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Cloud Computing

What is Cloud?

The cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet or Network (WAN)

What is Cloud Computing?

drive, that's called local storage
Computing - When you store data on or run proarams from the hard
and computing
data and programs over the
A In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing
Internet instead of your computer's hard drive
Cloud computing is ageneral term for the delivery of hosted services over the

Hosting Services:
Hosted services are outsourced information technology (IT) systems and functions. A hosted
makes the system
provider owns and oversees infrastructure, software and administrative tasks and
available to clients, usually over the Internet

Application Middleware' Networking

Data OS
bala bone
Runtime Server

Virtual Machines (VM):

Avirtual machine (VM) is an operating system (05) or application environment that is installed
on software, which imitates dedicated hardviare.

The end user has the same experience on a virtual machine as they would have on dedicated

Cloud Computing Architecture:

Cloud computing architecture refers to the components and subcomponents required for cloud

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
typically consist of:
These components device)
client, thin client, mobile
Front end platform (fat
(servers, storage)
Back end platforms
Acloud-based delivery
Intranet, Intercloud)
network (Internet,
make up clouo Computing
Cormbined, these components

Chent Infrastructure Front End


Management Security

Back End

Cloub Runtime



Life before Cloud Computing:

Traditional business applications have always been very complicated and expensive

The amount and variety of hardware and software required to run them are daunting

You need a whole team of expers to install, configure, test, run, Secure, and update them

to see why the

When you multiply this effort across dozens or hundreds of apps, it isn't easy
biggest companies with the best IT departments aren't getting the apps they
Small and mid-sized businesses don't stand a chance

Cloud Computing: A better way

internet on a pay-f¡r-use basis
Everything from applications to data centers - over the By: Tushar Soni
Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road,
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House. Vishnu
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Delivery of on-demand computing resources

Service Model of Cloud:

Sldae agseice

Pla le-fom an a Sevice

Snfnaty clie


Infrastructure as a service provides companies with computing resources




Data center space on a pay-per-use basis r

Advantages of IaaS:

No need to invest in your own hardware

Infrastructure scales on demand to support dynamic workloads

Flexible, innovative services available on demand

Paas:(Salerfrce )
Provides a cloud-based environment with everything required to support the complete lifecycle of
buildingand delivering web-based (cloud) applications
No cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware, software, provisioning,
and hosting.

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846

Advantages of PaaS:
get to market faster
Develop applications and
newweb applications tothe cloud in
middleware as a service
Reduce complexity with
OTP-Mide o e

SaaS: ( Gna')
Cloud-based applications

Run on distant computers "in the cloud"

Owned and operated by others

Connect to users' computers via the internet and, usually, a web browser

Advantages of SaaS:
Sign up and rapidly start using innovative business apps

Apps and data are accessible from any connected computer

No existingdata is lost if your computer breaks, as data is in the cloud
The service is able to dynamically scale to usage needs

On-Premises Infrastructure Platform Software

(as a Service) (as a Service) (as a Service)
Applications Applications Applicatlons Applications
Data ofeeuro Daa Data Data
Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime
Middlewate Other
abeudwno Middleware Middeware Middleware
Virtualization Virtualzationiianages
Other Virtualization Virtualization
Servers Servers Servers Servers
Storage Storage Storage Storage
Networkng Netwprkng Networking Networking

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishns otemy OpD. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Whouses what?

SaaS User

PaaS Developer

Iaas Operator

Advantages of Cloud:
Cost efficiency Disaster Management

Quick Deployment Easy Implementation

Excellent accessibility Flexibility for growth

Back-up and restore data

Disadvantages of Cloud:

No internet connection = No access to your data

rtess flexibilitý

Bandwidth Issues Prone to Attack

Security Issues Technical Issues


By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Customer Relationship Management
( Custompable Soluiache toinfeact Catton
CRM at its simplest is systems and processes for managing a company's interactions with current and
potential customers
*Tate Sky Sranple)
Methodology to learn more about customer need and betiavior

Brings together lots of information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness,

responsiveness and marketing trends,
When we talk about CRM we usually talk about CRM Software

CRM covers all areas of customer experience

Keeps customer happy, loyal and more valuable to your tusiness

What informatíon CRM can track?

Name Website Visits Reviews

Phone Calls Likes and Dislikes


Phone Number Emails

CRM Uses:

Organize, Automate, Synchronize Sales, Marketing,

Develop stronger relationship with customer service

Track data of aii of their interactions AMAZON

Provide sales and services a consolidated view of the custo.ner - sometimes called a single point
of view:

Provide marketing support for campaigns & loyalty program. e.g. by tracking the source and
status of leads so follow up is timely.

Create better Customer satisfaction rates by analyzing user data and helping create targeted
marketing campalgns CKepat

By: Tushar Soni

Salesforce Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital,
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Identify leads / Prospects
Nurture Them

Guiding them through sales process

After Service CenveM

Close the business

plaefm. (ve) h D
Sestee is Cigteuig
Advantages of CRM:

Discover new Customers

Increase customer revenues

Provide better customer service

Sell products more effectively

Helps sales staff close deals faster

Selo lu daa base (
Update the sales process and decrease repetitive work Age
Make call centers more efficient

Simplify marketing and sales process

Types of CRM:

On-premises CRM

CRM software licenses are purchased

own servers and the user

The software and the database resides on the company's
assumes the Cost of any upgrades

Vitiger, Act
" E.g. - Microsoft Dynamics CRM, SugarCRM, SuiteCRM,

Cloud-based CRM

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, BhatiHouse, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Also known as SaaS
(software as a service) or
Data is stored on an
on-demand CRM
anywhere where there external, remote network that employees can access anytime,
is an
provider overseeing installationinternet
connection, sometimes with a third-party service
E.g. - Salesforce, Zoho,
Highrise, Bitrix

Pros of On-premise CRM:

Greater control over data processes and

confidential inforrnation
for system support Dedicated IT
Flexibility to determine when you want to upgrade your
More Customizable

Cons of On-premise CRM:

Implementation process can take longer

Organizations have to pay associated hardware and IT costs

Pros of Cloud-based CRM:

Quick set-up
No new hardware or IT infrastructure required

Lower initial costs and no software licensing fees

Low monthly cost for services (generally determined by the number of users)

Great stability with frequent updates

Cons of Cloud-based CRM:

Less customizable

Organization's possible less peace of mind that comes with data security being in the vendor's

Up gradation is expensive

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
What's the best deal?

Start by identifying and assessing your business's unique CRM requirements. Ask yourself the following

Do I have the financial capacity to invest in new resources (required infrastructure, software
licensing, support, etc.) ?
Do Ihave technical know-how or a dedicated IT staff?

How important is it that I maintain confidentiality and control over my corporate information?

Howdo I anticipate my business growing and changing over time?

How much flexibility do I require?

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishne Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-3020o6
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Salesforce Introduction
Salesforce is a cloud computing company that has
a/cloud-based CRMas its main product
Salesforce was founded by Marc
Benioff in the vear 1999 Feb
Headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States
It has an App store called as
AppExchange here third party application are available for free as
well as by paid subscriptions

Salesforce uses click and drop setup for setting up the basic CRM process as per
Salesforce has its own developed programming language for building complex logic
called as "Apex"
Salesforce also has its own developed custom UI building language called as "Visualforce". It also
launched a component-based framework called as "Lightning"

In 2016, it launched its Artificial Intelligence tool "Salesforce Einstein" which can be used by
developers/administrators to add Intelligence to the existing CRM features
Salesforce releases new features to the cloud CRM through 3 different releases every year. The
three releases are known as "Winter Release", "Spring Release" and "Summer Release"
VisurfeCE. tA, css,JVASLT eo ornponeo
VsCode IS calkefece
Salesforce Certifications:

Admin Certifications:
Reais frce
Salesforce Certified Admin

Salesforce Certified Advance Admin

Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder

Developer Certifications:

Saiesforce Certified Platform Developer I

Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II

Salesforce Certified Commerce Cloud Digital Developer

Architect Certifications:

Salesforce Certified Architect

Salesforce Certified System Architect

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.s.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Salesforce Certified Technical Architect

Consultant Certifications:

Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant

Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant

Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant

Strong market leadership
It is based in the cloud
Largest app marketplace for the CRM SAAS industry
Highest User adoptability
Complete CRM Package
Compatibility with almost all browsers
Super Simple to manage
Business Automation
Increases value of each part of customer life cycle


It is too expensive for small businesses

Implementation is expensive, so is modification

Pricing structure is not strean:lined

Unlimited really isn't unlimited

Numerous limit for each info,nation product

Compiicated technical suppe2
Customer base is predomineiy B2B. CRM s net nearly a'tiented to tre B2C industi

Too much customization leads to cumbersorne and tedious tools which can be seen as repetitive

or distracting in interface

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt.Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Salesforce Environments (Jmp)
ti-tenant Architecture:
et or pooled computing resources that is shared among many different organizations (tenants)
Multi-tenant CRM goes well beyond a group of cornpanies sharing the same data center!
A large number of customers actually share the same database
Even multi-tenancy has limits to scalability

Advantages of Multi-tenant Environment:

Hardware and Power Economy
Elasticity flexib)
Efforts to Upgrade are low

Salesforce Instance or Point of Deployment (POD):

APOD also known as an instance is a self-contained unit that contains all that is required to run
salesforce - application server, database server, database itself, search and file systems
To determine which instance you are using, check the URL after your login to salesforce
In the above URL the instance is ap4

13014t apA n4 neic valua

Salesforce Org ID: c
Anorg id is an identifier that represents its data within an instance
Each org can be highly customized
Youcan see your org ID in Setup | Company Profile | Company Information


App Cycle:
Plan | Build | Test | Deploy
An object in salesforce corresponds to a table in a database table
A field in salesforce corresponds to a column in a database tabBe
Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
database table
Arecord in salesforce corresponds to a row in a

Student Name Email ID Phone Number Country City Department

student1 1234354657 India Bangalore Science
2 student2@gmail. Object
3 student2
4 student3 Field
5 student4
6 student5
7 student6

Salesforce Environment:

It is an org for the special purpose

live environment
Salesforce customers will have an org that is used as their production or
They will also have additional orgs used for development and testing
An instance of the infrastructure and platform
(frequently shortened to org) are
In terminology, environments and organizations
An environment lets you instant!y start developing and testing your cloud computing
and you don't need to touch a single server

Characteristics of an Environment:

Can be used for development, testing and/or production

Contains data (records) and customizations (Custom Database Objects & Fields, Apex Code,
Visualforce, Workflow, etc.) tetoochog tot d} salesfoce
Each environment is based on an edition, which contains specific functionality, objects, storage
and limits
By default, environments are not provisioned with certain advanced features (such as multi
currency or developer preview te.nnoiogy). You can request enablement of advanced functionality
by contacting Customer Support.
All environments can be accessed through a Web browser, but some can also be accessed from IDE, SOAP API, and the Metadata API.

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Ypes of Salesforce Environments:

Development Testing
Cabapisetdthon Environment

Developer Partner Developer

Edition Edition

Partial Copy Full Sandbox

Developer Developer Pro
Sandbox SandboX

+2 Production Environment:
Production environments store the live data that is actively used to run your

Most of the production environments in use today are Salesforce CRM customers who
Ienonle Group Edition, Professional Edition, Enterprise Editiorn, or Unlimited Edition
You can develop a custom application for your own production use, for existing
tlhon) customers, or for any business or orçanization in the world. When building an

application, it is recommended you use a development environment

Developer Environment:

Developr.ent environments are used strictly for develcping and testing apps.
These environnments contain test data that are not business critical.

Development can be done inside your browser or with the IDE, which is based on

Types of Developer Environment;

Developer Edition
ta Developer Edition
Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
1al Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Partner Developer Edition

Developer Edition: storage and

of the Enterprise Edition environment, with
" It is a free, fully-y-featured copy
users environment
environment, ideal as your initial development
DE IS a logically separate
you need
sign-up for as many DE organizations as
Tou can the Salesforce production
you to build an application designed for any of
This allows

API Enabled: Yes

Attachment Limit: 25MB
Storage Limits: 5MB, File Storage: 20MB,
Licenses, 3 Licenses
User Licenses: 2 full CRM Salefece
CPul CRM Geeme
Sign Up is Free! Foce- com plaleeon Cicehse

Partner Developer Edition:

storage, features and licenses.

This is aDE org with more
API Enabled: Yes
250 MB
Dala Storage Limits: Licenses
CRM Licenses, 20
User Licenses: 20 full
Free for enrolled Salesforce

(Testng ignneat)
production organization
Sandbox is acopy of your operations
completely isTlated from your Salesforce production organization, so
Sandboxes are organization, and vice
your sandboxes do not affect your Salesforce production
you perform in
enMronnents for different
your organization in separate
Youcan create multiple copies of compromising the data and
and iraining, without
purposes such as development, tesling
applications in your production

Common Terminologies for

Sandbox Refresh Time Interval:

refresh a Sandbox again
The time interval you have to wait to
By: Tushar Soni
Salesforce Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road,
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Salesforce Lightning
Lightning App:
Similar to apps in Salesforce Classic, Lightning apps give your users access to sets of objects,
tabs, and other items all in one convenient bundle in the navigation bar
Lightning apps let you brand your apps with a custom color and logo

Youcan even include a utility bar and Lightning page tabs in your Lightning app

Navigation Bar:
Each Lightning app has a navigation bar at the top of the page
It is a container for a set of navigation items and functionality
It's always there, but the items within it change based on the app you're using
Users can personalize the navigation bar to suit the unique way they work, if the app allows to
do so

3 1 2

#Sales Home gpotunities v Acit Contacty v Cangaigs v Dashboards

Opportuie Ne
Recently View MY FAVORTTEs
Ciosing Thl fMcots


Globe Med Colcado 9/2012017 CMour
2 GiobalMes os Mecla-220 Nevds Aralis 8/3012017 CMouns

AR Cppotunis

Ciaing Th

The app name displays on the left side of the navigation bar (1)and custom colors and branding
(2) make each app unique and easy to identify.
Users can access other items and apps by clicking the App Launcher icon (3) or the app name.
Users can create records and access recent records and lists directly from the navigation bar (4)
for items like Opportunities

What canyou put in Lightning app navigation bar?

Most standard objects, including Home, the main Chatter feed, Groups, and People
Your org's custom objects
Visualforce tabs

Lightning component tabs

Canvas apps via Visualforce tabs
Web tabs
Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, vishnu Colony, Opp. ES.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
Navigation Bar- Points to Remember: Experience (without
Classic apps in Lightning
navigation bar of
Users can't personalize the
bar, and they
can't personalize
in the navigation
Users can't remove the items you include 50 items
navigation bar when it contains more than users' personalized
the end of
navigation bar are added to
Items that you add to an app's
navigation bars in the order that you added them navigation
remains in your users' personalized
When you remove an item from an app, that item
bars, and users can then delete it
users to personalize the navigation bar for a specific app,
IT you don't want your
Disable end user personalization of nav items in
APp Manager -> Edit App -> App Options ->

y you don't want your users to personalize the

navigation bar for any app, disable personalization

Setup -> User Interface -> Disable Navigation Bar Personalization in Lightning Experience
for the entire
Note: Salesforce recommends disabling navigation personalization by app instead of
You can control if temporary tabs are created when users access items outside of the app

Setup -> App Manager -> Edit App -> App Options -> Disable temporary tabs for items outside
of this app

App Launcher:

With the App Launcher, users can switch between apps and access available items and features
The App Launcher is positioned on the left side of the navigation bar
It'savailable from any page

By: Tushar Soni

E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp.
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
App Launcher
3 a apos ortems
v All Apps 1 4 Vst Appchange

Salesforce Chatter social Sales
including profles and feeds network Manage your sales process with Bolt Solutions
accounts leads, opportunit o Discover and manage
solutions desgned forbusiness
your industry
Manage custome
accounts, contacts,service with Marketing
Best-in-class on-dermand marketin Lightning Usage App
cases, and more View Adoption and Usage
autamation Metris for
Lightning Experience
v All
Items 2
Accounts App Launcher
Calendar Approval Requests Assets
Campaigns Cases Chattar
Contacts ContractS Dashiboards
Duplicate Record Sets Discover Companies
Email Temnplates Files
Groups Home
Lightning Balt Sotutions

Apps show up in the App Launcher as large

tiles under AIl Apps (1)
Other items, such as custom objects, tasks, events, and
the feed, show up under All Items (2)
Users can search for what they want by name in
the search box (3)
You can expand your search to find the latest
AppExchange (4) cloud-computing apps and services available on the
You can do it all with the click of a button
without ever leaving Lightning Experience

App Manager:
The App Manager in Setup is go-to place for managing apps for
Lightning Experience
It shows all connected apps and Salesforce apps, both
Classic and Lightning

# Ughtning Experience App Manager Ner Ligtning Acp Nes Caonnected Aco

13 ters- Sorsed by App NasRtered by Tsb Set Type


Apo L3Uncher ApoLaunchet App Launcer taDS
913317 15e PNE Cassic
Conrourity Connnty Saestorca CRMConmtities
Castera Gontac Saiestorce cCateng
Market Marhetng Best-in-cess derana arketis aoation 9S1327 154 F Casste
Pletto Patfann Tre funcdamertal satto 9123.37 154 D Classic
Salas Saies The vworis most pogpular saies focce automatcn (SFAsotion 9232517 154 PN
7 Sales LgntningSales Marspe your saies onoceSS with scountS aads. upOortunities ang Tnore
9713/2327154 P Uigrtning
Sales Console LigntningSalesConsoie (Ughtning Experience) Lets sales reps verk with muitiple racords on one sceen 9/13/207154 Ligntninz
Salesforge Chattar Chatter The Salestorce Chatter social netsorx, Inciucirng paties and feeds 9/1327154 P Classie
Service Service Mehege Customar servico sitt acoounts oetact cases ant non 9IS/2jT2 34 PN Classie
Sereice Corsole LietniSenicu Ugntnirg Eoeriance) Lets sutDort aetsworc with uitiole records acIoI 9i13/2017 35e P%t gtnns
12 Site com Sites Bald paa-perect data-rich inebsites using the drag-and-arop Site com apgpic 9/13/2u 154 PNt Classic
Warehose WarenoSe
GI23/2:T 239

Create Lightning apps or connected apps (1)

See if your Classic apps are accessible to your users in Lightning Experience (2)

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
Classic apps to take advantage of all the benefits of apps in Lightning
uit, delete, or upgrade
Experience (3)

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