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Bifurcation Theory Wo Parameters

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Bifurcations without parameters:

some ODE and PDE examples

Bernold Fiedler and Stefan Liebscher

Free University Berlin

Institute of Mathematics I
Arnimallee 2–6
D–14195 Berlin

June 2002

Published in
T.-T. Li et al., editors
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, ICM 2002,
Vol. III: Invited Lectures.
Higher Education Press, Beijing, 305-316 (2002).
2 Bernold Fiedler, Stefan Liebscher


Bifurcation theory studies dynamical systems depending on one or several real

parameters λ. Frequently, trivial equilibria or fixed points x = 0 are assumed to
exist. The constant parameter λ provides a trivial foliation, transverse to these
In contrast, we consider vector fields with lines and planes of trivial equilib-
ria in absence of any parameters. We address the failure of normal hyperbolicity,
due to transverse zero or purely imaginary eigenvalues. In particular we indicate
the resulting dissipative Hopf and Takens-Bogdanov bifurcations, along with some
reversible and integrable variants, in absence of parameters.
We illustrate our results by dynamic uncouplings of coupled oscillators, oscilla-
tory viscous shock profiles of stiff nonlinear hyperbolic balance laws, and spatially
non-periodic stationary waves in the Kolmogorov problem of fluid flows in planar

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34C23, 34C29, 34C37.

Keywords and Phrases: bifurcation without parameters, manifolds of equi-

libria, normal form, blow up, averaging.
Bifurcations without parameters 3

1 Applied motivation
In this article we sketch and illustrate some elements of the nonlinear dynamics near
equilibrium manifolds. Denoting the equilibrium manifold by x = 0, in local coordinates
(x, y) ∈ Rn × Rk , we consider systems

ẋ = f (x, y)
ẏ = g(x, y)
and assume
f (0, y) = g(0, y) = 0, (1.2)
for all y. For simplicity we will only address the cases k = 1 of lines of equilibria, and
k = 2 of equilibrium planes. Sufficient smoothness of f, g is assumed. The occurrence
of equilibrium manifolds is infinitely degenerate, of course, in the space of all vector
fields (f, g) – quite like many mathematical structures are: equivariance under symmetry
groups, conservation laws, integrability, symplectic structures, and many others. The
special case
g ≡ 0 (1.3)
in fact amounts to standard bifurcation theory, in the presence of a trivial solution x = 0;
see for example [5]. Note that condition (1.3), which turns the k-dimensional variable y
into a preserved constant parameter, is infinitely degenerate even in our present setting
(1.2) of equilibrium manifolds. Due to the analogies of our results and methods with
bifurcation theory, we call our emerging theory bifurcation without parameters. This
terminology emphasizes the intricate dynamics which arises when normal hyperbolicity
of the equilibrium manifold fails; see the sections below.
To motivate assumption (1.2), we present several examples. First, consider an “oc-
tahedral” graph Γ of 2(m + 1) vertices {±1, . . . , ±(m + 1)}. The graph Γ results from
the complete graph by eliminating the “diagonal” edges, which join the antipodal vertices
±j, for j = 1, . . . , m + 1. For m = 1 we obtain the square, for m = 2 the octahedron, and
so on. Consider the system X
u̇j = fj (uj , uk ) (1.4)

of oscillators uj ∈ R on Γ, additively coupled along the edges by fj . We assume an


antipodal oddness symmetry of the individual oscillator dynamics

f−j (−uj , 0) = −fj (uj , 0). (1.5)

As a consequence, the antipode space

Σ := {u = (uj )j∈Γ ; u−j = −uj } (1.6)

4 Bernold Fiedler, Stefan Liebscher

is invariant under the flow (1.4). Moreover, the flow on Σ completely decouples into a
direct product flow of the m + 1 diagonally antipodal, decoupled pairs

u̇±j = f±j (u±j , 0). (1.7)

For the square case m = 1, this decoupling phenomenon was first observed in [2]. For
more examples see also [3].
An m-plane of equilibria arises from periodic solutions of the decoupled system
(1.7). Assume (1.7) possesses time periodic orbits uj (t + ϕj ) of equal period Tj = 2π, for
j = 1, . . . , m + 1. Choose arbitrary phases ϕj ∈ S 1 and let u−j (t) := −uj (t), ϕ−j = ϕj .
uϕ (t) := (uj (t + ϕj ))j∈Γ ∈ Σ (1.8)
is a 2π-periodic solution of (1.4), (1.7), for arbitrary phases ϕ ∈ T m+1 . Eliminating one
phase angle ϕm+1 by passing to an associated Poincaré map, an m-dimensional manifold
of fixed points arises, parametrized by the remaining m phase angles. Assuming, in
addition to the diagonal oddness symmetry (1.5), equivariance of (1.4) with respect to an
S 1 -action, the Poincaré map can in fact be obtained as a time-2π map of an autonomous
flow within the Poincaré section. In suitable notation, y = {ϕ1 , . . . , ϕm }, the fixed point
manifold then becomes an m-dimensional manifold of equilibria, as presented in (1.1),
(1.2) above. For more detailed discussions of this example in the context of bifurcations
without parameters see [15, 10, 9].
As a second example of equilibrium manifolds we consider viscous profiles u =
u((ξ − st)/ε) of systems of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws and stiff balance laws

∂t u + ∂ξ F (u) + ε−1 G(u) = ε∂ξ2 u. (1.9)

Viscous profiles then have to satisfy an ε-independent ODE system

ü = (F 0 (u) − s · id)u̇ + G(u). (1.10)

Standard conservation laws, for example, require G ≡ 0. The presence of m conservation

laws corresponds to nonlinearities G with range in a manifold of codimension m in u-
space. Typically, then, G(u) = 0 describes an equilibrium manifold of dimension m of
pairs (u, u̇) = (u, 0), in the phase space of (1.10). For an analysis of this example in
the context of bifurcations without parameters see [8, 16]. For another example, which
relates binary oscillations in central difference discretizations of hyperbolic balance laws
with diagonal uncoupling of coupled oscillators, see [11].
We conclude our introductory excursion with a brief summary of some further exam-
ples. In [7], lines of equilibria have been observed for the dynamics of models of competing
populations. This included a first partial analysis of failure of normal hyperbolicity.
Bifurcations without parameters 5

A topologically very interesting example in compact three-dimensional manifolds

involves contact structures η(ξ) (i.e., nonintegrable plane fields and gradient vector fields
ξ˙ = −∇V (ξ) ∈ η(ξ). See [6] for an in-depth analysis. Examples include mechanical
systems with nonholonomic constraints. Notably, level surfaces of regular values of the
potential V consist of tori. Under a nondegeneracy assumption, equilibria form embedded
circles, that is, possibly linked and nontrivial knots.
For a detailed study of plane Kolmogorov fluid flows in the presence of a line of
equilibria with a degeneracy of Takens-Bogdanov type and an additional reversibility
symmetry, see [1].
As a caveat we repeat that lines of equilibria, which are transverse to level surfaces
of preserved quantities λ do not provide bifurcations, without parameters. Rather, ẏ = 0
for y := λ exhibits this problem as belonging to standard bifurcation theory; see (1.3).

2 Sample vector fields and resulting flows

In this section we collect relevant example vector fields (1.1), (1.2) with lines and planes of
equilibria x = 0; see [10, 9, 1] for further details. We illustrate and comment the resulting
Normally hyperbolic equilibrium manifolds admit a transverse C 0 -foliation with hy-
perbolic linear flows in the leaves. See for example [19], [20] and the ample discussion in
[4]. As a first example, we therefore consider

ẋ = xy
ẏ = x.
Note the loss of normal hyperbolicity at x = y = 0, due to a nontrivial transverse
eigenvalue zero of the linearization. Clearly dx/dy = y, and the resulting flow lines are
parabolas; see Figure 2.1. For comparison with standard bifurcation theory, where y = λ,
we draw the y-axis of equilibria horizontally.
As a second example, consider

ẋ = xy
ẏ = ±x2 .
Again, a transverse zero eigenvalue occurs – this time with an additional reflection sym-
metry y 7→ −y. Dividing by the Euler multiplier x, the reflection becomes a time re-
versibility. See the left parts of Figure 2.2 for the resulting flows. Note the resulting
integrable, harmonic oscillator case which originates from the elliptic sign ẏ = −x2 .
6 Bernold Fiedler, Stefan Liebscher

Figure 2.1: A line of equilibria (y-axis) with a nontrivial transverse eigenvalue zero.

As a third example, we consider x = (x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 , y ∈ R with a line x = 0 of

equilibria and a purely imaginary nonzero eigenvalue iω at x = 0. Normal-form theory, for
example as in [21], then generates an additional S 1 -symmetry by the action of exp(iωt) in
the x-eigenspace. This equivariance can be achieved, successively, up to Taylor expansions
of any finite order. In polar coordinates (r, ϕ) for x, an example of leading order terms is
given by
ṙ = ry
ẏ = ±r2 (2.3)
ϕ̇ = ω.
Since the first two equations in (2.3) coincide with (2.2), the dynamics is then obtained
by simply rotating the left parts of Figure 2.2 around the y-axis at speed w. The right
parts of Figure 2.2 provide three-dimensional views of the effects of higher-order terms
which do not respect the S 1 -symmetry of the normal forms. In the elliptic case (b), all
nonstationary orbits are heteroclinic from the unstable foci, at y > 0, to stable foci at
y < 0. The two-dimensional respective strong stable and unstable manifolds will split,
generically, to permit transverse intersections.
Bifurcations without parameters 7

(a) r


(b) r x1

x2 y

Figure 2.2: Lines of equilibria (y-axis) with imaginary eigenvalues: Hopf bifurcation with-
out parameters. Case (a) hyperbolic; case (b) elliptic. Red: strong unstable manifolds;
green: stable manifolds.
8 Bernold Fiedler, Stefan Liebscher

Our fourth example addresses Takens-Bogdanov bifurcations without parameters.

In suitable rescaled form it reads

y + y ẏ = ε((λ − y)ÿ + bẏ 2 )

˙˙˙ (2.4)

with fixed parameters b, λ and ε. The y-axis as equilibrium line is complemented by the
two transverse directions x = (ÿ, ẏ). Note the algebraically triple zero eigenvalue, double
in the transverse x-directions, for λ = y = 0. Two examples of the resulting dynamics for
small positive ε are summarized in Figure 2.3.
The coordinates τ and H̃ in Figure 2.3 are adapted to the completely integrable case
ε = 0. Indeed, obvious first integrals are then given by Θ = ÿ+ 21 y 2 and H = 12 ẏ 2 −y ÿ− 13 y 3 .
Coordinates are τ = log Θ and H̃ = Θ−3/2 H, not drawn to scale. Parameters are ε, λ > 0
and, for the hyperbolic case, −17/12 < b < −1. For the elliptic case we consider b > −1.
The equilibrium y-axis, a cusp in (Θ, H) coordinates, transforms to the top (saddles)

and bottom (foci) horizontal boundaries H̃ = ± 32 2, with y = 0 relegated to τ = −∞.
Since τ and H̃ are constants of the flow, for ε = 0, they represent slow drifts on the
√ √
unperturbed periodic motion, for small ε > 0 and | H̃ |< 23 2. The top value H̃ = + 23 2
also represents homoclinics to the saddles, for ε = 0.

Along the focus line H̃ = − 32 2 we observe Hopf bifurcations without parameters,
corresponding to y = λ > 0. The value of b distinguishes elliptic and hyperbolic cases. In
addition, lines of saddle-focus heteroclinic orbits and isolated saddle-saddle heteroclinics
are generated, for ε > 0, by breaking the homoclinic sheets of the integrable case. Note
in particular the infinite swarm of saddle-saddle heteroclinics, in the hyperbolic case.
As a final, fifth example we consider a reversible Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation with-
out parameters:
y + (1 − 3y 2 )ẏ = ay ÿ + bẏ 2 .
˙˙˙ (2.5)
Here we fix a, b to be small. Again x = (ÿ, ẏ) denotes the directions transverse to the
equilibrium y-axis. Time reversibility generates solutions −y(−t) from solutions y(t). For
two examples of the resulting dynamics see Figure 2.4. Coordinates are the obvious first
integrals, for ε = 0, given by Θ = ÿ + y − y 3 and H = −ÿy + 21 ẏ 2 + 34 y 4 − 12 y 2 . Note
the two Takens-Bogdanov cusps, separated by a Hopf point along the lower arc of the
equilibrium “triangle”. Compare Figures 2.2, 2.3. The elliptic Hopf point (b) arises for
a · (a − b) > 0, whereas a · (a − b) < 0 in the hyperbolic case (a). Also note the associated
finite and infinite swarms of saddle-saddle heteroclinics, respectively.
√ H̃ 1-het √ H̃ 1-het
8 8
3 3

Bifurcations without parameters

8 √
− 3 8
hyp. Hopf − 3 ell. Hopf

H̃ H̃

τ τ

Figure 2.3: Takens-Bogdanov bifurcations without parameters. Case (a) hyperbolic; case (b) elliptic. Top: stable and

unstable manifolds; bottom: invariant sets. For coordinates and fixed parameters see text.
10 Bernold Fiedler, Stefan Liebscher

(a) H


√ √
−2 3/9 2 3/9

hyp. Hopf Θ


(b) H


√ √
−2 3/9 2 3/9

ell. Hopf Θ


Figure 2.4: Reversible Takens-Bogdanov bifurcations without parameters. Case (a) hy-
perbolic; case (b) elliptic. For coordinates and fixed parameters see text.
Bifurcations without parameters 11

3 Methods

Pictures are not proofs. What has been proved, then, and how? We use ingredients
involving algebra, analysis, and numerical analysis, as we outline in this section. For
further details see [16, 10, 9, 1].
In a first algebraic step, we derive normal forms for vector fields with lines or planes of
equilibria, assuming spectral degeneracies of the linearization A in transverse directions.
The spectral assumptions on A in fact coincide with those established for parameter-
dependent matrix families in standard bifurcation theory. This is reflected in the naming
of the five examples of section 2.
There are more or less standard procedures to derive normal forms of vector fields.
By suitable polynomial diffeomorphisms, certain Taylor coefficients of the vector field are
eliminated, successively, for higher and higher order. See for example [21] for a systematic
choice of normal forms, particularly apt for introducing equivariance of the nonlinear
normal-form terms under the action of exp(AT t). Normal forms are, however, nonunique
in general and other choices are possible.
In the present cases, we adapt the normal-form procedure to preserve the locally
flattened equilibrium manifolds. Although the approach in [21] can be modified to ac-
commodate that requirement, it did not provide vector fields convenient for subsequent
analysis of the flow. A systematic approach to this combined problem is not known, at
present. All examples (2.1)–(2.5) represent truncated normal forms. For the derivation
of specific normal forms, for example of (2.4), to any order, and of example (2.5), to third
order, see [9], [1], respectively.
Subsequent analysis of the normal-form vector fields is based on scalings, alias blow-
up constructions. This is the origin, for example, of the small scaling parameter ε in
the Takens-Bogdanov example (2.4). In passing, we note a curious coincidence of two
view points for (2.4), concerning the roles of the equilibrium coordinate y ∈ R and the
“fixed” real parameter λ ∈ R. First, we may consider λ as a parameter, with a line of
equilibria y associated to each fixed λ. Then (2.4) describes the collision of a transverse
zero eigenvalue at y = 0, as in (2.1), with imaginary Hopf eigenvalues at y = λ > 0, as
in (2.3), as λ decreases through zero. Alternatively, we may consider normal forms for
a plane y = (y1 , y2 ) of equilibria with a transverse double zero eigenvalue, at y = 0. It
turns out that the two cases coincide, after a scaling blow-up, up to second order in ε,
via the correspondence y = y1 , λ = y2 .
The core of any successful flow analysis in bifurcation theory is an integrable vector
field; see again section 2. The issues of nonintegrable perturbations, by small ε > 0, and
12 Bernold Fiedler, Stefan Liebscher

of omitted higher order terms, not in normal form, both ensue. Since the underlying inte-
grable dynamics is periodic or homoclinic, in examples (2.3)–(2.5), averaging procedures
apply. Indeed, ε > 0 then introduces a periodically forced, slow flow on first integrals,
like (Θ, H), characteristic of ε = 0. We therefore derive an appropriate, but autonomous
Poincaré flows, on (Θ, H), such that the associated true Poincaré map can be viewed as a
time discretization of first order and step size ε. In the unperturbed periodic region, this
amounts to averaging, while the Poincaré flow indicates Melnikov functions at homoclinic
or heteroclinic boundaries. The exponential averaging results by Neishtadt [18], for ex-
ample, then imply that the separatrix splittings in the elliptic Hopf case (b), indicated in
Figure 2.2, are exponentially small in the radius r of the split sphere, for analytic vector
fields. See also [12].
Lower bounds of separatrix splittings have not been established, in our settings. This
problem is related to the very demanding Lazutkin program of asymptotic expansions for
exponentially small separatrix splittings. For recent progress, including the case of Takens-
Bogdanov bifurcations for analytic maps, see [13] and the references there. In absence of
rigorous lower bounds, our figures indicate only simplest possible splitting scenarios.
While the splitting near elliptic Hopf points are exponentially small, the discretiza-
tion of the Poincaré flow also exhibits splittings of the unperturbed saddle homoclinic
families, which are of first order in the perturbation parameter ε, in example (2.4), or in
the small parameters a, b, in example (2.5). Explicit expressions have been derived for the
Melnikov functions associated to these homoclinic splittings, in terms of elliptic function
in case (2.4), and even of elementary functions in case (2.5). Simplicity and uniqueness
of zeros of the Melnikov functions, however, has only been confirmed numerically. While
this does not, strictly speaking, match an analytic proof, it still at least supports the
validity of the scenarios summarized in Figures 2.3 and 2.4.

4 Interpretation and perspective

We indicate some consequences of the above results for the examples of coupled oscillators,
viscous shock profiles, and Kolmogorov flows indicated in section 1. We conclude with a
few remarks on the future perspective of bifurcations without parameters.
We first return to the example (1.4)–(1.8) of a coupled oscillator square, m = 1.
Equilibria y of the Poincaré flow then indicate decoupled antipodal periodic pairs, say
with phase difference y + c. The case of a transverse zero eigenvalue, (2.1) and Figure
2.1, then indicates a 50% chance of recovery of decoupling with a stable phase difference
y < 0, locally, even when the stability threshold y = 0 has been exceeded. The hyper-
Bifurcations without parameters 13

bolic Hopf case (2.2), Figure 2.2 (a), illustrates immediate oscillatory loss of decoupling
stability by transverse imaginary eigenvalues. A 100% recovery of decoupling stability, in
contrast, occurs at elliptic Hopf points; see (2.2), Figure 2.2 (b). The exponentially small
Neishtadt splitting of separatrices indicates a very delicate variability in the asymptotic
phase relations of this recovery, for t → ±∞. See [10]. The Takens-Bogdanov cases (2.4),
Figures 2.3 (a), (b) can then be viewed as consequences of a mutual interaction, of a
transverse zero eigenvalue with either Hopf case, for recovery of stable decoupling.
In the example (1.9), (1.10) of stiff balance laws, elliptic Hopf bifurcation without
parameters as in (2.4), Figure 2.3 (b), indicates oscillatory shock profiles u(τ ), τ = (ξ −
st)/ε. Such profiles in fact contradict the Lax condition, being over-compressive, and
violate standard monotonicity criteria. For small viscosities ε > 0, weak viscous shocks in
fact turn out unstable, in any exponentially weighted norm, unless they travel at speeds
s exceeding all characteristic speeds. The oscillatory profiles can be generated, in fact, by
the interaction of inherently non-oscillatory gradient flux functions F (u) with inherently
non-oscillatory gradient-like kinetics G(u) in systems of dim ≥ 3. See [16].
The problem of plane stationary Kolmogorov flows asks for stationary solutions of
the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a strip domain (ζ, η) ∈ R × [0, 2π], under
periodic boundary conditions in η; see [17]. An η-periodic external force (F (η), 0), is
imposed, acting in the unbounded ζ-direction. Kolmogorov chose F (η) = sin η. The
Kirchgässner reduction [14] captures all bounded solutions which are nearly homogeneous
in ζ, in a center manifold spirit which lets us interpret ζ as “time”. The resulting ordinary
differential equations in R6 reduce to R3 , by fixing the values of three first integrals. A
line of ζ-homogeneous equilibria appears, in fact, and Kolmogorov’s choice corresponds to
example (2.5) with a = b = 0, to leading orders. In particular note the double reversibility,
then, under y(t) 7→ ±y(−t) which is generated by

F (η) = −F (η + π), and

F (η) = −F (−η).

As observed by Kolmogorov, an abundance of spatially periodic profiles results. The

sample choice F (η) = sin η + c sin 2η, in contrast, which breaks the first of the symmetries
in (4.1), leads to (2.5) with b = 0 < a, alias an elliptic reversible Takens-Bogdanov
point without parameters; see Figure 2.4 (b). In particular, the set of near-homogeneous
bounded velocity profiles of the incompressible, stationary Navier-Stokes system is then
characterized by an abundance of oscillatory heteroclinic wave fronts, which decay to
different asymptotically homogeneous ζ-profiles, for ζ → ±∞. The PDE stability of
these heteroclinic profiles is of course wide open.
As for perspectives of our approach, we believe to have examples at hand, from suf-
14 Bernold Fiedler, Stefan Liebscher

ficiently diverse origin, to justify further development of a theory of bifurcations without

parameters. In fact, transverse spectra {0, ±iω} and {±iω1 , ±iω2 } still await investiga-
tion before we can claim any insight into nonhyperbolicity of even the simple case of an
equilibrium plane. This assumes the absence of further structural ingredients like sym-
plecticity, contact structures, symmetries, and the like. Certainly our example collecting
activities are far from complete, at this stage.
In addition, we have not addressed the issue of perturbations, so far, which could
destroy the equilibrium manifolds by small drift terms. Examples arise, for example, when
slightly detuning the basic frequencies 2π/Tj of our uncoupled oscillators or, much more
generally, in the context of multiple scale singular perturbation problems. Feedback and
input from our readers will certainly be most appreciated!


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