained total shoulder arthroplasty, the weight
So, as today, many authors suggest the replace- of the entire arm is directly conveyed on the scap-
ment of both the scapula and the humeral head. ula prosthesis and, in case of partial scapula resec-
This with a view to reduce surface wear and to tion, on the prosthesis-scapular bone interface.
offer the implant greater stability. This could be responsible for mobilization of
Otherwise, when resection includes scapula, the scapular prosthesis or distal migration of the
proximal humerus and muscles, joint stability is entire shoulder, because of the weight of the arm.
often precarious and constraining the glenohu- These possible events absolutely contraindi-
meral joint is almost mandatory. cate the use of constrained implants in pediatric
In 2018, Savvidou et all, published a series of age, even if an extra-articular resection of the
6 scapular reconstructions after tumor removals, shoulder girdle is performed.
with constrained reverse total shoulder arthro- In general, a non-constrained glenohumeral
plasty [16]. joint is suggested, when it is possible to spare
8 3D Scapula/Shoulder Prosthesis 87

muscles/capsule and nerves, maintaining a resid- –– Nerve sparing: the circumflex nerve consider-
ual shoulder. ably influences shoulder function; it originates
Always considering the resurface of both from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus,
humerus and scapula, in case of resection of cap- travels through the quadrangular space, sur-
sule and rotator cuff, inverse shoulder prostheses rounds the humeral metaphysis, and innerves
have been utilized to maintain abduction. This the deltoid and teres minor. It is important to
surgical solution, linked to the salvage of the spare it during resection when possible
axillary nerve and deltoid, offers an excellent because it is fundamental to maintain some
range of motion. Nevertheless, a consistent high level of abduction of the shoulder.
failure rate, in the short, middle, and long term, Unfortunately, it is often involved in tumors of
has to be taken into account. Barco et al. (2016) the proximal humerus but it is often not
reported an overall revision rate from 9.5 to 47%, involved in scapular tumors. The suprascapu-
with several possible complications (instability, lar nerve originates from the upper trunk of
infection, notching, mechanical failure, nerve the brachial plexus; it then runs along the
injury, acromial/ spine fracture, intraoperative superior border of the scapula, passes through
fracture, component disassembly). For this rea- the suprascapular notch inferior to the supe-
son, after an oncological resection around the rior transverse scapular ligament and enters
shoulder girdle, an accurate balance between the supraspinous fossa where it innerves the
functional improvement and long-term complica- supraspinatus muscle, and then it passes
tions has to be performed, especially in the pedi- through the spinoglenoid notch toward the
atric population. infraspinatus fossa where it innerves the infra-
If a standard humeral prosthesis is chosen, the spinatus muscle [19]. During its path, it is in
connection between the humeral prosthesis and close contact with the scapular bone, so
the scapula can be guaranteed by the use of an tumors originating in the lateral third of the
artificial cuff as the trevira tube however, a pos- scapula frequently involve it; the subscapular
sible increase of the infection rate has to be taken nerves (upper, middle, and lower) originate
into account [17, 18]. Nevertheless, functional from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus;
flaps are necessary to restore motion. the upper nerve immediately innervates the
Puchner et al., in 2014, published a series of subscapularis muscle, the middle (thoracodor-
29 scapular resections whereof two patients sal) nerve innervates the latissimus dorsi mus-
underwent reconstruction with standard shoulder cle and the lower nerve innervates the lower
CMP; they obtained acceptable functional results part of the subscapularis muscle and the teres
with a MSTS score of 83% and 77% [6]. major muscle. The middle and lower subscap-
Restoring/maintaining function: we can iden- ularis nerves travel ventrally to the subscapu-
tify three key points laris muscle belly which protects them from
tumor infiltration.
–– Muscle sparing: obviously, maintaining mus- –– Function restoring using functional flaps: after
cles is important for function but, unfortu- wide resection of bone, muscle, and nerves,
nately, it is often impossible because they the only way to restore function is to use a
have to be sacrificed to guarantee a good mar- motor unit transfer. With the largest surface
gin. When extrarotator muscles are sacrificed, area of any extremity-related muscle in the
shoulder cinematic during abduction is body, the latissimus dorsi (LD) flap is the most
severely compromised so an inverse prosthe- widely used, as it can cover most large defects
sis, with the previously described limita- of the shoulder [20, 21].
tions, has to be taken into account; in case of
partial damage of the deltoid muscle, the ser- Moreover, the vascular pedicle, which utilizes
ratus anterior muscle can partially compen- the thoracodorsal artery and nerve, allows exten-
sate, activating the scapular-thoracic joint. sive mobilization. It can be used as a pure muscle
88 A. Luzzati et al.

flap or with a skin paddle, and when the innerva- A possible system is to furnish the prosthesis
tion is properly spared, it can be used to restore with a plate with holes, which adheres to the
some movement of the shoulder. The latissimus scapular blade and is screwed to a smaller plate
dorsi has been widely employed around the on the other side of the scapular blade; this sys-
shoulder girdle, for rotator cuff, deltoid, or tricep tem allows a good primary stability, but in the
“functional muscle” reconstruction. Furthermore, long-term, the bone included between the two
the rotational LD may act as a scapular stabilizer, plates can become ischemic and can go toward
suspender and as a subscapular plane necrosis and consequent prosthetic mobilization.
­reconstruction option, offering an efficient surgi- An alternative method uses screws which go
cal solution, even in pediatric age [22]. through the prosthesis inside the lateral margin
The role of the acromion: the acromion plays and the superior border as showed by Biazzo in
a key role in shoulder motion, for arm abduction 2018, for resections of the glenoid cavity and the
and anterior elevation. When resection includes lateral third of the scapula [15]. When the resec-
it, the action of the deltoid can be not effective, tion also includes the supraspinatus fossae, the
even if the muscle is spared. medial border of the scapula can be used as well.
So, if possible, the designed prosthesis The scapular prosthesis should have holes
should also include its reconstruction, with par- along its entire body to allow the fixation of the
ticular attention to decrease the size of implants surrounding muscles and/or eventually of the
respect to normal anatomy, this in order to muscular flaps (Fig. 8.3).
reduce potential skin suffering and guarantee
deltoid reinsertion. Pediatric Reconstruction After bone tumor
resection around the shoulder girdle, “pediatric
age” represent a specific reconstructive chapter,
8.2 3D-Printed Titanium with particular rules [23, 24].
Custom-Made Prosthesis

The diffusion of additive manufacturing using

titanium powder gives an important impulse to its
application in CMP production.
Additive manufacturing has allowed to
decrease costs and to simplify the production
process which is now possible in small factories.
Shoulder prosthesis production obtained sev-
eral advantages from this technology, allowing to
reconstruct entire segment as the scapula or just
little sections as the glenoid cavity.
The total scapula prosthesis can reproduce
normal scapula anatomy or just the wedges.
During projection, it needs to have peripheral
holes and loops to allow muscle attachment;
acromion reconstruction is quite important to fix
the deltoid muscle, moreover if the circumflex
nerve is spared.
When it is possible to spare part of the scapula
with its muscular attachments, the functional Fig. 8.3 An intraoperative picture showing the reattach-
ment of the surrounding muscles to the 3DPCMP to cover
results can be better. Otherwise, it is not easy to it and restore function. This procedure is also helpful to
find the best way to fix the prosthesis to the suspend the prosthesis in a correct position after total
remaining scapular bone. scapulectomy
8 3D Scapula/Shoulder Prosthesis 89

This for several reasons: –– The chance to perfectly establish the size of
the reconstruction in a 3D view, including
1. The term “pediatric age” includes several wedges, apophysis, articular surface etc. This
classes of different patients, from infancy to allows to exactly plan the size of implants,
childhood. deciding where it is necessary to be “ana-
2. Immature bone has its own healing capability, tomic, over-sized and under-sized.”
remodeling, and growth characteristics. –– The chance to establish the “best” osteosyn-
3. The “conventional” prosthetic reconstructions thesis device, planning the anatomical plate,
are often discouraged, for stem stress shield- pins and screws with different sizes.
ing, growth plate violation, and early failure. –– The chance of a solid, strong reconstruction,
4. The constrained prosthesis tends to fail for completed by the presence of holes and loops
several mechanical or biological long-term for muscle attachment.
complications. On the contrary, a theoretical –– The chance to use the custom prosthesis as a
“unstable reconstruction” in pediatric age has biological spacer, able to guarantee function
more chances of long-term durability and until the end of growth, before definitive,
efficacy. “adult type” reconstruction.
5. “Esthetical” reconstructions are unnecessary,
for the amazing functional recovery and bal- Nevertheless, possible complications also
ance capability. have to be taken into account:

For the overall analysis, including specific –– mechanical erosion of the counter-lateral
surgical difficulties, after an oncological resec- articular surface,
tion around the shoulder girdle, children are often –– mechanical wear of the thoracic wall and ribs
treated either by a “non-reconstruction” or by a in scapular reconstruction,
“biological reconstruction.” In particular, after –– possible migration and instability of the
scapular resection, “non-reconstruction” means implant, due to elevated functional requests
an efficient elbow and wrist function, while the and scarce cooperation.
active movement of the shoulder is achieved with –– no previous literature reports, with difficult
momentum, and never against resistance. In case projects.
of extra-articular resections, the proximal
humerus may be reconstructed with massive All considering, in pediatric age, a possible
homografts or APCs suspended to the clavicle, way to take advantage of the benefits of titanium
with minimal active range of motion of the 3D-printed technology for shoulder girdle recon-
shoulder. struction, is to “add biology” to the mechanical
In order to improve shoulder motion, a scapu- implants. In particular, the association of rota-
lar reconstruction may be attempted by massive tional LD motor unit transfer to a scapular tita-
homograft reconstruction. The difficulties are nium 3D implant, offers the chance of a
represented by mismatch (adult donor) and mid- potentially definitive and effective reconstruc-
dle- or long-term mechanical failure. For this rea- tion. The scapular prosthesis is anatomical and
son, this option is discouraged [25, 26]. resistant; the rotational and functional LD flap
Recycled bone may be an option for “perfect offers scapular stability, a safe subscapularis
anatomical fitting,” but long-term results under- plane and improves the range of motion [28].
mine the efficacy (massive resorptions, infec- The same considerations can also be useful in
tions, fractures, etc.) [27]. custom 3D proximal humerus reconstruction,
The introduction of 3DTCMP in clinical prac- where the LD rotational flap may reconstruct del-
tice, has offered new perspective options of toid function, if necessary.
reconstruction, also in the pediatric age. As stated before, constrained implants are dis-
In this group, the main advantages are: couraged in infancy, as well as reverse shoulder
90 A. Luzzati et al.

prostheses. So, for recovering and lowering the Exemplificative Case Female patient, 36 years
wear of the counter-lateral articular surface, an old, presented at observation of her general prac-
interposition arthroplasty by autologous and/or titioner complaining pain in her right shoulder.
homologous fascia may be helpful. After performing an X-ray (Fig. 8.5a), the patient
The same for reconstruction of capsule and was addressed to orthopedic consultation. The
ligament, in order to limit synthetic mesh in pedi- orthopedic surgeon prescribed NSAIDs and reha-
atric age (Fig. 8.4). bilitation. After 3 months, considering the
That said, the use of custom-made prostheses absence of significant results, an MRI was done
in pediatric age must absolutely be limited to (Fig. 8.5b) showing a tumor mass onset in the
selected cases in which it appears indispensable glenoid cavity and growing anteriorly through
for functional recovery, and mainly associated to the coracoid process. The patient was addressed
muscular transfer. to a specialized oncological center where a total-­
body CT scan was performed revealing the
absence of distant metastases and the presence of
calcifications in the mass, suggestive of a tumor
of chondroid nature (Fig. 8.5c). The successive
CT-guided trocar biopsy evidenced a grade 2
Chondrosarcoma and the patient was addressed
to surgery.

Considering the specific anatomy, wide resec-

tion and reconstruction with a custom-made
prosthesis was indicated.
Prosthesis design: the tumor involved the gle-
noid cavity, the coracoid process and the sur-
rounding soft tissues. The resection was planned
to obtain a wide margin and patient specific cut-
ting guides were produced to facilitate the correct
osteotomies (Fig. 8.6a). The prosthesis was built
to reproduce the anatomy of the resected part
without the coracoid process because its tendon
attachments were considered compromised.
Fixation was ideated with a plate with screws
(Fig. 8.6b).
Surgery: performed with the patient in left-­
lateral position. A dissection was performed ante-
riorly to isolate the neurovascular bundle
(Fig. 8.7a); posteriorly, considering the disease
was intraosseous, the supraspinatus and infraspi-
natus muscles were isolated and spared
(Fig. 8.7b). The osteotomies were performed
Fig. 8.4 An intraoperative picture showing the use of a using the cutting guides and the tumor was extir-
homoplastic fascia lata to reconstruct capsular ligaments pated with wide margins.
8 3D Scapula/Shoulder Prosthesis 91

a b

Fig. 8.5 (a) The X-ray was quite normal; (b) axial-MRI (left side) and axial view (right side) showing the tumor
showing a tumor probably onset in the glenoid cavity and with calcification in the matrix compatible with a chon-
grown through the coracoid process. (c) CT sagittal view droid tumor

a b

Fig. 8.6 (a) The cutting guides projected to perform the osteotomies; (b) a rendering of the 3DPTCMP
92 A. Luzzati et al.

a b

Fig. 8.7 (a) Intraoperative picture showing the anterior and the infraspinatus muscle (b) were isolated and ele-
dissection with the humeral head (a), the tumor (b) and the vated; (c) the reconstruction with a scapular 3DPCMP and
neurovascular bundle (c); (b) intraoperative picture show- an inverse shoulder prosthesis
ing the posterior dissection; the supraspinatus muscle (a)
8 3D Scapula/Shoulder Prosthesis 93

a b

Fig. 8.8 (a) Function at 5 years pf follow-up; (b) X-ray showing the absence of signs of prosthesis mobilization

Reconstruction was performed using the of muscles and soft tissues, adult patients need
3DPTCMP for the scapula and a reverse shoulder standard or constrained implants, with generally
prosthesis for the proximal humerus (Fig. 8.7c). poor functional results. In selected cases, inverse
The final histology revealed a G3—central prostheses may offer an extremely effective range
Chondrosarcoma. of motion, but the many possible complications
Results: At 5 years of follow-up the patient is have to be considered. Conventional megapros-
apparently free of disease, with a painless shoulder, theses in proximal humerus reconstruction, asso-
and a satisfying function (active abduction: 70°, ciated to synthetic mesh, are well proven options,
anterior active elevation: 60°) (Fig. 8.8a), no signs with uncertain functional recovery.
of prosthesis mobilization at X-ray (Fig. 8.8b). In pediatric age, biological reconstruction of
the proximal humerus (massive homograft, APC,
vascularized fibular graft), achieve satisfactory
8.3 Conclusion bone stock recovery, with possible difficulties in
the long term. Scapular homografts and recycled
For malignant tumors of the scapular region, bone present many limitations and long-term
limb salvage surgery has become, in the past difficulties.
years, the consensus procedure for most patients. The introduction of 3D-printed technology
Different types of wide shoulder girdle resections both in adults and in children seems to be useful
are often necessary, implying complex shoulder and effective in trying to resolve the ancient
defects. Surgical reconstructive options and problems: anatomical reconstructions, durable
residual function depend on general status, age, solutions and no limitation in term of size and
type of resection, surgical experience. After site (partial or total resection), stressed this type
extra-articular resection with important sacrifice of surgical options.
94 A. Luzzati et al.

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3D Vertebral Prosthesis
Marco Girolami, Maria Sartori, Stefano Bandiera,
Giovanni Barbanti-Brodano, Gisberto Evangelisti,
Riccardo Ghermandi, Valerio Pipola,
Giuseppe Tedesco, Silvia Terzi, Emanuela Asunis,
Luigi Falzetti, Giovanni Tosini, Eleonora Pesce,
Federica Trentin, Cristiana Griffoni,
Donato Monopoli, Milena Fini,
and Alessandro Gasbarrini

9.1 Introduction more aggressive approaches with emerging, in

the spinal oncology community, of the role of en
In the last three decades there have been tremen- bloc resection with oncologically appropriate
dous technical and technological advances that margins in the treatment of primary bone tumors.
profoundly changed spine surgery, allowing what Given the encouraging results achieved in terms
seemed to be impossible before. The spread of of local control and overall survival, increasing
transpedicular segmental fixation paved the way interest grew toward more refined reconstruc-
for more complex reconstructions, thus allowing tions of the spine.
The advent of additive manufacturing tech-
niques with their unparalleled versatility, have
M. Girolami (*) · S. Bandiera · G. Barbanti-­Brodano offered a very attractive prospect in the recon-
G. Evangelisti · R. Ghermandi · V. Pipola struction of substance losses, such as those pro-
G. Tedesco · S. Terzi · E. Asunis · L. Falzetti duced by the resection of musculoskeletal
G. Tosini · E. Pesce · F. Trentin · C. Griffoni
A. Gasbarrini neoplasms.
Department of Oncologic and Degenerative Spine
Surgery, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli,
Bologna, Italy 9.2 3D-Printing in Spine: Review
e-mail:;;;; 3D-printing found several applications in the;; field of spine surgery. Several Authors asserted;; the value of preoperative modeling [1] that
would be useful to ease understanding of patient
M. Sartori · M. Fini anatomy, particularly in those cases where this
Complex Structure of Surgical Sciences and
Technologies, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, is such altered by the underlying pathology that
Bologna, Italy standard landmarks cannot be considered reli-
e-mail:; able. This includes complex spinal deformities
D. Monopoli such as severe kyphoscoliosis [1, 2], craniover-
Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias (ITC), tebral junction anomalies [1, 3], or spinal tumors
Canary Island, Spain [4, 5].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 97

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
98 M. Girolami et al.

Such models can be used for training pur- 9.3 En Bloc Resection
poses prior to surgery [3, 6, 7] (or interventional
procedures [8]) and prepare the sizes of the En bloc resection is a complex surgical procedure
implants that may be necessary. Moreover, they aiming at removal of a tumor in single piece
can even be sterilized to make them available on (Fig. 9.1). It is indicated in:
the surgical field [1] to work as an additional ref-
erence tool to enhance safety of otherwise stan- –– benign aggressive [20, 21] (Enneking stage 3,
dard procedures, such as free-hand pedicle screw i.e., giant cell tumors, osteoblastoma);
placement [1, 9]. Moreover, the use of printed –– malignant primary bone tumors [22–24] (i.e.,
models has been advocated as a teaching tool chordoma, chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma,
with patient to further aid in their education and Ewing sarcoma);
counseling. –– highly selected cases of spinal metastases [25]
Further advance of the application of (i.e., solitary metastasis from clear cell renal
3D-printing into clinical practice has been pro- carcinoma).
duction of patient-specific tools to guide execu-
According to where dissection is carried out,
tion of procedures (mainly complex spinal
resection will be:
three-column osteotomies [9] or screw placement
[10–13]) in such challenging scenarios. –– marginal, when it is carried out along the cap-
The ultimate frontier has been applica- sule (or through the reactive peritumoral
tion of 3D-printing technology to production pseudocapsule),
of implants and prosthetic devices. Although –– wide, when a thick layer of peripheral healthy
this technology perfectly fits with the demand- tissue, or an anatomic barrier not yet infil-
ing needs of personalized reconstruction after trated by the tumor (i.e., pleura of fascia) fully
tumor resection [14–19], it has been nowa- covers the tumor.
days widely applied by several companies on
large-scale production of standard off-the- If the tumor is violated by planned (in order to
shelf devices, mainly interbody cages (i.e., save important neurovascular structures) or
Tritanium® Stryker, Conduit™ DePuy Synthes/ unplanned transgression, then resection is en bloc
Johnson&Johnson, etc). intralesional.

Fig. 9.1 En bloc

resection is a complex
surgical procedure
aiming at removal of a
tumor in single piece
9 3D Vertebral Prosthesis 99

Oncological appropriateness of a resection is a biological adjunct in order to enhance potential

assessed by the pathologist after evaluation of the for osseointegration of large allografts, rather
margins [26, 27] of the surgical specimen with than as structural bone grafts itself.
respect to the diagnosis.
According to the Weinstein-Boriani-Biagini
(WBB) surgical staging system [28], 7 types of 9.4.2 Prosthetic Options
en bloc resections in the spine have been
described. This group includes very different devices that
were created in order to overcome the limitations
of the use of bone grafts, and whose design pro-
9.4 Anterior Column gressively evolved from one another. None of
Reconstruction: Goals these options has been proven to be overall better
and Options than the others, but each of these has a specific
profile of pros and cons.
The multiple options that have been described for Titanium mesh cages are the classical options
anterior column reconstruction can be roughly that have been successfully used to span defi-
split into two groups: biological and prosthetic ciencies in the anterior column in a wide variety
options. of pathologies (trauma, tumors, infections, or
Nevertheless, goals of reconstruction are: (1) deformities). These cages are available in long
restoration the load-bearing capacity of the ante- segments that can be cut intraoperatively to the
rior column, (2) fill the bone loss with appropri- size of the actual bone loss, from simple discec-
ate segmental alignment. tomies for interbody fusion to resection of sev-
eral vertebral bodies. They allow immediate
weight-­bearing and potential for osteointegra-
9.4.1  iological Options (Bone
B tion since can be packed with cancellous bone
Grafts) graft.
Carbon fiber modular cages represent another
Bone grafts are cheap, very versatile, and have commonly used option, especially in oncology
great potential for osteointegration. Use of bone cases, because allows optimal adjuvant radiation
grafts from the same patient (autograft) is restricted therapy protocols since scattering in the postop-
by the limited amount of bone that can be har- erative imaging is minimal (given the low atomic
vested (especially for structural grafts). Moreover, number of the carbon). Moreover, carbon fiber
painful sequelae at the donor site are exceedingly proved to enhance fusion on long-term follow-
common. For these reasons this option is not rec- ­up. The main drawback that limits its use is the
ommended nowadays for routine use. high cost of the implants.
Use of bone grafts from donors (allograft) is Expandable cages emerged with the rise of
preferred because allows to overcome these limi- minimally invasive approaches in the last decade.
tations. They are stored in muscoloskeletal tissue Their main advantage is represented by the pos-
banks, thus available in any amount without sibility to place them through minimally invasive
sequelae for the patient except for a negligible approaches and to expand them in situ to the final
(but unavoidable) risk of disease transmission. size. However, limitations are represented by the
The major drawback of the use of structural small amount of bone graft that can be packed
bone grafts is that connection to the posterior around the cage for anterior fusion, and by high
instrumentation might be challenging, so protec- costs.
tion with anterior plating is advisable to avoid Polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) is another
segmental kyphosis during the creeping substitu- classic option reported as suitable for short life
tion phase. expectancy patients, because of good resistance
Vascularized bone grafts (i.e., rib or fibular to compression and low costs without any poten-
flaps) have been used successfully but mostly as tial for osteointegration.
100 M. Girolami et al.

9.5 Preoperative Planning from November 2015 to June 2017 [29]. Since
and Implant Design then, reconstruction with 3D-printed implants
has been performed in 11 more patients treated
Design of the prosthesis starts from a preopera- for spinal tumors: in 9 of these it was following
tive thin-cut (1–1.5 mm) computed tomography en bloc resection (8 in the thoracolumbar spine—
(CT) that allows evaluation of the patient-specific Figs. 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, and 9.6 and following—and
anatomy such as shape, width, and length of the 1 in the sacrum), and in the remaining 2 after
endplates, so as the extent of the planned resec- extracapsular debulkings in the upper cervical
tion. Based on these data, a computer-aided spine (C2 in both cases).
design (CAD) model of the spine is generated
and a virtual implant is designed (Fig. 9.2).
Opportunity to visualize a virtual model prior to 9.6.1 3D-Printed Vertebral
realization allows further refinements (i.e., fixa- Prosthesis: Pros
tion technique) until the final version can be pro-
duced. Finally, the approved model can be –– Immediate availability of custom-made
fabricated by successive layering of melted implant of the proper size, that exactly reflects
Ti6Al4V powder (Arcam AB, Mölndal, Sweden). the dimension and shape of the resected speci-
men makes reconstruction quicker;
–– 3D-printing allows design of the fine details
9.6 3D-Printed Reconstruction that are expected to promote bone ingrowth
After Surgery for Spinal such as size and shape of fenestrations and
Tumors porosity of the metal; these features can be
replicated all along the inner- and outermost
Authors already reported on their preliminary surfaces of the implant;
results on the use of 3D-printed implants for –– progressive layering process allows produc-
anterior column reconstruction after en bloc tion of a lattice structure of such regularity
resection for spinal tumors in the thoracolumbar that only a minimal percentage (up to <10%)
of the actual volume of the implant is occu-
pied by titanium, leaving a high potential for
bone ingrowth;
–– opportunity to design custom-made fixation
strategies, especially at the lumbosacral junc-
tion or the upper cervical spine.

9.6.2 3D-Printed Vertebral

Prosthesis: Cons

–– preoperative planning must be meticulously

respected in order not to have mismatch
between the resected specimen and the pros-
thesis (availability of an alternative recon-
structive option is strongly suggested in case
an unpredictable situation forces to an intra-
operative change of the surgical plan);
–– timing of production must be taken into
Fig. 9.2 A virtual implant is designed on a computer-­
account when reconstruction is planned for
aided design (CAD) model of the spine oncologic disease, since biology of the tumor
9 3D Vertebral Prosthesis 101

Fig. 9.3 73-years-old female patient affected by L1 chordoma. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) show-
ing prevertebral (layer A) and epidural (layer D) extracompartmental extensions of the tumor

progresses in the meanwhile of realization of

the prosthesis.
It is Authors’ belief that resection technique
itself plays a significant role even in the reconstruc-
tion. In fact, ability to achieve smooth surfaces
where to reconstruct on allows maximization of the
contact area between host bone and prosthesis,
decreasing stress concentration, thus impacting on
possibility to achieve a solid primary stability.
Therefore, in Authors’ practice, all the osteotomies
are performed using thread-wire saws with a dedi-
Fig. 9.4 Surgery was performed as one stage posterior-­ cated device for spinal cord protection (except for
only procedure (type 2B) the vertical osteotomy in sagittal resections).
102 M. Girolami et al.

Fig. 9.5 Pathologic examination on the surgical specimen reported wide margins

Fig. 9.6 Postoperative CT scan

Acknowledgments The Authors acknowledge the

invaluable contribution of Carlo Piovani for patient stor- References
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3D Skull Prosthesis
Riccardo Boccaletti and Domenico Policicchio

Abbreviations defects have also increased as a result of

improvements in the neuro-resuscitation man-
CAD/CAM Computer aided design/computer agement of serious pathologies in which decom-
aided manufacturing pressive craniectomy has, along with advanced
HA Hydroxyapatite intensive medical methods, brought about a
PEEK Poly ether ether ketone higher survival rate of patients with extremely
PMMA Polymethylmethacrylate serious acute cerebral pathological events. This
VASC Visual analog scale for cosmesis has determined the need for neurosurgical treat-
ment for reconstruction of the cranial defect
(delayed cranioplasty). In cases of elective
pathologies, in the preoperative phase, it is pos-
10.1 Introduction sible to define the extent of the bone defect and
prepare the artificial prosthesis before surgery in
Over the past three decades, management of order to perform the resection and reconstruction
patients with cranial defects (cranio-lacunia) has treatment in a single surgical procedure (single
become a very common problem in neurosur- step surgery: resection-reconstruction).
gery. The “historical” clinical indications for The reconstruction of the cranial defect has
patients with primary and secondary neoplasms two main purposes: to ensure adequate protection
of the skull, trauma or infection whether primary of the encephalic structures and to restore the
or post-surgical, are nowadays associated with aesthetic aspect. However, it is nonetheless
increased indications of decompressive craniot- important to take into account the restoration of
omy for the treatment of malignant endocranial the physical conditions of the contents of the
hypertension of various origins (severe head skull. From the literature data it emerges that
injuries, ischemic and haemorrhagic strokes, reconstruction of the cranial defect determines an
cerebral venous thrombosis, subarachnoid haem- improvement in the neurological and neuropsy-
orrhages, infectious meningo-encephalic pro- chological outcome of the patient, in both the
cesses) [1–5]. Numbers of patients with bone short term and the long term after the traumatic
event (“Trephined Syndrome”) [1, 6–8]. This
R. Boccaletti · D. Policicchio (*) clinical improvement is due to the restoration of
Department of Neurosurgery, Azienda Ospedaliero normal intracranial pressure, with recovery of
Universitaria di Sassari, Sassari, Italy self-regulation of cerebral blood flow and its nor-
e-mail:; domenico. mal circulation.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 105

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
106 R. Boccaletti and D. Policicchio

Both clinical experience and plentiful litera- On the market at present there is a wide range
ture data show that the operation of cranial recon- of prostheses suitable for use in cranioplastic
struction, or cranioplasty, may appear to be surgery.
considered a technically simple surgery with low These may be divided into two general catego-
risk of complications. On the contrary, it is clearly ries: autograft (autologous grafts) and allograft
burdened by a higher complication rate than the (heterologous grafts), that is, bone substitutes
simple elective craniotomy: 10–20% and 5–7% comprising a heterogeneous group of bio-­
respectively [1, 2, 4, 5, 9–11]. The reason for this materials (PMMA: polymethyl methacrylate, HA
greater morbidity (variable according to the case hydroxyapatite, titanium). Autologous grafts
studies considered) is largely due to the different (autograft) are portions of autologous bone tissue
clinical conditions of the patients undergoing taken from different areas of the skeleton at the
cranial reconstruction. Normally, in fact, they same time as the reconstructive surgery.
present outcomes of serious encephalic Depending on the size, shape and location of the
­pathologies (severe head injuries, haemorrhages bone defect, it is possible to use the bone opercu-
or cerebral ischemia), with long periods of hospi- lum made at the time of the decompressive crani-
talization in Intensive Care, high incidence of ectomy, or portions of calvaria taken from areas
systemic infections and metabolic alterations, adjacent to the craniectomy site, or bone portions
frequent local chronic inflammatory phenomena taken from the ribs or from long bones of the
that compromise the local skin trophism inferior limbs (usually the tibia). In the case of
(lacerated-­contusive wounds, incisions for ven- large superficial cranial defects the use of the cra-
triculostomy and/or ICP monitoring, previous nial operculum, or parts of the calvaria, enables
major intervention, subgaleal hematomas, CSF closure of the skull and gives relatively qualita-
fistula, etc.). tive cosmetic results. On the other hand, smaller
Besides the inadequate aesthetic result, the deeper defects resulting in minor aesthetic impact
main complications of cranioplasty include the may be closed by taking bone portions from other
far more serious postsurgical haematomas, infec- skeletal sites.
tions and reabsorption of the dural graft with CSF Theoretically, the autologous bone flap,
fistola, and ischemic skin changes with delayed obtained during the first surgery (clean craniecto-
healing. All of these frequently require surgical mies), is the ideal “prosthesis” for cranial recon-
revision with the eventual removal of the artifi- struction due to the fact that it does not present
cial operculum (Fig. 10.1) and the need for a biological incompatibility, its shape is perfect for
reconstruction intervention. restoring normal cosmetics, and it ensures imme-
At the present time management of patients diate and adequate protection for intracranial
with cranial bone defect requires considerable structures. Since the new guidelines for biologi-
attention as there is still no agreement on surgical cal material conservation, autologous bone flap
timing, nor on the operating technique or the have been stored in the abdominal wall of the
materials to be used for cranioplasty. Clinical and patient’s subcutaneous pocketing. Having
engineering studies are needed in order to deter- become obsolete as a method at least in Western
mine the most suitable techniques and materials countries, the autologous bone flaps are now
to optimize results. cryopreserved in certified bone storage banks.
Theoretically, the success of cranioplastic Despite strict methodological and organizational
surgery necessitates careful selection of the procedures, many difficulties still arise in ade-
prosthesis: it should be tailored to the patient’s quately storing the bone flaps. Infact, it has been
clinical scenario, made with a material ideally reported that autografts have rather high failure
malleable, sterilizable, non-magnetic, radiolu- rates related to infection or reabsorption [3, 4,
cent, light but resistant and easy to fix stably to 10–13]. In both cases, many patients must be
the skull bone. reoperated for the removal of the infected or
10 3D Skull Prosthesis 107

Fig. 10.1 Example of delayed complications (3 years after surgery): wound dehiscence with exposure of underlying
PMMA prosthesis, CT scan reveal subdural air and fluid collection secondary to infection
108 R. Boccaletti and D. Policicchio

resorped bone flap with a second cranioplasty The manually moldable and standard pre-­
procedure, with its related problems. For these curved meshes are standard laminar, metal or
reasons, many biomaterials have been used for plastic, quadrangular, flat or pre-curved prosthe-
cranial reconstruction over the years. The most ses, which are adapted to the patient by cutting
common are hydroxyapatite (HA), polymethyl- them out and modelling them manually at the
methacrylate (PMMA), PEEK and titanium [1, time of implantation so as to make them adhere
3–5, 8, 13]. Each of these has its own advantages to the cranial surface and match the bone defect
and disadvantages in terms of clinical results, as best as possible. The pre-curved meshes are
manufacturing feasibility, costs, and ease of use similar to the standard flat titanium mashes, but
in the operating room. The choice of the prosthe- produced in various standard pre-cut shapes suit-
sis would mainly depend on the patient’s clinical able for covering standard bone defects in the
status, the experience and preference of the sur- front-temporal, parietal, occipital and frontal
geon, clinical-based evidence, as well as on hos- region and whose curvature is created on the ref-
pital financial resources and availability. erence of a standard skull. Likewise, in this case,
Regardless of the type of construction material, it is usually necessary to model the mesh in order
allograft scan be constructed using two different to adapt it as best as possible to the bone defect.
techniques: malleable standard pre-curved mesh Such prostheses obviously have advantages and
prostheses that are manually shaped and adapted disadvantages which will be discussed in detail in
to the patient’s bone defect and 3D-printed the next sections. In general, the most obvious
custom-­made prostheses. The two types of pros- feature is that, in the reconstruction procedures of
thesis can be used in various ways and with dif- complex cranial and craniofacial defects with
ferent indications, and differ in costs and results. irregular shapes, it is very difficult to adapt these
The use of 3D printing technology has recently implants to the cranial surface. For this reason,
facilitated the construction of customized pros- production of allograft prostheses turned to pro-
theses using various materials, thus enabling ducing customized prostheses for the bone defect
more patients to benefit from this technology as of each individual patient using CAD/CAM tech-
well as optimizing both clinical-functional and niques (Computer Aided Design / Computer
aesthetic results [14]. Aided Manufacturing). Many techniques have
The chapter will consider technical aspects of been introduced for customized cranioplasty
the production of customized cranial prostheses, manufacturing. One of the most widely used
indications for their use, the surgical implanta- combines medical imaging and three-­dimensional
tion technique and results in terms of cosmetics, bio-modelling (3D printing customized titanium
clinical complications and costs, and will com- prosthesis), permitting the development of a sort
pare these results with those relating to the other of personalized cranioplastic surgery. With three-­
types of cranioplastics. dimensional (3D) printing it has become possible
to produce customized, precisely fitting cranio-
plastic implants. They derive from 3D medical
10.2  ypes of Cranial Prosthesis
T images (CT or MRI) feeding 3D printers.
(Standard Pre-Curved Over the past few years, the use of 3D printing
and Custom-Made). 3D technology for customized cranial prostheses has
Technology significantly increased. The most widely used
materials are HA, PMMA, PEEK and titanium.
Today, apart from autograft, there are different The latter has characteristics that make it particu-
kinds of cranial prosthesis available on the mar- larly suitable for the needs of neurosurgical
ket for the reconstruction of bone skull defects. patients: low rate of infection, high and immedi-
Regardless of the production material, the con- ate biomechanical resistance creating a good pro-
struction methods fall into two categories: (a) tection for the brain in the case of trauma, and
manually moldable and standard pre-curved suitability for postoperative imaging studies [3,
meshes and (b) custom-made prostheses. 5, 9, 15].
10 3D Skull Prosthesis 109

Custom-made titanium prostheses are made DICOM format (Digital Images and
using Additive Manufacturing and titanium alloy Communications in Medicine) which generates
powder (Ti6Al4V—ELI) as raw material. The an interface between the medical equipment and
technology uses the EBM (Electron Beam any other device to visualize the images. Images
Melting) process resulting in prostheses with are processed using a bone filter so as to observe
excellent mechanical and biological osteo-­ only the bone structure. The next phase involves
integrating properties. EBM is the acronym for the development of a three-dimensional recon-
Electron Beam Melting, i.e. electron beam struction of the patient’s skull that highlights the
fusion, and indicates a 3D printing technique in area of ​​bone defect. The initial imaging of the
which a suitably concentrated high energy elec- prosthesis is then generated by a digital subtrac-
tron beam hits a bed of titanium powder, causing tion mirror-imaging process, based on the “nor-
it to melt. This technology offers a wide scope for mal” feature of the patient’s cranium. The shape
design in terms of both spatial conformation and and dimension of the “ideal” prosthesis is pro-
structure, allowing not only the shape but also the cessed step by step. This virtual model will be
structure to be customized to the needs of each used as a framework for the manufacturing of the
patient. In this way the constraints and limits titanium model. The third phase involves the
imposed by traditional construction technologies technicians responsible for the design of the
can be easily overcome. Furthermore it has been prosthesis who, working remotely and in collabo-
shown that by varying the geometric parameters ration with the surgeon, carry out the definitive
of the trabeculae, i.e. by creating differential project, if necessary redefining the shape and
porosity, osteo-integration of the prosthesis is porosity of the prosthesis, identifying the seat,
optimized. This occurs because cell migration the number and the length of the anchoring flaps.
and tissue colonization of the same is facilitated, The definitive project is contextually reevaluated,
as well as a more efficient neo-vascularization and if correct, approved and then sent to produc-
with consequent improvements in oxygenation, tion [14]. The titanium prosthesis will therefore
the diffusion of nutrients and growth factors all of have a variably porous and perforated structure
which stimulate the bone neo-formation process (10 perforations per cm2); it will guarantee a per-
and weight reduction, all the while maintaining fect fitting in the bone defect, with high congru-
an important primary resistance and stability. It ence precision along the contours, so no
should be remembered that in addition to its intraoperative modification will be necessary; it
excellent proven bio-integrative properties, tita- will be equipped with small pre-perforated 1 mm
nium has a characteristically high mechanical thick tabs/flaps (4–6 anchoring points) with holes
resistance and flexibility, is resistant to bacterial to accommodate the titanium fixing screws which
colonization, and its radio-transparency makes it are self-perforating and self-tapping, with a
compatible with CT and MRI which are the most diameter of 1,5mm and 3mm long. Finally, the
widely used radiological methods today in the prosthesis will be delivered in a non-sterile pack-
follow up of neurosurgical patients. age which is autoclavable at 134° and which indi-
The production process of customized pros- cates a unique identification code relating to the
theses involves various steps. Firstly, the patient patient. The average production time from the
with craniolacunia undergoes a CT scan of the acquisition of the CT scan to delivery to the hos-
skull obtained with a thin layer volumetric tech- pital is about 15–20 days.
nique including the whole skull. The examination
can be performed at any time during the patient’s
clinical course since the state of the parenchyma 10.3 Indications for Use
(brain swelling, oedema, bleeding, infection,
etc.) does not affect the process of defining the The optimal cranial prosthesis must guarantee
three-dimensional geometric definition of the the following objectives: protection of the brain
craniolacunia. The CT scan study is stored in and restoration of the aesthetic aspect. Given the
110 R. Boccaletti and D. Policicchio

high rate of complications in cranial reconstruc- contamination after deep-frozen storage (at
tive surgery, both in the short and long term, it is −80 °C). They found that cryo-stored skull bone
essential to use surgical materials and techniques flaps beyond 4 months showed no viable osteo-
that guarantee good results even after some time. blasts, and bacterial contamination rate of bone
Two types of patients should be considered: flaps was 27.8% [19]. These laboratory data can
(a) patients undergoing decompression craniot- in part justify, respectively, both infectious com-
omy (who will need “late” reconstruction of the plications and the high resorption rate of (the)
cranial bone defect (delayed cranioplasty); (b) autologous bone operculum. On the other hand,
patients undergoing cranial bone resection sur- literature data and clinical experiences seem to
gery for primary or secondary neoplastic dis- suggest that cranial prostheses produced with
ease, whether infectious or traumatic, in which bone substitutes (allografts) present better long-­
the cranial reconstruction may be performed term outcomes [4]. Van de Vijfeijken et al. pub-
during the same surgery (single step lished the results of a systematic review of the
resection-reconstruction). literature in which they suggest that autologous
Theoretically, in patients with cranial defect bone is dissuaded for cranioplasty after decom-
secondary to decompressive craniotomy, the pressive craniectomy. The aim of this work was
autologous bone flap is recommendable for cra- to evaluate the safety, in terms of rate of infec-
nial reconstruction as it does not present prob- tion, resorption and removal (reoperation) of dif-
lems of rejection, its shape and dimensions are ferent materials used for cranioplasty for any
ideal to restore aesthetics and its adequate plating indication. The authors included 228 articles, for
provides immediate protection of the brain, mak- a total of 10,346 cranioplasty procedures; infec-
ing reconstructive surgery quick and simple. For tion was the most common complication (about
a long time this method has been considered the 6% of the total), followed by postoperative hae-
gold standard. Initially the bone operculum taken matoma (1.9%) and wound problems (1.1%). In
during the decompression operation was pre- their review, autologous bone flap and PMMA
served in a subcutaneous pocket at the abdominal had the highest rate of infection (6.9% and 7.8%,
level. Subsequently, in line with the new direc- respectively) compared to hydroxyapatite (3.3%)
tives on the conservation of biological tissues, and titanium (5.4%). Overall, based on the
this method was replaced with cryo-conservation results, it appears that autografts carry a greater
in special certified bio-banks. failure risk than allografts [4]. These data were
Although both procedures have been widely also confirmed by a randomized clinical trial
used, and there are several reports in literature published by Honeybul et al. [3], in which the
that document their relative efficacy and safety authors compared cranioplasty performed using
[15–18], the accumulation of experiences in the autologous bone flap versus custom-made tita-
various territorial conditions and the progressive nium prostheses. This randomized controlled
increase in the duration of the follow-up have study showed that primary titanium cranioplasty
made it clear that use of the autologous bone flap after decompressive craniectomy was associated
has a fairly high failure rate in the long term. with better cosmetic and functional outcomes
These failures are mainly due to infections than primary autologous cranioplasty without
(osteomyelitis) and bone reabsorption which increasing overall health care costs. Bone resorp-
obviously require re-intervention for removal of tion appeared to be more common in young
the operculum and subsequent cranial recon- patients who had autologous cranioplasty.
struction. It has been hypothesized that the oper- Primary titanium cranioplasty should be seri-
culum could become contaminated in all stages ously considered for young patients who require
of the process (decompressive surgery, Initial reconstruction of the skull vault following
packaging or transfer-storage at the bio-bank). decompressive craniectomy [3]. Titanium’s low
Recently, in 2017, Chan DYC et al. carried out a infection rate compared to autologous bone is
study on cranial bone flap viability and microbial confirmed by Matsuno’s work in which titanium
10 3D Skull Prosthesis 111

prostheses showed significantly lower infection of the dura mater and the skull vault), traumatic
rates than autologous bone, PMMA and ceramic brain injuries with closed fractures that are com-
[11]. These works confirm the evidence that minuted or marginally open with minimal local
allografts guarantee better results than autolo- infectious risk. They are also used in the case of
gous bone flap. The choice of using allogenic cra- craniectomy closure, for example retro-mastoid
nial prostheses solve the problems related to or spheno-orbital, to fill small bone defects with
adequate storing of the autologous bone flap, the aim, only minimally aesthetic, of reducing
eliminating surgical times and any complications the risk of CSF fistula and diplopia for pulsating
of the abdomen pocket as well as the costs and enophthalmos. Also, in the case of cancer patients
logistic difficulties related to cryopreservation. the use of this type of prosthesis has great advan-
Allografts, as already mentioned above, can tages, especially in reducing the waiting time to
be of three types: manually shaped, pre-curved perform radiotherapy or for those cases where it
standard and custom-made. They have different is necessary to limit as much as possible the time
characteristics that must be considered when spent in an intensive hospital environment. From
choosing one over the other and for individual a surgical point of view, the need to package the
patients. prosthesis certainly results in an increase in oper-
Manually shaped prostheses are made up of ating times and consequently in a greater risk of
standard-shaped implants (metal or plastic infection. Without doubt, the better the remodel-
sheets) that are adapted to the patient’s defect by ling of the metal sheet, the better the result at a
cutting and modelling them at the time of implan- distance as the risks of an internal decubitus skin
tation. Once the three-dimensional shape has lesion are reduced.
been defined, they are locked in position by The standard pre-curved prostheses, on the
means of a tailored plating with the aim of limit- other hand, are produced in various standard
ing as much as possible ragged-edged distortions shape suitable for covering relatively large bone
of the prosthesis which can lead to erosion of the defects in the front-temporal, parietal, occipital
skin and subsequent failure of the implant due to and frontal region whose curvature is created on
infection or failure of the skin to scar. Due to the the basis of a skull of standard shape and size.
intrinsic difficulty of modelling, these systems They are constructed with malleable perforated
should be used in case of cranial defect which are titanium nets which must be applied on the skull
as flat as possible, simple shape and small size: vault and adapted so as to adhere perfectly to the
for example, lateral parietal bone defects or small edges of the bone defect. In specific cases, the
posterior cranial defect (such as retro mastoid relative malleability of the prosthesis and the
craniectomy). Indeed, anterior craniectomies possibility of trimming the margins ensures opti-
with large defects including the region of sphe- mal positioning of the prosthesis by fixing it to
noid wings and/or orbit lateral wall always the cranial casing with a plating or by inserting
require a fairly long moulding time in order to the screws directly into the mesh of the metal
perfectly adapt the surface of the prosthesis to the sheet. Adherence to the cranial surface, however,
surrounding bone surface, often resulting in a not is not always easy. Nevertheless it is recom-
so well aesthetic and functional result. These mended that a sufficient number of flaps or
prostheses nevertheless have the advantage of screws be used in such a way as to make the sur-
being able to be used during the resection surgery face of the edges of the prosthesis as smooth as
(single step resection-reconstruction). The possible. Similarly to the previous types, this
patients who are usually selected for this type of prosthesis has the advantage of being able to be
prosthesis are those who will undergo closure of used in single step resection-reconstruction and
the skull in the same session: patients with pri- consequently in those patients who benefit from a
mary or secondary neoplastic pathology involv- single surgical intervention: patients with pri-
ing small bone portions of the skull (intradiploic mary or secondary neoplastic lesions of the cra-
meningioma, brainmetastasis with involvement nial theca, head injuries with unopened extensive
112 R. Boccaletti and D. Policicchio

comminuted fractures or with minimal risk of cranial reconstruction intervention is scheduled

local infection. Unlike malleable prostheses, to some time (3–4 weeks) after decompression and,
their advantage these allow a moderate/ minimal consequently, the realization and delivery of the
aesthetic reconstruction since the three-­product can be safely scheduled allowing sur-
dimensional pre-curvature provides limited gery to be performed in the best possible condi-
reconstruction of the sphericity of the skull. tions for the patient. Production and delivery
Naturally, the aesthetic reconstructive aspect is time can be problematic and requiring careful
far secondary to the protective and functional consideration only in those particular cases when
aspect that this type of prosthesis allows. In par- it is necessary, for various clinical or organiza-
ticular cases, such as patients suffering from local tional reasons, to proceed with the surgery
infectious outcomes or with trophic alterations of sooner (<2 weeks), for example, in patients with
the skin ranging from secondary to large secondary sinking skin flap syndrome (SSFS)
lacerated-­contusive traumas, being able to mini- [20], i.e. decompressed and subjected to external
mize the curvature of the prosthesis can avoid ventricular drainage, In these cases, the diffi-
excessive skin stress and reduce the risk of the culty in setting the CSF derivation can lead to
skin not scarring. As for the surgery, because hyperdrainage, with hypotensive CSF syndrome,
these require minimal intraoperative packaging, deviation of the median structures and sinking
operating times are slightly longer than normal skin flap syndrome. A second group is that of
with minimal increase in short- and long-term decompressed patients with an external ventricu-
complications. lar derivation to be replaced in a few days with a
Custom-made prostheses produced with 3D ventricolo-­peritoneal shunt. The absence of cra-
technology have an average production time of nial closure makes the setting of the valve trou-
10–20 days (variable depending on the material blesome with difficult control of hydrocephalus.
and the manufacturer). Their average cost ranges Furthermore, the alteration of the CSF dynamics
between 4500–6000 euros. Pre-curved prosthe- can determine the formation of CSF or sub-dural
ses (usually in titanium), have an average cost of blood collection at the decompressive craniec-
1000–1500 euros and are readily available in the tomy with the formation of hygroma or subdural
hospital in case of need. haematoma. A final group comprises those who
The choice whether to implant custom made must undergo encephalic radiation therapy. In
prostheses produced with 3D printing technol- such cases, any radiation, in the presence of a
ogy must take the following points into consider- bone defect, can increase the risk of brain radio-
ation: firstly, the clinical aspect based on the necrosis and post-­ actinic trophic cutaneous
particular needs of the individual patient, balanc- changes that can jeopardize the success of the
ing the advantages and disadvantages of these intervention. Overall, these cases are few: cases
compared to the other types of prosthesis (manu- in which, however, waiting longer than 2 weeks
ally shaped or pre-curved); secondly, the eco- is not recommended.
nomic aspect, that is, the relationship between
costs and benefits, especially in the long term.
These could be employed in patients with large 10.4 Surgical Procedures
areas of the craniolacunia of the vault, possibly
including lateral portions of the base or orbit, As mentioned, reconstructive surgery of cranial
who will undergo reconstructive surgery at a defects is burdened by a relatively high rate of
later time from the decompression intervention infectious and local complications. Therefore, it
(delayed cranioplasty). In these cases the pre- must be carried out by observing strict rules of
scription, design and manufacturing times of the behaviour and techniques aimed at reducing the
prosthesis are compatible with the clinical needs risk of contamination of the prosthesis and cur-
of the patient. In most patients with craniolacu- tailing skin lesions from internal decubitus. The
nia as a result of decompressive craniotomy, the operation is performed under general anaesthesia
10 3D Skull Prosthesis 113

in the supine position. A first dose of a broad-­

spectrum antibiotic agent is given intravenously
at induction of anaesthesia, then a repeat dose
every 4 h for the next 24 h. The patient’s hair is
completely removed using hair clippers. Great
care is taken to avoid skin damage. The skin is
thoroughly washed and then disinfected. An
iodine-impregnated incision-drape is placed over
the exposed skin, and care is taken to ensure that
all surfaces are completely covered. In the case of
Fig. 10.2 Intraoperative picture; 3D-printed custom
delayed cranioplasty the previous incision made
made prosthesis fixed in place
during the craniectomy operation is reopened;
this strategy ensures the best vascularization for
the skin flap (avoiding overlapping or crossed Central dural tenting sutures are placed routinely.
incisions) and allows adequate exposure of the A wound suction drainage is placed under the
cranial defect. The wound is then opened using a skin. A post-op CT scan is obtained the following
scalpel and sharp dissection, and the skull defect day and the drainage removed.
is progressively exposed in sub-periosteal plane.
Once the scalp flap is reflected, the temporal
muscle is usually dissected from the dura and 10.5 Comparison Between
reflected laterally. However, if the muscle appears Custom-Made 3D-Printed
densely adherent to the dura mater, we prefer to Prostheses and Standard
leave it attached to the dura, reducing the risk of Pre-Curved Prostheses
dura and brain lacerations, and the cranioplasty is
placed on top of both structures (muscle and dura A thorough evaluation and comparison of differ-
mater). Great care is taken to avoid opening of ent biomaterial available for cranioplasty is
the dura in order to reduce the risk of CSF leak- beyond the scope of this chapter. Our goal is,
age and or subdural haemorrhage. Once the dis- rather, to compare malleable-standard pre-curved
section along the dural plane is completed, all the and 3D-printed custom-made prostheses. Our
edges of the craniolacunia are exposed, cleaning Department has chosen to use titanium prosthe-
the bone with the dissector. Once exposure is ses because, in our opinion and on the basis of the
completed, scrupulous washing and haemostasis evidence from literature, this material is superior
are carried out. The prosthesis must be handled compared to the others available on the market
only with clean gloves. At this point the prosthe- [3, 5, 9, 15].
sis is positioned on the bone defect. For mallea- Rather, evaluation of the choice between
ble and pre-curved standard mesh it is necessary malleable-­pre-curved and custom-made prosthe-
to adapt the prosthesis as best as possible by cut- ses is important since, ever mindful of the superi-
ting and molding the mesh to modify the curva- ority of titanium, the two types of implant do
ture and obtain the best fitting on the bone defect. differ in cost, user-friendliness and in the long-­
Any sharp edges along the surface of the prosthe- term results. Within the literature there are sev-
sis must be avoided as they can induce skin lac- eral reports dealing with cranioplasty performed
eration and post-op local pain. For the using custom-made prostheses, although rela-
custom-made 3D-printed prosthesis no molding tively few articles discuss the use of malleable
or lengthy manipulation is necessary as it fits per- pre-curved meshes.
fectly on the bone defect. Usually it is only nec- In this regard, we have reviewed our clinical
essary to adjust the angle of the small fixing experience which is based on the use of a small
plates along the margin. The prosthesis is secured selection of malleable titanium mesh, titanium
to the bone skull with titanium screws (Fig. 10.2). standard pre-curved and custom-made prosthe-
114 R. Boccaletti and D. Policicchio

ses. Malleable titanium meshes are used just for gle stage resection-reconstruction). The remain-
reconstruction of small defects. For this reason, ing 20 patients were submitted for delayed
we compared two different titanium prostheses cranioplasty after decompressive craniectomy
for reconstruction of skull defects following cra- for severe head trauma (14 patients), intra-­
niectomy: a standard pre-curved mesh and parenchymal haemorrhage (2 patients), sub-
3D-printed custom-made prosthesis. The second arachnoid haemorrhage (2 patients), cerebral
aim was to assess whether one of the two prosthe- venous thrombosis (1 patient), subdural empy-
ses should be excluded, or whether both could be ema (1 patient). The mean time interval between
useful in different situations [21]. craniectomy and cranioplasty was 89 days (min-
For this study we selected and included imum 15 days, maximum 327 days). 20 patients
patients undergoing cranioplasty for large or near had cranial defect in the fronto-temporo-parietal
large skull defect. We reviewed the medical region, 1 fronto-temporal defect, 1 fronto-­
records, radiological data (pre- and postoperative temporo-­orbital defect and 1 bi-parietal defect at
CT scans) and operating reports; we reported the the vertex. Pre-curved titanium meshes were
demographic data, age, surgical time, cause of used in 13 patients (10 patients undergoing
skull bone defect, time elapsed between defect decompressive craniectomy and 3 undergoing
acquisition and reconstruction, any clinical sys- single-step resection-reconstruction). Custom-­
temic and local risk factors eventually related for made titanium prostheses were used in 10
cranioplasty failure, molding prosthesis time and patients. In 8 of the 13 pre-curved mesh patients
any other kind of complications (early or late), the fitting of the mesh was inaccurate with per-
objectively aesthetic results (comparison with sistence of slit irregular surface, especially on
pre-pathological photos). Finally, we created a the edge of the prostheses, and a small area of​​
specific questionnaire for patients (or their care- the bone defect uncovered by the prosthesis
givers for patients with persistent neuro-cognitive (Fig. 10.3). In all these cases prosthesis defects
deficits) covering subjectively-experienced satis- were identified by palpation; in two cases the
faction in terms of cosmetic result based on prosthesis defect was seen on visual inspection.
100-mm-long VASs (VASC: visual analogue In 10 custom-made prosthesis patients we
scale for cosmesis) [9]. Statistical analysis was observed a perfect fitting of the mesh confirmed
performed using the t-test. A p value <0.05 was by the revision of post-op CT scan (Fig. 10.4).
considered statistically significant.
Two types of prostheses were used: pre-
curved (CranioCurve Preformed Mesh Zimmer
Biomet) and 3D-printed custom-made (MT
Ortho). During the study period the two types of
prosthesis were not always available in our
department, and the choice of which prosthesis
to use was partly dependent on the financial
readiness of our hospital to purchase one or the
other prosthesis. From January 2014 to January
2019, 23 patients, 16 males and 7 females,
underwent cranioplasty using titanium prosthe-
ses. Average age 47.6 years (minimum 16 years,
maximum 71 years); average follow-up time
813 days (minimum 120 days, maximum
2105 days). 3 patients underwent tumour Fig. 10.3 Postoperative 3D CT reconstruction of a
removal surgery with intradiploic extension patient treated using pre-curved titanium mesh; the cranial
defect is not completely covered (red and white arrow)
(radical resection) and immediate reconstruction with persistent small defect in the posterior and inferior
technique using pre-curved titanium mesh (sin- portion of the defect
10 3D Skull Prosthesis 115

Fig. 10.4 Postoperative 3D CT reconstruction of a

patient treated using custom-made titanium cranioplasty;
the implant completely cover cranial defect and obtain
adequate cosmetic result

Average surgical time in pre-curved mesh was

186 min (min 110–max 240), as against 141 min
(minimum 115–maximum 200) for custom-­
made prostheses: an average difference of Fig. 10.5 Largeskin dehiscence with exposure of the
underlying pre-curved titanium mesh
45 min with a p value = 0.04. The three patients
who underwent immediate reconstruction after
tumour removal were not considered in this eval- We evaluated the results in terms of incidence
uation. In the pre-curved group 2 patients had of complications, surgical times, cosmetics and
early complications: 1 patient had a wound failure of the cranioplasty. Failure here means the
drainage incarceration needing surgical reopera- need to remove the prostheses (prematurely or
tion in local anaesthesia and 1 patient developed later), of which the most common causes are
a subcutaneous serose liquid treated conserva- infections, exposure of the prostheses to skin
tively. In the custom-made group 2 early compli- lesions, reabsorption of the graft or of the bone
cations were seen: 1 acute epidural hematoma edges on which it is fixed with consequent mobil-
surgically evacuated; 1 subdural hygroma con- ity. We reported only one major complication for
servatively treated. Late complications involved each type of prostheses: a failure (skin dehis-
1 skin dehiscence with underlying pre-curved cence with prostheses exposure) for the pre-­
mesh exposure, in a patient with multiple cranial curved, and an epidural haematoma surgically
surgeries and radiotherapy. The skin atrophy evacuated for the custom-made group. Actually,
occurred along the prosthesis border either a per- our data showed no infections in either group,
fect fitting in the bone defect and no tilt or lump confirming data from the literature reporting a
present. Reoperation for removing prosthesis very low infection rate in titanium prostheses
was not performed because patient declined sur- compared to other materials [3, 5, 11]. In cranio-
gery. In the following months we observed a pro- plasty surgery, infection is the most serious com-
gressive worsening of dehiscence (Fig. 10.5). No plication because it can induce neurological
other late complications occurred in this group impairment, and/or systemic clinical deteriora-
of patients. Standard pre-curved patients show a tion (local infection, sepsy), usually requiring
VASC of 68 (40–100), compared to 94 (80–100) immediate surgical removal of the prosthesis
in the custom-made group (test t p = 0.002) [21]. (failure of cranioplasty). Infection rates vary
116 R. Boccaletti and D. Policicchio

from 0.6% to 25% depending on the series con- a single sub-galeal suction tube can drain both
sidered [1, 4, 9–11].Van de Vijfeijken et al. compartments. This observation is also reported
reviewed the literature, including 228 articles, for in a randomized clinical trial published by
a total of 10,346 cranioplasty procedures; infec- Lindner et al. in 2017, in which custom-made
tion was the most common complication (about cranioplasty in titanium and hydroxyapatite are
6% of the total). In their review, autologous bone compared. They found a significantly higher
and PMMA had the highest rate of infection number of epidural hematomas in the HA group
(6.9% and 7.8% respectively) compared to compared to the titanium group [13]. Probably
hydroxyl-apatite (3.3%) and titanium (5.4%) this is due mainly to the grid structure of the tita-
[14]. Titanium’s low infection rate is confirmed nium prosthesis rather than the biophysical prop-
by Matsuno’s work in which titanium prostheses erties of the material used.
showed significantly lower infection rates than In our series we observed only one case with
autologous bone, PMMA and ceramic [11]. skin dehiscence (skin ischemia) with underlying
We reported only one early epidural haema- pre-curved mesh exposure. Although the patient
toma in a custom-made prosthesis group which denied surgery for removal of the prosthesis, it
required emergent surgical evacuation. In our must be counted as a failure because of the very
entire group of patients, we had 4.3% of post-op high infection complication and progressive skin
epidural hematoma, which is in line with the lit- dehiscence. This patient had had multiple previ-
erature data (between 2 and 5%) [3–5, 12, 22]. In ous surgeries and radiotherapy for skull base
other reports the incidence of epidural hematoma metastatic tumour. In this case we believe that
is much higher, around 10% [13, 23, 24]. late cranioplasty failure is related to the patient’s
Generally, it represents the third cause of compli- clinical history rather than a prosthesis-related
cation in cranioplasty surgery, after infection and event.
bone resorption [4]. We think that this kind of Our observation is supported by data on risk
complication is much more frequent in prosthe- factors inducing poor outcome and failure in cra-
ses that do not allow easy absorption of the liq- nioplasty surgery: pre-cranioplasty irradiation,
uids produced by the inflammatory process of the multiple previous operations, skull bone defect
tissue around the bone defect, including the accu- communicated with paranasal sinuses and mas-
mulation of blood. We believe that this phenom- toid cells, long delay between craniectomy and
enon can be reduced with widely fenestrated cranioplasty, previous local infection [5, 25].
prostheses such as those in titanium. In fact, the Time to discharge appeared to be mainly depen-
communication of the epidural space with the dent on the patient’s clinical status rather than on
sub-galeal space allows the galea and the skin tis- the type of prosthesis.
sues to absorb these collections even if only in The main differences between our groups of
part. This complication is more frequent in cases patients were surgical time, cosmetic result, cost
with important preoperative brain and skin and availability of prostheses. The surgical time
depression over the skull defect. The large space was significantly shorter (45 min) in the custom-­
created by the prosthesis over the depressed brain made group (t < 0.05). This difference is mainly
and dura mater facilitates fluid and blood accu- related to the molding of standard pre-curved
mulation and retention. In addition, scar tissue mesh to get better fitting on bone defect, as it is
around the craniectomy is richly vascularized almost always necessary to adapt the mesh as
facilitating postoperative bleeding. The grid best as possible by trimming excess parts and
structure of both pre-curved and custom-made molding it to minimize the disparity between the
meshes reduces the risk of collection of liquid mesh curvature and the skull surface. From a
and blood extradurally thanks to the absorptive theoretical point of view, longer surgical time and
capacity of the galea and cutaneous tissues. prolonged manipulation of the prosthesis might
Moreover, in titanium mesh, extradural and sub-­ be considered risk factors for cranioplasty fail-
galeal compartments are well interconnected, so ure. Infact, Matsuno et al. [11], performed an
10 3D Skull Prosthesis 117

analysis on factors influencing local infection bone versus custom computer-generated implant
after delayed cranioplasty. They reviewed a total cranioplasty. Results of this study demonstrated
of 206 cases, 25 infected and 181 non-infected. no significant increase in overall treatment cost
They reported that mean surgical time for the associated with the use of custom-made cranio-
infected group was longer (146.0 min) than the plasty. In addition, the use of this technique was
non-infected group (142.2 min). However, this associated with a statistically significant decrease
difference was not statistically significant in surgical time and early clinical complications
(t > 0.05). needing ICU recovery. Our data confirm these
The cosmetic result was assessed using a observations; if we consider the clinical outcome
visual analogue scale for cosmesis (VASC scale). of cranioplasty made with 3D-printed custom-­
The score was assigned by the patient or family made prostheses, the cost-effectiveness of these
caregiver. In all cases the patient VASC score is products is much lower than other types of cra-
in line with the clinicians’ evaluations. 3D-printed nioplasty: less risk of failure, less clinical dis-
custom-made cranioplasty obtained a higher comfort with subsequent improved psychological
score (94 vs. 68, p = 0.002) [21]. This result was and social behaviour on the part of the patient.
easy predictable given the technical difficulties to In our current study, the last difference
reproduce the normal shape and conformation of between different cranioplasty techniques con-
the cranial vault. These aspects have been widely siders the availability of the prosthesis in terms of
discussed in literature, where several authors the time it takes to become available for use.
have shown the superiority of 3D-printed custom-­ Comparison of the data is difficult because of the
made prostheses concerning cosmetic result, wide variation in products and their manufacture
both with prostheses in titanium [9, 15, 22] and in the various economic and geographical areas.
biomaterials (HA, PMMA and PEEK) [24, 26– In almost any country, after hospital purchase,
30], highlighting the advantage of 3D-printed standard pre-curved meshes are always available
custom-made cranioplasty. A good aesthetic for implant even in emergency surgery. On the
result has, firstly, psychological and sociological other hand, in our geographical area the entire
implications for patients, family members and production period for 3D-printed custom-made
the community respectively; secondly, it furthers prostheses to become available (from the pre-­
a good long-term clinical result, whereas prosthe- modelling CT scan to hospital delivery) is about
ses with inadequate curvature or inexact shape 25 days (20–30 days). This time lapse is unim-
can give rise to local chronic pain and / or skin portant for patients who require delayed cranio-
decubitus resulting in treatment failure. For these plasty, for example after decompressive
reasons cosmetic results must be considered one craniectomy. This category of patients (who rep-
of the most important aspects when selecting the resent the majority in almost all the series), usu-
prosthesis [4, 5, 9, 15, 22]. ally requires a reasonable period of time before
From an economical stance, 3D-printed cranioplasty in order for clinical conditions to
custom-­ made meshes are notably much more stabilize and to allow regression of cerebral
expensive than standard pre-curved meshes, even swelling. In such cases, cranioplasty is usually
if pre-curved meshes need a higher number of planned in advance, so 3–4 weeks for prosthesis
screws for fixing and molding. Nevertheless, manufacture does not cause any clinical or orga-
costs of custom-made prostheses commonly nizational problems. However, manufacturing
depend on their size and construction material: time might be a problem in those cases where it is
for example, PMMA is less expensive than some advisable to shorten the interval until cranio-
other materials (titanium or PEEK) but we know plasty, as well as in patients eligible for single
it has an higher risk of local infection [4, 9, 22]. stage surgery (resection-reconstruction), with
Gilardino et al. [31] carried out a cost-­ tumour and bone involvement, head trauma with
effectiveness study evaluating the clinical and large comminute fracture, local infectious dis-
economic aspects when comparing autologous eases with bone involvement. For example,
118 R. Boccaletti and D. Policicchio

Ehrlich et al. performed a single stage surgery struction of the cranial bone defect, especially if
cranioplasty (resection-reconstruction), with this is extensive. As previously stated, in such
standard pre-curved titanium mesh, for treatment cases the reconstruction using standard malleable
of 24 patients with post-craniotomy infection. In pre-curved mesh was mainly used, adapting the
their series only two patients were early reoper- prosthesis to the patient’s cranial conformation as
ated after reconstruction, but not for prosthesis best as possible. While this strategy guarantees
infection, and all patients had a good clinical out- an immediate reconstruction avoiding lengthy
come. Patients who completed the aesthetic eval- waiting times for any subsequent therapies
uation questionnaire (20/24), were highly (radiotherapy) and the potential complications of
satisfied [32]. As mentioned before, early skull a second procedure, the aesthetic and functional
defect reconstruction has many advantages: it result may be less satisfactory. Recently, how-
avoids visible cosmetic deformity which can be ever, technological evolution has made it possi-
sometimes difficult to restore, reduces the ble, through the use of neuro-navigation, to
­vulnerability of the unprotected brain, prevents prepare the construction of the prosthesis before
additional patient distress for the reoperation, surgery. In selected cases of neoplasms or post-­
eliminates additional medical and surgical related traumatic craniofacial reconstructive surgery, the
risks and, finally, reduces the extra costs induced use planning procedures for bone removal in a
by longer hospital stay, surgical time, recovery preoperative phase can allow the production of
and work inhability [32–34]. 3D-printed custom-made prostheses to be used
In conclusion, we have seen that, even if the with a single step surgery. The planning of the
two types of prosthesis showed overlapping rat- prosthesis involves the creation of a cut-out mask
ing of clinical complications in line with data in of the skull that forms a bone defect complemen-
literature, 3D-printed custom-made cranioplasty tary to the prosthesis itself. The cutting lines and
gives much better aesthetic results, permits com- consequently the size of the bone defect are
plete and precise coverage of the skull bone planned in detail on the 3D reconstructions of the
defect, requires forward planning to become patient’s skull taking into account the extent of
available, allows shorter surgical times and uses infiltration of the skull cavity and the neoplastic
an easier surgical technique. Standard malleable mass to be removed. This allows immediate
pre-curved cranioplasty is cheaper, gives satis- reconstruction with considerable benefits for the
factory aesthetic results mainly in small defects, patient. Della Puppa A [35] and Broeckx CE [36]
and is always available even for emergencies or have shown, in line with our experience, how the
single stage surgery (resection-reconstruction. preoperative design of the prosthesis is feasible
So, despite the higher costs, we believe that a by defining the cutting lines of the skull on the
3D-printed custom-made prosthesis should be three-dimensional image of the patient’s skull.
considered the first choice, especially in young Unlike our experience, the authors have identi-
patients with large cranial defects [21]. fied and recorded the contours of the cranial pros-
thesis on the navigator and used this to perform
the cutting lines. This strategy allows to obtain
10.6  ingle Step Surgery
S optimal cranial reconstructions in a single surgi-
(Resection–Reconstruction) cal step [35, 36].

The use of custom-made prostheses produced

with 3D printing technology, as already discussed 10.7 Conclusions
in the previous paragraphs, is very useful in the
treatment of cranial defects treated in delayed Reconstructive surgery for cranial defects is a
mode. However, in the case of cranial resections very common problem for neurosurgeons. Its
for neoplasms, trauma or infection it would be purpose is to restore aesthetics and safe protec-
useful to be able to perform an immediate recon- tion of brain structures. While seemingly a proce-
10 3D Skull Prosthesis 119

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3D Facial Prosthesis
Stefano Fusetti and Federico Apolloni

11.1 Introduction Several materials are used in additive and sub-

tractive manufacturing: a detailed description of
Imaging and medical software advancements them and their technical properties is beyond the
have determined a paradigm shift towards 3D aim of this chapter. Briefly, the main material
technologies in diagnosis and virtual surgical currently used for 3DP in maxillofacial surgery
planning in the field of maxillofacial surgery. 3D can be summarized in non-resorbable materials
printing (3DP) is a computer-aided manufactur- (such as titanium, polyethylene, polyether ether
ing (CAM) method based on computer-aided ketone (PEEK), and hydroxyapatite (HA)) and
design (CAD) for the production of a 3D object; absorbable materials (such as poly-DL-lactic
these customized devices are currently used to acid (PDLLA), polylactic-co-glycolic acid
translate the virtual surgical planning (VSP) to (PLGA), and calcium phosphate).
the surgical field. 3DP is nowadays widely applied in maxillofa-
To date, there are two streams in CAM: addi- cial surgery; compared to a “non-3DP guided
tive manufacturing and subtractive manufactur- surgery” several papers have reported the
ing; the differences reside in the processing improvement in the esthetical and function out-
protocol, material used and their respective come, the reduction in the operation time and
accuracy. The first CAM process was an addi- postoperative complication, a greater accuracy
tive manufacturing called “stereolithography” and reliability resulting in predictive results.
(STL), developed in the early 1980s by Charles These improvements are enabled by a surgeon’s
W. Hull; later other additive processes like more accurate preoperative diagnosis in the 3D
selective laser sintering (SLS), selective laser environment, a more precise osteotomy design
melting (SLM), and inject printing (IP) were set and more detailed reconstructive plan through
up. Subtractive manufacturing, on the other CAD technologies; finally, by tailored devices or
hand, is based on milling the workpiece from a patient-specific implant (PSI) through CAM
larger blank by a computer numeric controlled technologies [3].
(CNC) machine [1, 2]. The main superficial drawback related to 3DP
is financial; cost analysis showed that customized
devices are more expensive compared to the tra-
S. Fusetti (*) · F. Apolloni ditional procedure; however, in the authors opin-
Department of Neuroscience DNS, Maxillofacial ion additional costs should be considered together
Surgery Unit, University Hospital of Padova, with several parameters such as the reduction in
Padova, Italy
surgery time and hospitalization period; further

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 121

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
122 S. Fusetti and F. Apolloni

investigations are needed to assess the real eco- authors will consider the application of 3DP in
nomic impact of these devices. orthognathic surgery.
The 3DP technique in the cranio-maxillofacial
area surgery includes contour models, guides,
splints, and patient-specific implants (PSI). 11.2 Upper Third: Naso-Fronto-­
Orbital Region
• 3D model are accurate replicas of patient-­
specific anatomy; these replicas can be uti- Orbital and naso-ethmoidal defects are among
lized in several ways in trauma surgery (i.e., the most frequent problem oral and maxillofa-
orbital mesh pre-bending), dysmorphic sur- cial surgeons have to deal with; these are fre-
gery (i.e., asymmetric osteotomy design), and quently associated with primary or secondary
oncological resection (i.e., segmental osteot- trauma, occasionally with primary oncological
omy planning). These models, better known resection or associated secondary reconstruc-
as stereolithographic models or just STL, are tion. The adequate repair of the orbital wall in
produced from the preoperative CT dataset, challenging: in front of a high anatomical com-
potentially just with a CAM phase; plexity the surgeon has to deal with a limited
• Guides are patient-specific templates that surgery field; moreover, an unsatisfactory recon-
guide precise cutting and/or drilling, as virtu- struction con result in a change of the orbital
ally planned. Guides are more sophisticated volume, resulting in diplopia, enophthalmos,
devices than STL: they are designed on the and even vision loss [4].
VSP, necessarily with a CAD phase; this Craniofacial reconstruction or remodeling
implies both the use of dedicated software and surgery is complex and presents a multidisci-
precise informatic-surgical skill in the plinary challenge. The indication for surgery is
planner. mainly to correct post-traumatic or congenital
• Splints are similar devices compared to the deformity, such as craniosynostosis. The chal-
guide; however, they are the replica of a lenge in this surgery is to symmetrically recon-
patient structure in a virtual postoperative struct/reshape the fronto-orbital bandeau [5].
position; these devices are widely used in The advent of 3D technologies has improved
orthognathic surgery to guide the osteoto- the surgical efficiency and effectiveness in such
mized bone repositioning according to the complex anatomical field; the authors will now
VSP. consider the more common application of 3D
• PSI are three-dimensionally printed objects models, guides, splints, and PSI in the upper third
that are directly implanted in the patients. PSI of the face.
are frequently used with cutting/drilling guide,
resulting in maximization of the surgical accu- 3D Models 3DP models fabricated from
racy (i.e., oncological bone resection and pri- patient’s CT is currently used as a template to
mary free-flap reconstruction). Currently, the presurgically reshape a titanium mesh/plate to
most used materials for PSI production in precisely fit the defects of the orbital wall/rim,
maxillofacial surgery are titanium and PEEK. thus creating patient-specific implants for orbital
floor reconstruction. This pre-bent implant has
This chapter presents an overview of 3D print- been found to be more accurate than conven-
ing technology for state-of-the-art application in tional, freehand bent mesh/plates for reconstruc-
craniofacial dysmorphic, oncologic, and recon- tion of orbital fracture, particularly when the
structive surgery. To simplify the discussion, the unaffected orbit is virtually mirrored, and 3D
authors will consider the CAD/CAM application printed. Another advantage is the significant
in the three main anatomic regions of the face: reduction in surgery time, estimated in 30–40 min
upper, middle, and lower third. Finally, the by different authors; having that the material cost
11 3D Facial Prosthesis 123

for one orbital 3DP models is relatively low com- description in cranio-maxillofacial surgery in
pared to the surgical theater cost, a significant 2007, these implants have rapidly become a stan-
monetary saving can be expected in the use of dard in calvaria reconstructive surgery and are
pre-bent mesh/plates for orbital per periorbital also progressively gaining popularity in maxillo-
defects [6–8]. facial rehabilitation. CAD/CAM techniques
include the designing of a CAD model and
Guides These devices are particularly attractive computer-­ based processing to manufacture
in the management of the deformities that need custom-­ made skull implants from alloplastic
three-dimensional orbital repositioning, for materials such as titanium, PEEK, and
example in orbital hypertelorism or post-­ PMMA. Advantages have been shown in accu-
traumatic telecanthus correction. These proce- mulating the literature to apply PSI implants for
dures entail osteotomies in a tortuous region craniofacial skeletal reconstruction in terms of
followed by a combination of translational and excellent cosmesis and few complications when
rotational movements which are very difficult to compared to autogenous or alloplastic bone
control by using the traditional freehand method. grafts. The great advantage is that CAD/CAM
Furthermore, currently, template and CAD/CAM implants can be tailored to the individual’s anat-
based bone remodeling for craniosynostosis sur- omy: this eliminates the need for tedious and
gery is an emerging topic, with a few novel tech- long intraoperative manipulations for the adapta-
niques described in the literature over the last few tion of traditional non-custom-made implants so
years [5, 9]. that they fit the defect as precisely as possible;
the use of CAD tools that support the “mirroring”
Splints The surgical molding of the bone is only of the healthy side onto the affected side has led
one of the variables affecting the long-term cos- to create specular implants that reproduce the
metic outcome in craniosynostosis; the degree of unaffected side profile, thus precisely restoring
the cranial base deformity, which is not corrected facial symmetry; moreover, other algorithms
through the fronto-orbital advancement, might allows contour elevation or depression, with the
have an impact on long-term outcome. However, aim to compensate soft tissue deficit (contour
surgical procedures for craniosynostosis lack elevation) or subcranioplasty dead space (contour
methods simplifying and objectifying the cranial depression) [7, 10].
remodeling process. Several groups have recently
described cranial vault remodeling with prefabri- One other important application of PSI meshes
cated templates using the preoperative CAD/ (Fig. 11.1) is individualized orbital wall recon-
CAM technique; they concluded that this method struction (i.e., secondary to trauma or oncologi-
allows for more precise, accurate, efficient, and cal resection) or orbital volume restoring (i.e.,
rapid surgery, without the need for subjective post-traumatic enophthalmos or in oncological
assessment of the desired calvaria shape. In addi- secondary reconstruction). The CAD phase is
tion, it accelerates the learning curve for young based on “mirroring” a symmetrical and chiral
and less experienced surgeons and helps families image of the contralateral healthy orbital wall,
gain a better understanding of the disease and the having the restitution of the anatomical symme-
surgery [5]. try with decreasing of operating time and mor-
bidity. Moreover, planning allows control of
PSI CAD/CAM fabricated PSI in orbito-frontal several measures (including length, thickness,
cranioplasty can be suitable option in several cir- angle, weight, volume) in addition to spatial posi-
cumstances: comminuted fracture, residual skel- tion relative to other virtual object; for these rea-
etal defects following trauma, tumor removal, sons many authors consider PSI the first choice
resorption of an original bone flap, unsatisfying when dealing with late or secondary correction of
shape of the artificial skull. Since their first the orbital floor [11, 12].
124 S. Fusetti and F. Apolloni

ments to biofunctionalization of these implants

are performed through the use of computer-aided
design, finite element analysis, and VSP [14].
One other field of application of facial pros-
theses is in cases of complex 3D defect after
resection of the entire nasal region or after orbital
exenteration, in patients that are not candidate
for surgical reconstruction. Traditionally a labor
intensive process, the fabrication of craniofacial
prostheses (epithesis), involves taking a plaster
Fig. 11.1 Orbital floor PSI cast of the area to be treated, hand carving wax
models of the restoration, and multiple meetings
with the patient to alter this wax restoration
11.3 Middle Third: Maxillary before making a final prosthesis in silicone.
Region Using the patient’s pre-existing computed
tomography (CT) images and 3D printing tech-
Various prefabricated maxillofacial implants are nology, a patient-specific silicone prosthesis can
used in the clinical routine for the surgical treat- be created with improved efficiency and accu-
ment of patients. In addition to these prefabri- racy. The benefits of using this method include
cated implants, customized CAD/CAM implants reduced manufacturing time, decreased outpa-
become increasingly important for a more pre- tient appointments, improved personalized out-
cise replacement of damaged anatomical struc- comes, and a repeatable process allowing
tures. The clinical outcomes of reconstruction of multiple prostheses to be made [15].
complex 3D maxillary defect have always been
very challenging. Recently, 3D-printed titanium
mesh implants have been successfully used to 11.4 Lower Third: Mandibular
reconstruct the maxilla after ablation surgery. 3D Region
individualized maxillary model based on mirror
images of the unaffected maxilla can be obtained Mandible acquired defects following oncologi-
to fabricate anatomically adapted titanium mesh cal resection or traumatic events are challenging
using computer-assisted design and manufacture. for the surgeon: comprehensive reconstruction
The individual titanium mesh can be inserted into strategies require the restoration of the 3D facial
the maxillary complex defect after total maxillec- buttresses, the restoration of the internal/exter-
tomy. Using VSP, the orbital volume and protru- nal envelope and last, but not least, dental reha-
sion degree of eye can be measured and planned bilitation. Mandible congenital defects are even
for the reconstruction. Reconstruction of com- more challenging for the surgeon given the
plex maxillary defect with 3D-printed titanium complex variation from the normal anatomy and
mesh can achieve successful clinical outcomes, the small surgical field, especially when the cor-
which recovered orbital volume and protrusion rection of a pediatric malformation is required.
degree of eye [13]. For these reasons, mandible reconstruction has
One other application of 3D printed maxillary long been a daunting task for the reconstructive
implants is in the field of dental rehabilitation of surgeons: ambitious and thoughtful undertak-
the atrophic maxilla, with the use of sub-­ ings have led to technical innovations that have
periosteal jaw implant. A few authors have sug- ultimately been translated into improvement of
gested the use of such devices as an alternative to patient outcome [16].
large bone grafting technique followed by tradi- With the recent advances in medical imaging
tional dental implant rehabilitation. Architectural and 3DP, the reconstruction modalities have been
changes, topological optimization, and amend- widely implemented: the preoperative planning
11 3D Facial Prosthesis 125

has moved from physical or stereolithographic erative time commitment and failed to simulate
model into ad almost completely virtual environ- the shape of the reconstructed mandible. With the
ment. The feasibility of these CAD/CAM based advent of VSP, the CAD phase allowed the sur-
procedures has been widely demonstrated in sev- geon to mirror the anatomy of the unaffected
eral studies; these studies pointed out several side, plan osteotomies, and manipulate bony seg-
advantages apported by 3DP in mandibular sur- ments; with the CAM technologies, these infor-
gery: accuracy in oncological resection, appro- mation was translated to the operation theater
priate functional and esthetic reconstruction with cutting and drilling guides, either used for
based on mirroring tools, tailored osteotomies, oncological or reconstructive purpose. Not sur-
quicken in free-flap harvesting, intraoperative prisingly, the use of cutting-drilling guides
time saving. Finally, with the aim of 3D technol- improved the accuracy of mandible reconstruc-
ogies applied on mandibular oncological tion with the aim of bone graft (either vascular-
­resection and corresponding free-flap harvesting, ized or non-vascularized) [19].
a paradigm shift from secondary to primary
reconstruction has occurred [17, 18]. Splints Based on a CT scan and a digitized tooth
Many reconstruction modalities have been setup, the prosthetically ideal implant positions
attempted and reported: they can briefly be can be planned virtually with the help of a guided
resumed in reconstruction plates, non-­surgery software allowing for three-dimensional
vascularized bone graft, vascularized free flap, visualization prior to implant surgery.
mandible distraction osteogenesis. The current Furthermore, the possibility to transfer the virtu-
use of 3DP in each of these categories had greatly ally planned implant position to the real clinical
improved the outcome of mandible surgery; the situation is provided by a stereolithographically
authors will briefly discuss the application of 3D fabricated surgical template. While only few
technologies in this field. guided implant placement systems were avail-
able at the time, today, multiple computer-­
3D Models Historically, mandible bone recon- assisted implantology software are available on
struction relied on intraoperative subjective eval- the market [20].
uation of the post-ablative defect. The introduction
of the CT-based stereolithographic models PSI Although a reasonably high level of accu-
allowed a 3DP model of the mandible, used for racy should be achieved with template-assisted
different purpose in preoperative planning mandibular reconstruction, it is technically chal-
depending on the reconstructive strategy selected. lenging and time-consuming not only because of
When reconstruction plate is indicated, the ste- the microvascular anastomosis procedure, but
reolithography of the mandible allows precise also for the shaping of the graft to resemble the
diagnosis and osteotomy line definition, precise configuration of the mandible; moreover, in more
reconstruction plate adaptation with considerably complex scenario, pre-bent reconstruction plates
short operation time. When bone graft is indi- should make the realization of the virtual plan
cated, the mandible stereolithography gives the rather insufficient [21]. Individualized or patient-­
exact amount of bone needed for harvesting; fur- specific reconstruction plates, shaped on a digital
thermore, for a precise evaluation of the graft database and transformed in a numerically con-
shape, a 3DP of the harvesting site should be per- trolled 3D manufacturing process, offer a reliable
formed: this is particularly important to achieve improvement, yielding a precise fit to the neo-­
an acceptable prosthodontic position of future mandibular contours [18].
dental implant rehabilitation.
Reconstruction with customized plates is an
Guides 3D models helped to save valuable alternative surgical option if microvascular
intraoperative time, but the cumbersome bone reconstruction using bone free flap is not possi-
model surgery resulted in a considerable preop- ble and the patient has poor general condition: in
126 S. Fusetti and F. Apolloni

these cases, one of the main solutions is the cre-

ation of customized bridging mandibular pros-
thesis, based on patient’s specific mandibular
prototyping of the native mandible. Printing tita-
nium CAD/CAM prosthesis gives the opportu-
nity to have larger anchorage surface on the bone
and larger bone contact, reducing the problem
relative to plate fracture for inadequate biome-
chanical forces on the hardware surface.
Furthermore, virtual planning is of crucial
importance for the setting of the new screw holes
in the right points of the bone, making this pro-
cedure surgically safer. The main drawback of
this technique is the cost and the impossibility to
obtain future dental rehabilitation (Figs. 11.2
and 11.3) [22].
In pediatric dysmorphic patient, recent Fig. 11.3 Customized mandible plate that includes the
advances in computer-aided design and manufac- condyle region; axial view
turing (CAD/CAM) technology allow for precise
planning and production of customized mandibu- ties for precise diagnosis, surgical planning, and
lar distractors, ultimately leading to more reliable follow-up. VSP allows the surgeon to design
surgery, especially in such a complex field. The safer osteotomy line and screw holes with respect
traditional approach for surgical planning of to teeth buds and the inferior alveolar nerve, and
mandibular distraction osteogenesis was mostly to plan the best position of the distraction device;
based on surgeons’ experience; modern CT-based CAD/CAM technologies allow the manufacture
3D reconstructions and simulations which of customized cutting guides which are used
emerged in the last decade represent an efficient in vivo with respect to the surgical plan and cus-
tool for an accurate preoperative qualitative and tomized distractors with predetermined arcs of
quantitative determination of mandible deformi- rotation and precise uniplanar or multi-planar
movement vectors; all of these are critical factors
for a successful outcome. In Fig. 11.4 is reported
the CAM workflow used by the authors to treat a
Treacher Collins infant, using mandible custom-
ized distractors and cutting-drilling guides [23].

11.5 Maxillo-Mandibular
Complex: Orthognathic

In orthognathic surgery, the “traditional surgical

planning” (TSP) is based on two-dimensional
(2D) latero-lateral (L-L) teleradiograph, 2D
cephalometric analysis, model surgery, and fabri-
cation of surgical acrylic splints as intraoperative
guides. Although cheap and available, 2D telera-
Fig. 11.2 Customized mandible plate that includes the diographs have several problems, such as ana-
condyle region; sagittal view tomical distortion and magnification; furthermore,
11 3D Facial Prosthesis 127

VSP phase 1: device VSP phase 2: distraction vector of VSP phase 3: osteotomy design
selection movement defining and screw holes definition

Pre-operative check CAM phase

Fig. 11.4 CAM phase of mandible distractors (phase 1,2,3); consequent CAD phase

the traditional splints could create several errors paradigm in preoperative orthognathic planning;
related to the complex process of splint produc- the application of computer-aided design and
tion. All these limitations are illustrated by poor computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
accuracy in different case study analysis. techniques to the virtual planning allows the fab-
The benefit of computer-assisted planning in rication of CAD/CAM splint. With this technol-
orthognathic surgery has been extensively docu- ogy, it was possible to skip all the manual steps of
mented over the last decade; with the use of the traditional planning in order to reduce poten-
“virtual surgical planning” (VSP) and the pro- tial errors in the preoperative phase, resulting in
duction of 3DP devices, orthognathic procedure more accurate repositioning of dental arches.
can be improved, especially in the term of feasi- Moreover, it was possible to reduce planning
bility, accuracy, operating time, and clinical out- times, especially in patients with complex maxil-
come [24]. lofacial deformities. Nevertheless, occlusal guid-
ing with splints maintained some sources of
3D Models The possibility to produce 3DP errors in the procedure, both in maxilla-first and
models using DICOM files from preoperative CT in mandible-first sequences: these are related to a
dataset has significantly improved preoperative poor control in the maxillary vertical dimension
assessment, orthognathic surgical planning, as and an intraoperative condylar position.
well as intraoperative orientation. Furthermore, if
the 3DP models derive from VSP, thus containing Guides In order to overcome these issues, new
the surgical movement, the surgeon has the pos- devices have been developed: these are based
sibility to pre-bend the fixation plate. upon patient-customized devices to guide maxil-
lary repositioning after Le Fort I down-fracture.
Splints Over the past few years, after the intro- Although no accuracy analysis has been carried
duction of three-dimensional (3D) cephalometric out until now, the use of “orthognathic position-
analysis based on computer tomography (CT) or ing system” (OPS) in maxilla-first sequence
cone beam computer tomography (CBCT), vir- seems to solve the aforementioned couple of
tual surgical planning (VSP) has become the new problems.
128 S. Fusetti and F. Apolloni

Cutting and predrilling guides are also used by

several authors during guided bilateral sagittal
split osteotomy; the intent is to control the buccal
vertical osteotomy and positioning of the screw
holes, taking into account the movements of the
skeletal fragments [25].

PSI In 2013 was presented a new surgical proto-

col able to reproduce in operating room the max-
illary repositioning and the Le Fort I osteotomy
using a cutting guide; because no splints were
used during the maxillary or the mandibular Fig. 11.6 Customized Lefort I osteotomy plate (Patient-­
repositioning, this protocol was named “splint-­ specific implant)
less orthognathic surgery” [26]. Traditional tita-
nium plates were used for osteosynthesis. Since observed; time reduction is due to the fact that
then, several “splint-less protocols” have been there is no need for intermaxillary fixation during
described by different authors: differences could maxillary repositioning, no need for vertical
be found in the type of cutting guide (dental-­ assessment, no need for plate bending during
borne or bone-borne), in the manufacturing mate- osteosynthesis, and predefined screw locations
rial of the cutting guide (titanium or plastic), in by the cutting guide. We believe that additional
the type of osteosynthesis (traditional or CAD/ costs related to splint-less surgery should be con-
CAM), the number and shape of the titanium sidered together with the reduction in operating
plates (Figs. 11.5 and 11.6). time (especially in complex case such as asym-
metry) and the reduction in the number of con-
The authors cost analysis showed that the ventional plates and screws needed. Further
splint-less technique is more expensive compared studies are needed to assess the real cost of this
to the standard one (in which an additional cost splint-less protocol.
estimated in 1000–1300€ have). Time needed As better accuracy in maxillary repositioning
from digital planning to hospital delivery was seems to be reached, mandibular proximal seg-
about 30 days, about twice the time needed for ment is still challenging for surgeons; its ade-
CAD/CAM splints: this can be explained by the quate intraoperative position and skeletal fixation
higher complexity in the design and manufactur- appear to be the key for preventing relapse; more-
ing of the devices. Moreover, in authors’ experi- over, adequate intraoperative positioning of prox-
ence, a reduction in the operative time of about imal segments in bilateral sagittal split osteotomy
30 minutes (compared to splint surgery) has been (BSSO) can also be performed using drilling and
cutting guide [27]; finally, in the last few years,
several publications have described encouraging
results with the mandible-first sequencing proto-
col [28].
Whereas there are several reports in scientific
literature on the success of “splint-less protocol”
for maxillary orthognathic surgery, mandibular
repositioning by means of patient-specific
implants is still limited, especially when
mandible-­first sequence is scheduled. The authors
are performing a clinical study; the primary aim
is to evaluate the first case-series of a bi-­maxillary
Fig. 11.5 Customized Lefort I osteotomy cutting guide orthognathic surgery with mandible-first timing,
11 3D Facial Prosthesis 129

in which mandibular repositioning is accom- 4. Sigron G, Ruedi N, Chammartin F, Meyer S, Msallem

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3D Carpal (Hand) Prosthesis
Alessia Pagnotta and Iakov Molayem

12.1 Introduction • Tumors, if total or subtotal bone excision is

The hand is a complex of multiple structures that • Fractures or their sequelae, when repair or
form an elegant and sophisticated motor-­sensitive reconstruction is not possible.
organ. Although it is a perfect mechanism when • Bone necrosis, if revascularization is not
intact, its lesion inevitably causes dysfunction of feasible.
the hand and thus the entire upper extremity.
Reconstruction of losses of substance has
always been a challenge for hand surgeons; in 12.3 Review of Literature
orthopedics, autograft, allograft, and prosthesis
have been largely used for treatment of bone The customized 3D printed titanium prosthesis
defects, but hand anatomy and biomechanics was proved to be effective in bone defect recon-
limit the use of allografts and prosthesis. structions [1]. However, few studies focus on its
3D printing is an emerging technology that application in hand surgery.
permits simpler and faster design and manufac- Punyaratabandhu et al. [2] report a case of first
ture of customized prosthesis than standard pro- metacarpal giant-cell tumor of bone (GCTb)
cedures. Although it may provide interesting treated with metacarpal and trapezium excision,
solutions in reconstructive orthopedics, the appli- cement spacer and subsequent metacarpal pros-
cations in hand surgery are still controversial. thesis replacement. Although the range of motion
and strength was diminished at the follow-up, the
patient was satisfied with the cosmetic and func-
12.2 Indications tional outcome. The authors conclude that cus-
tomized prosthesis is a valid alternative for entire
The possible indications for 3D printed prosthe- first metacarpal bone loss treatment, and it has
sis in hand surgery are severe bone defects sec- the benefit of sparing autograft for any revision
ondary to: surgery.
Beltrami [3] reports a case of GCTb recur-
rence in fourth ray proximal phalanx treated with
phalanx excision and its prosthesis replacement.
At the follow-up the patient had returned to his
A. Pagnotta (*) · I. Molayem daily and leisure activities, despite the proximal
Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery Unit,
Jewish Hospital, Rome, Italy
interphalangeal joint ankylosis. The author

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 131

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
132 A. Pagnotta and I. Molayem

believes the surgical option was effective in this Vascularized bone (or osteochondral) graft
case, considered the previous oncological failure may be applied in septic or aseptic non-union,
of a more conventional treatment. traumatic or tumor loss of substance and trau-
Xie et al. [4] report a case of stage IIIc matic or idiopathic avascular necrosis; most com-
Kienbock disease treated with lunate excision mon indications are scaphoid non-union with
and its prosthesis replacement. They consider the avascular necrosis and idiopathic lunate necrosis
3D printing technology a new solution to fabri- (Kienbock disease), but are also described appli-
cate an anatomically matched lunate, thus cations in metacarpal, phalanx and joint pathol-
improving the inherent implant stability. ogy [7].
Finally, Rossello [5] reports a case of scaph- Allografts withdrawal in fingers or wrists can
oid non-union with necrosis of both bone frag- be critical for ethical reasons. Allografts has only
ments and no sign of secondary arthritis treated osteoconductive property, but avoids donor-site
with scaphoid excision and its prosthesis morbidity.In hand surgery, allografts have mostly
replacement. He concludes that implant should been used in isolated cases. Adani et al. [8, 9]
be considered in selected patients; moreover, in report 12 patients treated with metacarpal, pha-
case of failure, alternative procedures are still lanx, metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and proximal
possible. interphalangeal (PIP) joint allograft replacement
Although their experience is limited to single in bone loss secondary to recurrent neoplasm or
cases, authors agree that 3D printed implants trauma. Complications have been skin necrosis,
may be an interesting option but a longer follow- requiring treatment with local flap, and plate fail-
­up is needed to evaluate the results. ure. Authors conclude that allograft main limits
Summary of literature is reported in are the need of a stable and durable osteosynthe-
Table 12.1. sis, the joint stiffness and also its uncertain future
Prosthesis can provide an “immediate sup-
12.4 Discussion port” of bone defect, but it is also associated with
important complications such as implant disloca-
Treatment of severe bone loss is still a challenge tion, fracture, and infection.
for hand surgeons. In the past decades, various The traditional prosthesis is custom-made, but
methods including vascularized and non-­ may cause some delay in treatment for its com-
vascularized autograft, allograft, and prosthesis plex productive process; the most modern implant
have been used for reconstructions. Each has its is manufactured by machining a solid titanium
own advantages and limits. block, which is followed by applying different
Autograft, especially if vascularized, has supe- surface and geometry treatments in multiple
rior healing capability due to excellent osteo- steps. In recent years, the modular prosthesis has
genic, osteoconductive, and osteoinductive been developed and extensively used because of
properties, but it requires invasive collection and being readily available. Although it meets
supply is limited. Unlike non-vascularized bone requirements in most surgeries, customized pros-
graft, vascularized bone graft remains alive and thesis is still needed in some anatomic sites and
dynamic in its recipient site; consequently, viable in complex cases [10].
bone does not undergo creeping substitution, the The rapid prototyping is a process that directly
process of gradual vascular ingrowth, resorption, generates physical objects on the basis of virtual
and replacement of necrotic bone that permits the mode data. It includes different techniques
incorporation of “conventional” bone graft. The among which the electron beam melting (EBM),
result is an improved healing, especially in diffi- a 3D printing technology, can be used to fabricate
cult circumstances, and also superior material complex metallic components, therefore it may
properties and stress responsiveness [6]. be a feasible solution to design a customized
Table 12.1 Summary of literature
3D printing Alternative
Age, Functional Follow technique, procedures
Author Sex Pathology Site, Side Treatment Stabilizer reconstruction Immobilization outcome up material proposed
Punyaratabandhu 37yy, GCTb 1st MC, MC and MCP 4 + 2ww No pain 2yy EBM, mirror Autograft
et al. [2] F L trapezium Collateral ligaments + MCP, stable image from
excision + dorsal capsule ROM F30/E0 contralateral
cement spacer; reconstruction with PL TMC, stable hand, titanium
6 mm later, MC tendon graft ROM F5/
prosthesis TMC E25/Abd45
replacement Deep anterior oblique Grip strength
3D Carpal (Hand) Prosthesis

and dorsal radial 9 kg

capsular ligaments Key-pinch
reconstruction with FCR strength 2 kg
emi-tendon + posterior Kapandji
ligament reconstruction thumb
with EPB tendon + opposition
interposition score 4
arthroplasty with FCR Thumb
emi-tendon and EPB shortening
tendon 5 mm
Beltrami [3] 64yy, GCTb 4th ray P excision + MCP and PIP – No pain 2yy EBM, mirror Amputation,
M recurrence P1, R prosthesis Ligament reattachment MCP, stable image from arthrodesis,
replacement and reconstruction (not ROM contralateral allograft, allograft
specified) maintained hand, titanium prosthesis
(not composite,
specified) autograft
PIP prosthesis
F80 composite
Table 12.1 (continued)

3D printing Alternative
Age, Functional Follow technique, procedures
Author Sex Pathology Site, Side Treatment Stabilizer reconstruction Immobilization outcome up material proposed
Xie et al. [4] 41yy,− Kienbock Lunate, − Lunate excision None (only dorsal 4ww VAS score 2 1yy 3D printing None
disease + prosthesis capsule repair) Wrist ROM (not specified),
replacement E54.2/F50.5/ mirror image
UD23.8/ from
RD16.4 contralateral
Grasp force hand, titanium
36.2 kg
Cooney score
Rossello [5] 34yy, Non-union Scaphoid,− Scaphoid IC, distally 4ww VAS score 1yy EBM, mirror Proximal row
M excision + STT arthrodesis-like At rest 0 image from carpectomy,
prosthesis with prosthetic stem Under load 1 contralateral scaphoidectomy
replacement IC, proximally Wrist ROM hand, titanium +3 or 4 corner
SL reconstruction with E70/F70/ fusion, wrist
labral tape UD35/RD30 denervation
Grip strength
30 kg
strength 9 kg
DASH score
General 13.3
Work 12.5
ww weeks, yy years, M male, F female, R right, L left, GCTb giant-cell tumor of bone, MC metacarpal, P phalanx, MCP metacarpophalangeal, TMC trapeziometacarpal, PIP
proximal interphalangeal, IC intercarpal, STT scaphotrapeziotrapezoid, PL palmaris longus, FCR flexor carpi radialis, EPB extensor pollicis brevis, SL scapholunate, VAS visual
analog scale, ROM range of movement, F flexion, E extension, Abd abduction, UD ulnar deviation, RD radial deviation, EBM electron beam melting, − not reported
A. Pagnotta and I. Molayem
12 3D Carpal (Hand) Prosthesis 135

prosthesis and manufacture it simply and in checkrein ligaments, especially in the PIP
reduced time [11]. joint, and is suspended laterally by collateral
Hand function needs a perfect balance ligaments.
between stability and movement that depends not This configuration produces a three-­
only on bone and ligament interaction, but also dimensional structure called “three-sided liga-
on tendons, muscles, capsule, and nerves. For ment box,” that is resistant to displacement
this reason, a functional replacement of its bones while permitting movement [13]; an inade-
is a hard challenge. quate bone and soft-tissue restoration of this
Examples of “critical structures” in hand fine balance is at the base of most MCP and
reconstructions: PIP joint replacement failures.

• Scapholunate (SL) and lunotriquetral (LT) Hand complexity, and our inability to com-
ligaments are C-shaped structures that span pletely reproduce it, is probably the main impedi-
the dorsal, proximal, and palmar margins of ment for the long-term success of bone prosthesis.
their respective joint spaces; the thickest and In hand surgery non-prosthetic reconstructive
strongest region of SL ligament is located dor- procedures such as autograft, selective arthrode-
sally, while that of LT ligament is located pal- sis, and functional amputations have had more
mary. This structure supports the “balanced predictable results until now. Current investiga-
lunate” concept, meaning that the lunate is tions are exploring biological enhancers, new
under the influence of two opposite moments graft substitutes, and more biocompatible
(scaphoid flexion and triquetral extension) materials.
which counteract each other [12].
SL and LT ligaments are essentials for Acknowledgments We want to thank Mrs. Susanna
maintenance of a normal carpal kinematic. Fusco for the English revision of the chapter.
Particularly, the SL ligament lesion causes
wrist instability and, as a consequence, a pre-
dictable pattern of osteoarthritis called “scaph- References
olunate advanced collapse” (SLAC). Actually,
1. Li J, Li P, Lu H, Shen L, Tian W, Long J, Tang W. Digital
reconstruction of SL ligament and prevention design and individually fabricated titanium implants
of its sequelae remain problematic, represent- for the reconstruction of traumatic zygomatico-orbital
ing the main limits to scaphoid replacement. defects. J Craniofac Surg. 2013;24:363–8. https://doi.
• MCP and PIP joints have little bone intrinsic org/10.1097/SCS.0b013e3182701243.
2. Punyaratabandhu T, Lohwongwatana B, Puncreobutr
stability and depend on a complex arrange- C, Kosiyatrakul A, Veerapan P, Luenam S. A patient-­
ment of capsular, ligamentous, and musculo- matched entire first metacarpal prosthesis in treatment
tendinous structures. Proper collateral of Giant cell tumor of bone. Case Rep Orthop. 2017;
ligament supports the joint laterally being the
3. Beltrami G. Custom 3D-printed finger proximal
primary restraint to varo-valgus deviation. It phalanx as salvage of limb function after aggressive
arises dorsally from the lateral condyle of the recurrence of giant cell tumour. BMJ Case Rep. 2018;
metacarpal or proximal phalanx and inserts on­2018-­226007.
the volar third of the proximal or middle pha- 4. Xie MM, Tang KL, Yuan CS. 3D printing lunate pros-
thesis for stage IIIc Kienböck's disease: a case report.
lanx, respectively; collateral ligament has also Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2018;138:447–51. https://
an accessory component situated more pal-­017-­2854-­0.
mary. Volar plate forms the floor of the joint 5. Rossello MI. A case of total scaphoid titanium
preventing hyperextension. Its distal portion is custom-made 3D-printed prostheses with one-year
follow-up. Case Rep Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2020;7:7–
thick and fibrocartilaginous, whereas the 12.
proximal one is thin and membranous; more- 6. Bishop AT, Shin AY. Vascularized bone grafting. In:
over, volar plate forms proximally a pair of Wolfe SW, Hotchkiss RN, Pederson WC, Kozin SH,
136 A. Pagnotta and I. Molayem

Cohen MS, editors. Green’s operative hand surgery. prosthesis in limb salvage surgery: a case series and
7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2017. p. 1612–42. review of the literature. World J Surg Oncol. 2015;
7. Malizos KN, Dailiana ZH, Innocenti M, Mathoulin­015-­0723-­2.
CL, Mattar R Jr, Sau-erbier M. Vascularized bone 11. Rengier F, Mehndiratta A, von Tengg-Kobligk H,
grafts for upper limb reconstruction: defects at Zechmann CM, Un-terhinninghofen R, Kauczor
the distal radius, wrist, and hand. J Hand Surg HU, Giesel FL. 3D printing based on imaging data:
Am. 2010;35:1710–8. review of medical applications. Int J Comput Assist
jhsa.2010.08.006. Radiol Surg. 2010;5:335–41.
8. Adani R, Tarallo L, Innocenti M, Delcroix L, Rollo G, s11548-­010-­0476-­x.
Bassi A. The use of allograft in reconstructive surgery 12. Apergis E. Wrist anatomy. In: Apergis E, editor.
of the hand. G I O T. 2006;32:205–14. Fracture-dislocations of the wrist. Milan: Springer-­
9. Innocenti M, Adani R, Boyer MI. Nonvascularized Verlag Italia; 2013. p. 7–41.
osteoarticular allograft replacement of the proximal 13. Merrell G, Hastings H. Dislocations and ligament
interphalangeal joint after extensive loss of bone, injuries of the digits. In: Wolfe SW, Hotchkiss RN,
joint, and extensor tendon. Tech Hand Up Extrem Pederson WC, Kozin SH, Cohen MS, editors. Green’s
Surg. 2007;11:149–55. operative hand surgery. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier;
bth.0b013e318033c824. 2017. p. 278–317.
10. Fan H, Fu J, Li X, Pei Y, Li X, Pei G, Guo
Z. Implantation of customized 3-D printed titanium
3D Tarsal (Foot) Prosthesis
Francesco Malerba, Giovanni Romeo,
and Nicolò Martinelli

13.1 Introduction posed as an option to achieve better anatomical

replica in very complicated cases of bone loss
Management of large bone defects, advanced requiring limb-salvage surgery. The efficacy of
osteoarthritis (OA) of the ankle and midtarsal this technique at medium\long term is unre-
joints particularly when in association, talus or ported, no surgeons have enough cases to con-
navicular severe avascular necrosis (AVN), and tribute significantly to the literature, only
malignant tumors around the foot and ankle rep- anectodical reports are available. New technol-
resent a major challenge for the orthopedic sur- ogies lead to innovative options which are man-
geons with limited treatment options [1–7]. datory in the evolving practice of medicine. We
Current techniques include bone grafting proce- should in any case consider that the surgeons’
dures sometimes carried out with bone transport, community has often hindered innovations as
extensive arthrodesis and amputations are asso- surgery relies on tradition and innovators are
ciated with high costs, failures, and relevant respected but inconsistently supported [11].
complications rates. Furthermore, revision sur- 3D printings expand rapidly and are expected
gery is burdened with critical bone loss, poor to revolutionize health care in creation of cus-
bone quality, deformities, and disrupted soft tis- tomized prosthetics, implants, and anatomical
sues [8–10]. models. Although there are several examples of
Since the early 2000s custom-made implants tissue engineering using the 3D printing technol-
were made following the subtractive manufac- ogy, in foot and ankle surgery the more frequently
turing technique of 3D CT scan reconstruction used custom-made implants included: cages to
and favorable results were reported at long- fill bone defects, total talar or calcaneal implants
term follow-­up. The emerging and increasingly to replace missing or severely deteriorated bones
popular field of 3D printed custom-made [12–15].
implants (additive manufacturing process) and An ideal 3D printing implant would possess
special implants (e.g., cages) have been pro- trabecular titanium surfaces capable of mimick-
ing the structure of the cancellous bone and
which are able to promote osseointegration where
an arthrodesis is expected or specially prepared
F. Malerba · N. Martinelli (*) for motion where the surface of the implant is a
IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milan, Italy
part of a joint [16].
G. Romeo
Istituto Clinico Città Studi, Milan, Italy

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 137

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
138 F. Malerba et al.

13.2 Indications 13.3 3D Printed Custom Cages

and Contraindications
Large osseous defects in specific sites after resec-
As previously reported, the indications in foot tion of bone tumors or difficult revision surgery
and ankle pathology include massive bone loss remains a difficult challenge for foot and ankle
with or without joint involvement, total lack of surgeons. Current application of 3D printing
one bone, i.e., talus, navicular or calcaneus, in technology could be used as alternative to mas-
general due to the outcome of high energy sive bone allografts or in other sites where modu-
trauma, severe avascular necrosis, severe osteo- lar prosthesis is not available [20].
myelitis, failure of total ankle replacement, fail- Two case reports on the same patient reported
ure of ankle or subtalar arthrodesis, and short- to long-term outcomes of a patient-specific
un-recoverable bone tumors [1, 17, 18]. 3D printed titanium implant used to treat trau-
Everyone knows treating these cases the diffi- matic distal tibia bone loss [1, 17]. It is interest-
culties of massive bone graft rehabilitation, the ing that the authors used a truss cage to reconstruct
functional problems connected to a pantalar an intra-articular distal tibia segmental bone
arthrodesis, and the complexity in case of miss- defect with concomitant comminuted talus frac-
ing bones (especially the calcaneus). ture and multiple additional foot fractures that
3D printing may quickly produce prosthetics, would have possibly gone on to amputation. The
implants, and anatomical models with a great final design was made of 3D printed porous tita-
capability of osseous integration and could solve nium; the implant was cannulated to accept an
the abovementioned problems. intramedullary nail and packed with morselized
The ethical approach to 3D custom-made bone allograft that was able to promote osseoin-
implants should include a severe selection of the tegration. Outcomes showed that patient returned
eligible patients (pathology and personality), a gradually to routine activities of daily living and
specific consent, a well-designed revision surgi- unlimited walking for exercise and pain-free sta-
cal plan, an accurate oversight of the outcomes, tus at 12 months after surgery. The five-year fol-
and the consensus of the scientific board of the low-­up demonstrated successful bone
operative structure. incorporation of the talus, calcaneus, and tibia
From a technical point of view, the custom- with a rating of “nearly normal” regarding her
ized implant should perfectly fit the defect and current level of function.
stay immediately stable, we should also consider More recently, Dekker et al. reported the larg-
and control pathological forces and restore the est known follow-up study of patient-specific 3D
anatomical alignment and achieve a plantigrade titanium implants for a variety of tibia, ankle, and
foot, which is mandatory for osseointegration of hindfoot defects [14]. They presented a cohort of
the implant. 15 consecutive patients treated with custom-­
Contraindications to the procedure include designed 3D printed implant cages for severe
active infection, significant peripheral arterial bone loss, deformity correction, and/or arthrode-
disease, poor glycemic control, poor nutritional sis procedures with a mean follow-up of
status, and tobacco abuse [19], acute Charcot dis- 22 months. All patients who went on to fusion
ease, skin necrosis and severe comorbidities such were satisfied with their surgery with an overall
as cardiac and renal disease [20]. clinical success rate of 87%. Despite good clini-
This chapter provides a brief overview and our cal results and satisfaction, there were two fail-
experience in recent developments and applica- ures, one infection and one nonunion.
tion of 3D printing technology to treat foot and Currently, total ankle replacement (TAR) has
ankle pathologies, its controversies as well as the shown promising results for the treatment of end
future. stage ankle osteoarthritis. TAR could preserve
13 3D Tarsal (Foot) Prosthesis 139

ankle motion and preserve joint function, with Magnan et al. reported a complete extrusion
little or no pain, although revision surgery for of the talus treated with the implant of a custom-­
prosthetic loosening may be problematic [10]. made talus in association with a total ankle
Tibiotalar arthrodesis and tibiotalocalcaneal prosthesis (Scandinavian total ankle replace-
arthrodesis have proven to be acceptable surgical ment) [29].
treatment options for salvage of failed TAR [21– Kurokawa et al. combined a custom-made
23]. In case of severe bone loss after the prosthe- total talus to a standard total ankle replace-
sis removal bone allografts, autografts, or ment (TAR) in patients with poor bone stock
replacement materials (porous metals such as of the talus (12 ankles) and compared the
Trabecular Metal™) can be used to bridge the functional and clinical outcomes of the “com-
defect [18]. bined” TAR with a standard TAR. Patients
with the “combined” TAR resulted in better
clinical results [30].
13.4 Total Talar Prosthesis Based on literature review, we conclude that
total talar anatomic custom-made implants,
The ability of the foot to accommodate uneven produced from stereolithographic models
surfaces and maintain stability is accomplished through the subtractive manufacturing tech-
as long as the motion of the peritalar joints (ankle, nique, demonstrated favorable results at long-
subtalar, and midtarsal joints) is maintained. term follow-up.
Talus integrity is the key factor in ankle and foot 3D printing technology represents an impor-
biomechanics which can be greatly impaired in tant step forward for a near perfect match of the
case of severe damages requiring extensive customized implants and potentially stands as the
arthrodesis. best option for accuracy, complete congruency,
Arthrodesis of the peritalar joints, in particular capability to fabricate parts with complex designs
tibiotalar and talo-navicular joints results in a and excellent material properties, almost no
very limited function with overloading of the porosity if not required, reduced productive costs
adjacent joints and subsequent risk of degenera- with short waiting time and multiple providers.
tive arthritis [24]. In addition, 3D technology permits to manufac-
Different studies reported the experience with ture modular talar implants even combining dif-
custom-made talar implants, produced from a ferent materials [31]. Scott et al. presented in
stereolithographic model through subtractive 2019, early outcomes in 15 patients (AVN of the
manufacturing technique, with favorable results. talus) and concluded that total talar replacement
In 1997, Harnroongroj et al. reported 16 cases of with 3D printed implants (cobalt-chrome alloy)
AVN of the talus treated with a stainless-steel showed significant clinical scores improvement
prosthesis designed to replace the body of the and represents an exciting treatment option [32].
talus (first implant in 1974), and in 2014, the Tracey et al. in the same group of patients
same authors published a report with longer fol- observed that the accuracy of 3D implants
low-­up and satisfactory ankle and foot function allowed to restore and maintain an absolute nor-
[25, 26]. In 2012, Taniguchi et al. reported vari- mal radiographic alignment of the ankle and sub-
able outcomes in patients with aseptic necrosis of talar joint [33].
the talus treated with partial talar body or total As previously reported, the most frequent
talar prostheses. The partial alumina ceramic indications in literature for 3D printed total talar
prostheses showed fair results and their use was implants are AVN of the talus, failed TAR,
not recommended [27]. Taniguchi et al., in 2015, tumors, severe post-traumatic talar damages and
reported about 55 alumina ceramics total talar missing talus (Table 13.1).
prosthesis for AVN of the talus with mid-term Implants may be manufactured with different
follow-up and concluded that total talar replace- materials (alumina, cobalt-chrome alloy, tita-
ment is a useful procedure maintaining an accept- nium); however, the lack of guidelines makes dif-
able foot function [28]. ficult the material choice.
140 F. Malerba et al.

Table 13.1 3D printed total talar prostheses in literature

Study Indication Prosthesis type Material approach Clinical outcomes
Tracey [33] AVN Total talus Nickel-cobalt Anterior None
(N = 14)
Scott [32] AVN Total talus Cobalt-­ Anterior Average F/U follow-up
(N = 15) chrome of 12.8 months
– Mean pre/postop VAS:
7 to 3.6
– FAOS improved in all
Patel [34] Talar subsidence Talar component Titanium Anterior F/U of 11 months: Pain
after TAR (N = 1) with truss cage free with no activity
implant restrictions
Papagelopoulos Ewing’s sarcoma Total talus Titanium
[35], 2019 (N = 1)
Fang [36] Mesenchymal Total talus UHMWPE Anterior 6 months of F/U
sarcoma (N = 1) and titanium – AOFAS score = 91/100
– DF = 10°, PF =30°
Belvedere [37] AVN Total talus and Cobalt-­ Antero-­ 30 months of F/U
(N = 1) navicular chrome medial – AOFAS score = 81/100
– DF/PF range = 20°

In case of an anatomic talar implant with a microbes adhered to cobalt-chrome surfaces than
quite normal anatomy of the contiguous bones to alumina ceramic [38]. Yoshinaga in an experi-
and cartilage, the implant should be manufac- mental study reported that alumina ceramic wear
tured with cobalt-chrome alloy or alumina less than 316 L stainless steel and considered it
ceramic which have an optimal surface rough- an ideal material for an artificial talus [39]. 3D
ness with a theoretical residual articulation and printing alumina ceramic implants are more com-
demonstrated, at medium-term follow-up, good plex to manufacture and there are few manufac-
tolerance by cartilage and subchondral bone turers available on the market. Therefore,
(mild sclerosis in 50% of the cases defined as materials should be chosen mainly in relation to
irrelevant in previous paper) [28]. An implant the availability.
manufactured with cobalt-chrome alloy or In case of subtalar arthrodesis, the lower part
­alumina ceramic is also recommended in case of of the implants should be made with osteo-­
TAR coupled with total talar implant: the dome inductive material with appropriate mechanical
should be designed to accommodate the talar and properties, substantial corrosion resistance, and
tibial component of standard TAR. full biocompatibility (i.e., open-cellular titanium
Fang et al. implanted one total talar replace- alloy). In case of ankle osteoarthritis with very
ment with a 3D printed modular prosthesis for a poor talar bone stock, a 3D printed total talus
malignant tumor: the lower modular component should be designed to accept the components of a
was made of titanium alloy to facilitate subtalar standard TAR. Any combination (titanium/
arthrodesis and the upper modular component cobalt-chrome, titanium/alumina ceramic,
was made of ultrahigh molecular weight polyeth- UHMWPE/titanium) is available, but fixation of
ylene for articulation with the tibia and facilitate the different modular components should be
the revision [36]. firmly impacted or fixed (e.g., cement).
Bacterial adhesion is an issue of great concern Post-traumatic cases required meticulous sur-
in the choice of implant’s materials. Kazmier gical planning.
investigated the bacterial adhesion to alumina We implanted three 3D printed total talus
ceramic or cobalt-chrome femoral heads and implants (1 idiopathic AVN and 2 severe post-­
found that a significantly greater number of traumatic talus damage). In all patients, there was
13 3D Tarsal (Foot) Prosthesis 141

Fig. 13.1 3D model of the implanted total talar prostheses

a severe involvement of the subtalar and tibiotalar A 41-year-old male was admitted to our outpa-
joint requiring a subtalar arthrodesis associated tient clinic with a 12-month history of progres-
to a TAR. A modular 3D printed total talar sive swelling of the right ankle and severe pain
implant was designed (Fig.13.1) with the follow- during walking. The patient, with no history of
ing characteristics: trauma or previous fractures, was diagnosed with
idiopathic AVN of the talus. We decided to pro-
–– the body with the lower surface manufactured ceed with limb salvage using a custom 3D printed
in trabecular porous coating titanium with total talar prosthesis and a tibial component. For
holes for screws fixation to achieve an imme- the production of the implant, the relevant dimen-
diate stability, essential for bone ingrowth, sions were measured on CT scans of the contra-
–– the head of the talus manufactured with lateral normal talus. To account for the initial
cobalt-chrome alloy, polished and fixed to the ankle osteoarthritis, the dome shape was further
talar body with a conical sleeve system, adjusted to customize the fit to receive the talar
–– the dome of the implant designed to accept the component of the Zimmer Trabecular Metal Total
talar component of the Zimmer Trabecular Ankle™ and the corresponding component was
Metal Total Ankle™ (Fig. 13.2). used for the tibial surface. The implant had two
holes to place screws and perform subtalar joint
The talar component of the prosthesis was arthrodesis in order to increase implant’s stabil-
fixed to the total talar implant with bone cement ity. The surgery was performed via a lateral
(polymethyl methacrylate). approach to the ankle joint with a fibular osteot-
The prostheses were implanted through a lat- omy, following the manufacturer’s guidelines
eral trans-fibular approach: the removal of the with the original Zimmer Total ankle instrumen-
existing talus and the positioning of each part of tation (Fig. 13.6).
the implant was easier, with anterior and medial During the radiographic follow-up, subsid-
ligamentous structures spared (Fig. 13.3). ence of the tibial component was detected
All the cases were treated by the senior author 6 months after surgery (Fig. 13.7).
and the total talus implant was provided by the The patient underwent tibial component repo-
same manufacture (Figs. 13.4, and 13.5). sitioning with cement fixation (12 months after
3D-printing technology has many advantages surgery) and calcaneal Z-osteotomy to correct a
when treating AVN of the talus; however, total hindfoot varus (Fig. 13.8).
talar replacement is not without limitations. Here Two months after the revision of tibial compo-
we present the case of total talar prosthesis fail- nent, the patient developed a draining sinus tract
ure in a patient with idiopathic AVN of the talus. and implant’s loosening was radiographically
142 F. Malerba et al.

Fig. 13.2 3D printed total talus implant coupled with Zimmer TAR

detected. Surgery was considered as failed, and a tendon and functions well as a shock absorbing
two-stage procedure (debridement/implant structure, with tightly packed plantar fat pad
removal/antibiotic-loaded cement spacer and engulfing the calcaneus on its posterior and plan-
ankle arthrodesis/tibia lengthening) was con- tar surfaces. The surgical method in case of
ducted to control the infection and maintain tibial malignant tumors or large bone defect is repre-
length (Figs. 13.9, and 13.10). sented by calcanectomy or amputation [40, 41].
At the time of writing this chapter, the patient In recent years, thanks also to the advances in
is waiting for definitive bone consolidation of the surgical techniques and biomedical engineering,
ankle arthrodesis and at the level of proximal 3D printed titanium implant offers a new para-
tibial, he walks with two crutches and partial digm of limb-salvage surgery. This procedure is
weight-bearing. safe and effective for the management of large
bone defects where modular prosthesis is not
available, and where providing durable stability
13.5 Total Calcaneus Prosthesis and function is difficult with autogenous or allog-
enous bone grafts.
The calcaneus has a unique design and structure, The first surgery implanting a 3D printed tita-
acting as a short lever for the calf muscles. The nium calcaneal implant was performed in 2014
heel provides the insertion site for the Achilles on a 71-year-old male patient who has chondro-
13 3D Tarsal (Foot) Prosthesis 143

sarcoma in the heel [15]. The printed heel pros- 5-month clinical follow-up, the patient was fully
thesis was designed based on his specific defect. weight-bearing, with a mobile ankle without
First, a total calcanectomy was performed, and pain.
the defect was fitted with a patient matched 3D Park et al. reported their experience in a young
printed titanium calcaneal prosthesis. Next, liga- man who underwent reconstructive surgery for a
ments including the Achilles tendon, and plantar calcaneal desmoplastic fibroma with use of a 3D
fascia were reattached without bone fixation. The printed personalized implant [42]. The designed
postoperative course was uneventful, and at the prosthesis matched and fixed simultaneously
with multiple free suture holes for attaching soft
tissues with proper tension. The clinical and
functional outcomes of the surgery were
The authors’ personal experience is that bone
fixation is necessary. Here, we report a five-­
month follow-up with imaging and patient-­
reported outcomes. The patient was a 56-year-old
man who was involved in a rollover motor vehi-
cle collision and sustained a right open calcaneal
fracture with substantial bone loss at the scene of
the injury. The wound was laterally based and
severely contaminated. Additional injuries
included a bimalleolar fracture and navicular
dorsal avulsion fracture. The first surgical treat-
ment was percutaneous fixation of calcaneal frac-
ture, but the infection was early in the
postoperative period, and there was nonviable
bone. Then, he underwent a total calcanectomy
(Fig. 13.11).
The patient self-referred to our Orthopedic
Foot and Ankle Service 8 months after calcanec-
tomy. Amputation and multiple limb salvage
Fig. 13.3 Definitive implantation of total talar implant options were discussed with the patient via the
and TAR (Zimmer) through a trans-fibular approach shared decision-making process. The patient

a b c d

Fig. 13.4 43-year-old female patient with post-traumatic damage of the talus (a, b). Follow-up radiographs 16 months
after total talar implant+ TAR and lateralizing calcaneal osteotomy (c, d) showed a well-positioned implant
144 F. Malerba et al.

a b c d

Fig. 13.5 37-year-old male patient with post-traumatic implant with no radiographic abnormalities. Lateral fibu-
damage of the talus (a, b). Follow-up radiographs lar plate was removed 6 months after the index procedure
12 months after surgery (c, d) showed a well-positioned for superficial infection

a b c

d e

Fig. 13.6 Custom-made talus implant in a patient with idiopathic AVN of the talus (a, b, c, d, e)

opted to proceed with limb salvage using a cus- to place screws and perform subtalar and calca-
tom 3D printed titanium calcaneal prosthesis neocuboid joint arthrodesis in order to provide
(Fig. 13.12). soft-tissue stiffness around the heel bone
To prevent wound complications and skin irri- (Fig. 13.13).
tation, we designed the implant to be smaller than The designed prosthesis matched and fixed
the original bone so that there would be sufficient simultaneously with multiple free suture holes
soft-tissue coverage. We considered the long-­ for attaching Achilles tendon and plantar fascia
term complications, including painful subtalar or with proper tension. No adverse postoperative
calcaneocuboid joint osteoarthritis because of the events occurred. Intravenous antibiotics were
young age of the patient. The implant had 3 holes administered for 1 week. An oral antibiotic was
13 3D Tarsal (Foot) Prosthesis 145

a b

Fig. 13.7 Radiographic loosening of the tibial component 6 months after surgery (a, b)

used for another 2 weeks. For the first 6 weeks, a weight-bearing was started after complete wound
short-leg splint with ankle plantar flexion was healing. At 12 weeks postoperatively, fullweight-­
applied. bearing walking was permitted. At the last fol-
After suture removal without wound compli- low-­up at 5 months postoperatively, potential
cations at 2 weeks postoperatively, a short-leg complications, such as implant dislocation or
splint with a neutral ankle position was applied. painful peri-implant osteoarthritis, had not
Primary complication of surgery was wound occurred. Mild discomfort on the plantar side of
healing problem after 3 weeks postoperatively. the heel was sensed when the patient started to
Dehiscence rates are higher when tension is walk, but diminished after the initial steps. He
increased; non-weight-bearing crutch ambulation was able to walk without limping and required no
was allowed for the first 8 weeks, and partial support.
146 F. Malerba et al.

a b

Fig. 13.8 Tibial component repositioning with cement fixation and calcaneal Z-osteotomy, 12 months after the index
surgery (a, b)

a b

Fig. 13.9 Antibiotic-loaded cement spacer (a, b)

13 3D Tarsal (Foot) Prosthesis 147

Fig. 13.12 The prosthesis design. Talar fixation was

obtained using a titanium porous press-fit stem. Three pre-­
drilled holes for screws can be seen. Articular facet for
cuboid bone and subtalar surface have a porous surface
for potential bone ingrowth. Anchor points were used to
attach ligaments (Achilles tendon and plantar fascia) to
the prosthesis

Fig. 13.10 Ankle arthrodesis with homologous bone

graft and tibial lengthening with bone transport

Fig. 13.13 Postoperative lateral x-ray after 3D printed

calcaneal prosthesis. The implant and the screws are in
good position

13.6 Conclusions

In recent years, 3D printing technologies for foot

and ankle surgery have received increased atten-
tion as shown by the numerous papers published
on this topic. Applications of these technologies
Fig. 13.11 Preoperative lateral x-ray 1 year after evolved from models used for preoperative plan-
calcanectomy ning and education to construction of a custom
148 F. Malerba et al.

total prostheses in replacing bone loss due to deficit tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis. Foot Ankle Int.
avascular necrosis or severe impairment of the 2014;35:706–11.
7. Thomas JL, Jaffe KA. Use of polymethylmeth-
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3D printing technologies can generate very com- 1999;38:208–13.
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14. Dekker TJ, Steele JR, et al. Use of patient-specific
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Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr. Farnetti, esis procedures. Foot Ankle Int. 2018;39:916–21.
for providing the photographs of 3D printed calcaneal 15. Imanishi J, Choong PF. Three-dimensional printed
prosthesis. calcaneal prosthesis following total calcanectomy. Int
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16. Ventola CL. Medical applications for 3D printing:
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17. Nwankwo EC, Chen F, Nettles DL, Adams SB. Five-­
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2. Hsu AR, Ellington JK. Patient-specific 3-dimensional total ankle replacement using a custom titanium truss.
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2019;12:39–48. 2018;8(2):e25.
The Composite Custom-Made
Carmine Zoccali, Nicola Salducca, Fabio Erba,
and Giovanni Zoccali

14.1 Introduction stability and a longer result, increasing also the

bone stock even if the bone quality is low [3].
3D-Printed Titanium Custom-Made Prostheses CMPs were already used in the early 1970s at
(3DPTCMP) are currently a reality in reconstruc- the beginning of the limb savage surgery epoch,
tion after complex resections; in cases in which before the development of modular prostheses;
standard modular prostheses are not able to nevertheless, they did not allow to fix tendon and
restore the anatomy, a custom-made construct is muscles and they were characterized by an intrin-
considered a valid solution [1]. sic instability. Moreover, they were characterized
Indeed, Custom-Made Prosthesis (CMP) by a high complication rate, infections in the first
plays a role moreover in the pelvis where modu- place [4]. Also, prosthesis survival was limited
lar prostheses are not so efficient in guaranteeing and the patient could undergo several revisions
stability and function [2]. during his lifetime.
In some cases, the use of composite massive Allograft Composite Prostheses (ACPs) were
allografts is still the best solution, because introduced to try to reduce the instability related
allograft osseointegration can guarantee a greater to CMP.
An ACP consists in a revision prosthesis
inserted in a massive allograft which maintains
C. Zoccali (*) its tendons’ insertions so that they can be sutured
Department of Anatomical, Histological, Forensic with the patient’s residual tendons and muscles.
Medicine and Orthopaedic Science, Sapienza
University of Rome, Rome, Italy Reattaching tendons should increase the joint sta-
bility, assuring a better function and increase the
Oncological Orthopedics, IFO - Regina Elena
National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy patient’s bone stock [5].
Obviously, ACPs also present several compli-
N. Salducca
Oncological Orthopedic Department, IRCCS – cations as periprosthetic bone resorption, non-
Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy union at the graft-host bone interface, fractures,
e-mail: and infections [6].
F. Erba Infection is considered the most important com-
Regione Lazio Muscular-Skeletal Tissue Bank, plication; the frequency can vary and depends on
Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy several factors as the infection site; indeed, the pel-
vis is considered at high risk. An ACP is actually a
G. Zoccali huge foreign body and acts as an optimal environ-
Plastic Surgery - Queen Victoria Hospital NHS
foundation trust, East Grinstead, West Sussex, UK ment and culture medium for bacteria growth [7].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 151

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
152 C. Zoccali et al.

Another important factor which has to be 14.2  he Composite Custom-­

taken in consideration is that these patients often Made Prosthesis
have to undergo postoperative chemotherapy and
radiotherapy which can decrease the fusion pro- The Composite CCMP is therefore composed by
cess, increase the infection risk and the incidence a biological component and a 3D-printed custom-­
of allograft fractures [6]. made component.
Thus, while the use of the 3DPTCMP can be The biological component should have the
considered a new solution at a first glance, it characteristics of the ideal bone graft, which
actually is a return to the first reconstruction tech- means it has to encourage osteoinduction, osteo-
niques. Obviously, the availability of new conduction, and osteogenesis.
­materials and new techniques can bring better Osteoinduction is the ability to stimulate
results than in the past. primitive, undifferentiated pluripotent cells to
3DPTCMP should assure a more efficient differentiate into a bone-forming cell lineage [8];
reconstruction with better functional results, osteoconduction is the ability of a structure to
decreasing the high infection risk associated to facilitate bone growth on its surface [8].
ACP. Indeed, ACP prolongs surgery duration and Osteogenic activity is the ability of cells already
therefore the related infection risk, while the pos- present in the tissue to produce bone [9].
sibility to fill the gap with a ready-made system Another important characteristic is osteointe-
decreases surgery time and maybe the infection gration; this term strictly refers to a non-osseous
risk. Moreover, the surface of 3DPTCMPs can be structure as a prosthesis and the ability of bone to
treated with several techniques to reduce bacteria adhere and have a strong link with it [10]; this
surface adhesion and biofilm formation. concept can also be applied to a graft.
Obviously, these factors must be considered The biological component can be of different
hypothetic; more data are necessary to verify origin:
these intuitions.
One of the most important criticism associ- –– massive autograft (Fig. 14.1): it presents no
ated to 3DPTCMP is the risk of mobilization, osteogenic activity, low osteoconductiveness,
mostly at long-term follow-up, and the non-­ and good osteoinductive activity; osseointegra-
restoration of the bone stock. Indeed, the loss of tion is limited to the contact area for a few cen-
bone stock associated to an important resection timeters; the limits are similar to those of
could make a successive revision after massive autografts in composite prostheses and
3DPTCMP reconstruction very complex, with a are related to the low osseointegration which
high risk of infection and poor functional can cause failure at long-term follow-­up. It is
results. not easy to find a massive allograft with a shape
A possible solution could be a Composite that is perfectly compatible with the patient; a
Custom-Made Prosthesis (CCMP) which could possible solution could be the manipulation and
combine the primary stability and the fast assem- the specific cutting in white room (Class A) and
bly of a 3DPTCMP with a better integration the production of specific cutting guides to
derived from the graft component. reproduce the programmed resection.
It comes from the union of a bone graft (human –– engineered bone (Fig. 14.2): The characteris-
or animal), which can be processed, cut, and tics depend on the specific type; nevertheless,
composed to adapt to and restore the anatomy of they usually present low osteogenic and osteo-
the gap after tumor removal, added to a custom-­ conductive activity and good osteoinductive
made structure which must give primary stability properties; osseointegration can also be
and reinforce the graft. subtotal.
14 The Composite Custom-Made Prosthesis 153

Fig. 14.1 Picture showing a composite allograft where Fig. 14.3 A vascularized composite custom-made pros-
the biological component is constituted by a standard thesis; the 3D-printed titanium custom-made prosthesis
massive allograft; the shape of the allograft can obviously provides primary stability and the vascularized fibular flap
be different from the resected part. Nevertheless, it can be gives a long-term stability after consolidation, reducing
precut in white room by a computer-guided system to bet- the risk of mobilization
ter adapt to the patient’s pelvic anatomy. A custom-made
structure is then used to better stabilize the allograft
This technique could play a role in reconstruc-
tion after resection of the sacro-iliac joint. The
CMP can present a slot where the vascularized
autograft can be inserted assuring long-term sta-
bility and protecting the CMP from overload.
The 3D-printed custom-made components
should guarantee stability to the system, more-
over during the first time of osseointegration.

14.3 Exemplificative Case

Male patient, 63 years old, presented to our

observation after discovering an osteolysis in his
right acetabular roof. He complained a pain local-
ized in his right hip onset about 3 months earlier.
Fig. 14.2 A composite custom-made prosthesis where Considering that the symptoms did not improve
the biological component is represented by an engineered with pain killers, his general practitioner pro-
custom-made graft; in this case, the shape of the bone is
identical to the resected part, but it could be modified to
scribed an X-ray which showed the tumor and
increase the bone stock in anticipation of a future revision addressed the patient to a specialized tumor cen-
surgery ter (Fig. 14.4a). The patient underwent an MRI
that displayed a cartilaginous-like nature, and a
–– vascularized autograft (Fig. 14.3): It evidently CT scan which evidenced an osteolytic mass with
presents the best biological properties: high the presence of rare calcifications, suggestive of
osteogenicity, osteoinduction and osteocon- chondrosarcoma (CS) (Fig. 14.4b, c). The suc-
duction activity; the possible donor areas are cessive CT-guided biopsy confirmed the clinical
obviously limited, as the size of the graft. suspect of CS-G1.
154 C. Zoccali et al.

b c

Fig. 14.4 (a) X-ray showing the partial osteolytic lesion gestive of chondroid tumor; (c) Axial and coronal CT scan
in the right ileo-pubic ramus; the upper margin appears showing the osteolytic lesion; some little calcification is
blown with a thin periosteal reaction; (b) Coronal and present but not evident
axial MRI scans evidencing cartilaginous-like tissue sug-
14 The Composite Custom-Made Prosthesis 155

The case was then discussed in a multidisci- This bone is engineered to maintain osteocon-
plinary team and the following possibilities were ductive and osteoinductive characteristics and
evaluated: allows a complete integration after a variable
time period, depending on the dimensions of the
1. Standard resection and reconstruction with a graft.
composite allograft prosthesis: This tech- The 3D-printed custom-made component is
nique can be considered the gold-standard designed to adapt to the custom-made bone seg-
treatment; after resection, a corresponding ments and stabilize them during the time neces-
acetabular roof from a muscular-skeletal tis- sary to obtain a first osseointegration.
sue bank is used to fill the gap and a standard Surgery was performed in supine position
Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) is used to with an ileo-inguinal incision; the neurovascular
restore the joint. bundle was isolated and dislocated medially and
2. Resection guided by cutting guides and recon- a cutting guide was applied on the anterior part of
struction with 3D-printed titanium custom-­ the iliac crest (Fig. 14.6a) to perform an accurate
made prosthesis and a standard THA. In this osteotomy, paying attention to not damaging the
case the cutting guides should assure a safer femoral head; then, the ileo-pubic rami was cut
and more accurate resection and the custom-­ as medial as possible using a Gigli saw, as pro-
made prosthesis should guarantee a more jected in preoperative planning (Fig. 14.6b) and
effective reconstruction. the tumor was extirpated with an apparent wide
3. Resection guided by cutting guides and recon- margin (Fig. 14.6c).
struction with a custom construct made of The CCM was then composed starting from
bone and a 3D-printed custom-made system the different bone segments (Fig. 14.7a) which
that, like a plate, should give primary stability had to be assembled and stabilized with the
to the biological part. 3DPTCM component (Fig. 14.7b).
The CCM was applied to fill the gap and was
Considering the low grade of aggressiveness stabilized to the iliac wing and to the remaining
and the possibility to perform a biological recon- symphysis using screws (Fig. 14.7c); a homo-
struction, the third hypothesis was chosen. plastic fascia lata was placed between the bone
The biological component was composed by graft and the femoral head to induce fibrosis and
several bone segments cut from larger bovine decrease its abrasion.
bones and shaped to reproduce the patient’s spe- The immediate postoperative time elapsed
cific anatomy (Fig. 14.5). without complications. The patient was allowed

Fig. 14.5 The

computerized rendering
of the project; the
designed to give primary
stability and to contain
the xeno-segments
(shown in different
colors) cut to reproduce
the anatomy
156 C. Zoccali et al.

a b c

Fig. 14.6 (a): Intraoperative picture showing the isolated was dislocated laterally and the ileo-pubic ramus osteot-
and medially dislocated neurovascular bundle and a cut- omy was performed with a Gigli saw, as medially as pos-
ting guide applied on the iliac crest to perform the lateral sible; (c): the surgical field after tumor resection, the
osteotomy; (b): successively, the neurovascular bundle femoral head is visible on the bottom

b c

Fig. 14.7 The segments produced cutting bovine bone (a) were assembled and stabilized on a 3D-printed titanium
custom-made construct (b) which was used to fill the gap that remained after tumor removal (c)
14 The Composite Custom-Made Prosthesis 157

a c

Fig. 14.8 X-ray (a) and CT scan (b) performed at 6 months of follow-up, showing the partially osseointegrated com-
posite structure; (c) the patient weight bearing

to walk with two crutches without weight bearing tions and decrease the infection rate as well. The
after 3 weeks of bed rest. Progressive weight CCMP is a new attempt to add a biological value
bearing was allowed after 3 months, reaching to the CMP, assuring better and longer results.
total bearing after 6 months from surgery. The periodic introduction of new techniques
The X-ray and CT scan performed at 6 months and new materials pushes the equilibrium from
of follow-up showed a satisfying reconstruction one side to the other and this could continue for
(Fig. 14.8). the next decades since new technologies as bio-­
At 1 year of follow-up, the patient is able to printing will allow to produce patient-specific
walk with a crutch without significant pain. replacement segments totally biocompatible with
the originals.
The biological component added to CMPs
14.4 Discussion should increase the bone stock with the intent to
allow possible solutions in case of future revi-
The duality between prosthesis and biological sions; moreover, when the biological component
reconstruction is well known in literature. The is constituted by a vascularized autograft, the
first reconstruction techniques were based on intent is to give long-term stability, reducing the
custom-made prostheses; then allografts were risk of mobilization.
matched to modular prostheses in composite In the proposed exemplificative case, our
constructs to overcome instability and try to intent was to assure sufficient bone tissue to
improve functional outcomes. At present, CMPs allow the use of a standard prosthesis when sec-
and 3DPTCMPs are wide-spreading because ondary arthritis will onset. Unfortunately, at pres-
they assure better and more accurate reconstruc- ent, we do not know the biomechanical and
158 C. Zoccali et al.

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3D-Printed Custom-Made
Jacopo Baldi, Alessandro Grò, Umberto Orsini,
and Leonardo Favale

15.1 3D-Printed Custom-Made Radermacher et al., for the first time in the 1990s,
Instrumentations introduced the concept of Patient-Specific
Instrument (PSI), a 3D printed intraoperative
In traditional orthopedic procedures, surgeons instrument [3]; PSI exists for total knee arthro-
mentally integrate all preoperative two-­plasty [4–7], hip resurfacing [8], pedicle screw
dimensional (2D) images and formulate a 3D sur- insertion [9, 10], pelvic osteotomies [11], and
gical plan. This preoperative planning is long-bones corrective osteotomy.
particularly difficult in areas with complex anat- In the treatment of axial or appendicular skel-
omy and severe deformity, or in cases of bone etal deformities the 3D printing technology
tumor surgery. 2D axial images can be processed allows the creation of instruments that facilitate
into other reformatted views (sagittal and coro- the surgical procedure, making it safe and quick
nal), and 3D virtual models with patient-specific to perform. The execution of corrective osteoto-
anatomy can be created. Then, with improved mies normally depends on the experience of the
visualization, surgeons can analyze this pro- orthopedic surgeon who uses standard surgical
cessed information to make a more detailed diag- instruments; osteotomy not only allows for angu-
nosis, planning, and surgical intervention on a lar correction in three different planes (varus/val-
patient-specific basis [1]. gus, extension/flexion, and internal/external
3D printed models are useful for transferring rotation) but also for displacement correction in
information to the surgeon; moreover, they allow three directions (lengthening/shortening, medial/
to test the procedure on patient-specific (PS) lateral, dorsal/ventral). This 3D complexity
anatomy through the use of printing materials, means that these procedures benefit greatly from
able to resemble the mechanical properties of 3D planning. The suggested applications for PSI
bone [2]. range from lower limb osteotomies [12–14] and
Actually, applying 3D printing technology for upper limb osteotomies [15–17] to osteotomies
the development of dedicated tools that help the to improve joint functions [18–21]. The availabil-
conduct of surgical procedures represents a ity of 3D printed instruments can also be a funda-
chance for success rather than a real indication. mental aid in the placement of screws such as
pedicle screw placement in case of severe con-
J. Baldi (*) · A. Grò · U. Orsini · L. Favale genital scoliosis intending to design patient-­
Oncological Orthopaedics Department, IRCCS - specific instrumentations [9, 10].
Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy Another example of PSI use can be the treat-
ment of osteochondral autologous transplanta-

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C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
160 J. Baldi et al.

tions (OAT) [22] procedures as a treatment option By using MRI and CT scan, it is possible to
for osteochondral cartilage defects. In the surgi- study exactly the tumor extension planning the
cal plan, a set of customized guides could be resection levels in advance [25]; once these cut-
designed and 3D-printed for each osteochondral ting levels are defined, thanks to 3D printing
graft as follows: a positioning template, a harvest technology, it is possible to create real PSI. The
guide cylinder, and a delivery guide cylinder. surrounding structures, such as the soft tissues
This means to obtain the desired grafts techni- (e.g., ligaments, residual muscle tissue), can be
cally in the best way and to position them in the considered, and, if needed, they can be the base
damage site respecting the preoperative planning for the creation of 3D study models. Once the
as much as possible in order to restore the desired margins, the resection planes, the type of recon-
anatomy and function recovery [23, 24]. struction, and the fixation devices are defined,
In traumatology, the possibility of creating 3D different types of patient-specific guides can be
models reproducing the fracture pattern helps the designed to transfer the preoperative plan to the
surgeon to think about the reduction and the cor- surgery.
rect positioning of the synthesis instruments. The Basic guide, as reference guide once applied
customized production of surgical instruments on the bone, serves as a registration tool between
dedicated to trauma is difficult to speculate. The the 3D planning and the intraoperative situation.
surgical timing required in this field of orthope- For accurate matching of the preoperative plan to
dic surgery often incompatible with the once the intraoperative setup, the guide needs to be
required for the production of PSI. In the poly- placed exactly on the pre-planned position. The
traumatized patient, the need to treat, first of all, undersurface of the guide must be shaped as a
associated lesions of the splanchnic organs in negative of the bone surface in regions with dis-
order to obtain hemodynamic stability, can lead tinct bone features ensuring that way the guide
to a delayed treatment of the associated fractures. precisely apposed on the planned position. This
Especially in pelvic fractures, complex both for use is allowed in regions where the tumor does
anatomical and three-dimensional reasons, the not reach the surface of the bone; this means that
bone synthesis performed in emergency condi- in every case it is necessary to plan the part of the
tion doesn’t lead to satisfactory results; due to basic guide that matches the bone surface in safe
this a definitive surgical treatment is often distance to the affected bone area. When the right
required. In these cases, are treated the outcomes position for the guide is found, the placement of
of the fracture rather than the fracture itself. reference surgical pins must be performed. For
Manufacturing of ad-hoc tools could be a great this reason, it must have pre-planned drill sleeves
surgical opportunity. To achieve a stable anatomi- attached. Every further step relies on these pins,
cal synthesis, it is possible to create resection jigs including every additional placement of other
and customized osteotomes for calloclasia, or guides.
corrective osteotomies; moreover, the use of Since tumor resection produces a bone defect,
guides for the introduction of free screws between allograft size needs to be considered. For the
the fracture fragments and the design of levers for reconstruction phase, the use of an equivalent
the reduction maneuvers of the main fracture bone (same bone in the same dimensions), when
fragments guarantee the success of planned​​ possible, must be kept in mind. An allograft con-
treatment. struct has to perfectly fit in the bone defect.
Aimed to achieve surgical radicality, oncolog- Starting from the allograft CT scan, 3D models
ical orthopedics probably represents the branch are created similarly to what described for tumor
in which 3D printing aimed at customizing surgi- resection jigs. Another option is to create a guide
cal instruments finds its greatest use both for ana- in which the allograft could be inserted, like a
tomically complex sites than for districts, easily casket. Additional drill sleeves and cutting slits
accessible, where the disease has made the suc- need to be added onto this guide in such a manner
cess of the surgery particularly difficult. that the allograft could be prepared as needed, so
15 3D-Printed Custom-Made Instruments 161

that the drill bit or saw blade is constrained to the ing soft tissue and muscle. Also, the lack of real-­
planned osteotomy planes, and proper customiz- time feedback when using PSIs, as compared to
ing of the allograft will be achieved [26]. navigation systems, could potentially result in
One of the most frequent application sites of incorrect placement. Inexact placement of PSI
PSI is the oncological pelvic surgery. Because of could result in the subsequent inaccurate guided
the complex geometry of the pelvis, tumor resec- procedure and may result in deviation from the
tion requires good cutting accuracy; the recur- preoperative plan.
rence rates within the pelvis can be high, ranging For what about logistics the use of PSI requires
from 28 to 35% [27]. To reduce this poor ­accuracy accurate preoperative planning and a timeframe
computer-assisted technologies have been devel- of manufacturing of 4–5 days at least. This could
oped for pelvic bone tumor surgeries. PSI tech- be not acceptable in oncological orthopedics
nology was introduced alternatively to navigation because it could result in tumor growth during
systems. PSI is an intraoperative technology that the manufacturing period with a consequent mis-
allows the surgeon to replicate the preoperative match of PSI with patient anatomy and an inac-
resection strategy with relevant accuracy; this is curate or even an intralesional excision.
consistent with the findings of Wong et al. [28] The customized surgical instruments provide
who assessed a millimetric resection accuracy a new method of planning the surgical interven-
during an extremity bone tumor surgery. tion and effectively transfer the operative plan-
Bellanova et al. [29] applied 3D printed technol- ning to the practice, making it easy to use.
ogy to design PSIs to guide tumor resection cuts According to the literature data, the custom-
and allograft, shaping cuts for four pediatric ized cutting masks allow a reduction in surgical
patients undergoing tibial bone sarcoma resec- times [30]; intraoperative complications and
tion, and bone-bank allograft reconstruction. blood loss can also be significantly reduced mak-
Consequently, all resection margins were tumor- ing the surgical procedure safer. The higher accu-
free. Postoperative imaging revealed satisfactory racy of the cuts makes safe resection margins and
host-graft contact and no evidence of recurrent better surgical results possible to achieve.
disease. Unlike freehand resection techniques and
PSI guides and instruments are a relatively those that use navigation systems, which
newly developed computer-assisted technology, require great surgical experience, the use of
and their application for orthopedic surgical cutting masks simplifies the technical execution
interventions is in the beginning phase. of the intervention by reducing the operator’s
FDA has already cleared some 3D printed learning curve to the planning phase, for which
devices and issued more generalized draft guid- it is essential to develop three-dimensional
ance; the responsibility for appropriate long-term thinking. There might be a learning curve for
clinical evaluation rests with the individual sur- researchers and technicians in the design of the
geons and their institutions. guides too.
The results reported in the literature, regard- The future of PSI is not limited only to the
ing the quality of surgical operations performed creation of cutting jigs; 3D printing represents
with PSI rather than with conventional surgical the opportunity to create with readymade, low-­
instruments, especially in the field of conven- cost, easily re-use materials entire surgical sets,
tional prosthetics and correction of skeletal intended for conventional orthopedic surgery in
deformities, and in some areas of oncological economically disadvantaged places in the world
orthopedics, are encouraging. A series of techni- or conflict situations.
cal and logistical limits remain to be reported. David Armstrong, Professor of Surgery and
The technical limitations of PSI usage include Director of the Southern Arizona Limb Salvage
the need for adequate bone exposure intraopera- Alliance (SALSA) at the University of Arizona,
tively to ensure a satisfactory fit. This could be interested in 3D printing, about the realization of
challenging during the operation due to surround- low-cost surgical instruments says: “It seems like
162 J. Baldi et al.

there is a possibility there for low-resource set- The custom instrumentation is quite versatile
tings or inaccessible areas” [31]. and blends well with common computed naviga-
tion systems.
An example of this is the case of a 27-year-old
15.2 Clinical Applications patient diagnosed with low-grade chondrosar-
coma of the medial femoral condyle plus inter-
One of the first clinical cases we decided to use condylar region (Fig. 15.2).
customized tools is that of a 37-year-old patient To achieve an oncologically correct result and
diagnosed with low-grade osteosarcoma to remove both the lesions with wide margins, the
(Fig. 15.1). surgical procedure was divided into two phases.
The lesion was classically located at the distal During the first phase, by a medial access to dis-
metaphyseal region of the femur, lateral surface. tal femur, the use of the computed navigator sys-
In order to achieve an adequate result both surgi- tem made the removal of the condylar lesion
cally and oncologically, we decided, starting possible. Given the anatomical site of the second
from the preoperative thin-layer CT scan, to pro- lesion, it was decided to overcome the possible
duce customized cutting jigs. One jig, applied in technical difficulties by combining the informa-
situ, made the en-bloc resection of the lesion pos- tion obtained from the navigation system with the
sible achieving wide margins. The other cutting use of a custom-made titanium burr; this allows
mask, applied to the distal femur provided by tis- us to control the exact direction of the burr
sue bank, allowed us to obtain the massive graft moment by moment, achieving the adequate
to be placed in the bone defect we produced. removal of the intercondylar lesion.
Although the graft stability was absolute, we pre- Using another customized burr, starting from
ferred to fix it with a compression screw. The the proximal epiphysis provided by tissue bank,
postoperative radiographic control highlights the we obtained a bone cylinder of equal size and
perfect congruence between the graft and the volume than the one resected in order to fill the
treated skeletal segment. minus created and to achieve the anatomical

Fig. 15.1 37-year-old patient with low-grade osteosar- needs and preoperative CT scan. The reconstruction was
coma of the lateral part of the femoral metaphysis. The performed using a bone graft obtained from a distal femur
lesion was resected with a wide margin, using a 3D provided by tissue bank, with a cutting mask similar to
printed cutting jig manufactured on the basis of surgeon’s that used for resection
15 3D-Printed Custom-Made Instruments 163

Fig. 15.2 27-year-old patient with histologically diag- the specific case with a 3D printer. The bone cylinder
nosed low-grade chondrosarcoma of the medial epicon- obtained, containing the two lesions, was removed with
dyle of the femur; there is the presence of further this burr and replaced by another bone cylinder obtained,
intercondylar neoformation. The two lesions were using another similar custom-burr, from a femoral head
removed with a wide margin by using a titanium burr, provided by tissue bank. The procedure was totally guided
manufactured on the basis of surgeon’s indications and of by computerized navigation

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correction of distal radius intra-articular malunions
Future Developments of 3D
Printing in Bone Surgery
Roberto Biagini, Alessandra Scotto di Uccio,
Dario Attala, and Barbara Rossi

Today as never before, healthcare and surgery manufacturing technique in clinical settings, edu-
applications of 3D printing (3DP) represent a cational presentations, surgical designs and to aid
meeting point between dream and reality, present doctor–patient communication. The feasibility
and future. This is especially true in the fields of and effectiveness of 3DP are currently recog-
cranial, maxillofacial, spinal, and orthopedic sur- nized to facilitate surgery: custom-made osteot-
gery, in case of cancer, trauma, or infection. 3DP omy guides and instruments decrease operative
aids all the stages of complex surgical recon- time and complications and problems related to
struction: imaging processing, planning, model- donor site or bone flaps are avoided using patient-­
ing, manufacturing, and operative implantation specific prostheses to replace joints, entire bones
[1]. New generation splints, functional prosthetic like scapulae and calcanei and parts of the spine,
hands, and even face masks for the pandemic skull and pelvis [5–10]. As the personalization
COVID-19 outbreak are only a few examples of wave hits the healthcare industry and virtual soft-
the new era of producing models, implants, and ware and technology meet biomaterial science
scaffolds [2, 3]. 3DP has tremendously grown in and translational research, focusing on such a
the fabrication of tailored prosthetics, medical new born, rapidly growing 3D landscape is chal-
implants, novel drug formulations, and bioprint- lenging, as perspectives have to face the limita-
ing of bone and cartilaginous tissues in the past tions of actual viability, the small number of
10 years [2, 4]. The combination of 3DP technol- cases despite the numerous publications, the
ogy with computer-assisted imaging and inhomogeneity of financial resources, the lack of
advanced anatomical models is a well-known, standardized frameworks, and a yet too short
concrete possibility to use the novel additive learning (and training) curve. However, the anal-
ysis of recent literature on future directions of
3DP brings to an objective reflection on what will
R. Biagini · B. Rossi (*)
Oncological Orthopedics Unit, IFO - Regina Elena
really be achievable in the next few years in the
National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy musculoskeletal surgery scenario (Fig. 16.1).
e-mail: Since the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
A. Scotto di Uccio patent expired in 2009, problems related to time
Hepato-Biliary and Organ Transplant Unit, School of and costs of manufacturing are likely to be over-
General Surgery, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy come and 3DP technology will probably
D. Attala advance accordingly in clinical practice. The
Musculoskeletal Tissue Bank of the Lazio region, IFO - greatest expectations regard the possibility of
Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy
creating printed human tissues and organs that

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 165

C. Zoccali et al. (eds.), 3D Printing in Bone Surgery,
166 R. Biagini et al.

Fig. 16.1 Schematic

integration of potential
developments in 3D
printing for bone surgery


Regenerative medicine Clinical and surgery

Translational research applications

Implants and tools

Architecture and design
Coating and drug delivery

can be transplanted like current grafts from (SLM) the powder is heated just above its melt-
donors [11, 12]. ing point. The final products differ in the porosity
The aim of this study is a narrative overview and fineness of the raw material: SLM requires a
on what is new in the use of 3DP in bone surgery purer substance, while alloys with different
and to investigate potential further developments. porosity may be used in SLS.
The authors’ approach summarizes future per- The most promising new kind of 3DP tech-
spectives in four main directions: technical inno- nique is Electron Beam Melting (EBM). Metal
vations; clinical setting; bioprinting and 4D powders can be consolidated into a solid mass
printing; 3DP banking. using a computer-controlled electron beam as the
heat source. Similar to SLM, parts are manufac-
tured by melting metal powder, layer by layer,
16.1  echnical Innovations: New
T and the process takes place under vacuum, which
3D Printers and Materials makes it suited to manufacture parts made of
reactive materials with a high affinity for oxygen,
The term “3D printing” refers to various tech- e.g., titanium. It allows to fabricate metallic com-
nologies available for rapid prototyping (RP) ponents with complex shapes and porous struc-
through additive manufacturing, differently clas- tures or customized prostheses that replace
sified according to technique or basic material irregular bones of unique dimensions.
used (liquid, solid, or powder) [12, 13]. The 3DP Furthermore, these devices and implants with-
systems most often used in biomedical applica- stand autoclaving [13–15]. EBM greatly simpli-
tions are shown in Table 16.1. fies the processing steps and considerably
Direct Metal Laser-based printing is mainly reduced fabrication time. Besides producing cus-
used for metal printing and implant manufactur- tomized implants, several companies have used
ing; with Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), a laser EBM to manufacture special parts of standard
heats up the powdered material just below its prostheses. For example, the lattice structure of
melting point, whereas in Selective Laser Melting acetabular cups in hip replacement are fabricated
16 Future Developments of 3D Printing in Bone Surgery 167

Table 16.1 Main features of different 3DP technologies used in the biomedical field
Types of material
techniques Principle of working state Final manufacture type Main use
Inkjet The print head moves across a bed of Liquid and Plastic, ceramic, metal, Modeling,
powder, selectively depositing a liquid powder hydrogel, gelatine bioprinting
binding material (multicolored)
Extrusion FDM Deposition of heat-softened Solid Thermoplastic, metal
(nozzle) thermoplastic materials wires
Laser SLA Polymerization of light-curable resin in Liquid Plastic Implantation
heating layers or on mobile platforms
SLS Molecular fusion of powder particles in Powder Plastic, metal alloys,
upcoming layers in an adjustable bed of ceramic
the desired shape
SLM Similar to SLS but material powder is Pure metal powder
heated just above the melting point
EBM Material is melted layer by layer placed Solid or Metal powder alloys or
under a vacuum and different powders powder wire
are fused together from heating by an
electron beam
FDM Fused deposition modeling, SLA Stereolithography, SLS Selective laser sintering, SLM Selective laser melting,
EBM Electron beam melting

by EBM [16]. Additive processes allow the struc- was deposited with FDM, while GelMA was
ture of stems to be optimized to match the stiff- printed using SLA [19].
ness or flexibility of the host bone, reducing Drawbacks include the inability to reproduce
stress shielding [17]. Fan et al. were the first to extremely small or thin structures because the
describe in 2015 the use of prostheses manufac- printed products are excessively weak, and the
tured by EBM to repair defects in unusual sites necessity to improve the resolution of current
like clavicle, scapula, and ilium after malignant cross-sectional scanners for CT or MRI which
tumor resection [15]. Ti-6Al-4 V (TAV) alloy are responsible for the final accuracy of the 3D
scaffolds manufactured by EBM have shown model.
complete osteointegration within 60 days in an While plastic materials are usually 3D-printed
animal study [18]. to be used as anatomic models and guiding instru-
Thus, metal RP processes like EBM and SLS ments, metal powders, such as titanium or cobalt-­
can directly manufacture patient-specific medical chrome, are used to fabricate custom 3D-printed
TAV implants and devices at present. What we implants. Both SLM and DMLS can print a vari-
expect in the future is the possibility to integrate ety of metals and their alloys including stainless
different 3DP modalities starting from the same steel, aluminum and its alloys, titanium and alloy,
computerized model in order to obtain complex cobalt-chrome and nickel alloys. Even precious
multi-structured struts with different biomechan- metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium
ical features. Multi-tool printing with additional can be printed [12]. Biomimetic materials should
print heads or extruders will facilitate multi-­ be biocompatible and sterilizable for intraopera-
material deposition in order to mimic the hierar- tive use, with mechanical properties similar to
chical complexity and heterogeneity of those of native bone, which might help restore
musculoskeletal tissues. A better performance in bony anatomical structures and biomechanical
printer technology is the prerequisite for advances function. Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) offers
in 3DP engineering. In a recent study, vascular- exceptional strength along with superior heat and
ized bone was realized using polylactic acid chemical resistance, and has excellent cell bio-
(PLA) and gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) compatibility and a modulus of elasticity closer
enriched with BMP and VEGF, wherein PLA to that of cortical bone, which might help
168 R. Biagini et al.

­ inimize stress-shielding effects in orthopedic fractures, spinal and pediatric deformities, oste-
implants [20]. PEEK has been used in trauma otomy planning, and reconstruction of bone
surgery as plates and in cervical spine surgery as defects [12]. 3DP technology can be used in sur-
reconstructive cages; carbon-fiber reinforced gery to manufacture prostheses and implants,
PEEK implants have recently been proposed for used to reconstruct both soft tissues (arteries,
intramedullary nailing in patients affected by muscles, tendons) and bone tissue [3]. Printing
musculoskeletal tumors due to their positive bio- life-size anatomic models to aid tumor resection
mechanical and structural properties, but above planning and trauma injury treatment is already
all for their advantages in performing radiother- a concrete opportunity in orthopedic surgery;
apy and lesion monitoring during follow-up [21, the future developments should include the cre-
22]. This high-performance thermoplastic can ation of models for preoperative distraction
now be 3D printed to make durable, lightweight osteogenesis device selection, printing custom-
and geometrically complex objects. The fabrica- ized external fixators in fractures and mimick-
tion of 3D printed PEEK using FDM results in ing expandable nailing or prostheses in limb
patient-specific implants with a smooth finish salvage in children. The entire 3DP reproduc-
and no irregularities, of almost any complex tion of a certain anatomical region can be shared
geometry and which cannot be manufactured by physicians of different specialties to improve
using other technologies [23]. Addition of bioac- the understanding of a complex procedure or the
tive materials such as calcium phosphates or bio- management of a challenging case, as in retro-
glass and incorporation of porosity into PEEK peritoneal or pelvic sarcomas. 3DP is emerging
improves bone-implant interfaces and osteointe- as the ideal reconstructive solution especially in
gration of PEEK-based devices. An innovative musculoskeletal oncology since these implants
production technique based on the extrusion free-­ can be customized to match the various shapes
forming method realizes a bioactive PEEK/ of bone defects after tumor resection [26, 27].
hydroxyapatite (PEEK/HA) composite with a These bone defects do not simply need recon-
unique configuration in which the HA bioactive struction to restore skeletal stability and func-
phase distribution is accurately computer-­ tion, but should adapt to skeletal growth in
controlled within a PEEK matrix [24]. The younger patients and ensure a valid anchoring to
PEEK/HA biocomposites have exhibited a good the surrounding soft tissues. Theoretical fea-
biocompatibility and cell attachment, but the tures of an optimal 3D printed implant should
incorporation of HA into PEEK could result in be: biocompatibility, appropriate mechanical
modulation and reduction of mechanical strength properties, low risk of infections and loosening,
which is also typical of carbon implants. It is yet predictable reabsorption and osteointegration;
to be demonstrated if 3D-printed PEEK artificial highly precise conformance to human anatomy;
bones or implants are beneficial in patient-­ fast delivery to cancer and trauma patients.
specific orthopedics [25]. Theoretically, patient-specific implants in limb
salvage surgery should be truly innovative “bio-
logical prostheses” that enclose all the advan-
16.2 Surgical Applications: tages of grafts, such as osteointegration and to
Optimization of Constructs be anchors for reattaching ligaments and mus-
cles and, on the other hand, are effective in
Orthopedic applications include anatomic mod- mechanical restoration and anatomic recon-
els that reproduce the patient’s individual anat- struction of joints and entire flat bones [15]. The
omy and pathology for surgical planning, combination of titanium implants with autoge-
education and training, patient-specific instru- nous bone graft as well as PEEK and titanium
ments for surgical procedures and fabrication of for the reconstruction of load-bearing segments
complex custom-made metal implants [25]. 3D could lead to the creation of extremely perfor-
Graphy is useful in acetabular and periarticular mant biomimetic composites. The nature of
16 Future Developments of 3D Printing in Bone Surgery 169

additive layer manufacturing in 3DP allows the ability of these technologies may become val-
fabrication of custom implants with any com- ued for the most difficult reconstructions in
plex shape or geometric feature. In addition to cervical spine surgery, as in neuro- or maxillofa-
perfect anatomical conformation, modern 3D cial surgery. However, 3DP templates can nowa-
printing techniques could generate complex days guide the surgeon intraoperatively in case
free-form surfaces such as scaffold lattice in a of difficult orientation and this should be even
metal monoblock. This interconnected pore sur- more easily accessible in robotic surgery, in
face could facilitate osteointegration and reduce which the operator sits far from the surgical
stiffness mismatch at bone–implant junctions field. In other words, with its wide applicability,
[25]. Flanges can be added to the design of arti- high accuracy, and cost-effectiveness, the devel-
ficial acetabular defect reconstruction for opti- opment of clinical applications of 3DP in sur-
mum screw fixation to the remaining pelvic gery aims to achieve the best restoration of
bone [28]. The problem of stress shielding may function with minimal invasiveness and compli-
be further minimized by adapting porosity, pore cation rate.
sizes and therefore the elastic modulus of porous
titanium to patient-specific loading conditions
studied prior to implant fabrication [17, 29]. 16.3 Bioprinting: 3DP
Other potential implementation of constructs in Regenerative Medicine
could involve the architecture of 3D-printed and Drug Delivery Systems
prostheses, allowing to modulate the implant
body (full rather than trabecular or trellis-made) The future of 3DP finds its greatest expression in
and the shape of the primary fixation systems the field of bone and osteochondral repair and
(cylindrical, triangular, conical stems or taps) or artificial generation. The development of proto-
create conical funnels to allocate multidirec- types for tissue engineering is addressed in 40%
tional screws in iliac and acetabular 3D-printed of scientific articles published in the last 5 years
prostheses, as necessary. Another trick to on the use of RP in bioengineering [3]. Bioprinting
improve the geometry of struts for pelvic recon- will be the ultimate solution to complications of
struction could be the creation of a metallic loop alloplastic implants and poor availability of
at the border of flat implants in order to gain a grafts. In bone tissue engineering, 3DP biomim-
durable lumbosacral fixation. Cutting edge 3DP icry can offer the desired spatial orientation to
technology can help solve the expensive and create a biological tissue through the combina-
devastating challenge of two-stage revision in tion of cells, extracellular matrix, controlled gra-
septic or aseptic periprosthetic loosening by dient of growth factors and supporting scaffold
producing antibiotic-coated patient-specific material with controlled chemistry, shape, and
spacers that perfectly fill the bone defect [3]. interconnected porosity [12, 13, 31, 32]. Different
Amelioration of 3D-guided orthopedic surgery 3DP methods (SLA, SLS, FDM, bioinks) can be
also deals with advances in personalized guid- used to create different bioceramic scaffolds,
ing templates, drilling and cutting guides, jigs with different compositions and hierarchical
and tools that result in shorter operation time, structures (macropores, micropores, nanostruc-
lower radiation exposure, less blood loss, and tured particles, nanolayers, and nanochannels)
smaller incision size [13, 30]. The border and specific features in terms of mechanical, deg-
between computer-­ assisted designed models, radation, permeability, and biological properties
3D-printed anatomical models, intraoperative [2, 30]. 3D-printed scaffolds provide different
navigation, and robotic surgery has not been potential applications in bone tissue engineering
completely explored yet and a potential integra- (Fig. 16.2) achieving satisfactory interconnectiv-
tion still clashes with scarce financial resources ity and porosity, pre-ordered macrostructure, and
and a poor learning curve for such a highly excellent mechanical strength when compared to
demanding technology. The concomitant avail- traditional fabricated scaffolds.
170 R. Biagini et al.

native bone, hybrid-tissue engineered constructs

cartilage repair are realized combining them with rigid, porous
additives that mimic structural strength of hard tis-
sues [33]. For example, a 3D printed hypertrophic
cartilage made from alginate bioink mechanically
bone defects reinforced with PCL fibers was developed repro-
ducing the architecture of the vertebral body:
in vitro, the biocomposite successfully transi-
tioned into vascularized bone via endochondral
bone regeneration bone formation, similar to the physiological pro-
cess of bone differentiation [34]. For osteochon-
dral defects, human-derived induced pluripotent

cell lines are increasingly being investigated for

tumor therapy their potential use in cartilage 3DP, using nano-
fibrillated cellulose compositions with either algi-
nate or hyaluronic acid hydrogels as supporting
material conducive for miming a physiological
antibacterial activity environment [35]. In the field of meniscal lesions,
3D printed porous polycarbonate-­ urethane and
ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene blends
for the artificial meniscus are promising [36]. For
graft shaping and
bone defect repair in complex trauma, non-unions,
tumors, and congenital anomalies, 3D-printed HA
and tricalcium phosphate-based scaffolds and
mesoporous bioactive glass composites showed a
anti-tumor drug
synergic capability in providing mechanical
strength, osteogenesis, and angiogenesis in vitro
and in vivo [30, 37].
Fig. 16.2 Main applications of 3D bioprinting in bone
Biodegradable, resorbable and biocompatible
tissue engineering
bioplastics as PLA and polycaprolactone (PCL)
beads, discs, and filaments can be loaded with
Bioceramic scaffolds play a crucial role in pro- antibiotics or chemotherapy drugs for a more
viding a predefined 3D architecture to create an focused drug delivery system [38, 39]. The 3DP
environment for the adhesion, proliferation, and technique could generate devices, implants, and
differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). catheters specifically designed to reduce infec-
Osteogenesis and osteoinduction are both pro- tions, treat osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, and can-
moted by the inclusion of bioactive composites/ cer and help to prevent the spread of disease
ceramic particles (from nano- to microsize range) while controlling drugs release [2, 39, 40]. In
in bioinks as osteo-promotive elements (silicate, addition to application in bone tissue regenera-
borate, calcium, phosphate) that act either as tion, novel bifunctional bioceramic scaffolds
nucleation centers which facilitate HA deposition with excellent photothermal or magnetothermal
on constructs or by releasing ions that induced effects have proved to possess the ability to
MSCs differentiation [30, 33]. The hierarchic simultaneously treat tumors and regenerate bone.
structure of 3D-printed bioceramic scaffolds can Local high temperature conductivity induced by
mimic the natural structure, as their osteogenic functional scaffolds (graphene oxide (GO)-
activity and bioactivity ensure anchoring sites for modified bioceramic scaffold, MoS2 nanosheets-
cell spreading throughout biomaterials. Since or CuFeSe2 nanocrystals-covered ceramic
printable soft hydrogels for supporting biological scaffold) remarkably suppresses the proliferation
factors have weaker mechanical properties than of residual tumor cells and promotes tumor cell
16 Future Developments of 3D Printing in Bone Surgery 171

apoptosis while improving the osteogenic differ- of bone tissue engineering. In spite of several
entiation of rabbit bone MSCs [30, 33]. successes in vitro, maintaining the viability and
Sandwich-layered 3DP scaffolds, as cellular differentiation potential of artificial con-
GO-Fe3O4-GO or Silver/GO, represent a further structs overtime and their subsequent preclinical
optimization of these bioactive fillers, leading to testing in terms of stability, mechanical loading,
the creation of superparamagnetic scaffolds with immune responses, and osteogenic potential still
an oscillating magnetic field that locally kills the needs to be explored [33]. Advances in 3DP mean
residual tumor cells or of scaffolds gifted with to give manufactured constructs the power of
antibacterial activity, respectively [41, 42]. If changeability, motility and reaction to biochemi-
3DP tissue-engineered scaffolds are well able to cal, electric or electromagnetic stimuli, possibly
support living cells, the novel frontier of biologi- with no external intervention. 4D Printing is the
cal 3DP is printing cells with the final aim of new scenario in biomedical sciences, allowing
directly building living tissues. Through the com- 3DP manufacture to become “intelligent,” chang-
bination of cellular assembly and biomimetic ing its shape or functionalities with time, in
environments, bioprinting is intended to create response to changes in pH, temperature or osmo-
new vital bone substitutes which are ink-printed larity, environmental fluctuations of growth fac-
in the required form and equipped with bone con- tors, and many other external stimuli just like in
duction and blood vessels, therefore capable to physiological conditions [44]. The skeletal and
replace currently used grafts and allogenic bone vascular systems fit well with this unique oppor-
marrow transplantation [3, 34]. It is now possible tunity. Methacrylated alginate and hyaluronic
to realize the 3D micro-environmental niche for acid-composite tubes mimicking small blood
spatial tissue-specific differentiation by creating vessels or stents with self-folding or shape-­
a gradient of VEGF within the 3D printed GelMA changing features in response to blood pressure,
ink wherein the concentration of VEGF increases physical stress, or blood flow have been devel-
from the intramedullary cavity towards the cortex oped [45], as well as thermo-responsive PCL
in order to ensure infiltration of blood vessels micro-particles or shape memory polymers that
within the outer region of the bone tissue [43]. As behold mechanical properties comparable to can-
concerning macroscopic creation of artificial cellous human bone [46–48]. Another amazing
functional tissue constructs of human-scale potential could be smart advanced medications
dimensions, development and availability of spe- and bandages with lattice-based devices able to
cialized 3D tissue-organ bioprinters are required. release oxygen or even antibiotics at the wound
Some are already capable to reproduce mandible, site in trauma injuries or after surgery to hasten
calvarial bone, cartilage, and skeletal muscle of healing and reduce the risk of infection [3].
predefined geometry [33]. However, a probably
not long but insidious way to actualization is due
to the complexity of multiple cell types deployed 16.5  D Graphy Banking:
during the bioprinting process, the risk of cellular To Go Over the Patient’s
damage during manufacturing and the intricate Specific Bio-Modeling
vasculature, nutrient and oxygen exchanges that
are required to maintain long-term viability of Time and costs of production still limit the wide-
tissue [3, 13, 30]. spread diffusion of 3DP in the clinical setting. The
available literature reports that the overall time to
complete the printing process, from image elabo-
16.4 Considerations on 4D ration to the final output, can range between about
Printing half a day to several weeks. At this stage, 3DP
remains, therefore, only suitable for elective sur-
The promising results of 3D bioprinting in creat- gery [11]. The impact of 3DP has to be fully
ing a dynamic microenvironment similar to that assessed in its capability to print large volumes of
of native bone is a well-known reality in the field materials (economically), material durability
172 R. Biagini et al.

must be established, and long-term safety of of 3DP systems and their high price for biomedi-
implantation has to be ascertained. The research cal use is still a concern among certain research
on creating computer designs involved in the pro- groups and institutions. There is also a lack of
duction of soft and rigid polymers that serve as information on the survival of manufactured pros-
manufacturing material for 3D printers is ongoing theses, the functional outcomes and the complica-
[3]. Developing the capability to print multiple tions, limited by the short-term follow-up and
manufactured materials (or composites) from the lack of control for comparison purposes between
same printer is a precious opportunity for future different reconstruction methods [15]. The lack of
medical practice. While this technology has yet to large-scale data sets and subjective assessments of
be fully realized, future soft tissue and bone sur- many qualitative studies pose the issue of bias and
gery will be ever more highly demanding and make standardization in terms of reliability and
patient-specific. No procedure of resection, osteo- validity difficult, thus quantitative studies includ-
synthesis, reconstruction, graft or joint replace- ing large sample sizes for a more accurate analy-
ment fits all. Theoretically, a 3D synthetic bone or sis are recommended. Further developments of
a composite from the combination of two syn- 3D printed bone implants should be implemented
thetic polymers—soft collagen protein and rigid and optimize standard practice. This goes through
HA mineral—not only could have a structure sharing multicenter data collections to encourage
similar to bone, but could even show a greater an honest discussion from different hospitals and
resistance to fracture than natural bone tissue. from different countries on current limitations yet
Advances in sterilizable biomaterials could make to be overcome. Anyway, talking about the expo-
3DP replicas and hundreds of different templates nential development of 3DP in bone surgery
readily accessible for surgical planning or even means assessing that the future of Orthopedics
intraoperative use in urgent cases. Postoperatively, and Traumatology is now. And today the greatest
these patient-specific physical models and their challenge is that availability of 3DP and its bony
electronic files could be kept to build a library of in-growth potential is “within everyone’s reach.”
various types of fractures, osteochondral and bone
defects and tumors so that the models can be
3D-printed again when necessary [25]. Such a
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