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Final Note For Reaction N Acid Base N Element

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7C2: Revision Questions: Question Answer What is an element? A substance made of only one type of atom What is used to organise the elements? The periodic table What is a chemical symbol? The one or two letter code for an element What is an atom? The smallest part of an element that can exist Does one atom on its own have the properties of an element? No What is a compound? ‘Two or more different types of atom joined together ‘What molecules? ‘Atoms joined together ‘What happens to the chemical properties when atoms form compounds? The chemical properties change What is a chemical formula? Tr shows the relative numbers of each atom ina compound How many elements are there? 92+ 29 7C3: Revision Questions: Question Answer What is a chemical reaction? A change where atoms are rearranged to make new substances. What does reversible mean? Tis quite easy to go back to the starting conditions What are some signs of a chemical reaction? Flames, sparks, smells, temperature change, bangs, fizzing ‘Are all reactions fast? No, they go at different speeds What can be used to speed up a reaction? A catalyst What is special about a catalyst? Tt speeds up a reaction without being used up. What is a state change? A physical change What elements make up carbon dioxide? Carbon, oxygen What are the substances at the start of a Reactants chemical reaction called? What are the substances made by a chemical Products reaction called? Where do you put the reactants and products ina word equation? Reactants on the left Products on the right What is a fuel? ‘A material that burns to transfer energy by heating What is amore scientific word For burning? ‘Combustion What two products are made when a fuel burns Carbon dioxide and water What is a fossil fuel? Fuel made of dead organisms What does non-renewable mean? Cannot be replaced once they are used up Why might hydrogen be a good fuel? When it burns it only makes water ‘What does oxidation mean? ‘A reaction that adds oxygen to a substance What is thermal decomposition? Breaking up a compound by heating ‘What is made when a carbonate is heated? ‘An oxide and carbon dioxide are formed What is the test for carbon dioxide? Limewater turns cloudy What is a discrete variable? Can only have specific values What does conservation of mass mean? The total mass of the products is equal to the total mass of the reactants Why is Balancing equations important? Tr makes them obey conservation of mass What does exothermic mean? Gives out energy and gets hotter What does endothermic mean? Takes in energy and gets colder ‘What is a hazard? ‘A possible source of danger What is a risk The chance of damage or injury from a hazard 45 7C4: Revision Questions: Question ‘Answer 1 Give some examples of acids Hydrochloric acid (stomach acid), citric acid (lemon Juice), ethanoic acid (vinegar), sulphuric acid (battery acid) 2, What type of chemical is contained in liquid soap, oven cleaner and toothpaste? They contain alkalis 3. What does corrosive mean? Corrosive means a chemical could burn your skin and eyes. 4. Give two ways of controlling risks from corrosive solutions Wear eye protection; keep the solution off your skin. 5, Describe a concentrated acid solution ‘A concentrated acid solution contains a high number of acid particles in one litre of solution. 6. What is an indicator? ‘An indicator is a dye that turns a different colour in acidic and alkaline solutions. 7. What colour does red litmus paper turn when adding alkali? Red litmus turns blue on adding alkali 8, What colour does blue litmus paper turn when adding acid? Blue litmus turns red on adding acid, 9. What pH is neutral? What colour does Universal indicator turn in a neutral solution? pH7 is neutral, turns Universal indicator green. 10. What sort of chemical gives pH 14? What colour is this in Universal indicator? ‘A strong alkali would be pH 14, colour purple. 11, What sort of chemical gives pH 1? What colour is this in Universal indicator? A strong acid would be pH 1, colour red 12, Describe what neutral means. Neutral means that the solution is neither acidic nor alkaline, the pH is exactly 7. 13. Give a difference between a base and an alkali Alkalis are bases that dissolve in water. 14, Give the general word equation for an acid reacting with a base ‘Acid + base > salt + water 15. Give the general word equation for a acid reacting with a metal Metal + acid salt + Hydrogen 16. Describe the test for Hydrogen A lit splint makes a squeaky pop sound only when Hydrogen is present. 17. Give the name of the liquid that is collected when filtering a mixture. Filtrate. 18. Explain how to make salt crystals from an acid and a metal React an acid with a metal or base to give a salt Solution. Filter to remove excess metal or base. Heat the filtrate in an evaporating basin to remove the water. Leave the evaporating basin ina warm place to allow the rest of the water to evaporate. Crystals will remain. 56 19. What type of salt is given when sulphuric acid is used in the reaction? ‘Sulphate salt 20. What type of salt is given when Chloride salt hydrochloric acid is used in the reaction? 21. What type of salt is given when nitric acid | Nitrate salt is used in the reaction? 22, Give the name of the products when calcium oxide is reacted with hydrochloric acid Calcium chloride + water 23, What is the pH scale? The pH scale shows how acidic or alkaline a solution is, 24, Describe how neutralisation reactions can be helpful Neutralising bee/ wasp stings, neutralising soil to allow more plants to grow, neutralising lakes to enable more wildlife to live there, neutralising stomach acid 25. Which element do all acids contain? All.acids contain hydrogen. 26. Describe what a salt is. ‘A salt is a compound that forms when an acid reacts with a metal element or compound. The hydrogen atoms of the acid are replaced by atoms of the metal element. 18. Explain how to make magnesium chloride salt crystals from an acid and a metal. React magnesium, magnesium oxide or magnesium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid to give a magnesium, chloride solution, Filter to remove excess reactant. Heat the filtrate in an evaporating basin to remove the water. Leave the evaporating basin in a warm place to allow the rest of the water to evaporate. Magnesium chloride salt crystals will remain, 57

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