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The Most Serious Causes That Cause Heart Failure and Their Prevention

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Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Jul- Aug 2023 ISSN: 2660-4159

The Most Serious Causes That Cause Heart Failure and Their
1. Arifhodjaev Abdumutalib Abstract: We found that the prevalence of heart failure
with preserved ejection fraction among patients with a
discharge diagnosis of heart failure increased
Received 2nd May 2023, significantly from 1987 to 2001. The prevalence of
Accepted 3rd Jun 2023,
Online 4th Jul 2023 hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and diabetes increased
during the study period, while the prevalence of
coronary disease remained stable. Patients with
Andijan State Medical Institute,
preserved ejection fraction fared slightly better than
patients with reduced ejection fraction. However,
although survival improved during the study period
among patients with reduced ejection fraction, it did not
improve among patients with preserved ejection
Key words: Heart failure , patient, systolic, dystolic.

Heart failure has been classified as “diastolic” (preserved ejection fraction) or “systolic” (reduced
ejection fraction), but this nomenclature has become the subject of controversy. Because the recently
revised American College of Cardiology–American Heart Association guidelines for the diagnosis and
management of heart failure use the term “heart failure with preserved ejection fraction” rather than
“diastolic heart failure,” this terminology has been adopted here.
The increase in the prevalence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction over time noted in our
analysis has also been suggested by previous studies. A review of 31 studies of patients with heart
failure conducted from 1970 through 1995 noted that most studies (90 percent) involved patients who
had been referred for treatment and that the prevalence of preserved ejection fraction among patients
with heart failure ranged from 13 to 74 percent, with a median value of 40 percent.9 Subsequently, 12
community-based studies published from 1998 through 2003 found that the prevalence of preserved
ejection fraction among patients with heart failure ranged from 40 to 71 percent, with a mean of 54
percent. The difference between the average prevalence rates reported in the early referral-based
studies and those reported in the later community-based studies does suggest that the prevalence of
preserved ejection fraction among patients with heart failure has either increased over time or differs
between referral and community settings. Our findings, obtained with the use of consistent methods of

55 Published by “ CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES"

Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons
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CAJMNS Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Jul- Aug 2023
patient identification at a single center serving both referral and community patients over a 15-year
period, suggest that both factors are important.
A true increase in the age-specific prevalence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction could be
related to changes in associated cardiovascular disease in the population. In our analysis, the
prevalence of atrial fibrillation increased over time; this dysrhythmia is a common precipitant of acute
decompensation in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.The prevalence rates of
hypertension and diabetes mellitus, both of which are commonly associated with heart failure with
preserved ejection fraction, also increased significantly over time among patients with heart failure.
The observed increase in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction could also be a consequence of
changing physician behavior over time. The concept of “diastolic dysfunction” evolved markedly
during the study period, and it is likely that the propensity to diagnose heart failure with preserved
ejection fraction has evolved as well. The likelihood that this diagnosis will be made also depends to
some extent on the rigor with which other diagnoses are considered. Some patients admitted during the
early period of this study with symptoms of heart failure who were found to have preserved ejection
fraction might have been assigned a different diagnosis at discharge and would therefore not be
included in our data set. The prevalence of preserved ejection fraction among hospitalized patients
with heart failure from Olmsted County in 1991 (45 percent) was similar to that found in a study
conducted in Olmsted County in the same year that included both inpatients and outpatients (43
percent) however, similar reservations regarding diagnosis may apply to the outpatients in that report.
The survival rates of patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and of those with
preserved ejection fraction have been extensively studied and compared, with disparate conclusions.
Previous reviews noted the variation in findings of studies performed before 2001. More recent studies
also report variable findings.Six studies reported findings similar to ours, with time-specific hazard
ratios within approximately 10 percent of those in our study. These studies had a design similar to ours
— that is, they were single-center or single-region studies confined to patients hospitalized for heart
failure, measurements of ejection fraction were available for most of the patients, and all consecutive
patients for whom measurements of ejection fraction were available were included in the study. Eight
recent studies reported greater differences in survival between patients with reduced ejection fraction
and those with preserved ejection fraction than we found in our study. Most of these studies enrolled
outpatients, enrolled hospitalized patients who were not admitted specifically for heart failure, did not
include all consecutive patients admitted for heart failure, or included a much smaller percentage of
consecutive patients with heart failure than we did, because of the lack of echocardiographic data.
The methodologic differences described above may have resulted in cohorts of patients with preserved
ejection fraction who had much milder heart failure than did patients with reduced ejection fraction. In
contrast, we enrolled patients with reasonably uniform symptom status (i.e., their symptoms were
sufficiently severe that they were hospitalized for heart failure). The diagnosis of heart failure in
patients with preserved ejection fraction and milder symptoms not requiring hospital admission raises
concern about the possible misdiagnosis of heart failure and about comparisons between cohorts of
patients with heart failure of different severity. On the other hand, our requirement that patients be
hospitalized emphasized the prognosis of patients who had reached a somewhat advanced stage in
their illness and did not permit us to incorporate the natural history of heart failure with preserved
ejection fraction from the time of first diagnosis until the need for hospitalization.

56 Published by “ CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES"

Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons
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CAJMNS Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Jul- Aug 2023
Community-based studies suggest that overall survival among patients with heart failure is
improving. We found a trend toward improved overall survival that did not achieve statistical
significance. However, among patients with reduced ejection fraction, survival improved significantly
over time, whereas there was no trend toward improvement among patients with preserved ejection
fraction. These observations suggest that improvement over time in the survival of broader populations
of patients with heart failure may be due primarily to improvement among those with reduced ejection
fraction. Although several interventions known to improve survival among patients with reduced
ejection fraction were introduced into clinical practice during the study period, no agents have been
proven to improve survival among patients with preserved ejection fraction. Thus, it is not unexpected
that survival among patients with preserved ejection fraction did not change significantly over the
study period.
This study is subject to the limitations inherent in retrospective studies. Restriction to patients with
DRG code 127 provides a potential for bias based on coding practices. The absence of ejection-
fraction data from some patients could have affected the absolute prevalence of heart failure with
preserved ejection fraction as well as secular trends (although the proportion of patients who
underwent echocardiography was stable during the study period). Restriction of the study to
hospitalized patients might have introduced bias, since the results from this population may not reflect
larger trends in disease prevalence in the community. We were not able to take into account any
possible evolution of the diagnostic behavior of physicians. Our data may not reflect secular trends
among patients with different racial or ethnic, regional, or socioeconomic backgrounds.
The increase in the prevalence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction over time and the
stability in the rates of death from this condition underscore the importance of studies to determine the
pathophysiology of this form of heart failure and develop therapeutic stategies against it. Indeed,
should these trends be confirmed and should they continue, heart failure with preserved ejection
fraction may become the most common form of heart failure. Because no proven therapy for heart
failure with preserved ejection fraction currently exists, there is a need for coordinated efforts to
address this growing problem.
Supported by grants from the Miami Heart Research Institute and the National Institutes of Health
(T32-HL07111-27, HL64112, AR30582, and HL72435).
Dr. Redfield reports having received grant support from Biosite, Scios, Medtronic, Guidant, Alteon,
and St. Jude Medical. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

57 Published by “ CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES"

Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
CAJMNS Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Jul- Aug 2023
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58 Published by “ CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES"

Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit

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