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Peace Journalist Oct 2016 Web

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• PJ training at Nigerian university

• Reports from Macedonia, Germany,

Austria, Pakistan, Spain, Liberia

• Sahar Speaks program in Afghanistan


Practicing reconciliation journalism in

South Sudan
A publication of the Center for Global Peace Journalism at Park University Vol 5 No. 2 - October 2016
October 2016
3 South Sudan 16 Afghanistan By Gloria Laker
Radio journalists gather in Juba Sahar Speaks empowers women

The Peace Journalist is a semi-

5 Journalist refugees 17 PJ Textbook
annual publication of the Center One reporter’s journey to Uganda PJ Principles and Practice
for Global Peace Journalism at Park
University in Parkville, Missouri. The 9 Europe 18 Liberia
Peace Journalist is dedicated to dis- Reports from 2 PJ conferences PJ training targets youngsters

10 Macedonia 20 Peace News

seminating news and information
for teachers, students, and practi-
tioners of PJ. PJ not sufficiently known Platform challenges old methods
Submissions are welcome from all.
We are seeking shorter submissions
11 Pakistan 22 Mozambique
(300-500 words) detailing peace Balanced reporting needed Research on media practice
At the PJ workshops in Juba, journalists produce their reconciliation themed
journalism projects, classes, propos-
als, etc. We also welcome longer
12 Germany/Austria 24 Spain radio stories (left), and discuss peace reporting guidelines during class.
Enhancing reporting on refugees Corresponsales de Paz launches
South Sudanese utilize media for reconciliation
submissions (800-1200 words)
about peace or conflict sensitive
journalism projects or programs, as
well as academic works from the By Gloria Laker program, Viable Support to Transition ism isn’t in vain, and reporters are
field. We do NOT seek general sub- and Stability (VISTAS). optimistic they are now in a better
A long-awaited peace journalism proj- position to play a constructive role
missions about peace projects, but ect was launched in Juba, South Sudan To the journalists who attended, the in contributing to ending the South
are instead focused only on articles amidst demand for peace reporting project is timely. Attendees were from Sudan conflict using the peace jour-
with a strong media angle. in the continent to counter increasing throughout South Sudan, including nalism approach. One of journalists
violence in many African countries. war-torn regions. Most of the partici- who prefers that his name not be
Deadlines: March 7 (April edition); pants had to fly in to Juba because
September 7 (October edition). 14 Nigeria The May 2016 peace journalism
launch in South Sudan kicked off with
the roads were too dangerous due to
robbers and combatants.
used explained, “ I now have enough
information on how to report that I
Training at American University can contribute to peace in my country
Editor: Steven Youngblood, Director, the training of over 40 pioneer peace without compromising the principles
Center for Global Peace Journalism, journalists in two separate seminars The participants were enthusiastic of good journalism.”
Park University
Proofreading: Dr. Carol Getty
What is Peace Journalism? in Juba focused on ‘peace, recon-
ciliation, and unity’ spearheaded by
about peace journalism. “This is my
first time to attend a peace focused A section of the participants who pre-
Peace Journalism is when editors and reporters make choices that improve the international peace journalism trainer journalism class and I just realized viously covered the conflict also agree
Contact/Social Media: prospects for peace. These choices, including how to frame stories and care- Steven Youngblood, director of the that I can do a lot to make my country with their fellow journalists that for fully choosing which words are used, create an atmosphere conducive to peace Center for Global Peace Journalism more peaceful and a safe place to live decades, the need for peace journal-
Twitter-@Peace Journ and supportive of peace initiatives and peacemakers, without compromising at Park University in USA. The project in,” said Anthony Ayella, who heads a ism was high in the world’s youngest
Facebook-Peace Journalism group the basic principles of good journalism. (Adapted from Lynch/McGoldrick, was held in partnership with the As- radio station in Mangui. nation because peace journalism can
Center for Global Peace Peace Journalism). Peace Journalism gives peacemakers a voice while making sociation for Media Development in help communities dialogue on issues
South Sudan (AMDISS) and the Peace Although in July violence broke out around peace building.
Journalism, Park University peace initiatives and non-violent solutions more visible and viable. shortly after the two seminars were
Journalism Foundation of East Africa.
8700 NW River Park Dr
Center for Global Peace Journalism It was supported by a USAID-funded held, the birth of peace journal- During the trainings, Youngblood
Parkville, Missouri 64152 USA
encouraged the reporters to do their
The Center for Global Peace Journalism works with journalists, academics, best to inform the world on the situ-
and students worldwide to improve reporting about conflicts, societal unrest, Gloria Laker Is the founding director of the Peace ation in South Sudan despite facing
reconciliation, solutions, and peace. Through its courses, workshops, lectures, Journalism Foundation of East Africa, based in Kampala, numerous challenges such as fear,
magazine (The Peace Journalist), blog, and other resources, the Center encour- Uganda. A former war reporter during the LRA conflict, insecurity, and intimidation. These fac-
ages media to reject sensational and inflammatory reporting, and produce Laker was recently recognized by the BBC’s “Outlook tors, coupled with a lack of training,
Inspirations” program. often have resulted in South
counter-narratives that offer a more nuanced view of those who are marginal-
A Park University Publication
ized—ethnic/racial/religious minorities, women, youth, and migrants. Continued on next page
pg 2 Vol 5, No 2 pg 3
October 2016

South Sudan from Pg 3 SPECIAL REPORT:

Sudanese journalists producing one
sided stories, and mostly quoting
people from different ethnic groups
celebrate together.
Journalist as refugee: The flight to Uganda
only one official source or “side” to By Steven Youngblood
the story. Youngblood called for the Speaking at the closure of the semi-
nar, AMDISS chairman Alfred Taban A staggering 21.3 million people worldwide are refugees, half of whom are under the age of 18, according to the UN
application of peace journalism by High Commission for Refugees. There is no database that tracks the exact number of journalists worldwide who are
all the journalists in South Sudan and appealed to the pioneer peace jour-
nalists to form a peace journalism club refugees. Or at least, there is no longer such a database that is compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists
Africa at large saying the media can
for South Sudan which they can use (CPJ), according to CPJ Editorial Director Elana Beiser. This is because of “the extreme difficulty of getting informa-
be the best tool if carefully used in
to encourage peace reporting. He said tion that is comprehensive or at least reflective of global trends,” according to Beiser.
ending the South Sudan conflict.
the media in general is a powerful tool
AMDISS program officer, Ms. Irene in uniting and reconciling people and That said, the CPJ still works diligently to assist refugee reporters. According to a report published in 2015 at cpj.
Ayaa, agreed. She urged reporters to its much needed in South Sudan. org, “Since March 2011, CPJ has helped 101 Syrian journalists going into exile; in the past five years, the country has
utilize the peace journalism materi- seen more journalists flee than any other country in the world… The Syrians reported for local media centers, news
als well and be able to balance their According to the Committee to websites, regional outlets, and international publications, covering daily life inside the country as well as the con-
stories as they cover South Sudan. Protect Journalists/Freedom House’s flict. They did this work at no small risk: Syria has been the most deadly country for journalists for three consecutive
report on South Sudanese media, six years.” (
The two seminars included the basics journalists were killed in South Sudan by the rebels to trigger abuses such refugee-day.php) In fact, according to the CPJ, 101 Syrian journalists have been killed since 1992. (
of peace journalism as well as an last year, making South Sudan one of as rape of women. Attendees agreed killed/mideast/syria/)
in-depth examination of media as a the world’s most dangerous countries that PJ can be used to prevent media
peacebuilding tool. Toward that end, for journalists to work in. The report induced violence. Aside from Syria, one might reasonably speculate that there are also large numbers of refugee journalists from other
journalists were sent into the field also cites a recent “crackdown on war torn countries as well, including Yemen, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan. In South Sudan,
to produce reconciliation-themed media resulting in the closure of two With the launch of a peace journal- journalists suffer not only from the ongoing conflict, but also from deadly attacks wherein 7 journalists were mur-
stories. Stories produced included English Language publications by the ism project in South Sudan and the dered in 2015, at least 5 in direct retaliation for their work, according to the CPJ.
ones about people who have solved National Security.” active engagement of the journalists
land or cattle disputes; about farmers based on field reporting exercise, it As the violence flared again in and
who are re-starting their lives after The launch of peace journalism in is clear that peace journalism can be around Juba in July 2016, one jour-
the war; about those struggling to South Sudan will help prevent a re- well practiced in South Sudan, and nalist, who we’ll call Robert, decided
find jobs, especially women; about peat of the 2014 incidences in which that many more such trainings are still that the risk of staying in South
war-fueled divorces; and how regular radio in a number of places was used needed. Sudan had become too great for him
and his family. In August, Robert,
with financial assistance from sev-
eral friends/sponsors in the U.S., un-
dertook a journey from the turmoil
in South Sudan to the relative safety
of neighboring Uganda.

The emails below, printed with Rob-

ert’s permission, reflect his journey,
and struggle, as he relocated his
Radio journalists nine family members to Uganda.
analyze stories for They are presented in chronological
reconciliation content
order from June through August.
at the PJ workshops in
Juba in May. June--
--Hi Steve, The family of radio journalist “Robert” gets ready to flee to Uganda. (Faces
blurred for anonymity).
I hope God will listene to my cry
through our joint struggles. In Africa
it is very difficult to get such chances with the current crisis, especially in South Sudan, where tribalism, nepotism,
and sectarianism is very high and people like us who comes from the minority group definitely suffer.

--Here we are fine except that the security situation in the country is so scaring.
Continued on next page

pg 4 Vol 5, No 2 pg 5
October 2016 October 2016

Journalist, refugee from Pg 5 Journalist, refugee from Pg 6

Am sorry to have delayed writing to you just because the current political situation in the country has made it very clearance fees for my nine family members whom you people have helped to evacuate from the war torn country of
difficult for smooth running of every program in South Sudan. As I talk now almost all NGO has evacuated their staff South Sudan.
and most offices are closed. As such we are badly lacking Internet today. I have succeeded through a narrow chance.
Currently my family are ok but we have got stuck because (the NGO that finances my radio station) has not given a I was detained with the whole family the whole day on date 25/08/2016 and was threatened to be taken back to
new contract to our station and we do not know yet the fate of the radio station. We are entirely depend on the do- South Sudan not until I paid 1,320,000 UGX ($391) to the police who did not even write any document reflecting the
nation from (the NGO) and we have now stayed for three months without salary. Otherwise the situation is tough and amount of money paid to their office but only to released the family late evening making us to travel in the night
hunger is looming in the country and many people have now left South Sudan for Uganda . I wanted to evacuate the yesterday.
family but I have got stuck due to financial constraint.
On a sad note my mother has devel-
August— oped mental problems as a result of
--(After Robert has received word that a small group of Americans is willing to financially sponsor his flight to Ugan- frustration and bulling that we expe-
da). For us we are worried for fear of attack and renewed clashes between government forces and forces loyal to rienced at the border, coupled with
the former vice President Dr. Riek Machar. Today Tuesday 02/08/2016, I just read your messages the willingness (of the situation we are in right now, In
sponsors) to help me get out of South Sudan. I strongly welcomed and appreciate this idea and good heart for the fact, it was beautiful when I received
support (the donors) would like to give me in order to save my life and that of my family to get out from this danger. I the money hoping to cater for many
welcomed it with all my soul. At the moment for me to get out of South Sudan together with my family it will approxi- things, but now the situation has
mately take up to 800 USD to hire a vehicle that will take me and my family to (a) district in Uganda and also feed on it changed with all the bad luck we
for sometimes. have experienced. My mother is in
poor health status as I write now...
--(Robert has gone to Uganda alone to first scout out the situation and seek housing for his family.)
It has been very hectic the whole day today. When I moved around looking for a house to rent in (a village in Uganda) Today when I presented my family
but have not managed to get one for rent. I still hope God will help me find one that I could be renting for the family. members to be reunited with me to
Generally, the situation is tough as I continue to look for a place for the family. Life is tough in (this village) because of get refugee status, people working in
the influx of the South Sudanese refugees who are everywhere in all major towns of Uganda, and this has made rent the office of the deputy camp com-
very expensive in Uganda even in remote places like (this). I will communicate to you any latest development should mandant are demanding money. I
any development come our way. truly do not know how other jour-
nalists from this country of Ugandan
--I’m traveling to the border today 23/08/2016 to bring my family for family reunion after I have rented a house in can come in to help the situation? A small dwelling being built in Uganda by “Robert” for his family.
(a village). Indeed, I have found it very difficult and expensive to plan everything ie rent, feeding, transport, accom- In fact it has now become worse in
madation and border clearance. As such, I have reported myself to the office of the prime minister in Uganda and am this refugee camp since on the first day I entered the camp. What I saw I could not be able to explain all thing here.
registered as a refugee and am yet to Other South Sudanese have made their way back to South Sudan promising to go and die in their country with gun
bring my family for reunion. Out of other than being undermined in this country.
the money sent I have rented a house
in (a) in a Ugandan district) and have (Later)-Am now reunited with family. This was after direct talk to the settlement commandant who then considered
also got some plot of land and rais- the case after he had also seen the condition of my mother.
ing some temporary building for the
I hope this will push the family to another step in (our new home) and perhaps, my prayer could be if God will help
family because it very expensive to
mom to get some treatment here in Uganda to get better.
rent Uganda due to the influx of the
refugees in Uganda. …I would rate all of the people who came for my help as lifetime friends. I hope we shall be talking more as I have
already made one of the most challenging tasks i.e. registration in the camp.”
--Thanked God I have arrived this
afternoon 26/08/2016 in (a town in In his last email to me, at least for the time being, he said, “It was a long journey we live to remember.”
Uganda) after a long detention by the
Ugandan police at the boarder point IN THE NEXT PEACE JOURNALIST, we’ll profile of, which, accord-
of Elegu between Elegu and Gulu in ing to their website, is “an act of empowerment. is a TV station
a place called Atiak since Thursday Steven Youngblood is editor of designed by refugees in cooperation with a German/Austrian film team. The
25/08/2016. the Peace Journalist magazine,
reporters of came to Europe as refugees. Amongst the refugees
director of the Center for Global
are many skilled workers, some filmmakers, journalists (etc.). Many refugees
It was surprising to me as a refugee Peace Journalism at Park Univer-
had to flee their home country because they were putting the spotlight on
“Robert” and his family pack for the move to Uganda. (Faces blurred for to be demanded 550 USD as border sity, and author of “Peace Journal-
ism Principles and Practice.” problems and injustices in their home countries. provides them a
anonymity) platform to continue their passionate work.” (
Continued on next page

pg 6 Vol 5, No 2 pg 7
October 2016

IAMCR hosts peacebuilding, PJ session in Leicester
Refugee journalist By Dov Shinar
theory (pre-recorded), and Robert the Peace Journalism experience tor
A session on “Peace Journalism and
reports from Peace Building: Theory and Practice Hackett, (Simon Fraser University,
Canada) explored the relevance of
dealing with other problems, such as
the climate crisis.
for the 21st Century,” dedicated to the
Ugandan camp memory of Majid Tehranian, was held
Getting refugee status in (a Ugandan) at the 2016 conference of the Inter-
refugee camp has become a tag of national Association for Media and
war as many South Sudanese lined Communication Research (IAMCR) at
up for complains to the office of the the University of Leicester, UK (July
settlement commandant on Monday 27-31). A Renaissance-type scholar,
5/09/2016. Majid was active in major social and
communication issues, using a deep
Thousands of South Sudanese have humanist orientation to become a
been forced to leave the camp after loyal friend and supporter of Peace
several failed attempts to register, Journalism.
and many have moved back to South
Sudan due to hunger and failing to Following this spirit, and in the
register themselves. presence of family members, panelists
and some 50 participants from all
The suffering which many South Suda- continents engaged in reconsidering
nese have blamed on the leadership changes in the Peace Journalism The PJ and Peacebuilding session audience at IAMCR in Leicester, UK in July.
of South Sudan government which premises and strategies offered by
they said have served the interest of
their own while ignoring the welfare
Johan Galtung and his disciples.
Zurich seminar features ‘Reviving PJ’
of their citizens. Background issues included the
changing global environments, By Dov Shinar
Photos: Top right is a photograph of newer technologies, social networks Reviving peace journalism with 21st century technologies and social networks
some South Sudanese lining up to and action structures. Dov Shinar, was discussed at ETH-Zurich on Sept. 9.
struggle for registration. from Hadassah Academic College,
Israel (Chair) looked at the impact of Johan Galtung’s peace journalism seminal model, and the efforts invested in
Middle right is a refugee market in the technology its implementation through traditional media (print, radio TV) in the last 50
refugee camp with almost nothing to and social years, was presented, evaluated, and followed by discussion and case studies
sell to thousands of refugees in the reorganization on the promising impact that 21 st century communication technologies and
camp. on Peace social media can have in order to improve the model and its applications.
Journalism; Threats to peace journalism by 21st century communication technologies
Lower right are South Sudanese refu- Wilhelm Kempf, from the University and social networks was also discussed. Outputs included exchange of
gees lining up for meal cards in the of Konstanz, Germany, and Editor, information and development of strategies for adapting peace journalism
refugee settlement camp in Uganda. Conflict and Communication Online, to 21st century realities; warning of threats to PJ by newer technologies and
reflected on the dangers of Peace social environments; and academic
EDITOR’S NOTE: Story and photos by and applied teaching and learning
Journalism (pre-recorded); Lea
“Robert,” a South Sudanese radio jour- materials.
Mandelzis from Kinneret Academic
nalist who has asked that his name,
College, Israel, offered critical Professor Dov Shinar (left, at ETH in
and his exact location, not be used for
insights into cultural forces, theories, Zurich), PhD. is Head of the Public
the protection of his family.
and concepts of Peace and Peace Diplomacy Program at the Depart-
Journalism; Steven Youngblood, ment of Politics and Communica-
from the Center for Global Peace tion at Hadassah Academic College
Journalism at Park University, US; and in Jerusalem, Professor Emeritus
editor The Peace Journalist Magazine, from Ben Gurion University in Israel
presented cases of adapting and and Concordia University in
Implementing Peace Journalism Montreal, Canada.
pg 8 Vol 5, No 2 pg 9
October 2016 October 2016

PJ “not sufficiently known” in Macedonia Balanced reporting needed on Pakistan nukes

By Ruqiya Anwar Tutor
By Marina Tuneva Reporting of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal
Marina Tuneva is a Doctor of Cul- Pakistan’s nuclear program was Active PJ is needed to
The 2001 armed conflict in Macedonia was one of the most exploited topics uses the war journalism approach.
in the media in the country, both throughout its duration and after the signing
tural Studies, and has a PhD degree established by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in Hence in this scenario, balanced counter sensational
on “The Role of Communication the year 1972. Later on, Dr. Abdul
of the Ohrid Framework Agreement in August the same year, which officially
Strategies”. She has an MA degree
reporting and active peace journal- reporting...
ended the conflict. Media extensively covered activities of different actors, both Qadeer Khan brought some significant ism is needed to counter sensational
in Diplomacy at the University of technological changes to this pro- that are in place to anticipate any
national and international, aimed at mediation and resolution of the conflict. reporting of this sensitive issue. Media threat to its nuclear arsenal.
Malta, an MA degree in Peace gramme. On May 28, 1998 Pakistan
While recognizing the important role media play in a particular conflict, it coverage does not reflect the diver-
seemed to be important to also analyze the ways in which media portrayed Studies at the announced five successful nuclear sity of opinion and it has negatively The international media needs to
activities of the international community, as a powerful actor in conflict University St. tests in response to the five Indian impacted perceptions about Pakistan’s enlarge the range of stakeholders by
resolution in Macedonia. Cyril and Meth- nuclear tests. Since then, Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. Hence, opportunities engaging political parties, Pakistani
odius in Skopje. nuclear arsenal has been the subject for peace journalism in reporting on leadership, policy makers, and repre-
The importance of media in shaping of the modern conflict is often misunder- She is Execu- of deep concern from both Indian and issues relating to Pakistan’s arsenal sentatives of other countries having
stood, similarly as the ways in which they can assist in setting of the scene for tive Director of international media. are strongly recommended. Likewise, reservations over Pakistan’s nuclear
peace. Peace journalism is a concept that tries to look behind the positions of the Council of there is a necessity to probe deeper
Mainstream U.S. and Indian print arsenal and other actors by providing
the warring parties and present all parties and their interests. Media Ethics of into the matter and bring into lime-
media, including newspapers like them equal time and space. Whereas,
Macedonia. light the realities of its command and
As there is no scientific record until now about the portrayal of international the Washington Post and Hindustan the U.S. and Indian media on this
Times, have generally held a nega- control system and variety of legisla- issue need to have balanced report-
community during the armed conflict in the country, the concept of peace journalism and its standard were used as a
tive view of Pakistan nuclear arsenal. tions that exist to deal with the safety ing. Moreover, media should try to
basis to analyze the coverage of its activities related to conflict resolution. At the same time, there has been no research
Analysis of their editorial content and security in the strategic field. find ways of reporting on the invis-
in the country about the observance of peace journalism standards in media’s reporting in general.
shows that much of the discourse on ible effects, since derogatory report-
Peace Journalism challenges the ing tries to destabilize Pakistan and
This article presents the main findings of the research on media coverage of international actors in the daily Dnevnik in Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal revolves dominant news sources. A Peace Jour- more specifically its nuclear deterrent
2001. It also presents the findings from the research on the awareness about peace journalism concept from today’s per- around certain themes, such as, ter- nalist is supposed to be aware of the capability. Furthermore, media report-
spective and its application in today’s media practice, especially in cases of conflicts of various kinds, as well as in times rorist may attack Pakistan’s nuclear heaviness of the matter and the ways ing should pick up and explore peace
of tensions and incidents. installations, or, nuclear facilities may that can hypothetically affect their initiatives in this scenario.
be taken over by radical groups. Over- professional obligations, while report-
The most observed standards of peace journalism in the articles analyzed in Dnevnik, as indicated in the graph, are as fol- all, the print media of U.S. and India
lows: Alternative ideas for conflict resolution, objectives of the parties involved, and background/history provided. ing on this issue. Peace journalism Doing peace journalism is probably
defines Pakistan’s nuclear programme aims at reporting on the important most difficult on this issue but not
One party in the conflict was more often mentioned as a source of the problem rather than the conflict itself. Conflicts as a threat for regional security. and neglected aspects of an issue. impossible. As, the journalists many
are often presented as a collision between two parties This way, the neglected perspectives face immense pressure from the state
because things are seen in “black and white.” Even though Ruqiya Anwar of this issue and the realization to agents and policy makers and more
editors who took part in the research agree that media Tutor is an MS accompaniment them with more in- importantly from the market forces
should have presented all parties in the conflict and their Scholar of Media novative strategies. Better reporting to come up with sensational news on
demands, still this is not a case in the media coverage of Studies at Riphah would analyze the responsible aspects Pakistan’s nuclear programme. While
the armed conflict in 2001. This is a practice is present International Uni- of Pakistan as a nuclear power, their reporting on this sensitive issue, jour-
today. versity of Pakistan. policy of restraint, how they avoid an nalist must be aware of these pres-
arms race in the region, and Pakistan’s sures and the way these affect their
There is also a sharp distinction between “Us” and sysetm of strong controls and checks professional values.

“Them”. Invisible consequences of violence, such as trau-
ma and psychological damage, were rarely reported. The from Pg 10
“Other” usually started the problems and is to be blamed
and the practice confirmed their insufficient observance. In the context of our analysis we came to a conclusion that the
for the conflict. Media mostly describe the oppression,
continuous representation of a group of international actors, who often appeared on the scene with certain attitudes
suffering ,and fears of only one party in the conflict. The
and activities, were portrayed as a suitable source of information on issues related to the armed conflict in the country.
coverage is frequently one-sided. This is also often the
By selecting certain facts or frequent mentioning of certain ideas or solutions, even through the voice of the “Other”, an
case in today’s coverage of incidents, conflicts of various
agenda, image, or perception is imposed upon the public. Thus, journalism is practically put in support of their initiatives,
kinds, and tensions across communities.
which in turn may affect the objectivity and balance of coverage.
The language of victimization was often used, such as the words ‘powerless’, ‘destroyed’, ‘helpless’ ‘pathetic’ ‘tragedy’,
The concept of peace journalism implies that journalists are seen as active participants in the search for detailed infor-
etc; or a demonizing language (‘brutal’, ‘cruel’, ‘extremists’, ‘fanatics’, ‘fundamentalists’).
mation explaining the conflict. Thus, it not sufficient if journalists only provide chronicles of the events and develop-
A common conclusion is that standards of peace journalism have not been sufficiently known to journalists and editors ments during the conflict and, in the context of our analysis, the activities of the international actors. In fact, peace
journalism is a concept that challenges the dominant news values and routines in reporting conflicts and focuses on the
Continued on next page opportunities for transformation of professional routines.
pg 10 Vol 5, No 2 pg 11
October 2016 October 2016

Responsible refugee reporting Germany, Austria from Pg 12

takes hold in Germany, Austria

years she couldn’t get pregnant but and enjoy back in Syria, they all con-
when she did, she knew the best deci- tinue to laugh and smile at each other.
sion was to protect her 1 year child Remarkably enough, these families
it as much as other refugees might. and give to her a safer place to grow that I encountered all had one other
By Steven Youngblood
and live. “We have to live day by day thing in common: the learning of the
The Center for Global Peace Jour- The truth is they are just trying to
and then we’ll see,” she said. German language. These families
nalism conducted peace journalism survive and live normal lives like any
were not just learning German, but
seminars designed to improve refugee other family in Salzburg. They all just
want to go home when it is all over,
From Syria to Salzburg: they had the will to learn this incred-
reporting in Germany and Austria in ibly difficult language. In fact, when
May and early June. and I think we non-refugees tend to Learning Through the
they spoke, it would sometimes be a
forget that. Language of Mozart mix of both Arabic and German. I’ll
Seminars were held at Munichen Wer- By Cynthia Springer label it as Garabic. Their current goal
marcht Universitie (Munich Army Uni- Dreaming about the future here: to learn the language and be
vesity); Ludwig Maximilians Univer- By Barbara Santos Fifty. The amount of people living
within this unfamiliar housing unit able to work in this country. Anarazn’s
sitat (Munich); University of Salzburg
Samar from Syria, currently living in (within a church compound) along children, all of whom are 13, 12, 9, 8,
(Austria); and University of Klagenfurt
Salzburg with a Turkish family, aban- the Salzach River of Salzburg. Eight. and 3 years old, are currently attend-
(Austria). In Salzburg, meetings were
doned her country seven months ago The number of families residing in this ing a school here in Salzburg where
also held with the local organization of
to seek for a safer life and more easily specific accommodation that have they learn German, English, and Ara-
women journalists.
persue her dreams. fled from their home countries of the bic. When asked her age, the twelve-
In Salzburg, the highlight of the work- Middle East for a safer life in Austria. year-old daughter giggled and said,
shop was a visit by the participating More than 40,000 refugees went to Five. The number of children that “Ich bin zwolf jahre alt!”
students to a Syrian refugee family Austria since 2015 to find a better life, Anarazn* raises with her husband in
where they can have the chance of Although these families are not able
who was living in a church near down- hopes her kids will live a successful,
freedom. But they now fear the choice to work legally, they most certainly
town Salzburg. The students were comfortable life.
of being in a place they thought was work hard in establishing themselves
then tasked with producing a peace
the best option for them because the For Anarazn, being a housewife has within the Austrian culture and
journalism style story that reflected
Austria minister wants to send immi- always been her purpose in life. It was system. They do not want to take the
“No person
a counter narrative—a different style
grants back. her job in Syria, and it’s her current government’s money and live off of
and tone of reporting about Syrians.
job now. For her husband, he is un- it; but rather make a life of their own
Here are several student stories.
is illegal”
Salzburg is one of the cities where able to work due his current status as and surpass the language barrier.
Reporter’s Notebook you can see and meet refugees. In a a migrant and Austrian law. The jour-
church that gives asylum to 50 refu- As welcoming the Austrian people
By Olivia Skoglund ney from Syria to Salzburg, of course, have made these families feel, Anara- A few days prior to a PJ lecture at
gees you can feel their happiness but strenuous. All in all, it took her family the University of Klagenfurt in June,
when you talk with them about home zn had stated that Syria will always be
Yesterday I discovered the refugees one whole month to travel between a far right wing group stormed
(country), you can see sadness in their and feel like her true home. Yet, she
are not here to stay. They actually the two countries, let alone the 21 into a lecture hall at the university,
eyes. And if this war ever ends they and her family continue to make the
don’t want to be here forever. If they days from Turkey to Salzburg. The disrupting a discussion about refu-
want to go back to their lives and most out of their experience here in
could go anywhere in the world, it family travelled by boat and by walk- gees. The group, The Identitarians,
country. Salzburg by attending these language
would be Syria, the place where many ing, all through Greece, Macedonia, barged in wearing masks, wielding
courses and immersing themselves
of them grew up, where their friends Turkey, Serbia and Hungary until they a bullhorn, and held up a large sign
“I want to learn the language and as much as they can in a country that
and families still reside, their home. had finally reached Austria. stating that “Integration is a lie,”
provide education to my children,” is currently growing stronger in their
Jamila said. right-wing views. and scuffled with the university’s
When the president is gone, they But why Austria? Why not the country president and some students.
want to go back. Living in Salzburg for- of Turkey, which constantly accepts
Although they fear to move from Salz- Six. The amount of years I, myself,
ever was never the plan. The parents thousands of refugees and migrants A response to this—a rally in sup-
burg to another country, that doesn’t have been taking German as a foreign
want to find jobs while they are here, seeking sanctuary? For one, Anarazn port of refugees—was held a few
stop them of dreaming about their language and yet, this hospitable
and they only “want what’s best for had stated it’s because “the situa- days later, during a symposium on
future. Dreams that start with being a Syrian family probably knows more
their children.” One mother even said tion in Austria is more calmer” than media and refugees. See photos
hairstylist to a makeup artist to being Deutsch than me within their nine
she turned down donations on several anywhere else they had chosen to above. Titled “Solidarity with Refu-
able to work in their second home months of living in Austria.
occasions because they did not need stay. Despite the struggles of not be- gees,” the event featured speeches
ing in their home country anymore, *Name Changed from refugees, administrators, and
At peace journalism workshops at they seem to have adapted well into
A woman left Syria because for 12 students. One sign at the rally said,
LMU in Munich (top two) and the the classical city of Salzburg. They still “No person is illegal.”
University of Salzburg (bottom), May, Continued on next page make the foods that they used to eat
pg 12 Vol 5, No 2 pg 13
October 2016 October 2016

AUN workshop trains Nigerian journalists Nigeria training from Pg 14

“People can contest your facts; people can contest your data; people can contest your arguments, no matter how well
By CMD Media Team laid (out) they are, but the fact is that no one can argue with a true story,” Jacob stressed.
The United States Embassy in Abuja and the American Uni-
Usman, who agreed that stories are everywhere, urged participants to tell stories with professionalism in order for the
versity of Nigeria, AUN, have trained 56 Nigerian journalists
stories to be impactful.
on Peace Journalism as an alternative to conventional news
reportage. “There are stories everywhere. But the way journalists tell stories as professionals is what makes the stories authentic,
believable, and impactful.”
The two-day training workshop, which held between Tues-
day, May 31 and Wednesday, June 1 at the AUN’s Robert A. She drew on the ‘Girl Rising’ documentary videos to demonstrate effective storytelling with real-life videos of young girls
Pastor and E-Learning Center, saw the journalists undergo a who overcame their dire situations to achieve an education.
series of practical training sessions on Principles and Practice
of Peace Journalism, Ethics and Coverage of Violence, Sensi- In the closing discussion, Provost of AUN, Prof. LeGene Quesenberry, thanked the facilitators, the US Embassy and partici-
tive Interview Techniques, Transmedia Storytelling, Coping pants, adding that AUN would help the participants in their peace journalism undertakings.
Mechanisms for Emotional Distress, and Risk Assessment and Prof. Matloff, Mr. Socha, Prof. Jacob, and Ms. Usman at
Situational Awareness. AUN-Nigeria. “Thank you all for being here. Give us your suggestions, and please come back again. Tell us what you need, and AUN will
do what it can to support you.”
Declaring the workshop open, AUN President, Dr. Margee
Ensign, and US Embassy Public Affairs Officer, Mr. Larry Socha, charged participants to use their stories as building blocks Participants were given certificates and encouraged to join the emerging Peace Journalists Network, a US Embassy-AUN
for peace. initiative, which in addition to propagating Peace Journalism across the country, hopes to institute an annual award for
The Peace Journalist of the Year.
Dr. Ensign emphasized that as Africa’s development university, AUN is fully committed to working with journalists and
international partners to tell stories of peace and reconciliation. One of the participants, Mr. Arukaino Umukoro, a senior correspondent in the Punch newspapers, who attended the
workshop from Lagos, said that it was a revelation and a veritable platform to network with journalists who report on
In his remarks, Mr. Socha noted that technology has remarkably changed journalism. While technology has various desir- conflicts.
able purposes, he said, they could also speedily multiply the distribution of false information and cause chaos.
“The US Embassy-AUN Workshop on Peace Journalism was a rewarding experience of learning a different field in journal-
“Your role is more important now than ever. It is your unique role as inform not inflame. There are mil- ism and news reporting.
lions of stories to be told. And my hope is that our work at this workshop can help us tell them better,” he said.
“It, also, was a fantastic opportunity to
Facilitators at the workshop were Professor Judith Matloff of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, Ms. Rakiya network with other journalists cover-
Usman, a producer on the Girls Rising project, and Professor Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob, AUN’s Interim Dean of the School of ing conflict areas in the northeast of
Arts and Science, SAS. Nigeria,” Umukoro said.
In the first session, themed “Principles of Peace Journalism”, Prof. Jacob took participants through a conceptual under- Another participant, Ms. Blessing
standing of the basic theories of conflict transformation and emphasized the need for journalists to draw on the theories Tunoh, the Borno State correspondent
to add breadth and depth to their reportage. He used actual and reconstructed video reports of Boko Haram attacks to of Channels TV, said the workshop
illustrate the distinctions between peace journalism and conventional journalism. was particularly helpful to journalists
who live in and cover the Boko Haram-
In the second session, which focused on “Ethics and Coverage of Violence” with emphasis on visual imagery, Prof. Matloff ravaged northeast, and added that she
talked about the need to uphold ethical standards in covering violence, especially when using visual descriptions. now has a peace journalism mindset.
She advised participants to be creative in their image selections, rather than rely on all sorts of gory images in telling “The workshop was a good outing for
stories of violence. journalists, especially those of us in
the center of the northeast insurgency,
There were two breakout sessions that focused on “Sensitive Interview Techniques” and “Transmedia Storytelling: A Case
who are ourselves victims of the war. At the AUN peace journalism training May 31-June 1 in Nigeria.
Study of ‘Girl Rising’” respectively, with participants switching sessions.
“My networking horizon has broad-
Speaking on sensitive interview techniques, Matloff emphasized the need for journalists to tell stories from victims’ own
ened and my thinking has been redirected towards peace-inclined and developmental reportage,” she said.
lenses and avoid being judgmental, leading, or aggressive. She used one video clip each from FOX News and CBS TV to
illustrate the best approach to adopt when conducting sensitive interviews such as interactions with victims of violent To further expand the impact of the workshop, the US Embassy and AUN have collaboratively set up the Peace Journal-
extremism. ists Network – a coalition of Peace Journalists in Nigeria. Launched at the US Embassy as part of activities to mark the
2016 World Press Freedom Day, the network is a coalition of journalists committed to the tenets of Peace Journalism. It
Jacob and Usman in the session on effective storytelling, showed how transmedia storytelling techniques can be used to
would be recalled that AUN, with support from the US Embassy, Abuja, held a similar workshop for 102 students from
tell stronger and more effective news stories.
Continued on next page
five tertiary institutions in Adamawa State on April 21.

pg 14 Vol 5, No 2 pg 15
October 2016
‘PJ Principles, Practice’ published by Routledge
Sahar Speaks gives voice to Afghani women The first U.S. peace journalism text-
book has been published. The text is
Chapter 3—Propaganda and the
peace journalism approach
Chapter 12—Peace journalism as a
tool for reconciliation
By Emma Head titled, “Peace Journalism Principles Chapter 4--Reporting civic unrest and Chapter 13-PJ as development tool
stories for publication in The Huffing- Emma Head is a student at Bath and Practice: Responsibly Report- the need for peace journalism Chapter 14-Peace Journalism:
“The all-encasing burqa is the image ton Post. Spa University in the UK, and the
the world has become accustomed to ing Conflicts, Reconciliation, and Chapter 5—Peace journalism: The Obstacles and Prospects.
Programme Assistant at Sahar Solutions.” It is authored by Steven academic and practical debate
over recent decades, and one I was Published in June, the womens’ sto- Speaks, and alongside the rest
determined to shatter,” writes Amie ries were both groundbreaking and Youngblood, director of the Center Chapter 6—Measuring peace and
of the team, is for Global Peace Journalism, and edi- peace journalism
Ferris-Rotman for The Huffington Post. heartbreaking. They spoke of Afghan
helping seek out tor of the Peace Journalist magazine. Chapter 7-Peace journalism, stereo-
girls being sold into arranged mar-
Mothers, students and family bread- more Afghan The book includes a foreword by types, and racial narratives
riages at age seven; some wrote about
winners are among some of the 12 women jour- Dr. Jake Lynch of the University of Chapter 8-Crime, mass shootings, and
their own experiences, like defying
women who have fought to get their nalists for the Sydney. the peace journalism approach
the Taliban’s rule against female
voices heard. Before Sahar Speaks, second round of Chapter 9-PJ: Debunking traditional
education by dressing as a boy and Table of Contents:
there was not a single Afghan woman training. media narratives about terrorism
attending school; one spoke out for all
working in any foreign news outlet Afghan women, addressing the shame Chapter 10—Media narratives of the
in Kabul, the country’s capital. In- Chapter 1—The Peace Journalism vulnerable-Immigrants, IDP’s, and
felt by whole families when a girl flourish. Among these talented men-
stead, their stories were being told by approach refugees
starts menstruating. tors, there were senior news report-
Afghan men, foreign men and foreign Chapter 2—How traditional media Chapter 11-Peace and Electoral
ers, editors of global magazines and inflame and encourage conflict Journalism and media narratives
women, a custom that’s always been “We need more programs and initia-
multi-award winning journalists. With
in place. On 20th June 2016, this all tives like Sahar Speaks. There aren’t
changed. enough. Mainstream western media
desperately needs to be interrupted
their expert guidance, the participants
have been shaped into successful Sahar Speaks from Pg 16
Amie Ferris-Rotman founded Sahar writers, reporters and photographers,
by diverse voices,” says GroundTruth often strictly separated, meaning story is about.” plans to provide training for as many
Speaks, a movement fueled by her and more importantly, have been
Middle East correspondent and most women cannot speak to most Afghan women journalists as they can.
anger at the misrepresentation of given the opportunity to make history. In the face of militant oppression and
Foreign Policy Interrupted co-founder men. Guest speaker Danielle Moylan, It is vital that Afghans hear the voices
Afghan women in the media, and a Lauren Bohn. “Our understandings of an Australian freelance journalist in a lifetime of war, these women have of silenced women across the country,
Ferris-Rotman shared details of the
burning desire to deliver justice. the world are incomplete otherwise.” Kabul, put it nicely when she said that stood up and fought against the ex- that they fight as hard as they have
training in an article for The Huffing-
“even foreign women don’t get true pectations of their families, their cul- fought, and that Sahar Speaks contin-
Aged between 18 and 31, the aspiring ton Post:
The women were paired with top access, the real feeling for what the ture and their gender. Sahar Speaks ues to push for change.
journalists completed the inaugural female journalists who guided them “In Afghanistan, the genders are
round of their training in March, and through the writing process and In the Sahar Speaks project, Afghani women train to tell counternarrative stories about their lives on topics including
began working on their own news taught them the skills they needed to Continued on next page defying the Taliban and arranged marriages. Photos by Joel Van Houdt.

The MAP peace journalism workshop was held in Beirut in November.

pg 16 Vol 5, No 2 pg 17
October 2016

Liberian students trained to be change-makers Liberia from Pg 18

by Francis Lansana sexual abuse, economic exploitation, in community social issues, access to
Francis Egu Lansana is a civil society
torture, etc. quality healthcare, etc.
Access to quality information is pivotal leader in a country that has been
to the promotion of democracy and significantly damaged by 14 years Though the Liberian civil conflict is To change this situation requires
the sustenance of development and of civil unrest. His passion for com- over, yet the use of violence by many trained and independent journalists
media has a greater role to play in munity participation and develop- citizens of Liberia is still an alternative. who will serve as a force to educa-
achieving this through telling stories ment is inspired by humanitarian Many people have attributed this to tion, promote peace and reconcilia-
of citizens’ responsibility, integrity, groups and world leaders who the weakness of the Liberian laws and tion by correcting misinformation and
speaking against ills in society and strive for global stability. He studied the corruption that has engulfed the increasing awareness and empathy
serving as a community watchdog. Sociology and Po- judicial system thereby leaving the for others. Achieving this required a
litical Science at citizens without trust in the govern- multi-dimensional approach. Hence,
Uncertainty is a primary development the University of ment especially the judiciary and the Accountability Lab, in partnership
challenge of our time and a significant Liberia., as well security sector. It also can be attribut- with Internews, with funding from
barrier to the achievement of the as the present ed to the lack of proper security civic USAID, is conducting a project called
development agenda especially the and future of education outreach. “Liberia Media Development.”
upholding of democracy. journalism.
Less is been done to comprehensively Over the past months, Accountability
These challenges are further com- conflict in Liberia left the country with address improve judiciary/security Lab Liberia has been working with
plicated by the changing nature of increase of human rights abuses and citizen’s positive relationship and to professional journalists and media
conflict that involves multi-level introduced many Liberians into aber- promote the fundamental rights of experts to train high school press club
and intra-state conflicts of extended rant behavior. During the war, most of children to education, participation students on citizen journalism. The
duration marked by repeated cycles Liberians experienced the worst situ- trainings under the heading “Account-
of conflict. The fourteen-year civil ation of violence ranging from rape, Continued on next page ability for Media and Change-Makers”
has the following sub-topics:

• Camera handling

• Information gathering

• Ethics

• Integrity

• Media & Accountability

• Effective communication

The students were also introduced to

various forms of media including print
journaism, and radio and television
broadcasting. professional media institutions and houses. With support from the lab,
individuals to promote integrity in Gebro has launched a project titled,
Based on the acknowledge acquired, media and expand news collection “Accountability and Us.”
the students have become more and outreach.
ambitious and are now able to choose Jefferson Krua is a co-founder of Bush
interest areas within the field of jour- Tetee Gebro is a pioneering journalist, Chicken, a local media organization
nalism. They now called themselves and social and political commentator, that is setting a new standard for jour-
High school press club members learn citizen journalism,
“change-makers,” echoing the encour- who bravely talks publicly about criti- nalism in Liberia. The team recruits,
and “change making” techniques, at trainings sponsored
agement from the staff at Account- cal integrity issues in Liberia. With the trains and deploys reporters all over
by the Accountability Lab.
ability Lab. The students are in the lab’s support, Gebro is designing radio the country to research and report
process of developing a nationwide programming that will ensure the independently and effectively on
network of partnership high school accountability of the media in Liberia; important issues in Liberia including
press clubs. and working to develop new forms issues of civic participation, corruption
of dissemination including podcasts and governance.
The lab is also closely working with online with forward-thinking media
pg 18 Vol 5, No 2 pg 19
October 2016 October 2016
of War”, from
Iraqi Kurdis-
Peace News from Pg 20
tan (by Jamal “We have art, we have culture, and we have life. I want to show people the
Jenjweny). other side of the war,” he said.
Right- The
film “Yemeni- Juliet den Oudendammer from Art Represent said the London gallery was ex-
ettes” follows cited to host such an insightful exhibition, and that art offers a different view of
a group of conflict, and people’s experience of it.
teens in Ye-
“We can show a different perspective, and start a dialogue between what the
men. (Photo
media is saying is happening in these countries, and what is actually happening
by Layalina
to these people who are a lot of the time very far away from the politics, or the
fighting, or actual conflict,” she said.

Peace News challenges prevailing approaches

By Kate Roff
Yemeniettes: A Story of Teen Determination
An award-winning film called Yemeniettes has proven that violent wars, pov-
erty, and gender constraints are no match for a determined teenager.
The problems with mainstream news media’s coverage of international affairs are well known: a focus on sensationalism
and violence; a framing of issues from the perspective of military authorities or violent extremists; and a lack of focus on The documentary follows the true story of a team of girls in Yemen, against the
peace-building and peace-builders. News angles like these can leave viewers misinformed, fearful about the world, and backdrop of conflict between Al-Qaeda and Yemen’s Houthi population. The
ready to support political opportunists who offer simple (often militaristic) solutions. Media agencies, in this way, can girls were struggling to get ahead in their education, specifically when constant
inadvertently increase violent conflict by fanning the flames of war, distrust, and hate. power-outages stopped them from being able to do their homework, so they
started a company that produces solar-powered lamps.
A new media platform called Peace News was created to challenge this prevailing approach to covering international Their story is captured by Layalina Productions, an organisation that aims to
news, particularly in conflict zones. The goal of the online news agency is to present stories about people working for bridge the divide between the Arab world and the United States.
peace in conflict zones, to give a voice to peace-builders, and to challenge media stereotypes about “others”, with the “They are 16-year-old and 17-year-old entrepreneurs from one of the worst public schools in Sa’ana,” said executive pro-
aim of restoring some degree of hope and trust in humanity. ducer of Layalina, Leon Shahabian.
Launched in 2015, the U.S. and New Zealand-based agency has published stories from 22 “They are saying ‘Ok, this is the hand we have been dealt, we are going to see if we can make things better…We are not
conflicts in 17 countries, with topics ranging from interviews with Dr Johan Galtung on al- going to wait for the government to figure out how to provide enough power, we are not going to wait for the govern-
ternatives to Syrian peace talks to the rise of online gaming as a tool for peace-building. Dr ment to get us a job after we graduate, we are going to take care of things on our own,’” Shahabian said.
Babak Bahador, Research Professor at George Washington University and Senior Lecturer at
the University of Canterbury, founded the site, and works with myself and a small team of
video editors, newsreaders, and freelance journalists around the world to bring audiences
new stories each week.

There has been an amazing positive public response to the stories on this site, showing a real thirst for news that covers Top-Peace News
more than just the violent stages of conflict. Growing rapidly, Peace News’ weekly stories now regularly garner around covered the
50,000 views across multiple media platforms. To get the scoop, check out making of the
film “Yemeni-
Peace News Stories: Excerpts from The “Other” Refugee Crisis
ettes”. (Photo
While we often hear of Syrian refugees migrating to Western countries, mainstream media rarely covers the story of
by Layalina
those refugees in developing countries, such as Uganda from South Sudan. Peace News reporter Ochan Hannington
spoke to two South Sudanese journalists who have been forced to flee their homeland. Bonifacio Taban, of Betiue, and
Joseph Nashion, of Yambio, moved to Uganda after receiving death threats for
Kate Roff is the Joseph Nashion
their reporting, and admitted causes of the conflict are difficult to grasp.
founding editor of fled persecution
Peace News (kate@ “To me, I am not going to say it is a political thing, I am not going to say it is a in South Sudan, tribal thing [between Dinka & Nuer] because I don’t belong to any…[of the two and Peace News
She has worked as tribes],” Nashion said. covered his
a journalist and edi- story. (Photo by
tor for print media “What I know is a misunderstanding, a small misunderstanding that sparks, and Ochan Hanning-
in Australia, New Zealand, Canada then…someone who is at the back of the gate who doesn’t see what is inside, ton).
and Costa Rica. Roff has an MA in but because he has heard fire sparking he also picks up a gun and begins shoot-
Political Science, and contributed to ing,” he said.
Politics and the Media (2nd ed).
Continued on next page

pg 20 Vol 5, No 2 pg 21
October 2016 October 2016

Mozambique media: PJ practice and possibilities Almaty forum seeks to counter xenophobia, intolerance
tempted takeover of the six provinces From School of Peacemaking and Media Technology
By Marianne Perez de Fransius,
in the center and north of the country,
Aradhana Sharma, and Maria Ahmad where their presidential candidate On May 12-13, the 7th Central Asian Forum “Development of Internet Sphere in Central Asia InternetCA-2016” was held
As a contribution to an upcoming claims to have won majority vote, and in Almaty, Kazakhstan on the subject “Calls to Counter Destructive Content on the Internet: Xenophobia, Propaganda,
Peace Journalism book edited by Yas- the status of refugees due to ongo- Language of Intolerance.”
emin Inceoglu and Tirse Erbaysal, we ing violence between the military and
looked at the practice and possibilities Renamo fighters. The main topics of the discussion referred to media wars, media manipulations, hate speech, propaganda, differences
of Peace Journalism in Mozambique, between freedom of expression and intolerance, and an understanding of the ways that Internet and freedom of speech
where a low-grade armed conflict has The study included interviews with are manipulated and controlled. The discussion also included international and regional specialists’ demonstrated best
resurfaced since 2013. In our study, journalists and politicians to further practices, and recommendations for master classes on the subjects.
we analysed how the conflict between inform primary research and analysis.
Data was organised under themes of Inga Sikorskaya, director of School of Peacemaking and Media Technology in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan), the leading organi-
the Mozambican government, led by zation in the region involved in hate speech and discrimination monitoring and research, presented the results of analysis
ruling party, Frelimo (Frente de Libar- Ownership; Propaganda; Censorship;
and lack of Peace Journalism and of Kazakh and Kyrgyz online media, and highlighted some similarities and trends.
tação de Moçambique), and opposi-
tion, Renamo (Resistência Nacional conflict analysis to understand the First, these is online aggression and a growing number of hate groups. This is a relatively new phenomenon in our In-
Moçambicana), played out in Mozam- Mozambican media landscape. ternet. The existing hate speech, clichés, and stereotypes available on the Internet are accompanied by hate messages,
U. Texas Library
bican media, which is susceptible to sometimes spread in implicit forms and often using fictitious identities. They cover more and more users and are most
political influence. We relied mostly on Johan Galtung Our findings show that Mozambican
and Jake Lynch’s theoretical frame- dangerous, according to researchers.
media is working under structural,
We analyzed articles on “politico- works on peace journalism when ana- forced or self-imposed constraints Second, there is still a strong connection between the political
military tension” in three web-based lyzing content and editorial decisions. which restrict the practice of Peace agenda and the formation of intolerance. Emotional users immedi-
daily news outlets in March 2016. Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky’s Journalism. The concept itself is alien ately respond vitriot spread by hate groups and Internet trolls, thus
Main stories were about Renamo’s at- theories shed light on propaganda, to some and new to others in an increasing hate speech overall due to large-scale online aggres-
ownership and censorship. We, how- industry that lacks both resources and sion. For example, frequent and unjustified references to ethnic
Marianne Perez ever, used these and other theoretical training. Add to this the widespread backgrounds of persons in posts and articles lead to the growth
de Fransius (top) frameworks sparingly because many practice of dichotomous reporting of intolerant language.Often, however, the author of the post is either incompetent, or intentionally uses manipulation
is an educator of the models apply to more devel- and not peeling through the layers of tools to stir up incendiary ethnic and social topics. This can be seen on Kyrnet when journalists and users post about deci-
and peace worker oped media systems. The Mozambi- propaganda, topped with an atmo- sions of the authorities related to either Chinese or Canadian investments when the representatives of these countries
specialized in can media, developed largely in the sphere of fear and it can feel like the immediately become the targets of hate speech. In Kaznet, such hate against the Chinese was identified by the research-
peace media. She past two decades, is still in a nascent chances of change are slim. ers amid recent land protests related to legislative amendments. “It is essential now to have all participants of the online
currently resides stage and thus cannot always be communities, persons making decisions on internet issues, as well as those who accuse content creators to hate speech
in Mozambique looked at through the same prisms as However, it is heartening that despite understand the difference between the freedom of expression and the incitement to hatred,” Sikorskaya, the School of
and is developing applied to more sophisticated media this key stakeholders collectively Peacemaking director, said.
a peace superhe- systems. believe they can contribute positively
roes digital game. and want to adopt Peace Journalism. According to official data, in 2015 Kazakhstan registered 88 criminal cases on “incitement of social, national, tribal, racial,
Aradhana Shar- We faced significant challenges during Mozambican journalists can make class or religious hatred.” Many of them were related to various statements on the Internet. Therefore, an understanding
ma (middle) is a research: while a number of people that change by broadening their of the freedom of expression and responsibility for statements remains pertinent. “We cannot handle today’s internet
journalist from In- (the government media officer, the frames and voices. challenges without it,” Sikorskaya added.
dia where she has head of the Higher Mass Media
taught graduate Council, the opposition paper editor...) Journalists will need to build trust According to Sikorskaya, the incidents of intolerance both in Kyrgyz and in Kazakh internet were often identified in posts
level media stud- refused to be interviewed or ignored with all parties and go beyond the and articles discussing the influence of the Russian propaganda on the audiences of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, the
ies in Delhi. She our requests for interviews, those headlines to find actors who can and relations between Russia and Ukraine and the West, and their influence on the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) states.
is doing her PhD interviewed were not totally open and will initiate the dialogue. This will Researchers found dehumanizing statements about the development of state languages and the reluctance of the people
in representation forthcoming. It was reflective of the have to be accompanied by organi- to master them in full, the historical past of Kyrgyzstan (the tragedy of 1916, when the country was a part of tsarist Rus-
of an internal prevailing climate of fear in the coun- zational changes to provide struc- sia) and Kazakhstan (forced famine of 1932-1933, when the country was a part of former USSR), the Islamic factor, and
conflict in India. try. Our efforts were further frustrated tural strength to this thinking and its the war in Syria.
Former broadcast journalist and by the fact that in April 2016, the Wall execution. Expansion of social media
journalism trainer, Maria Ahmad Street Journal broke a major story and mobile technology can also give a Alia Moldalieva, a Bishkek-based media expert studying the manipulative influence in the media and online environment,
(bottom), has worked with In- about previously undisclosed debt push and further this change by forc- elaborated on the xenophobic trends on Kyrnet. She pointed out that the online environment became the means of dis-
ternews Network, BBC Radio, CTV, that Mozambique had with private ing existing outlets to provide added crimination of vulnerable groups through the dissemination of xenophobic content in the news, video, and photos.This is
Pakistan’s State TV & GEO TV. She lenders leading to much suspicion value in professional, balanced report- how the violence and disorders are caused. Moldalieva gave an example when the videos of abuse of
has a masters in Anthropology. about leaking information to interna- ing and analysis, lest their consumers representatives of vulnerable groups were spread online. In almost all cases when intolerance is spread, hate speech
tional media and actors. take recourse to other alternatives.
Continued on next page
pg 22 Vol 5, No 2 pg 23
©2016 by Park University

‘Corresponsales’ improve Spanish media

By Mayra Ambrosio Laredo
Corresponsales de Paz (Correspondents of Peace) is a Spanish non profit organization formed by graduates in journalism
and communication from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid, Spain.

Our group is a network of communicators which, by means of human and professional education, intellectual reflection
and communication action, allows that its members to become true seekers of the truth and am-
bassadors of peace wherever they carry out their roles in the communications industry.

Why this initiative? The Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) now enjoys more than 17 genera-
tions of journalism graduates. Many alumni feel professional disappointment because the current
situation in the media does not correspond to the nature and conception they have of the journal-
ism profession.

Why Corresponsales de paz (Correspondents of Peace)? We choose this name because:

• Correspondent: Is someone who is sent on a mission. - Sent where? To him or herself, to family or friends, at work and
in our society... - Sent on what mission? To transmit peace and instil such feelings in his or her surroundings.

• Of peace: In the widest and deepest sense of the word, not just the absence or resolving of conflicts. Through our work
in media we can build bridges of understanding and concord for the benefit of peace.
Our members are former and recently-graduated students with a promising
Mayra Ambrosio Laredo is a jour- future. They hold important positions in media like: Television Espanola, Cuatro,
nalist and coordinator of Correspon- USA Today, La Semana, and Radio National de Espana.
sales de Paz, a Peace Journalism
project linked to Corresponsales de paz holds meetings with experts in current issues/news in
the Universidad order to improve de quality of the information we publish in media. Also we
Francisco de have meet opinion leaders, politicians, members of civic groups, journalists,
Vitoria in Madrid, and historians to share ideas in profit of the peace. For instance, we are studing
Spain. the phenomen of “independentism” in Catalonia. Our next item of study is how
to improve news related to the Middle East, and work for the peace highlight-
ing cases of peaceful coexistence.
Online hate from Pg 23
against minorities is growing because users get involved into discussions using abusive language and post online com-
ments containing calling for violence and discrimination. “It is impossible to specify only one source of xenophobia with
the purpose of political manipulation,” Moldalieva emphasized. “In fact, various forces use it on the Kyrgyz Internet.”

Aizat Shakieva, an activist of the Bishkek Feminist Initiatives, reported about the existing relationship between intoler-
ance towards women and girls and the struggle for their rights. She revealed a series of facts about online harassment of
activists on Kyrnet, where they were exposed to abuses and threats coming from users. For example, the analysis of on-
line coverage of the protest march on March 8, 2016 dedicated to the International Day of Struggle for Women’s Rights
revealed a flow of abusive posts, including from users thinking that the strengthening of women’s rights was “unaccept-
able and offensive for the Muslim society.” Almost 100 negative comments with xenophobic connotations and offenses
were found under the video posted online, where activists were talking about their discrimination in the families and at
schools and about gender stereotypes in the society.

Opposite trends can be seen on the Internet of Uzbekistan with its offline and online strict censorship, where the major-
ity of media content is state propaganda. The targets of ideological attacks are often Muslims, foreign NGOs, rights activ-
ists, freelance journalists, and LGBT communities.
pg 24

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