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Networked Control Under Communication Constraints The Discrete-Time Case

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2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)

ARIA Resort & Casino

December 12-14, 2016, Las Vegas, USA

Networked Control under Communication Constraints: The Discrete-time Case

Kun Liu, Xia Pan, Yuanqing Xia, Emilia Fridman and James Lam

Abstract— This paper considers discrete-time networked con- discretization-based model [2], [6], impulsive/hybrid formu-
trol systems in which distributed sensors, controllers, and actu- lation [7], [17] and time-delay approach [4], [5], [23], [24].
ators communicate through a shared communication medium
that introduces large and bounded time-varying transmission
The time-delay approach was introduced for the stabiliza-
delays. Access to the communication medium is orchestrated tion of continuous-time NCSs with N = 2 sensor nodes
by a weighted try-once-discard protocol that determines which under the Round-Robin protocol [13] and under the TOD
sensor node can access the network and transmit its corre- protocol [12]. The closed-loop system was modeled as a
sponding data. The closed-loop system is modelled as a novel switched system with multiple and ordered time-varying
discrete-time hybrid system with time-varying delays in the
dynamics and in the reset conditions. By Lyapunov method a
delays under Round-Robin scheduling or as a hybrid system
new condition is derived for the exponential stability of the with time-varying delays in the dynamics and in the reset
delayed hybrid systems with respect to the full state and not equations under the TOD scheduling. For continuous-time
only to the partial state. An example of a discrete-time cart- NCSs, the extension from N = 2 to a general N ≥ 2
pendulum illustrates the efficiency of the time-delay approach. sensor nodes was recently presented in [14], in which a
unified hybrid system model was given under both TOD
Keywords: Discrete-time networked control systems, mul-
and Round-Robin protocols for the closed-loop system that
tiple sensors, discrete-time hybrid system, try-once-discard
contains time-varying delays in the continuous dynamics and
protocol, Lyapunov method.
in the reset conditions.
I. I NTRODUCTION More recently, the time-delay approach was extended in
Control of systems over communication networks with [11] to the stability analysis of discrete-time NCSs with
bandwidth limitations and interference channels is currently actuator constraints under the TOD scheduling protocol in
attracting a lot of attention in the control community. In the presence of N = 2 sensor nodes. A time-dependent
such systems, when implemented, distributed sensor/actuator Lyapunov functional was introduced and only partial stability
nodes will compete for access to the network. Only one node of the resulting hybrid delayed system was guaranteed. The
is allowed to obtain the access at each transmission instant. extension from N = 2 to a general N ≥ 2 sensor nodes is far
This leads to the so-called communication constraints that from being straightforward. It has the following challenges:
cannot be ignored in the analysis and synthesis of networked (1) The time-dependent Lyapunov functional of [11] is not
control systems (NCSs) [8], [22]. Therefore, protocols are applicable any more.
necessary to orchestrate which node is given permission (2) It is important to guarantee stability of the resulting
at each time instant. In the literature, three basic types of closed-loop system with respect to the full state and not
scheduling protocols have been presented: only to the partial state.
(i) Static protocols, such as the Round-Robin protocol In the present paper, we consider the exponential stabil-
where the nodes take turns transmitting its correspond- ity of discrete-time NCSs incorporating a general number
ing data in a periodic manner [7], [17], [18]; N ≥ 2 of distributed sensor nodes, bounded time-varying
(ii) Quadratic protocols, such as try-once-discard (TOD) transmission intervals, bounded time-varying transmission
protocol, where the node that corresponds to the largest delays and TOD scheduling protocol. Following [14], we
error between the current value and the last transmitted present a direct Lyapunov approach to guarantee stability of
value has the highest priority to use the communication the resulting discrete-time hybrid system model with respect
medium [7], [17], [18], [21]; to the full state. The conditions are given in terms of linear
(iii) Stochastic protocols, which determine the transmitted matrix inequalities (LMIs). The efficiency of the presented
node through a Bernoulli or a Markov chain process approach is illustrated by a cart-pendulum system.
[1], [3], [15], [20]. Notation: Throughout the paper, the superscript ‘T ’ stands
To understand the impact of scheduling protocols on control for matrix transposition. By Rn and Rn×m , we denote the
performance, several models have been developed. There are n dimensional Euclidean space with vector norm | · | and
the set of all n × m real matrices, respectively. For P ∈
K. Liu, X. Pan and Y. Xia are with the School of Automation, Beijing
Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China. E-mails: kunliubit, panxia, Rn×n , the notation P > 0 means that P is symmetric and
xia positive definite. The symmetric elements of the symmetric
E. Fridman is with the School of Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv matrix will be denoted by ∗, λmin (P ) denotes the smallest
University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel. E-mail:
J. Lam is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University eigenvalue of matrix P . Z+ and N denote the set of non-
of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. E-mail: negative integers and positive integers, respectively.

978-1-5090-1837-6/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 991

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u k! y !k "
!"#$%&%'&!(%)*+,-& Consider (1) under the static output feedback control. In
yN -k . the following, we propose a hybrid system model for the
closed-loop system of NCS provided above.
2%!34&%5)67 )
8#4%59+!-3 A. A discrete-time hybrid time-delay model
'&#(!$) Denote by ŷ(sp ) = [ŷ1T (sp ) · · · ŷN T
(sp )]T ∈ Rny the
.%&/0$1 output information submitted to the scheduling protocol. At
yN ! s p " each sampling instant sp , one of the outputs yi (sp ) ∈ Rni
y! " s p #
is transmitted over the network, that is, one of the ŷi (sp )
values is updated with the recent state yi (sp ). Let i∗p ∈ I =
{1, . . . , N } denote the active output node at the sampling
instant sp . Then
Fig. 1. The architecture of NCSs with N sensors {
yi (sp ), i = i∗p ,
ŷi (sp ) = (4)
ŷi (sp−1 ), i ̸= i∗p .
We denote e(k) by the error between the system output
In this section, we demonstrate the discrete-time de- y(sp ) and the latest available information ŷ(sp−1 ):
scription of NCS model and provide some preliminaries.
Consider the networked control scheme depicted in Figure 1, e(k) = col{e1 (k), · · · , eN (k)} ≡ ŷ(sp−1 ) − y(sp ),
where a linear discrete-time plant, N distributed sensors, a k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 1]), k ∈ Z+ , ŷ(s−1 ) , 0, e(k) ∈ Rny .
controller node and an actuator node are all connected via (5)
communication networks. The linear time-invariant discrete- The choice of i∗p will depend on the transmission error and
time plant is given by will be chosen according to TOD scheduling protocol which
{ is defined below.
x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k), k ∈ Z+ , The controller and the actuator are supposed to be event-
yi (k) = Ci x(k), i = 1, . . . , N, driven. The most recent output information on the controller
side is denoted by ŷ(sp ). Assume that there exists a matrix
where x(k) ∈ Rn denotes the state of the plant, u(k) ∈
K = [K1 · · · KN ], Ki ∈ Rnu ×ni such that A + BKC is
Rnu the control input, and yi (k) ∈ Rni (i = 1, . . . , N ) the
Schur stable. Consider the static output feedback controller
measurement outputs of the plant. The matrices A and B
may be certain or uncertain. The
[ initial condition]is given by u(k) = K ŷ(tp − ηp ), k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 1], k ∈ Z+ . (6)
x(0) = x0 . We denote C = C1T · · · CN T
, y(k) =
[ T ]T ∑N From (4), it follows that the controller (6) can be rewritten
y1 (k) · · · yN T
(k) ∈ Rny and i=1 ni = ny . as
The sequence of sampling instants 0 = s0 , s1 , s2 , . . . is ∑N
strictly increasing in the sense that sp+1 − sp ≤ MATI, u(k) = Ki∗p yi∗p (tp − ηp ) + i=1,i̸=i∗p Ki ŷi (tp−1 −ηp−1 ),
where {sp } is a subsequence of Z+ and MATI denotes (7)
the maximum allowable transmission interval. Denote by tp for k ∈ [tp , tp+1−1], where i∗p is the index of the active node
the updating time instant of the zero-order holder (ZOH). at sp and ηp is the transmission delay.
Suppose that the updating data at the instant tp on the Therefore, from (1) and (4)–(7), we obtain the following
actuator side has experienced an uncertain transmission delay closed-loop system:
ηp = tp − sp as it is transmitted through the network. The ∑N
x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + A1 x(tp −ηp )+ i=1,i̸=i∗p Bi ei (tp ),
delays may be either smaller or larger than the sampling
interval provided that the transmission order of data packets e(k + 1) = e(k), k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 2], k ∈ Z+ ,
is maintained [16]. Assume that the network-induced delay (8)
ηp and the time span between the updating and the current with the delayed reset system for k = tp+1 − 1,
sampling instants are bounded: x(tp+1 ) = Ax(tp+1 − 1) + A1 x(tp − ηp )
tp+1 − 1 − tp + ηp ≤ τM , 0 ≤ ηm ≤ ηp ≤ ηM , p ∈ Z+ , + i=1,i̸=i∗p Bi ei (tp ),
(2) ei (tp+1 ) = Ci [x(tp − ηp ) − x(tp+1 − ηp+1 )], i = i∗p ,
where τM , ηm and ηM are known non-negative integers. ei (tp+1 ) = ei (tp )+Ci [x(tp −ηp )−x(tp+1 −ηp+1 )], i ̸= i∗p .
Then we have (9)
(tp+1 − 1) − sp = sp+1 − sp + ηp+1 − 1 A1 = BKC, K = [K1 · · · KN ],
≤ MATI +ηM − 1 = τM , (3) Bi = BKi , i = 1, . . . , N.
tp+1 − tp ≤ τM − ηm + 1.
For k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 1] we represent tp − ηp = k − τ (k),
Moreover, since τM = MATI +ηM − 1, it holds that ηm < where τ (k) = t − tp + ηp . Therefore, (8)–(9) can be con-
τM . sidered as a discrete-time hybrid system with time-varying

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interval delays. Furthermore, the delays τ (k) exist both in where k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 1], k ∈ Z+ , p ∈ Z+ , and
the dynamics (8) and in the reset conditions (9). Even for ∑N
VG (k) = i=1 (τM − ηm )×
ηp = 0 we have the delayed state x(tp ) = x(k − τ (k)) with ∑k−1 k−s−1 T
τ (k) = k − tp . s=tp −ηp λ η (s)CiT Gi Ci η(s),
∑ k−1
Ṽ (k) = xT (k)P x(k) + s=k−ηm λk−s−1 xT (s)S0 x(s)
∑k−ηm −1 k−s−1 T
B. Weighted TOD scheduling protocol + s=k−τM λ x (s)S1 x(s)
∑−1 ∑k−1
Let Qi > 0, i = 1, . . . , N, be some weighting matrices. +ηm j=−ηm s=k+j λk−s−1 η T (s)R0 η(s)
∑−ηm −1 ∑k−1
At the sampling instant sp , the weighted TOD protocol is a +(τM − ηm ) j=−τ M s=k+j λ
k−s−1 T
η (s)R1 η(s)
protocol for which the active output node with the index i∗p
with η(k) = x(k + 1) − x(k), P > 0, Si > 0, Ri > 0, Gj >
is defined as any index that satisfies
0, Qj > 0, 0 < λ < 1, i = 0, 1, j = 1, . . . , N. The term VG
√ √
| Qi∗p ei∗p (k)|2 ≥ | Qi ei (k)|2 , (10) is to deal with the delays in the reset conditions
VG (t[p+1 ) − λVG (tp+1 − 1) = (τM − ηm ) i=1
where k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 1], p ∈ Z+ , i = 1, . . . , N. ∑tp+1 −1
√ tp+1 −s−1 T
η (s)CiT Gi Ci η(s)
s=tp+1 −ηp+1 λ
In other words, the norms of weighted errors Qi ei (k)
∑tp+1 −2 tp+1 −s−1 T ]
are compared and the output node i∗p corresponds to the − s=t −η λ η (s)Ci
Gi Ci η(s)
largest network-induced error will be granted the access to ∑p

≤ (τM − ηm ) i=1 η T (tp+1 − 1)CiT Gi Ci η(tp+1 − 1)

the network. A possible choice of i∗p is given by ∑N ∑tp+1 −ηp+1 −1 T
−(τM −ηm ) i=1 λτM s=t p −ηp
η (s)CiT Gi Ci η(s)
√ ∑N T
i∗p = min{arg max | Qi (ŷi (sp−1 ) − yi (sp )) |2 }. ≤ (τM − ηm ) i=1 η (tp+1 − 1)CiT Gi Ci η(tp+1 − 1)
i∈{1,...,N } ∑N √
− i=1 λτM | Gi Ci [x(tp+1 − ηp+1 ) − x(tp − ηp )]|2 .
The conditions for computing the weighting matrices (12)
Q1 , . . . , QN will be given in Theorem 1 below. The following lemma gives sufficient conditions for the
stability of (8)–(10):
Remark 1 The packet dropouts under scheduling protocols Lemma 1 Assume that there exist scalar 0 < λ < 1,
could be accommodated, if there is an additional perfect integers 0 ≤ ηm < τM , matrices 0 < Qi ∈ Rni ×ni ,
(without packet dropouts) feedback channel to send a recep- 0 < Ui ∈ Rni ×ni , 0 < Gi ∈ Rni ×ni , i = 1, . . . , N,
tion/dropout acknowledgement to the active sensor, and if this and Ve (k) of (11) such that along (8)–(10) the following
acknowledgement is completed within one sampling period. inequality
Then as in [7] and [14], packet dropouts can be modeled as ∑N
prolongations of the transmission interval. Ṽ (k + 1)−λṼ (k)+(τM −ηm ) i=1 η T (k)CiT Gi Ci η(k)
∑N √
+ i=1,i̸=i∗p | Wi ei (tp )|2 , Ψ(k) ≤ 0
In the present paper, the objective is to derive LMI (13)
condition for exponential stability of the hybrid system (8)– and the LMIs
(10) via direct Lyapunov method. [ ]
Γi Qi
, Ωi < 0, i = 1, . . . , N, (14)
∗ Qi − λτM Gi
UNDER TOD SCHEDULING PROTOCOL hold for k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 1], where

Definition 1 The hybrid system (8)–(10) is said to be expo- Wi = − τM −η

Ui + (1 − λ)Qi ,
λ−(1−λ)(τM −ηm ) (15)
nentially stable if there exist constants b > 0 and 0 < κ < 1 Γi = − N −1 Qi + (1 + 1
τM −ηm )Ui .
such that, for initial condition xt0 ∈ Rn × · · · × Rn , the
| {z } Then Ve (k) satisfies the following inequalities along (8)–
τM +1 times (10):
solutions of the hybrid system (8)–(10) satisfy ∑N √
Ve (k + 1)−λVe (k)− τM −η 1
i=1,i̸=i∗ | Ui ei (tp )|2
|x(k)|2 ≤ bκ2(k−t0 ) {∥xt0 ∥2c + |e(t0 )|2 }, √ m p

−(1−λ)| Qi∗p ei∗p (tp )|2 , Θ1 (k) ≤ 0, k ∈ [tp , tp+1 −2]

and (16)
{|e(k)|2 } ≤ bκ2(k−t0 ) {∥xt0 ∥2c + |e(t0 )|2 }, ∑N √
Ve (tp+1 ) − λVe (tp+1 − 1) + i=1,i̸=i∗p | Ui ei (tp )|2

where ∥xt0 ∥c = supt0 −τM ≤s≤t0 |x(s)|. +(1 − λ)(τM − ηm )| Qi∗p ei∗p (tp )|2 , Θ2 ≤ 0.
We apply the following discrete-time Lyapunov functional
Moreover, the following bounds
to system (8)–(10):
∑N λmin (P )|x(k)|2 ≤ V (k) ≤ Ve (k) ≤ λk−t0 Ve (t0 ),
∑N √
Ve (k) = V (k) + i=1 eTi (tp )Qi ei (tp ), Ve (t0 ) = V (t0 ) + i=1 | Qi ei (t0 )|2 , k ≥ t0 , k ∈ N,
V (k) = Ṽ (k) + VG (k), (18)

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and tp+1 − 1 imply
∑N √
i=1 | Qi ei (k)| ≤ c̃λ
2 k−t0 (19)
Ve (t0 ), ∑N √
Ve (tp+1 ) ≤ λVe (tp+1 − 1) − i=1,i̸=i∗ | Ui ei (tp )|2
√ p
with c̃ = λ−(τM −ηm ) , are valid for the solutions of (8)–(10) −(1 − λ)(τM − ηm )| Qi∗p ei∗p (tp )|2
initialized by xt0 ∈ Rn × · · · × Rn , e(t0 ) ∈ Rny . Thus, the
| {z } ≤ λtp+1 −tp Ve (tp )
τM +1 times ∑N √
hybrid system (8)–(10) is exponentially stable. −(1 − λ) i=1,i̸=i∗p | Ui ei (tp )|2

−(1 − λ)2 (τM − ηm )| Qi∗p ei∗p (tp )|2
Proof: First, from (11) and (13), it holds that Θ1 (k) ≤ Ψ(k)
for k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 2]. Therefore, Θ1 (k) ≤ 0 of (16) holds if ≤ λtp+1 −tp Ve (tp ).
Ψ(k) ≤ 0 for k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 2].
Furthermore, from (11)–(14), we have Then

Θ2 ≤ Ṽ (tp+1 ) − λṼ (tp+1 − 1) Ve (tp+1 ) ≤ λtp+1 −tp−1 Ve (tp−1 ) ≤ λtp+1 −t0 Ve (t0 ). (22)
+(τM − ηm ) i=1 η T (tp+1 −1)CiT Gi Ci η(tp+1 −1)
∑N √
− i=1 [λτM | Gi Ci [x(sp+1 ) − x(sp )]|2 ] Substiting in (22) p+1 for p and taking into account (21), we
∑N √ √
+ i=1 | Qi ei (tp+1 )|2 − λ| Qi ei (tp )|2 arrive at (18), which yields exponential stability of (8)–(10)
∑N √ since
+ i=1,i̸=i∗p | Ui ei (tp )|2

+(1 − λ)(τM − ηm )| Qi∗p ei∗p (tp )|2
∑N √ λmin (P )|x(k)|2 ≤ V (k), V (t0 ) ≤ δ∥xt0 ∥2c
= Ψ(tp+1 − 1) + τM −η 1
i=1,i̸=i∗ | Ui ei (tp )|2
∑N m
√ p

−(1 − λ) i=1,i̸=i∗p | Qi ei (tp )|2 for some scalar δ > 0. Moreover, (22) with p + 1 replaced
∑N τ M √
− i=1 λ | Gi Ci [x(sp+1 ) − x(sp )]|2 ] by p implies (19) since for k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 1]
∑N [ √ √
+ i=1 | Qi ei (tp+1 )|2 − λ| Qi ei (tp )|2
∑N √ λtp −t0 = λk−t0 λtp −k ≤ c̃λk−t0 .
+ i=1,i̸=i∗p | Ui ei (tp )|2

+(1 − λ)(τM − ηm )| Qi∗p ei∗p (tp )|2 .
Remark 2 For discrete-time NCS under TOD scheduling
Note that under TOD protocol protocol, Lemma 2 of [11] guarantees only partial stability
√ ∑N √ of the closed-loop system with N = 2 sensor nodes. While
−| Qi∗p ei∗p (tp )|2 ≤ − N 1−1 i=1,i̸=i∗p | Qi ei (tp )|2 . Lemma 1 in this paper guarantees that (18) gives a bound
not only on x(k) but also on ei (k), i = 1, . . . , N . That is why
From (13) and (14), we have Ψ(tp+1 − 1) ≤ 0 and Lemma 1 provides stability of system (8)–(10) with respect
λτM Gi∗p − Qi∗p Ci∗p > 0, respectively. Denote ζi = to the full state.
col{ei (tp ), Ci [x(sp+1 ) − x(sp )]}. Then employing (9) we
arrive at
The following theorem on the exponential stability of (8)–

(10) is derived from Lemma 1 and the standard arguments
Θ2 ≤ Ψ(tp+1 −1)−| λτM Gi∗p −Qi∗p Ci∗p [x(sp )−x(sp+1 )]|2
∑N for the delay-dependent analysis.
+ i=1,i̸=i∗p ζiT Ωi ζi ≤ 0,

that yields (17). Theorem 1 For any given scalar 0 < λ < 1, integers 0 ≤
The next step is to prove (18) and (19). By the comparison ηm < τM , and Ki , i = 1, . . . , N , the solutions of the hybrid
principle, for k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 1] the inequality (16) implies system (8)–(10) satisfy the bound (18) and (19) and thus,
∑N √ are exponentially stable, if there exist n × n matrices P > 0,
Ve (k) ≤ λk−tp Ve (tp ) + i=1,i̸=i∗ {| Ui ei (tp )|2 } S0 > 0, R0 > 0, S1 > 0, R1 > 0, S12 , ni × ni matrices
√ p
+(1 − λ)(τM − ηm )| Qi∗p ei∗p (tp )|2 . Qi > 0, Ui > 0, Gi > 0, i = 1, . . . , N, such that (14) and
the following LMIs are feasible for i = 1, . . . , N :
Note that (14) guarantees 0 < (1 − λ)(τM − ηm ) < λ < 1 [ ]
M −ηm ) R1 S12
and Ui < (1 + τM −η 1
)Ui < λ−(1−λ)(τ
N −1 Qi ≤ Qi , i = Φ= ≥ 0, (23)
1, . . . , N . Hence,
∗ R1

V (k) ≤ λk−tp Ve (tp ), k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 1]. (21)

Σi + (F0i − F1i )T H(F0i − F1i ) − λτM (F i )T ΦF i < 0,
On the other hand, the inequalities (17) and (20) with k = (24)

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F0i = [A 0n×n A1 0n×n F̃0i ], m, a

F̃0i= [B2 · · · BN ], i = 1,
F̃0i= [B1 · · · BN −1 ], i = N,
F̃0i= [B1 · · · Bj |j̸=i · · · BN ], i = 2, . . . N − 1,
F1i = [In 0n×(3n+ny −ni ) ],
[In − In 0n×(2n+ny −ni ) ],
F2i =[ ] M

i 0n×n In −In 0n×n 0n×(ny −ni )

F = ,
0n×n 0n×n In −In 0n×(ny −ni )
Σi = (F0 ) P F0 + Υi − λ (F2 ) R0 F2 ,
i T i ηm i T i x

Υi = diag{S0 −λP, −ληm (S0 −S1 ), 0n×n , −λτM S1 , ϕi },

ϕi = diag{W2 , . . . , WN }, i = 1, Fig. 2. Inverted pendulum system.
ϕi = diag{W1 , . . . , WN −1 }, i = N,
ϕi = diag{W1 , . . . , Wj |j̸=i , . . . , WN }, i = 2, . . . N − 1,

H = ηm 2
R0 +(τM − ηm )2 R1 +(τM −ηm ) N T
l=1 Cl Gl Cl . Remark 4 The stability analysis of discrete-time systems
with time-varying delay in the state can be alternatively
with Wi (i = 1, . . . , N ) given by (15). Furthermore, if the analyzed by substituting the switched system transformation
above inequalities hold with λ = 1, then they are feasible approach for the Lyapunov-Krasovskii method. More details
for λ = 1 − ε, where ε > 0 is small enough. can be found in [9].
Proof: Consider k ∈ [tp , tp+1 − 1], p ∈ Z+ and V. I LLUSTRATIVE E XAMPLE
define ξi (k) = col{x(k), x(k − ηm ), x(k − τ (k)), x(k −
τM ), ξ¯i (k)}, i = 1, . . . , N, where In this section, we will illustrate how the derived con-
ditions can be verified through the widely used inverted
ξ¯i (k) = col{e1 (k), . . . , ej (k)|j̸=i , . . . , eN (k)}, pendulum system. The dynamics of the inverted pendulum
i = 2, . . . , N − 1, on a cart shown in Figure 2 can be described in the following
ξ¯i (k) = col{e2 (k), . . . , eN (k)}, i = 1, as in e.g., [25]:
ξ¯i (k) = col{e1 (k), . . . , eN −1 (k)}, i = N,    0 1 0 0

Let i∗p = i ∈ N. Considering Ṽ (k) along (8) and applying  ẍ    0 − (a+ml2 )b m2 gl2
0 

  2 a(M +m)+M ml2
 θ̇ = 
a(M +m)+M ml
the Jensen inequality (e.g., [10]), we have  0 0 0 1 
∑k−1 θ̈ 0 − a(M +m)+M
mgl(M +m)
a(M +m)+M ml2
ηm s=k−ηm η T (s)R0 η(s) ≥ ξiT (k)(F2i )T R0 F2i ξi (k),    0

 ẋ   
∑k−ηm −1 T  θ + 
a(M +m)+M ml2  u

−(τM − ηm ) s=k−τ η (s)R1 η(s) 0
∑k−ηM m −1 θ̇ ml
= −(τM − ηm ) s=k−τ T
(k) η (s)R1 η(s)
a(M +m)+M ml2
∑k−τ (k)−1 (26)
−(τM − ηm ) s=k−τM η T (s)R1 η(s) with M = 1.096kg, m = 0.109kg, l = 0.25m, g = 9.8m/s2 ,
[ ]T
M −ηm
≤ − ττ(k)−η ξ T
(k) [I n 0 n×n] F i
R1 [In 0n×n ]F i ξi (k) a = 0.0034kg · m2 and b = 0.1N/m/sec. In the model,
[ ]T x, θ, a and b represent cart position coordinate, pendulum
−ηm T
− ττMM−τ (k) ξi (k) [0n×n In ]F
R1 [0n×n In ]F i ξi (k) angle from vertical, the friction of the cart and inertia of the
≤ −ξi (k)(F ) ΦF ξi (k).
T i T i pendulum, respectively.
We choose a time Ts = 0.01s to discretize system (26)
The latter inequality holds for ηm < τ (k) < τM if (23) is and obtain the following discrete-time system model:
feasible [19]. For τ (k) = ηm or τ (k) = τM , the inequality  
∑k−ηm−1 T 1 0.01 0 0
−(τM −ηm ) s=k−τ η (s)R1η(s) ≤−ξiT (k)(F i )T ΦF i ξi (k)  0 0.9991 0.0063 0 
x(k + 1) = 
0.01 
M x(k)
0 0 1.0014
is still valid by the Jensen inequality. Then 0 −0.0024  0.2784 1.0014
∑N 0
Ṽ (k + 1)−λṼ (k)+(τM −ηm ) i=1 η T (k)CiT Gi Ci η(k)  0.0088 
∑N √ +
0.0001 
u(k), k ∈ Z+ .
+ l=1,l̸=i | Wl el (tp )|2
≤ ξiT (k)[Σi + (F0i )T HF0i − λτM (F i )T ΦF i ]ξi (k) ≤ 0.
The pendulum can be stabilized by a state feedback u(k) =
Hence, from Lemma 1, inequalities (14), (23) and (24) imply
Kx(k) with the gain K = [K1 K2 ]
(18) and (19). This completes the proof. [ ]
K = [K[ 1 K2 ], K1 = 7.7606] 14.6847 , (28)
Remark 3 The conditions of Theorem 1 possess one of 2n× K2 = −86.7306 −26.3029 ,
2n, N of 2ni × 2ni , N of (4n + ny − ni ) × (4n + ny − ni ), which leads to the closed-loop system having eigenvalues
i ∈ I, LMIs, and have the number 7n +5n+3N 2
ni (ni +1)
,i∈ {0.5374, 0.9860 + 0.0177i, 0.9860 − 0.0177i, 0.9924}.
I, of decision variables. Suppose that the spatially distributed components of the

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