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Module-1 MCQ of Data Analytics and Visualization

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Multiple choice questions Module- 1

Date: 7/30/2023 Sub: Data Analysis and Visualization

Module-01 Sub. Code: 21AE3013
Multiple Choice Question
36. Choose the odd one out. A or C
a. bar chart, pie chart, tree map A→ categorical single variable
b. bar chart, histogram, pictogram C→ two variables comparison
c. box plot, contingency table, scatter plot.
d. box plot, stem and leaf plot, scatter plot.
37. Assuming that there is a homogenous user community, consisting of n D
users which use a certain tool to visualize data ‘’m’’ times, and the session
takes about K times for a time T.
If Ci =X, Cu= Ce = 2X, Cs = 3X, then total cost associated with
visualization is given by
a) C=nX (1/n +1+3m+2mK)
b) C ≠nX (1/n +2+3m+2mK)
c) C ≥X (1/n +3+2m+2mK)
d) C=nX (1/n +2+3m+2mK)
38. In a box plot, what does an individual point beyond the whiskers B
A) The mean value of the dataset
B) An outlier that differs significantly from the rest of the data
C) The median value of the dataset
D) The lower quartile of the data.
39. Among these, which graph is used for both quantitative and categorical C
a) Histogram
b) Pie chart
c) Boxplot
d) Contingency table
40. What is a key characteristic of categorical variables? B
A) Meaningful numerical values
B) Divided into interval and ratio scales
C) Mutually exclusive and binary (two levels)
D) Continuous measurement
41. For a boxplot, outliers are given on the basis of IQR as B
a) Above IQR
b) Above or below 1.5*IQR
c) Below IQR
d) Above or below IQR
42.Question: C
What does "external representation" mean in the context of data
A) The process of converting raw data into visual forms.
B) The act of displaying data only on external monitors or projectors.
C) The use of graphical elements to present data outside the human mind.
D) The method of sharing data with external stakeholders.
Date: 7/29/2023 Sub: Data Analysis and Visualization
Module-01 Sub. Code: 21AE3013
Multiple Choice Question
29. which one of the following is for categorical data visualization for single A
a. bar chart, pie chart, tree map
b. bar chart, histogram, pictogram
c. box plot, contingency table, scatter plot
d. box plot, stem and leaf plot, scatter plot
30. What is the main purpose of using color in exploratory graphic analytics? D
a) To create visually appealing visualizations
b) To replace data labels and legends
c) To encode additional information and aid perception
d) To highlight specific data points without any significance.
31. What is data mining? D
a) The process of collecting data from different sources.
b) The technique of organizing and storing large datasets.
c) The practice of transforming raw data into meaningful information.
d) The process of discovering patterns and relationships in large datasets.
32. What is the primary focus of data analytics? B
a) Presenting data in a visually appealing manner.
b) Extracting insights and patterns from data.
c) Creating interactive charts and graphs.
d) Designing dashboards for data exploration.
33.What is data aggregation? B
a) The process of discovering patterns and relationships in large datasets.
b) The practice of gathering data from various sources to create a comprehensive
c) The technique of summarizing and combining data from multiple sources into
a single dataset.
d) The process of analyzing data to predict future outcomes.
34.The Inter Quartile Range is ............. C
a) Maximum value - Minimum value
b) Q1 - Q3
c) Q3 - Q1
d) Median - Maximum
35. If a baseball coach calculates batting averages (ranging from 0 to a possible B
high score of 1000), what scale would be used?
a) interval scale
b) ratio scale
c) nominal scale
d) ordinal scale

Date: 7/28/2023 Sub: Data Analysis and Visualization

Module-01 Sub. Code: 21AE3013
Multiple Choice Question
22. Which option best defines "chart junk" or "chart noise" in data visualization? C
a) Visually appealing and informative elements added to enhance aesthetic (The option C is much
appeal. analogous to the theme.
Distracting the viewer or
b) Decorative or non-essential elements that distract from the main message and user from the prime aim by
hinder effective data communication. increasing attractiveness
c) Noise generated by data points in a scatter plot, making pattern and trend and external appeal by data
identification difficult. visualization)
d) Random fluctuations in line charts due to variations in the data.
23. Which among the following tool is the simplest and make the data more D
a) Histogram
b) Bar chart
c) Funnel Chart
d) Pictogram
24. Which of the following statements best describes the role of interactivity in C
data visualization?
a) Interactivity in data visualization refers to the use of vibrant colors and eye-
catching visuals to make charts more appealing.
b) Interactivity allows users to manipulate and explore data visualizations,
enabling a deeper understanding of the data.
c) Interactivity is a technique used to add irrelevant information and decorative
elements to data visualizations.
d) Interactivity only serves as a means to save space on the visual representation
of data.
25. What is the primary purpose of a QQ plot in statistics? C
a) To visualize the distribution of categorical data.
b) To compare two different datasets on the same scatter plot.
c) To assess the normality of a dataset and identify deviations from a theoretical
d) To demonstrate the correlation between two variables
26. Which of the following signifies Diagnostic Data Analytics? B
a) What type of data analytics provides insights into what might happen in the
b) Which analytics technique helps uncover the root causes of a particular event
or outcome?
c) What data analysis method is concerned with prescribing the best course of
d) Which analytics approach is used to summarize and report
historical data patterns?
27. Which visual encoding channel is best suited for representing a nominal C
(categorical) variable?
a) Position
b) Length
c) Hue (color)
d) Size
28. Data-driven decision making is a process that relies on: C
a) Intuition and gut feeling.
b) Experience and past practices.
c) Data analysis and evidence.
d) Managerial hierarchy and directives.

Date: 7/27/2023 Sub: Data Analysis and Visualization

Module-01 Sub. Code: 21AE3013
Multiple Choice Question
15. Arrange the types of data analytics based on their complexity level in C
descending order.
A) Descriptive - Diagnostics - Prescriptive - Predictive
b) Diagnostics- Descriptive - Prescriptive - Predictive
C) Prescriptive - Predictive - Diagnostics- Descriptive
D) Predictive -Diagnostics - Descriptive- Prescriptive
16. Which refers to the diversity of data types? B
A) Veracity (Veracity – data quality and
b) Variety accuracy.
C) Variability Variability – dynamic behavior
D) Velocity Velocity – quick data
generation and transmission)
17. What is not true about Data Visualization? C
A) Data Visualization is used to communicate information clearly and
efficiently to users by the usage of information graphics such as tables and
B) Data Visualization helps users in analyzing a large amount of data in a
simpler way.
C) Data Visualization is the character representation of the Data which uses
various characters to explain a complex data.
D) Data Visualization makes complex data more accessible.
18. In a scatter plot, what does a negative correlation between two variables B
A) As one variable increases, the other variable increases.
B) As one variable increases, the other variable decreases.
C) There is no relationship between the two variables.
D) Both variables have the same values.
19. Which type of data visualization is most suitable for comparing C
quantities or magnitudes?
A) Line chart
b) Scatter plot
C) Bar chart
D) Bubble chart
20. The engineer improved productivity for illiterate people using a metal C
cutter by drawing tortoise and horse symbols at two ends to indicate
different cutting speeds for metals, helping them avoid tool breakage.
Which data visualization method did he use?
A) Symbol representation
B) Pictograph
C) Pictogram
D) Sign representation.
21. Which method shows hierarchical data in a nested format? A
A) Tree maps
B) Scatter plots
C) Population pyramids
D) Area charts

Date: 7/26/2023 Sub: Data Analysis and Visualization

Module-01 Sub. Code: 21AE3013
Multiple Choice Question
8. The line chart is D
A) Graphical representation of a grouped frequency distribution with
continuous classes
B) Graphical technique for determining if two datasets come from
populations with a common distribution
C) Graph that present the relationship between two variables in a dataset
D) Graphical representation using points connected by line segment to
demonstrate changes in value
9. Which of the following is an example of a categorical variable measured D
on an ordinal scale?
A) Wind speed
B) Temperature
C) Blood groups
D) Designation
10. Which of the following are not correct for histograms? D
A) Histograms are used to display the distribution of continuous numerical
B) In a histogram, the width of each bar represents the frequency of data
within that interval.
C)Histograms provide information about the central tendency and spread of
the data.
D)Histograms are suitable for displaying trends and patterns in time-series
11. Which type of data analytics is primarily concerned with summarizing A
historical data to gain insights and identify patterns?
A) Descriptive analytics
B) Diagnostic analytics
C) Predictive analytics
D) Prescriptive analytics
12. Which plot is used for graphically demonstrating the locality, spread A
and skewness groups of numerical data through their quartiles?
A) Boxplot
B) Q-Q plot
C) Stem and leaf plot
D) Scatter plot
13. Which of the following statements about external representation and its D
impact on human cognition and perception is NOT correct?
A) External representations augment human capacity by surpassing the
limitations of internal cognition and memory.
B) Diagrams can be designed to support perceptual inferences, which are
easy for humans to make.
C) The advantages of diagrams as external memory include the ability to
organize information by spatial location, accelerating search and
D) A nonoptimal diagram may group irrelevant information together or
support perceptual inferences that are useful for the intended problem-
solving process.
14. What type of variable has meaningful numerical values and can be C
measured on either an interval or a ratio scale?
A) Categorical variable
B) Nominal scale
C) Continuous variable
D) Ordinal scale

Date: 7/25/2023 Sub: Data Analysis and Visualization

Module-01 Sub. Code: 21AE3013
Multiple Choice Question
1. Contingency table is used to present categorical data in terms of B
frequency counts. It should contain at least __ rows and columns.
A. 1×2
B. 2×2
C. 2×1
D. 1×1
2. Which of the following DV principles involves the use of a grid as B
the underlying structure for the design layout? (If the option Balancing layout is not
A) Focusing on Focus there, then Organizing Alignment is
B) Balancing Layout also correct)
C) Elevating Engagement
D) Organizing Alignment
3. What is the correlation coefficient (r) value for Highly Positive B
4. Which among the following is a measure of central tendency? B
A) Variance (If the option has mean or median
B) Mode then it is also the correct answer)
C) Standard Deviation
D) Range
5. What are the 6Vs of Big Data? C
A) Variety, Velocity, Value, Validity, Volume, and Verification.
B) Velocity, Volume, Verification, Veracity, Variation, and Value.
C) Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, Variability, and Value.
D) Value, Verification, Variability, Volume, Velocity, and Vigilance.
6. The term ''slices'' is associated with which of the following D
graphical tools?
A) Q-Q Plot
B) Scatter Plot
C) Dot Plot
D) Pie Chart
7. Which data visualization is suitable for showing the distribution of C
single continuous variable? (If the option has Q-Q plot or Box
A) line chart plot then it is also the correct
B) scatter plot answer)
C) Histogram
D) bubble chart

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