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Affiliated to Bangalore University | NAAC Re-accredited | Approved by

Govt of Karnataka | Recognised Institution Under UGC 2(f) & 12(b)


“Sustainable Synergy: A Multi-

Disciplinary Exploration of
Possibilities Across the Industries”

December 15, 2023

Hybrid Mode

Soundarya Nagar, Sidedahalli,

1) Facilitate and encourage interdisciplinary
Soundarya Institute of Management and Science
collaboration among professionals, researchers, and
offers its students and faculty an effervescent learning
experts from various industries to explore innovative
ecosystem designed around its multicultural and
solutions for sustainability challenges.
innovative philosophy, since its inception from 2007.
2) Provide a platform for sharing best practices, success
The institution follows an innovative pedagogy,
stories, and case studies across different industries.
striving to benchmark the milestones in modern
3) Encourage participants to discuss, critique, and
education. It aids students in comprehending
collaborate on emerging technologies, such as
concepts more thoroughly in terms of practical
renewable energy, circular economy practices, and
knowledge. SIMS campus is the ideal space for
eco-friendly manufacturing processes, to drive
students to let their imaginations turn into realities
sustainable industry transformation.
and take steps toward realizing their aspirations due
4) Explore opportunities for policy reform and advocacy
to its unique combination of modern and traditional
efforts that can drive change across various sectors.
artistic features and student-centric design.

ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The conference invites researchers, doctoral students,
academicians and practitioner to submit theoretical,
empirical research work, case studies and industry notes in the
In an ever-evolving world where global challenges domain of Sustainable Synergy. The sub-themes listed below
such as climate change, resource depletion, and (but not limited to) would be covered in the conference are
social inequality loom large, the pursuit of listed below:
sustainability has become paramount. This
international conference, "Sustainable Synergy," 1) Business
serves as a beacon of hope and a forum for change in 2) Industry
addressing these pressing issues. Our theme, "A 3) Human Resources
Multidisciplinary Exploration of Possibilities across 4) Management
Industries," underscores the critical importance of 5) Science
collaboration and innovation in achieving a 6) Technology
sustainable future. The complexity of the challenges 7) Education
we face demands that we transcend traditional silos 8) Humanities and Languages
and work together across disciplines, industries, and
borders. Sustainable solutions often emerge at the PARTICIPANTS
intersection of diverse fields, where innovative ideas
flourish, and new pathways are discovered.
Industry Professionals
Multidisciplinary collaboration harnesses the
collective intelligence of experts from various
Research Scholars
backgrounds to drive progress and unlock the full
potential of sustainable practices.
Environment & Sustainability Practitioners
1. All submitted manuscripts must be original work that is not Paper Publication will be supported in UGC Care
under submission at another journal or under consideration for Listed Group I/ II, Scopus, WOS, SCI, ABDC with
publication in another form, such as a monograph or chapter of additional charges
a book. Authors of submitted papers are obligated not to submit
their paper for publication elsewhere until an editorial decision
is rendered on their submission. Further, authors of accepted IMPORTANT DATES
papers are prohibited from publishing the results in other
publications that appear before the paper is published unless
Abstract Submission Deadline 15-Nov-23
they receive approval for doing so from the editor.
2. Manuscript must be in MS Word processor in Times New
Roman font 12 pt font size on A-4 size paper with 1” margin Notification of abstract
from all sides with 1.5line spacing, and justified.
acceptance/rejection to the authors
3. References appear at the end of the paper. They can be single
spaced and not smaller than 10pt font size. References to
publications in the text should appear as follows:"Jensen and Full Paper Submission Deadline 5-Dec-23
Meckling (1976) report that..." or "(Jensen and Meckling,
1976)." Notification of paper
At the end of the manuscript, the complete list of references 10-Dec-23
acceptance/rejection to the authors
should be as follows: For monographs: Fama, Eugene F., and
Merton H. Miller (1972). The Theory of Finance (Dryden Press,
Hinsdale, IL.). For contributions to collective works: Grossman, Conference Registration Deadline 12-Dec-23
Sanford J., and Oliver D. Hart (1982). Corporate financial
structure and managerial incentives, in John J. McCall, ed.: The Conference Date 15-Dec-23
Economics of Information and Uncertainty (University of
Chicago Press). For periodicals: Jensen, Michael C., and William REGISTER HERE
H. Meckling (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior,
agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial
Economics, 3(2), 305-360. Only those sources that are cited in
the text should be mentioned in the reference list. References
should be listed as per the standard norms (APA Citation
Format- 6th Edition). Kindly Adhere to given reference style.
4. The length of paper should be limited to approximately 15
pages including references (as per the specified layout)
excluding tables and figures.
5. Tables, figures, etc. should be serially numbered and duly
acknowledged. Sources of the data need to be given below each
table or figure.
6. All but very short mathematical expressions should be
displayed on a separate line and centered. Equations must be REGISTRATION FEES
numbered consecutively on the right margin, using Arabic
numerals in parentheses. Do not use a dot over a variable to
Participants Fee
denote time derivative; only D operator (partial) notations are
Faculty Rs. 500
7. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page on which
they are referenced (that is, they should not be endnotes that
appear at the end of the document). They should be single Research Scholars Rs. 400
spaced. A smaller font size is acceptable but not required.
8. Papers should have an abstract of about 200-300 words. Industry/Corporate Associates Rs. 1,000
9. Paper submission must accompany a certificate/ declaration
by the author(s) that the paper is his original work and has
neither been published nor submitted for publication Students Rs. 300
10. The cover page of the paper should contain-Title of the Participation Rs. 300
paper, Name of author(s), Professional affiliation of author(s),
Address for correspondence with email and telephone numbers.

For Info/Paper Submission
Soundarya Institute of Management & Science
Dr. Roopa Shettigar, Associate Professor, MBA Dept, SIMS

Dr. Nagalakshmi. G. HOD, Dept of Forensic Science, SIMS

Dr. Shreemathi Giri, Associate Professor, HOD-B.Sc, SIMS

Ms. Prithvi Heggade M, HOD, Dept of Commerce SIMS

A/C No.- 89410200000839, IFSC Code- BARB0VJPEEN

Ms. Sunitha N, Asst. Prof. Dept of Commerce, SIMS

SPECIAL NOTE Dr. Prashanth Kumar, HOD-PG-Commerce, SIMS

Mr. Vijay Kumar, HOD-BCA, SIMS

• Registration fee includes conference kit, lunch,
refreshments and Certificate.
Mr. Vaibhav Arwade, Dept of Management, SIMS
• Co-authors should register separately.
• Out-station participants would be provided
accommodation upon request with a minimal ADVISORY COMMITTEE
• OOD certificate will be provided to all the Dr. Bhavani M R, Associate Professor, School of Commerce & Management,
participants. Chanakya University.
Dr. Nagbhushan B M, Professor, Dept of Chemistry, MS Ramaiah
Institute of Technology
CHIEF PATRON(S) Prof. Mathew Anthony, Chief Marketing Officer, GrayMatter Software

Mrs. Asha Merugu, Director of Finance, E & Y Global Limited.

Sri. Soundarya P Manjappa Mr.C B Ramkumar, Vice Chair - Global Sustainable Tourism Council.
Mr. Pratap Hegde, Founder, CEO and ED, Rane t4u
Smt. Sunitha Manjappa
Managing Director ,SET Dr. Sandeep Nair, Registrar(Evaluation),Chanakya University

Mrs. Rekha C, IQAC Head, SIMS
Mr. Bhanu Prakash R, Director - Strategic Communications, SIMS
Mr. Murthy R M, Asst Prof, Department of Commerce, SIMS
Mr. Keerthan Kumar
CEO, SET Mr. Yuvaraj Halage, Asst Prof, MBA Department, SIMS

Mr. Aafaq Ahmed, HOD, BBA Department, SIMS

Dr. Prateeksha Keerthan Kumar Mrs Thanuja V, Asst Prof, Department of Commerce, SIMS
Managing Trustee, SET

Mr. Varun Kumar For further details contact

Managing Trustee, SET

Dr. Prashanth Kumar Mr. Vaibhav Arwade

Dr. Vasu B A 7411251827 7892988828
Principal & Director, SIMS


Soundarya Nagar, Sidedahalli, Bangalore-73

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