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World's 10 Most Influential Engineering and Technology Leaders in 2023

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10 | Issue 17 | October 2023


Most Influential
Leaders in 2023

As healthcare changes
rapidly and becomes
increasingly complex
under technological,
economic, social, and
regulatory impacts, it is
anticipated that
healthcare engineering
will play a role of growing
importance in almost
every aspect of
healthcare and will also
be a major factor that
advances healthcare.

Chyu A Pioneer in Healthcare
World's 10 Most Inuential Engineering
and Technology Leaders in 2023

Leading Tech Experts

of the World

This is not necessary to be the smartest guy in the room or

the team's finest coder to be a leader, in the IT industry or
any other. Far more crucial are sincerity, trust,
communication, decisiveness, and the capacity to give
people confidence. Apply your current abilities and a
curious mind to a profession you're interested in, ready to
pick up the rest as you go—there are more tech jobs engineering students and engineers for careers in the field,
available than there are qualified applicants. and assisting healthcare professionals in using engineering
to address healthcare issues.
Assume a corporation employs 150 individuals. For
example, a person holding the position of Chief Technology All service platforms in HEALS were initiated by and
Officer will need to possess an entrepreneurial attitude and established under the leadership of Dr. Chyu. Dr. Chyu has
be highly hands-on. Anyone who has merely held spent years assisting doctors and other healthcare
employment in an organization with a large organizational professionals whose inventions, based on their clinical
structure may lack the necessary abilities. Being a tech experience and knowledge, have advanced to the point
leader who is a technological whiz is no longer adequate. where they require assistance from engineers, researchers,
They require a leadership style that is both emotionally consultants, or businesses to elevate to a level more
astute and "techno-commercial." Effective tech executives conducive to FDA approval, manufacturing, and
are adept at making strategic decisions. They understand commercialization.
stakeholder participation and cultivate the proper culture.
Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to read
World Leader's latest edition “World's 10 Most Influential the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and
Engineering and Technology Leaders in 2023” has industry experts.
featured tech experts who have steady hands-on technology
and business leadership. The cover features Dr. Ming-
Chien Chyu, the founding president of the Healthcare Have a lovely read!
Engineering Alliance Society (HEALS), a global
organization founded in 2016 with the goal of bridging the
gap between engineering and healthcare, educating

Editor-in-Chief Steve Sanchez

Managing Editor Jagdish Chincholikar
Executive Editor Nicole Williams
Assistant Editor Gayatri Bhujbal

Art & Design Director Jack Anderson

Business Development Manager Anna Carter
Business Development Executive Natalie, Jerrey
Associate Designer Kevin Rust

Digital Marketing Manager Victor Clarke

Sales Manager Megan Morgan, Irfan Shekh
Marketing Manager Tom Swann
Technical Specialist Barry Jones
Circulation Manager Danny Parker


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Chyu A Pioneer in
Healthcare Engineering
18 Alex Circei

22 Bhavani Thuraisingham

26 Haden A. Land

32 Hala Tfayli

36 Henrik Hautop Lund

40 Layne Lewis

46 Maqbool Al Wahaibi

50 Pola Goldberg Oppenheimer

54 Samer A. Samad
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Circei Helping engineering
leaders improve
engineering efficiency

18 | October 2023
A lex Circei, CEO & Co-Founder at Waydev,
is determined to identify problems, is
passionate about discovering solutions, is a
risk taker and aims to provide something people need.

Way towards Waydev

Alex Circei is a highly accomplished entrepreneur

with a diverse academic background in economics,
marketing, organizational leadership, and
entrepreneurship. He has launched and successfully
managed numerous companies over the past decade.
Alex's entrepreneurial journey began in 2007 when he
founded the IT & C online store LiveMag. The
following year, he established Copimaj, which focuses
on creating online services and businesses that
specialize in internet marketing. Through Copimaj, he
has worked with leading fashion, child safety, beauty,
and healthcare companies, including UNICEF, Gucci,
Paul & Shark, Burberry, and Prada, among others.

In addition to his previous ventures, Alex founded

StoreBeez, a marketplace platform that earned him a
three-month internship at Birmingham Oxygen, an
intensive business accelerator for tech entrepreneurs.
Throughout his career, Alex Circei has demonstrated
exceptional leadership and innovation, establishing
himself as a highly respected figure in the world of

In 2013, Alex Circei traveled to Silicon Valley to

present Lupsale, an innovative email marketing
platform, at TechCrunch Disrupt. Following this, in
2014, he founded Billme, a powerful invoicing tool
for freelancers. However, in 2017, he recognized a
significant problem that he believed he could tackle
and solve. A company that was struggling to
understand engineering needed a tool to gain insight
into software delivery, pinpoint process bottlenecks,
and align engineering activity with business
objectives. The primary challenge was the lack of
visibility and insight into engineering efforts, which
made it difficult to validate assumptions with data and
improve performance. To address this problem, Alex
created Waydev, which provides the necessary
metrics, KPIs, and dashboards to improve software
engineering performance and help companies achieve
their goals. | 19
Redefining the industry by its own Waydev is a pioneer in the software believes that one must be sincerely
approach development analytics market, being passionate about what one does. Every
one of the first tools in this category. day Alex looks forward to going to
Waydev is a software development work, and his enthusiasm for
analytics platform for engineering Power of Data expanding Waydev and getting
leaders. Waydev connects to Git everyone to pursue their passions can
Repositories (like GitHub, GitLab, Alex has a strong conviction in the be seen in the final product. He sees
BitBucket), Issue Tracking Systems transformative power of data. Waydev himself as a dedicated individual who
(Jira, Azure Boards), CI/CD tools leverages data-driven insights to help constantly seeks solutions to issues,
(CircleCI, Jenkins, GitHub Actions etc) businesses ship products more quickly which is one of the reasons Waydev
and generates metrics, KPIs, and and align engineering efforts with was created. As the CEO and co-
dashboards that give engineering business goals. Alex believes that founder of Waydev, Alex manages the
leaders insight into the software Silicon Valley is not just a physical company's overall operations. "My
development processes. Waydev offers location but also a mindset, and he has greatest achievement as a leader is
leaders visibility into the DORA infused this mindset into Waydev's happily coming to work each day
Metrics, the Cycle Time, Sprint company culture. alongside an amazing team. That's the
Progess, and Progress Costs and the happiest part of everyday as a leader
ability for leaders to customize their Waydev is backed by Y Combinator, at Waydev," Alex says.
own custom dashboards. one of the most prominent startup
accelerators globally, known for Outside of the office, Alex is a huge
Most of the software development supporting successful companies such sports fan. He competes in long-
reports are related to manual input as Stripe, Airbnb, Dropbox, and others. distance triathlons frequently. He
from engineers, Waydev generates competed in his first triathlon back in
useful reports for engineering leaders Optimize team processes 2013, and recently completed Ironman
and high level executives, without any 70.3 in Bahrain.
manual input. Waydev provides value Alex highlights that Waydev is a
with real-time reports and dashboards valuable tool for engineering leaders, “Running triathlons teaches you a lot
for DORA Metrics, Lead Time for enabling them to assist their teams in of lessons that you can utilize in
Changes, Deployment Frequency, identifying bottlenecks, recognizing business because the mental challenges
Change Failure Rate, Issue Cycle Time achievements, and reducing time spent you confront in an endurance event are
and more. With the help of Waydev, on meetings and reporting. By similar to those you face every day in
Fortune 500 companies accomplished - leveraging data-driven insights, leaders the workplace.”
a 28% faster Cycle Time, 21% less can optimize team efficiency and
Unplanned Work and a decrease of enhance team operations. The Recommendations for newbies
28% in Code Churn. platform's thorough measurements
enable leaders to integrate business Alex is passionate about achieving his
By understanding work patterns and objectives with technical work, dreams and advises everyone to have
spotting blockages or irregularities streamlining team operations and the patience to reach their destination.
using factual data, engineering leaders maximizing team efficiency. In today's He recommends trying YC Startup
can isolate what's not working and competitive landscape, it is more School - an online free program similar
replicate successful models. The only crucial than ever for leaders to to the Y Combinator program, to every
way to improve something is by integrate business objectives with aspiring business leader. "Finally, love
measuring it. In this day and age, when technical work, and Waydev can assist what you do because when you love
data is everywhere and can be easily them in achieving this. your work, you're not really working,"
accessed, a platform that aggregates says Alex.
only the most valuable pieces of data is Passionate Individual
a must-have for any organization that
aims for greater efficiency. Alex is a highly motivated and
passionate individual who firmly

20 | October 2023 | 21
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26 | October 2023
Haden A.
Land A Tech Proficient with
Diverse Exper se in
Na onal Security and
Related Industries | 27
With a professional experience
spanning over four decades, Haden
Land possesses a diverse range of
expertise that caters to the
requirements of businesses and
government agencies working in
national security and related
industries, as well as beyond. As both
the CEO and CTO of S2P, Haden's
responsibilities are comprehensive,
covering all aspects of the business,
from start to finish. These
responsibilities are similar to those
held by the CEO and CTO of a startup
software company.

Haden takes great pleasure in

witnessing successful business
execution outcomes from optimizing
and establishing processes, people,
and technology in all essential
aspects of S2P's business operations.
He also relishes coaching and
mentoring people within the
enterprise, collaborating with
strategic partners, and engaging with

28 | October 2023
Dr. John Norris | Founder & Executive Chairman | S2P

Dr. Bradford Sims | President | Capitol Technology University | 29
Hala Founder & CEO
The Channel MENA

Tfayli A Female Entrepreneur

Redefining Boundaries in
the Advertising Industry

32 | October 2023 | 33
tep into the world of Hala Tfayli, the
remarkable Founder and CEO of The
Channel MENA, whose career trajectory
defies convention. Breaking away from the
traditional path of advertising agency
founders, Hala brings a unique perspective
as a former client-side professional.

With an illustrious background as the head

of marketing for a renowned architecture
and engineering consultancy in Kuwait,
Hala honed her skills in selling professional
services and gained invaluable insights into
the construction sector at large.
Additionally, her tenure at Al Shaya, a
prominent conglomerate, provided her with
an in-depth understanding of the rules and
fundamentals of the dynamic retail world.

In 2017, feeling the call of entrepreneurship,

Hala boldly stepped away from the
corporate realm to embark on her own
business venture. Since then, she has
relished every moment of her journey,
eagerly anticipating the future that lies

34 | October 2023
From Research to Retail

Hala embarked on her professional

journey as a research analyst at
Zawya Reuters, a role that provided
her with invaluable exposure to the
research sector. Recognizing the
significance of research in shaping
effective strategies and business
plans, she developed a strong
foundation in this field.

Seeking to broaden her horizons,

Hala transitioned to Alshaya, the
leading retailer in the Middle East.
This opportunity allowed her to
acquire fundamental knowledge and
insights into the retail industry.
Immersed in this dynamic
environment, she gained a
comprehensive understanding of the
essentials of retail operations.

Driven by her passion for exploring

new avenues, Hala then ventured into
the professional services realm,
joining SSH, a prominent
architecture and engineering
consultancy. In this role, she took on
the challenge of establishing and
nurturing the marketing department
to support the regional expansion
initiatives of a newly appointed
international team. These experiences
proved to be transformative for her,
shaping her into the capable Driving Growth and Innovation proven immensely beneficial for the
individual she is today. agency.
The Channel MENA, a boutique
Throughout her career, Hala advertising and marketing agency, With a strong creative foundation,
consistently demonstrated a keen first originated in Beirut back in 2018 The Channel MENA consistently
interest in sales and business and has since expanded its operations provides strategic insights and input
development. She relished the art of to Kuwait and more recently, KSA. for every creative brief,
negotiation and took pleasure in Despite being a relatively young demonstrating a deep understanding
fostering connections and bridging agency, it adopted a flexible and of our clients' commercial needs. As
gaps between different stakeholders. remote business model ahead of its a result, the agency has garnered a
These skills and interests have been time, recognizing the effectiveness of reputation for being one of the
an integral part of her professional such an approach. This foresight has fastest-growing agencies in Kuwait
growth. today. | 35
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Eng. Maqbool Al Wahaibi
Oman Data Park

46 | October 2023

Al Wahaibi
Leading by diversified Experience in ICT Engineering, So ware
Development, Business Startups and Leadership | 47
Life prior to Starting
Professional Work
Maqbool attended the
Royal Guard School of Maqbool Al Wahaibi is the Chief
Technology, an Oman- Executive Officer of Oman Data Park
based military (ODP), the first managed and cloud
technology boarding service provider in Oman. He was a
school, for his key contributor to the creation of
secondary and primary
solutions specifically suited to the
education. Later, he
needs of banks, financial institutions,
received a government
scholarship to pursue his further education, including a the oil and gas industry, the
bachelor's degree in engineering in information healthcare industry, the government,
technology from Staffordshire University in the UK, a the educational system, and the
master's degree in software engineering from York professional services sector. He is a
University in the UK, and an MBA from Strathclyde member of the executive
University in Scotland.
management team and a founding
He began working for the government as a software team member of ODP. His diverse
developer and advanced through the ranks to general experience spans more than 20 years
manager of an IT division. in ICT engineering, software
development, business startup, and
Oman Data Park leadership.

Maqbool was a member of the founding team

Maqbool has an MBA from
(shareholders) of Oman Data Park SAOC (ODP), which
was established in 2012. Maqbool helped ODP develop Strathclyde University in the UK and a
and become a success story. The stockholders Master of Science in Computer
approached him about starting the first cloud service Software Engineering from the
provider in Oman. He jumped out of the government University of York. At the 2018 Annual
sector to bring up ODP because he thought the idea was AIWA Awards, he was named
Technology Person of the Year. In 2019,
It was difficult to start a business from scratch in a tiny, Oman Data Park received the
conservative market like Oman with a brand-new set of Excellence for Global Cloud-Based
services like cloud services and data center services. It Services award. ODP currently
calls for intense concentration driven by enthusiasm, a provides services to 600 corporate
thorough awareness of the risk variables, and a great clients, including big, medium-sized,
deal of attention. Maqbool was fortunate to possess all of
and small businesses.
those qualities, which were undoubtedly helpful. He
shares, "Our first client was a bank. In Oman, the first
Islamic bank (Nizwa Bank) was established. We sold the
idea to the bank to collocate all of their infrastructure in
ODP, rather than building a data center of their own, it
was an opportunity we didn't want to miss." However,
having to deal with all the legislative and security
components was not an easy thing to do. Before

48 | October 2023
discussing the financial benefits and A Leader with Values and Ideals
the total cost of ownership that the Oman Data Park has managed to
bank would have by getting their IT accumulate a tremendous amount of Maqbool takes care of his team and
core banking infrastructure into experience in offering cloud gives them the most respect and self-
ODP—something that hadn't been managed services over the past ten confidence possible in his role as a
done in the region before—the years while serving more than 600 leader. When it comes to his
company had to make the case to the organizations. consumers, he makes sure they
legislative bodies and challenge the receive the greatest possible service.
risk and security departments of the The next group of people are his
bank. partners; ODP could not succeed
without them. His board of directors,
who must be supportive and in
agreement, comes last.

Maqbool is a guy of action, and he

frequently exemplifies this for his
colleagues. He makes the most of
every chance to ensure that the
business has a culture of discipline
toward execution with excellence
and the highest level of customer
service. With quality service,
Maqbool and his team win new
clients and maintain them forever. He
makes certain that the team sees that
on him personally so that they can
follow. He asserts, "To me, discipline
comes first, and that really helps the
execution part of the vision. | 49
University of Birmingham

Advancing Micro-Engineering and Bio-
Nanotechnology to Bring About a Revolution

50 | October 2023
E | 51
52 | October 2023 | 53
Samer A. Samad
Leading Nesma & Partners with Commitment to Safety,
Excellence, and Environmental Responsibility

amer A. Samad holds the For Samer, the happiest part of his
esteemed position of President daily routine lies in collaborative
& CEO at Nesma & Partners, a meetings with various members of his
leading contracting company in the team. These interactions serve as
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In this opportunities to exchange ideas and
capacity, he assumes the crucial role of devise comprehensive plans to propel
ensuring the safety and well-being of the growth of the business. It is during
the company's employees while these moments of shared vision and
surpassing the expectations of its innovation that Samer derives the
stakeholders. Samer diligently greatest satisfaction.
oversees that all projects undertaken
by the company are completed within Below are highlights of the interview
the designated timeline while conducted between World's Leaders
upholding the highest standards of and Samer A. Samad:
Describe who you are as a person,
By leading and supporting Nesma & inside and outside of the workplace.
Partners employees, Samer strives to
align the company with its corporate I would describe myself as a friendly,
strategy. Valuing the contributions of passionate, empathetic, humble, and
every team member, he creates an transparent person, who loves to
atmosphere where they feel esteemed extend support and aid others.
and recognized as vital assets to the
organization. Describe your background and what
did you do before you started/joined
Samer also recognizes his the company.
responsibility towards the
environment. He actively endeavors to I graduated with a Bachelor of Science
integrate environmental, social, and in Civil Engineering from New York
governance (ESG) considerations into University Tandon School of
the company's business strategy. This Engineering (formerly Polytechnic
commitment entails delivering projects University) Brooklyn. Followed by
in a manner that prioritizes safety, earning my Master's degree in Master
excellence, and efficiency while of Science in Civil Engineering from
adhering to the highest ethical business New York University, Tandon School
practices. of Engineering.

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