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NLP Unit II Notes

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Natural Language Processing

R18 B.Tech. CSE (AIML) III & IV Year JNTU Hyderabad

Prepared by
Assistance Professor
Syntax Analysis:

Parsing Natural Language

Treebanks: A Data-Driven Approach to Syntax

Representation of Syntactic Structure

1 Syntax Analysis Using Dependency Graphs
2 Syntax Analysis Using Phrase Structure Trees

Parsing Algorithms
1 Shift-Reduce Parsing
2 Hypergraphs and Chart Parsing
3 Minimum Spanning Trees and Dependency Parsing

Models for Ambiguity Resolution in Parsing

1 Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars
2 Generative Models for Parsing
3 Discriminative Models for Parsing

Multilingual Issues: What Is a Token?

1 Tokenization, Case, and Encoding
2 Word Segmentation
3 Morphology

Parsing natural language refers to the process of analyzing the structure

of a sentence in order to determine its meaning. This is typically done by
breaking down the sentence into its constituent parts, such as nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs, and analyzing how these parts are related to each

There are several different methods for parsing natural language,

1. Rule-based systems,
2. Statistical models, and

3. Machine learning algorithms.

Rule-based systems rely on sets of predefined rules to analyze sentence

structure and identify the relationships between different parts of speech.

Statistical models use algorithms to analyze large datasets of annotated

sentences in order to identify patterns and relationships between different
parts of speech.

Machine learning algorithms, such as neural networks, are becoming

increasingly popular for parsing natural language. These algorithms use
large datasets of annotated sentences to train models that can accurately
predict the structure and meaning of new sentences.

Parsing natural language is an important task in many areas, including

natural language processing, machine translation, and speech recognition. It
can also be used in applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and
search engines, where understanding the meaning of user queries is
essential for providing accurate and relevant responses.


It may be defined as linguistically parsed text corpus that annotates

syntactic or semantic sentence structure. Geoffrey Leech coined the
term 'treebank', which represents that the most common way of
representing the grammatical analysis is by means of a tree structure.
Treebanks are a data-driven approach to syntax analysis in natural language
processing. A treebank is a collection of sentences that have been parsed
and annotated with their syntactic structures, typically represented as
syntax trees.

In a treebank, each word in a sentence is labeled with its part of speech,

such as noun, verb, or adjective. The words are then connected together in
a tree structure that represents the relationships between them.

For example, a simple sentence like "The cat chased the mouse" might be
represented as a tree with "cat" and "mouse" as noun phrases, "chased" as
a verb, and "the" and "the" as determiners.

Treebanks are created by linguists and other experts who manually annotate
the sentences with their syntactic structures. The process of creating a
treebank is time-consuming and requires a lot of expertise, but once a
treebank has been created, it can be used to train machine learning
algorithms to automatically parse new sentences.

Treebanks are an important resource in natural language processing because

they provide a large corpus of annotated sentences that can be used to train
and evaluate syntactic parsers. They can also be used to study patterns in
syntax across different languages and to develop new theories of syntax.

Some examples of well-known treebanks include the Penn Treebank, which

is a collection of over 4 million words of English text, and Prague
Dependency Treebank, which is a collection of annotated sentences in

Representation of Syntactic Structure

The representation of syntactic structure in natural language processing

refers to how the grammatical structure of a sentence is captured and
represented. There are several different ways to represent syntactic

1. Syntax Analysis Using Dependency Graphs

Syntax analysis using dependency graphs is a common approach in natural

language processing that represents the grammatical structure of a sentence
as a directed graph. In this approach, each word in the sentence is
represented as a node in the graph, and the relationships between the words
are represented as directed edges between the nodes.

The edges in a dependency graph represent the syntactic relationships

between words in the sentence.

For example, a subject-verb relationship is represented by an edge from the

subject word to the verb word, while an object-verb relationship is
represented by an edge from the object word to the verb word. Other
relationships that can be represented in dependency graphs include
adverbial modifiers, conjunctions, and prepositions.

Dependency graphs can be used for a variety of syntax analysis tasks,

including dependency parsing, named entity recognition, and sentiment
analysis. In dependency parsing, the goal is to automatically generate a
dependency graph for a given sentence. This can be done using a variety of
algorithms, including transition-based and graph-based parsers. Once a
dependency graph has been generated, it can be used to identify the
grammatical structure of the sentence, extract information about the
relationships between words, and perform other syntactic analysis tasks.

Named entity recognition is another task that can be performed using

dependency graphs. In this task, the goal is to identify and classify named
entities in a sentence, such as people, places, and organizations. This can be
done by analyzing the dependency relationships between words in the
sentence and looking for patterns that indicate the presence of named
Here is an example of a dependency graph for the sentence
"The cat chased the mouse
": chased (V)
/ \
cat (N) mouse (N)
/ \
The (DET) the (DET)

In this example, the words "cat" and "mouse" are connected to the verb
"chased" by directed edges that indicate their syntactic relationships.
Specifically, "cat" and "mouse" are both direct objects of the verb, while
"chased" is the head or root of the sentence. The determiners "the"
preceding both "cat" and "mouse" are also included in the dependency graph
as dependents of their respective nouns. This dependency graph captures
the syntactic structure of the sentence and can be used to perform a variety
of syntactic analysis tasks.

2. Syntax Analysis Using Phrase Structure Trees with example

Syntax analysis using phrase structure trees is another approach in natural

language processing that represents the grammatical structure of a sentence
as a tree structure. In this approach, a sentence is broken down into its
constituent phrases, and each phrase is represented as a node in the tree.
The words in the sentence are then assigned to the appropriate nodes based
on their syntactic roles.

Here is an example of a phrase structure tree for the sentence "The cat
chased the mouse":

| |
| |
+---+---+ +----+-----+
| | | |
| | | |
the cat chased the mouse

In this example, the sentence is represented as a tree structure with three

levels: the root node S (representing the sentence), the second-level nodes
NP and VP (representing noun phrases and verb phrases), and the third-
level nodes DET, N, and V (representing determiners, nouns, and verbs).
The words in the sentence are assigned to the appropriate nodes based on
their syntactic roles. For example, "cat" and "mouse" are both assigned to
the NP node, while "chased" is assigned to the V node. The determiners
"the" preceding both "cat" and "mouse" are also included in the tree
structure as children of their respective noun nodes.

This phrase structure tree captures the syntactic structure of the sentence
and can be used to perform a variety of syntactic analysis tasks, including
parsing, translation, and text-to-speech synthesis.

Parsing Algorithms

Parsing algorithms are algorithms used in computer science to analyze the

structure of a string of symbols in a particular formal language, typically
represented as a context-free grammar. The process of analyzing the
structure of a string is called parsing

1.Shift-reduce parsing is a type of bottom-up parsing technique used in

computer science to analyze and understand the structure of a string or a
sequence of tokens based on a given grammar. The technique starts with an
empty stack and an input string, and repeatedly applies two operations: shift
and reduce.

Shift moves the next input token onto the stack, while reduce applies a
grammar rule to reduce the top of the stack to a non-terminal symbol. The
parser continues to apply these operations until it reaches the end of the
input string and the stack contains only the start symbol of the grammar.

The shift-reduce parsing algorithm can be implemented using

a finite state machine or a push-down automaton, which enables it to handle

a wide range of context-free grammars, including ambiguous grammars.
However, it may fail to recognize some valid input strings, which can be
resolved by using look ahead techniques or by modifying the grammar to
eliminate ambiguities.

Shift-reduce parsing is widely used in compiler design and natural language

processing, as it provides an efficient and effective method for parsing and
analyzing large volumes of structured data. Some common algorithms for
shift-reduce parsing include LR parsers, SLR parsers, and LALR parsers, each
of which has its own strengths and weaknesses depending on the complexity
and structure of the grammar.
here's an example of shift-reduce parsing:

Suppose we have the following grammar:

S -> E
E -> E + T | T
T -> T * F | F
F -> ( E ) | id

And we want to parse the input string "id * ( id + id )". We can use a shift-
reduce parser to build a parse tree for this string as follows:

1. Start with an empty stack and the input string "id * ( id + id )".
2. Shift the first token "id" onto the stack.
3. Reduce the top of the stack to "F" using the rule "F -> id".
4. Shift the next token "*" onto the stack.
5. Shift the next token "(" onto the stack.
6. Shift the next token "id" onto the stack.
7. Reduce the top of the stack to "F" using the rule "F -> id".
8. Reduce the top of the stack to "T" using the rule "T -> F".
9. Reduce the top of the stack to "E" using the rule "E -> T".
10. Shift the next token "+" onto the stack.
11. Shift the next token "id" onto the stack.
12. Reduce the top of the stack to "F" using the rule "F -> id".
13. Reduce the top of the stack to "T" using the rule "T -> F".
14. Reduce the top of the stack to "E" using the rule "E -> E + T".
15. Shift the next token ")" onto the stack.
16. Reduce the top of the stack to "F" using the rule "F -> ( E )".
17. Reduce the top of the stack to "T" using the rule "T -> F".
18. Reduce the top of the stack to "E" using the rule "E -> T".
19. The stack now contains only the start symbol "S", indicating that the
input string has been successfully parsed.

The resulting parse tree for this input string is:

T +
/\ |
F id E
/\ |
F id id

2. Hypergraphs and Chart Parsing

Hypergraphs and chart parsing are both techniques used in natural language
processing and computational linguistics to analyze the structure and
meaning of natural language sentences.

A hypergraph is a graph-like data structure in which hyper edges connect

multiple nodes instead of just two nodes as in a conventional graph. In the
context of natural language processing, hypergraphs can be used to
represent the syntactic and semantic structures of sentences. Each node in
the hypergraph represents a word or a phrase in the sentence, and each
hyper edge represents a grammatical relationship between those words or

Chart parsing is a type of parsing algorithm that uses a dynamic

programming approach to build a chart or table that represents the different
possible syntactic and semantic structures of a sentence. The chart contains
cells that represent the different combinations of words and phrases in the
sentence, and the algorithm uses a set of grammar rules to fill in the cells
with possible syntactic and semantic structures.

Chart parsing can be used with hypergraphs to build a more complex

representation of sentence structure and meaning. The hypergraph can be
used to represent the full range of possible syntactic and semantic structures
for a sentence, while the chart can be used to efficiently explore and
evaluate those structures.

One common type of chart parsing algorithm is the Earley parser, which
uses a bottom-up approach to construct the chart. Another common
algorithm is the CYK parser, which uses a top-down approach and is based
on context-free grammars.

Chart parsing with hypergraphs is widely used in natural language

processing applications such as machine translation, text-to-speech
synthesis, and information extraction. By representing the structure and
meaning of sentences in a formal and precise way, these techniques can
help computers to better understand and generate natural language text.

Suppose we have the following sentence:

"The cat sat on the mat."

We can use a hypergraph to represent the different possible syntactic and

semantic structures for this sentence. Each node in the hypergraph
represents a word or a phrase, and each hyperedge represents a
grammatical relationship between those words or phrases. Here's an
example hypergraph for this sentence:

The cat sat on the mat

| | | | | |
+---------+---------+ +---------+---------+
| |
+---------+ +---------+
| |

In this hypergraph, the words "the", "cat", "sat", "on", and "mat" are
represented as nodes, and the hyperedges represent the grammatical
relationships between those words. For example, the hyperedge connecting
"cat" and "sat" represents the fact that "cat" is the subject of the verb "sat".

We can then use chart parsing to build a chart that represents the different
possible syntactic and semantic structures for this sentence. Each cell in the
chart represents a combination of words or phrases, and the chart is filled in
with possible structures based on a set of grammar rules. Here's an example
chart for this sentence:

1 2 3 4 5
1| D | | | | |
2| | N | | | |
3| | | V | | |
4| | | P | | |
5| | | | D | |
6| | | | | N |
7 | S1 | | | | |
8| | S2 | | | |
9| | | S3 | | |
10 | | | | S4 | |
11 | | | | | S5 |
12 | | | | | S6 |

In this chart, the rows represent the start and end positions of phrases, and
the columns represent the different phrase types (D for determiner, N for
noun, V for verb, and P for preposition). The cells are filled in with the
possible structures based on the grammar rules. For example, cell (2,2)
represents the phrase "cat", cell (3,3) represents the verb phrase "sat", and
cell (4,4) represents the prepositional phrase "on the mat".

By combining hypergraphs and chart parsing, we can build a more complete

Minimum spanning trees and dependency parsing are techniques used in
natural language processing to analyze the grammatical structure of

3. A minimum spanning tree (MST) is a tree-like structure that connects all

the nodes in a weighted graph with the minimum possible total edge weight.
In the context of natural language processing, an MST can be used to
represent the most likely grammatical structure for a sentence, with the
nodes representing the words in the sentence and the edges representing
the grammatical relationships between those words.

Dependency parsing is a type of parsing algorithm that uses syntactic

dependency relationships to analyze the structure of a sentence. In a
dependency tree, the nodes represent the words in the sentence and the
edges represent the grammatical relationships between those words, such as
subject-verb or object-preposition.

Here's an example of how minimum spanning trees and dependency parsing

can be used to analyze a sentence:

Consider the sentence "John gave Mary a book". We can use dependency
parsing to identify the syntactic dependencies between the words in the

+-----+ nsubj +------+

| John|-------->| gave |
+-----+ +------+
/ \
det / \ dobj
/ \
+------+ +------+
| Mary | | book |
+------+ +------+

In this dependency tree, the nodes represent the words in the sentence, and
the edges represent the syntactic dependencies between those words. For
example, the "nsubj" edge connects "John" to "gave" and represents the fact
that "John" is the subject of the verb "gave". The "dobj" edge connects
"book" to "gave" and represents the fact that "book" is the direct object of
the verb "gave".

We can then use an MST algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree that
connects all the nodes in the dependency tree with the minimum possible
total edge weight. The resulting MST represents the most likely grammatical
structure for the sentence.

+-----+ nsubj +------+

| John|-------->| gave |
+-----+ +------+
+------+ |
| Mary | |
+------+ |
+------+ pobj +------+
| book |-------->| a |
+------+ +------+

In this MST, the nodes still represent the words in the sentence, but the
edges represent the most likely grammatical relationships between those
words. For example, the "nsubj" and "dobj" edges are the same as in the
original dependency tree, but the "det" edge connecting "a" to "book"
represents the fact that "a" is a determiner for "book".
By analyzing the grammatical structure of sentences with minimum spanning
trees and dependency parsing, we can gain insights into the meaning and
structure of natural language text. These techniques are widely used in
applications such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and text

Models for Ambiguity Resolution in Parsing

Parsing is the process of analyzing a sentence and determining its syntactic
structure. However, natural language sentences can often be ambiguous,
and different parsing models may assign different syntactic structures to the
same sentence. In order to resolve ambiguity in parsing, various models
have been proposed. Here are some of the most common models for
ambiguity resolution in parsing:

1. Probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFGs) are a type of context-free

grammar where each production rule is assigned a probability. These
probabilities represent the likelihood of generating a particular string of
symbols using the given rule. PCFGs are often used in natural language
processing tasks such as parsing, where they can be used to assign
probabilities to different parse trees for a given sentence.

Here is an example of a PCFG for generating simple arithmetic expressions:

S -> E
E -> E + E [0.4]
E -> E - E [0.3]
E -> E * E [0.2]
E -> E / E [0.1]
E -> ( E ) [0.0]
E -> num [0.0]
In this grammar, S is the start symbol and E represents an arithmetic
expression. The production rules for E indicate that an arithmetic expression
can be generated by adding two expressions with probability 0.4, subtracting
two expressions with probability 0.3, multiplying two expressions with
probability 0.2, dividing two expressions with probability 0.1, or enclosing an
expression in parentheses with probability 0.0. Finally, an arithmetic
expression can also be a number (num) with probability 0.0.

2 Generative Models for Parsing

Generative models for parsing are statistical models that aim to generate or
simulate sentences that follow the same distribution as a given training
corpus. These models use probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFGs) or
other similar techniques to generate sentences based on their grammar and
probability distributions.

Here is an example of a generative model for parsing that uses a PCFG:

Suppose we have a small training corpus of three sentences:

1. The cat sat on the mat.

2. The dog chased the cat.
3. The bird flew away.

We can use this corpus to learn a PCFG that represents the grammar of
these sentences. Here is a sample PCFG:

S -> NP VP [1.0]
NP -> Det N [0.67] | N [0.33]
VP -> V NP [0.67] | V [0.33]
Det -> the [1.0]
N -> cat [0.33] | dog [0.33] | bird [0.33]
V -> sat [0.33] | chased [0.33] | flew [0.33]
This grammar allows us to generate new sentences that are similar to the
sentences in the training corpus. For example, we can use the following
parse tree to generate the sentence "The cat chased the bird":
| | |
Det N V
| | |
the cat chased
| | |

To generate this sentence, we start with the S symbol and apply the
production rule S -> NP VP. We then randomly choose between the two
possible expansions of NP and VP based on their probabilities. In this case,
we choose NP -> Det N and VP -> V NP. We then randomly choose the
expansions of Det, N, and V based on their probabilities. Finally, we combine
the resulting strings to get the sentence "The cat chased the bird".
We can generate other sentences in the same way, by randomly choosing
expansion rules based on their probabilities. Note that this approach allows
us to generate sentences that may not have appeared in the training corpus,
but are still grammatically correct according to the PCFG.

3. Discriminative Models for Parsing with example

Discriminative models for parsing are statistical models that aim to predict
the correct parse tree for a given input sentence. These models use features
of the input sentence and their context to make this prediction.

Here is an example of a discriminative model for parsing using a linear

support vector machine (SVM):

Suppose we have the following input sentence:

"The cat sat on the mat."

We can use a set of hand-crafted features to represent the input sentence

and its context, such as:

 The current word "cat"

 The previous word "The"
 The next word "sat"
 The part of speech (POS) tag of "cat"
 The POS tag of "The"
 The POS tag of "sat"
 The dependency relation between "cat" and "sat"
 The head word of "cat"
 The head word of "sat"

 We can then use these features as input to a linear SVM, which learns
to predict the correct parse tree based on these features. The SVM is
trained on a set of annotated sentences, where each sentence is
represented by its features and the correct parse tree.
 During testing, the SVM predicts the correct parse tree for a given
input sentence by computing a weighted sum of the features, and then
applying a threshold to this sum to make a binary classification
decision. The predicted parse tree can then be converted into a more
readable format, such as a bracketed string.
 Here is an example parse tree that could be predicted by the SVM for
the input sentence "The cat sat on the mat":
(NP (DT The) (NN cat))
(VP (VBD sat) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN mat))))
(. .))
Note that discriminative models can be trained on a variety of feature sets,
including hand-crafted features as shown in this example, or features
learned automatically from the input data using techniques such as neural
networks. Discriminative models can also incorporate additional information,
such as lexical semantic knowledge or discourse context, to improve their

Multilingual Issues: What Is a Token?

In natural language processing, a token refers to a sequence of characters
that represent a single unit of meaning. Typically, tokens correspond to
words or punctuation marks in a sentence.

However, in multilingual settings, the definition of a token can become more

complex. This is because different languages may use different writing
systems, character encodings, or word segmentation conventions, which can
affect how tokens are defined and processed.

For example, consider the following sentence in Chinese:


This sentence consists of six characters, which could be considered tokens in

a Chinese language processing pipeline. However, the sentence could also be
segmented into four words, corresponding to the following tokens:

我 (I) 爱 (love) 北京 (Beijing) 天安门 (Tiananmen)

Similarly, in languages that use non-Latin scripts, such as Arabic or Hebrew,

the definition of a token can be more complex due to the presence of
diacritics or ligatures, which may affect how words are represented and

In multilingual natural language processing, it is important to carefully

define and standardize the tokenization process in order to ensure that input
text is processed consistently and accurately across different languages and
scripts. This may involve developing language-specific tokenization rules or
using machine learning techniques to automatically segment text into
Tokenization, Case, and Encoding
Tokenization, case, and encoding are important concepts in natural language
processing that are often applied to text data prior to modeling or analysis.

1. Tokenization refers to the process of breaking down a piece of text into

individual units, called tokens. In English, tokens typically correspond to
words or punctuation marks, and can be extracted using simple rules based
on whitespace and punctuation. For example, the sentence "The quick brown
fox jumps over the lazy dog" can be tokenized into the following tokens:

["The", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"]

Case refers to the capitalization of words in a piece of text. In many

cases, it is useful to convert all words to lowercase in order to reduce the
number of distinct tokens and simplify subsequent analysis. However, there
may be cases where preserving the original case of words is important for
downstream tasks, such as named entity recognition. For example, the
sentence "New York is a city in the United States" can be converted to
lowercase as follows:

Encoding refers to the process of converting text into a numerical

representation that can be processed by machine learning algorithms. One
common encoding scheme is one-hot encoding, where each token is
represented as a binary vector with a 1 in the position corresponding to the
token's index in a fixed vocabulary, and 0s elsewhere. For example, the
sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" can be encoded as
a matrix of shape (9, 9), where each row corresponds to a token and each
column corresponds to a position in the vocabulary:
[[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]

Other encoding schemes include word embeddings, which map each token to
a low-dimensional vector that captures its semantic and syntactic properties,
and character-level encodings, which represent each character in a token as
a separate feature.
Overall, tokenization, case, and encoding are critical preprocessing steps
that help transform raw text data into a format that can be effectively
analyzed and modeled.

2. Word Segmentation
Word segmentation refers to the process of identifying individual words in a
piece of text, especially in languages where words are not explicitly
separated by spaces or punctuation marks. Word segmentation is an
important task in natural language processing and can be challenging in
languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Thai.

For example, consider the following sentence in Chinese:


This sentence consists of six characters, which could be considered tokens in

a Chinese language processing pipeline. However, the sentence could also be
segmented into four words, corresponding to the following tokens:

我 (I) 爱 (love) 北京 (Beijing) 天安门 (Tiananmen)

The segmentation of Chinese text into words is typically performed using a

combination of statistical and rule-based methods. For example, one
common approach is to use a dictionary or corpus of Chinese words as a
reference, and then apply statistical models or rule-based heuristics to
identify likely word boundaries. Other approaches use machine learning
algorithms, such as conditional random fields or neural networks, to learn
the boundaries between words from annotated training data.

In languages such as Japanese and Thai, where words may be written

without spaces, word segmentation can be even more challenging. In these
cases, additional linguistic and contextual information may be required to
disambiguate word boundaries. For example, in Japanese, the use of
different writing systems (kanji, hiragana, katakana) can provide cues for
word segmentation, while in Thai, the tone and pronunciation of individual
characters can help identify word boundaries.

Overall, word segmentation is an important task in natural language

processing that is essential for accurate analysis and modeling of text data,
particularly in languages where words are not explicitly separated by spaces
or punctuation marks.

3. Morphology
Morphology refers to the study of the structure of words and the rules that
govern the formation of words from smaller units known as morphemes.
Morphemes are the smallest units of meaning in a language and can be
either free (can stand alone as words) or bound (must be attached to other
morphemes to form words).

For example, consider the word "unhappily." This word consists of three

1. "un-" is a prefix that means "not"

2. "happy" is the root or base word
3. "-ly" is a suffix that means "in a particular way"

Each of these morphemes has a specific meaning and function, and their
combination in the word "unhappily" changes the meaning and grammatical
function of the root word "happy."

Morphology is important in natural language processing because it can help

identify the meaning and grammatical function of individual words, and can
also provide insights into the structure and patterns of a language. Some
common applications of morphology in NLP include:

1. Stemming: the process of reducing a word to its root or stem form, which
can help reduce the number of unique words in a text corpus and improve
efficiency in language modeling and information retrieval systems.
2. Morphological analysis: the process of breaking down words into their
constituent morphemes, which can help identify word meanings and
relationships, as well as identify errors or inconsistencies in text data.
3. Morphological generation: the process of creating new words from existing
morphemes, which can be useful in natural language generation tasks such
as machine translation or text summarization.

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